HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Approval of MinutesOCOEE CITY COMMISSION Ocoee Commission Chambers 1 N. Bluford Avenue Ocoee, Florida July 16, 2024 MINUTES 6:15 PM REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING •CALL TO ORDER 6:16 PM Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:16 PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. The invocation was led by Brad Lomneck, Ocoee Resident, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Firstner. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a quorum present. Present: Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Kennedy, Commissioner Wilsen, Commissioner Firstner, Commissioner Oliver Also Present: Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Ardaman, City Clerk Sibbitt •PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS •STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW 6:18 PM City Attorney Ardaman provided a brief update on a meeting with representatives from seven (7)cities to discuss whether they should formally engage with Orange County regarding two (2) proposed Charter Amendments that directly affect local municipalities. He reported that all cities voiced significant concerns about the proposed amendments and agreed to draft a letter to Mayor Demings and the County Commissioners. • PUBLIC COMMENTS 6:21 PM The following persons addressed the City Commission: -Landra Wormack, Orange County Tax Collector’s Office, announced that their downtown Rosalind & Jackson Street office has been re-opened for operations, including Business Tax Receipts transactions. Ocoee is doing extremely well, being the largest DMV in the State of Florida. -Veronica Ceron, Ocoee Resident, expressed concerns involving pickleball and tennis courts at Tiger Minor Park. -Jim Moyer, Ocoee Resident, announced the anniversaries of the United States Army, Navy, and Marine Corps and asked if those can be incorporated into the City of Ocoee’s Centennial Anniversary Celebration. He also announced that July is French American Heritage and Disability Pride Month. He lastly announced that August is National Traffic Safety Awareness Month. -The following citizens spoke on behalf of the Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate, and Return (TNVR) program in Winter Garden and asked the commission to create a budget item for this program, for the City of Ocoee, in the upcoming fiscal year: -Christina Spillane, Winter Garden Resident Regular City Commission Meeting July 16, 2024 2 | Page -Elizabeth Fricker, Ocoee Resident -Kara Viademonte, Ocoee Resident Commissioner Kennedy expressed that he would have issues with introducing a line item in the budget, for this type of program, unless there were restrictions on illegal trapping. Commissioner Oliver expressed his support for the TNVR program. Mayor Johnson stated that taxes are paid to Orange County for animal control. Assistant City Manager Shadrix expressed that the City Commission can direct staff to send a letter to Mayor Demings, requesting them to reinstate funding for the TNVR program for the County. • CONSENT AGENDA 6:44 PM Consent Agenda Motion Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Item #1-9; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy; Motion carried 5-0. 1.Approval of Minutes from the Regular City Commission Meeting held June 18, 2024. (City Clerk Sibbitt) 2.Approval of Police Department Vehicle Purchases. (Assistant Police Chief McKinstry) 3.Approval for Authorization to Proceed with a Contract for Sale of City-owned Property Identified as 1 Taylor St. (Concurrency & Commitment Coordinator McFarlane) 4.Approval of Ocoee Christian Church Parking Lease Agreement. (Concurrency & Commitment Coordinator McFarlane) 5.Approval of Proposed Tentative Millage Rate for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget. (Finance Director Roberts) 6.Approval to set Workshop and Hearing Dates for FY 2024-2025 Budget Process. (Finance Director Roberts) 7.Approval of 2024-2028 Operational Assistance and Voluntary Cooperation Mutual Aid Agreement with Orange County Sheriff's Office. (Police Chief Ogburn) 8.Approval for Declaration of City Surplus Property. (Procurement Manager Tolbert) 9.Approval of 2023-2024 Budget Vehicle and Equipment Purchases. (Public Works Director Krug) 6:45 PM - Heard out of Agenda Order Mayor Johnson asked Mr. Harry Gettings to introduce himself and shared that Mr. Gettings is requesting permission to occupy the City-owned recording studio until December 2024. Harry Gettings, Studio Manager/Producer, briefly introduced himself, and shared he appreciates the City and all they have done. Assistant City Manager Shadrix conveyed that this item is on the agenda for discussion and direction as Item #13. Regular City Commission Meeting July 16, 2024 3 | Page •FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 6:48 PM 10.Amendment to the First Reading of Ordinance Implementing the Live Local Act. (Zoning Manager Whitfield) City Attorney Ardaman read the title of the ordinance, and it was announced this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at the next scheduled City Commission meeting on August 6, 2024, at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter. •SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE – PUBLIC HEARING 6:48 PM 11.Second Reading of Ordinance for Fountains West PUD - 2nd Substantial Amendment to Lot 8 of Fountains West PUD (Planned Unit Development), Project No. RZ-24-05-06. (Zoning Manager Whitfield) Development Services Director Rumer announced this item was withdrawn at the request of the Applicant. •PUBLIC HEARING - None •REGULAR AGENDA 6:49 PM 12.City of Ocoee's 100-Year Anniversary Celebration. (Acting Support Services Director Gaines) Acting Support Services Director Gaines provided a PowerPoint highlighting the proposed outline for the centennial celebration, which is set to launch in January 2025 and continue throughout the year. He further shared that staff is requesting the City Commission waive the procurement policy to hire marketing and graphic design