HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Approval of Minutes OCOEE CITY COMMISSION Ocoee Commission Chambers 1 N. Bluford Avenue Ocoee, Florida May 21, 2024 MINUTES 6:15 PM REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING • CALL TO ORDER 6:15 PM Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. The Central Florida Freethought Community was not present for their invocation request; therefore, the invocation was led by Ages Hart, Ocoee Resident, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Wilsen. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a quorum present. Present: Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Kennedy, Commissioner Wilsen, Commissioner Firstner, Commissioner Oliver Also Present: Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Ardaman, City Clerk Sibbitt • PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS 6:17 PM 2024 Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Proclamation – read and proclaimed by Mayor Johnson. Ocoee Music Festival Chick-fil-A 5k Beneficiary Check Presentation - Parks and Recreation Director Johnson introduced Beth Otts, with Chick-Fil-A, who provided a brief overview of the 2024 Music Fest 5K event and thanked City staff, sponsors, and the Community for their support. She then presented the check to the Kelly Carr, Director of Operations and Programs for Eight Waves. Ocoee Youth Council (OYC) Program 2023/2024 Year in Review and Recognition of OYC High School Graduates - OYC Members and City Clerk Sibbitt provided an overview of this year’s many accomplishments, explained the Ocoee Youth Council Scholarship Program, and recognized their four graduating seniors. • STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW 6:40 PM Assistant City Manager Shadrix explained that City staff has been monitoring the activities of the Orange County Charter Review Commission. They have proposed measures that could impact the City’s ability to manage growth, specifically raising concerns about the County controlling annexations. City Attorney Ardaman summarized that the Orange County Charter Review Commission has considered putting the boundary rule area to a vote by Orange County residents. The Orange County Commission has reviewed these Charter proposals but cannot overturn the recommendations and adoptions of the Orange County Charter Review Commission. He briefly shared some comments from a County Commissioner regarding voluntary annexations, which will require City annexations to also be approved by the Orange County Commission. City Attorney Ardaman expressed concerns about several flaws and Page 4 of 162 Regular City Commission Meeting May 21 , 2024 2 | Page inconsistencies in the proposal by Orange County. He recommended that the Ocoee City Commission authorize City staff and the City Attorney to engage with the County and other cities to address these issues, thereby protecting each city's ability to annex and preserve their city’s authority. Consensus of the City Commission was to support City staff and the City Attorney on their efforts to monitor the City’s best interest. • PUBLIC COMMENTS 6:47 PM The following persons addressed the City Commission: - Sherri Beach, Ocoee Resident, voiced concerns about traffic on Ocoee Crown Point Parkway, Ocoee Apopka Road, and West Road near the Towns of Westyn Bay Community, noting that it has become increasingly dangerous each year. Members of the City Commission addressed her concerns, and thanked her for her comments. Commissioner Kennedy shared that he has spoken with City Management about placing funds in the budget to address the safety concerns she expressed. - Jim Moyer, Ocoee Resident, reminded everyone that on Thursday, June 6th, the Human Relations Diversity Board will hold their Speaker Series Workshop on Inclusive Communications. He recognized board members in the audience with the Florida Asian American Justice Alliance and thanked the Mayor for reading the 2024 Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Proclamation. He further announced the observances recognized in the month of June, and congratulated the recipient of the Chick-Fil-A check as well as City Clerk Sibbitt for her work with the Youth Council. He extended congratulations to all the graduating seniors. • CONSENT AGENDA 6:58 PM Consent Agenda Motion Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Item #1-8; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy; Commissioner Kennedy requested a list of open contracts that the City would maintain related to Item #5. Motion carried 5-0. 