HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 05 Approval of 606 Ocoee Apopka Sports Training Center Large Scale Final Site Plan & DA City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: August 20, 2024 Item #: 5 Contact Name: Michael Rumer Department Director: Michael Rumer Contact Number: Ext. 1018 City Manager: Robert Frank Subject: Approval of 606 Ocoee Apopka Sports Training Center Large Scale Final Site Plan & Development Agreement - LS-2024-0002. (Acting Assistant City Manager Rumer) Background Summary: The subject property is zoned I-1 (Light Industrial) and has a Light Industrial Future Land Use Map designation. It is located on the west side of Ocoee Apopka Road, approximately 1,950 feet north of the intersection of Palm Drive and Ocoee Apopka Road. The property address is 606 Ocoee Apopka Road and consists of approximately 5.185 acres of undeveloped land. The table below lists the future land use designations, zoning classifications, and existing land uses of the surrounding parcels. Direction Future Land Use Zoning Classification Existing Land Use North Light Industrial I-1 Industrial / Heavy Industrial South Light Industrial I-1 Future 429 Business Center East East Low Density Residential County A-1 Plant Nursery West Low Density Residential County R-1A Vacant The subject property is also located within the SR 429 Overlay District Business Center Character Area and complies with the intent of the Overlay. The 606 Ocoee Apopka Sports Training Center is a proposed 51,721 SF one-story building that will be utilized as a commercial recreation facility providing athletic training. The building will be constructed as a grade height tilt wall building (see architectural renderings) with an adjacent 240x180 turf area providing the opportunity to provide multiple training opportunities at one location. The site will be accessed via a new east-west road along the south side of the subject property. The road is being developed by the project on the south side (429 Business Center East & West) which will connect to Ocoee Apopka Road. Stormwater will be provided on-site at the rear of the property adjacent to the existing ditch. Buffering is being provided from the 100-year flood elevation line which is located within the ditch. Water will be provided by an existing water main and a new sewer force main being run to the property by the development on the south side. In terms of traffic, as part of the Business Character Area Overlay, the City has negotiated with Orange County in the most recent 2019 Joint Planning Area Agreement to cooperate in efforts to facilitate improvements of Ocoee Apopka Road to a Complete Streets Road Design and widening. The Complete Streets design calls for Page 63 of 744 City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org improvements such as a 12-foot-wide trail along the west side of Ocoee Apopka Road. This project will construct the 12-foot section of trail. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve a Large-Scale Final Site Plan for the 606 Ocoee Apopka Road Sports Training Facility located at 606 Ocoee Apopka Road and associated Development Agreement? Recommendations: Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Large-Scale Final Site Plan for the 606 Ocoee Apopka Road Sports Training Facility and Development Agreement, subject to the following conditions: ▪ All remaining staff comments are satisfied, & ▪ The Final Site Plan approval and Site Permit issuance is predicated on the development to the south, bringing the sewer to the property, and constructing the new east / west road, which is the site's only access. If such infrastructure is not in place or revisions are made, the Final Site plan and Site permit will be affected by this project. Attachments: 1. Civil Plans (11) 2. Landscape and Irrigation Plans 3. Architectural Elevations (1) 4. Photometric Plan 5. Development Agreement - 606 Sports Training Financial Impacts: None Type of Item: Consent Page 64 of 744 Page 65 of 744 Page 66 of 744 Page 67 of 744 Page 68 of 744 Page 69 of 744 Page 70 of 744 Page 71 of 744 Page 72 of 744 Page 73 of 744 Page 74 of 744 Page 75 of 744 Page 76 of 744 Page 77 of 744 Page 78 of 744 Page 79 of 744 Page 80 of 744 Page 81 of 744 C900MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFICfile name:JDSW01.19.24AS SHOWN23ROMA001project number:plot scale:date:checked by:descriptiondrawn by:daterevision606 OCOEE APOPKA ROAD, OCOEE, FLORIDA 606 SPORTS TRAINING 56991Selby G. WeeksC600-DTLS-23ROMA001.DWGSJRWMD COMMENTS04.26.241AGENCY COMMENTS06.18.242Page 82 of 744 654'-4"WDMATCHLINE L401MATCHLINE L400 PROPOSED TRAIL (DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF OCOEE) OCOEE APOPKA ROAD ( SR. 437)ONE-STORYBUILDING52,800 SFPLUS MEZZANINE (22,000 SF)FIELD AREA323'-2"PROPERTY BOUNDARYPROPERTYBOUNDARYPROPERTY BOUNDARYR5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5UNDERSTORY TREES DUE TO OVERHEAD ELECTRICINSTALL PALMS ON ANGLE TOWARDS PARKING LOTR5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5518'-6"R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5NOTE: BAHIA SOD ALL PARKING ISLANDFUTURE OCOEE INDUSTRIAL ROADARTIFICIAL TURF, REFER TODETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONBY OTHERS214Vo13PEB10SPB10JVB6MGB10SPB12PEB10ARP26QVP5SPP2SPP1SPP17SPP18SPB79Vow99Vs57Vow30Vow82Vo82Vow4SPP3'-0"WDPROPOSED TRAIL (DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF OCOEE)ONE-STORYBUILDING52,800 SFPLUS MEZZANINE (22,000 SF)FIELD AREASYMBOLCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMESPECIFICATIONNATIVEWATER USE ZONESPACINGREMARKSBUFFER YARD CANOPY TREESMGB6Magnolia grandiflora `Brackens Brown Beauty`Bracken`s Southern Magnolia3" cal.YESMEDIUMAs ShownPEB25Pinus elliottiSlash Pine3" cal., 8` ht. Min.YESLOWAs ShownBUFFER YARD UNDERSTORY TREESJVB10Juniperus virginiana `Silicola`Southern Red Cedar2" cal., 8`-10` ht. x 24" spd.YESLOWAs ShownSPB38Sabal palmettoSabal Palm8`-20` CT, mixedYESLOWAs ShownUNDERSTORY - PARKINGSPP29Sabal palmettoSabal Palm8`-20` CT, mixedYESLOWAs ShownCANOPY - PARKINGARP10Acer rubrumRed Maple3" cal.YESHIGHAs ShownQVP26Quercus virginianaLive Oak3" cal.YESLOWAs ShownSHRUBSVow248Viburnum obovatumWalter`s Viburnum30"-36" ht.YESLOW36" o.c.Vo296Viburnum odoratissimumSweet Viburnum36" ht.NOMEDIUM36" o.c.Vs99Viburnum suspensumSandankwa Viburnum30" Ht.NOHIGH36" o.c.SOD/SEEDsodb37,242 sfPaspalum notatum `Argentine`Argentine Bahia GrasssodNOLOWsand grown solid sod - weed freeR5R5R5R5R5PLANT SCHEDULE CODELANDSCAPE PLANSCALE: 1" = 30' 0'30'15'60'file name:LAETWB01.19.24AS SHOWN23ROMA001project number:plot scale:date:checked by:descriptiondrawn by:daterevision606 OCOEE APOPKA ROAD, OCOEE, FLORIDA 606 SPORTS TRAINING FL #LA1718Todd W. Bonnett, RLA2022.159.1_KW_606SPORTS_LSBASE.DWGBONNETT design group, llclandscape architecturecommunity planningFL LC 26000341400 S. Orlando Ave. Suite 201Maitland, FL 32751407.622.1588 voiceBDG PROJ #2022.159.1L400NOTES:1.NO TREES OR BUSHES SHALL BE PLACED ON TOP OF OR INCLOSE PROXIMITY TO PUBLIC UTILITIES THAT WILL IMPACTUTILITIES AT MATURITY.2.TREE ROOT GUARD/BARRIER (MIN 48" DEPTH) TO BEINSTALLED FOR TREES LOCATED WITHIN 10' OF PUBLICSIDEWALKS AND UTILITIES. SEE "LARGE CANOPY TREEPLANTING DETAIL" / SHEET L410.3.ALL LANDSCAPED ARES SHALL BE IRRIGATED BY APERMANENT AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM. 100%COVERAGE IS NOT REQUIRED. FINAL IRRIGATION MUSTFOLLOW CHAPTER 175 OF CITY CODE.11111111Agency Comments06.18.24Page 83 of 744 MATCHLINE L401 MATCHLINE L400 R5NOTE: BAHIA SOD ALLDISTURBED AREASPROPERTY BOUNDARYPROPERTY BOUNDARYFUTURE OCOEE INDUSTRIAL ROADLANDSCAPE PLANfile name:LAETWB01.19.24AS SHOWN23ROMA001project number:plot scale:date:checked by:descriptiondrawn by:daterevision606 OCOEE APOPKA ROAD, OCOEE, FLORIDA 606 SPORTS TRAINING FL #LA1718Todd W. Bonnett, RLA2022.159.1_KW_606SPORTS_LSBASE.DWGBONNETT design group, llclandscape architecturecommunity planningFL LC 26000341400 S. Orlando Ave. Suite 201Maitland, FL 32751407.622.1588 voiceBDG PROJ #2022.159.1L401SCALE: 1" = 30' 0'30'15'60'Page 84 of 744 PLANT SPECIFICATIONSAll nursery stock plant material shall be Florida #1 or better in accordance with Grades and Standards for Nursery PlantsParts I & II, latest edition as published by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services- Division of PlantIndustry.All plant material shall be planted, fertilized and mulched as per the plant details and planting specifications noted onthe plans.All container grown material shall be healthy, vigorous, well rooted plants, and established in the container in which theyare delivered to the site. The plants shall have tops which are good quality and in a healthy growing condition.Established container grown plant material shall be grown in that container sufficiently long enough for the new fibrousroots to have developed enabling the root mass to retain it's shape when removed the container. Plants which havebecome root bound in the container are unacceptable.All plant material that is not container grown shall be freshly dug, sound, healthy, vigorous, well branched, and free ofdisease and insect eggs and larvae, and shall have adequate root systems. Where any requirements are omitted fromthe plant list, the plants furnished shall be normal for the variety. Plants may be pruned prior to delivery only upon theapproval of the Landscape Architect.FERTILIZERTwo fertilizers shall be used on all types of plantings, except palms. Granular fertilizer shall be uniform in composition,dry and free flowing. This fertilizer shall be delivered to the site in the original unopened bags bearing themanufacturer's statement of analysis. Granular fertilizer shall be a controlled release variety meeting the followingrequirements: sixteen percent (16%) nitrogen, four percent (4%) phosphorus, eight percent (8%) potassium, plus iron.tablet fertilizer ("Agriform" or approved equal) in 21 gram size shall meet the following requirements: twenty percent(20%) nitrogen, ten percent (10%) phosphorus, five percent (5%) potassium.Application Rates:Plant size16-4-8"Agriform" tablet (21 grams)1 gallon1/4 lb.1 tablet3 gallon1/3 lb.2 tablets7-15 gallon1/2 lb.4 tablets1" - 6" caliper2 lbs. per 1" caliper2 tablets per 1" caliper6" + caliper3 lbs. per 1" caliper2 tablets per 1" caliperSodded areas shall receive an application of the granular fertilizer (16-4-8) at a rate of 1/2 lb. of Nitrogen per 1,000square feet of sod area."Palm