HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Approval of Minutes
Ocoee Commission Chambers
1 N. Bluford Avenue
Ocoee, Florida
December 5, 2023 MINUTES 6:15 PM
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 PM in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Hart, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag led by Commissioner Kennedy. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a
quorum present.
Present: Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Kennedy, Commissioner Wilsen, Commissioner
Firstner, Commissioner Hart
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Ardaman, City Clerk Sibbitt
Mayor Johnson announced the Emergency Item for Fourth Amendment to the Contract for
Purchase and Sale between Wire Development, LLC and the City of Ocoee for the Purchase of
City-owned property at Crown Point. Development Services Director Rumer summarized that
the amendment is needed to close on the property, which interacts with the adjacent Orange
County Public Schools’ property, and to ensure the completion of future roadways. He further
addressed questions from the City Commission.
Motion: Move to approve the Emergency Item for Fourth Amendment to the Contract for
Purchase and Sale between Wire Development, LLC and the City of Ocoee for the
Purchase of City-owned property at Crown Point. Moved by Commissioner Wilsen,
seconded by Commissioner Hart; Motion carried 5-0.
The following persons addressed the City Commission:
- Jim Moyer, Ocoee Resident, expressed his gratitude to the Commission and High Point
Church for the Ocoee Remembers event. He also shared his appreciation for the City’s
recognition of Veteran’s Day and for the Commissioners’ donations of discretionary funds to
the American Legion post which supports local students. He further announced that Thursday,
December 7th is the 82nd anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
- Saima Plasencia, Former Police Chief, addressed the Commission and inquired if she
would be limited to three minutes under Public Comment, citing Florida Statute which she
stated allowed no limitations on time or content. Mayor Johnson granted her additional time
to speak. Ms. Plasencia read a prepared statement into the record with regard to being
relieved of duty.
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Commissioner Wilsen asked for clarification on Item #24 and Item #25 to confirm that Pine
Street would not be open to commercial traffic. Development Services Director Rumer
confirmed the same.
Commissioner Wilsen further commented positively on several projects on the Consent
Agenda that will enhance the City.
Consent Agenda Motion
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Item #1-25 with Item #6 being pulled for
discussion and separate consideration.
Moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Hart; Motion carried 5-0.
1. Approval of Minutes from the Regular City Commission Meeting held November 7,
2023. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
2. Approval of Reappointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Fire Department
(CACOFD). (City Clerk Sibbitt)
3. Approval of Ocoee Youth Council Scholarship Award Program. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
4. Approval of the First Amendment to the Purchase and Sale Agreement between the
City of Ocoee and the Chevron Land and Development Company. (Assistant City
Manager Shadrix)
5. Approval of the First Amendment to the Development Agreement between the City of
Ocoee and Montierre Development PLLC. (Assistant City Manager Shadrix)
6. Approval of Vacant Land Purchase of Property Located at 1 Taylor Street. (City
Manager Frank)
Commissioner Kennedy voiced he is not in support of this item as the City Commission has
already voted and given direction to City staff on how to proceed with the Code Liens. He further
shared he would support sending this item back to staff to consider another solution. Mayor
Johnson commented in favor of approving this item due to the court costs involved which he
feels will be close to the purchase price, and the possibility of the property being sold to another
buyer. He opined that the City purchasing the property is a good way to solve the blight issues
they are currently experiencing which he receives numerous complaints about. Commissioner
Kennedy reiterated his disapproval of this item.
Motion: Move to return Consent Agenda Item #6 back to City staff to present a better
option for the City Commission to consider. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy, Died for
a lack of second.
Further discussion on the blight of the property, and bringing the property into compliance.
Motion: Move to adopt Consent Agenda Item #6 as presented. Moved by Commissioner
Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner
Kennedy opposing.
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7. Approval of the Utility Easement Agreement for Ocoee Corners Development.
