HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Approval of Fee Proposal for Final Design and Engineering Services for RFQ #21-003 City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: February 6, 2024 Item #: 2 Contact Name: Ginger Corless Department Director: Ginger Corless Contact Number: Ext. 1028 City Manager: Robert Frank Subject: Approval of Fee Proposal for Final Design and Engineering Services for RFQ #21-003 South Bluford Avenue Streetscape from Geneva Street to Delaware Street. (Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless) Background Summary: In 2021 CPH Consulting LLC was awarded RFQ #21-003 for the design and engineering services for S. Bluford Avenue Streetscape and in 2022 they completed the preliminary engineering for the full corridor from Old Winter Garden Road to Delaware Street. In 2023, a change order was executed to move forward with the final design and engineering for the CRA portion from Old Winter Garden to Geneva Street, with the intent of bringing a proposal for the remaining segment before the City Commission at a later time. CPH prepared a scope and fee proposal for the remaining City segment from Geneva Street to Delaware Street and Public Works now has the funds available to move forward with the final design. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the CPH fee proposal for final design and egineering services for S. Bluford Avenue, from Geneva Street to Delaware Street? Recommendations: Staff recommends the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the CPH fee proposal for final design and engineering services for S. Bluford Avenue from Geneva Street to Delaware Street and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and staff to execute the required contract documents. Staff also recommends the City Manager be authorized to approve change orders for the final engineering phase up to the limit of his purchasing authority for each change order, and up to the budgeted amount for this project for all change orders. Attachments: 1. Fee Proposal 2. RFQ #21-003 Change Order 2 Financial Impacts: The Public Works department has budgeted $1,000,000 in their Bluford Gateway Streetscape Job (number P000404) and will fund this final engineering phase from GL 317-541-10-6302. Page 11 of 1411 1 CITY OF OCOEE S. BLUFORD AVENUE COMPLETE STREET PROJECT PHASE 2 FINAL DESIGN SCOPE OF SERVICES December 7 , 2023 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Ocoee (hereafter referred to as the “CITY”) desires to provide complete street enhancements along the S. Bluford Avenue corridor from Geneva Street to Delaware Street. In addition, utility improvements within the corridor will also be made as part of this project. The proposed improvements will generally follow the previously prepared corridor study and concepts, with modifications as coordinated with the CITY throughout the design process. Improvements along the corridor may include the following elements: 10-12’ wide multi-use path, improved pedestrian crossings, a connection to the roundabout at the S. Bluford Ave. and Geneva St. intersection, landscape/hardscape improvements, street and pedestrian level lighting, undergrounding overhead utilities, and other CITY Utility improvements. TASK 1 – PROJECT ADMINISTRATION CPH will provide general project management, including, but not limited to communication and coordination with the CITY, preparation of meeting materials and documentation, preparing project billing, preparing invoice report, and tracking project budget and schedule, and attend project meetings. CPH anticipates two (2) meetings for the project. Should the number of meetings exceed the total in those two tasks, the additional meetings will be addressed as extra work. TASK 2 – SURVEYING SERVICES All surveying and mapping services will be performed per Rule Chapter 5J-17 of the Florida Administrative Code in compliance with the Standards of Practice of Surveying and Mapping of the State of Florida. Boundary Surveys (3 Parcels): CPH will perform 3 Boundary Surveys to include the below Parcel Identification Numbers per the Orange County Property Appraiser. The Boundary Surveys work shall include: • Obtain Title Search Reports for the three (3) parcels (by AGSC – please refer to the proposal as submitted by AGSC) • Review of each of the Title Search Reports and depict exceptions on each survey. • Prepare three (3) individual signed and sealed Boundary Surveys. 