HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 04 Approval of AWSC Warrants and Conclusion Reports for Adair & Wurst and Montgomery Roads City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: August 20, 2024 Item #: 4 Contact Name: Michael Rumer Department Director: Michael Rumer Contact Number: Ext. 1018 City Manager: Robert Frank Subject: Approval of All-Way Stop Control (AWSC) Warrants and Conclusion Reports for Adair/Wurst and White/Montgomery Roads. (Acting Assistant City Manager Rumer) Background Summary: With authorization from the Honorable Mayor and City Commission, staff engaged the services of Kimley Horn Engineering to look into safety improvements at the intersection of Montgomery Ave/White Road and Adair St./Wurst Road. Kimley Horn studied a potential shift from two-way stop controls at both intersections to All-Way Stop Control (AWSC) to address safety concerns. The All-Way Stop Control Warrant study is primarily based on traffic volumes (collected by the City) and crash history (from FDOT). Additionally, the study looks at the following warrants: • Warrant A: Crash History - If there are a certain number of crashes within 12 months or 36 months which could be corrected by AWSC, then AWSC should be considered. • Warrant B: Sight Distance - If sight distance from a minor street is limited, then AWSC should be considered. • Warrant C: Transition - If a traffic signal or roundabout will be installed at an intersection, then AWSC should be considered as a temporary measure. • Warrant D: 8-Hour Volume - If the minimum volume thresholds are met along both the major street and minor street for at least 8 hours, then AWSC should be considered. • Warrant E: Other Factors - Other factors may support the installation of AWSC such as the need to control left-turn conflicts, to improve operations, or for pedestrian safety. Based on the studies provided, warrants were met for both intersections: For Wurst Rd. and Adair Street, the study found that Warrant(s) A and E were satisfied. For White Rd, and Montgomery Ave, the study found that Warrant(s) B, D, and E were satisfied. As a result of the analysis, staff is seeking City Commission approval of the studies and authorization to move forward with the construction of the All-Way Stop improvements. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the All-Way Stop Control (AWSC) studies by Kimley Horn to address safety concerns at the intersections of Adair/Wurst Road and Montgomery/White Roads and authorize Public Works to construct the improvements? Page 22 of 744 City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org Recommendations: Staff recommends the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the All-Way Stop Control (AWSC) studies by Kimley Horn to address safety concerns at the intersections of Adair/Wurst Road and Montgomery/White Roads and authorize Public Works to construct the improvements. Attachments: 1. Wurst at Adair AWSC Warrant 2. Orlando Avenue at Montgomery AWSC Warrant Financial Impacts: Funding for the improvements to include stop signs and stop bars is in the current budget. Type of Item: Consent Page 23 of 744 Wurst at Adair All-Way Stop Control Study, Page 1 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL, 32801 407 898 1511 MEMORANDUM To: Michael Rumer City of Ocoee From: James M. Taylor, P.E. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Date: August 5, 2024 Subject: Wurst Road at Adair Street All-Way Stop Control Warrant City of Ocoee, FL PURPOSE This All-Way Stop Control Warrant was performed to evaluate current conditions at the intersection of Wurst Road at Adair Street in the City of Ocoee, Florida to determine if all-way stop control is warranted. In addition to vehicular volumes, other factors were considered such as crash data and intersection sight distance. This study was conducted in accordance with the guidelines and procedures outlined in the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), as well as standard engineering practice. ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS The roadways within the study network have the following characteristics: Wurst Road is an undivided, two-lane roadway with a posted speed limit of 25 MPH in the vicinity of the study intersection. The City of Ocoee’s adopted context classification on Wurst Road is C3R (Suburban Residential). Counts collected by the City of Ocoee indicate an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume of 9,040 vehicles per day in April 2024. Adair Street is an undivided, two-lane roadway with a posted speed limit of 25 MPH in the vicinity of the study intersection. The City of Ocoee’s adopted context classification on Adair Street is C3R. Counts collected by the City of Ocoee indicate an ADT volume of 4,960 vehicles per day in June 2024. DATA COLLECTION Vehicle speed data was collected by the City of Ocoee along Wurst Road and Adair Street. To ensure the various geometric conditions along the corridor were accounted for, the speed was measured in both directions. Table 1 summarizes the collected speed volumes on each approach. Attachment A provides a summary of the collected data. Page 24 of 744 Wurst at Adair All-Way Stop Control Study, Page 2 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL, 32801 407 898 1511 Table 1: Speed Data Summary Location Direction Collection Dates ADT Posted Speed Limit (MPH) 85th Percentile (MPH) Average Speed (MPH) Pace Speed Wurst Road Eastbound 4/5/2024- 4/17/2024 3,700 25 31.6 27.2 22-32 Westbound 3/25/2024- 4/5/2024 5,340 25 31.5 26.4 21-31 Adair Street Northbound 6/19/2024- 6/25/2024 3,210 25 34.2 29.7 25-35 Southbound 6/19/2024- 6/25/2024 1,750 25 33.2 29.6 25-35 ALL-WAY STOP CONTROL WARRANT An All-Way Stop Control (AWSC) warrant analysis was performed based on the criteria contained in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), 11th Edition, 2023 published by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). According