HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06 Approval for the Proposed Development of a Master Plan for Lake Apopka Nature Park City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: March 5, 2024 Item #: 6 Contact Name: Michael Rumer Department Director: Michael Rumer Contact Number: Ext. 1018 City Manager: Robert Frank Subject: Approval for the Proposed Development of a Master Plan for Lake Apopka Nature Park. (Development Services Director Rumer) Background Summary: In 2003, the Ocoee Crown Point PUD which is located in Commission District 1, was created, and as a part of the agreement (see Declaration of Conditions of Approval (Ocoee Crown Point PUD)), land was set aside for a “Waterfront Village” on the eastern shore of Lake Apopka (Tract 1 Waterfront Village). In 2016, Mattamy Homes signed an agreement with the City (see Declaration of Restrictive Covenant, Easements, and Cost Sharing Agreement) and contributed $250,000 towards the costs for a “lakefront community amenity” which would be constructed, owned, and operated by the City. Per the agreement with Mattamy Homes, these funds are available for the planning, engineering, design services, and construction costs associated with the amenity. City staff has contacted Kimley-Horn for their design services, and they have submitted a proposal for the City of Ocoee Lake Apopka Nature Park Master Plan (see 2024-0220 City of Ocoee - Lake Apopka Nature Park Master Plan Proposal). Parks and Recreation and Development Services have worked jointly on guiding Kimley-Horn in developing this proposal and will continue to work in conjunction throughout the development process. Staff is requesting authorization to move forward with the purchase order for the Preliminary Master Plan which is the first step to a full design and engineering for the park. The Preliminary Master Plan will enable staff to receive an estimated price to construct the park and then to move forward with securing an engineer to create construction documents. Finally, the park would go out to bid for the construction. All of the above steps will be brought forward for approval by the City Commission. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the proposal submitted by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for the development of a Master Plan for the Lake Apopka Nature Park? Recommendations: Staff recommends the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the proposal submitted by Kimley- Horn and Associates, Inc. for the development of a Master Plan for the Lake Apopka Nature Park. Attachments: 1. 2024-0220 City of Ocoee - Lake Apopka Nature Park Master Plan Proposal 2. Declaration of Conditions of Approval (Ocoee Crown Point PUD 2003) 3. Declaration of Restrictive Covenant, Easements and Cost Sharing Agreement (Mattamy Orlando 2016) City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org 4. Amended PUD Sheet C005 Financial Impacts: The Scope of Services is split into (2) phases, with Phase 1 being the design and development of the Master Plan and Phase 2 being the creation of construction documents and permitting. Payment for the Master Plan will come from the $250,000 contributed by Mattamy Homes towards a future lakeside park (GL Code 106- 223006). The cost for Phase 1 is $58,000, and the cost for Phase 2 and the funding for the construction of the park will make use of the remaining $192,000 from the Mattamy Homes contribution, with the unfunded balance to be funded by the City Commission in future Capital Improvement Programs. Funding from the Recreation Impact fee Account can be applied for the construction of the park as it will facilitate an increase in the adopted Level of Service for Parks, Open Space, and Recreation, which is four (4) acres per 1,000 population served. Type of Item: Consent kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL 32801 407 898 1511 February 20, 2024 Ginger Corless, AICP, CPRP Deputy Development Services Director & CRA Administrator City of Ocoee 1 North Bluford Avenue Ocoee, FL 34761 Re: City of Ocoee – RFQ 21-006 Continuing Landscape Architecture / Planning Lake Apopka Nature Park Ocoee, Florida Dear Ms. Corless: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. , (“Kimley-Horn” or “the Consultant”) is pleased to submit this Scope and Fee Proposal for professional design services to the City of Ocoee (“City” or “the Client”) for the City of Ocoee Lake Apopka Nature Park Master Plan (“Plan”, “Nature Park”, or “the Project”) of the city owned parcel located per Orange County Property Appraiser parcel #: 01-22-27-0000-00-012. The work will be performed under RFQ 21-006 Continuing Landscape Architecture / Planning contract dated July 20, 2021. Our project understanding, scope of services, and fees are described below. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING It is our understanding that the City desires to develop a Master Plan for the Lake Apopka Nature Park on the parcel listed above. The scope included in this proposal is provided in Phased Tasks, with Phase 1 Tasks providing services to develop a Master Plan to be approved by the city. As the scope of work for construction documents and permitting of the approved Plan has yet to be determined, future Phase 2 Tasks for construction and permitting documents will be further defined and developed based on the approved Plan. Based on discussions to date with the city, Kimley-Horn is prepared to proceed with planning the Master Plan based on the following: SCOPE OF SERVICES PHASE 1 TASKS: TASK 1 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT, MEETINGS AND COORDINATION In this task, Kimley-Horn will provide a project manager and staff to administer the professional services described in this scope and coordinate with the City’s Project Manager. As part of this task, Kimley- Horn will: A. Provide scheduling, status reports, budgeting, invoicing, and quality assurance B. Facilitate one (1) Kick-off meeting with Client and design team C. Facilitate monthly progress meetings via conference call / online meeting Page 2 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL 32801 407 898 1511 D. Facilitate up to four (4) additional conference calls / online meetings as required E. Prepare for and facilitate a design workshop with City staff F. Assist staff in making one presentation to the Recreation Advisory Board and one presentation to the City Commission Task 1 Deliverables: PDF documentation of the following: • Status reports, meeting minutes, schedule/schedule updates TASK 2 – DATA COLLECTION / SITE ANALYSIS In this task, Kimley-Horn will collect and analyze data associated with the site and surrounding areas to assist in the evaluation of opportunities and constraints related to the development of the proposed Park. As part of this task, Kimley-Horn will: A. Prepare project base maps utilizing Client provided survey, aerial imagery, and Lidar information (as available) B. Review history of the site C. Facilitate onsite review of existing conditions with project team and Ocoee staff D. Provide photo documentation of existing conditions E. Prepare an onsite tree observation review (based on aerial imagery analysis) Task 2 Deliverables: PDF package containing: • Summary of materials produced for items above TASK 3 – CITY PROJECT TEAM DESIGN WORKSHOP This task consists of the preparation for and facilitation of a design workshop with Ocoee staff (Development Services, Parks and Recreation, Public Works, Police, and Utilities). The goal of this meeting will be to get the City’s input on site opportunities and constraints, desired features, amenities, and priorities for park programming. As part of this task, Kimley-Horn will: A. Develop content for design workshop with City staff including: 1. Project aerial 2. Existing conditions photos 3. Design imagery of relevant features. Features may include: i. Programmatic activities 1. Canoe/kayak launch 2. Boardwalk 3. Pavilions/structures 4. Active/passive recreation opportunities a. Nature trails with educational component b. Playground opportunities c. Fitness / wellness opportunities d. Other/TBD 5. Parking Page 3 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL 32801 407 898 1511 ii. Stormwater strategy – site specific /regional BMP iii. Enhanced hardscape features iv. Enhanced landscape features v. Site furnishings vi. Lighting Task 3 Deliverables: PDF package containing: • Summary of materials presented at workshop • Summary of City staff input TASK 4 – NATURE PARK MASTER PLAN DEVELOPMENT Kimley-Horn will provide design services for the preparation of a Nature Park Master Plan. The Nature Park design will be based upon the information gathered and the comments / input received in Tasks 2 and 3. As part of this task, Kimley-Horn will: Task 4.A – Preliminary Nature Park Master Plan A. Develop a Preliminary Nature Park Master Plan, identifying proposed park features, program elements, buildings (as appropriate), spatial relationships between different uses, and areas for improvement. The Plan will identify proposed access, pedestrian circulation and connectivity, parking, landscape enhancements, vehicular circulation, proposed buildings, shade structures, and park features. B. Meet with the City staff via online meeting to review the Plan and obtain feedback and comments. Kimley-Horn will update the Plan based on City input prior to a presentation to the City Commission and Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. C. Prepare a summary of comments received during the review meetings / design workshops Task 4.A Deliverables: PDF package containing: • One (1) Preliminary Nature Park Master Plan in PDF format • Design imagery boards in PDF format • Summary of comments from review meeting Task 4.B – Draft Final Nature Park Master Plan Kimley-Horn will prepare a Draft Nature Park Master Plan based on comments received in Task 4.A and the design workshop. As part of this task, Kimley-Horn will: A. Prepare one (1) Draft Final Nature Park Master Plan incorporating comments received from the City on the Plan Alternative during Task 4.A. B. Prepare one (1) section-elevations to demonstrate design intent C. Prepare an Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (OPCC) for the Draft Nature Park Master Plan. Because Kimley-Horn does not control the cost of labor, materials, equipment or Page 4 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL 32801 407 898 1511 services furnished by others, methods of determining prices, or competitive bidding or market conditions, any opinions rendered as to costs, including but not limited to the costs of construction and materials, are made solely based on its judgment as a professional familiar with the industry. Kimley-Horn cannot and does not guarantee that proposals, bids or actual costs will not vary from its opinions of cost. If the Client wishes greater assurance as to the amount of any cost, it shall employ an independent cost estimator. Kimley-Horn's services required to bring costs within any limitation established by the Client will be paid for as Additional Services. D. The OPCC will include estimated costs for elements proposed in the Draft Master Plan and is anticipated to include: 1. Proposed park features 2. Architectural elements 3. Landscape and irrigation improvements 4. Utility improvements 5. Site improvements and infrastructure (parking, stormwater, electrical, etc.) 6. Permitting and design fees E. Present the draft final park plan to the City Commission and Park and Recreation Advisory Board F. Update the Draft Nature Park Master Plan based on City input G. Prepare a summary of Task 4.B Draft Nature Park Master Plan, section-elevations, and OPCC comments received Task 4.B Deliverables: PDF package containing: • Draft Nature Park Master Plan in PDF format • One (1) section-elevations of the Nature Park Master Plan • OPCC in PDF format • Summary of comments from review meeting Task 4.C – Final Nature Park Master Plan Kimley-Horn will prepare a Final Nature Park Master Plan based on comments received in Task 4.B. As part of this task, Kimley-Horn will: A. Prepare one (1) updated, Final Nature Park Master Plan incorporating comments received from the City and City Commission and Parks and Recreation Advisory Board B. Update the plan and section-elevations illustrating proposed park features and building elements as previously prepared to reflect the Final Nature Park Master Plan C. Update the Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (OPCC) based on the Final Nature Park Master Plan. D. Submit the Final Nature Park Master Plan to City for approval at an in-person meeting E. Prepare a summary of Grant and Funding opportunities F. Prepare a summary document of the Nature Park Plan development process including summaries of City input, Nature Park Plan options, and final recommendations. Page 5 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL 32801 407 898 1511 Task 4.C Deliverables: PDF package containing: • Final Nature Park Master Plan in PDF format. • OPCC in PDF format • Summary of Task 4 Final Nature Park Master Plan, section-elevations, and OPCC • Nature Park Master Plan Summary Document PHASE 2 TASKS: Phase 2 scope of services to be finalized after approval of the Final Lake Apopka Nature Park Master Plan and prepared as an amendment to the purchase order. Construction Document and Permitting scope and fee for site civil, landscape architecture and architecture is to be determined based upon the final approved Nature Park Master Plan in coordination with available funding and direction from the Client. As the scope for implementation will not be clear until the completion of the above Tasks 1-4, the final scope and fee for Phase 2 construction documents / permitting shall be negotiated with the Client at a later date. SERVICES NOT INCLUDED Any other services, including but not limited to the following, are not included in this Agreement. 1. Biological / environmental consulting services 2. Additional survey work 3. Tree survey 4. Civil engineering 5. Geotechnical services 6. Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) design and engineering. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Any services not specifically provided for in the above scope will be considered additional services and can be performed for an additional fee upon written authorization from Client. Additional services we can provide include the following: 1. Topographical survey or Survey location of underground utilities (SUE) 2. Pre-application meeting with the Water Management District 3. Architectural, engineering, or landscape architectural, services beyond those specifically outlined in the tasks above. 4. Preparation of grant applications. 5. Preparation of permit applications and/or permit expediting. 6. Traffic studies or analysis. Page 6 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL 32801 407 898 1511 7. Services required by additional governmental regulations, which might be put into effect after the date of this agreement. 8. Construction document preparation or administration 9. Natural Resource Assessment or Environmental Review 10. Additional meetings beyond those indicated in above scope. 11. Preliminary natural resources assessment 12. Preliminary water quality assessment INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CLIENT We shall be entitled to rely on the completeness and accuracy of all information provided by the Client or the Client’s consultants or representatives. The Client shall provide all information requested by Kimley-Horn during the project, including but not limited to the following: 1. Access to Property 2. Environmental reports 3. All application/permit fee, if applicable 4. Surveys, Boundary and Topographic Survey in AutoCAD and PDF format (if available) 5. Tree survey, horizontally controlled with COGO electronic data points (if available) 6. Copies of all available information, studies, and reports pertinent to services for the project. 7. Existing base files and as-builts for project area, as available FEE AND BILLING Kimley-Horn will perform the services described in Task 1-4 in the Scope of Services for the lump sum fees listed below. Fees for optional tasks identified in the above scope of services are listed separately. Individual task amounts are for informational purposes only. PHASE 1 TASK FEES TASK DESCRIPTION FEE 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT, MEETINGS AND COORDINATION $8,500 2 DATA COLLECTION / SITE ANALYSIS $11,000 3 CITY PROJECT TEAM DESIGN WORKSHOP $12,000 4 NATURE PARK MASTER PLAN DEVELOPMENT $26,500 TOTAL $58,000 PHASE 2 TASK FEES – CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS / PERMITTING TASK DESCRIPTION FEE TBD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS / PERMITTING TBD Page 7 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL 32801 407 898 1511 Scope and fee for Phase 2 will be finalized upon completion of Tasks 1-4 once a better understanding of scope for these tasks has been established. An amount has been included in the lump sum to cover certain reimbursable expenses such as in- house duplicating, plotting and printing, local mileage, telephone calls, facsimiles, postage, and word processing computer time. All permitting, application, and similar project fees will be paid directly by the Client. All other terms of the original contract remain in effect. Please execute one copy of this Agreement and return to our office for further processing. SCHEDULE We will provide our services as expeditiously as practicable based on a mutually agreed upon schedule. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these services to you. Please contact me if you have any questions. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Scott Mingonet, PLA, AICP Sr.VP/Principal Matthew Franko, PLA Project Manager Agreed to this _______ of ____________, 2024 CITY OF OCOEE By: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Please Print/Type Name and Title ____________________________________ Email Address Attest: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Please Print/Type Name and Title PREPARED BY: INSTR 20010566757 OR BK 07127 pt 4804 MARTHA O. HAYNIE, COMPTROLLER ORANGE COUNTY. FL 0913012003 11: S3: 44 AM REC FEE 154.50 THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY AND SHOULD BE RETURNED TO: Scott A. Cookson, Esq. FOLEY & LARDNER III North Orange Avenue, Suite 1800 Post Office Box 2193 Orlando, FL 32802-2193 407) 423-7656 RETURN TO: For Recording Purposes Only Jean Grafton, City Clerk CITY OF OCOEE 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 407) 905-3100 DECL N OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OEE CROWN POINT PUD THIS DECLARATION OF ONS OF APPROVAL (this "Declaration") is made as of the I ~ TM day of 2003 by the CITY OF OCOEE, a Florida municipal corporation, whose mailing ad 0 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761, Attention: City Manager (here' efi to as the "City") and THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORI 5te existing under the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida whose mailing addre 1 5 West Amelia Street, Orlando, Florida 32801 the "School Board") (the School ity hereinafter referred to collectively as the Owner"). W!TNE~~ETH: WHEREAS, the City owns fee simple title to certain lands located in Orange County, Florida, and within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, said lands being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof hereinafter referred to as the "City Property"); and WHEREAS, the School Board owns fee simple title to certain lands located in Orange County, Florida, and within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, said lands being more particularly described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof (hereinafter referred to as the "School Board Property"); and WHEREAS, the School Board Property and the City Property shall hereinafter be referred to collectively as the "Property"; and 008.276252.3 INSTR 20030566757 OR BK 07127 pt 4805 WHEREAS, pursuant to the petition of the Owner, on September 16, 2003 the Ocoee City Commission approved Ordinance No. 2003-34 rezoning the Property as "PUD" under the Ocoee Land Development Code; and WHEREAS, the provisions of Section 4-58(5) of Article IV of the Ocoee Land Development Code requires that in connection with the approval of each Land Use Plan in the City of Ocoee that a development agreement be recorded which incorporates by reference the PUD Land Use Plan and the conditions of approval by reference; and WHEREAS, the City desires to execute this Declaration in lieu of a development agreement in order to fully comply with the provisions of the Ocoee Land Development Code. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits accruing to the Property. the City hereby submits and subjects the Property to the terms of this Declaration. Section 1. Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. DeveIo~tbe ProJlO!!I. a. The Owner h to develop the Property in accordance with that certain Ocoee . int PUD Land Use Plan prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. ociates, Inc., date stamped as received by the City of Ocoee on Au . as the same may be modified and approved by the City Commissi ~. eferred to as the "Land Use Plan"). The Land Use Plan is hereb in erein by reference as if fully set forth herein. b. The Owner hereby Property shall be developed in accordance with and is made subject to those certain Conditions of Approval attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and by this reference made a part hereof (the "Conditions of Approval "). The Owner further agrees to comply with all of the terms and provisions of the Conditions of Approval. The Conditions of Approval attached hereto as Exhibit "C" are the same as the Conditions of Approval set forth in the Land Use Plan. c.Except as otherwise expressly set forth in this Declaration and the Land Use Plan it is agreed that (1) the Owner shall comply with the zoning and subdivision regulations of the City of Ocoee as set forth in the Ocoee Land Development Code, as it may from time to time be amended, and (2) all preliminary subdivision plans, final subdivision plans, and final site plans for the Property or any portion thereof shall conform to the Ocoee Land Development Code requirements in effect at the time of approval of any such plans. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of the Ocoee Land Development Code, as it may from time to time be amended, and this Declaration, it is agreed that the provisions of this Declaration shall control. 006.276252.3 2- INSTR 20010566757 OR BK 07127 pt 4806 Section 3. COVeD8llt Rllnninl with the Land. This Declaration shall run with the Property and inure to and be for the benefit of all owners, tenants, licensees, lessees and other occupants of the Property and shall inure to the benefit of the Owner and their respective successors and assigns and any person, firm, corporation, or entity who may become the successor in interest to the Property or any portion thereof. Section 4. Amendment. Amendments to and waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall be made by the parties only in writing by formal amendment; provided, however, that any amendment hereto shall require the joinder of the City in its governmental capacity without regard to whether or not the City owns any portion of the Property. In the event of any amendment or change to the Land Use Plan and/or the Conditions of Approval, this Declaration shall be amended so as to be consistent with the amendment or changed Land Use Plan and Conditions of Approval. In the event the owner of a portion of the Property applies for and obtains from the City a change in the Land Use Plan or the Conditions of Approval as they relate to a tract or parcel of land owned by such owner, then the City and such owner may amend this Declaration without the joinder or consent of any other owner of land within the Property~ sconform this Declaration to the approved change in the Land Use Plan and Conditions r: al. Section S. A .ca This Declaration and the provisions contained herein shall be construed, controlled, d in reted according to the laws of the State of Florida. Section 6. Time of the ime is hereby declared of the essence to the lawful performance of the duties and ons tained in this Declaration. Section 7. Captions. caPti~ons of ions and Subsections of this Declaration are for convenience and reference only contained therein shall in no way be held to explain, modify, amplify or aid e mterpretation, construction, or meaning of the provisions of this Declaration. Section 8. Severability. If any sentence, phrase, paragraph, provision, or portion of this Declaration is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate. distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereof. Section 9. Effective Date. The Effective Date of this Declaration shall be as of the day and year first above written. IN WITNFSS WHEREOF, the City and School Board, acting by and through their duly authorized officers, have caused this Declaration to be executed as of the day and year first above written. 006.276252.3 3- INSTR 2ooJ0566757 OR BK 07127 PG 4807 CITY: Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of:CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA 4n'-' . cOO Print Name:Ba .... t.4~J- lW Print Name:_,Md'b\~.itl- FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY TIlE CITY OF OCOEE, A. Approved as to form and . ~ day of v By' i; 1Mtw:\, -"....;. 01' "1" ,l',@ 0#' . . (It---' n . ~ l\':~~!fx:\c:;,{{ll. C ' ....Ji .' - '. c' ...... ;:. i: ~, ' ean n ~ .~. ,."1....... ,......;:...... l:~. . ~~-:.~...~?~~~~.-<;-.':>-.>.., . .-.....,-':A,' % U .e'i>'. ';" . ,,-,< ." rHT.iJ;",,j/. U~.,.. I.? ',...',. :;;''5::: S~#'I~'.' 1'_. .., ,_.~,l././' <",;~ *': ~:. " l~'.~J;:':',;,>":'~'j;~:~~~;~t:~ 1,,. () 'r? t;.;" J... <_.". APPROVED BY' TIm ~~tjCQ~~(tT:~~~~"':- . COMMISSION AT A MEE1'iiG"~:.ptD ON ~M~~2003 UNDER,~gFM)A ITEM~ . . Attest: By: 006.276252.3 4- INSTR 20010566757 OR BK 07127 PG 4808 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFf and JEAN GRAFrON, personally known to me to be the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA and that they severally acknowledged executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses, freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in them by said municipality. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this ~ daYOf~, 2003. Signature of Notary B ~ftA f^A'L.l l. .1J;u.- Name of Notary (Typed, Printed or Stamped) o Commission Number (if DOt legible on seal): 006.276252.3 5- A~t:~ z:~:~ Name: . INSTR 2oo~0566757 OR BK 07127 pc:; 4809 SCHOOL BOARD: THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a body corporate existing under the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida By: Prin Tide Date: C(] APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY on the ~7 day of -'l v~ JJ~ r , 2003 For the use and reliance of The School Board of O Orange County, Florida MARCHENA AND GRAHAM, P.A. Couosel STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) e foregoing~ent was acknowledge before me JPis ~ ~}jof ~i-. 2003, b __Iti). ~ ' and attested to by ~... €a ~ THE S 0 BOARD OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a body corporate existing under the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida, who 1m are personally known to me, or who 181 produced - as identification. 006.276252. 1-.- Notary Public My commission expires: Dincwwt ..... i My Cornrnieeian CDGoe118 pn.MllahOt.2CI05 6- INSTR 200~0566757 OR BK 07127 pt 4810 EXHIBIT" A" THE CITY PROPERTY PARCEL 1 A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN SECTION 1, T22S, R27E, AND THE SW 1/4, SECTION 6,T22S, R28E, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE S89041'40"W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 1, A DISTANCE OF 840.91 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE WEST ORANGE TRAll.. (50.00-FOOT RIGHT OF WAY) SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6, S89041'40"W A DIST 116.69 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE LEAVING THE SOUTH LINE OF THE S D SECTION I, NOoOO'OO"W, A DISTANCE OF 907.50 FEET TO A POINT; THENC 0 46"W, A DISTANCE OF 1200.16 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NooOO'OO"E, A DIS F 16.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S89046'IS"W, A DISTANCE OF 3099.87 FE OINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 1; THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION I, A DIST EET TO A POINT ON THE WATER'S EDGE OF LAKE APOPKA AS LOCATED ST 15,2000; THENCE LEAVING THE WEST LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SAID ORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE WATER'S EDGE OF SAID LAKE APOPKA, E OF 4841 FEET MORE OR LESS TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2 OF SAID SECTION I, SAID POINT BEING N50011 '49"E, 4736.34 FEET FROM THE AFOREMENTIONED POINT; THENCE LEAVING THE WATER'S EDGE OF SAID LAKE APOPKA, N89055'25"E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2, SAID SECTION 1, A DISTANCE OF 470.29 FEET TO A POINT ON THE CENTERLINE OF STATEN BRANCH AS LOCATED ON APRIL 15, 2000; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY AND EASTERLY ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID STATEN BRANCH, A DISTANCE OF 3847 FEET MORE OR LESS TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF OCOEE APOPKA ROAD (ALSO KNOWN AS COUNTY ROAD 437, 120.00-FOOT RIGHT OF WAY), SAID POINT BEING S58034'44"E, A DISTANCE OF 3448.21 FEET FROM THE AFOREMENTIONED POINT; THENCE LEAVING THE CENTERLINE OF SAID STATEN BRANCH, SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT, BEING ALSO ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID OCOEE APOPKA ROAD, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 472.52 FEET (SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 3251.83 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 11030'42", AND A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF SlO~6'53"W, 471.73 FEEn TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE WEST ORANGE TRAIL (VARIABLE RIGHT OF WAY); THENCE LEAVING THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID OCOEE APOPKA 006.276252.3 INSTR 200~0566757 OR BK 07127 PG 4811 ROAD, S73031' 19"W ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WEST ORANGE TRAIL, A DISTANCE OF 859.11 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WEST ORANGE TRAIL, SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 720.55 FEET (SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 1443.90 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 28035'33", AND A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF S59013 '32"W, 713.10 FEET) TO A POINT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WEST ORANGE TRAIL, S44055'46"W, A DISTANCE OF 392.91 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WEST ORANGE TRAIL, No020'26"W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6, A DISTANCE OF 18.98 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WEST ORANGE TRAIL, LEAVING THE WEST LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6, S44055'46"W, A DISTANCE OF 1183.66 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2 ~ A PARCEL OF LAND LOC~E SE 1/4, SECTION I, T22S, R27E, AND THE SW 1/4, SECTION 6, T22S:~jii GE COUNTY, FLORIDA BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED OWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTI S89041'40"W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SAID SECTI CE OF 769.91 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY F THE WEST ORANGE TRAIL (50.00 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY); THENCE SOUTH LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 1, N44055'46"E ALONG SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WEST ORANGE TRAIL, A DISTANCE OF 1083.72 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SAID SECTION I; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF LINE OF SAID WEST ORANGE TRAIL BEING ALSO ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SAID SECTION I, So020'26"E, A DISTANCE OF 3.50 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE WEST ORANGE TRAIL (39.00 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY); THENCE LEAVING THE EAST LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SAID SECTION I. N44055'46"E ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WEST ORANGE TRAIL, A DISTANCE OF 431.54 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WEST ORANGE TRAIL, NORTHEASTERLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 701.09 FEET (SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 1404.90 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 28035'33", AND A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF N59013'33"E, 693.84 FEED TO A POINT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WEST ORANGE TRAIL, N73031'19"E, A DISTANCE OF 844.41 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF OCOEE APOPKA ROAD(ALSO KNOWN AS COUNTY ROAD 437, 120.00 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY); THENCE LEAVING THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF 006.276252.3 8- INSTR 200~0566757 OR BK 07127 PG 4812 WAY LINE OF SAID WEST ORANGE TRAIL, SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG A NON- TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, BEING ALSO ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID OCOEE APOPKA ROAD, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 357.24 FEET SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIDS OF 2351.83 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 8042'12" AND A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF So040'29"E, 356.90 FEET) TO A POINT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID OCOEE APOPKA ROAD, N84058'24"E, A DISTANCE OF 10.01 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF OCOEE APOPKA ROAD (100.00 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY); THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID OCOEE APOPKA ROAD, SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG A NONTANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 26.95 FEET (SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIDS OF 2341.83 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 0039'34", AND A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF S5021'23"E, 26.95 FEET) TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE WESTERN BELTWAY (ALSO KNOWN AS STATE ROAD 429, 400.00 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY); THENCE LEAVING THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID OCOEE APOPKA ROAD. SOUTHWESTERLY, ALONG A NON- TANGENT CURVE TO EFT, BEING ALSO ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE WESTERN BELTWAY, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 1653.68 FEET (SAID CURVE A RADIDS OF 3064.79 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 30054'55", AND A CHORD AND DISTANCE OF S44024'26"W, 1633.69 FEET)TO A POINT ON THE SO F THE SW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE LEAVING THE NOR GHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY, S89043'59"W ALON UTH LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6,A DISTANCE OF 590.30 T OINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 3 ~b. A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATE~UTHWEST Y4. SECTION 6. T22S, R28E, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE N89043'59"E ALONG TIlE SOUTH LINE OF TIlE SW Y4 OF SAID SECTION 6, 2668.19 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SW Y4 OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE LEAVING THE SOUTH OF THE SW Y4 OF SAID SECTION 6, Noo48'23"W ALONG TIlE EAST LINE OF THE SW ~ OF SAID SECTION 6, A DISTANCE OF 1646.31 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE WESTERN BELTWAY (ALSO KNOWN AS STATE ROAD 429,415.00 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY), SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING THE EAST LINE OF THE SW Y4 OF SAID SECTION 6, S67005' IO"W ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTW AY, 308.38 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BEL TWAY, S22056'24"E, 006.276252.3 9- INSTR 20010566757 OR BK 07127 P& 481~ A DISTANCE OF 49.99 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE WESTERN BELTWAY (365.00 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY); THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY, S67005'10"W, A DISTANCE OF 380.98 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY, S64033'07"W, A DISTANCE OF 271.00 FEET TO POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY, SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT AN ARC DISTANCE OF 3.17 FEET (SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 3064.79 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 0003'33" AND A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF S61059'18"W, 3.17 FEEn TO A POINT ON TIlE EASTERN RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF OCOEE APOPKA ROAD (ALSO KNOWN AS COUNTY ROAD 437,100.00 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY); THENCE LEAVING THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY, N5041'31"W ALONG ruE EASTERN RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID OCOEE APOPKA R: , A DISTANCE OF 60.85 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERN RIGHT OF OF SAID OCOEE APOPKA ROAD; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG ERN RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID OCOEE APOPKA ROAD NORTHWESTERL A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 25.80 FEET (SAID CURVE A RADros OF 2241.83 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 0039'34" AND A CHORD B~DISTANCE OF N5021 '23"W, 25.80 FEET) TO A POINT ON THE EASTERN RIG WAY LINE OF SAID OCOEE APOPKA ROAD; THENCE CONTINUING AL TERN RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID OCOEE APOPKA ROAD, N84058'24' , CE OF 10.