HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 10 Approval of HomeTowne Studios Special Exception City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: October 1, 2024 Item #: 10 Contact Name: Brett McFarlane Department Director: Ginger Corless Contact Number: Ext. 7145 City Manager: Craig Shadrix Subject: Approval of HomeTowne Studios Special Exception; Project No. 5-24-SE-032. (Concurrency & Commitment Coordinator McFarlane) Background Summary: Continued from the September 17, 2024, City Commission Meeting Applicant/Owner: West Road Real Estate LLC, represented by Russel Maynard of Central Florida Engineering Consultants, LLC Site Location: The subject property is located in Commission District 1 on the south side of West Road. It consists of Lot 2 of the existing Ladybird Academy Planned Unit Development (PUD). Parcel ID Number: 06-22-28-0000-00-008 Property Size: The subject site consists of one (1) parcel totaling approximately 3.71 acres. Existing Future Land Use Map Designation: Commercial (COMM) Existing Zoning Classification: PUD-COMM (Commercial PUD) Actual land use, proposed land use, and unique features of the subject property: A portion of the subject property previously had one (1) Single-Family Residence, which has since been demolished. The remainder of the property consists of a wooded area and part of the PUD's master stormwater pond. Based on the available information, there are possibly 0.81 acres of impacted wetlands on the property, excluding the existing stormwater pond. The boundaries have been flagged and verified. The property is not within the City's Special Area Overlay Districts. The table below summarizes the future land use designations, zoning classifications, and existing land uses of the surrounding properties: Future Land Use Designation Zoning Existing Land Use North Commercial (COMM) PUD-COMM (Commercial PUD) Commercial retail uses South Commercial (COMM) and Low Density Residential (LDR) County A-1 (Citrus Rural District) and R- 1A (Single Family Dwelling District) West Orange Trail and SR 429 East Commercial (COMM) C-2 (Community Commercial) Vacant City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org West Commercial (COMM) C-2 (Community Commercial) Child care facility Proposed Development: The applicant is proposing a 4-story, 124-room hotel. Section 5-8A of Article V establishes and implements Table 5-1, listing the principal uses permitted on a parcel or lot in the various zoning districts. Per Table 5-1, a Special Exception is required for a hotel or motel use on property zoned C-2. While this property is zoned PUD-COMM, the PUD specifies all C-2 uses as the intended zoning for this site. Section 4-8B of Article IV establishes the standards for review and approval of a Special Exception, as summarized and analyzed below. 1. The proposed uses and structures would not violate the land uses, densities, or other directives of the adopted Comprehensive Plan or the Code. Staff Analysis: A conceptual site plan was submitted with the requested Special Exception for purposes of determining compliance with land use density and intensity and other directives of the Comprehensive Plan and Code. In terms of compliance with the intensity directive of the Comprehensive Plan, the Commercial Future Land Use Designation would allow up to 485,223 SF of commercial development. The site plan proposes 52,432 SF of total building area. In terms of compliance with the directives of the Code, staff did identify 0.81 acres of possibly impacted wetlands on the property. A wetlands impact plan will be provided during the Final Site Plan review and the proposed horizontal layout of the site may be modified as a requirement for the approval of the Final Site Plan. 2. The proposed uses and structures would be compatible with the uses, structures, and activities on adjacent or nearby land. Staff Analysis: The proposed use is a commercial hotel within an established PUD. The proposed hotel would be surrounded by commercial uses on the north and west sides and land zoned for commercial use on the east side. A portion of the West Orange Trail is directly adjacent to the property on the south side, with State Road 429 nearby to the south. The applicant has proposed a 30’ natural landscape buffer between the West Orange Trail on the south of the property. Thus, the proposed use and structure would be compatible with uses, structures, and activities on adjacent and nearby lands. 