HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-20-2023 MinutesOCOEE CITY COMMISSION Ocoee Commission Chambers 1 N. Bluford Avenue Ocoee, Florida September 20, 2023 MINUTES 6:00 PIV CALL TO ORDER Mayor Johnson called the final budget hearing to order at 6:00 PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Hart followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag by Mayor Johnson. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a quorum present. Present: Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Kennedy, Commissioner Wilsen, Commissioner Firstner, Commissioner Hart Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Geller, City Clerk Sibbitt, Finance Director Roberts, and Chief Accountant Hovanec • "ll This is an advertised public hearing to adopt a final millage rate and finalize the budget for t1Z City of Ocoee for the fiscal year 23-24 commencing October 1, 2023, and ending Septembm- 30, 2024. The City Commission has previously approved a tentative millage rate of 4.950 milI.r•• which represents an 8,36% increase in millage over the roll -back rate of 4.568 mills. T advertised tentative millage rate of 4.950 mills is the maximum millage rate which may ted by the City Commission at this Final Budget Public Hearing tonig B. Briefing by Finance Director Director of Finance Roberts summarized the changes to the budget as requested by the CiZ Commission during their Budget Workshop and Tentative Budget Hearing. She furth announced the budget is balanced at 4.950 mills which is 8.36% increase in millage over t roll -back rate of 4.568 mills. The ad -valorem revenue generated at this rate will be used provide City wide services such as public safety and parks and recreation. I 1 Public Comments Mayor Johnson opened the floor for public comments. 11!11!1!!! Ili 11 iiii! F111111111111riffST1711-11MI Me, - Jim Moyer, Ocoee Resident, asked if some of the funds for the Public Works Department could be earmarked for signage on the North side of the City. City Manager Frank addressed his concerns, and inquired from the City Commission on how they would like to proceed with signage. Mayor Johnson shared they can have staff look into this request and verify the area he is referring to, and if signage is needed. MIII J September 20, 2023 - Brad Lomneck, Ocoee Resident, voiced that instead of the additional funds that were placed in the Discretionary Fund for travel of spouse and items of that nature, if they could create a travel policy and place those funds in a separate line item for that type of request. Mayor Johnson agreed with his concerns and expressed his desire to return the resolution to its previous state before the recent amendment. Commissioner Wilsen voiced her disagreement regarding taxpayers covering the expenses of spouses' travel. Brief discussion ensued on travel of spouses and intended uses for Discretionary Funds. 2. Commissioners Comments — Discussion and amendments to the Budget, as reflect below. i f' W. Amendments to Proposed Tentative Budget 33W= Motion: Move to amend the tentative budqet of the Citv of Ocoee as follows: removm- $25,000 from Discretionary Funds, to be reallocated back into the beqinninq cas balance fund (Reserves), Moved bv Commissioner Kennedv, Seconded Commissioner Hart. Motion passed 5-0. 1 Commissioner Kennedy commented on the use of Discretionary Funds and his reporting on his Commissioner's Report to inform the public. He further shared that his spouse attends all conferences with him, and not having her able to attend is an inconvenience. He shared his iupport in updating the travel policy. Commissioner Wilsen shared that comments were made during the Regular City Commission Meeting about the lack of planning on City events; therefore, she is recommending they discuss placing funds in the budget for extra events the City Commission may be requesting. Discussion ensued on the planning and funding of events by the Community Relations Department. Ot. Public Comments Mayor Johnson opened the floor for public comments. No speaker reservation forms were received; therefore, the public hearing was closed. Finance Director Roberts announced the final millage rate will remain at 4.950 mills, which is 8.36% increase in millage over the roll -back rate of 4.568 mills. Brief discussion ensued about the $25,000 that was reallocated back into the City's Reserves. Final Budget Public Hearing September 20, 2023 Co issioner Kennedy asked for clarification on City funded events. City Manager Frank addressed his question. Mayor Johnson inquired if there was still funding in the budget for the monument at Unity Park. Finance Director Roberts addressed his question. ..«a .I F&HIPM: City Attorney Geller announced the name of - taxing authority is the City of • •-- - rolled -back . •..'rate is4.568mills.- percentage bywhich the proposed .:•- exceeds the rolled -back rate is 8.36%. The millage rate proposed by the Ordinance is 4.9 /f :,. • §11 LI LCXAIi . 1. Public • Mayor Johnson opened the floor for public comments. No speaker reservation forms were received; therefore, the public hearing was closed. • ' r• ♦ • • a . a- �' i r 3 1 P a g e MMMrrIr gT�-W'#W7MTwaTnwsm September 20, 2023 F. Adoption of Final Budget �- ' I City Attorney Geller read the title of the ordinance. A W A I W NOITA I IJ to 1. Public Comments Mayor Johnson opened the floor for public comments. No speaker reservation forms we MA received; therefore, the public hearing was closed. I Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2023-17, approvinc . t fr the Fisci •i a final budq eo Year beqinninq October 1, 2023, and endinq September 30, 2024. Moved Comm issioner'Fi rstner, seconded bv Commissioner Hart. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Johnson thanked City staff for the budget and the work they have completed this past fiscal year. ADJOURNMENT Th'e'meetina was adjourned at 6:34 PM. APP�ROVED: ry Attest: L�0-0:dA L Amlo� 66�a'4) PrIC:fin Ck'71 QIC'rK Cit of ®co q" e� Rusty �John r9, , ayor 3��