HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-19-2023 Agenda Packet OCOEE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Ocoee Commission Chambers 1 N. Bluford Avenue Ocoee, Florida September 19, 2023 AGENDA 5:00 PM CRA REGULAR MEETING • CALL TO ORDER Roll Call and Determination of Quorum • PUBLIC COMMENTS • OLD BUSINESS • NEW BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes of the June 6, 2023 CRA Board Meeting 2. Proposed FY 2023-2024 Budget 3. CRA By-Law Amendments 4. FY 2023-2024 CRA Board Meeting Dates • MISCELLANEOUS 1. 2023 Award Updates • BOARD COMMENTS • ADJOURNMENT NOTICE: IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 286.0105: ANY PERSON WHO DESIRES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR THIS PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 286.26: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, 1 N. BLUFORD AVENUE, OCOEE, FL 34761, (407) 905 -3105, 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. Page 1 of 22 CRA Regular Meeting 06-06-2023 Page 1 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING Ocoee Commission Chambers 1 North Bluford Avenue Ocoee, Florida JUNE 6, 2023 MINUTES 5:00 PM • CALL TO ORDER Chair Johnson called the Community Redevelopment Agency Board to order at 5:00 PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Chair Johnson, Vice-Chair Wilsen, Member Kennedy, Member Hart, Member Koovakada, and Member June Absent: Member Firstner Also Present: City Manager Frank, Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Cookson, and City Clerk Sibbitt • PUBLIC COMMENTS No speaker reservation forms were received. • OLD BUSINESS – None • NEW BUSINESS 1. Presentation of 2022 CRA Financial Statement, CRA Treasurer Roberts CRA Treasurer Roberts presented an overview of the 2022 CRA Financial Statement and Independent Auditor’s Report to the Board. 2. Approval of Minutes from the March 7, 2023, CRA Board Meeting Vice-Chair Wilsen, seconded by Member Hart, moved to approve the CRA Regular Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2023, as presented. Motion carried 6-0 with Member Firstner absent. Page 2 of 22 CRA Regular Meeting 06-06-2023 Page 2 3. Regency/Old Winter Garden Road Extension Mixed-Use Incentive Package Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained the partnership with the developer of The Regency to not only improve the regional transportation system, but to provide an urban mixed-use product of residential and commercial in the CRA Target Area 1. This development is projected to contribute significant tax increment financing (TIF) to the CRA’S Redevelopment Trust Fund. She briefly summarized the incentives being proposed within the First Amendment to the Development Agreement which will be placed before the City Commission for approval at their next meeting; and further, explained how contributions provided by the CRA could help achieve their mission and vision for Target Area 1. Member June, seconded by Vice-Chair Wilsen, moved to approve use of Capital Project Funds to reimburse the City of Ocoee in the amount of $1,390,616 for developer incentives to reconstruct the Old Winter Garden Road/Maguire Road intersection and construct the extension of Old Winter Garden Road; Motion carried 6-0 with Member Firstner absent. • MISCELLANEOUS 1. Project Updates Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless updated the Board on the current projects. a) Ocoee Corners Common – Working on pedestrian connection with a concept of a common or greens. Landscape will create an aesthetic of being hidden. b) Wellness Park Update – The park is very well utilized by citizens, and organizations. Evaluating the possibility of a restroom to be added to the project based on feedback received by patrons of the park. c) S. Bluford Avenue Complete Street – Initiated final design, engineering, and permitting. Acquisitions of right-of-way for landscaping, multi-purpose trail, and roundabouts. d) Maguire Road Phase 5 – The CRA is working with the Public Works Department to four-lane divide and create an Urban section. This project will be starting later this summer. e) CRA Redevelopment Plan – Consultant reviewing all base data, working on mapping exercises and acquiring legal sketches of enclaves, and preliminary discussions with the County. 2. 