1. Approval of Minutes from the Regular City Commission Meeting held May 7, 2024. (City Clerk Sibbitt) 2. Approval of JAG Grant 15PBJA-23-GG-03230-JAGX. (Assistant Police Chief McKinstry) 3. Approval of a Two-Year Warranty Surety and Maintenance, Materials, and Workmanship Agreement for Commerce 429. (Development Engineer Keaton) 4. Approval of a Two-Year Warranty Surety and Maintenance, Materials, and Workmanship Agreement for Christian Brothers Automotive. (Development Engineer Keaton) 5. Approval of First Amendment to the 15 S. Kissimmee Street and 214 W. McKey Street Page 5 of 162 Regular City Commission Meeting May 21 , 2024 3 | Page Contract. (Development Services Director Rumer) 6. Approval of Award of ITB #24-008 Ocoee WWTF Electrical Upgrade and Expansion - Rebid. (Procurement Manager Tolbert) 7. Approval of 2023-2024 Capital Improvement Project with Superior Sheds. (Public Works Director Krug) 8. Approval of Change Order No.1 for Contracted Sidewalk Repairs Utilizing Existing City of Kissimmee Contract with APEC LLC. (Public Works Director Krug) • FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 6:59 PM 9. First Reading of Ordinance to Implement Speed Enforcement Cameras in School Zones. (Police Chief Ogburn) City Attorney Ardaman read the title of the ordinance, and it was announced this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at the next scheduled City Commission meeting on June 4, 2024, at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter. • SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE – PUBLIC HEARING 7:00 PM 10. Second Reading of Ordinances for 789 Pine Street Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Low-Density Residential (LDR) to Light Industrial (LI) & Rezoning from Single-Family Dwelling (R-1A) to Restricted Manufacturing & Warehousing (I-1); Project No. CPA-2024-002 & RZ-24-02-01. (Development Services Director Rumer) Development Services Director Rumer presented a brief overview of the Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment. The subject property is located north of Palm Drive, west of Ocoee Apopka, and east of Pine Street. He detailed its current and proposed future land use designation, zoning, and overlays. He also explained that the property is within the Business Character Area designated by ordinance, and is proposed to serve as the stormwater facility for the 606 Ocoee Apopka Road project. City Attorney Ardaman read the title of the ordinances. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2024-16 for 789 Pine Street Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Low-Density Residential (LDR) to Light Industrial (LI), Project Number CPA-2024-002, subject to staff’s recommendation; moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy; Motion carried 5-0. Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2024-17 for 789 Pine Street Rezoning from Single- Family Dwelling (R-1A) to Restricted Manufacturing & Warehousing (I-1), Project Number RZ-24-02-01, subject to staff’s recommendation; moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy; Motion carried 5-0. Page 6 of 162 Regular City Commission Meeting May 21 , 2024 4 | Page 11. Second Reading of Ordinance for 1 Taylor Street Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan FLU Amendment from Heavy Industrial (HI) to Commercial (COMM) & Rezoning from I-1 (Restricted Manufacturing and Warehousing) to C-2 (Community Commercial); Project Nos. CPA-2024-004 & RZ-24-03-02. (Development Services Director Rumer) Development Services Director Rumer presented a brief overview of the Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan FLU Amendment. The subject parcel is located within the City’s Downtown Redevelopment Area (DRA) and was purchased by the City in January, removing years of Code violations. The Land Use Amendment and Rezoning are proposed to ensure the property entitlements remain only for commercial, office, retail, and restaurant uses, which are in line with the vision and future planning of the City Downtown Master Plan. City Attorney Ardaman read the title of the ordinances. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2024-18 for 1 Taylor Street Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan FLU Amendment from Heavy Industrial (HI) to Commercial (COMM), Project Number CPA-2024-004, subject to staff’s recommendation; moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 5-0. Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2024-19 for 1 Taylor Street Rezoning from Restricted Manufacturing and Warehousing (I-1) to Community Commercial (C-2), Project Number RZ-24-03-02, subject to staff’s recommendation; moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Oliver; Motion carried 5-0. 12. Second Reading of Ordinance for 1059 Ocoee Apopka Road - Rodgers Property Annexation; Project No. AX-03-24-03. (Zoning Manager Whitfield) Zoning Manager Whitfield presented a brief overview of the Rodgers Property Annexation. The subject parcel is located on the east side of Ocoee Apopka Road, approximately 3,284 feet south of Fullers Cross Road at its intersection with Ocoee Apopka Road. The property is logical and eligible for annexation, and will further the City’s efforts to reduce enclaves within the city limits. Rezoning to a City zoning classification has not been proposed at this time. City Attorney Ardaman read the title of the ordinance. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2024-14 for 1059 Ocoee Apopka Road – Rodgers Property Annexation, Project Number AX-03-24-03, subject to staff’s recommendation; moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried 5- 0. Page 7 of 162 Regular City Commission Meeting May 21 , 2024 5 | Page 13. Second Reading of Ordinance for 1102 & 1104 N. Lakewood Avenue - Lott Property Annexation; Project No. AX-03-24-01. (Zoning Manager Whitfield) Zoning Manager Whitfield presented a brief overview of the Lott Property Annexation. The subject parcels are located on the west side of North Lakewood Avenue, approximately 946 feet south of Wurst Road at its intersection with North Lakewood Avenue. The property is logical and eligible for annexation, and will further the City’s efforts to reduce enclaves within the city limits. Rezoning to a City zoning classification has not been proposed at this time. City Attorney Ardaman read the title of the ordinance. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2024-15 for 1102 & 1104 N. Lakewood Avenue – Lott Property Annexation, Project Number AX-03-24-01, subject to staff’s recommendation; moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy; Motion carried 5-0. 14. Second Reading of Ordinance for 1305 & 1113 Ocoee Apopka Road - MDTL Enterprise LLC Property Annexation; Project No. AX-03-24-02. (Zoning Manager Whitfield) Zoning Manager Whitfield presented a brief overview of the 1305 & 1113 Ocoee Apopka Road - MDTL Enterprise LLC Property Annexation. The subject parcels are located on the east side of Ocoee Apopka Road, approximately 2,616 feet south of Fullers Cross Road at its intersection with Ocoee Apopka Road. The property is logical and eligible for annexation, and will further the City’s efforts to reduce enclaves within the city limits. Rezoning to a City zoning classification has not been proposed at this time. City Attorney Ardaman read the title of the ordinance. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2024-13 for 1305 & 1113 Ocoee Apopka Road – MDTL Enterprise LLC Property Annexation, Project Number AX-03-24-02, subject to staff’s recommendation; moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 5-0. Page 8 of 162 Regular City Commission Meeting May 21 , 2024 6 | Page 15. Second Reading of Ordinance for MDTL Enterprise LLC Property Annexation; Project No. AX-03-24-04. (Zoning Manager Whitfield) Zoning Manager Whitfield presented a brief overview of the MDTL Enterprise LLC Property Annexation. The subject parcels are located on the east side of Ocoee Apopka Road, approximately 3,392 feet south of Fullers Cross Road at its intersection with Ocoee Apopka Road. The property is logical and eligible for annexation, and will further the City’s efforts to reduce enclaves within the city limits. Rezoning to a City zoning classification has not been proposed at this time. City Attorney Ardaman read the title of the ordinance. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2024-12 for the MDTL Enterprise LLC Property Annexation, Project Number AX-03-24-04, subject to staff’s recommendation; moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy; Motion carried 5-0. 16. Second Reading of Ordinance for Gardenia Pointe Rezoning from Unclassified District and R-1A (Single-Family Dwelling District) to PUD (Planned Unit Development District); Project No. RZ-23-02-02. (Zoning Manager Whitfield) City Attorney Ardaman explained the process for quasi-judicial proceedings and the associated rules of conduct and decorum. The City Clerk swore in all residents wishing to provide public testimony, and each member of the City Commission was asked to disclose any ex-parte communication they had regarding the Gardenia Pointe Rezoning project. Commissioner Kennedy asked if Commissioner Oliver had to disclose anything related to his representation by Gray Robinson Law Firm, as it is the same firm representing the applicant for this project. City Attorney Ardaman opined that there was no conflict. Development Services Director Rumer presented an overview of the Gardenia Pointe Rezoning explaining its zoning, future land use designations, and history. The subject property consists of four (4) parcels, totaling approximately 37.37 acres. He displayed aerials to give examples of other townhomes within the City, including along Ocoee Vista Parkway, that are separated from a public roadway by an open space tract. The applicant proposes to develop an 84-lot single-family attached (fee simple townhome) residential subdivision at a proposed density of under the 4 units per acre. He further displayed the preliminary subdivision plan, which also indicates the wetland and buffer areas that will remain untouched. He reminded the City Commission that Clarke Road is presently being widened and is scheduled to be completed by mid to late July, and will provide a full four lanes from just north of Ocoee Vista Parkway to Clarcona Ocoee Road, and explained that Tract D has been planned for a public roadway since it was dedicated to the City. Page 9 of 162 Regular City Commission Meeting