HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-15-2024 Supporting DocumentsCITY OF OCOEE 1q1V#\k%W I N. Bluford Avenue ocoee Ocoee, Florida 34761 flarida 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to inspeptiqnby all persons. DATE f b RM OCOEE RESIDENT' YES' - NO 0 V (OPTIONAL) ADDRESS -72---72 i q L CITY ZIP CODE E-MAIL— -) &�E� — Do you have a prepared statement, or other document(s) from which you will address the Board? No Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. All proceedings before the Commission shall be -governed by the Civility Code — see b I acA The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation - 15 minutes; citizen comments - 5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal - 5 minutes. Open to Public — Citizens Comments - 3 minutes per speaker, per meeting. �0 CITY OF OCOEE 4� 1 N. Bluford Avenue ocoee Ocoee, Florida 34761 0 1, d a 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to inspection 0 y_ql persons. DATE 2 NAME P H 0 N E # NOR1111111111R•ii AAWU��� E-MAIL to address the Board WA e Item # and/or topic): Do you have a prepared statement, or other document(s) from which you will address the Board? No Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. All' proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code — see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation - 15 minutes; citizen comments - 5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal - 5 minutes, Open to Public — Citizens Comments - 3 minutes per speaker, per meeting. � ~~ CITY OF OCOEE 1 N.0ufordAvenue (}c()ee Ocoee, Florida 347G1 o=,e" 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open toinspection byall persons. DATE NAME � PHONE OCOEE RESIDENT YE� O NO O / k�r(OPTIONAL) ADDRESS I�A Q CITY CODE, , | want toaddress the Board about provide Item # and/or nop|c;: Doyou have aprepared statement, orother doou from which you will address the Board? � No w� Yesifyes, please attach copy ofsame hothis Reservation Form. All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code — see back The following time limits tospeak are ineffect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation -15minutes; citizen comments '5minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal -5minutes. CITY OF OCOEE 1 N. Bluford Avenue ocoee Ocoee, Florida 34761 florldo 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to inspection by, all persons. DATEI-j5-Aq. ,, �W ' NAME 0 A AdLIS PHONE# I want to address the Board bout ITY _®ZIP CODE MEWA provide Item # and/or topic): Do you have a prepared statement, or of document(s) from which you will address the Board? Na \ J— Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code — see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation - 15 minutes; citizen comments - 5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal - 5 minutes. Open to Public — Citizens Comments - 3 minutes per speaker, per meeting. A- CITY OF OCOEE law 111A1*11 1 N. Bluford Avenue ocoee Ocoee, Florida 34761 florid. 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to inspection by all persons. DATE NAME PHONE# OCOEE RESIDENT YES Ej,-- NO 0 (OPTIONAL) ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE E-MAIL I want to address the Board about (Please provide Item # and/or topic): Do you have a prepared statement, or other document(s) from which you will address the Board? No Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code — see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation - 15 minutes; citizen comments - 5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal - 5 minutes. Open to Public — Citizens Comments - 3 minutes per speaker, per meeting. ORANGE Serial Number 24-03185 W Times West Orange Times Published Weekly Winter Garden , Orange County, llorida COUNTY OF ORANGE STATE OFF FLORIDA Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Lindsey Padgett ,who on oath says that he/she is Publisher's Representative of the West Orange 1 imes a weekly newspaper published at Winter Garden , Orange County, Florida; that tile attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Notlee in the matter of Notice of Intent To Sell Proncrty in the Court, was published in said newspaper by print in the issues of 10/3/2024 Aftiant further says that. the West Orange Times complies with all legal requirements for publication in chapter 50, Florida Statutes. *This Notice was placed on the newspaper's website and fioridapublienotices,com on the same day the notice appeared in the newspaper, VV4"Cat- Lindsey Padgett Sworn to and subscribed, and personally appeared by physical presence -before me, 3rd day of October, 2024 A.D. by 11 indsey Padgettwvho's personally known to me. Notary Public, State of Florida Yp"!v, Kimberly S, Martin (SEAT:,) ` � 44�-� Comm,.NN 282034 �, Expires: July 25, 2026 'o;;; p-F�°;.