HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-25-2023 MinutesCITY OF OCOEE CALL TO ORDER Chair Odom called the Code Enforcement Board regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 1 N Bluford Ave, Ocoee, Florida. INVOCATION: Member Schultz initiated the moment of silence. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Member Lewis led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag. . quorum (4) present. PRESENT: Chair Odom & Members: Lewis, Brennan, Bandur, Schultz, & Smalldon Also present: Board Attorney Skip Fowler, Acting Support Services Director Doug Gaines, Code Enforcement Clerk Justin Mieras, and Code Enforcement Officer Tode & Loeffler SWEARING OF OFFICERS / WITNESSES: Code Enforcement Clerk Mieras administered the oath to the Code Enforcement Officers and to anyone intending to speak regarding a case. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY MEMBER OF THE BOARD, IN WHICH CASE THE CHAIRMAN WILL INSTRUCTTHE BOARD CLERK TO REMOVE THE ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. A. MINUTES: June 27, 2023, Code Enforcement Board Meeting. B. DISMISSAL OR COMPLIANCE: Assistant Support Services Director Doug Gaines presented the dismissals and compliances. OFFICER RODRIGUEZ 421 VANDERGRIFT DR TAN 2017-1 BORROWER LLC Property in Compliance OFFICER LOEFFLER 1 100 MOBILE LN ANTONIO HERRERA Property in Compliance � i 1 ' ;c OFFICER DIAZ 332 COVERED BRIDGE DR BETHANY C DUNN Property in Compliance 1 1 P a g e Property in Compliance 1206 WILLOW CREEK LAND OFFICER LOEFFLER 1206 WILLOW CREEK RD TRUST C/O TRSTE LLC TRUSTEE Property in Compliance Property in Compliance Property in Compliance ORDER OF CONTINUANCE: Member Bandur, seconded by Member Lewjs; moved that the consent agenda be accepted as presented. Motion carried unanimousl COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS None. Summary: §6-4.H.(6)(b) —Trailers of all types shall not be parked or stored for more than 48 hours in a residential district unless it is located behind the front yard building line and screened with a six-foot high opaque fence with gate. § 51-13, — It shall be a violation to do work related to construction without first obtaining a permit. § 108-24.D. — It shall be unlawful to use a residential property for the storage of any abandoned motor vehicle, ice box, § 168-6.B.(l) — No owner, private property, shall consent to the parking or storing of vehicles on non -improved surfaces of the property. Observation: §6-4.H.(6)(b)—Trailer Parked /StondProhibited Location §S1-l3.—Rear Room Addition In -Progress NoPermit Issued. � �y1O8-24.D.—Misc. Junk, Trash, Debris Littering Property (Paper Cups, Aluminum Cans, Tools Etc.) § 168-6.B.(l) — Vehicles Parked on Non -Surfaced Dirt Areas of the Front Yard. Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. He further explained that asofJuly 25i2O23,the property isstill in non-compliance for 51-13. only. The City asked for an Order of Compliance by August 21, 2023, or thereafter to be fined $5O.UOper day until found incompliance. Member Bandur, seconded by Member Lewis, moved that in Case #2023-00286, the respondent be found in violation of 51.13 only as of April 13 , 2023, and be given until August 21, 2023, to come into compliance or be fined $50.00 per day, until found in compliance. Motion carried unanimousl . �RAiG H �kjENN|FERyW I OF| 21�1ELK8AKRADR | | VIDLER Violation Cited: §51'13. Summary: §S1'l3It shall beaviolation todowork related to construction without first obtaining a permit. Observation: § 51-11 — Block wall under construction at rear of house. r� \ Officer Tobe presented the case and gave its history. He further explained that as of July 25, 2023, the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for an Order of Compliance by August 09, 2023, or thereafter to be fined $50.00 per day until found in compliance. Member Bandur, seconded by Member Lewjs� moved that in Case #2023-00846 the respondent be found in violation as cited as of June 08, 2023 , and be given until August 09, 2023, to come into compliance or be fined $50.00 per day until found in compliance. Motion carried unanimousl . CLAYDARREU-VVUFEEGTATE |NT OFF|CERLOEFFLER 100LYLEST 1/7 -- REM: CLAY FAMILY TRUST | | CLAYjEFFEKYD1/2|NT Violation Cited: §108-7,6108~24.D.,§108-35,>&6115'3.A.(3) Summary: § 108-7. —AU buildings or structures, both existing and new, and all parts thereof shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition. All devices or safeguards which are required by the Minimum Standards Codes in a building when erected, altered or repaired shall be maintained in good working order. § 108-24.D. — It shall be unlawful to use a residential property for the storage of any abandoned motor vehicle, ice box, refrigerator, stove, glass, building material, building rubbish, or similar items. 3|page § 108-3S.—When structures degenerate to the extent that repair, removal, securing ordemolition isnecessary for the public health, safety and welfare, then the Code Enforcement Board is authorized to order the property owner or City agents to repair, remove, secure, vacate or demolish such structures according to procedures outlined herein. § 115-3.A.(3) — No person shall allow or allow to remain any Junk or Debris classified as a nuisance or menace to public health, Observation: § 1OO-7.