19-22-28-1562-00-020 19-22-28-1562-00-010 17-22-28-6144-04-320 500 West Fulton Street Sanford, FL 32771 Phone: 407.322.6841 Fax: 407.330.0639 Page 13 of 1411 2 TASK 3 – ROADWAY DESIGN SERVICES This work effort includes the design needed to provide plans for the project with sufficient information to allow for permitting, bidding, and constructing the project. CPH will design the roadway improvements in accordance with the applicable CITY, FDOT, MUTCD, and ADA design criteria. Final Roadway Design Services This work effort includes the design needed to provide plans for the project with sufficient information to allow for permitting, bidding, and constructing the project. The design of the project includes plans for the reconstruction of roadways, stormwater modifications, and streetscape improvements. These plans are for the use of the CITY to bid and build the project, and ensure the project is built as designed and to specifications. Based upon the preliminary plans, which the CITY reviewed and accepted at the conclusion of the Preliminary Design contract, CPH will continue with the preparation of the 60%, 90%, and 100% (Final) plans. The Final Design will include the reconstruction techniques for the roadway, horizontal and vertical alignments revisions, and proper cross-section analysis to ensure proper vehicular and ADA connections to existing grade within the CITY’s right-of-way and to maintain proper drainage. No traffic analysis or signal design is included within this scope of services. CPH will design the roadway surface and storm sewer surface hydraulics within the corridor per the FDOT Drainage Manual criteria for Spread adding additional inlets as needed, connecting to the existing drainage conveyance system. CPH will prepare Traffic Control Plans (Maintenance of Traffic) for the roadway and utility construction. CPH will coordinate with the CITY to prepare the appropriate MOT and/or detour plans. CPH will prepare the construction plan sheets, notes and details to include sheets necessary to convey the intent and scope of the project for the purposes of construction. The anticipated plan sheets will include the following: 1. Key Sheet 2. Summary of Pay Items 3. General Notes 4. Typical Sections 5. Project Layout Sheet 6. Roadway Plan and Profile Sheets 7. Roadway Cross Sections 8. Miscellaneous Details 9. Signing and Pavement Marking Plans 10. Traffic Control Plan (MOT) 11. SWPPP and Erosion Control Sheets CPH will utilize FDOT Specifications for the roadway construction, incorporating Supplemental Specifications for any revisions or items proposed in the plans not included in the FDOT Specs. The CITY will be responsible for providing the necessary Front End Documents. CPH will also prepare updated OPCC’s for each Plan Phase submittal (60%, 90%, and Final). CPH will Page 14 of 1411 3 provide a breakdown of the quantities per customary construction units and pay items necessary to construct the project. Based on the CITY’s review of each submittal phase, CPH will address comments, and move forward with preparing the subsequent submittal. If significant revisions to the plans are requested resulting in a change of the previously agreed upon design, the requested revisions will be addressed as additional services. TASK 4 – LANDSCAPE DESIGN SERVICES Final Landscape Design Based on the CITY’s review of the 30% Plans, CPH will prepare 60% Landscape Plans at a reasonable scale to clearly detail the proposed construction required to meet CITY and ADA criteria. At this submittal CPH will also prepare an irrigation plan for an automatic irrigation system that responds to the requirements of the landscape design and CITY’s design criteria. This drawing will be a construction document and include a materials list, wate ring schedule, irrigation details and general notes regarding implementation requirements. The 60% Landscape Construction Plans will consist of the following sheets: Tree Protection and Mitigation Plan Landscape Plan View Sheets Landscape Details and Notes Hardscape