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF EE APOPKA ROAD (120-FOOT RIGHT OF WAY); THENCE CONTINUING STERL Y RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID OCOEE APOPKA ROAD, NOR STERLY ALONG A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 329.95 FEET (SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 2231.83 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 8028'14", AND A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF No047'29"W, 329.65 FEEn TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE WEST ORANGE TRAIL (VARIABLE RIGHT OF WAY); THENCE LEAVING THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID OCOEE APOPKA ROAD, N73031'45"E ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WEST ORANGE TRAIL, A DISTANCE OF 906.62 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE SW '14 OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE LEAVING THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WEST ORANGE TRAIL, So048'23"W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SW '14 OF SAID SECTION 6, A DISTANCE OF 241.43 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 4 006.276252.3 10- INSTR 20030566757 OR BK 07127 PG 4814 A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 6, T22S, R28E, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE N89043'59"E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6, 2668.19 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE LEAVING THE SOUTH OF THE SW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6, No048'23"W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6, A DISTANCE OF 30.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING THE EAST LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6, S89043'59"W ALONG THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF FULLERS CROSS ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 742.01 FEET TO A POINT .ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF OCOEE APOPKA ROAD (ALSO KNOWN AS COUNTY ROAD 437, 60.00-FOOT RIGHT OF WAY); THENCE LEAVING THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID FULLERS CROSS ROAD, N5041'1O"W ALONG THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID OCOEE APOPKA ROAD, 782.14 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WESTERN BELTWAY (ALSO KNOWN AS STATE ROAD 429, 365.00-FOOT RIGH AY); THENCE LEAVING THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID OPKA ROAD, NORTHEASTERLY ALONG A NON- TANGENT CURVE TO T, BEING ALSO ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF TERN BELTWAY, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 415.75 FEET (SAID CURVE HA IUS OF 2699.79 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 8049'24", AND A CHORD BE DISTANCE OF N62040'24"E, 415.34 FEEn TO A POINT ON THE SO RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY; THENCE CO G THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY, 'lO"E A DISTANCE OF 507.01 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF F SAID SECTION 6; THENCE LEAVING THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY, Soo48'23"W, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6, A DISTANCE OF 1163.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 5 A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 6, T22S, R28E, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE N89043'59"E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6, 1866.34 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE LEAVING THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6, Noo16'0l"W, 30.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF FULLERS CROSS ROAD (VARIABLE RIGHT OF WAY), SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; 006.276252.3 11- INSTR 20010566757 OR BK 07127 JIG 4815 THENCE S89043'59"W ALONG THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID FULLERS CROSS ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 466.97 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID FULLERS CROSS ROAD; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID FULLERS CROSS ROAD, No047'33"W A DISTANCE OF 13.80 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID FULLERS CROSS ROAD; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID FULLERS CROSS ROAD, S89012'27"W A DISTANCE OF 311.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE WESTERN BELTWAY (ALSO KNOWN AS STATE ROUTE 429, 400.00 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY); THENCE LEAVING THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID FULLERS CROSS ROAD, NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY, ALONG A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 996.28 FEET (SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 2264.79 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 21025'16", AND A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF N45039'57"E, 990.49 FEET) TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY L~ OF OCOEE APOPKA ROADeKNOWN AS COUNTY ROAD 437, 60.00-FooT RIGHT OF WAY}; THENCE LE E SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY, 41' 'E ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID OCOEE APOPKA ~ DISTANCE OF 702.98 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. \ 0 PARCEL 6 1/4, SECTION 7, T22S, R28E, ORANGE TICULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MO COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 7; THENCE N89043'59"E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE NW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 7, A DISTANCE OF 1334.23 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE LEAVING THE NORTH LINE OF THE NW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 7, Soo34'4T'W A DISTANCE OF 56.81 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF CROWN POINT WOODS SUBDMSION AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 15, PAGES 101 THROUGH 103 OF THE PUBUC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID CROWN POINT WOODS SUBDMSION, Soo34'4T'W, A DISTANCE OF 877.79 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF CROWN POINT WOODS PHASE n, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 20, PAGES 115 THROUGH 116; THENCE LEAVING THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID CROWN POINT WOODS SUBDIVISION, S88011 '44"W ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID CROWN POINT WOODS PHASE n, A DISTANCE OF 116.75 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID CROWN POINT WOODS PHASE II, S77001'IT'W, A DISTANCE OF 53.13 FEET TO A 006.276252.3 12- INSTR 20010566757 OR BK 07127 P(; 4816 POINT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID CROWN POINT WOODS PHASE II~ S57059'38nW, A DISTANCE OF 59.81 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID CROWN POINT WOODS PHASE II~ N86054'58"W A DISTANCE OF 275.06 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID CROWN POINT WOODS PHASE II, S43021'51nW, A DISTANCE OF 130.94 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID CROWN POINT WOODS PHASE II, S60043'51"W A DISTANCE OF 187.04 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE WESTERN BELTWAY (ALSO KNOWN AS STATE ROAD 429, VARIABLE RIGHT OF WAY); THENCE LEAVING THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID CROWN POINT WOODS PHASE n~ NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY, BEING ALSO ALONG A NON- TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 724.72 FEET (SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 2714.79 FEET~ A DELTA ANGLE OF 15017'43", AND A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF NI4041'51"E~ 722.57 FEET) TO A POINT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY, S67030'18"E ISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG TERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY, NORTHEAS RL ONG A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 449.9 CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 2694.79 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 9033 5 " A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF N27007'48"E, 449.38 FEET) ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF FULLERS CROSS ROAD (1 O~ GHT OF WAY); THENCE LEAVING THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WA WESTERN BELTWAY, NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY G Y LINE OF SAID FULLERS CROSS ROAD, BEING ALSO ALONG A NON-TANGE VE TO THE RIGHT, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 35.72 FEET (SAID CURVE IUS OF 740.29 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 2045'53", AND A CHORD BE G AND DISTANCE OF N87050'25"E, 35.72 FEET) TO A POINT; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID FULLERS CROSS ROAD~ N89012'27"E A DISTANCE OF 313.39 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 7 A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NW 1/4, SECTION 7, T22S, R28E, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NW 1/4, OF SAID SECTION 7; THENCE SooQ4'32"W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE NW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 7, A DISTANCE OF 962.61 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; TIlENCE LEAVING THE WEST LINE OF THE NW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 7, N31 057'58nE, A DISTANCE OF 70.01 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE WESTERN BELTWAY (ALSO KNOWN AS STATE ROUTE 429, VARIABLE 006.276252.3 13- INSTR 20010566757 OR BK 07127 PG 4817 RIGHT OF WAY); THENCE S69053'55"E ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY, 277.23 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY, SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 323.41 FEET SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 3014.79 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 6008'47" AND A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF S6007'53"W, 323.26 FEET) TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY, S88020'55"W A DISTANCE OF 263.47 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE NW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 7; THENCE LEAVING THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID WESTERN BELTWAY, NooQ4'32"E, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE NW ~ OF SAID SECTION 7, A DISTANCE OF 364.89 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNlNG. ALSO KNOWN AS: cQ Township 22 South, East: A) Beginning on th e . f tion 6, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, at a point in the center of Staten's Branch 2,55 Ii South of the Northwest comer of said township and running thence Southeasterly ng the center of said Staten's Branch to the public road known as the Apopka an oee Road; thence run Southward along said road to the center of the railroad tracks of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad (Formerly the Sanford and St. Petersburg Railroad and prior to that time the Orange Belt Railroad) which point is 1694 feet North of the South line of the said Section 6, and 1,752 feet due East of the West line of said Section 6; run thence Northeasterly along the center line of said railroad tracks to the center line of said Section 6, run thence South to the one-half mile post on said South line of said section; run thence West, along the South line of said Section 6, to the Southwest comer of said Section 6; run thence West, along the South line of Section 1, Township 22 South, Range 27 East, 14.50 chains; run thence North to a point 6.29 chains South of the North line of the Southeast quarter SE 1/4) of the Southeast quarter (SE 1/4) of Said Section 1; run thence West 65.5 chains more or less to the West boundary of said Section 1; run thence North to Lake Apopka; run thence Easterly and Northeasterly along the margin of said lake to the North line of Government Lot No. 2 in said Section 1; run thence East along the North boundary line of said Government Lot 2 to the center of said Staten's Branch; run thence Southerly and Easterly along the center of said branch to the point of beginning. . Less and excepting from that portion of the lands hereinabove described which lie in Section 1, Township 22 South, Range 27 East, a railroad right-of-way 50 feet wide. 25 feet on each side of a line beginning 800 feet and three inches west of the Southeast comer of said 006.276252.3 14- INSTR 20010566757 OR BK 07127 PG 4818 Section 1, and running North 44 degrees, 32 minutes East 1,128 feet and 2 inches to the East boundary of said Section 1; and Less and excepting from that portion of the lands hereinabove described which are located in Section 6, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, all of the following: the right-of-way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad (formerly the Sanford and St. Petersburg Railroad and prior to that time the Orange Belt Railroad); and also a strip of land described as beginning at a point on the South boundary line of the said Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, distant from Mile Post 29 in a Westerly direction along said boundary line 423 feet, and thence in a Southerly direction at right angles to said South boundary line 16 feet, and thence in an Easterly direction at right angles to the last described line 840 feet to a street, and thence in a Northerly direction at right angles to the last described line 16 feet to a point on the South boundary of the said right-of-way, and thence in a Westerly direction along said South boundary line of said right-of-way to the beginning. That portion of the lands hereinabove described which are located in Section 6, Township 22 South, Range 28 East@arSUb' ecttoaright-of-waY30feetinwidthOVeranduponthatStriPOf land lying within 30 feet tion line along the South side of the East 2,100 feet of the Southwest quarter (SW 1/ f a ection 6. Those portions of the lands h . abo described which are located in Section 6, Township 22 South, Range 28 East are subj to t of way for a public road, known as the Apopka-Ocoee Road, running North and South said lands. PARCEL"B" ~o Beginning at a point 957 fi 04.86 feet North of the Southeast comer of Section I, Township 22 South, Range ast, run thence West 1,200 feet, thence South 16 feet, thence Southeasterly 1,201.9 feet to a point due South of the point of beginning, and thence North 82 feet to the point of beginning, lying and being in Orange County, Florida. PARCEL "C" Lands in Section 7, Township 22 South, Range 28 East: East 25 acres of the Northwest Y4 of the Northwest Y4 South of Road and West 15 acres of the Northwest Y4 of the Northwest Y4 LESS begin at the Northwest comer run East 642 feet Southwesterly 1040 feet North 849 feet to point of beginning) and North 508.5 feet of the East 760 feet of the Southwest Y4 of the Northwest Y4 (LESS begin 1334.28 feet West and 934.78 feet South of the North Y4 comer thence South 949.47 feet West 480 feet North 15 degrees West 138 feet North 19 degrees West 109 feet North 100 feet North 25 degrees West 226 feet North 30 degrees West 190 feet North 16 degrees East 43 feet North 61 degrees East 188 feet North 43 degrees East 131 feet South 86 degrees East 275 feet North 58 degrees East 60 feet North 77 degrees East 53 feet East 116.77 feet to point of beginning, lying and being in Orange County, Florida. 006.276252.3 15- INSTR 20010566757 OR BK 07127 pc:; 4819 Those Parcels A B & C as described above LESS and EXCEPT those portions as described in Stipulated Order of Taking filed in Official Records Book 5019, Page 4060 and Stipulated Final Judgment filed in Official Records Book 5897, Page 3046, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. PARCEL 8 Begin at the north west comer of Section seven (7), in Township twenty-two (22) south, Range twenty-eight (28) east; run east six hundred and forty-two (642) feet; return to beginning and run south eight hundred and forty-nine (849) feet; thence north easterly Ten hundred and forty (1040) feet, more or less to point six hundred and forty-two (642) feet due east of beginning. LESS AND EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING: A parcel ofland located in the Southwest quarter of Section 6, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, and the Southeast Quteection 1, Township 22 South, Range 27 East, Orange County, Florida. Said parc I ein ore particularly described as fo Commence at the intersection th erlyright of way of Ocoee--Apopka Road (County Road #437), and the Northerly in fthe West Orange Trail, according to surveys on file with the Orange County Parks published by Jones, Wood & Gentry, Inc.; thence from said intersection run Sou t along the north right of way of said West Orange Trail a distance of 535.38 feet to th t of Beginning; thence along said right of way of the West Orange Trail, run the fo. urses; South 73031 '19" West, a distance of 323.73 feet to the point of curvature e to e left, having a radius of 1443.90 feet. and a central angle of280 35'33"; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 720.55 feet to the point of tangency, thence South 44055'46" West a distance of 392.91 feet to the west line of Section 6, Township 22 South, Range 28 East; thence North 00'20'26" West, along said line, also being said right of way, a distance of 18.98 feet; thence leaving said section line continue along said right of way South 440 55'46" West, a distance of516.79 feet; thence leaving said right of way run North 89016'32" West, a distance of 496.14 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave Easterly, having a radius of 500.00 feet, a chord bearing of North 06000'26" West and a chord distance of 104.65 feet; said curve also being the right of way of the extension of West Road, as proposed on January 16,2003; thenCe run along said right at way the following eight courses; run northerly along the arc of the aforesaid curve through a central angle of 12000'52", a distance of 104.85 feet to the point of tangency, thence North 00000'00" East, a distance of 728.41 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the right, having a radius of 706.27 feet, and a central angle of550 24'23"; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of682.98 feet to the point of tangency; thence North 55024'17" East. a distance of 436.87 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the right having a radius of221 0.00 feet, and a central angle of 10008'29"; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 391.18 feet to the point of tangency, thence North 65032'44" East, a distance of228.75 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the 006.276252.3 16- INSTR 20030566757 OR BK 07127 pt 4820 right, having a radius of 10.00 feet, and a central angle of 50028' 12"; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 8.81 feet to the point of reverse curvature of a curve to the left, having a radius of 100.00. and a central angle of31 028'11"; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 54.93 feet to the point of reverse curvature of a curve to the right. having a radius of 10.00 feet, and a central angle of69003'11" ; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 12.05 feet to the point of tangency; said point being on the Southwesterly right of way of an un-named road, as proposed on January 16, 2003; thence along said right of way the following five courses; thence run South 260 24' 07" East, a distance of 26.74 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the left, having a radius of280.00 feet, and a central angle of23004'37" thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 112.78 feet to the point of tangency; thence South 49028'43" East, a distance of 487.82 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the left, having a radius of 855.00 feet, and a central angle of15015'39"; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of227.73 feet to the point oftangency; thence South 64044'21" East, a distance of 175.18 feet to the intersection of the aforesaid right of way, and the Westerly right of way of a second un-named road, as proposed on January 16, 2003; thence along said right of way the following three courses: thence run South 25015'39" West. a distance of28.46 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the left, having a' 30.00 feet, and a central angle of 41 007' 1 0"; thence along the arc of said curve a dist e ofi 5.06 feet to the point oftangencythence South 15051 '31" East, a distance of 46.09 fe . t of Beginning. o 006.276252.3 17- INSTR 200)0566757 OR BK 07127 PG 4821 EXHIBIT "B" THE SCHOOL BoARD PROPERTY A parcel of land located in the Southwest quarter of Section 6, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, and the Southeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 22 South, Range 27 East, Orange County, Florida. Said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the intersection of the Westerly right of way of Ocoee-Apopka Road (County Road #437), and the Northerly intersection of the West Orange Trail, according to surveys on file with the Orange County Parks Department, as published by Jones, Wood & Gentry, Inc.; thence from said intersection run South 73031 '19" West along the north right of way of said West Orange Trail a distance of 535.38 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence along said right of way of the West Orange r the following five courses; South 73031'19" West, a distance of 323.73 feet to po' t f curvature of a curve to the left, having a radius of 1443.90 feet. and a central 035'33"; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 720.55 feet to the point of , thence South 44055'46" West a distance of 392.91 feet to the west line of Section 6, South, Range 28 East; thence North 00'20'26" West, along said line, also being of way, a distance of 18.98 feet; thence leaving said section line continue along sai' w y South 44055'46" West, a distance of 516.79 feet; thence leaving said right ofwa 16'32" West, a distance of 496.14 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave Eas ving a radius of 500.00 feet, a chord bearing of North 06000'26" West and a cb d' 04.65 feet; said curve also being the right of way of the extension of West R , proposed on January 16,2003; thence run along said right at way the following eight courses; run northerly along the arc of the aforesaid curve through a central angle of 12000'52", a distance of 104.85 feet to the point of tangency, thence North 00000'00" East, a distance of 728.41 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the right, having a radius of 706.27 feet, and a central angle of 550 24'23"; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 682.98 feet to the point of tangency; thence North 55~4'17" East. a distance of 436.87 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the right having a radius of 2210.00 feet, and a central angle of 10008'29"; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 391.18 feet to the point of tangency, thence North 65032'44" East, a distance of 228.75 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the right, having a radius of 10.00 feet, and a central angle of 50028'12"; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 8.81 feet to the point of reverse curvature ofa curve to the left, having a radius of 100.00. and a central angle of31028'l1,,; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 54.93 feet to the point of reverse curvature of a curve to the right. having a radius of 10.00 feet, and a central angle of 69003 Ill" ; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 12.05 feet to the point of tangency; said point being on the Southwesterly right of way of an un-named road, as proposed on January 16, 2003; thence along said right of way the following five courses; thence run South 260 24' 07" East, a distance of 26.74 feet to the pOint of curvature of a curve to the left, having a radius of 280.00 006.276252.3 18- INSTR 20030566757 OR BK 07127 p(; 4822 feet, and a central angle of 23004'37" thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 112.78 feet to the point of tangency; thence South 49~8'43" East, a distance of 487.82 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the left, having a radius of 855.00 feet, and a central angle of 15015'39"; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 227.73 feet to the point of tangency; thence South 64044'21" East, a distance of 175.18 feet to the intersection of the aforesaid right of way, and the Westerly right of way of a second un-named road, as proposed on January 16, 2003; thence along said right of way the following three courses: thence run South 25015'39" West. a distance of 28.46 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the left, having a ~adius of 230.00 feet, and a central angle of 41007'10"; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 165.06 feet to the point of tangency thence South 15051'31" East, a distance of 46.09 feet to the Point of Beginning. 006.276252.3 19- INSTR 20030566757 OR BK 07127 PG 482~ ExmBIT 'C' OCOEE CROWN POINT POO CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL I. To the extent the Land Use Plan and these Conditions of Approval conflict with the City of Ocoee Land Development Code, the provisions of the Land Use Plan and these Conditions of Approval shall control. Development Standards and Uses. 2. With the exception of Tract 4, Tract 5 and Tract 13 if developed as a Bus Depot, unless specifically waived by the Ocoee City Commission, all development within the Ocoee Crown Point PUD must adhere to the Crown Point Development Standards prepared by Canin Associates dated September 2002. as the same may be amended from time to time the "Crown PointDent Standards"); provided, however, that the Crown Point Development Stan s be applicable to such tracts only if such tracts are no longer owned by The Sch Orange County (the "School Board''). The Crown Point Development Stan . ~ e additional and often more stringent criteria for development within th (Qsoe'~ rown Point PUD. Tract 4, Tract 5 and Tract 13 if developed as a Bus Depo bject to the Crown Point Development Standards but shall, to the greatest e t , be compatible therewith. In the event Tract 13 is developed as townho, elopment shall be subject to the residential development sections 0 the oint Development Standards. The Workforce Education sites (Tracts 6A, 7 and 78) shall be subject to the commercial development and village ceo t sections of the Crown Point Development Standards. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City, or its assigns, as developer of the PUD may grant waivers from. amend or modify the Crown Point Development Standards to the extent such waivers. amendments or modifications are not expressly inconsistent with the Land Use Plan and the Land Development Code. Any such waiver, amendment or modification shall not require the approval of the City in its governmental capacity." 3. The uses permitted in the single-family residential portion of the PUD (Tract 2) will be the same as those uses permitted in an R-I-A district. As a condition of this PUD, any uses that would be permitted as a special exception in an R-I-A district will require special exception approval in this PUD. 4. The uses permitted in the Bus Depot/I'ownhomes portion of the PUD (Tract 13) shall be limited to Bus Depot and townhome uses. 5. The uses within the commercial portions of the PUD will be the same as those uses permitted in a C-2 district. As a condition of this PUD, any uses that would be permitted as a special exception in a C-2 district will require special exception approval in this PUD. However, even though the following uses would normally be permitted in a C-2 district, these uses shall not be permitted in this PUD: automobile parking lot, automobile 006.279487.5 006.279487.5 INSTR 20010566757 OR BK 07127 pt 4824 repair, automobile sales (new and used), automobile auction, automotive wrecking/salvage yard, boat sales and service, borrow pit, pawn shop, bus terminal, equipment sales, mobile home and travel trailer sales, motor vehicle wholesale, recreational vehicle parks, childcare facility, golf course/country club, recreational facility (neighborhood and commercial) and truck stop. 6.The uses within the institutional portions of the PUD will be those uses permitted under the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. 7.The uses permitted in the Workforce Education portions of the PUD (Tracts 6A, 6B, 6G, 7A and 78) shall be limited to use as Workforce Education and related uses under the control of the School Board. For purposes hereof, "Workforce Education" uses shall mean uses related to high school, GED or post high-school education focused on office, computer, service and technical skills and may include the provision of services to the public perfonDed by students enrolled in such programs. Workforce Education Tracts 6A, 6B, and 6G consist of a total of 19,400 square feet. Tracts 6A, 6B, andanceptuallY located on the Land Use Plan and may be moved or combined into 0 e r buildings within any Tracts other than Tract 4, owned or to be owned by the Sc ~ The uses permitted in Hi chool portion of the PUD (Tract 5) shall be limited to use as a high school. 8. 9. 10. The uses permitted in limited to use as an elem School portion of the PUD (Tract 4) shall be 11. The Ocoee Crown Point P includes public buildings on various parcels within the development. , Section 5-7(8) of the Land Development Code indicates that the City Commission may authorize the location of such uses after public notice and hearings. The public notice and hearings provided for the Ocoee Crown Point PUD Land Use Plan and Preliminary Subdivision Plan shall also serve as the required public notice and hearings for the proposed public buildings within this development. Approval of the Land Use Plan shall constitute the City's approval of the following public buildings and their associated uses: Tracts 3 and 3A - Public parks with ball fields, concession stands, restroom facilities, picnic facilities, playgrounds, public parking areas and other associated uses. Tract 4 - Public Elementary School with all associated uses. Tract 5 - Public High School with all associated uses. Tracts 6A. 6B. 60. 7A and 78 - Workforce Education facilities as defined in this PUD Land Use Plan. Tract 8 - Fire Station with associated uses. 2 INSTR 20030566757 OR BK 07127 pt 4825 Tract 11 - Public Safety administrative and training facilities with associated uses. Tract 13 - Bus Depot facilities as defined in this PUD Land Use Plan. This tract may also be used for other purposes, according to the Conditions of Approval. Site DeveloDment. 