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Item 13 2493 Sweet Oaks Street - Crawford Variance - VR-23-02
Meeting Date: October 3, 2023 Item #: 13 Contact Name: Anoch Whitfield Department Director: Michael Rumer Contact Number: Ext. 1016 City Manager: Robert Frank Subject: 2493 Sweet Oaks Street - Crawford Variance - VR-23-02. (Zoning Manager Whitfield) Background Summary: The property is located in Commission District 4 and addressed at 2493 Sweet Oak Street. It is zoned R-1A (Single Family Dwelling District) and is assigned parcel ID number 04-22-28-6567-00-700. Per Section 5-14A and the corresponding Table 5-2 (Minimum Zoning Descriptions on Permitted Uses) of Article V of the Land Development Code, the maximum allowable impervious surface area (ISA) for this lot as well as all lots within all residential zoning districts in the City is 50% of the lot area. When this lot was developed, the footprint of the house, driveway and walkway yielded an ISA of approximately 42%, leaving approximately 8% (or 640 SF) of impervious surface area available for future improvements. The property owner applied for and was issued two (2) permits in 2022 - one for the widening of the driveway and adding a new walkway along the north side of the property and one for the installation of a shed in the rear corner of the property. These permitted improvements are reflected in green in the attached site plan, and they brought the lot ISA to 49.8%, leaving an approximate ISA availability of 0.2% (or approximately 16 SF). Following the installation of the permitted walkway and shed, the property owner extended the walkway from the fence to the shed and began construction of a pergola and patio (which is currently unfinished) without a permit. The property owner reached out to the City to find out what Code requirements needed to be met, and City staff advised on the Code's setback and ISA requirements. As the property owner hired contractors for the previous permits, she was not aware of the maximum ISA requirements. Staff met with the property owner at the property to take measurements of what had been installed and what she would like to do in the rear yard in order to assist her with completing the survey and ISA Calculation sheet and to determine the total proposed ISA. Staff explained to the property owner that, since the lot was currently at 49.8% ISA, the additional improvements would exceed the 50% maximum and that a variance approval would be required in order to keep the extended walkway, complete the pergola patio and install additional walkways to connect the unpermitted walkway to the pergola patio. Staff also explained that staff could not support the variance because there were no unique circumstances or hardships and that alternatively, some improvements (impervious area) could be removed in order to create a net zero increase in ISA. Staff also explained the variance process, including the application fee, public noticing requirements and two (2) public hearings, and that applying for a variance does not guarantee approval. The property owner opted to pursue the variance to see if any additional impervious area above the 50% maximum could be approved. Based on the measurements taken during the site visit for all of the improvements that the property owner wanted, the total lot ISA would be approximately 59.9%. Thus, the property owner is requesting a 19.8% variance to Table 5-2 to exceed the maximum allowable impervious surface area (ISA) by 9.9% (for a total ISA City of Ocoee - 1 N. Bluford Avenue - Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (07) 905-3100 - www.ocoee.org Page 236 of 253 of 59.9%) for purposes of installing and constructing improvements in the rear yard, specifically: Construction of a pergola with paver patio at the rear of the house, and Installation of sidewalk and other impervious materials along the north side yard and rear of the house. According to Article IV, Section 4-9A, approval of a variance requires the applicant to demonstrate compliance with four (4) criteria, as follows: (1) That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structures, or required subdivision improvements involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or required subdivision improvements; (2) That a literal interpretation of the provisions of these regulations would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties with similar conditions; (3) That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; and (4) That the granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by these regulations to other lands, structures, or required subdivision improvements under similar conditions. Applicant Response: The applicant's justifications are as follows: The proposed pergola will provide essential outdoor space for recreational activities, family gatherings and an extension of the living area. She states that strict adherence of the ISA maximum will present challenges. She states that the topography of the lot includes a slope, and the irregular shape of the lot limits available usable space. The pergola and pavers will provide a level space for entertainment. The placement of the pergola aligns with the property layout and provides an opportunity to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the space, and screening