HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 20 Approval of 125 S. Lakeshore Drive - Barenburg Property Variance Request
City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761
Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org
Meeting Date: March 5, 2024
Item #: 20
Contact Name: Anoch Whitfield Department Director: Michael Rumer
Contact Number: Ext. 1016 City Manager: Robert Frank
Subject: Approval of 125 S. Lakeshore Drive - Barenburg Property Variance Request: Project
No. VR-24-01 (Zoning Manager Whitfield)
Background Summary:
Owner/Applicant. The applicant/property owner is David Barenburg.
Property Information: The property is located within City Commission District 2 and contains approximately 0.3
acres. The property is on City water and private septic system. It is zoned R-1AAA (Single-Family Dwelling
District). Per Table 5-2 of the Land Development Code (LDC), the minimum zoning regulations for
development within the R-1AAA zoning district are as follows:
Lot Size Front
Living Area
30 FT 7.5 FT 35 FT 85 FT 35% 50% 35 FT 1,600 SF
The subject property is a corner lot with roadway right-of-way frontage along three (3) sides. Per Section 5-
4.G, Article V, LDC, “on any corner lot, the applicable front yard setback shall apply to both street frontages.”
Consequently, the northeast property line (which faces S. Lakeshore Drive) and the south and southeast
property lines (which face Lafayette Street) are all considered a front yard, and the applicant seeks to
construct an accessory structure in one of these front yards. The locational requirements for accessory
structures are established in Section 5-6B(1), LDC, which requires that, on double frontage, through or corner
lots in residential districts, accessory uses and structures shall not be located in either of the required front
yards but may be located in one (1) but not both side yards. The Code only has provisions for corner or
through/double-frontage lots but does not have locational requirements for lots with three (3) road frontages
like this lot.
Action Requested: The applicant is requesting a variance to the accessory structure locational requirements of
Section 5-6B(1), LDC, in order to build an accessory structure, specifically a pool and deck area, to be located
in one (1) of the required front yards on Lafayette Street (southeast side). The southeast Lafayette Street side
essentially functions as a side yard since the front door faces northeast (South Lakeshore Drive) and the back
door faces southwest (Lafayette Street), where a garage was recently constructed following approval of a
building setback variance in 2022.
City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761
Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org
Please note that the supporting documentation submitted with the variance application included a variance to
the fence regulations of Section 5-4.1, LDC. However, based on the provisions of Section 5-4.1D(3), LDC,
staff finds that the proposed fence location meets Code with the installation of appropriate signage and mirrors
on the property to alert drivers to the driveway on Lafayette Street leading to the detached garage and to allow
the applicant to see any on-coming vehicles on Lafayette Street. Thus, this analysis is relative to the variance
to Section 5-6B(1), LDC.
According to Section 4-9A, LDC, the variance application/applicant must demonstrate:
1. Special conditions and circumstances exist that are peculiar to the land, structures, or required
subdivision improvements involved and are not applicable to other lands, structures, or required
subdivision improvements;
2. That a literal interpretation of the provisions of these regulations would deprive the applicant of rights
commonly enjoyed by other properties with similar conditions;
3. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; and
4. That the granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is
denied by these regulations to other lands, structures, or required subdivision improvements under
similar conditions.
Applicant Response: The applicant has explained that the configuration and multiple street frontages of this lot
makes improvements challenging and that the lot has a one (1) large front yard facing two roads. The existing
structure is located within the minimum setback as well. The applicant further states that other lots in the
community have a traditional single front yard and single backyard. This lot is subject to front yard setbacks on
three (3) sides. Lastly, the property is served by a private septic system as no City sewer is available or will be
available in the near future, and the drain field is located on the southwest side of the property between the
recently constructed detached garage and Lafayette Street. Moving the drain field would be cost-prohibitive.
The applicant states that having a pool is a common and often expected improvement to a home which is
enjoyed by other property owners. He further states that the circumstances peculiar to this lot are not the
result of the applicant/property owner and that granting this variance would not confer special privileges that
have been denied others.