3. The proposed uses and structures would not violate the health, safety, welfare, and/or convenience of those residing, working, or owning land in the vicinity of the proposed use or structure concerning or with respect to (a) density, bulk, or overcrowding of land or buildings, (b) pedestrian or vehicular movement on adjoining streets, (c) fire safety, noise, odor, glare, or vibration, and (d) ability to adjoin property owners to the legal use of his/her property, as outlined in Sections 4-8B(3)(a) through (g), LDC. The proposed use and structure would not result in the inadequacy of inability of any public facility or service to meet adopted standards. They would not violate any state or federal law or regulation. Staff Analysis: The proposed use/structure is not anticipated to adversely impact the health, safety, welfare, and/or convenience of those residing, working, or owning land in the area. Staff finds that the proposed use/structure and proposed site design and horizontal layout of the site will not violate the provisions of Sections 4-8B(3)(a), (b), (d), (e), (f), or (g). Orange County Utilities will serve the site with potable water and sewer. Reclaimed water may be available through the City of Ocoee. After the September 10th Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, the applicant notified staff of potential changes to satisfy concerns raised by the PZC. The applicant is willing to limit the maximum stay of guests at the hotel to (2) two weeks. Staff does not identify any Land Development Code concerns relative to the proposed 4-story, 124-room hotel use on the C-2 property. City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve a Special Exception for a hotel use on certain property zoned C-2, assigned parcel ID number 06-22-28-0000-00-008? Recommendations: Development Review Committee (DRC) Recommendation: The DRC met on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, to review and consider the proposed Special Exception for the hotel use on the property. The concern discussed and raised by the DRC was relative to the rear landscape buffer and potential wetland on the property. Following discussion, the DRC made a recommendation of approval subject to the condition that the rear landscape buffer and potential wetland on the property be further evaluated at the time of site plan submittal and review. Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) Recommendation: The PZC met on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, to review and consider the proposed Special Exception for the hotel use on the property. During the hearing, discussions were relative to possible impacts from the development on the health, safety, welfare, and/or convenience of those residing, working, or owning land in the vicinity of the proposed use or structure. Following discussions, the PZC made a recommendation of denial of the proposed Special Exception, by a 4 to 1 vote. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commission take action on one of the three options for a Special Exception for a hotel use on certain property zoned C-2, assigned parcel ID number 06-22-28-0000- 00-008: Option #1: Approve the Special Exception with conditions. Conditions would be consistent but not limited to maximum duration of stay, minimum rate structure, amenities, etc: Option #2: Deny the Special Exception; Option #3 Continue the item to a future date with or without a date certain. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Aerial Map 3. Future Land Use Map 4. Zoning Map 5. HomeTowne Studios - Special Exception 6. HTS Orlando - Elevations Only 7. HTS Prototype 8. HomeTowne Studios Building Height Cross Section 9. Advertisement Financial Impacts: N/A Type of Item: Public Hearing UNNAMED LAKE S S R 429N S R 429West RdOcoee Apopka RdM e r l o t D r Fortanini CirPrivate Dr Hometown Studios Special ExceptionLocation Map I UNNAMED LAKE West Rd S S R 429Ocoee Apopka RdN S R 429I 0 100 20050Feet Hometown Studios Special Exception2022 Aerial Photography UNNAMED LAKE LDR COM M LI COMM HDR COM M INST West Rd S S R 429Ocoee Apopka RdN S R 429Hometown Studios Special ExceptionSurrounding Future Land Use Map Created: month year Development ServicesDepartment I 0 160 32080Feet Subject Property Future L and Use C lassification:Low De nsity Residen tia l (LDR )Medium Den sity Residential (MDR)High Density Resid ential (H DR)Professional O ffices and Se rvices (PS)Commercial (COMM)Light Industrial (LI)Heavy Industrial (H I)Conservation/Flood plains (CONS)Recre ation a nd O pen Space (REC)Pub lic Facilitie s/Institutional (INST) UNNAM ED LA KE C-2 PUD-COMM R-1A PUD-HD R-1A C-2 PUD-PU R-3 S S R 429West Rd N S R 429Ocoee Apopka RdHometowne Studios Special ExceptionSurrounding Zoning Map Development ServicesDepartment I 0 180 36090Feet Created: July 2024 Subject Property Zoning C lassification:General Agricultural (A-1)Sub urban (A-2)Single-Family D welling (R -1 AAA)Single-Family D welling (R -1 AA)Single-Family D welling (R -1 A)Single-Family D welling (R -1 )One- & Two-Family Dwelling (R-2)Multip le-Fa mily Dwe llin g (R-3)Mob ile Home Su bdivisio n (RT-1)Professiona l O ffices & Services (P-S)Neighb orhood Shopping (C-1 )Commun ity Commercial (C-2)General Co mmercial (C-3) General Industrial (I-2)Commercia l (PUD)Low Density (PUD)Med ium De nsity (PUD) Restricted Ma nufacturin g& Wareh ousing (I-1) High Density (PUD)Pub lic Use (PUD)Unclassified Longwood, Florida 32750 of Fa x N u m b e r : ( 4 0 7 ) 3 5 8 - 5 4 4 8 1111 North Ronald Reagan Boulevard, Suite 101CENTRAL FLORIDA ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLCSHEET NUMBERDRAWING TITLEPhone Number: (407) 599-7010Civil Engineering - Land Planning em a i l : i n f o r m a t i o n @ f l o r i d a e n g . c o m E B N o . 