Special" fertilizer shall be applied to all palms at installation at a rate of 1 1/2 lbs. per 100 square feet ofcanopy area. Palm fertilizer shall be a controlled release variety containing chelated micro nutrients and a ratio ofN-P-K-Mg of 2:1:3:1.SOILPlanting soil for use in preparing the backfill material for planting pits shall be added a rate of fifty percent (50%) plantingsoil to fifty percent (50%) existing soil. This soil mix shall be used in all plant pits except Sabal Palms which shall bebackfilled with clean sand. Planting soil shall be a fertile, friable natural topsoil of loamy character. It shall contain forty(40) to fifty (50) percent decomposed organic matter and be free of heavy clay, stones larger than 1" in diameter,noxious weeds and plants, sod, partially disintegrated debris, insects or any other undesirable material, plants or seedsthat would be toxic or harmful to plant growth.MULCHAll plant beds and tree watering basins shall be top dressed with three inches (3") of pine bark mini-nuggets mulch.SODRefer to Landscape Plan for limits of sod.All areas disturbed by construction (including material staging, equipment storage, temporary facilities, site access,construction staff parking, etc.) beyond the minimum limits of sod as shown on the Landscape Plan shall be sodded asneeded.All lawn areas to receive sod shall be disked four (4) to six (6) inches and graded to establish a level finished gradeensuring positive drainage from all structures. All debris shall be removed from the site.Sod shall be free of weeds and pests. It shall be laid evenly with tight fitting joints and rolled. The sod shall contain moistsoil which does not fall apart or tear when lifted.See plant list for specific sod species and locations.See 'Fertilizer' for requirements of all sodded areas.NOTE: TREE SUPPORT MATERIALS SHALLBE REMOVED FROM EACH TREE ONCEIT IS ESTABLISHED. THIS IS USUALLYDONE AFTER 6 MONTHS FOR SHADETREES AND 1 YEAR FOR PALM TREES.HURRICANE CUT PALM PLANTING DETAILN.T.S.10% OF ROOT BALL ABOVESURROUNDING FINISHEDGRADETREE PIT PLANTING HOLEDEPTH 90% OF ROOT BALLUNDISTURBED SOILFINISHED GRADE4" SOIL BERM (TYP.)TREE PIT 2X ROOTBALL DIA.ENSURE ADEQUATEDRAINAGE OFSURROUNDING SOILS5 LAYERS OF BURLAP 5-2"X4"X16"WOOD BATTEN CONNECTED W/2-3/4" STEEL BANDS(3) 2"X4" BRACES, TOE NAIL TOBATTEN. DRIVE ENDS OF BRACEINTO ADJACENT UNDISTURBED SOIL.ALL WOOD PRESSURE TREATED3" MULCH MIN. (TYP.). DO NOTMULCH OVER ROOT BALLBACKFILL WITH NATIVE SOIL,PREPARED AS SPECIFIED INGENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTESCANOPY TREETYPICAL PLANTING AT FIRE HYDRANTN.T.S.1'-0" MIN.4'-0" MAX.4'-0" MIN.1'-0" MAX.1/2 O.C.SPACING6'-0" MIN. CLEAR TREES AND SHRUBS TALLER THAN12" SHALL NOT BE PLANTED ANYCLOSER THAN 4'-0" FROM THEBACK OR 7'-6" FROM EACH SIDEOF A FIRE HYDRANT OR FIRE DEPT.CONNECTIONNO TREES OR SHRUBS SHALL BEPLANTED IN FRONT OF A FIREHYDRANT OR FIRE DEPT.CONNECTION.TURF AND GROUNDCOVERSHORTER THAN 12" IS PERMITTEDWITHIN THE CLEARANCE AREAPLANSECTION12" + HT. SHRUB7'-6" MIN.7'-6" MIN.1'-0" MIN.4'-0" MAX.4'-0" MIN.PROPOSED FIRE DEPT.CONNECTIONCLEAR AREAEXISTING SUB SOILSHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL12" MIN. DEPTH OF PLANTINGSOIL FOR GROUNDCOVER BED6" TYP. SOIL BERMTO HOLD WATER3" MIN. MULCH (TYP.)PLAN VIEWX= SPACING ON CENTER (O.C.)X/2 = 1/2 OF SPACING DISTANCEPREPARE PLANTINGSOIL AS SPECIFIED IN GENERALLANDSCAPE NOTESFINISHED GRADEN.T.S.X/2X/2XX/2 X/2 X6"6"6"FRONT ROW SHALLFOLLOW BED LINEMIN. 30" TOBUILDINGBUILDINGLOCATIONVARIES, REFERTO SITE PLANLARGE CANOPY TREE PLANTING DETAILROOT FLARE VISIBLETREE PIT PLANTING HOLE DEPTH90% OF ROOT BALL10% OF ROOT BALL ABOVESURROUNDING FINISHED GRADE2-STRAND TWISTED #12 GAUGEGALVANIZED WIRE WITH GALVANIZEDSTEEL TURNBUCKLE ON THREE (3) SIDESTREE PIT 2X ROOTBALL DIA.TOP-MOST ROOT IN ROOT BALL AT SURFACETREE STAKESUNDISTURBED SOILLARGE CANOPY TREE STAKING PLANREINFORCED BLACKGARDEN HOSEREINFORCED BLACKGARDEN HOSE2-STRAND TWISTED #12GAUGE ANNEALEDGALVANIZED WIRE2"x4"x36" WOOD STAKES (3REQUIRED, EQUALLY SPACED)WHITE SURVEY TAPE SECURELYFASTENEDROOT BALLTREE PIT.08" THICK POLYETHYLENE ROOTBARRIER (SURROUND APPLICATION)BY CENTURY ROOT BARRIER ORAPPROVED EQUAL.TREE ROOT GUARD/BARRIER (MIN 48"DEPTH) TO BE INSTALLED FOR TREESLOCATED WITHIN 10' OF PUBLICSIDEWALKS AND UTILITIES.N.T.S.BACKFILL WITH NATIVE SOIL, SUPPLEMENTSOIL AS SPECIFIED IN GENERAL NOTES3" MULCH MIN. (TYP.), DO NOTMULCH OVER ROOT BALLWHITE SURVEY TAPE SECURELY FASTENEDREMOVE NON-BIODEGRADABLE NYLONSTRAPPING, HOISTING ROPES, ANDBASKET HOOKSSELF-LOCKING ROOTBARRIERB.O.CSIDEWALKROOT BARRIER12'-0"GENERAL REQUIREMENTSThe Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for all materials and all work as called for on the landscape plans. The listof plant quantities accompanying the plans shall be used as guide only. If a discrepancy occurs between the plans andthe plant list, the plans shall control.The Landscape Contractor shall warranty all trees for a period of one (1) year and shrubs and ground covers for a periodof six (6) months from the time of final acceptance by Owner and Landscape Architect.The Landscape Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the stability and plumb condition of all trees and shall be legallyliable for any damage caused by the instability of any plant material. Staking of trees and palms, if required, shall bedone utilizing a method agreed upon by the Landscape Architect.The Landscape Contractor shall research plans and contact appropriate agencies to determine the location of anyutilities and obstructions prior to commencing work. Any utilities or unanticipated obstructions shall be reported toLandscape Architect or Owner immediately.Positive drainage shall be maintained away from all structures on the site.IRRIGATION SYSTEMSAll plant material and sodded areas shall have an automatic underground irrigation system providing 100% coverage.LANDSCAPE DETAILS & NOTESfile name:LAETWB01.19.24AS SHOWN23ROMA001project number:plot scale:date:checked by:descriptiondrawn by:daterevision606 OCOEE APOPKA ROAD, OCOEE, FLORIDA 606 SPORTS TRAINING FL #LA1718Todd W. Bonnett, RLA2022.159.1_KW_606SPORTS_LSBASE.DWGBONNETT design group, llclandscape architecturecommunity planningFL LC 26000341400 S. Orlando Ave. Suite 201Maitland, FL 32751407.622.1588 voiceBDG PROJ #2022.159.1L4101Agency Comments06.18.241Page 85 of 744 MATCHLINE L501MATCHLINE L500 PROPOSED TRAIL (DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF OCOEE) OCOEE APOPKA ROAD ( SR. 437)FIELD AREAPROPERTY BOUNDARYPROPERTYBOUNDARYPROPERTY BOUNDARYFUTURE OCOEE INDUSTRIAL ROADARTIFICIAL TURF, REFER TODETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONBY OTHERSMIRRIGATION WATER POINT OF CONNECTIONCONNECT DOWNSTREAM OF THE 1-1/2" DEDICATEDLANDSCAPE WATER METER PROVIDED BY THE CIVILENGINEER. THE WATER METER IS TO SUPPLY A MINIMUM OF45 GPM AT 60 PSI. SEE CIVIL PLANS FOR THE EXACTLOCATION. VERIFY LOCATION IN THE FIELD PRIOR TOINSTALLATION. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR IS TO NOTIFYTHE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION IFTHE REQUIRED PRESSURE IS NOT AVAILABLE ON THEDOMESTIC WATER LINE.5121SS515151515151010151515151010101010101210101010101212121212121SSSS010185121515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515121510101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101018888BFR114.1112"246112"332112"431112"544.0112"614.4112"714.5112"840.6112"914.7112"1036112"1140.1112"1"1"1"1"114"1"112"114"2"112"1"212"2"1"114"212"1"1"114"2"114"114"1"114"1"114"112"2"112"112"114"212"112"114"1"114"1"1"114"1"1"114"1"1"1"114"212"1"2"114"112"114"114"112"112"114"114"1"1"112"114"2"2"2"2"2"2"2"2"2"2"2"2"4" & 2"(2) 2"(3) 2"(2) 2"(2) 2"(3) 2"IRRIGATION ROUTING SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. IRRIGATIONCONTRACTOR SHOULD FIELD RUN THE IRRIGATIONS SYSTEM IN THE MANNER OF AVOIDING ANYCONFLICT WITH PROPOSED/EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURES AND UNDERGROUND UTILITIES WITHINTHE PROJECT BOUNDARIES. THE CONTRACTOR WILL INSTALL ALL PIPING AND EQUIPMENT INSIDE THEPROJECTS LANDSCAPED AREAS AND SLEEVE ALL OTHER MAINLINE. SPRINKLER LOCATIONS ARE TOSCALE. PIPING LOCATIONS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC.9-12 DRIPLINE, INSTALLEDON BOTH SIDES OFSHRUB ROW (TYP).APPROXIMATE IRRIGATION CONTROLLER AND SENSORLOCATION. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE SHALL PINPOINTEXACT LOCATION AT SITE . IRRIGATION CONTRACTORSHALL HARDWIRE 120 VAC POWER TO CONTROLLERLOCATE MAINLINE AND VALVES AMINIMUM OF 24" FROM BACK OFCURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT (TYP).BACKFLOW PREVENTERIRRIGATION INSTALLER TO FOLLOW LOCALCODES. VERIFY LOCATION IN THE FIELD BEFOREINSTALLATION. SEE THE PRODUCT LEGEND FORTHE BACKFLOW MANUFACTURER AND MODEL #.2"2"2"114"114"1"112"2"114"4" & 2"4" & 2"(2) 2"(2) 2"4"2"2"1"2"2"2"2"2"FFFFF2"114"114"114"1"114"1"1"CRS1"114"1"1"2"WDONE-STORYBUILDING52,800 SFPLUS MEZZANINE (22,000 SF)0101211"(2) 2"1"IRRIGATION PLANSCALE: 1" = 30' 0'30'15'60'file name:LAETWB01.19.24AS SHOWN23ROMA001project number:plot scale:date:checked by:descriptiondrawn by:daterevision606 OCOEE APOPKA ROAD, OCOEE, FLORIDA 606 SPORTS TRAINING FL #LA1718Todd W. Bonnett, RLA2022.159.1_KW_606SPORTS_IRBASE.DWGBONNETT design group, llclandscape architecturecommunity planningFL LC 26000341400 S. Orlando Ave. Suite 201Maitland, FL 32751407.622.1588 voiceBDG PROJ #2022.159.1L500tbd.00.24BEFORE YOU DIG !CALL SUNSHINE STATE ONE CALL OF FLORIDAAT LEAST TWO FULL BUSINESS DAYS BEFOREDIGGING OR DISTURBING EARTHKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.Callwww.callsunshine.comTHESE PLANS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC OF THE WORK TO BE PERFORMED. ALL LANDSCAPEDAREAS ARE TO RECEIVED 100% COVERAGE. INSTALL THIS IRRIGATION SYSTEM PER THE SITECONDITIONS, AVAILABLE FLOW/PRESSURE AND MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS.ADJUST ZONE FLOWS TO ACCOMMODATE THE AVAILABLE MAINLINE FLOWS AND PRESSURES.THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL DOES NOT ACCEPT ANY/ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND/OR LIABILITYFOR PROBLEMS WHICH ARISE FROM FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS ANDDESIGN INTENT THEY CONVEY OR PROBLEMS WHICH ARISE FROM OTHERS' FAILURE TOOBTAIN AND/OR FOLLOW THE DESIGN PROFESSIONALS GUIDANCE WITH RESPECT TO ANYERRORS, OMISSIONS, INCONSISTENCIES, AMBIGUITIES OR CONFLICTS WHICH ARE ALLEGED.NOTES:1.CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE ALL PROPERTY AND RIGHT OF WAY LINES BEFORECONSTRUCTION BEGINS.2.THESE IRRIGATION PLANS ARE SCHEMATIC AND MAY BE EXAGGERATED. CONTRACTORSHALL KEEP WITHIN ALL PROPERTY AND RIGHT OF WAY LINES DURING CONSTRUCTION.3.CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST ALL SPRAY HEADS SO AS NOT TO SPRAY ONTO IMPERVIOUSSURFACES.4.CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE AND VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITY DEPTHS ANDCOORDINATE IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION WITH ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED UTILITIES.5.ALL UNDERGROUND SLEEVES SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 PVC AND SHALL BE TWICE THEDIAMETER OF ANY LINE IT HOUSES.6.CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT ALL EXISTING LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION7.ALL WIRE WILL BE COLOR-CODED DIRECT BURIAL UL/LF WIRE: COMMON (WHITE) #12-1,CONTROL WIRE (RED) #14-18.IRRIGATION INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL (2) SPARE CONTROL WIRES,COLOR-CODED YELLOW AND COMMON FROM CONTROLLER TO MIDPOINT OF MAINLINE,MOUNTED IN 10" ROUND VALVE BOX.3215 ELLEN DR.ORLANDO, FL 32806PHONE (407) 859-5790IRRdesign.comJason McElroyirrdesign@gmail.comSYMBOLMANUFACTURER/MODEL/DESCRIPTIONQTYRain Bird PEB1", 1-1/2", 2" Plastic Industrial Valves. Low Flow OperatingCapability, Globe Configuration.7Rain Bird 33-DLRC3/4" Brass Quick-Coupling Valve, with Corrosion-ResistantStainless Steel Spring, Locking Thermoplastic Rubber Cover,Double Track Key Lug, and 2-Piece Body.1Nibco T-113-KClass 125 bron]e gate shut off valve with cross handle, same si]eas mainline pipe diameter at valve location. Si]e Range - 1/4" - 3"2Watts 919QT 2"Backflow reduced pressure ]one - Installation by a licensedFlorida Plumbing Contractor in accordance with Manufacturer`srecommendations and all federal, state and local codes.1Rain Bird ESPLXME212 Station Traditionally-Wired, Commercial Controller.Indoor/Outdoor, Plastic Wall-Mount Enclosure.1Rain Bird RSD-BExRain Sensor, with metal latching bracket, extension wire.1Water Meter 1-1/2"Water meter reTuires 45 GPM @ 60 PSI. Irrigation contractorshall be responsible to verify the sources ability to service thesystems reTuirements at site before starting construction.1Irrigation Lateral Line: PVC Class 200 SDR 21Only lateral transition pipe si]es 1" and above are indicated onthe plan, with all others being 3/4" in si]e. Fittings shall be SCH40 and molded. Install 12" below final grade.6,450 l.f.Irrigation Mainline: PVC Class 200 SDR 21Pipe si]es 3" inch or smaller shall have bell and socket Moints.Fittings shall be SCH 40 and molded. Install 18" below grade.1,133 l.f.Pipe Sleeve: PVC Schedule 40The depth of the sleeves shall be a minimum 30´ cover fromfinished grade under roadway crossings and 24" under allsidewalks and hardscapes. Extend sleeves 18" beyond edges ofpaving or construction, mark both ends with a 3" "V" in pavement.1,009 l.f.BFCRSMValve NumberValve Si]eValve FlowValve Callout###"IRRIGATION SCHEDULESYMBOLMANUFACTURER/MODEL/DESCRIPTIONQTYPSIRain Bird 1806-U-PRS 15 Strip SeriesTurf Spray 6in. Pop-Up Sprinkler with Co-Molded Wiper Seal.Side and Bottom Inlet. 1/2in. NPT Female Threaded Inlet.Pressure Regulating.730Rain Bird 1806-U-PRS HE-VAN SeriesTurf Spray 6in. Pop-Up Sprinkler with Co-Molded Wiper Seal.Side and Bottom Inlet. 1/2in. NPT Female Threaded Inlet.Pressure Regulating.9930Two Rain Bird 1800-1402 Flood 1401Two fixed flow rate (0.50 GPM), full circle bubblers installed pereach proposed tree, 1/2" FIPT. Increase Schedule Qty. x214520SYMBOLMANUFACTURER/MODEL/DESCRIPTIONQTYRain Bird XCZ-150-LCSHigh Flow Control Zone Kit, for Large Commercial Drip Zones.1-1/2" PEB Globe Valve with single 1-1/2" Pressure Regulating(40psi) Quick-Check Basket Filters. Flow range: 15-62gpm.4Rain Bird MDCFCAPDripline Flush Valve cap in compression fitting coupler.5Area to Receive DriplineRain Bird XFD-09-12XFD On-Surface Pressure Compensating Landscape Dripline. 0.9GPH emitters at 12" O.C. Dripline laterals spaced at 12" apart,with emitters offset for triangular pattern. UV Resistant. SpecifyXF insert fittings.3,846 s.f.ESTCSTSSTRCSLCSELRCS08HE-VAN12HE-VAN10HE-VAN15HE-VAN80121511408140414021401FIRRIGATION SCHEDULETOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA - 50,590 SFNON-IRRIGATED TURF AREA - 21,630 SF - 42%TOTAL IRRIGATED AREA - 14,480 sf - 28%HIGH-VOLUME IRRIGATION USE - 9,725 SF - 19%LOW -VOLUME IRRIGATION USE- 4,755 SF - 9%UTILITY DEPARTMENT NOTES:1.DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATEWITH UTILITIES DEPARTMENT FOR WATERCONSERVATION INSPECTION OF PLUMBING ANDIRRIGATION SYSTEM BY CALLING 407-905-31592.THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING BOTH HORIZONTAL ANDVERTICAL CONSTRUCTION, SHALL INCORPORATEWATERSENSE™ PLUMBING FIXTURES AND ENERGYSTAR® APPLIANCES AS REQUIRED BY CHAPTER 175OF THE CITY OF OCOEE'S CODE OF ORDINANCES.SITE CONDITIONS FOR 1.5" RECLAIMED METERTOTAL IRRIGATED AREA - 14,480 S.F.TOTAL SOD IRRIGATED AREA - 9,725 S.F.TOTAL SHRUB IRRIGATED AREA - 4,755 S.F.MAXIMUM ZONE SIZE IS 44 GPMTOTAL RUN TIME PER WEEK (1" - DST) - 7.48 HOURSTOTAL GALLONS PER WEEK (1" - DST) - 13,724 GPWWATER USE CALCULATION105.10.241FINAL IRRIGATION PLAN APPROVAL DOES NOTPROVIDE EXEMPTION FROM CITY OF OCOEE CODEOF ORDINANCES CHAPTER 175 LANDSCAPEIRRIGATION REQUIREMENTS. ANY DEVIATIONSMUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING PRIOR TOCONSTRUCTION.111Agency Comments06.18.241Page 86 of 744 MATCHLINE L501 MATCHLINE L500 NOTE: NO IRRIGATIONTHIS SHEETPROPERTY BOUNDARYPROPERTY BOUNDARYFUTURE OCOEE INDUSTRIAL ROADIRRIGATION PLANfile name:LAETWB01.19.24AS SHOWN23ROMA001project number:plot scale:date:checked by:descriptiondrawn by:daterevision606 OCOEE APOPKA ROAD, OCOEE, FLORIDA 606 SPORTS TRAINING FL #LA1718Todd W. Bonnett, RLA2022.159.1_KW_606SPORTS_IRBASE.DWGBONNETT design group, llclandscape architecturecommunity planningFL LC 26000341400 S. Orlando Ave. Suite 201Maitland, FL 32751407.622.1588 voiceBDG PROJ #2022.159.1SCALE: 1" = 30' 0'30'15'60'tbd.00.24NUMBERMODELSIZETYPEGPMHEADSPIPE 3/4"PIPE 1"PIPE 1 1/4"PIPE 1 1/2"PIPE 2"PIPE 2 1/2"WIREDESIGN PSIFRICTION LOSSVALVE LOSSPSIPSI @ POCPRECIP1Rain Bird XCZ-150-LCS1-1/2"Area for Dripline14.1939.7 l.f.207.2178.98.139.2305.4135.446.61.44 in/h2Rain Bird PEB1-1/2"Bubbler4646481.228.981.899.6168.9154.939.2205.623.5629.248.03.4 in/h3Rain Bird PEB1-1/2"Bubbler3232466.899.098.95.4180.4203.053.5826.640.23.4 in/h4Rain Bird PEB1-1/2"Bubbler3131270.2144.7116.715.5516.6203.523.5927.139.83.41 in/h5Rain Bird PEB1-1/2"Turf Spray43.9941189.6101.2185.551.15.9526.6302.973.5436.551.80.85 in/h6Rain Bird XCZ-150-LCS1-1/2"Area for Dripline14.39959.3 l.f.413.029.69.1536.5303.1533.143.81.44 in/h7Rain Bird XCZ-150-LCS1-1/2"Area for Dripline14.52967.9 l.f.259.9123.64.1879.6305.6835.747.11.44 in/h8Rain Bird PEB1-1/2"Turf Spray40.6242779.0134. in/h9Rain Bird XCZ-150-LCS1-1/2"Area for Dripline14.69978.9 l.f.300.895.55.01,083303.3833.444.91.44 in/h10Rain Bird PEB1-1/2"Bubbler3636411.893.0233.415.112.31,091204.193.5427.746.13.4 in/h11Rain Bird PEB1-1/2"Turf Spray40.1223119.673.796.437.218.51,101302.23.535.7560.81 in/hCommon Wire1,133VALVE SCHEDULEL501tbd.00.241Agency Comments06.18.2405.10.241NUMBERMODELTYPEPRECIPSUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATIN./WEEKMIN./WEEKGAL./WEEKGAL./DAY1Rain Bird XCZ-150-LCSArea for Dripline1.44 in/h14 min14 min14 min1425921972Rain Bird PEBBubbler3.4 in/h6 min6 min6 min1188282763Rain Bird PEBBubbler3.4 in/h6 min6 min6 min1185761924Rain Bird PEBBubbler3.41 in/h6 min6 min6 min1185581865Rain Bird PEBTurf Spray0.85 in/h53 min0.75532,3322,3326Rain Bird XCZ-150-LCSArea for Dripline1.44 in/h14 min14 min14 min1426042017Rain Bird XCZ-150-LCSArea for Dripline1.44 in/h14 min14 min14 min1426102038Rain Bird PEBTurf Spray0.96 in/h48 min0.75481,9501,9509Rain Bird XCZ-150-LCSArea for Dripline1.44 in/h14 min14 min14 min14261720610Rain Bird PEBBubbler3.4 in/h6 min6 min6 min11864821611Rain Bird PEBTurf Spray0.81 in/h56 min0.75562,2472,247TOTALS:80157808039711,5618,206WATERING SCHEDULE - EASTERN STANDARD TIMENUMBERMODELTYPEPRECIPSUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATIN./WEEKMIN./WEEKGAL./WEEKGAL./DAY1Rain Bird XCZ-150-LCSArea for Dripline1.44 in/h14 min14 min14 min1425921972Rain Bird PEBBubbler3.4 in/h6 min6 min6 min1188282763Rain Bird PEBBubbler3.4 in/h6 min6 min6 min1185761924Rain Bird PEBBubbler3.41 in/h6 min6 min6 min1185581865Rain Bird PEBTurf Spray0.85 in/h36 min36 min1713,1231,5626Rain Bird XCZ-150-LCSArea for Dripline1.44 in/h14 min14 min14 min1426042017Rain Bird XCZ-150-LCSArea for Dripline1.44 in/h14 min14 min14 min1426102038Rain Bird PEBTurf Spray0.96 in/h32 min32 min1632,5591,2799Rain Bird XCZ-150-LCSArea for Dripline1.44 in/h14 min14 min14 min14261720610Rain Bird PEBBubbler3.4 in/h6 min6 min6 min11864821611Rain Bird PEBTurf Spray0.81 in/h38 min38 min1753,0091,505TOTALS:801068018644913,7246,023WATERING SCHEDULE - DAYLIGHT SAVING TIMEPage 87 of 744 IRRIGATION DETAILS & NOTESfile name:LAETWB01.19.24AS SHOWN23ROMA001project number:plot scale:date:checked by:descriptiondrawn by:daterevision606 OCOEE APOPKA ROAD, OCOEE, FLORIDA 606 SPORTS TRAINING FL #LA1718Todd W. Bonnett, RLA2022.159.1_KW_606SPORTS_IRBASE.DWGBONNETT design group, llclandscape architecturecommunity planningFL LC 26000341400 S. Orlando Ave. Suite 201Maitland, FL 32751407.622.1588 voiceBDG PROJ #2022.159.1L510tbd.00.24A.WHEN DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME IS IN EFFECT, LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SHALL OCCUR ONLYIN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING IRRIGATION SCHEDULE:(1)NON-RESIDENTIAL LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION MAY OCCUR ONLY ON TUESDAY AND FRIDAYAND SHALL NOT OCCUR BETWEEN 10:00 A.M. AND 4:00 P.M.; AND(2)NO MORE THAN ¾ INCH DEPTH OF WATER MAY BE APPLIED TO AN IRRIGATION ZONE ONEACH DAY THAT LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION OCCURS AND IN NO EVENT SHALL LANDSCAPEIRRIGATION OCCUR FOR MORE THAN ONE HOUR PER IRRIGATION ZONE ON EACH DAYTHAT LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION OCCURS.B.WHEN EASTERN STANDARD TIME IS IN EFFECT, LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SHALL OCCURONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING IRRIGATION SCHEDULE:(1)NON-RESIDENTIAL LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION MAY OCCUR ONLY ON