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Item 24 Approval of 429 Business Center Phase II East Large Scale Final Site Plan and Development Agreement
Meeting Date: December 5, 2023 Item #: 24 Contact Name: Anoch Whitfield Department Director: Michael Rumer Contact Number: Ext. 1016 City Manager: Robert Frank Background Summary: The property is located on the east side of the canal and west side of Ocoee Apopka Road, approximately 1,275 feet north of the intersection of Palm Drive and Ocoee Apopka Road. The property consists of approximately 11.23 acres of undeveloped land and is within Commission District 3, the SR 429 Overlay District Business Center Character Area, and the Wekiva Study Area. The table below lists the future land use designations, zoning classifications, and existing land uses of the surrounding parcels. Direction Future Land Use Zoning Classification Existing Land Use North Light Industrial 1-1 Vacant South Commercial R-1A & County A-2 Stormwater pond & Residential East Commercial & Low Density Residential C-1, R-1AAA & County A- 1 Vacant and Office West Light Industrial 1-1 & County R-1A Vacant On September 20, 2022, the City approved the Large -Scale Preliminary Site Plan for the 429 Business Center Phase 11 - East Development, which consists of 126,809 SF of light industrial and flex warehouse space comprised of two (2) 45,190 SF buildings in the rear and one (1) 36,429 SF building in the front facing Ocoee Apopka Road. The 429 Business Center Phase II East Development is part of a larger development, which includes the 429 Business Center Phase II - West Development located on the west side of the canal. The site will have two (2) access points. One access point is via a new east -west road along the north side of the subject property, connecting to Ocoee Apopka Road. This new roadway consists of a 50-foot right-of-way, to be designed and constructed to City standards and dedicated to the City. It is consistent with the transportation vision for the Business Character District and will also provide transportation access to the adjacent 429 Business Center Phase II West. The second access point will be directly off of Ocoee Apopka Road near the southern portion of the site. Stormwater will be provided on -site at the rear of the property adjacent to the canal, and water and sewer City of Ocoee - 1 N. Bluford Avenue - Ocoee, Florida 34761 Page 492 of 593 utility services will be provided by the City. Approval of this final site plan is in conjunction with a Development Agreement. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Large -Scale Final Site Plan for the 429 Business Center Phase 11 East Development located at 450 Ocoee Apopka Road, assigned parcel ID number 18-22-28-0000-00-006? Recommendations: Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Large Scale Final Site Plan for the 429 Business Center Phase 11 East Development, located at 450 Ocoee Apopka Road and assigned parcel ID number 18-22-28-0000-00-006, and execute the associated Development Agreement. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Aerial 429 Center East 3. East Zoning Map 4. Civil Plans 5. Landscape Plans 6. Building Elevations 7. 429 Business Center Ph 11 East DevAgreement(1537881491.6) Financial Impacts: None Type of Item: Consent City of Ocoee - 1 N. Bluford Avenue - Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 - www.ocoee.org Page 493 of 593 429 Business Center Phase II East & West Cn 0 Location Map West ■ East Page 494 of 593 Page 495 of 593 429 Business Center Phase II East Surrounding Zoning Map Development Services Department 0 90 180 360 Feet Created: September 2022 MSubject P roperty Zoning Classification: General Agricultural (A-1) Suburban (A-2) Single -Family Dwelling (R-1AAA) Single -Family Dwelling (R-1AA) Single -Family Dwelling (R-1A) Single -Family Dwelling (R-1) One- & Two -Family Dwelling (R-2) No Multiple -Family Dwelling (R-3) Mobile Home Subdivision (RT-1) Professional Offices & Services (P-S) Neighborhood Shopping (C-1 ) Community Commercial (C-2) ININGeneral Commercial (C-3) Restricted Manufacturing "& Warehousing (1-1) General Industrial (I-2) Commercial (PUD) Low Density (PUD) Medium Density (PUD) High Density (PUD) Public Use (PUD) VAV Unclassified Page 496 of 593 memmRams - -Mail, 11 C000 COVER SHEET Si BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY S2 BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY Cool GENERAL NOTES Cloo SITE PLAN C200 EROSION CONTROL & DEMOLITION PLAN 00 GEOMETRY, STRIPING . PLAN C400 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN 40' : DRAINAGE GENERAL NOTES UTILITY NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH UTILITY COMPANIES PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY FOR DIG PERMITS, ELECTRICAL PERMITS OR OTHER PERMITS 1. ALL WATER & WASTEWATER MAIN MATERIALS AND APPURTENANCES SHALL CONFORM TO AND SHALL BE INSTALLED, TESTED AND CLEARED FOR SERVICE IN AS APPLICABLE. CONTRACTOR IS ALSO TO COORDINATE FULLY WITH UTILITY COMPANIES ON EXACT LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND ANY UTILITY ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS OF THE CITY OF OCOEE UTILITIES AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED. UTILITY COMPANIES SHALL BE NOTIFIED A MINIMUM OF THREE WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. 2. HORIZONTAL SEPARATION BETWEEN WATER MAINS AND SANITARY OR STORK SEWER._ WASTEWATER OR STORMWATER FORCE MAINS, AND RECLAIMED WATER 2. THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WERE DEPICTED FROM ACTUAL FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND/OR DERIVED FROM RECORD PIPELINES, AND ON -SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEMS. DRAWINGS. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONFIRM THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES TO DETERMINE IF THERE ARE ANY CONFLICTS WITH A. WATER MAINS SHALL BE LAID TO PROVIDE A.. HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF AT LEAST THREE (3) FEET BETWEEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN AND THE THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION AND TO COORDINATE WITH THE UTILITY OWNERS TO RESOLVE THESE CONFLICTS, OUTSIDE OF ANY EXISTING OF PROPOSED STORM SEWER, STORMWATER FORCE MAIN, OR PIPELINE CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER, REGULATED UNDER PART III 3. THE SUBSURFACE INFORMATION FOR THIS PROJECT WAS OBTAINED FOR DESIGN PURPOSES AND MAY NOT BE AN ADEQUATE REPRESENTATION OF ACTUAL OF CHAPTER 62-610, F.A.C. CONDITIONS FOR PROJECT CONSTRUCTION. INFORMATION SHOWN, INCLUDING WATER LEVELS, REPRESENTS EXISTING CONDITIONS AT THE SPECIFIC BORING B. WATER MAINS SHALL BE LAID TO PROVIDE A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF AT LEAST TEN (10) FEET BETWEEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN AND THE LOCATIONS AT THE TIME THE BORINGS WERE MADE. OUTSIDE OF ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED VACUUM -TYPE SANITARY SEWER. 4. ANY DIFFERING SITE CONDITIONS FROM THAT WHICH IS REPRESENTED HEREON, WHETHER ABOVE, ON OR BELOW THE SURFACE OF THE GROUND, SHALL BE C. WATER MAINS SHALL BE LAID TO PROVIDE A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF AT LEAST TEN (10) FEET, BETWEEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN AND THE BROUGHT TO THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER, IN WRITING, WITHIN 48 HOURS OF DISCOVERY. NO CLAIM FOR EXPENSES INCURRED BY THE OUTSIDE OF ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRAVITY OR PRESSURE TYPE SANITARY SEWER, WASTEWATER FORCE MAIN, OR PIPELINE CONVEYING RECLAIMED CONTRACTOR DUE TO SUCH DIFFERING CONDITIONS WILL BE ALLOWED IF HE OR SHE FAILS TO PROVIDE THE WRITTEN NOTIFICATION, WATER NOT REGULATED UNDER PART III OF CHAPTER 62-610, F.A.C. THE MINIMUM HORIZONTAL SEPARATION DISTANCE BETWEEN WATER MAINS AND 5. ALL MATERIALS, INSTALLATION AND TESTING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, AND FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF GRAVITY TYPE SANITARY SEWERS SHALL BE REDUCED TO THREE (3) FEET WHERE THE BOTTOM OF THE WATER MAIN IS LAID AT LEAST SIX (6) INCHES TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION. WHERE THE SPECIFICATIONS CONFLICT, THE MORE STRINGENT ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER. SPECIFICATION SHALL APPLY, AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER -OF- RECORD OR THE CITY ENGINEER. D. WATER MAINS SHALL BE LAID TO PROVIDE A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF AT LEAST TEN (10) FEET BETWEEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN AND ALL 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL SHEETING, SHORING AND BRACING REQUIRED TO PROTECT ADJACENT STRUCTURES AND UTILITIES OR MINIMIZE TRENCH PARTS OF ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED ON -SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM. WIDTH AS REQUIRED. SHEETING AND SHORING SHALL BE DESIGNED BY A STATE OF FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER RETAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR. VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN WATER MAINS AND SANITARY OR STORM SEWER, WASTEWATER OR STORMWATER FORCE MAINS, AND RECLAIMED WATER 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT ALL REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION PERMITS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. PIPELINES. 8. ALL DEBRIS AND WASTE MATERIALS GENERATED BY DEMOLITION OR SUBSEQUENT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE DISPOSED OFF -SITE IN A LEGAL A. WATER MAINS CROSSING ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRAVITY OR VACUUM -TYPE SANITARY SEWER OR STORM SEWER SHALL BE LAID SO THE OUTSIDE OF MANNER AT AN APPROVED DISPOSAL FACILITY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ANY AND ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR DEMOLITION, CONSTRUCTION WORK AND THE WATER MAIN IS AT LEAST TWELVE (12) INCHES ABOVE THE OUTSIDE OF THE OTHER PIPELINE. HAULING WASTE MATERIAL. ALL ASSOCIATED COSTS AND PERMIT FEES SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. B. WATER MAINS CROSSING ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED PRESSURE TYPE SANITARY SEWER, WASTEWATER OR STORMWATER FORCE MAIN, OR PIPELINE 9. ANY PUBLIC LAND CORNER, WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION, IS TO BE PROTECTED. IF A CORNER MONUMENT IS IN DANGER OF BEING ALTERED AND CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER SHALL BE LAID SO THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN IS AT LEAST TWELVE (12) INCHES ABOVE THE OUTSIDE OF THE OTHER HAS NOT YET BEEN PROPERLY REFERENCED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER WITHOUT DELAY. 10. COORDINATE VALUES ARE BASED ON A LOCAL GRID ESTABLISHED BY THE SURVEY. PIPELINE. 11. ALL REFERENCES TO PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INDICATES CONSTRUCTION INCLUDED IN THIS CONTRACT. C. AT THE UTILITY CROSSINGS DESCRIBED IN PARAGRAPHS (A) AND (B) ABOVE, ONE FULL LENGTH OF WATER MAIN PIPE SHALL BE CENTERED ABOVE OR 12. ALL PIPING TO HAVE A MINIMUM OF THREE (3) FEET COVER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. BELOW THE OTHER PIPELINE SO THE WATER MAIN JOINTS WILL BE AS FAR AS POSSIBLE FROM THE OTHER PIPELINE. ALTERNATIVELY, AT SUCH CROSSINGS, 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH, ERECT AND MAINTAIN ALL NECESSARY STRIPING, TRAFFIC CONTROL AND SAFETY DEVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE THE PIPES SHALL BE ARRANGED SO THAT ALL WATER MAIN JOINTS ARE AT LEAST THREE (3) FEET FROM ALL JOINTS IN VACUUM -TYPE SANITARY SEWERS, "MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES," LATEST EDITION, AND THE LATEST FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FY 2021-22 STANDARD STORM SEWERS, STORMWATER FORCE MAINS, OR PIPELINES CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER AND AT LEAST SIX (6) FEET FROM ALL JOINTS IN GRAVITY OR PLANS. PRESSURE -TYPE SANITARY SEWERS, WASTEWATER FORCE MAINS, OR PIPELINES CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER REGULATED UNDER PART III OF CHAPTER 14. MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC: ACCESS FOR LOCAL TRAFFIC SHALL BE MAINTAINED. IF, DURING CONSTRUCTION, ACCESS FOR LOCAL TRAFFIC IS CHANGED, THE 62-610 F.A.C. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE APPROPRIATE JURISDICTIONAL AGENCY A MINIMUM OF THREE (3) WORKING DAYS IN ADVANCE. MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC 3. ALL ON -SITE UTILITIES SHALL BE PRIVATELY OWNED AND MAINTAINED. SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH INDEX NO. 102 OF THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FY 2022-23 STANDARD PLANS. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY OF OCOEE UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 46 BUSINESS HOURS PRIOR TO ANY UTILITIES CONSTRUCTION. 15. REFER TO FDOT ROADWAY AND TRAFFIC DESIGN (FY 2022-23) STANDARDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: 5. ALL UNDERGROUND FIRE MAINS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 24, 2007 EDITION, "STANDARD FOR THE INSTALLATION OF PRIVATE FIRE A. TYPE "C" INLET (INDEX No. 425-052) SERVICE MAINS AND THEIR APPURTENANCES [F.A.C. 69A-60.005 (2)]. B. CURB RAMP (INDEX No. 522-002) 6. TAPS FOR FIRE, WATER, AND IRRIGATION LINES MUST BE AT LEAST SIX (6) FEET APART, C. CURB TRANSITION (INDEX No. 520-001) 7. ALL IMPROVEMENTS TO BE DEDICATED AND/OR MAINTAINED BY THE CITY SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CURRENT CITY OF OCOEE ENGINEERING D. CONCRETE BUMPER GUARD (INDEX No. 520-001) MANUAL AND DETAILS. FINAL PLAN APPROVAL DOES NOT PROVIDE EXEMPTION TO THESE REQUIREMENTS. &ANY DEVIATION FROM THE CITY OF OCOEE ENGINEERING STANDARDS AND DETAILS MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. E. CROSSWALK, STOP BAR (INDEX N®. 71 1-001) 9. THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING BOTH HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION, SHALL INCORPORATE WATERSENSE PLUMBING FIXTURES AND ENERGY STAR F. PAVEMENT ARROWS (INDEX No. 71 1-001) APPLIANCES G. STRUCTURE BOTTOMS TYPE "J" AND "P" (INDEX No. 425-010) 10. THE MOST STRINGENT STANDARDS BETWEEN THE CITY OF OCOEE AND FDEP STANDARDS. H. SUPPLEMENTARY DETAILS FOR MANHOLES AND INLETS (INDEX No. 425-001) I. CONCRETE SIDEWALK (INDEX No. 522-001) J. TYPE "D" CURB (INDEX No. 520-001) K. TYPE "F" CURB & GUTTER (INDEX No. 520-001) L. VALLEY GUTTER (INDEX No. 520-001) M. TL-3 GUARDRAIL (INDEX No. 536-001) (ALL NUMBERS REFERENCED ARE PER FDOT STANDARD PLAN INDEX) 16. AS -BUILT DRAWINGS, SIGNED AND SEALED BY A LAND SURVEYOR REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, SHALL BE PROVIDED PER THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS AND CITY OF OCOEE REQUIREMENTS, AND SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 3.01.05 OF THE ENGINEERING STANDARDS MANUAL IN THE FOLLOWING FORMATS: A. 1 PDF COPY B. CAD COPY DRAWN IN STATE PLANE COORDINATES AS -BUILT DRAWINGS MUST ALSO COMPLY WITH ORANGE COUNTY, FDOT AND SJRWMD REQUIREMENTS. 17. ALL SIGNAGE FOR THE PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE ADOPTED CITY OF OCOEE SIGNAGE REGULATIONS. 18. THE MOST STRINGENT STANDARDS BETWEEN THE CITY STANDARDS AND THE STANDARDS SET FORTH IN THESE GENERAL NOTES SHOULD BE FOLLOWED. 19. ALL FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONS WILL EXCEED THE 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN BY A MINIMUM OF TWO FEET (2'). 20. DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE WILL BE REQUIRED AT ALL PLACES WHERE PEDESTRIAN PATH MEETS VEHICULAR PATH. 1. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO STANDARDS OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ORANGE COUNTY AND THE ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT. 2. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ARE TO BE PLACED PRIOR TO, OR AS THE FIRST STEP IN, CONSTRUCTION. SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES WILL BE APPLIED AS A PERIMETER DEFENSE AGAINST ANY TRANSPORTATION OF SILT OFF THE SITE. 3. SOIL MATERIALS FROM WORK ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE CONTAINED AND NOT ALLOWED TO COLLECT ON ANY OFF -PERIMETER AREAS OR IN WATERWAYS. THESE INCLUDE BOTH NATURAL AND MAN-MADE OPEN DITCHES, STREAMS, STORM DRAINS, LAKES AND PONDS. 4. DAILY INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE BY THE CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF EROSION/SEDIMENT CONTROL EFFORTS. ANY NECESSARY REMEDIES SHALL BE PERFORMED WITHOUT DELAY. 5. ALL MUD, DIRT, OR OTHER MATERIALS TRACKED OR SPILLED ONTO EXISTING PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ROADS AND FACILITIES FROM THIS SITE, DUE TO CONSTRUCTION, SHALL BE PROMPTLY REMOVED BY THE CONTRACTOR. 6. ALL PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL MEASURES FOR ALL SLOPES, CHANNELS AND ANY DISTURBED LAND AREAS SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 CALENDAR DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADING. 7. ALL TEMPORARY PROTECTION SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL PERMANENT MEASURES ARE IN PLACE AND ESTABLISHED. & THE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ARE INTENDED AS MINIMUM STANDARDS. ANY EROSION CONTROL REQUIRED BEYOND THAT SPECIFIED SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS INCLUDED WITHIN THIS CONTRACT. DEMOLITION NOTES: 1. UTILITY LINES, CONDUITS, & STRUCTURES WITHIN EXISTING EASEMENTS SHALL BE LOCATED AND PROTECTED THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED FOR RELOCATION OR REMOVAL. 2. UTILITY LINES, CONDUITS, & STRUCTURES WITHIN NEW BUILDING AREA SHALL BE DEMOLISHED, REMOVED FROM SITE, AND DISPOSED IN AN APPROVED WASTE DISPOSAL AREA. 3. "BUILDING AREAS" SHALL BE CLEANED OF ALL EXISTING PAVEMENT, BUILDING SLABS, FOOTINGS, FOUNDATIONS, UTILITIES AND SEWERS. NO EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE LEFT UNDER PROPOSED BUILDING AREAS. 4. ALL AREAS WHERE PAVEMENT, BUILDING SLABS, FOUNDATIONS, UTILITIES, CONDUITS, AND/OR UTILITY STRUCTURES HAVE BEEN REMOVED SHALL BE BACK FILLED WITH SELECT BACK FILL MATERIAL. ALL SELECT BACK FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED AND COMPACTED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS AND THE ON -SITE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. 5. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH UTILITY COMPANIES PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY FOR DIG PERMITS, ELECTRICAL PERMITS OR OTHER PERMITS AS APPLICABLE. 6. CONTRACTOR IS TO COORDINATE FULLY WITH UTILITY COMPANIES ON EXACT LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. ALL DEBRIS AND WASTE MATERIALS GENERATED BY DEMOLITION OR SUBSEQUENT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE DISPOSED OFF -SITE IN A LEGAL MANNER AT AN APPROVED DISPOSAL FACILITY. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ANY AND ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR DEMOLITION, CONSTRUCTION WORK AND HAULING WASTE MATERIAL. ALL ASSOCIATED COSTS AND PERMIT FEES SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASPHALT RESURFACING AND STRIPING TO ALL EXISTING ROADS WHICH ARE DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION. ALL REPAIRS TO BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH FDOT REQUIREMENTS. 9. ANY ENCOUNTERED CONTAMINATED MATERIALS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN A MANNER APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. 10, THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT UNCHARTED UTILITIES MAY BE FOUND TO EXIST WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION AREA AND THAT CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS SHOULD BE CONDUCTED WITH CAUTION. 1 1, ALL CONCRETE TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE SAW CUT AT THE NEAREST JOINT IN REASONABLY GOOD CONDITION, SO AS TO PRODUCE A CONNECTION WITH NEW CONCRETE THAT IS FREE OF CRACKS, DEFORMITY IN SHAPE, NOTICEABLE VOIDS, SURFACE IRREGULARITIES, AND OTHER DEFECTS. CONCRETE GUTTER SHALL BE SAW CUT BETWEEN ASPHALT AND GUTTER BEFORE REMOVAL. 