(Development Engineer Keaton)
8. Approval of the Fullers Cross Road Sidewalk Easement Agreement with Ocoee Village
Center. (Development Engineer Keaton)
9. Approval of Amendment to Contract for 15 S. Kissimmee Ave and 214 W. McKey
Street. (Development Services Director Rumer)
10. Approval of Ocoee Village Center Agreement for Transfer of $400,000 for the Fire
Station and Non-Substantial Amendment to the PUD. (Development Services
Director Rumer)
11. Approval of Temporary Parking Lease Agreement for 137 W. McKey Street with VMG
Construction, Inc. (Development Services Director Rumer)
12. Approval of the Drainage Easement Agreement with GS Crown Point Owner, LLC (FKA
Wire Development) for Drainage Outfall Pipe going under a New City Road in the
Ocoee Crown Point PUD for the Ocoee Crown Point Mixed-Use project. (Development
Services Director Rumer)
13. Approval of a Drainage Easement Agreement for Pond 8 in the Ocoee Crown Point
PUD with GS Crown Point Owner, LLC (FKA Wire Development) for the Ocoee Crown
Point Mixed-Use Project. (Development Services Director Rumer)
14. Approval for a Drainage Easement Agreement for Pond 10 in the Ocoee Crown Point
PUD Owned and Constructed by Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) on the OCPS
Technical School Campus. (Development Services Director Rumer)
15. Approval to Proceed with Water and Wastewater Field Operations CIP Projects.
(Finance Director Roberts)
16. Approval to Piggyback the NCPA/OMNIA Partners Contract for Construction of the
Vandergrift Central Park Basketball Court by The NIDY Sports Construction Company,
Inc. (Parks and Recreation Director Johnson)
17. Approval to Piggyback the NCPA/OMNIA Partners Contract for Construction of Tiger
Minor Pickleball Courts by The NIDY Sports Construction Company, Inc. (Parks and
Recreation Director Johnson)
18. Approval to Waive the Bid Requirements to Resurface the Ocoee Aquatic Center
Pool. (Parks and Recreation Director Johnson)
19. Approval to Piggyback Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Contract for Phase 3 of the
Ocoee Action Sports Park. (Parks and Recreation Director Johnson)
20. Approval to Enter into an Agreement with SoundThinking, Inc. for Resource
Management Software Services. (Acting Police Chief Ogburn)
21. Notification of Emergency Repair to Tank #2 at the Forest Oaks Water Treatment Plant
per Emergency Notification - Section 21.6, Chapter 21, City of Ocoee Code of
Ordinances. (Utilities Director Croteau)
22. Approval to Purchase Quiet Pulse Blowers from PSI Technologies Inc. (Utilities
Director Croteau)
23. Approval to Replace Existing Rotors and Add a New Rotor to each Oxidation Ditch at
the City of Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Plant. (Utilities Director Croteau)
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24. Approval of 429 Business Center Phase II East Large-Scale Final Site Plan and
Development Agreement - Project No. LS-2022-014. (Zoning Manager Whitfield)
25. Approval of 429 Business Center Phase II West Large-Scale Final Site Plan and
Development Agreement - Project No. LS-2022-015. (Zoning Manager Whitfield)
26. Chinapen Property Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Low-Density
Residential to Commercial & Rezoning from R-1A to C-2 - CPA-2023-002 & RZ-23-09-
09. (Zoning Manager Whitfield)
City Attorney Ardaman read the title of the ordinances, and it was announced this will be
presented as a second reading and public hearing at the next scheduled City Commission
meeting on January 16, 2024, at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
Commissioner Hart – Commented on the following:
1) Complimented Band Director Hendricks and the Ocoee High School Band for their
performances during battle of the bands and the Winter Garden Christmas Parade. Explained
that he and his wife participated in the parade, representing the City of Ocoee.
2) Applauded Ellie Lou’s BBQ for their great food and barbecue sauce.
3) Encouraged citizens to support local businesses and restaurants while shopping for and
celebrating the holidays.
4) Urged citizens to come forward with any information they may have regarding the homicide
of Gregory Reed. Tips can be provided to the Ocoee Police Department.