��`` Notary Public - state of Florida 1P1 ti1111 ....._ NOTICH OF INIFMfTO Si 1 } 11to111WI OWNlil) r}Y rftiGC1117Yor 6MER Naiivr is hcndw },Recn rant the f.1'ty ofOrvuv,d Inrtde, will ronskicr tin filter for die eschni,ga of lint prap:rlyoyeoed byihe Cityand rallied titsloo,t)(10 in viehn» p, firr SVOot, said the lrrgxmp` daacribed twtoty: Property novinedby Iha City orocove to lie cnnrayedl Parc01Nrl.I0•22-21,I-000-004l,t?l .200 Acrax 1n,ealml Avid Taylor Sireel, ut }tte Nil C'vrvtar of lY, giekry Sirtiti t and 7ipim�Sirect PrnprtrTy'ln hn r vnr,pe�.IAA Qin City of ornce; Pared No. It-21421343144-0I4181 ac) Acrav lanvnvel r6 201) 1V. oaklnvul Ave, nl this SU C,nrner o(lV, onkinud Ave nnd'I:ylor Sovet ,\ public havdng wrIl lie held nt tha'111ezday; oktolwr 1b, 2o2t,:nrtvah,g o(ihaCit° Vol"IniWon of the City of (hoe bm};inliing at (416 1w, ur won iheremIt" in tho Citr11n11G1u,mletionChnndk,-locatetlnitNorth 1110ordAze,Cht ,Pl.10701. AIIinA`n.}ratpmrtlesAralnAttedtobybcnnidariligtile publielwathl portionoffie ut ling,. City I'M, W otam 10 111r pobiie. /ornate 54b10, City perk Ortot wr 3' 202 t 94-onl8IW 10/15/24, 3:32 PM PDF.js viewer r BEGIN AT THE EASTERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY OF SAID TAYLOR STREET AND THE NORTH LINEOF SAID LOT 7, BLOCK 1, THENCE RUN S892644"E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOTS 7, 8 AND 9, BLOCK 1, 127.77 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CSX RAILROAD RIGHT—OF—WAY, BEING A NON —TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST THENCE RUN SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1555'13", A RADIUS OF 387.43 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 107,65 FEET A CHORD BEARING OF S48'08'15"W AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 107.31 FEET, TO THE AFORESAID EASTERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF TAYLOR STREET; THENCE RUN N33-17-54"W ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT—OF-WAY LINE, 87.16 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL OF r 0.112 ACRES MORE #- SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. NOT VALID WITHOUT THE ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND SEAL, OR DIGITAL SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. PRINTED COPIES OF A DIGITAL SIGNED AND SEALED SURVEY ARE NOT VAUD. 2. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS OF WAY, EASEMENTS, OWNERSHIP, OR OTHER INSTRUMENTS OF RECORD, BY THIS FIRM. J. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF TAYLOR STREET AS BEING N33'17`54"W (ASSUMED). 4. THE DESCRIPTION SHOWN HEREON WAS PREPARED BY THE SURVEYOR. avow,,#- • • THE SEAL APPEARING ON £N!S DOCUMENT WAS AUTHORIZED BY ARON D. BISHMAN, P.S.M.. 5668 ON AUGUST Y 2024; THE ELECTRONIC 9GNA7URE HEREON IS IN COMPLIANCE WTH THE FLORIDA ADMINYSTRAnVE CODE (FAC) 5J-17-062 Digitally signed by Aron Bshman .. Date: 2024.08.28 13:04:20-04-00` NSA Surveying 8. Mapping, inc.' CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION LS 7274 301 N. TUBS STREET SUITE 106 Phone No. OAKLAAND, FL 34760 407.905,8877 https://ocoeefl. portal.civiccierk.com/event/384/files/attachment/3633 1 /2 10/15/24, 3:32 PM PDF.js viewer fflA �#-, � 80' PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY BRICK ROAD (PLAT BOOK A, PACE 100) POINT OF BEGINNING RECOVERED 5/8-IRON ROD RECOVERED 5/8- 1 AND CAP %.-H LB 7143' AND CAP 1.4 T �l --z c, 0 — — — — — — — — — — 2a S89*2644E 127.77' qzaq� (G) 7/ 100' (p) 100, (p) 711 —7\— rRTH LINE LOTS 7-9 VACANT LAND 00 R=387.43' L=107.65' - A C8=S48*08'15-W gI -3�L CH=107.31' �A LOT 7 LOT 8 LOT 9 BLOCK 1 BLOCK I N - - - - - - 1 - - - - -00' (p) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- JOB NUMBER. 24063.000 SURVEY DATE. 811312024 DRAWING FILE." 24063XWG LEGENDIABBREVIAVONS.- 6 CENTRAL ANGLE R RADIUS L LENGTH ON CHORD ca CHORO BEAP,',N,, Le MZNSED 8U5WESS REM PPOPESSIGNA(, CLNlfrC,,R MAPPER (P) PLAT CC) CALCULATF.Q- RIW RICHT-OF-WAY -0GE 0ASPHALIT PAVF7JEKT M WOOD POASP poLF (-- Guy WmE FIRE HN)RAMT SIGN CCWdVMCA7,'CN Rl--P https://ocoeefl.portaI.civicclerk.com/event/384/fiIes/aftachment/3633 2/2 1 Taylor Street Effective Date November 30, 2023 Date of the Report November 30, 2023 Report Type Appraisal Report Prepared For Mr. Michael Rumer Development Services Director City of Ocoee Client File Number PO #1429208 Internal File Number A23-36 I Transmittal Lettel MCINC. Propedy Valuation & Consulting Mr. Michael Rums Development Services Director City ofOcoee 1 N.B|ufovdAvenue Ocoee, FL34761 RE: Appraisal Report for the property located at 1 Taylor Street, Ocoee, FL 34761 04S.Dillard Street Winter Garden, FIL 34787 Atyour request, we have completed the research and analysis necessary in preparing a restricted appraisal report, based on the definition and in compliance with the minimum standards of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and Title XI of FIRREA, for the above captioned