Plan View Sheets Hardscape Details and Notes Irrigation Plans Irrigation Notes and Details Based on the CITY’s 60% Submittal review, CPH will prepare 90%, and Final Bidding Documents (100%) and Technical Specifications. TASK 5 – PERMITTING SERVICES Permitting is anticipated with the St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD). Given the nature of the improvements, CPH assumes that the project can qualify for a Determination of Permit Exemption from the SJRWMD because it involves the addition or upgrade of pedestrian facilities, turn lanes, etc., which are currently exempted under Florida statute. Upon completion and CITY review of the 60% Plans, CPH will prepare and submit the plans for the appropriate permits to SJRWMD and FDOT. CPH will address comments provided by the permitting agencies that pertain to the required design standards. Any modifications requested that are not code or design standards issues, modifications requested by the permitting agencies that require significant plan revisions (as agreed upon by the CITY and CPH) or require scope of services not included herein, will be addressed as additional services. Any other permits that may arise during the design or review process, and not outlined above, will be handled as an additional service. Permitting and/or application fees will be the responsibility of the CITY. If the SJRMWD determines that additional permitting is required and that they will not issue the Determination of Permit Exemption, this will be addressed as additional work. Page 15 of 1411 4 TASK 6 – UTILITY COORDINATION CPH will perform the utility coordination for the proposed project. CPH will coordinate with Duke Energy to relocate and/or underground the overhead power CPH will coordinate with the CITY and other private utilities and propose a design that minimizes conflict. CPH will furnish plans of the 90% plan stages to the identified utilities owners, requesting Red, Green, Brown (RGB’s) for review and confirmation of utility locations. CPH will work diligently to design the proposed improvements so as not to conflict with the existing utilities. However, due to the nature of the work, there may arise such conflicts with existing utilities which are unavoidable and CPH will work with the CITY to see that the utility owners relocate their facilities to alleviate the conflict. However, CPH is not responsible for the design or cost of the relocated private utilities. TASK 7 – DUKE ENERGY LIGHTING COORDINATION CPH will coordinate with Duke Energy to replace the existing street lighting along the project corridor. CPH will provide 90% plans to Duke Energy for their use in preparing their lighting plans. CPH will also attend one (1) Duke Energy Lighting coordination meeting in order to assist in synchronizing the lighting plans with the other improvements. CPH will not be providing any lighting plans, including any conduit layouts, pole placements, or photometric analyses, as part of this scope. Should these be requested by the CITY, they will be addressed as additional work. TASK 8 – GEOTECHNICAL and PHASE 1 CONTAMINATION SERVICES CPH will utilize Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants, Inc. (GEC) (as a sub-consultant) to perform the geotechnical exploration. Please refer to the proposal as submittal by GEC. TASK 9 – Final Utility Design Services Based on the CITY’s review of the 30% Plans, CPH will prepare 60% Utility Plans at a reasonable scale to clearly detail the proposed construction required to meet CITY criteria. As discussed, this plan will include all elements identified within the CITY portions of the Bluford Ave. project, specifically that the existing water main is to be completely removed and replaced. These plans shall be prepared using colored linework to denote both existing and proposed utilities. CPH will prepare the construction plan sheets, notes and details to include sheets necessary to convey the intent and scope of the project for the purposes of construction. The 60% Utility Construction Plans will consist of the following sheets: Utility General Notes Utility Plan and Profile Sheets Utility Details CPH will utilize CITY of Ocoee Specifications for the utility construction, incorporating Supplemental