—Required Building Maintenance Neglected Not Maintained inGood Working Order;Rotted/Sinking Floors. Leaning Walls. Unsanitary Conditions Throughout. Kitchen Counter and Sink Collapsing Failing Through Flooring. All Windows Blocked by Debris and Structural Issues. Exposed/Bare Wiring. Hot Water Tank Leaning on Side Falling Through Flooring. Dirt, Grime, Fecal Matter. Broken Windows, Broken Doors, Broken Door Hardware and Frames. No Ventilation; Mold, Dust Dampness. Uninhabitable for Human Occupancy. Unsafe Unsanitary Structure. Severe Public Nuisance. Property Littered with Extreme Junk, Trash, Debris. Structure Full of Extreme Amounts Junk and Debris. § 108-24.1), —Junk, Trash, Debris Littering Property §IO8-35.—Rotted/Sinking Floors. Leaning Walls. Unsanitary Conditions Throughout. Kitchen Counter and Sink Collapsing Falling Through Flooring. All Windows Blocked by Debris and Structural Issues. Exposed/Bare Wiring. Hot Water Tank Leaning on Side Falling Through F|ooring, Dirt, Grime, Fecal Matter. Broken Windows, Broken Doors, Broken Door Hardware and Frames. No Ventilation; Mold, Dust Dampness. Uninhabitable for Human Occupancy. Unsafe Unsanitary Structure. Severe Public Nuisance. Property Littered with Extreme Junk, Trash, Debris. Structure Full ofExtreme Amounts Junk and Debris. § 115-3.A.(3) — Severe Public Nuisance Condition Affecting the Health Safety and Welfare of Occupants,Neighbors, and The Overall City Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. He further explained that as of July 25, 2023, the property is still innon'connp|iance.The City asked for enOrder ofCompliance bvAugust D9 2O23,orthereafter tobe fined $5O.00per day, per violation, until found in compliance. The City additionally asked for authorization to abate the nuisance. Member Bandur, seconded by Member Schultz, moved that in Case #2023-01049 , the respondent be found in violation as cited as of June 29, 2023, and be given until August 09, 2023 , to come into compliance or be fined $50.00 per day, pe violation, until found in compliance. The City is additionally authorized, ij the property becomes vacant, to abate the nuisance and assess the abatement cost to the lien, Motion carried unanimousl . | / OFF|CERUOEFFLER | / 12 LAFAYETTE ST | / PH|LL|PHICKS | / Violation Cited: §51'13. Summary: 6 51-13It shall be a violation to do work related to construction without first obtaining it. Observation: § 51.13. — Formerly Open Screen Patio Area Converted to Enclosed Room W/O Required Permit Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. He further explained that as of July 25, 2023, the property is still '^ in non-compliance. The City asked for an Order of Compliance by August 21, 2023, orthereafter ho be fined 550.00 per day until found in compliance. 4|Pag e Member Bandur, seconded bZ Member Schultz, moved that in Cose #2023-01281, the respondent be found in violotion as | {)FHCERROD0GUEZ | 12O5FLEVVELUNGAVE | YGAVONSFRIII P0JPCOLLC | Violation Cited: §108-19.A. Summary: §108-19.A. — Every plumbing fixture and water and waste pipe shall be properly installed and maintained in good sanitary working condition, free from defects, leaks and obstructions. Observation: §108-19.A— Leaks In The Bathroom Area Assistant Support Services Director Doug Gaines explained that as of July 25i 2023, the property is in compliance. No further action requested, Violation Cited: §64.H.(6)(b), §51,13,&6115-3Jl(3) Summary: §6-4.H.(6)(b) —Trailers of all types shall not be parked or stored for more than 48 hours in a residential district unless it islocated behind the front yard building line and screened with asix-foot high Vpoquefenmevvithgate. §51-13.—{tshall be avio|odon to do work related to construction without first obtaining a permit. §115-3.A.(3) — No person shall allow or allow to remain any Junk or Debris classified as a nuisance or menace to public health, safety and welfare. Observation: §6'4.H.(6)(h) —Trailer (Qoat) Parked /6toved Prohibited Location § 51-13. — Metal Shed / Storage Building (Front Drive Way) Without Required Permit. § 115-3.A.(3). — Tall Weeds and Grass with Piles of Junk, Debris, Dead Limbs. Officer Loeffler explained that as of July 25, 2023, the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for an Order Imposing Fine. Member Bandur, seconded by Member Lewis, moved that in Case #2023-01081, the Board imposes flnes as ot July 13, 2023, as previously set by this Board. Motion carried unanimousl . 5 1PaQe | | | / OFFICER LOEFFLER / 476 LITTLE RDCKST / EOVVARDVVALLS | / Summary: yG1-13.—It shall beaviolation todowork related toconstruction without first obtaining apermit. §I08-24.D. — prohibits use of residential property for the storage of any abandoned motor vehicle, ice box, refrigerator, stove, glass, building material, building rubbish or similar items §143'27.A. —requiresgarbage carts to be placed on side yards or rear yards and screened from view io the extent practicable during non -pickup Observation: g51-13.—Side OfHouse Lean -To Structure Not Permitted And |nViolation OfSet-Back Requinennents. §1O8-24.D.—Property Littered With Junk, Debris, Tires, Scrap, Chained Tires, 55go|Burn Barrel, Rubble Etc. §143-27.A. — Waste Cans Stored In Prohibited Location. Officer Loeffler explained that as of July 25, 2023, the property is in compliance. No further action requested. COMMENTS The Board welcomed Member SnnaUdon. Clerk KAberas announced the Board's Regular Member positions are full and the Board has two vacancies for Alternate Members. He briefly explained how Alternate Members work. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. ATTEST: ~ Justin Mieras, Code Enforcement Clerk