12, IN THE EVENT OF EXCESSIVE OFF -SITE TRACKING, THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE OBLIGATED TO INSTALL ADDITIONAL MEASURES. GEOMETRY NOTES: 1. THREE (3) FOOT CURB TRANSITION SHALL BE PROVIDED AT ALL CURB TERMINATIONS EXCEPT WHERE CURB ABUTS RAISED WALK. 2. POINTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN SET AT FACE OF CURB, PC, PT, CURB MIDPOINT AND INTERSECTIONS LOCATIONS. POINTS SHOWN ON UTILITY & STORM STRUCTURES ARE AT THE CENTER OF THE STRUCTURE. 3. REFER TO GRADING PLANS FOR LIMITS OF FLUSH AND RAISED CONCRETE WALKS. DISPOSITION OF WALK/ASPHALT INTERFACE IS PROVIDED BY SPOT ELEVATIONS. 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Telephone 407.478.8750 Facsimile 407.478.8749 Selby G. Weeks 56991 �I .a revision description date Al AGENCY COMMENTS 03.20.23 0 SJRWMD PAC 04.21.23 A3 AGENCY COMMENTS 06.30.23 A CITY COMMENTS 07.27.23 A" FIN A" drawn by: JD checked by: SW date: 08/05/2022 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 21TSGDool file name: C002-N0TES-EAST-21TSGD001.DWG RIGHT -TURN LANE PROPOSED 30'X50' R/W CORNER CLIP r� I AERIAL FIRE TRUCK MODEL PROPERTY LINE _ ,_,_ — — __ — — — — — ----'— '— _ — — 70 ROADWAY PAVEMENT AND SIDEWALK 'FUTURE a _ 6 CONCRETE ,. WALK TYP. TO BE EXTENDED IN PHASE _— LIFT STATION 1 -- 6 CONCRETE WALK TYP. , PROPOSED 30 X50 - ------ ----- R W CORNER CLIP I FUTURE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 4. � `fl 30.00 , 15 BUILDING SETBACK I - 226' w _ 105' — �O 4.... .. 8 ! �... ...... .. i DUMPSTER _ REFER TO ARC�NCLOSURE,� ITECTURAL I. .18.00.. ...20:00 r ANS ,FOR DETAILS _ \ 5. 53 00 — — --- a Northeast corner 1 /4 of Section 1 i Recovered 4"X4" Monument — No zLU cu z 0 385 Douglas Avenue Ste 2100 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Telephone 407.478.8750 Facsimile 407.478.8749 MATCH LINE - THIS SHEET 50' GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PER DETAIL, SHEET C600. )X�oe CONCRETE WASHOUT, REFER TO SHEET C600, FORDETAILS.. GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 80 ( IN FEET ) Northeast corner 1 /4 of Section 1 E Recovered 4"X4" Monument — No V" ' u"' y�. '" "' "` v C 0 0E " MATCH LINE THIS SHEET 0 DEMOLITION LEGEND NOTE: REFER TO DEMOLITION NOTES, SHEET C002, FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS rrn o SILT FENCE (REFER TO DETAIL ON SHEET C600) I o m �,® LIMITS OF CLEARING AND GRUBBING Storm drainage pipe invert = 120.77' (18" RCP) r/ elev o mI � / REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE �I m EXISTING POWER POLE AND OVERHEAD LINES TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED I1❑ El CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH UTILITY COMPANY TO RELOCATE EXISTING 1 POWER POLE, OVERHEAD LINES, GUY WIRES AND GUY WIRE ANCHORS. 0 ❑3 CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH UTILITY COMPANY TO RELOCATE EXISTING TELPHONE RISERS) o m ® RELOCATE EXISTING MAILBOX z LU LU CO) 0 UJ 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Telephone 407.478.8750 Facsimile 407.478.8749 Selby G. Weeks 56991 revision description date Al AGENCY COMMENTS 03.20.23 0 SJRWMD PAC 04.21.23 A3 AGENCY COMMENTS o6.30.23 A CITY COMMENTS 07.27.23 0 0 0 drawn by: JD checked by: SW date: 08/05/2022 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 21TSGDool file name: c200-DEM0-EAST-21TSGD001.DWG C •• Page 500 of 593 MATCH LINE - THIS SHEET aP o 0 L; CD 6" DOUBLE YELLOW c-I,I LnI THERMOPLASTIC i i •' 66 12 9, 18 YELLOW 45-DEGREE CROSS DROP CURB / STRIPES, THERMOPLASTIC. 0 / 3 Y/Y RPMs, TYP. 7' WIDE STANDARD 4" WIDE YELLOW FIRE LANE DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE 3' CURB CROSSWALK, WHITE TRANSITION „ THERMOPLASTIC STRIPING (TRAFFIC PAINT), TYP. (REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL TYPE F CURB PROPERTY LINE 3 ,�� t LY RPMs, 8" O.C. -_� _ � � .�.�� PLANS FOR DETAILS) � O - & GUTTER � 6 WHITE EDGE LINE, •�� THERMOPLASTIC, TYP. BOTH SIDES S�6� 1 -� S®6. --�5-5 1-L_- sO 10 - - - -. a S-6-- - - ---- - - - -- - 7' WIDE STANDARD CROSSWALK, Y/Y RPMs, TYP. - - _ I - ° WHITE THERMOPLASTIC -- . --- -- 6 DOUBLE YELLOW, 0 58 __ 3_. - � _ 6t IL-3 APPROACH TERMINAL Qc 40.00' THERMOPLASTIC o - - C CURB RAMP CL.. l--- -- __ -- 6 CONCRETE 59 CURB RAMP PER FDOT INDEX 536-001 57 „ - -- CURB RAMP TYPE "D" ® WALK, TYP. CR-F, TYP. S-1 TYPE F CURB & L CR-F, TYP. CURB, TYP. CR-F, TYP. GUTTER, TYP. 6' CONCRETE WALK, TYP. 1 -- ---- DROP CURB Y/Y RPMs, TYP. 7 WIDE STANIVARD O FUTURE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ��s CROSSWALK, WHITE 00, S- 1� �� Zi S-1 ��00 R55 0 S-1 001 THERMOPLASTIC R3S 00' GRAPHIC SCALE -- F ,5.L R35 00' 1 �, 50 j L3 0 so o 15 so so 46 ° 5 CON'CRETE WALK, TYP. _ o �„ ��� j _ _ , 9 - - �5° ; TYPE „D„ O' a 1 CURB, TYP. _LLJ x" Q LIFT STATION 1 _ C, L? _- erg a 13 • N ( IN FEET ) 4" WIDE YELLOW FIRE 00' 0 u cD CD' x `� z 53. <D DIRECTIONAL ARROWS, LANE ST IPING (TRAFFIC CURB RAMP CR-C lk�WHITE iTRAFFIC PAINT, TYP. o PAINT), YP.00 • Q -00 I W/R RPMs, TYP. S a «2 BUILDING WALL BEARING o x x 6' 1- 12'X20' ACCESSIBLE • CURB RAMP CR-C 1 6 .00 PARKING SPACE W/ 5' TYPE "D" 1 00 3.00 1- 12'X20' ACCESSIBLE ' - WIDE ACCESS AISLE. CURB, TYP. PARKINGSPACE W/ 5 W REFER' TO SHEET C600 o `�WIDE ACCESS AISLE. 22 O FOR REQUIRED STRIPING x 38 - - REFER To SHEET C600 S.. 2� AND SIGNAGE `� 32 FOR REQUIRED STRIPING 1L Q AND SIGNAGE • 2- 9'x20' C2 6 O - PARKING SPACES O , Cra W 2.0 0 i 43 - - °0, V) W ! BUILDING 400 5' CONCRETE WALK,' TYP. _ I 6 _ CD 45490 SF A © v 469LF TL-3 GUARDRAIL PER "' I Cd c, c� FDOT INDEX 536-001 BUILDING 'WALL BEARING " x x n CDn 6, O a _ Q CD I o coa 66 LO Q CD C1424 00' H N CL- -x -. o ° BUILDING 300 Q x W 4.00 DIRECTIONAL ARROW 36429 SF 0 0 Q (WHITE THERMOPLASTIC), TYP, O� 7 31 12' WIDE TRAIL 1,-41,-4 I �, ` � 6" WHITE EDGE LINE, THERMOPLASTIC O-z TIE INTO EXISTING EDGE LINE STRIPING ,I 1 TIE INTO EXISTING DOUBLE YELLOW STRIPING -6" DOUBLE YELLOW THERMOPLASTIC TL-3 APPROACH TERMINAL PER FDOT INDEX 536-001 ----- 88LF TL-3 GUARDRAIL PER FDOT INDEX 536-001 Northeast corner 1 /4 of Section 1 i 000 Recovered 4"X4" Monument - No CD C� lo 0 TRAILING ANCHORAGE PER i---FDOT INDEX 536-001 6" WHITE EDGE LINE, THERMOPLASTIC n Q L";C11) -< _ Q W 6 WHITE THERMOPLASTIC I 1 c7 1- 12'X20' ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE W/ 3 9'x20' V� 5' WIDE ACCESS AISLE. REFER TO SHEET 42 PARKING SPACES nr� 0 11.0' 11.0' 11.0, .. C600 FOR REQUIRED STRIPING AND SIGNAGE � � Al - a a I • ---- 6" DOUBLE YELLOW CURB RAMP CR-C `00 x 4 WIDE YELLOW _ CURB RAMP GR C X 1 04 O I " THERMOPLASTIC 6' WHITE L - r° 6 x � FIR LANE STRIPING. 1 _ 4" WIDE YELLOW FIRE LANE T ERMOPLASTIC o 00 LLJ,, (TRAFFIC PAINT), 1 20 _ STRIPING (TRAFFIC PAINT), TYP, i .. L" L° _ O 36 30 TYP. x - _ - _ o 1 O000 I o � i._ c2 O 6 WIDE STANDARD CROSSWALK WHITE TRAFFIC PAINT u, co ° O �- 24.00' 27.00' CURB - _ o �,, CRMG 4.00 I o x �,LLJ -. a, c, "' �' Q -< ° `- L 6'x6' TRANSFORMER PAID < 0 C" � v, 6 WHITE EDGE LINE, W r WITH PROTECTIVE 3-�- 12 X20 ACCESSIBLE THERMOPLASTIC a., - - BOLLARDS'. REFER TO PARKING SPACES W 5 WIDE � J 41 $ / cr CURB RAMP CRC O O �L � Q ARCHITECTURAL :PLANS a ID CD ACCESS AISLES. REFER TO o PROPOSED J n O OSED � ,� py FOR DETAILS. 00 SHEET C600 FOR REQUIRED00 - 04 Do STRIPING' AND SIGNAGE 24 S 2 POND . x o x 1x - • o -0-) - .i o 4 a . Z ❑ ❑ ❑' 3- 9'x20'' ❑ „ ` PARKING SPACES 0 ❑ TYPE F 1-- 12 X20 ACCESSIBLE � CURB & ', 'PARKING SPACE W/ 5' 35 29_..L 19 24 50 -6" WHITE EDGE LINE, GUTTER WIDE ACCESS AISLE. v r w REFER TO SHEET C600 O 65. 0' Q THERMOPLASTIC r FOR REQUIRED STRIPING 0 AND SIGNAGE CD � - - c„ 15.00 ' ' (O 1 (a z cry v) va z _ ,g, 5 CONCRETE WALK,' TYP. ' L� Li a 1 5 CONCRETE WALK, TYP. a -< Q1.4 p 0- � Cl- I 14 va v-a CD U-) Q, I Y/Y RPMs, TYP. ® CD 1 „ X x 4 WIDE YELLOW FIRE BUILDING 5©4 ° `� Q 1 O � � � 1 d LANE ST WING (TRAFFIC 45,190 SF t:. PAINT), YP, O o l a t c� H (� 1 4.00' � 4CD CD a a o O POSTED SPEED 00 23 O LIMIT: 45 MPH ' BUILDING WALL BEARING""""' EARING -1-' TYPE "D„ e . S CURB TYP. ' „ )) 2- 9'x20' -� Op' iZ' o 4' CONCRETE FLUME WITH TYPE D W - PARKING SPACES 34 CURB, TYP. O ENERGY DISSIPATER (TYP.) X O 2a O 75 � a� � S - � I 1- 12'X20' ACCESSIBLE W O " PLO _ I 64 TRAILING ANCHORAGE PER I, ORB RAMP CR-C -- {c cia O PARKING' SPACE W/ 5 a FDOT INDEX 536-001 DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE (REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR DETAILS) �000 WIDE ACCESS AISLE. Q __ TYPE "D"LLJ ' ° . REFER TD SHEET C60Q X C, CURB, TYP. _ - DROP CURB, TYP. BOTH SIDES -- S-2' `�' FOR REQUIRED STRIPING V, z ,I z -' S I AND SIGNAGE � _ Q � � 0 � 6 DOUBLE YELLOW o _ �, O 1 12'X20' ACCESSIBLE �_ ® o O THERMOPLASTIC o PARKING SPACE W/ 5' Q CURB RAMP CR-C o° .. WIDE ACCESS' AISLE.' v z - CD REFER TO SHEET C600 ° _X °O DIRECTIONAL ARROWS, 1 16 I x en _ „ „ `� x WHITE TRAFFIC PAINT TYP. L I a, _ >. L/ TYPE A CURB FOR REQUIRED STRIPING e AND SIGNAGE 0 I00p 1 - �- 00, O DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE 17 0 - S- S1 0 1 - C _ O _ S 1 REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL O ( � o 47 L 39 33 27 49 PLANS FOR DETAILS) 52 0 0 O O 56 I� _-- - -_ _. ��RE �A�E � S -1 O o S-4 � �53 a �O 55 TYPE „D99 __---� 6" DOUBLE YELLOW, CURB, TYP. - - �---__ - -- - -_ - _ -- -_ -- -- -_ --- THERMOPLASTIC PROPERTY LINE 4" WIDE YELLOW FIRE LANE 1 TYPE "D" 15 STRIPING (TRAFFIC PAINT), TYP. O CURB, TYP. 0 13 WI E SPECIAL EMPHA IS CROSSWALK WHITE THERMOPLASTIC MATCH LINE - THIS SHEET CD CD SIGNAGE AND STRIPING LEGEND: IR2-1_ DOUBLE 18" YELLOW -- _ 45-DEGREE CROSS STRIPES, R 1 - 1 S-2 �� CS- D SPEED 25 MPH SPEED LIMIT �S %D SIDEWALK ENDS A I Y/Y RPMs, TYP. �5�1� STOP '9STOP99 SIGN (0" NIGH HANDICAP PARKING SIGN. LIMIT SIGN, SIDEWALK THERMOPLASTIC. REFER TO SHEET C600 ENDS ORE SIGN .. PARKING BY INTENSITY GRADE SIGN). DISABLED FOR DETAIL. HERE 24" WIDE STOP BAR PERMIT 5- 0 (WHITE THERMOPLASTIC). ONLY O 1 S-3 TYPE 4 OM4-3 ALL RED RETROREFLECTIVE OBJECT MARKER DIRECTIONAL ARROW 1 0' 11.0' (WHITE THERMOPLASTIC), TYP. . W/R RPMs, TYP. I - 18 YELLOW 45-DEGREE CROSS STRIPES, THERMOPLASTIC. 6" DOUBLE YELLOW THERMOPLASTIC MATCH LINE - THIS SHEET COORDINATE POINT TABLE: Point Table Point # Description Northing Easting 1 PL 1543910.6622 479349.8818 2 PL 1543277.3463 479358.7295 3 PL 1543266.1641 478744.1312 4 PL 1543245.3059 478744.4087 5 PL 1543239.7325 478568.2968 6 PL 1543452.0710 478567.4965 7 PL 1543768.3363 478608.5606 8 PL 1543893.5667 478619.1453 9 BLDG. CORNER 1543827.1167 479239.1043 10 BLDG. CORNER 1543837.5848 479021.9301 11 BLDG. CORNER 1543567.6111 479025.7018 12 EDP 1543947.0865 479360.7412 13 EDP 1543819.7980 479361.7070 14 EDP 1543468.8144 479365.6757 15 EDP 1543264.4319 479370.4956 16 EDP 1543345.5138 479317.6033 17 EDP 1543326.6495 479255.8607 18 EDP 1543402.5082 479316.8070 19 EDP 1543504.4983 479315.3822 20 EDP 1543590.1499 479314.1856 21 EDP 1543665.1426 479313.1379 22 EDP 1543767.1326 479311.7130 23 EDP 1543422.2164 479254.5256 24 EDP 1543527.7823 479253.0508 25 EDP 1543643.3473 479251.4363 26 EDP 1543748.9132 479249.9615 27 EDP 1543315.3808 479106.2400 28 EDP 1543399.3726 479105.0666 29 EDP 1543501.3626 479103.6417 30 EDP 1543586.6593 479102.4501 31 EDP 1543661.6519 479101.4024 32 EDP 1543763.6420 479099.9775 33 EDP 1543317.2641 479097.8728 34 EDP 1543401.2559 479096.6994 35 EDP 1543503.2459 479095.2746 36 EDP 1543588.1876 479094.0879 37 EDP 1543663.1802 479093.0402 38 EDP 1543765.1703 479091.6154 39 EDP 1543316.3980 479035.8789 40 EDP 1543428.3026 479034.3155 Point Table Point # Description Northing Easting 41 EOP 1543540.2071 479032.7522 42 EDP 1543626.1143 479031.5520 43 EOP 1543738.0189 479029.9886 44 EOP 1543883.1232 478657.3731 45 EOP 1543855.7907 478658.0127 46 WALL 1543832.1487 478788.1501 47 WALL 1543313.5393 478795.3954 48 DUMPSTER 1543273.4671 478735.4658 49 DUMPSTER 1543315.2659 479183.2492 50 DUMPSTER 1543838.2565 479175.9425 51 CL 1543327.8932 479352.4360 52 CL 1543311.6699 479296.6912 53 CL 1543294.5321 479139.5345 54 CL 1543293.5073 479068.2018 55 CL 1543289.4632 478778.7291 56 CL 1543305.7311 478762.0002 57 CL 1543871.7166 478754.0931 58 CL 1543878.8740 479060.0239 59 CL 1543880.5427 479131.3476 60 CL 1543884.0223 479280.0771 61 CL 1543885.6635 479350.2310 62 CL 1543869.4613 478657.6927 63 EDP 1544397.0972 479372.1646 64 EDP 1543385.1415 479367.3196 65 EDP 1543002.3477 479376.3644 66 EDP 1543946.8592 479349.7485 67 EDP 1544187.3076 479354.5853 68 EDP 1544237.0069 479366.8726 69 POND 1543833.4077 478698.5588 70 POND 1543826.5074 478705.7218 71 POND 1543265.1619 478713.5643 72 POND 1543258.0676 478706.7864 73 POND 1543255.0505 478611.4472 74 POND 1543262.0185 478604.2259 75 POND 1543389.8437 478603.7069 76 POND 1543533.5339 478613.8987 77 POND 1543826.3060 478652.1081 78 POND 1543832.4798 478658.8957 0 Cn z' LU z 0 z uu t� 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altamonte Springs, Fl- 32714 Telephone 407.478.8750 Facsimile 407.478.8749 Selby G. Weeks 56991 revision description date Al AGENCY COMMENTS 03.20.23 0 SJRWMD PAC 04.21.23 30 AGENCY COMMENTS o6.30.23 A CITY COMMENTS 07.27.23 0 0 0 drawn by: JD checked by: SW date: 08/05/2022 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 21TSGDool file name: C300-GE0M-EAST-21TSGD001.DWG MATCH LINE - C401 CLAY CORE, REF R TO DETAIL, SHEET C401 FEMA FLOODPLA N LINE 0 LIMIT OF SURFACE WATER IS TOP OF DITCH. AREA OF SURFACE WATER WITHIN SITE= 0.3 AC �4 0 \\ 2 L ° 0825 SURFACE WATER °o o IMPACTS= 0.02 AC ,r 61 LF 24" RCP @ 0.30% f i i Iis GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 60 ( IN FEET ) STORM KEYNOTES: 01 CROSSWALK CROSS -SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 2% 02 REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR RAMP DESIGN GRADING & DRAINAGE LEGEND: a CONCRETE DUMPSTER PAD 4°° 4 CONCRETE WALKS 100.50 100.0o PROPOSED SPOT GRADE t MATCH EXISTING GRADE EXISTING SPOT GRADE PROPOSED DRAINAGE FLOW - - - - - - GRADE BREAK LINE 125,630) TOP OF WALL GRADE 124.93(131W) BOTTOM OF WALL GRADE E/P EDGE OF PAVEMENT ° ° ° ° ° ° ° FLEXAMAT TIED CONCRETE MAT SYSTEM ON MIRAFI 160N ° ° ° ° ° ° E]I NONWOVEN GEOTEXTILE PER FDOT INDEX Na. 1999 (2007) TYPE 0-E (OR EQUIVALENT) PERMANENT TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT (NORTH AMERICAN GREEN VMAX SC250 OF ACCEPTED EQUIVALENT). INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS AND TOE -IN ON ALL EDGES (1' MIN.) STORM STRUCTURE TABLE: D-01 TYPE PE V INLET D-1 8 TYPE "C" INLET E P= 120.37 TOP= 121.80 S. INV.= 116.62 N. INV.= 118.24 A A W. INV.= 117A9 1 c4o� D-02) TYPE "V" INLET E/P= 120.37 D- 99 TYPE "C" INLET 114�� N. INV.=116.53 TOP= 121.91 SE. INV.= 116.53 S. INV.= 118.44 W. INV.=1 16.53 "C" D-20 TYPE INLET D -03 TYPE "V" INLET W/ "J" BOTTOM 0 E/P= 121.35 TOP= 121.27 7 S. INV,= 117.60 N. INV.- 118,03 + E. INV.® 117.78 D-04 TYPE "V" INLET S. INV.= 117.28 i 1 - E121.39D-.2..i E.. IN INV.=115.5.97 TYPE C" INLET N. INV.= 117.49 W/ "J" BOTTOM �0 W. INV.=115.97 TOP= 120.64 E. INV.= 116.06 D-05 TYPE "C" INLET N. INV.= 117.06 TOP= 121.77 W. INV.= 113A4 W. INV.= 117.80 0 D-22 TYPE "C" INLET D-06 TYPE "C" INLET W „J„ BOTTOM W/ "J" BOTTOM TOP= 117.62 TOP-- 121.25 E. INV.= 112.87 E. INV.= 117.70 W. INV.= 112.36 N. INV= 117.20 KPT 73" D-23 30" MITERED END SECTION I (D-07 TYPE "V" INLET W/ ENERGY DISSIPATOR E/P= 120.96 INV.= 112.25 E. INV.=115.87 S. INV=116.74 (L- _24D CONCRETE FLUME W/ M INV,=115.12 ENERGY DISSIPATOR -� (REFER TO DETAIL, C700) D -08 TYPE "V" INLET INV.= 112.25 1 E/P= 118.62 S. INV.= 114.84 T=2 5D CONCRETE FLUME W/ ENERGY DISSIPATOR D- 2 122.00 - - D-09 TYPE "V" INLET (REFER TO DETAIL, C700) J 103LF 18" 0 E/P= 118.62 INV.= 112.25 CP @ 0.30% E. INV.=114.50 1 3.57 N. INV.= 114.73 D-26 CONCRETE FLUME W/ 123.15 M INV.=113.18 ENERGY DISSIPATOR (REFER TO DETAIL, C700) 01 D-10 TYPE "V" INLET INV.= 112.25 123.68 E/P= 117.44 "C" 30 123.26 S. INV.=1 13.69 D-27 TYPE INLET CONTROL STRUCTURE 123.42t ME D-11 TYPE "V" INLET TOP= 116.25 123.59 E/P= 117.44 E. INV.= 109.58 123.17 0 E. INV.=112.89 W. INV.= 108.43 0 0 ` N. INV.=113.59 BOTTOM = 108.43 SW. INV.=112.51 (REFER TO DETAIL, C700) D-12) 24" MITERED END SECTION D-28 24" MITERED END SECTION W/ ENERGY DISSIPATOR W/ ENERGY DISSIPATOR INV.= 112.25 INV.= 108.25 _D 122.37 D-13 TYPE "C" INLET D-29 TYPE "C" INLET E TOP= 121.58 TOP= 122.00 S. INV,= 117.85 N. INV.= 116.86 t D-14 TYPE C INLET D-30 TYPE "C" INLET TOP= 121.95 TOP= 122.00 t MEG N. INV.= 117.57 W. INV.= 117.41 D-33 �'41 LF 18" S. INV.= 117.57 D-31 TYPE "E" INLET 121.42 ` R P @ 0.30% D-15 TYPE "C" INLET TOP= 122.37 TOP= 121.33 S. INV.= 118.58 N. INV.= 117.22 N. INV.= 118.58 /\ � E. INV.= 117.22 z S. INV.= 117.22 D-_2 TYPE "D" INLET (BUBBLE UP) D-16 TYPE "C" INLET TOP= 122.00 TOP= 121,00 � INV.=118.27 N. INV.= 116.77 /3.\ BOTTOM (SUMP)= 117.27 W. INV,= 116.52 D-33 TYPE "C" INLET D-17 TYPE "C" INLET TOP= 121.42 TOP= 122.33 INV.= 118.71 S. INV.= 118.66 z LU LU 0 z UJ 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altamonte Springs, FI_ 32714 Telephone 407.478.8750 Facsimile 407.478.8749 Selby G. Weeks 56991 revision Al 0 30 A 0 0 0 description date AGENCY COMMENTS 03.20.23 SJRWMD PAC 04.21.23 AGENCY COMMENTS o6.30.23 CITY COMMENTS 07.27.23 drawn by: JD checked by: SW date: 08/05/2022 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 21TSGDool file name: C400-GRAD-EAST-21TSGD001.DWG Page 502 of 593 0 1') oo, EXISTIP SURFACE WATER LIMITS WITHIN PROPERTY ' I PROPOSED PAVEMENT (OCOEE APOPKA ROAD) TYPICAL ROADWAY CROSS SECTION "A -Alt N.T.S. wl zl w w 0 UNPAVED SHOULDER - o WIDTH VARIES, 6-8% SLOPE ix \/DIFC ARI�C MATCH EXISTING GRADE AT R/W LINE (OCOEE APOPKA ROAD) TYPICAL ROADWAY CROSS SECTION "B-1111 w z a Iw as 1� 8.00' ..� 3.1 120.0t(MEG)� f� N.T.S. 12.00' 123.03 1.00% 122.41t(MEG) 122.53 PROPOSED 24' DRIVE EXISTING PAVEMENT (OCOEE APOPKA ROAD) EXISTING PAVEMENT (OCOEE APOPKA ROAD) 0 11:11�C1 w• �� CONCRETE DUMPSTER PAD 4 CONCRETE WALKS 100.50 100.00 PROPOSED SPOT GRADE t MATCH EXISTING GRADE EXISTING SPOT GRADE PROPOSED DRAINAGE FLOW 1 63 T TOP OF WALL GRADE 124.93(BW) BOTTOM OF WALL GRADE GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 60 IN FEET ) Cn z' u Kell, LU 0 z UJ 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Telephone 407.478.8750 Facsimile 407.478.8749 Selby G. Weeks 56991 5.00" 5.00" 21.00" VARIES 21.00" 5.00' 8.50' Iz EXISTING DITCH TOP .- BERM UNDERDRAIN POND BERM OF BANK/SURFACE 0 WATER LIMITS TOP OF BERM: 117.25 : TOP OF BERM117.25 w 100YR/24HR PEAK STAGE: 117.41 10:1 MAX. TYPE "F" CURB revision description date p TOP OF POND: 117.50 25YR/24HR PEAK STAGE: 116.79 - AND GUTTER TOP OF POND: 117.50 y 10YR/24HR PEAK STAGE: 116.39 4 Al AGENCYCOMMENTS 03.20.23 4 MEAN ANNUAL PEAK STAGE: 115.50 2.0' 2.00' 1 1 PROPOSED 2 SJRWMD PAC oq.21.23 POND BOTTOM: 112.25 :�.0 PAVEMENT e 9 9 ) 9 ➢ 9 9 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7;87 7.87 MATCH EXISTING GRADE LIMITS - •. " ► " " ► " " . 3 AGENCY COMMENTS o6.30.23 OF CONSTRUCTION „. ... . ... . ... .., s. ,•;_ ,.:» CITY COMMENTS , C CO 4 O .2 .2 3 ENCOUNTERED SG S01LS ., . UNDERDRAIN REFER TO DETAIL THIS SHEET ,. LAYER ELEVATION VARIES � �. _ ��� s . .. ... 5' WIDE CLAY CORE. MINIMUM ESTIMATED SEASONAL AVERAGE -- 20% FINES AND MAX. PERM GROUNDWATER ELEVATION; 109.50 CLEAN ONSITE SAND BACKFILL (UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SP OR SP-SM (WITH 7% MAX. FINES 0 0.08 FT/DAY. MINIMUM 2FT CONTENT) AND HAVING A MINIMUM PERMEABILITY OF KH OF 14.5 FT/DAY) BACKFILL SPECIFICATION BELOW THE EXISTING CLAYEY NOTE: PER THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT, THE CLAYEY FINE SAND (SC) LAYER WAS ENCOUNTERED IN BORINGS APPLIES FROM ELEVATION 109.42 TO POND BOTTOM AND INCLUDING POND SIDE SLOPES. REMOVE AND AT AN APPROXIMATE DEPTH OF ELEVATION 112.00. HOWEVER, IF THE SC LAYER IS ENCOUNTERED DEEPER REPLACE EXISTING SOILS THAT DO NOT MEET SPECIFICATION. 