TUESDAY AND SHALLNOT OCCUR BETWEEN 10:00 A.M. AND 4:00 P.M.; AND(2)NO MORE THAN ¾ INCH DEPTH OF WATER MAY BE APPLIED TO AN IRRIGATION SURFACEON EACH DAY THAT IRRIGATION OCCURS AND IN NO EVENT SHALL LANDSCAPEIRRIGATION OCCUR FOR MORE THAN ONE (1) HOUR PER IRRIGATION ZONE ON EACH DAYTHAT LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION OCCURS.C.ALL LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SHALL BE LIMITED IN AMOUNT TO ONLY THAT WHICH ISNECESSARY TO MEET LANDSCAPE NEEDS.175-6.2 EXCEPTIONS TO THE LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SCHEDULESLANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING IRRIGATION SCHEDULEEXCEPTIONS:A.IRRIGATION USING A MICRO-SPRAY, MICRO-JET, DRIP OR BUBBLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM ISALLOWED ANYTIME.B.IRRIGATION OF NEW LANDSCAPE IS ALLOWED ANY TIME OF DAY ON ANY DAY FOR THEINITIAL THIRTY (30) DAYS AND EVERY OTHER DAY FOR THE NEXT THIRTY (30) DAYS FOR ATOTAL OF ONE SIXTY (60) DAY PERIOD. PROVIDED THAT THE IRRIGATION IS LIMITED TOTHE MINIMUM AREA AND/OR AMOUNT NECESSARY FOR SUCH LANDSCAPEESTABLISHMENT.C.WATERING IN OF CHEMICALS, INCLUDING INSECTICIDES, PESTICIDES, FERTILIZERS,FUNGICIDES, AND HERBICIDES, WHEN REQUIRED BY LAW, THE MANUFACTURER, OR BESTMANAGEMENT PRACTICE, IS ALLOWED ANY TIME OF DAY ON ANY DAY WITHIN 24 HOURSOF APPLICATION. WATERING IN OF CHEMICALS SHALL NOT EXCEED ¼ INCH OF WATERPER APPLICATION EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE REQUIRED BY LAW, THE MANUFACTURER, ORBEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE.D.IRRIGATION SYSTEMS MAY BE OPERATED AT ANY TIME OF DAY ON ANY DAY FORMAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PURPOSES NOT TO EXCEED 20 MINUTES PER HOUR PERZONE.E.IRRIGATION USING A HAND-HELD HOSE EQUIPPED WITH AN AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFFNOZZLE IS ALLOWED AT ANY TIME OF DAY ON ANY DAY.175-6.3 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENT FOR AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEMSALL IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE PROPERLY MAINTAINED SO AS TO MINIMIZE THEWASTING OF WATER. IMPROPER MAINTENANCE OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL INCLUDEBUT NOT BE LIMITED TO BROKEN HEADS, VALVES THAT DO NOT PROPERLY OPEN ORCLOSE, SPRINKLER HEADS IMPROPERLY ADJUSTED OR OBSTRUCTED, LEAKINGHEADS/FITTINGS/PIPING, AND/OR MALFUNCTIONING TIMERS.1.IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS DESIGNED TO OPERATE OFF A POTABLE WATERMETER PROVIDING A MINIMUM FLOW OF 45 GPM AND A MINIMUMPRESSURE OF 60 PSI.CONTRACTOR MUST CONTACT THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO THECOMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION IF THE AVAILABLE FLOW ANDPRESSURE DEVIATES MORE THEN 5% OR WILL AFFECT THE PERFORMANCEOF THE SYSTEM.MINIMUM PRESSURE REQUIREMENTS - 60 PSI AT THE POINT OFCONNECTIONA.35 PSI AT THE BASE OF THE POP-UP ROTOR/ROTATOR HEADSB.30 PSI AT THE BASE OF THE POP-UP SPRAY HEADS2.HEAD LAYOUT IS BASED ON BASE INFORMATION PROVIDED. HEADS SHALLBE ADJUSTED TO ACCOMMODATE FIELD VARIATIONS WHILE MAINTAINING100% COVERAGE AND MINIMIZING OVER-SPRAY ONTO PAVED AREAS ANDBUILDINGS.3.1/2" PIPE SHALL NOT BE USED FOR LATERAL PIPINGIRRIGATION SYSTEM PERFORMANCE NOTES1.INSTALL DRIP TUBING AT GRADE AND COVER WITH MULCH. TYPICALSPACING FOR DRIP TUBING IS 12" TO 18" ON CENTER. SPACING TO BEDETERMINED BY PLANT LAYOUT. REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN. ANCHORTUBING EVERY 10' WITH 12" LONG PLASTIC TUBING STAKES. INSTALL FLUSHVALVE ASSEMBLIES AT ALL TUBING "DEAD ENDS". INSTALL AIR/VACUUMRELIEF VALVES AT "HIGH POINTS" OF EVERY SECTION.2.GRID LAYOUT SHALL BE USED ON THIS PROJECT. USE CENTER GRIDLAYOUT WHERE POSSIBLE.3.WHEN SLEEVING DRIPLINE, USE BLANK DRIPLINE IN SLEEVE. SLEEVE SHALLBE 2X DRIPLINE DIAMETER. NO EMITTER DRIPLINE SHALL BE PLACED INSLEEVE.4.THE LENGTH OF ANY DRIPLINE LATERAL SHALL NOT BE LONGER THAN:12" EMITTERS @ 0.9 GPHa)@ 15 PSI = 155 FEETb)@ 20 PSI = 169 FEETc)@ 30 PSI = 230 FEETd)@ 40 PSI = 255 FEETLATERAL DISTANCE DOUBLED WHEN CENTER FEED LAYOUT USED (SEECENTER FEED LAYOUT DETAIL.5.MANUAL FLUSH VALVE SHALL BE USED & PLACED WITH A 6" X 6" SUMP.VALVES SHALL BE OPENED EVERY WATERING DAY FOR 2 WEEKS AND THENA MINIMUM OF 2 TIMES A YEAR TO CLEAR DRIPLINE OF DEBRIS.6.AIR/VACUUM RELIEF SHALL BE INSTALLED WHEN THE CHANGE IN SLOPEOCCURS 3% OR GREATER.7.STAPLES SHALL BE USED AT 5' O.C. AND 2 STAPLES 'X'ED OVER EACHOTHER WITH ANY CHANGE IN DIRECTION, ELBOWS, OR CROSSES.8.SUPPLY, EXHAUST HEADERS AND DRIPLINE SHALL BE PLACED 2"- 4" FROMPLANTS AND PAVEMENT EDGES.9.BLANK DRIPLINE SHALL BE USED FOR ALL SUPPLY AND EXHAUST HEADERS,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS.10.PRIOR TO COVERING DRIPLINE, DRIPLINE CIRCUIT WILL BE PRESSURIZEDAND TESTED FOR PROPER OPERATION.11.DRIP LINE LATERALS SHALL BE LAID IN THE LONGEST RUN, WHETHER IT BETHE WIDTH OR LENGTH OF THE ZONE.1.ALL MAINLINES TO HAVE A MINIMUM OF 18" OF COVER. (CLASS 200 PVC PIPE).2.ALL LATERAL AND SUB-MAIN PIPE TO HAVE A MINIMUM OF 12" OF COVER (CLASS 200 PVCPIPE).3.NO ROCKS, BOULDER, OR OTHER EXTRANEOUS MATERIALS TO BE USED IN BACKFILLINGOF TRENCH.4.ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURERS' SPECIFICATIONS.5.ALL THREADED JOINTS TO BE COATED WITH TEFLON TAPE OR LIQUID TEFLON.6.ALL LINES TO BE THOROUGHLY FLUSHED BEFORE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER HEADS.7.SPRINKLER AND RELATED EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED AS PER DETAILS.8.ALL ELECTRICAL JOINTS TO BE MADE USING WATERPROOF CONNECTIONS AS SHOWN ONDETAILS.9.ALL EQUIPMENT NOT SPECIFIED IN THE LEGEND SHALL BE DETERMINED AND FURNISHEDBY THE CONTRACTOR.10.NO ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE IN THE FIELD EXCEPT AT A VALVECONTROL BOX OR ANOTHER VALVE BOX SPECIFICALLY FOR CONNECTIONS.11.ANY DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THIS SHEET AND OTHERS IN THIS SET MUST BE REFERREDTO THE IRRIGATION CONSULTANT BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR CLARIFICATION BEFOREPRECEDING WITH THE WORK.12.ALL 24 VOLT WIRE SHALL BE #12 UF/UL FOR COMMON WIRE, AND #14 UF/UL FOR CONTROLWIRES, DIRECT BURIAL, SOLID COPPER.13.CONTRACTOR TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPER COVERAGE OF AREAS TO BE WATERED.i.e ADJUST HEADS WITH INSUFFICIENT COVERAGE DUE TO BLOCKAGE BY EXISTING ORPROPOSED SITE FEATURES.14.CONTRACTOR TO REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN TO KEEP SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT ANDACCESSORY MATERIAL FROM INTERFERING WITH PROPER PLANTING, i.e VERIFY ROOTBALL SIZE FOR PLANTING15.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE EXPANSION COILS AT EACH WIRE CONNECTION IN A VALVEBOX (WRAP AROUND 3/4" PIPE 12 TIMES.16.SPRINKLERS IN LOW-LYING AREAS SHALL HAVE CHECK VALVES17.ALL SPRINKLERS TO BE MOUNTED ON FLEX PIPE - REFER TO DETAILS.18.INSTALL DRIP LINE TUBING AND NON-PRESSURE LATERAL LEAD LINE PIPING INLANDSCAPE AREAS AND ADJACENT TO SELECTED PLANT MATERIAL AS SHOWN INDETAILS.19.CONTRACTOR SHALL UTILIZE VALVE I.D. TAGS ON ALL REMOTE CONTROL VALVES.20.24 VOLT WIRE SHALL BE COLOR CODE; COMMON-WHITE, CONTROL-RED.21.CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL MANUFACTURERS' RECOMMENDED GROUNDINGEQUIPMENT FOR POWER SUPPLY AND VALVE OUTPUT WITH (2) 5/8" COPPER CLAD GROUNDRODS.22.CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL MANUFACTURERS' RECOMMENDATION ON FAULT GROUNDAND LIGHTNING PROTECTION.23.CONTROLLER GROUNDING MUST BE PER ASIC REQUIREMENTS.24.ALL MATERIAL TO BE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR TO OWNER:A.TWO WRENCHES FOR DISASSEMBLING AND ADJUSTING EACH TYPE OF SPRINKLERHEAD AND VALVE SUPPLIED.B.TWO KEYS FOR EACH OF THE AUTOMATIC CONTROLLERS.C.TWO QUICK COUPLER KEYS WITH MATCHING HOSE SWIVELS.26.SYSTEM IS DIAGRAMMATIC TO IMPROVE CLARITY. ALL MAINLINE PIPING, ELECTRIC VALVESAND WIRING ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN LANDSCAPED AREAS AND REFERENCE THELANDSCAPE PLAN PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF PIPING TO AVOID CONTACT WITHPLANT MATERIALS EXISTING OR NEW.27.CONTRACTOR TO ADD EXTENSION RISERS TO POP-UP HEADS WHEN NEEDED TO PROVIDEPROPER COVERAGE.28.CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT 18" FROM FOUNDATIONS, ALSOINSTALL SPRINKLERS 4" FROM CURBS OR WALKS.29.PRIOR TO BID IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY RIGHT-OF-WAY AND BACKFLOWREQUIREMENTS NO LATER THAN FIVE DAYS BEFORE BID SUBMITTALS. CONTRACTORSHALL NOTIFY CONSULTANT OF ANY CHANGES FROM PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS.30.IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTWITH A REPRODUCIBLE AS-BUILT DRAWING OF THE INSTALLED IRRIGATION SYSTEM IN APDF FILE FORMAT BEFORE FINAL ACCEPTANCE. PROVIDE CROSS-MEASURED LOCATIONSOF ALL VALVE LOCATIONS, CONTROLLER, WATER SOURCE, WIRE SPLICES, SLEEVELOCATIONS, ETC.31.A 1-YEAR WARRANTY PERIOD SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR SYSTEM AFTER SUBSTANTIALCOMPLETION IS ACCEPTED. START UP AND ADJUSTING OF SYSTEM IN SPRING TIME SHALLBE INCLUDED IN WARRANTY.32.PRIOR TO BID, CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT ALL MATERIAL, INSTALLATIONPARAMETERS AND OPERATIONS CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND ORDINANCESNO LATER THAN FIVE DAYS BEFORE BID SUBMITTALS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFYIRRIGATION CONSULTANT/DESIGNER OF ANY CHANGES REQUIRED DUE TO CURRENTCODE OR ORDINANCE DISCREPANCIES. IF CONTRACTOR DOES NOT COMPLY TO THISNOTIFICATION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL NECESSARYINSTALLATION CHANGE AND REDESIGN COSTS FOR NON-COMPLIANCE.33.UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE CONTRACTOR MUST COMPLETE TWO PRESSURE TESTSOF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM MAINLINE(BOTH TO SHOW NO DROP IN PRESSURE DURINGDURATION OF THE TEST).A.2-HOUR PRESSURE TEST AT 1.5 TIMES THE SYSTEM STATIC PRESSUREB.24-HOUR PRESSURE TEST AT THE SYSTEM STATIC PRESSURE34.IRRIGATION INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH ACOLOR-CODED ZONE DIAGRAM PLAN, 8-1/2"X11" LAMINATED SHEET(S) WITH ANELECTRONIC FILE COPY TO IDENTIFY CONTROLLER STATION TO THE CONTROL VALVENUMBER FOR EACH CONTROLLER. THE LAMINATED CHART IS TO BE LOCATED IN ANADHESIVE POUCH ATTACHED TO THE INSIDE OF CONTROLLER(S).35.THE CONTROLLER(S) SHALL SCHEDULE PROGRAM "A" TO A REGULAR RUN-TIME SETTINGSFOR AFTER THE ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD OF THE PLANT MATERIAL. PROGRAM "B" SHALLBE USED DURING THE ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD AND TURNED OFF AFTER THE 30-60 DAYSOF PLANT INSTALLATION.36.THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR WILL READ ALL SPECIFICATIONS AND REVIEW ALL DETAILSAND EXAMINE THESE PLANS CAREFULLY PRIOR TO BIDDING THIS PROJECT. FAILURE TOREAD THIS INFORMATION IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE REASON IF THE JOB IS UNDERBID.37.THE PLAN MAY NOT INCLUDE ALL MATERIALS. THIS DOESN'T RELIEVE THE CONTRACTORFROM BEING RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE A COMPLETE SYSTEM IN PERFECT WORKINGORDER.DRIP TUBING NOTES4" THICK CONC. PAD12"-36"TOSERVICEMAINFROMFINISHED GRADE12"12"36" COVER TYP.STRAINER(OPTIONAL)UNIONUNIONTEST COCK (TYP.)BALL VALVEBACKFLOW PREVENTER (SEE NOTE 2)BALL VALVEELBOW (2 REQUIRED)3"ISOLATION GATE VALVENOTES:1.ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS 2" AND SMALLER SHALL BE THREADED SCHEDULE 40GALVANIZED STEEL OR BRASS.2.ALL BACKFLOW PREVENTER DEVICES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THECITY/COUNTY BACKFLOW PREVENTER TECHNICIAN.3.ALL REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW DEVICES SHALL BE USC APPROVED.4.CONCRETE PAD IS REQUIRED FOR ALL INSTALLATIONS 1-1/2" OR LARGER.REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTERFLUSH IN LAWN AREAS. 2" IN SHRUB AREAS.NIPPLE.12" PVC SCHEDULE 8012" MAX2" MAX. 1" MIN.6" MIN.STEEL CLAMPS.TWO STAINLESSTHREE PVC SCH 80ELLS.STEEL PIPE.1/2" X 36" GALVNIPPLE.3" PVC SCHEDULE 80 GALV. NIPPLE, LENGTH AS REQ.CRUSHED ROCK.6" DEEP LAYER OF 3/4"SPECIFIED.QUICK COUPLING VALVE ASFINISHED GRADE.WITH 2" HIGH CHARACTERS.HEAD BRAND "QVC" ON LID10" DIAMETER VALVE BOX.QUICK COUPLER TYPICAL DETAIL24" MIN.MAINLINEPIPEPIPE AND WIRING IN THE SAME TRENCH18" MIN.LATERALPIPE24" MIN.WIRING INCONDUITPLAN VIEWWIRE W/O CONDUIT1. ALL LATERAL LINES SHALL BE SCH 200 PVC PIPE. ALL MAIN LINE SHALL BE SCH 40 PIPE.2. SLEEVES BELOW ALL HARDSCAPE ELEMENTS SHALL BE SCH 40 PVC AND SHALL BETWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE OR WIRE BUNDLE WITHIN.3. ALL LATERAL LINE SHALL BE BURIED NO LESS THAN 18". ALL MAIN LINES ANDELECTRICAL LINES SHALL BE NO LESS THAN 24".NOTES:PIPE AND WIRE TRENCHING RUN WIRING BENEATH ANDBESIDE MAINLINE, TAPE ANDBUNDLE IT 10-FOOT INTERVALSALL SOLVENT WELD PLASTICPIPING TO BE SNAKED INTRENCH SHOWNTIE A 24-INCH LOOP IN ALLWIRING AT CHANGES OFDIRECTION OF 30" ORGREATER. UNTIE AFTER ALLCONNECTIONS HAVE BEENMADE.10" ROUNDVALVE PITFINISHGRADET-113 GATEVALVE10" PVC SLEEVESCH. 40 MALEADAPTERPVC MAIN LINE3" GRAVELSUMPESP-LXME CONTROLLER IN PLASTIC CABINETIRRIGATION CONTROLLER: RAIN BIRD ESP-LXME CONTROLLER WITH OPTIONALIQ NCC PHONE CARTRIDGE IN PLASTIC CABINETWITH WALL MOUNT. INSTALL CONTROLLER ANDCABINET ON WALL PER MANUFACTURER'SRECOMMENDATIONS.JUNCTION BOX1-INCH CONDUIT AND FITTINGS TO POWER SUPPLYPOWER SUPPLY WIRE1-INCH CONDUIT AND FITTINGS FOR PHONE SERVICETO IQ CENTRAL CONTROL COMPUTER - OPTIONALPHONE LINE CONNECTION TO RJ 11 PHONE JACK FORCOMMUNICATION WITH IQ CENTRAL CONTROLCOMPUTER - OPTIONAL2-INCH CONDUIT AND FITTINGS FOR STATION WIRESWIRES TO REMOTE CONTROL VALVESNOTES:1. IQ ESP-LXME CONTROLLER IS AVAILABLE IN 8- OR 12-STATIONBASE MODELS. ADDITIONAL MODULES IN 4-, 8- AND12-STATION VERSIONS MAY BE ADDED TO BRING THECONTROLLER UP TO 48 STATIONS MAXIMUM.2. FOR EASE OF INSTALLATION INTO A CONTROLLER WITH MORETHAN 24 STATIONS, INSTALL A JUNCTION BOX AT THE BASE OFCONTROLLER AND TRANSITION LARGER VALVE AND COMMONWIRES FROM FIELD TO 18 AWG MULTI CONDUCTOR WIRE TOBE USED IN CONTROLLER.3. USE STEEL CONDUIT FOR ABOVE GRADE AND SCH 4O PVCCONDUIT FOR BELOW GRADE CONDITIONS.4. PROVIDE PROPER GROUNDING COMPONENTS TO ACHIEVEGROUND RESISTANCE OF 10 OHMS OR LESS.WALL1235647812345678RAIN SENSOR ROOF BRACKET556216432341EAVE OF BUILDINGRAIN SENSORWIRE TO IRRIGATION CONTROLLERPLASTIC TIE DOWN STRAPMOUNTING BRACKETSECURE WIRE WITH CABLE TIEBRACKET (1 OF 2)10" ROUND VALVE BOX8' COPPER CLAD GROUND ROD50 OHMS OR LESSCONNECTION#6 to #10 BARE COPPERGROUNDING CONDUCTORCONDUIT TO CONTROLLERGROUND PER N.E.C.CONTROLLER GROUNDING1324532145175-6 WATER CONSERVATION MEASURESGENERAL IRRIGATION NOTEStbd.00.241Agency Comments06.18.2405.10.241Page 88 of 744 IRRIGATION DETAILS & NOTESfile name:LAETWB01.19.24AS SHOWN23ROMA001project number:plot scale:date:checked by:descriptiondrawn by:daterevision606 OCOEE APOPKA ROAD, OCOEE, FLORIDA 606 SPORTS TRAINING FL #LA1718Todd W. Bonnett, RLA2022.159.1_KW_606SPORTS_IRBASE.DWGBONNETT design group, llclandscape architecturecommunity planningFL LC 26000341400 S. Orlando Ave. Suite 201Maitland, FL 32751407.622.1588 voiceBDG PROJ #2022.159.1L511tbd.00.242" CALIPER2"-4" CALIPER4" CALIPERDAILY FOR TWO WEEKS, EVERY OTHERDAY FOR TWO MONTHS, WEEKLY UNTILESTABLISHEDDAILY FOR ONE MONTH, EVERY OTHERDAY FOR THREE MONTHS, WEEKLY UNTILESTABLISHED.DAILY FOR SIX WEEKS, EVERY OTHER DAYFOR FIVE MONTHS, WEEKLY UNTILESTABLISHEDIRRIGATION SCHEDULE FOR VITALITYSIZE OF NURSERYSTOCKLESS THANGREATER THANTREE IRRIGATION AFTER PLANTINGDURING ESTABLISHMENT1. AT EACH IRRIGATION, APPLY TWO TO THREE GALLONS PERINCH TRUNK CALIPER AT THE ROOT BALL SURFACE. APPLY IT INA MANNER SO ALL WATER SOAKS THE ENTIRE ROOT BALL. DONOT WATER IF THE ROOT BALL IS WET/SATURATED ON THEIRRIGATION DAY2. DELETE DAILY IRRIGATION WHEN PLANTING IN WINTER.ESTABLISHMENT TAKES THREE (HARDINESS ZONE 10-11) TOFOUR (HARDINESS ZONE 8-9) MONTHS PER INCH TRUNKCALIPER. NEVER APPLY IRRIGATION IF THE SOIL IS SATURATED.6" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD DETAIL(1 OF 2)FLOOD BUBBLER1/2" FLEX PIPE(TYP.)TREE BUBBLER DETAILIRRIGATION CONTRACTOR IS TO AVOID ANYCONTACT WITH THE ROOT BALL OF THE TREEFINISH GRADEON LATERAL LINESCH. 40 PVC FITTING6" PRS SPRAY HEAD INSTALLED 4" OFF CURB OR WALKSCH. 40 PVC STREET ELLPVC IPS FLEX PIPE12" MIN. SPRINKLERS IN LOW-LYING AREAS SHALL HAVE CHECK VALVES PVC CAP (TYPICAL).GRADETO FINISH 24" MAX.PAVING.PVC CAP (TYPICAL).TRENCH.SLEEVES.PAVING.SECTION `A'RECORD MEASUREMENTS FROMTWO REFERENCE POINTS TOTHE INSTALLED STUB-UPIRRIGATION SLEEVE DETAIL18"MIN18" MIN 24" MINTEMPORARY SLEEVEMARKER, TYP.FINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCHJUMBO VALVE BOX WITH COVER: RAIN BIRD VBJMBL30-INCH LINEAR LENGTH OF WIRE, COILEDWATERPROOF CONNECTION: RAIN BIRD DB SERIES1 1/2" PEB VALVE (INCLUDED IN XCZ-150-LCS KIT)1 1/2" FILTER - RAIN BIRD LARGE CAPACITYSCREEN FILTER (INCLUDED IN XCZ-150-LCS KIT)1 1/2" HIGH FLOW PRESSURE REGULATOR(INCLUDED IN XCZ-150-LCS KIT)LATERAL PIPEPVC SCH 80 NIPPLE 1 1/2"PVC SCH 40 ELBOWPVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (2" LENGTH, HIDDEN) ANDPVC 40 ELBOWPVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELBOWMAINLINE PIPE4" MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3/4" WASHED GRAVELISOLATION VALVE, LINE SIZERAIN BIRD XCZ-150-LCS 1.5" COMMERCIAL CONTROL ZONE KIT IN JUMBO VALVE BOX12345678991011121314159375421689101112131415MIN. 3" CLR.ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVE 54312678567129111013XFD ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE FLUSH POINTXFD ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE RISER ASSEMBLY NOTES1.IRRIGATION SLEEVES SHALL BE CLASS 200 PIPE FOR 4" AND LARGER AND SCHEDULE 40PVC FOR 3" AND SMALLER.2.ALL JOINTS TO BE SOLVENT WELDED AND WATERTIGHT.3.WHERE THERE IS MORE THAN ONE SLEEVE, EXTEND THE SMALLER SLEEVE TO24-INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE FINISH GRADE AND MARK ALL SLEEVE LOCATIONS.REMOVE EXTENSION WHEN SLEEVE IS UTILIZED.4.MECHANICALLY TAMP TO 95% PROCTOR.5.SLEEVE SHALL BE TWO (2) TIMES DIAMETER OF NOMINAL SIZE OF PIPE WITHIN SLEEVE.REMOTE CONTROL VALVE WITH FLOWCONTROL - PER PLANIRRIGATION VALVE BOX: HEAT STAMPLID WITH 'RCV' IN 2" LETTERSWATERPROOF CONNECTORS (2)18"-24" COILED WIRE TO CONTROLLERFINISH GRADE AT ADJACENTSURFACE (TURF OR MULCH)SCH.80 CLOSE NIPPLE, SIZE PER RCVPVC SLIP (OR FPT) X FPT UNIONISOLATION VALVE, LINE SIZEBRICK SUPPORTS (4)FILTER FABRIC - WRAP TWICEAROUND BRICK SUPPORTS3/4" WASHED GRAVEL - 4" MIN. DEPTHIRRIGATION LATERALMAINLINE AND FITTINGS3754216891011121311241135678912ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE:INLINE DRIP EMITTER OUTLET, SEE PLANSFOR DRIPLINE OUTLET SPACING.BARB TEE 17x17x17mm RAIN BIRD XFF-TEEBARB COUPLING 17x17mm RAIN BIRD XFF-COUPBARB ELBOW 17x17mm RAIN BIRD XFF-ELBOWBARB MALE ADAPTER 17mm X 1/2" MPT RAIN BIRD XFF-MA-050 17mm X 3/4" MPT RAIN BIRD XFF-MA-075PVC TEE SxSxTPVC LATERAL SUPPLY HEADERTIE DOWN STAKE: RAIN BIRD TDS-050 WITH BEND (TYP)MULCHFINISH GRADERAIN BIRD XF SERIES BLANK TUBINGLENGTH AS REQUIRED43212"-4"NOTES:1. PLACE TIE DOWN STAKES EVERY THREE FEET IN SAND,F0UR FEET IN LOAM, AND FIVE FEET IN CLAY.2. AT FITTINGS WHERE THERE IS A CHANGE OF DIRECTIONSUCH AS TEES OR ELBOWS, USE TIE-DOWN STAKESON EACH LEG OF THE CHANGE OF DIRECTION.5678910111235421ALLOW A MINIMUM OF 6-INCHES OFDRIPLINE TUBING IN VALVE BOX INORDER TO DIRECT FLUSHEDWATER OUTSIDE VALVE BOX.2345161112109878991011612TOP OF MULCH LAYERFLUSH CAP FOR EASY FIT COMPRESSION FITTINGS: POTABLE:RAIN BIRD MDCFCAP NON-POTABLE: RAIN BIRD MDCFPCAPEASY FIT COUPLING: RAIN BIRD MDCFCOUPSUBTERRANEAN EMITTER BOX: RAIN BIRD SEB 7XBRAIN BIRD XF BLANK TUBINGFINISH GRADEPVC EXHAUST HEADERPVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELBARB X MALE FITTING: RAIN BIRD XFF-MA FITTING (TYPICAL)ON-SURFACE DRIPLINE:3-INCH MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3/4" WASHED GRAVELBRICK (1 OF 2)10SHRUB DRIP LAYOUTSUPPLY LINEPVC 3/4" SUPPLY MANIFOLD,INSTALLED BELOW GRADEDRIPLINE STARTCONNECTIONMALE ADAPTERDRIPLINEDRIPLINE TO BEINSTALLED BELOWMULCH LAYERSHRUB HEDGE12" MAX. SPACINGPVC EXHAUSTMANIFOLD ON DRIPLINEMANUAL FLUSH VALVE87tbd.00.241Agency Comments0618.24105.10.24Page 89 of 744 Page 90 of 744 SCALE:SLA2MH: 30.0SLA2MH: 30.0SLA2MH: 30.0SLA2MH: 30.0SLBMH: 30.0SLBMH: 30.0SLBMH: 30.0WPAMH: 25.0WPAMH: 25.0WPAMH: 25.0WSMH: 4.0WSMH: 4.0WSMH: 4.0WSMH: 4.0C-4MH: 11.5C-8MH: 11.5C-8MH: 11.5C-4MH:'30.00FIRE LANE FIRE LANE FIRELANEgravelgravelSite Benchmark # 1Set 5/8" iron rodand cap stamped'PSM 5205 TRAV PT'elevation = 120.47'Site Benchmark # 2Set 5/8" iron rodand cap stamped'PSM 5205 TRAV PT'elevation = 121.96'PROPOSED TRAIL (DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF OCOEE)PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEOCOEE APOPKA ROAD ( SR. 437)1.5" IRRIGATION METER AND 2"REDUCED PRESSURE BACK FLOWPREVENTER (REFER TOIRRIGATION PLANS FORCONTINUATION).AE400NONEPOLE