to the MUTCD, the investigation of the need for AWSC shall include an analysis of the applicable factors contained in the following all-way stop control warrants and other factors related to existing operation and safety at the study location: • Warrant A: Crash Experience • Warrant B: Sight Distance • Warrant C: Transition to Signal Control or Transition to Yield Control at a Circular Intersection • Warrant D: 8-Hour Volume • Warrant E: Other Factors Warrant C is not applicable for this intersection; therefore it is not considered in this analysis. Additionally, the MUTCD provides the following guidance: “…Warrants are not a substitute for engineering judgment. The fact that a warrant for a particular traffic control device is met is not conclusive justification to install or not install all- way stop control...” “…All-way stop controls at intersections with substantially differing approach volumes can reduce the effectiveness of these devices for all roadway users...” Page 25 of 744 Wurst at Adair All-Way Stop Control Study, Page 3 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL, 32801 407 898 1511 Warrant A: Crash Experience The MUTCD states: “For a three-leg intersection, there are four or more reported crashes in a 12-month period or five or more reported crashes in a 36-month period that were of a type susceptible to correction by the installation of all-way stop control.” Crash data from January 1, 2022 – July 31, 2024 was obtained from Florida’s Signal Four Analytics system with a 300-foot influence area from the center of the intersection. Eight (8) crashes were identified: 1. 24606625 (2022) – Vehicle 1 was traveling south on Adair Street and entered the intersection, colliding with Vehicle 2 which was traveling west on Wurst Road. Vehicle 2 rolled and collided into a third vehicle which was traveling east on Wurst Road. This crash is susceptible to correction by the installation of AWSC. 2. 24606475 (2022) – Vehicle 1 was traveling south on Adair Street approaching Wurst Road. Vehicle 1 went through the intersection without turning, striking a fence on the opposite side of Wurst Road. This crash is NOT susceptible to correction by the installation of AWSC. 3. 24093642 (2022) – Vehicle 1 and Vehicle 2 were traveling south on Adair Street approaching Wurst Road. Vehicle 1 failed to slow in an appropriate manner, colliding with Vehicle 2. This crash is NOT susceptible to correction by the installation of AWSC. 4. 89037848 (2022) – Vehicle 1 was traveling west on Wurst Road and collided with a bicyclist crossing northbound across the intersection. This crash is susceptible to correction by the installation of AWSC. 5. 24606439 (2023) – Vehicle 1 was traveling south on Adair Street and continued through the stop sign. Vehicle 2 was traveling westbound on Adair Street and collided with Vehicle 1. This crash is susceptible to correction by the installation of AWSC. 6. 25359103 (2023) – Vehicle 1 was traveling east Wurst Road and attempted to make a left-turn onto Adair Street. Vehicle 2 was traveling west on Wurst Road and was not able to avoid Vehicle 1, colliding with Vehicle 1. This crash is susceptible to correction by the installation of AWSC. 7. 25359381 (2023) – Vehicle 1 was traveling south on Adair Street approaching Wurst Road. Vehicles 2 and 3 were stopped on Adair Street due to heavy traffic turning onto Wurst Road. Vehicle 1 failed to stop in time, and collided with Vehicle 2, sending it into Vehicle 3. This crash is NOT susceptible to correction by the installation of AWSC. 8. 25360404 (2024) – Vehicles 1 and 2 were traveling south on Adair Street and stopped at the stop sign. Vehicle 1 started backing up to give more room to a truck attempting to turn from Wurst Road onto Adair Street and backed into the front of Vehicle 2. This crash is susceptible to correction by the installation of AWSC, as the AWSC would help the intersection clear to give the truck space to turn. Based on a review of the crashes, five (5) crashes susceptible to correction by the installation of AWSC occurred at the study intersection within the 36-month period; therefore, Warrant A is satisfied. Page 26 of 744 Wurst at Adair All-Way Stop Control Study, Page 4 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL, 32801 407 898 1511 Warrant B: Sight Distance The MUTCD states: “All-way stop control may be installed at an intersection where an engineering study indicates that sight distance on the minor-road approaches controlled by a STOP sign is not adequate for a vehicle to turn onto or cross the major (uncontrolled) road.” Per the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Design Standards, 335’ of sight distance must be provided for passenger vehicles. Sight-distance along the side-street approach of the intersection was taken and from Google Streetview. Figure 1: Adair Street looking west Figure 2: Adair Street looking east Page 27 of 744 Wurst at Adair All-Way Stop Control Study, Page 5 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL, 32801 407 898 1511 As shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, there are no obstructions or horizontal/vertical curvature which would limit sight distance for vehicles turning from Adair Street. Measurements indicate that over 335’ of sight distance is provided in each direction, satisfying FDOT guidelines. Field verification of sight distance is recommended. It should be noted that Google Streetview is not taken at the driver eye-height recommended for sight distance evaluations. As adequate sight distance is provided along from Adair Street, Warrant B is not satisfied, pending field verification. Warrant D: 8-Hour Volume The MUTCD states minimum volume thresholds that must be met by both the major and minor street approaches during the same 8 hours on any given day. It additionally states that if the 85th percentile approach speed of the major street traffic exceeds 40 MPH, the minimum volume