HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-18-2024 MinutesOCOEE CITY COMMISSION
Ocoee Commission Chambers
1 N. Bluford Avenue
Ocoee, Florida
June 18, 2024 MINUTES 6:15 PM
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 615 PM in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Brad Lomneck, Ocoee Resident, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Wilsen. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and
declared a quorum present.
Present: Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Kennedy, Commissioner Wilsen, Commissioner
Firstner, Commissioner Oliver
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Vision Zero Safety Action Plan Presentation by MetroPlan Orlando - Mighk Wilson, Senior
Transportation Planner at MetroPlan Orlando, presented a PowerPoint on Vision Zero, detailing
efforts to ensure safe roadways both regionally and nationally. He summarized crash and fatality
statistics, while Ryan Mansfield from Kittelson & Associates, Inc. discussed specific safety
projects to be included in the City's Vision Zero Safety Action Plan.
The City Commission was given the opportunity to share comments and have any questions
City Attorney Ardaman provided a brief update on the Orange County Charter Amendmen
and informed that a memorandum containing the City's feedback has been submitted to Oran
Public Works Director Krug provided an update on sidewalk repairs and the accessible link on
the City's website that provides completed and upcoming repairs. The City Commission thanked
the Public Works Team and emphasized the need for a press release or notification to inform
residents about this informational tool.
The following persons addressed the City Commissiol
- Georges Darius, Ocoee Resident, presented Officer Bode with a special custom gold pin,
as a gesture of thanks and appreciation for his service,
- Jim Moyer, Ocoee Resident, thanked 1CF for bringing their Speaker Series Workshop on
Inclusive Communications to the Human Relations Diversity Board. He further announced thit
*bservances recognized in June and July.
Regular City Commission Meeting
June 18, 2024
developments surrounding the school and how they could affect the FFA program and the access
to their farm and animals:
- Payton Grant, Ocoee High School Student
- Ava Yarborough, Ocoee High School Student
- Zyah Pierre, Ocoee High School Student
- Madelyn Young, Ocoee High School Student
- Colton Glover, Ocoee High School Student
- Amy Anderson, Ocoee High School FFA Instructor
- Thomas Lightbody, Ocoee High School FFA Representative
Assistant City Manager Shadrix informed the City Commission that there is no intention from
either the City or the Developer to disrupt this program. Many years ago, the City entered into a
PUD agreement with Orange County Public Schools and Orange County, establishing a zoning
land use plan known as the PUD Land Use Plan, which has always included development plans.
The City has been working closely with the Developer and the School Board to address this matter
and has developed a plan to ensure necessary access. However, it was noted that the School
Board should have originally requested a PUD Amendment, which would have prompted a site
plan and allowed for accommodations for future development, The City is hopeful of resolving all
issues by the end of this week.
- Sheron Seiter, Ocoee Resident, asked if the City and OCPS meetings are open to the
public. Assistant City Manager Shadrix informed her that these are private staff level meetings
and Mayor Johnson informed her that she can go to the School Board Meetings.
- Douglas Ciliveck, Ocoee Resident, expressed his concerns with the traffic studies and
safety, in the area.
Recess 7-21 PM - 7:31 PM
- Brad Lomneck, Ocoee Resident, expressed his concerns for pedestrian safety, at the
crosswalk intersection of Montgomery Avenue and Orlando Avenue. He presented a video to the
audience and the Commission, and requested the Commission to direct staff to address this
issue. He further expressed his concerns with the beautification of the area.
Commissioner Wilsen concurred with all comments made by Mr. Lomneck. She addressed his
suggestions of a four-way stop and stated that there is no irrigation down Montgomery Avenue,
to help with the beautification process.
Mayor Johnson agreed that this area is a dangerous area. He also encouraged everyone to
work together to get the landscaping done.
Regular City Commission Meeting
June 18, 2024
Veronica Circle rather than directly down Montgomery Ave. He further emphasized that while it is
technically feasible, it depends on the associated costs.
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- Robert Toung, Pastor of F'ictory Tabemacle, stated that they serve the citizens by
providing food in the area of Kissimmee Avenue and Silver Star Road. He asked what can the
City can do to get that road paved. Public Works Director Krug stated that he and his team are
working on a solution. Mr. Young further inquired about a property he is interested in purchasing
for his church, and Development Services Director Rumer explained what the intended use for
that area is.
11,1111113J 'IR seconded by Commissioner Oliver. Motion carried unanimously.