elements would ensure privacy and minimize visual impacts on neighboring properties. The current zoning regulations impose property line setbacks that restrict the placement of structures near the lot boundaries. The pergola and pavers, while not conforming to these setbacks, will not negatively affect adjacent properties or obstruct sightlines. The mature trees and existing landscape elements on the property present a unique land feature and necessitate a specific location for the pergola that maximizes the use of the space while preserving natural beauty of the land. The pergola and pavers align with the architectural style of the neighborhood and contribute positively to the community's character. These alternatives are either impractical or would result in an outdoor space that does not serve the intended purpose. Staff Analysis: Staff finds that the justifications provided by the applicant do not support the requested variance and are not sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the four (4) evaluation criteria. Staffs analysis is summarized below: Criteria 1 Special Circumstances & Conditions: There are no special conditions and circumstances that exist which are peculiar to the land. The lot is generally the same shape and size and has the same dimensions as all of the internal lots in the subdivision. This internal lot and all of the other internal lots are all generally rectangular 70.5' x 113.5' lots and are not irregularly shaped. The subdivision plat is attached. Criteria 2 Literal Interpretation of Code: The literal interpretation of the provisions of these regulations would not deprive the property owner of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties with similar conditions. Construction of the house, driveway and walkway (1999) yielded an ISA of approximately 42%, leaving approximately 8% (or 640 SF) of impervious surface area available for use by the property owner. The property owner purchased the property in 2015. In 2022, the property owner applied for and was issued two (2) permits (contractors permits) for improvements on the lot - one for the widening of the driveway and adding a new walkway along the north side of the property and one for the installation of a shed in the rear corner of City of •-' Bluford AvenueOcoee, Florida 34761 Page 237 of 253 the property. These improvements, which are reflected in green in the attached site plan, utilized 7.8% of the remaining 8% ISA and brought the lot ISA to 49.8%. Other lots in the neighborhood have been issued permits for improvements (i.e. walkways, sheds, pools, patio, screen enclosures,etc.) in the rear yards that were subject to and that complied with the maximum 50% ISA. Staff finds no deprivation of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties with similar conditions. Criteria 3 Actions of the Applicant: The circumstances of this variance are the result of the actions of the applicant/property owner as the owner desires these additional improvements to the property. Currently, the pergola has been constructed but does not yet have a paver floor; however, the property owner desires to add pavers under the pergola as well as an additional four (4) feet of paver area outside of the pergola area. The property owner also desires to add a walkway along the rear wall of the house (refer to attached site plan). Criteria 4 Conference of Special Privilege: Granting the requested variance would confer a special privilege to the applicant that is denied by these regulations to other lands, structures, or required subdivision improvements under similar conditions. All other lots in the City with a conventional residential zoning classification are subject to the 50% maximum ISA. Like all of the lots in the subdivision, the subject lot has a 5-foot Utility Easement along the north and south property lines where impervious materials are not permitted. Staff does not support the requested variance as there is insufficient justification to support the variance. Note, approval of the variance would not constitute approval of the placement of crushed rocks in the Utility Easements. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the requested variance to Section 5-14A, and the corresponding Table 5-2 of Article V, of the Land Development Code, to exceed the maximum allowable impervious surface area (ISA) by 9.9% (for a total ISA of 59.9%) for purposes of installing/constructing a pergola with paver patio at the rear of the house and walkway and additional impervious materials along the north side yard and rear of the house, representing a 19.8% variance? Recommendations: Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) Recommendation The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this item at its September 12, 2023 hearing. Discussions at the hearing were relative to whether the property owner tried to work with staff on alternative options, including removal of some existing impervious area, prior to seeking a variance and if HOA approval was received prior to work being done on the property. The PZC also inquired if the property owner wanted to place a hold on the item to allow her more time to work out the ISA options with staff. Following discussion, the PZC made a recommendation of denial of the requested variance to Section 5-14A and corresponding Table 5-2 of Article V of the Land Development Code and not allow the property to exceed the maximum 50% allowable impervious surface area (ISA) on the property. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners deny the requested variance to Section 5-14A, and the corresponding Table 5-2 of Article V, of the Land Development Code, and not allow the property to exceed the maximum 50% allowable impervious surface area (ISA) for the purposes of installing the pergola, paver area and other additional improvements on the property. Attachments: 1. 2493 Sweet Oak Variance - Site Plan 2. Letter to Commission with Photos 3. Justification Narrative 4. Prairie Lake Village Phase I Plat City of Ocoee ® 1 N. Bluford Avenue ® Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 • www.ocoee.org Page 238 of 253 5. Prairie Lake Drainage Plan 6. Advertisement Financial Impacts: N/A Type of Item: Public Hearing C City • Ocoee - 1 N. Bluford Avenue - Ocoee, •. 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 - www.ocoee.org Page 239 of 253 2493 Sweet Oak Variance KAZ W* "Rum ��ZAAL Driveway expansion, paver walkway & shed (installed with permit) Crushed rocks and stones (installed without permit) Extended paver walkway (Completed without permit) Pergola (Completed without permit, no pavers underneath yet) Proposed additional paver areas (under pergola and along rear of house around pergola) (Not yet installed) Page 240 of 253 rom: Amanda J Crawford 2493 Sweet Oak Stre Ocoee, FL 34761 1 Parcel ID: 04.22.28. 17,00,700 Prairie Lake Village Phase 136/69 Lot 70 I am the owner of this one-story single-family residence zoned in the Prairie Lake subdivision. jurchase this home on 05 07�12015 with mp daughter and now flanc6. A6y;_nAZ&IHT=*MV M continue to and try to be proactive with all respects to my neighbor's and communities and follow rules and guidelines. Over the last two years I have updated the interior and exterior of my home; Not only to make it comfortable for a long-term placement for my family and potential expansion of family but t* also bring overall value to the community and property value. I am a DlY enthusiast and love interior and exterior design. My current social media platform NSAM I have updated my driveway and walkway for a better appearance. The walkway was completed as a prior 80 ft tree and the roots underneath caused interior cracking inside of the home master bedroom and with all the stump grinding of the roots causing slab damage would not allow any landscaping to grow effectively. The walkway was executed for appearance of the side wall of the home to esthetically please the passing neighbors and not look neglected, �=37R7TTZ177=1f IT Rome. NeXiacement ot tne root gutters ancl light tixtures and addeis a shed to the home for storage of power tools for my outside of home projects at other individual's homes that are inspired by my work. Renovated my interior homes flooring, plumbing and bathrooms. When purchasing a home, I was never taught nor advised of impervious calculations. Even with ta k i n q a f i rst-t i m A+*ji r's to become an advocate to speak for future home owners to understands guidelines of impervious calculations and setbacks when performing upgrades to their home. At this time, it has come to my attention that due to my lot size of 8001 square feet that the final addition I want to complete my home's value is over the 50% approved impervious for my home. Page 241 of 253 beneathto add • i furniture. I Page 243 of 253 Page 244 of 253 2493 Sweet Oak St 8/15/ 2 3, 5:34 PM Property Record - 04-22-28- 6567-00-700 Property Summary Property Name 2493 Sweet Oak St Mailing Address Names 2493 Sweet Oak St Crawford Amanda Ocoee, FL 34761-7607 Municipality Physical Address OCO - Ocoee 2493 Sweet Oak St Property Use Ocoee, FL 34761 0 103 - Single Fam Class III 2-193 SWEET OAK ST, OCOEE :rL 34761 'Z� 2s2,318 2,28 PM V'range County Property Appraiser http://www.ocpafl.orp FE-31 1131 https:/Iprc.ocpafl.org/Searches/vabparcel.aspx/PDF/faIse/PID/282204656700700 Page 1 of 4 Page 245 of 253 Justification Narrative MM UTIFTSOMT-Fs� need for a pergola and pavers on my property. The proposed pergola and pavers would serve of our living area. However, due to the unique characteristics of the land, strict adherence to the existing zoning regulations presents challenges that can only be addressed through a variance. 11111111111iri 1111l, Iiiiiiiil I i =0 MMRIMR��MEB�� Topographical Constraints: The lay of the land includes a natural slope and irregular shape that limit the available usable outdoor space. The proposed pergola would provide a level area for enjoyment, mitigating the effects of the natural topography. I will comply to have the pergola and pavers slope to ensure it does not impact neighboring property lines and drain on my premises efficiently. ruTdc"Ta— provides an opportunity to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the space. The add7ition o i screening elements would ensure privacy and minimize visual impact on neighboringl properties. �,roperty Line Setbacks: The current zoning regulations impose property line setbacks that restrict the placement of structures near boundaries. The pergola and pavers proposed location, while not conforming to these setbacks, will not negatively affect adjacent properties Unique Land Features: The presence of mature trees and existing landscaping elements preserving the natural beauty of the land. Community Character: The proposed pergola and pavers aligns with the architectural style prevalent in the neighborhood, contributing positively to the community's character. I have carefully considered alternative solutions to address my outdoor space needs while complying with zoning regulations. However, due to the aforementioned factors, these alternatives are either impractical or would result in an outdoor space that does not serve th't intended purpose. Page 246 of 253 ON Wor I VIA10k adhering to any additional conditions stipulated by the zoning department to ensure the pergola's harmonious integration within the environment. I in conclusion, I kindly request the City of Ocoee Commission's consideration and approval of es--,i-�d4n this letter support the need for this variance and underscore my commitment to responsible land use. I am more than willing to provide additional information, attend any hearings, or participate in discussions to further explain the specifics of my request. Thank you for your time and �, J,(� il s'/a� Page 247 of 253 HARLING LO C KLI N C& MSOCAATSS, INC.) CONSULTING ><NGIIOEW PL►NNERS • SURVEYORS ON coven AND STRM OALUM, 110SIDA 32604 PRAIRIE LAKE VILLAGE, PHASE 1 SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA DESCRIPTION: That portion of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 4, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida, described as follows: Commence at the East 1/4 comer of said Section 4; thence South 8922'31' West along the South line -if the Northeast 1/4 of Section 4 for 320.84 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Thence continue South 89'22'31" West along said South line for 1304.31 feet; thence North 01'10'27" East for 188.11 feet; thence North 89'49'33' West for 150.50 feet; thence North 00'10'27" East for 85.71 feet; thence North 89'49'33' West for 202.78 feet to the easterly right of way line (100 foot right of way) of Clarke Road; thence along said easterly right of way line the following Two (2) courses: run North 01'10'07' East for 693.42 feet to a point of curvature with a circular curve concave westerly, thence northerly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 1959.86 feet and a central angle of 10'15'19" for 350.79 feet to the North line of the South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of aforesaid Section 4; thence North 89'24'36" East along said North line for 1160.60 feet; thence South 00'10'27' West for 864.72 feet; thence South 63'16'19" West for 55.71 feet; thence South 2643'41" East for 163.50 feet; thence North 63'16'19' East for 213.85 feet; thence North 71'35'32" East for 62.24 feet; thence South 89'49'33" East for 280.00 feet; thence South 00'10'27' West for 115.50 feet; thence North 89 49'33' West for 20.00 feet; thence South 00'10'27' West for 70.50 feet; thence South 89 49'33' East for 89.89 feet to on intersection with a circular curve concave southeasterly; thence southwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 55.00 feet, a chord bearing of South 33'04'46" West and a central angle of 25'00'51" for 24.01 feet; thence North 89'49'33' West for 127.76 feet; thence South 00'10'27' West for 70.50 feet; thence South 8949'33" East for 27.00 feet; thence South 00'10'27' West for 118.20 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 37.13 acres, more or less_ NOTICE THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS THAT ARE NOT RECORDED ON THIS PLAT THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY. .IL EE ROAD Or,() CLARCONA D `*' SITE D 1 � I 0 a S z rn r D Z A 00AS ROAD b p, 0 0 D v SILVER STAR ROAD ' LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE SHEET 1 OF 2 PRAIRIE LAKE VILLAGE, PHASE 1 DEDICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the Corporation named below, being the owner in fee simple of the lands described in the fore- going caption to this plat, hereby dedicates said lands and plot for the uses and purposes therein expressed and dedicates the easements and_^ rights -of -way ______ shown hereon to the perpetual use of the public. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused these presents to be signed by the officer named below and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto on January 17x 1996 ROYAL VISTA HOMES, INC. BY: Louie DiMillo President CORPORATE SEAL Signed and sealed in the presence of: f �135 S1L�/EST�I STATE OF_ F�?zL29__ COUNTY OF _0JRALQ_0_E______-____ THIS IS TO ;ERTIFY, That ___-___-_ before me, an officer duly authorized to take acknowledgments in the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared LOUIE OiMILLO-- ___-- _ president of the above named corporation incorporate. under ;hie laws of the State of -______ ,personally known to me,or who produced _ _L•as identification, as the individual and officer described in and who executed the foregoing dedication and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his free act and deed as such officer thereunto duly authorized; that the official seal of said corporation is duly affixed thereto; and that the said dedication is the act and deed of said corporation and who did not take oath-, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and seal on the above date. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires CC483154 JOINDER AND CONSENT TO DEDICATION The undersigned hereby certifies that it is the holder of a mortgage, lien or other encumbrance upon the above described property, and that the undersigned hereby joins in and consents to the dedication of the lands described above by the owner thereof, and agrees that its mortgages liens or other encumbrances which are recorded in official record book 4623,page4060 and book4959, page 1741,all of the public records of Orange County, Florida, shall be subordinated to the above dedication. PEOPLES FIRST COMMUNITY BANK FORMERLY KNOWN AS PEOPLES FIRST FINANCIAL Signed, sealed and delivered in SAVINGS a LOAN ASSOCIATION. the presence of- By. n ] STATE OF .�L 0 Oe. rD Fl COUNTY OF OR�1 �2JG� THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that on // /s - 5'-_ .before me, an officer duly authorized to take acknowledgements in the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared ROAV, lcn A. Lu-pcH and respectively, as A VP and of the above named corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of H t personally knownto me, or who produced D z- as identification, as the individuals and officers described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers thereunto duly authrized; that the official seal of said corporation is duly affixed thereto; and who did not take oaths; IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal on the above date. NOTARY PUBLIC -- - IRENE M. DESSEZ My commission expires: - i I PLAT • • 36 6GP PRAIRIE LAKE VILLAGE, PHASE 1 DEDICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the Corporation named below, being the owner in fee simple of the lands described in the fore- going caption to this plat, hereby dedicates said lands and plot for the uses and purposes therein expressed and dedicates the easements and - rights -of -way shown hereon to the perpetual use of the public - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused these presents to be signed by the officer named below and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto on _ November -14, 1995 SILVESTRI INVESTMENTS OF FLORIOA, INC. • G - BY• ' T GUSTAVO F. SILVESTRI Vice President Signed and sealed in the presence of: CORPORATE SEAL DIANA R K KEVIN COLLINS _ STATE OF Ft-�J12A___ COUNTY OF ------- THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That on- M t3�IL J+h �� 995 before me, an officer duly authorized to take acknowledgments in the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared -_ GUSTAVQ F. SILVESTRI_ _--_-__�.CjE_ president of the above named corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of __11-0-R-1 Tom__________ ,personally known to me,or who produced as identification, as the individual and officer described in and who executed the foregoing dedication and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his free act and deed as such officer thereunto duly authorized; that the official seal of said corporation is duly affixed thereto; and that the said dedication is the act and deed of said corporation and who did not take oath; IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and seal on the above date_ NOTARY UBLIC GAYLE ANN GRIDL Y N--, My Commission Expires __l21zr JQ7_______ CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the undersigned, being a licensed and registered land surveyor, does hereby certify that on 5-12-95 , he completed the survey of the lands as shown in the fore- going plat or plan; that said plat is a correct representation of the lands therein described and platted or subdivided; that permanent reference monuments and permanent control points have been placed as shown thereon as required by Chapter 177, Florida Statutes; and thr t staid land is located in the City of Ocoee, Orange County,-Flarida. ChaHi;s R. Lbcklin Dated-_ /f/8L-95 Registration No., 2774 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR Examined and Approved: City Planning Director Date CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY CITY ENGINEER Examined _ and Approved: r �' City Ggineer Date CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That on the foregoing plat was approved by the Board of City Commissioners of Ocoee, Florida. City Attorney Mayor of Ocoee -_ Attest: City Clerks CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY COMPTROLLER I HEREBY CERTIFY, That I have examined the foregoing plat and find that it complies in form with all the requirements of Chapter 177, Florida Statutes and was filed for record on J 4ae .26 1914 at _!