HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 05 Approval of Resolution Relating to Naming of Tract of Land City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: January 16, 2024 Item #: 5 Contact Name: Michael Rumer Department Director: Michael Rumer Contact Number: Ext. 1018 City Manager: Robert Frank Subject: Approval of Resolution Relating to Naming a Tract of Land in the Ocoee Crown Point PUD as Public Right-of-Way and Naming the Right-of-Way as Ocoee Crown Point Parkway. (Development Services Director Rumer) Background Summary: The City Commission initially approved the Ocoee Crown Point PUD (Planned Unit Development) on June 19, 2004. Within the PUD, the future development of roads and stormwater systems has been designed and designated as Tracts. More specifically, tracts 16B, 35, and 12C were designated as right-of-way with the City of Ocoee's responsibility for ownership and maintenance (see Ocoee Crown Point PUD Land Use Plan attachment). In lieu of platting the tracts as right-of-way, staff is bringing forth this resolution naming the tracts as public right-of-way. The designation as right-of-way will help facilitate the Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) West Orange Technical Center's utility permitting with Orange County. The right-of-way will be platted in the future once the remaining public right-of-way tracts are constructed as public roads. These tracts are being developed by the Ocoee Crown Point Mixed Use project by Wire Development. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve a Resolution naming a tract of land in the Crown Point PUD as public right-of-way for the extension of Ocoee Crown Point Parkway? Recommendations: Staff recommends the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve a Resolution naming a tract of land in the Crown Point PUD as public right-of-way for the extension of Ocoee Crown Point Parkway. Attachments: 1. Resolution 2. Site 73 S&D 3 3. Site 73 S&D 4 4. Ocoee Crown Point PUD Land Use Plan Indicating Area of Right-of-way Financial Impacts: None Type of Item: Consent Page 35 of 909 City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org Page 36 of 909 1 RESOLUTION NO. ______ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, DESIGNATING CERTAINS LANDS KNOWN AS OCOEE CROWN POINT PARKWAY AS PART OF THE CITY STREET SYSTEM FOR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY USE; PROVIDING FOR RECORDING, CONFLICTS AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Ocoee (the “City”) has acquired certain lands in fee simple for the purposes of improving and making such lands part of the City’s city street system (a/k/a municipal road system) for public right-of-way use; and WHEREAS, the City desires to make those certain lands owned in fee simple by the City that are described in the sketches and legal descriptions attached hereto as Exhibit “A” (“Ocoee Crown Point Parkway”) and incorporated herein by this reference as part of the City’s city street system available for public right-of-way use subject to the City’s superior jurisdiction, operation, control, regulation and maintenance; and WHEREAS, Article VIII, section 2(b) of the Florida Constitution and Florida Statutes § 166.021(1), the Municipal Home Rule Powers Act, confer broad Home Rule Powers on the City, and whereas the City has statutory jurisdiction under Florida Statutes § 334.03 and § 335.0415 to operate, control and maintain the city street system, which consists of “all local roads within a municipality, and all collector roads inside that municipality, which are not part of the county road system.” NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA: SECTION I: Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct and constitute findings of the City Commission. SECTION II: Designation of City Street. That Ocoee Crown Point Parkway is hereby designated as part of the City’s city street system (a/k/a municipal road system) as a public right- of-way subject to the City’s superior jurisdiction, operation, control, regulation and maintenance. SECTION III: Recording. After its adoption, the City Clerk shall record this Resolution in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida. SECTION IV: Conflicts. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION V: Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Page 37 of 909 2 ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting on this ____ day of ______, 2024. CITY: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA By: Rusty Johnson, Mayor ATTEST: Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED BY THE CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD ON _____________________ ______, 20___ UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. ____ FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this ____ day of ________________, 20__. FISHBACK DOMINICK By: __________________________ Richard Geller, City Attorney Page 38 of 909 3 EXHIBIT “A” See attached sketch and legal descriptions prepared by T2 Utility Engineers Job Number 06238- 001-12 Sheets 1 and 2, and Job Number 06238-001-12 Sheets 1 through 3 Page 39 of 909 DRAWN BY: LSA REVISIONS: SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION JOB NUMBER: 06238-001-12 IVAN R. HERNANDEZ, PSM FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER LICENSE NUMBER: 7016 CHECKED BY: IH DATE:8/12/2020 1-855-222-T2UE | WWW.T2UE.COM Sheet 1 of 2 - Legal description, Certification & Notes Sheet 2 of 2 - Sketch Table Of Contents: Page 40 of 909 STATE ROAD NO. 429ORLANDO-ORANGE COUNTYEXPRESSWAY AUTHORITYWESTERN BELTWAYRIGHT OF WAY MAP PROJECTNO. 