property. The subject property |slocated onthe east side ofTaylor Street, north of West MckeyStreet and south of West Oakland Avenue within the City of Ocoee in west Orange Cnonty, The subject site is triangular in shape and contains 9,135 gross/net upland square feet. The site is cleared and level, improved with perimeter fencing and all utilities are available to the property. No adverse easements, encroachments or restrictions are known. Taylor Street is atwo'|ane, asphalt - paved public right-of-way improved with street lighting in the area of the subject. The site is approximately two blocks west ofcity government and administration buildings. The neighborhood boundaries can bedefined asSilver Star Road tothe north, State/Toll Road 429 tothe west, West Colonial Drive/State Road 50 to the south, and Clarke Road to the east The subject neighborhood consists primarily of single-family res|denda|, municipal, industrial and commercial uses. Commercial uses in the immediate area of the subject include heavy commercial and light industrial uses to the north along Taylor Street. The City cJOcoee municipal campus is located east of the subject along B|ufovd Avenue and include a recently completed City Hall facility. Ocoee Middle School and Ocoee Elementary School are located approximately 0.5 miles southeast of the subject. Other commercial uses in the neighborhood are located along County Road 438, Maguire Road, and State Road 50, The City of Ocoee is currently developing a downtown master stormwater pond and park just northeast of the subject. The five -acre park will serve as the mastersiormwater retention area for the city's downtown core area (which encompasses the subject property), � The subject property is zoned 1-1 (Restricted Manufacturing and Warehousing) with aHeavy Industrial Future Land Use by � the City ofOcoee, According tothe City ufOcoee, the 11 district |sintended primarily for manufacturing and assembly plants and warehousing that are conducted so the noise, odor, dust and glare of each operation is completely confined o M within an enclosed building. These industries may require direct access to rail, air orstreet transportation facilities; (A however, the size and volume ofthe raw materials and finished products involved should not produce the volume of M freight generated by the uses of the general industrial districts. Buildings in this district should be architecturally attractive and surrounded by landscaped yards. This district is primarily intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as "Light Industrial". The subject property is located in the City ufOcoee'y Downtown Redevelopment Area Overlay district, which provides flexibility to the land development codes and regulations, Within the Downtown Redevelopment overlay district, mixed -use developments are promoted and density/intensity allowances may be offered to developers. The 2U23certified just/market and assessed value for the subject parcel is$91'359with ad -valorem taxes of$1'49461 and non -ad valorem assessment of$128.O8for sturm-do}na8e for atotal tax liability of$1,514,G1 for2O23. The2U22 assessed value for tax purposes was$2Q,94O, and the tax bill for the parcel totaled $602,97¢bo significant increase in the tax assessment from 2022 to 2023 was due to a transfer of the property in early 2022). The 2O23taxes have not yet been paid but are not yet delinquent, there are no prior years' taxes delinquent for the property. The market value for tax purposes appears reasonable when compared with the appraised value. The subject property iscurrently under the ownership ofSteve Madmlsand Leslie Marbais. The current owners acquired the subject in January 2022 for a recorded sale price of $100,000. or $10/95/SF (Orange County Instrument #20220072641), it does not appear that the subject was advertised on the open market. The January 2022 transfer was financed by the Grantor Oimmy P. Sills); the seller financed $90,000 (90% of the purchase price) at a 4% interest rate for a 15-yearterm. Additionally, the property is currently listed for sale, The subject was listed on Nmvember8, 2023 at an asking price mf$25O'OOO($27.37/SF)byLou Forges ofValiant Realty Group (K8LS#O6155O57).The subject ionot known 10 be under contract for purchase at the time of this appraisal assignment, The prior sale of the subject was not included in the sales comparison analysis, as the property did not appear to have been openly marketed, coupled with the non - market seller financing. The current listing of the subject was considered but ultimately not analyzed in the sales comparison approach as the asking price reflects an extreme outlier when compared with sales/listings of similar properties. There have been no additional transfers of the subject in the past three years. In our opinion, the highest and best use of the property as vacant is for commercial use as permitted under the current w zoning/FLU and zoning overlay designations. 