Specifications for any revisions or items proposed in the plans not included in the CITY Specs. The CITY will be responsible for providing the necessary Front End Documents. Page 16 of 1411 01/04/2023 5 CPH will also prepare updated OPCC’s for each Plan Phase submittal (60%, 90%, and Final). CPH will provide a breakdown of the quantities per customary construction units and pay items necessary to construct the project. Based on the CITY’s 60% Submittal review, CPH will prepare 90%, and Final Bidding Documents (100%) and Technical Specifications. In addition, after the acceptance of the 90% Plans, CPH shall conduct the FDEP permitting for the project and include them as part of the Final (100%) submittal. If significant revisions to the plans are requested resulting in a change of the previously agreed upon design, the requested revisions will be addressed as additional services. TASK 10 – Utility Locates Geneva Street to Delaware Street. CPH will utilize Barnes, Ferland, and Associates, Inc. (BFA) (as a sub-consultant) to perform up to 22 soft digs (as needed) for the utility design for the CITY Portion. Please refer to the proposal as submitted by BFA. SERVICES NOT INCLUDED The following services are not provided as part of this Scope of Services and will require an amendment if requested: 1. Environmental Services 2. Post Design Services 3. Lighting Design or Plans, including Photometric Analysis 4. Construction Engineering and Inspection Services 5. Permits or authorization not specifically mentioned in this Scope of Services 6. Any other issues not specifically described in this proposal Page 17 of 1411 6 COMPENSATION Labor CPH will perform the Scope of Services contained in this Agreement as identified on each task on a lump-sum basis, as identified in the corresponding task of the Scope of Services. The following is the breakdown of fees for each task. Part 2 - CITY Portion Task Task Description Billing Method Fee 1. Project Administration Lump Sum $3,460.00 2. Surveying Services Lump Sum $18,085.00 3. Final Roadway Design Lump Sum $146,850.00 4. Final Landscape Design Lump Sum $21,480.00 5. Permitting Lump Sum $1,790.00 6. Utility Coordination Lump Sum $1,295.00 7. Duke Energy Lighting Coordination Lump Sum $1,295.00 8. Geotechnical Services Lump Sum $8,274.00 9. Final Utility Plans Lump Sum $118,470.00 10. Utility Locates (22) Lump Sum $20,588.93 GRAND TOTAL Lump Sum $341,587.93 It is understood that fees for the subject project, including but not limited to, application fees, impact fees, review fees, etc., will be paid directly by the CITY. CONSULTANT will submit invoices on a monthly basis to the CITY for payment. Lump Sum tasks will be billed as percent complete. In addition to the labor compensation outlined above, CPH shall be reimbursed directly for project specific expenditures such as, but not limited to travel, printing and reprographics, meals, postage, and phone usage. Reimbursable expenses will be billed at their actual cost, without increase. Page 18 of 1411 City of Ocoee - S. Bluford Avenue Streetscape Phase II Geneva Street to Delaware St. 235.00$ 180.00$ 140.00$ 145.00$ 105.00$ 260.00$ 135.00$ Task FINAL DESIGN - ROADWAY/ STREETSCAPE SUMMARY TASK MAN HOURS SUMMARY TASK COST MAN HOURS EXTENDED COST MAN HOURS EXTENDED COST MAN HOURS EXTENDED COST MAN HOURS EXTENDED COST MAN HOURS EXTENDED COST MAN HOURS EXTENDED COST MAN HOURS EXTENDED COST 1.0 Project Administration 20 3,460.00$ 4 940.00$ 12 2,160.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2.0 Boundary Survey (3 Parcels)118 16,060.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Title Search Reports (Sub) ($675 per Each) (3)2,025.00$ Refer to Proposal from ASGC 3.0 Final Roadway Design 1062 146,850.00$ 36 8,460.00$ 108 19,440.00$ 224 31,360.00$ 374 54,230.00$ 304 31,920.00$ -$ -$ 4.0 Final Landscape Design 160 21,480.