warrants may be reduced by 70%. As stated previously, the 85th percentile does not exceed 40 MPH; therefore, the minimum volume warrants were not reduced. Detailed AWSC vehicular volume warrant analyses are provided in Attachment B. Based on the analysis, 0 out of 8 hours satisfied the minimum volume warrants; therefore, Warrant D is not satisfied. Traffic volumes on Wurst Road exceeds 300 vehicles per hour for over 8 hours; however, traffic volumes along Adair Street entering the intersection do not exceed the minimum 200 vehicles per hour any hour of the day. Warrant E: Other Factors The MUTCD states: “All-way stop control may be installed at an intersection where an engineering study indicates that all-way stop control is needed due to other factors not addressed in the other all-way stop control warrants. Such other factors may include, but are not limited to, the following: A. The need to control left-turn conflicts, B. An intersection of two residential neighborhood collector (through) streets of similar design and operating characteristics where all-way stop control would improve traffic operational characteristics of the intersection, or C. Where pedestrian and/or bicyclist movements support the installation of all-way stop control..” Based on these other factors provided by the MUTCD, pedestrian and/or bicyclist movements may support the installation of all-way stop control. A crosswalk was recently installed across the eastern leg of Wurst Road. This crosswalk is located on an uncontrolled approach, where vehicles are not typically required to stop. Providing AWSC would create a safer condition for pedestrians and bicyclists, therefore, Warrant E is satisfied. Page 28 of 744 Wurst at Adair All-Way Stop Control Study, Page 6 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL, 32801 407 898 1511 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This All-Way Stop Control Warrant was performed to evaluate current conditions at the intersection of Wurst Road at Adair Street in the City of Ocoee, Florida to determine if all-way stop control is warranted. In addition to vehicular volumes, crash data, intersection sight distance and other factors were considered. A summary of findings is provided below: • A total of 5 crashes susceptible to correction by all-way stop control have been reported over a three-year period. As this meets the threshold of five (5) crashes for a three-leg intersection, Warrant A is satisfied. • Adequate sight distance appears to be provided from Adair Street, therefore Warrant B is not satisfied, pending field verification. • A total of 0 out of 8 hours satisfied the minimum volume warrants for all-way stop control, therefore Warrant D is not satisfied. • A pedestrian crosswalk is provided at the intersection across the east leg of Wurst Road, which is an uncontrolled approach where vehicles are not typically required to stop. Providing all-way stop control would create a safer condition for pedestrians and bicyclists, therefore, Warrant E is satisfied. Based on these findings, it is recommended to install all-way stop control at the intersection of Wurst Road at Adair Street. The installation of AWSC would improve safety and access for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Page 29 of 744 ATTACHMENT A Collected Traffic Data Page 30 of 744 Extended Speed Summary Adair/Wurst, EB End: 2024-04-17 Times: 0:00:00-23:59:59 Start: 2024-04-05 Speed Range: 1 to 150 Violation Threshold: Speed Limit + 10 Overall Summary Total Days of Data: 13 Speed Limit: 25 Average Speed: 27.2 50th Percentile Speed: 27.27 85th Percentile Speed: 31.65 Pace Speed Range: 22-32 Minimum Speed: 12 Maximum Speed: 76 Display Mode: Unknown Average Volume per Day: 3696.8 Total Volume: 48058 Generated by Bill Wagner on 05-02-2024 Page 31 of 744 Extended Speed Summary Adair/Wurst, EB End: 2024-04-17 Times: 0:00:00-23:59:59 Start: 2024-04-05 Speed Range: 1 to 150 Violation Threshold: Speed Limit + 10 Time Sign Mode Speed Limit Total # Vehicles Total # Violator % Violator Avg # Vehicles Avg # Violators Min Speed Max Speed Avg Speed 50% Speed 85% Speed Sign Effectiveness 0:00 Unknown 25 348 31 8.9%29.0 2.6 15 51 27.5 28.0 32.3 0.0% 1:00 Unknown 25 212 9 4.2%17.7 0.8 15 40 27.3 27.9 31.0 0.0% 2:00 Unknown 25 202 22 10.9%16.8 1.8 15 48 27.9 28.5 32.3 0.0% 3:00 Unknown 25 191 16 8.4%15.9 1.3 13 54 27.4 28.2 32.5 0.0% 4:00 Unknown 25 358 32 8.9%29.8 2.7 14 53 28.4 28.9 33.6 0.0% 5:00 Unknown 25 1047 67 6.4%87.3 5.6 15 51 27.8 28.1 32.6 0.0% 6:00 Unknown 25 2244 94 4.2%187.0 7.8 13 52 27.2 27.2 31.7 0.0% 7:00 Unknown 25 2472 136 5.5%206.0 11.3 12 47 28.0 28.1 32.5 0.0% 8:00 Unknown 25 2830 100 3.5%235.8 8.3 13 46 27.3 27.4 31.7 0.0% 9:00 Unknown 25 2176 108 5.0%181.3 9.0 14 48 27.6 27.5 32.3 0.0% 10:00 Unknown 25 2076 70 3.4%159.7 5.4 13 53 27.3 27.4 31.9 0.0% 11:00 Unknown 25 2394 108 4.5%184.2 8.3 13 46 27.6 27.7 32.2 0.0% 12:00 Unknown 25 2619 103 3.9%201.5 7.9 12 53 27.6 27.8 32.2 0.0% 13:00 Unknown 25 2758 95 3.4%212.2 7.3 14 45 27.3 27.4 31.9 0.0% 14:00 Unknown 25 3117 112 3.6%239.8 8.6 12 48 27.2 27.1 31.5 0.0% 15:00 Unknown 25 3480 111 3.2%267.7 8.5 12 46 27.1 27.2 31.6 0.0% 16:00 Unknown 25 3531 112 3.2%271.6 8.6 12 50 27.3 27.5 31.7 0.0% 17:00 Unknown 25 3533 96 2.7%271.8 7.4 12 46 27.3 27.4 31.7 0.0% 18:00 Unknown 25 2891 99 3.4%222.4 7.6 12 46 27.2 27.2 31.7 0.0% 19:00 Unknown 25 3101 78 2.5%238.5 6.0 12 50 26.7 26.7 30.9 0.0% 20:00 Unknown 25 2767 58 2.1%212.8 4.5 12 56 25.9 25.8 30.0 0.0% 21:00 Unknown 25 1925 51 2.6%160.4 4.3 13 48 26.1 26.1 30.4 0.0% 22:00 Unknown 25 1067 42 3.9%88.9 3.5 13 52 27.0 26.8 31.5 0.0% 23:00 Unknown 25 719 45 6.3%59.9 3.8 14 76 26.9 26.9 32.2 0.0% Total Volumes/ Avg Total/Avg w/o Feedback Total/Avg w/ Feedback 48058 0 48058 1795 0 1795 3.7% 0 3.7% 3798.0 0.0 3798.0 142.9 0.0 142.9 12 n/a 12 76 n/a 76 27.3 n/a 27.3 27.5 n/a 27.5 31.8 n/a 31.8 0.0% n/a 0.0% Generated by Bill Wagner on 05-02-2024 Page 32 of 744 Extended Speed Summary