0 FINE SAND (SC) LAYER THAN ELEVATION 112.00, THE CORE SHOULD BE EXTENDED AT LEAST 2 FT BELOW THE ENCOUNTERED SC LAYER, AS NOTED ABOVE. POND CROSS SECTION "D-D" N.T.S. Al drawn by: JD checked by: SW date: 08/05/2022 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 21TSGDool file name: C400-GRAD-EAST-21TSGD001.DWG Page 503 of 593 J 50 MATCH LINE -THIS SHEET 9+00 PI (OC STA 1+00 1 "=8' PROPOSED PAVEMENT (OCOEE APOPKA ROAD) STA 1+50 199=89 120.22t( 120.25t(EX) [3.4% ± 1 PROPOSED PAVEMENT (OCOEE APOPKA ROAD) Pf (OC PRIVATE CONCRETE Io DRIVEWAY APRON I� 20.32'± 119.97t(MEG) 119.97t(EX) 119s9 2.00% ± 2.00% ± STA z+00 1 "=8' STA 2+50 1 "=8' STA3+00 1 "=8' STA 3+50 199=89 EXISTING PAVEMENT (OCOEE APOPKA ROAD) 0.3 I STA 4+50 1 "=8' STA 5+50 1 "=8' STA 6+50 1 ,=8 11 GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 60 IN FEET ) GRADING & DRAINAGE LEGEND: CONCRETE WALKS 100.50 100.00 PROPOSED SPOT GRADE t MATCH EXISTING GRADE Cn zLU z 0 z UJ tJ' 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Telephone 407.478.8750 Facsimile 407.478.8749 Selby G. Weeks 56991 revision description date Al AGENCY COMMENTS 03.20.23 0 SJRWMD PAC 04.21.23 0 AGENCY COMMENTS o6.30.23 A CITY COMMENTS 07.27.23 0 0 0 drawn by: JD checked by: SW date: 08/05/2022 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 21TSGDool file name: C400-GRAD-EAST-21TSGD001.DWG MATCH LINE - THIS SHEET Page 504 of 593 STA 7+ 5 0 STA 10 + 5 0 Selby G. Weeks 56991 1 "=8' 1 99=89 Page 505 of 593 FUTURE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ® l�� 2 BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY. - (REFER TO C802 FOR DETAIL) - - - - - - - - - - - - i 1 AIR RELEASE VALVE 1 1 1 3" PLUG VALVE _ - - - - - - - ------ ---- - 2" BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY. (REFER TO C802 FOR DETAIL) 0 12" GATE VALVE 1 CD 4" GATE VALVE M FIRE HYDRANT 6" C900 DR-14 PVC FIRE LINE (PRIVATE) PIV (FIRE LINE POS) ---_ 352LF 4" DIP 460LF 3" HDPE DR-11� 1 '- r i 12"'C900 DR-18. PVC WATER MAIN (PRIVATE) / 12%8" TEE 8" GATE VALVE 12" GATE VALVE 8" C900 DR-18 PVC WATER MAIN (PRIVATE) I 0 6" C900 DR-14 PVC FIRE LINE (PRIVATE) 8" C900 DR-18 PVC - WATER MAIN (PRIVATE) 0 FIRE HYDRANT 12%8" CROSS (MJ PLUG AT UNUSED 12" LEG) 8" GATE VALVES (2) i �I �I 00 0 8" TEE 8" GATE VALVE 0 0 CONNECT TO 4" DIP WATER MAIN WITH 4%2" TAPPING SADDLE AND 2" GATE VALVE (2) M PROPERTY LINE ,1-3 HDPE DR-1 1 SANITARY 2" POLYETHYLENE MAIN (PRIVATE) WATER SERVICE (PUBLIC) LiFORCE 0 1.5" DOMESTIC WATER METERS AND 2" REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTERS IL 0 0 4" DIP (CITY) WATER 4" SANITARY FORCE MAIN (PUBLIC) MAIN STUB WITH 4" PLUG VALVE" r 0 4 O M 176LF 4" DIP 7LF 4" DIP 4" PLUG VALVE 3"x4" INCREASER A., T2" RESILIENT SEAT SQUA NUT GATE VALVE (2)� 3" CHECK VALVE J SANITARY MANHOLE 2 TOP=121.80 W.INV.=116.71 1 S. INV.=1 15.12 E. INV.=1 15.02 I 0 0 0 U A CONNECT TO 4" DIP WATER MAIN / WITH 4"x2" TAPPING SADDLE AND 2" GATE VALVE (PUBLIC) 2" POLYETHYLENE WATER SERVICE (PUBLIC) 2" RESILIENT SEAT SQUARE NUT GATE VALVE 4" C900 DR-18 PVC FORCE MAIN (PUBLIC) 46LF 4" DIP 0 1.5" DOMESTIC WATER METER AND 2" REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER — 108LF 4" C900 DR-18 PVC 4%4" TEE Z� _PROPOSED 10.5'x10' \ UTILITY EASEMENT 145LF 8" Z1 PVC @ 0.50% FIRE HYDRANT 12%6" TEE 6" GATE VALVE 8%6" TEE FIRE HYDRANT 8" GATE VALVE �� ' FDC PIV (FIRE LINE POS) 0 CONNECT TO 4" DIP WATER WITH ' 4"x2" TAPPING SADDLE AND 2" GATE VALVE 2" POLYETHYLENE WATER 87LF 4" HDPE DR-11 / SERVICE (PUBLIC) 85LF 4 DIP ,,— 3.50 TYP 4 4" GATE PROPOSED 6" C900 DR-18 � VALVE 10'x10' PVC SANITARY 12%8" TEE UTILITYr'�" FORCE MAIN $ GATE VALVES (2) EASEMENT (PUBLIC) AlF 1-1 6,; PLUG 3 -- VALVE 0 10„ 1 / 3 DDCVA 8 , 18" WIDE x 63" „ LONG CONCRETE PAD 12 x8 REDUCER PER DETAIL UT20913, 1 01 „ SHEET C801 (2) 6 CHECK VALVE -1.5" IRRIGATION METER AND 2" REDUCED PRESSURE 6" C900 DR-18 PVCBACK FLOW SANITARY FORCE PREVENTER (REFER MAIN (PRIVATE) TO IRRIGATION PLANS 3.00'MIN.- T ' FOR CONTINUATION). PRIV E L1FT STATIO d H '_W TOP=122.60 0 M INV.= 114.29 EFER TO PLUMBING LANS FOR WATER ERVICE CONTINUATION 6" C900 DR-14 PVC FIRE LINE (PRIVATE) 8" C900 DR-18 PVC WATER MAIN (PRIVATE) 0 wt FIRE HYDRANT 8%6" TEE 6" GATE VALVE �l W ° 18 PVC ° ;IVATE) . N 300 ° l Q U Q W Q HYDRANT „x6„ TEE ,4 TE VALVE 0 o w E � 0 1 ZI DIRECTIONAL BORE 4" HDPE DR-11 (DIP OD) WATER MAIN (PUBLIC) 0 12 X4 TAPPING VALVE AND SLEEVE APPROXIMATE LOCATION 12" DIP WATER / OF EXISTING 12" PVC MAIN (PUBLIC) WATER MAIN (PUBLIC) 12" GATE 1 VALVE 2 12"X12" TAPPING - 45--DEGREE BEND (2) VALVE AND SLEEVE GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 60 56LF 12" DIRECTIONAL BORE 12" HDPE DR-11 HDPE DR-11 (DIP OD) II I it PROPOSED WATER MAIN (PUBLIC) A ( IN FEET) 44'x10' UTILITY J EASEMENT u 1 60" WIDE x (LENGTH PER DETAIL) CONCRETE PAD PER) DETAIL UT210, SHEET C800 NFPA FIRE FLOW CALCULATIONS: O BASIS: NFPA 1, 2018, CHAPTER 1$ BUILDING 300: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: TYPE II-B (FL. BLDG. CODE) FIRE AREA: 36,429 SF MIN. REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: 4,000 GPM 0 SPRINKLER CREDIT: YES THEREFORE MIN, REQUIRED FIRE FLOW = 1,000 GPM TOTAL HYDRANTS REQUIRED: 1 (WITHIN 250 FT OF BUILDING) w PROPOSED HYDRANTS: 4 WITHIN 250 FT OF BUILDING w m BUILDING 400: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: TYPE II-B (FL. BLDG. CODE) FIRE AREA: 45,190 SF MIN. REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: 4,500 GPM 1 SPRINKLER CREDIT: YES 1,054LF 6" THEREFORE MIN. REQUIRED FIRE FLOW = 1,125 GPM C900 DR-18 TOTAL HYDRANTS REQUIRED: 1 (WITHIN 250 FT OF BUILDING) PV FORCE MAIN PROPOSED HYDRANTS: 4 WITHIN 250 FT OF BUILDING IBUILDING 500: v �p 45-DEGREE a 6" C900 DR-18 PVC PUBLIC SANITARY FORCE MAIN (PUBLIC) 1. CONSTRUCTION TYPE: TYPE II-B (FL. BLDG. CODE) FIRE AREA: 45,190 SF MIN. REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: 4,500 GPM SPRINKLER CREDIT: YES THEREFORE MIN. REQUIRED FIRE FLOW = 1,125 GPM TOTAL HYDRANTS REQUIRED: 1 (WITHIN 250 FT OF BUILDING) PROPOSED HYDRANTS: 3 WITHIN 250 FT OF BUILDING KEYNOTES: 01 CONNECT TO SANITARY SERVICE LINE AT INVERT 115.50 WITH 6" PVC. EXTEND TO SANITARY LINE @ 1.00 MIN. REFER TO PLUMBING PLANS FOR SANITARY SERVICE CONTINUATION. 02 PROVIDE 18" MINIMUM VERTICAL CLEARANCE BETWEEN WATER 3 AND STORM OR FORCE MAIN CROSSINGS MATCH LINE - THIS SHEET 45-DEGREE boa BEND (2) �4 0 NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT THE 6" FORCE MAIN PARALLEL TO OCOEE APOPKA ROAD HAS AT LEAST 3' OF COVER TO THE DRAINAGE SWALE 6" C900 DR-18 PVC 0 PUBLIC SANITARY FORCE MAIN (PUBLIC) �s CONNECT TO EXISTING 6" FORCE MIN VALVE I Cn z' Lu ui Z z c !� US U 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Telephone 407.478.8750 Facsimile 407.478.8749 Selby G. Weeks 56991 revision description date Al AGENCY COMMENTS 03.20.23 0 SJRWMD PAC 04.21.23 30 AGENCY COMMENTS o6.30.23 A CITY COMMENTS 07.27.23 0 0 0 drawn by: JD checked by: SW date: 08/05/2022 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 21TSGDool file name: C500-UTIL-EAST-21TSGD001.DWG ,III,- iiiiiiii Page 506 of 593 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Telephone 407.478.8750 Facsimile 407.478.8749 Selby G. Weeks 56991 I �I 9 /3\ I revision description date Al AGENCY COMMENTS 03.20.23 0 SJRWMD PAC 04.21.23 A3 AGENCY COMMENTS 06-30.23 A4 CITY COMMENTS 07.27.23 FIN drawn by: JD checked by: SW date: 08/05/2022 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 21TSGDool file name: C500-UT1L-EAST-21TSGD001.DWG C5oi Page 507 of 593 ,85 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Telephone 407.478.8750 Facsimile 407.478.8749 'elby G. Weeks 56991 'evision description date AGENCY COMMENTS 03.20.23 /2\ SJRWMD PAC 04.21.23 AGENCY COMMENTS 06-30.23 /4\ CITY COMMENTS 07.27.23 ILI bil F&I Irawn by: JD ,heeked by: SW late: 08/05/2022 )lot scale: AS SHOWN )roject number: 21TSGDool ile name: C500-UTIL-EAST-21TSGDoo1.DWG Page 508 of 593 w Of 0 0 i� �— EXISTING ASPHALT EXISTING BASE EXISTING SUBBASE N.T.S TYPE III FILTER FABRIC (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC. 985 FDOT SPEC.) 00 0 br z ~ � 1. ELEVATION SECTION 'ILTER FABRIC LT FLOW SILT FLOW r NOTE: SILT FENCE PROTECTION SPACING FOR SILT FENCE TO AROUND DITCH BOTTOM INLETS. BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SILT FENCE APPLICATIONS y= 4' N.T.S. / L ASPHALTIC CONCRETE — BASE SUBBASE 3000 PSI CONCRETE 3/8 " REBAR - 12" OC EW (OR 6" x 6" - 10 x 10 WIREMESH) 6" 12" SUBBASE COMPACTED TO 98% OF THE MODIFIED PROCTOR (ASTM D-1557, AASHTO NOTES: T180), WITH MINIMUM LBR VALUE OF 40. PROVIDE 18" OF CLEAN, FREE DRAINING SUBGRADE BENEATH CONCRETE PAVEMENT. COMPACT BOTTOM 6" TO 98% OF THE MODIFIED PROCTOR (ASTM D-1557, AASHTO T-180). DUMPSTER PAD SECTION N.T.S. DIVERSION RIDGE FLOW 0 W NOTE: IN THE EVENT OF EXCESSIVE OFF -SITE TRACKING, THE CONTRACTOR WILL DE OBLIGATED TO INSTALL ADDITIONAL MEASURES TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DETAIL N.T.S. BICYCLE RACK MODEL INVERTED TYPICAL PLAN U/2 AS MANUFACTURED BY CYCLE -SAFE, INC.,. INSTALLATION IN -GROUND (G) OPTION. REFER TO THE NON-ABRASIVE SURFACE SPECIFICATIONS AT 2' A .125" P.V.C. http://www.cycle-safe.com/BikeRacks JACKET IS APPLIED TO PRIMED PIPE. NOTES: 1 INSTALLATION TO BE - R 10.20 IN. COMPLETED IN , ACCORDANCE WITH 3 MANUFACTURERS 4' SPECIFICATIONS. 2. BIKE RACK COLOR SHALL BE BLACK. 10' RAIN LATH & FLAGGING 014 ALL ICE El El El 0 � BERM tID' I rn �SANWAGEj El A tA —acr la FRAMEWDOD C [STAKE 1a MIL .,. El El E3 El PLASTIC LINING SANDBAG 1Q DdIT PLASTIC LINING 10 MIL PLASTIC LINING T: PIIL PLASTIC LINING BERM SLACK LETTERS � .�. O FRAME SECURELY FASTENED AROUND 6' HEIGHT PAIN ED tW tTE ENTIRE PERIMETER VATH TWO STAKES fey C INICRET CDR POST —• WASHOUT` 3* x 31 _ OX LAG SCREWS WM t. ACTUAL LAYOUT OEItRMINEO IN FIELEL 3• 2, THE CONCRETE ASI T SIGN SHALL RE INSTALLED WITHIN 30 FT, THE 'MMPORARY CONCRETE ,SHUT FAD TY. 3` �AINNaN . t. DRIED CONCRETE WASTE SHALT, BE - CONCRETE WASHOUT SHOULD NOT E PICKED UP AND DISPOSED OF PROPERLY ALI_0 ED IN STREET C ID REACH A WHEN 75OF CAPACITY IS REA04CD, STORM YEA DRAINAGESYSTEM OR T W� IWAIMRCOURC ... e SIGN AIL 2. HARDENED CONCRETE CAN �E PROPERLY RECYCLED AND REUSED 4. CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA TO RE SITE HAULED - BTE TO N LOCATED AT LEAST 10' BEHIND CURB IF (OR QAPPROPRIATE APPR R ATE FACILIT L ADJACENT TO A PAVED ROAD. CONCRETE WASHOUT N.T.S. 2' JACKET COATING TO EXTEND 1" MIN. BELOW GRADE CONCRETE FOOTING BIKE RACK N.T.S. 12" co PARKING BY DISABLED C5 PERMIT ONLY CONCRETE 1.5" SP-9.5 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 1.5" FC-12.5 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 2.5" SP-12.5 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 10" CRUSHED CONC. COMPACTED TO 98% OF THE MODIFIED PROCTOR (ASTM D-1557 AASHTO T-180), MAX. DENSITY, LBR 150 MIN., MEET FDOT SECTION 334 AND GRADATION REQUIREMENTS PER SECTION 911-3.4. 12" THICK FREE -DRAINING SAND SUB -BASE STABILIZED TO 98% OF THE MODIFIED PROCTOR (ASTM D-1557 AASHTO T-180), MIN. DENSITY. STABILIZING MATERIAL, IF USED, SHALL BE COARSE MATERIAL (e.g. GRAVEL). LOW PERMEABILITY (e.g.; SILT AND/OR CLAY) SHOULD NOT BE USED AS STABILIZING MATERIAL BENEATH CONCRETE PAVEMENT. HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENT SECTION N.T.S. I--- PAVEMENT WIDTH VARIES (SEE PLAN #4 REBAR(CONTINUOUS) $1$ 2" SLOPE PER PLAN .. a - a 2" 2" .: a 5' 6" 6 x 6 10/10 WWF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT 12" THICK SUB —GRADE COMPACTED TO 98% OF THE MODIFIED PROCTOR (ASTM D-1557, AASHTO T-180), MIN. DENSITY. LBR 40 MIN. STABILIZING MATERIAL SHALL BE COARSE MATERIAL (e.g. GRAVEL). LOW PERMEABILITY (e.g.; SILT AND/OR CLAY) SHOULD NOT BE USED AS STABILIZING MATERIAL BENEATH CONCRETE PAVEMENT. NOTES: 1. ALL CONCRETE PAVEMENT SHALL HAVE A FULL, Y2" ISOLATION JOINT WHERE IT ABUTS EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND OTHER RIGID STRUCTURES, SUCH AS BUILDING FOUNDATIONS AND WALLS. PROVIDE 2" SAW CUT OR DUMMY CONTRACTION JOINT AT EVENLY SPACED INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED 20 FEET. 2. PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT TO BE 4,000—PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, MIN. NOTES: PROVIDE 18" OF CLEAN, FREE DRAINING SAND SUBGRADE BENEATH CONCRETE PAVEMENT. COMPACT BOTTOM 6" TO 98% OF THE MODIFIED PROCTOR (ASTM D-1557, AASHTO T-180). CONCRETE PAVEMENT DETAIL ............................................. ............................................. 6" CRUSHED CONC. COMPACTED TO 98% OF THE MODIFIED PROCTOR (ASTM D-1557 AASHTO T-180), MAX. DENSITY, LBR 150 MIN., MEET FDOT SECTION 334 AND GRADATION REQUIREMENTS PER SECTION 911-3.4. 12" THICK FREE -DRAINING SAND SUB -BASE STABILIZED TO 98% OF THE MODIFIED PROCTOR (ASTM D-1557 AASHTO T-180), MIN. DENSITY. STABILIZING MATERIAL, IF USED, SHALL BE COARSE MATERIAL (e.g. GRAVEL). LOW PERMEABILITY (e.g.; SILT AND/OR CLAY) SHOULD NOT BE USED AS STABILIZING MATERIAL BENEATH CONCRETE PAVEMENT. NOTE: TYPE SP ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SHALL USE ASPHALT BINDER GRADE PG67-22 AND NO MORE THAN 15 PERCENT RECYCLED ASPHALT PAVEMENT (RAP) AGGREGATE. LIGHT DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENT SECTION °O CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE SIGN Q INFORMATION PERTAINING TO FINES PER LOCAL JURISDICTION (F.S. 316.1955, 318.18) FTP-55 REFER TO BOLLARD SIGN DETAIL FOR 4" BLUE STRIPE POST AND FOUNDATION. 4" WHITE STRIPE GRADE HANDICAP PARKING SIGN — DETAIL N.T.S NOTES 1. TOP PORTION OF FTP 25 & 26 SHALL HAVE A REFLECTIVE SYMBOL AND BORDER. 2. BOTTOM PORTION SHALL HAVE A REFLECTIVE WHITE BACKGROUND WITH BLACK OPAQUE LEGEND AND BORDER. 3. FTP 25 & 26 MAY BE FABRICATED ON ONE PANEL OR TWO. 4. FTP 25 MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE FTP 26 IN AREAS WHERE SPACE IS LIMITED. 5. SIGNS ARE TO BE MOUNTED AT STANDARD HEIGHT. (7'-6" FROM PAVEMENT TO BOTTOM OF SIGN). N.T.S. NOTE: PAINT SYMBOL BELOW ONTO PAVED SURFACE W/ 2 COATS OF TRAFFIC BLUE PAINT, MANUF. PER FLA. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION SPECS. Real mo,", N.T.S 12' 4" BLUE STRIPE 4" WHITE STRIPE arm In 5_ 51_0" 4" TYP. .._ 4,_0„y 12" SOLID WHITE @ 45% 30" O.C. 12' SEE PLANS FOR STALL DEPTH N.T.S. WALK WIDTH VARIES (SEE PLAN) 4" CONCRETE SLOPE PER PLAN -- �- 4"x4"-4x4 W.W.M. 6" COMPACTED SUBGRADE 98% AASHTO T-180 EXPANSION JOINT ir d» CONTRACTION JOINT 1" WATERPROOF ELASTIC CAULK 1 /2" ELASTIMETRIC EXPANSION JT. MATERIAL 12» 4" CONCRETE HAND TOOLED OR FORMED DEPTH = d"/4 TOP OF SIGN TO -- MATCH TOP OF POST. SEE PLANS FOR SIGNAGE TYPES STOP AND LOCATIONS O O GALV. O SIGN POST 0 i� SIDE VIEW O SIGNAGE TO CONFORM TO FLORIDA 0 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND MUTCD SPECIFICATIONS. O O O i I� �z ;) ) N .0 MIN. CONC. BASE TYPICAL SIGN N.T.S. WALK WIDTH VARIES (SEE PLAN) A" 1%AUf%DCTr TYPICAL THICKENED EDGE RAISED CONCRETE WALK ADJACENT TO PAVEMENT WALK WIDTH VARIES (SEE PLAN) SLOPE PER PLAN -- ASPH. PVM'T. 4 x4 -4x4 W.W.M. 6" COMPACTED SUBGRADE 98% AASHTO T-180 " 6" TYPICAL THICKENED EDGE FLUSH CONCRETE WALK ADJACENT TO PAVEMENT NOTES: 1. SIDEWALK W/LIGHT BROOM FINISH & TROWELED EDGE. 2. FOR APPLICATIONS WHERE SIDEWALKS ARE ADJACENT TO GRASSED AREAS, THE GRASS AREA SHALL NOT EXCEED A 3% SLOPE FOR A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET. 3. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI CONCRETE AT 28 DAYS 4. ALL CONCRETE SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE A FULL 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT AT A MAXIMUM DISTANCE OF 40 LINEAR FEET AND A SAW CUT OR FORMED DUMMY CONTRACTION JOINT AT EVENLY SPACED INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED WIDTH OF THE WALK OR 8 LINEAR FEET WHICH EVER IS THE SMALLEST. 5. AN CONSTRUCTION JOINT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT ALL P.C. AND P.T. OF CURVES AND WHERE EXISTING AND NEW SIDEWALKS MEET. CONCRETE WALK DETAILS N.T.S. Cn z' ON u ;;;q LIM 0; z UJI 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Telephone 407.478.8750 Facsimile 407.478.8749 Selby G. Weeks 56991 revision description date Al AGENCY COMMENTS 03.20.23 0 SJRWMD PAC 04.21.23 A AGENCY COMMENTS o6.30.23 ® CITY COMMENTS 07.27.23 0 0 drawn by: JD checked by: SW date: 08/05/2022 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 21TSGDool file name: C600-DTLS-EAST-21TSGD0O1.DwG Page 509 of 593 VARIE ME M CONCRETE FLUME LAP FABRIC 2' UNDER FLUME 6.5' 1.5' (MIN.) rTHER FABRIC SHALL BE TYPE D-2 AS SECTION IN FDOT INDEX199 RIP RAP PER RIPRAP PLACEMENT AT MITERED END SECTION DETAIL, THIS SHEET 6" (TYP. BOTH SIDES) N,VVV 1 %P1 VVI'qV. 1 I-WMI- -T (MONOLITHIC POUR) nn^n^e•rn ^n • nr CONCRETE FLUME W/ RIP RAF ENERGY DISSIFATOR N.T.S. RIM 3'-1" �CRIP7192"JUII NON —TRAFFIC BEARING GRATE RN 6%12%12" CONCRETE COLLAR IN UNPAVED AREAS (TYP.) 45' BEND RIPRAP APRON SHA LINED WITH FDOT i I rr_ D-2 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FIPRAP SECTION VFW A -A (N.T.SJ RIPRAP APRON UNDERLAIN BY FDOT TYPE D-2 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC rD BEDDING STONE RIP —RAP, PER RIPRAP SPECIFICATIONS, THIS SHEET. PLAN VIEW Qja) RIPRAP PLACEMENT AT MITERED END SECTION Off " SPMF9CATK* S CLASS 1: D MAX = 12 INCHES D 50 = 8 INCHES D MIN = 4 INCHES CLASS 2: D MAX = 24 INCHES D 50 = 15 INCHES D MIN = 9 INCHES RIPRAP SHALL CONSIST OF BROKEN STONE OR BROKEN CONCRETE WITH A BULK SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF AT LEAST 1.90. STONES OR BROKEN CONCRETE SHALL BE ROUGH AND ANGULAR. RIP RAP SHALL BE SOUND, HARD, DURABLE, FREE OF OPEN OR INCIPIENT CRACKS, SOFT SEAMS, OR OTHER STRUCTURAL DEFECTS. BROKEN CONCRETE SHALL BE CLEAN WITH NO REBAR OR OTHER FOREIGN MATERIALS. D MAX — NO RIPRAP SHALL EXCEED D MAX D 50 — AT LEAST 50% OF MATERIAL BY WEIGHT SHALL EXCEED D 50 D MIN — AT LEAST 90% OF MATERIAL BY WEIGHT SHALL EXCEED D MIN. RIPRAP APRON DIMENSIONS AND ESTIMATED QUANTITIES INLET PIPE SIZE "D" (IN) LENGTH OF APRON "L" (FT) DEPTH OF APRON "H" (FT) ESTIMATED RIPRAP (CY) ESTIMATED GEOTEXTILE (SY) CLASS 24 9 1.5 4.5 16 1 30 13.5 2 12 30 1 FRAME & SOLID LID NEENAH N. R-1974—A OR APPROVED EQUAL, WITH CLEAR OPENING EQUAL TO PIPE I.D. - FINISHED GRADE PVC WYE CLEANOUT DETAIL N.T.S. SKIMMER TOP ELEV.=116.75 zr MODIFIED TYPE "C" INLET, STRUCTURE TOP �.... FDOT INDEX No. 425-052 ELEV.=116.25 1.65' 3/16" FIBERGLASS —" 1 WEIR ELEV.=115.14 REINFORCED THERMOSETTING RESIN SKIMMER BLADE. X S.S. TOP OF FIBERGLASS SKIMMER BOTTOM BOLT, T, WASHERASHER &NUT SKIMMER w_ ELEV.=114.10 Q —.— FROM UNDERDRAIN —.— TO OUTFACE �� (6" PVC) — (24" RCP) INV. 109.58 FABRICATE MOUNTING 4 'f ** WEIR BRACKET FROM 1/4" X 2" TACK WELD ALL FASTENERS S.S. OR ALUM. FLAT STOCK AFTER ASSEMBLY INV. 108.43 1 /2" X 5" S.S. THREADED ROD WASHER NOTE: REFER TO PLAN SHEET FOR ACTUAL ORIENTATION OF OUTFALL PIPE. CONTROL STRUCTURE D-27 N.T.S. N.T.S. EXISTING SOILS POND BOTTOM (VARIES) CLEAN* ONSITE SAND BACKFILL (UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SP—SM or SP (HAVING 7% MAX. FINES CONTENT) AND HAVING A MINIMUM PERMEABILITY OF KH OF 14.5 FT/DAY) i ALL FILTER FABRIC JOINTS SHALL OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT MIN. 3" GRAVEL ENVELOPE AROUND UNDERDRAIN PIPE, FDOT No.57 OR No. 89 GRAVEL (TYP.) 4" I.D. PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN PIPE WITH FILTER FABRIC SOCK FDOT SECTION 945 (TYP.). —UNDERDRAIN INVERT = 109.67 -- MIRAFI 10ON OR EQUIVALENT GEOTEXTILE CONTINUOUSLY WRAPPED AROUND GRAVEL AND OVERLAP 1—FOOT MIN. NOTES: 1. PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN PIPE SHALL BE DOUBLED WALLED HDPE OR PVC. 2. UNDERDRAIN STONE SHALL NOT BE WATER SOLUBLE STONE (LIMESTONE). WASHED CONCRETE OR GRANITE SHALL MEET FDOT STONE SIZE DISTRIBUTION SPECIFIED IN SECTION ABOVE. *THE TERM "CLEAN" REFERS TO NON —EXPANSIVE CLEAN EARTH AND GRANULAR MATERIALS, FREE OF ROOTS OR ORGANIC MATERIALS (MUCK). USE OF ROCKS OR LUMPS LARGER THAN 3 INCHES IN ANY DIMENSION IS PROHIBITED UNDERDRAIN DETAIL N.T.S. Cn z LU 0 z UJ 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Telephone 407.478.8750 Facsimile 407.478.8749 Selby G. Weeks 56991 t q00 9 revision description date Al 0 30 A 0 0 0 AGENCY COMMENTS 03.20.23 SJRWMD PAC 04.21.23 AGENCY COMMENTS o6.30.23 CITY COMMENTS 07.27.23 drawn by: JD checked by: SW date: 08/05/2022 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 21TSGDool file name: C600-DTLS-EAST-21TSGD001.DWG Page 510 of 593 Hydrant Operating Nut I 3'to5' ( Hose Nozzle Pumper Nozzle Facing Street 18" Min. Above Maximum 6" Clearance Finished Grade Between Concrete and Bottom of Nuts/Bolt I Sidewalk � Expansion Fiber co 24" Material (TYP) Compacted Backfill Concrete ;7� Nl--,-MJ Hydrant Anchoring Tee Resilient Seat Gate 6" Bedding Rock Valve and Box (See Detail UT009) Edge of Pavement Edge of Pavement Standard Configuration Alternate Configuration Note: 1. Hydrants shall be painted with double coat enamel paint per the following: 9 • Public Potable Water - Safety Yellow Pantone 13-063OTN • Reclaimed Water - Purple Pantone 522 C • Private Fire -Cherry Red HDC-MD-16 2. Concrete shear pad shall abut between sidewalk and curb. Where sidewalk is not present, concrete shear pad shall be approx. 