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 40 4,200.00$ 24 6,240.00$ 32 4,320.00$ 5.0 Permitting 12 1,790.00$ 2 470.00$ 4 720.00$ -$ -$ 4 420.00$ -$ -$ 6.0 Utility Coordination 10 1,295.00$ 1 235.00$ 1 180.00$ 2 280.00$ -$ 4 420.00$ -$ -$ 7.0 Duke Energy Lighting Coordination 10 1,295.00$ 1 235.00$ 1 180.00$ 2 280.00$ -$ 4 420.00$ -$ -$ 8.0 Geotechnical Services (SUB)8,274.00$ Refer to Proposal from GEC 9.0 Final Utility Plans 849 118,470.00$ 30 7,050.00$ 72 12,960.00$ 96 13,440.00$ 420 60,900.00$ 222 23,310.00$ -$ -$ 10.0 Utility Locates (22)20,588.93$ Refer to Proposal from BFA 0 -$ -$ 0 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2241 341,587.93$ 74 17,390.00$ 198 35,640.00$ 324 45,360.00$ 794 115,130.00$ 578 60,690.00$ 24 6,240.00$ 32 4,320.00$ CPH, INC. Sr. Project Manager Project Manager Project Engineer Sr. Project Designer Design Tech Prin Landscape Architect Landscape Architect Page 19 of 1411 105.00$ 260.00$ 160.00$ 125.00$ 100.00$ 90.00$ 165.00$ 135.00$ 90.00$ MAN HOURS EXTENDED COST MAN HOURS EXTENDED COST MAN HOURS EXTENDED COST MAN HOURS EXTENDED COST MAN HOURS EXTENDED COST MAN HOURS EXTENDED COST MAN HOURS EXTENDED COST MAN HOURS EXTENDED COST MAN HOURS EXTENDED COST COST TOTAL MAN HOURS TASK COST -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4 360.00$ 20 3,460.00$ -$ 8 2,080.00$ 20 3,200.00$ 12 1,500.00$ 16 1,600.00$ 16 1,440.00$ 16 2,640.00$ 20 2,700.00$ 10 900.00$ 118 16,060.00$ 2,025.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 16 1,440.00$ 1062 146,850.00$ 64 6,720.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 160 21,480.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2 180.00$ 12 1,790.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2 180.00$ 10 1,295.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2 180.00$ 10 1,295.00$ 8,274.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 9 810.00$ 849 118,470.00$ 20,588.93$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 64 6,720.00$ 8 2,080.00$ 20 3,200.00$ 12 1,500.00$ 16 1,600.00$ 16 1,440.00$ 16 2,640.00$ 20 2,700.00$ 45 4,050.00$ -$ 2241 341,587.93$ CPH, INC. Landscape Designer Principal Surveyor Administrative Reimbursable Expenses TOTALSSr. Professional Surveyor Field Crew Coordinator Survey Party Chief Survey Instrament Man GPS (1 Man)Survey PM/CADD Page 20 of 1411 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT SERVICES CORPORATION March 6, 2023Nichole Lunsford CPH, LLC 500 W. Fulton St Sanford, FL 32771 407-322-6841 Ext 3176 Nlunsford@cphcorp.com RE: Ocoee Orange County, Florida. Dear Ms. Lunsford: Please accept this letter as confirmation that we can provide Title Search Reports for Title Services. In accordance with your request, I am pleased to submit the following price proposal for the following: Reports to be provided in the form specified at a rate of: •EPR Searches $ 675.00 per parcel •Updates, upon request $ 100.00 per parcel Total estimate is for the 3 parcels: $2,025.00 Estimate does not include update(s). To be completed 45 working days or less or by the date requested by client. Includes 1 pdf or CD. Our services are provided on a per parcel basis; therefore do not require a quote on an hourly or any other rate basis. DOT Title Research Reports are per report and are charged at per parcel rate. These charges are customary and ordinary. This is to certify that the billing rates contained herein is our normal rates for such services and that the method used to arrive at the rates are the same as for both public and private sector clients. If inflationary increases are requested, this further certifies that proposed increases are consistent with billing rate increases over the past two years. I appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this exciting project. If you have any further questions or need additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact me at (813) 933-3355, ext 236. Sincerely, Tammy Mehl Senior Vice President 3812 West Linebaugh Avenue Tampa, Florida 33618 Phone: (813) 933-3355 ext 236 Fax: (813) 594-0471 Cell: (813) 334-7467 tmehl@agsres.com Page 21 of 1411 February 28, 2023 CPH Corporation 500 West Fulton Street Sanford, FL 32771 Attention: Mr. Kurt Luman, Jr., P.E. Subject: Proposal for Geotechnical Services SOUTH BLUFORD AVENUE COMPLETE STREETS – CITY SEGMENT Geneva Street to Delaware Street Ocoee, Florida GEC Proposal No. 10527G1 Dear Mr. Luman: Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants, Inc. (GEC) is pleased to provide this proposal for the above-referenced project. This proposal was requested by email on February 28, 2023 and our scope of services is based