Staff Analysis: Staff concurs that having a pool is a right commonly enjoyed by other property owners in the
City and finds that there are special conditions and circumstances that are peculiar to this property, including
having three (3) roadway frontages at minimum building setbacks of 30 feet and having a drain field in one (1)
of the frontages that are essentially the backyard of the house. Code requires that, on through-lots, accessory
structures shall not be located in either of the required front yards but may be located in one (1) but not both
side yards. In this case, this lot has three (3) front yards (northeast, southeast, and southwest sides), no rear
yard, and a narrow side yard (northwest side) of less than ten (10) feet in width. Thus, it is not possible to
construct any accessory structure without a variance.
From an accessory structure setback perspective, Section 5-6B(1), LDC, requires that accessory structures
(including pool and pool enclosures) be located at a minimum of five (5) feet from the side and rear property
lines. If the yard where the pool is proposed to be located were considered a "side" yard, the proposed pool
location would comply with this setback requirement as it is located greater than five (5) feet from the
southeast property line.
Based on the unique and challenging circumstances of this lot, staff supports the requested variance and finds
that the application has adequately demonstrated compliance with the criteria in Section 4-9, LDC.
Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve a variance to Section 5-6B(1), LDC, in order to
City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761
Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org
allow an accessory structure, specifically a pool and deck area, to be located in one (1) of the three (3)
required front yards, specifically the southeast front yard, on the property located at 125 South Lakeshore
Drive and assigned parcel ID number 17-22-28-5504-06-110?
Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) Recommendation
The Planning and Zoning Commission heard this item at its February 13, 2024 public hearing. No one spoke
in opposition to the requested variance, and on the date of the hearing, the applicant provided a letter of
support from a neighbor that was not received in time for inclusion into the PZC packet. That letter of support
is now submitted with this City Commission staff report. The Planning and Zoning Commission made a
recommendation of approval of a variance to Section 5-6B(1), LDC, in order to allow an accessory structure,
specifically a pool and deck area, to be located in one (1) of the three (3) required front yards, specifically the
southeast front yard, on the property located at 125 South Lakeshore Drive and assigned parcel ID number
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the requested variance to
Section 5-6B(1), LDC, in order to allow an accessory structure, specifically a pool and deck area, to be located
in one (1) of the three (3) required front yards, specifically the southeast front yard, on the property located at
125 South Lakeshore Drive and assigned parcel ID number 17-22-28-5504-06-110.
1. Location Map
2. Aerial Map
3. Surrounding FLU Map
4. Surrounding Zoning Map
5. Application
6. Barenburg Pool Variance
7. Neighbor Letter
8. Legal Ad
Financial Impacts:
Type of Item: Public Hearing
L a f a y e t t e S t
ore D
M a g n o l i a S t
E M c k e y S t
125 S. Lakeshore Drive VarianceLocation Map
Lafayette St
0 30 6015Feet
125 S. Lakeshore Drive Barenburg Property - Variance2022 Aerial Photography
S Lakeshore Dr
L a f a y e t t e S t
125 S. Lakeshore Drive Barenburg Property - VarianceSurrounding Future Land Use Map
Created: month year
Development ServicesDepartment
0 100 20050Feet
Subject Property
Future L and Use C lassification:Low De nsity Residen tia l (LDR )Medium Den sity Residential (MDR)High Density Resid ential (H DR)Professional O ffices and Se rvices (PS)Commercial (COMM)Light Industrial (LI)Heavy Industrial (H I)Conservation/Flood plains (CONS)Recre ation a nd O pen Space (REC)Pub lic Facilitie s/Institutional (INST)
125 S. Lakeshore Drive Barenburg Property - VarianceSurrounding Zoning Map
Development ServicesDepartment
0 80 16040Feet
Created: month year
Subject Property
Zoning C lassification:General Agricultural (A-1)Sub urban (A-2)Single-Family D welling (R -1 AAA)Single-Family D welling (R -1 AA)Single-Family D welling (R -1 A)Single-Family D welling (R -1 )One- & Two-Family Dwelling (R-2)Multip le-Fa mily Dwe llin g (R-3)Mob ile Home Su bdivisio n (RT-1)Professiona l O ffices & Services (P-S)Neighb orhood Shopping (C-1 )Commun ity Commercial (C-2)General Co mmercial (C-3)
General Industrial (I-2)Commercia l (PUD)Low Density (PUD)Med ium De nsity (PUD)
Restricted Ma nufacturin g& Wareh ousing (I-1)
High Density (PUD)Pub lic Use (PUD)Unclassified
125 S Lakeshore Drive
DRAFT Presentation for Variance Application
Purpose: Residential Pool
David H. Barenburg, property owner
Lafayette Street
Property Address: 125 S Lakeshore Drive
Property faces (entrance & address) Lakeshore Drive
Lots 11 & 12 Parcel 282217550406110
Slide represents owner’s masterplan for home & lot and
presents the variance request.
