HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-23-2024 MinutesCITY OF OCOEE .. CALL TO ORDER Acting Chair Bandur called the Code Enforcement Board regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall, located at 1 N Bluford Ave, Ocoee, Florida. INVOCATION: Member Smalldon initiated the moment of silence. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Member Lewis led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag. ROLL CALL AND DETERMINATION OF QUORUM: Code Enforcement Clerk Mieras performed roll call and declared a quorum (4) present. PRESENT: Acting Chair Bandur & Members: Lewis, Brennan, Schultz, & Smalldon. Also present: Board Attorney Skip Fowler, Acting Support Services Director Doug Gaines, Code Enforcement Clerk Justin Mieras, and Code Enforcement Officers Loeffler & Diaz. ABSENT: Member Mann SWEARING OF OFFICERS / WITNESSES: Code Enforcement Clerk Mieras administered the oath to the Code Enforcement Officers and to anyone intending to speak regarding a case. CONSENTrj. LISTEDALL MATTERS UNDER THE CONSENTAGENDA ARE • r r TO: ROUTINE BY THE CODEENFORCEMENT BOARD AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BYA MEMBER OF THE BOARD, IN WHICH CASE THE CHAIRMAN WILL INSTRUCTTHE BOARD CLERK TO REMOVE THE ITEM FROM• r+ AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED A. MINUTES: October 24, 2023, Code Enforcement Board Meeting. B. DISMISSAL OR COMPLIANCE: Acting Support Services Director Doug Gaines presented the dismissals and compliances. DUNCAN JOHN S OFFICER LOEFFLER 244 SECURITY CIR DUNCAN SHERRY R Property in Compliance OFFICER RODRIGUEZ 101 OLYMPUS DR CHAMPLIN STEPHENSON KAREN MCKEE NATALIE Property in Compliance ;i7►.T1T►.Te�i7►�'L WEAVER TINA MARIE OFFICER RODRIGUEZ 644 OLYMPIC DR LOWERY GREGORY M Property in Compliance 1111af" o CASE NO 2023-02913 C OFFICER LOEFFLER 605 SPRING LAKE CIR PICHLER RONALD K Property in Compliance � OFFICER RODRIGUEZ F 601 SPRING AVE CARDICHON STEPHANIA Property in Compliance i OFFICER LOEFFLER 2006 KEY LIME ST JOSEPH ARTHUR J JR Property in Compliance HERNANDEZ ANA M OFFICER LOEFFLER 1701 DOREEN AVE NEGRETT DAVID RAFAEL Property in Compliance HOPKINS LEISA N OFFICER RODRIGUEZ 626 APRICOT DR HOPKINS THOMAS G Property in Compliance C. ORDER OF CONTINUANCE: CASE NO 2023-00994 BECERRA MIGUEL ANGEL OFFICER LOEFFLER 325 SPRINGFOOT CT VALDOVINOS Continued to February 27, 2024 SEERAM RAVINDRA OFFICER LOEFFLER 1223 BARANOVA RD SEERAM RUKMANIE Continued to February 27, 2024 OFFICER LOEFFLER 1109 SABRINA DR MINHAS INVESTMENTS LLC Continued to February 27, 2024 Member Lewis, seconded by Member Schultz, moved that the consent agenda be accepted as presented.Motion carried unanimously. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS None. HEARINGS ON STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS PURSUANT TO NOTICES OF HEARINGS ;.mi•[.JFztn�[�7►T:iei. 21 P ,€_ TOWNS OFVVESTYNBAY OFF|CERLOEFFLER 698R}RTAN|NiC|R COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC Violation Cited: §11S`3��(3) Summary: § 115-3.A.(3) — No person shall allow or allow to remain any Junk or Debris classified as a nuisance or menace to public health, safety and welfare. Observation: § 1 15-3.A.(3) — Dead tree on the retention pond property behind the Westyn Bay sign. Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. Hefurther explained that asofJanuary 23 2O%4,the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for an Order of Compliance by February 07,2024,orthereafter tobefined $25.OU per day until found incompliance. Member Brennan, moved seconded by Member Schultz, moved that in Case #2023-02635 , the respondent be found in violation as cited as of November 30, 2023, and be given until February 07, 2024, to come into com0ance or be fined $25.00 per day until found in compliance. Motion carried unanimousl . Violation Cited: § 115'3�L/3\Q,§115-4. Summary: § 115-3.A.(3) — No person shall allow or allow to remain any Junk or Debris classified as a nuisance or menace to public health, safety and welfare. §1l5'4.—Owners shall control excessive weed orgrass growths, aoenumerated in§115-3 on the property and on the portion ofthe adjoining d the street of each ! Observation: § 115-3.A.