2 9 1 7 3 Revisionsno.dateby:Designed by:Drawn by:Filename:Job Number:Scale:Date:Engineering Business No. 29173 FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Montje S. Plank, P.E. Engineer: License No. 36149 COVER SHEET1"= 30'PR001 PRELIMINARY PLANS FOR: HOMETOWNE STUDIOS 2082 WEST ROAD CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA DEVELOPER:DHRUV DEVELOPMENT 6440 MASSACHUSETTS AVE, PORT RICHEY, FL 34653 EMAIL: AMIT@DHRUVDEVELOPMENT.COM ATTN: MR. AMIT D. PATEL SITE ENGINEER: CENTRAL FLORIDA ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC 1111 NORTH RONALD REAGAN BOULEVARD, SUITE 101 LONGWOOD, FLORIDA 32750 PHONE: (407) 599-7010 FAX: (407) 358-5448 EMAIL: RMAYNARD@FLORIDAENG.COM ATTN: RUSSELL C. MAYNARD ARCHITECT: WOOLPERT 343 FOUNTAINS PARKWAY, SUITE 100 F FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS, IL 62208 PHONE: 314.471.0648 EMAIL: MARK.LOHSE@WOOLPERT.COM ATTN: MARK J. LOHSE, RA, LEED AP SURVEYOR:ACCURIGHT SURVEYS OF ORLANDO, INC. 2012 E. ROBINSON STREET ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32803 PHONE: (407) 894-6314 28.60270717110368, -81.54964063204727 PARCEL ID: 062228000000008 INDEX OF SHEETS NO DESCRIPTION C001 COVER SHEET C002 PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN C003 PRELIMINARY HORIZONTAL CONTROL VICINITY MAP Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies SITE N.T.S. WEST ROAD SR 4 2 9 OC O E E A P O P K A R O A D NOTE: The Utility design is based on OCU manual 2021.HomeTowne StudiosCity of Ocoee,Florida2023.351.01July 11, 20233 Corrected B u i l d i n g H e i g h t 07/07/20241.0UTILITIES: GAS: LAKE APOPKA NATURAL GAS DISTRICT 407-656-2734 CONTACT: SCOTT MARTIN OR TOM MASON CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 407-532-8092 CONTACT: HELENE HERNANDEZ CENTURYLINK CABLE PROTECTION CENTER 877-366-8344 X3 ELECTRIC: DUKE ENERGY 3250 BONNET CREEK ROAD LAKE BUENA VISTA, FL 32830 (407) 938-6658 CONTACT: Brad Vangilder WATER/SEWER: ORANGE COUNTY UTILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION 9150 CURRY FORD RD. ORLANDO, FL 32825 (407) 254-9712 CONTACT: Anne Dubus, E.I. CITY OF OCOEE UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 407-905-3100 BRANDY EGGERICHS BEGIN AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH,RANGE 28 EAST, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RUN THENCE SOUTH 750 FEET, EAST 406 FEET 6.72 INCHES, THENCE NORTH 750 FEET, THENCE WEST 406 FEET 6.72 INCHES TO PLACE OF BEGINNING, ALL LYING NORTH OF WEST ORANGE TRAIL. LESS AND EXCEPT: THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN WARRANTY DEED DATED AUGUST 16, 20 18 AND RECORDED AUGUST 17, 2018 UNDER DOCUMENT NUMBER 20180492472, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE SOUTH 00°48'40" WEST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST 1/4 A DISTANCE OF 30.08 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 00°48'40" WEST, ALONG SAID WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST 1/4 A DISTANCE OF 358.32 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND REFERRED TO AS PARCEL NUMBER 9285, ACCORDING TO THE STIPULATED FINAL JUDGMENT RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 7607, PAGE 865, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL NUMBER 9285 AND THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION THEREOF SOUTH 89°14'16" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 206.70 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00°48'40" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 373.21 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE 30.00 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE SOUTH 86°38'39" WEST, ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE A DISTANCE OF 207.25 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS AND EXCEPT: THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA AS DESCRIBED IN STIPULATED ORDER OF TAKING DATED MAY 1, 2003 AND RECORDED MAY 5, 2003, AS INSTRUMENT NUMBER 20030248394, OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 6897, PAGE 421, AND STIPLUATED AMENDED ORDER OF TAKING DATED NOVMEBER 18, 2003 AND RECORDED DECEMBER 3, 2003 IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 7215, PAGE 4578, AS INSTRUMENT NUMBER 20030694139, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, ORANGE COUNTY FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE RUN SOUTH 00°51 '56" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 