1 Approval of Minutes from the Regular City Commission Meeting held June 4,2024,
(City Clerk Sibbitt)
2. Approval of Agreement Renewal for Code Enforcement Board Attorney. (Acting Support
Services Director Gaines)
3. Approval to Submit Application to the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation for the
Purchase of Fire Safety Education Equipment. (Deputy Fire Chief Van Camp)
4. Approval of the Utility Easement Agreement for Christian Brothers Automotive
Development. (Development Engineer Keaton)
5. Approval of Ocoee Oaks Joint Venture Large -Scale Final Subdivision Plan: Project No.
LS-2023-004. (Zoning Manager Whitfield)
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City Attorney Ardaman read the title of the ordinance, and it was announced this will b(o
presented as a second reading and public hearing at the next scheduled City Commission
meeting on July 16, 2024, at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
7. Second Reading of Ordinance for 338 N. Bluford Avenue - Rodriguez Property Small Scale
Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment from LDR (Low Density
Residential) to COMM (Commercial) and corresponding Rezoning from R-IAA (Single
Family Dwelling) to C-2 (Community Commercial); Project No(s). CPA-2024-005 & RZ-
24-03-04. (Development Services Director Rumer)
Regular City Commission M&Wag
June 18, 2024
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The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
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Firstner. Motion carried unanimously.
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M, I-s—en-, -Se-c-6--n-deIa by do m m -iss-ion er F irs-tner. Motion carried unanimously.
8. Second Reading of Ordinance for Amendment to the Ocoee Land Development Code
(LDC) pertaining to Part IA, Article Vil, Floodplain Management. (Zoning Manager
Development Services Director Rumer presented a brief overview of National Flood Insurance
Program (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS), which provides discounts on the cost of flood
insurance premiums for NFIP policyholders, depending on the Rate Class awarded to the local
government. He further introduced Zoning Manager Whitfield and Staff Engineer Burch, and
explained that City staff is working to improve the rating score.
Zoning Manager Whitfield and Staff Engineer Burch detailed the e f-um-d—
past two years to qualify for participation in the CRS, resulting in the City's admittance to t
program in December. They discussed proposed changes to the LDC aimed at improving t
City's rating score, which would lead to greater flood insurance cost savings. They furth
explained the points system, the cost of compliance, the 500-year floodplain, and criticA.
Commissioner Kennedy inquired how many critical facilities have been identified and will be. -
impacted, and what is the estimated dollar amount that is being provided to the residents with
the discounts. Staff Engineer Burch addressed his questions.
June 18, 2024
The public hearing was opened.
The following person(s) addressed the City Commission:
Robert 7"oung, Ocoee Resident, inquired how the code regulations impact a resident/developer
who is rebuilding. Staff Engineer Burch addressed his question.
The public hearing was closed.
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2024-24, Amendment to the Ocoee Land
Development Code (LDC) l2ertaininq to Part IA, Article VII, Floodplain Management- _Moved
by Commissioner Kennedy, Seconded by Commissioner Oliver. Motion carried
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Commissioner Kennedy — Commented on the following:
1 ) Commented positively on the presentation by MetroPlan Orlando.
2) Mentioned that he is working with staff on speed and radar signs on Ocoee Apopka Road.
3) Shared he received an update on the traffic study on Wurst Road and Adair Street.
Mentioned that for Item #6, he has received numerous emails and comments about the
Fountains West PUD and encouraged citizens to contact each commissioner with their
feedback and concerns.
5) Reported that he received the small box retail design standards from staff as requested and
hopes that each elected official has also received a copy.
Commissioner Wilsen — Commented on the following:
1) Announced the Shred -it Event in September which will be held at the Ocoee Police
2) Wished everyone a Happy 4th Of July.
Commissioner Firstner — Commented on the following:
1) Encouraged everyone to come out to the July 4th Block Party hosted by the City.
2) Expressed satisfaction with the Fire Department's acquisition of the new 70 ft. aerial
platform, which will enhance the department's resources and capabilities.
Commissioner Oliver — Commented on the following:
1) Provided Summer safety tips for senior citizens.
2) Announced the celebration of Juneteenth and explained the historical purpose for this
3) Read an inspirational quote.
June 18, 2024
rflayor Johnson — Commented on the following:
1) Shared they need a voting delegate for the Annual Business Session at the Florida League
of Cities Annual Conference in August. Consensus of the City Commission was to @P -in
Mavor Johnson as the voting delegate.
2) Voiced concerns about evening speeding in downtown and requested staff to address this
3) Highlighted the need for additional parking spaces in downtown and throughout the City,
4) Emphasized the importance of Code Enforcement patrolling the City and proactively
addressing code violations, particularly the increasing problem of snipe signs, and suggested
that they work on Saturdays.
5) Commented on the importance of Summer safety with children being outdoors.
6) Inquired if City staff is working on having Ocoee Apopka Road transferred to the City,
Assistant City Manager Shadrix responded to his inquiry.
7) Relayed a citizen's concern about the tennis court at Tiger Minor Park to Assistant City
Manager Shadrix, who confirmed that the issue is being addressed.
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Melanie Sibbit-t, City Clerk
Rusty J Mayor®