May 21 , 2024 7 | Page Development Services Director Rumer summarized technical staff review on school and utility capacity, engineering (stormwater pond), and traffic impacts. He mentioned that traffic professionals from both the City and the applicant's team are present to answer any questions. Additionally, he relayed the recommendation of approval from the Development Review Committee, Planning & Zoning Commission, and City staff. City Attorney Ardaman read the title of the ordinance. Jason Searl, Attorney with Gray Robinson, testified before the City Commission on behalf of the applicant. He expounded on the standard of review to be applied to the rezoning's use and outlined competent and not competent substantial evidence standards. He also presented legal opinions from similar cases to the City Commission. He requested that the City Commission evaluate this rezoning, like any development application, based solely on the definite objective criteria established in the City's regulations. As confirmed in Development Services Director Rumor’s presentation, adding or basing a decision on anything outside of those criteria is not permitted under Florida law. Commissioner Kennedy called a point of order and asked the City Attorney to comment on the role of a witness before a quasi-judicial proceeding, and who can brief the City Commission on matters of the law verses matter of the fact. City Attorney Ardaman addressed his question. Ayman As-Saidi, Vice Present of Engineering with Traffic & Mobility Consultants, provided testimony on his professional credentials and explained his role in the traffic study conducted in June 2023. This study was conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the traffic impact analysis approved by the City and reviewed by the City’s traffic consultant, Kimley-Horn. Additionally, a signal warrant study for the intersection of Clarke Road and Ocoee Vista Parkway was submitted and included in the report. Mr. Searl stated that, unless there is an objection, he would like to present Mr. As-Saidi as an expert in the field of Transportation Planning and Engineering. No objection was made. Geoff Summit, Summit Engineering, provided testimony on his professional credentials and explained the compatibility of uses for the proposed development. He stated that they are proposing the exact same type of use and lot sizes as the other neighboring existing developments. He emphasized that it would be hard to achieve more compatibility in terms of density and lot size than what is being proposed with this application. Mr. Searl requested to add the remaining 6 minutes of his 15-minute allotment to the 6 minutes of rebuttal time allowed under the City’s adopted procedures for public hearings. The public hearing was opened. The following person(s) sworn in to speak, addressed the City Commission: - Angela D. (handwriting illegible on speaker form), Ocoee Resident, provided testimony regarding her desire for her community to remain small and with limited traffic, stating that this Page 10 of 162 Regular City Commission Meeting May 21 , 2024 8 | Page rezoning and project will take away from that scenery. - Chris Adkins, Ocoee Resident, asked the commission to explain what a quasi-judicial proceeding is. City Attorney Ardaman provided an explanation. Mr. Adkins went on to express his concern with the density of the proposed rezoning. - Robert Toney, Ocoee Resident, provided testimony expressing opposition to this project, due to traffic and possible crime increase. - Alfred Elia, Ocoee Resident, provided testimony expressing his concern with the increase in traffic flow, and tree removal associated with the proposed project. - David Brennan, Ocoee Resident, provided testimony expressing his concern for the wildlife in the area and the removal of trees, the proposed density, and the City’s image. - Chris Rogers, Ocoee Resident, provided testimony expressing his concerns about the increased traffic congestion and the potential for accidents. - Sulaine Gonzalez, Ocoee Resident, provided testimony expressing her concerns about the increased traffic flow and the issues with parents blocking private driveways and mailboxes during afterschool pick-up. She also stated that local wildlife will become more prevalent as they search for new habitats; and further, presented photos of wildlife (bears) that have been spotted on her property. - Joe Fana, Ocoee Resident, provided testimony supporting the growth in the community and does not fully oppose this project; however, he is concerned about the proposed subdivision exit. He suggested reconfiguring the proposed plan while keeping the zoning unchanged, and requested a traffic light. - Jan Rogers, Ocoee Resident, provided testimony expressing her concern about the potential decrease in value of the surrounding homes, and explained external obsolescence. - Andrea Jones, Ocoee Resident, provided testimony stating that she spoke at the April 16th City Commission Meeting, where she expressed her concerns