2023 FPZA Awards Redevelopment Program Manager Vaca announced that the CRA was awarded the 2023 Florida Planning and Zoning Association (FPZA) Award for the Healthy West Orange Wellness Park for “Outstanding Infrastructure Project”, and will be accepting the Page 3 of 22 CRA Regular Meeting 06-06-2023 Page 3 award at the FPZA Conference on June 9th. She further announced additional associations they have applied for an award, and reminded the members about their next CRA Meeting on September 19th. • BOARD COMMENTS Chair Johnson inquired about the roundabout design completion, and construction timeframe. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless addressed his question. • ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 PM Attest: APPROVED: __________________________ _____________________________ Melanie Sibbitt, Secretary Chair Page 4 of 22 FY 2023-2024 ANNUAL BUDGET Providing PUBLIC SPACESPage 5 of 22 CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DIRECTORY Board Members Rusty Johnson (407) 905-3112 office rjohnson@ocoee.org Mayor/CRA Chair Rosemary Wilsen (407) 905-3112 office rwilsen@ocoee.org Commissioner/CRA Vice Chair Richard Firstner (407) 905-3112 office rfirstner@ocoee.org Commissioner/CRA Board Member Scott Kennedy (407) 905-3112 office skennedy@ocoee.org Commissioner/CRA Board Member Ages Hart (407) 905-3112 office ahart@ocoee.org Commissioner/CRA Board Member Randy June (407) 325-1422 office randy@jec3.com OC Appointed CRA Board Member Philip Koovakada (407) 296-1803 office philip.koovakada@orlandohealth.com City Appointed CRA Board Member Staff Rob Frank (407) 905-3100 x 1500 office rfrank@ocoee.org City Manager/Executive Director Craig Shadrix (407) 905-3100 x 1081 office craig.shadrix@ocoee.org Assistant City Manager Mike Rumer (407) 905-3100 x 1018 office mrumer@ocoee.org Development Services Director Ginger Corless (407) 905-3100 x 1028 office vcorless@ocoee.org CRA Administrator/ Deputy Dev. Services Director Carolina Vaca (407) 905-3100 X 1027 office cvaca@ocoee.org Redevelopment Program Manager Legal Counsel Richard S. Geller (407) 462-8400 office rgeller@fishbacklaw.com Fishback Dominick, LLP Page 6 of 22 CRA RESOLUTION NO. 2023-002 A RESOLUTION OF THE OCOEE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024; PROVIDING FOR BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND THE APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Ocoee Community Redevelopment Agency (the “CRA”) was created pursuant to Part III, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and Ordinance No. 2006-007 of the City of Ocoee, Florida; and WHEREAS, the CRA is a dependent special district under Chapter 189, Florida Statutes, known as the Uniform Special District Accountability Act (the “Special District Act”); and WHEREAS, the Special District Act requires all special districts, including dependent special districts, such as the CRA, to adopt a budget for each fiscal year by resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OCOEE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authority. The CRA has the authority to adopt this Resolution pursuant to the Special District Act. SECTION 2. Adoption of Budget. The governing body of the CRA does hereby approve and adopt a budget for the CRA for Fiscal Year 2023-2024. A copy of the budget is attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated herein by reference. CRA RESOLUTION NO. 2023-002 Page 7 of 22 SECTION 3. Budget Adjustments. As of the date of adoption of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024, the governing body of the CRA may not have received the final calculations regarding tax increment revenues and/or carried forward monies to be deposited into the Community Redevelopment Trust Fund for the Community Redevelopment Area which will be available for use by the CRA for Fiscal Year 2023-2024. Accordingly, the governing body of the CRA does hereby direct that tax increment revenues received in excess of the projected budgeted revenues be allocated to the 4900 Reserve for Contingency line item as set forth in Exhibit “A” and that any shortfalls in the projected budgeted tax increment revenues and/or monies carried forward be deducted from the 4900 Reserve for Contingency line item as set forth in Exhibit “A”. In accordance with Subsection 163.387(7), F.S., the governing body of the CRA does hereby direct that monies carried forward in excess of the budgeted amount be allocated to the 6302 Capital Improvements line item, as set forth in Exhibit “A”, to fund projects identified in the CRA Capital Improvement Plan and Community Redevelopment Plan or be deposited into an escrow account for the purpose of later reducing any indebtedness to which increment revenues are pledged. The Executive Director of the CRA is hereby authorized to administratively make any adjustments to the budget which may be required to implement the provisions of this section. Any necessary budget adjustments will be made pursuant to Section 189.016(6), F.S. SECTION 4. Appropriations. There are hereby expressly appropriated out of anticipated revenues all funds and monies necessary to meet the appropriations stipulated by and in the attached budget. SECTION 5. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. CRA RESOLUTION NO. 2023-002 Page 8 of 22 SECTION 6. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption, and the budget adopted and approved by this Resolution shall be effective as of October 1, 2023. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th of September, 2023. APPROVED: ATTEST: OCOEE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ___________________________ ___________________________ Melanie Sibbitt, Secretary Rusty Johnson, CRA Chair (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE OCOEE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY This 19th day of September, 2023. FISHBACK DOMINICK, LLP By:_____________________________ Richard S. Geller, City Attorney CRA RESOLUTION NO. 2023-002 Page 9 of 22 CRA Fund This fund accounts for the activities within the City's Community Redevelopment Area. Fifty West Description Established in 2006, the Ocoee Community Redevelopment District, now known as Fifty West, encompasses 1,070 acres along the State Road 50 corridor. The activities and programs offered within Fifty West are administered by the CRA; a seven-member board. The CRA Board consists of the ve members of the Ocoee City Commission and two individuals appointed by the City Commission, one being nominated by Orange County. The CRA Board implements City policy regarding redevelopment and the expenditure of funds received by the Agency from local taxing authorities. Redevelopment revenues are derived from incremental nancing. The CRA has the ability to implement programs and projects that local governments may not, such as leveraging local public funds with private dollars. The Community Redevelopment District is set to sunset in 2036; however, it may be extended to 2046 by local action. Any funds remaining in the CRA trust fund on the sunset date will be returned to the contributing taxing authorities. Purpose The purpose of the Ocoee Community Redevelopment Agency is to formulate a workable program using appropriate private and public resources to eliminate and prevent the development or spread of blighted areas within the Fifty West Redevelopment District consistent with the adopted Community Redevelopment Plan. Fifty West is a vital component of the area and represents an opportunity for the City to revitalize the community with the creation of jobs, new infrastructure, beautication projects, new and redeveloped commercial, retail and housing options, and by improving the quality of life through lifestyle choices for residents and business owners. The Fifty West Community Redevelopment Plan and subsequent planning initiatives such as the Target Areas Special Development Plan provides solutions related to land use planning, infrastructure and services, land development regulations, economic development, and aesthetic design to improve the vitality of the Redevelopment District and promote Fifty West as a "destination place." Vision Statement The future for Ocoee’s Fifty West Redevelopment District includes centers of vibrant, urban, mixed-use development that provides enhanced pedestrian and automobile connectivity, exible land uses, a diverse economic base, a mix of housing types, a shared responsibility of infrastructure nancing, public open space and parks, creating an enhanced image and contemporary development form. EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A Page 10 of 22 Summary projecting $2.69M of tax and grant revenue in FY2024.  BudgetedThe CRA is expenditures are projected t o be $8,892,049 including $7.9M in Capital Improvements fund primarily through reserves. Actual Revenue Source Budgeted Revenue Source Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 $0 $2.5M $5M $7.5M $10M Revenues by Source Projected 2024 Revenues by Source Cash Balance (61.3%)Cash Balance (61.3%) Cash Balance (61.3%) Taxes (30.2%)Taxes (30.2%) Taxes (30.2%) Intergovernmental (8.4%)Intergovernmental (8.4%) Intergovernmental (8.4%) EXHIBIT A Page 11 of 22 Budgeted and Historical 2024 Revenues by Source MillionsOther Revenues Other Financing Intergovernmental Taxes Cash Balance FY2020FY2021FY2022FY2023FY2024$0 $2 $4 $6 $8 $10 Revenue Source Cash Balance $0 $0 $3,562,224 $5,455,247 Taxes $1,718,937 $1,820,395 $2,295,129 $2,686,802 Intergovernmental $1,904,384 $750,000 Other Financing $69,849 $0 $250,000 $0 Other Revenues $25,000 $0 $0 Total Revenue Source:$1,813,786 $3,724,779 $6,107,353 $8,892,049 Name Account ID FY2021 Actual FY2022 Actual FY 23 Adopted Budget (CRA Fund) FY24 CRA FUND TENTATIVE (CRA Fund) EXHIBIT A Page 12 of 22 Expenditures by Expense Type Budgeted Expenditures by Expense Type Capital (88.4%)Capital (88.4%) Capital (88.4%) Operating Expenses (7.3%)Operating Expenses (7.3%) Operating Expenses (7.3%) Personnel Services (4.3%)Personnel Services (4.3%) Personnel Services (4.3%) Budgeted and Historical Expenditures by Expense Type MillionsPersonnel Services Operating Expenses Capital FY2020FY2021FY2022FY2023FY2024$0 $2 $4 $6 $8 $10 EXHIBIT A Page 13 of 22 Expense Objects Personnel Services CRA OTHER PAY 130-516- 00-1101 $4,512 $3,231 $3,800 $3,591 REGULAR SALARIES 130-516- 00-1200 $211,384 $208,572 $271,800 $301,073 FICA TAXES 130-516- 00-2100 $15,730 $15,521 $20,800 $23,000 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 130-516- 00-2200 $13,784 $18,946 $28,400 $20,775 HEALTH INSURANCE 130-516- 00-2300 $34,688 $33,952 $14,000 $30,000 LIFE INSURANCE 130-516- 00-2301 $749 $791 $510 $1,200 DENTAL / VISION INSURANCE 130-516- 00-2302 $868 $880 $569 $800 ACCIDENT / DISABILITY INSURANCE 130-516- 00-2303 $1,289 $1,226 $2,007 $2,007 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 130-516- 00-2400 $1,284 $1,345 $655 $538 Total CRA:$284,289 $284,465 $342,541 $382,984 Total Personnel Services:$284,289 $284,465 $342,541 $382,984 Operating Expenses CRA LEGAL FEES 130-516- 00-3101 $893 $1,296 $8,000 $8,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 130-516- 00-3128 $17,225 $34,410 $180,000 $150,000 County Contribution Rebate 130-516- 00-3129 $80,891 ACCOUNTING AUDITING 130-516- 00-3200 $5,000 $5,500 $6,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 130-516- 00-3400 $165,759 $204,086 $300,000 $275,000 TRAVEL EXPENSE 130-516- 00-4000 $333 $20 $10,000 $6,659 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 130-516- 00-4100 $2,112 $1,872 $3,800 $3,800 POSTAGE FREIGHT 130-516- 00-4200 $103 $58 $1,100 $1,100 WATER EXPENSE 130-516- 00-4301 $34,765 $25,126 $40,000 $40,000 PRINTING AND BINDING 130-516- 00-4700 $2,272 $2,497 $5,400 $5,000 RESERVE FOR CONTINGENC 130-516- 00-4900 $0 $22,984 $50,000 $50,000 ADMINISTRATION LEGAL ADS 130-516- 00-4901 $396 $224 $600 $600 Name Account ID FY2021 Actual FY2022 Actual FY 23 Adopted Budget (CRA Fund) FY24 CRA FUND TENTATIVE (CRA Fund) EXHIBIT A Page 14 of 22 MISCELLANEOUS 130-516- 00-4902 $716 $0 $0 OFFICE SUPPLIES 130-516- 00-5100 $692 $275 $1,000 $1,400 POL SUPPLIES 130-516- 00-5200 $112 $180 $600 $600 UNIFORMS 130-516- 00-5201 $163 $183 $275 $275 Operating Supplies 130-516- 00-5202 $22 $295 $1,000 $1,000 COPYING EXPENSE 130-516- 00-5216 $341 $203 $1,000 $1,000 COMPUTER PERIPHERALS / SOFTWARE UNDER $5,000 130-516- 00-5235 $990 $2,611 $2,000 $2,000 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 130-516- 00-5401 $489 $536 $1,000 $1,000 PROFESSIONAL DUES 130-516- 00-5402 $2,145 $2,721 $3,000 $3,000 TRAINING EXPENSE 130-516- 00-5405 $2,933 $1,550 $7,000 $7,000 COMMUNITY PROMOTIONS 130-516- 00-8200 $628 $1,475 $15,000 $0 PUBLIC RELATIONS DEVELOPMENT 130-516- 00-8205 $0 $338 $8,000 $8,000 GRANTS CONTRIBUTION 130-516- 00-8210 $171,967 $0 TRANSFERS OUT 130-516- 00-9000 $18,787 $0 $0 Total CRA:$251,158 $480,623 $644,275 $652,325 Total Operating Expenses:$251,158 $480,623 $644,275 $652,325 Capital CRA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 130-516- 00-6302 $25,023 $2,091,621 $5,120,537 $7,856,740 Total CRA:$25,023 $2,091,621 $5,120,537 $7,856,740 Total Capital:$25,023 $2,091,621 $5,120,537 $7,856,740 Total Expense Objects:$560,470 $2,856,708 $6,107,353 $8,892,049 Name Account ID FY2021 Actual FY2022 Actual FY 23 Adopted Budget (CRA Fund) FY24 CRA FUND TENTATIVE (CRA Fund) EXHIBIT A Page 15 of 22 EXHIBIT A Page 16 of 22 FY 2023-2024 thru FY 2027-2028 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26 FY 26-27 FY 27-28 Sum of 5 Years $ 7,856,740 $ 9,690,616 $ 6,950,000 $ 4,050,000 $ 9,250,000 $ 37,797,356 5,225,447.00$ 3,000,000$ 8,225,447$ $3,800,804 of this amount was already identified in FY23 and is being carried over into FY24 279,931.50$ 279,931.50$ 830,617$ 830,617.00$ 1,390,616$ 3,700,000$ 3,000,000$ 8,090,616.00$ 3 - Old Winter Garden/Maguire Intersection Improvements 4 - Old Winter Garden Road Extension This project includes working with Target Area 1 property owners to plan, design