1.50% off the house
2.Variance for pool in front setback, side street
3.Fence location
4.Pool use in the front
Green area represents the lot(s). It is not inclusive of the
right-of-way on Lakeshore or the right-of-way and
public sidewalk on Lafayette.
Lafayette Street
Phase 1: Detached Garage
Completed: July 2023
Construction of 20’x27’x14’ detached garage
situated 5 feet from the existing structure and
property’s drain field.
Prior Improvements Completed: 2022
Solar Panels and two Tesla Power-walls
were permitted, installed, and activated.
Green area represents the lot(s). It is not inclusive of the Lakeshore
right-of-way or the Lafayette right-of-way and public sidewalk.
Lafayette Street
Phase 2: Pool
Expected Start: Spring/Summer 2024
Several pool companies have been
consulted; none have been selected, and
none have submitted proper drawings due
to the variance requirement.
Proper drawings would be submitted with
the permit request if variance is granted.
Green area represents the lot(s). It is not inclusive of the Lakeshore
right-of-way or the Lafayette right-of-way and public sidewalk.
Lafayette Street
Phase 3 (blue overlay): Front Porch
Expected Start: 2025
DIY Improvements (yellow overlay) :
Expected Start: Fall 2023
Improved path from driveway to front door
Planter and front landscaping
Screen-in rear porch
Green area represents the lot(s). It is not inclusive of the Lakeshore
right-of-way or the Lafayette right-of-way and public sidewalk.
•Property is in an area which
maintains 60’ right-of-way.
•Pool fence will not establish a
“canyon -like” street feel
experienced in subdivisions.
•The property faces Lakeshore.
•There is no pool enclosure
planned for this project.
•Addition of pool, landscaping
and curb appeal improvements
will add value to the property
and neighborhood, while not
feeling out of place for Marion
Violet: completed garage.
Red: front porch. Planned front porch will be 6’6”
deep and 18’ wide. It will not extend past the front
plane of the existing structure. Will either be
screened- or glassed- in and accessible only from
inside the structure or through a door from the
fenced in pool area.
Illustrates the Master plan,
as it relates to the survey
conducted in 2022.
Projected Completed View: Lakeshore Drive
illustrates the pool area and front porch/Florida room.
Projected Completed View: Front and Side
Corner of Lafayette St and Lakeshore Dr
illustrates the pool area
(subject of this variance request) as well
as future front porch/Florida room.
NOTE: The green area indicates the lot
as defined by the survey and the
brown and grey areas indicate
the city owned land and sidewalk.
Projected Completed View: Side from Lafayette St
The green area indicates the lot as defined by the survey and the brown and grey areas indicate the city
owned land and sidewalk.
Projected Completed View: Side View non-street side
Lafyette Street
14’ x 24’ long max depth of 6’
57’- 58’ from Lakeshore Dr property line
11’- 16’ from Lafyette St property line
9’- 10’ feet away from house
42’ 7” from Lakeshore Dr property line
5’ from Lafayette St property line
Lafayette Height: 6’
Lakeshore Max Height: 6’
Final design has not been decided, but
will be a horizontal rail.