388.40 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RUN SOUTH 89°11'00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 136.26 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 00°49'00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF357.28 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE WEST ORANGE TRAIL AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 4814, PAGE 3829; THENCE RUN SOUTH 73°32'29" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 143.06 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE RUN NORTH 00°51'56" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 399.77 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. LEGAL DESCRIPTION XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGGGGGGGGGGGGSSSSSSEBSVDSVEMTFOCCO COCO CO DFH SV EB TRU P UP UPUPUPXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWDDDDGGCO CO OW OW SSSSSSS122.19 121.64 123.0 120.9 119.9 121.0 117.2 124.2122.7 121.4 120.2119.5119.9 117.2117.0 117.8 123.4 123.6121.7 122.0121.8 120.1 115.1118.2 115.8 123.3 122.7 120.2 115.0 120.3117.2114.4122.6123.8 120.2 124.4125.1120.3116.3 120.8 118.6114.5121.8 123.3 122.2 116.9 120.1 114.6 117.7114.8116.7121.3124.2 122.3 120.3 118.8114 .4116.1120.9122.9 120.7 121.6 123.1120.9 120.6 120.8117.5121.0 125.5123.2 121.2 119.6 117.8116.7121.0 119.5 117.8117.7116.4121.1 121.6 120.1 119.0 118.5115.8 114.5122.1 121.9 119.3 120.0 116.8120.9 120.6 121.7 116.7 119.6 119.2 117.1 122.1 121.6 119.6 116.8120.2 116.2115.9 123.3 120.1 117.7 120.1116.9116.1 113.9 119.3122.4120.4 118.0 117.4115.9120.3 121.7 120.4 120.86122.59 121. 6 5 122 . 8 3117.86120.14119.89117.19117 . 71 122.52123.3 9 125.06124.65123.87116.45117.23124.29121.41 12 0 . 3 9117.87119.74120.27 125.09122.51117.68 12 1 . 1 3120.6212 0 . 5 2 119.19 123.24125.15117.84 117.10 116.86 121.03121.17122.46 121.09121. 7 6 122 . 5 2 122.30119.78120.02117.92119.74 117.75 123.24 122.45 125.48124.72124.05117.66117.44117.51 125.06122.18121.21120.46 120 . 5 6 12 0 . 5 0120.17119.90117.82 123.02123.43116.96116.91121.14121.26121.99120.44117.88118.33120.28117.93122.99 121. 9 6 125.49124.75123.95117.76117.48116.88 117.60 118.17120.18121.86121.23121.90 12 0 . 1 0117.96119.73119.80118.73117.96123.36122.46123.48118.21 117.20 117.26 118.10 116.05 117.96123.2712 1 . 5 9 120.98 12 0 . 0 6 12 0 . 6 5117.89120.24119.89123.23124.94 123.65 117.21 117.16116.141 2 2 .0 1 122.01 12 0 . 1 0119.70119.94117.37121.97 119.34116 .29116.0 7 122.11121.84119.96117.82117.55122.49121.81 124.35124.53120.5 7116.28120.36124.79121.94121. 2 1 121.96 122.35120.94119.96118.65121. 5 6 117.38 122.83122.88124.10116.14118. 43 116.75124.07121.62122 . 5 0 121.80117.35118.21119.83 122.66120.72116. 52 117.28117.48116.45120.90119.95118.89120 . 0 9 122.68115 .80118.19 117.27117.01 116.65119 . 9 8 12 0 . 2 1119.34117.30 122.34 119.14115.97116.44 117.70121.54 122 . 2 9 121.88120.15118.06 118.76 124.92120.22116.53116.62116.85 117.46119.94123.03122.00 121.80118.46121. 7 0 122.96121.08116. 34 116.94117.74 117.38115.63122.16 123.49122.33 124.53119.75118.08117.80124.81124.64117.45117.52116.88 122.47 119.62 117.68117.33116.91 122 . 6 6 116.35 118.4 118.111 8 . 1 112.8 113.3 113.1112.6112.8112.9113.0113.1 112.9112. 9 113.1 113.2 113.2 112.5 112.9112.9112.8 118.3122.1121.9119 .8116.2117. 7 119. 5119.2117.7 119.7 121.0122.6113.6116 .8116.9116.1115.5 122.3120.8 119.1117.1116.0115.8 115.8 123.8121.3122.1117 .2116.1118 .9117 .5 115.4 116.1125.0123.2117.9118.2114.5 119.7 119.4 118.1117.1120.9 115.9115.0115.1116 .9116.2115.5 115.6 119.5122.4123.5116 .9116.3121.1116.1 122.4124.1120.6115.6115.5118.2120. 5 115.7 115.4 117.2121.0 120.8119.9124.59121.0117.7119.9D DDDDDDDDDDDDXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD114.6113.1115 .3119.2120.8122.57122.55123.05 120.6 121.7 125. 1 7120.05117.3117.4116.2 12 3 1 2 4 125 12 1 12 2 123 124121121 122 12 2 122122121120119120121121122123123124125121120119118118119120121120 120121124123120120119119117 118 119 121122 123119118116115116117118 119 121 122 123116117 118122 121 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 11 9 121 118117116116113 114 115113114115 116 115 115 115 114 113114115116 1 1 7 1 1 8 119 12 0117117116 1191 1 9 120121 121118 119 117118116114117113114115116115 1 1 6 117118122118120.36EPCONC CURBEPCONC5' CW5' CWCONC EPCONC CURB5' C WEP EP EP CONC CURBCONC CURBCPCWCW4' MF 4' MFXCONC CURB4' MFXCOLUMNCOLUMNCWCWSTOP BARDRY WELLLIFT STATIONCBW6' CLFCONTROLPANELAPPROXIMATE LOCATION OF WATERS EDGE AS OF 11/13/23 ELEV=112.8 GATE 6' CLF6' CLF 6' CLF EPEPASPHALTAPPROXIMATE LOCATION OF WATERS EDGE AS OF 11/13/23 ELEV=118.1 ASPHALTASPHALT ASP H A L T INV=117.40TOP=124.69N. INV=117.64(24"RCP)W. INV=117.58(30"RCP)INV=117.91 INV=119.70 INV=120.62INV=121.99INV=122.9818" RCP14"X22" RCP 19"X30" RCP TOP=120.24 S. INV=115.03(18"HDPE) TOP=117.46BOTTOM=110.96 TOP=116.35BOTTOM=110.65 