and construct a roadway extension connecting Old Winter Garden Road, where it currently dead ends at Maguire Road, to Economic Court at SR 50. The new roadway connection will relieve traffic along SR 50 and Maguire Road caused by the redevelopment of Target Area 1. The roadway improvements include a complete street design for the new roadway including on-street parking, wide walks, landscaping, and stormwater management for the project. Phase I involves working with the developer to construct the Maguire Road/Old Winter Garden Road intersection improvements. The total estimated payment in 24/25 is $1,390616. The current construction estimate is $6,200,000. In FY 2022-23, the City Commission approved The Regency, a mix use development including multifamily residential and commercial . As part of the approval, as described in the development agreement, the CRA would reimburse the developer of the Regency for the intersection improvements caused by utility work and the extension of Old Winter Garden Road to the west. CRA 5-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Capital Projects 1 - Bluford Avenue Streetscape 2 - Wellness Park Restroom Following the opening of Healthy West Orange Wellness Park there was a request from not only the Police Department but also Healthy West Orange and the public to add a restroom. There is very little room available to site the restroom other that next to the PD Station and the small retention pond. In 2021, the CRA merged the dollars identified for both S. Bluford Streetscape and the S. Bluford/ Geneva Intersection together to create the S. Bluford Complete Street project. This project includes the addition of a multipurpose path, landscaping, lighting, roundabouts at Maine Street/Bluford and Geneva Street/Bluford, sewer expansion and undergrounding of utilities. The conceptual planning has been completed and the preliminary design funds were encumbered in FY 2021. The preliminary design was completed by mid Fall 2023. Final engineering was initiated May 2023 for an amount of $740,788.64, including $12,590 paid for transportation impact fees for the city's portion north of Geneva. The 1st phase of construction is north of Old Winter Garden Road to Geneva. $79,931.50 of this amount was already identified in FY23 and is being carried over into FY24 EXHIBIT A Page 17 of 22 450,000$ 3,000,000$ 3,000,000$ 6,450,000$ 780,744.50$ 2,000,000$ 2,780,744.50$ 290,000.00$ 250,000$ 250,000$ 250,000$ 250,000$ 1,290,000.00$ -$ 50,000$ 50,000.00$ 800,000$ 9,000,000$ 9,800,000.00$ $ 7,856,740.00 $ 9,690,616 $ 6,950,000 $ 4,050,000 $ 9,250,000 $ 37,797,356.00 $250,000 of this amount was already identified in FY23 and is being carried over into FY24 The full $450,000 was already identified in FY23 and is being carried over into FY24 Maine Street Park will be developed by City Center, then turned over to the City. The funds identified are to create interpretive signs related to historic Maine Street. A park identification sign will also be fabricated and designed based on the City's new standard. 9 - Maine Street Park Signage & Amenities 10 - Story Road Widening This project has been identified to improve roadway capacity. Winter Garden has identified a project to widen Story Road west of SR 429. Funds allocated will be used to make minor water, sewer, reclaim, roadway, sidewalk, and stormwater improvements within the CRA and within public infrastructure. 8 - Acquisitions May be used to pay for property appraisals, assessments and acquisition within the CRA. Currently there are no funds assigned to this project. 7 - Minor CRA Infrastructure Improvements N. Blackwood Avenue Streetscape includes the addition of a roundabout at Montgomery Avenue, added landscaped medians, and new lighting. Other improvements include new sidewalks and paving. This project is in the final design phase. We will need to acquire ROW clips from 3 parcels and easements. Construction will not be programmed until construction is nearing completion at City Center, being that N. Blackwood Avenue is currently being used as the construction entrance to City Center from SR 50. This project has been delayed due to City Center being pushed back to 2024. We are currently working with Duke for lighting. 