about increased traffic and noise due to tree removal. The developer indicated at that meeting that public concerns would be addressed; however, she felt they did not address any public concerns during their presentation. - Nicole Webster, Ocoee Resident, provided testimony expressing her concerns with increased traffic, safety of the children at the bus stop and walking to school, and the ability for safety vehicles to maneuver through the property. Recess – 8:27 PM – 8:34 PM Jason Searl, Attorney with Gray Robinson, addressed 7 of the 11 audience questions related to Page 11 of 162 Regular City Commission Meeting May 21 , 2024 9 | Page density, zoning use, wildlife concerns specific to the eagle’s nest, and devaluation of homes. He further asked the traffic experts to address the traffic related concerns. Ayman As-Saidi, Vice Present of Engineering with Traffic & Mobility Consultants, provided testimony explaining that the crash data from FDOT and the signal warrant study, which included crash analysis, did not warrant the need for a traffic light. He suggested that adjusting the timing of the signal at Clarke Road and AD Mims Road after the widening could help improve traffic flow. Mr. Searl confirmed with Mr. As-Saidi that the traffic impact analysis, including the conclusion regarding the traffic signal warrant analysis, was submitted to the City and reviewed by the City’s consultant. Mr. As-Saidi answered in the affirmative. James Taylor, Kimley Horn, provided testimony that he was engaged by the City to review all traffic-related materials submitted by the applicant. He stated that comments were exchanged, but after reviewing the responses, they concurred with the findings that the traffic volumes and crash data do not currently warrant a signal. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Kennedy asked for the low density to be explained. Development Services Director Rumer explained the calculation of density as outlined in the Land Development Code. Commissioner Kennedy inquired whether any additional mitigation had been submitted in response to the comments made on April 16th regarding the traffic concerns. Development Services Director Rumer addressed his question. Commissioner Kennedy shared a comment made by Mr. Searl during the last City Commission Meeting, where he stated that he could not foresee the concerns raised by citizens, despite these same concerns being voiced at the Planning & Zoning Commission. Mr. Searl thanked the Commissioner for allowing the continuance of this item, and further defended his previous comment by explaining his support for his response. Commissioner Kennedy asked Mr. Searl what type of expert witness would be the best person to speak about the character of the City. Mr. Searl addressed his question. Commissioner Wilsen emphasized that City Commission members are also residents who empathize with the concerns raised by citizens regarding wildlife, trees, and other factors. However, in this quasi-judicial proceeding, the central question is whether they possess the authority to reject the property owner's development rights. City Attorney Ardaman clarified that the question is whether the information presented is sufficient and competent enough to meet the criteria for rezoning based on their determination. He further explained the need to determine if the testimony presented meets the criteria. Commissioner Wilsen noted that the primary concern expressed in the numerous emails received, as well as in tonight’s testimony, was related to traffic issues, which can be addressed during budget discussions to consider installing a traffic signal. It did not seem that the residents wished to deny the development of new homes. She further commented that if the project is approved, she would like the City Commission to advocate for a traffic light at the intersection in question. Page 12 of 162 Regular City Commission Meeting May 21 , 2024 10 | Page Commissioner Firstner thanked everyone who spoke and shared their concerns. He noted that, unfortunately, most of what he heard were opinions and speculations about the project. He did not hear any testimony on studies conducted or professional evidence that contradicts or refutes the applicant's presentation. Therefore, his decision will be based on the law, and he agrees that a traffic signal is needed at Ocoee Vista Parkway and Clarke Road. Commissioner Oliver expressed his gratitude to those who attended this evening to voice their concerns about safety issues. He also asked whether there is a notice requirement for a quasi- judicial hearing and inquired if the residents were informed about it. City Attorney Ardaman addressed his concerns and explained that required notices were published for the hearing and the residents were properly noticed. Development Services Director Rumer clarified the steps involved in advertising legal notices, posting property, and notifying nearby property owners. He mentioned that all meetings are quasi-judicial, but since there's no