7.5' x 3.5' min. 3. Concrete shall be 6" thick with fibermesh and shall be fc' of 3,000 psi minimum at 28 days. 4. Any deviation from this detail shall be made known to the City for approval. DETAIL NO. UT201 DATE: June 2021 Isolation OS & Y Gate Valves (FLG) (2 Required) Bypass Detector Me' Maintained By City 6" Concrete Slab - (2500 PSI Concrete) Isolation Valves - CITY OF OCOEE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Fire Hydrant Assembly SCALE: n/a Plan View ouble Check Valve Backflow Assembly ipe 12" Min.-I Support 16" Max. Expansion Material to be placed between DIP 3' Min. Cover and concrete slab 900 Bend (MJ/MJ)nn --- _� Restrained Joints From Main Profile View Bypass Backflow Assembly 100 Bend fanged Joint 2" (TYP) Riser FLG X MJ NOTES: 1. Backflow assembly shall be owned and maintained by the property owner. 2. The City shall own and maintain the meter. 3. Utility easement size minimum shall be 10 feet by 15 feet. 4. The contractor shall contact the inspector for exact assembly length and height above the slab required for the double detector check valve assembly to be installed by contractor. All pipe, fittings, and appurtenances shall be installed by the contractor. 5. All above ground pipe shall be flanged ductile iron. 6. Double detector check valve assembly shall be in conformance with the City's Cross Connections Manual. 7. Bypass meter piping shall be brass To Service CITY OF OCOEE DETAIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS j NO. is AS\` \\��. UT210 z/-0-1 Double Detector Check Valve Assembly DATE: July 2020 SCALE: N/A IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIu niIIIIIIII�IIII�''����� Crov ^ unirr min. *a See Note 3 NOTES: 1. Pipe bedding material and trench backfill shall be select common (clean) fill compacted to 95% (98% in roadway) of the maximum density as per AASHTO T-180. 2. Contractor shall install crushed rock (or equivalent bedding material) where pipe bedding does not provide solid support (yielding or plastic). Depth of material shall be a minimum of 6", or as needed, to provide non -yielding support for the pipe. All unsuitable material shall be removed from pipe bedding unless special provisions are approved by the City. 3. Excavated trench width at pipe haunch shall be sufficient in size for haunch compaction, but shall be no greater than 15" on each side of pipe for pipes less than 24" in diameter (24" for pipes 24" in diameter or greater.) 4. Water shall not be permitted in trench line during construction. 5. Pipe line shall be installed with bell fitting facing upgrade. 6. Gravity sewer shall have a 6" minimum rock bed. CITY OF OCOEE DETAIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS NO. UT001 Pipe Bedding and Trench DATE: September 2019 SCALE: N/A E T Cross Section Transverse Section ig Grade imum u. --°-g Wire of Pipe. NOTES: 1. All pipe shall include the installation of #10 THHN copper tracing wire capable of detection by cable locating equipment. 2. Tracing wire shall be buried directly above the transverse centerline of the pipe. 3. End(s) of the locating wire shall be such that wire can be accessed by locating equipment assessing the wire in a valve vault or blow -off box. Wire is required to extend 12" minimum above finished grade. 4. Unless approved by the City, early warning tape indicating the type of pipe shall be required. 5. All directional drill pipe shall have locating wire attached to the top of pipe and shall remain on the top of the pipe during installation. 6. All service lines shall have locating wire placed on the pipe as described in City of Ocoee detail UT206 "Utility Service Connection" 7. All wire splices shall be completed with twist -on type wire nuts with gel or grease filled moisture seal. 8. All tracing wire installation shall be tested and verified for continuity by the contractor prior to final acceptance DETAIL NO. UT010 DATE: April2019 CITY OF OCOEE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Pipe Locating Wire SCALE: N/A ^ \V �����IIIIIIIIIIIilltt,,. "�illillln111111�11��� PVC/HDPE Restraint Table Minimum Length (FT) to be Restrained on each side of Fitting(s) Fittings Pipe Size 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 16" 20" 90' Bend 18 24 32 38 44 55 74 45' Bend 10 10 13 16 18 23 31 22 1 /2' Bend 10 10 10 10 10 11 15 11 1 /4' Bend 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Plug or Branch of Tee 30 47 64 81 98 133 167 NOTES: 1. The restraint values as indicated by the "Restraint Table" are minimum values. Design engineer shall be responsible for confirming field conditions, and make adjustments accordingly. 2. All fittings shall have restrained joints unless otherwise indicated. 3. No restraints required if continuous pipe length to fitting is greater than value provided in "Restraint Table" above. 4. Where two or more fittings are laid in -line, use greatest restraint length for coverage. 5. For in -line valves and through run of tees: outside limits of restrained joints from other fittings need not be restrained unless otherwise indicated. 6. Lengths shown in the table have been calculated in accordance with the procedures outlined in "Thrust Restraint Design for Ductile Iron Pipe" as published by DIPRA, with the following assumptions: Working Pressure: 150 PSI Soil Designation: SM (Silty Sand, Sand -Silt Mix.) Laying Conditions: 5 7. For pipe sizes not included in the Restraint Table or pipe material not adheringto given conditions design engineer shall determine and specify g . 9 9 p Y pipe lengths which shall be approved by the City. DETAIL NO. UT004 DATE: April2019 CITY OF OCOEE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS PVC/HDPE Pipe Restraint Table SCALE: N/A \\VIMF �- \\ T (IIIIi� ��Illllllliri �; , . ; �i\IIIIIIIII�IIII�''� Pipe/Main color based on use. Main (type) Main (type) See Note 2 for lettering size and orientation. 1. Lettering shall be per the American Water Works Association. 2. Lettering shall be a minimum of 3/4" in height and shall be be facing up when the pipe is installed. 3. Lettering must be permanently imbedded into the pipe/main, not painted or stenciled. 4. Lettering shall be of contrasting color to pipe/main color. Piae Markina (Letterin N.T.S Main (type) Main (type) Main (type) Diameter = 2.5" to 4" 3" Tape centered along the top half of pipe. (adAl) qeW (adAl) uien (adAl) qeW Main (type) Main (type) Main (type) Diameter = 6" to 16" Two (2) 6" Tapes along both sides of top half of pipe. (adAl) qeW (adAl) qeW (adAl) uien Main (type) Main (type) Main (type) Main (type) Main (type) Main (type) Diameter = 20" and larger Three (3) 6" Tapes along top and both sides of top half of pipe. Warning Tape N.T.S. WARNING TAPE NOTES: 1. Tape color shall be in accordance with (same) as main/pipe color. 2. Tape lettering shall be at least 1" in height with no greater than 12" in spacing. 3. Warning tape shall extend total length of pipe. DETAIL NO. UT011 DATE: April2019 CITY OF OCOEE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Pipe Identification & Warning Tape SCALE: N/A j � _ € \ ,�. \, I j T �(IIIIIIIIIIIIIilltt�,. .,�illillllll11ko 1111111 See Note 8 G' S E R M-1 i FF 'k'y` TURNS Valve I.D. Marker (See note 6) Finished Actuating Nut for Adjustment Ri Pipe/M #4 bar with 2" min concrete cover OF OCD 4 E R M,q 7 F #„ D/A, ,k� URNS cCW OPEN Collar 5) Adjustable cast iron valve box Valve box shall rest on bedding rock, not on valve or pipe, and shall be centered on Ix operating nut. 6" FDOT #57 Stone ---- NOTES: 1. PVC extensions shall not be used on valve box. 2. The actuating nut for valves shall be no deeper than 24" from ultimate finished grade. 3. Valve assemblyshall include centers spacing guide from the City's Approved Materials List. p 9 9 Y pp 4. Where valve nut is more than 36" below grade, valve assembly shall include an extension from the City's Approved Materials List. 5. Valve collar shall be 24" x 24" x 6" square pad and concrete for collar shall be fc' of 3,000 psi minimum @ 28 days for non -pavement areas. 6. Valve Marker shall be from the City's Approved Materials List and shall include "City of Ocoee", main type, size, material, turns to open or close valve, and direction of rotation. 7. Valve Box shall not be located in pavement, sidewalk, or driveway unless approved by the City. If approved, Contractor/Developer shall reach out to the Utilities Department on the location of the Valve Tags. 8. For Valve Box approved in pavement, a disk valve marker shall hang in the valve box anchored to the locating wire. == CITY === DETAIL CONSTRUOCTION DETAILS j UT009 Valve Box and Cover DATE: June 2021 SCALE: N/A ���IIIIIilltu "ngIIIIIII01111 Drill hole in Box (below and above box thread: Provide on, tracing wire and coil ex valve box #10 THHN NOTES: 1. All pipe shall be installed with # 10 THHN solid copper tracing wire. Tracing wire must be installed directly above the pipe in a continuous circuit. 2. Tracing wire shall cover all main, pipe, branches (including fire hydrants) and service connections. 3. Tracing wire shall extend a minimum of 12" above grade at required intervals and/or valve lids. 4. Tracing wire shall be coiled and placed in a valve box and shall be easily accessible. 5. At dead ends of mains, pipe, and/or service, the tracing wire shall be placed in a properly identified cast iron valve box (Valve Box and Cover Detail UT009). DETAIL NO. UT012 DATE: April201S CITY OF OCOEE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Tracing Wire Location SCALE: N/A W0 LU z ur J Q 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Telephone 407.478.8750 Facsimile 407.478.8749 Selby G. Weeks 56991 revision description date Al AGENCY COMMENTS 03.20.23 02 SJRWMD PAC 04.21.23 30 AGENCY COMMENTS 06.30.23 ® CITY COMMENTS 07.27.23 0 0 drawn by: JD checked by: SW date: o8/05/2022 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 21TSGDool file name: C600-1DTLS-EAST-21TSGDoo1.DWG Page 511 of 593 D.I.P. Restraint Table Minimum Length (FT) to be Restrained on Each Side of Fitting(s) Fittings Pipe Size 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 16" 90°Bend 15 21 27 32 37 47 45' Bend 7 5 11 13 16 20 22 1/2° Bend 5 5 6 7 8 10 11 1/4° Bend 5 5 5 5 5 6 Plug or Branch of Tee 30 47 64 81 98 133 NOTES: 1. The restraint values as indicated by the "Restraint Table" are minimum values.Design engineer shall be responsible for confirming field conditions, and make adjustments accordingly. 2. All fittings shall have restrained joints unless otherwise indicated. 3. No restraints required if continuous pipe length is greater than value provided in "Restraint Table" above. 4. Where two or more fittings are laid in -line, use greatest restraint length for coverage. 5. For in -line valves and through run of tees: outside limits of restrained joints from other fittings need not be restrained unless otherwise indicated. 6. Lengths shown in the table have been calculated in accordance with the procedures outlined in "Thrust Restraint Design for Ductile Iron Pipe" as published by DIPRA, with the following assumptions: Working Pressure: 150 PSI Soil Designation: SM (Silty Sand, Sand -Silt Mix.) Laying Conditions: 5 7. For pipe encased in polyethylene, use values given in parentheses or increase the given value by 150%. 8. For pipe sizes not included in the Restraint Table or pipe material not adhering to given conditions, design engineer shall determine and specify pipe lengths which shall be approved by the City. DETAIL NO. UT005 DATE: April2019 Drill hole in - Box (below and above box thread: Provide one tracing wir( and coil ex valve box Itilili.1.1► CITY OF OCOEE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Ductile Iron Pipe Restraint Table 'Y�LI��i•1/_1 NOTES: 1. All pipe shall be installed with # 10 THHN solid copper tracing wire. Tracing wire must be installed directly above the pipe in a continuous circuit. 2. Tracing wire shall cover all main, pipe, branches (including fire hydrants) and service connections. 3. Tracing wire shall extend a minimum of 12" above grade at required intervals and/or valve lids. 4. Tracing wire shall be coiled and placed in a valve box and shall be easily accessible. 5. At dead ends of mains, pipe, and/or service, the tracing wire shall be placed in a properly identified cast iron valve box (Valve Box and Cover Detail UT009). CITY OF OCOEE DETAIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS NO. UT012 Tracing Wire Location DATE: April2019 SCALE: NIA OF O Ila 25 3/4" u SEWER 0 0� o0 0 r-o�oroo FLOR IMP Cover Section USF 45-1 Cover Cover 32 1 /2" 24" 35 1 /2" 00 24" 27" Flush Ring Section USF 1295 Ring Ring Section USF 227 Ring VARIES . . J Manhole lining Red Brick or (where required) Precast Concrete Risers Manhole lining Flush Casting Mount (where required) Standard Casting Mount NOTES: 1. Use Ring & Covers Detail as depicted on this sheet for standard manhole applications. Refer to UT104 Large & Receiving Ring and Double Cover Detail for large (6 or greater) and receiving manholes. 2. For structures with top elevation at surface, use "Flush Structure Casting", USF 1295 Ring. 3. Brick shall be solid red (clay) brick meeting AASHTO M114 -Grade MW. 4. Red Brick or Precast Concrete Risers should not exceed four levels. 5. Manhole lid shall be Lettered with "City of Ocoee" (top), Sewer (center) and Florida (bottom). 6. Manhole lids shall have two (2) non-pentrating pick holes. 7. Where manhole lining (coating) is required, coating shall extend to ring sealing and coating ring's mortar bed. 8. For private water main manhole on east side of ditch, lid shall say "Water" and "City of Ocoee" shall be removed from casting. 9. For public water main manhole east of ditch, lid shall say "Water." % j=\\��` j, ' 01���j �j///��� T ���Illllm nlllllll��) DETAIL NO. UT103 DATE: April2019 CITY OF OCOEE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Standard Manhole Ring and Cover See Manhole Connection Detail Outside of Conne Invert Bench Conne Manhole Inside of Manhole Pre -Molded Plasti Joint Sealer with All Joining Protective Wrapper Surfaces to be / (Wrapper to be Pre -Primed Removed) low invert to be smoothly Monolithic sloped in the direction of Base flow with channel Wall Joint Section matching pipe diameter Invert Section Manhole Ring and Cover See Note 8 for Mortar in Ring Setting Cover Adjust final cover grade with 2 to 4 courses of Cone Transition brick See Note 4 �� Bituminous (Coal Tar) Coating Both Inside and Outside of Walls 4' 5" Invert Bench to three _\ quarters height of pipe, gently sloped (12 to 1) and bituminous coated 6" Min. Rock Bedding 9" Thick Extending 9" Beyond 8" Min. Float Tab „�rr WRIS o..o..o..c���o � Manhole Section NOTES: 1. This detail is for pre -cast standard and receiving sanitary sewer manholes. 2. Sewer main sizes connecting to the manhole shall range from 6" to 24" in diameter and not less than 2" from floor of bottom casting. All other sizes shall require separate design and approval. 3. All manholes where any invert into the manhole exceeds 18" shall require a drop connection (See detail UT102). 4. Manhole cone/ring and cover shall be eccentric configured. Cone transition shall range from 18" to 36". Concentric configuration shall require written approval by the City. 5. Receiving, forcemain connected and drop manhole shall be continuously lined with an approved liner on the City of Ocoee's Approved Materials List at a minimum of 90 mil thickness. 6. Bottom casting shall be monolithic with first riser. 7. Riser between top cone and bottom casting shall be no shorter in height than 60". 8. Manhole cover to be set 1/4" above and matching slope pavement and should be set at plan grade unpaved areas. 9. All seams from structure joints, pipe connections and ring shall be WrapidSealed. DETAIL NO. UT101 DATE: July 2019 CITY OF OCOEE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Manhole SCALE: NIA Vented ARV enclosure (See note 6) 2" Air release valve 2" TEE with removable Cap 2" Ball/Plug valve Adjustable cast iron valve box (Detail UT009) 2" Pipe - 2" Corp stop �-2" Elbow 2" N 18" in. slope 6" Min. 2" Plug valve with 2" square nut Double strap stainless steel saddle RIGHT OF WAY (PRIVATE PROPERTY fiY17ilTi1A E7Y #57 stone 2" Elbow and tubing (threaded) Main Diameter ARV 12" and smaller 2" 16" 3" 20", 24" 4" 30", 36" 6" NOTES: 1. Gas Release Valve shall mean Air, Combination Air/Vacuum, and Surge Protection Release Valve. 2. Offset distance to be field determined and as close to the right of way as possible and clear of pedestrian walkways. If pipe is at right of way line, no offset is required. 3. Above detail applies to a 2" ARV. For larger ARVs, pipe diameter and valves shall be equal to the size of the ARV. 4. All piping, valves and appurtenances to be brass or 316 Stainless Steel except where specified otherwise. 5. ARV shall have a Reinforced Nylon Body D-040 or Ductile Iron Body D-060 for Potable Water Systems. ARV shall be Reinforced Nylon Body D-021 or Ductile Iron Body D-060 for Reclaim Water Y Y Y Y Systems. 6. The enclosure shall follow the City's Approved Materials List or be an approved equal with temper proof locking device and vents must be capable of allowing at least the same amount of airflow as the valve. 7. Shop drawings for the ARV shall be submitted to the City for approval. 8. Any deviation from this detail shall be made known to the City for approval. DETAIL NO. UT204a CITY OF OCOEE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Gas Release Valve Water and Reclaim ',Y�L1��►1/_1 `\ 110 \���01 iii%(((((IIIII T III': �11111111�1 ���Illllnlllllll��) Pipes/Mains Separation Requirement Table (See Note 11 for Structural) Potable Reclaimed Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer Structural Horiz. Vert. Horiz. Vert. Horiz. Vert. Horiz. Vert. Horiz. Potable 3' 12" 10, 18" 3' 18" 10, Reclaimed 3' 12" 3' 12" 3' 12" 10, Sanitary Sewer 10' 18" 3' 12"Z 3' 12" 10' I Storm Sewer 3' 18" 3' 12" I T 12" yy 10, - Joint Spacing Requirement Table (See Note 2) Potable Reclaimed Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer Potable 3' 6' 3' NOTES: 1. The table above represents the minimum separation requirements as described in the City's Engineering Standards Manual. The most stringent requirements between the City's Standards and the guidelines set forth in the Florida Administrative Code 62-555.314 (F.A.C). shall apply between newly proposed utility lines and existing or proposed utility lines. 2. Joint spacing shall be based on one full length water main pipe centered above or below other pipes. The joint shall be no less than the required distance from the center of the crossing of the two pipes. (The water pipe shall be above the other pipe unless otherwise approved by the City.) 3. Where the City's minimum vertical and horizontal separation from potable water cannot be achieved from the outside of the potable water pipe and the outside of the other pipe/main, preferred separation in accordance with F.D.E.P. rules of the Florida Administrative Code 62-555.314 (F.A.C.) and 62-604.400 (F.A.C.) may be allowed upon approval by the City's Utilities Department. a. If it is not technically feasible or economically sensible to comply with the requirements set forth in 62-555.314 (F.A.C.), technical or economic justification for each exception must be submitted to F.D.E.P. with alternative construction features. Proof of F.D.E.P.'s approval for exceptions shall be submitted to the City. 4. For the purpose of this table, reclaimed water shall mean unrestricted public access reuse water as defined by F.A.C. 62-610. other types of reclaimed water, not treated to public contact levels, shall be considered raw sewage, and the separation list for sanitary sewer shall apply. 5. Alternative water, such as storm water used for irrigation, shall be considered reclaimed water for separation requirements. 6. Pipe separation distance provided above shall mean the horizontal and/or vertical distance measured for the outside dimension of each pipe/main. 7. All Sanitary and Storm Structures shall follow separation requirements above. 8. Potable water pipes shall be laid above all pipes conveying raw sewage whenever they cross. 9. All utilities shall be installed with 36" of cover over the top of pipe. Cover shall be measured with current or future grading to ensure the 36" coverage. 10. No potable water pipe may pass through a sanitary sewer structure. Penetration through storm sewer must be approved by the City and is subject to special conditions and materials. 