/ ',�,� i900 i File No.T65 90 Y-P County Comptroller `T in and for Orange County,Forida -r ` �l►�6�FP N PRAIRIE LAKE VILLAGE, PHASE 1 SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST I CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA I O Qr+ �4 12'01' I 0 1-4 O N87"01.37'W MAJESTIC L&f BL P� 3 PC ' w® 8.31' 48 N87 01'37'W 111.98, 49_ 0 50 100 200 300 0 SCALE: 1' = 100' � DETAIL A TRACT 'B' (LANDSCAPE) SCALE: 1 50' �Ic 5 O 3�. ]g f \ n c DETAIL B TRACT 'C' (LANDSCAPE) SCALE: 1" = 30' SHEET 2 OF 2 CENTERLINE CURVE DATA CURVE RADIUS DELTA LENGTH TANGENT CHORD CHORD BEARING A 825-00' 10'52'44' 156.65' 78.56' 156.41' N 81*35*15' W 8 180.00, 26-16'03' 82.52' 42.00' 81.80' N 63VO'51" W C 180.00, 3956'44' 125.49' 65.42' 122.97' S 69'51'11" E D 275.00' 2654b8' 129.12' 65.77' 127.94' N 76'43'23' E E 180.00' 2654'08' 84.52' 43.05' 83.74' S 13'16'37» E F 50.00, 9074550' 79.21' 50.67' 71.18' N 45-12*29" W G 50.00' 89-14'104 77.87' 49.34' 70.24' S 44-47'31" W H 825.00' 08-12'26' 118.18' 59-19' 118.07' S 82 55'24' E J 180.00' 09'W40' 28.31' 14.1W 28.28' S 71'4W33' E K 180.00, 15750'22- 49.76' 25-04' 49.60' S 59'13'02' E L 825.00' 02'40'18' 38.47' 19.24' 38.47' S 77'29'02' E M 180.00' 01 25'02' 4.45' 2.23' 4.45' S 50-35'20» E 1 1-3-7- i rJI 1 1 ! N LINE S 1/2. NE 1/4, SEC 4-22-28 20' TREE CONSERVATION EASEMENT 50 1 50' ll N 89.24!W E (SEE NOTE 10) 1160.BV q - - - - p 70.50' 136.41' 68.89, 1 D t 109.44' 140.86' 10.50' a 1 O 11 '`sue 3uoi N `�" 18 = 19 = 20 = 21 = = 22 0 M 23� N 12 13 = = 14 = = 15 = _ 16 = 17 -ain _ 1 1 C)Y o ? 24 • » " » 70.50' 14.26' 34 1��25' LANDSCAPE gyp© 11.80' Z 70.50' - Z 1 BUFFER M 7 in 73,.06' _ MAP_LE 731.06' LOOP_ N - --^PT ® 3?,5g' WALL ESMT in TAU N 89'24 36 E cv _ ' 7 54• O 227.69' in 277.02' 226.35' 177.02' N O� 31 N 1 4 gAD I ` Iv 7s� RAO /© N 177.02' 177.02' _ 1 Z 1 B �08 ` W O 88.84' 88.1 W e-TO35 88.84' ( 88.18' \' 35 $8.84' $8.18' ® 12 35 1 1- PC 25 000) O O 10 io P71 0 N o o ao `� 46 6 45 °D 0 1 w O I 0 } go 90 o 89 ou 68 67 1 S 8949'33' E I v y 142.21' °6 `o 00 04 25' 25 �; ,n 25' 25' 113.50' Di tD ID u7 113.50' 1 1 1 i[] 113.50, co 113.50' 25' 25' 113.50' 113.50' 113.50' 1 N 89'49'33" W S 8949'33" E o o i t 1 25' 25' 1 S 89-49'33' E S 8949'33' E ' S $9'49'33' E In un ' 1> 42 ; 9 3 S 89'49 33 E S 8949'33" E o b o a a 26 o n }_a ' *E I '� c3 88 � w o fig 0 to gg o 0 47 0 44 0 01 '' p '' 1 i 140.49' OI (5 91 0<D o W r- n n n - O V0 - r _ _ = ) 27 Ll_ 8 a _ S 48 z 43 i a � 1.i PC .� I 141.1s' , 92 87 70 65 W p - N , » » - - I 28 - Lq ' 1 0 1 7 00 = 0 z _ w e In a = _ 49 • = N 421. [O n 1 142-39' w' 93 w Sfi 1 U) 71 0 64 I w " 0., Q I I N 89"49'33- W y r` - I - 29 = p Q' 94 85 �1 = 72 63 I 50 41 = aq aq S 89'49'33' E /y 143.61' W 113.50' in in O 113.50' 113.50' 113.50' _ 10 10 113.50' 3 113.50' 113.50' Z S 89'49'33' E r�i f b b S 89'49'33' E S 8949'33' E S 8949'33" E S 89-49'33" E a 89'49'33" Eo No � ,o 0 30 0^ 1 = I 5 a 1 0 0 0 C) o n vOi IOn v0. ,n In o 40 0 ,` r` N _ 0 95 0 a 84 0 1 0 73 0 62 '. 1 51 o n n » p m I 144.83' r` >` n n r ,n n n n n iA ' 1 n ,o w I N 8� -25' LANDSCAPE N . ., p - n r 1-� Q = 31 = 1 a l n BUFFER r~ I = _ at r N I i 4 WALL ESMT = = 96 = - 83 = ' = 74 = = 61 • I = 52 = 39 z 1 1 146.06' ' CA Lu = 32 0 383 �uO 53 n N=97 75 0 ob 747.28' » 1 �{ 1 O p O p O - O 1y p o z `� 25' N 89'49'33" W 1� E-� z p uy ►y--a 1 z o In 33 'o W i0VI 2 in Z 0 O W 1 = _ _ = H = ' ` 37 O 25' 25' n a ' 1 [-m, LANDSCAPE vi 0 98 0 81 76 59 W 54 n I 113.50' I BUFFER do Ou 113.50' -? O `� $ WALL ESMT �' 25'1 25' n 113.50' n U) " » ,. PT S89'49'33'E cD in S 89'49'33' E o 0 0 o r` 1 O `a F '� o o ,� LO lon "' 55 'Q In 36 O ©O 34 ,n 3 0 80 0 0 77 Q o 58 6 ono 29 1 Z O o TRACT 'B' 99 co n n '� n n 113.50' 122-42' NR 13 + •� n ��(SEE DETAIL A) ' © ,0 113.50' 1 113.50' 113.50' 1 tia Q `/ . 19 S 89'49'33" E 28 Cr, PC �D W z S8949'33'E w _ S 8949'33' E S 89'49'33' E _ S 89'49'33' En n O j', 20.,3PCC ® 0 7 9 0 25' 25' � o o (S 25' 25 n of W Ir 35 0 �, '3r , a %p I ' N cp S87 012`37"E + ,D 57 cD ID 56 a' 5r° 'k OD > O• mir25-1 S87 M'37'E 91.53' ' © 0 r I cD 7 8 o HIND O o+ vv 6 16 3 1Z'�1g �9 h lad• 5 TRACT 'C' 17 38.42'O \v 88.56 88.50, 77.68' `-(NPTSj co (SEE DETAIL 8) . O 9 �Q 2, IJ T 9 v' +�O 177.00' � '19LANDSCAPE 0*1 PT 88.42' 277.00' ]27.6$' PC � 1 1 2 0.6 50' BUFFER at W IQ 13 12 � ~�`� S 89'49'33' E 493.10��017 250' WALL ESMT,9 25. 125�y j O MAJESTIC 493.1o' ELM BLVD. �1s� 142.,8' / t `'' Z 3 14 i5 57.42' 70.50' 70.50' 30.50' 70.50' 170.50' 63.18' 18 y a� Ip5 ' 01�- I= j4543 �rJ•2 '}110 DRAIN. N8949'33"W 202.i8 �l OO -190 ESMT 108 Iqo109105" N on M101 r7 1021- 103 =104. �Q=106 0 o- I'07 F, n Zin CNI in 10, -6--�� Z =22 W r- tjF 80.00' 70.50' 70.50'- 70.5070.50'-41.44 97F Z:�:) N843'W S 89-49*33" E 211.50' S89'49'33"E 323.44' a N imZ150.5(Y 10UTILITY ESMT TRACT D r + ' 3 TRACT 'A' Li W (RECREATION AREA, ap !4 (RETENTION AREA , DRAINAGE EASEAAE" i` DRAINAGE EASEMENT) 4 o no N T o O U) T O O Z 231.52' 1072-79' •- ° S 89'22'31W 1304.31' S 89-22'31 " W EAST -WEST CENTER SEC LINE SEC 4-22-28 5406.85' WEST 1/4 COR r- " SEC 4-22-28 FD 1' IRON ROD CCR 17819 HARLING LO C KLIN (h ASSOCIATFS, INC) CONSULTING ENGINEER'S PLANNERS • SURVEYORS a5O COURTLAND 37PJ P ORLANDO, FWRIDA 32004 NOTES: 1. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE EAST - WEST CENTER SECTION LINE OF SECTION 4-22-28, AS BEING S 8922'31' W. AN ASSUMED DATUM. 2. THERE IS A 10.00 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT CONTIGUOUS TO ALL RIGHTS OF WAY. THERE IS A 5.00 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT ALONG ALL SIDE LOT LINES UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED_ LOT 100 HAS A 10.00 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT ALONG ITS WEST PROPERTY LINE. 3. TRACT A IS A RETENTION AREA TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION PURSUANT TO THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. THERE IS A DRAINAGE EASEMENT DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF OCOEE OVER TRACT A. 4. VEHICULAR ACCESS RIGHTS TO CLARKE ROAD FROM LOT 1 THROUGH 11 ARE DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF OCOEE_ 5. TRACTS B AND C ARE LANDSCAPE AREAS TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION PURSUANT TO THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. 