Ocoee Commission Chambers
1 North Bluford Avenue
Ocoee, Florida
JUNE 6, 2023 MINUTES 5:00 PM
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Chair Johnson called the Community Redevelopment Agency Board to order at 5:00 PM
in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a
quorum present.
Roll Call: Chair Johnson, Vice -Chair Wilsen, Member Kennedy, Member Hart, Member
Koovakada, and Member June
Absent: Member Firstner
Also Present: City Manager Frank, Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney
Cookson, and City Clerk Sibbitt
No speaker reservation forms were received,
CRA Treasurer Roberts presented an overview of the 2022 CRA Financial Statement
and Independent Auditor's Report to the Board.
Vice -Chair Wilsen, seconded bv Member Hart, moved to approve the CRA Re lar .q!L_
Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2023, as presented. Motion carried 6-0 with Member
Firstner absent.
CRA Regular Meeting 06-06-2023 Page 1
3. Regency/Old Winter Garden Road Extension Mixed -Use Incentive Package
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained the
partnership with the developer of The Regency to not only improve the regional
transportation system, but to provide an urban mixed -use product of residential and
commercial in the CRA Target Area 1. This development is projected to contribute
significant tax increment financing (TIF) to the CRA'S Redevelopment Trust Fund. She
briefly summarized the incentives being proposed within the First Amendment to the
Development Agreement which will be placed before the City Commission for approval
at their next meeting; and further, explained how contributions provided by the CRA could
help achieve their mission and vision for Target Area 1.
Member June, seconded bv Vice -Chair Wilsen, moved to approve use of Capital
Proiect Funds to reimburse the Citv of Ocoee in the amount of $1,390,616 for
developer incentives to reconstruct the Old Winter Garden Road/Maquire Road
intersection and construct the extension of Old Winter Garden Road, Motion
carried 6-0 with Member Firstner absent.
111111111N=11 111=14 4
reputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless updated the
Board on the current projects.
a) Ocoee Corners Common — Working on pedestrian connection with a concept of a
common or greens. Landscape will create an aesthetic of being hidden.
b) Wellness Park Undate — The park is very well utilized by citizens, and organizations.
Evaluating the possibility of a restroom to be added to the project based on
feedback received by patrons of the park.
Bluford Avenue Comolete Street — Initiated final design, engineering, and
permitting. Acquisitions of right-of-way for landscaping, multi -purpose trail, and
d) Maquire Road Phase 5 — The CRA is working with the Public Works Department to
four -lane divide and create an Urban section. This project will be starting later this
e) CRA Redevelonment Plan — Consultant reviewing all base data, working on mapping
exercises and acquiring legal sketches of enclaves, and preliminary discussions
with the County.
Redevelopment Program Manager Vaca announced that the CRA was awarded the
2023 Florida Planning and Zoning Association (FPZA) Award for the Healthy Wesli
Orange Wellness Park for "Outstanding Infrastructure Project", and will be accepting the
CRA Regular Meeting 06-06-2023 Page 2
d at the FPZA Conference on June 9th. She further announced addition&i
?ssociations they have applied for an award, and reminded the members about their next
CRA Meeting on September 1 9th.
Chair Johnson inquired about the roundabout design completion, and construction
timeframe. Deputy Development Services DirectorICRA Administrator Corless
addressed his question,
The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 PM
Melanie Sibbitt, Secretary
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