12. INTENTIONALLY DELETED. 13. Each fire hydrant shall be OSHA Yellow in color and a blue reflective marker shall be affixed to the street in the center of the lane closest to each hydrant. 14. All house pad elevations shall exceed the lOO-year flood elevation by a minimum of one foot. 15. During submittal of a Final Subdivision Plan for any single-family development, the Developer must show "common areas" where required recreational facilities will be located within the . . al subdivision, in accordance with the City of Ocoee Land Development Code t 6. All screen walls, I ffers, entry and comer landscape improvements, and sidewalks shall be com led' r to issuance of the Certificate of Completion for those corresponding phases. ~ 17. For each single-family a eet shall be provided by the homebuilder at the front of each lot (two street 0 , with one on each street), prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the ho nstructed on that lot. Each tree shall be a shade tree and shall be a minimum 2" 10' tall at the time of planting. 18. For each individual lot within the single-family subdivision, if it is developed under the Large Lot Criteria Matrix, the buildings shall not exceed 4()O.Io lot coverage and the total of all impervious surfaces shall not exceed 50%. If the single-family subdivision is developed under the Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) Criteria Matrix, the buildings shall not exceed 60% lot coverage and the total of all impervious surfaces shall not exceed 75%. For each individual lot within Tract 13 (if it is developed with townhomes), the buildings shall not exceed 70% lot coverage and the total of all impervious surfaces shall not exceed 90%. 19. Streetlights will be installed prior to a Certificate of Completion being issued, and the cost of operations will be assumed in accordance with the provisions of the City of Ocoee Land Development Code in effect at the time of issuance of a Certificate of Completion. 20. All underground utilities shall incorporate pedestal-mounted utility boxes to be placed back off the street, no more than 5' forward of the front building setback line, on all residential lots. 21. Unless the Developer enters into a wholesale agreement with Orange County Utilities for the provision of sewer service from Orange County Utilities, all tracts, with the exception 3 006.279487.5 27. 28. 30. 31. 32. 006.279487.5 INSTR 20030566757 OR BK 07127 pt 4826 of Tracts 9, 10 and 11, will receive sewer service from Orange County Utilities. All tracts, with the exception of Tracts 9, 10 and 11, will receive potable water service from Orange County Utilities. Tracts 9, 10 and 11 will receive sewer service and potable water service from the City of Ocoee. All Tracts within the PUD will receive reuse water service from the City of Ocoee. 22.The Developer of each tract shall be responsible for installing reuse lines along with the other subdivision infrastructure. At such time as reuse water is available to the property, each Developer shall be responsible for connection to the reuse system lines. 23.All on-site utilities including electrical, cable TV and telephone shall be placed underground. Any damage caused to any public roads as a result of the construction activities related to the project or any portion thereof shall be promptly repaired to the applicable government standards at the sole cost and expense of the owner of the portion of the project being developed in connection with such construction activities. 24. 25.The Developer is t and prevent any disturbance, siltation, or other construction within the conserv (Tracts 17, 18, 19) inside the 100-year flood elevation. Those areas are to be during construction and silt fences installed to eliminate any possible disturbanc . tho areas during construction. Each phase of develop~en d on its own, or in connection with previously developed phases, with to lic services (sewer, water stonnwater management, access and other related ~ . Appropriate signage will be vi developed commercial parcels as notification to future single-family lots p 0 e intended use of such parcels. Signage will be a minimum of 32 sq. ft. and placed in locations approved by the City. All existing structures (including buildings, power lines, existing aerial and utility facilities) and Florida Power Corporation easements will be removed and/or terminated prior to or during construction of the development replacing those uses. The development of this project will incorporate the stonnwater needs of all public roads within the project. Each tract developed for residential purposes shall comply with the provisions of the City of Ocoee Land Development Code relating to the inclusion of community meeting rooms as an amenity for residential subdivisions. 26. 29. Decorative fountains shall be provided on Ponds 8 and 11, and on Tract 6F. Except as to Tract 5, there shall be a minimum landscape buffer of 10' between adjacent parcels, and a 15' landscape buffer from local streets. Therefore, Tracts 1 (Waterfront Village) and Tract 2 (Residential Subdivision) shall have a minimum landscape buffer of 10' separation between the two tracts. There shall be a 15' landscape buffer on Tract 5 4 INSTR 20010566757 OR BK 07127 P& 4827 adjacent to the road south of Tract 5. Where the community park backs up to the residential lots, there shall be a 25' landscape buffer screening the residences from the lights and activities of the park. It is the full responsibility of the park to construct this landscape buffer. 33. Project monument signs for the Crown Point development shall be constructed on existing easements on the western quadrants on the Ocoee Parkway and Ocoee-Apopka intersection. The signs shall be constructed prior to the first Certificate of Occupancy for the residential development or the village center, which ever comes first. 34. A maximum of 2 commercial out parcels are permitted in Tract 10 and a maximum of 3 commercial out parcels are permitted in Tract 9. The access for the out parcels shall be through the main access points as identified on the Land Use Plan. No additional access locations will be permitted. Easements. 35.A non-exclusive coen and drainage easement shall be dedicated to the City of Ocoee lakeside of e 1 year flood elevation, including a 25' upland buffer area adjoining same. A ~'ve conservation and drainage easement will be provided over the preserved wet! as iated with the Staten Branch ditch, also dedicated to the City. Drainage easements are s n for locational purposes only. Final easement dimensions (widths) the Final Subdivision Plan and will be sized to meet City requirements. age easement will be platted along all side nage easement will be platted adjacent to all street 36. 37. Unless otherwise noted, a 5 lot lines, and a 10' utility an rights-of-way. 38. All drainage, utility and maintenance easements shall be for the benefit of the property owners association and/or one or more stormwater utilities established by the City for the purpose of operating the stormwater management system within the PUD. On the residential lots, the land burdened by such easements shall be owned by the individual lot owners. The drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated to the perpetual use of the public at the time of platting. 39. An emergency access easement to the retention ponds and over all drainage easements shown hereon shall be dedicated to the City for emergency maintenance purposes at the time of platting. The emergency access easement will not impose any obligation, burden, responsibility or liability upon the City, to enter upon any property it does not own or take any action to repair or maintain the drainage system on the Property. 40. A perpetual, non-exclusive easement for access over all internal roadways and paved areas shall be granted in favor of the City and other applicable authorities for law enforcement, fire, and other emergency services. 5 006.279487.5 INSTR 20010566757 OR BK 07127 PG 4828 41. Within sixty (60) days of the School Board providing written notice to the City requesting the same along with a legal description for the easement area, the City shall grant to the School Board a non-cxclusivc temporary construction access easement in a fonn acceptable to the School Board and the City allowing access to Tract 5. The easement area shall generally consist of the Property set forth on the Land Use Plan as Tract 33. Following the conveyance of the easement, the School Board shall construct and maintain a stabilized road over the casement area which shall also serve as a emergency access road for emergency vehicles. The stabilized road shall be gated so as to prevent access by the public during days and hours where construction activities are not taking place on Tract 5. The School Board shall be solely responsible for traffic control issues that may arise along Ocoee Apopka Road during the School Boards use of the easement. All improvements constructed by the School Board within the easement area shall become the property of the City following termination of the easement. The easement shall terminate at such time as the permanent public road within Tract 33 is completed. Lift Station. 42. All lift stations s" 0 ced with 6' black, decora1ive metal fence, with post rails painted black, an~~~back no less than 25' from any street. The lift station fenced enclosures sh ~ screened with a Viburnum, Ligustrum, or Podocarpus hedge. L/) 43. All ~~caping aroun~ shall be maintained by a property owner's assocIation. ~L/ / 44. All lift station tracts shall be m' . ed by the master property owner's association or dedicated to Orange Coun of platting. free and clear of any liens or encumbrances, or at such earlier time as may be required by Orange County. Roads. 45. No private roads or gated developments shall be permitted within the PUD unless specifically waived by the Ocoee City Commission. 46. All access rights to all public roads. except at approved locations shown on the Plan, shall be dedicated to the City of Ocoee at the time of platting. 47. All roads will be dedicated to the public unless otherwise noted. 48. Additional right-of-way areas designated on the Preliminary Subdivision Plan shall be dedicated to the public via platting (or as a separate document) prior to issuance of building permits for the specific tract. 49. It is anticipated that additional road right-of-way will be needed for future improvements to Ocoee Apopka Road and Fullers Cross Road, as shown on Sheet CI04. The width of additional right-of-way that will be needed on each side of each road will be determined 006.279487.5 6 INSTR 2ool0566757 OR BK 07127 PG 4SZ9 prior to approval of the Preliminary Site Plans or Preliminary Subdivision Plan for each affected tract (Tracts 9, 10 and 11). 50. Separate traffic impact studies shall be provided with the Preliminary Subdivision Plans for Tracts 9 and 10. Those studies shall indicate whether turn lanes and/or other improvements will be necessary to serve the development on those tracts, and the extent of those improvements. 51. Village Center Drive within Tracts 33 and 33A will be built in conjunction with the development of the Village Center (Tracts 6C, 60, 6E and 6F). In the event the road or a portion thereof is required prior to said development then the party requiring the road will be solely responsible for the construction of said road or a required portion thereof and shall not be entitled to any compensation or reimbursement from any party. 52. Tracts 7 A and 7B may not be developed until such time as Village Center Drive and the road within Tract 34A and 34B is constructed. Pr 55. All legal instrum " c (ling but not limited to the property association documents such as articles of inCO~bYlaWS' and declaration of covenants and restrictions, shall be provided to the ty fi . ew and approval prior to or at the time of platting all or a portion of the Prop~ All tracts, which are t ed maintained by the property owner's association, shall be conveyed to th ~s association by special warranty deed at the time of platting. Subject to the provisions of ODS of Approval 85, 86 and 87, property owner's associations will be created for maintenance and management of all common areas and facilities within residential and commercial tracts, unless otherwise noted. All tracts owned by the City or School Board shall be exempt from assessments by, or participation in, property owner associations unless otherwise agreed to by the City and School Board. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City on its own may elect to participate on the Board for any property owner association formed and/or retain voting rights for tracts owned by the City. 53. 54. Trees. 56. Existing trees 8" or larger (other than citrus trees or "trash" trees) located along proposed locations of buffer walls or road right~f-way lines will be preserved if at all possible. The buffer walls and roads will be designed around those trees to incorporate them into required landscape buffers and as street trees. 57. The existing grades on individual lots containing protected trees will be maintained as much as possible to preserve existing protected trees. For lots containing protected trees, 7 006.279487.5 60. 61. 62. INSTR 20010566757 OR BK 07127 PG 4830 there will be no grading or other construction on individual lots, except as specified in the Final Subdivision Plan, until building permits are issued for those lots. 58.All utilities to be placed within the 10' easement along the front of each lot will be placed around existing protected trees to be preserved. 59.In order to ensure that as many existing trees as possible will be preserved, all road right- of-ways and retention areas will be flagged for review by the City and the Engineer prior to any tree removal. No clearing permits will be issued for site work or building construction until all trees to be preserved have been clearly marked with tree protection barriers. Except for Tract 4, Tract 5 and Tract 13 if developed as a Bus Depot, a tree survey will be provided with the Preliminary Subdivision Plan submitted for each phase of development, according to the Land Development Code requirements. Removal of existing trees will be limited to clearing road right-of-way and retention areas as detailed in the~SPl All existing protected trees on individual lots will be evaluated at the time a buil . is issued for that lot, to determine whether or not each tree needs to be remov . Except for Tract 4, Tr:~Tract 13 if developed as a Bus Depot, no person shall undertake land c1earin r e 0"8l of any protected tree without first obtaining a permit from the Building t. The removal of protected trees shall be minimized to the maximum exten 1 an 0 authorization shall be granted to remove a tree if the Developer has fail Ie measures to preserve specimen and historic trees. School Sites. 63. Pursuant to the City of Ocoee Code, the commercial properties within this PUD are exempt from the locational requirements of the City of Ocoee Code relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages near school sites within the PUD. Nothing herein shall be construed as providing any exemption to the businesses within the commercial properties of this PUD from locational requirements relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages near any school or church not within this PUD. 64. Pursuant to Section 1013.33(11), Florida Statutes, the City advises the School Board that Tract Nos. 4 and 5, which are intended to be developed as an elementary school site and high school site, respectively, are consistent with the land use categories and policies of the City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. 65. Intentionally Deleted. 66. As a courtesy the School Board will submit to the City a proposed site plan for Tracts 4 and 5 prior to development thereof for comments from the City to better coordinate the 006.279487.5 8 INSTR 20030566757 OR BK 07127 PG 4831 overall development. The foregoing courtesy review shall not constitute the approval of the Ocoee Crown Point PUD contemplated by Section 1013.33(12), Florida Statutes. 67. The School Board shall be required to submit to the City a proposed site plan for Tracts 6A, 6B, 6G, 7A, 7B, 13, and 41. The proposed site plans for these tracts shall be subject to review and approval by the City in accordance with the then applicable provisions of the Ocoee Land Development Code; provided, however, that in connection therewith, the City shall not impose any conditions inconsistent with the approved Land Use Plan or require any off-site improvements so long as said Tracts are owned and developed by the School Board for governmental or public education purposes. 68. Modular buildings (portables) will not be allowed on Tracts 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 6E, 6F, 6G, 7A and 7B. 69. Intentionally Deleted. Bus Deuot/I'ownhomes. 70. For purposes hereo~t" shall mean: parking, storage, staging, maintenance and repair of Orange C~~ School buses. 71. In the event Tract 13 ~ for townhomes, the deed for the conveyance of each townhome unit shall ~. . ction requiring that the garages must be used for parking cars and the parking' rohibited on the public or private streets within the townhouse area, except' . at arking spaces. 72. In the event Tract 13 is developed r wnhomes, the deed for the conveyance of each townhome unit shall con . a indicating that if trash cans are used at individual units, they should in the garage, but if they are stored outside the garage, they will be screened from view with a decorative fence and/or landscaping. 73. In the event Tract 13 is developed for townhomes, short-term rentals (rentals less than 6 months) shall be prohibited. This restriction shall be incorporated into the joint HOA documents and shall also be enforceable by the City. 74. The subdivision infrastructme for Tract 13 (Bus Parking and Maintenancetrownhomes) will be sized for the primary use of townhomes which requires higher service levels than the bus parking/maintenance use. 75. In the event Tract 13 is developed for townhomes, Tract 13 shall be developed consistent with all provisions of the Ocoee Land Development Code relating to townhomes in affect at the time of development. Nothing herein shall be construed as granting any subdivision or site plan approval for Tract 13. 76. Except as otherwise agreed to by the City and School Board, the School Board is not contributing toward the costs of the master project inftastructure, including roads, utilities and the master stormwater system within the PUD and for bringing of infrastructure 9 006.279487.5 INSTR 200~0566757 OR BK 07127 PG 4812 77. 78. improvements up to the PUD. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event Tracts 12, 12A, 12B, 13 and 41 are developed or utilized for any purpose other than as a Bus Depot and associated purposes related thereto, then: (a) the developer of Tract 13 shall be solely responsible for the construction of the segment of Ocoee Parkway (including associated stonnwater ponds, utilities, intersection improvements, turn lanes and sidewalks) within Tracts 12C, 35 and 16B from Fuller's Cross Road to the southern boundary line extended of Tract 4 and to the extent the City or others install all or some of the above-referenced infrastructure the City shall notify the owner of Tract 13 of its intent to install such infrastructure prior to commencing such work and the developer shall reimburse 100% of the costs and expenses incurred within sixty (60) days of receipt of a written demand for such reimbursement accompanied by documentation with respect to the expense for which reimbursement is sought; and (b) no building permits or Certificates of Occupancy shall be issued by the City for Tracts 12, 12A, 12B, 13 or 41 until such time as the City issues a Certificate of Completion for such infrastructure and, if applicable, receives the foregoing reimbursement. The foregoing condition is a material inducement to the City to allow Tract 13 to be developed or utilized for purposes other than as a Bus Depot and the City would not allow such in the absence of this condition which is intended to allocate to Tracts ~12B, 13 and 41 an equitable portion of the master project infrastructure costs ~ s::: otherwise being borne by the City or others. Intentionally Deleted. ~ If Tract 13 is develOPed~ epot, at a minimum there shall be a landscape buffer of25' between the Bus D d both the West Orange Trail and Ocoee Parkway. The landscape buffer erm and the property line between Tract 13 and the West Orange Trail shall a black fence with black posts and rails, and a creeping vine planted along the ti . If Tract 13 is developed as townhomes, the minimum landscape buffer ~acent tract landscape buffers will remain at 10' as designated on various eets of these plans. Sidewalks. 79. Sidewalks shall be constructed in locations as shown on the Preliminary Subdivision Plan. With the exception of development of Tracts 4 and 5 sidewalks which are shown to be within the development parcels shall be constructed at the cost of the parcel developer and shall be constructed prior to issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy for the parcel. Sidewalks shown within the right-of-way as well as street lighting and landscaping shall be constructed as part of the corresponding infrastructure improvements. 80. At all comers and where otherwise applicable, sidewalks shall have access ramps constructed to accommodate those in wheelchairs and others who are physically challenged. 10 006.279487.5 84. 006.279487.5 INSTR 20030566757 OR BK 07127 pt 48l~ Wetlands. 81.Wetland and existing surface water impact for this property is regulated by SJRWMD and FDEP. General or Individual permits are required from these agencies prior to commencement of construction. 82.Subject to 84(b) below, the Developer shall comply with all requirements of the City and other governmental entities with jurisdiction to protect the wetlands being preserved and to prevent any disturbance, siltation, or other construction below the natural wetland lines. Further, the areas below the natural wetland lines shall be fenced off (and silt fences shall be installed) during construction activities immediately adjacent to the wetlands, in order to minimize disturbances of the wetlands during construction. 83.The Developer agrees to implement the wetland impact and mitigation plan provided in Section C of the Crown Point PUD Conceptual Environmental Resource Permit Application and Stormwater Management Computations site as set forth in the submission dated September 22, 2002 from VHB to St. John's River Water Management District (SJRMD) an~achments. The Developer agrees to undertake the Developer commitments set fi In report. The Developer must obtain approval from the City to deviate there fro . With respect to flood p~etlands, the Developer agrees as follows: a. There shall be n~ t in the 100-year flood plain. b. If the Develop pment permits from the St. Johns River Water Management District, w lch for a wetland enhancement program, then the Developer may dev. p' dance with those permits, so long as the development is consi e liminary Subdivision Plan submitted to the City by the Developer. Without limiting the foregoing, the Developer acknowledges that the City will accept the concept of having retention of stormwater in wetlands, but only if the wetlands are still defined as functional, enhanced wetlands in the post-development state. There may be exceptions to this standard of certain locations specifically approved as part of the Final Subdivision Plan. In the event the Developer does not obtain development permits from St. Johns River Water Management District for intrusion or enhancement of wetlands, then the Developer will submit to the City a modification of the current Preliminary Subdivision Plan wherein no intrusion or enhancement of wetlands is provided. c. To the extent any wetlands located within the subject property have not been dedicated to the St. Johns River Water Management District, the Developer agrees, at the request of the City, to dedicate such wetlands to the City for conservation or open space purposes (or for recreational purposes as approved by the City and the St. Johns River Water Management District). 11 INSTR 20010566757 OR BK 07127 PG 4834 Stormwater. 85. All property in this Pun is subject to the provisions of Article I of Chapter 150 of the City Code, the Stormwater Management Utility System Article. In addition, the City may establish within the Pun one or more stormwater utilities for the operation of the stormwater management system and/or one or more stormwater management system benefit areas for the operation, maintenance and administration of the public stormwater management system for the benefit of all or a portion of the PUD. Any such stormwater utility maybe designated by the City as the maintenance entity for the project's stormwater management system. 86. In the event one or more stormwater utilities are established within the Pun the City of Ocoee will retain title to the stormwater management tracts and the stormwater utilities will operate and maintain the stormwater systems within the stormwater tracts. 87. In the event the master stormwater retention ponds are conveyed to a property owner's association (the "Association") then the Developer shall remain responsible for the maintenance of the . t's master stormwater management system ("SWMS"), including all mast s rm ter retention ponds, until such time as: (i) the SWMS for the project is construe an . ate certificates of completion issued by both the City and the SJRWMD, (11 stormwater retention ponds intended to be conveyed to the Association have i conveyed to the Association, (iii) the Association is designated as the main . ty on the records of the SJR WMD and all transfer records required by SJR been executed and accepted by SJRWMD, (iv) the City has been provid co f the developer's proposed maintenance plan with respect to the SWMS, ~1 been provided with a written statement from the Association acknowledging i of the Developer's proposed maintenance plan with respect to the SWMS ciation is responsible for the maintenance of the SWMS. Declaration Documents. 88. All Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions affecting the Property shall include the following provisions: a. Provision allowing the City to levy, collect, enforce assessments for maintenance of common areas if the Association fails to do so or fails to maintain assessments at a level allowing for adequate maintenance. b. Provision granting the City the right, but not the obligation, to maintain/repair the SWMS and obtain reimbursement from the Association, or from the Developer if i) turnover of control to the members has not occurred, or (ii) if the Developer is still responsible for maintenance of the SWMS. c. Provision providing that the SWMS will be transferred to a responsible operation/maintenance entity acceptable to the City in the event of dissolution and that if dissolution occurs without such approval then the City may continue to 12 006.279487.5 INSTR 200J0566757 OR BK 07127 PG 4835 levy and collect assessments and impose liens with respect thereto notwithstanding the dissolution of the Association. d. Provision that the Association shall at all times be in good standing with the Florida Secretary of State. e. Provision that at the time of turnover of control of the Association to the members, the Declarant shall deliver to the new Board of Directors the maintenance plan for the SWMS accompanied by an engineer's certification that the SWMS is functioning in accordance with all approved plans and permits. To the extent that any such engineer's report indicates any corrective action is required the Declarant shall be required to diligently undertake such corrective action at the Declarant's expense and to post a cash bond with the Association for the estimated costs of such corrective action. f. Provision that no property owned by the City or any other governmental entity shall be subject to assessments levied by the Association. g. g by reference the Crown Point Development Standards. h. dment to any provision affecting the City requires the trument recorded with the amendment. 1.The Articles of hi with the forego' and Bylaws of the Association shall be consistent Miscellaneous. '\:::::::./ ~ 89. This property is subject to th~nditions of that certain unrecorded Interlocal Agreement between the City of Ocoee, and the Orange County School Board dated June 13,2000, as it may from time to time be amended. 90. The City of Ocoee is subject to the terms, provisions and restrictions of Florida Statutes Chapter 163 concerning moratoria on the issuance of building permits under certain circumstances. The City has no lawful authority to exempt any private entity, or itself, from the application of such state legislation and nothing herein should be construed as such an exemption. 91. A copy of the PUD Land Use Plan shall be available for review by prospective buyers in all residential sales offices. 92. Pursuant to the provisions of the City of Ocoee Land Development Code, all subdivision signage must be consistent with the legally assigned name of the subdivision. Any subsequent change to the name of the subdivision must be approved by the City Commission. 93. This subdivision plan will comply with City of Ocoee Code Chapter 48-5, relating to motorboats capable of generating more than ten (10) horsepower. 13 006.279487.5 99. 100. 101. 006.279487.5 INSTR 200)0566757 OR BK 07127 pt 4106 94.Minor relocation of West Orange Trail is anticipated to allow construction of the Ocoee Crown Point POO. The minor relocation of the West Orange Trail through the Village Center must provide users with one safe crossing across Ocoee-Apopka Road. The Village Center shall serve as a destination along the West Orange Trail and connect the Crown Point project with the surrounding destination. Additionally, the School Board intends to connect Tract 5 to the West Orange Trail by a pedestrian walkway, and install a bicycle rack adjacent to the West Orange Trail. Modification to the West Orange Trail is subject to the Tri-Party Agreement (OR Bk 5889, Pgs. 1797-1811). The proposed modification shall be approved by the City of Winter Garden and Orange County Parks and Recreation Department prior to commencing construction. 95.A utility agreement will be required between Orange County Public Utilities and the City of Ocoee to allow the following: a) connection of the water mains to improve fire flow conditions for the Ocoee Crown Point POO and b) OCPU sanitary sewer service for the commercial and public service parcels south of the beltway. The agreement shall be in place prior to issuance of the utility construction permit for the initial phase of the project unless otherwise agreed to by the City. 96. 97. The Preliminary S Plan is intended primarily to provide a plan for the streets, utilities and storm agement to serve the high school site (Tract 5). Facilities shown on this plan serve all other tracts are conceptual only. Prior to development of any 0 trac eyond Tract 5, separate Preliminary Subdivision Plans must be submitted and ~ose additional tracts. Notwithstanding Tract "Waterfront Village," the Waterfront Village shall consist of Tracts I, 43, 4 shall total at least 10 acres. 98.At such time as the City ne of the school-related tracts to the School Board the School Board racts 12, 12A, 12B and 12C to the City. At the time of said conveyances, the City shall grant to the School Board an access and stormwater retention easement over Tracts 12, 12A, 12B and 12C. It is the intent of these Conditions of Approval to allow the City and the School Board to swap tracts within the Workforce Education portion of the POO and the Village Center portion of the POO, if and to the extent mutually agreed upon by the City and School Board. Accordingly, the Workforce Education uses and the commercial uses within the Workforce Education portion of the POO and the Village Center portion of the PUD may swap or interchange, subject to the approval of the City, without the need to amend the Ocoee Crown Point PUD. At the time of development of Tract 3 by the City and/or development of Tract 4 by the School Board, the City and School Board may enter into an Interlocal Agreement providing for the shared use of the Tract 4 recreational and parking facilities. Notwithstanding anything contained in these Conditions of Approval or shown on any sheet of the plans to which these Conditions of Approval are attached, the City is under no obligation to include any specific level of landscaping (including, but not limited to 14 INSTR 20030566757 OR BK 07127 pt 4837 LAST PAC'.E trees. bushes or decorative details, structures or fountains) with any of the subdivision infrastructure. 102. The Owner of each tract within the PUD shall have the right to apply to the City for a change in the land use or specific Conditions of Approval as they relate to that tract without the requirement that the tract owner obtain the joinder and consent of any other land owner within the PUD. 103. Pursuant to Section 174-20.C of the City Code. the City Commission has determined that it is not in the best interests of the City to extend reuse transmission lines to land located within the Ocoee Crown Point PUD and has exempted such development from the requirement to construct reclaimed water distribution and transmission mains and lines and from the requirement that homes, lots and parcels within such development connect to the City's reuse system. 