firms for a total amount not to exceed $60,000, and is seeking feedback and approval to proceed. Assistant City Manager Shadrix reiterated that City staff is seeking feedback from the City Commission as they are currently in budget preparations. He shared the success of the event will rely on the marketing and branding which is why they are seeking approval for waiver of the procurement policy. Commissioner Kennedy stated he has no objections to waiving the procurement policy for the graphic design services but would like to see more details. Assistant City Manager Shadrix said they can provide the event scope and bring this back to the August 6th City Commission Meeting. He further asked if there were any other requests. Commissioner Oliver asked that fireworks be included in the 100-Year Anniversary. A brief discussion ensued on the budget workshop process. Commissioner Kennedy asked if there had been any discussion about conducting a community survey to gather feedback. Acting Support Services Director Gaines responded that they have not implemented a survey yet but can do so. Regular City Commission Meeting July 16, 2024 4 | Page 13.Discussion and Direction on Gettings Recording Studio Lease Agreement. (Development Services Director Rumer) Mayor Johnson explained that the Gettings Family has been involved with the community for many years and is requesting permission to occupy the recording studio until December 2024, to which he has no objections. He then opened the floor for discussion from the City Commission. Commissioner Wilsen expressed no issues with Mr. Gettings occupying the recording studio, provided that they adhere to the contract terms, which specify a monthly fee of $10,000. A brief discussion followed regarding the lease amount, as two different figures were noted in the staff report. Development Services Director Rumer further clarified that the City plans to demolish the building and has conducted a hazardous materials survey as part of the process. The final demolition costs will be addressed in the budgeting process, with the demolition anticipated to occur no earlier than February 2025. A brief discussion ensued on the current roof issues. Commissioner Firstner conveyed he agrees with the month-to-month lease as recommended by staff. Harry Gettings, Studio Manager/Producer, briefly shared he understands the concerns voiced by the City Commission and is only requesting the additional six (6) months to remove the equipment from the building. He indicated that he would take care of the payment for the taxes and maintenance of the building. Commissioner Kennedy asked why the process to relocate had not commenced during their five (5) year rent-free lease. Mr. Gettings addressed his question. Commissioner Kennedy further asked the City Attorney if a new contract could be drafted. City Attorney Ardaman addressed his question. Commissioner Kennedy noted the City Commission has been presented with three (3) options, and he is willing to present a new proposal, as he disagrees with the concept of rent-free. Commissioner Wilsen shared she also agrees a monthly rent should be negotiated, and suggested $5,000 a month due to the condition of the building. Mayor Johnson commented that he would recommend $1,500. City Attorney Ardaman shared that the City Commission can draft a proposal that includes an increase in rental fees. Commissioner Oliver asked Mr. Gettings on the hourly charge for the use of the recording studio. Mr. Gettings addressed his question. Motion: Move to direct the City Manager and City Attorney to negotiate an extension of the lease agreement at $1,500 per month until December 31, 2024, with a rent increase to $15,000 beginning January 1, 2025. Additionally, include provisions for property maintenance and language ensuring City protection; Moved by Commissioner Kennedy, Seconded by Commissioner Wilsen. Motion carried 5-0. •COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS 7:20 PM Commissioner Kennedy – No further comments Regular City Commission Meeting July 16, 2024 5 | Page Commissioner Wilsen – Commented on the following: 1)Announced the upcoming budget workshop and hearings dates, and encouraged residents to attend. 2)Discussed honoring former Parks and Recreation Board Member Gordon Applegate for his thirty-four years of volunteer services. She advised if there were no objections she would meet with Parks and Recreation Director Johnson to discuss options to honor Mr. Applegate, and can bring this back for discussion before the City Commission. 3)Confirmed with Assistant City Manager Shadrix that the City is working with the Ocoee High School FFA Program to resolve their issues and concerns shared during the last City Commission Meeting. Commissioner Firstner – Commented on the following: 1)Announced that the Parks and Recreation Department will be hosting a before and after school program, and details can be accessed on the City’s website. 2)Announced that this Saturday, July 20th is Family Recreation Day at the Jim Beach Center. Commissioner Oliver – Commented on the following: 1)Urged everyone to continue to hydrate and take care this summer in the extreme heat. 2)Read an inspirational quote and urged everyone to use their First Amendment rights to express themselves and not resort to violence. Mayor Johnson – Commented on the following: 1)Announced that Clarke Road is going through a design change, so the road is still being worked on. 2)Commented on the parking of the patrons at the Cheer business on Bluford Avenue along with litter being left and the grass needing to be mowed. Assistant City Manager Shadrix assured him that the matter is being addressed. 3)Spoke on the red-light cameras and tickets. 4)Announced that the Skate Park has been extended and it is very nice. 5)Announced that the City is adding a total of eight (8) pickleball courts within the city. •ADJOURNMENT 7:31 PM APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee ______________________________ ___________________________ Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johnson, Mayor