HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-23-2024 MinutesCITY OF OCOEE CALL TO ORDER Chair Bandur called the Code Enforcement Board regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall, located at 1 N Bluford Ave, Ocoee, Florida. INVOCATION: Member Fernandez initiated the moment of silence. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Member Schultz led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag. ROLL CALL AND DETERMINATION OF QUORUM: Code Enforcement Clerk Mieras performed roll call and declareii • • • - PRESENT: Chair Bandur & Members: Lewis, Schultz, & Fernandez. Also present: Board Attorney Skip Fowler, Acting Support Services Director Doug Gaines, Code Enforcement Clerk Justin Mieras, and Code Enforcement Officers Loeffler, Diaz, and Rodriguez. SWEARING OF OFFICERS / WITNESSES: Cade Enforcement Clerk Mieras administered the oath to the Code Enforcement Officers and to anyone intending to speak regarding a case. CONSENTAGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION, THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER EZWWTk4A1 I fi,��rTWF ROAM CLF2V A. MINUTES: June 25, 2024, Code Enforcement Board Meeting. B. DISMISSAL OR !SupportDirector Doug Gaines presented - dismissals and • • RIOS FLORINDA ARIAS OFFICER LOEFFLER 904 DOREEN AVE RIOS DAISY Property in Compliance Mill *0 rokilyz' MKIY VELAZQUEZ PABLO OFFICER LOEFFLER 806 URSULA ST TORRES BEDA Property in Compliance SMORMSOMM OFFICER DIAZ 224 MACK ST MEDINA SERGIO Property in Compliance 1 1 P I�, C. ORDER OF CONTINUANCE - Member Lewi�s, seconded by Member Fernandez, moved that the consent agenda be accepted as presented. Motion Violation Cited: §51-13. Summary: §51-13. — It shall be a violation to do work related to construction without first obtaining a permit. §51-13. — Upon Routine Inspection of Adjacent Property by The Building Department StaffObserved the Property AL1223 0VnanovaHad Improvements Without Required Pennit(S): -Entire Backyard Is Void ofGrass/Gnd or Ground Cover which Exceeds the Max Lot 5096 |SA and Minimum Open Space Requirements. -The Front Yard for Vehicular Area Exceeds the Max 5OY6iSA. ' Setback Along the Side Yards Encroaches into the 2Foot |S4. - Encroachment into the 5-Foot Utility Easement Along the Side Yards And 7.5-Foot Utility Easement on The Rear Yard (Per Plat). Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history, He further explained that as of July 23, 2024, the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for an Order of Compliance by August 22, 2024, or thereafter to be fined $25{X)per day, until found in compliance. Respondent Seerarn explained he has performed many corrections but the requested remedial actions keep changing. He expressed the difficulties that he has experienced getting the permit. Member Fernandez, seconded bV Member Lewis, moved that in Case #2023-02819, the Compliance Date be extended to October 21, 2024. Motion Withdrawn. Member Femandez, seconded by Member Lewis, moved that in Case #2023-02819, the respondent be found in violation as cited as ot October 01, 2023, and be given until October 21, 2024, to come into compliance or be fined $15.00 per day, until found in compliance. Motion carried unanimousl . OFFICER LOEFFLER 330 LITTLE SPRING HILL DR COOK, JULIE Violation Cited: §51-13. 2|Pa�e Summary: § 51 13 It shall baaviolation to do work related toconstruction without first obtaining it Observation: §51-13.—Accessory Structure Built inBack Yard; Small House orShed. Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. He further explained that as of July 23, 2024, the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for an Order of Compliance by August 22, 2024, or thereafter to be fined $50.00 per day, until found incompliance. Respondent Julie Cook explained they plan to move the shed once they have a new property. They are under contract for a home and is set to close August 22, 2024. Member Lewis dez -00394, the respondent be found in violation , seconded by Member Feman__-, moved that in Case #2024 as cited as ot March 05, 2024, and be given until August 26, 2024, to come into compliance or be fined $25.00 per day, until found in compliance. Motion Amended. Member Fernan6m seconded by Member Schultz moved to Amended the motion to give until September 23, 2024, to come into compliance. Amendment carried unanimously, Amended motion that in Case #2024-00394, the respondent be found in violation as cited as ot March 05, 2024, and be given until September 23 2024, to come into compliance or be tined $25.00 ver day, until found in compliance. Motion CHRBTOSANTONYTRUST OFF|CERKODR|GUIZ | 5OLEE ST 1/2|NT DEBORAH L ANTHONY TRUST Violation Cited: §16Q'6.C. Summary: § 168-61� —The parking of commercial vehicles on privately owned streets and public road rights -of -way or on any private property which is zoned residential shall be prohibited. Observation: § 168-6.C. —Various Semi-trucks/Commercial Vehicles Parked/Stored in The Residential Vacant Lot. Officer Rodriguez presented the case and gave its history. She further explained that as of July 23, 2024, the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for an Order of Compliance by August 07, 2O24,nrthereafter tobefined S25.0O per day, until found incompliance. Ed@Nlams representing the property explained they are working nnremoving the vehicles from the property and expect compliance bvAugust 7th Member Lewis, seconded by Member Schultz, moved that in Case #2024-01669 , the respondent be found in violation as cited as of July 05, 2024, and be given until August 07, 2024, to come into compliance or be Lined $25.00 per day, unti found in compliance. Motion carried 3 to 1 with Member Fernandez oppose . 