15 006.279487.5 DOC# 20160343159 07/05/2016 02:58:51 PM Page 1 of 51 Rec Fee: $435.00 Deed Dec Tax: $0.00 DOR PREPARED BY AND AFTER Intangiblengibl Fee: $$ 0.0IntangibleTax: 0.00 RECORDING RETURN TO:Mortgage Stamp: $0.00 Martha 0. Haynie, Comptroller Orange County FL Scott A. Cookson,Esq.PU - Ret To: SHUFFIE LpDLOWMAN Shuffield,Lowman&Wilson,P.A. VIII ilia Y i i5 I II1000LegionPlace Suite 1700 Orlando,Florida 32801 Tax Parcel I.D.: 01 Z9- pi-00W -&te12- DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANT, EASEMENTS,AND COST SHARING AGREEMENT THIS DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANT, EASEMENTS, AND COST SHARING AGREEMENT ("Declaration") is made and entered into as of the I' 4 day of Jkl 2016 ("Effective Date"), by and between MATTAMY ORLANDO LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its successors and assigns ("Mattamy"), and the CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation in its capacity as the owner of certain property described herein and not in its capacity as a governmental entity with jurisdiction over property described herein, its successors and assigns ("City") (Mattamy and City are sometimes referred to herein as a"Party" or collectively as the"Parties"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Mattamy is the owner of certain real property located in the City of Ocoee, Orange County, Florida, containing approximately 57.29 acres and being more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference (the "Phase 2A Property"); and WHEREAS, City is the owner of certain real property located in the City of Ocoee, Orange County, Florida, containing approximately 44.982 acres, as more particularly described on Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference (the "Phase 2B Property"), which property is adjacent to the Phase 2A Property; and WHEREAS, City is also the owner of certain real property located in the City of Ocoee, Orange County, Florida, containing approximately 11.995 acres, as more particularly described on Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference (the "Amenity Property"), which property is adjacent to the Phase 2A Property; and WHEREAS, City is also the owner of certain real property located in the City of Ocoee, Orange County, Florida, containing approximately 13.573 acres, as more particularly described on Exhibit D attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference (the "School Property"), which property is adjacent to the Phase 2A Property and Phase 2B Property; and ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 WHEREAS, prior to this Declaration the City conveyed the Phase 2A Property to Mattamy pursuant to the terms of that certain Agreement for Sale and Purchase dated April 21, 2015 by and between the City and Mattamy, as amended from time to time collectively, the"Purchase Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the Purchase Agreement sets forth, among other things, the terms and conditions relating to Mattamy's contractual right to purchase the Phase 2B Property from City; and WHEREAS, the City and The School Board of Orange County, Florida ("SBOC") are parties to that certain Interlocal Agreement Regarding Coca-Cola Property dated June 13, 2000, as amended by that certain First Amendment to Interlocal Agreement Regarding Coca-Cola Property dated August 5, 2003, as amended by that certain Second Amendment to Interlocal Agreement Regarding Coca-Cola Property dated September 20, 2005 and as further amended by that certain Third Amendment to Interlocal Agreement Regarding Coca-Cola Property dated July 1, 2014 (collectively, the"Interlocal Agreement"); and WHEREAS, subsequent to this Declaration the City intends to convey the School Property to SBOC pursuant to the requirements of the Interlocal Agreement; and WHEREAS, the development of the Phase 2A Property, Phase 2B Property, and School Property contemplates that a portion of the Phase 2A Property, as more particularly described on Exhibit E attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference (the "Drainage Pond Property"), shall serve as a shared drainage pond for the Phase 2A Property, the School Property and a portion of the Phase 2B Property as permitted by South Florida Water Management District Permit No. 83494-7, and that a storm water drainage pipe from the School Property to the Drainage Pond Property shall be installed under a portion of the Phase 2A Property and under a portion of the Phase 2B Property, as more particularly described on Exhibit F attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference (the "Storm Water Pipe Property"); and WHEREAS, the development of the Phase 2A Property, the Phase 2B Property and the Amenity Property contemplates that a portion of the Phase 2A Property, as more particularly described on Exhibit G attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference (the "Entry Road Property"), shall serve as a shared entrance drive for the Phase 2A Property, the Phase 2B Property and the Amenity Property; and WHEREAS, the development of the Phase 2A Property and the Phase 2B Property contemplates that a portion of the Phase 2A Property, as more particularly described on Exhibit H attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference (the "Spine Road Property"), shall serve as a shared access drive for the Phase 2A Property and the Phase 2B Property; and WHEREAS, the development of the Phase 2A Property contemplates that the portion of the property described on Exhibit I attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference within the Phase 2B Property (the "Phase 2A Utility Easement Property"), shall be utilized by Mattamy for the connection of certain utilities for the benefit of the Phase 2A Property; and 2 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 WHEREAS, the development of the Phase 2B Property contemplates that the portion of the property described on Exhibit I attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference within the Phase 2A Property (the "Phase 2B Utility Easement Property"), shall be utilized by the owner of the Phase 2B Property for the installation and maintenance of certain utilities for the benefit of the Phase 2B Property; and WHEREAS, the City has agreed to convey to Mattamy certain easements over the Phase 2B Property and the School Property on the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, Mattamy has agreed to convey to the City certain easements over Phase 2A Property on the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, Mattamy has agreed to restrict the development of the Phase 2A Property, and the City has agreed to restrict the development of the Phase 2B Property, such that the Phase 2A Property and the Phase 2B Property shall be developed pursuant to certain development standards which, as of the Effective Date, have not been fully determined (the Development Standards"); and WHEREAS, the City intends to construct an amenity (the "Amenity") on the Amenity Property which will be owned and operated by the City and open to the public and Mattamy has agreed to contribute certain funds to the City to partially offset the costs of development of the Amenity Property and construction of the Amenity, on the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the City has agreed to restrict the development of the Amenity Property, such that the Amenity Property shall be developed solely as community amenity or public park. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) in hand paid, for the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereto, for and on behalf of themselves, their legal representatives, successors and assigns, do hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct and are hereby incorporated herein by this reference. 2.Grant of Temporary Entry Road Easement and Construction of Entry Road Improvements. a) Mattamy hereby grants and conveys to the City, as owner of the Phase 2B Property and the Amenity Property, and its successors, assigns, permittees, guests, invitees, employees, tenants, licensees, subsequent owners and successors in title of and to the Phase 2B Property and the Amenity Property, a temporary, non-exclusive access easement for ingress and egress across, through, under, over and on the Entry Road Property ("Entry Road Access Easement"). The Entry Road Access Easement is for the benefit of, and may be used by, the owners from time to time of the Phase 2B Property and the Amenity Property, or any part thereof, together with their successors, assigns, permittees, guests, invitees, employees, licensees, subsequent owners and successors in title, tenants and their tenants' employees, agents, 3 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 contractors, customers, invitees and licensees (collectively, the "City Parties") for the purposes described in Section 2(b) below. The Entry Road Access Easement is appurtenant to the Phase 2B Property and the Amenity Property and shall run with title to the Phase 2B Property and the Amenity Property and shall burden the Entry Road Property. Such Entry Road Access Easement shall include use by the City for the purpose of developing the Phase 2B Property and the Amenity Property. b) The Entry Road Access Easement may be used by the City Parties for pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress to and from the Phase 2B Property via the Spine Road Property as defined below) and the Amenity Property and Ocoee Crown Point Parkway. No vehicles, materials or equipment shall be parked, placed or stored on, over or under the Entry Road Property by the City Parties. Vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress across the Entry Road Access Easement may not be impeded by the City or the City Parties. Except in connection with construction, installation, maintenance, repair, restoration or replacement work or as otherwise permitted in this Declaration, no vehicles, materials or equipment shall be parked, placed or stored on, over or under the Entry Road Property by Mattamy or its tenants and its tenants' employees, agents, contractors, customers, invitees and licensees (the "Mattamy Parties"). Vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress across the Entry Road Access Easement may not be impeded by Mattamy or the Mattamy Parties except to the extent reasonably required to develop the Phase 2A Property, construct the Entry Road Improvements (as defined below) as required, or as otherwise permitted in this Declaration. Other than as permitted in accordance with Section 7(b) below, the City shall not be entitled to construct any improvements on the Entry Road Property. c) The Entry Road Property shall be improved with a road and related improvements Entry Road Improvements"), which shall include the requirements more particularly described in Exhibit K attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference, and shall otherwise be constructed in accordance with any applicable final subdivision plan approved by the City and all applicable standards and requirements of any applicable governmental agencies collectively, the "Minimum Standards"). Mattamy, at its sole cost and expense, shall design, engineer, permit and construct the Access Easement Road Improvements, and shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of the Access Easement Road Improvements, which obligation may be assigned to any homeowners association established by Mattamy for such purposes. d) Mattamy shall be responsible for 100% of the maintenance, repair and replacement costs of the Entry Road Improvements (the "Entry Road Improvements Maintenance Costs"), except as otherwise set forth herein. The City and its successors and assigns shall be obligated to reimburse Mattamy and its successors and assigns for all costs and expenses reasonably incurred to repair and/or replace any portion of the Phase 2A Property, including but not limited to the Entry Road Improvements, because of damage or destruction proximately caused thereto by any of the City Parties pursuant to the rights granted under this section, normal wear and tear excepted. Such costs and expenses shall be reimbursed within thirty(30) days of Mattamy's written request therefor, which written request shall include copies of all applicable invoices. Should such costs and expenses not be reimbursed within said thirty 30) day period, interest on the amount due shall begin to accrue at the rate of twelve percent 12%)per annum and continue until paid in full. 4 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 e) The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Entry Road Property and the Entry Road Improvements may be dedicated to the public in the future via plat or otherwise, and that upon such dedication, the Entry Road Access Easement over such portion of the Entry Road Property shall automatically terminate, and all maintenance obligations for such dedicated portion of the Entry Road Improvements shall cease. 3.Grant of Temporary Spine Road Access Easement and Construction of Spine Road Improvements. a) Mattamy hereby grants and conveys to the City, as owner of the Phase 2B Property, and its successors, assigns, permittees, guests, invitees, employees, tenants, licensees, subsequent owners and successors in title of and to the Phase 2B Property, a temporary, non- exclusive access easement for ingress and egress across, through, under, over and on the Spine Road Property ("Spine Road Access Easement"). The Spine Road Access Easement is for the benefit of, and may be used by, the owners from time to time of the Phase 2B Property, or any part thereof, together with the City Parties for the purposes described in Section 3(b)below. The Spine Road Access Easement is appurtenant to the Phase 2B Property and shall run with title to the Phase 2B Property and shall burden the Spine Road Property. Such Spine Road Access Easement shall include use by the City for the purpose of developing the Phase 2B Property. b) The Spine Road Access Easement may be used by the City Parties for pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress to and from the Phase 2B Property and the Entry Road Property/Entry Road Improvements. No vehicles, materials or equipment shall be parked,placed or stored on, over or under the Spine Road Property by the City Parties. Vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress across the Spine Road Access Easement may not be impeded by the City or the City Parties. Except in connection with construction, installation, maintenance, repair, restoration or replacement work or as otherwise permitted in this Declaration, no vehicles, materials or equipment shall be parked, placed or stored on, over or under the Spine Road Property by Mattamy or the Mattamy Parties. Vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress across the Spine Road Access Easement may not be impeded by Mattamy or the Mattamy Parties except to the extent reasonably required to develop the Phase 2A Property, construct the Spine Road Improvements as required, or as otherwise permitted in this Declaration. Other than as permitted in accordance with Section 7(b) below, the City shall not be entitled to construct any improvements on the Spine Road Property c) The Spine Road Property shall be improved with a road and related improvements Spine Road Improvements") in accordance with the Minimum Standards. Mattamy, at its sole cost and expense, shall design, engineer, permit and construct the Spine Road Improvements, and shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of the Spine Road Improvements, which obligation may be assigned to any homeowners association established by Mattamy for such purposes. d) Mattamy shall be responsible for 100% of the maintenance, repair and replacement costs of the Spine Road Improvements (the "Spine Road Improvements Maintenance Costs"), except as otherwise set forth herein. The City and its successors and assigns shall be obligated to reimburse Mattamy and its successors and assigns for all costs and expenses reasonably incurred to repair and/or replace any portion of the Phase 2A Property, 5 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 including but not limited to the Spine Road Improvements, because of damage or destruction proximately caused thereto by any of the City Parties pursuant to the rights granted under this section, normal wear and tear excepted. Such costs and expenses shall be reimbursed within thirty(30) days of Mattamy's written request therefor, which written request shall include copies of all applicable invoices. Should such costs and expenses not be reimbursed within said thirty 30) day period, interest on the amount due shall begin to accrue at the rate of twelve percent 12%)per annum and continue until paid in full. e) The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Spine Road Property and the Spine Road Improvements will remain a private road and access to and through the Phase 2A Property and to the Phase 2B Property may be restricted with one or more private entry gates. Mattamy agrees that if access is restricted and gates are installed, the City and each owner of any portion of the Phase 2B Property shall have access through the gates equal to and in the same manner and at the same cost, if any, as that granted to each owner of any portion of the Phase 2A Property. f) To the extent reasonably practicable, in the event Mattamy has commenced construction of homes within the Phase 2A Property and the City desires to commence development on the Phase 2B Property, the City shall take reasonable measures to restrict access by construction trucks over the Spine Road Property and the Spine Road Improvements. g) The Spine Road Access Easement shall automatically terminate upon the recordation of a plat in the Official Records of Orange County, Florida that grants substantially similar rights to the Parties benefitted by such easement. 4.Grant of Drainage Pond Easement and Storm Water Pipe Easement. a) Mattamy hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys to the City, for the benefit of and as an appurtenance to the Phase 2B Property and the School Property, a perpetual and non- exclusive easement across, through, under, over and on the Drainage Pond Property for subsurface and surface storm water that drains from portions of the Phase 2B Property and the School Property into a storm water control structure, including any required retaining walls (the Drainage Pond"), to be located on the Drainage Pond Property, for the purpose of collecting, detaining, and if applicable, retaining, storm water (the "Drainage Pond Easement"). The City may tie into the Drainage Pond subject to the provisions of this Declaration. b) Mattamy hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys to the City, for the benefit of and as an appurtenance to the Phase 2B Property and the School Property, a perpetual and non- exclusive storm water drainage easement across, through, under, over and on the portion of the Storm Water Pipe Property within the Phase 2A Property for the use of certain drainage facilities in connection with the construction, installation, and operation of certain improvements on portions of the Phase 2B Property and an elementary school on the School Property, including but not limited to junction boxes, corrugated metal pipes and reinforced concrete pipes collectively, the "Drainage Facilities") for the purpose of flowage of surface and subsurface storm water through the Drainage Facilities installed within the Storm Water Pipe Property to the Drainage Pond located on the Drainage Pond Property(the "Storm Water Pipe Easement"). 6 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 c) The City hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys to Mattamy for the benefit of and as an appurtenance to the Phase 2A Property a temporary construction easement and perpetual and non-exclusive storm water drainage and maintenance easement across, through, under, over and on the portion of the Storm Water Pipe Property within the Phase 2B Property and the School Property for the use of certain Drainage Facilities in connection with the construction, installation, operation and maintenance of the certain improvements on the Phase 2A Property, including,but not limited to, the Drainage Facilities. d) The Drainage Pond and Drainage Facilities shall be constructed by Mattamy pursuant to the Minimum Standards and Section 3(g) below. Mattamy shall proceed in a commercially reasonably manner and use good faith efforts to cause the Drainage Pond and Drainage Facilities to be completed and operational within eighteen (18) months of the Effective Date of this Declaration. Mattamy, as owner of the Phase 2A Property, shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of the Drainage Pond and Drainage Facilities, which obligation may be assigned to any homeowners association established by Mattamy for such purposes. In the event Mattamy fails to initiate construction of the Drainage Pond and Drainage Facilities within twelve (12) months of the Effective Date or complete the construction within eighteen (18) months of the Effective Date, the owner of the School Property shall have the right to construct the Drainage Pond and Drainage Facilities and be reimbursed for said construction costs by Mattamy. Upon notice from the owner of the School Property, Mattamy shall assign all necessary permits and approvals and provide its 100% construction plans for the Drainage Pond and Drainage Facilities to the owner of the School Property for its use in constructing the facilities. e) Mattamy shall be responsible for 100% of the maintenance, repair and replacement costs of the Drainage Pond and Drainage Facilities (the "Drainage Maintenance Costs") until such time as development has commenced on the Phase 2B Property by a party other than Mattamy. Once horizontal construction has commenced on the Phase 2B Property by a party other than Mattamy, Mattamy and the owner of the Phase 2B Property shall be responsible for their respective percentages of the Drainage Maintenance Costs. Once applicable, the owner of the Phase 2B Property shall reimburse Mattamy for the Drainage Maintenance Costs incurred by Mattamy in connection with the maintenance, repair and replacement of the Drainage Pond and Drainage Facilities within thirty (30) days of Mattamy's written request therefor, which written request shall include copies of all applicable invoices. Should the owner of the Phase 2B Property fail to reimburse Mattamy for its share of the costs of the Drainage Maintenance Costs within said thirty (30) day period, interest on the amount due shall begin to accrue at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum and continue until paid in full. Failure of the owner of the Phase 2B Property to pay such amounts within thirty (30) days following such written request shall give rise in favor of Mattamy to file a lien against the Phase 2B Property for failure to pay such amounts and to exercise any and all remedies available to it with respect to liens filed against real property under Florida law, which right may be assigned to any homeowners association established by Mattamy for such purposes. 0 The City shall be entitled to use the Drainage Pond Easement and Storm Water Pipe Easement in connection with the Phase 2B Property and the School Property, without payment (other than as set forth in Section 3(d) above); however, in the event that the City's use or its successors' use) of the Drainage Pond Easement and / or Storm Water Pipe Easement 7 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 results in any damage to the Drainage Facilities and/ or Drainage Pond, City(or its successor, as applicable) shall be solely responsible for the cost of any repair or replacement of such Drainage Facilities or Drainage Pond to the extent caused by such damage, including any costs to restore any improvements damaged by such use. g) The City shall have the right to tie into the Drainage Facilities constructed by Mattamy at the City's sole cost and expense. Mattamy covenants and agrees that Mattamy shall maintain in good working order the Drainage Facilities constructed by Mattamy and will refrain from obstructing the flow of storm water discharge from the School Property into and through the Drainage Facilities and from in any way restricting or interfering with the City's use of the Storm Water Pipe Easement or Drainage Pond Easement granted herein. h) The design, engineering, permitting, installation and construction of the Drainage Facilities shall be performed by Mattamy in accordance with the Minimum Standards. The actual and documented costs and expenses to design, engineer, permit, install, and construct the Drainage Pond and Drainage Facilities (the "Drainage Costs") shall initially be the sole responsibility of Mattamy, subject to reimbursement described below. The City and Mattamy acknowledge and agree that the Drainage Pond shall account for and include storm water detention capacity sufficient for development of the Phase 2A Property, the School Property with a seventy percent (70%) impervious area and portions of the Phase 2B Property, and that development of the Phase 2A Property, Phase 2B Property, or School Property shall not result in any reduction in the capacity of the Drainage Pond for use by the Phase 2A Property, Phase 2B Property or School Property below governmental and quasi-governmental requirements therefor existing as of the Effective Date. i) Mattamy and the City hereby agree that storm water treatment volume capacity required in the Drainage Pond for the development of the Phase 2A Property, the School Property and a portion of the Phase 2B Property is a total of 20.97 acre feet, allocated as follows: 1) the Phase 2A Property shall require up to 12.23 acre-feet (58.32%) of the Drainage Pond capacity; (2) the applicable portion of the Phase 2B Property shall require up to 4.06 acre-feet 19.36%) of the Drainage Pond capacity; and (3) the School Property shall require that Drainage Pond capacity be sufficient to allow for a seventy percent (70%) impervious area. Pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement, the SBOC shall not be responsible for any Drainage Costs or Drainage Maintenance Costs. Mattamy and the City hereby agree that any Drainage Costs Drainage Maintenance Costs attributable to the School Property shall be shared by Mattamy and the owner of the Phase 2B Property in roughly the same proportion that the Phase 2B Property capacity bears to the Phase 2A Property capacity, i.e., approximately 33.3%. Mattamy shall therefore be responsible for 73.2% of all Drainage Costs and Drainage Maintenance Costs (58.32% plus two thirds of 22.32%), and the owner of the Phase 2B Property shall be responsible for 26.8% of all Drainage Costs and Drainage Maintenance Costs (19.36% plus one third of 22.32%). In the event a party other than Mattamy develops the Phase 2B Property, prior to commencement of construction on the Phase 2B Property, such party shall be obligated to reimburse Mattamy for 26.8% of the Drainage Costs up to an amount not to exceed $5,000.00. j) The Parties acknowledge that SBOC has been provided a copy of this Declaration, and that SBOC has verified that the Drainage Pond Easement, the Drainage Facilities, the Storm Water Pipe Easement, and the Drainage Pond capacity allocated to the 8 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 School Property meet all storm water related requirements for the School Property that are set forth in the Interlocal Agreement. k) The Drainage Pond Easement and the Storm Water Pipe Easement shall automatically terminate upon the recordation of a plat in the Official Records of Orange County, Florida that grants substantially similar rights to the Parties benefitted by such easements. 5. Utility Easements. a) The City hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys to Mattamy, its contractors and agents, for the benefit of and as an appurtenance to the Phase 2A Property and the School Property, a perpetual and non-exclusive easement across, through, under, over and on the Phase 2A Utility Easement Property for the purpose of constructing, installing, and utilizing a force main and wastewater utilities to be constructed on the Phase 2B Property extending to the lift station to be constructed on the Phase 2A Property along with water and reclaimed water utilities to be constructed on the Phase 2B Property, including an access easement for vehicular and pedestrian access reasonably necessary for the installation and maintenance of such facilities the "Phase 2A Utility Easement"). Any construction performed on the Phase 2A Utility Easement Property shall be done in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with the Minimum Standards. The City agrees to cooperate with Mattamy in the application for and processing of all governmental approvals in connection with the construction of said utilities, including executing such applications for governmental permits or agency authorization forms as may be required. b) Mattamy hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys to the City, its contractors and agents, for the benefit of and as an appurtenance to the Phase 2B Property and the School Property, a perpetual and non-exclusive easement across, through, under, over and on the Phase 2B Utility Easement Property for the purpose of constructing and installing utilities necessary to develop the Phase 2B Property, including water, wastewater, reuse water, telephone, cable, natural gas, and electrical facilities, including an access easement for vehicular and pedestrian access reasonably necessary for the installation and maintenance of such facilities (the Phase 2B Utility Easement"). Mattamy shall proceed in a commercially reasonably manner and use good faith efforts to cause the installation of such utilities to be competed and operational within eighteen (18) months of the Effective Date of this Declaration. The facilities constructed by Mattamy on the Phase 2A Property shall stubbed out to the School Property and at each location where a road within the Phase 2A Property adjoins the Phase 2B Property so that the owner of the Phase 2B Property shall have the right to tie into such utilities at such points. Any construction performed on the Phase 2B Utility Easement Property shall be done in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with the Minimum Standards. Mattamy agrees to cooperate with the owner of the Phase 2B Property in the application for and processing of all governmental approvals in connection with the construction of said utilities, including executing such applications for governmental permits or agency authorization forms as may be required. In the event Mattamy fails to initiate the installation of the utilities referenced in paragraph 5(a) and this paragraph 5(b) within twelve (12) months of the Effective Date or complete said utilities within eighteen (18)months of the Effective Date, the owner of the School Property may elect to either (1) construct the lift station, force main and that portion of the sanitary gravity system planned to service the School Property (the "Utilities") or (2) permit and construct a private lift 9 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 station on the School Property and force main connection to the nearest sanitary sewer connection. In the event the owner of the School Property elects to construct the Utilities pursuant to the foregoing subsection (1), Mattamy shall provide 100% construction plans, assign all necessary permits and approvals and shall be responsible for the reimbursement of the cost of the construction of the Utilities to the owner of the School Property. However, in the event the owner of the School Property constructs the private lift station pursuant to the foregoing subsection (2), Mattamy shall have no obligation for the reimbursement of such costs. c) The Phase 2A Utility Easement and the Phase 2B Utility Easement shall automatically terminate upon the recordation of a plat in the Official Records of Orange County, Florida that grants substantially similar rights to the Parties benefitted by such easements. 6.Temporary Slope Easements; Temporary Swale Easement. a) The City hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys to Mattamy, its contractors and agents, for the benefit of and as an appurtenance to the Phase 2A Property and reserves unto the owner of the Phase 2B Property as an appurtenance to the Phase 2B Property, a temporary and non-exclusive easement across, through, under, over and on that portion of the School Property and more particularly described on Exhibit L attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference (the "School Property Fill Slope Easement Area") for fill slope purposes, together with the right (but not the obligation) to construct and install fill slopes for the use and benefit of and to serve the Phase 2A Property and the Phase 2B Property (the "School Property Fill Slope Easement"). The use of the School Property Fill Slope Easement Area shall be for the purposes of constructing a fill slope to support the lots and improvements within the Phase 2A Property and the Phase 2B Property over, through, or under the School Property Fill Slope Easement Area, together with the rights, easements, privileges, and appurtenances in or to said land which may be required for the full enjoyment of the rights herein granted. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, any fill slopes installed and maintained within the School Property Fill Slope Easement Area will be for the purpose of transitioning the grading of the School Property to the grading of the Phase 2A Property and the Phase 2B Property and shall be done in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with the Minimum Standards. The School Property Fill Slope Easement shall automatically terminate without the need for any additional documentation upon the earlier to occur of(i) the completion of the development of the lots and improvements on the Phase 2A Property and the Phase 2B Property immediately adjacent to the School Property Fill Slope Easement Area, or (iii) the commencement of development of the elementary school on the School Property. b) The City hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys to Mattamy, its contractors and agents, for the benefit of and as an appurtenance to the Phase 2A Property, a temporary and non-exclusive easement across, through, under, over and on that portion of the School Property and more particularly described on Exhibit L attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference (the "School Property Swale Easement Area") for drainage swale purposes, together with the right (but not the obligation) to construct and install drainage swales on the School Property (the "School Property Swale Easement"). Mattamy's use of the School Property Swale Easement Area shall be for the purposes of constructing a drainage swale to collect the storm water from the School Property until such time as the Drainage Pond and Drainage Facilities are constructed and the school is constructed on the School Property. The School 10 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 Property Swale Easement shall be over, through, or under the School Property Swale Easement Area, together with the rights, easements, privileges, and appurtenances in or to said land which may be required for the full enjoyment of the rights herein granted. The School Property Swale Easement within the School Property shall automatically terminate without the need for any additional documentation upon the later to occur of (i) completion of the Drainage Pond; (ii) completion of the Drainage Facilities; and (iii) the commencement of development of the elementary school on the School Property. c) The City hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys to Mattamy, its contractors and agents, for the benefit of and as an appurtenance to the Phase 2A Property, a temporary and non-exclusive easement across, through, under, over and on that portion of the Phase 2B Property more particularly described on Exhibit M attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference (the "Phase 2A FM Slope Easement Area") for fill slope purposes, together with the right (but not the obligation) to construct and install fill slopes for the use and benefit of and to serve the Phase 2A Property (the "Phase 2A Fill Slope Easement"). Mattamy's use of the Phase 2A Fill Slope Easement Area shall be for the purposes of constructing a fill slope to support the lots and improvements within the Phase 2A Property over, through, or under the Phase 2A Fill Slope Easement Area, together with the rights, easements, privileges, and appurtenances in or to said land which may be required for the full enjoyment of the rights herein granted. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the City agrees that any fill slopes installed and maintained within the Phase 2A Fill Slope Easement Area will be for the purpose of transitioning the grading of the Phase 2B Property to the grading of the Phase 2A Property and shall be done in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with the Minimum Standards. The Phase 2A Fill Slope Easement adjacent to the Phase 2A Property shall automatically terminate without the need for any additional documentation upon the earlier to occur of(i) Mattamy's acquisition of the Phase 2B Property from the City, (ii) completion of the development of the lots and improvements on the Phase 2A Property immediately adjacent to the Phase 2A Fill Slope Easement Area, or (iii) the commencement of development of lots and improvements on the Phase 2A Property within the Phase 2A Fill Slope Easement Area adjacent to the Phase 2B Property. d) Mattamy hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys to the City, its contractors and agents, for the benefit of and as an appurtenance to the Phase 2B Property and the School Property, a temporary and non-exclusive easement across, through, under, over and on that portion of the Phase 2A Property more particularly described on Exhibit N attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference (the "Phase 2B Fill Slope Easement Area") for fill slope purposes, together with the right (but not the obligation) to construct and install fill slopes for the use and benefit of and to serve the Phase 2B Property and the School Property (the "Phase 2B Fill Slope Easement"). The City's use of the Phase 2B Fill Slope Easement Area shall be for the purposes of constructing a fill slope to support the lots and improvements within the Phase 2B Property and the elementary school on the School Property over, through, or under the Phase 2B Fill Slope Easement Area, together with the rights, easements, privileges, and appurtenances in or to said land which may be required for the full enjoyment of the rights herein granted. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the City agrees that any fill slopes installed and maintained within the Phase 2B Fill Slope Easement Area will be for the purpose of transitioning the grading of the Phase 2A Property to the grading of the Phase 2B Property and the School Property and shall be done in a good and workmanlike manner and in 11 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 accordance with the Minimum Standards. The Phase 2B Fill Slope Easement adjacent to the Phase 2B Property shall automatically terminate without the need for any additional documentation upon the earlier to occur of(i) Mattamy's acquisition of the Phase 2B Property from the City, (ii) completion of the development of the lots and improvements on the Phase 2B Property immediately adjacent to the Phase 2B Fill Slope Easement Area, or (iii) Mattamy's commencement of development of lots and improvements on the Phase 2A Property within the Phase 2B Fill Slope Easement Area adjacent to the Phase 2B Property. The Phase 2B Fill Slope Easement adjacent to the School Property shall automatically terminate without the need for any additional documentation upon the earlier to occur of(i) commencement of the development of the elementary school on the School Property immediately adjacent to the Phase 2B Fill Slope Easement Area, or(iii) Mattamy's commencement of development of the lots and improvements on the Phase 2A Property within the Phase 2B Fill Slope Easement Area adjacent to the School Property. 7.Temporary Construction Easements, Temporary Staging Easements, and Temporary Access Agreement. a) The City hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys to Mattamy, its contractors and agents, for the benefit of and as an appurtenance to the Phase 2A Property, a temporary and non-exclusive easement across, through, under, over and on the Phase 2B Property for the purpose of constructing water, wastewater and reclaimed water infrastructure improvements authorized by and consistent with the Minimum Standards, including an access easement for vehicular and pedestrian access reasonably necessary for the installation of such improvements the "Phase 2A Temporary Construction Easement"). Any infrastructure improvements constructed by Mattamy on the Phase 2B Property shall be constructed at Mattamy's sole cost and expense, shall remain the property of the owner of the Phase 2B Property, and shall be accepted, owned, and maintained by the owner of the Phase 2B Property at such owner's cost and expense. Any such infrastructure construction performed on the Phase 2B Property shall be done in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with the Minimum Standards. The City agrees to cooperate with Mattamy in the application for and processing of all governmental approvals in connection with the construction of said infrastructure, including executing such applications for governmental permits or agency authorization forms as may be required. The Phase 2A Temporary Construction Easement shall automatically terminate without the need for any additional documentation upon the earlier to occur of (i) Mattamy's acquisition of the Phase 2B Property from the City, or (ii) completion of any and all infrastructure improvements necessary to develop the Phase 2A Property, as evidenced by certificate(s) of completion for such infrastructure. b) Mattamy hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys to the City, its contractors and agents, for the benefit of and as an appurtenance to the Phase 2B Property and the School Property, a temporary and non-exclusive easement across, through, under, over and on the Phase 2A Property, including but not limited to the Entry Road Property, the Spine Road Property, the Drainage Pond Property and the Storm Water Pipe Property, for the purpose of constructing any and all infrastructure improvements authorized by and consistent with the Minimum Standards, including, but not limited to, the Entry Road Improvements, the Spine Road Improvements, the Drainage Pond and the Drainage Facilities and including an access easement for vehicular and pedestrian access reasonably necessary for the installation of such 12 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 improvements (the "Phase 2B Temporary Construction Easement"). Any infrastructure improvements constructed by the City on the Phase 2A Property shall be constructed at the City's sole cost and expense, shall remain the property of the owner of the Phase 2A Property, and shall be accepted, owned, and maintained by the owner of the Phase 2A Property at such owner's cost and expense. Any such infrastructure construction performed on the Phase 2A Property shall be done in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with the Minimum Standards. Mattamy agrees to cooperate with the City in the application for and processing of all governmental approvals in connection with the construction of said infrastructure, including executing such applications for governmental permits or agency authorization forms as may be required. The Phase 2B Temporary Construction Easement shall automatically terminate without the need for any additional documentation upon the earlier to occur of (i) Mattamy's acquisition of the Phase 2B Property from the City, or (ii) completion of any and all infrastructure improvements necessary to develop the Phase 2B Property and the School Property, as evidenced by certificate(s) of completion for such infrastructure. c) The City hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys to Mattamy, its contractors and agents, for the benefit of and as an appurtenance to the Phase 2A Property, a temporary and non-exclusive easement across, through, under, over and on the Phase 2B Property for the purpose of locating and maintaining construction trailers, vehicles and construction parking, the taking of deliveries, storing equipment, lumber, fill, materials and supplies and other related activities in support of Mattamy's development of the Phase 2A Property (the "Phase 2A Staging Activities"), and in connection therewith, pedestrian and construction vehicle access to and from the Phase 2A Property and Phase 2B Property (the "Phase 2A Temporary Staging Easement"). Mattamy shall not erect, construct or develop, or permit the erection, construction or development of any improvement or obstruction within the Phase 2B Property, except as otherwise permitted in this Declaration. The Phase 2A Temporary Staging Easement shall automatically terminate without the need for any additional documentation upon the earlier to occur of(i) Mattamy's acquisition of the Phase 2B Property from the City, (ii) completion of any and all infrastructure improvements necessary to develop the Phase 2A Property, as evidenced by certificate(s) of completion for such infrastructure, or(iii) commencement of development on the Phase 2B Property by a party other than Mattamy. Upon termination of the Phase 2A Temporary Staging Easement pursuant to the foregoing sections (ii) or (iii), the City shall deliver notice thereof and Mattamy shall have thirty (30) days after receipt of notice to remove all of Mattamy's personal property and equipment for the Phase 2A Staging Activities from the Phase 2B Property. d) Mattamy hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys to the City its contractors and agents, for the benefit of and as an appurtenance to the Phase 2B Property, a temporary and non- exclusive easement across, through, under, over and on the Phase 2A Property for the purpose of locating and maintaining construction trailers, vehicles and construction parking, the taking of deliveries, storing equipment, lumber, fill, materials and supplies and other related activities in support of the City's development of the Phase 2B Property (the "Phase 2B Staging Activities"), and in connection therewith, pedestrian and construction vehicle access to and from the Phase 2B Property and Phase 2A Property(the "Phase 2B Temporary Staging Easement"). The City shall not erect, construct or develop, or permit the erection, construction or development of any improvement or obstruction within the Phase 2A Property, except as otherwise permitted in this Declaration. The Phase 2B Temporary Staging Easement shall 13 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 automatically terminate without the need for any additional documentation upon the earlier to occur of(i) Mattamy's acquisition of the Phase 2B Property from the City, (ii) completion of any and all infrastructure improvements necessary to develop the Phase 2B Property, as evidenced by certificate(s) of completion for such infrastructure, or(iii) commencement of development on the Phase 2A Property by Mattamy. Upon termination of the Phase 2B Temporary Staging Easement pursuant to the foregoing sections (ii) or (iii), Mattamy shall deliver notice thereof and the City shall have thirty (30) days after receipt of notice to remove all of the City's personal property and equipment for the Phase 2B Staging Activities from the Phase 2A Property. e) The City hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys to Mattamy, its contractors and agents, for the benefit of and as an appurtenance to the Phase 2A Property, a temporary and non-exclusive easement across, through, under, over and on the School Property for the purpose of removing and utilizing excess fill dirt located on the School Property for the development of the Phase 2A Property, including an access easement for vehicular and pedestrian access reasonably necessary for such purposes (the "Phase 2A Temporary Access Easement"). Mattamy shall allow no lien to attach to the School Property arising out of work performed by, for or on behalf of Mattamy. In the event of any such lien attaching, Mattamy shall immediately pay or bond off and remove same. The Phase 2A Temporary Access Easement shall automatically terminate without the need for any additional documentation upon the earlier to occur of (i) commencement of site development by SBOC on the School Property, or (ii) Mattamy's or the City's removal of all excess fill dirt located on the School Property. The City makes no representation or warranty to Mattamy, the SBOC or any other third party as to the quantity, quality or suitability of any fill on the School Property. 8.Indemnity; Insurance; Lien Free Condition. Mattamy agrees to and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City from and against any and all losses, liabilities, claims, damages, costs and expenses, including, without limitation, actual and reasonable attorney's fees and expenses, that the City may sustain or incur or to which it may be subjected, arising from or relating to the actions, activities or omissions of Mattamy related to this Declaration or the exercise of its rights hereunder. To the extent permitted by law, the City and any owner of the Phase 2B Property agrees to and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Mattamy from and against any and all losses, liabilities, claims, damages, costs and expenses, including, without limitation, actual and reasonable attorney's fees and expenses, that Mattamy may sustain or incur or to which it may be subjected, arising from or relating to the actions, activities or omissions of the City or the owner of the Phase 2B Property related to this Declaration or the exercise of its rights hereunder. All work required or permitted to be performed by any party under this Declaration shall be performed free and clear of all materialman's liens, mechanic's liens and other liens. In the event any such lien attaches, the party responsible for the performance of such work shall, within thirty (30) days after notice that said lien has been filed, pay the claim secured by such lien or remove such lien by bond. In the event such offending party fails to do so, then non-offending party may pay and satisfy such lien or remove such lien by bond, and the offending party shall reimburse the non-offending party for all costs and expenses incurred by the non-offending party in connection therewith, including attorneys' fees and interest at the post judgment interest rate then prevailing in the courts of Orange County, Florida. 14 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 Prior to use of any easement granted herein, the grantee of such easement shall maintain commercial general liability insurance in an aggregate sum of not less than One Million and No/100 Dollars ($1,000,000.00) combined single limit insuring against bodily injury or property damage occurring on or arising from the use by the grantee of the easements granted herein. Said insurance shall name the grantor of such easement (or its successors, as applicable) as an additional insured and shall not be cancelable by such grantee without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the grantor of such easement(or its successors, as applicable). 9. Declaration of Restrictive Covenant. Subject to the terms of this Declaration, Mattamy and the City do hereby agree and declare for the benefit of the Phase 2A Property and the Phase 2B Property that the Phase 2A Property and the Phase 2B Property shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed, leased, sub-leased, occupied, and developed pursuant to the Development Standards to be developed and agreed to as part of the City's City Commission final approval of the final subdivision plan for the Phase 2A Property under review by the City as of the Effective Date (the "Use Restriction"). Mattamy acknowledges that the City has a material interest in ensuring that the product, plans, and details to be constructed on the Phase 2A Property and the Phase 2B Property are of a certain quality and character. The City's agreement to and approval of the Development Standards shall be in both its legislative capacity for the approval of plans over which it has jurisdiction and as the former owner of the Phase 2A Property and the then current owner of the adjacent Phase 2B Property. Notwithstanding the Development Standards being developed and agreed to as part of the approved final subdivision plan for the Phase 2A Property, the Use Restriction shall apply equally to the Phase 2B Property. The City's approval of the final subdivision plan for the Phase 2A Property is hereby conditioned upon the development and agreement on the Development Standards, the imposition of the Use Restriction on both the Phase 2A Property and the Phase 2B Property and the execution and recording of an amendment to this Declaration incorporating the Development Standards. The Use Restriction shall run with title to the Phase 2A Property and the Phase 2B Property and shall be binding upon Mattamy, the City, and their respective successors, assigns, lessees, and sub- lessees, and shall inure to the benefit of the owners of the Phase 2A Property and the Phase 2B Property. The Use Restriction may not be altered, amended, changed, or modified without the written consent of the owner of the Phase 2A Property and the Phase 2B Property and the City regardless of whether or not the City remains a property owner at such time. In addition to any other remedies which the City and the owners of the Phase 2A Property and the Phase 2B Property, their respective successors and assigns, may have at law or in equity, the City and owners of the Phase 2A Property and the Phase 2B Property shall have the right to injunctive relief in order to enforce the Use Restriction. 10. Development of Amenity Property. The City agrees that the Amenity Property shall only be used for the development of a lake front community amenity or public park, although as of the Effective Date the City does not know the form of the Amenity or the cost. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein shall be construed as a construction obligation or construction guaranty with respect to the Amenity. The Amenity shall be owned and operated by the City and open to the public, and to the extent permitted by Florida law, all recreational impact fees paid in connection with the development of the Phase 2A Property and the Phase 2B Property shall be utilized by the City for construction of the Amenity (the "Amenity Impact Fees"). The City shall be responsible for all costs associated with owning, operating, maintaining and developing the Amenity, including planning, engineering, design services, and 15 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 construction costs (the "Amenity Costs"). The City and Mattamy acknowledge and agree that as of the date hereof and pursuant to the requirements of the Purchase Agreement, Mattamy has paid to the City Two Hundred Fifty Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($250,000.00) (the"Mattamy Payment") to be held and applied by the City to the Amenity Costs. In the event the Amenity Costs exceed the sum of the Amenity Impact Fees and the Mattamy Payment, Mattamy shall have not further obligation with respect to the Amenity Costs. In the event the sum of the Amenity Impact Fees and the Mattamy Payment exceed the Amenity Costs, the City shall have no obligation to reimburse Mattamy for any excess and the City may utilize such excess for other parks and recreation projects. The City and Mattamy acknowledge and agree the Mattamy Payment and any of the Amenity Impact Fees shall be held in a separately created "Lakefront Park" account within the City's Parks and Recreation Impact Fee Fund Account, and that such funds, up to the total of the Amenity Costs, will only be used for development of the Amenity. 11. Notices. All notices, consents, approvals, waivers and elections which any party shall be requested or shall desire to make or give under this Declaration shall be in writing and shall be given only by (i) hand delivery, (ii) certified mail, (iii) next day delivery by nationally recognized package delivery service, (iv) by email or (v) by facsimile transmission, with confirmation of receipt. Notices, including notice of a change of address or phone number, shall be addressed or transmitted to the addresses set forth below, or that a party may otherwise designate in the manner prescribed herein: AS TO CITY:City of Ocoee, Florida Attn: City Manager 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Telephone No.: (407) 905-3111 Facsimile: (407) 905-3118 Email: rfrank @ocoee.org With a copy to: Shuffield, Lowman & Wilson, P.A. Gateway Center 1000 Legion Place Suite 1700 Orlando, Florida 32801 Attention: Scott A. Cookson, Esquire Telephone: (407) 581-9800 Fax: (407) 581-9801 Email: scookson @shuffieldlowman.com AS TO PURCHASER: Mattamy Orlando LLC Attn: Alex Martin, Division President 1900 Summit Tower Blvd., Suite 500 Orlando, FL 32810 Telephone No.: (407) 599-2228 Facsimile No.: (407) 599-9998 Email: alex.martinc mattamyhomes.com 16 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 With copy to: Mattamy Orlando LLC Attn: Leslie C. Candes, Esq., Chief Legal Counsel 1900 Summit Tower Boulevard, Suite 500 Orlando, Florida 32810 Telephone: (407) 960-3878 Fax: (321) 444-6565 Email: leslie.candes@mattamycorp.com With copy to: Shutts & Bowen LLP 300 South Orange Ave., Suite 1000 Orlando, Florida 32801-5403 Attention: Juli S. James, Esq. Telephone: (407) 835-6774 Fax: (407) 849-7274 Email: 'amen ,shutts.com 12. Miscellaneous. a) This Declaration supersedes all prior discussions and agreements between the Parties with respect to the matters contemplated by this Declaration. This Declaration contains the sole and entire understanding between the Parties with respect to the matters contemplated by this Declaration, and all promises, inducements, offers, solicitations, agreements, representations and warranties heretofore made between the Parties, if any, are merged into this Declaration. This Declaration shall not be modified or amended in any respect except by written instrument executed by or on behalf of the Parties in the same manner as this Declaration is executed, and specifically referencing such a modification or amendment. In the event of a conflict between the Declaration and the Purchase Agreement, the Declaration shall control. b) No delay or omission of any Party hereto in the exercise of any right accruing upon any breach or default of the other Party shall impair such right or be construed to be a waiver thereof, and each such right may be exercised at any time during the continuance of such a breach or default. A waiver by any Party hereto of a breach of, or default in, any provision of this Declaration by the other Party shall not be construed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of or default in the same or any other provision of this Declaration. c) No breach of or default in the provisions of this Declaration shall entitle any Party to cancel, rescind or otherwise terminate this Declaration or any of the rights and obligations declared hereunder, but such limitation shall not affect, in any manner, any of the other rights or remedies which any Party may have hereunder and/or at law or in equity by reason of any breach of or default in the provisions of this Agreement. d) In the event any Party shall be delayed or hindered in or prevented from the performance of any act required to be performed by such owner or other person by reason of acts of God, strikes, lockouts, unavailability of materials, failure of power, prohibitive governmental laws or regulations, riots, insurrections, the act or failure to act of another Party, adverse weather conditions preventing the performance of work or other reason beyond such Party's reasonable control, then the time for performance of such act shall extend for a period equivalent to the 17 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 period of such delay. Lack of adequate funds or financial inability to perform shall not be deemed to be a cause beyond the reasonable control of such Party. e) Nothing contained in this Declaration shall be deemed to be a gift or dedication of any portion of the Mattamy Property or the City Property to the general public or for any public use or purpose whatsoever. f) If any provision of this Declaration, or a portion thereof, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall, to any extent be held invalid, inoperative or unenforceable, the remainder of this Declaration, or the application of such provision or portion thereof to any persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby. Each provision of this Declaration shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. g) This Declaration shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Venue in the Ninth Judicial Circuit, Orange County, Florida. h) The prevailing party in any litigation involving this Declaration shall be entitled to recover from the non-prevailing party all attorneys' fees, paralegal fees and costs incurred in connection with such litigation, at arbitration, or appeal or otherwise, including reasonable attorneys' fees and paralegal fees in the enforcement of any indemnity or the Use Restriction hereunder. i) The section and other headings in this Declaration are for convenience only, shall in no way define or limit the scope or content of this Declaration and shall not be considered in any construction or interpretation of this Declaration, or any part hereof. j) This Declaration may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all of which shall constitute one agreement. k) All references to paragraphs or subparagraphs shall be deemed to refer to the appropriate paragraph or subparagraph of this Declaration. Unless otherwise specified in this Declaration, the terms "herein," "hereof," "hereinafter," "hereunder" and other terms of like or similar import, shall be deemed to refer to this Declaration as a whole, and not to any particular paragraph or subparagraph hereof. 1) Except as may be expressly limited by the terms of this Declaration, all rights, powers and privileges conferred hereunder shall be cumulative and not restrictive of those provided at law or in equity. m) Time is and shall be of the essence in this Declaration. n) Each Party hereto shall have the right to modify its property in its sole discretion provided that such modification does not materially adversely impact the easements granted herein and comply with the Minimum Standards. o) This Declaration shall be a covenant running with title to each of the Phase 2A Property, Phase 2B Property, the Amenity Property and the School Property; shall be binding 18 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 upon and enforceable by and against the owners of such properties, together with their respective successors and assigns. The easements granted herein are for the benefit of the Phase 2A Property, Phase 2B Property, School Property and the Amenity Property, as applicable, and not for any additional property. p) Lien Subordination. Any security deed, mortgage or other security instrument now or hereafter affecting any portion of the Phase 2A Property and/or the Phase 2B Property shall at all times be subject and subordinate to the terms of this Declaration, and any party foreclosing any such deed, mortgage or other security instrument, or acquiring title by deed in lieu of foreclosure, shall acquire title subject to all of the terms and provisions of this Declaration. SIGNATURES APPEAR ON FOLLOWING PAGES] 19 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused these presents to be executed as of the day and year first written above. Signed, sealed and delivered PURCHASER: in the presence of: MATTAMY ORLANDO LLC, a Delaware limited Q/6\1.11----) liability company Print Name 1 By: Printed Name: A 2 —-'- As its: Authorized Officer IAA.. . A. s4 L. Print Name: ZWINI And C CO-"--.°1/ L By 1 Printe. e: Leslie C. Candes As its: Vice President Date: _ I ZDI o Print Nam -- b .' Print Name: r 2 LPLA . / NOTARY APPEARS ON FOLLOWING PAGE] 20 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF '(( The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of b.f, , 2016, by Ve_c I\N -kcn , authorized officer of Mattamy Orlando LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, on behalf of the company. S/He is personally known to me OR has pr duced as identification. Signature of Notary Public) Os cx Typed name of Notary Public) Notary Public, State of Florida DANA ROLON e MY COMMISSION#FFO"'7656 Commission No.: 'F O'11lo5 P d EXPIRES December 18.2017 Of My Commission Expires:19 1c?) `--1 407.)".398-0153 FloridallotaryService.com STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this a-\ day of ,svr,-e , 2016, by Leslie C. Candes, Vice President of Matt y Orlando LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, on behalf of the company. She is V personally known to me OR has produced as identification. Signature of Notary iPublic) V` K8\on s'"" DANA ROLON Typed name of Notary Public) o MY COMMISSION#FFO'7656 ey Notary Public, State of Florida a ` EXPIRES December 18.201 7 Commission No.: c- -\r\I. 7 407)398-0153 FIoridallotaryService.com My Commission Expires: \t. • + -Vi 21 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 Signed, sealed and delivered CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, a in the presence of: Florida municipal corporation eWof Print ame. By: `41 1 Rusty Johns l Mayor 14 /` JA fli& • ,, Attest: Print Name: Spy-F}-Ro.J//&. Z/.,/k City Clerk rt0, Date: ron B o?