magistrate present, the City usually doesn't administer oaths for testimony. City Attorney Ardaman further explained that all laws have been complied with and should the City Commission wish to change the properly adopted rules, they can do that in the future. Commissioner Oliver emphasized the necessity for additional notifications when related to quasi-judicial proceedings. He went on to mention that the City Commission is obligated to adhere to the rule of law, and cited the case law provided by the applicant. He then outlined the concerns expressed by residents tonight, asserting that they are not supported by the case law examples provided. Additionally, he discussed the implications of science and human behavior, noting that these aspects were not adequately addressed. Mayor Johnson addressed the criticism regarding the City's image, he highlighted the community's family-friendly environment and its positive attributes. He expressed that property values in the City are on an upward trend, contrary to any testimony of decline, and interpreted the testimony heard tonight as primarily addressing traffic issues. Commissioner Kennedy remarked that he did not hear any objections to the development itself but noted that residents preferred the original plans when they bought their homes, which involved single-family residences. Mayor Johnson added that there was testimony expressing opposition to further development. Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2024-20 for Rezoning from R-1A (Single-Family Dwelling District) to PUD (Planned Unit Development District) for Gardenia Pointe, assigned parcel ID numbers 10-22-28-0000-00-003, 10-22-28-0000-00-011, 10-22-28-0000- 00-128, and 03-22-28-2834-01-201 (RZ-23-02-02), subject to staff’s recommendation; Moved by Commissioner Firstner, Seconded by Commissioner Wilsen. Commissioner Wilsen expressed gratitude to Commissioner Oliver for his remarks. Mayor Johnson addressed the necessity of a traffic signal and suggested that discussions about it should take place during the budget session. Motion carried 3-2 with Commissioner Kennedy and Commissioner Oliver opposing. Page 13 of 162 Regular City Commission Meeting May 21 , 2024 11 | Page • PUBLIC HEARING – None • REGULAR AGENDA - None • COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS 9:24 PM Commissioner Oliver – Commented on the following: 1) Announced the light at Clarcona Ocoee Road is now operational and the speed limit has been reduced from 45 mph to 40 mph. 2) Spoke with the County Mayor and his staff regarding safety issues on the West Orange Trail and found out that they are interested in coming up with solutions to give pedestrians the right-of-way. More information is forthcoming. 3) Announced the last day of school is Friday, Memorial Day is on Monday and that is the official start of summer, so everyone needs to be cognitive on summer safety. 4) Announced that it is bicycle safety month. 5) Announced that hurricane season is from June 1st until November 30th and urged everyone to become hurricane prepared. 6) Concluded with an inspirational quote. Commissioner Firstner – Commented on the following: 1) Invited everyone to the Memorial Day Service on Thursday, May 23rd at the Ocoee Lakeshore Center at 11:00 AM. Commissioner Wilsen – Commented on the following: 1) Gave kudos to the Police Department on a successful Community Picnic 2) Announced that the Asian American Pacific Islander Event was a successful event. 3) Announced the Golden Goal Sports (GGS) Youth Soccer Academy’s 2008 Gold Team won the State Cup, this weekend, which is the highest program competition at the State level. Mayor Johnson announced GGS were also the recipient of $10,000 from their sponsor VMG. 4) Announced a ribbon cutting for a new grocery store on Thursday at 10:00 AM. 5) Asked for clarification on if HOA meetings are private meetings or open to the general public. City Attorney Ardaman stated that it is up to the HOA, but cautioned on two or more members of the City Commission being present and encouraged a notice be posted, if that occurs. Commissioner Kennedy – Commented on the following: 1) Thanked those in the audience that were still at the meeting for being engaged and participating. 2) Remarked that this is the second time that Commissioner Oliver has announced his meetings with Orange County Government. He instructed staff, the Mayor, and the City Attorney to investigate what can be done to stop this, as it violates their rules and procedures. Page 14 of 162 Regular City Commission Meeting May 21 , 2024 12 | Page Mayor Johnson – Commented on the following: 1) Urged each member on the City Commission to have the ability to make decisions on development, regardless of whether residents agree or not. 2) Concluded with an inspirational quote. • ADJOURNMENT 9:45 PM APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee ______________________________ ___________________________ Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johnson, Mayor Page 15 of 162