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Item 10 Approval for the Covington Oaks Large Scale Final Subdivision Plan
City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: February 18, 2025 Item #: 10 Contact Name: Anoch Whitfield Department Director: Ginger Corless Contact Number: Ext. 1016 City Manager: Craig Shadrix Subject: Approval for the Covington Oaks Large Scale Final Subdivision Plan (LS-2024-001). (Zoning Manager Whitfield) Background Summary: Owner/Applicant: Covington Holdings LLC (Represented by Zach Decker) General Location: The subject property is within Commission District 4 and is located generally on the north side of A. D. Mims Road approximately 1,637.5 feet west of North Apopka Vineland Road. Property Size: The property is approximately 9.94 acres in size. Existing Site Conditions: The site is currently a wooded unimproved parcel with a few scattered surface waters in the northern portion of the property. There is also an existing 20-foot drainage easement along the north property boundary. The property is designated Low Density Residential (LDR) on the Future Land Use (FLU) Map, which allows density at up to 4 dwelling units per acre and was recently rezoned from A-1 (General Agriculture) to R-1A (Single Family Dwelling District) (City Commission hearing on October 4, 2022). The table below lists the jurisdictions, future land use designations, zoning classifications, and existing land uses of the surrounding parcels: Direction: Jurisdiction Future Land Use Zoning / Existing Land Use North City Low Density Residential A-1 / Single-family residential East City Low Density Residential R-1A / Single-family residential South County Low Density Residential per JPA A-1 / Single-family residential West City Low Density Residential R-1A / Single-family residential Proposed Site Conditions/Development: The applicant proposes a 17-lot single-family detached residential subdivision with 80-foot wide quarter-acre lots. The proposed density is 1.7 units per acre, which is consistent with the Low Density Residential FLU designation. Transportation & Access: The lots will be served by a new roadway with a 50-foot right-of-way. The new roadway will be designed and constructed to City standards and dedicated to the City. City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org Utilities: Due to the lack of central sewer, the subdivision will be developed with quarter (1/4) acre lots in order to accommodate private septic systems on each lot. Water will be provided by the City, which will be finalized in the engineering and Large-Scale Final Subdivision Plan. Open Space/Wekiva/Drainage Requirements: The proposed FSP will preserve approximately 3.172 acres (roughly 32%) in the northern portion of the parcel for open space, which will maintain much of the existing canopy. The stormwater pond and upland area around it contribute to the 35% open space required for the Wekiva Study Area. The stormwater pond will be a private pond that will be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association (HOA). Schools: No adverse impacts are anticipated as there is no increase in density. Instead, development of the 17-lot subdivision would result in a net decrease of 23 dwelling units from the 40 maximum units allowed in the Low Density Residential FLU designation. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve a 17-lot Large-Scale Final Subdivision Plan (FSP) for the Covington Oaks development, located at 8667 A. D. Mims Road, and assigned Parcel ID # 10-22- 28-0000-00-004? Recommendations: Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the 17-lot Large-Scale Final Subdivision Plan (FSP) for the Covington Oaks development, located at 8667 A. D. Mims and assigned parcel ID number 10-22-28-0000-00-004, subject to the condition that prior to, during construction, and post- construction of the subdivision, the existing wetlands will be maintained, and existing utility lines and easements within the northern and eastern portion of the property will be maintained or, if damaged, repaired at the applicant/developer's expense. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Aerial Map 3. Zoning Map 4. FLU Map 5. C000 Cover Sheet 6. C100 Master Site Plan 7. Covington Oaks PSP Ocoee LS-1 8. Covington Oaks PSP Ocoee LS-2 9. Covington Oaks PSP Ocoee LS-3 10. Covington Oaks PSP Ocoee LS-4 11. C101 Truck Turn Analysis 12. C200 Demolition Plan 13. C300 Grading and Plan 14. C400 Utility Plan 15. C401 Utility Plan & Profile 16. C500 Site Details 17. C600 Grading Details 18. C700 Utility Details 19. C701 Utility Details 20. C702 Utility Details 21. SJRWMD Permit - Covington Oaks Subdivision 22. Storm Tabs City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org Financial Impacts: None Type of Item: Consent A D Mims Road Iso n L a n e Prairie Lake Boulevard Do vetail Drive Dorwood Drive Hager Drive Starr Drive S tric k er D riv e Lowman Avenue Kalch Court Carriage Oak Court Andre Co u r t Stefanshire Avenue Stonewat e r C i r c l e Prairie Oaks Court Tranquille Oaks Drive Covington Oaks Preliminary Subdivison PlanLocation Map I PRAIRIE LAKE A D Mims R oad N Apopka Vineland Road P r a i r i e L a k e B o u l e v a r d Starr Drive Dorwood Drive Ison Lane Carriage Oak Court Stefanshire Avenue Johio Shores Road Stonewater Circle Maplegrove Drive Pra ir ie Oa k s Co u rt Tranquille Oaks Drive Covington Oaks Preliminary Subdivision PlanAerial Map I 0 225 450112.5 Feet A D Mim s Road P r a i r i e L a k e B o u l e v a r d Ison Lane Dorwood Drive Starr Drive K a l c h C o u r t Prairie Oaks Court R-1A UNC R-1A R-1AR-1A A-1 UNC R-1AA Covington Oaks Preliminary Subdivision PlanSurrounding Zoning Map Development ServicesDepartment I 0 225 450112.5 Feet Created: month year Subject Property Zoning C lassification:General Agricultural (A-1)Sub urban (A-2)Single-Family D welling (R -1 AAA)Single-Family D welling (R -1 AA)Single-Family D welling (R -1 A)Single-Family D welling (R -1 )One- & Two-Family Dwelling (R-2)Multip le-Fa mily Dwe llin g (R-3)Mob ile Home Su bdivisio n (RT-1)Professiona l O ffices & Services (P-S)Neighb orhood Shopping (C-1 )Commun ity Commercial (C-2)General Co mmercial (C-3) General Industrial (I-2)Commercia l (PUD)Low Density (PUD)Med ium De nsity (PUD) Restricted Ma nufacturin g& Wareh ousing (I-1) High Density (PUD)Pub lic Use (PUD)Unclassified A D Mim s RoadPrairie Lake Boulevard Ison Lane Dorwood Drive Starr Drive Carriage Oak Court K a l c h C o u r t Prairie Oaks C ourt LDR Covington Oaks Preliminary Subdivision PlanSurrounding Future Land Use Map Created: month year Development ServicesDepartment I 0 225 450112.5 Feet Subject Property Future L and Use C lassification:Low De nsity Residen tia l (LDR )Medium Den sity Residential (MDR)High Density Resid ential (H DR)Professional O ffices and Se rvices (PS)Commercial (COMM)Light Industrial (LI)Heavy Industrial (H I)Conservation/Flood plains (CONS)Recre ation a nd O pen Space (REC)Pub lic Facilitie s/Institutional (INST) SETBACKS FRONT 25 FEET SIDE 7.5 FEET REAR 25 FEET FLOOD ZONE ZONE X, PER FEMA MAP PANEL12095C0210H, EFFECTIVE ON 09/24/2021. CIVIL ENGINEER / APPLICANT / AGENT CULVER ENGINEERING, LLC 2064 FARNHAM DRIVE OCOEE, FL 34761 PHONE:(407) 576-2065 EMAIL:DUSTIN@CULVERENGINEERINGLLC.COM SURVEYOR COREY A. HOPKINS, PSM ON THE MARK SURVEYING, LLC 143 MEADOW BLVD. SANFORD, FL. 32771 PHONE: (321) 626-6376 EMAIL: OTMSURVEYING@GMAIL.COM ELECTRIC: DUKE ENERGY POTABLE WATER: CITY OF OCOEE UTILITIES DEPT. JENNIFER BOLLING, ACTING UTILITIES DIRECTOR 1800 A.D. MIMS RD., OCOEE, FL 34761 PHONE: (407) 905-3159 WASTEWATER: ATU SEPTIC SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR ZACH DECKER NO R T H CONTRACTOR ZACH