HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-15-2023 MinutesAM11111 M-
AUGUST 15, 2023
cell I 110-1
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 PM in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Hart, followed by the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Kennedy. City Clerk Sibbitt
called the roll and declared a quorum present.
Present: Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Kennedy, Commissioner Firstner,
Commissioner Hart
Absent: Commissioner Wilsen
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Geller, Fishback Dominick Attorney
Kurt Ardaman, City Clerk Sibbitt
Proclamation for 2023 National Assisted Living Week, September 10-16, was
*roclaimed by Mayor Johnson.
Presentation of Charter Review Timeline — City Attorney Geller outlined the timeline
to the City Commission and explained three proposed options. He noted that this
evening was the last scheduled public meeting where the public could provide
comments, and encouraged allowing them to address the Commission. He then read
the eleven (11) proposed charter questions aloud. Mayor Johnson recognized the
Charter Review Commission (CRC) members and invited the public to come forward
with any comments. No speaker forms were received. Mayor Johnson turned to the
Commission for comments. City Attorney Geller noted that the Commission had made
comments at the previous City Commission meeting and explained that the CRC would
consider those comments.
Motion: Move to accept this eveninq as the final date to submit comments and
recommendations to the CRC: and further, submit the recommendations
Provided bv the Citv Commission at the Auqust 1, 2023, Requiar Citv Commission
Meetinq without additional comments to the CRC. Moved bV Commissioner
KennedV, second bV Commissioner Hart; Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner
WilseT a*swtit.
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City Manager Frank announced before them is the following:
Emeraencv Item - Approval of Additional Funds from Transportation Impact Fees to
Provide the Required Funding for Lennar Homes to Facilitate the Widening of Clarke
Road - District #4, Ages Hart. (Public Works Director Krug)
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—IN-7 V
August 15, 2023
City Manager Frank explained the emergency item related to the Third Amendment to
the Development Agreement for Arden Park and the funds that will need to be allocated
to begin the Clarke Road Widening Project.
Motion: Move to approve EmerqencV Item to allow additional funds from
Transportation Impact Fees to provide the required fundinq for Lennar Homes to
facilitate the wideninq of Clarke Road, per staff's recommendations; Moved bv
Commissioner Firstner, seconded bV Commissioner Hart, Motion carried 4-0 with
P 1 B L I C C 0
The following persons addressed the City Commissioni
Bill Maxwell, Ocoee Resident and Police and Fire Trustee Pension Board Member,
introduced himself and commented on the need to appoint a Trustee to the Ocoee
Police and Fire Trustee Pension Board, He expressed concerns about filling the
position in a timely and cost-efficient manner due to the restrictions placed on the
Board by the residency provision and asked the Commission to consider a variance
to the City Ordinance.
City Manager Frank expressed concerns and recommended having the City
Attorney review the ordinance and provide direction.
Consensus of the Citv Commission was to direct staff to place this item on
the September 19, 2023, Reqular CitV Commission Aqenda.
Kellie Beck, Ocoee Resident, noted Item #4 on the Consent Agenda and
expressed concerns she and her community have concerning the Magnolia
Reserve Townhome Large Scale Final Subdivision Plan. She requested multiple
changes before approving the final site plan.
Development Services Director Rumer noted her concerns and asked to pull Item
#4 from the Consent Agenda to allow staff time to work amicably with all involved.
Mayor Johnson inquired about the traffic light at West Road and Fountains West
Blvd. City Manager Frank and Development Services Director Rumer
addressed his concerns.
Commissioner Kennedy thanked the residents for bringing forth their concerns
and also requested pulling Item #4 from the Consent Agenda.