(3) — Misc. Junk Trash Debris Old Furniture Littering Front and Side Yard § 115-4. — Overgrown Tall Weeds and Grass Front, Side, Rear Yards and Easement Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. Hefurther explained that asofJanuary 23 2O24,the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for an Order of Compliance by February 07,2024,orthereafter tohefined S25J]O per day, per violation, until found incompliance. Member Lewis -02915, the respondent be found in violation as , seconded by Member Brennan, moved that in Case #2023 cited as of December 08, 2023, and be given until February 07, 2024, to come into compliance or be fined $25.00 per day, per violation, until Lound in compliance. Motion carried unanimousl . Violation Cited: § 115-3.B. Summary: 3|PaCc § 115-3.13. — No person shall allow or permit excessive growth, ten inches or more on property owned, of weeds, grass, undergrowth, other dead or living | nt\ife Observation: § 115-3,13. — Overgrown Grass and Weeds on Property. Officer Diaz presented the case and gave its history. She further explained that this is a repeat violation from Case 2023- 02567andasof]anuan/%3,2O24,thepnupertyisstiUinnon'conop|iance.TheChvaskedforanOmderof|nnposingHneas ofNovember OO,2U2],nf$2SO.00per day until found incompliance. Member Smalldon, seconded bV Member Schultz -03475, the respondent be found in repea , moved that in Case #2023 violation as cited as ot November 08, 2023, and that the Board imposes fine as ot November 08, 2023 of $250.00 per day, until found in compliance. Motion carried unanimousl . I OFF|CERLOEFFLEK I 2CROOK8(ACT DOR|LAS]EANVOGLY I JOSEPHK4AR|ED[}RKAS | Violation Cited: §165-3.A. Summary: §165-3.A. — No person shall keep any abandoned or junk vehicle on a Observation: §l65-3.A.—Vehicle Flat Tire Non -Operational Front Driveway ic property or any private Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. He further explained that as of January 23, 2024, the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for an Order of Compliance by February 07, 2024, or thereafter to be fined $25.00 per day until found incompliance. Member Lewis, seconded by Member Brennan, moved that in Case #2023-03483, the respondent be found in violation as cited as of December 04, 2023, and be given until February 07, 2024 ined $25.00 per da , to come into compliance or be L until found in compliance. Motion carried unanimoy��Iy. Violation Cited: § 115-3.8. Summary: § 115-3.13. — No person shall allow or permit excessive growth, ten inches or more on property owned, of weeds, grass, rowth, or other dead or living plant life. Observation: §l1G-3.13.—Overgrown /TaUWeeds and Grass Front, Rear and Side Yards Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. He further explained that as of January 23, 2024, the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for an Order of Compliance by February 07 2024, orthereafter to be fined $25.00 per day until found incompliance. 4|Pa�e Member Lewls� seconded by Member Schultz, moved that in Case #2023-03656, the respondent be Lound in violation as cited as of December 07, 2023, and be given until February 07 , 2024, to come into compliance or be tined $25.00 per da until found in compliance. Motion carried unanimousl . | OFF|CERTU8E | | 2146TVV|�TEDP|NERD ST�PHENSGb0RN I Violation Cited: § 51-13. Summary: § 51,I3.—kshall beaviolation todowork related to constructionvvithouthrstubtaini Observation: § 51-13. —Working Without Permit. Acting Support Services Director Doug Gaines explained that as of January 23, 2024, the property is still in noncompliance. The City asked for an Order Imposing Fine. - Member Schultz, seconded by Member Lewis, moved that in Case #2023-00209 , the Board imposes fine as ot November 09, 2023, as previously set by this Board. Motion carried unanimousl . Violation Cited: § 115-3.A.(3) Summary: § 115-3.A.(3) — No person shall allow or allow to remain any Junk or Debris classified as a nuisance or menace to public health, safety and welfare. Observation: § 115-3.A.(3) —Scathered Junk / Debris Front Yard / Easement. Warning previously issued by Sanitation Contractor and City Staff. Officer Loeffler explained that as of January 23, 2024, the property is in compliance. No further action requested. | | | / OFF\CERUlEFFLER / 1GO3DOREENAVE / LAGARDEK4ULSRESTATE | / Violation Cited: § 115'3.13. Summary: § 115-3.13. — No person shall allow or permit excessive growth, ten inches or more on property owned, of weeds, grass, undergrowth, or other dead or living plant life. Observation: § 115-3.B. — Overgrown / Tall Weeds and Grass Rear and Side Yards (Severe) Officer Loeffler explained that as of January 23, 2024, the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for an Order Imposing Fine. Member Schultz wis -01865, the Board imposes fine as of Novembe , seconded by Member Le, moved that in Case #2023 09, 2023, as previously set by this Board. Motion carried unanimousi . Member Lewis seconded by Member Brennan, nominated Member Bandur to be elected as Chairman. Nomination accepted and motion carried unanimously. Member Brennan, seconded by Member Schultz, nominated Member Lewis to be elected as Vice -Chairman. Nomination accepted and motion carried unanimousl . COMMENTS Board Members welcomed one another back and congratulated the elected. Code Enforcement Clerk.lustin Mieras answered administrative questions and reminded the Board about their upcoming Sunshine Training. Meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m. ATTEST: Justin Mieras, Code Enforcement Clerk 6|PaXe