DECKER JEBAILEY & CO. DEVELOPMENT 2222 OCOEE APOPKA RD., SUITE 104 OCOEE, FL 34761 PHONE: (407) 388-8979 EMAIL: ZACH@JEBAILEYANDCO.COM OWNER / DEVELOPER JOSE JOSINVIL COVINGTON HOLDINGS, LLC 1746 E. SILVER STAR RD., SUITE 337 OCOEE, FL 34761 PHONE: (407) 782-8778 EMAIL: JOSE@COVINGTONHOLDINGS.COM LEGAL DESCRIPTION (INCLUDING ADDITIONAL ROW): PARCEL I THE W 1/2 OF THE W 1/2 OF THE E 1/2 OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, LESS THE SOUTH 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD RIGHT OF WAY, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. PARCEL II THE E 1/2 OF THE W1/2 OF THE E 1/2 OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, LESS THE SOUTH 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD RIGHT OF WAY, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. PHASING PROJECT TO BE COMPLETED IN ONE PHASE. RECREATIONAL FACILITIES RECREATIONAL FACILITIES, TBD, WILL BE IN OPEN SPACE TRACT C. PARCEL ID: 10-22-28-0000-00-004 PROJECT LOCATION LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT STEPHEN G. PATEGAS, RLA, ASLA HORTUS OASIS, INC. 1425 BERKSHIRE AVENUE WINTER PARK, FL 32789 PHONE: (407) 622-4886 EMAIL: SPATEGAS@HORTUSOASIS.COM C-000 SHEET: DESIGN / CHECKED: DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: REVISION 1: REVISION 2: REVISION 3: REVISION 4: DWC 3/26/2024 24-009 REVISION 5: REVISION 6: FINAL SUBDIVISION PLANS COVINGTON OAKS INDEX OF DRAWINGSPARCEL ID # 10-22-28-0000-00-004 SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 22S, RANGE 28E OCOEE, FLORIDA COVER SHEET C000 MASTER SITE PLAN C100 TRUCK TURN ANALYSIS C101 DEMOLITION PLAN C200 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C300 UTILITY PLAN C400 WATER MAIN PROFILE C401 SITE DETAILS C500 GRADING DETAILS C600 UTILITY DETAILS C700-C702 BOUNDARY, TOPOGRAPHIC AND TREE SURVEY S01-S03 LANDSCAPE PLAN LS01-LS02 IRRIGATION PLAN LS03 IRRIGATION PLAN AND DETAILS LS04 SITE LOCATION SITE PREPARED BY:PREPARED FOR: COVINGTON HOLDINGS, LLC PROJECT TEAM:UTILITY PROVIDERS: CO V I N G T O N O A K S - O C O E E , F L O R I D A DUSTIN W. CULVER, P.E. CIVIL DISCIPLINE ONLY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER 00036189 FLORIDA REGISTRATION 84678 NOT VALID FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SIGNED IN THIS BLOCK THIS ITEM HAS BEEN ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED AND SEALED BY DUSTIN W CULVER, P.E. ON THE DATE AND/OR TIME STAMP SHOWN USING A DIGITAL SIGNATURE. PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIED ON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. REVISION 7: A D M I M S R O A D W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W M WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWWWW WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM 50 . 0 ' 43.5' 56 . 5 ' 24 . 0 ' TYPE "A" CURB & GUTTER PER FDOT INDEX 520-001 5' SIDEWALK (TYP.) "TYPE "D" CURB & GUTTER PER FDOT INDEX 520-001 2. 0 ' 2. 0 ' LOT 2 11,299 S.F. 80.00' 1 9 . 5 ' 2 4 . 0 ' 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 15 ' S T R E E T S I D E S E T B A C K 5' SIDEWALK (TYP.)"MIAMI" (FDOT DROP) CURB & GUTTER 15.0' OPEN SPACE TRACT "C" 136,492 S.F. RETENTION TRACT "B" 57,675 S.F. 35MPH SIGHT DISTANCE LINE PER FDOT INDEX 546, DR=175' 35MPH SIGHT DISTANCE LINE PER FDOT INDEX 546, DL=275' 5 SIDEWALK (TYP.) TRACT A (44,659 SF) LOT 1 11,554 S.F. LOT 3 11,301 S.F. LOT 4 11,304 S.F. LOT 5 11,307 S.F. LOT 6 11,309 S.F. LOT 7 11,312 S.F. LOT 8 11,315 S.F. LOT 10 11,299 S.F. LOT 11 11,301 S.F. LOT 12 11,304 S.F. LOT 13 11,307 S.F. LOT 14 11,309 S.F. LOT 15 11,312 S.F. LOT 16 11,315 S.F. LOT 9 11,329 S.F. 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' REAR SETBACK25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 15 ' S T R E E T S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK25' REAR SETBACK 15.0 ' ADJACENT ZONING R-1A ADJACENT ZONING A-1 LOT 17 11,317 S.F. 