6. THE LANDSCAPE BUFFER AND WALL ADJOINING CLARKE ROAD SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION PURSUANT TO THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. 7. TRACTS D AND E ARE RECREATION AREAS TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION PURSUANT TO THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. 8. PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF FINAL SUBDIVISION PLANS FOR THE PROJECT, OR ANY PORTION THEREOF, THE APPLICANT/OWNER WILL NEED TO APPLY FOR AND OBTAIN A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF CONCURRENCY PURSUANT TO ARTICLE IX OF THE OCOEE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE_ NEITHER THE REVIEW OF THE APPLICATION/PROJECT BY THE CITY NOR THE GRANTING OF ANY APPROVALS IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH REVIEW SHALL BE CONSTRUED TO GRANT THE APPLICANT/OWNER ANY ENTITLEMENT TO OBTAIN A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF CONCURRENCY WITH RESPECT TO ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE PROJECT OR TO CREATE ANY EXEMPTION FROM THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE IX OF THE OCOEE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. 9. THE CITY IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS, PROVISIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF F.S. CHAPTER 163 CONSERNING MORATORIUMS OF THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. THE CITY HAS NO LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO EXEMPT ANY PRIVATE ENTITY, OR ITSELF, FROM THE APPLICATION OF SUCH STATE LEGISLATION AND NOTHING HEREIN SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS SUCH AN EXEMPTION. 10. THERE IS A 20 FOOT TREE CONSERVATION EASEMENT ALONG THE REAR OF LOTS 11 THROUGH 24, INCLUSIVE, IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF OCOEE. TREE REMOVAL IS PROHIBITED WITHIN THE TREE CONSERVATTION EASEMENT. ANY DRAINAGE WITHIN THE TREE CONSERVATION EASEMENT MUST BE COMPATIBLE WITH THE CONTINUED SURVIVAL OF TREES EXISTING AT THE TIME OF RECORDING OF THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS AND BE APPROVED BY THE CITY OF OCOEE. PLAT CURVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1� 11 18 19 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 E 10-55 r�4' S 89-49'33" E 280.00' 258.11' TRACT EB rN� (IV1 O L:� .-- ss704b9'w N89.49'33"W N__ Z 20.00' ti Y r d S89'49�33'E �b �0 00 89.89 Io. - '� rn 0 25'00'51" 127.78' R = 55.00' 9.69NW49'33'W L - 24.01' ' N89'49'33'W a, C8 - S33'04 46s W r_,� 70.50, 0010'2rW 27.0(f 3 S89'49'3YE 'Ion N (do Y N 320.84' : S 89'22'31- W POINT OF BEGINNING POINT OF COMMENCEMENT EAST 1/4 COR SEC 4-22-28 FD 6x6 CM CCR #23023 36 CURVE DATA 70 PAGE RADIUS DELTA LENGTH CHORD 25.00' 881)2'50' 38.42' 34.75' 875.00' 06'19'45' 96.66' 96.61' 25.00' 99'16'36" 43.32' 38.10, 25.00 91*48'16" 40.06' 35.91' 25.00' 87*12'03" 38.05' 34.48' 25.00' 58-11'39' %5.39, 24.31' 25.00' 123 39' 48' 53.96, 44.08' 215.00' 1536'41' 58.5B' 58.40' 145.00' 47'25'02' 120.00' 116.60' 14�;.00' 27'12'47' 68.87' 68.22' 145.00' 20-12'15' 51.13' 50.87' 225.00' 33-39'48" 132.20' 130.30' 225.00' 11'51'28" 46.57' 46.48' 225.00' 18'28'24" 72.54' 72.23' 225.00' 03-19,56" 13.09' 13.08' 25.00' 90-00,00" 39.27' 35.36' 300.00' 2654'08' 140.86' 139.57' 300.00' 12'32'12" 65.64' 65.51' 300-00' 12 '48'47' 67.09' 66.95' 300.00' 00-09'17- }.81 0.81' 250.00' 26 54'08' 117.38' 116.31: 250.00' 0228*48' 10.82' 10.32 250.00' 24*25*20' 106.56' 105.76, 25.00' 88'36'41" 38.66' 34.92' 25.00' 92'27'26" 40.34' 36.11' 155.00' 2426'42' 66.13' 65.63' 205.00' 2530'49" 91.29' 90.53' 205.00' 0832'44' 30.57' 30.54' 205.00' 16'58'05" 60.71' 60.49' 25.00' 90-45'50' 39.60' 35.59' 7:i_00' 90'45'50' 118.81' 1D6.77' 75.00' 16'32'29" 21.65' 21.58' 75.00' 41 *16'50" 54.04' 52.88' 75.00' 3256*32' 43.12' 42.53' 25.00' 89'14' 10" 38.94' 35.12, 75.00' 89'14'10' 116.81' 105.36, 75.00' 3423'55' 45.03' 44.35' 75.00' 41-16'50' 54.04' 52.88' 75.0C' 13'33'24" 17.75' 17.70' 1959.86' 03 52'11' 132.37' 132.34' 1959.86' 02-57'46' 101.35 101.34' 1959.86' 02-03'42" 70.52' 70.52' 1959.86' 01'21'40' 46.55' 46.55' 300.non, 01-23'52' 7.32' 7.32' 10.00, 90'00'00' 15.71' 14.14' 10.00' 90,00,00" 15.71' 14.14' 835.00' 07-45'55" 113.11' 113.08, 6.20' 130'48'53' 14.16' 11.28' 6.20' 41 *25*13" 4.48' 4.39' 6.75' 66-54'47' 7.88' 7.44' 6.75' 113-05,13, 13.33' 11.26' 95.00' 2134'31' 35.77' 35.56' 170.00' 02"13'27' 6.60' 6.60' 225.00' 07'21'05` 28.87' 28.85' 3.30' 77'46'27' 4.48' 4.14' 3.30' 90'13'34' 5,20, 4.68' LEGEND ❑ DENOTES SET 4X4 CONCRETE MONUMENT PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT f 2774. • DENOTES SET NAIL AND CAP PERMANENT CONTROL POINT # 2774. '] DENOTES POINT OF CURVATURE, POINT OF TANGENCY, POINT OF INTERSECTION, ETC. (NO POINT SET) FC FOUND PC POINT OF CURVATURE PT POINT OF TANGENCY GM CONCRETE MONUMENT COR CORNER SEC SECTION ESMT EASEMENT CCR CERTIFIED CORNER RECORD RAD RADIAL NR NON -RADIAL CB CHORD BEARING L ARC LENGTH F RADIUS A =,t-N1FiAL ANGLE Pt s € OIN T OF COMPOUND 0JRVAT11RE P11C. P, 01T OF REVERSE CURVATURE f ':E .4 TERLINE cy) N O ,It N W 0- 1 8867FP1 R 1—A NOT PLATTED)� E ti > 2 010.3q' *bkv 81*35'060 W� ;r•7% r CD —7 0� un %A 1A L% 77 TALL M�APLE 1-091— ki:; to LIN cr) A 4 112 > OD lb I v >f 9 -P. > Zj -. DO Ln cp kA it 1c, > > co cn co (ID 71 Rio) 4� 11 OMO > > W 0) > 4� 0 AA 1, It > > 74 *4s, 91 11 co > NO > i5&n ti t u rm > > il"co 1-11 (0 >fries Q0 0� m 5 IT, Is I 0 ca -u cli 'd �'4 , 1 cr� 3l, to 4 > 6b > cp 4m At > > N. > > 9 16. 