HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-03-2023 MinutesOCOEE CITY COMMISSION
Ocoee Commission
Chambers 1 N. Bluford
Ocoee, Florida
October 3, 2023 MINUTES 6:15 PM
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 PM in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. A moment of silence was observed as a tribute, to the late Jean Grafton, who faithfully
served as City Clerk for more than thirty years. The invocation was led by Commissioner Hart,
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Kennedy. Recording
Clerk Landry called the roll and declared a quorum present.
Present: Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Kennedy, Commissioner Wilsen, Commissioner
Firstner, Commissioner Hart
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Geller, Recording Clerk Landry
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The following persons addressed the City Commission:
- Larry Johnson, Ocoee Resident, expressed concerns about the lift station located at the
corner of Security Circle & Lakewood Ave. City Manager Frank addressed his concerns and
offered to follow up on the matter.
- Jim Moyer, Ocoee Resident, shared his enthusiasm about being appointed Chair to the
Human Relations Diversity Board (HRDB). He then gave a brief overview of the board's historical
background and shared the Board's mission statement.
- Shaunte Jemison, President & CEO of Re -Imagine Communities, presented a flyer
highlighting their program to promote student literacy by encouraging adults to participate in
reading to children regularly.
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Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Aqenda Item #1 -9 with Items #3 and #9 beinq
for discussion and separate Gonsideration. pull
Moved bv Commissioner Wilsen, seconded bv Commissioner Hart; Motion carried 5-0.
1 . Approval of Minutes from the Tentative Budget Hearing held September 13, 2023,
Requiar City Commission Meeting held September 19, 2023, and Final BudgetHearing,
hel� Septenber 20, 2023, (City Clerk Sibbitt)
Regular City Commission MeetirE
#ctober 3, 2023 M
2. Approval of New Appointment to the General Employees' Pension Board of Trustees.
(City Clerk Sibbitt)
3. Approval of Resolution Relating to City Commission Non -Local Travel Reimbursement
Policy, (City Manager Frank)
Commissioner Hart voiced his stance and elaborated on his support for reimbursing
non -local travel expenses for spouses. Commissioner Wilsen conveyed her viewpoint
and explained that she does not believe taxpayers should bear the cost of spouse
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Acienda Item #3. Moved bv Commissioner
KennedV, seconded bV Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 4-1 with
Commissioner Wilsen opposinq.
4. Approval of Road Closure for the Crossing Guard's Christmas Party - Sleepy Harbour
Drive. (Development Services Director Rumer)
5. Approval of Ocoee Village Center Non -Substantial Amendment to PUD. (Development
Services Director Rumer)
6. Approval of Grant Funding for the Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety High Visibility
Enforcement and Support Program. (Police Chief Plasencia)
7. Approval of Change Order No. 3 for Contract ITB #21-008 Downtown Master
Stormwater Pond & Park. (Public Works Director Krug)
8. Approval to Surplus and Replace Stand-by Generator for Ocoee Police Station. (Public
Works Director Krug)
9. Approval of Magnolia Reserve Townhome Large Scale Final Subdivision Plan (LS-
2022-016). (Zoning Manager Whitfield) Caroline spoke on behalf of the
ifflotion:-01jove for denial of Consent Aqenda Item # 9. Moved bv Commission
Kennedv. After discussion, motion withdrawn.
Carolyn Haslam, Ackerman LLP, expressed gratitude to the staff for their diligent work
with her client since the last meeting. Shared details of the standard review process and
conveyed her client's legal position, emphasizing that they meet all the necessary
requirements while alluding to potential repercussions should the plan not receive
Commissioner Kennedy raised questions regarding the Staff comments, pointing out
some inconsistencies. Carolyn Hasiam responded to his inquiries. Development
Services Director Rumer provided a more in-depth response concerning the Staff
comments in question.
Commissioner Kennedy read a section of the Staff Report and voiced his disagreement,
underlining the fact that numerous community members have expressed opposition to
this development. Furthermore, he called for a change in the process, specifically
21 P a g e
OGtober 3, 2023
requesting staff's recommendations on improving community involvement, notice
distribution, and community engagement moving forward. Development Services
Director Rumer clarified the current process for noticing projects and provided a full
background for the comments that were read.