Wurst/Adair, WB End: 2024-04-05 Times: 0:00:00-23:59:59 Start: 2024-03-25 Speed Range: 1 to 150 Violation Threshold: Speed Limit + 10 Overall Summary Total Days of Data: 9 Speed Limit: 25 Average Speed: 26.4 50th Percentile Speed: 26.51 85th Percentile Speed: 31.58 Pace Speed Range: 21-31 Minimum Speed: 12 Maximum Speed: 65 Display Mode: Unknown Average Volume per Day: 5344.0 Total Volume: 48096 Generated by Mark Olson on 04-08-2024 Page 33 of 744 Extended Speed Summary Wurst/Adair, WB End: 2024-04-05 Times: 0:00:00-23:59:59 Start: 2024-03-25 Speed Range: 1 to 150 Violation Threshold: Speed Limit + 10 Time Sign Mode Speed Limit Total # Vehicles Total # Violator % Violator Avg # Vehicles Avg # Violators Min Speed Max Speed Avg Speed 50% Speed 85% Speed Sign Effectiveness 0:00 Unknown 25 342 36 10.5%42.8 4.5 12 55 27.0 27.2 32.9 0.0% 1:00 Unknown 25 243 29 11.9%30.4 3.6 12 54 27.1 27.5 33.0 0.0% 2:00 Unknown 25 179 18 10.1%22.4 2.3 12 47 26.7 27.5 32.0 0.0% 3:00 Unknown 25 194 13 6.7%24.3 1.6 12 49 26.8 28.1 32.1 0.0% 4:00 Unknown 25 338 21 6.2%42.3 2.6 13 50 26.8 27.4 32.2 0.0% 5:00 Unknown 25 1137 85 7.5%142.1 10.6 12 59 27.3 27.6 32.8 0.0% 6:00 Unknown 25 2664 97 3.6%333.0 12.1 12 53 25.9 25.9 31.1 0.0% 7:00 Unknown 25 2854 119 4.2%356.8 14.9 12 47 26.4 26.3 31.8 0.0% 8:00 Unknown 25 3197 115 3.6%399.6 14.4 12 54 26.5 26.7 31.5 0.0% 9:00 Unknown 25 2050 115 5.6%227.8 12.8 12 52 26.6 26.7 32.3 0.0% 10:00 Unknown 25 1906 104 5.5%238.3 13.0 12 48 26.4 26.7 32.0 0.0% 11:00 Unknown 25 2200 137 6.2%314.3 19.6 12 57 26.9 27.2 32.5 0.0% 12:00 Unknown 25 2328 129 5.5%332.6 18.4 12 50 26.7 26.9 32.3 0.0% 13:00 Unknown 25 2508 125 5.0%358.3 17.9 12 49 26.8 27.0 32.0 0.0% 14:00 Unknown 25 3091 104 3.4%441.6 14.9 12 54 26.5 26.5 31.7 0.0% 15:00 Unknown 25 3317 123 3.7%473.9 17.6 12 50 26.5 26.7 31.4 0.0% 16:00 Unknown 25 3276 107 3.3%468.0 15.3 12 45 26.5 26.8 31.6 0.0% 17:00 Unknown 25 3444 135 3.9%492.0 19.3 12 47 26.5 26.6 31.5 0.0% 18:00 Unknown 25 3310 122 3.7%472.9 17.4 12 52 26.4 26.5 31.6 0.0% 19:00 Unknown 25 3247 99 3.0%463.9 14.1 12 57 25.8 25.9 30.8 0.0% 20:00 Unknown 25 2575 69 2.7%367.9 9.9 12 46 25.5 25.4 30.3 0.0% 21:00 Unknown 25 1832 62 3.4%261.7 8.9 12 53 25.9 25.9 30.8 0.0% 22:00 Unknown 25 1197 51 4.3%171.0 7.3 12 65 25.9 25.9 30.8 0.0% 23:00 Unknown 25 667 33 4.9%95.3 4.7 12 47 26.2 26.4 31.6 0.0% Total Volumes/ Avg Total/Avg w/o Feedback Total/Avg w/ Feedback 48096 0 48096 2048 0 2048 4.3% 0 4.3% 6572.7 0.0 6572.7 277.7 0.0 277.7 12 n/a 12 65 n/a 65 26.5 n/a 26.5 26.7 n/a 26.7 31.8 n/a 31.8 0.0% n/a 0.0% Generated by Mark Olson on 04-08-2024 Page 34 of 744 Page 35 of 744 Page 36 of 744 Page 37 of 744 Page 38 of 744 ATTACHMENT B AWSC Volume Warrant Table Page 39 of 744 N MAJOR STREET MINOR STREET (BOTH APPROACHES) (BOTH APPROACHES) THRESHOLD VALUES 300 200 12:00 AM TO 01:00 AM 65 14 01:00 AM TO 02:00 AM 43 7 02:00 AM TO 03:00 AM 35 7 03:00 AM TO 04:00 AM 36 6 04:00 AM TO 05:00 AM 65 9 05:00 AM TO 06:00 AM 207 38 06:00 AM TO 07:00 AM 469 70 Y 07:00 AM TO 08:00 AM 507 60 Y 08:00 AM TO 09:00 AM 573 77 Y 09:00 AM TO 10:00 AM 395 94 Y 10:00 AM TO 11:00 AM 371 98 Y 11:00 AM TO 12:00 PM 429 98 Y 12:00 PM TO 01:00 PM 460 105 Y 01:00 PM TO 02:00 PM 491 107 Y 02:00 PM TO 03:00 PM 583 107 Y 03:00 PM TO 04:00 PM 636 118 Y 04:00 PM TO 05:00 PM 636 125 Y 05:00 PM TO 06:00 PM 654 139 Y 06:00 PM TO 07:00 PM 590 132 Y 07:00 PM TO 08:00 PM 599 117 Y 08:00 PM TO 09:00 PM 499 86 Y 09:00 PM TO 10:00 PM 352 63 Y 10:00 PM TO 11:00 PM 215 43 11:00 PM TO 12:00 AM 129 30 9,041 1,751 0 BOTH MET Wurst Road at Adair Street ALL-WAY STOP WARRANT ANALYSIS BASED ON 2023 MUTCD INTERSECTION NAME:Wurst Road at Adair Street INTERSECTION CONDITION:Side-Street Stop-Control HOURS MET: 8 HOURS NEEDED NOT SATISFIED MAJOR STREET:Wurst Road MINOR STREET:Adair Street 85th PERCENTILE SPEED GREATER THAN 40 MPH ON MAJOR STREET (Y OR N): MAJOR STREET MINOR STREET Page 40 of 744 Orlando at Montgomery All-Way Stop Control Study, Page 1 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL, 32801 407 898 1511 MEMORANDUM To: Michael Rumer City of Ocoee From: James M. Taylor, P.E. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Date: August 5, 2024 Subject: Orlando Avenue at Montgomery Avenue All-Way Stop Control Warrant City of Ocoee, FL PURPOSE This All-Way Stop Control Warrant was performed to evaluate current conditions at the intersection of Orlando Avenue at Montgomery Avenue in the City of Ocoee, Florida to determine if all-way stop control is warranted. In addition to the vehicular volumes, other factors were considered including crash data and intersection sight distance. This study was conducted in accordance with the guidelines and procedures outlined in the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), as well as standard engineering practice. ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS The roadways within the study network have the following characteristics: Orlando Avenue is an undivided, two-lane roadway with a posted speed limit of 30 MPH in the vicinity of the study intersection. For approximately 250’ on either side of Montgomery Avenue, a center left-turn lane is provided. The City of Ocoee’s adopted context classification on Orlando Avenue is C3R (Suburban Residential). Counts collected by the City of Ocoee indicate an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume of 5,980 vehicles per day in February 2024. Montgomery Avenue is an undivided, two-lane roadway with a posted speed limit of 25 MPH in the vicinity of the study intersection. The City of Ocoee’s adopted context classification on Montgomery Avenue is C3R. Counts collected by the City of Ocoee indicate an ADT volume of 4,790 vehicles per day in July 2024. DATA COLLECTION Vehicle speed data was collected by the City of Ocoee along Orlando Avenue and Montgomery Avenue. Table 1 summarizes the collected volumes and vehicle speeds on each approach. Attachment A provides a summary of the collected data. Page 41 