41 > > > > th c) C1 Ln R co n > cp 0, ( of✓ �T I -I "T Ln V, m > > 1 _ cr j 4— t is Ep ELM G��, 01 MAJESTIit �A 0 f , u > 0) > ch I &CiS,5"o :;5 0 0- - C3 G) N11 ,I, HH'I M vo X Olt- Z A (k z C) 0 > 7�z m------- Z 0 ;u IT! r Z 0 > z c!f. > m Q� E . ER-1 —A (NOT NMI r1cR lop L w -4 OD X CO 0 Q) V N _Tn -10 i ev Od, \Z x > 2 a) 0 'ZI 0 llzo� CID C3 rJi CO 00 /� L f 0 _—�40_,, > U 00/ 1-v I >1 I !_� lcl)� 00 > CD i=:7' 0 -4 > c? > J1 cn Zv NN .0 zd ear N, Ln Al 4% r) > lZ4 w 0 r) >1 0!5 2 It TIC I x x It 10 0 "JD tu Eol,U;� JIM .1W )> 0 7cp it N) L4 ch zm=_I 4 its t "0 cn 0 159 < 0 tA z /1 652 17' /091 0) > )> Q) lit 3\ LAL 110 0 z m sh j*q > 103 M pig M 7Q /> C) 4-- 061 136q.6q' Ey N 5q*53'12!'- e - a rI 104 q6 - 101, 103 c) 240+00 50' 50' T 34.q cp' -231 it "o JN� l " { 4i U3 4' 41 2'2 22 -2-2-7 --A Z L4 Qv, _4 CS N c) T_ 4P9 m ?w 7-_ T) m 210 m M > 73 Z ko > m 1 �� 2 JOB NO.: 8867B ENGINEER: DESIGN BY: L.M. DRAWN BY: R.L.L. DATE: 1�901 8867GIP SCALE HOR.: 1 SHEET 'OF SCALE VER.: 1 100 1 20 1 CONSULTING ENGINEERS HARLING PLANNERS I SURVEYORS 850 COURTLAND STREET Lu" C KLI N ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32804 (407) 629-1061 ASSOCIATES, INC.) 5 1/9/96 1 REvISED STREET NAMES FOR PHASE 4 1 /3/16 REV11E1 k IT 111111 FOR LITI 11` 6 'PRAIRIE SUBD LAKE . 3 10/23/q5 RE%415ED LOT aRAPES POR Pi-4A3C- I 2 5/23/94 RE-VL5EV P�k 5/20/q4 P.R.1C. COMMENT3 OCOEE, FLORIDA I 4/15/94 4'J3.0 PER 4/13/q4 PJZ.C. COMMElT5 & BLOCK GRADING PLAN --- N 0. DATE REVI&ONS Page 250 of 253 WEST ORANGE Serial Number 23-03753W Times West Orange Times Published Weekly Winter Garden , Orange County, Florida I 14141110 STATE OF FLORIDA Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Lindsev Padgett who CITY OF OCO BE on oath says that he/she is Publisher's Representative of the West Orange Times a NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING weekly newspaper published at Winter Garden , Orange County, Florida; that the 2493 swEer OAK STIIE, HT - CRAWFORD PROPERTY VARIANCE REQUEST attached copy of advertisement, CASE NUMBER: VR-23-02 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the OCOEE CITY COMMISSION will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3,2023, at 6:15 AM, or as soon being a Notice of Public Hearing thereafter as possible, at the Ocoee City Commission Chambers, I North Bluford Avenue, Ocoee, Florida, in order to consider the petition ofAiratuht Crawford for a variance according to the provisions of Article IN7, Subsection 4-9 of the City of in the matter of Public Hearine on October 3.2023 Ocoee Land Development Code, Action Requesteoh The parcel is located at 2493Soveet Oak Street. The Orange 2493 Sweet Oak St Comity Property Appraiser Parcel ID # is 04-22-28-6567-00-700.The ;tpl)lieiilt is requesting a variance to section 5-14A, and the corresponding Table 5-2 of Article v, of the Land Development Code, to exceed the maximum allowable impervious in the Court, was published in said newspaper by print in the surface area (ISA) I)yg.!)% (for a total ISA of 59.9%) for purposes of installation/ construction of pergola with paver patio at the rear ofthe house and sidewalk and impervious materials along the north side yard and rear of the house, representing issues of 9/21/2023 a, 19.8% variance. This variance is being sought for partial work done without to permit. Interested parties may appear at the public hearing and be heard with respect to Afflant further says that the West Orange Times complies with all legal the proposed action. The winplete me file may be inspected at the Ocoee Devel- requirements for publication in chapter 50, Florida Statutes. opment Services Department located at I North Bluford Avenue, Ocoee, Florida, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:oo pau., Monday through Friday, except le- gal holiday,,;. The City Commission may continue the public hearing to other dates *This Notice was placed on the newspapers website and floridapublicnotices.com and times, as it. deems necessary. Any interested party shall be advised ofthe dates, times, and places ofany continuation oftbese or confinued public hearings %hall be on the same day the notice appeared in the newspaper. announced during the hearing. No further notices regarding these matters will be published. You are advised that anyperson who desires to appeal any decision ruade, at the public hearings will need a record of the proceedings and, for this purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, vvhich Ili - eludes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing special accommodations or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the City Clerk's Office. 48 hours in advance ofthe meeting at (407) 9055-3105, September 2l,'2023 23-03753NAT Lindsey Padgett, I Sworn to and subscribed, and personally appeared by physical presence before me, 2 1 st day of September, 2023 A.D. by Lindsey Padgett who is personally known to me. Notary Public, State of Florida liff][Kol Page 251 of 253