/ Jl FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE,APPROVED AS TO APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY FORM AND LEGALITY THIS 2,if DAY COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD ON OF lle14c- 2016. Jun C a I 2016 UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. -3 SHUFFIELD, LOWMAN AND WILSON,P.A. ty Attorn- STATE O' O: •A COUNTY OF tit, I• The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this di day of_ 5"Li , 2016, by Rusty Johnson, as Mayor of the City of Ocoee, Florida, a Florida municipal corporation, on behalf of the City. He is X personally known to me OR has produced as identification. JZIPTSatir Signa e of ?Try Publi i NICHOLEDERIENZO 1^ MY COMMISSION* 172099207378 997378A1e)1 IC JfC (21 era)71 J EXPIRES:Jame 1,2020 Public UndeiwiiteraTypednameofNotaryPublic) Bonded Rau Notary Notary Public, State of Florida Commission No.: 1 wi My Commission Expires: 22 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 EXHIBIT A Legal Description-Phase 2A Property A parcel of land located in Section 1, of Township 22 South, Range 27 East, and Section 6, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, all in Orange County, Florida; being more particularly described as follows. Commence at the Southwest corner of Tract "F" of Ocoee Crown Point PUD Phase I, as recorded in Plat Book 63, Page 24, of the public records of Orange County, Florida, also being a point on the South line of the Southeast quarter of said Section 1; thence run along said South line of the Southeast quarter South 89°41' 40" West, a distance of 1682.25 feet; thence leaving said South line run North 00°18' 20" West, a distance of 910.45 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, also being the Southeast corner of a Conservation Easement recorded in Official Records Book 10450, Page 96, of the public records of Orange County, Florida; thence run the following courses along the East line of said Conservation Easement, North 21°06'03" East, a distance of 91.62 feet; thence North 05°20'20" West, a distance of 99.86 feet; thence North 12°21'33" East, a distance of 45.31 feet; thence North 15°40'37" East, a distance of 82.54 feet; thence North 07°29'04" East, a distance of 67.12 feet; thence North 00°37'59" East, a distance of 85.42 feet; thence North 01°19'34" East, a distance of 77.30 feet; thence North 07°54'49" East, a distance of 55.41 feet; thence North 40°46'11" East, a distance of 59.82 feet; thence North 07°28'42" West, a distance of 42.72 feet; thence North 07°28'42" West, a distance of 50.65 feet; thence North 10°41'55" West, a distance of 54.29 feet; thence North 20°46'17" East, a distance of 62.89 feet; thence North 07°37'22" West, a distance of 29.33 feet; thence North 77°14'29" East, a distance of 55.84 feet; thence North 06°00'10" East, a distance of 174.71 feet; thence North 04°49'05" East, a distance of 111.98 feet; thence North 32°05'41" East, a distance of 33.66 feet; thence North 31°21'59" East, a distance of 104.66 feet; thence North 02°40'11" East, a distance of 53.85 feet; thence North 03°41'55" East, a distance of 70.28 feet; thence North 20°51'18" East, a distance of 183.22 feet; thence North 38°39'29" East, a distance of 75.02 feet; thence North 35°09'45" East, a distance of 123.35 feet; thence North 35°09'45" East, a distance of 15.37 feet; thence North 56°39'29" East, a distance of 68.13 feet; thence North 54°14'56" East, a distance of 37.50 feet; thence North 34°26'13" East, a distance of 121.22 feet; thence North 21°52'16" East, a distance of 102.91 feet; thence North 00°26'05" East, a distance of 121.76 feet; thence North 15°33'39" East, a distance of 105.91 feet; thence North 25°07'27" East, a distance of 99.84 feet; thence leaving the East line of said Conservation Easement run South 74°58'27" East, a distance of 490.06 feet; thence North 39°44'15" East a distance of 72.26 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southeasterly, having a radius of 345.00 feet, a central angle of 08°17'33", a chord bearing of North 43°53'01" East and a chord distance of 49.89 feet, thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 49.93 feet; thence South 41°58'13" East a distance of 30.00 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave southerly, having a radius of 315.00 feet, a central angle of 42°46'01", a chord bearing of North 69°24'48" East and a chord distance of 229.70 feet, thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 235.12 feet; thence South 89°12'12" East a distance of 118.27 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southwesterly, having a radius of 280.00 feet, a central angle of 90°41'33", a chord bearing of South 43°51'25" East and a chord distance of 398.37 feet, thence run southeasterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 443.21 feet; thence South 01°29'22" West a distance of 23 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 195.16 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave northeasterly, having a radius of 70.00 feet, a central angle of 96°24'12", a chord bearing of South 46°42'44" East and a chord distance of 104.37 feet, thence run southeasterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 117.78 feet; thence North 85°05'10" East a distance of 86.13 feet to a point on the southerly line of Tract "A" of said Ocoee Crown Point PUD Phase I plat; thence run along said southerly line the following four courses: North 85°05'10" East a distance of 702.39 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southwesterly, having a radius of 155.00 feet, a central angle of 72°51'15", a chord bearing of South 58°29'12" East and a chord distance of 184.08 feet, thence run southeasterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 197.09 feet; thence South 22°03'35" East a distance of 41.77 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave northeasterly, having a radius of 12.00 feet, a central angle of 67°58'32", a chord bearing of South 56°02'51" East and a chord distance of 13.42 feet, thence run southeasterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 14.24 feet to a point on the northerly Right of Way line of Ocoee Crown Point Parkway as shown on said Ocoee Crown Point PUD Phase I plat; said point being on a non-tangent curve concave southeasterly, having a radius of 100.00 feet, a central angle of 43°20'53", a chord bearing of South 68°17'27" West and a chord distance of 73.87 feet, thence run westerly along said Right of Way line and the arc of said curve a distance of 75.66 feet to a point on the easterly line of Tract "B" of said Ocoee Crown Point PUD Phase I plat, said point also being a point on a non-tangent curve concave westerly, having a radius of 10.00 feet, a central angle of 68°40'35", a chord bearing of North 12°16'43" East and a chord distance of 11.28 feet, thence run northerly along said easterly line and arc of said curve a distance of 11.99 feet; thence continue along the boundary line of said Tract "B" the following five courses, North 22°03'35" West a distance of 43.13 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southwesterly, having a radius of 95.00 feet, a central angle of 72°51'16", a chord bearing of North 58°29'12" West and a chord distance of 112.82 feet, thence run northwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 120.80 feet; thence South 85°05'10" West, a distance of 612.39 feet; thence South 36°32'27" East, a distance of 13.08 feet; thence South 04°54'50" East a distance of 74.37 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave easterly, having a radius of 57.55 feet, a central angle of 28°22'43", a chord bearing of South 19°06'12" East and a chord distance of 28.21 feet, thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 28.50 feet; thence South 33°17'33" East, a distance of 235.28 feet to the northerly corner of Tract "D" of said Ocoee Crown Point PUD Phase I plat; thence leaving said boundary line of said Tract "B", run the following two courses along said Tract "D", South 57°12'04" West, a distance of 54.25 feet; thence South 32°47'56" East a distance of 56.17 feet to return to said boundary line of Tract "B" and being a point on a non-tangent curve concave southerly, having a radius of 2340.00 feet, a central angle of 00°40'43", a chord bearing of South 55°44'38" West and a chord distance of 27.72 feet, thence run along said boundary line and arc of said curve a distance of 27.72 feet; thence continue along said boundary line the following two courses, South 55°24'17" West, a distance of 53.06 feet; thence South 34°35'43" East, a distance of 10.00 feet to a point on said westerly Right of Way line of Ocoee Crown Point Parkway; thence run the following two courses along said Right of Way, South 55°24'17" West a distance of 383.82 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southeasterly, having a radius of 733.73 feet, a central angle of 11°03'46", a chord bearing of South 49°52'24" West and a chord distance of 141.45 feet, thence run southwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 141.67 feet; thence leaving said Right of Way line run North 45°39'29" West, a distance of 49.21 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southerly, having a radius of 250.00 feet, a central angle of 48°32'00", a chord bearing of North 69°55'29" West and a chord distance of 24 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 205.49 feet, thence run northwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 211.77 feet; thence South 85°48'31" West a distance of 371.78 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave westerly, having a radius of 1150.00 feet, a central angle of 26°30'27", a chord bearing of South 10°38'59" West and a chord distance of 527.31 feet, thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 532.04 feet; thence South 23°54'12" West, a distance of 10.94 feet; thence North 66°05'48" West, a distance of 124.00 feet; thence South 23°54'12" West a distance of 283.23 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave easterly, having a radius of 974.00 feet, a central angle of 02°30'06", a chord bearing of South 22°39'09" West and a chord distance of 42.53 feet, thence run southwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 42.53 feet to a point of compound curvature of a curve concave northeasterly, having a radius of 25.00 feet, a central angle of 93°04'50", a chord bearing of South 25°08'19" East and a chord distance of 36.29 feet, thence run southeasterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 40.61 feet; thence South 18°19'16" West a distance of 52.00 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve said curve concave southerly, having a radius of 25.00 feet, a central angle of 93°04'50", a chord bearing of South 61°46'51" West and a chord distance of 36.29 feet, thence run southwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 40.61 feet to a point of compound curvature of a curve concave easterly, having a radius of 974.00 feet, a central angle of 15°14'26", a chord bearing of South 07°37'13" West and a chord distance of 258.32 feet, thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 259.08 feet; thence South 00°00'00" West, a distance of 132.84 feet; thence South 89°44'27" West, a distance of 158.10 feet; thence South 00°15'43" East, a distance of 54.00 feet; thence South 89°44'27" West, a distance of 47.00 feet; thence North 00°15'33" West, a distance of 54.00 feet; thence South 89°44'27" West, a distance of 12.91 feet; thence North 00°15'33" West, a distance of 52.00 feet; thence North 89°44'27" East a distance of 141.35 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave northwesterly, having a radius of 25.00 feet, a central angle of 89°44'27", a chord bearing of North 44°52'13" East and a chord distance of 35.28 feet, thence run northeasterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 39.16 feet; thence North 00°00'00" East a distance of 56.19 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave easterly, having a radius of 1026.00 feet, a central angle of 15°32'23", a chord bearing of North 07°46'11" East and a chord distance of 277.42 feet, thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 278.27 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a curve concave southwesterly, having a radius of 25.00 feet, a central angle of 87°13'07", a chord bearing of North 28°04'11" West and a chord distance of 34.49 feet, thence run northwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 38.06 feet; thence North 18°19'16" East, a distance of 52.00 feet; thence North 71°40'44" West, a distance of 99.94 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave southeasterly, having a radius of 1150.00 feet, a central angle of 04°17'13", a chord bearing of North 21°45'36" East and a chord distance of 86.02 feet, thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 86.04 feet; thence North 23°54'12" East, a distance of 294.17 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave westerly, having a radius of 850.00 feet, a central angle of 24°53'15", a chord bearing of North 11°27'35" East and a chord distance of 366.32 feet, thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 369.21 feet to an intersection with a non-tangent curve concave northerly, having a radius of 1228.67 feet, a central angle of 07°59'36", a chord bearing of North 72°57'16" West and a chord distance of 171.27 feet, thence run westerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 171.41 feet; thence North 68°57'28" West a distance of 329.74 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave easterly, having a radius of 996.00 feet, a central angle of 30°11'29", a chord bearing of South 15°05'45" West and a chord distance of 518.78 feet, thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 524.83 feet; thence South 00°00'00" East, 25 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 a distance of 705.22 feet; thence South 89°46'15" West, a distance of 312.30 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. 26 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 EXHIBIT B Legal Description-Phase 2B Property A portion of land located in Section 1, of Township 22 South, Range 27 East, Orange County, Florida; being more particularly described as follows. Commence at the southwest corner of Tract "F" of Ocoee Crown Point PUD Phase 1, as recorded in Plat Book 63, Page 24 of the public records of Orange County, Florida, also being a point on the South line of the southeast quarter of said Section 1; thence run along said South line of the southeast quarter South 89° 41' 40" West, a distance of 109.23 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue along said South line South 89° 41' 40" West, a distance of 1189.93 feet; thence leaving said South line run North 13° 15' 47" West, a distance of 98.01 feet; thence North 30° 12' 05" West, a distance of 21.73 feet; thence North 16° 07' 22" West, a distance of 19.22 feet; thence North 31° 26' 14" West, a distance of 71.54 feet; thence North 17° 31' 21" West, a distance of 74.88 feet; thence North 52° 39' 47" West, a distance of 40.61 feet; thence North 19° 10' 25" West, a distance of 61.60 feet; thence North 41° 09' 36" West, a distance of 51.23 feet; thence North 31° 26' 13" West, a distance of 73.05 feet; thence North 49° 22' 17" West, a distance of 26.29 feet; thence North 23° 32' 24" West, a distance of 8.02 feet; thence North 25° 50' 54" West, a distance of 61.31 feet; thence North 26° 07' 51" West, a distance of 104.08 feet; thence North 06° 54' 53" West, a distance of 67.60 feet; thence South 74° 27' 21" West, a distance of 26.25 feet; thence North 15° 23' 50" West, a distance of 27.32 feet; thence North 11° 02' 27" West, a distance of 17.25 feet; thence North 14° 03' 57" West, a distance of 24.42 feet; thence North 15° 28' 29" West, a distance of 27.71 feet; thence North 16° 11' 03" West, a distance of 28.92 feet; thence North 16° 37' 38" West, a distance of 26.82 feet; thence North 16° 53' 16" West, a distance of 20.38 feet; thence North 13° 58' 23" West, a distance of 21.70 feet; thence North 21° 06' 03" East, a distance of 41.51 feet; thence North 89° 46' 15" East, a distance of 312.30 feet; thence North 00° 00' 00" East a distance of 705.22 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave easterly, having a radius of 996.00 feet, a central angle of 30° 11' 29", a chord bearing of North 15° 05' 45" East and a chord distance of 518.78 feet, thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 524.83 feet; thence South 68° 57' 28" East a distance of 329.74 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave northerly, having a radius of 1228.67 feet, a central angle of 07° 59' 36", a chord bearing of South 72° 57' 16" East and a chord distance of 171.27 feet, thence run easterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 171.41 feet to the point of intersection with a non-tangent curve concave westerly, having a radius of 850.00 feet, a central angle of 24° 53' 15", a chord bearing of South 11° 27' 35" West and a chord distance of 366.32 feet, thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 369.21 feet; thence South 23° 54' 12" West a distance of 294.17 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave easterly, having a radius of 1150.00 feet, a central angle of 04° 17' 13", a chord bearing of South 21° 45' 36" West and a chord distance of 86.02 feet, thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 86.04 feet; thence South 71° 40' 44" East, a distance of 99.94 feet; thence South 18° 19' 16" West a distance of 52.00 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave southwesterly, having a radius of 25.00 feet, a central angle of 87° 13' 07", a chord bearing of South 28° 04' 11" East and a chord distance of 34.49 feet, thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 38.06 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a curve concave easterly, having a radius of 1026.00 feet, a central angle of 15° 32' 23", a chord bearing of South 27 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 07° 46' 11" West and a chord distance of 277.42 feet, thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 278.27 feet; thence South 00° 00' 00" East a distance of 56.19 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave northwesterly, having a radius of 25.00 feet, a central angle of 89° 44' 27", a chord bearing of South 44° 52' 13" West and a chord distance of 35.28 feet, thence run westerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 39.16 feet; thence South 89° 44' 27" West, a distance of 141.35 feet; thence South 00° 15' 33" East, a distance of 52.00 feet; thence North 89° 44' 27" East, a distance of 12.91 feet; thence South 00° 15' 33" East, a distance of 54.00 feet; thence North 89° 44' 27" East, a distance of 47.00 feet; thence North 00° 15' 33" West, a distance of 54.00 feet; thence North 89° 44' 27" East, a distance of 158.10 feet; thence North 00° 00' 00" East a distance of 132.84 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave easterly, having a radius of 974.00 feet, a central angle of 15° 14' 26", a chord bearing of North 07° 37' 13" East and a chord distance of 258.32 feet, thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 259.08 feet to a point of compound curvature of a curve concave southerly, having a radius of 25.00 feet, a central angle of 93° 04' 50", a chord bearing of North 61° 46' 51" East and a chord distance of 36.29 feet, thence run easterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 40.61 feet; thence North 18° 19' 16" East, a distance of 52.00 feet; thence South 71° 40' 44" East a distance of 205.63 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southwesterly, having a radius of 76.00 feet, a central angle of 85° 37' 25", a chord bearing of South 28° 52' 02" East and a chord distance of 103.30 feet, thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 113.58 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a curve concave easterly, having a radius of 748.00 feet, a central angle of 05° 42' 32", a chord bearing of South 11° 05' 25" West and a chord distance of 74.50 feet, thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 74.53 feet; thence North 89° 45' 07" East, a distance of 490.23 feet; thence North 00° 00' 00" East, a distance of 39.66 feet to the South Right of Way line of Ocoee Crown Point Parkway as shown on said Ocoee Crown Point PUD Phase 1 plat; thence run along said South Right of Way line North 90° 00' 00" East, a distance of 80.00 feet to the westerly boundary line of said Ocoee Crown Point PUD Phase 1 plat; thence leaving said South Right of Way line run the following two courses along said westerly boundary line South 00° 00' 00" East a distance of 399.74 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave easterly, having a radius of 500.00 feet, a central angle of 17° 01' 29", a chord bearing of South 08° 30' 45" East and a chord distance of 148.02 feet, thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 148.57 feet; thence leaving said westerly boundary line run South 72° 58' 31" West, a distance of 80.00 feet; thence South 89° 45' 07" West, a distance of 55.42 feet; thence South 00° 00' 00" West, a distance of 413.21 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains 44.984 Acres more or less. 28 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 EXHIBIT C Legal Description-Amenity Property LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of land being in the northeast quarter of Section 1,Township 22 South,Range 27 East.Orange County Florida,being more particuhrly described as inflows: BEGIN at the southwesterly corner of Tract"A"as shown on the plat Ocoee Crown Point PhD Phase I,Plat!oche 63,Page 24 of the Official Records of Orange County,Florida;thence run South 65'05'10"West a distance of 86.13 feet to the paint of curvature of a curve concave northeasterly,having a radius of 70.00 feet;a central angle of 96°24'12',a chord bearing of North 46'42'44'West and a chord distance of 11)4.37 feet,thence run northwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 117.78 feet thence North 01'29'22°East a distance of 195.16 feet to the point of curvature of a curve co211:2ve southwesterly,having a radius of 280.00 feet,a central angle of 90'41'33',a chord bearing of North 43'51'25'West and a chord distance of 39637 feet thence run northwesterly along the are of said curve a distance of 44321 feet;thence North 89•12"12'West a distance of 111.27 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southerly,having a radius of 315.00 feet,a central angle of 42°46 01•,a chord bearing of South 69'24'48'West and a chord distance of 229.70 feet,thence run westerly along the arc of said curve a&stance of 23512 feet thence North 41'56'13"West a distance of 30:00 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave southeasterly,having a radius of 345.00 feet,a central angle of 08'17"33',a chord bearing of South 43'53'01' West and a chord distance of 49.19 feet,thence can southwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 49.93 feet;thence South 39'44° 15'West,a distance of 72.26 feet thence North 74'58'27'West a distance of 490.06 feet to a point on the easterly limits of the conservation easement described in Official Records Book 10450,Page 96,Official Records of Orange County Florida;thence run along said easterly limits North 25'07 27"East,a distance of 141.09 feet thence North 30'32'25"East,a distance of 87.67 feet thence North 47'17' 32'East,a distance of 105.80 feet thence North 48'45'59"East,a distance of 128_46 feet thence North 70'54'49"(ast,a distance of 9173 feet thence North 30'Ol'58"East a distance of 79.28 feet thence North 49'06'34"West,a distance of 25-46 feet thence North 30'01'58"East,a distance of 3933 feet;thence North 14'00'51"East,a distance of 69.65 feet;thence North 46'56'or West,a distance of 2150feet thence North 27'56'33'West,a distance of 42-72 feet;thence North 34'26'59"West,a distance of 7333 feet;thence North 24'18'03"West,a distance of 46.42 feet thence North 14'O6'05"East,a dstance of 3.63 feet thence leaving said easterly fine run North 8r 55'25"East,a distance of 19.16 feet to the westerly line of the conservation easement desa ibed in said Official Records Book 10450, Page 96;thence run along said westerly line South 29'55'33'East,a distance of 3.09 beet thence South 43'Si'42"East,a distance af' 48.96 feet thence South 39'13'42"East,a distance of 98.32 feet thence South 43'50 53"East,a distance of 13.93 feet thence continue South 43'50'53'East.a distance of 53.43 feet,thence South 69'43'01"East,a distance of 73.34 feet thence South 71'05'39"East a distance of 5142 feet thence South 70'11'31"East,a distance of 18-46 feet thence South 13'33'09"West a distance of 25.00 feet; thence South 70'11'31"East,a distance of 5635 feet thence South 70'33'33"East,a distance of 127.32 feet thence South sr 07 05" East,a distance of 71.95 feet thence South 68'13'03'East,a distance of 71.04 feet thence South 35'09'19'East a distance of 113.20 feet;thence South 36'38'56"East,a distance of 4755 feet thence South 40'36'57'East,a distance of 108.03 feet thence South 43'10' 13'East,a distance of 9187 feet;thence South 07'21'46'East,a distance of 114.60 feet thence South 54'36'15"East,a distance of 42.39 feet thence South 06'Ts'04'East.a(fistance of 67.84 feet thence South 06'11'25"East a distance of 54.01 feet thence South 00' 34'55"West,a distance of 75.16 feet thence South 02'47 41'East a distance of 29.06 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave westerly,having a radius of 325.00 feet,a central angle of 07'26`19',a chord bearing of South 06'22'49"East and a chord distance of 42.16 feet,thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a&stance of 4219 feet thence South 00'20'41"West,a distance of 34.08 feet; thence South 03'59'39"West a distance of 4337 feet thence South O4'01'25"West a distance of 49.41 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave easterly,having a radius of 10100 feet,a central angle of 50°46'21",a chord bearing of South 21°21'46'East and a chord distance of 65.74 feet,thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 88,61 feet;thence South 59'02'36'East a distance of 13.61 feet:thence South 71'43'52"East a distance of 42.59 feet to a point on the aforementioned Tract'A';thence run along the boundary of said Tract"A'South 86'40'it East,a&stance of 2432 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands contain 11.995 acres more or less. NOTES 1. ills SKETCH AND Ma:PIM tS NOT A SURVEY, 2 1145 SKETCH AND CESCPIPTICN IS MOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND OIOGINAL RAISED SEA.OF THE FLORIDAA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER USTED WOW. 3. THE LAND DE•GIQPOON HEREON WAS NtITTEN gY TH15 SURVEYOR AT THE OI1WC7lON OF THE CUfIT. 4 {EAI NGS SHOWN HEREON ME ASSUMED AND USED ON THE SOUTH UNE OF TRACT'A'AS SHOWN ON OCOEE CROWN POINT PUD PHASE 1,PLAT*SDK 63,PAGE 74,ocaa L RE3COHZ0s OF ORANGE COUNTY, ILOR{DA.O NG NORTH 15'05'30'EAST. CERTIFICATION' Ht+lYY STATE THAT INIS 04501 AND O41CIr1IOH tt MOAN)CORIKT 1D DR lest OF Air arowmse MID SIMI MO TINT 1143 tsllH[1Ale cuescront OH tern tiff WArrDAK S Or PRACTICE FORAN0111DA.llrrheVORtANO N Woes AS RFT FORTNIN OWNER Si-1746 Ca not OWNED*.ACIAPOSTRATM c,FurltUAMT TO CFMHQn1T2trTT.WNW.STATIJIM TF r FE I':=L -,Ei : - :c. E- FT. .1 - U E',,,E SECT1344 1,TO4Yt1S14P 2.7 SOUTH,RANGE Z7 EAST-ORANGE COUNTY,FLT 1IDA Landman Conb Twe 1341.4'WIt BY: C,A,F, I CHEC LLD, SKETCH&DESCRIPTION y.}t 225E Robinson Si.,Shits 3W PROJECT 4 61975,0) WATERFRONT VILLAGE BOUNDARY t r Orlando,FL 12101 RRA1v111Cr 407.13.3.4006/TAX 4074394006 El975Lt!-W stet fr'nt Br..'y.D"hY'ti ISSUE DfOR: thetnaad huinsn f 7153 DRAWING DATE: f6,110 200 Vanasse Hangen Brustln,Inc I %IEEE 1 Of ; ' THE CITY OF OCOEE 29 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 aO --- 111 LI E E ETLTLZ3 LEGENC L 1 3 2, 1).ks. = FF1 I-L E I i- E -11 ' e--"- i''Il• = L-T I L25 E-E E T ili2A = IT El 1-14-/- 1 1, PC- - - [ LIA L1S L30 1 E -11 113 E TE L U IT • - II- El 1E11 E-E E 1 L31 E -11 E-E El E-1E LI LI IT L32 E -11 E-E E I ..--- U2 3 PROPOSED 1 1.34 uo . L11 L3 g_FFE.2,E4,1EcE,T 136 19, i.;,..e.a. ,,.,..,,, ,,,,. WATERFRONT 137-2' VILLAGE TITTER EalSWIEF4T---"" La WIC,10450,Pt.,35 Ls 9 i!!!!!!! L7 L3 -,, LE - E, FEEr I.22 : is- 4.1.,,, \ L.,_C3 1. C4 Cz ''' 2,....,,, L.F.E'PI LE FIRE TOWLE UNE TAME 1.4 3 E,e,T 1E 114- LENGTH SE4;10E14T T.4Et112104 LE4,1111 'EGVENT OFFEcirw LTT‘TH 144 L 4s 23' L21 : - '''F ITA FAT S46"W O E 11714' 6 w FT2 s;6''S6 Lill 3 Cc 142 $0r 21,'35,'E SSW' UT S4ErST4rE 45:= 44-3 Sur 34'55"W 75,36 L-1-47_ _ -4r E %kW s'46-44 ;4:,oi 2726 US 543"50 531 WV 145 s or AT4r At 34-2 L49 3ci qr,,v 4 74.Se 27'W 49CIW 1,26 5 43'50 SrE 6140 446 SIEr WI"W 4' i r..‘>. errr f MOST L27 5 RV 43 Or 5 7134 147 5 04''Ot 2S.W 4', FT r.Kt V'35•6 5737 L312 5 71426'if s 312r LW 66ET Or WE :" - -- . 4. ''.--- ,- L5,0 - Li --' I N.o.27'12'I XISIC 1,151 S TV IT-WE 3A46 L413 $71"43'sr E 4: 5)F2 N 43', -I 11646 4.40 SITU'WYW 152TT 450 566**Er ea-e :4_32" P.Q.B.3_ 11 N ICC 54 4:7 5 5673 531 5 7C'': ::-E 66.36,THE 111 E it Li E F I mar I - T - Nwne 34-w 2441 al. 5.1E`-, r E T ' IT4.44tE TVIE 4 N Wm sr 5 2-1'+ £34 s w'' ': I Aux 4ALBER RADPJS FIEISA ::HaS22 50311C EWE. LEN:12i IS N 34*CV 52'£ 01" PS c'4'' ' 1 F 1112W :-.1 751Eft 'W2 If ',4e 47 44-W 14)537 r?-,-. LIE 64416"56TET114 71-117 136 4 7•20: .: .:' ::"::' I1441T63'7S-W War 44171' LF2 4117-56'33.LFF 4772' 537 ,,4,.. : F :L.,::22 313W. - - 'C.' $6v 744,w keit NU`212 59'W 7333 OS 543' 13-E 7,4 C4 30302 419 6174-12106-46 4642' US SEM TT 4r e 1....,4 5 Tww, 7'.: • .. 43'5 42•W 41W 570 N le CS'-05''5 TAT to 6 644 L,'!: c 4:39 CS X047 97'46'2 fffl455 RC 7.4 35S 11' SEE WET 1 OF 2 OR DESCRWTeDN CERTIEKAT5ON MO Ne-LS 1.27 EAST-Cew4GT coLs4TY,HAM* La cckriark Contar two I 1 cHECela LLD, SKETCH&DESCRIPTION Vls 225 5 Itobenor:St.5444 301: I WATERFRONT VILLAGE BOUNDARY 4072339: / IlFiA211 407.839.4I:::.2 I 1:,'. 5 UoarLiad tiLliniG5 I 7153 Vanasse Hangen Brustlin,Inc.I 1 THE CITY OF OCOEE 30 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 EXHIBIT D Legal Description- School Property SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR SKETCH LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land located in the Southeast quarter of Section 1, Township 22 South, Range 2/ Last, Orange County. Florida. Said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Southwest corner of Lot 1, Ocoee Crown Point POD Phase 1 as recorded in Plat Boot 63, Page 24, of the Public Records of Orange County, Honda; *111 10 thence the following curses and distances along the Westerly boundary line of said Lot 1, being a point or a non-torigent curve concave Easterly, having a radius of 50000 feet, a central angle of 12' 00' 52" and a chore of 104.65 that bears North b06' 00' 26" West, thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 104.85 test to the point of tangency, thence North 00' CO' 00" Eost, 399.74 feet, thence Nor th Vanttsse Haagen Britain,Inc. 90' 00' on" West, 80 00 feet to the Point at Beginning, thence South 00' 00' OD" Landmark Center Two Lost along said Westerly boundary line of Lot 1 a distance of 39.8E feet; thenceleavingsaidWesterlyboundaryline, run South 89' 45' 07" West, 490.23 feet to the 225 E.Robinson St,Suite 300 point on a non -tangent curve concave Easterly, having a radius of 748,00 feet, u Orlando,F1,32801 central angle of 5' 42' 32" and a chord of /4.50 feet that bears North 11' 05' 25" 407 839 4006•FAX 407 839 4008 East, thence along the are of said curve a distance of /4.53 feet to the point of tangency to the point of reverse curvature of a curve to the lett, having a radius Licensed Survey Business 137153 of 76.00 feet and a central angle of 85' 37' 25"; thence along the arc of sold Transportation curve n distanr:e of 113.58 feet to the point of tangency, thence North 71' 40' 44" Land Development West, 205.03 feet to the point of curvature of o curve to the right, having a codas of 25.00 feet and a central angle of 93' 04' 50"; thence along th Environmental Services arc of sold curve a distance of 40.61 feet to the point of compound curvature of a'curve to the right, having a radius of 974.00 feet and a central angle of 2' 30' 0E"; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 42.53 feet to the point of tangency, thence North 23' 54' 12" East, 283.23 feet; thence South 66' 05' 48" Lust, 124.00 feet; thence North 23' 54' 12" East, 10.94 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the left, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and o central angle of 26' 30' 27"; thence a ong the arc of said curve a distance of 532 04 feet; thence North 85' 48' 31" East, 371.78 feet to the paint of curvature of a curve to the right, having a radius of 250.00 feet and a central angle of 48' 32' 00"; thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 211.77 feet to the point of tangency; thence South 45' 39' 29" East, 49.21 feet to the aforementioned Westerly boundary line of said Lot 1. thence the following courses and distances along said Westerly boundary line, being a point on the cusp of a curve concave Easterly, having a radius of 733 73 feet, a central angle of 44' 20' 31- and a chord of 953 78 feet that bears South 22' 10' 16" West, thence along the arc of said curve a distance of 567,84 feet to the point of tangency, thence South 00' 00' 00" East, 25/.2/ feet; thence South 40' 51' 19" West, 48.92 feet; thence South 00' CO' 00" East, 50.00 feet, thence South 40' 51' 19" East, 48.92 feet; thence South 00' 00' 00" East. 23.59 feet to the Point of Beginning Said parcel contains 13.51 acres, more or less NOTES I. THIS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SURVEY. 2. THIS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. 3. THE LAND DESCRIPHON HEREON WAS WRITTEN BY THIS SURVEYOR Al THE DIRECTION OF THE CLIENT 4 BEARINGS SHOWN HIRION ARE BASED ON IFIc WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF LOT 1, OCOEE CROWN POINT POD PHASE 1, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 63, PAGE 24, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE ("DHOTI% Fl ORIDA, BEING SOUTH 00' 00' 00" WEST. H&J By Drawn by Caecked by CERTIFICATION CAP MD I HEREBY STATE THAT TFLS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION IS TRUE AND Scale eDct 1"=600' 05t28/2015 CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BEUEF; AND THAT THIS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION MEETS THE STANDARDS OF Project 'Title PRACTICE FOR FLORIDA SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS, AS SET FORTH IN CHAPTLI4 5J-1/,05 OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, SKETCH&DESCRIPTION poRwApj TO CHAPTER 4/2.02/, FLORIDA STATUTES. OCOEE CROWN POINT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SHE iI For trie firm by; - . ........m.....--..ANAli.ii Issued for ames L. Diorio, P.S.M. CITY OF OCOEE i -.:Professional Surveyor and Mapper Project Number e, t , ' Honda License No 6397 61975 DOAKMIPSC-PLEM-SCHOOLDWG SHEET I OF 2 i,' 31 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 SIM SHEET 1 OF 2 FOR DESCRIPTION,CBR'LTFICATION,AND NOTES I ' TRACT AA TRACT R-1 TRACT R-6 PLAT 8009 54; PLAT BOON 54, RAT MOCK 54. I sPAGE29 - , PADE 29 PACE 29 NORTii OW II a2Iw 1 54. I 2 4ight,1111 Parcel Line Gate Segment Oirecticr Length 7, NOR4i 0360.9E 1/4.0C11CN I.T7L5.R27E Lt 901 00'00'00 399.74 1 K CORNER, 5 1/, L2 990'OD'WD'W 66.09 SECTOR 1.T225•7E 9or curie TRACT _ L3 W OWE 39.66 TRACT D 14 S89'45 9rw 490.23 PLAT WOK e3. tHo VAT E n L5 971'40'44'S 205.63 a I L6 N23'S4'12'E X9123 gr. r // L f 54 17 566 05 WE 124.W I L6 N23'54 IrE 10.94 LOT 1 19 980.46 3rE 371,78 ci PLAT 90OK 63, L10 545'3.9"29'E 49.21 bf PAGE 24 G..) L11 60'00'00'E 257.27 Pl 4 NOT PLATTED V' Pr L12 540'5r 1911 48.92 a1 !2 51E?LY BOta40ARY U3 SO'W'W'E 50.00 Z I UNE LOT' i i il ( NORTH LRE.SODiH:i/2.9E 1/4; $J LU. OCOEE CROWN L14 540'S1'19'E 46.92 SE 1 4.SEC1109 1.,7715 R27E .."/ LB PONT PARKWAY L15 50.OD 00'W 23.59 LOT 1 C4 LS 7`") Lt4 RAP 63 C2 L15. L2 I , r` L4 DINT OF ye Pared Cures Data L3- I BEGINNING ROWER RAMS LENGTH LTA CHORD C917RD BEARING DINT OF c4 500.00 104,85 5120052' 104,65 96'001 9"w COMMENCEMENT C2 74960 7453 505.42.32' 74.50 911'05'25'E NOT PLATTED C SWIH9EST CO/ER LOT 1 TRAC I 5.3 76.00 11158 0851725" 10130 926'52'021/ PLAT 06 263. :_ I C4 2590 40.61 09304•50" 38.29 9251 08'1914 PACE 34 C5 97400 42,53 0027606' 4263 922 39'OWE TRACT I'' TRACT E C6 1150.00 53204 028'027 527.31 910'38 591E PLAT PLAT BOO(63, Cl 250.00 21177 0463200' 205.49 069 55 29'E 49,PAGE 31 SW 50 CORNER, 1 SE 82 PAGE 24 5ECTONa,1725,R27[ SQ17H L9E,SE 1/4.SECTION i, .827E . 