0 The purpose ofthis appraisal istoestimate the "as is" market value ofthe fee simple estate |nthe subject property, esof November 30, 2023. The intended use of this appraisal is for decision -making purposes related to a possible acquisition of the subject by the City of Ocoee, who is the intended user of this appraisal. This investigation involved inspecting the � o subject property, collecting and analyzing data pertinent tothe subject property and its market and location, as well as rn collecting and analyzing comparable market data under market conditions prevailing November 30, 2023. � In preparing this appraisal, the appraiser inspected the subject property (on November 30, 2023); gathered information from the subject's neighborhood and market area on comparable vacant land sales/listings (in accordance with the subject's highest and best use) and confirmed the sale/listing information with at least one representative of the transaction and analyzed the information gathered inapplying only the sales comparison approach. The cost and income approaches were considered but not applied, as the subject consists of vacant land with little to no development costs expended todate; therefore, the cost approach was eliminated as a valid approach to value for this assignment Since vacant land is seldom leased in the market area, we did not apply the income capitalization approach. Based on the availability of comparable data of similar vacant land recently sold and -or currently listed on the open market the sales comparison approach was the only applicable approach to value for the subject property in its "as is" condition, The sales comparison approach measures the actions of buyers and sellers in the current marketplace through the analysis ofrecent sale transactions and listings that are considered similar to the property being appraised. This approach was used by comparing the subject with comparable vacant commercial land sales and current listings. |nreporting the opinion ofvalue, anappraisal has been performed, usdefined bythe Uniform Standards ofProfessional Appraisal Practice, As we discussed and agreed inhha|k\ a restricted appraisal report has been prepared. However, for your convenience, the Comparable Land Sales Adjustment Grid is attached on a following page. In determining the value for the subject property we analyzed three vacant land sales and an active listing in the subject's market area occurring between July 2021 and April 2023 with the listing current as of the date of value. Sales prices ranged from $9.05/SFto $17.09/5F. After applying transactional and physical adjustments to the comparable sales the value indications ranged from $9.U3/3Fto$17.U9/SPaveraging $11.20/SELand Sales 1 and 2received primary weight of 309h each due 1otheir proximity to the subject with supporting weight ofZU% each placed on Land Sale 3 and Active Listing 4.This weighting results )navalue indication of$10.82/5For$98,D41,rounded tm$100,o00. As a result of our field investigation and valuation analysis, which is contained within our files, it is our opinion that the market value of the fee simple estate in the subject property, "as is" as of November 30, 2023 is $100,000 (rounded), or $0.95 per square foot of net usable/upland area (munded). The marketing and exposure period for the subject property is estimated to be 12 months or less. Reliance on this restricted appraisal report is limited to the client and the report may not be understood properly without additional information in our work files. VVetrust this information will assist you. |twas apleasure toprovide appraisal services for you. Mq 1 Taylor StreetCurrent Market Value As Is Fee Simple 11B0/2023 $100,000 Sincerely, Property Valuation & Consulting, Inc. Blair Beasley State -Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, FLNo. RI3O7l b|oir@propertyva|ue.com Site Description Fm MSA Orlando Market Type Large Submarket Type Suburban Legal Description BEG NE COR OF SW1/4 OF SE1/4 RUN W 205 FTTO ROAD SELY ALONG ROAD TO POINTS S OF BEG N TO POB IN SEC 18-22-28 Location Classification Good Parcel Identifier 18-22-28-0000-00-049 Location of Parcel Mid -Block size SF / Acres 9,135/0.21 Usable Land Acres 0.21 Usable Land Square Feet 9,135 Access Traffic Count 3,200 Traffic Counter Description FDOT 2022 Primary Frontage Feet 180 Primary Frontage Type Local Frontage Description Two-lane, asphalt -paved road Access Classification Average Access Description No barriers to access Encumbe ca� Flood Zone Zone X Flood Map Number 12095CO210H Flood Map Effective Date 09/24/2021 Flood Plain Description The subject property is situated in Zone X, an area of minimal flood hazard. Environmental Description No known environmental issues Encumbrances Easements No adverse easements, encumbrances or restrictions noted (typical utility