HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-13-2023 MinutesOCOEE CITY COMMISSION Ocoee Commission Chambers I N. Bluford Avenue Ocoee, Florida September 13, 2023 MINUTES 6:00 PrE 19:4 \ I F-A I LVA =11111 -1111 111t1:1 2 alp -TWIG] 1119 r__T_AV1k4,T1 N CALL TO ORDER Mayor Johnson called the final budget hearing to order at 6:02 PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. The invocation was led by Mayor Johnson followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Wilsen. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a quorum present. Present: Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Kennedy, Commissioner Wilsen, Commissioner Firstner Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Geller, City Clerk Sibbitt, Finance Director Roberts, and Chief Accountant Hovanec A. Mayor's Announcement off B. Briefing by City Attorney The preliminary millage rate set by the City Commission and contained in the TRIM Notice 4.950 mills. The maximum millage rate, which may be levied by the City by regular majori vote for the 2023-2024 fiscal year is 6.9091 mills, such maximum millage rate having be determined pursuant to Section 200.185(3)(a), Florida Statutes. The establishment of millage rate between 6.9092 mills and 7.600 mills requires a two-thirds vote (supermajori of the membership of the City Commission (or 4 votes). The establishment of a millage ra between 7.601 mills and 10.000 mills requires a unanimous vote of the City Commissio I t Additionally, any millage rate adopted above the preliminary millage rate of 4.950 mills wou require notice by first-class mail to each taxpayer. The tentative millage rate adopted at th hearing will become the maximum millage rate which may be adopted by the City Commissi at the public hearing on the final millage rate. A unanimous vote or a two-thirds vote may required to adopt the tentative millage rate as the final millage rate. At the final public hearin 'the City Commission may adopt a millage rate which is less than the tentative millage rate. Tentative Budget Public Hearing September 13, 2023 C. Briefing by Finance Director Director of Finance Roberts announced the budget is balanced at 4.950 mills which is no change from 2023. She summarized the proposed budget and commitments for FY 2023- 2024, and provided an update on the changes proposed by the City Commission during the Budget Workshop. Highlights in the presentation covered: • Economic Highlights • Fiscal Sustainability • Budget Commitments • Debt Service • Incorporated Staff Changes • Commission Directed Changes from the Workshop • Changes Subsequent to Publication 1. Public Comments Mayor Johnson opened the floor for public comments. - Dorcas Dillard, Ocoee Resident and OYC Coordinator, inquired about the elimination of the $10,000 from the Ocoee Youth Council Budget, and where the funding was placed. Commissioner Kennedy addressed her question and clarified that the funding is not being eliminated but was requested to be moved into a new line item for scholarships. Brief discussion ensued on the scholarship program proposal, the Consulting Service Fee for the OYC Coordinator, and having the Ocoee Youth Council Program overseen by City staff with volunteer assistance. 111,15 0 0-1 to reflect this change. She further voiced her contentment with the sidewalk budget being increased. Mayor Johnson commented on adding a part-time Cemetery staff member to maintain the cemetery, if it does not affect the millage rate. City Manager Frank confirmed it would not affect the millage rate. Consensus of the Citv Commission was to approve the addition of a Part-time Cemetery staff member to the budqet. Mayor Johnson commented on increasing the Discretionary Funding from $10,000 to $15,000. Consensus of the Citv Commission was to increase the Discretionary Fund to $15,000. City staff confirmed the millage rate would not be affected by this request. NOTE: RECESS (if needed) to recompute the proposed millage rate and rolled -back percentage increase. 2 1 P a g e Tentative Budget Public Hearing Septemberi AnnouncementD. by • DirectorFinance #••rts announced there would be no adjustments • the millage rate to accommodate any of the changes requested. Therefore, the proposed millage rate would remain at 4.950 mills which is 8.36 % greater than the rolled -back rate of 4.568 mills. 1. Public Comments Mayor Johnson opened the floor for public comments. No speaker reservation forms were received, therefore, the public hearing was closed. E. Motion to Adopt the Tentative Milla- City Attorney Geller read the title of the ordinance. I •-• _ • • • • •-r• •- - %- • ! M 0 SUM* • •-•' by • •ner Kennedv. Motion-• 1 i with Commission WizWizt absent. F. Motion to Adopt • • AttorneyCity - • the title of the i • AN ORDINANCE OF OF OCOEE, ORANGE C015UJ�, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A TENTATIVE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER1 i i , DATE.PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE Motion: Move that the City Commission adont the tentative budclet as distributed alonq with the revisions resultinci from the Budqet Workshop and as amended at this Tentative Budqet Public• for the fiscal vear beciinning October 1. 2023.and endinq September 30, 2024; Moved bv Commissioner Firstner. Seconded bv Commissioner Kennedv. Motioncarried 1 with Commissionerabsent. 3 1 P a g e Tentative Budget Public Hearing September 13, 2023 Mayor Johnson announced the public hearing to consider the final millage rate, and final budget, is scheduled to be held Wednesday, September 20, 2023, at 6:00 PIVI in the City Hall Commission Chambers. The hearing has been advertised in accordance with the provisions of Section 200.065, Florida Statutes, and Section C-37 of Article VI of the Ocoee City Charter. The appropriate Ordinances necessary to adopt the Final Millage Rate and Final Budget will be prepared by City staff, and all other action necessary to comply with the requirements of Section 200.065, Florida Statutes, will be undertaken. EMENEAMEW APPROVlt"D:.�-'.'' Attest: A, Q41, a Ut 7 lty Oc e ty ' RustyJohs ayor 41 P a g --