TOP=115.78BOTTOM=109.54TOP=117.17N. INV=112.80(18"HDPE) S. INV=108.29(24"HDPE) BOTTOM=108.86 1 2 345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 202122 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 120 120120120 120 120 SITE BENCHMARK #ELEVATION = NAVD 881BENCHMARK N&D121.52SITE BENCHMARK #2BENCHMARK N&D125.49DILAPIDATEDBARN27.2'13.7'INV=113.8(18"HDPE)D D D D D D D DSDO 117 117117 1171.1'E1.6'WSITE BENCHMARK # ELEVATION = NAVD 88 3 BENCHMARK N&D115.85 70'X20' UEDOC #201903818838FND 5/8" IR LB #7227 FND 1/2" IRLB #4475 FND 5/8" IRPSM #4887 (0.4'N,1.0'W) FND 1/2" IRLB #4475 FND 1/2" IRLB #4475ALSO FND 5/8" IRLB #7274 (5.4'N,0.3'E)FND 5/8" IR NO # CORNER FALLS IN POND NOT SET WEST 406.56' DESCNORTH 750.00' DESCEAST 406.56' DESCS86°38'39"W 207.25' D&MN00°48'40"E 373.21' DESCS89°14'16"E 206.70' DESCS73°32'29"W 143.06' DESCS00°49'00"W 357.28' D&M S89°11'00"E 136.26' DESCN'LY R/W LINE OFWEST ORANGE TRAILORB 4814 PG 3829 SITE BENCHMARK # ELEVATION = NAVD 88 4 BENCHMARK N&D120.56 LESS AND EXCEPT NOT PLATTEDNOT INCLUDED LESS AND EXCEPT NOT PLATTED NOT INCLUDED S89°11'02"E70.44' MEASS73°32'28"W 282.82' MEASN00°51'56"E 373.21' MEAS S00°51'56"W 660.93' MEAS N86°41'17"E 200.39' MEASWEST ROAD (R/W VARIES)(RIGHT-OF-WAY MAPS FOR CLARCONA-OCOEE ROAD)COUNTY PROJECT NO. Y9-821ACCESSNOT INCLUDED30' RETENTION POND SANITARYSTUB OUT WEST ORANGE TRAILCONTAINS 161,210 SQUARE FEET OR 3.701 ACRES MORE OR LESS. PARCEL: 06-22-28-0000-00-095 OWNER: YOLO OCOEE LLC DOC #20180492472 NOT PLATTEDPARCEL: 06-22-28-0000-00-008OWNER: JIMMIE C & JEANETTE G WATSON ORB 3872 PG 557 NOT PLATTED PARCEL: 06-22-28-0000-00-037 OWNER: TIITF ORB 4814 PG 3816 DDTOP=118.06 N. INV=109.71(24"HDPE) W. INV=107.76(24"HDPE) HomeTowne STUDIOS 124 KEYS FF EL = 120.70 13,108 SF COVERAGE REQ SPACES = 127 PROVIDED 13414 5 15 87 10 530 Foot Natura l Buffer (West Orange Tra i l)West Orange Tra i l 10 6 6 3 10 8 10 4 9 Existing 48" Liftstation and Valve Box Existing 10" PVC WM Stub Existing 10" GV Ladybird Academy (Existing) Patio 3 2 453LF RETAINING WALL (See Architectural Drawings) 184 LF RETAINING WALL (See Architectural Drawings) CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL (See Architectural Drawings) 117117 116 119Existing Master Stormwater Pond Longwood, Florida 32750 of Fa x N u m b e r : ( 4 0 7 ) 3 5 8 - 5 4 4 8 1111 North Ronald Reagan Boulevard, Suite 101CENTRAL FLORIDA ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLCSHEET NUMBERDRAWING TITLEPhone Number: (407) 599-7010Civil Engineering - Land Planning em a i l : i n f o r m a t i o n @ f l o r i d a e n g . c o m E B N o . 2 9 1 7 3 Revisionsno.dateby:Designed by:Drawn by:Filename:Job Number:Scale:Date:Engineering Business No. 29173 FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Montje S. Plank, P.E. Engineer: License No. 36149 PRELIMINARY PLAN1"= 30'PR002 0 SCALE IN FEET 9060301530 HomeTowne StudiosCity of Ocoee,Florida2023.351.01July 11, 20233 Corrected B u i l d i n g H e i g h t 07/07/20241.0 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGGGGGGGGGGGGSSSSSSEBSVDSVEMTFOCCO COCO CO DFH SV EB TRU P UP UPUPUPXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWDDDDGGCO CO OW OW SSSSSSS122.19 121.64 123.0 120.9 119.9 121.0 117.2 124.2122.7 120.2119.5119.9 117.2117.0 117.8 123.4 123.6121.7 121.8 120.1 115.1118.2 115.8 123.3 122.7 120.2 115.0 120.3117.2114.4122.6123.8 120.2 124.4125.1120.3116.3 120.8 118.6114.5121.8 123.3 122.2 116.9 120.1 114.6 117 .7114.8116.7121.3124.2 122.3 120.3 118.8114. 4 116.1120.9122.9 120.7 120.9 120.6 120.8117.5121.0 125.5123.2 121.2 119.6 117.8116.7121.0 119.5 117.8117.7116.4121.1 121.6 120.1 119.0 118.5115.8 114.5122.1 121.9 119.3 120.0 116.8120.9 120.6 121.7 116.7 119.6 119.2 117.1 122.1 121.6 119.6 116.8120.2 116.2115.9 123.3 120.1 117.7 120.1116.9116.1 113.9 119.3122.4120.4 118.0 117.4115.9120.3 121.7 120.4 120.86122.59 121. 6 5 122 . 8 3117.86120.14119.89117.19117 . 71 122.52123.3 9 125.06124.65123.87116.45117.23124.29121.41 12 0 . 3 9117.87119.74120.27 125.09122.51117.68 12 1 . 1 3120.62120 . 5 2 119.19 123.24125.15117.84 117.10 116.86 121.03121.17122.46 121.09121. 7 6 122 . 5 2 122.30119.78120.02117.92119.74 117.75 123.24 122.45 125.48124.72124.05117.66117.44117.51 125.06122.18121.21120.46 12 0 . 5 6 12 0 . 5 0120.17119.90117.82 123.02123.43116.96116.91121.14121.26121.99120.44117.88118.33120.28117.93122.99 121. 9 6 125.49124.75123.95117.76117.48116.88 117.60 118.17121.86121.23121.90 120 . 1 0117.96119.73119.80118.73117.96123.36122.46123.48118.21 117.20 117.26 118.10 116.05 117.96123.2712 1 . 5 9 120.98 12 0 . 0 6 120 . 6 5117.89120.24119.89123.23124.94 123.65 117.21 117.16116.141 2 2 .0 1 122.01 12 0 . 1 0119.70119.94117.37121.97 119. 34116.2 9116 .07122.11121.84119.96117.82117.55122.49121.81 124.35124.53120. 57116.2 8 120.36124.79121.94121. 2 1 121.96 122.35120.94119.96118.65121. 5 6 117.38 122.83122.88124.10116 .14118.43116.75124.07121.62122 . 