Mayor Johnson turned to the City Attorney for legal direction. City Attorney Geller
addressed his concern and explained that legal action could be forthcoming should the
Commission deny this development as all legal requirements have been satisfied.
Following the guidance provided by the City Attorney, Commissioner Kennedy withdrew
his motion.
Mayor Johnson opened the floor for public comments, as no speaker forms were
received he brought it back to the dais.
Mayor Johnson expressed understanding for those who opposed the new development
and urged the developer to collaborate with the neighboring community to address any
concerns. Additionally, he emphasized the City's legal obligations in this matter.
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seconded bv Commissioner Hart; Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Kennedv
10. First Reading of Ordinance for The Backyard Annexation & Rezoning from County A -I.
to City C-2 - AX-07-28-06 & RZ-23-07-06. (Zoning Manager Whitfield)
City Attorney Geller read the title of the ordinances, and it was announced this will be
presented as a second reading and public hearing at the next scheduled City
Commission meeting on October 17, 2023, at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
11. First Reading of Ordinance for FY 2024 Budget Amendment. (Finance Director
City Attorney Geller read the title of the ordinances, and it was announced this will be
presented as a second reading and public hearing at the next scheduled City
Commission meeting on October 17, 2023, at 6:15 PIVI or soon thereafter.
12. First Reading of Ordinance Approving of Proposed Amendments to the City Charter to
be Placed on the 2024 General Election Ballot. (City Attorney Geller)
City Attorney Geller read the title of the ordinances, and it was announced this will be
presented as a second reading and public hearing at the next scheduled City
Commission meeting on October 17, 2023, at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter
31 P age
Regular City Commission Meeti
October 3, 2023 1
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13. 2493 Sweet Oaks Street - Crawford Variance - VR-23-02. (Zoning Manager
Zoning Manager Whitfield provided a brief overview of the requested variance for
improvements on the subject property located at 2493 Sweet Oak Street, zoned R-1A (Single
Family Dwelling District). She explained that according to Section 5-14A and Table 5-2
(Minimum Zoning Descriptions on Permitted Uses) in Article V of the Land Development Code,
the maximum allowable impervious surface area (ISA) for residential lots is 50% of the lot area.
Furthermore, the applicant's request involves a 19.8% variance from Table 5-2 to exceed the
ISA limit by 9.9%, resulting in a total ISA of 59.9%. This variance is sought to facilitate the
construction of a pergola with a paver patio at the rear of the house and the installation of
sidewalks and other impervious materials along the north side yard and rear of the house.
The public hearing was opened.
The following person(s) addressed the City Commission:
Amanda Crawford, Applicant, 2493 Sweet Oak Street, Ocoee introduced herself and offered
an overview of the issues raised from her perspective. She then proposed a new idea of using
permeable pavers to contain the stormwater on her property.
Mayor Johnson asked whether the permeable pavers would address the issue. Zoning
Manager Whitfield indicated that they would not. Development Services Director Rumer
then provided a more detailed explanation for why the permeable pavers would not resolve the
Commissioner Kennedy pointed out that on multiple occasions, applicants have introduced
new ideas or changes to their variance requests during the meeting. He clarified that the
variance being considered is the original plan presented in the Staff Report, and encouraged
the applicant to formally submit any changes and collaborate with staff to find an acceptable
solution, Commissioner Wilsen expressed the same sentiments and complimented the efforts
made by the homeowner, conveying that she hopes a solution can be found that aligns with
code requirements. Commissioner Kennedy inquired about keeping the pergola. Zoning
Manager Whitfield addressed his inquiry. Commissioner Firstner praised the applicant for
the beautiful home and encouraged her to keep working with the staff to find a solution.
Commissioner Hart suggested reaching out to Homeowners' Associations (HOAs) within the
City to raise awareness about permitting requirements.