on the project information and scope of services provided by you. The purpose of this investigation is to explore soil and groundwater conditions along the alignment and use the information obtained to provide geotechnical engineering recommendations for site preparation, and design and construction of the roadway improvements. The project includes roadway realignment and widening and new sewer from Geneva Street 50 to Delaware Street (approximately 2,220 lf). This segment is presented as Attachment 1. Geotechnical Scope of Services Based on our review of the scope of services, our scope of services is as follows: • Stake boring locations at the site. • Clear utilities at the boring locations. Page 22 of 1411 GEC Proposal No. 10527G1 2 Proposal for Geotechnical Services South Bluford Avenue Complete Streets – City Segment • Mobilize drilling equipment and crew. • Perform 9 auger borings to a depth of 5 feet and 3 auger borings to a depth of 15 feet below grade. Borings will be performed on approximate 200-foot intervals. • Obtain and conduct 2 Limerock Bearing Ratio (LBR) samples. • Perform routine laboratory soil classification tests to aid in visual soil classification. • Issue a geotechnical engineering report signed and sealed by a Geotechnical Engineer licensed in Florida that will address the following topics: o Subsurface conditions at the boring locations o Measured and estimated seasonal high groundwater depths o Site preparation o Fill selection, placement and compaction o Document pavement conditions o Roadway pavement subgrade design Fee and Schedule Our fee to provide the described scope of services is a Not-to-Exceed Amount of $8,274.00. Please refer to Attachment 2 for a specific breakdown of the estimated fees. Our schedule to complete the work will be about 5 to 6 weeks from your written notice to proceed. If requested, verbal recommendations can be provided after the field work is completed. Our schedule is highly dependent on Sunshine 811 and the utility providers/locators clearing the soil boring locations within the allotted 48 hour time frame. Limitations This proposal is subject to the following limitations: 1) The site will be accessible to the drilling equipment assumed above. If other types of drilling equipment become necessary due to site and/or weather conditions, appropriate adjustments to the actual fees will be necessary, and 2) we assume no responsibility for damage to underground utilities and/or structures that are not located by the owner or Sunshine State One-Call. Page 23 of 1411 Quantity Units Unit Rate Cost Field Services Mobilization of Truck Mount Drill Rig and Crew 1 ls $600.00 $600.00 Engineering Technician 6 hr $75.00 $450.00 Roadway Auger Borings (1/200 lf) City Segment (9 @ 5', 3 @ 15')90 ft $12.00 $1,080.00 Support Truck 1 day $160.00 $160.00 Traffic Signs 2 day $50.00 $100.00 Drill Rig and Crew 1 hr $220.00 $220.00 GPS Unit for Boring and Core Locations 1 day $100.00 $100.00 $2,710.00 Laboratory Testing Grain Size Analysis 5 ea $72.00 $360.00 Organic Content 2 ea $50.00 $100.00 Atterberg Limits 2 ea $125.00 $250.00 Natural Moisture Content 4 ea $17.00 $68.00 Corrosion Series 2 ea $238.00 $476.00 LBR Tests 2 ea $360.00 $720.00 Laboratory Subtotal $1,974.00 Engineering Analysis & Report Senior Professional 4 hr $250.00 $1,000.00 Project Engineer 12 hr $150.00 $1,800.00 CADD Draftsman 5 hr $110.00 $550.00 Secretary 3 hr $80.00 $240.00 Engineering Subtotal $3,590.00 NOT-TO-EXCEED FEE $8,274.00 (Site Recon, Boring/Core Layout, Utility Clearance, WT's) Field Subtotal Attachment 2 Geotechnical Scope of Services and Cost SOUTH BLUFORD AVENUE COMPLETE STREET Ocoee, Florida GEC Proposal No. 10527G1 City Segment - Geneva Street to Delaware Street Page 24 of 1411 December 6, 2022 BFA Project No. 2023-13.2 Mr. Kurt R. Luman, Jr., P.E. Vice President/Associate Transportation Division Director CPH Subject: City of Ocoee S. Bluford Avenue Streetscape Project Potable Water, Reclaimed Water and Sanitary Sewer Relocations and Improvements Revised Scope and Fee Proposal for Engineering Services Dear Kurt: Attached for your review is BFA’s scope and fee proposal for Task 2 to provide surveying and SUE services in support of the S. Bluford Avenue Streetscape