HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-19-2023 Supporting Documents
9/20/2023 Adjournment•Board Comments•2023 Awards–Miscellaneous•24 CRA Board Meeting Dates-FY 23–Law Amendments-CRA By–Resolution)2024 Budget (Approve by -Proposed FY 2023–MeetingApproval
of Minutes of the June 6, 2023 CRA Regular –New Business•Old Business•Public Comments •Roll Call and Determination of Quorum•Agenda September 19, 20232024 Budget Meeting-FY 2023CRA
Board Meeting #4 1
9/20/2023 2024 Budget-FY 2023 June 6, 2023, as presented.Approve the CRA Regular Meeting Minutes of Seeking CRA Board Motion to:•June 6, 2023 Minutes 2
9/20/2023 Budget Book.Found on page 9 of Spiral 3129) -00-516-(130to account for the rebate This year, we added a line item $1,188,746$80,891)-($1,269,637 Final Contribution Amount $80,891($269,637
x 0.30)Rebate (30% of overage)$269,637-($1,269,637 Overage (over $1,000,000) $1,269,637($1336,458 x 0.95)Contribution (95%) $1,336,458($301,364 x 4.4347)X Millage Rate (4.4347) $301,364(Increment
Value/1,000)Divide by 1,000 Base)–(2023 Value Increment Value (2006 Value)(Orange County Property Appraiser)2023 Taxable Value Contribution County $1,188,746contribution to be we estimate
the net County After accounting for the rebate, •$1,000,000.of the amount in excess of thirty percent (30%) rebate back Orange County requires the CRA The Interlocal Agreement with
•$1,269,637contribution estimated to be Orange County tax revenue •Orange County Rebate establishment in 2006.year and 191% since increased 10% since last in the CRA District has Taxable
Property Value $8,892,049Total Estimated Revenues$ 750,000Intergovernmental$1,269,637County Increment$1,417,165City Increment $5,455,247Starting Cash Estimated Revenues 3
9/20/2023 Book Provided9 of Spiral Budget Located on Page CRA Line Item Budget$8,892,049Total Expenditures$7,856,740Capital$652,325Operating Expenses$382,984Personnel Services Estimated
Expenditures 4
9/20/2023 effective date.funds; providing for severability; providing an budget adjustments and the appropriation of 2024; providing for -a budget for FY 2023Community Redeveloping Agency
adopting 002 of the Ocoee -Adopt Resolution 2023Board Motion to:Seeking CRA •Budget Resolution Book Provided13 of Spiral Budget Located on Page 5 Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP)the
CRA Boardif approved by would be funded, 2024 -Only FY 2023•$7,856,740expenditures Total 2024 Capital -•5
9/20/2023 Ocoee, FL 34761. 150 North Lakeshore, Hall, Commission Chambers, City the City of Ocoee City Emergency) shall be held in meetings (Regular, Special, or notice, all CRA Board
meeting announcement Unless otherwise noted in the .Place of MeetingsSection 4.5 Original:and accurately identifies the location of the meetings.This change reflects the move to the
new City Hall building Ocoee, FL 34761.1 N. Bluford Avenue, Hall, Commission Chambers, City the City of Ocoee City Emergency) shall be held in meetings (Regular, Special, or notice,
all CRA Board meeting announcement Unless otherwise noted in the .Place of MeetingsSection 4.5 Change to:Proposed Amendments Law Amendments-CRA By 6
9/20/2023 Laws as Presented-ByAdopt the amended CRA Seeking CRA Board Motion to:•Law Amendments-CRA By and in the CRA's office. hours in the office of the Clerk of the City available
for inspection during business with the City and that the report is effect that such report has been filed circulation in the City a notice to the publish in a newspaper of general
the time of filing this report, the CRA shall . At Section 163.356(3)(c), Florida Statutesaccordance with the provisions of activities for the preceding fiscal year in March 31 of each
year, a report of its file with the City of Ocoee, on or before The CRA shall Annual Report.Section 6.5 Original:the publication of a public ad or notice, making this requirement unnecessary.
filed with the County and be published on the CRA website. It does not require Section 163.371(2), Florida Statutes only requires that the Annual Report be and in the CRA's officehours
in the office of the Clerk of the City available for inspection during business with the City and that the report is effect that such report has been filed circulation in the City a
notice to the publish in a newspaper of general the time of filing this report, the CRA shall At Section 163.356(3)(c), Florida Statutes. accordance with the provisions of activities
for the preceding fiscal year in March 31 of each year, a report of its file with the City of Ocoee, on or before The CRA shall Annual Report.Section 6.5 Change to:Proposed Amendments
9/20/2023 24 Meeting Dates as Presented-2023Seeking a Motion to Adopt the at 5:00 p.m.th Tuesday, September 17–Meeting #4:•at 5:00 p.m.th Tuesday, June 4–Meeting #3:•at 5:00 p.m. th
Tuesday, March 5–Meeting #2:•at 5:00 p.m. th Tuesday, December 5–Meeting #1:•2024 Meeting Dates-Proposed 2023 24 Meeting Dates-FY 23 8
9/20/2023 Video Prepared for the FAPA Award Ceremony 2023 Awards Cont.Annual Conference on Sept 6. Award for Wellness Park at the Association, Florida Chapter Accepted the American Planning
•Conference on June 9. Wellness Park at the Annual Zoning Association Award for Accepted Florida Planning & •2023 Awards 9
9/20/2023 Board Comments 10