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 15-FT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT 15-FT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT 15-FT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT 15-FT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT 15-FT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'71.18' 14.0 8 ' 71.59' 1 4 . 2 0 ' 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00' 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'82.77' 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00' 412.01'196.09' 29. 4 2 ' 22. 4 6 ' 577.10' EXISTING 20-FT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO BE MAINTAINED"TYPE "D" CURB & GUTTER PER FDOT INDEX 520-001 5' SIDEWALK (TYP.) "MIAMI" (FDOT DROP) CURB & GUTTER "MIAMI" (FDOT DROP) CURB & GUTTER 14 . 0 ' 12 . 0 ' 12 . 0 ' NEW FIRE HYDRANT 5' SIDEWALK (TYP.) R7. 0 ' TYPE "A" CURB & GUTTER PER FDOT INDEX 520-001 R1-1 STOP SIGN AND 24" THERMOPLASTIC WHITE STOP BAR PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 BLUE R.P.M. BLUE R.P.M. TRUNCATED DOMES PER FDOT INDEX 522-002 (TYP.) 14 1 . 4 5 ' 14 1 . 4 2 ' 14 1 . 3 8 ' 14 1 . 3 5 ' 14 1 . 3 2 ' 14 1 . 2 8 ' 14 1 . 2 5 ' 14 1 . 2 2 ' 13 1 . 1 9 ' 13 1 . 1 9 ' 14 1 . 4 5 ' 14 1 . 4 2 ' 14 1 . 3 8 ' 14 1 . 3 5 ' 14 1 . 3 2 ' 14 1 . 2 8 ' 14 1 . 2 5 ' 14 1 . 2 2 ' 14 1 . 4 8 ' 30 9 . 8 2 ' 15 6 . 7 8 ' 27 9 . 1 6 ' 7.65' 59.1 7 ' 44.86 ' 18 8 . 7 4 ' NEW FIRE HYDRANT NEW FIRE HYDRANT TRACT D - ISLAND CLOSE, 328 S.F. R 4 5 . 0 ' R 4 5 . 0 ' 60.0' AD MIMS RD. 60-FT. RIGHT-OF-WAY TRACT E - PEDESTRIAN ACCESS, 643 S.F. TRACT F - PEDESTRIAN ACCESS, 643 S.F. 5.00' 12 6 . 1 9 ' 7.10' 6.94 ' 12 6 . 1 9 ' 5.00' 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 15 . 0 ' 15. 0 ' COVINGTON CT. 10. 0 ' R35' R7' R35' R7' NEW FIRE HYDRANT SITE DATATRACT TABLE: TRACT TRACT USE OWNERSHIP AREA (SF)PERCENTAREA (AC.) GENERAL NOTES: 1.PROJECT SHALL BE COMPLETED IN ONE PHASE. 2.THE PROJECTED ADT FOR 17 DWELLING UNITS, AS PER THE ITE MANUAL (CODE 210) IS 162 ADT, WITH 17 PEAK PM HOUR TRIPS. 3.THE PROJECTED SCHOOL AGE POPULATION IS 17 UNITS AT 0.405 PUPILS/UNIT = 7 PUPILS. 4.ALL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ARE CONCEPTUAL AND SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND MODIFICATION DURING THE APPROVAL OF FINAL CONSTRUCTION PLANS. 5.PROJECT MUST COMPLY WITH NFPA 1 AND 101 7TH EDITION. NEEDED FIRE FLOW FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: HOMES 5,000 SQUARE FEET OR LESS 1,000 GPM; HOMES EXCEEDING 5,000 SQUARE FEET SHALL PROVIDE FIRE FLOW IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE OF NFPA 1 (FFPC 7TH EDITION). REDUCTION OF FIRE FLOW MAY BE PERMITTED IF DWELLING IS EQUIPPED WITH AN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM OR BUILDING SEPARATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE NFPA 1 (FFPC 7TH EDITION) 6.STREET REES SHALL BE PROVIDED ON LOTS. 7.THE MOST STRINGENT STANDARDS BETWEEN THE CITY STANDARDS AND THE STANDARDS SET FORTH IN THE GENERAL NOTES (AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD OR THE CITY ENGINEER) SHALL BE FOLLOWED. 8.AS-BUILTS NEED TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY SIGNED AND SEALED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 3.01.05 OF THE ENGINEERING STANDARDS MANUAL IN THE FOLLOWING FORMATS: A. 1 PDF COPY B. CAD COPY DRAWN IN STATE PLANE COORDINATES ( 1" = 50' ) GRAPHIC SCALE 050 50 10025 NORTH TOTAL SITE 100.00% 2.67% LEGEND NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT NEW CONCRETE WALKS, SLABS & PAVEMENT CONCRETE MIAMI CURB, 3000 P.S.I. 6.0' WIDE AREA WITH SLOPE OF 2%. ASPHALT PAVEMENT, 2.0" SP-9.5 A B D N.T.S. E F G D C A 5'-0" WIDE CONCRETE SIDEWALK AT COMMON AREAS 4" THICK, 3000 P.S.I. 6" THICK AT DRIVEWAY; 3" MINIMUM ABOVE TOP OF CURB ONE STRIP