HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-08-2024 MinutesCITIZENS ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR OCOEE FIRE DEPARTMENT Ocoee Fire Station 25 563 S. Bluford Avenue Ocoee, Florida August 8, 2024 MINUTES 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER Chair Legvold called the CACOFD meeting to order at 6:00 PM in the Station 25 Conference Room, located at 563 S. Bluford Avenue. Chair Legvold led the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a Moment of Silence, Recording Clerk Ferrer performed roll call and declared a quorum present. Present: Chair Legvold, Vice -Chair Kepler, Members Ochoa, Fletcher, Washington, Vaughn, and Richardson. � I! � III Ill 111111 111 111 Also Present: Deputy Chief Van Camp and Recording Clerk Ferrer Washington. Motion carried unanimously. Member Ochoa informed members of the date error for the current meeting that was included in the May 9 minutes. All members agreed that the meeting is August 8, and there is no meeting on August 9, 2024. 1. Retiree Breakfast Chair Legvold shared about the successful retiree breakfast at The Breakfast Club. He further expressed gratitude for the individuals that went above and beyond expectation. Deputy Chief Van Camp advised that the 1 00-Year Open House that will take place in November of 2025 and described the event. A brief discussion ensued. CACOFD Regular Meeting 2. Orange County 311 Program Deputy Chief Van Camp explained Orange County's 311 program and advised that residen need to reach out to Orange County to register. 3. Advisory Board Budget Expenditures Motion: Move to approve a maximum expenditure of $700 from the Advisory Board bud line item for candy and any other necessary items associated with the Operation San - Program; Moved by Member Fletcher, seconded by Member Washington; Motion carri Motion: Move to approve a maximum expenditure of $700 from the Advisory Board bud line item for education materials, and further authorize Ocoee Fire Department to purcha - and manage such approved items from the Adviso!y Board budget line item; Moved Member Fletcher, seconded bv Member Washinaton; Motion carried unaniM22sly. DEPARTMENT UPDATES Deputy Chief Van Camp updated the Board with the following: m Fire Station 38end Future Training Center ° Tower Truck • Two i2\ new Firefighters hired and one (1) Sponsor with athree-year commitment Deputy Chief Van Camp also shared that the Ocoee Fire Department has tentative plans to re- start the Fire Explorer PFog[3[O as soon as details are finalized. He further explained how the process works and advised that the p[0g[aDl will tentatively begin next year in August or September. m SET NEXT AGENDA: Chair Legvold received input from the members and set the agenda for the next meeting, which will be held on November 11, 2024. The agenda will be established as below: A.Old Business — Approval QfMinutes for August O.2O24 B.New Business C.Department Updates O. Under Construction - City Gn}vNh • QUEST|CJPJS/CQMK8ENTS—None • ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned otO:4OPN1 APPROVED: fo,cefrding Clerk