6 - N. Blackwood Ave. Streetscape & Roundabouts 5 - Maguire Road Phase 5 Maguire Road Phase 5 includes operational roadway improvements, including the addition of lanes on Maguire Road north of SR 50 to Story Road. The project will also include sidewalks and landscaped medians. The ROW is in place and construction documents have been completed; however, it has been several years since the design was completed. Based on the age of the design documents, the City/CRA plans to enlist the services of one of the City's continuing engineering firms to review and update the plans to today's standards. There is $1.2 million available from transportation impact fees paid by Manheim Auto Auction in 2000 to assist with the roadway project. In FY 2023, we seek to complete the engineering and permitting. If additional funds are found, construction can begin in subsequent years. The full $780,744.50 was already identified in FY23 and is being carried over into FY24 EXHIBIT A Page 18 of 22 1 N. Bluford Ave, Ocoee, FL 34761 407.905.3100 x 1028 ocoeecra.com Page 19 of 22 Ocoee CRA ▪ 1 N. Bluford Ave. ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ fax: (407) 905-3167 ▪ www.ocoeecra.com _____________ MEMORANDUM TO:Ocoee Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) FROM:Ginger Corless, Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator DATE:September 19, 2023 RE:Proposed Amendments to the CRA By-Laws The CRA By-Laws were adopted on October 3, 2006 by the CRA Board and were later amended and adopted by the Board on November 20, 2018. We propose for your consideration the following amendments to the By-Laws; 1. Section 4.5 Place of Meetings. Unless otherwise noted in the meeting announcement notice, all CRA Board meetings (Regular, Special, or Emergency) shall be held in the City of Ocoee City Commission Chambers, City Hall, 150 North Lakeshore, Ocoee, FL 34761. Change to: Section 4.5 Place of Meetings. Unless otherwise noted in the meeting announcement notice, all CRA Board meetings (Regular, Special, or Emergency) shall be held in the City of Ocoee City Commission Chambers, City Hall, 1 N. Bluford Avenue, Ocoee, FL 34761. This change reflects the move to the new City Hall building and accurately identifies the location of the meetings. 2. Section 6.5 Annual Report. The CRA shall file with the City of Ocoee, on or before March 31 of each year, a report of its activities for the preceding fiscal year in accordance with the provisions of Section 163.356(3)(c), Florida Statutes. At the time of filing this report, the CRA shall publish in a newspaper of general circulation in the City a notice to the effect that such report has been filed with the City and that the report is available for inspection during business hours in the office of the Clerk of the City and in the CRA's office. Page 20 of 22 Change to: Section 6.5 Annual Report. The CRA shall file with the City of Ocoee, on or before March 31 of each year, a report of its activities for the preceding fiscal year in accordance with the provisions of Section 163.356(3)(c), Florida Statutes. At the time of filing this report, the CRA shall publish in a newspaper of general circulation in the City a notice to the effect that such report has been filed with the City and that the report is available for inspection during business hours in the office of the Clerk of the City and in the CRA's office. Section 163.371(2), Florida Statutes only requires that the Annual Report be filed with the County and be published on the CRA website. It does not require the publication of a public ad or notice, making this requirement unnecessary. We are seeking a motion to adopt the amended CRA By-Laws as presented. Page 21 of 22 Ocoee CRA ▪ 1 N. Bluford Ave. ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ fax: (407) 905-3167 ▪ www.ocoeecra.com _____________ MEMORANDUM TO:Ocoee Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) FROM:Ginger Corless, Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator DATE:September 1, 2023 RE:Proposed City of Ocoee CRA Meeting Schedule for FY 2023-2024 Pursuant to the Bylaws of the CRA, below are possible dates to be considered for the four (4) required meetings for Fiscal Year 2023-2024. Please be prepared to adopt these dates or provide alternate meeting dates for consideration at the September 19, 2023 CRA Board Meeting. 1. Meeting #1: Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. (before City Commission meeting) 2. Meeting #2: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. (before City Commission meeting) 3. Meeting #3: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. (before City Commission meeting) 4. Meeting #4: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. (before City Commission Meeting) Staff requests CRA adoption of FY 2023-2024 meeting calendar as printed or as modified at the September 19, 2023 CRA Board Meeting. Page 22 of 22