MTD FIXTURE NOTES:CONCRETEPOLE DETAIL1.REFER TO WIND RATING REQUIREMENTS ON THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FORSPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS. WHERE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS ARE NOT PROVIDED,WIND RATINGS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE,CHAPTER 16. POLE, BASE, ANCHOR BOLT AND LIGHT FIXTURE ASSEMBLY SHALLBE CERTIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER FOR THE WIND RATING. WHEREREQUIRED FOR PERMITTING, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROCURE THE SERVICESOF A FLORIDA LICENSED PROFESSIONAL STRUCTURAL ENGINEER TO PROVIDESIGNED AND SEALED CALCULATIONS AND DRAWINGS CERTIFYING THE POLE MTDLIGHT FIXTURE DETAIL AND/OR MODIFYING THE DETAIL AS REQUIRED TO MEETTHE REQUIRED WIND RATINGS PER THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE.2.INSTALL SITE LIGHTING AS INDICATED, IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'SWRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS, APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF NEC STANDARDS,APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF STATE, COUNTY AND LOCAL CODES, AND WITHRECOGNIZED INDUSTRY PRACTICES TO ENSURE SITE LIGHTING FULFILLS ALLREQUIREMENTS.3.COMPLY WITH NEC ARTICLE 300.5 FOR RACEWAY BURIAL DEPTH. REFER TOBELOW GRADE RACEWAY DETAIL FOR ADDITIONAL RACEWAY BURIAL DEPTHREQUIREMENTS.4.LIGHT FIXTURES AND ASSOCIATED WIRING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCEWITH NEC ARTICLE 410. POLE SUPPORTING LUMINAIRE SHALL COMPLY WITHNEC ARTICLE 410.30(B).5.PROVIDE IN-GROUND JUNCTION BOX SET AT EACH POLE EXCEPT THE LASTPOLE IN A RUN. PROVIDE QUAZITE BOX # PG1118BA12/PG1118HH00 ORAPPROVED EQUAL FOR IN GROUND APPLICATIONS. TOP SHALL BE FLUSH WITHFINISHED GRADE.6.PROVIDE SUFFICIENT SPACE ENCOMPASSING HAND ACCESS AND CABLEENTRANCE HOLES FOR INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND CABLING.7.PROVIDE BUSSMAN HEB FUSEHOLDER (LITTLEFUSE LEB-XX-S) WITH"BREAKAWAY" RECEPTACLES IN ALL CONDUCTORS RUNNING TO THE TOP OFEACH POLE. LOCATE FUSE HOLDER AT HAND HOLE OR IN BASE JUNCTION BOXAS APPLICABLE. PROVIDE KTK FUSES IN EACH PHASE CONDUCTOR, SIZED 1.5TIMES MAXIMUM FULL LOAD CURRENT OF BALLASTS SERVED BY EACHCONDUCTOR. DO NOT EXCEED RATING OF CIRCUIT OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVEDEVICE. PROVIDE FUSE BLANKS IN NEUTRAL CONDUCTORS. MAKE UP ALLOTHER SPLICES IN POLE OR POLE BASE USING SCOTCHCAST 400 RESIN FORWATERTIGHT CONNECTION.8.VOLTAGE DROP HAS BEEN CALCULATED FOR WIRING ARRANGEMENTS AS SHOWN.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADEQUATELY SIZING CONDUCTORSSHOULD HE/SHE DEVIATE FROM THE SPECIFIC ARRANGEMENT SHOWN ON THEDRAWINGS, LIMITING VOLTAGE DROP TO 3% AT THE FARTHEST FIXTURE.9.ALL POLE MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE OPTICS SHALL BE FIELD ROTATABLE. ORIENTOPTICS AS DESIGNATED BY ARROWS ON THE SITE LIGHTING PLAN.10.PROVIDE EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONNECTIONS FOR EACH POLE MTD LIGHTFIXTURE INSTALLATION. ALL GROUNDING SHOWN SHALL BE BONDED TO THEEQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR.11.ALL HARDWARE (E.G. WASHERS, NUTS, ETC.) SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL.12.PROVIDE HOUSE-SIDE SHIELDS NEAR PROPERTY BOUNDARIES. ALL LIGHTFIXTURES SHALL BE FULL CUTOFF. REFER TO LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE FORADDITIONAL DETAILS AND REQUIREMENTS.DIRECT BURIEDPRE-STRESSED CONCRETE(4000 PSI MIN) SQUARETAPERED POLE(WIND RATING PER NOTE 1)POLE MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURETYPE AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS(REFER TO LIGHT FIXTURESCHEDULE)DEPTH ASREQUIRED TOMEET WINDLOAD RATING(7'-0" MIN)BOND GROUND WIRE TO TENONSLIP FITTER USING CADWELDCONNECTIONFINISHED GRADEUNDISTURBEDEARTHPOLEDIAMETER+6" ONBOTHSIDES ANDBOTTOMBACKFILL HOLEWITH #57 OR#60 AGGREGATEFACTORYINSTALLEDCONDUIT ENTRYOR FITTING30'-0"IN-GROUNDJUNCTION BOXSCHEDULE 40 PVC3/4"x10'-0"COPPER GROUNDRODHANDHOLE(4"x6" MIN)18"LIGHTINGCIRCUIT INCONDUIT ASSPECIFIED ONPLANS#6 BONDTO POLESEENOTE 3SEENOTE 3Landreth Lighting Luminaire ScheduleSymbol[MANUFAC]QtyLabelArrangementDescriptionLLFLum. WattsLum. LumensBUG RatingPINNACLE ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING2C−4 Single EV3−WET−835−4FT1.00018.81780B1−U3−G1PINNACLE ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING2C−8Back−Back EV3−WET−835−8FT1.000 18.8 1780B1−U3−G1Lithonia Lighting4 SLA2 Back−BackDSX0 LED P6 40K 70CRI T5M MVOLT RPA NLTAIR2 PIRHN DBLXD; POLE MOUNTED @ 30FT AFG1.00013717890 B5−U0−G3Lithonia Lighting3SLB SingleDSX0 LED P6 40K 70CRI BLC3 MVOLT RPA NLTAIR2 PIRHN DBLXD; POLE MOUNTED @ 30FT AFG1.000 137 12461B0−U0−G3Lithonia Lighting3 WPA Single WDGE4 LED P2 70CRI RFT 40K NLTAIR2 PIRH1.000109.02 16134 B2−U0−G2ALVA LIGHT4WS SingleTESSIE−SLOTTED−30−XX−35001.000 22.15 729B1−U3−G1Landreth Lighting Calculation SummaryLabelCalcType Units AvgMax Min Avg/MinMax/MinParking LotIlluminanceFc 1.49 2.6 0.6 2.48 4.33Property LineIlluminance Fc 0.21 1.0 0.0N.A. N.A.notplattedDate:Drawn By:Checked By:A/E Job Number:135 W Central Blvd., Suite 400Orlando, Florida 32801TEL: 407.363.6136AA26001097Revisions:OWNER:Of SheetsJob Number:© Copyright 2023Scale:Drawing Number: Certified By:AS INDICATEDE200PHOTOMETRIC PLANOCOEE SPORTS FACILITYDDLZFM04/02/ 202423186TENANT INTERIOR BUILD-OUT606 OCOEE APOPKA ROADTHIS DRAWING HAS BEEN ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED AND SEALED BY ZENA-AKOSUA F. MITCHELL ON THE DATE SHOWN IN THE SEAL, USING A DIGITAL SIGNATURE. PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIED ON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES..PHOTOMETRIC GENERAL NOTES:PHOTOMETRIC COMMISSIONING:COMMISSIONING1.CALCULATIONS ARE IN FOOT-CANDLES.2.THE POSITION OF LUMINARIES MUST BE INSTALLED WHERE SHOWN TO GIVE OPTIMALLIGHT LEVELS, ACCORDING TO THE LIGHTING ORDINANCES OF THE AUTHORITY HAVINGJURISDICTION (AHJ) AND ALL CURRENT CODES.3.THIS PHOTOMETRIC IS PROVIDED FOR THE LIGHT FIXTURES NOTED IN THE LIGHTINGFIXTURE SCHEDULE ONLY.4.ANY CHANGES IN FIXTURES OR SUBSTITUTIONS MUST HAVE EQUAL QUALITY, EFFECTIVEAND NOMINAL LUMEN OUTPUT, LIGHT QUALITY, ETC., AND MEET THE DESIGN INTENTSHOWN.5.ANY CHANGES WILL REQUIRE A NEW PHOTOMETRIC. CHANGES NOT REQUIRED TO MEETPERMIT COMMENTS WILL CARRY AN ADDITIONAL DESIGN FEE.6.A NEW PHOTOMETRIC MUST BE SUPPLIED WITH ALL REVISIONS. CHANGES NOT REQUIREDTO MEET PERMIT COMMENTS WILL CARRY AN ADDITIONAL DESIGN FEE.7.ALL SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER 10 BUSINESS DAYS PRIORTO BID ALONG WITH A PHOTOMETRIC PLAN THAT MEETS THE AHJ'S LIGHTINGORDINANCES AND ALL CURRENT CODES. THE SUBSTITUTION MUST HAVE THE OWNER'SWRITTEN APPROVAL.8.THIS PHOTOMETRIC WAS CALCULATED USING A CIVIL BASE FILE DATED01/10/2024. IFTHERE IS A REVISION TO THE CIVIL DRAWINGS THAT AFFECTS THE LIGHTING LAYOUT, ANEW PHOTOMETRIC MUST BE SUPPLIED.9.THERE WILL BE AN ADDITIONAL FEE CHARGED TO REVIEW ALTERNATIVE FIXTURES THATHAVE NOT RECEIVED WRITTEN APPROVAL. CONTRACTOR MUST PROVIDE WRITTENCERTIFICATION AND UPDATED PHOTOMETRIC SHOWING THAT THE LIGHT FIXTURESUBSTITUTIONS WILL PRODUCE NEAR IDENTICAL PHOTOMETRIC VALUES, CALCULATIONS,AND MEET THE AHJ'S LIGHTING ORDINANCES AND ALL CURRENT CODES.10.NO SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT MEETING THESE CRITERIA.11.CONTRACTOR SHALL HIRE AN APPROVED INDEPENDENT PARTY, OR THE LIGHTING FIXTUREMANUFACTURER, TO PROVIDE CERTIFIED DOCUMENTATION TO THE AUTHORITY HAVINGJURISDICTION (AHJ), WHICH PROVES THE INSTALLED LIGHTING MEETS THE PERMITAPPROVED PHOTOMETRIC PLAN AND AHJ'S LIGHTING ORDINANCES. WHERE ALLOWED BYTHE AHJ, CONTRACTOR MAY SELF-PERFORM THE CERTIFICATION TESTING AND PROVIDETHE CERTIFIED DOCUMENTATION TO THE AHJ.1.CONTRACTOR SHALL HIRE AN APPROVED INDEPENDENT PARTY, OR THE LIGHTING FIXTUREMANUFACTURER, TO PROVIDE CERTIFIED DOCUMENTATION TO THE AUTHORITY HAVINGJURISDICTION (AHJ), WHICH PROVES THE INSTALLED LIGHTING MEETS THE PERMIT APPROVEDPHOTOMETRIC PLAN AND AHJ'S LIGHTING ORDINANCES. WHERE ALLOWED BY THE AHJ,CONTRACTOR MAY SELF-PERFORM THE CERTIFICATION TESTING AND PROVIDE THE CERTIFIEDDOCUMENTATION TO THE AHJ. THE FOLLOWING NOTES DESCRIBE THE REQUIRED PROCEDURESTO BE COMPLETING BY THE LIGHTING MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVE OR THE APPROVEDINDEPENDENT PARTY.2.CONFIRM THAT THE TIME SWITCHES AND PROGRAMMABLE SCHEDULE CONTROLS AREPROGRAMMED TO TURN THE LIGHTS ON AND OFF.3.CONFIRM THAT THE PLACEMENT AND SENSITIVITY ADJUSTMENTS FOR PHOTOSENSOR CONTROLSREDUCE ELECTRIC LIGHT BASED ON THE AMOUNT OF USABLE DAYLIGHT IN THE SPACE, ASSPECIFIED.4.FURNISH ALL LABOR AND MATERIAL REQUIRED FOR A COMPLETE LIGHTING CONTROL SYSTEMAS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS.CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITHTHE MANUFACTURER AND PROVIDE ANY AND ALL SERVICE HOURS BY THE MANUFACTURER'SSERVICE REPRESENTATIVE IN ORDER TO PROGRAM THE LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL ANDCERTIFY CLOSE OUT DOCUMENTS.SITE LIGHTING CONTROLS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTSOF ASHRAE 90.1-2016, CHAPTER 9, SECTION SHALL COORDINATE WITH THE OWNER FOR BUSINESS HOURS ANDSCHEDULING TIME CLOCK CONTROL IN THE ASTRONOMICAL TIME CLOCK SCHEDULER.TIME CLOCK CONTROLLED (TC) LIGHTING SHALL TURN OFF ONE HOUR AFTER THE CLOSEOF BUSINESS. TC LIGHTING SHALL REMAIN OFF UNTIL THE BUSINESS REOPENS IN THEMORNING OR THE PHOTOCELL SWITCHES ALL LIGHTING OFF IN THE MORNING.6.PHOTOCELL CONTROLLED (PC) LIGHTING SHALL TURN ON AND OFF BASED ON THEAUTOMATIC LIGHT SENSOR SWITCH (PHOTOCELL). INCLUDE A TIME DELAY FEATUREPROGRAMMED INTO THE PHOTOCELL OR THE LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL TO PREVENTINTERMITTENT SWITCHING. PHOTOCELL SHALL BE CONDUIT POST TOP MOUNTED FROMTHE SERVICE EQUIPMENT RACK FACING NORTH, OR WALL MOUNTED AS SHOWN ON THEINDIVIDUAL BUILDING PLANS.7.REFER TO ASHRAE STANDARD 90.1, CHAPTER 9, SECTION 9.4.3 FUNCTION TESTING FORADDITIONAL TESTS, CALIBRATIONS, ADJUSTMENTS, PROGRAMMING, ETC., REQUIRED BY THECODE. PROVIDE ALL TESTING AND ADJUSTMENT OF SETTINGS FOR AUTOMATIC TIME SWITCHES,AND PHOTOCELL CONTROLS, AS DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. PROVIDE DOCUMENTATIONCERTIFYING THAT THE INSTALLED LIGHTING CONTROLS MEET OR EXCEED ALL DOCUMENTEDPERFORMANCE CRITERIA.8.THE ENGINEER OF RECORD SHALL REVIEW THE CERTIFIED DOCUMENTATION FROM THEAPPROVED INDEPENDENT PARTY, OR THE LIGHTING FIXTURE