The public hearing was closed.
Motion: Move for denial of the 2493 Sweet Oaks Street - Crawford Variance Request,
based on factual interpretation of the code requirements, as Presented bv staff. and
Public testimonv related, Moved bV Commissioner Wilsen. Seconded bv Commissioner
Firstner; Motion carried unanimousIV.
4 11`1 ag e
Regular City Commission Meeting
October 3, 2023
14. Authorization to proceed with a Request for Letters of Interest (RLI) for a Master
Downtown Developer. (Development Services Director Rumer)
Assistant City Manager Shadrix provided a brief history and sought the Commission's
approval to proceed with the process of soliciting letters of interest from downtown developers
to design a space that aligns with the City's downtown revitalization goals. Mayor Johnson
inquired about the selection process. Assistant City Manager Shadrix outlined the various
A brief discussion ensued,
Motion: Move to authorize staff to utilize a two-step process for securinq a Mast%
40owntown Developer; Moved bV Commissioner Kennedv, seconded bV Commission%
Hart; Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Hart — Commented on the following:
1) Announced World Teacher Appreciation Day and encouraged citizens to take a moment to
recognize and express gratitude to all educators for their tireless efforts and commitment.
2) Reminded the community that October is National Hispanic Heritage Month, and noted their
vibrant culture and the numerous contributions they bring to our City.
3) Highlighted the significance of October being Breast Cancer Awareness month, shared a
personal experience, and urged everyone to stand together in the ongoing battle against this
devastating disease.
4) Thanked the community for the opportunity to serve.
5) Expressed gratitude to the Police for their service and dedication in protecting the community,
and encouraging residents to attend the National Night Out Event this evening.
1) Expressed condolences for the loss of Mattie Jean Grafton, shared personal anecdotes, and
conveyed appreciation for the significant impact she had on the community.
2) Announced the date, time, and location for the Unity Park Grand opening.
3) Reiterated feelings about Breast Cancer Awareness, shared a personal experience of losing
his mother to breast cancer, and encouraged everyone to actively support the fight against the
disease by donating to research to help eradicate this terrible disease.
1) Expressed a heartfelt condolence on the passing of Jean Grafton.
2) Encouraged citizens to participate in the National Night Out Event hosted by the Ocoee Police
I J I I ItIffIrflisslorl 11
October 3, 2023
3) Noted the various volunteer boards and urged interested individuals to reach out to the City
for further information and involvement opportunities.
4) Announced the return of Family Movie Night and provide the date, time, and location.
1) Shared that he is the Commission Liaison to the Citizens Advisory Council for Ocoee Police
Department (CACOPD) and expressed his intention to attend the National Night Out Event after
the meeting to thank the volunteers for their participation.
2) Explained that the City organizes a yearly Volunteer Appreciation Dinner to honor volunteer
board members and urged them to participate, emphasizing the City's appreciation for their
commitment to serving the community.
3) Recalled Mr. Moyer's comments and agreed that the City needs to ensure that each board's
Mission Statement is being fulfilled,
4) Shared a significant and personal upcoming event, his wedding anniversary, and expressed
gratitude to his wife for her unwavering support.
1) Expressed condolences upon the passing of Mattie Jean Grafton, shared personal stories,
and expressed gratitude for the substantial influence she had on the community. He provided
the memorial service date, time, and location.
2) Discussed a grievance he had received regarding school traffic, elaborating on the issues
caused by the student car rider line that stretches from Lafayette Street onto Bluford Ave, resulting
in traffic congestion. City Manager Frank addressed his concern.
3) Asked for a status update on the downtown traffic sign. City Manager Frank addressed his
inquiry and confirmed that it had been ordered.
4) Inquired about the current status of the traffic light installation at the intersection of Ingram
Road & Clarcona-Ocoee Road. City Manager Frank offered to provide an update by email.
5) Shared that the Clarke Rd widening project has commenced.
6) Inquired about the trees out front.
7) Announced the next City Commission meeting is scheduled for October 17, 2023.
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Rusty Jol n, Mayor