Project and for the design of potable water, reclaimed water and sanitary sewer relocations and improvements related to the S. Bluford Avenue Streetscape Project. We appreciate the opportunity to assist CPH and the City of Ocoee on this important project. If you have any questions or comments regarding this proposal, please contact me. Sincerely, Will E. Thomas, PE President Attachments 1230 Hillcrest Street, Suite 100 • Orlando, Florida 32803 Office (407) 896-8608 • Fax (407) 896-1822 Page 25 of 1411 BFA #2021-xx Exhibit A SCOPE OF SERVICES CITY OF OCOEE S. BLUFORD AVENUE STREETSCAPE PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR POTABLE WATER, RECLAIMED WATER AND SANITARY SEWER RELOCATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS This presents BFA Environmental Consultants’ proposal for providing survey and SUE services related to the City of Ocoee’s S. Bluford Avenue Streetscape Project. This proposal includes the proposed scope, fee, and all work and services needed to successfully complete this project. The procedures and design requirements shall be performed in accordance with the City of Ocoee’s Engineering Standards Manual. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE As a subconsultant to CPH, BFA will be performing survey and SUE services for potable water, reclaimed water and sanitary sewer relocations and improvements in conjunction with the proposed roadway and streetscape improvements designed by CPH. SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 2.0 – Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) Soft Digs for Utilities Department To aid in the design of CITY water, reclaimed water and sanitary sewer relocations and improvements, BFA will perform up to 22 soft digs at utility tie-in points and at critical crossings throughout the project corridor. The soft digs will be performed with vacuum excavation equipment and will determine the horizontal and vertical location, the size, type and material of each utility uncovered. It is assumed these soft digs will be performed following the 60% utility relocation and improvement design. It is assumed that 10 of these soft digs will be performed in existing asphalt or concrete pavement and 12 will be performed outside of pavements. BFA will survey the vertical and horizontal location of each of these soft digs and include the survey file in the utility relocations and improvements plans. BFA will utilize the horizontal and vertical control established by CPH in their topographic survey for the horizontal and vertical verification. PROPOSED FEE BFA proposes to complete the services described above based on a total lump sum fee of $20,588.93. A complete description of the proposed fee providing man-hour and fee information for each task is provided in Exhibit B. BFA will submit invoices monthly to CPH for payment. Lump Sum tasks will be billed as percent complete. In addition to the labor compensation outlined above, BFA shall be reimbursed directly for project specific expenditures such as, but not limited to permit application fees, travel, printing and reprographics and postage. Reimbursable expenses will be billed at their actual cost, without increase. Page 26 of 1411 EXHIBIT B CITY OF OCOEE S. BLUFORD AVENUE STREETSCAPE PROJECT POTABLE WATER, RECLAIMED WATER AND SANITARY SEWER RELOCATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS BFA Survey Labor Costs December 6, 2022 Multiplier: 2.99 TASK Sr. Surveyor and Mapper Survey Technician 2 Person Survey Crew Utility Coordinator 3 Person SUE Crew 2 Person SUE Crew BFA Labor Hourly Rate $50.75 Hourly Rate $33.65 Hourly Rate $53.00 Hourly Rate $33.50 Hourly Rate $66.66 Hourly Rate $53.55 Billing Rate $151.74 Billing Rate $100.61 Billing Rate $158.47 Billing Rate $100.17 Billing Rate $199.31 Billing Rate $160.10 Totals Hours Costs Hours Costs Hours Costs Hours Costs Hours Costs Hours Costs Hours Costs Task 2.0 - SUE Soft Digs for Utilities Department 3 $455.23 12 $1,207.36 8 $1,267.76 16 $1,602.64 42 $8,371.16 48 $7,684.78 129 $20,588.93 Total 3 $455.23 12 $1,207.36 8 $1,267.76 16 $1,602.64 42 $8,371.16 48 $7,684.78 129 $20,588.93 Bluford_Fee_Analysis_11-29-2022.xlsx12/6/2022 Page 27 of 1411 Page 28 of 1411 Page 29 of 1411 Page 30 of 1411