Ocoee Commission Chambers
1 N. Bluford Avenue
Ocoee, Florida
*ecember 5, 2023 MINUTES 5:00 PM
Chair Johnson called the Community Redevelopment Agency Board to order at 5:04 PM in the
Commission Chambers of City Hall, City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum present.
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Also Present: City Manager Frank, Assistant City Manager Shadrix, Deputy Developmen)
Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless, Redevelopment Program Manager Vaca, City
Attorney Ardaman, and City Clerk Sibbitt
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No speaker reservation forms were received.
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Kennedy and Koovakada absent.
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Updated Increment Revenue Numbers
Redevelopment Program Manager Vaca updated the board on the tax increment revenue, and
explained that the revenue will be less than what was proposed when the budget was passed in
September. The calculations Orange County used to estimate gross taxable value in November
are less than the estimate their staff provided to the City back in June. This calculation
adjustment, in addition to an overpayment the County made to the Redevelopment Trust Fund
last year, led to the reduction in actual revenue. She further delineated the next steps that will
be taken, and indicated that staff will prepare a resolution for the June meeting to formally amend
the budget once an audit has been completed.
Vice-ChairWilsen inquired if the change in revenue would have any residual effects on projects.
Redevelopment Program Manager Vaca addressed her question.
2. Vision Zero Action Plan
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless commented on the
increasing bicyclist and pedestrian fatalities nationwide, and remarked on Central Florida being
known for having a higher than average number of such fatalities. She explained that beginning
last year, the City partnered with MetroPlan Orlando to participate in a program called Vision
Zero. She summarized the program and grant funding awarded to MetroPlan by the Safe Streets
and Roads for All (SS4A) Program, which is administered by the U.S. Department ol
Transportation. She further detailed the City's project team, which will be involved in reviewing
the City's transportation system and applicable projects and helping with the action plan. She
outlined the Vision Zero Key Tasks and how the City is trying to engage the community regarding
areas where they have concerns or feel unsafe.
Member June detailed a near -incident he recently experienced, He pondered whether bicycle
should be mixed with cars and commented about efforts being made for trails. Member Ha
commented with his support for the Vision Zero program and having a Citywide plan, especiall
considering the number of people coming to our area and new development. Depu
Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless addressed their comments an
remarked that MetroPlan is paying more than $100,000 for the City of Ocoee's action plan.
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless updated the Board with
the current projects.
a) Redevelopment Plan Update — GAI submitted a draft Finding of Necessity report, identifying
sufficient deterioration to justify expansion of the CRA to include the West Oaks Mall. Meeting
two of sixteen criteria qualifies an area as "being blighted," and this area meets nine of sixteen.
She expects the final report in the next couple of weeks. GAI is also working on addressing
enclaves; then the next steps for the Redevelopment Plan will go to the County.
b) Downtown Finding — A preliminary assessment indicates that the downtown area meets the
CRA criteria set forth in F.S. Chapter 163. However, initial conversations with Orange County
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c) Maguire Road Phase 5 — StaYV will be finalizing the scope of work in December with the
engineering consultant; work will feasibly start in January to update the documents for the Phase
5 section of road for the area north of Maine Street to Story Road.
e) S. Bluford Avenue Complete Street Project — The project is currently at 60% Final
Engineering and will soon move forward for permitting through St. Johns River Water
Management District. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless
detailed the CRA components of the project budget and explained staff's recommendation to
break the project into three phases. Phase I would comprise the section from Old Winter Garden
Road to SR 50, Phase 11 would encompass the area from SR 50 to Geneva Street, and Phase
III would include Geneva Street to Delaware Street. She further explained the premise for
determining the phases and the estimated cost for Phase 1, for which funds are available.
Discussion ensued.
scheduled meeting is March 5 th , however, she also noted that staff will work with the City
Manager's office to come up with a plan regarding a workshop for the S. Bluford Avenue
Complete Street Project.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 P1
Melanie Si Secretary