of 744 Orlando at Montgomery All-Way Stop Control Study, Page 2 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL, 32801 407 898 1511 Table 1: Speed Data Summary Location Direction Collection Dates ADT Posted Speed Limit (MPH) 85th Percentile (MPH) Average Speed (MPH) Pace Speed Orlando Avenue Eastbound 2/11/2024- 2/25/2024 2,090 30 36.1 31.4 26-36 Westbound 2/11/2024- 2/25/2024 3,880 30 37.3 31.0 28-38 Montgomery Avenue Northbound 7/23/2024- 7/25/2024 3,130 25 26.4 22.2 17-27 Southbound 7/23/2024- 7/25/2024 1,660 25 22.0 15.1 9-19 ALL-WAY STOP CONTROL WARRANT An All-Way Stop Control (AWSC) warrant analysis was performed based on the criteria contained in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), 11th Edition, 2023 published by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). According to the MUTCD, the investigation of the need for AWSC shall include an analysis of the applicable factors contained in the following all-way stop control warrants and other factors related to existing operation and safety at the study location: • Warrant A: Crash Experience • Warrant B: Sight Distance • Warrant C: Transition to Signal Control or Transition to Yield Control at a Circular Intersection • Warrant D: 8-Hour Volume • Warrant E: Other Factors Warrant C is not applicable for this intersection; therefore, it is not considered in this analysis. Additionally, the MUTCD provides the following guidance to consider: “…Warrants are not a substitute for engineering judgment. The fact that a warrant for a particular traffic control device is met is not conclusive justification to install or not install all- way stop control...” “…All-way stop controls at intersections with substantially differing approach volumes can reduce the effectiveness of these devices for all roadway users...” Page 42 of 744 Orlando at Montgomery All-Way Stop Control Study, Page 3 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL, 32801 407 898 1511 Warrant A: Crash Experience The MUTCD states: “For a four-leg intersection, there are five or more reported crashes in a 12-month period or six or more reported crashes in a 36-month period that were of a type susceptible to correction by the installation of all-way stop control.” Crash data from January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2023 was obtained from Florida’s Signal Four Analytics system with a 300-foot influence area from the center of the intersection. Five (5) crashes were identified: 1. 24606174 (2021) – Vehicle 1 was traveling south on Montgomery Avenue. Vehicle 2 was traveling eastbound on Orlando Avenue. Vehicle 1 failed to yield, and pulled out in front of Vehicle 2, causing a collision. This crash is susceptible to correction by the installation of AWSC. 2. 25359058 (2022) – Vehicle 1 was traveling north on Montgomery Avenue. Vehicle 2 was traveling westbound on Orlando Avenue. Vehicle 1 believed that Vehicle 2 was going to stop at the intersection and pulled out in front of Vehicle 2, causing a collision. This crash is susceptible to correction by the installation of AWSC. 3. 25358516 (2022) – Vehicle 1 was traveling north on Montgomery Avenue. Vehicle 2 was traveling eastbound on Orlando Avenue. Vehicle 1 failed to yield and collided with Vehicle 2. This crash is susceptible to correction by the installation of AWSC. 4. 87066541 (2022) – Vehicle 1 was traveling south on Montgomery Avenue and proceeded around a disabled vehicle and proceeded into the intersection. Vehicle 2 was traveling east along Orlando Avenue. Vehicle 1 collided with Vehicle 2, causing it to roll over. This crash is susceptible to correction by the installation of AWSC. 5. 25359686 (2023) – Vehicle 1 was traveling west on Orlando Avenue and attempted to turn left onto Montgomery Avenue. Vehicle 2 was traveling east on Orlando. Vehicle 1 failed to yield and turned in front of Vehicle 2, causing a collision. This crash is susceptible to correction by the installation of AWSC. Based on a review of the crashes, only five (5) crashes susceptible to correction by the installation of all-way stop control occurred at the study intersection within the 36-month period; therefore, Warrant A is not satisfied. Page 43 of 744 Orlando at Montgomery All-Way Stop Control Study, Page 4 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL, 32801 407 898 1511 Warrant B: Sight Distance The MUTCD states: “All-way stop control may be installed at an intersection where an engineering study indicates that sight distance on the minor-road approaches controlled by a STOP sign is not adequate for a vehicle to turn onto or cross the major (uncontrolled) road.” Per the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Design Standards, 390’ of sight distance should be provided for passenger vehicles. Sight-distance along the side-street approach of the intersection was taken and from Google Streetview. Figure 1: Montgomery Avenue (north) looking west Figure 2: Montgomery Avenue (north) looking east Page 44 of 744 Orlando at Montgomery All-Way Stop Control Study, Page 5 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL, 32801 407 898 1511 Figure 3: Montgomery Avenue (south) looking west Figure 4: Montgomery Avenue (south) looking east As shown in Figure 1, the signage and wall from the Veronica Place neighborhood may obstruct sight lines when looking west from the north leg of Montgomery Avenue. As shown in Figure 4, sight distance from the south leg of Montgomery Avenue looking east is limited by the horizontal curve along Orlando Road, however measurements indicate that over 390’ of sight distance is provided, satisfying FDOT guidelines. Figure 2 and Figure 3 show that no obstructions limit sight distance from the other sidestreet approaches. Field verification of sight distance is recommended. It should be noted that Google Streetview is not taken at the driver eye-height recommended for sight distance evaluations. As adequate sight distance may not be provided