Portion of fence highlighted in orange
replaces the existing picket fence. Three
sections closest to Lafyette will be
consistent with max height described
Approx 32’ fronting
South Lakeshore
42’ from lot boundary
fronting South Lakeshore
5’4” to 5’7” from
lot boundary fronting
Landscaping with the exception of
The palm tree illustrated in this view
are for placement only and may not
be when pool is delivered.
Red: planned fence line
Yellow: Property line
Red: planned fence line
Yellow: Property line
Red: planned fence line
Yellow: Property line
Red: planned fence line
Yellow: Property line
Grey: representation of the fence
Red: planned fence line
Yellow: Property line
Grey: representation of the fence
View from Lafayette to
Lakeshore. Subject property
is on the left.
Dark grey rectangle illustrates
the fence enclosure for
Included to illustrate
minimal impact to
existing site lines.
View from corner of Lakeshore
and Lafayette.
Subject property is on the
Dark grey rectangles illustrate
the fence enclosure for
pool. Light grey rectangles
illustrate the future front
porch/Florida room.
Included to illustrate
minimal impact to
existing site lines.
Comparable Property 1
4 N Lakeshore Drive
Fence: 1.6’ – 4.2’ feet from property line
Pool: 9.4’ from property line
Comparable Property 2
40 Lafayette ST
Fence/Pool Enclosure: 4.7’ from property line
Lafyette Street
Factors that limit alternate pool placement:
1. (blue) Drain field [this was addressed when
the garage was approved and built, the garage is
5’ from the structure and 5’ from the drain
2. (orange) Septic tank & lift pump for liquid
waste for drain field.
3. (purple) Potential sewer hookup route(s)
contingent on the city’s installation of
public sewer.
Impervious Surface Areas
Original Phase 1: Garage Phase 2: Pool Phase 3: Porch/Sunroom
House Footprint 2,097 2,097 2,097 +117=2,214
A/C Pad Area 9 9 9 9
Deck Around Pool 66 4582 66 458
Driveways 396 +3301 = 726 726 726
Walkways 154.5 154.5 154.5 154.5
Outbuilding +540 = 540 540 540
Total 2,656.5 3,526.5 2,866.5 4050.5 3,709.5 4,101.5
Lot Size 13,103 13,103 13,103 13,103
Percent ISA 20.273%26.913%21.876% -30.912%28.31% -31.301%
1 Rear (Lafyette Street) driveway is not paved/graveled, measurement is included in case this should change
2 The pool will have a standard 1-foot-wide apron around the perimeter of the pool, which is reflected in the 66 square foot measurement. The
renderings included in this slide illustrate a pool deck, approximate measurement of 343.5 square feet totaling 409.5 square feet. This decking
would be wooden/composite material at ground level not a concrete decking, ISA guidelines do not clearly indicate if wood decking should be
included in the ISA calculations.
Ocoee City regulations state that ISA can not exceed 50% for this property.
3 According to Zillow, homes with solar panels sell for 4% higher than homes without solar energy in Florida.
4 Overall national average is that you recoup 65% of the value of your detached garage during resale. http:danleys.com/blog/detached-garage-property-value access 8/27/2023.
5 Adding an in-ground pool can increase a home’s property value 5-8% https://signetpool.com/does-a-pool-increase-home-value-in-florida-heres-what-the-experts-say/
6 7 Outdoor Updates That Add Major Value to Your Home. Better Homes and Gardens
7 Landscaping to Increase Your Home’s Value. Florida-Friendly Landscaping.
Purchase December 2020 $413,000.00
Solar Panels3 $16,520.00
Detached Garage4 $45,500.00
Phase 1 (Projected) Value $475,020.00
Pool5 $38,000.00
Phase 2 (Projected) Value $513,020
Planned Front Porch6 $20,000.00
Screen in Rear Porch $2,000.00
Landscaping Improvements7 $7,500.00
Phase 3 (Projected) Value $542,520.00