5 0 121.80117.35118.21119.83 122.66120.72116.52117.28117 .4 8 116.45120.90119.95118.8912 0 . 0 9 122.68115.80118.19 117.27117.01 116.65119 . 9 8 12 0 . 2 1119.34117.30 122.34 119 .14115.97116.44 117.70121.54 122 . 2 9 121.88120.15118.06 118.76 124.92120.22116 .5 3 116.62116.85 117.46119.94123.03122.00 121.80118.46121. 7 0 122.96121.08116.34116 .94117. 74 117.38115.63122.16 123.49122.33 124.53119.75118.08117.80124.81124.64117.45117.52116.88 122.47 119.62 117.68117.33116.91 122 . 6 6 116.35 118.4 118.111 8 . 1 112.8 113.3 113.1112.6112.8112.9113.0113.1 112.9112.9113.1 113.2 113.2 112.5 112.9112.9112.8 118.3122.1121.9119. 8116.2117.7119.5119 .2117 .7 119.7 121.0122.6113 .6116. 8 116 .9116.1115.5 122.3120.8 119 .1117.1116.0115.8 115.8 123.8121.3122.1117.2116.1118. 9117. 5 115.4 116.1125.0123.2117 .9118 .2114.5 119.7 119.4 118.1117.1120.9 115.9115 .0115 .1116.9116.2115.5 115.6 119.5122.4123.5116. 9 116 .3121.1116.1 122.4124.1120.6115 .6115 .5118.2120.5 115.7 115.4 117.2121.0 120.8119.9124.59121.0117.7119.9D DDDDDDDDDDDDXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD114 .6113.1115.3119.2120.8122.57122.55123.05 120.6 121.7 125. 1 7120.05117.3117.4116.2 125 12 1 12 2 123 124121121 122 12 2 122122121120119120121121122123123124125121120119118118119120121120 120121124123120120119119117 118 119 121122 123119118116115116117118 119 121 122 123116117 118122 121 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 11 9 121 118117116116113 114 115113114115 116 115 115 115 114 113114115116 1 1 7 1 1 8 119 12 0117117116 1191 1 9 120121 121118 119 117118116114117113114115116115 1 1 6 117118122118120.36EPCONC CURBEPCONC5' CW5' CWCONC EPCONC CURB5' C WEP EP EP CONC CURBCONC CURBCPCWCW4' MF 4' MFXCONC CURB4' MFXCOLUMNCOLUMNCWCWSTOP BARDRY WELLLIFT STATIONCBW6' CLFCONTROLPANELAPPROXIMATE LOCATIONOF WATERS EDGE AS OF 11/13/23ELEV=112.8 GATE 6' CLF6' CLF 6' CLF EPEPASPHALTAPPROXIMATE LOCATION OF WATERS EDGE AS OF 11/13/23 ELEV=118.1 ASPHALTASPHALT ASP H A L T INV=117.40TOP=124.69N. INV=117.64(24"RCP)W. INV=117.58(30"RCP)INV=117.91 INV=119.70 INV=120.62INV=121.9918" RCP14"X22" RCP 19"X30" RCP TOP=120.24 S. INV=115.03(18"HDPE) TOP=117.46BOTTOM=110.96 TOP=116.35 BOTTOM=110.65 TOP=115.78BOTTOM=109.54TOP=117.17N. INV=112.80(18"HDPE) S. INV=108.29(24"HDPE) BOTTOM=108.86 1 2 345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 202122 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 120 120120120 120 120 SITE BENCHMARK #ELEVATION = NAVD 881BENCHMARK N&D121.52DILAPIDATEDBARN27.2'13.7'INV=113.8(18"HDPE)D D D D D D D DSDO 117 117117 1171.1'E1.6'WSITE BENCHMARK # ELEVATION = NAVD 88 3 BENCHMARK N&D115.85 70'X20' UEDOC #201903818838FND 5/8" IRLB #7227 FND 1/2" IRLB #4475 FND 5/8" IR PSM #4887 (0.4'N,1.0'W) FND 1/2" IRLB #4475 FND 1/2" IRLB #4475ALSO FND 5/8" IRLB #7274 (5.4'N,0.3'E)FND 5/8" IR NO # CORNER FALLSIN POND NOT SET WEST 406.56' DESCNORTH 750.00' DESCEAST 406.56' DESCS86°38'39"W 207.25' D&MN00°48'40"E 373.21' DESCS89°14'16"E 206.70' DESCS00°49'00"W 357.28' D&M SITE BENCHMARK # ELEVATION = NAVD 88 4 BENCHMARK N&D120.56 LESS AND EXCEPT NOT PLATTEDNOT INCLUDED LESS AND EXCEPT NOT PLATTEDNOT INCLUDED S89°11'02"E70.44' MEASS73°32'28"W 282.82' MEASN00°51'56"E 373.21' MEAS S00°51'56"W 660.93' MEAS N86°41'17"E 200.39' MEASWEST ROAD (R/W VARIES)(RIGHT-OF-WAY MAPS FOR CLARCONA-OCOEE ROAD)COUNTY PROJECT NO. Y9-821ACCESSNOT INCLUDEDRETENTION POND SANITARY STUB OUT WEST ORANGE TRAILCONTAINS 161,210 SQUARE FEET OR 3.701 ACRES MORE OR LESS. PARCEL: 06-22-28-0000-00-095 OWNER: YOLO OCOEE LLC DOC #20180492472 NOT PLATTEDPARCEL: 06-22-28-0000-00-008OWNER: JIMMIE C & JEANETTE G WATSON ORB 3872 PG 557 NOT PLATTED PARCEL: 06-22-28-0000-00-037 OWNER: TIITF ORB 4814 PG 3816 DDTOP=118.06 N. INV=109.71(24"HDPE) W. INV=107.76(24"HDPE) HomeTowne STUDIOS 124 KEYS FF EL = 120.70 13,108 SF COVERAGE REQ SPACES = 127 PROVIDED 13414 5 15 87 10 530 Foot Natura l Buffer (West Orange Tra i l)West Orange Tra i l 10 6 6 3 10 8 10 4 9 Existing 48" Liftstation and Valve Box Existing 10" PVC WM Stub Existing 10" GV Ladybird Academy (Existing) 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.0020.0020.0012.0012.0020.0012.0012.00R3.0012.00 12.00 22.0020.00 20.0022.0012.00 12.00 20.0020.0012.0012.0020.0020.0020.0012.0012.0020.0020.0012.0012.0020.0020.0012.0012.0020.00 20.00 Patio 3 2 12.0012.0010.6611.61R17.00R19.00R27.00R27.00R25.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.009.00 9.00 9.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 5' CONC. S I D E W A L K 5' CONC. S I D E W A L K 5' CON C . S I D E W A L K 5' S W 5' CO N C. SID E W A L K 12.00 5.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 10.00 R3.00R3.0010.00 R3.00R3.00R3. 