MANUFACTURER, PRIOR TOSUBMISSION TO THE AHJ. THE ENGINEER OF RECORD SHALL NOT PERFORM THECERTIFICATION TESTING.CONTRACTOR SHALL HIRE AN APPROVED INDEPENDENT PARTYTO PROVIDE CERTIFIED DOCUMENTATION TO THE AHJ THATPROVES THE INSTALLED LIGHTING MEETS THE PERMIT APPROVEDPHOTOMETRIC PLAN AND AHJ'S LIGHTING ORDINANCES.SCALE:E2001" = 30'-0"3PHOTOMETRICS PLANPage 91 of 744 THIS DOCUMENT PREPARED BY: Richard S. Geller, Esq. FISHBACK DOMINICK, LLP. 1947 Lee Road Winter Park, FL 32789 AND RETURN TO: City Clerk CITY OF OCOEE 1 N Bluford Avenue Ocoee, FL 34761 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (606 Sports Training) This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into this ____ day of ________________, 2024 (“Effective Date”), by and between the CITY OF OCOEE, a Florida municipal organization, whose mailing address is 1 N Bluford Avenue, Ocoee, Florida 34761, (“City”), and COTTON GOODMAN PROPERTIES LLC, a Florida limited liability company with an address of 1850 Parkway Place Ste 500 Marietta, Georgia 30067 (the “Developer”). The City and the Developer are sometimes collectively referred to herein as the “Parties” and individually as a “Party.” WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Developer has purchased certain property located in the City of Ocoee, Orange County, Florida legally described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and expressly incorporated herein by this reference (“Property”); WHEREAS, the Property is commonly known as 606 Ocoee Apopka Sports Training Facility project (the “Project”), and the Developer obtained approval of a “Preliminary Site Plan” for the Property (“Site Plan Approval”) on November 7, 2023; and WHEREAS, the provisions of Section 4-5B(5) of Article IV of the Ocoee Land Development Code (the “Code”) requires that the Owner and the City enter into a development agreement incorporating all plans and conditions of approval by reference; and WHEREAS, the City confirms that this Agreement is consistent with and an exercise of the City’s powers under the Municipal Home Rule Powers Act; Article VII, Section 2(b) of the Constitution of the State of Florida; Chapter 166, Florida Statutes; all City Rules; other controlling law; and the City’s police powers, and is a non-statutory development agreement which is not subject to or enacted pursuant to the provisions of Section 163.3220-163.3243, Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual obligations contained herein and the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the sufficiency of which is hereby conclusively acknowledged the Parties agree as follows: Page 92 of 744 AGREEMENT 1. Recitals. The Recitals contained above are true and correct and are incorporated in this Agreement in full as if set forth herein. 2. Project Information. a. The 606 Ocoee Apopka Sports Training Center is a proposed 52,800 SF one-story building that will be utilized as a commercial recreation facility providing athletic training. The building will be constructed as a grade height tilt wall building (see architectural renderings) with an adjacent 240x180 turf area providing the opportunity to provide multiple training opportunities at one location. The plan will provide for 192 parking spaces and a stormwater retention pond will be located on the west side of the parcel. The Project is anticipated to be developed in two (2) phases. b. The Project is located with the SR 429 Overlay District Business Center Character Area. c. The current zoning on the Property is I-1 (Light Industrial) and contains approximately 5.185 acres of developable land. d. The Developer will construct a 12-foot-wide trail along the west side of Ocoee Apopka Road and dedicate the trail to the City. e. The Final Site Plan approval and Site Permit issuance is predicated on the development to the south, bringing the sewer to the property, and constructing the new east / west road, which is the site's only access. If such infrastructure is not in place or revisions are made, the Final Site plan and Site permit will be affected by this project. 3. Development Approvals. Nothing herein will be construed to grant or waive on behalf of the City any development approvals that may be required in connection with the Site Plan Approval or Developer’s development of the Property. Notwithstanding this Agreement, the Developer must comply with all applicable procedures and standards related to the development of the Property. 4. Compliance with Code and Approved Plans. It is agreed that (1) the Owner shall comply with the zoning and subdivision regulations of the City as set forth in the Ocoee Land Development Code, as it may from time to time be amended, and (2) all preliminary subdivision plans, final subdivision plans, and final site plans for the Property or any portion thereof shall conform to the Ocoee Land Development Code requirements in effect at the time of approval of any such plan s. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of the Ocoee Land Development Code, as it may from time to time be amended, and this Agreement, it is agreed that the provisions of this Agreement shall control. 5. Water and Sewer; Utilities. Developer shall construct on-site utilities necessary to service the Project in accordance with the “Utility Plan” as described on the Preliminary Site Plan. Developer shall grant to the City the utility easements necessary to facilitate the development of the Project. Page 93 of 744 6. Preliminary Site Plan. The Developer will strictly confirm to the approved Preliminary Site Plan in all respects. 7. ROW Dedication. Developer shall dedicate to City via warranty deed, the real property set forth on Exhibit “B” attached and incorporated into this Agreement by reference (the “ROW Parcel”) as well as a minimum of ten (10) feet along the full length of the west side of the Property. If the Developer desires to incorporate additional land into its development, an amendment to this Agreement will be required in which Developer will dedicate additional land along Pine Street if applicable to such new parcel. 8. Unity of Title. The Developer will record a unity of title with the contiguous parcel to the East owned by Developer (the “East Parcel”). The East Parcel currently has a single-family home located on it and as a condition to receipt of a certificate of occupancy for any portion of the Property, Developer will demolish the home and remove all debris. 9. Covenants Running with the Land/Assignment. The terms, provisions, covenants, conditions and restrictions set forth in this Agreement and the rights, privileges and benefits and duties, obligations and burdens assigned, granted, imposed and created pursuant to this Agreement shall and are hereby declared to be covenants running with the title to the Property. This Agreement shall legally benefit and bind the Developer and its respective successors and assigns. 10. Force Majeure. Except as otherwise expressly set forth in this Agreement, if either Party’s performance of any act (other than the payment of money) required hereunder is impractical, impossible, delayed, hindered, or prevented by reason of strikes, lock-outs, labor troubles, inability to procure materials, failure of power, restrictive governmental laws or regulations, pandemic or epidemic health occurrences as declared by applicable governmental or world health organizations, health events resulting in government mandated quarantine, shelter-in-place, travel restrictions, government office shut-down and/or moratoria, or other government-directed cessation of business related to pandemic or epidemic health occurrences, riots, terrorist acts, insurrection, adverse weather conditions, war or other reasons of a like nature not the fault of the Party delayed in performing work or doing acts required under the terms of this Agreement (all of such reasons or causes referred to in this Agreement as “force majeure”), then performance of such acts shall be excused for the period of the delay, and the period within which the performance of such act may be required hereunder shall be extended by a period equivalent to the period of such delay plus thirty (30) days. In any case where work is to be paid for out of insurance proceeds or condemnation awards or other similar such proceeds, due allowance, not to exceed ninety (90) days in the aggregate, shall be made, both to the Party required to perform such work and to the Party required to make such payment, for delays in the collection of such proceeds and award. 11. Legal Proceedings, Attorneys’ Fees. In the event that either Party shall institute litigation or other legal proceedings against the other to interpret or enforce any term, provision, warranty, covenant or condition set forth in this Agreement, the prevailing Party in such litigation or other legal proceedings following all appeals therefrom, if any, shall be entitled to recover from the non- prevailing Party in such litigation or other legal proceedings reasonable attorneys’, paralegals’, and experts’ fees and expenses and court costs incidental thereto, including those incurred on any bankruptcy proceeding and/or appeal of a lower court decision. Page 94 of 744 12. Notices. a. All notices provided for in this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered to the addresses below: City: City of Ocoee Attention: City Manager 1 N Bluford Avenue Ocoee, Florida 34761 Email: Craig.Shadrix@ocoee.org With a copy to: Fishback Dominick, LLP Attn: Richard S. Geller, City Attorney 1947 Lee Road Winter Park, FL 32789 Telephone: 407-581-9800 Email: rgeller@fishbacklaw.com Telephone: 407-262-8400 Developer: With a copy to: b. Any notice, request, demand, instruction or other communication to be given to either Party hereunder, shall be in writing and shall be hand -delivered, sent by Federal Express or a comparable overnight mail or delivery service, mailed by U.S. registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, by electronic mail (email), or transmitted by facsimile or telecopier to the Parties and their listed co-recipients, at their respective addresses and/or facsimile numbers set forth herein. Any notice delivered as aforesaid shall be deemed delivered immediately upon mailing, delivery to an appropriate carrier, or receipt or refusal of delivery of said notice, whichever is earliest. The inability to deliver because of change in address of which no notice is given shall be deemed to be a receipt of the notice, demand and request. The Party claiming delivery of notice via telecopier or facsimile shall have the burden of proving notice was in fact sent, which burden can be carried without further evidence if confirmed by the transmitting telecopier or facsimile machine. Any communication sent by electronic mail, facsimile or telecopier shall promptly be followed by a copy delivered by one of the other approved methods. Receipt shall be deemed to have occurred if delivered to an authorized agent or any employee of the addressee or of the addressee’s company. A time period in which a response to any notice, demand or request must be given Page 95 of 744 pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, shall commence to run from the date of receipt. Any Party may change the address for receiving notices, request, demands, or other communication by not less than three (3) days prior notice in accordance with this Section. Telephone numbers are provided for convenience only. Notice from a Party’s attorney shall constitute legal notice hereunder. c. City and Developer may from time to time notify the other of changes regarding where and to whom notices should be sent by sending notification of such changes pursuant to this Section. 