from the north leg of Montgomery Avenue looking west, Warrant B may be satisfied, pending field verification. Page 45 of 744 Orlando at Montgomery All-Way Stop Control Study, Page 6 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL, 32801 407 898 1511 Warrant D: 8-Hour Volume The MUTCD states minimum volume thresholds that must be met by both the major and minor street approaches during the same 8 hours on any given day. It additionally states that if the 85th percentile approach speed of the major street traffic exceeds 40 MPH, the minimum volume warrants may be reduced by 70%. As stated previously, the 85th percentile does not exceed 40 MPH; therefore, the minimum volume warrants were not reduced. Detailed AWSC vehicular volume warrant analyses are provided in Attachment B. Based on the analysis, 12 out of 8 hours satisfied the minimum volume warrants; therefore, Warrant D is satisfied. Warrant E: Other Factors The MUTCD states: “All-way stop control may be installed at an intersection where an engineering study indicates that all-way stop control is needed due to other factors not addressed in the other all-way stop control warrants. Such other factors may include, but are not limited to, the following: A. The need to control left-turn conflicts, B. An intersection of two residential neighborhood collector (through) streets of similar design and operating characteristics where all-way stop control would improve traffic operational characteristics of the intersection, or C. Where pedestrian and/or bicyclist movements support the installation of all-way stop control..” Based on these other factors provided by the MUTCD, pedestrian and/or bicyclist movements may support the installation of all-way stop control. A crosswalk is provided across the western leg of Orlando Avenue. This crosswalk is located on an uncontrolled approach, where vehicles are not typically required to stop. Providing all-way stop control would create a safer condition for pedestrians and bicyclists, therefore, Warrant E is satisfied. Page 46 of 744 Orlando at Montgomery All-Way Stop Control Study, Page 7 kimley-horn.com 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 600, Orlando, FL, 32801 407 898 1511 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This All-Way Stop Control Warrant was performed to evaluate current conditions at the intersection of Orlando Avenue at Montgomery Avenue in the City of Ocoee, Florida to determine if all-way stop control is warranted. In addition to vehicular volumes, crash data, intersection sight distance and other factors were considered. A summary of findings is provided below: • A total of 5 crashes susceptible to correction by all-way stop control have been reported over a three-year period. As this is less than the threshold of six (6) crashes for a four-leg intersection, Warrant A is not satisfied. • The signage and wall from the Veronica Place neighborhood may obstruct sight lines from the north leg of Montgomery Avenue when looking east, therefore Warrant B may be satisfied, pending a field verification. • A total of 12 out of 8 hours satisfied the minimum volume warrants for all-way stop control, therefore Warrant D is satisfied. • A pedestrian crosswalk is provided at the intersection across the west leg of Orlando Avenue, which is an uncontrolled approach where vehicles are not typically required to stop. Providing all-way stop control would create a safer condition for pedestrians and bicyclists, therefore, Warrant E is satisfied. Based on these findings, it is recommended to install all-way stop control at the intersection of Orlando Avenue at Montgomery Avenue. Page 47 of 744 ATTACHMENT A Collected Traffic Data Page 48 of 744 Extended Speed Summary Orlando Road/Banderas, EB End: 2024-02-25 Times: 0:00:00-23:59:59 Start: 2024-02-11 Speed Range: 1 to 150 Violation Threshold: Speed Limit + 10 Overall Summary Total Days of Data: 13 Speed Limit: 30 Average Speed: 31.4 50th Percentile Speed: 31.2 85th Percentile Speed: 36.11 Pace Speed Range: 26-36 Minimum Speed: 20 Maximum Speed: 68 Display Mode: Speed Display Average Volume per Day: 2093.8 Total Volume: 27220 Generated by Bill Wagner on 03-27-2024 Page 49 of 744 Extended Speed Summary Orlando Road/Banderas, EB End: 2024-02-25 Times: 0:00:00-23:59:59 Start: 2024-02-11 Speed Range: 1 to 150 Violation Threshold: Speed Limit + 10 Time Sign Mode Speed Limit Total # Vehicles Total # Violator % Violator Avg # Vehicles Avg # Violators Min Speed Max Speed Avg Speed 50% Speed 85% Speed Sign Effectiveness 0:00 Speed Display 30 236 39 16.5%19.7 3.3 21 63 34.8 33.8 39.8 58.1% 1:00 Speed Display 30 165 24 14.5%13.8 2.0 21 54 34.8 33.9 40.0 49.6% 2:00 Speed Display 30 99 13 13.1%8.3 1.1 20 59 33.3 32.0 38.8 52.6% 3:00 Speed Display 30 64 14 21.9%5.3 1.2 20 52 35.9 35.7 38.5 48.5% 4:00 Speed Display 30 96 10 10.4%8.0 0.8 20 50 32.5 32.3 37.0 45.9% 5:00 Speed Display 30 150 18 12.0%12.5 1.5 20 56 32.6 31.1 38.0 46.1% 6:00 Speed Display 30 505 19 3.8%42.1 1.6 20 52 31.2 31.2 36.7 39.8% 7:00 Speed Display 30 850 46 5.4%70.8 3.8 20 59 30.7 30.5 35.8 40.8% 8:00 Speed Display 30 1587 32 2.0%132.3 2.7 20 54 27.0 26.5 31.1 32.7% 9:00 Speed Display 30 1499 45 3.0%124.9 3.8 20 68 29.3 28.7 34.1 39.1% 10:00 Speed Display 30 1439 56 3.9%119.9 4.7 20 52 32.0 31.8 36.8 53.9% 11:00 Speed Display 30 1588 81 5.1%132.3 6.8 20 58 32.4 32.3 37.5 53.2% 12:00 Speed Display 30 1645 82 5.0%137.1 6.8 20 55 32.2 32.3 36.8 57.1% 13:00 Speed Display 30 1636 81 5.0%148.7 7.4 20 53 32.2 32.0 36.9 54.2% 14:00 Speed Display 30 1912 78 4.1%173.8 7.1 20 52 30.6 30.5 35.5 46.5% 15:00 Speed Display 30 2218 49 2.2%184.8 4.1 20 66 28.4 28.0 32.8 36.6% 16:00 Speed Display 30 2345 83 3.5%195.4 6.9 20 60 30.5 30.4 35.4 47.1% 17:00 Speed Display 30 2408 134 5.6%200.7 11.2 20 59 32.8 32.8 37.3 56.7% 18:00 Speed Display 30 2072 115 5.6%172.7 9.6 20 66 32.8 32.6 37.3 56.4% 19:00 Speed Display 30 1560 76 4.9%130.0 6.3 20 55 32.8 32.7 37.4 56.0% 20:00 