7.006.00R10.00R3.00R12.00R20.005.00R10.00R3.00R3.00R3.00R10.00R10.00R3.00R5.00R3.00R3.00R3.00R3.00R10.00R3.00R3.00R3.00R3.00R3.00R3.0023.4011.33 23.5210.00 11.00 9.2842.2942.3285.1785.31127.40125.817.967.98280.43453LF RETAINING WALL (See Architectural Drawings) 184 LF RETAINING WALL (See Architectural Drawings) CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL (See Architectural Drawings) Existing Master Stormwater Pond 7' S W ELECTRIC CAR CHARGING STATIONS 2 PROVIDED, CONDUIT PROVIDED FOR 1 ADDITIONAL Longwood, Florida 32750 of Fa x N u m b e r : ( 4 0 7 ) 3 5 8 - 5 4 4 8 1111 North Ronald Reagan Boulevard, Suite 101CENTRAL FLORIDA ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLCSHEET NUMBERDRAWING TITLEPhone Number: (407) 599-7010Civil Engineering - Land Planning em a i l : i n f o r m a t i o n @ f l o r i d a e n g . c o m E B N o . 2 9 1 7 3 Revisionsno.dateby:Designed by:Drawn by:Filename:Job Number:Scale:Date:Engineering Business No. 29173 FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Montje S. Plank, P.E. Engineer: License No. 36149 PRELIMINARY HORIZONTAL CONTROL1"= 30'PR003 UTILITY NOTE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY UTILITIES CONSTRUCTION PH.# 407-254-9798 ALL CURBING TO BE TYPE 'D' PER FDOT INDEX 300 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL CURBING TO BE CLASS 1, 3000 PSI CONCRETE Development Notes: TRACT SIZE:3.701± ACRES EXISTING ZONING:PD - COMMERCIAL EXISTING LAND USE:VACANT PROPOSED LAND USE:HOTEL 124 ROOMS (KEYS) PROVIDED 33.5 Rms/Acre OPEN SPACE:OPEN SPACE REQUIRED = 3.701 AC x 20% = 0.74 AC OPEN SPACE PROVIDED = 1.308 AC or 35.35% FAR 0.32 BUILDING HEIGHT:MAX. ALLOWED PROVIDED PD = 45' 43'6" (Highest Roof Surface FBC) SETBACKS:BUILDING SETBACKS Required Provided 45' WEST ROAD 127.4' WEST ROAD 15' WEST (SIDE) 85' WEST SIDE 15' EAST (SIDE) 42' EAST SIDE 50' REAR SETBACK 280' REAR SETBACK LANDSCAPE BUFFERS Required Provided FRONT (NORTH) 7.5' 7.5' SIDE (EAST WEST) 7.5' 7.5' REAR (SOUTH) 50' NATURAL BUFF. 50' SUPPORT SERVICES:WATER - ORANGE COUNTY UTILITIES (OCU) ON-SITE WATER LINES TO BE PRIVATELY OWNED, OPERATED, AND MAINTAINED. SEWER - ORANGE COUNTY UTILITY (OCU) ON-SITE SEWER SERVICE TO BE PRIVATELY OWNED, OPERATED, AND MAINTAINED. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT IS PROVIDED WITHIN THE EXISTING MASTER POND SYSTEM FOR THE LADY BIRD ACADEMY.. A MAXIMUM OF 80% IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE ALLOWED. ONSITE VEGETATION:EXISTING VEGETATION INCLUDES TREES, WEEDS and GRASS. LIGHTING STANDARDS:LIGHTING TO BE CONSISTENT WITH CITY OF OCOEE REGULATIONS LANDSCAPING STANDARDS:SHALL CONFORM TO CITY OF OCEEE LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS DESIGN STANDARDS:PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH CITY OF OCOEE DESIGN REGULATIONS. CONSERVATION AREAS:N/A SIGNAGE:PROJECT AND BUILDING SIGNAGE TO MEET CITY OF OCOEE REQUIREMENTS. POLE SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS ARE PROHIBITED. 100 YEAR FLOOD HAZARD:PROPERTY LIES COMPLETELY WITHIN ZONE 'X', ACCORDING TO FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER: 12095C0210F EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 25, 2009. SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN:N/A PARK AND RECREATION:N/A PARKING:REQUIRED PARKING: 1 SPACE PER 1 ROOMS (124/1) 124 SPACES 1 SPACE PER MANAGER (1/1) 1 SPACES 1 SPACE PER 3 EMPLOEES (6/3) 2 SPACES 1 SPACE PER 6 SEATS RESTAURANT FACILITY (n/a) 0 SPACES 127 SPACES PROVIDED PARKING REGULAR SPACES (9x20) 128 SPACES HANDICAP ACCESS. 6 SPACES 134 SPACES PHASING PLAN:SINGLE PHASE PROPOSED ELEVATION DATUM:NAVD 88 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-A - SPRINKLED UNPROTECTED (PER DEVELOPER) BICYCLE PARKING PROVIDED:4 SPACES 0 SCALE IN FEET 9060301530 HomeTowne StudiosCity of Ocoee,Florida2023.351.01July 11, 20233 Corrected B u i l d i n g H e i g h t 07/07/20241.01 FIRST FLOOR 100' -0" SECOND FLOOR 112' -0" THIRD FLOOR 122' -0" LOWER PARAPET 146' -0" FOURTH FLOOR 132' -0" 20191817161514131211109765432 21 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C FRONT PARAPET 153' -0" 1 A A D A A A A A TRUSS BEARING 140' -6" MID PARAPET 149' -0"53' - 0"4' - 0"3' - 0"5' - 6"8' - 6"10' - 0"10' - 0"12' - 0"204 204 204 204 204 207 207207 201 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203203 203 205 205 205 205 205 206 206 206 206 206 209 208 208 208 209 208 208 209209 203 210 210 210 210 212 206 218 213 219 219 219 219 001 8 A A AA A A AA A AA A A A A A 211 222 222 221 FIRST FLOOR 100' -0" SECOND FLOOR 112' -0" THIRD FLOOR 122' -0" LOWER PARAPET 146' -0" FOURTH FLOOR 132' -0" 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 221 A A A AA A A AA A A AA A A A A A A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A A A A AA A AA A A E A A AA A A AA A A AA A A A UPPER PARAPET 150' -0" 1 TRUSS BEARING 140' -6"50' - 0"12' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 8' - 6" 5' - 6" 4' - 0" A A A AA A A A 201 217 217 217 204 204 204 205205 205 206 206 206 206 217 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 207 207 207 208 208 208 209209 210 210 210 210 212 214 215 219 219 219 219 138 