easements are Description assumed) - a survey has not been provided Site Characteristics Shape Triangular Topography Basically Level Grade At Grade Land Cover Cleared View / Appeal Average Available Utilities Electricity, Sewer, Telephone, and Water Site Utility Average I I Subject• o Aerial/Tax Map Looking north along Taylor Street from near the southern corner of the site (subject on right) Looking south along Taylor Street from near the northwest corner of the site (subject on left) Looking northwest from near the southern boundary of the site I .71 a northwest corner of the site site 3 9 ILand Valuation Wekiwa Longwo6d Springs it A ase"'I 4 AN k tp 414 ForestFCity,, "RI'A South Apopka ltam'onte .',,� of, Springs ar ww" ilh t�j 414 J Maifl6hd Ferndale r Heights p J Lockhdt Vmllk Ni . irvi . . .. . . . eW "Winter#Park Al, AN,& U. .. . . . ..... .. -mmer Garde It Oakland Pine Hills 4b, (5-0) g"Map data CO2023 Google Orbylista'�� avenue 2 300 North Bluford 4/1/2023 39,483 0.91 $400,000 $10.13 $439,560 $400,000 $10.13 $439,560 Avenue 3 180 East 5th Street 1/1/2023 9,948 0.23 $170,000 $17.09 $739,130 $170,000 $17.09 $739,130 4 106 West 4th Street Listing 12,038 0.28 $109,000 $9.05 $389,286 $109,000 $9.05 $389,286 co 113 West Oakland Avenue Sale Date 7/1/2021 The Grantee purchased the property for future 113 West Oakland Avenue Int. Conveyed Fee Simple development. Ocoee, FL 34761 Seller Joshua Stalker Land / Commercial Buyer Aplausos, LLC Sale Price $120,000 Sale Price/ULSF $9,56 Analysis Sale Price $120,000 Analysis SP/ULSF $9.56 Land Sale #2 - 300 Nortfi� Bluford A'venue Property Exhibit Photo SF / Acres 39,483/1 Lots 0 In Flood Plain? No 300 North Bluford Avenue Sale Date 4/1/2023 --- 300 North Bluford Avenue Int, Conveyed Fee Simple Ocoee, FL 34761 Seller Share the Care, Inc. Land / Commercial Buyer Walter Raymond Real Estat... Sale Price $400,000 Sale Price/ULSF $10.13 Analysis Sale Price $400,000 Analysis SP/ULSF $10.13 Land Sale #3 -1180 East Sth,Str1eet Property Exhibit Photo SF d Acres 9,948/0 Lots 0 In Flood Plain? No 180 East 5th Street Sale Date 1/1/2023 --- 180 East 5th Street Int. Conveyed Fee Simple Apopka, FL32703 Seller Dennis Sanborn Land / Commercial Buyer Metro Fibernet, LLC Sale Price $170,000 Sale Price/ULSF $17.09 Analysis Sale Price $170,000 Analysis SP/ULSF $17,09 Tip 9 Property Exhibit Photo SF / Acres 12,038 / 0 Lots 0 In Flood Plain? No � 6, in V 106 West 4th Street Sale Date Listing -- 106 West 4th Street Int. Conveyed Fee Simple Apopka, FL 32703 Seller N/A Current Listing - Curren... Land / Commercial Buyer _-_ Sale Price $109,000 Sale Price/ULSF $9.05 Analysis Sale Price $109,000 Analysis SP/ULSF $9.05 Fi City Sale Price Unit of Comp. UoC Value Sale Price / UoC Property Rights Terms/Financing Cond, of Sale Adjustment Expend. After Sale Excess Land Val. Market Cond. Adj. Price per UoC Location Adjustment Size Adjustment Traffic Count Adjustment Frontage Adjustment Access Adjustment Configuration Adjustment Zoning Utilities View / Appeal Adjustment I Taylor Street 1 Taylor Street Ocoee Usable Land SF 9,135 sf NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Good 9,135 sf 3,200 180 Average Triangular 1-1 (Restricted Manufacturing & 113 West Oakland Avenue 113 West Oakland Avenue Ocoee $120,000 Usable Land SF 12,553 sf $9.56 Fee Simple Similar $0.00 Similar $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 Similar $0.00 Similar 71112021 Similar $9.56 Good 0.00% $0.00 12,553 sf 0.00% $0.00 0 5.00% $0.48 85 5.00% $0.48 Average 0.00% $0.00 Rectangular -5,00% -$0.48 C-2 (Community Commercial) 300 North Bluford Avenue 300 North Bluford Avenue Ocoee $400,000 Usable Land SF 39,483 sf $10.13 Fee Simple Similar $0.00 Similar MOO 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 Similar $0.00 Similar 41112023 Similar $10.13 Good 0.00% $0.00 39,483 sf 10.00% $1.01 14,900 -5.00% -$0.51 290 0.00% $0.00 Good -5.00% -$0.51 Rectangular -5.00% -$0,51 C-2 (Community Commercial) 180 East 5th Street 180 East 5th Street Apopka $170,000 Usable Land SF 9,948 sf $17.09 Fee Simple Similar $0.00 Similar $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0,00 Similar $0,00 Similar 11112023 Similar $lZ09 Average 5.00% $0.85 9,948 sf 0,00% $0.00 0 5.00% $0.85 101 0.00% $0.00 Good -5.00% -$0.85 Rectangular -5.00% -$0,85 MU-D (Mixed -Use Downtown) Warehousing) with Downtown Redevelopment Overlay Similar Similar Similar Electricity, Sewer, Electricity, Sewer, Electricity, Sewer, Electricity, Sewer, Telephone, and Water Telephone, and Water Telephone, and Water Telephone, and Water Similar Similar Similar Average Good Good Average -5,00% -$0.48 -5.00% -$0.51 0.00% $0.00 I LVLd# HLI��a91(#1@"13LS -s Gross % Adj's N/A 20.08% 30.11 % 19.89% Gross $ Adj's N/A $1.92 $3.05 r- $3.40 0 M Net % Adj's N/A 0.00% _10.17a/a 0.00% -1 Net $ Adj's N/A $0.00 -$1.03 W $0.00 m Net Adj Price / UoC . N/A $9.56 $9.10 $17.09 W I Name I Taylor