Speed Display 30 1229 87 7.1%102.4 7.3 20 54 32.7 32.8 37.5 59.2% 21:00 Speed Display 30 892 63 7.1%74.3 5.3 20 55 33.3 32.9 37.8 52.2% 22:00 Speed Display 30 628 48 7.6%52.3 4.0 20 66 33.3 33.3 38.0 57.1% 23:00 Speed Display 30 397 51 12.8%33.1 4.3 20 65 34.1 33.8 39.6 56.9% Total Volumes/ Avg Total/Avg w/o Feedback Total/Avg w/ Feedback 27220 0 27220 1344 0 1344 4.9% 0 4.9% 2295.2 0.0 2295.2 113.6 0.0 113.6 20 n/a 20 68 n/a 68 32.2 n/a 32.2 31.8 n/a 31.8 36.9 n/a 36.9 49.9% n/a 49.9% Generated by Bill Wagner on 03-27-2024 Page 50 of 744 Extended Speed Summary Orlando Avenue, WB End: 2024-02-25 Times: 0:00:00-23:59:59 Start: 2024-02-11 Speed Range: 1 to 150 Violation Threshold: Speed Limit + 10 Overall Summary Total Days of Data: 12 Speed Limit: 30 Average Speed: 31.05 50th Percentile Speed: 32.02 85th Percentile Speed: 37.34 Pace Speed Range: 28-38 Minimum Speed: 10 Maximum Speed: 85 Display Mode: Speed Display Average Volume per Day: 3880.3 Total Volume: 46564 Generated by Bill Wagner on 03-27-2024 Page 51 of 744 Extended Speed Summary Orlando Avenue, WB End: 2024-02-25 Times: 0:00:00-23:59:59 Start: 2024-02-11 Speed Range: 1 to 150 Violation Threshold: Speed Limit + 10 Time Sign Mode Speed Limit Total # Vehicles Total # Violator % Violator Avg # Vehicles Avg # Violators Min Speed Max Speed Avg Speed 50% Speed 85% Speed Sign Effectiveness 0:00 Speed Display 30 429 33 7.7%47.7 3.7 10 52 31.0 31.9 37.2 60.2% 1:00 Speed Display 30 300 33 11.0%33.3 3.7 10 61 30.0 31.0 38.0 57.9% 2:00 Speed Display 30 189 23 12.2%21.0 2.6 10 85 32.3 33.2 38.7 56.2% 3:00 Speed Display 30 155 19 12.3%17.2 2.1 10 61 31.5 30.5 39.1 55.5% 4:00 Speed Display 30 248 35 14.1%27.6 3.9 10 48 33.5 34.6 39.4 49.5% 5:00 Speed Display 30 609 67 11.0%67.7 7.4 10 56 33.4 33.9 39.5 48.1% 6:00 Speed Display 30 1416 131 9.3%157.3 14.6 10 55 32.6 32.8 38.7 52.0% 7:00 Speed Display 30 2092 148 7.1%232.4 16.4 10 55 31.4 32.2 37.5 56.1% 8:00 Speed Display 30 2465 101 4.1%273.9 11.2 10 55 30.9 31.5 36.4 56.5% 9:00 Speed Display 30 2310 127 5.5%231.0 12.7 10 66 31.0 31.7 37.0 54.5% 10:00 Speed Display 30 2372 162 6.8%263.6 18.0 10 67 31.6 32.4 37.7 53.5% 11:00 Speed Display 30 2514 166 6.6%251.4 16.6 10 52 31.4 32.6 37.9 54.6% 12:00 Speed Display 30 2900 193 6.7%290.0 19.3 10 53 31.5 32.6 37.9 58.0% 13:00 Speed Display 30 2928 210 7.2%292.8 21.0 10 54 31.5 32.3 38.0 57.9% 14:00 Speed Display 30 3320 166 5.0%332.0 16.6 10 58 30.4 31.5 36.8 57.7% 15:00 Speed Display 30 3381 175 5.2%338.1 17.5 10 51 30.4 31.4 36.7 60.0% 16:00 Speed Display 30 3456 179 5.2%314.2 16.3 10 52 31.2 32.1 37.0 57.8% 17:00 Speed Display 30 3873 217 5.6%387.3 21.7 10 58 31.4 32.5 37.4 59.7% 18:00 Speed Display 30 3390 173 5.1%339.0 17.3 10 56 30.5 31.8 37.2 57.3% 19:00 Speed Display 30 2659 112 4.2%265.9 11.2 10 52 30.2 31.5 36.6 57.0% 20:00 Speed Display 30 2094 117 5.6%209.4 11.7 10 57 30.7 31.7 37.0 55.0% 21:00 Speed Display 30 1460 75 5.1%146.0 7.5 10 79 30.2 31.4 37.2 56.4% 22:00 Speed Display 30 1204 82 6.8%120.4 8.2 10 56 30.1 31.6 37.4 59.0% 23:00 Speed Display 30 800 78 9.8%80.0 7.8 10 56 31.3 32.3 38.4 54.8% Total Volumes/ Avg Total/Avg w/o Feedback Total/Avg w/ Feedback 46564 0 46564 2822 0 2822 6.1% 0 6.1% 4739.1 0.0 4739.1 289.0 0.0 289.0 10 n/a 10 85 n/a 85 31.3 n/a 31.3 32.1 n/a 32.1 37.7 n/a 37.7 56.1% n/a 56.1% Generated by Bill Wagner on 03-27-2024 Page 52 of 744 Extended Speed Summary Montgomery Park, NB End: 2024-07-25 Times: 0:00:00-23:59:59 Start: 2024-07-23 Speed Range: 1 to 150 Violation Threshold: Speed Limit + 10 Overall Summary Total Days of Data: 3 Speed Limit: 25 Average Speed: 22.2 50th Percentile Speed: 22.1 85th Percentile Speed: 26.43 Pace Speed Range: 17-27 Minimum Speed: 9 Maximum Speed: 60 Display Mode: Speed Display Average Volume per Day: 1797.0 Total Volume: 5391 Generated by Mark Sulkowski on 07-25-2024 Page 53 of 744 Extended Speed Summary Montgomery Park, NB End: 2024-07-25 Times: 0:00:00-23:59:59 Start: 2024-07-23 Speed Range: 1 to 150 Violation Threshold: Speed Limit + 10 Time Sign Mode Speed Limit Total # Vehicles Total # Violator % Violator Avg # Vehicles Avg # Violators Min Speed Max Speed Avg Speed 50% Speed 85% Speed Sign Effectiveness 0:00 Speed Display 25 80 1 1.3%40.0 0.5 12 40 22.6 21.8 26.3 43.7% 1:00 Speed Display 25 27 0 0.0%13.5 0.0 12 30 23.3 23.3 27.3 55.4% 2:00 Speed Display 25 14 0 0.0%7.0 0.0 13 31 20.4 20.4 22.7 78.8% 3:00 Speed Display 25 16 0 0.0%8.0 0.0 14 33 23.8 22.6 28.0 50.0% 4:00 Speed Display 25 27 1 3.7%13.5 0.5 16 36 24.3 22.9 28.3 29.9% 5:00 Speed Display 25 36 0 0.0%18.0 0.0 14 31 22.4 21.4 26.8 44.6% 6:00 Speed Display 25 57 0 0.0%28.5 0.0 10 30 21.4 22.6 25.0 45.6% 7:00 Speed Display 25 168 0 0.0%84.0 0.0 11 31 22.0 22.1 26.1 41.1% 8:00 Speed Display 25 239 1 0.4%119.5 0.5 11 38 22.5 22.5 26.5 36.5% 9:00 Speed Display 25 330 0 0.0%165.0 0.0 9 34 21.5 22.0 26.5 41.1% 10:00 Speed Display 25 333 0 0.0%166.5 0.0 9 35 21.8 21.7 26.0 37.0% 11:00 Speed Display 25 315 0 0.0%157.5 0.0 10 35 21.5 22.0 25.0 35.5% 12:00 Speed Display 25 381 0 0.0%190.5 0.0 10 34 21.1 20.5 26.1 41.6% 13:00 Speed Display 25 210 0 0.0%210.0 0.0 10 35 23.0 23.0 27.5 37.5% 14:00 Speed Display 25 171 0 0.0%171.0 0.0 9 35 23.0 23.0 27.0 37.0% 15:00 Speed Display 25 250 2 0.8%250.0 2.0 9 37 23.0 22.0 28.0 31.0% 16:00 Speed Display 25 239 0 0.0%239.0 0.0 11 33 22.5 22.5 27.0 39.5% 17:00 Speed Display 25 472 0 0.0%236.0 0.0 10 35 22.0 22.0 26.0 34.5% 18:00 Speed Display 25 541 3 0.6%270.5 1.5 10 42 23.0 22.5 27.0 35.1% 19:00 Speed Display 25 445 1 0.2%222.5 0.5 9 39 22.2 22.1 26.9 34.9% 20:00 Speed Display 25 358 1 0.3%179.0 0.5 10 38 22.4 22.4 26.4 41.4% 21:00 Speed Display 25 317 3 0.9%158.5 1.5 9 60 22.0 22.2 25.8 41.0% 22:00 Speed Display 25 219 0 0.0%109.5 0.0 9 33 22.0 21.9 25.9 42.4% 23:00 Speed Display 25 146 0 0.0%73.0 0.0 12 35 22.5 22.0 26.4 53.0% Total Volumes/ Avg Total/Avg w/o Feedback Total/Avg w/ Feedback 5391 0 5391 13 0 13 0.2% 0 0.2% 3130.5 0.0 3130.5 7.5 0.0 7.5 9 n/a 9 60 n/a 60 22.3 n/a 