OF SOD ALONG B.O.C. MAINTAIN POSITIVE DRAINAGE FROM EDGE OF WALK TO TOP OF CURB. B C E F G STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DETAIL 50' R/W ROAD SECTION SUBGRADE, 12" STABILIZED SUBGRADE. COMPACTED TO 98% OF THE MODIFIED PROCTOR MOISTURE DENSITY TEST (AASHTO T-180) BASE, 8" CRUSHED CONCRETE BASE. COMPACTED TO 98% OF THE MODIFIED PROCTOR MOISTURE DENSITY TEST (AASHTO T-180) WITH A MINIMUM LIMEROCK BEARING RATIO (LBR) OF 125 D PROPERTY LOCATION: PROPERTY ZONING: PARCEL ID: LOCAL MUNICIPALITY: PROPERTY AREA: EXISTING USE: 1,200 SF 432,937 SF (9.939 AC.) SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE R-1A (APPROVED OCT. 4, 2022 RZ-22-07-39) CITY OF OCOEE 10-22-28-0000-00-004 8667 A.D. MIMS ROAD, ORLANDO, FL 32818 PROPOSED USE:SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION 1 2 3 4 MIN. LIVING AREA: 70 FT.MIN. LOT WIDTH: 5 PROPERTY FUTURE LAND USE*:LDR (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL - 0 TO LESS THAN 4 DU / AC.) A ROADWAY CITY SINGLE FAMILY LOT SINGLE FAMILY LOT SINGLE FAMILY LOT SINGLE FAMILY LOT PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE 8,000 SF (USE MIN. 10,890 SF SINCE WILL USE ATU SEPTIC)MIN. LOT SIZE: B RETENTION 35 FT.MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT: 432,937 SF 9.939 AC. C 6 7 8 9 10 11 SINGLE FAMILY LOT SINGLE FAMILY LOT SINGLE FAMILY LOT SINGLE FAMILY LOT SINGLE FAMILY LOT SINGLE FAMILY LOT SINGLE FAMILY LOT PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE 11,554 SF 0.265 AC. 44,659 SF 1.025 AC. 1.324 AC.57,675 SF 11,329 SF 0.259 AC. 0.259 AC. 0.260 AC. 12 SINGLE FAMILY LOT PRIVATE 13 SINGLE FAMILY LOT PRIVATE 2.61% 10.32% SETBACKS: FRONT 25 FEET SIDE 7.5 FEET REAR 25 FEET FLOOD ZONE: ZONE X, PER FEMA MAP PANEL12095C0210H, EFFECTIVE ON 09/24/2021. *NET BUILDABLE ACREAGE = 9.939 AC.; MAX 39 DWELLING UNITS (DU); 17PROPOSED NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS*: MINIMUM LOT OPEN SPACE REQUIRED / PROVIDED:35.0% / 36.2% OPEN SPACE HOA 136,492 SF 3.133 AC. *NET DENSITY = 1.71 DU/AC. SINGLE FAMILY LOT PRIVATE SINGLE FAMILY LOT PRIVATE SINGLE FAMILY LOT PRIVATE14 15 16 HOA SCS SOILS: 2 (83%): ARCHBOLD FINE SAND, 0 TO 5 PERCENT SLOPES. HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP "A". 42" TO 60" TO THE SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE. 20 (13%): IMMOKALLEE FINE SAND. HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP "A". 6" TO 12" TO THE SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE. 3 (4%): BASINGER FINE SAND, FREQUENTLY PONDED, 0 TO 1 PERCENT SLOPES. HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP "A/D". 0" TO THE SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE. 11,299 SF 11,301 SF 11,304 SF 11,307 SF 11,309 SF 11,312 SF 11,315 SF 11,299 SF 11,301 SF 11,304 SF 11,307 SF 11,309 SF 11,312 SF 11,315 SF 0.260 AC. 0.260 AC. 0.260 AC. 0.260 AC. 0.260 AC. 0.259 AC. 0.259 AC. 0.260 AC. 0.260 AC. 0.260 AC. 0.260 AC. 0.260 AC. 2.62% 2.61% 2.61% 2.61% 2.61% 2.61% 2.61% 2.61% 2.61% 2.61% 2.61% 2.61% 2.61% 2.61% 13.32% 31.53% SINGLE FAMILY LOT PRIVATE17 11,317 SF 0.260 AC.2.61% D ISLAND CLOSE HOA 328 SF 0.008 AC.0.08% E PEDESTRIAN ACCESS HOA F HOA 643 SF 0.015 AC.0.15% 643 SF 0.015 AC.0.15%PEDESTRIAN ACCESS COVINGTON OAKS HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION SHALL OWN AND MAINTAIN THE STORM SYSTEM, COMMON AREAS AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY AND ASSOCIATED PARCEL SHEET: PR E P A R E D F O R : CO V I N G T O N HO L D I N G S , L L C DESIGN: CO V I N G T O N O A K S RE S I D E N T I A L CHECKED: PROJECT NUMBER: IS S U E D A T E : RE V I S I O N 1 : RE V I S I O N 2 : RE V I S I O N 3 : RE V I S I O N 4 : DWC DWC 24-009 RE V I S I O N 5 : RE V I S I O N 6 : DUSTIN W. CULVER, P.E. CIVIL DISCIPLINE ONLY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER 00036189 FLORIDA REGISTRATION 84678 