7 p{^T 58 73373 567.84 044'20.31' 55178 522'19 18"w TRACT F PUT'9 dN s3. PLAT BOCK 44, NOT PL41100 PACE 24 PAGE 14 N Field By Drown by CAPAD Checked by RD Scale Date 1•=6008 05/28/2015 Project Title I Vwwsse n,f:SKETCH&DESCRIPTION Landmark Hanger Center 1 vBrustlio Inc. OCOEE CROWN POINT 225 E.Robinson 28 St.,Suite 300 Orlando,FL 32801 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE 407 839 4006•FAX 407 839 4008 0 600 1200Lieensed Survey Business 1137153 19Sued for CITY OF OCOEE Transportation SCALE IN FEET Land Development Project Njrnber 61975.00-SK&DESC-ELE -SCHOOL.DWG SHEET 2 OFD Services M 32 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 EXHIBIT E Drainage Pond Property LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land located in the East half of Section 1.of Township 22 South,Range 27 East,Orange County,Florida;being more particularly described as follows. Commence at the southwest corner of Tract"F'of Ocoee Crown Point PUD Phase 1,as recorded in Plat Book 63,Page 24 of the pubic records of Orange County.Florida,also being a paint on the South line of the southeast quarter of said Section 1;thence nor along said South line of the southeast quarter South 89'41'40"West.a distance of 168125 feet thence leaving said South line run North 00'18'20"West,a distance of 91045 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,also being the southeast corner of a conservation easement recorded in Official Records Book 10450,Page 96 of the mastic records of Orange County,Florida;thence run the foaming courses along the East brie of said conservationrvation easerment.North 21'06`03"East a distance of 91.62 feet thence North 05'20 2' West,a distance of 9.86 feet.thence North 12'21'33"East,a distance of 45.31 feet thence North 15'40`37'East,a distance of 82.54 feet;thence North 07*29'04'East.a distance of 67.12 feet thence North 00'37'59"East.a distance of R5A2 feet thence North 01'19'34"East,a distance of 77.30 feet:thence North 07*54"49'East,a distance of 55.41 feet thence North 40'46'11'East, a distance of 59.82 feet thence North 07'28"42'West,a distance of 42.72 feet thence North 07'28'42"West,a distance of 50.65 feet:thence North 10'41'55"West,a distance of 5419 feet;thence North 20'46"17'East,a distance of 6289 feet;thence North 07'37'22"West,n tance of 2933 feet thence North 77'14'29"East,a distance of 5514 feet;thence North 06'00`10'East,a distance of 174.71 feet:thence North 04'49'05'East a distance of 111.98 feet;thence North 32'05"41'East a distance of 33.66 feet:thence North 31'21'59"East a distance of 104.66 feet thence North 02'40'11"East,a distancee of 53.85 feet;thence North 03'41"55"East,a distance of 70.18 feet;thence North 20'51`1R'East a distance of 183.22 feet thence North 38'39'29'East,a distance of 75.02 feet;thence North 35°09'45"East,a distance of 12335 feet thence North 35'09'45"East,a distance of 1537 feet;thence North 56'39'29'East a distance of 68.13 feet.thence South 56'08°34'East.a distance of 129.69 feet;thence South 15'01'33'West a distance of 237.99 feet to the point of curvature of a cum concave westerly,having a radius of 1125.00 feet.a central angle of 15'25'45",a chord bearing of South 22'44'26"West and a chord distance of 302.04 feet,thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 302.95 feet to the point of reverse curvature of a curie concave easterly,having a radius of 996.00 feet,a central angle of 30'27'18",a chord bearing of South 15*13'39'West and a chord distance of 52310 feet thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 524.82 feet thence South 00'00'00"East,a&stance of 70522 feet;thence South 89'46'1.5"West.a&stance of 312.30 feet to the POINT OF BECOMING_ Said parcel contains 9.506 acres more or less. NOTES 1. TIES SKETCH AND EESCFRPTIOAI IS NOT A SURVEY, 2. TIES SKETCH AND OESCRIP1I N IS NOT VALID VdTHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND ORED2N4 RAISED SEN.Of THE HONDA LICENSED AND MO NETT LISTED*BLOW. 3. THE LAND DESODPI1ON HEREON WAS IMETTEN EY THfS SURVEYOR AT THE ORECTION Of THE CLIENT. 4 BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE ASSUMED AND EASED ON THE SOUTH LINE Of TIN SOUTHEAST QUARTER Of SECTION 1.TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST,ORANGE COUWTY,NOMAI.BONG NORTH 69`41'47 EAST CERTIFICATION twiner STATE THAT T*15 104 AND DESOTIFITON IS 2444 AND CORRECT TO Tao BEST Etlr tar CNCOAArdir MC NNW AND NA?THIS SKETCH DESDIPTICN WETS THE sumacs OF NWT=FOR E1,tI MA SURVEYORS MID MNAN .AS NT FORTH IN CHAFFER Sr,' IT S OF TIN FLCNICIA ADINTEEMMTIMI CODE,PURGING TO CHAPTER 41.2O27, ROMA STATUES ELJ FE',`N Ee Stare11,TCY,W4iI4 22 SERI t RANGE IT EAST-ORANGE CC.*.ITV,RLUFIKA. Landmark Center Two Domwtt KY: CAP, I Ch4CKED ETD, SKETCH&DESCRIPTION 22S E arbinson Sr Sully 100 PROICT A 61475,X Orlando,Ft 12101 AWR<SG: STORMWATER TRACT 407.639ei006/FAX 40e46354006 614 7500-Sir rrnwraler Ira t 1Af1fV, thorned Dialyses'if 701 DRAWING DATE:05,,'i?,/2016 MATED FOR: Vanasse Hangen BEustGn.Inc. 1 514ET 1 OF 7, THE CITY OF OCOEE 33 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 L26 I t25._ .' TH II E E E l T E E u E F L23 ,, Ai LTt E 8EA1?1th:. I 1 E -71. E.E.E 14 1 OV.77X w 74.47 122 - 0 lit. .11"T 431 L21 R=112SAD'A.w' >,L23 a=15'25'4S' 119 015=S 22"44r 26-W o:•r k,r: 8e- 04)=302,04' t'z .•k."4-...•E 0.4.,' L18 4=342,95` up k pro`+'w rJ?z L17--- us T4Hr*i-w 1. 11," t.,Pe 4:45 64 ir:. ... <. ... .. L15 Lp4 piprptYr+"w .. LIS it 9314 up *r'.t-4 'f ., A e=3aVilB' L14 us CMs=5 I5'13'39'w ur 4 46:•.'4' L13 aC14U=523.24" k7su;', ,,.aH 1.- 1,=.$24,42.i six 4 w L12 I- Ul pt 110 it L9 i 14 WI 1 1 t, IA L8 ll y M+ I L7 L r.ar L6- 9 h tip LS 14 `* LEGEND I a n - n E-, 1SC, L.? H - H I T- E GTE c T r`' I I I E TFI-1 rx / 112 f, Pk wa, -E L E I 4.1%../4. AS, = I T F -T E E1 nc. - -c li P'+= I T F E E E -T E F I t - T - I rr- c 1 e en I ,- IE r - TE a T E 7:':1-;.:1=Tr -r MI EE- THUS ce-i c r T-- 1 F F ,: $L E 1 E -1 E-EET t-Ii E,' E E E 4TCIETI T ' ?a E s rrarwr W 10::"T Ell Ts+. k"E S-91i1 V E 1 d I N THIT E FT-TF E11 T E E 'ik 1';t F IT H-E SEE SHEET 1 OF 2 FOR DESCRIPTION,CERTIFICATION AND NOTES 41fTICIN 1 TnWtt,.I 1 -,tU1E;7 FAST-ORt?c ,:CAMP(,,Fl,iklE,,4 3' I ., I I I i ' ' ' SKETCH&DESCRIPTION Yyl E cb i J ii ACC 1 STORMWATER TRACT 4 "`-4C1 axgr cti. I;SIIL FOP a arse Fang Bn s I rl.[nc. THE CITY OF OCOEEbr 34 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 EXHIBIT F Storm Water Pipe Property LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of lard located in the Southeast quarter of Section 1,Township 22 South.Range 27 E2st,Orange Courtt,Florida,oeirg more pamcularly described as follows. Corrrnence at the southwest corner of Ocoee Crown Point Parkway,as recorded in Plat Book 63,Page 24,of the Public Records of Orange County.Florida:thence run South 00'00 CO' East,a distance of 39.66 feet thence South 89"45'07'West.a distance of 490.23 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave easte ny.having;radius of 748.00feet,a central ange of 05'42'32."a chord bearing of North 11'05' 25°East and a chord distance of 74 50 feet.thence run along the arc of sad curve a distance of 74.53 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a curve concave southwesterly,'nay rs a radius of 76.00 feet a central angle of 85'37 25"a chord bearing of North 28°52'02"West and a chord distance of 1D3.30 feet,tierce rt.r a,ors,the arc of said curve a distance of 113_58 feet to the pointof tangency;thence North 71'40' 44'West.a distance of 205 63 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave easteny.having a radius of 25.00 feet a central angle of 93' 04'50"a chord bearing of North 25'04 19°'Nest 2nd a chord distance of 36.29 feet,thence run along the am of said curve a distance Isof 40.61 feet to the POINT Of BEGINNING.thence run North 69'45'49'West a distance of 51.76 feet to a point on a non-tangern curve concave northwesterly,having a rat us of 1026.00 feet,a central angle of 02'22'31',a chord bearing of North 22'42.57'East and a chord e stance of 42.53 feet,thence run norhe-ty along the arc of said curve a distance of 42.54 feet to the point of tangency;thence North 23'54° 12'East a d stz ice of 145.85 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southwesterly,haw rg a radius of 25.00 feet,a central angle of 90'00'00", chord bear ng of North 21'05'48"West and a chard distance of 35.36 feet,thence run northwesterly along the arc of said curie a distance of 39.27 feet to the point of tangency;thence North 66'05'48"West a&stance of 79.34 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave souther v.having a radius of 674.00 feet,a central angle of 24'46'00",a chord bearing of North 78'28'AV West and a chord distance of 289.08 feet,thence run westerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 291.34 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a curve concave nortnwetteriy,having a rar us of 77.00 feet,a central angle of 89'53'19",a chord bearing of North 45'55'09"West and a chord distance of 108.79 feet,thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 120.80 feet to a point&compound curvature of a curve concave easterly,having a radius of 856.00 feet a central angle of 02'54 07',a chard bearing of North 00'28 34'East and a chord distance of 43.35 feet,thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 43 36 feet to a point of non-tangency;thence Norm 87' 04'07"West a distance of 140.31 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave earterly,having a radius of 996.00 feet,a centra angle of 01'43 33',a chord bearing of North 02'57 44'East and a chord distance of 30 00 feet thence run northerly along the arc of said curve distance of 30.00 feet to a point of non-tangency;thence South 87'04'07'East a distance of 192.30 feet to a point or a non-tangent curve concave easterly,having a radius of 804.00 feet,a central angle of 04'54'06".a chord bearing of South 01'32'58"West and a chord distance of 6106 feet,thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 68.78 feet to a po ht of compound curvature of a curve concave nortnwesterly,having a radius of 26.00 feet,a central angle of 89'53'09",a chord bear ng :out h 45'50'39"East and a chord distance of 36.73 feet,thence run southeastery along the arc of said curve a distance of 40.79 feet 70.-:ooint cf' . e se c_ :t_ of a curve concave southerly,taming a radius of 7M.00 feet,a central angle of 24"41 27',a chord bearing of - - 78'it 5. ; ; -ord distance of 111144 feet,thence run easterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 312.86 fee::: 7 e tont of tar te- : 7•.!South 66" 05'48"East,a distance of 155.94 feet;thence South 23'54'12'West a distance of 219.54 fee::o ,e uoint of cur.-;:. or: . -,e concave southeasterty,having a radius of 974.130 feet, central angle of 02*30'05'.a chord bearing of Sout^ 12:39°09'V,e:1-;,1 ; d distance of 42.53 feet,thence run southwesterly along the arc of said curve a t of 42.53 feet to the PO OF BEGI Nt.I . Said parcel of hand contains 1.079 acres more or less. NOTES 1. TICS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION:SNOT A SURVEY 2. THIS SKETCH AND DESCluPoON$NOT VAUD VetTfOit THE SESOJAME AND ORION&RASED SEA,OF THE FIOFT.C-4 LICENSED SURVIVOR AND MAPPER LISTED 14LC'W. 3. THE LAND DUO/PM:IN HE*014 WAS WRITTEN IV THESSUPPOOR AT he ONECTER4 Of THE CUM'. A ittAIENGS SHOWN HEREON ME ASSUMED AND SAM ON THE $1918.`f LOW C4 10110f OCOEE CRZIWN POINT PLID PHASE A AS 1118:011060 IN PLAT ROOK 63,PAGE 240f THE PALK RECORDS OF OPANGE COIANIY,Fl021 OEN,:NORT-CC'CC CC"EAST CE RTIFICATION I•I ••1.,1 THAT TY4S SKE'L'H AND LIESCPJ11.314 IS TOL/NED CORRECT TO OPE RES'OF AND kalif NED 1-AT''ES SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION MEETS'HE E ILCIttna,5.1641,3,4tiMr2t MAPPEOS.AS SET FCRIII Cl.. • •• It -•.+..*4 Amami-nue:4 COOT PLANT TO CHAPTER VD:IV Eli -L FE I -L Ei - E FL E SECIIO41,T, %WSW' • , I ,•,..474TY,FLORIDA WIRIMIPriti/0/0Tiwo I I SKETCH 8t.DESCRIPTION ns Sollison St. J Oglandkft321101 DRAINAGE EASEMENTmorhb40740040000414074139.400$ti9.4.0 FOP Vanassa Hangen Brustlin,Inc. I ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 35 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 CLAW TABLE f RACtitiS DELTA a BEARR,Y;, LENGTH u Te .crtr Or 2?rr. r • A3' 1'r C2 255 "'? '', 'i .,_ ¢.r 'A' I LE - E.FEET C4 674AllY ,. .. N 7r 2B o.., 5 77.03' $9'53'W N 45'5 P580' 2 CG DIY M.54 Or NI E AI 34": 4;f36' 7 $34.02 Or 433 83' r,,,1` 1 9 ua-a',' OA's, '__ su:":. J1ti 4` S45.', 4079' i 78 31044 31295 It LEGEND ct'3 't 37 Or3O FF ''2• : ' 'W 42.51 4253• f H - H E-I sH - H I T- E I I l -LE iii I 5',. .. T F -T E i.-IS. i T F T E 1 . GxT T - T F E I TI E i i - T F EE E -T E T iik . T - T F r- E i 3,-`'[;6.._.. i ,* GPI n. - E T 1- IE 4 64 " dI' T L6 C.. 1 1.9-/ - T CR.;`4GE CC—'1-? =_?__,-_ti_ C2 D.'I L uc ii c n r s IF. 1 H ' LLti,..II T 1' H- y4!!3 k' IL m H Ir 37 !1 2r Sa":. t 24595' D.O 6 dJ 't dr®rsx xx LA 13 NWO& W ,r: : 0/1.112514 tit Pi J W 1:117 1-1 1T OF j— 44 N£i ra'O7'W 14 Irts] T Ct.7't.,r*i PS)14T W P}. 7MlT 'O .t1 J C W -t"t 1 J tf4bY_ E w H- S E-01 "'-°"" s at`N5"b'P"-'4 4101.:' 13 a'd .. H-°/ ST SEE SHEE`I. OF 2 FOR DESCRIPTION,CERTIFICATION AND NOTES SLR i'r '. . T415 77 Sci 1 'AST • ':I,, ' ttit Kam 1 tandlna&OOwner T.‹, 1 ' . I I I , .. -t°SKETCH&DESCRIPTION 1 ns E Morn St,.'WAG KC DRAINAGE EASEMENT I aa7seA.u d6llFlutJtYt3 L4O0s 0 . ',-. LMJC IS9LEDFON7 ccracd 8+ d T#i}8 1-,L1 4 P Varasse hanger. Brustlin.Inc. 1 I .1 r ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 36 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 EXHIBIT G Entry Road Property LEGAL DESCRIPTION I art e,a=land heist t 'r trite southeast quarter and northeast quarter of Sectior 1,Township 22 South,Range 27 East,Or"rge County, F a'd; being more partici. arty described as follows: Can-r ence::t:'-e r c- :01r e'of T-act 0 as showy on the plat Ocoee Crown Port PUD Phase 1,PIE Book 63,Page 24,of the pubic'ecords of 0- roe Cot.-ty F::sir; ;-o be-I:;saint on the westerly boundary hone of Tract 8 of said plat;thence ran along said westerly boundary I ne tire fa orvirr:l-'e*_c:- :e: `.o-:I-33'17 33"West,a stance of 235.26 feet to the poirt of curvature of a carve concave easterly, ha.rig a radio:c= -55 fret a central angle of 28.22'43',a chord bearing of hortn 19'06'12'Wiest and a chord distarce of 28.21 feet. thence run nee-^.e-I, ;- _ e arc of sand curve a distance of 28.50feet;thence North 04'54 50"West,a distance of 74.37 feet;thence North 36'32'27 ',5:a-- ; , :trance of 13.0$feet to the POINT Of BEGINNING:thence S 65'05'10'W a distance of 176 13 feet to the point of curvature of a car-,.e co- ;ye northerly,having a radius of 130.00 feet,a central angle of 96'24"12',a chord bearing of N 46'42'44"W and a chord distance of 193.83 feet.thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 218.73 feet;tierce h 01'29'22"E a distance:of 195.15 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southwesterly.having a radius of 220.1)3 feet,a central;ng a of 90'41' 33",a chord bearing of N 43"51'25"W arid a chord distance of 31100 feet,thence run northwester*alorg the at of said carve a distance of 348.23 feet thence hd 89°12'12'W,a distance of 101.71 feet;tierce N 14'38`G3"W,a manure of 62-24 feet;thence 389"12'12'E d;stance of 118.27 feet to the point ofcurvature of a curve concave southwesterly,having a radius of 280,03 feet,a central angle of 90'41' 33',a chord bearing of South 43"51'25'East and a chord distarce of 398.37 feet,tluenoe rues aautheaster`y alorg the arc of aid care a c stance of 443.21 feet;thence South 01°29 22'West a distance of 195.16 feet to the point of curvature of a cur,•e corcave northea:te y. hav ng a radius of 70.00 feet a central angle of 96°24'12',a chard bearing of So-:ri CE' __'East and a chord distarce of 104.37 feet, thence run southeasterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 117.71 feet;t"e :e _ S'05'10'tact a distance of 86.13 feet to a point on the southerly tine of Tot"A'of said Ocoee Crown Point F J F ;-e I +1": t--r ce run along said southerly!-ne the fo-owing foar courses;North 85'OS'10"East a distance of 702.39 feet to the port Of c,.-,a:are Of:curve concave southwesterly,have-ng a radius of 155.00 fait,a central angle of 72.51"15',a chord bearing of South 58'29 12'East and a canard distance of 184.08 feet,thence rur southeasterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 19709 feet;thence South 22°03'35"East a distance of 41.77 feet to the point of curvature of a curve nsnceve northeasterly,having a radius of 12-00 feat a central angle of 67°58'32",a chord shearing of South 56'02'51" East and a chord distance of 13.42 feet.thence-an southeasterly along the arc of said curve a di trance of 14.24 feet to a point on the northerly light of Way lire of Ocoee Crown Pont Pa t.way as shown on said Ocoee Crown Paint P110 Phase 1 plat;said point being or,a nor-'argent curve concave southeasterly.ha°'irg a..0 as of 100.00 feet,a central angle O43°20 53',a chord bearing of South 68'17 2-' West and a chord distance of 73.67 feet tierce run'xeste"y along said light of Way lire and the arc o°said car,'e a distance of 75.66 fee: to a point on the boundary Sire of Tr;c '8'of said Ocoee C-own Point RUE)Phase 1 plat said point also beirg a poirt on a romtargent carte concave westerly,having a r;: -:c> 10 feet a cert'al a rig a of 68'40'35",a chord bear rig of North 12'16'43"East and a chars dstance of 11-28 feet,thence run r: :'e- to;r:tic boundary tine and arc of said dire a d stance of 11.99 feet thence cor.tnue alorg r d boundary lire of said Tract"8'tae:fe o„ o t-tee courses,North 22'03'35"West a distance of 43.13 feet to the point CO curvature c, cu-are concave southwesterly,having a radius of 95.00 feet,a central angle of 72'51'16",a chord bearing of North 58°29'12"',','e::;'d chord distance of 112.82 feet,thence run northwesterly;Ong the arc of said curve a distarce of 120.80 feet thence South 85'Sly'10' West,a distance of 61239 feet to the POINT Of BEGINNING. Said lands containing 2.556 Acres more or teas. NOTES 1, TEES SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION s NOT A SURVis' 2. THE SKETCH AND DESCRIPTIONS NOT VAlID WIIHOU"THE SKONAT_RE AND ORIGAMI RAM SW OPINE WAWA UCENSED SURVEYOR AND MASPEF. LISTED t3LCW. 3. THE LAND DESCFQFTOON HEREON WAS WRITTEN BY 1141 S RW(OR AT THE .ERECr8DN of THE CLIENT. 4 BEArCNCS SHOWN HEREON A?tF ASSUMED AND FLASK':ON THE SOUTH UNE Of TRACT'A'AS SrOWNO*l OCDEE°OWN FCCN'POD PHASE',FLAT KOOK 63,PAGE 14,cnnOAI,..WORM OF ORANGE COUNT", FLOELDA,SEND NORTH 81'DS'1Cr FJ.3". CERTIFICATION I l-TA'E THAT 1-IS S'E"LH AND N"lC CPTI^IM IS T?_E.1140.: fFECT T,1-1 HS'0- H.'..t tl 3f 5131.:at He>L:d<'ai 4Al,ivINIs1,',I.tuuuf,I'LP4..A1, I,_ II- :1 • ROAM SWUM. E71 -L TE FE I -L Er - - E U E E r I I'I '"'SOlflii RAUGE I7 1.' rn Laronart Guntur Inv MT RY: C ) fi ' I- SKETCH&DESCRIPTION 11, 11113 3.habraonSt,SuittBOO I INGRESS EGRESS EASEMEN- 0783 s.F1 1Cd4 AI47.L39.Adlt6J FAX 407.369.4603 I I Licensed Business*115,4 Var,asse Hanger Brrzstlin,Inc at.r 1 I SFfE4T 1 THE CITY OF OCOEE 37 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 U.N.&TABLE NJWBER PAOIUS OELTA CI$ BEARAG Clf3R0 LENGTH r., Cl 57 s5 ae•22 43- N 19*CE :2 W 28-'1 133IXT SIX'X'1t r.ee 4.,44•W 1,;4t,, 2:g 73' c :MST $10'41'31.* h L,'sl:rn,w , 1 EY W:3 2 I 13CAMOGI9O433' $ :V E 35E37 44 321' C 5 Mar sir 24'2-2* s44-4t4e4 1c4 37 2177W 1) S r_E I SSW Tr$1'W S Se'te'12'E wafer lwrof C7 221:ty IST Ur r s'4'c; s'..•i fl 4747 1424' rn ale& 43'20.W' S Er 17'27'Vi EN ID Ce Or V sr N tr A.4r i 1:21f 1199 C11 9SZEP 72'$1"16' N UP 79 1?W U2 fl 133,10 0 . 0' WE TARE 1_S SEW ENT 11EUIC•1 LE1+'AM L9 r 23•1V 733.73 I IC.4'V.'SEPW 7437'f 4 LEGEND L-T 1 17 F E EET 0 ta $er 0$'10'W 176.13' POINT 01111 66.,... N. E W'N IT Zr t 15636.E BEGINNING . :,7 r H Nor 1217W )0171' t 7 N 14.la,or w ax. hisiva.,ect•or.r -... ,,- ,._,, — H- E I I E 11 PACI*6 LS S 09"12'tr E 12.17- 0..... I LP I Or 19Tr A t9S6 \ .1) 00 I N$'CO 2b i 11‘13' Rac.IkontiCaRtER 'II4!V CO 20'f 7 22.39' ce lucT'ir 1 1 s 2r a 3S-i 43.7r P Es 63,P4; 24 N22!033Vw 4, I. Lid SeS'e&law ,1 E-1 LI E E E l i 17.- E 1 t C9- Z 7---- —r1-'I— Is. 03 cor., rr, -1 S 7 E.FEE-f 4 c,7.. ..--- ".---,t SEE SHEET 1 OF 2 FOR DESCRITTION.CERTIFICATION AN D NOTE S 1 1 1 ! .. ,*i i• FLOWIA Landimarg L./vim'Tbw. I I I I SKETCH&DESCRIPTION 22%E Robinson St,Suds 30C11 b Crlando,11.12801IVIIItviii407,.1134.41:06/FAX 4011339.400e Untold Businins•7233 INGRESS EGRESS EASEMENT Ns I 1 Vanasse Hangen Brustlin,Inc. v.., . I I THE CITY OF OCOEE 38 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830 0040 EXHIBIT H Spine Road Property LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of land being within the southeast quarter and northeast quarter of Sectior 1,Township 22 South,Range 27 East,Orange CO,^t't Florida.being more particularly described as follows: Corr thence at the north corner of Tract D as shown on the Oat Ocoee Crov,n Port PUD Phase 1,Plat Book 63,Page 24,of the pubic.ecci-c: of Ora rge County,Florida,oast being a point on the westerly bou riclarr ne of Tract B of sad plat;thence run along said westerly lam-ida I ne the fo owing three courses,North 33'17'33'West,a distance of 23528 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave easterly, ha ng a radius of 57,55 feet,a central angle of 28'22'43*,a chord bearing of North 19'06'12"West and a chord distance of 2121feet. thence run northerly a ong the am of said curve a distance of 19 50 feet;thence North 04'54 50"West a distance of 74.37 feet;thence North 36'3227'West,2.d s=,.nce or 13.06 feet thence South 95'05 10'Vilest 2 distance of 176.13 feet to the point of curvature Of a curve concave northerly,having a radius of 130.00 feet,a central ang e of 96'24'12",a chord bearing of North 46'42'44"West and a chore c stance of 193.83 feet,thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 21173 feet thence North 01'29'22'East a distance cf 195.16 feet to the point of curvature of a curve corcave southwesterly,having a rad us of 220.0D feet,a central angle of SO'41'33',a mord bearirg of North 43'51'25'West and a chord distance of 31103 feet,thence run northwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 349.23 feet,thence North 89'12'12"West,a distance of 101.71 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING;as d point being the point of curvature of curve concave southerly,having a radius of 182.00 feet,a centra angle Of 51'03 34',a chord bearing of South 65'16'02"West and a dared distance of 156.88 feet,thence run southwesterly along the arc of said cure a distance of 162,19 feet;thence South 39'44'15"West a distance of 222.22 feet to the point of curvature of a curve corcave southeasterly,havirg a radius of 250.00 feet,a central angle Of 24'42 41`,a chord bearing of South 27'22'54'West and a chord distance of 106.99 feet,thence run southerly along the arc of sad curve a distance 01 107.62 feet;thence South 15'01'33'West a distance of 421.21 feet to the point of curvature of a curie corcave easterly,havirg a radius of 574.00 feet,a central angle of 19'13'02",a chard bearing of South 05'25'02'West and a chord distance of 191.62 feet,the-ice run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 19252 feet:thence South 04'11'29'East a distance of 258.70 feet to the poi rt c; curvature of a curve concave westerly.having a radius of 102500 feet arrir of 26f 05 41',a chord bearing of South DV 51 22 West and a chord distance of 496.07 feet,thence run southe ; - t--a - -- ; - a distance of 503 10 feet,thence South 23'54 12"West a eistance of 294.17 fee t to the po in t of curvature er a.5.1 e concave e;:.-e-, nay rig a radius of 474.00 feet,acentral angle of 23' 54'12" a chord bearing of South 11'57'06'West and a cnord 6:7;':e of 403.4: : erice run southerly song the arc of said curve c stance of 406.35 feet;thence South OD*00°OD'East,a distance o-15214 feet;thrice South 89'44'27"Nest ; -ce of 5200 feet; thence North 00'00'00'East a stance of 133.08 feet to the poir:o'curvature of a c urue concave easterly,ha,'-g I;r.4 J5 of 1026.00 feet. a central angle of 23'54 12',a chard bearing of North 11'ST 06'East and a chord distance of 424.94 feet,thence rur coy along the roof said curves distarce of 428.04 feet thence North 23'54'12"East a distance of 294 17 feet to the point of cur-wag,.-e of a curve COVIC2MC viesbuiy,hr.,.rig a radius of 974.00 feet, central argle of 28'05'41', chord besting of North OSP 51'zr E;:-arid a chord distance of 472.43 feet,thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 477.60 feet thence North 04'11 29'West a distance of 258.70 feet to the point of curvature of a curve corcave easterly,havirg a radius of 626.00 feet,a central angle of 19'13.02%a chord bearing of North 05'25'02'East and a chord distance of 20898 feet thence run northerly ageing the arc of said curve adistance of 209.96 feet;thence North 15'01"33'East a distance of 555.31 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southeasterly,having a radius of 214.00 feet,a central angle of 24'42 41",a chord bearing of North 27°22'54"East and a chord distance of 91.56 feet,thence run norther.; along the arc of said curve a distance of 92.30feet;thence North 39'44'15"East a distance of 70.01 feet to the point of curvature of a curgs concave southerly,having a radius of 315.00 feet,a central angle of 51'03'34',a chord bearing of North 65'16 02'East and a chord c stance of 271.52 feet,thence run easterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 280'71 feet;thence South 14'3,6'Or East a c sg,ta ice o' 62.24 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands contain 3.627 acres more or less. NOTES 1 TEM 11.1104 AND DESCRIPTION 3 NOT A SURREY 2. TICS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION ES NOT VAUD WITHOUT 1141 SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL RAISED SEA;Of THE ROPED*UCENSED SURVEYOR ANC MAPPER LISTED RELOW THE LAND DESORPTION HEREON WAS WRITTEN STIRS SURNEYORAT THE DIRECTION OF THE CUID42. BIAICNGS SHOWN HEREON ME ASSUMED AND EASED,ON THE Will5TERLY 01NINDARY LINE OP TT 6'AS SHOWN ON THE PUT OCOEE CROWN PCEN'PUD PHASE 1,PLAT ROOK 63,PASSE 24,OffICIAL RECORDS Of ORANGE cowrie,RENCDA,SONG NORTH 33.*1713"WEST. CERTIFICATION I PE4 I.. • .1 I A . I ! .1,!!• ! IsE BEV OE MD' - STAN-A0.10:."-4 ft - . •• - I - ii CHAPTER S4.27.06DE !I -- - 11- ! • ROMA SWIPES Eli 1E FE I -L E. - - E EL 1 - LI E E cECISAI I.TOWNSHIP 72 50kffhli g "gg I I " _`ii I Landmark cars/T., Daum et C.A.P. CHECKED:LI SKETCH&DESCRIPTION a 411N1fali 225 E.Robinson St,Sabo SO) PP C1975;00 Orlando,El.12001 40711.19.4405/FAX 407.138A0043 licensed&einem 7131 INGRESS EGRESS EASEMENT 551.110 Foit411k9-Hr* Vanasse Hangen Rrustlin.Inc. 1 THE CITY OF OCOEE 39 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 co _a- - LIVE TAKE ZNE BEARING CIVANCE a 1 OF r.,... \ II N leNNNING''''' 0it,d N, 1...' h•14`x..t C% ;•1.1.7' IEL1Da 1,TtP ZE E ONE E 14*.A•;Ir^ 14,Li 4,..• t ...CI':••..!,."i 49‘.,tn. P Lf•trik LA T .... r•o44 tt ' •44.".: 1r A 4,:4;) 2 _ f,TIF it'S,be 51 I 44:41E4Y 154014,14 KtlIOUPY WALT 11' se CI kc,f...r POINT Of COMMENCIMENT . I tti h 04':.1.....r^,s ., 1141111 ecesigt IF TFACT'Ir 7.,s-::I I'• •'' PR.44 4„.40 •"".Ln a LEGEND fa t LT I LT E u 0 91 T — T HI N H- E l I E TY, 1,1 N CURVE RAMS DE174, CHORc BEARNa Ce-X);.71) lit4 GT I L; '.:•.N., -A-1.•41' 41 l'et:•1.. W a I i:.2„e .......t.-A-4.:' 4,4 4.4t4. th- I ei ...‘,..1,0 -,-"'t44 1• ri .4,,-W 'r 1 4 C4 I W...., ....,115a•I' •..65.1ear 9• 4"I a ?v.:L(4 .:4-4.7,01:• t 2P'n^5,4""At 6• I C.! SA:0 .....-.•-t s',.'..," ".Ct'A".S.2''to I . I 0 .1b-taiXt C.Z.11.64:' .....,re.S1',1-n$ ,C.. c 5, CO iNf4br t21*44,":1' d: L.4'44,1:4?% 4, f I .11,4,40.4t 0:1 ..., N t:,..'.,114,'k 4.• 4 4 - ap 414..t# WiatV4I` h Orit....":I i 434 6.*„4.`4, 1,„Tvlyer h 6'i SIV t .., .1.;.••4t. a•ilt• .'...:4•.:4:.' ••..,P4/$4'I .. ' '.0 C.' Pet ,--• A ••• C13 al:AY :A III 7,14* h 081M"1 .,a•,.." .714.0 2 1.12 SEE SHEET 1 OF 2 FOR DESCR/PTION.CERTIIICATION AND NOTES I -owtastaw,72 504,1THRANGi 27(4T-ORAN4 CCAIII`e,FLOAIDA landmark Cont.:two CitAWNI BY: CAP, I CHIECKICt'JD, -SKETCH&DESCRIPTION Vlasts.; 225 E_hobtlson St,Suba 3C,40 1 • INGRESS EGRESS EASEMENT fhb 467.83914 6 I VA X 407109.4Doe 1 •, 1 Vanasse Hangen Elnistlin.Inc. I SWET 2 OF 2 THE CITY OF OCOEE 40 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 EXHIBIT I Phase 2A Utility Easement Property Phase 2B Utility Easement Property LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of lard be ng r tne southeast quarter of Section I.TOWO5hip 22 South,Range 27 East,Orange County,Fonda.being more pant cal;rly described as bikinis BEGIN at the southeast corner a'Right of Way for Ocoee Crown Point Parkway as shown an the pbt Ocoee Crown Point PUD Pnase 1,Plat B ook 63,Page 24 of the official records or Orange County,Fonda,said point a so being on the westerly boundary ire for LOT 1 of said pat; thence run along said westerly boundary line South 00°GO CO'East a distance of 399.74 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave easterly.having a radius of 500.00 feet,a central angle of 012'00 52',a chord bearing of South 06'00 26°East and a chord distance of 104.65 feet,thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a disbrce of 104.85 feet to the northwest corner of Tract"C"as shown on said plat;leaving said westerly boundary brie of LOT 1 run along the westery boundary line of said Tract"C"through a continuation of the curve having a radius of 500.00 feet. central angle of 005'00'37',a chord Dearing of South 14'31'11'East and a chord distance of 43.71 feet, thence run southerly along the westerly boundary line of said Tract"C'ard along the arc of 52 d curve a distance of 43.72 feet;thence leaving said westerly bound:ne line of Tract"C"run South 72'58'31'West.a distance Of 80,00 feet;thence North 15'59 54'West,a distance of 20111 feet;thence South 89°45'07"West,a distance Of 235.69 feet;tierce form 00°00'OD'Cart. a distance of 8.94 fee:to the point of curvature of a curie concave southwesterly,haying a radius of 15.00 feet,a central angle of 090'14 51',a C1.051:1 bearing of North 43'07'26'West and a chord distance of 21.26 feet,thence run northwesterly along the arc of sad curve a distance of 23.63 feet;thence South 89°4507'West a distance of 547.12 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave northeaster"V,having a radius of 87.00 feet,a central angle of 090'14'53,a chord bearing of Novi 45'07'27"West and a chord distance of 123.30 feet,thence run northwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 137.04 feet;thence North 00'00 00"East a distance of 147.71 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southwesterly.having a radius of 15.00 feet,a centra angle of 090'15'33",a chord bear ng of North 45'07'47"West and a chord distance Of 21.26 feet,thence run northwester!?along the arc of said curve a distance of 23.63 feet;thence South 89'44'27'west,a distance of 60.87 feet;thence South CO'00'40"East,a d stance of 53.50 feet;thence South 89'59'52'West,a distance of 76.94 feet; thence North 00'00 40"West,a cistance of 63.17 feet;thence South 89'20*35"West,a d stance af 3.12 feet;thence North 00'15'33" West,a distance of 62.00 feet;thence North 89'44'27"East a distance of 141.35 feet to the print of cu-eau_re a'a curve concave northwesterly,having a radius of 15.00 feet,a cen:r:I angle of NT 44'27', chord bearing of North 44'52'13'East and a chord cNstance of 21.17 feet,thence run northeasterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 23.49 feet;tnerce N ortn 00'00'CO'East a distance of 56.19 feet to the pant of curvature of a curve concave easterly.having a radius of 1036.00 feet,a ten= angle of 016'34'16",a chord be-2"ring of North 08'19'011'East ard a chord distance of 299.78 feet,thence run nor:he-7-along the 2-C 0'said CJ roe a distance of 30024 feet;thence South 74°33'49'East,a distance of 88.04 feet,tierce 50L51 18'19'15"f:est a distance of 10.00 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave southerly,having a radius of 15.043 feet.a cert-al a"g e of 093'04 50 a c-ard bearing of South 61'4651"West and a chord c stance of 21.78 feet,thence run southwesterly along the arc of said ci..-7te distance of 24.37 feet to a point of compound curvature of a COVE concave easterly,having a radius of 964.00 fee:.a centra:angle of 015'14'26",a chord bear ng af South 07°37'13"West and a chord ztarrce of 255.66 feet,thence run southerly along the arc of said c."'e;c stance of 256.42 bet;theme South 00'00'00'East,a distance of 134.19 feet.thence North 90'CO'CO"East,a&stance of 5.1:0 feet:the rce OD°00 OCT East 2 distance of 170.71feet to the poirrt of curvature of curve concave northwesterly,having a radius of 11.00 feet.a central angle of 090'14 53",a chord bearing of South 45'07' 27"East and a chord distance of 15.59 feet,thence run easterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 1733 feet thence North$9'45'07' East,a distance of 228.55 feet thence South 00'14'53'East,a distance of 5.00 feet;thence North 89'4507"East a distance of 311.00 feet to the po curvature of a curve concave northwesterly,having a radius of 15.00 feet,a central ante of 089'4507%a chord bearing of North 44'52'33'East and a cnord distance of 21.17 feet,thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 23.50 feet.thence North CO`00 00"East,a distance of 9.07 feet thence North 89'45'07"East,a&stance of 216.77 feet;thence Mirth 00'06'11' t,'%est.a d stance of 429.67 feet;thence North 90"00'00'East,a distance of 80.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said portion of land contains 4.101 acres more on cm NOTES 1 PCS SKETCH AND DESCRIFTION 5 NOT A ILIRM. 2. TICS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION 5 NOT VAUD%it mow THE AND masa'itAtsED SEA OF THE RONDA u(tristo sueveree AND MAPPER UST ED 3TIOW. 1. THE LAND DESCRIPTSON HMO's WAS WRITTEN II Tit)S-RVEVOR AT THE:4RECT1ON OF THE Cale, BEAFENGS SHOWN HEREON ARE ASSUME:.AND EASED ON THE WESTER.v 10-NDARY UNE OF LO°1 OF CCCEE CROWT,PCANT'VD PHASE1,PLAT OCCa.63, PAGE 24'OF THE OSFICIAL RECORDS OF OP.ANGE COUNTY,FLOECDA,SONG NORTH CV OLv 07 EAST CERTIFICATION I-MEV STALE THAT T,ISSAE°C.H PhD DESCIE1111.--L I.141: f r-E •- it K.NO.AtE DGE AN:BELIEF,AND T.4.1 TH IS SAE An_Lk Mt I, II STANDAADS OF Prvotts Fat FLORIDA SLAvreCoti MAPFLA4 AS SET FOR TH IN MIXER 5)LIM OF'HE EL OKLA ADMINISTRATTVE CCCE,PLIKS.ANT TO CHAPTER4TE.CCI, ROMA STAI1J7ES EU -L TE FE I -L El - - E FL I - UE E ii 1 tiatik- tandnart Conti-I wo I '.BY: t SKETCH & DESCRIPTION fhb 2.25 E balturisan St.„Suns 300 ' Orlando, 407139.406/FAS 407.449.402 Ucaroad Buono:sr/7M,t It I TEMPORARY UTILITY EASEMENT ar ass&Ranger Brustrn Inc. I I THE CITY OF OCOEE 41 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 I s 't r Cer k 799..74 62 5,.. ....... 