HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-16-2024 MinutesOCOEE CITY COMMISSION
Ocoee Commission Chambers
I N. Bluford Avenue
Ocoee, Florida
11anuary 16, 2024 1`1111flITES 6:15 PM
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:19 PM in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Hart, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag led by Commissioner Firstner. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a
quorum present.
Present: Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Kennedy, Commissioner Wilsen, Commissioner
Firstner, Commissioner Hart ,
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Geller, City Clerk Sibbitt
Ocoee Village Consortium Update on Lakewood Avenue — Development Services Director
Rumer updated the City Commission on the project and introduced Steve Saha, an engineer
with Poulos & Bennett, who was hired to get the project moving forward. Steve Saha updated
the City Commission on Lakewood Avenue and the issues they are working to resolve. Mayor
Johnson shared his frustration with the timeframe and with the contractors not following through
with the work. He also voiced that he receives numerous calls from citizens about the closed
road; he stated that he does not want the City to issue any permits for this development until the
paving is done and the road is open. Commissioner Kennedy shared, as the Commissioner of
that district, he also receives numerous calls and this is the number one issue in his district. He
asked Mr. Saha how many years of experience he has with these types of projects and what
has happened since July of 2022 when he was brought on that has caused this project to not be
completed. Mr. Saha addressed the Commissioner's questions and stated that the road will be
open soon. Commissioner Firstner inquired about the warranty surety bond. Development
Services Director Rumer addressed his question. Commissioner Hart expressed safety
concerns as he has witnessed cars cutting through and there is a high school in the area.
- Thomas Lowrie, Ocoee Resident, expressed his personal thanks to the Mayor,
Commissioners, and staff, for their support of Challenge 22 back in November. Beginning this
year, the American Legion will not have any direct control over Challenge 22; they became an
LLC and formed a 501 (c)3, so any contributions from the public will become tax deductible.
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- Sue Lowrie, President of the Woman's Club of Ocoee and Ocoee Resident, asked the
City Commission if they would like the Woman's Club to facilitate a political forum, for the
candidates running for Commissioner of District 4, in the upcoming March 19, 2024, election.
Mayor Johnson responded that this was previously approved and conveyed to her to get with
the City Clerk to provide event information.
- Cheryl King, Ocoee Resident, expressed her concerns with District 4, and emphasized
that she perceives a lack of tangible benefits from her tax contributions. She also expressed
her dissatisfaction with the Planning Department and their method of communication with the
community, prior to the start of development. Mayor Johnson responded to her comments
and concerns.
- Cathy Sills, Ocoee Resident, thanked the City for the addition of sewer in downtown
Ocoee as it will help many residents and commercial tenants; however, there are many costs
involved in switching from septic to sewer, which will cause major financial impacts on the
residents and commercial tenants and potentially cause some of the businesses to close
down. She requested aid to assist those being affected. City Manager Frank stated that the
City can come up with an assessment program.
- Jim Moyer, Ocoee Resident, congratulated the City on another great Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. Holiday event. He also gave information on January being the 14th Annual National
Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month and encouraged residents to do their own
research, as well.
1. Approval of Minutes from the Regular City Commission Meeting held December5, 2023,
(City Clerk Sibbitt)
2. Approval of Educational Affiliation Agreements. (Deputy Fire Chief Van Camp)
3. Approval of Police Department Body -Worn Camera Expansion. (Deputy Police Chief
4. Approval of a Five -Year Warranty Surety and Maintenance, Materials, and Workmanship
Agreement for Ocoee Village Center Townhomes. (Development Engineer Keaton)
5. Approval of Resolution Relating to Naming a Tract of Land in the Ocoee Crown Point
PUD as Public Right -of -Way and Naming the Right -of -Way as Ocoee Crown Point
Parkway. (Development Services Director Rumer)
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6. Approval of Resolution Relating to the City of Ocoee's Pending Legislation to Qualify for
Affordable Housing Projects Under the Live Local Act. (Development Services Director
7. Approval of Change Order No. 1 to Ocoee Action Sports Park Phase 3. (Parks and
Recreation Director Johnson)
8. Approval to Award Invitation to Bid (ITB) #24-002 W. Oakland Ave Reconstruction.
(Procurement Manager Tolbert)
9. Approval of 2023-2024 Budget Vehicle and Equipment Purchases. (Public Works
Director Kr0g)
10. Approval of Resolution Relating to the Acquisition by Eminent Domain of Property.
(Public Works Director Krfig)
11. Approval of Florida Central Railroad Projects Proposal. (Public Works Director Kr0g)
12. Approval of Code Enforcement Agreement with Town of Windermere with 5% Adjustment
to Cover the City of Ocoee's Costs. (Support Services Director Gaines)
13. Palm Drive - Chinapen Property Small -Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment from
Low -Density Residential to Commercial & Rezoning from R- A to C-2 - CPA-2023-002
RZ-23-09-09. (Zoning Manager Whitfield)
Zoning Manager Whitfield presented a brief overview of the subject property, which is located
in Commission District 3 on the north side of Palm Drive approximately 160 feet west of the
Pine Street and Palm Drive intersection, and contains approximately 1.65 acres, and is
assigned parcel ID number 18-22-28-0000-00-109. She explained that the applicant currently
does not have a proposed use and only seeks to amend the FLUM designation and rezone the
property to allow for commercial development in the future. The property is currently vacant
with no unique environmentally sensitive features.
The subject property is located within Sub -Area A of the Business Center Character Area of the
State Road (SR) 429 Overlay District. The property owner's request to convert the property to
Commercial with a C-2 zoning district is consistent with the intent of the Business Center
Character Area to provide opportunities for office and retail uses in Sub -Area A.
City Attorney Geller read the title of the Ordinances.
The Public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was
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Comprehensive Plan Amendment Ordinance:
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2024-01, Chinapen Property at 601 Palm Drive
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Rezoning Ordinance:
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2024-02, Chinapen Property at 601 Palm Drive
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Motion carried unanimously.
14. 16 Floral Street - Wright Property Variance - VR-23-03. (Zoning Manager Whitfield)
Zoning Manager Whitfield presented a brief overview of the variance request for the property
located at 16 Floral Street. The applicant is requesting approval of one (1) variance from Section
5-14A and corresponding Table 5-2 as follows:
1) 17.7-foot (representing a 69%) reduction of the minimum front building setback from 25 feet
to 7.7 feet along the west property line to accommodate an attached garage for a single-family
home on a corner lot. The subject property is a corner lot with roadway right-of-way (ROW)
frontage along the north (Floral Street) and west (South Cumberland Avenue). The primary
entrance of the residence is along the north. Per Section 5-4G, Article V, LDC, "on a corner
lot", the applicable front yard setback shall apply to both street frontages. Consequently, both
the north and west property line are considered a front yard and, as such, are subject to the
required front yard setback of 25 feet.
According to Chapter 4-9 A., the variance application/applicant must demonstrate:
1. Special conditions and circumstances exist that are peculiar to the land, structures or
required subdivision improvements involved and are not applicable to other lands, structures or
required subdivision improvements;
2. That a literal interpretation of the provisions of these regulations would deprive the
applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties with similar conditions;
3. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the
applicant; and
4. That the granting of the variance requested will not confer of the applicant any special
privilege that is denied by these regulations to other lands, structures or required subdivision
improvements under similar conditions.
Staff provided testimony that the variance demonstrates satisfaction with the four (4) review
criteria and supports the request.
The Public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was
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Commissioner Kennedy asked that supporting documents presented also be included in
future packets, and further inquired about the drain field location for this property and if the
sewer installation in front of the property still affects the variance request. Zoning Manager
Whitfield addressed his questions.
Firstner; motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Hart — Commented on the following:
1 ) Recognized the HRDB for a job well done and stated that they have the City Commission's
full support.
2) Commented on the success of the Jolly Jamboree and is looking forward to next year's
3) Gave kudos to the Community Events team for doing a great job and displaying success
after success with each event. He commented on how great the MLK event was and he is looking
forward to the upcoming Mardi Gras event.
4) Reminded residents of the upcoming election and encouraged the residents to get out and
vote March 19, 2024.
Commissioner Firstner — Commented on the following:
1 ) Shared he was pleased with the State of the City address, it was a very professional
2) Thanked all staff and the Ocoee Youth Council that participated in the Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. festivities. City staff executed it flawlessly, and for the 16th consecutive year, it has been
a great event to attend without any issues.
Commissioner Wilsen — Commented on the following:
1 ) Shared that all the previous events have been great and there are more events
forthcoming. She announced that on February 3rd HAPCO will host a jazz music event at the
Lakeshore Center, February 9th will be the Mardi Gras Festival, March 9th the Spring into
Conservation event will be held at Unity Park, and April 6th is the Shred -it event being held at the
Police Department.
2) Announced if you use online banking to pay your water bill, please update the City Hall
address as City Hall has moved. The new address is 1 N. Bluford Avenue.
3) Shared that a resident of Sleepy Harbor has asked for this neighborhood to become a golf
cart friendly neighborhood, so that they can legally drive their golf cart. She asked that the City
Manager and staff address this request. Mayor Johnson advised that the resident would not be
able to cross over Orlando Avenue because of the speed limit.
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4) Noted that Gordon Applegate is no longer a member of the Parks and Recreation Boa
however, he is one of the City's longest running volunteers and was appointed 34 years ago
January 16, 1990. She requested the City re -name a street where City Hall relocated • aft
Mr. Applegate. Consensus of the City Commission was to have staff look into renamin
the street, as suclgested by Commissioner Wilsen.
5) Conveyed that they all get comments regarding the Christmas lights, so she has be
looking at some ways they can change it, and with the City Commission's support will do mo
r I
in-depth research to bring back suggestions for them to discuss.
6) Voiced that the City has done a great job, and she takes offense to negative commen
toward the City in regard to tax dollars because the •- • wonderful services from Ci
staff. She encouraged residents to read their tax bills properly and become educated on who an
• much they are paying taxes to.
Mayor Johnson — Commented • the following:
1) Shared that the City Manager has accomplished amazing • during his 20-year tenure
with the City, • asked the City Manager to highlight some • his accomplishments, He went •
to express his love for Ocoee and his frustration when citizens complain and make negative
comments about the City.
2) Announced the HAPCO Jazz event • Saturday, February 3, 2024, from 6-9 PM at Ocoee
Lakefront Park.
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3) Announced Friday, February gth, there will be a Mardi Gras 2nd Line Walk at Unity Par
followed by a Block Party in downtown, hosted by the Parks and Recreation Department i
partnership with the Ocoee Music Festival. Local artists and +• will be • McKey Stre
from 6-9 PM.
4) Announced the General Election will be held on Tuesday, March 19, 2024.
Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk
Rusty J h on, Mayor
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