11. Structural shall refer to foundations, walls, etc. Additional separation shall be required by the City for construction of, including, but not limited to: live loads, multi -story commercial buildings, superstructures, embankments, retaining walls, bridges, railroads, high voltage transmission mains, gas mains, etc. CITY OF OCOEE DETAIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS NO. UT013 Pipe Separation Requirement Table DATE: November 2022 SCALE: N/A 0 Public City Water Meter with Meter Kit (Shall be purchased from the City) [see note 1 ] Flanged Curb Stop Finished Grade From Resilient Seat Square Nut Main Gate Valve (For Valve Box and Cover see Ocoee Detail UT009) Private Flanged Fitting Backflow preventer Gate Valve X " Min. (TYp ) 9 N t0 18" Wide x 6" To Concrete slab with Structure #4 Bar all around (2 Required) NOTES: 1. Contractor shall be responsible for installing City water meter matching pipe size with p 9 Y 9pp meter kit and shall supply and install all materials and backflow prevention device. 2. Backflow device shall be per the City's Cross Connection Control Manual. 3. All pipes, fittings, and end valves as indicated as private shall be the responsibility of the owner. All pipes and fittings indicated as public with material not indicated shall be brass or schedule 80 PVC. CITY OF OCOEE DETAIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS NO. UT209b 1 1/2" and Larger Commercial/Multi-Family Meter Configuration DATE: June 2021 SCALE: N/A Varies Lot Line Wye With Branch 45° Bender Clean -out (See Note 1) Private To Home NOTES: Varies Sewer Main Size Varies Property Line Double Wye-/ Plan View Finished Grade Slope To Terminal Deptt At 1.0% Minimum (Typ.) Rotate 300 Spring Line (See Note 3) p g Sewer Main Single Lateral Double Lateral Private in IRight of Way To Home Section View 1. Clean -out (shown hatched) shall be installed by the builder in accordance with standard plumbing code. 2. Locate clean -outs as close to the property line as possible. 3. Invert of service lateral shall not enter sewer main below spring line. 4. The minimum terminal depth as required for house service is 3'. 5. Service Laterals shall be a minimum of 6" for non-residential scenarios. In residential areas, service laterals shall be a minimum of 4" to the right-of-way and then 6" to the sewer main. DETAIL NO. UT105 DATE: April2019 CITY OF OCOEE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Service Lateral SCALE: NIA Z LU {..r} z ur J Q 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Telephone 407.478.8750 Facsimile 407.478.8749 Selby G. Weeks 56991 revision description date Al AGENCY COMMENTS 03.20.23 0 SJRWMD PAC 04.21.23 30 AGENCY COMMENTS 06.30.23 ® CITY COMMENTS 07.27.23 0 drawn by: JD checked by: SW date: O8/05/2022 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 21TSGDool file name: C600-DTLs-EAST-21TSGDoo1.DWG Page 512 of 593 0 Vented ARV enclosure (green) (See note 5) 2" Air release valve 2" TEE with removable Cap 2" Ball/Plug valve Adjustable cast iron valve box (Detail UT009) 2" Pipe - 2" Corp stop �-2" Elbow N RIGHT OF WAY (PRIVATE PROPERTY f"2' 2" Elbow and tubing Min. (threaded) gvalve with 2" square nut 2" Double strap stainless steel saddle #57 stone Main Diameter ARV 12" and smaller 2" 16" 3" 20", 24" 4" 30", 36" 6" NOTES: 1. Gas Release Valve shall mean Air, Combination Air/Vacuum, and Surge Protection Release Valve. 2. Offset distance to be field determined and as close to the right of way as possible and clear of pedestrian walkways. If pipe is at right of way line, no offset is required. 3. Above detail applies to a 2" ARV. For larger ARVs, pipe diameter and valves shall be equal to the size of the ARV. 4. All piping, valves and appurtenances to be brass or 316 Stainless Steel except where specified otherwise. 5. ARV shall have a Reinforced Nylon Body (ARI D-025 or D-26). 6. The enclosure shall be Water Plus Polyethylene Model 131632 H-30-G or approved equal with temper proof locking device and vents must be capable of allowing at least the same amount of airflow as the valve. 7. Shop drawings for the ARV shall be submitted to the City for approval. 8. Any deviation from this detail shall be made known to the City for approval. DETAIL NO. UT106a DATE: June 2021 CITY OF OCOEE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Gas Release Valve Wastewater SCALE: N/A Brass Corporation Stop (1" Min.) #10 THHN Tracing U-Branch Brass Wire to Match Use (1" x 3/4" x 3/4") in Color Installed Upright Curb Stop Z (See Note 3) Q w d Coil Excess Service Polyethylene Tracing Wire in Tubing Box Single Meter Box and Water Meter (By City) Service View with Single Meter T ngled Stops at of Horn '-Double Meter Box and Water Meter (By City) Double Meter Configuration Corporation Stop (Ford F1000-4NL) & Fittings (normally open) AWWA Type CC Threads To Meter/Box Assembly _ #10 THHN Tracing Wire, Color to Match f Service 30 �to 450 Service, Polyethylene Tubing, 1" min. b Double Strap Water Main Stainless Steel Saddle Tapping Section NOTES: 1. All fittings shall be brass with compression -pack joint type connections. 2. No service line shall extend or terminate under a driveway. 3. Meter end of service shall terminate with curb stop (90°) for single service and dual horn and curb stops (900)for dual services. 4. Meter end of service shall terminate 3' past meter location where service shall, unless directed otherwise, extend 3' above finished grade tied to a 2" x 4" x 4' stake. If directed, service connection shall be buried and located with an 2" x 4" x 4' painted marker. Stake or marker shall indicate lot(s) to be served. 5. Concrete curb shall be marked (stamped or saw -cut) with "W" locating service. 6. Service connection to the main shall use approved saddle, and tapping of main shall be by a method where a solid coupon is removed. 7. Services installed under finished or existing pavement shall be directionally drilled. 8. Upon approval, direct tap (no saddle) may be used on Ductile Iron Pipe. 9. Service color shall be blue for potable water and purple (magenta) for reclaimed water. CITY OF OCOEE DETAIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS NO. UT206 Water and Reclaim Service Connection DATE: Sep.2019 SCALE: N/A Finished Grade Restraint Pipe and End Cap Tapped End Cap 2" Brass Coupling DETAIL NO. UT203 Valve Box and Cover (See UT009) Double Meter Box (traffic rated) 2" Brass Coupling Crushed stone 6" thick extending 2" beyond box 2" Blue Polyethylene Pipe Cross Section 1. All pipes and fittings shall be schedule 40 brass or equivalent with threaded (NPT) joints except where denoted otherwise. 2. All pipe and fittings shall be in accordance with City Standards for the applicable service provided. 3. Pipe restraints shall be in accordance with City Standard Details UT004 for PVC/HDPE Pipe or UT005 for Ductile Iron Pipe. DATE: April2019 Resilient Seat Tapping Valve Restrained Mechanical Joint New Main-/ [611111*3 CITY OF OCOEE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Blow Off Assembly SCALE: N/A Flange Test Plug Active Main Stainless Steel Tapping Sleeve 1. All Sleeves and Valves shall be water tested before tap. 2. No Wet Tap on Asbestos Cement water mains. 3. For Valve Box and Cover, see Ocoee UT009 Valve Box and Cover Detail. CITY OF OCOEE DETAIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS NO. UT205 Stainless Steel Tapping Saddle and Gate Valve Water and Reclaim DATE: Feb.2020 SCALE: N/A 1 X Restraining DIP Fitting HDPE MJ Fitting Welded to HDPE Main HDPE Pipe or Spool Piece (See Note 3) `-Stainless Steel Pipe Gap Separation J Main Stiffener HDPE Pipe (See Note 6) (See Note 5) Section View NOTES: 1. The detail shall be used when connecting directional drilled sections of mains together using valves, sleeves, fittings or appurtenances. 2. This detail is limited to the use of 4" to 12" mains. 3. In cases where directional drill main must be offset by direct bury of a portion of the main, contractor may elect to use a Restrained End for both connections. 4. A stainless steel stiffener is required on Restrained End of connection when HDPE is used. 5. Spool piece for fittings or around main offsets may use alternative approved main material. Payment (if applicable) for the alternative material main shall be paid under the replaced main pay item. 6. Gap between mains when connecting with a sleeve shall be no greater than 2.5". 7. The information and requirements in this detail are for directional drill connections only. For other connections refer to other City details. CITY OF OCOEE DETAIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS NO. UT014 Direction Drill HDPE Connection DATE: April 2019 SCALE: N/A Precast Manhole Wall (Typ) Grout with Hydraulic Cement Around Pipe and Bituminous Coat all Exposed Surfaces15, I L S. Band Resilient Connector rvu or D.I.P \-S. S. Pipe Clamp Pipe Connection for Pipes Less Than 24" Section Manho See Conn Section At Tie -In Det Invert Influen Manhc Standard Drop Section ► 031 PVC Tee Influent to Manhole Connection Pipe Note 2) -rete Pipe Encasement ig Line of Pipe to Top of )m Slab and 6" Around Pipe 90 Fitting Invert 1. For manhole covers, see UT103 Standard Manhole Ring and Cover Detail and UT104 Large & Receiving Manhole Ring and Double Cover Detail. 2. Drop pipe and fittings shall be of equal size and material to the influent sewer line. 3. The drop connection provided above is limited to pipe size less than 24". Alternative design must be approved by City for pipe sizes equal or greater than 24" in diameter. 4. An outside drop connection is required for all influent lines 18" or more above the manhole inverts. 5. Bottom elevation of drop shall be 0.1' above effluent invert. DETAIL NO. UT102 DATE: July 2019 CITY OF OCOEE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Sanitary Sewer Connection SCALE: N/A Z LU z ur J Q 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Telephone 407.478.8750 Facsimile 407.478.8749 Selby G. Weeks 56991 revision description date Al AGENCY COMMENTS 03.20.23 02 SJRWMD PAC 04.21.23 30 AGENCY COMMENTS 06.30.23 ® CITY COMMENTS 07.27.23 0 0 drawn by: JD checked by: SW date: o8/05/2022 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 21TSGDool file name: C600-DTLS-EAST-21TSGDoo1.DWG Page 513 of 593 SCOPE: Supply one complete H-20 GP Pre -Fab Lift Station, per design. Pumps shall be capable of grinding and pumping domestic & commercial sewage. Complete system shall be supplied by: RILEY O Company, Inca Sanford, IF E 337 73 (Phe 40 7 0O 9963) NO SUBSTITUTIONS NO ALTERNATES PUMPS AND ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL MUST BE WARRANTED FOR A MINIMUM OF 3 YEARS. FIBERGLASS WETWELL MUST BE WARRANTED FOR A MINIMUM OF 20 YEARS. The H-20 Load Rated Fiberglass WetweH Must Be Manufactured By L.F. Manufacturing, Giddings, Texas, Which Includes A Written 20 Yr. Warranty Certification of the wetwell H-20 load rating must be supplied with submittals. H-20 certification must be signed and sealed by an engineer registered in the State of Florida. After the H-20 load rated wetwell has been installed, the ASTM Certification Number and Serial Tracking Number must be visible. PUMPS: (3 YEAR WARRANTY) Submersible grinder pumps shall be RILEY Model RC30061. installed in the H-20 GP FRP wetwell utilizing a dual slide rail system. The grinder unit shall be capable of macerating materials normally found in domestic and commercial sewage into a fine slurry which will pass through the pump and the Sch.80 PVC discharge piping. Stator winding shall be open type with Class F insulation and shall be heat - shrink fitted into the stator housing. The use of pins, bolts, or other fastening devices is not acceptable. A heat sensor thermostat shall be attached to the top end of the motor winding and shall be connected in series with the magnetic contactor coil in the control panel to stop motor if winding temperature exceeds 140 C., but shall automatically reset when the winding temperature returns to normal. Two heat sensor thermostats shall be used on three phase motors. The pump motor grinder shaft shall be AISI 430F SS threaded to take the pump impeller and the grinder impeller. Upper & lower mechanical seals shall be Silicon Carbide vs Silicon Carbide. DUPLEX CONTROL PANEL: (3 YEAR WARRANTY) To insure complete unit and warranty responsibility the electrical control panel must be manufactured and built by the pump supplier. The pump supplier must be a TUV (UL508A CERTIFIED) manufacturing facility, with a minuimum of 5 years history in the manufacturing of electrical control panels. The Enclosure shall be NEMA 4X, minimum 30" high x 30" wide x 10" deep aluminum with 4 point latching system. The enclosure shall have external mounting feet to allow for wall mounting. The following components shall be mounted through the enclosure: 1- ea. Red Alarm Beacon (Light) 4" x 4" Minimum Diameter 1- ea. Alarm Horn (minimum 95 DCB) 1- ea. Generator Receptacle w/ weatherproof cover(SCM460 -UL 1686) 1- ea. Alarm Silence Pushbutton The back panel shall be fabricated from .125, 5052-H32 marine alloy aluminum. All components shall be mounted by machined stainless steel screws. The following components shall be mounted to back panel: 2- ea. Motor Contactors 1- ea. Volt Monitor (1 Ph) Phase Monitor (3 Ph) w/2 N/O & 1 N/C Contacts 1- ea. Control Transformer (480 Volt Only) (Min. 500VA) 1- ea. Silence Relay Module 1- ea. Duplex Alternator w/ Pump Selector Switch 1- ea. Model RCBB5AH Battery Back -Up w/ Smart Charger 20- ea. Terminals For Field Connections 6- ea. Terminals For Motor Connections (Single Phase Only) 7- ea. Grounding Lugs 1- ea. Seal Failure Relay The inner door shall be fabricated from .080, 5052-H32 marine alloy aluminum. The inner door shall have a continuous aluminum piano hinge. The following components shall be mounted through the inner door: 1- ea. Main Circuit Breaker 1- ea. Emergency Circuit Breaker 1- ea. Mechanical Interlock For Emergency And Main Breakers (UL Listed) 2- ea. Short Circuit Protectors w/Auxiliary Contacts 1- ea. Control Circuit Breaker 2- ea. Seal Failure Indicator Lights 1- ea. Hand -Off -Auto Selector Switches 2- ea. Pump Run Pilot Lights 1- ea. Power On Pilot Light 2- ea. Elapse Time Meters (Non-Resetable) 1- ea. GFI Duplex Convenience Outlet COMPONENT SPECIFICATIONS: All circuit breakers shall be molded thermal magnetic. The mechanical interlock shall prevent the normal and emergency main breakers being energized at the same time. An emergency generator receptacle shall be supplied in accordance with DEP standards. The generator receptacle shall be 100 AMP, 230 V to meet the equipment operating conditions. NEUTRAL TO BE SUPPLIED FOR BOTH 230V 3PHASE OR 230V SINGLE PHASE POWER All motor short circuit protection devices must provide for under voltage release and class 10 overload protection on all three phases. Visible trip indication, test, and reset capability must be provided without opening inner door. Open frame, across the line, contactors shall be rated per IEC standards and properly sized per the motor requirements. Contactors shall provide for safe touch power and control terminals. Lightning Arrestor shall meet UL1449 3rd Edition or exceed the requirements of ANSI/IEEE Std. C62.21-1984 section 8.6.1. and 8.7.3 shall be supplied by electrician and mounted on the bottom side of the switch disconnect ahead of the pump control panel. A voltage monitor shall be supplied for single phase service. A phase monitor shall be supplied for (3) phase service. A green pilot light shall be supplied for each motor. The pilot light shall illuminate each time the motor is called to run. Each pump shall have an Elapse Time Meter to record the accumulated run time. The ETM shall be 2" diameter, non-resettable, six digit, totally encapsulated unit. A Red pilot light shall be supplied for control power. The pilot light shall illuminate when the control power is available inside the control panel. Relays shall be ice -cube plug in type. Relay contacts shall be rated 10 amp minimum, DPDT. Twenty (20) terminals shall be supplied for field connections. The terminals shall be rated 25 amps minimum. Each motors over -temperature contact shall be connected to the terminal strip and shall open a contact to de -energize the appropriate motor upon a high temperature within the motor. A 15 Amp GFl duplex receptacle shall be supplied and mounted on the innerdoor. Ground lugs shall be supplied and appropriately sized for each motor and for service entrance. MISCELLANEOUS: All wiring on the back panel shall be contained within the wiring duct. All wiring between the inner door and the back panel shall be contained with in a plastic spiral wrap. Each wire shall have a wire number at each end to correspond to the as built drawing for field troubleshooting. The control panel must be manufactured in-house by lift station supplier and be a TUV (UL508A Certified) facility. FASTENERS & APPURTANCES: All fasteners, lifting cables, float cable bracket, hinges, and appurtenances shall be made of AISI 304SS. A 304SS slide/latch assembly shall be provided for holding the doors open on the wetwell and valve box. Slide rails shall be made of SCH.40 AISI 304SS pipe. Pump lifting cables shall be made of AISI 304 SS. Pump lifting bales shall be made of AISI 304 SS. H-20 LOAD RATED WETWELL WITH LIFTING LUGS: The fiberglass wetwell must be H-20 load rated with integral lifting lugs, fiberglass slope in bottom of wetwell and valve box. Certification of the H-20 load rating must be supplied at the time of submittals to Engineer. -The wetwell shall be manufactured of fiberglass reinforced polyester (FRP) of depth and diameter as shown on the lift station elevation detail. The wall thickness shall be adequate for the dew of the wetwell to maintain the H-20 LOAD RATING. EXECUTION: Installation shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations in the locations shown on the drawing. INSPECTION & TESTING: A factory representative shall be provide for a one (1) time start-up and shall have complete knowledge of the proper operation and maintenance of complete system. Megger the motors. The pump motors shall be megged out prior to the start-up to ensure that the insulation of the pump motor/cable is intact. The pump controls and pumps shall be checked for mechanical reliability and proper operation. S.S. HINGES VENT WI O O I ALUMINUM COVER w/ (LOCKABLE) FIBERGLASS VALVE BOX (LOCKABLE) ACCESS HATCH 3" EMERGENCY PUMP -OUT � FIBERGLASS WETWELL w/ PLUG VALVE H-20 LOAD RATED 2.5" SS (0-100 PSI) PRESSURE GAUGE w/ 20 YR. WARRANTY Ow/ SHUT-OFF VALVE FLANGE / FLANGE CONNECTION NOTE: PUMP CONTROL PANEL SHALL BE LOCATED 3 FEET FROM WETWELL PERIMETER AT POINT "A" RILEY & COMPANY 3" ACTIVATED CHARCOAL FILTER VENT 3- (2") FIELD INSTALLED KNOCKO FOR ELECTRICAL CONDUITS INTEGRAL LIFTING LUGS COMPOSITE WATER -TIGHT INLET SLEEVE w/SS NUTS & BOLTS 8" INLET FIELD INSTALLED LIFT STATION WILL BE PRIVATELY OWNED AND MAINTAINED. PUMP DATA ELEVATIONS PRIMARY PUMP CAPACITY 193 GPM 0 TOP OF WETWELL 122.60 PRIMARY TDH 36' TDH INLET INVERT 114.29 PUMP MANUFACTURER LIBERTY HIGH LEVEL ALARM (HLA) 114.29 PUMP MODEL # LGV053 2nd PUMP ON (LAG) 113.29 R.P.M. 3,450 1st PUMP ON (LEAD) r 11 .29 HORSEPOWER 5 PUMPS OFF (OFF) 110.79 ELECTRICAL/ VOLTS / PHASE 480V/3 BOTTOM OF WETWELL 108.79 PUMP DISCHARGE SIZE 3�� WETWELL DIAMETER 60' / "* * ELECTRICIAN NOTES: CONCRETE BASE SLAB AS PER SPECIFICATIONS w/ #4 REBAR 18" O.C. 2" x 6" INTEGRAL FRP 0 BOTTOM SUPPORTS 77�° . 7 SWITCH DISCONNECT CONTROLPANEL — (LOCKABLE) GENERATOR RECEPTOR MODEL UL 1686 SCM460 — — - GALVANIZED UNISTRUT 1. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE * 2. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL CODES * 3. ELECTRICIAN SHALL SEAL OFF CONDUIT RUNS * 4. ELECTRICIAN TO MOUNT LIGHTNING ARRESTOR AT SWITCH DISCONNECT * 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY POWER SOURCE PRIOR TO ORDERING EQUIPMENT * 6. NEUTRAL TO BE SUPPLIED FOR 230V-3 PHASE OR 230V-SINGLE PHASE POWER. RILEY & CO. / H-20 GP 09-29-16 1" HOSE BIB 1" GALV. RISER SLEEVE REQUIRED HLA INTEGRAL FIBERGLASS SLOPE 316SS CAB BRACKET 316SS LIFTING CHAIN 60" �- FIBERGLASS VALVE BOX (40" x 36" x 36" DEEP) ELECTRIC METER OR PULL POWER FROM BUILDING 2" CAPS LIGHTNING ARRESTOR FIELD MOUNTED O — BY ELECTRICIAN 2- SEAL -OFFS ( 2" ) BY ELECTRICIAN z ___---PUMP POWER CABLES (2" CONDUITS) FLOAT SWITCHES (2" CONDUIT) 2" RIGID ALUMINUM POSTS as aVeo° = aee o0 TO WATER SUPPLY-,,e GROUND CONCRETE AROUND POSTS NOTE: ROD 12" DIA. x 24" DEEP REDUCED PRESSURE (RPZ) BACKFLOW PREVENTER TO SERVICE LOCATION TO BE INSTALLED IN WATER SUPPLY LINE TO (VERIFY w/ POWER CO.) LIFT STATION "FEBCO WATTS" (OAE) ELECTRICAL RISER FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY HDPE SDR11 18" PIPING & FITTINGS (HEAT FUSED) FLANGED CONNECTION 2" PVC DRAIN ("P-TRAP") ALUMINUM HATCH (LOCKABLE) FRP VALVE COVER 16" x 16" x 16" DEEP CAST-IRON PLUG VALVE 3" F.M. INTEGRAL FIBERGLASS SLOPE 0 6" F.M. 2' MIN. (3") CAST-IRON FLANGED PLUG VALV 3"x6" INCREASER (3") CAST-IRON FLANGED CHECK VALVE 3" HDPE SDR11 (HEAT FUSED CONNECTIONS) SLIDE RAILS SCHAO AISI 304SS PIPE CONCRETE GROUT AS REQ'D BY ENGINEER TO PREVENT FLOTATION 7.15 YD3 MAKE MONOLITHIC POUR WITH BOTTOM SLAB BASIN ANSI -FLOTATION FLANGE WETWELL BOTTOM BOLT & SUPPORT DETAIL PUMP DISCHARG�-►I \ BASE ------- - 2" x 6" INTEGRAL FRP "C" CHANNEL BOTTOM SUPPORTS MIN. 1/2" DIA. x 3" SS BOLTS WELDED TO A (2" x 24" x 1/4") SS ANCHOR PLATE EMBEDDED IN FIBERGLASS INCASE OF LIFT STATION EMERGENCY CONTACT SIGN EMERGENCY, CALL N O I IT & "###-###-####." 1. SIGN SHALL BE ALE -WEATHER, (WATER -PROOF). (24HOURS) 2. FETTERS AND NUMBERS SHALL BE 2" OR LARGER. C/D i wLAJ z LU 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Telephone 407.478.8750 Facsimile 407.478.8749 Selby G. Weeks 56991 revision Al 0 0 0 0 0 description date AGENCY COMMENTS 03.20.23 SJRWMD PAC 04.21.23 AGENCY COMMENTS o6.30.23 CITY COMMENTS 07.27.23 drawn by: JD checked by: SW date: o8/05/2022 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 21TSGDool file name: C600-DTLS-EAST-21TSGD001.DWG Page 514 of 593 MASTER PLANT LIST 1 Specifications Spacing N ative Drought Tolerance Water Zane 3" cal., 10'-12' ht. x 48" spd. AS yes M M 3" cal., min. 10'- 16' ht. x 48" spd., 5' ct. AS yes M L 3" ca l., min. 10' ht. x 60" spd., 5' ct. AS yes H L 10'-16' ct, mixed. AS yes H L 7 ga 1., 36' X 36", full 36" o.c. yes H L 3 ga1; 30" ht min. full AS no L H 3 gal., 12"_ 15" o.a. 30" o.c. yes H L 1 gal, -3 ppp 24" o.c. no H L 1 gal., 12"_ 15" spd., fu11 pot 24" o.c. no H L sand grown solid sod - weed free solid no H L BUFFER REQUIREMENT -EAST (ROW) 15' Width of landscape and 2 canopy / 3 understory trees per 100 LF BUFFER LENGTH (less driveways) 577 CANOPY TREES REQUIRED (LENGTH/100 X 2) 12 CANOPY TREES PROVIDED 12 UNDERSTORY TREES REQUIRED (LENGTH/100 X 3) 17 UNDERSTORY TREES PROVIDED 18 CONTINOUS HEDGE @ 30" HT.77771 165 VEHICULAR USE AREA LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENT Landscape 10% of total paved area, 1 tree per 4 parking spaces (50% shade trees) required TOTAL VU AREA 200,510 REQUIRED LANDSCAPE AREA 20,051 PROVIDED LANDSCAPE AREA 20,343 241 spaces / 4 trees required 60 TOTAL TREES PROVIDED 60 CANOPY TREES REQUIRED / 50% of trees to be canopy 30 *50% of trees to be canopy CANOPY TREES PROVIDED 30 BONNETT design group, llc landscape architecture community planning FL LC 26000341 400 S. Orlando Ave. Suite 201 Maitland, FL 32751 407.622.1588 voice Ai z7I;:1_CV100 0 BUFFER REQUIREMENT- NORTH 10' +/- Width of landscape and 2 canopy / 3 understory tree per 100 LF BUFFER LENGTH (less driveways) 512 CANOPYTREES REQUIRED (LENGTH/100 X 2) 10 CANOPY TREES PROVIDED 12 UNDERSTORY TREES REQUIRED (LENGTH/l00 X 3) 15 UNDERSTORY TREES PROVIDED 17 CONTINOUS HEDGE @ 30" HT. 89 BUFFER REQUIREMENT- SOUTH 10' +/- Width of landscape and 2 canopy / 3 understory tree per 100 LF BUFFER LENGTH 744 CANOPY TREES REQUIRED (LENGTH/100 X 2) 15 CANOPY TREES PROVIDED 16 UNDERSTORY TREES REQUIRED (LENGTH/100 X 3) 22 UNDERSTORY TREES PROVIDED 22 CONTINOUS HEDGE @ 30" HT. 248 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altarnante Springs, FL 32714 Telephone 407,478,8750 Focsirnle 407,478,8749 Todd W Bonnett, RLA FL #LA1718 W x a N revision description date Al AGENCY COMMENTS 03.20.23 0 AGENCY COMMENTS o6.30.23 AGENCY COMMENTS 07.27.23 0 0 0 drawn by: TWB checked by: TWB date: 11/02/2022 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 21TSGDool file name: 2022.139_Lool-LA BASE-EAST.DWG Liol Page 515 of 593 The Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for all materials and all work as called for on the landscape plans. The list of plant quantities accompanying the plans shall be used as guide only. If a discrepancy occurs between the plans and the plant list, the plans shall control. The Landscape Contractor shall warranty all trees, shrubs, and ground covers for a period of one (1) year from the time of final acceptance by Owner, Grounds Department Representative, and Landscape Architect. I I _ uCD FCE:D00 FENCING FABRIC ORANGE TENSAR GEOGRID (SNOW FENCE) OR AN APPROVED EQUAL. STAPLE TO VERTICAL 2X4 OR TIE TO METAL "T" POSTS. The Landscape Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the stability and plumb condition of all trees and shall be legally ' EXISTING TREE liable for any damage caused by the instability of any plant material. Staking of trees shall be done utilizing a method METAL "T"POST Q_� prescribed by Orange County Public Schools. QRWOODEN 2X4 The Landscape Contractor shall research plans and contact appropriate agencies to determine the location of any utilities and obstructions prior to commencing work. Any utilities or unanticipated obstructions shall be reported to Landscape Architect or Owner immediately. All plant material areas shall have an automatic underground irrigation system providing 100% coverage. See Irrigation Design Plans for extent of irrigation for sodded areas. Positive drainage shall be maintained away from all structures on the site. PLANT SPECIFICATIONS All nursery stock plant material shall be Florida # 1 or better in accordance with Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants Parts I & II, latest edition as published by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services- Division of Plant Industry. All plant material shall be planted, fertilized and mulched as per the plant details and planting specifications noted on the plans. All container grown material shall be weed free, healthy, vigorous, well rooted plants, and established in the container in which they are delivered to the site. The plants shall have tops which are good quality and in a healthy growing condition. Established container grown plant material shall be grown in that container sufficiently long enough for the new fibrous roots to have developed enabling the root mass to retain it's shape when removed the container. Plants which have become root bound in the container are unacceptable. All plant material that is not container grown shall be freshly dug, sound, healthy, vigorous, well branched, and free of disease and insect eggs and larvae, and shall have adequate root systems. Where any requirements are omitted from the plant list, the plants furnished shall be normal for the variety. Plants may be pruned prior to delivery only upon the approval of the Landscape Architect. FERTILIZER Granular fertilizer shall be uniform in composition, dry and free flowing. This fertilizer shall be delivered to the site in the original unopened bags bearing the manufacturer's statement of analysis. Granular fertilizer shall be a controlled release variety meeting the following requirements: sixteen percent (16%) nitrogen, four percent (4%) phosphorus, eight percent (8%) potassium, plus iron. Application Rates: Ma 9 EXISTJING ROOT FLARE VISIBLE GRADE 3' 10% OF ROOT BALL ABOVE SURROUNDING FINISHED GRADE TREE PIT PLANTING HOLE DEPTH 90% OF ROOT BALL 1. PLACE CONTINUOUS RUN OF FENCE MATERIAL ON BOTH SIDES OF IMME WORK ZONE IN WOODED AREAS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. DO NOT Al FENCE MATERIAL TO TREES. 2. TREE PROTECTION FENCING FABRIC TO BE PLACED 4' PAST THE CANOPY TREES THAT ARE TO BE PROTECTED. 3. "TENSAR" HIGH STRENGTH POLMER GEOGRID FABRIC BY TENSAR CORPO MORROW, GEORGIA OR APPROVED EQUAL TREE PROTECTION DETAIL PITS. NOTE: TREE FROG RBK 40PT. SYST TREE FROG ENVIRONMENTAL PR REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP AND WIRE BASKET IF B&B TREE PROVIDED. .08" THICK POLYETHYLENE ROOT BARRIER (SURROUND APPLICATION) BY CENTURY ROOT BARRIER OR APPROVED EQUAL. ROOT BARRIERS TO BE APPLIED FOR TREE APPLICATIONS WITHIN 10' OR LESS OF CURB LINES REMOVE BURLAP & WIRE BASKET FROM TOP 1 /3 OF ROOTBALL FOR ALL B&B TREE SET TOP OF ROOT BALL MULCH OVER GUYING 3" MULCH MIN. (TYP.), DO NOT MULCH OVER ROOT BALL MULCH RING SHALL BE 2' PAST ROOT BALL PIT SOIL BERM 6" (TYP.) PREPARE PLANTING SOIL AS SPECIFIED UNDISTURBED SOIL ARROWHEAD 310-DEGRADABLE ANCHOR TE 0 IP LINE FOR �, 9�I III: .-:°�'. Rgimil! :' ...L )��- aIBI���I�I TIO II:m n n _ I _ q.l :. I, G G Icedll�mml�I-�N►I�INL�::NnLc� c ........IIu m mIT..fl..l.-°��L.P. .08"THICK POLYETHYLENE ROOT I�I:IIL':Illl 1..._ �l. ' ��"""I - (V�........I i BARRIER (SURROUND APPLICATION) BY CENTURY ROOT BARRIER OR ROOTBALL DIA. APPROVED EQUAL. ROOT BARRIERS TO BE APPLIED FOR TREE APPLICATIONS WITHIN 10' OR LESS OF CURB LINES SMALL CANOPY TREE PLANTING DETAIL SPREAD. TOP -MOST ROOT IN ROOT BALL AT SURFACE REMOVE TOP 1 /3 OF BURLAP FROM ROOT BALL 3" MULCH MIN. (TYP.), DO NOT MULCH OVER ROOT BALL BUILDI LOCA VARIE: 4" SOIL BERM (TYP.) TO SiTI UNDISTURBED SOIL BACKFILL WITH NATIVE SOIL, SUPPLEMENT SOIL AS SPECIFIED IN GENERAL NOTES PRESSURE TREATED POLES EXTEND 2' INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL N.T.S. 'EE FROG RBK 20PT. SYSTEM )G ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS BASE OF TREE SHALL BE PLANTED SLIGHTLY ABOVE ADJACENT FINISH GRADE SET TOP OF ROOT BALL MULCH OVER GUYING 3" MULCH COVER (TYP.) 1" OVER ROOTBALL. NO MULCH AGAINST TRUNK 6" SOIL SAUCER DIAMETER OF TREE PIT TO BE TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE ROOT BALL, ROUGHEN SIDE OF TREE PIT PULVERIZED SOIL BACKFILL UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE PLAN VIEW X= SPACING ON CENTER (O.C.) DW SHALL FOLLOW BED LINE 3" MIN. MULCH(TYP.) 6" TYP. SOIL BERM TO HOLD WATER FINISHED GRADE 12" MIN. DEPTH OF PLANTING SOIL FOR GROUNDCOVER BED PREPARE PLANTING SOIL AS SPECIFIED IN GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES EXISTING SUB SOIL DUIL_UIIvv SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL N.T.S. ARBORGUY RBK 20 PLAN VIEW W/ STRAPPING BONNETT design group, llc landscape architecture community planning FL LC 26000341 400 S. Orlando Ave. Suite 201 Maitland, FL 32751 407.622.1588 voice 12" + HT. SHRUB CANOPY TREE PROPOSED FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION CLEAR AREA PLAN TREES AND SHRUBS TALLER THAN 12" SHALL NOT BE PLANTED ANY CLOSER THAN 4'-0" FROM THE BACK OR 7'-6" FROM EACH SIDE OF A FIRE HYDRANT OR FIRE DEPT CONNECTION NO TREES OR SHRUBS SHALL BE PLANTED IN FRONT OF A FIRE HYDRANT OR FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION. TURF AND GROUNDCOVER I SHORTER THAN 12" IS PERMITTED WITHIN THE CLEARANCE AREA Plant size 16-4-8 �o SECTION .— 1 gallon 1/4lb. TREE PLANTING DETAIL MULTI -TRUNK PLANTING DETAIL TREE PLANTING PLAN DETAIL 3 gallon 1 /3 lb. N.T.S. N.T.S. TYPICAL PLANTING AT FIRE HYDRANT 5 gallon 1 /3 lb. N.T.S. N.T.S. 7-15 gallon 1 /2 lb. 1" - 6" caliper 2 lbs. per 1" caliper 6" + caliper 3 lbs. per 1" caliper Sodded areas shall receive an application of the granular fertilizer (16-4-8) at a rate of 1 /2 lb. of Nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of sod area. All Fertilizer shall be applied no sooner than 30 days after plant material, trees, and sod has been installed. ►"•••••••� Planting soil for use in preparing the backfill material for planting pits shall be added a rate of fifty percent (50%) planting soil to fifty percent (50%) existing soil. This soil mix shall be used in all plant pits. Planting soil shall be a fertile, friable natural topsoil of loamy character. It shall contain forty (40) to fifty (50) percent decomposed organic matter and be free of heavy clay, stones larger than 1" in diameter, noxious weeds and plants, sod, partially disintegrated debris, insects or any other undesirable material, plants or seeds that would be toxic or harmful to plant growth. MULCH All plant beds and tree watering basins shall be top dressed with three inches (3") of pine bark nuggets Refer to Landscape Plan for limits of sod. CnZ Lu u, z t2 Z uw J 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altornonte Springs. FL 32714 Telephone 407.47&8750 Focsienle 407,47&8749 Todd W Bonnett, RLA FL #LA1718 N revision description date 0 AGENCY COMMENTS 03.20.23 0 AGENCY COMMENTS o6.30.23 AGENCY COMMENTS 07.27.23 0 0 0 0 All areas disturbed by construction (including material staging, equipment storage, temporary facilities, site access, construction staff parking, etc.) beyond the minimum limits of sod as shown on the Landscape Plan shall be sodded as drawn by: TWB needed. checked by: TWB All lawn areas to receive sod shall be disked four (4) to six (6) inches and graded to establish a level finished grade date: 11/02/2022 ensuring positive drainage from all structures. All debris shall be removed from the site. plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 21TSGDool Sod shall be free of weeds and pests. It shall be laid evenly with tight fitting joints and rolled. The sod shall contain moist file name: 2022.139_LOol-LA soil which does not fall apart or tear when lifted. BASE-EAST.DWG See plant list for specific sod species and locations. See 'Fertilizer' for requirements of all sodded areas. 16 of 593 BONNETT design group, 11c landscape architecture community planning FL LC 26000341 400 S. Orlando Ave. Suite 201 Maitland, FL 32751 407.622.1588 voice 40 0 20 40 80 IN FEET x E, FINAL IRRIGATION PLAN APPROVAL DOES NOT PROVIDE EXEMPTION FROM CITY OF OCOEE CODE OF ORDINANCES CHAPTER 175-LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION REQUIREMENTS. ANY DEVIATIONS MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 3135 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Allarnante Springs, FL 32714 Telephone 407.478,8750 Focsirnle 407.478,8749 Todd W Bonnett, RLA FL #LA1718 CA revision description date Al AGENCY COMMENTS 03.20.23 A AGENCY COMMENTS o6.30.23 ,I AGENCY COMMENTS 07.27.23 drawn by: TWB checked by: TWB date: 11/02/2022 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 21TSGDool File name: 2022.139—Lool-IRRIGATION BASE-EAST.DWG MR" Page 517 of 593 J 1) REFER TO THE LANDSCAPE PLANS WHEN TRENCHING TO AVOID TREES AND SHRUBS. HAND DIG AROUND ANY EXISTING TREES. DO NOT CUT ANY ROOTS OVER 2" IN DIAMETER. 2) ALL MAINLINE PIPING SHALL BE BURIED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 18" OF COVER. ALL LATERAL PIPING SHALL BE BURIED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 12" OF COVER. 3) ALL POP-UP ROTORS AND SPRAYS SHALL BE INSTALLED USING AN 18" PVC FLEX PIPE CONNECTION. DO NOT USE POLYETHYLENE PIPE. USE WELDON 737 WITH A PURPLE PRIMER OR RED HOT CHRISTY's BLUE GLUE ON ALL CONNECTIONS. 4) ADJUST ALL NOZZLES TO REDUCE WATER WASTE ON HARD SURFACES, WINDOWS AND BLDG. WALLS. THROTTLE ALL VALVES ON SHRUB LINES AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT FOGGING. USE ADJUSTABLE NOZZLES WHERE REQUIRED TO AVOID ANY WATER ON BUILDING WINDOWS. 5) NO RISERS SHALL BE USED. 6) ALL CONTROL WIRE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE IN VALVE BOXES USING 3M DBR-Y WIRE CONNECTORS AND SEALANT WITH WIRE NUTS. 7) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AN AS -BUILT DRAWING SHOWING ALL IRRIGATION INSTALLATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NEATLY MARK IN RED INK ON A WHITE BOND PAPER COPY OF THE IRRIGATION PLAN ANY INSTALLATION THAT DEVIATES FROM THE PLAN. THE AS -BUILT DRAWING SHALL ALSO LOCATE ALL MAINLINE AND VALVES BY SHOWING EXACT MEASUREMENTS FROM HARD SURFACES. MEASUREMENTS SHALL BE MARKED ON THE PLAN EVEN WHEN THE EQUIPMENT IS INSTALLED IN THE EXACT LOCATION AS THE PLAN. PROVIDE THE OWNER A PDF OF THE AS -BUILT PLAN. 8) ALL VALVES, GATE VALVES AND QUICK COUPLERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN VALVE BOXES. THE VALVE BOXES SHALL BE PURPLE WHEN USING RECLAIMED WATER. 9) ANY PIPING SHOWN OUTSIDE THE PROPERTY LINE OR RUNNING OUTSIDE A LANDSCAPE AREA IS SHOWN THERE FOR CLARITY ONLY. ALL LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE PROPERTY AND INSIDE THE LANDSCAPE AREAS OR INSIDE A SCH. 40 SLEEVE. 10) ALL HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED A MINIMUM OF 24" FROM ANY WALL AND A MINIMUM OF 6" FROM ANY SIDEWALK, PATIO OR ROAD. (MINIMUM OF 2'-0" WHERE THERE ARE NO BUMPER STOPS) 11) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CARE SO AS NOT TO DAMAGE ANY EXISTING UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE IMMEDIATE REPAIRS AND COST OF ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THEIR WORK. 12) ALL WORK SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE AGAINST ALL DEFECTS IN EQUIPMENT AND WORKMANSHIP OR AS OUTLINED IN THE WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS. 13) ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO LOCATION OF THE CONTROLLER, WELL OR PUMP SHALL BE PROVIDED TO A JUNCTION BOX OR DISCONNECT AT THE EQUIPMENT LOCATION BY THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR OR BY OWNER WHEN IT IS NOT PART OF THE BID PACKAGE. CONFIRM THE LOCATION OF THE CONTROLLER WITH THE OWNER OR GENERAL CONTRACTOR BEFORE ANY INSTALLATION. 14) IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO SCALE THE PLAN AND CHECK NOZZLE TYPES TO DETERMINE THE CORRECT SPACING OF THE HEADS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT SPACE THE HEADS FURTHER APART OR USE LESS HEADS THAN SHOWN ON THE PLAN. ANY CHANGES TO THE HEAD SPACING OR LAYOUT, WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR OWNER, SHALL HOLD THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR WARRANTY OF THE PLANTS AND OR SOD IN THESE AREAS. 15) 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING, CALL 1-800-432-4770 (SUNSHINE STATE ONE CALL CENTER) 16) INSTALL THREE EXTRA CONTROL WIRES TO EACH TERMINATION OF THE MAIN. ALL CONTROL WIRES SHALL BE INSTALLED INSIDE OF SCH. 40 GRAY PVC CONDUIT WHERE THEY CANNOT BE UNDER THE MAIN. ZONE PLANT IRRIGATION WATER PRECIP. APPLIC. GPM MINUTES TOTAL (TYPE) (TYPE) (DEMAND) (RATE) (IN. PER WEEK REQ.) (GPM) (PER CYCLE) (GALLONS) 1 PLANT DRIP MEDIUM 1.5 1.0 33 20 660 2 TREE BUBBLER MEDIUM 1.5 1.0 24 20 480 3 SOD SPRAY LOW 0.75 0.5 16 20 320 4 SOD ROTOR LOW 0.5 0.5 30 30 900 5 SOD ROTOR LOW 0.5 0.5 30 30 900 6 TREE BUBBLER MEDIUM 1.5 1.0 15 20 300 7 PLANT DRIP MEDIUM 1.5 1.0 17 20 340 8 PLANT DRIP MEDIUM 1.5 1.0 32 20 640 9 SOD SPRAY LOW 0.75 0.5 38 20 760 10 PLANT DRIP MEDIUM 1.5 1.0 14 20 280 11 TREE BUBBLER MEDIUM 1.5 1.0 22 20 440 TOTAL GPM PER RUN CYCLE 271 240 6,020 TOTAL GPM PER WEEK 12,040 (PEAK WEEKLY DEMAND) THE RUN TIMES SHOWN FOR THE ZONE IS FOR ONE RUN CYCLE AND WILL PROVIDE HALF THE REQUIRED AMOUNT OF WATER NEEDED PER WEEK. TWO RUN CYCLES PER WEEK ARE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE THE TOTAL WEEKLY REQUIREMENT. ALL RUN TIMES SHALL BE SET TO FOLLOW THE CURRENT WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT REGULATIONS AND REDUCED TO ONLY ONE RUN TIME PER WEEK WHEN RESTRICTED BY DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME OR WATER RESTRICTIONS. THE ZONE CHART IS PROVIDED AS A GENERAL OUTLINE ONLY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO SET THE RUN TIMES BASED ON THE SPECIFIC SITE CONDITIONS AND PLANT REQUIREMENTS. THIS SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, SOIL TYPE, DRAINAGE, SLOPES, SUN EXPOSURE AND THE ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD. THE TOTAL GPM REQUIRED PER YEAR WILL BE LESS THAN THE PEAK DEMAND PER WEEK TIMES 52 WEEKS, BASED ON THE RUN TIMES BEING REDUCED BY SENSORS AND A REDUCED WATER DEMAND IN THE WINTER MONTHS. MULCH (SEE LANDSCAPE PI ANh ;HAPED WIRE ERY 5'. BARBED FITTING FINISH GRADE DRIP TUB SEE LEG[ BLANI TUBIN ANTELCO XPANDO TAKE-C ADAPTER, CAPO RUBBER GROMMET AND RATCHET PVC TEE TO CONNECT' TO HEADER PIPE 12" O.C. THE MINIMUM SIZE SHALL BE 1 1/2" CENTER MANIFOLD END MANIFOLD MANIFOLD CONNECTION DETAIL PVC SUPPLY HEADER FLUSH VALVE ASSEMBLY -PLANT BED CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY EXISTING SOIL FT COMPACT THE BACKFILL TO AVOID SETTLING LATERAL OR MAINLINE 12" FOR LATERAL PIPE AND 18" FOR THE MAIN. r O CONTROL WIRES TRENCHING DETAIL 1) INSTALL ALL DRIP TUBING AT GROUND LEVEL AFTER PLANT INSTALLATION. INSTALL NETAFIM TLS6 U SHAPED WIRE STABILIZERS A MIN. OF 4' O.C. TO HOLD THE LINES IN PLACE. 2) KEEP ALL DRIP LINE CLEAN AT ALL TIMES BEFORE THE FINAL CONNECTION. ALL TUBE ENDS SHALL BE INTERCONNECTED TO ALL OTHER DRIP TUBES. DO NOT DEAD END TUBING. SINGLE ROWS SHALL HAVE A END CAP AND NOT BENT OVER OR TAPED. 3) AVOID SHARP BENDS IN THE TUBING. DO NOT BEND THE TUBING WITH LESS THEN A 12" RADIUS. THERE SHALL NOT BE ANY KINKS IN THE TUBING. 4) ALL DRIP TUBING SHALL HAVE UNIFORM SPACING AND BURIAL DEPTH. THE PLAN DOES NOT ALWAYS REFLECT THE EXACT SPACING OR LAYOUT OF THE TUBING. LAYOUT THE TUBING DOWN THE LONGEST WIDTH WHEN POSSIBLE. ADAPT THE TUBING TO CURVED BEDS OR PLANTERS AS REQUIRED. ADJUST AND ADAPT THE TUBING FOR ALL TREES. REFER TO THE TREE DRIP RING DETAIL. 5) INSTALL DRIP TUBING TO ALL AREAS THAT SHALL RECEIVE PLANT MATERIAL. SEE THE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR THE EXACT LOCATIONS. THERE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF TWO ROWS OF TUBING ON A SINGLE ROW OF PLANTS. 6) SPACE TUBING AS NOTED ON THE PLAN. DO NOT SNAKE TUBING BACK AND FORTH EXCEPT WHERE SHOWN ON THE PLAN. ALWAYS INSTALL A HEADER PIPE UNLESS THE TOTAL GALLONAGE OF AN AREA IS 3 GPM OR LESS. 7) REFER TO THE MANUFACTURERS DRIP INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE THE SAME TYPE AND MANUFACTURER AS THE DRIP TUBING. 8) ALWAYS FLUSH ALL LINES BEFORE FINAL CONNECTION. 9) INSTALL A A "SYSTEM ON" INDICATOR FLAG ON EVERY ZONE WHERE IT IS SEEN FROM THE CONTROL VALVE. 10) INSTALL FLUSH VALVES WHERE SHOWN AT THE ENDS OF EACH RUN OF DRIP TUBING AND ONE FOR EVERY 15 GPM OF TUBING. 11) CLEARLY AND NEATLY MARK THE TOP OF EACH VALVE BOX WITH THE TYPE OF EQUIPMENT THAT IT CONTAINS. (I.E. VALVE, FLUSH VALVE, ETC.) 12) THE DRIP ZONE VALVE ASSEMBLY SHALL BE PLACED INSIDE AN ARMOR JUMBO VALVE BOX. THE VALVE SHALL BE INSTALLED AS PER THE DETAIL ON THE PLANS. 13) THE DRIP TUBING SHALL HAVE EMITTERS EVERY 12" AND SHALL BE SPACED 12" APART IN GROUND COVER BEDS AND A MINIMUM OF TWO RUNS FOR EACH ROW OF SHRUBS WHEN THE SHRUBS ARE SPACED FARTHER THAN 2' ON CENTER. 14) REFER TO THE ZONE CONTROL KIT DETAIL FOR FILTER SIZES. 15) THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO COORDINATE HIS/HER WORK WITH THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. NOZZLE CHART G.P.M. LETTER SPEC. COLOR 40 PSI DISTANCE RADIUS ZONE LABELS THE NOZZLES LISTED SHOW THE TYPE OF MP ROTATOR NOZZLE THAT SHOULD BE USED. THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD INSTALL CORRECT NOZZLE IN EACH HEAD AS SHOWN BY THE LETTER BESIDE THE HEAD ON THE PLAN. DO NOT USE MP1000 SERIES NOZZLES. THE GPM, DISTANCE AND ANGLE ON THE NOZZLE CHART ARE APPROXIMATE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST ALL NOZZLES TO PROVIDE THE 100% COVERAGE, BUT LIMIT OVERTHROW ON TO BUILDINGS, WALLS, PAVEMENT, ETC. THE HEADS SHALL BE SPACED AS PER THE PLAN. SCALE THE PLAN FOR DISTANCE. DO NOT ASSUME THAT ALL HEADS ARE SPACED AS PER CONVENTIONAL SPRAY HEADS. THE PRECIPITATION RATE FOR THESE NOZZLES IS LESS THAN A CONVENTIONAL SPRAY NOZZLE. FOLLOW THE ZONE CHART FOR AN APPROXIMATE RUN TIME FOR EACH ZONE, BUT SET THE RUN TIME ON THE CONTROLLER BASED ON THE SPECIFIC SITE CONDITIONS. DO NOT SUBSTITUTE WITH STANDARD NOZZLES. INSTALL A DRIP RING AROUND ALL TREES WITHIN THE DRIP TUBING AREAS OR AS INDICATED ON THE LEGEND. DRIP TUBING/PVC LATERAL RAINBIRD XERI-BUBBLER INSTALL THREE RAINBIRD a Oa XERI-BUBBLERS (UXB-360) 0-35 GPH ON ALL CANOPY TREES AND ANY TREE 65 a GALLON OR LARGER (1 TO 2 GPM) OR AS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE PROPER COVERAGE. 12" TREE ROOT BALL NETAFIM DRIPLINE LOOP DRIP BUBBLER DETAIL BRAND F-VALVE INTO LID FOR FLU,' VALVE FINISH GRADE RAINBIRD SUBTERRANEAN EMITTER BOX AUTO FLUSH VALVE BLANK TUBING FLUSH VALVE MULCH DRIP TUBING MULCH 3/4" SCH. 40 PVC NIPPLE BARB TEE ADAPTER C PIPE AnOv 3/4" ELBOW VALVE (FOR AREAS 5 GPM OR LESS) DRIP CONNECTION DETAIL HUNTER ECO-INDICATOR VARTEK PIPE PVC TEE SXSXS OR ELBOW LATERAL LINE PVC STREET ELL TO DRIP TUBING 7PL PLAN VIEW LEGENDUSE HUNTER MP ROTATOR NOZZLES • HUNTER PRS40 6" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD ® TWO HUNTER AFB ADJUSTABLE FLOOD BUBBLERS PER TREE. . HUNTER PGP ULTRA ROTOR HEAD - 3 GPM ONETAFIM DRIP BUBBLER TREE RING- REFER TO DRIP BUBBLER DETAIL HUNTER DRIP ZONE ECO-INDICATOR- REFER TO THE DETAIL (NOT SHOWN ON THE PLAN) A NETAFIM FLUSH VALVE (NOT SHOWN ON THE PLAN) NETAFIM COPPER TECHLINE CV 17MM DRIP TUBING- 1 GPH EMITTERS EVERY 12". GROUNDCOVER PLACE ROWS 12" APART IN ALL GROUND COVER BEDS. INSTALL A DOUBLE ROW ON ALL HEDGE ROWS. REFER TO ALL NOTES AND DETAILS ON THIS SHEET. HEDGE CLASS 200 PVC MAINLINE-2" CLASS 200 PVC LATERAL LINE- SIZE AS SHOWN UNTIL A SMALLER SIZE IS SHOWN. MINIMUM SIZE OF 3/4" SCH. 40 SLEEVE (MINIMUM OF 24" DEPTH AND 2 SIZES LARGER THAN THE PIPE SIZE OR AS LABELED ON THE PLAN) HUNTER ICV ELECTRIC VALVE. SIZE AS SHOWN BELOW. INSTALL VALVE IN A 11 "X17" VALVE BOX AND COVER 0-25 GPM=1" 26-50 GPM=1 1/2" ® HUNTER ZONE CONTROL KIT- REFER TO THE DETAIL. CONTROLLER- HUNTER ICC-2. WHERE SHOWN ON THE PLAN. INSTALL WITH A C HUNTER MINI-CLIK RAIN SENSOR. GROUND WITH A MINIMUM 8' COPPER CLAD ROD. SLEEVE TO AS REQUIRED. POINT OF CONNECTION TO A 1 1/2" POTABLE IRRIGATION METER AND P BACKFLOW PREVENTER. REFER TO THE UTILITY PLAN FOR THE EXACT LOCATION AND DETAILS. CITY OF OCOEE NOTES THE DEVELOPER/ CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH UTILITIES DEPARTMENT FOR WATER CONSERVATION INSPECTION OF PLUMBING AND IRRIGATION SYSTEM BY CALLING 407-905-3159. FINAL IRRIGATION PLAN APPROVAL DOES NOT PROVIDE EXEMPTION FROM CITY OF OCOEE CODE OF ORDINANCES CHAPTER 175 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION REQUIREMENTS. ANY DEVIATIONS MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. HIGH VOLUME IRRIGATION (SPRAY HEADS) IS USED ON LESS THAN 60% OF THE LANDSCAPE AREA. DRIP TUBING (MICRO -IRRIGATION) AND NON -IRRIGATED AREAS IS USED TO MEET THIS REQUIREMENT. THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING BOTH HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION, SHALL INCORPORATE WATERSENSE PLUMBING FIXTURES AND ENGERY STAR APPLIANCES AS REQUIRED BY CHAPTER 175 OF THE CITY OF OCOEE'S CODE OF ORDINANCES. LEGEND 1. A HUNTER ICZ-101 1" CONTROL ZONE KIT. (0-20 GPM) B HUNTER ICZ-151 1 1/2' CONTROL ZONE KIT. (21-60 GPM) 2. CONTINUE 14 GAUGE WIRE TO THE CONTROLLER. INSTALL THE WIRE UNDER THE MAIN. INSTALL IN CONDUIT WHERE THE MAIN DOES NOT CONTINUE. (EXCEPT TWO -WIRE SYSTEMS) 3. HUNTER ICV VALVE 4. WATERPROOF CONNECTORS (DBY ON TWO -WIRE SYS.) 5. PVC UNION FOR SERVICING ASSEMBLY. 6. JUMBO PLASTIC VALVE BOX. 7. PVC PIPE FROM POINT OF CONNECTION. (45 OR 90 DEG.) 8. PVC PIPE TO IRRIGATION ZONE. 9. SOIL SEPARATOR FABRIC W/ BRICK UNDER EACH CORNER 10. FINISHED GRADE. REFER TO THE DECODER DETAILS FOR TWO -WIRE SYSTEMS FOR DECODERS, WIRE SPECIFICATIONS AND WIRE NUTS. ZONE CONTROL KIT DETAIL ALL VALVE BOXES SHALL BE MARKED INSIDE WITH THE ZONE NUMBER ON PLASTIC CHRISTY TAGS OR AS PER THE WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS. * DO NOT MANIFOLD THE VALVES. EACH VALVE SHALL BE , ON A SEPARATE TEE ON THE MAIN. ALL VALVES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 6' APART AND INSTALLED IN THE SOD AREA. LABEL LID (IRRIGATION) 11"X17" VALVE BOX FINISH GRADE KING "ONE STEP" 6" MIN. CONNECTORS EXPANSION SURGE CABLE 45 OR 90 VALVE i45OR90 WOOD STAKE WITH YELLOW RIBBON LABEL "IRRIGATION SLEEVES" (EACH END OF SLEEVES) MIN. OF 48" FROM CURB IRIGATION SLEEVES RRIGATION SLEEVES ROADWAY MIN. OF 30" GREEN SPACE ABOVE GRADE MINIMUM OF: 24 BELOW ROADS 18" BELOW SIDEWALKS SCH. 40 SLEEVE (SEE PLAN FOR SIZES) - CAP (UNGLUED) CAP (UNGLUED) ALL HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED A MINIMUM OF 24" AWAY FROM ANY BUILDING. SIDEWALK, CURB 6 SPRINKLER NOZZLE ETC. SEE CHART FINISH GRADE VARTEK PIPE USE 1/2" ON SPRAY HEADS 3/4" ON ROTORS MIN. 18" LENGTH PVC TEE SXSXS OR ELBOW LATERAL LINE RAIN SENSOR ATTACH TO BUILDING HEAD DETAIL SEE INSERT FO CONTINUATION HUNTER MINI-S BODY ASSEMBLY PVC STREET ELL EXTEND PAST EVE OF BLDG. CONTROLLER ELECTRICAL CONDUIT 120 V. PVC CONDUIT TO THE START OF THE MAINLINE. PLACE WIRES UNDER MAINLINE OR INSIDE CONDUIT. GROUND WITH 5/8" X 8' COPPER COATED RODS TO 10 OHM'S OR LESS. MAKE CONNECTION WITH CADWELD PLUS SHOT. VALVE BOX/GROUND RODS. INSTALL A B ABC MIN. OF 8' FROM CONTROLLER AND 8' APART. ( �� CADWELD PLUS ONE SHOT. - ' ` T-GROUND ROD WIRE AS PER LOCAL CODE PLACE THE RAIN SENSOR TO F'ROM RECEIVE RAIN ALL DIRECTIONS. CONTROLLER DETAIL landscape architecture community planning FL LC 26000341 400 S. Orlando Ave. Suite 201 Maitland, FL 32751 407.622.1588 voice C4 z LU w Z z w J r 385 Doug1os Avenue. Ste 2100 Vtomonte Springs. Ft. 32714 Telephone 407,47&8750 Focsinle 407,47&8749 Todd W Bonnett, RIA FL #LA1718 N revision description date 0 AGENCY COMMENTS 03.20.23 0 AGENCY COMMENTS o6.30.23 AGENCY COMMENTS 07.27.23 0 0 A drawn by: TWB checked by: TWB date: 11/02/2022 plot scale: AS SHOWN project number: 21TSGDool File name: 2022.139_Lool-IRRIGATION BASE-EAST.DWG 18 of 593 OIL T.O. PANEL ELEV. OIL T.O. +30'-6" PANEL ELEV. +28'-6" FINISH FLOOR ELEV. +0'-0" T.O. PANEL ELEV. +25'-0" FINISH FLOOR ELEV. +0'-0" T.O. PANEL ELEV. T.O. +28'-6" PANEL ELEV. +26'-2" FINISH FLOOR ELEV. +0'-0" i y . y T.O. PANEL ELEV. +28'-6" T.O. PANEL � � T.O. PANEL i i T.O. PANEL ELEV. +25'-0" ELEV. +25'-0" ------- --------- - ELEV. +26'-2" FINISH FLOOR FINISH FLOOR i ) LLL I FINISH FLOOR ELEV. +0'-0" ELEV. +0'-0" ELEV. +0'-0" OIL T.O. PANEL ELEV. +42'-0" OIL T.O. PANEL ELEV. +40'-0" OIL FINISH FLOOR ELEV. +0'-0" OIL T.O. PANEL ELEV. +36'-0" FINISH FLOOR ELEV. +0'-0" FRONT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION T.O. PANEL -� ELEV. +42'-0" T.O. PANEL ELEV. +40'-0" FINISH FLOOR ELEV. +0'-0" T.O. PANEL ELEV. +36'-0" FINISH FLOOR ELEV. +0'-0" T.O. PANEL �- ELEV. +42'-0" T.O. PANEL ELEV. +40'-0" OIL T.O. PANEL ELEV. +42'-0" OIL T.O. PANEL ELEV. +40'-0" OIL FINISH FLOOR ELEV. +0'-0" OIL T.O. PANEL ELEV. +36'-0" FINISH FLOOR ELEV. +0'-0" FRONT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION T.O. PANEL -� ELEV. +42'-0" T.O. PANEL ELEV. +40'-0" FINISH FLOOR ELEV. +0'-0" T.O. PANEL ELEV. +36'-0" FINISH FLOOR ELEV. +0'-0" T.O. PANEL �- ELEV. +42'-0" T.O. PANEL ELEV. +40'-0" THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY AND SHOULD BE RETURNED TO: PREPARED BY: Richard S. Geller, Esq. FISHBACK DOMINICK, LLP. 1947 Lee Road Winter Park, FL 32789 RETURN TO: Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk CITY OF OCOEE 1 North Bluford Avenue Ocoee, FL 34761 For Recording Purposes Only DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 429 Business Center Phase II East Development THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the day of December, 2023, by and between 409 OCOEE APOPKA, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, whose post office address is 250 South Orange Avenue, Suite 700, Orlando, Florida 32801 (together with its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as the "Owner") and the CITY OF OCOEE, a Florida municipal corporation, whose mailing address is 1 North Bluford, Ocoee, Florida 34761 (hereinafter referred to as the "City"). WHEREAS, Owner owns fee simple title to certain lands located within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, said lands being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof (hereinafter referred to as the "Property"); and WHEREAS, Owner has submitted to the City an application for a Large -Scale Preliminary Site Plan for construction of 126,402 square feet of light industrial and flex warehouse space (the "Application"); and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has held a public hearing to review the Application and at such hearing found the Application to be consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Code and State Road (SR) 429 Overlay District Business Character Area and has recommended that the Ocoee City Commission approve the Application subject to conditions of approval; and WHEREAS, the City has required that Owner execute this Agreement as a condition precedent to the consideration of the Application by the Ocoee City Commission; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that the execution of this Agreement is essential to the public health, safety and welfare and the ability of the City to plan for proper traffic circulation and utility facilities and services in the vicinity of the Property in accordance with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; and NAI-153788149lv6 Page 1 of 15 Page 522 of 593 WHEREAS, the City has determined that final approval of the Application and development of the Property shall be subject to the terms, conditions and limitations hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Application of the Owner, on , 20 , the Ocoee City Commission approved the Large -Scale Preliminary Site Plan Application; and WHEREAS, the provisions of Section 4-10 of Article IV of the Ocoee Land Development Code require that Owner and the City enter into a development agreement incorporating all plans and conditions of approval by reference; and WHEREAS, Owner and the City desire to execute this Agreement in order to fully comply with the provisions of the Ocoee Land Development Code. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and other good and valuable considerations exchanged between the parties hereto, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: Section 1. Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. Development Approvals. Nothing herein will be construed to grant or waive on behalf of the City any development approvals that may be required in connection with the Final Site Plan (as defined below) or the Owner's development of the Property. Notwithstanding this Agreement, the Owner must comply with all applicable procedures and standards relating to the development of the Property. Section 3. Development of the Property. A. Owner hereby agrees to develop the Property in accordance with that certain Large -Scale Preliminary Site Plan for the Property, date stamped as received by the City on (hereinafter referred to as the "Site Plan"), with such changes thereto as may be agreed upon in the approval of a Final Site Plan for the Property (the "Final Site Plan"). The Site Plan is hereby incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. B. The use of the Property, in accordance with the Site Plan, is for Light Industrial and Flex Warehouse Space. C. Owner hereby agrees that the Property shall be developed in accordance with and is made subject to those certain Conditions of Approval attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by this reference made a part hereof (the "Conditions of Approvar). Owner further agrees to comply with all of the terms and provisions of the Conditions of Approval. D. Except as otherwise expressly set forth in this Agreement, the Site Plan and the Final Site Plan, it is agreed that (1) Owner shall comply with the zoning and NAI-153788149lv6 Page 2 of 15 Page 523 of 593 subdivision regulations of the City as set forth in the Ocoee Land Development Code, as it may from time to time be amended, and (2) all preliminary site plans and final site plans for the Property or any portion thereof shall conform to the Ocoee Land Development Code requirements in effect at the time of approval of any such plans. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of the Ocoee Land Development Code, as it may from time to time be amended, and this Agreement, the Site Plan or the Final Site Plan, as applicable, it is agreed that the provisions of this Agreement, the Site Plan or the Final Site Plan, as applicable, shall control. E. Utility Improvements. The Owner shall be responsible for all of the following utility improvements: 1) All onsite water and sewer shall be privately owned and maintained. 2) All public utilities within easements and private utilities constructed within public rights - of -way shall be constructed to City standards. 3) No trees, shrubs or bushes shall be constructed on top of or within 10 feet of public utilities. 4) The Owner shall construct a new public force main along Ocoee Apopka Road and tie into the existing plug valve located approximately 1,000 feet north of the Palm Drive/Ocoee Apopka Road intersection. Line size shall be approved by Utilities under the Final Site Plan review. 5) The Owner shall construct an on -site private lift station and force main with connection to the new public force main on Ocoee Apopka Road. Force main shall not be located within the right-of-way of the new east -west road. 6) Owner shall construct a new ductile iron watermain within the right-of-way of the new east -west public road for the entire length of the property from Ocoee Apopka Road, stopping at the terminus of the new roadway. Line size shall be approved by Utilities under the Final Site Plan review. 7) Fire service shall be supplied from Ocoee- Apopka Road. F. Architectural Elevations. The architectural elevation and building fagades for Building 300 (the building facing or fronting on Ocoee Apopka Road) shall include a landscaped and hardscaped alcove which shall be consistent with the rendering and landscape plan presented to the City Commission at its Tuesday, September 20, 2022, public hearing for the Preliminary Large -Scale Site Plan, incorporated herein as Exhibit C. G. Parking Lot and Pedestrian Ling. On -site lighting for areas visible from Ocoee Apopka Road shall incorporate lighting poles, not to exceed thirty (30) feet in height, and shall be decorative in nature, metal and painted black (base and pedestal). Lighting fixtures shall screen out horizontal glare and shall not produce spillover lighting or night -sky pollution. Additionally, decorative lighting shall be NAI-153788149lv6 Page 3 of 15 Page 524 of 593 provided along walkway connections and within pedestrian areas where the parking lot lighting provides insufficient illumination and shall be metal and painted black to match parking lot lighting. Pedestrian light poles shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in height. Lighting pole and fixture design shall be submitted for review and approval at time of permitting. H. Drainage. A stormwater easement in favor of the City and public shall be required in the event the City needs to access the property and maintain the stormwater facility. A mass -grade permit shall be required and shall ensure prevention of erosion and protection of the natural ditch/canal that runs along the west portion of the property. A copy of the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) stormwater permit is required prior to approval of the Large -Scale Final Site Plan. Drainage/stormwater run-off shall be maintained on -site. 1. Wetlands Protection. Any wetlands identified or located on -site shall be protected via a conservation easement in favor of the City. Section 4. NAI-1537881491 v6 J. Clear and grub permit a) A Stormwater Prevention Plan (SWPP) is required as part of a permit for the clearing and grubbing of land. b) Clear and Grub Permit can be issued before Final Site Plan approval under circumstances as determined by the Development Services Director or his/her designee. Transportation Improvements. A. Utility, Landscape, Trail and Sidewalk Easement. The eastern twenty-four and one-half (24.5) feet of the Property along the west side of Ocoee Apopka Road shall be placed within a Utility, Landscape, Trail and Sidewalk Easement in favor of the City, other regulatory agencies and the public. At such time that the City assumes ownership and maintenance responsibilities of Ocoee Apopka Road, Owner shall, within thirty (30) days, prepare or cause to be prepared the title work, legal description and sketch/survey of said 24.5-foot easement area and shall deed said area to the City as public right-of-way, at no cost to the City. B. Construction of Trail. Owner shall design and construct a 12-foot wide trail within the Utility, Landscape, Trail and Sidewalk Easement. C. New Public Roadway. Owner shall design and construct to City standards a new east -west road as a 50-foot public right-of-way from Ocoee Apopka Road to Pine Street. Right-of-way dedication Page 4 of 15 Page 525 of 593 and design and construction of the new east -west road shall be at no cost to the City. Completion and dedication of the right-of-way shall be a condition precedent to obtaining a certificate of completion or occupancy for the Property; provided, however, that the City will accept the dedication of the right-of-way upon the satisfaction of all requirements for such dedication pursuant to applicable law. Section 5. Notice. Any notice delivered with respect to this Agreement shall be in writing and be deemed to be delivered (whether or not actually received) when (1) hand delivered to the other party at the address appearing on the first page of this Agreement, or (ii) when deposited in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the party at the address appearing on the first page of this Agreement, or such other person or address as the party shall have specified by written notice to the other party delivered in accordance herewith. Section 6. Binding Effect and Successors. This Agreement shall run with the Property and the rights and the obligations under this Agreement shall benefit, burden, and bind the successors, heirs and assigns of all parties to this Agreement. The rights granted to Owner under this Agreement relate specifically to the Property and are not permitted to be transferred to any other property. Section 7. Recordation of Agreement. The parties hereto agree that an executed original of this Agreement shall be recorded by the City, at Owner's expense, in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida. The City will, from time to time upon request of Owner, execute and deliver letters affirming the status of this Agreement subject to reimbursement by Owner for all fees and costs incurred by the City. Section 8. Title to Property. Owner warrants and represents to the City that it is the fee simple owner of the Property, free and clear of any mortgages or liens, or, in the event a mortgage or lien exists, Owner, at Owner's sole cost, shall obtain the necessary joinders and consents and subordinations to this Agreement (and documents called for herein) or releases from the appropriate parties with an interest in the Property. Owner shall provide to City, certified surveys, title reports or other documents evidencing such ownership interest. Section 9. Applicable Law. This Agreement and the provisions contained herein shall be construed, controlled, and interpreted according to the laws of the State of Florida. Section 10. Time of the Essence. Time is hereby declared of the essence to the lawful performance of the duties and obligations contained in this Agreement. Section 11. Agreement; Amendment. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and supersedes all previous discussions, understandings and agreements, with respect to the subject matter hereof. Amendments to and waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall be made by the parties only in writing by formal amendment. NAI-153788149lv6 Page 5 of 15 Page 526 of 593 Section 12. Further Documentation. The parties agree that at any time following a request therefor by the other party, each shall execute and deliver to the other party such further documents and instruments, in form and substance reasonably necessary to confirm and/or effectuate the obligations of either party hereunder. Section 13. Default. In the event of a breach, default, or violation of one or more of the material provisions herein by the Owner or the City, the violating party shall be given sixty (60) days to cure such violation upon receipt of written notice of the breach, default or violation from a non -violating party. In the event of a breach of this Agreement by the Owner or its successors and assigns that also constitutes a violation(s) of development order conditions and of a violation(s) of the Ocoee Land Development Code, the City may, in addition to other remedies, pursue code enforcement remedies afforded by law to cause the correction of such violation(s). In the event of a breach that is not cured within the aforementioned sixty (60) day notice period, the City shall be permitted to without further notice and Owner's opportunity to cure immediately withhold the issuance of and issue stop work orders on, certificates of occupancy, site permits and building permits associated with the Property, or any combination thereof, in the event Owner or its successors and assigns in interest, is in violation of any Florida Building Code, City of Ocoee Code of Ordinance or Ocoee Land Development Code provision(s) until the Owner's cure thereof consistent with such code. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, in the event a Lender or a Successor Owner acquires title to the Property, neither such Lender nor any Successor Owner shall have any obligation to commence or complete the development of the Property (except as may be required by the City to satisfy life safety -related regulations) and in the event of any failure or election of any Successor Owner to so commence or complete, the City's only remedy hereunder shall be to terminate this Agreement and revoke its approval of the Site Plan and the Final Site Plan; provided, however, that upon the request of the City and at no cost to the City, the Lender or Successor Owner, as applicable, will convey to the City the portion of the Property on which the 50-foot public right- of-way described in Section 4(C) above was to be constructed. As used in this Section 13, (x) "Lender" means any lender making a loan secured by the property and (y) "Successor Owner" means Lender (or its designee or nominee) or any purchaser who acquires title to the Property via a foreclosure or deed -in -lieu of foreclosure in connection with the exercise of Lender's remedies under any such loan secured by the Property. Section 14. Attorneys' Fees. In the event that either party finds it necessary to commence an action against the other party to enforce any provision of this Agreement or because of a breach by the other party of any terms hereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the other party its reasonable attorneys' fees, legal assistants' fees and costs incurred in connection therewith, at both trial and appellate levels, including bankruptcy proceedings, without regard to whether any legal proceedings are commenced or whether or not such action is prosecuted to judgment. Section 15. Non Waiver of Sovereign Immunity. Nothing contained in this Agreement nor in any instruments executed pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver or attempted waiver by the City of its sovereign immunity under the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida. NAI-153788149lv6 Page 6 of 15 Page 527 of 593 Section 16. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Section 17. Captions. Captions of the Sections and Subsections of this Agreement are for convenience and reference only, and the words contained therein shall in no way be held to explain, modify, amplify or aid in the interpretation, construction, or meaning of the provisions of this Agreement. Section 18. Severability. If any sentence, phrase, paragraph, provision, or portion of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereof. Section 19. Effective Date. The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the date when the City signs the Agreement. Section 20. Replacement and Termination of Existing Development Agreement. This Agreement replaces and supersedes that certain City of Ocoee Development Agreement (Contract No. D88-06) dated as of November 22, 1988, and recorded June 1, 1989, in Book 4085, Page 147 in the real property records of Orange County, Florida (the "Existing Development Agreement'). Upon the execution of this Agreement, the Existing Development Agreement shall be terminated and be of no further force and effect. 161to0W/_ylLei R I W I I MIILei 0 L�1L�1 NAI-153788149lv6 Page 7 of 15 Page 528 of 593 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Owner and the City have caused this instrument to be executed by their duly authorized officers as of the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Print Name Print Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE OWNER: 409 OCOEE APOPKA, LLC, a Florida limited liability company By:_ Name: Title: I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared , as Manager of 409 Ocoee Apopka, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, who [] is personally known to me or [ ] produced as identification. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this day of December, 2023. Signature of Notary Name of Notary (Typed, Printed or Stamped) Commission Number (if not legible on seal):_ My Commission Expires (if not legible on seal): NAI-153788149lv6 Page 8 of 15 Page 529 of 593 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Print Name: Print Name: FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. Approved as to form and legality this day of FISHBACK DOMINICK, LLP City Attorney STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Attest: Rusty Johnson, Mayor Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD ON DAY OF , , UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared RUSTY JOHNSON and MELANIE SIBBITT, personally known to me to be the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA and that they severally acknowledged executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses, freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in them by said municipality. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this day of , Signature of Notary Name of Notary (Typed, Printed or Stamped) Commission Number (if not legible on seal): My Commission Expires (if not legible on seal): NAI-153788149lv6 Page 9 of 15 Page 530 of 593 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Commence at the Northeast corner of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 18, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida; run South along the East line of the Northwest 1/4 Section line a distance of 323.07 feet; thence South 89°27'38" West a distance of 30.00 feet for the Point of Beginning; thence from the Point of Beginning, run South along the Westerly Right of Way line of Ocoee -Apopka Road, a distance of 633.65 feet; thence run West a distance of 614.79 feet; thence run South 0° 17' 14" West, a distance of 20.86 feet; thence run South 89°14'12" West, a distance of 176.20 feet; thence run North 0°50' East, a distance of 212.34 feet; thence run North 08026'50" East, a distance of 318.92 feet; thence run North 05°52'50" East, 122.76 feet; thence run North 89°27'38" East, a distance of 731.26 feet to the Point of Beginning. NAI-153788149lv6 Page 10 of 15 Page 531 of 593 EXHIBIT "B" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Section A. General 1. The City of Ocoee, Florida (the "City") is subject to the terms, provisions and restrictions of Florida Statutes, Chapter 163, concerning moratoria on the issuance of building permits under certain circumstances. The City has no lawful authority to exempt any private entity or itself from the application of such state legislation and nothing herein shall be construed as such an exemption. 2. This project shall be developed in two (2) phases. 3. Each phase of the project will stand on its own with respect to public services (sewer, water, stormwater management, access and other related services). 4. Except as specifically noted on this plan, development of the property shall be consistent with the requirements of the City of Ocoee Code of Ordinances (the "Code"), which Code includes Chapter 180, the City of Ocoee Land Development Code (the "Land Development Code"). 5. Nothing herein shall be construed to waive any provision of the Land Development Code except to the extent expressly set forth on a waiver table or explicitly set out on the plan. 6. Any damage caused to any public streets as a result of the construction activities related to the project shall be promptly repaired by the Owner to the applicable governmental standards at the Owner's sole cost and expense. 7. There shall be no access from the property to any public streets except at the approved locations shown on the approved Final Site Plan. 8. All existing structures (including buildings, power lines, existing aerial and utility facilities) will be removed and/or terminated prior to or during construction of the development replacing those uses. 9. All legal instruments including, but not limited to (i) declarations of covenants, easements and restrictions for the property, if any; (ii) articles of incorporation and bylaws of the property owners' association, if any (the "Association"); and (iii) warranty deeds, easements and bill of sale documents to the Association, the City, the County and/or the St. Johns River Water Management District ("SJRWMD") shall be provided to the City for review and approval prior to platting all or a portion of the property. 10. Parking within the Property shall be provided in accordance with the Land Development Code or as otherwise set forth in the Final Site Plan. NAI-] s3788149l v6 Page 11 of 15 Page 532 of 593 11. Each fire hydrant shall be painted OSHA yellow in color and a blue reflective marker shall be affixed to the street in the center of the lane closest to each hydrant. 12. The Owner of the Property shall be responsible for installing reuse lines along with the other subdivision infrastructure. At such time as reuse water is available to the Property, the Owner shall be responsible for connection to the reuse system lines. 13. Pursuant to the Land Development Code, all signage must be consistent with the legally assigned name of the development. Any subsequent change to the name of the development must be approved by the City Commission of the City. 14. To the extent these Conditions of Approval conflict with the Land Development Code, the provisions of these Conditions of Approval shall control. Section B. Trees 1. All landscape areas shall be irrigated and have an automatic rain sensor. Section C. Easements/Utilities 1. All cross access, drainage/stormwater, landscape, trail, sidewalk, and utility easements shall be provided prior to or at the time of permit issuance. 2. All existing onsite utilities including electrical, cable, TV, and telephone located in the road right of way shall be relocated as necessary and shall remain overhead. 4. Unless otherwise noted, there shall be a ten -foot (10') utility and drainage easement adjacent to all street rights -of -way. 5. Final easement dimensions will be shown on the Final Site Plan and will be sized to meet City requirements. 6. A perpetual, non-exclusive access easement over all internal roadways and other paved areas is hereby granted in favor of the City and other applicable authorities for law enforcement, fire and other emergency services. The City may require that the owner execute an easement in recordable form with respect to the foregoing. 7. An emergency access easement to the retention ponds and over all drainage easements shown on the Final Site Plan is hereby granted to the City for emergency maintenance purposes. The emergency access easement will not impose any obligation, burden, responsibility of liability upon the City to enter upon the property it does not own or take any action to repair or maintain the drainage system on the property. Section D. Association 1. Intentionally deleted. Section E. Streets NAI-153788149lv6 Page 12 of 15 Page 533 of 593 1. Final street naming will be coordinated through the City. 2. The street identified as "New Road" on the northern border of the Property will be dedicated to the public following completion of the extension of Pine Street and the dedication thereof to the City. 3. Street lights, security lights and lighting for common areas meeting current Land Development Code requirements shall be installed by the Owner prior to Certificate of Completion at the Owner's expense. 4. Intentionally deleted. 5. The Owner shall construct appropriate curbs cuts to enable construction of ramps at all rights -of -way intersections (and other areas as reasonably required) in order to accommodate access to sidewalks and streets for persons who are in wheelchairs and other persons with disabilities. Sidewalks abutting each parcel or tract shall be constructed at the time of development of such parcel or tract. When sidewalks are constructed on corner locations, the sidewalks will be extended to the curb and the appropriate ramps will then be constructed. Sidewalks adjacent to common areas shall be constructed at the time of permanent construction of adjacent common areas. Section F. Stormwater Manallement System 1. All wet retention ponds will be unfenced with a maximum 5:1 side slope into the pond. Dry retention ponds will remain unfenced with a maximum 4:1 side slope. Retaining walls utilized in retention ponds shall have fencing atop the wall locations. 2. The development of this project will incorporate the stormwater needs of all public roads within the project. 3. All building setbacks from all retention areas shall be fifteen feet (15') feet from the top of the bank. 4. Unless otherwise specifically provided for, the SWMS, including all pipes, inlets, manholes, structures and retention ponds, will be owned, operated and maintained by the Owner. 5. Notwithstanding the conveyance of the retention ponds to the Owner or any provision to the contrary contained in these Conditions of Approval, the Owner shall remain responsible for the maintenance of the SWMS, including all retention ponds, until such time as: i. the entire SWMS for the project is constructed and the appropriate Certificate of Completion is issued by both the City and the SJRWMD; ii. the retention ponds intended to be conveyed to the Owner have in fact been conveyed to the Owner; NAI-153788149lv6 Page 13 of 15 Page 534 of 593 iii. the Owner is designated as the maintenance entity on the records of the SJRWMD and all transfer records required by the SJRWMD have been executed and accepted by SJRWMD; iv. the City has been provided with a copy of the Owner's proposed maintenance plan with respect to the SWMS; and V. the City has been provided with a written statement from the Owner acknowledging receipt of the Owner's proposed maintenance plan with respect to the SWMS and that the Owner is responsible for the maintenance of the SWMS. 6. All common area improvements including entry features, walls, landscaping and sidewalks along all roads, as well as landscaping around the retention pond tracts and any lift station tract shall be completed to the extent agreed to with City staff prior to issuance of the Certificate of Completion for those corresponding phases. Section G. Wetlands/100 Year Flood Plain 1. All finished floor elevations will exceed the 100-year flood plain based elevation by a minimum of two (2) feet. 2. The Owner shall comply with all requirements of the City and other governmental entities with jurisdiction to protect the wetlands being preserved and to prevent any disturbance, siltation, or other construction below the natural wetland lines. Further, the areas below the natural wetland lines shall be fenced off (and silt fences shall be installed) during construction activities immediately adjacent to the wetlands, in order to minimize disturbances of the wetlands during construction. 3. Wetland and existing surface water impact for this property is regulated by SJRWMD and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. General or individual permits are required from these agencies prior to commencement of construction. 4. At the time of submittal of the Final Site Plan review for the property, the Owner will map any jurisdictional wetland line on the site and establish a twenty-five (25) foot secondary buffer from that line. The usable area of the site will be reduced by this acreage and all development criteria will be reduced proportionately. Prior to or at the time of development of any portion of the property, if a Conservation and Drainage Easement is required, the Owner shall convey to the City the Conservation and Drainage Easement, the form of which shall be approved by the City prior to the conveyance. Section H. Commercial Projects Intentionally deleted. Section L Single -Family Residential Projects Intentionally deleted. NAI-153788149lv6 Page 14 of 15 Page 535 of 593 Section J. Townhome Projects Intentionally deleted. Section K. Wekiva Study Area 1. Intentionally Deleted Section L. West Orange Trail I. Intentionally Deleted NAI-153788149lv6 Page 15 of 15 Page 536 of 593