HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Approval of Reappointments and One (1) New Appointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department (CACOPD)
City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761
Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org
Meeting Date: March 5, 2024
Item #: 2
Contact Name: Melanie Sibbitt Department Director: Melanie Sibbitt
Contact Number: Ext. 1026 City Manager: Robert Frank
Subject: Approval of Reappointments and One (1) New Appointment to the Citizen Advisory
Council for Ocoee Police Department (CACOPD). (City Clerk Sibbitt)
Background Summary:
Members of the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department (CACOPD) serve three-year terms.
The Resolution creating the Board allows no more than nine (9) members. At present, the Board consists of
eight (8) members following the recent resignation of a member absent from three consecutive meetings.
The terms of Members Gregory Meeks and Patrick Holt expired in January 2024. Both Members Meeks and
Holt are willing to serve another three-year term if reappointed. In 2023, Members Meeks and Holt both
attended 4 out of 5 meetings. Additionally, one (1) application has been received by Brad Lomneck who has
shown an interest in being appointed to the CACOPD to complete a term ending January 2026.
Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners appoint Mr. Lomneck to complete a term ending January
2026, and reappoint Members Meeks and Holt to the CACOPD Board to serve a three-year term ending
January 2027?
Staff respectfully recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners consider appointing Mr.
Lomneck to complete a term ending January 2026, and reappointing Members Meeks and Holt for a three-
year term ending January 2027.
1. Board Application
2. Attendance Log 2023
3. Board List
Financial Impacts:
Type of Item: Consent
Please use this form to apply for appointment to a citizen advisory or quasi-judicial huon1.
Completed applications must be signed and submitted to the Office of the City Clerk, 1 N. Bluford
Ave, Ocoee, FL34761 oremai|ed to Applications are valid for one (1) year from
����x_'��the date mfsubmission. Please direct any questions tothe Office ofthe City Clerk, 4O7'9US-3105.
to inspection by all persons.
Name(����Bc�LOm�� maUA�n��O0De�1�g0�[�m
Home Address
95' Veronica Ci[Ocoee FIL 34761UDitgd States
Phone 3216890732 CkyResident atLeast 6��onths?��Yes []No C�yCUath/t#______
When possible, equal representation for o8districts shall be maintained on all advisory boards, and the City Commission
shall consider the demographic makeup of the board upon making their appointment.
` /\{�[l Solutions LL{� [)i[8C[OrOfS@��)
Maceof\Nork Position
Business Address 957 Veronica Ci[Ocoee FL847R1 []Dih8d States
USCitizen? 0Yes E]No Registered Voter? 0Yes F-1No City Employee? ElYes 0No Dept__
Presently Serve unQuasi-judicial Board? 0Yes E]No |fyes, please describe Planning and Zoning
State law prohibits service on more than one quasi-judicial board or electedlappointed office.
Please indicate the board(s) for which you seek appointment by the City [brnnnisdon. Financial disc|osune
and/or background checks are required for certain citizen board members; see footnotes.
Citizen Advisory Council for Fire Dept.2
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board 2
Citizen Advisory Council for Police De
Planning & Zoning Commission'
Code Enforcement Board'
Personnel Board
General Employees' Retirement Trust
Fund Board of Trustees'
Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Trust
Fund Board of Trustees'
Human Relations Diversity Board 2
inancial disclosure forms must be submitted after appointment to a quasi-judicial board.
Is this for Reappointment? E]YesZNo
Have Attended at Least 1 Meeting of Requested Board(s)? Z Yes E] No
You are strongly encouraged to attend at least one meeting of any board for which you seek appointment
prior to submitting your application.
List any education, experience, and/or skill or civic involvement that would be relevant to serving on a board.
Is a Resume Attached? [:]YesZNo
Special Knowledge or Skills:
Community/Civic Organizations & Involvement:
Hobbies or Special Interests:
ZI understand that in accordance with the Florida Sunshine Law, this information will be available for
public review and I waive any objections to such publication.
ZIf appointed, I agree to faithfully and fully perform the duties of the Board, make every endeavor to serve
my full term, and will comply with all laws or Ordinances of the City, County, and State of Florida.
h� i | understand, �must appointed, an updated application u�� be submitted to seek appointment to another
--- advisory board.
hy | | understand that Financial disclosure forms must be submitted after appointment to e quasi-judicial
Section 760.80, F.S., requires the City submit a report annually to the Secretary of State disclosing race,
gender, and physical disabilities of board and committee members. Please check the appropriate boxes below:
RaceGender Disability
Africa O-Anoerican Male FlPhysically Disabled
0 Asian- American Female
QNative American
(j) Caucasian
By my signature below, I attest that the information provided herein is true and correct, and I acknowledge
and agree that a background check will be required when my duties include contact with the public.
Signature Bradley Lornneck Date 2-20-2024
Board Member Term ExpiresJanuary March Special MeetingMarch - No QuorumApril Special MeetingMay July - No QuorumSeptemberDecember Special Mtg - No QuorumAttendance RatioWarren Lewis P P Y P P Y P 5 OF 5
Annette Brown P P N A A Y P 3 OF 5
Cory Garone A P N/A A A N P 2 OF 5
Darryl Bruanskill, SR P P Y P P N/A P 5 OF 5
Jim Moyer P P Y P P N/A P 5 OF 5
Gregory Meeks P P N P P Y A 4 OF 5
Patrick Holt P P N/A P A N/A P 4 OF 5
Jason Mellen P P Y P P N/A P 5 OF 5
Robert Garay P N P P N P 4 OF 4
N/A=NO RESPONSE 2023 CACOPD Board Prepared by YM
Created by Res. #88-06 on 2/16/88 (Amend by Res. #91-09, 92-07, 96-20, 2003-19, 2006-006, 2010-006 & 2022-02)
3 Year Term
(9 Member Board)
Member District Email Term Expires
1. January 2026
2. Warren Lewis 1 Walewis051515@gmail.com
January 2026
3. Darryl Braunskill, Sr. 4 Dbraunskill45@gmail.com January 2025
4. Annette Brown 2 Annettebrown.ocoee@yahoo.com January 2025
5. Gregory Meeks 1 Gmeeks74@gmail.com
January 2024
6. Patrick Holt 1 Patrick.andre.holt@outlook.com January 2024
7. Jim Moyer 4 Jimmoyer1956@gmail.com January 2025
8. Jason Mellen 4 Jasonmellen74@gmail.com January 2026
9. Robert Garay 4 Robert.j.garay@gmail.com January 2026
Commissioner Liaison
Commissioner Kennedy 407-554-7130 Skennedy@ocoee.org
Staff Liaison
Vincent Ogburn, Acting Police Chief 407-554-7223 vogburn@ocoee.org
Kurtis Beck, Sergeant 407-554-7074 Kbeck@ocoee.org
Back-Up Staff Liaison (in the absence of Sgt. Beck)
Andrea Sanders, Officer 407-554-7204 Asanders@ocoee.org
Recording Clerk
Yazmin Maldonado 407-554-7188 Ymaldonado@ocoee.org