Street 106 West 4th Street Street Address 1 Taylor Street 106 West 4th Street City Ocoee Apopka Sale Price $109,000 Unit of Comp. Usable Land SF Usable Land SF UoC Value 9,135 sf 12,038 sf Sale Price / UoC $9.05 Transactional Adjustments (calculated cumulatively) Property Rights NIA Fee Simple Similar Terms/Financing NIA $0.00 Similar Cond. of Sale NIA $0.00 Adjustment -5:00% -$0.45 Expend. After Sale NIA $0.00 Similar Excess Land Val. NIA $0.00 Similar Market Cond. NIA Listing Similar Adj. Price per UoC NIA $8.60 Property Adjustments- Quantitative (notcumulative) Location Good Average Adjustment 5.00% $0.43 Size 9,135 sf 12,038 sf Adjustment 0.00% $0.00 Traffic Count 3,200 0 Adjustment 5,00% $0.43 Frontage 180 176 Adjustment 0.00% $0.00 Access Average Good Adjustment -5.00% -$0,43 Configuration Triangular Triangular Adjustment 0.00% $0.00 Zoning I -I (Restricted MU-D (Mixed -Use Manufacturing & Downtown) Warehousing) with Downtown Redevelopment Overlay Similar Utilities Electricity Sewer, Electricity, Sewer, Telephone, and Water Telephone, and Water Similar View / Appeal Average Average Adjustment 0.00% $0.00 ,W Gross % Adj's N/A Gross $ Adj's N/A Net % Adj's N/A Net $ Adj's N/A Net Adj Price / UoC N/A 19.23% $1.74 -022% -$0.02 $9.03 I I Analysis Price Indications Minimum $9.03 Maximum $17.09 Average $11.20 Median _ $9.33 Standard Deviation 3.41 Unit of Comparison Usable land SF Indicated Value / Unit of Comparison $10.82 Land Indicated Value $98,841 Rounded $100,000 VVecertify that, tothe best ofour knowledge and belief: The statements offact contained inthis appraisal report are true and correct. The reported analyses, opinions' and conclusions are limited only bythe reported assumptions and limiting conditions, and are our personal, impartial, and unbiased professional analyses, opinions and conclusions, We have no present or prospective interest in the property that iuthe subject of this report and we have no personal interest orbias with respect tuthe parties involved, We have no bias with respect to the property that is the subject of this report or to the parties involved with this assignment. Our engagement in this assignment was not contingent upon developing or reporting predetermined results. Our compensation for completing this assignment is not contingent upon the development or reporting of a predetermined value or direction of value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of the value opinion, the attainment of stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event directly related to the intended use ofthe appraisal, The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, |nconformity with the requirements of the Code of Professional Ethics & Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Institute, which include the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice and the regulating agencies governed under HRRE& � The use of this report is subject to the requirements of the Appraisal Institute relating to review by its duly authorized o representatives. The undersigned have made a personal inspection of the property that is the subject of this report � M Noone providsi gnificant �' icaotrea|properappnaisa|assis�assistance � n|n�dhrerdfcaton. rn As of the date of this report, Blair Beasley has completed the Standards and Ethics Education Requirements and the � requirements of the continuing education program for Practicing Affiliates of the Appraisal Institute. VVahave performed noservices, ayanappraiser orinany other capacity, regarding the property that isthe subject ofthis 25 report, within the 3-year period immediately preceding acceptance of this assignment. Blair Beasley, State -Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, License #RZ3871 November 3l2O23 1. The legal description provided and used in this report is assumed to be correct. 2. The property, as described in this report, and the areas and dimensions as shown herein, are assumed to be correct. 3. We have not made a survey of the property and assume no responsibility in connection with such matters. Any maps or plats reproduced and included in this report are intended only for the purpose of showing spatial relationships. They are not measured surveys or measured maps, and no responsibility for cartographic or surveying errors is made. 4. No title search has been made and the reader should consult an attorney or title company for information and data relative to property ownership and legal descriptions. It is assumed that the title is marketable. 5. Information and data furnished by others is usually assumed to be true, correct,and reliable. When such information and data appears to be dubious, and when it is critical to the appraisal, a reasonable effort has been made to verify all such information; however, no responsibility for its accuracy is assumed by the appraiser(s). 