NOT VALID FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SIGNED IN THIS BLOCK 04 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 4 C-100 MA S T E R S I T E P L A N 1 inch = 30 ft. W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM MATCH LINE AND GRADE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 15 ' S T R E E T S I D E S E T B A C K RETENTION 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' REAR SETBACK25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 15 ' S T R E E T S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK25' REAR SETBACK 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK PAINT CURB SAFETY YELLOW 15-FT. EITHER SIDE OF HYDRANT PAINT CURB SAFETY YELLOW 15-FT. EITHER SIDE OF HYDRANT PAINT CURB SAFETY YELLOW 15-FT. EITHER SIDE OF HYDRANT 15-FT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT 15-FT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT 15-FT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT 15-FT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT 15-FT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOT 2 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=129.60 LOT 1 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=130.02 LOT 3 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=129.60 LOT 4 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=129.98 LOT 5 TYPE "B" LOT F.F.E.=129.98 LOT 6 TYPE "B" LOT F.F.E.=129.43 LOT 7 TYPE "B" LOT F.F.E.=128.88 LOT 8 TYPE "B" LOT F.F.E.=128.33 LOT 10 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=129.60 LOT 11 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=129.60 LOT 12 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=129.98 LOT 13 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=129.98 LOT 14 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=129.43 LOT 15 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=128.88 LOT 16 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=128.33 LOT 9 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=130.02 LOT 17 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=127.78 STS-1 STS-3 STS-7 STS-8 STS-9 STS-6 320LF 15" RCP @0.50% SLOPE 51LF 15" RCP @0.50% SLOPE 35LF 15" RCP @0.50% SLOPE 125.00 125.00 124.00 123.00 122.00 121.00 COVINGTON CT. 35LF 15" RCP @0.50% SLOPE 240LF 18" RCP @0.60% SLOPE 51LF 24" RCP @0.30% SLOPE STS-5STS-4 51LF 24" RCP @0.30% SLOPE 46LF 24" RCP @0.30% SLOPE FDOT #57 STONE 20-FT., MIN. 6" THICK, MAINTENANCE DRIVE WMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWM STS-2 1 TD 1 TD 1 TD 1 TD 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 24 MYFR 24 MYFR A D M I M S R O A D 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 1 UA 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG CALL SUNSHINE IT'S THE LAW IN FLORIDA FLORIDA LAW REQUIRES EXCAVATORS TO NOTIFY OWNERS OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES NO LESS THAN TWO (2) DAYS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION 1-800-432-4770 or 811 DESIGN DRAFT CHECK SP JB SP SCALE: 1:30 REVISIONS: La n d s c a p e P l a n DATE: 04/01/2024 PROJECT #: 222-077 SHEET: LS-1 TOTAL: LS-1 to LS-2 Oc o e e , F l o r i d a Co v i n g t o n O a k s NOTE: Street trees shall be provided on lots Al o n g A D M i m s R o a d MA T C H L I N E : S E E S H E T L S - 2 MA T C H L I N E : S E E S H E T L S - 2 PRESERVE TREE AREA PRESERVE TREE AREA PRESERVE TREE AREA SODSOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SODSOD SODSOD SODSOD SODSOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SODSOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD # DATE NOTE 1 4/1/2024 City Comments 2 6/20/2024 City Comments 3 8/21/2024 City Comments 1 inch = 30 ft. WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW DRY RETENTION AREA 15-FT. DRAINAGE STS-9 CONTROL STRUCTURE 50LF 15" RCP @1.00% SLOPE CS-1 STS-10 125.00 125.00 124.00 123.00 122.00 121.00 12 5 . 