22.3 22.1 n/a 22.1 26.4 n/a 26.4 42.0% n/a 42.0% Generated by Mark Sulkowski on 07-25-2024 Page 54 of 744 Volume by TimeMontgomery Park, NBEnd: 2024-07-25Times: 0:00:00-23:59:59Start: 2024-07-23Time View: By Day (Total Volumes)Speed Bins: Size 10, Range 1 to 150Date00:0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007:0008:0009:0010:0011:0012:0013:0014:0015:0016:0017:0018:0019:0020:0021:0022:0023:00Total07-23n/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a2312602161511479977118107-2436141110138358412018017816620721017125023924128122920717012069324907-2544133614282284119150155149174n/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a961Total802714162736571682393303333153812101712502394725414453583172191465391Generated by Mark Sulkowski on 07-25-2024Page 55 of 744 Volume by TimeMontgomery Park, NBEnd: 2024-07-25Times: 0:00:00-23:59:59Start: 2024-07-23Time View: By Day (Total Volumes)Speed Bins: Size 10, Range 1 to 150Generated by Mark Sulkowski on 07-25-2024Page 56 of 744 Extended Speed Summary Montgomery/Orlando, SB End: 2024-07-25 Times: 0:00:00-23:59:59 Start: 2024-07-23 Speed Range: 1 to 150 Violation Threshold: Speed Limit + 10 Overall Summary Total Days of Data: 3 Speed Limit: 25 Average Speed: 15.17 50th Percentile Speed: 14.54 85th Percentile Speed: 22.03 Pace Speed Range: 9-19 Minimum Speed: 5 Maximum Speed: 35 Display Mode: Daily Schedule Average Volume per Day: 852.7 Total Volume: 2558 Generated by Mark Sulkowski on 07-25-2024 Page 57 of 744 Extended Speed Summary Montgomery/Orlando, SB End: 2024-07-25 Times: 0:00:00-23:59:59 Start: 2024-07-23 Speed Range: 1 to 150 Violation Threshold: Speed Limit + 10 Time Sign Mode Speed Limit Total # Vehicles Total # Violator % Violator Avg # Vehicles Avg # Violators Min Speed Max Speed Avg Speed 50% Speed 85% Speed Sign Effectiveness 0:00 Daily Schedule 25 23 0 0.0%11.5 0.0 6 24 13.1 11.8 17.8 82.5% 1:00 Daily Schedule 25 14 0 0.0%7.0 0.0 6 27 14.3 12.9 19.0 86.0% 2:00 Daily Schedule 25 6 0 0.0%3.0 0.0 6 24 13.8 12.2 17.2 50.0% 3:00 Daily Schedule 25 15 0 0.0%7.5 0.0 6 26 14.8 12.4 20.2 73.4% 4:00 Daily Schedule 25 24 0 0.0%12.0 0.0 6 27 14.8 12.9 21.7 83.5% 5:00 Daily Schedule 25 41 0 0.0%20.5 0.0 6 30 15.0 13.5 20.8 70.7% 6:00 Daily Schedule 25 125 0 0.0%62.5 0.0 5 28 14.0 13.1 20.4 75.4% 7:00 Daily Schedule 25 192 0 0.0%96.0 0.0 5 34 15.0 14.0 22.0 81.2% 8:00 Daily Schedule 25 276 0 0.0%138.0 0.0 5 35 15.5 15.2 22.2 79.8% 9:00 Daily Schedule 25 230 0 0.0%115.0 0.0 5 30 15.0 15.0 21.0 83.9% 10:00 Daily Schedule 25 235 0 0.0%117.5 0.0 5 34 15.0 15.5 22.5 83.7% 11:00 Daily Schedule 25 110 0 0.0%110.0 0.0 5 31 15.0 14.5 22.0 79.9% 12:00 Daily Schedule 25 103 0 0.0%103.0 0.0 5 35 16.0 16.0 23.0 83.0% 13:00 Daily Schedule 25 116 0 0.0%116.0 0.0 5 31 16.0 16.0 23.0 79.0% 14:00 Daily Schedule 25 96 0 0.0%96.0 0.0 5 33 15.4 14.4 23.6 80.3% 15:00 Daily Schedule 25 97 0 0.0%97.0 0.0 5 30 15.0 14.0 22.0 77.0% 16:00 Daily Schedule 25 109 0 0.0%109.0 0.0 5 35 17.0 16.0 25.0 83.0% 17:00 Daily Schedule 25 140 0 0.0%140.0 0.0 5 34 15.4 14.8 21.8 81.4% 18:00 Daily Schedule 25 129 0 0.0%64.5 0.0 5 35 14.8 13.7 22.5 78.6% 19:00 Daily Schedule 25 96 0 0.0%48.0 0.0 5 29 15.5 14.5 22.3 76.0% 20:00 Daily Schedule 25 153 0 0.0%76.5 0.0 6 28 15.0 13.1 21.8 80.7% 21:00 Daily Schedule 25 112 0 0.0%56.0 0.0 5 29 14.0 13.0 21.0 73.9% 22:00 Daily Schedule 25 68 0 0.0%34.0 0.0 6 30 15.3 14.7 21.7 73.7% 23:00 Daily Schedule 25 48 0 0.0%24.0 0.0 7 30 15.6 14.8 21.2 69.0% Total Volumes/ Avg Total/Avg w/o Feedback Total/Avg w/ Feedback 2558 0 2558 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1664.5 0.0 1664.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 n/a 5 35 n/a 35 15.0 n/a 15.0 14.1 n/a 14.1 21.5 n/a 21.5 77.7% n/a 77.7% Generated by Mark Sulkowski on 07-25-2024 Page 58 of 744 Volume by TimeMontgomery/Orlando, SBEnd: 2024-07-25Times: 0:00:00-23:59:59Start: 2024-07-23Time View: By Day (Total Volumes)Speed Bins: Size 10, Range 1 to 150Date00:0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007:0008:0009:0010:0011:0012:0013:0014:0015:0016:0017:0018:0019:0020:0021:0022:0023:00Total07-23n/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a746340291515807-24712531018548615411710811010311696971091401229290723933179307-25162112142371106122113127n/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a607Total2314615244112519227623023511010311696971091401299615311268482558Generated by Mark Sulkowski on 07-25-2024Page 59 of 744 Volume by TimeMontgomery/Orlando, SBEnd: 2024-07-25Times: 0:00:00-23:59:59Start: 2024-07-23Time View: By Day (Total Volumes)Speed Bins: Size 10, Range 1 to 150Generated by Mark Sulkowski on 07-25-2024Page 60 of 744 ATTACHMENT B AWSC Volume Warrant Table Page 61 of 744 N MAJOR STREET MINOR STREET (BOTH APPROACHES) (BOTH APPROACHES) THRESHOLD VALUES 300 200 12:00 AM TO 01:00 AM 54 52 01:00 AM TO 02:00 AM 38 21 02:00 AM TO 03:00 AM 23 10 03:00 AM TO 04:00 AM 18 16 04:00 AM TO 05:00 AM 28 26 05:00 AM TO 06:00 AM 62 39 06:00 AM TO 07:00 AM 157 91 07:00 AM TO 08:00 AM 240 180 08:00 AM TO 09:00 AM 327 258 Y Y Y 09:00 AM TO 10:00 AM 308 280 Y Y Y 10:00 AM TO 11:00 AM 308 284 Y Y Y 11:00 AM TO 12:00 PM 332 268 Y Y Y 12:00 PM TO 01:00 PM 368 294 Y Y Y 01:00 PM TO 02:00 PM 370 326 Y Y Y 02:00 PM TO 03:00 PM 424 267 Y Y Y 03:00 PM TO 04:00 PM 452 347 Y Y Y 04:00 PM TO 05:00 PM 468 348 Y Y Y 05:00 PM TO 06:00 PM 508 376 Y Y Y 06:00 PM TO 07:00 PM 442 335 Y Y Y 07:00 PM TO 08:00 PM 342 271 Y Y Y 08:00 PM TO 09:00 PM 269 256 Y 09:00 PM TO 10:00 PM 190 215 Y 10:00 PM TO 11:00 PM 149 144 11:00 PM TO 12:00 AM 97 97 5,974 4,795 12 BOTH MET Orlando Avenue at Montgomery Avenue ALL-WAY STOP WARRANT ANALYSIS BASED ON 2023 MUTCD INTERSECTION NAME:Orlando Avenue at Montgomery Avenue INTERSECTION CONDITION:Side-Street Stop-Control HOURS MET: 8 HOURS NEEDED SATISFIED MAJOR STREET:Orlando Avenue MINOR STREET:Montgomery Avenue 85th PERCENTILE SPEED GREATER THAN 40 MPH ON MAJOR STREET (Y OR N): MAJOR STREET MINOR STREET Page 62 of 744