141 011A 220 220 220 220220 8 221 222 222 222222 221 FIRST FLOOR 100' -0" SECOND FLOOR 112' -0" THIRD FLOOR 122' -0" LOWER PARAPET 146' -0" FOURTH FLOOR 132' -0" C D E FBA G TRUSS BEARING 140' -6" B B B B 5' - 6"8' - 6"10' - 0"10' - 0"12' - 0"46' - 0"210 203 203 203 203 203 203203 207207 215 206 209 208 217217 210 202 203 204 204 204 2042" / 12" 138 SB1B 211 FIRST FLOOR 100' -0" SECOND FLOOR 112' -0" THIRD FLOOR 122' -0" LOWER PARAPET 146' -0" FOURTH FLOOR 132' -0" CDEF B AG TRUSS BEARING 140' -6"5' - 6"8' - 6"10' - 0"10' - 0"12' - 0"46' - 0"B B B B 2 " / 1 2 " 202 206 215 207 207 208 209 204 204 204 204 217217 210 210 203 203 203203 203 203203 203 138 SA1B 211 BEHR N290-1: ORIGINAL WHITE BEHR N380-5: NATURALIST GRAY BEHR N410-2: BROOK GREEN BEHR N440-7: MIDNIGHT IN NY Proj. No.: Date: ISSUANCES: Sheet Name:OCOEE, FLORIDAHOMETOWNE STUDIOSWEST ROADOCOEE, FL 347614454 Idea Center Blvd Dayton, OH 45430 (937) 461-5660 www.woolpert.com REV DESCRIPTION DATE 7/24/2024 4:54:58 PM10018848.01 07/26/2024 EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATIONS A2013/32" = 1'-0"A101 1 FRONT EXTERIOR ELEVATION (WEST) 3/32" = 1'-0"A101 2 REAR EXTERIOR ELEVATION (EAST) 3/32" = 1'-0"A101 3 RIGHT EXTERIOR ELEVATION (SOUTH) 3/32" = 1'-0"A101 4 LEFT EXTERIOR ELEVATION (NORTH) 7 METAL SCUPPER & DOWNSPOUT COLOR TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL COLOR 6 REFER TO SIGN PACKAGE FOR ALL BLOCKING & MOUNTING DETAILS 5 COPINGS / FLASHING / GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL COLOR 4 EXTERIOR LOUVER COLOR TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL COLOR 3 EXTERIOR STOREFRONT WINDOW & DOOR FRAMES TO BE CLEAR ANODIZED FINISH 2 GC TO COORDINATE ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN WITH CONTRACTOR & SIGN VENDOR PRIOR TO DRYWALL 1 PROVIDE ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO EACH SIGN LOCATION GENERAL ELEVATION NOTES DRAWING KEYNOTES 138 CARD READER @ 48" AFF UNO 201 ILLUMINATED EXTERIOR SIGNAGE BY OWNER - COORDINATE BLOCKING WITH MANUFACTURER 202 ALTERNATE SIGN LOCATION BY OWNER - COORDINATE BLOCKING WITH MANUFACTURER 203 2" EIFS BUILDING SYSTEM 204 SHAPED EIFS ACCENT CORNICE & METAL COPING 205 THRU-WALL HVAC UNIT - GRILLE COLOR TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL COLOR 206 FIXED VINYL WINDOW - REFER TO A602 207 SURFACE MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE @ 6'-2" AFF - REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS 208 VERTICAL EIFS JOINT - REFER TO 2/A501 209 HORIZONTAL EIFS JOINT - REFER TO 2/A501 210 HORIZONTAL EIFS CORNICE 211 ENTRY CANOPY - REFER TO SHEET A415 212 ALUMINUM STOREFRONT WINDOW 213 ALUMINUM SLIDING ENTRY DOOR 214 ALUMINUM ENTRY DOOR 215 HOLLOW METAL DOOR & FRAME 217 8" X 12" ALUMINUM SCUPPER CONDUCTOR HEAD & 6" X 6" DOWNSPOUT - COLOR TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL - REFER TO DETAIL 11 / A501 218 SOFFIT MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE - REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS 219 WINDOW TRIM TO BE BEHR N290-1: ORIGINAL WHITE - TYP 220 8" X 12" ALUMINUM OVERFLOW SCUPPER - COLOR TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL COLOR 221 DRYER OR WATER HEATER VENT AND CAP. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS 222 FIXED ALUMINUM LOUVER. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR SIZE AND LOCATION 0 8'4'16'32' 3/32"=1'-0" ELEVATION FINISH LEGEND HomeTowne Studios – Ocoee Buliding Height Response: The 49 foot building height shown on Civil Drawings is not correct. Please see attached Architectural wall section, and excerpt from the 8th Edition Florida Building Code. FBC Section 202 defines Building Height as “vertical distance from grade plane to the average height of the highest roof surface”. This height is actually (43’-6” PLUS DIST FROM GRADE PLANE TO FFE). The roof parapets and the taller entrance structure are not part of the true roof, but are “other structures” per the Exception to FBC Section 504.3, and are allowed to be up to 20 feet taller than the building height. West Orange Times c/o Business Observer 1970 Main Street 3rd Floor Sarasota, FL 34236 , 941-906-9386 x322INVOICE Legal Advertising Attention: If you are a government agency and you believe that you qualify for a 15% discount to the second insertion of your notice per F.S. revision 50.061, please inform Kristen Boothroyd directly at 941-906-9386 x323. NOTICE The Business Observer makes every effort to ensure that its public notice advertising is accurate and in full compliance with all applicable statutes and ordinances and that its information is correct. Nevertheless, we ask that our advertisers scrutinize published ads carefully and alert us immediately to any errors so that we may correct them as soon as possible. We cannot accept responsibility for mistakes beyond bearing the cost of republishing advertisements that contain errors .