0 0 12 5 . 0 0 12 4 . 0 0 12 3 . 0 0 12 2 . 0 0 12 1 . 0 0 51LF 24" RCP @0.30% SLOPE 51LF 24" RCP @0.30% SLOPE 46LF 24" RCP @0.30% SLOPE FDOT #57 STONE SPREADER SWALE FDOT #57 STONE 20-FT., MIN. 6" THICK, MAINTENANCE DRIVE 1 TD 1 TD 1 TD 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG CALL SUNSHINE IT'S THE LAW IN FLORIDA FLORIDA LAW REQUIRES EXCAVATORS TO NOTIFY OWNERS OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES NO LESS THAN TWO (2) DAYS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION 1-800-432-4770 or 811 DESIGN DRAFT CHECK SP JB SP SCALE: 1:30 REVISIONS: Pr e l i m i n a r y L a n d s c a p e P l a n DATE: 12/01/2022 PROJECT #: 222-077 SHEET: LS-2 TOTAL: LS-1 to LS-2 Oc o e e , F l o r i d a Co v i n g t o n O a k s LANDSCAPE NOTES 1.Landscape contractor (LC) shall be responsible for all materials and work called for on the landscape plans and in the landscape notes and legend. Plant specifications are minimum acceptable sizes. Under sizing/substitution of plants and /or shortages in quantity are contract breaches. Plans shall rule if there are any quantity discrepancies between the legend and plans. Final quantity takeoffs are the responsibility of the LC. Notify the Landscape Architect of any discrepancies. 2.Refer to construction details for planting, staking, and/or guying instructions. 3.LC shall have a full size, to scale printed plan and the appropriate scale on site at all times. 4.All trees and palms shall be placed in planting beds where possible to eliminate narrow strips of sod. 5.LC shall comply with all local codes and ordinances and obtain all permits and bonds necessary to construct the project. 6.LC shall coordinate their work with other contractors to assure efficient and timely completion of the work. 7.LC shall be responsible for supplying all materials, labor, and equipment for the performance of their portion of the work. 8.LC shall verify all existing grades, dimensions, suitable drainage, and soil for plantings specified, proposed and existing underground utilities, and field conditions and notify owner of discrepancies or problems before proceeding with work. Per FL Statutes, call Sunshine State One (811) 72 hours prior to digging to have all utilities located. 9.The LC shall be familiar with and accept the existing site conditions prior to initiation of the work. 10.The LC shall protect existing utilities, structures, surfaces, and vegetation noted to be saved and be responsible for repair/replacement at no cost to the Owner. 11.Protect trees to be saved. Vehicle parking, material storage, dumping of any chemicals, or soil removal/addition is not permitted within driplines. All temporary construction activities including all digging, trenching, construction lay-down areas and parking of vehicles are prohibited within the undisturbed area around existing trees to be preserved. Tunneling for the installation of underground utilities is allowed. An undisturbed area shall be established around every existing tree to be preserved. The undisturbed area is measured from the center of each individual tree in a group. The minimum undisturbed area is a radius of 0.75 feet per dbh (diameter at breast height, 54” ht above the soil line). Trees of 6" dbh or less shall have a minimum undisturbed area of 5 feet or more. The maximum radius of an undisturbed area shall be 24 feet. The minimum radius for off-site trees within 10 feet of the property line shall be 0.5 feet per dbh. No tree root greater than one fifth the diameter of a mature tree (9” dbh or greater) shall be cut for trenching, installation of walkways, patios, footers, etc., nor shall the total root system of a mature tree be reduced more than 20%. Whenever possible utilities should be installed by tunneling under the root system. 