3|PaXe § 51-13. — It shall be a violation to do work related to construction without first obtaining a permit. § 108-35— When structures degenerate to the extent that repair, removal, securing or demolition is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare, then the Code Enforcement Board is authorized to order the property owner or City agents to repair, remove, secure, vacate or demolish such structures according to procedures outlined herein. § 115-3.A(3) — No person shall allow or allow to remain any Junk or Debris classified as a nuisance or menace to public health, safety and welfare. § 115-3.13— No person shall allow or permit excessive growth, ten inches or more on property owned, of weeds, grass, undergrowth, or other dead or living plant life. Observation: § 51-13. —Tree Removal Without Required Permits, Plans, Approval and Inspections § 108-35.—Property Is Vacant, Property |sAttractive Nuisance to Homeless and Squatter's, § 115-3.A.(3) — Miscellaneous Trash and Debris, Tree Limbs, Tires, Recliner Chair, Camper Top for Pickup Truck and Trash from Food Containers, Homeless Activity. § 115-3.13. — Excessive Overgrown Grass and Weeds Throughout the Property. Officer Diaz presented the case and gave its history. She further explained that as of July 23, 2024, the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for an Order of Compliance by August 07, 2024, or thereafter to be fined $75.00 per day, per violation, until found in compliance. The officer further asked for permission to abate the property should the property become vacant. Respondent Ruth Hataxxay, as translated by Shannon Page and Morgan Dinke|acher, City provided American Sign Language tnEnglish translator from ASLServices, explained the damages were not done bvher. She further explained her plans tnhave the property gothrough probate and then sell the property. Member Lewis moved that in Case #2024-01885 ound in violation as cited as of June 24, 2024, and be , the respondent be L given until August 22, 2024, to come into compliance or be fined $50.00 per day, per violation, until found in compliance and, in the event the property becomes vacant, to authorize the CitV to abate the property and assess the cost to the fine. Motion Amended. Member Lewis, seconded by Seconded Fernandez, moved that in Case #2024-01885, the respondent be found in violation as cited as otJune 24 , 2024, and be given until August 22, 2024, to come into compliance or be fined $15.00 per daV, pe violation, until found in comoliance and , in the event the property becomes vacant, to authorize the CitV to abate the propertV and assess the cost to the fine. Motion carried unanimousl . 477 NORTHERN DURANGO AVE Summary: § 165-3.A. — No person shall keep any abandoned orjunk vehicle on any public property or any private property within the corporate limits of the city § 168-6.B.(l) — No owner, private property, shall consent to the parking or storing of vehicles on non -improved surfaces of the Observation: § 1GG-].A—Green \Nmgun 6UV, Front Yard Edge, Tall Weeds and Grass Underneath and Around, Covered in Rim of Dirt, Leaves and Seeds. §16O-5.0.(1)—Vehide(S) Parked onNon-Surfaced Portion ofDirt /Grass Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. He further explained that as of July 23, 2024, the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for an Order of Compliance by August 07, 2024, or thereafter to be fined $IG.00per day, per violation, until found incompliance. Car Owner Anthony Zaccaro argued the vehicle is physically operable and explained he is attempting to sell it. Respondent Mariann Zaccaro further expressed the vehicle is operational and argued there are many vehicles parked in the grass inthis area. Member Femandez S tz, moved thot in Case #2024-01993 ound in violation , seconded by Member chul_ _, the respondent be L as cited as otJune 23, 2024, and be qiven until August 22, 2024, to come into compliance or be flned $10.00 per day, Pe violation, until found in compliance. Motion carried unanimousl . | OFF|CERU]EFFLER I 1301RU3SELLDR I MATO ~ ANGEL � | | k�ATDSPAULAJ | Summary: §I08-35.