2 1 P a g e
Regular City Commission MeetirV
August 15, 2023 1
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Aqenda Item #1-12 with Item #4 beinq pulled
and Item #11 beinq pulled for discussion and separate consideration.
r1loved bv Commissioner Kennedv, seconded bv Commissioner Hart; Motion
carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
1 Approval of Minutes from the Workshop and Regular City Commission Meetings
held August 1, 2023. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
2. Approval of the 2024 Holiday Schedule and Canceling Four (4) Scheduled
Meeting Dates. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
3. Approval of Ocoee Crown Point PUD Conservation Easement Agreement
Related to Phase 2A&2B of Preserve at Crown Point PUD. (Development
Services Director Rumer)
Approval of Magnolia Reserve Townhome Large Scale Final Subdivision Plan
(LS- 2022-016). (Zoning Manager Whitfield)
5. Approval to Piggyback on Collier County's Contract for Direct Mailing Services
Including Utility Bill Printing and Mang and other Publications. (Finance
Director Roberts)
6. Approval of the Certification of Non -Ad Valorem Assessment Roll for Solid Waste
Inclusion on the Orange County Tax Roll for FY 23/24. (Public Works Director
7. Approval of the Certification of Non -Ad Valorem Assessment Roll for Stormwater
Inclusion on the Orange County Tax Roll for FY 23/24. (Public Works Director
8. Approval of the Annual Fire Protection Special Assessment Resolution and
Certification of Non -Ad Valorem Assessment Tax Roll for FY 23/24. (Support
Services Director Gaines)
9. Approval of Access and Utilities Easement with Silvestri Investments of Florida,
Inc. (Utilities Director Croteau)
10. Approval to Piggyback Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Contract to Replace
the Generator at the City of Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Plant. (Utilities
Director Croteau)
3 1 P a g e
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August 15, 2023
11. Approval of RFQ #23-004 Construction Manager at Risk for Floral Street Water,
Sewer, and Road Reconstruction; Guaranteed Maximum Price Contract
Authorization. (Utilities Director Croteau)
City Attorney Geller expressed concerns with the language in the
contract/proposal. Utilities Director Croteau addressed his concerns and
advised that the attachment is a proposal and will not be executed as there is
already a signed contract with the City. She further explained that staff will be
sure that any amendments to the contract will include the modifications and
confirmation that in the event of a suit, it will be handled in Orange County, as
Motion: Move to approve RFQ#23-004 Construction Manaqer at Risk for
Floral Street Water, Sewer, and Road Reconstruction, subiect to the
condition that in the event of a suit, it will be handled in Oranqe Countv.
Moved bv Commissioner Kennedv, seconded bv Commissioner Hart!
Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
12. Notification of an Emergency Purchase of a new Weir Gate with Veolia Water
Technologies in accordance with Section 21.6 of the City of Ocoee Code of
Ordinances. (Utilities Director Croteau)
13. Second Reading of Ordinance for Flores Property at 2121 Lauren Beth Avenue -
Annexation & Rezoning from Orange County A-1 to City of Ocoee R-1 (AX-05-
23-05(Zoning Manager Whitfield)
City Attorney Geller read the titles of the ordinances.
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing
was closed,
Zoning Manager Whitfield presented a brief overview of the proposed annexation
and rezoning which is approximately 0.97 acres, contains one (1) single-family
dwelling, and is located at 2121 Lauren Beth Avenue. The property is located within
the Ocoee -Orange County Joint Planning Area (JPA). The annexation is consistent
with the Future Land Use Element (FLUE). The property owner has requested water
service from the City, which will become available upon the completion of the
construction of the Reserve at Lake Meadow development, which surrounds this
4 1 P a g e
August 15, 2023
Annexation Ordinance:
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2023-14, Flores Propertv at 2121 Lauren
Beth Avenue Annexation (AX-05-23-05), subiect to staff's recommendations;
Moved bv Commissioner Kennedv, seconded bv Commissioner Hart; Motion
carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
Rezoning Ordinance:
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2023-15, Flores Propertv at 2121 Lauren
Beth Avenue Rezoninq from Oranqe Countv A-1 to Citv of Ocoee R-1 (RZ-23-05-
05), subiect to staffs recommendations, Moved bv Commissioner Kennedv.
seconded bv Commissioner Hart; Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen
14. Covington Oaks Large Scale Preliminary Subdivision Plan (LS-2023-001).
(Zoning Manager Whitfield)
Zoning Manager Whitfield presented a brief overview of the subject property which
is approximately 9.94 acres in size and located at 8667 A.D. Mims Road. There
currently is one single-family residence and a few scattered surface waters in the
northern portion of the property. Zoning Manager Whitfield detailed the Covington
Oaks Large Scale Preliminary Subdivision Plan to include lot sizes, easements, and
utility accommodations. She further stated staff recommends approval subject to the
conditions recommended by the Development Review Committee (DRC) and Planning
and Zoning Commission (PZC),
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing
was closed.
rhotion: Move to approve the Covinqton Oaks Larqe Scale Preliminary
Subdivision Plan (LS-2023-001), subiect to staff's recommendations, Moved bv
Commissioner Firstner, seconded bv Commissioner Hart; Motion carried 4-0
with Commissioner Wilsen absent.
15. Public Hearing to Adopt the Annual Code Enforcement Abatement Assessment
Resolution to Certify the FY 2024 Non -Ad Valorem Assessment Tax Roll for
Abatement Cost Recovery. (Support Services Director Gaines)
Support Services Director Gaines briefed the City Commission on the collection of
abatement costs utilizing the special assessment process.
City Attorney Geller read the title of the resolution.
5 1 P a g e
• 15, 2023
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing
was closed.
f1lotion: t1love to Adopt the Annual Code Enforcement Abatement Assessme
Resolution and Certifv the Fiscal Year 2024 Non -Ad Valorem Assessment Ta
•. • • Cost Recoverv; Moved •:... Commissioner •:
seconded bV Commissioner Hart; Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilse
• �I
16. Discussion and Direction Regarding the 100-Year Anniversary of Ocoee
Becoming a Township. (Assistant City Manager Shadrix)
Assistant City Manager Shadrix summarized the history of the township of Ocoee
which was established in November 1923, and noted in May 1925 the City of Ocoee
was established; and further, requested the City Commission's feedback on which
direction they would like to proceed with an event commemorating the 100th
anniversary of Ocoee.
Commissioner Kennedy inquired as to what City staff would suggest as an event.
Assistant City Manager Shadrix addressed his question and recommended that a
subtle event be held in 2023 for the 1923 designation, and a bigger celebration be held
in 2025 to recognize the establishment of the City. City Manager Frank shared the
recommendation he received from Commissioner Wilsen, and a brief discussion
ensued. City Manager Frank further advised the City Commission to think about a
proposed budget amount they would like to discuss at the Budget Workshop.
Commissioner Firstner ® Commented on the following:
1) Announced the start of school and asked residents to pay attention as they navigate
through the City.
2) Noted the extremely high temperatures and reminded residents to be cautious and
stay hydrated.
Commissioner Hart — Commented on the following:
1 ) Reiterated the importance of being careful due to the heat.
2) Expressed disappointment and explained that the Human Relations Diversity Board
(HRDB) was scheduled to meet last week, however, due to a lack of a quorum they
could not hold that meeting. He then addressed comments made by the public and
assured all citizens that the Commission strongly supports diversity and the teaching
of the events that took place in history.
3) Voiced his love for the City and thanked the community for the opportunity to serve.
4) Encouraged citizens to contact him with any concerns they have.
5) Asked the community to be patient with each other, and enjoy the wonderful City we
all call home.
Regular City Commission Meeting
August 15, 2023
Commissioner Kennedy — Commented on the following:
1 ) Agreed with Commissioner Hart about the HRDB Board, and thanked him for his
2) Shared that he has been persistent with staff on traffic issues in District 1, noted
progress on North Lakewood, and shared that after this section opens staff will
access the new traffic patterns and move forward on resolving issues on Adair
Mayor Johnson — Commented on the following:
1 ) Spoke about the HRDB Board and its 20+ year history, noting that it is the only
diversity board in Orange County, Expressed the City's desire to overcome the
obstacles and encouraged interested residents to apply.
2) Inquired about light displays for the upcoming holiday season. City Manager Frank
addressed his questions.
3) Shared multiple complaints he has received regarding Ocoee Elementary and
Ocoee Middle School traffic issues. City Manager Frank addressed his concerns.
4) Recognized and thanked the citizens who attended tonight's meeting regarding
Consent Agenda Item #4, and noted the outstanding execution of their presentation.
5) Thanked the City's new attorney firm, Fishback Dominick.
6) Announced the next City Commission meeting is scheduled for September 19, 2023.
The meeting adjourned at 7:16 P1
Melanie'•bi� i i�i`ty Clerk
Rusty ohnIF
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