12.Round-Up or equal shall be applied twice with the second application after a ten-day interval onto all existing vegetation not noted to be saved in areas that are to be replanted. Overspray shall not drift onto existing plant material to be saved. Mfr's recommendations shall be followed. Remaining plants and their roots shall be removed by hand prior to installation of plants. Resprouting weeds and plants are the responsibility of the LC through the appropriate warranty periods. 13.Invasive plants onsite shall be removed. Reference the latest Florida Invasive Species Council (FISC) (formerly FLEPPC) list at https://newfleppc.bugwoodcloud.org/plantlist2019.cfm. 14.All plant materials shall be graded Florida No. 1 or better as outlined under current Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants, Division of Plant Industry, State of Florida, unless otherwise noted. All plants not listed shall conform to a Florida No. 1 or better as to: (1) health and vigor, (2) condition of foliage, (3) root system, (4) 85% free of pests or mechanical damage, (5) heavily branched and densely foliated according to the accepted normal shape of the species. LC to obtain written certification from nurseries that plant materials are Florida No. 1 or better. All plants are subject to verification of species. Trees up to 4” caliper are measured at 6” above soil line and over 4” caliper at 12” above soil line unless otherwise noted. All specifications to be met or exceeded unless otherwise noted. Trees shall not be larger in size or caliper compared to the root ball per Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants. All root balls and containers shall be free of living weeds and their roots. All Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants shall be followed. 15.Planting soil of Fla. peat mixed one-half with clean topsoil for the backfilling of plant pits and beds shall be required only if existing soil is unsuitable for planting and/or contains construction debris which shall be removed. 16.Trees and palms shall be installed so their top main root at the trunk is visible and 2” above finished grade. If root is buried, remove soil from the top of the rootball prior to installation. Rootballs shall be free of circling roots. Do not apply the 1 ½” of mulch to the top of the rootball until after inspection of each tree or palm. 17.Landscape Architect is not responsible for adverse soil or drainage conditions, determining sub-surface soil conditions, underground objects/utilities, or the accuracy of property lines or information portrayed on surveys or on documents or plans provided by others. Owner or their agent is solely responsible for future maintenance of all plantings to maintain safe visibility within all visibility sight triangles and vehicular use and pedestrian areas within and immediately adjacent to the site. 18.Any FDOT visibility sight lines are provided by the civil engineer. 19.Some plants in the legend or existing on site may have irritating or toxic parts that may be hazardous to the health of humans or animals. 20.Existing trees/palms onsite or in the area may be in a hazardous condition and should be inspected for hazardous conditions by a consulting certified arborist at least once a year and after every weather event. 21.Finished grade prior to mulching or sodding to be 3” below top of adjacent surfaces such as walks, curbs and driveways extending perpendicularly from the surface edge for a minimum distance of 18” (see detail). Soil excavated during planting to be removed from the site. Do NOT raise soil levels! 22.All trees, shrubs, and groundcovers shall be fertilized with Agriform 20-10-5 or SierraTabs 16-8-12 planting tablets. One tablet/ 1 gal, 2 tablets/ 3 gal, 3 tablets/ 5 or 7 gal, 4 tablets/ 10 gal and one tablet/ each 1/2" of tree trunk diameter. Palms/cycads to receive palm fertilizer. