HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 15 Discussion and Direction for Sleepy Harbour Golf Community Designation Request City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: February 20, 2024 Item #: 15 Contact Name: Vincent Ogburn Department Director: Vincent Ogburn Contact Number: Ext. 3038 City Manager: Robert Frank Subject: Discussion and Direction for Sleepy Harbour Golf Cart Community Designation Request. (Acting Police Chief Ogburn) Background Summary: During the City Commission Meeting on January 16, 2024, Commissioner Wilsen relayed a request from a Sleepy Harbour resident regarding their desire for the neighborhood to be recognized as a golf cart community. Commissioner Wilsen further urged City staff to explore the necessary steps for permitting golf cart usage within the Sleepy Harbour subdivision. According to Chapter 153-20 of the City Code, “The City Commission may, upon its own initiative or upon petition of an Applicant, direct City staff to create a map or other diagram delineating the boundaries of a Golf Cart Community and/or Golf Cart Permitted Streets and to prepare the appropriate resolution to be presented to the City Commission. Any such resolution shall be acted upon only following an advertised public hearing preceded by at least seven (7) days notice thereof.” As there has not been a formal petition from an applicant, City staff now seeks guidance from the City Commission on whether to proceed independently with advertising a public hearing for the adoption of a resolution designating Sleepy Harbour as a golf cart community during a future City Commission Meeting. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners consider designating Sleepy Harbour as a golf cart community or wait upon the petition of an applicant before bringing a resolution for adoption? Recommendations: Staff recommends the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners direct staff to either designate Sleepy Harbour as a golf cart community or wait upon an applicant's petition before bringing a resolution for adoption. Attachments: 1. Sleepy Harbour Subdivision 2. 2011-011 Golf Cart Ordinance Financial Impacts: Four (4) signs at $100 each will cost $400. Type of Item: Regular Page 301 of 309 "C "C STARKELAKE LAKE PRIMA VISTA SNOWDEN STALDAMA CT2ND STKEATON PY SHADY MA PLE CRB C TERRY RDCRESTWOOD COMMONS AV LANCER CRSTATENVILLE CTSTI NNETTDRH I R E C RWOODSON AVHAM LIN DR MARSDEN ST N L A K E S HORE DROCOEE HILLS RDS HIP Y A R D C T BUTTERFLY CREEK DR FEATHERSTONE CR ELAKES H OREDR OLYMPIC CRSAFEHARBOUR DRLANCER CR MONTGOMERY AVB IS M A R K C T CABORCA CTCREEK VIEW CTWHITE RD KUE NZ PLKAILA CTE GENEVA ST BURR OAK DRCALIFORNIA AVPACHECO CT WHISKEY CREEK CTB L U E S P R U C E D R3RD STHORMIGAS ST SABINAL ST CROOKED CREEK DR BLOOMINGTON CT WEST HARBOUR CTGINGER SPIC E LNSHOAL CREEK DREAST HARBOUR CTROBERTS RISE DRHAWTHORNE COVE CT BER NADINO DR OLYMPIA PARK CR Z E U S C T V A N D E RGRIFTDRMINOR CTHOWELL CTOLYMPIC CRTRANCAS CT BANDERAS AVWINDSWEPT CT1ST STCHAUNCEY CT COASTAL CR SLEEPY HARBOUR DRCHICAGO AVGALLEGO AVOLYMPIC CRWHITTIER AVMONTGOMERY AVMILLER CTHAW THOR N E COVEDR CHARLEON C T S LAKESH O R E D R 1ST STTURNBUCKLE CTVERONICA CRE OR LANDO AV WA TER WAY CT RICHMOND AVBR O A DWAYDROAK STLANCER CRR E E S E C T KAZAROS CRThis ma p h as bee n p ro duce d from the most accu ra te information ava ilable.The City of Ocoee is not resp onsible for an y e rrors o r omissions contained he reo n. Prep are d b y th e City of Oco ee Supp ort Serv ic es Depa rtment. Cit y of Oc oeeSleepy Harbou r S ubdivision Docu ment P ath: M:\GIS Admin\Mxds\Fire and P olice \Sle e py Ho rb o u r Sub.m xd Print Date : 2/7/202 4 Lege nd Existing Parkland Waterbo die s City Bo und ry Unin corpo rat ed Ora nge C oun ty 1 in ch = 0.13 miles I Sle epy Harb our Subd ivision Page 302 of 309 Page 303 of 309 Page 304 of 309 Page 305 of 309 Page 306 of 309 Page 307 of 309 Page 308 of 309 Page 309 of 309