0.All mortgages, liens, encumbrances, leases and servitude have been disregarded unless sospecified within the report. The property is appraised as though under responsible ownership and competent management. 7.It isassumed that there are nohidden n/unmpparentconditions ofthe property, subsoil, wrstructures that would render itmore orless valuable. No responsibility is assumed for such conditions or for engineering that may be required todiscover them. D.Itbassumed that there bfull compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local environmental regulations and laws unless noncompliance is stated, defined, and considered in the appraisal report. S\ It is assumed that all applicable zoning and use regulations and restrictions have been complied with, unless 11 � GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS (CONTINUED) 0 10. It is assumed that all required licenses, consents, or other legislative or administrative authority from any local, state, or national governmental or private entity or organization have been or can be obtainedorrenewedfnranyuseunvohich M the value estimate contained inthis report isbased. 11. It is assumed that the utilization of the land and improvements is within the boundaries or property lines of the property described and that there is no encroachment or trespass unless noted within the report. 12. We do not have the expertise to determine the presence or absence of hazardous substances, defined as all hazardous or toxic materials, wastes, pollutants or contaminants (including, but not limited to, asbestos, PCB, UFH, or other mvv materials or chemicals) used in construction, or otherwise present on the property. We assume no responsibility for the studies or analyses that would be required to determine the presence or absence of such substances or for loss as a result of the presence of such substances. The value estimate is based on the assumption that the subject property |snot soaffected, 13, The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became effective January 26, 1992. The appraiser($has not made aspecific compliance survey and analysis of this property to determine whether or not it is in conformity with the various detailed requirements ofthe ADA.|tispossible that acompliance survey oftheproperty,toXe1hmrwithadeLai|edana|ysisofthe requirements of the ADA, could reveal that the property is not in compliance with one or more of the requirements of the Act. If so, this fact could have a negative effect upon the value of the property. Since the appralser(s) has no direct evidence relating to this issue, possible noncompliance with the requirements ofADA in estimating the value of the property has not been considered, 14. This is a Restricted Appraisal Report, which is intended to comply with the reporting requirements set forth under Standards Rule 2-2 (b) of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice for a Restricted Appraisal Report, As such, it does not present discussions of the data, reasoning, and analyses that were used in the appraisal process to develop the appraiser's opinion of value. Supporting documentation concerning the data, reasoning, and analyses is retained |nthe appraiser's file, The depth of discussion contained in this report is specific to the needs of the client and for the intended use stated. The appraiser isnot responsible for unauthorized use ufthis report. � m No Extraordinary Assumptions or Hypothetical Conditions have been employed in this appraisal. 0 � � � GENERAL LIMITING CONDITIONS 0 � 1. We will not be required to give testimony or appear in court because of having made this appraisal, with reference to the property in question, unless arrangements have previously been made thereof.� 2. Possession of the report, or copy thereof, does not carry with it the right of publication. bmay not beused for any purpose, by any person, other than the party to whom it is addressed without the written consent of the appraisers, and in any event only with proper written qualifications and only in its entirety, lThe distribution ofthe total valuation inthis report between land and improvements applies only under the reported highest and best use of the property. The allocations of value for land and improvements must not be used in 4iNoenvironmental impact studies were either requested or made in conjunction with this appraisal, and the appraiser hereby reserves the right to alter, amend' revise, or rescind any of the value opinions based upon any subsequent environmental impact studies, research, orinvestigation. 5. Neither all, nor any part of the contents of this report (especially any conclusions as to value, the identity of the appraiser, or the firm with which he is connected' or any reference to the Appraisal Institute or to the K8A| or SRA designations) shall be disseminated to the public through advertising media, public relations media, news media, sales media, or any other public means of communication without the prior written consent and approval of the undersigned, 6. Acceptance of and/or use of this appraisal report constitutes acceptance of the foregoing "General Assumptions', "Extraordinary Assumptions and Hypothetical Conditions", and "General Limiting Conditions." 