13. Miscellaneous Provisions. a. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the complete and entire understanding and agreement between City and Developer concerning or with respect to the topics addressed in this Agreement and supersede any and all prior or contemporaneous covenants, agreements, undertakings, statements, representations or warranties, whether written or oral, of any Party hereto concerning or with respect thereto. b. Relationship of the Parties. This Agreement does not evidence the creation of, nor shall it be construed as creating a partnership or joint venture between the City and Developer. Developer cannot create an obligation or responsibility on behalf of City or bind City in any manner. Each Party is acting for its own account, and i t has made its own independent decisions to enter into this Agreement and as to whether the same is appropriate or proper for it based upon its own judgment and upon advice from such advisers as it has deemed necessary. Each Party acknowledges that none of the other Parties hereto is acting as a fiduciary for or as an adviser to it in respect of this Agreement or any responsibility or obligation contemplated herein. c. Agency. Developer and City, and their agents, contractors and subcontractors, shall perform all activities described in this Agreement as independent entities and not as agents of one another. d. Sovereign Immunity. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of City’s right to sovereign immunity for tort claims under and s ubject to § 768.28, Florida Statutes. e. Captions, Section and Paragraph Headings. Captions, section and paragraph headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and are in no way intended, and shall in no way be deemed, to define, describe, extend or limit the scope, content or intent of this Agreement or of any particular term, provision, section or paragraph hereof. f. Modification, Amendment or Termination. This Agreement may not be changed, modified, amended or terminated except as expressly set forth in a separate writing signed by both of the Parties to this Agreement or their respective successors in interest or title. Page 96 of 744 g. Recording in Public Records. Developer shall ensure that this Agreement is recorded among the public records of Orange County, Florida promptly after the execution of the Agreement by all Parties. h. Indemnification. Developer hereby indemnifies and holds City and its elected and appointed officials, employees and agents harmless from and against any and all claims (at law or in equity), disputes, lawsuits, injuries, damages, attorneys’ fees and all adverse matters in any way arising out of or relating to the risks assumed by Developer under this Agreement. i. Default. Failure by a Party to perform any of its obligat ions hereunder shall constitute default hereunder, entitling the non-defaulting Party to terminate this Agreement or to pursue the remedies of specific performance, injunctive relief or damages as set forth in this Agreement. Prior to termination of this Agreement, the non-defaulting Party exercising such right shall first provide the defaulting Party with written notice specifying such default and the actions needed to cure same, in reasonable detail. Upon receipt of said notice, the defaulting Party shall be provided thirty (30) day opportunity within which to cure such default. j. Bankruptcy. In the event (a) an order or decree is entered appointing a receiver for Developer or its assets or (b) a petition is filed by Developer for relief under federal bankruptcy laws or any other similar law or statute of the United States, which action is not dismissed, vacated or discharged within sixty (60) days after the filing thereof, then City shall have the right to terminate immediately this Agreement. k. No Liability or Monetary Remedy. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Developer and City, on behalf of themselves, and their respective successors and assigns, hereby agree that neither Party shall be liable to the other for any direct, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages, including but not limited to, damages based on loss of service, revenues, profits or business opportunities, and hereby waive any and all claims and causes of action for the recovery of such direct, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages. l. Governing Law; Binding Effect. This Agreement and the construction, interpretation and enforcement thereof shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Florida and shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Parties hereto and their respective successors in interest or title. m. Venue. The location for settlement of any and all claims, controversies, or disputes, arising out of or relating to any part of this Agreement, or any breach hereof, shall be Orange County, Florida. n. Construction of Agreement. The fact that any one of the Parties to this Agreement shall have drafted or structured or shall be deemed to have drafted or structured this Agreement or any particular term or provision of this Agreement shall not be Page 97 of 744 considered by any court or other tribunal in the construction or interpretation of this Agreement or any particular term or provision of this Agreement, either in favor or to the disadvantage of such Party. o. Severability. If any of the terms, provisions, covenants or conditions set forth in this Agreement or the application thereof to any particular circumstance shall be held by any Court having jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and each provision of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent otherwise permitted by law. p. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be and be taken to be an original, and are collectively but one instrument. q. Time of the Essence. Time, and timely performance, is of the essence of this Agreement and of the covenants and provisions hereunder. When a date upon which a specified event shall occur or be performed falls upon a weekend or legal holiday, the time allowed for the event or performance to occur shall be extended to 5:00 p.m. on the next succeeding business day. For purposes of this Agreement, a “business day” shall mean any weekday that the banks in the county in which the Property is located are open for business (thereby excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays). r. Statutory Development Agreement. This Agreement is not a statutory development agreement pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (Florida Local Government Development Agreement Act), and is being entered into by the City pursuant to the City’s home rule authority. SIGNATURES TO FOLLOW Page 98 of 744 DEVELOPER: COTTON GOODMAN PROPERTIES LLC a Florida limited liability company By: Name: Title: WITNESS: Printed Name: Address: Printed Name: Address: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ____ day of ________________, [insert year], by ____________________, as __________ of [insert name of developer, type of company], on behalf of the company. He/she appeared by (check one) □ physical presence or □ online notarization, and (check one) □ is personally known to me or □ has produced __________ as identification. ________________________________________ Print Name:______________________________ Notary Public My Commission Expires:___________________ Commission Number:______________________ Page 99 of 744 CITY: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA By: Rusty Johnson, Mayor ATTEST: Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED BY THE CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD ON _____________________ ______, 20___ UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. ____ FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this ____ day of ________________, 20__. FISHBACK DOMINICK By: __________________________ Richard Geller, City Attorney Page 100 of 744 EXHIBIT “A” The Property LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE NORTH ½ OF THE NORTHEAST ¼ OF THE NORTHEAST ¼ E NORTHWEST ¼, AND A STRIP ON WEST 23 YARDS ON NORTH END AND 35 YARDS ON SOUTH END, ALL IN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. PARCEL A: BEGINNING 100 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHWEST CRONER OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RUN THENCE SOUTH 100 FEET, THENCE EAST 150 FEET, THENCE NORTH 100 FEET, THENCE WEST 150 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO THE SOUTH 100 FEET OF THE NORTH 200 FEET, LESS THE WEST 150 FEE THEREOF, OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT: THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, LESS A TRACT ACROSS THE WAST END 23 YARDS WIDE AT THE NORTH END AND 35 YARDS WIDE AT THE SOUTH END. PARCEL B: THE NORTH 100 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THE NORTH ½ OF THE NORTHWEST ¼ OF THE NORTHWEST ¼ OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. LESS ROAD RIGHT OF WAY AND LESS THE FOLLOWING: THE EAST END 23 YARDS WIDE AT THE NORTH END AND 35 YARDS AT THE SOUTH END. Page 101 of 744 EXHIBIT “B” The ROW Parcel Page 102 of 744 Page 103 of 744