75320-6460-602/603DATED APRIL 1997ORANGE COUNTY PARCEL ID NO. 06-22-28-0000-00-054 LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF CITY OF OCOEE = LENGTHL = RADIUSR = DELTAΔ = CHORDCH = CHORD BEARINGCB = RIGHT OF WAYR/W = PAGES(S)PG(S) = MEASURED(M) = DEED(D) = OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOKORB = POINT OF BEGINNING = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT P.O.B P.O.C = POINT OF CURVATURE = POINT OF TANGENCY PC PT = NON-TANGENT LINENTL = NON-TANGENT CURVENTC = CORNERCOR = SECTIONSEC = TOWNSHIPTWP = RANGERGE = CALCULATED(C) P.O.C S.W. COR. SEC. 6, TWP. 22 S., RGE. 28 E. P.O.B LAND AS DEPICTED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 10881, PG. 8146, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, LYING IN SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST AND SECTIONS 6 AND 7, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST. ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, S. LINE SW. 1/4 SEC. 6, TWP. 22 S., RNG. 28 E. W. LINE S.W. 1/4 SEC. 6, TWP. 22 S., RGE. 28 E.R=590.00' L=482.40' Δ=46°50'49" CH=469.08' CB=S66°52'53"E R=540.00' L=441.52' Δ=46°50'49" CH=429.33' CB=N66°52'53"W NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE SCALE: 1"= 100' SHEET: 2 OF 2 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION JOB NUMBER: 06238-001-12 1-855-222-T2UE | WWW.T2UE.COM 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 1" =' 50 100 200 100 Sheet 1 of 2 - Legal description, Certification & Notes Sheet 2 of 2 - Sketch Table Of Contents: Page 41 of 909 DRAWN BY: LSA REVISIONS: SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION JOB NUMBER: 06238-001-12 IVAN R. HERNANDEZ, PSM FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER LICENSE NUMBER: 7016 CHECKED BY: IH DATE:3/16/2021 1-855-222-T2UE | WWW.T2UE.COM Sheet 1 of 3 - Legal description, Certification & Notes Sheet 2&3 of 3 - Sketch Table Of Contents: Page 42 of 909 STATE ROAD NO. 429ORLANDO-ORANGE COUNTYEXPRESSWAY AUTHORITYWESTERN BELTWAYRIGHT OF WAY MAP PROJECTNO. 75320-6460-602/603DATED APRIL 1997ORANGE COUNTY PARCEL ID NO. 06-22-28-0000-00-054 LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF CITY OF OCOEE = LENGTHL= RADIUSR= DELTAΔ= CHORDCH= CHORD BEARINGCB= RIGHT OF WAYR/W = PAGES(S)PG(S) = MEASURED(M) = DEED(D)= OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOKORB = POINT OF BEGINNING= POINT OF COMMENCEMENTP.O.BP.O.C = POINT OF CURVATURE= POINT OF TANGENCYPCPT = NON-TANGENT LINENTL= NON-TANGENT CURVENTC = CORNERCOR = SECTIONSEC = TOWNSHIPTWP = RANGERGE = CALCULATED(C) P.O.C S.W. COR. SEC. 6, TWP. 22 S., RGE. 28 E. P.O.B S. LINE SW. 1/4 SEC. 6, TWP. 22 S., RNG. 28 E. W. LINE S.W. 1/4 SEC. 6, TWP. 22 S., RGE. 28 E. NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE ORANGE COUNTY PARCEL ID NO. 06-22-28-0000-00-081 W. LINE N.W. 1/4 SEC. 7, TWP. 22 S., RGE. 28 E. SEC.6SEC.1 SEC.12 SEC.7 S. LINE SE. 1/4SEC. 1, TWP. 22 S.,RNG. 28 E.SCALE: 1"= 100' SHEET: 2 OF 3 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION JOB NUMBER: 06238-001-12 1-855-222-T2UE | WWW.T2UE.COM 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 1" =' 50 100 200 100 Sheet 1 of 3 - Legal description, Certification & Notes Sheet 2&3 of 3 - Sketch Table Of Contents: Page 43 of 909 ORANGE COUNTY PARCEL ID NO. 06-22-28-0000-00-054 LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF CITY OF OCOEE SOUTHEASTERLY R/W LINE, WEST ORANGE TRAIL, O.R.B. 5043, PG. 2627 NORTHWESTERLY R/W LINE, WEST ORANGE TRAIL, O.R.B. 5043, PG. 2627 ORANGE COUNTY PARCEL ID NO. 01-22-27-0000-00-016 ORANGE COUNTY PARCEL ID NO. 01-22-27-6136-00-003 ORANGE COUNTY PARCEL ID NO. 06-22-28-0000-00-081 ORANGE COUNTY PARCEL ID NO. 12-22-27-0000-00-001 S. LINE SE. 1/4 SEC. 1, TWP. 22 S., RNG. 28 E.OCOEE CROWN POINTPKWYP.O.B = LENGTHL= RADIUSR= DELTAΔ= CHORDCH= CHORD BEARINGCB= RIGHT OF WAYR/W = PAGES(S)PG(S) = MEASURED(M) = DEED(D)= OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOKORB = POINT OF BEGINNING= POINT OF COMMENCEMENTP.O.BP.O.C = POINT OF CURVATURE= POINT OF TANGENCYPCPT = NON-TANGENT LINENTL= NON-TANGENT CURVENTC = CORNERCOR = SECTIONSEC = TOWNSHIPTWP = RANGERGE = CALCULATED(C) SCALE: 1"= 100' SHEET: 3 OF 3 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION JOB NUMBER: 06238-001-12 1-855-222-T2UE | WWW.T2UE.COM 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 1" =' 50 100 200 100 Sheet 1 of 3 - Legal description, Certification & Notes Sheet 2&3 of 3 - Sketch Table Of Contents: Page 44 of 909 Page 45 of 909