3r w /tax, 14 i-,,.. ..,. .1 ,,, , IA L3 N 15°51 94'W ,,..3/1'!.'5,4:EC 0;1'02$2. 6 OW W.16.i 104 6S. 10143° 14 5 19"45•497*W .4.5.t9' ortr090,(74,: 6: 4514: 072, 31":, 4437. 6 42:V 01 Cfri 8-44'iI.E S 89-4S•Or w 947,17 097.14'SY N W82'27 W 1.13 3C, 117.03' L 1 NC/TP(8N 147.71' i$ Ser44.2r W W91` I 097.15'73' .5,4 T 4?W5'E 31.2E' 13.63* Erb /AGO OPT 64.'7 7. F.44'S2'13'E 1'1:7 23.74/ L9 5 CO•07.665E 57 53: 0 103E.CA 0:6'M"16' l'.W7 19 EV€ ‘739 7-g 4n7A L.17, $W..Sliv 57'IN 7694'0 1-5.0E 0947'N.5.17 5 tr 46'51'W ::55! 74.47' N ar CET CPA' 4311 C11 SUCK 0;5'1.4'26. 5 Cr."3?14'W - ,'•It 75617' C42 $83'10'IS-14 312'co lloo 09714'Sr 5 4 •2 r.•7-F .7 1)31 11 NEW 15'33'W 62Er 01 _ ISLE 097.45.CE" 6 44'57 37'1 L.16 61 119`414'21'I 64335' 11 It(1Cr Of CO*t St,18 1 1i:A s 74`3r 49P E 8804' 1; 5 18"19'lt'IN lo x Ca•Dor ar E 334.39' ti 90*CC 07 1 6,ELY 7 5 Or Oa CC I tit).Ti L16 r4 eir cee Dr f 27/3W LEGEND1--, r7 H - H E., I, t22 S Mr 14'S3''E UV II = H I 7.= E C8 I -LE 1H 123 N air 49.Or 6 31,9.7X E 524 N OS X'CT 5 9.Er E 127 1.._, 7. = . I Ln li Er 4.5"GT 1 21611 7.3 E.1'-I..- 71, Mar ow i •w 4z1.67 121 11 97 En Or 1 W60' LIS co IA - '4, z us I- 113 il , 1.19 L12 L9 11 L11 .. ,, ' R. uo ', 4J L24-, L22 L25 II, z 121 L23 w 0. Q-- TEMPORARY UTILITY EASEMENT C,.. 1Q1) a-- -.--- L6 15 L3 ' L2' 1 SEE SHEET 1 OF 2 FOR DESCRIPTION,CERTIFICATION AND NOTES 77 EAST-MANG:(0.8 IT Y`,f 1 f:161f56 upgm: sAticmconbwAkTwo40„49 _. ' I I CNECI2CcE,W, t I.Iblinsom; rSt... SOW ACC" O&M..A.321101. A ' ,• , 1 ,-. 1"J Esrr.t.DWG SKETCH& DESCRIPTION TEMPORARY UTILITY EASEMENT SS;It l%11,26. Vanasse Hoven Brustin,bcc_ i, 1 *.t,:1 2 Of 2 THE CITY OF OCOEE 42 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 EXHIBIT J Intentionally left blank 43 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 EXHIBIT K Entry Road Improvements Requirements From Ocoee Crown Point Parkway to the Amenity Property: the Access Easement Road Improvements shall be at least twenty-four (24) feet wide with curbs and gutters with storm water to be accommodated by ponds to be built within the Phase 2A Property, the Phase 2B Property, or a pond to be constructed by the City on the Amenity Property. Any lots constructed by Mattamy adjacent to the Access Easement Road Improvements may not have direct driveway access on the Access Easement Road Improvements. 44 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 EXHIBIT L School Property Fill Slope Easement Area School Property Swale Easement Area LEGAL DESCRIPTION ortior of land located in the southeast quarter of Section 1,Township.22 South.Range 27 East,Orange County,Florida,beirg more 71.-tcularly described at follows. Commence at the southwest corner of Right of Way for Ocoee Crown Point Parkway as shown or the pat Ocoee Crown Point P110 Phase 1,Plat Book 63,Page 24 of the official records of Orange County,Florida;thence rum South 00'00'00"East,a d stance of 19.66 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING;thence continue South 00'00'00'East,a distance of 20.00 feet;thence South 88'45'07'West a d stance of 49023 feet to a point or a non-tangent curve concave easterly,having a radius of 748.00 feet,a central angle of 005'42 32',a chord bearing of North 11'05 25'East and a chord distance of 74.50 feet thence run northerly along the are of said curve a distance of 74.53 feet to a poi rt of reverse curvature of a curve concave westerly,having a rad-az of 76.01 feet,2 central angle of 085'37"25',a chord bearing of North 28'52 02'West and a chord c stance of 103.30 feet,thence run northerly alorg the at of saic curie a distance of 113.52 feet thence North 71°40'44'West 2 d st2nce of 205.63 feet to Inc point of curvature of a curve concave caste-v.having a radius of 25.00 feet,a central angle of 093'04'50",a chord bearing of North 25'08°19'West and a chord distance of 36.29 feet,thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of e061 feet to a point of compound curvature of a curie concave southeasterly,ntiv raga radius of 974.00 feet,a central angle of 002'30'06'.a chord bearing of North 22'39'09"East and a chord distance of 42.53 feet,thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 42.53 feet;thence North 23' 54'12'East,a distance of 223.23 feet;thence South 66'05'48'East,a distance of 124.00 feet:thence North 23'54'12'East a distance of 1094 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave westerly,haat%a radius of 1150.00 feet,a central angle of 026'30,27',a chord bearing of North 10'38'59'East and a cnord distarce of 527.31 feet,thence rue northeriy along the 2.0 a'said curve a distance of 532_04 feet;thence North 85'44"31'East ad stance of 371.78 feet to the poirt of curvature of a curie concave:buttery,having a radius of 250..00 feet.a certal angle of 048'32'W',a chord bear rg of South 68'55'29"E251 and a chord distance a'205.49 feet,thence run southeasterly along tie arc of curve a distance of 211.77 feet thence South 45'39'29"East,a d=rice of 19.21 feet,thence South 44'20 31'West,a distance of 2000. net:thence North 45'39 29'West a distance of 19.21 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southerly,having a radius or 230.1)0 feet.a terra!angle of 048'32 00',a chord bearing of North 69'55 29'West and a chord distance of 189.05 feet,thence run westerly along the at of said curve a distance of 194.83 feet:thence South 65"48 31'West a distance of 332.22 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southeaster y.having a radius of 15.00 feet,a centra angle of 066'45'57",a chord bearing of South 42'25°33"West and a chord e sta ice of 20.61 feet,thence run southwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 2.2.72 feet to a point of reverse curvature a'a curve concave westerly,naredg a radius cri 117040 feet.a central angle of 024'51'lir,a chord bearing of South 1.1'22 23"West and a chord e rta'Ice of 503.69 feet,thence ft n southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 507.66 feet;thence South 23'54'12'West,a distance of 30.94 feet theme North 66'05'4S'West a distarce of 119 00 feet to the point of curvature 012 curve COH11211ve southerly,having a radius o' 5,00 feet,a central angle of 090'00 00',a chord bear rg of South 68'54'12"West and a chord distance of 7.07 feet,thence run southwesterly along the are a'said curve a distance of 785 feet thence South 23'54'12'West a distance of 158.23 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave easterly,having a radius of 954.00 feet,a central angle of 002'30'06',a chord bearing of South 22'39'CO"West and a chard distance of 41.85feet,thence run southwesterly aiong the arc of said curve a distance of 41.66 feet to a point of corn actin('curvature of a curve northeasterly,having a radius of 5.00 feet,a central angle of 093'04'50',a chord bearing of South 25'OS 19'East ant a chord distance of 7.26 net,thence run southeasterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 8.12 feet;thence South 71'40'44'East a distance of 205.63 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southwesterly,having a radius of 96.00 feet,a central angle of 085'37'26",a chord bearing of South 23" 52'02'East and a chord distance of 130.48 feet,thence run souther y along the arc of said curve a distance of 143.48feet to a point of reverse curvature of a curve concave easter1y,having a radius of 728.00 feet.a central a ite of 002'55'12',a chord bearing of South 12'29 04'West and a chord distarce of 37.10 feet,thence runt southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 37.10 feet to a point of compound curvature a' a curve concave northeasterly,having a radius of 10.00 feet,a central angle of 101'17'41',a chord bearing of South 39'3643"East and a c fiord distarce of 15.46 feet,thence run easterly along the arc of sad curve a distance of 17,62 Feet;thence North eV 45'07'East,a distance of 454.65 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNiNG. Said portion of la nd coma is 1.136 acres more or ess. NOTES I. MS SKETCH AND CESCFBETION 3 NCR A SLIIPFEY 2. TECS SKETCH AND C*SCRIFTION 3 NOT VAUD WITHOUT THE SONAT.RE AND ORIWilAL THE f1.07.:A UCFNSEC R4tEY OR ANC MAPPER LISTE.MOAK 1 THEUkNODfSCRIPTION HOED&WAS WRITTEN BY TEES SAVEYOR AT THE MECUM Of"Ht_I If SEAMAIGS SHOWN HEREON ARE ASSUMED AND BASED ON THE WESTENLY FEGHT Of WAY UNE Of. Ii CROWN POINT POINT PARKWAY AS SrOWN ON THE PLAT OCOEE CROWN POINT KM PHASE 1,OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY,FONDA,BEM. I. XI"1,7 EAS,. CERTIFICATION isti.v.r• •- I • -. I • s. r.1.1 t RES'0, VI' .' •• 1.1 - • AN: I I I I I tra4 t -••• ' I. OJ - FE I -L E - - E FL I - U E E SECTCN L.TOWINSIV 22 wont RANGE 27 EAST-ORAJfki • Linden/A Center Two CAP. I CNECXECk.1)C. SKETCH&DESCRIPTION 2258 Robinson St,Soto ICC PRONCT41 61975= I Orlando,FL11.531 M0401140:DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1 4C1239A FAXCC6 " 4V-819.4"12 611.7"irrIC-Drahor firrt OOPS shttle,DWG Licensed Butwoos•TM c44 W1U;DAT f: ISSUED FOk ar ass e Hangen Brustlin, I Se-11 c;c ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 45 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 C6 I1 Cl CB L10 Lg C9 t. I i LC,T 1 L E L5 i 6 E\+, ., lE -E.FlET 44. 112 LEGEND H = H E- I H - H I T- E 00 L -LETS U4 c„, E Pali . IT F El I POT. . IT F E EET 0.1 PG -•- E u C12 A E T-L- LE 115 bi ,— ? :: C 11.1 E T E F I Hr F -.EE I T -I -f C3 C13 L3 CURVE C14 TABLE E C2 ' • - cis P.0 B riukiEER RADIUS DELTA thosta BEARING Li,.4.) Li N 11*OS 2S-E .r43 ;4 12 Q ?tau Q..'i r 25' N rr 52'Sit),. lay I: a ZS ra " N 75.0r 1ST sk 3629 4 01 414 CO au"0 06 N n•ie 07. 42iv 411 CS 115000 026-#7 2r N 10'3B Sr- ,•i'° $42 4 I NI TAU I UNE TAKE Cs naocr OW .07 s Sr SS.rr i L UNE KONG DIEAANCE UNE RARING 01STANCE try 04r v'Ce7 N Kr$5,29,v.. • Istis; 11 SO:r0o00"1 AxE0' EsE S44'10'11'Yr , S 97 OW,t5'!r s 4.7-2V 3cr v4 2n Lz soy ilS'Cr W 00.13 ix N 45••39'JSP IA CS ithicir eV'Si zse S II-zr rr sal% u N ri•el 411*W X66,3 111 S•5",ST 11'* 10 Sill 0909U THY S fir S•)2*v AS LA 14 ir SII.LI"6 713.13 4.11 $zr Sc ir* • Tot 0Cf OTT Kr OW 5 V*Ifi er 4,‘ 4:45 RS Ls 366454r1 INC(? 113 N Se 0S Nr•I . • 520 osr ar scr s• 0 r . . an I F N 23*Ur LT S 109t 1.14 52S•5r ir W 2%, 961:0 C1,5*Yr/6- s. N Br It n•E 371.91, LIE 5 11'Cr 44'E aS&l a4 tieen Cur SS'I? S V'IF Or+A aria 3730 R.E 19.11' Lit ri WIS.rir f 451,65 4 C1J ler ir 41' $sr ow4r t :546 176$ SEE SHEET 1 OF 2 FOR DESCRIPTION,CERTIFICATION AND NOTES SECEION 1,T006111,72 SOLM/RANGE 27 MI-ORANGE Cower,FLU !' .. p• Lard-rue*Gant's"Iwo 225 E Roberson 51 1_Ho 300 PROJECT•61975.00 II 400173d: Fl.. 43, 2,5Fola 4c,039 auca r. irl.ln: ilitlt: tr,lagiir Ur.orud(11.4-ass•7153 DRAVAN tEt; CAP. I CHECK1Ct EJ.0 SKETCH & DESCRIPTION r..1•.1,11 r,f.,',.T,.-.-'r.•-c, DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1,,If r i/fr Vanasse Hangen BrustIm.Inc 41 t 1 ORANGE COUNTY PUBL/C SCHOOLS 46 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830 0040 EXHIBIT M Phase 2A Fill Slope Easement Area SEE SHEET 2 OF 3 FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION NOTES 1. THIS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SURVEY. 2. THIS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF THE FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER LISTED BELOW. 3. THE LAND DESCRIPTION HEREON WAS WRITTEN BY THIS SURVEYOR AT THE DIRECTION OF THE CLIENT. 4. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE ASSUMED AND BASED ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 1,TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST,ORANGE COUNTY,FLORIDA,BEING NORTH 89°41'40'EAST,AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OCOEE CROWN POINT PUD PHASE 1,PLAT BOOK 63,PAGE 24,OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY,FLORIDA. CERTIFICATION I HEREBY STATE THAT THIS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF;AND THAT THIS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION MEETS THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR FLORIDA SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS,AS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 51-17.05 OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE,PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 472.027, FLORIDA STATUTES. ELI DONALDSON DATE PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER FLORIDA LICENSE NO. 6984 SECTION 1,TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH,RANGE 28 EAST-ORANGE COUNTY,FLORIDA Landmark Center Two DRAWN BY: C.A.P. I CHECKED E.I.U. vo 225 E.Robinson St.,Suite 300 PROJECT a 61975.03 SKETCH &DESCRIPTION I IOrlando,FL 32801 DRAWING: TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 407.839.4006/FAX 407.839.4008 61975.00-Phase 2A TCE.DWG Licensed Business n 7153 DRAWING DATE.06/13/2016 ISSUED FOR Vanasse Hangen Brustlin,Inc. 1 SHEET 1 OF 3 THE CITY OF OCOEE 47 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 I I LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land located in the southeast quarter of Section 1,of Township 22 South,Range 27 East,Orange County,Florida;being more particularly described as follows. Commence at the southeast corner of said Section 1,as shown on the plat Ocoee Crown Point PUD Phase 1,as recorded in Plat Book 63, Page 24 of the public records of Orange County,Florida;thence run along the South line of the southeast quarter of said Section 1,South 89°41'40"West,a distance of 2250.02 feet;thence leaving said South line run North 00°18'20"West,a distance of 910.04 feet;thence North 00°00'00"West,a distance of 705.22 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southeast,having a radius of 996.00 feet,a central angel of 30°11'29",a chord bearing of North 15°05'45"East and a chord distance of 518.78 feet,thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 524.83 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,said point being a point on a curve concave southeasterly,having a radius of 996.00 feet,a central angle of 00°15'49",a chord bearing of North 30°19'24"East and a chord distance of 4.58 feet,thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 4.58 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a curve concave northwesterly,having a radius of 1125.00 feet,a central angle of 00°16'57",a chord bearing of North 30°18'50"East and a chord distance of 5.55 feet,thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 5.55 feet;thence South 68°57'28"East a distance of 328.11 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave northerly,having a radius of 1218.67 feet,a central angle of 08°21'30",a chord bearing of South 73°08'14"East and a chord distance of 177.63 feet,thence run easterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 177.78 feet to a point of non-tangency and the point of curvature of a curve concave westerly,having a radius of 860.00 feet,a central angle of 10°08'05",a chord bearing of South 03°33' 39"West and a chord distance of 151.92 feet,thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 152.12 feet;thence South 10° 23'40"West a distance of 53.02 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave westerly,having a radius of 860.00 feet,a central angle of 11°44'33",a chord bearing of South 18°01'56"West and a chord distance of 175.95 feet,thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 176.25 feet;thence South 23°54'12"West,a distance of 71.66 feet;thence South 24°43'29"West,a distance of 50.69 feet; thence South 23°39'40"West,a distance of 171.62 feet;thence South 21°45'36"West,a distance of 75.24 feet;thence South 71°40'44" East a distance of 155.75 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave easterly,having a radius of 984.00 feet,a central angle of 03°29' 09",a chord bearing of North 22°09'38"East and a chord distance of 59.86 feet,thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 59.86 feet;thence North 23°54'12"East,a distance of 293.23 feet;thence South 66°05,48"East,a distance of 124.00 feet;thence North 23°54'12"East a distance of 0.94 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave westerly,having a radius of 1140.00 feet,a central angle of 26°59'47",a chord bearing of North 10°24'19"East and a chord distance of 532.18 feet,thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 537.14 feet;thence North 85°48'31"East a distance of 381.55 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southerly, having a radius of 260.00 feet,a central angle of 48°32'00",a chord bearing of South 69°55'29"East and a chord distance of 213.71 feet, thence run southeasterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 220.24 feet;thence South 45°39'29"East a distance of 49.28 feet to the westerly Right of Way line of Ocoee Crown Point Parkway as shown on said plat Ocoee Crown Point PUD Phase 1,said point being on a non-tangent curve concave southeasterly,having a radius of 733.73 feet,a central angle of 00°46'51",a chord bearing of South 44°43'57" West and a chord distance of 10.00 feet,thence run southwesterly along said Right of Way and arc of said curve a distance of 10.00 feet; thence leaving said Right of Way line run North 45°39'29"West a distance of 49.21 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southerly,having a radius of 250.00 feet,a central angle of 48°32'00",a chord bearing of North 69°55'29"West and a chord distance of 205.49 feet,thence run northwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 211.77 feet;thence South 85°48'31"West a distance of 371.78 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave westerly,having a radius of 1150.00 feet,a central angle of 26°30'27",a chord bearing of South 10°38'59"West and a chord distance of 527.31 feet,thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 532.04 feet;thence South 23°54'12"West,a distance of 10.94 feet;thence North 66°05'48"West,a distance of 124.00 feet;thence South 23°54' 12"West a distance of 283.23 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave easterly,having a radius of 974.00 feet,a central angle of 04°03'10",a chord bearing of South 21°52'37"West and a chord distance of 68.88 feet,thence run southwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 68.90;thence North 71°40'44"West,a distance of 176.05 feet;thence North 21°45'36"East,a distance of 86.02 feet; thence North 23°39'40"East,a distance of 171.88 feet;thence North 24°43'29"East,a distance of 50.71 feet;thence North 23°54'12" East a distance of 71.59 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave westerly,having a radius of 850.00 feet,a central angle of 11°43' 56",a chord bearing of North 18°02'14"East and a chord distance of 173.75 feet,thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 174.05 feet;thence North 10°23'40"East,a distance of 52.71 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave westerly,having a radius of 850.00 feet,a central angle of 09°36'07",a chord bearing of North 03°49'01"East and a chord distance of 142.28 feet,thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 142.45 feet to an intersection with a non-tangent curve concave northerly,having a radius of 1228.67 feet,a central angle of 07°59'36",a chord bearing of North 72°57'16"West and a chord distance of 171.27 feet,thence run westerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 171.41 feet;thence North 68°57'28"West a distance of 329.74 feet to POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains 0.707 Acres more or less SEE SHEET 1 OF 3 FOR NOTES AND CERTIFICATION SECTION 1,TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH,RANGE 28 EAST-ORANGE COUNTY,FLORIDA ll Landmark Center Two DRAWN BY: CA.P. CHECKED:E.I.D. 41 i 225 E.Robinson FL St.,Suite 300 PROJECT# 61975.00 SKETCH &DESCRIPTION Iiir Orlando, 32801 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 407.839.4006/FAX 407.839.4008 61975.00-Phase 2A TCE.DWG Licensed Business*7153 DRAWING: DRAWING DATE:06/13/2016 ISSUED FOR: Vanasse Hangen Brustlin,Inc. 1 SHEET 2 OF 3 THE CITY OF OCOEE 48 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 I C3 C2 10.00'TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 5 112 C9 113Cq 115 IA OF BEGINNING CZg Cll v u L14 C10/ LEGEND r L24 1 CMON -CONCRETE MONUMENT 1 10. =IDENTIFlCATIDN N O.R.B. -OFFICIAL RECORDS BOON PG. -PAGE Cr'l b CO U RNG. =RANGE Q9' V U TWP. -TOWNSHIP Cf./ 1 a Lll L22 /h IQ LINE TABLE v I7 LINE BEARING DISTANCE Si/DJ ol 116 L1 N 00'CO'00"W 705.22' v v L2 568"5T 28'E 328.11' L3 S 10"23'4C"W 53.02 v L4 5 23'54'12'W 71.6E J 8 C ( J n1 L5 5 24°40 29"W 50.69• I9 L6 S 23"39 49"W 171.62' L7 521°45'3E'W 75.24 5, 1 CURVE TABLE x 5 71'40 44 E 95.75' 8 CURVE RADIUS DELTA CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH L9 N23'54'12"E 29123' Cl 99690 30°1129' N 15'05'45'E 518.75 524.87 L10 9 60'05'48'E 124.09 C2 99690 0'1349' N 31:'19 24'E 458' 458 L11 N 23'54 12'E 0.94' O 1125.09 01957' N3C'18'50'9 555 5.55' 112 N85'4831•E 381.55' S C4 1218.67 8'21'3C' 573'CO 14'5 17793 177.78' L13 545'39'29"E 49.28 C5 860911 100705" 5 03'33 39"W 15192' 152.12 114 N 45'39'29'W 49.21 C5 860.11 11'44'33' 5 18'or 56"W 175955 176.25 L15 5 855"48'31"W 371.78' C7 984.11 3"2009" N 22'05'33"E 5985' 5986' L16 5 23'54'12"W 1C.94 CS 1140,191 26`59'47 N 10'24'19"E 532.17 537.14' 117 _N 65'CS'48"W_ 124.00' C9 260.::0 4b"32'00" 5 69°55 29'E 21371' 110:24' L18 513"54'12"Lv 2fi3.23' 3 C10 733.73 0'4751' 544'43'57'W 10.00 1900 L19 N 71'40 44"W 176.05' 011 250 CC 48'32'00' N 69'55'29"W 205.49' 21177' 120 N 21'45'36"E 86.02 012 1150.00 26°3C'27' 0 17'38'59"W 52731 532.04 L21 N 23'39'4C'E 17988' Z 913 974.00 4'031C' S 21"52 37"W 68.88' 58.90 L22 N 24'43'29'E 5071' C14 85096 4359" N 18 02'14 E 173.75 174.05 123 N 23'5'12'E s9' POINT OF COMMENCEMENT C15 050.CC 9'3607' N 03'49'Cl"E 14227 14:45 L24 N 10'23'40'E 5271' FOUND 4')(4'CMON,LS 3556 C16 1228,67 7'5939' N 72'57'16'W 171.27' 171.41' 125 N 58'57'28"W 329.74' SE CORNER,SE 1/4 SECTION 1, TWP.22 S, RNG.27 E S 89'4,40"W 2250.02' SZU1A1 RE,-SE-1 4,SECTION 1,TWP.222 S,RNG.27 E FOUND 4'X4'CRON,N01.0. N 89'41'40"E 2620.80' SW CORNER,SE 1/4, SECRON 1,TV/P.22 S,RNG.27 E SEE SHEET 1 OF 2 FOR DESCRIPTION,CERTIFICATION AND NOTES SECTION 1,TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH,RANGE 27 EAST-ORANGE COUNTY,FLORIDA Land mark Center Two DRAWN BY: C.A.P. CHECKED:E.J.D. SKETCH &DESCRIPTION talicf. 225 E.Robinson St.,Suite 300 PROJECT# 61975.00 0 hbOrlando,FL 32801 DRAWING TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 407.839.4006/FAX 407.839.4008 61975.00-Phase 2A TCE.DWG Licensed Business*7153 DRAWING DATE:06/13/2016 ISSUED FOR: Vanasse Hangen Brustlin,Inc.SCALE: 1' = 250' I SHEET 3 OF 3 THE CITY OF OCOEE 49 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 EXHIBIT N Phase 2B Fill Slope Easement Area LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of land located in Section 1,of Township 22 South,Range 27 East,Orange County,Florida;being more particularly described as follows. Commence at the southwest corner of Tract"F"of Ocoee Crown Point PUD Phase 1,as recorded in Plat Book 63,Page 24 of the public records of Orange County,Florida,also being a point on the South line of the southeast quarter of said Section 1;thence run along said South line of the southeast quarter South 89°41'40"West,a distance of 109.23 feet;thence leaving said South line run North 00°00'00"East,a distance of 413.21 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence run South 89°45'07"West,a distance of 977.29 feet;thence North 00°14'53"West,a distance of 115.23 feet;thence South 89°45'07"West,a distance of 484.97 feet;thence North 26°07'51"West,a distance of 104.08 feet;thence North OF 54'53"West,a distance of 67.60 feet;thence South 74° 27'21"West,a distance of 26.25 feet;thence North 15°23'50"West,a distance of 27.32 feet;thence North 11°02'27"West,a distance of 17.25 feet;thence North 14°03'57"West,a distance of 24.42 feet;thence North 15°28'29"West,a distance of 27.71 feet;thence North 16°11'03"West,a distance of 28.92 feet;thence North 16°37'38"West,a distance of 26.82 feet;thence North 16°53'16"West,a distance of 20.38 feet;thence North 13°58'23"West,a distance of 21.70 feet;thence North 21°06'03"East,a distance of 41.51 feet;thence North 89'46'15"East,a distance of 312.30 feet;thence North 00°00' 00"East a distance of 705.22 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave easterly,having a radius of 996.00 feet,a central angle of 30°11'29",a chord bearing of North 15°05'45"East and a chord distance of 518.78 feet,thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 524.83 feet;thence South 68°57'28"East a distance of 329,74 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave northerly,having a radius of 1228.67 feet,a central angle of 07°59'36", a chord bearing of South 72°57'16"East and a chord distance of 171.27 feet,thence run easterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 171.41 feet to the point of intersection with a non-tangent curve concave westerly,having a radius of 850.00 feet,a central angle of 09°36'07",a chord bearing of South 03°49' 01"West and a chord distance of 142.28 feet,thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 142.45 feet;thence South 10°23'40"West a distance of 52.71 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave westerly,having a radius of 850.00 feet,a central angle of 11°43'56",a chord bearing of South 18°02'14"West and a chord distance of 173.75 feet,thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 174.05 feet;thence South 23°54' 12"West,a distance of 71.59 feet;thence South 24°43'29"West,a distance of 50.71 feet;thence South 23°39'40"West,a distance of 171.88 feet;thence South 21°45'36"West,a distance of 86.02 feet;thence South 71°40'44"East,a distance of 99.94 feet;thence South 18°19'16"West a distance of 52.00 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave southwesterly,having a radius of 25.00 feet,a central angle of 87°13'07",a chord bearing of South 28°04'11" East and a chord distance of 34.49 feet,thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 38.06 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a curve concave easterly,having a radius of 1026.00 feet,a central angle of 15°32'23",a chord bearing of South 07°46'11"West and a chord distance of 277.42 feet, thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 278.27 feet;thence South 00°00'00"East a distance of 56.19 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave northwesterly,having a radius of 25.00 feet,a central angle of 89°44'27",a chord bearing of South 44°52'13"West and a chord distance of 35.28 feet,thence run westerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 39.16 feet;thence South 89°44'27"West,a distance of 141.35 feet;thence South 00° 15'33"East,a distance of 52.00 feet;thence North 89°44'27"East,a distance of 12.91 feet;thence South 00°15'33"East,a distance of 54.00 feet;thence North 89°44'27"East,a distance of 47.00 feet;thence North 00°15'33"West,a distance of 54.00 feet;thence North 89°44'27"East,a distance of 158.10 feet;thence North 00°00'00"East a distance of 132.84 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave easterly,having a radius of 974.00 feet,a central angle of 15°14'26",a chord bearing of North 07°37'13"East and a chord distance of 258.32 feet,thence run northerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 259.08 feet to a point of compound curvature of a curve concave southerly,having a radius of 25.00 feet,a central angle of 93°04'50",a chord bearing of North 61°46'51"East and a chord distance of 36.29 feet,thence run easterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 40.61 feet;thence North 18°19'16" East,a distance of 52.00 feet;thence South 71°40'44"East a distance of 205.63 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southwesterly,having a radius of 76.00 feet,a central angle of 85°37'25",a chord bearing of South 28°52'02"East and a chord distance of 103.30 feet,thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 113.58 feet to the point of reverse curvature of a curve concave easterly,having a radius of 748.00 feet,a central angle of 05°42'32",a chord bearing of South 11°05'25"West and a chord distance of 74.50 feet,thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 74.53 feet;thence North 89°45'07"East,a distance of 490.23 feet;thence North 00°00'CO"East,a distance of 39.66 feet to the South Right of Way line of Ocoee Crown Point Parkway as shown on said Ocoee Crown Point PUD Phase 1 plat;thence run along said South Right of Way line North 90°00'00"East,a distance of 80.00 feet to the westerly boundary line of said Ocoee Crown Point PUD Phase 1 plat;thence leaving said South Right of Way line run the following two courses along said westerly boundary line South 00°00'00"East a distance of 399.74 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave easterly,having a radius of 500.00 feet,a central angle of 17°01'29",a chord bearing of South 08°30'45"East and a chord distance of 148.02 feet,thence run southerly along the arc of said curve a distance of 148.57 feet;thence leaving said westerly boundary line run South 72°58'31"West,a distance of 80.00 feet;thence South 89°45' 07"West,a distance of 55.42 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains 31.683 Acres more or less. NOTES 1. THIS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SURVEY. 2. THIS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF THE FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER LISTED BELOW. 3. THE LAND DESCRIPTION HEREON WAS WRITTEN BY THIS SURVEYOR A`THE DIRECTION OF THE CLIENT. 4. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE SOUTH LINE CF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 1,TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH,RANGE 27 EAST,AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT,OCOEE CROWN POINT PUD PHASE 1,PLAT BOOK 63,PAGE 24,OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY,FLORIDA;AS BEING SOUTH 89`41'4C'WEST. CERTIFICATION I HEREBY STATE THAT THIS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION IS TRUE AND CORRECTTC THE BEST CF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF,AND THAT THIS SKE-CH AND DESCRIPTION MEE"S THE STANDARDS CF PRACTICE FCR FLORIDA SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS,AS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 51-17.25 OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRA'NE CCDE,PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 472.027,FLORIDA STATUTES. ELI DONALDSON DATE PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER FLORIDA LICENSE NO.6984 SECTION 1,TOWNSHIP 22 SOJTH,RANGE 27 EAST-ORANGE COUNTY,FLORIDA es • Landmark Center Two DRAWN BY. C.A.F. CHECKED:E.J.D. SKETCH&DESCRIPTION f 225 E.Robinson St.,Suite 300 PROJECT#61975.00 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION Orlando,FL 32801 DRAWING. 61975.00-Fh2b TCE Esmt.DWG EASEMENT 407.839.4006/FAX 407.839.4008 Licensed Business 07153 DRAWING DATE. 06/13/2016 ISSUED FOR Vanasse Hangen Brustlin,Inc. SHEET 1 OF 2 _ THE CITY OF OCOEE 50 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040 LIE TABLE SEGMENT DIRECTION LENOTH L1 5 89"45'07"W 97720 L2 NCO°14'53"W 115.23' L3 5 89"45'07"W 414.97' L4 N 25°C7'51"W 114.00 CURVE TABLE 15 N CS 54'S3'w 67.59, NUMBER RADIUS DELTA CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH Cl 996.00' 3C°11'29" N 15'05'45"E 51878' 524.33' Li 574°27'21"W 25.25' U 20 NO L7 N 15"23'SC'W 27.32' r 1 N C2 1228.67' 7'50 36" S 72'50 15'E 17127' 17141' C3 SSC.CO' 9"36'07" 5 03°49'01'W 14228' 14245' LS N 11"02 27"W 17.25' 19 N 14°03'ST W 24.42' C4 85660 11"43'56' 5 18"02'14'W 17375' 17405' C5 2500 87'13'07' 5 28'04'11'E 3449' 38.06 110 N15"23'29'W 27.71' L18 Lll N 15"11'03'W 28.92' C2 CS 1026.00' 15"32'23' S 07°46 11'w 277 42' 278.27' 112 N 15"3T 38'W 26.82' C7 25.00' 89'44 27' 5 44°52'13'W 3528' 39.1E 113 N 15"53'16'W 20.31' C8 974.00 15"14'26' N 07'37'13"E 258.32' 259.68 C1 Ci CO 25.00' 03°04 50' N 61'46'51"E 3520 46.51' 04 N 13•58'23'W 21.70' 115 N 21'06:C3'E 4151' L19 C10 7600 85'37'25' 5 28'52'C2'E 16336' 113.58' 11 748.60' 5'42 32" S 11°05'25'W 74.50 74.53' LIE N 89'46 15'E 312.36: C4 117 N IC"(('CO'E 705.22' C12 500.60 17"01 29' 1 08'30'45"E 148.C2' 148.57' 20 118 5 68'57'28"E 329.74' L21 L19 5 10"23'4C"W 52.71' L22 L2C 1 23"54.12'W 71.59' L23 NORTH UNE SWTH 1/2,SE 1/4 SE 1/4, 121 5 24"43'25"W 50.71' SECPON 1 TNR.22 S,RIG.27 E L22 523"39'4C'W 17138' a L17 36 Q0 L23 521"45'3E'W 55.02' I 3`'° 24 B m L24 5 71"4C'44'E 99.94' L25 a a 125 5 18'19'16'W 52.00 05 135 125 3 00'OC'C0'E 56.19' C L16 CIF C11 L38 w - L27 1 80°44'27"W 141.35' S L26 o L15 07 C8 L37 L39 g; 128 S 0C"15'33"E 52.11(' L11 113 L14 L27 L12 SOUTH PoCHT OF WAY UNE 129 N 39'44'27'E 12.91' LL9 124 L34 L4C L3C 5 00'15'33'E 54.30' L8 L5 L29 133 E- L31 N 89'44 27'E 4706' Li L4 L30 L32 TEMPORARY C12 L32 NCO°15'33'W 54.00'L6- L3 L31 CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT al 133 N 89'44'27'E 158.10'F L42 134 N CC'00'66'E 132.44' I L1 L35 N 18'19'16'E 52.10' POINT OF P B BJ TPG 24 136 S n°41.44"E zc5.63' BEGINNING . SS Faro 4'1(4'CNON. S& TRACT F 137 N 89'45'C7"E 49023' NO I.D. g,H P.B.63,PG.24# TRACT E L38 N CC'00'CC'E 39.86' THE SE 1/4 COWER g Y P.B.63,PG.24 SECTNIN 1,MP.22 L39 N 9C'IX7'OC"E 50.00' S.MC 27 E L4C 100'OC'CO'E 399.74' TRACT F S 69'41"40-WJ P.B.44,PG.14 / SOUTH LNE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 I 109.27 NWFOUNDCORNER`NW 1/4 SEC.77,141 5T.°58'31'VV 50.00' OF SECTION 1,TIP.22 S.RIG.27 E POINT OF COMMENCEMENT TWA.22 s,RIG.26 E L42 S 8T 45'07'W 55.42' SOUTHWEST CORNER OF TRACT F OCOEE CRONN POINT PUD PHASE 1,P.B.63,PG 24 FOUND 1/2'IRON RCO•CAP"JWBG LB/1' LEGEND CMON =CONCRETE MONUMENT RNG. =RANGE ID. =IDENTIFICATION TWP. =TOWNSHIP O.R.B. -OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK • -CHANGE IN DIRECTION P.B. -PLAT BOOK PG. =PAGE SEE SHEET 1 OF 2 FOR DESCRIPTION,CERTIFICATION AND NOTES SECTION 1,TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH,RANGE 27 EAST-ORANGE COUNTY,FLORIDA tigic Landmark Center Two DRAWN BY: C.A.P. I CHECKED:E.I.D. SKETCH&DESCRIPTION vhb 225 E.Robinson St.,Suite 300 PROJECT#61975.00 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION Orlando,FL 32801 DRAWING: 61975.00-Fh2b TCE Esmt.DWG EASEMENT 407.839.4006/FAX 407.839.4008 en Licensed Business*7153 ISSUED FOR: Vanasse Han Brustlin,Inc. DRAWING DATE 06/13/2016 THE CITY OF OCOEEgSCALE: 1"=400' SHEET 2 OF 2 51 - ORLDOCS 14660007 3 28830.0040