5) Commended Staff for the Veteran’s Day Ceremony and Family Movie Night events.
6) Encouraged citizens to check on their neighbors during the holiday season.
Commissioner Firstner – Commented on the following:
1) Expressed gratitude to the Public Works department for putting up the fence on Maguire
Road south of the Meadow Ridge subdivision.
2) Inquired about the status on the proposed Ordinance for the blanket tree removal issue.
Development Services Director Rumer addressed his question.
3) Announced the commencement of Operation Santa. The schedule is available on the City’s
website and Facebook page.
4) Announced the schedule and events for the Jolly Jamboree taking place on Saturday,
December 9th in Downtown Ocoee.
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Commissioner Wilsen – Commented on the following:
1) Reiterated the Operation Santa schedule and reminded citizens that unwrapped toys are
being collected for the Police Department’s Holiday Toys for Kids in Need program.
2) Announced the schedule and events for the Jolly Jamboree taking place on Saturday,
December 9th in Downtown Ocoee.
3) Commended Parks and Recreation staff member Keith Hendrix on the beautiful Christmas
4) Wished everyone Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year and announced that the next City
Commission meeting will take place on January 16, 2024.
Commissioner Kennedy – Commented on the following:
1) Wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
2) Inquired about the status of Lakewood Avenue. Development Services Director Rumer
addressed his question.
3) Commented on the presentation by former Police Chief Saima Plasencia. Reiterated a
previous statement that he does not feel Commissioners should be involved in personnel
Mayor Johnson introduced Joseph McMullen, Commissioner from the Town of Oakland and
founder of HAPCO Music Foundation. HAPCO offers all-day jazz clinics and free jazz concerts
at Ocoee High School. Mr. McMullen thanked the City Commission for support of the program
over the years and explained how the program impacts local students. He announced that on
February 3, 2024, a jazz clinic will take place at Ocoee High School, followed by an outdoor jazz
festival at the Lakeshore Center which is open to the public with free general admission seating.
VIP tickets are available to help fund the program. The Ocoee High School jazz band will open
the festival. Mayor Johnson requested community sponsors for the program and inquired about
donating $5,000 from the contingency fund. City Manager Frank confirmed that funds are
available and stated that the Commission should make a motion.
Motion: Move to approve donation of $5,000 out of Contingency Funds to go toward the
HAPCO Music Foundation. Moved by Commissioner Hart, seconded by Commissioner
Kennedy; Motion carried 5-0.
Jamie Douglas with Montierre Development announced that their company will match the City’s
$5,000 pledge to the program.
Mayor Johnson – Commented on the following:
1) Announced that Tuesday, March 19th is election day. Inquired about polling locations; City
Clerk Sibbitt confirmed that the election will piggyback off of the Orange County election,
therefore there will be several polling locations.
2) Announced the City’s election qualifying dates.
3) Announced the cancellation of the next two City Commission meetings and holiday closures.
4) Announced the City received an award for their Annual Consolidated Financial Report.
5) Announced the commencement and schedule of the 23rd Annual Ocoee Fire Department
Operation Santa program. Encouraged citizens to provide unwrapped toys for the Ocoee Police
Department’s Holiday Toys for Kids in Need program.
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6) Announced the State of the City will be presented on Tuesday, January 16th at 5:45.
7) Announced the schedule and route for the 16th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade
taking place on Monday, January 15th.
8) Announced the schedule for the Jolly Jamboree Golf Cart parade on Saturday, December
9) Voiced concerns about the late start for the Christmas light installation, and requested the
trees downtown be wrapped with lights. City Manager Frank addressed his concerns.
10) Commended the dinner with Santa and Mrs. Claus event which took place at the Lakeshore
Center. Commissioner Wilsen echoed his sentiments.
11) Expressed gratitude to Jamie Douglas and Montierre for their support in the community.
Attest: City of Ocoee
______________________________ ___________________________
Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johnson, Mayor
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