70" � DEFINITIONS r o X Ln Market Value can bedefined asthe most probable price aproperty should bring |nacompetitive and open market under all conditions requisite to fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the r price is not affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition is the consummation of sale as of a specified date and the passing oftitle from seller tmbuyer under conditions whereby: 1. Buyer and seller are typically motivated; I. Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider their bestinterests; 3. Areasonable time isallowed for exposure inthe open market; 4. Payment is made in terms of cash in United States dollars or in terms of financial arrangements comparable thereto; and 5. The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted byanyone associated with the sale, ^1zcms4*z(a)Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act uf1oos(^Hxna^") Fee simple estate is defined as the absolute ownership unencumbered by any other interest or estate, subject only to the FILARIA WitabillyA 4 1 a Foril 1 [411 kip QUALIFICATIONS OF BLAIR BEASLEY State -Certified General Real Estate Appraiser #RZ3871 Bt—IsinessAddress Property Valuation & Consulting, Inc. 204 South Dillard Street Winter Garden, FL 34787 (407) 877-0200, Fax: (407) 877-8222 Education Florida State University Tallahassee, FL Bachelor of Science in Real Estate and Marketing, April 2011 Appraisal & Real Estate Courses Introduction to Real Estate: Florida State University Tallahassee, FL December 2009 Real Estate Valuation* Florida State University Tallahassee, FL December2010 Real Estate Finance: Florida State University Tallahassee, FL Decernber2010 Real Estate Market Analysis: Florida State University Tallahassee, FL April 2011 Real Estate Investment: Florida State University Tallahassee, FL April 2011 Legal Environment ofReal Estate: Florida State University Tallahassee, FL April 2011 National USPAP 15 Hour Course, Steve Willianison Real Estate Education Specialists Orlando, FL April 2012 General Appraiser Market Analysis and Highest & Best Use Maitland, FL April 2013 Business Practices and Ethics Online February 2014 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course Orlando, FL November 2014 Florida Law Orlando, FL November 2014 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course Orlando, FL May 2016 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course Orlando, EL April 2018 Florida Law Orlando, FL April 2018 Appraising Small Apartment Properties Callao November 2018 Basic Hotel Appraising — Limited Service Hotels Online November 20 IS Appraisal oftand Subject to Ground Leases Online November 2018 Supervisor Appraiser/Trainee Appraiser Course On August 2019 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course Orlando, FL February 2020 Three Hour Florida Law Virtual Classroom September 2020 The Cost Approach: Unnecessary or Vital to a Healthy Practice Virtual Classroom October 2020 Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions Online November 2020 Business Practices and Ethics Virtual Classroom November 2021 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course Virtual Classroom October 2022 Three Hour Florida Law Virtual Classroom October 2022 Rates and Ratios: Making Sense of GIMs, OARS and DCF Online November 2022 Analyzing Operating Expenses Online November 2022 Appraisal seminars sponsored by The Mp isal Institute Critical Thinking in Appraisals, January 2014 Real Estate Experience September 2011- Present - Associate, Property Valuation & Consulting, Inc., Winter Garden, FL Appraisal experience includes narrative and form report writing of commercial and residential vacant land, agricultural land, proposed residential subdivision properties, recreational facilities, retail buildings, industrial buildings, office buildings, day care facilities, greenhouse/nursery, commercial condominium properties, religious fecilitlesAlouses of -worship, and other special purpose properties. This includes research, data collection, verification and analysis. RefeteLigg. Available upon request. APPRAISER LICENSE Ron Desantis, Govema Melanie s. Gditrr1; secretuy bpr STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION G FLORIDA REAR ES�ATE,APPRAISAL BD THE CERTIFIED GEN.ERAI h(i PR, It HERkIiGERTIFIED UNDER THE Et+wENS� UIk1BI"k�"��3871 EXPIRATION DATE:' NOVEMBER30 2024 Always verify licenses online at MyFloridaLicense.com Do not alter this document in any form. This is your license. It is unlawful for anyone other than the licensee to use this document; I I.