—VVhenstructuresdegenerutetotheextentthotoepair,nemovaLsecuhngurdenno|kionisneuesaeryforthe public health, safety and welfare, then the Code Enforcement Board is authorized inorder the property owner nrCity agents to repair, remove, secure, vacate or demolish such structures according to procedures outlined herein. § 115-4. — Owners shall control excessive weed or grass growths, as enumerated in § 115-3, on the property and on the portion of the adjoining public right-of-way between the property and the street of each lot Observation: § 108-35. — Piles of Sand Left Behind from Last Code Action Now Eroding onto Sidewalk Unsafe for Pedestrians Public Nuisance § 115-4. — Overgrown Tall Weeds and Grass Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. He further explained that as of July 23, 2024, the property is still innon-connp|iance.The City asked for anOrder ofCompliance bvAugust O7 2O24,nrthereafter tobefined $25.O0per day, per violation, until found in compliance. The officer further asked for permission to abate the property should the property become vacant. Member Lewis, seconded by Member Femandez moved that in Case #2024-02017, the respondent be found in violation as cited as of June 30, 2024, and be given until August QZ 2024, to come into compliance or be fined $25.00 per day, pe violation, until found in compliance and, in the event the property becomes vacant, to authorize the City to abate the property and assess the cost to the fine. Motion carried unanimousl . G|P^�,'e Violation Cited: §43'7��(1) Summary: § 43-7.A.(I) —The keeping of fowl orother barnyard animals within residentially zoned areas is a nuisance if such animals create excessive noise ornoxious odors. Observation: § 43-7.A.(l) — Barnyard Animal Noise Nuisance Roosters. Officer Loeffler explained that as ufJuly 23, 2024, the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for an Order Imposing Fine. Member Lewis, seconded by Member Schultz -00026 , moved that in Case #2024 the Board imposes fines as otJuly 11, 2024, as previously set by this Board. Motion carried unanimousl . Violation Cited: §115-4. Summary: § 115-4. — Owners shall control excessive weed or grass growths, as enumerated in § 115-3, on the property and on the portion of the adjoining public right-of-way between the property and the street of each lot. Observation: § 115-4. —Overgrown /Tall Weeds and Grass (High Visibility Corner Lot No Fence). Officer Loeffler explained that as of July 23, 2024, the property is in compliance. No further action requested. § 108-23.G.Q. — Every inside and outside stair or porch and any appurtenance thereto shall be safe to use and capable of supporting the load that normal use may cause to be placed thereon and shall be kept in sound condition and good repair. §1OO-24.D.—|tshall beunlawful touse aresidential property for the storage nfany abandoned motor vehicle, ice box, refrigerator, stove, glass, building material, building rubbish, or similar items. It shall be the duty of every such owner and occupant to keep the premises of residential properties clean and to remove all such abandoned items. § 115-4. — Owners shall control excessive weed or grass growths, as enumerated in § 115-3, on the property and on the portion of the adjoining public right-of-way between the property and the street of each lot. §I43-Z7.A.—Atnon-pickup times, garbage carts shall be placed in side yards or rear yards and screened from view to the extent practicable. Except as provided herein, garbage carts shall at no time be placed in the front yard of the nmises. 61Pa0e §1O8-23.GIl—Dilapidated, Collapsing, Rotted, Front Porch Roof. §1D8-Z4.D.—Miscellaneous Junk and Debris inFront and Side Yards. § 115-4.—Overgrown / Tall Weeds Grass Front, Rear, Side Yards and Easement and Encroaching Pedestrian Sidewalk. §143-27.A.—Waste Cans Stored |nProhibited Location During Non -Collection T|me'Framneo. Officer Loeffler explained that as of July 23, 2024, the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for an Order Imposing Fine. Member Fernandez, seconded by Member Lewt :s, moved that in Case #2024-01466 , the Board imposes fines as of July 11, 2024, as previously set by this Board. Motion carried unqatMQy��. Violation Cited: §1O8'35. Summary: § 108-35, —When structures degenerate to the extent that repair, removal, securing or demolition is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare, then the Code Enforcement Board is authorized to order the property owner or City agents to repair, remove, secure, vacate or demolish such structures according to procedures outlined herein. 61O8'35.—Broken Windows (2ZStreet View & Several Side Windows) and Miscellaneous Junk and Debris inthe Back Yard Contributing to an Unsafe & Blighted Effect on the Neighborhood. Officer Loeffler explained that as of July 23, 2024, the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for an Order Imposing Fine. Member Fernandez, seconded by Member Lewis -01512, the Board imposes fines as of July 11, , moved that in Case #2024 2024, as previously set by this Board. Motion carried unanimousl . I UFF|CERKUDR|GUEZ | 1711SPARKUNGVVATER(]R P|ERRELOUB|CHK0|DE I | JEAN CLAUDEVVENDA | Violation Cited: §S1,13. Summary: § 51-13, — It shall be a violation to do work related to construction without first obtain Observation: § 51-13. — Door Installation on the Right Side of Property Without Required Permits, Plans, Approval and Inspections, Acting Support Services Director Doug Gaines explained that as of July 23, 2024, the property is in compliance. No further action requested. COMMENTS Member Schultz asked for clarification on similar issues on ne 7|Pa�e Member Lewis Meeting adjourned at E4 %m. ATTEST: : .\k Justin N@R%Code Enforcement Clerk APPROVE* 2 >� 2 ° m m ° « /�� / QG Chair