Ocoee City Hall
I N.> Bluford Avenue
Ocoee, Florida
July 25, 2024 MINUTES 6:15 PM
The meeting was called to order by C4iair Lewis at 6:15 pm in the Commission Chambers of City
Hall located at 1 N. Bluford Avenue, Ocoee.
Member Lomneck led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by the J,
invocation given by Member Moyer. Recording Clerk,Dix4on � performed roll call and declared a
quorum present.
Present: Chair Lewis, Vice -Chair Mellen, Members Brown, Lomneck, Meeks (arrived at 6:20 PM),
Garone, and Moyer.
Also Present- Commissioner Kennedy, Police Chief Ogburn, Sgt. Blake, Ofc. Sanders, City Clerk
Sibbitt, Lt. lannuzzi, and Recording Clerk Dixon
1 . Minutes from May 23, 2024
Motion: Move to Approve the May g�A124, Minutes; Moved_by Member Vice -Chair Melle]
seconded by Member Brown. Motion carried unanimously. I
Police Chief Ogburn thanked the Board for all they do and for purchasing K-9 Kane's Police
badge. He announced the Police Department recently acquired two additional Police K-9s who
will be in training.
Police Chief Ogburn briefly addressed a recent incident at Lake Starke which was mentioned
on social media, explaining the police department's response to the situation. He also
commented on the opportunistic crimes that have been happening in the area, particularly at
the local Walmart, He stated that their police workflow and productivity have not declined, and
the Ocoee Police Department is actively recruiting.
Police chief Ogburn responded to questions about the decrease in burglary and theft in the
city as well as inquiries about the Motor Unit Officers. He further addressed questions about the
scheduling of Police Department events, and vehicle theft increase.
July 25, 2024
Sgt. Beck announced a potential collaboration with Fusus Security System Within the city to
help address theft issues at Walmart.
CACOPD Obiectives and Bylaws:
Member Garone requested to go over Objectives and Bylaws to receive clarification.
Discussion ensued on Article 2 (2b.) which relates to advising the City Commission on issues
relating to the Ocoee Police Department and law enforcement. Member Moyer volunteered to
represent the board at the City Commission meetings. Commissioner Kennedy encouraged
an annual plan on event presentations to the City Commission to assist with event marketing
and participation. The Board asked about presenting before the City Commission and the
process for being added to the agenda. City Clerk Sibbitt responded to their inquiry, and Police
Chief Ogburn informed the board that City Manager approval is still required for them to be
placed on the agenda.
Motion- Move to appoint Member Moyer to provide quarterly CACQPQ Board !udate-
before the City Commission; Moved by Member Lomneck, seconded by Member Mleek
Motion carried unanimously.
The Board discussed membership details for CACOPD and plans to review objectives 2 d., e.,
and f. at their next meeting. They also inquired about the Board's membership and whether it
would be appropriate to consider reducing the number of members. City Clerk Sibbitt briefly
explained the attendance requirements and quorum requirements to the Board. Member Meeks
indicated that he plans to bring information to the next meeting on ways to increase involvement
with youth in relation to Objective 2 d.
K-9 Kane arrived to the CACOPD Meeting and Police Chief Ogburn conducted a brief swearing
in ceremony and badge presentation for him.
Charity Organization COP&
Lt. lannuzzi summarized their previous discussion about allocating $500 of Board funds to the
COPS Organization. She spoke with the organization, which proposed using the funds to
sponsor a child of a fallen officer in Central Florida to attend a camp in Missouri. The camp offers
selected children the opportunity to play, swim, and interact with other children of fallen officers.
She addressed all questions from the members relating to the purpose of the camp, location,
?.nd estimated costs.
Lt. lannuzzi mentioned the upcoming Gala fundraising event in February 2025 and expressed
her enthusiasm for having Board members attend to experience the event firsthand.
2 1 P a g e
CAC0PD Regular Meetin*
July 25, 2024
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Motion carried •
Lt. lannuzzi addressed an inquiry on Det. Grogan who has been contracted out to work on
missing and cold cases.
Quarterly Awards:
The Board reviewed the nominees for Officer and Civilian of the Quarter. They each voiced their
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Budget Discussion:
Sgt. Beck announced there is $182 left in their Board budget,
by Vice -Chair Mellen. Motion carried unanimousIV.
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Member Lomneck inquired about teens going on ride along. Ofc. Sanders addressed his
question, explaining the fundamentals of teens going on ride along and understanding Police
codes. The Board extended an invitation to have members of the Police Explorers attend their
next scheduled meeting. Brief discussion continued on the program.
,Z7Tj7rj= ieu; 111(1,111.1171 D-TLTfYffe-6f—ue73—ay ITay clean-up. S-g-t.—B—ec-k addressed his
question and shared High Pointe Church organizes the event and the Ocoee Police Department
3 1 P a g e
July 25, 2024
Ofc. Sanders announced the following major upcoming events:
• Community Picnic
• Stuff the Police Car
• Shop with a Cop
• Toy Drive for Families in Need
• Operation Santa
• National Night Out
• Shred it Event
Ofc. Sanders discussed and provided details on the Blue Jay Way and National Night Out
events. She further suggested the Board donate a raffle item for National Night Out and have a
tent at the Ocoee Music Fest.
Member Brown asked if golf carts need a tag to ride on streets. Member Lomneck shared state
requirements on driving golf carts,
Commissioner Kennedy mentioned he will cover any shortage of Board funds if needed from
his discretionary funds.
Kristina Dixon, Recording Clerk
41 Page.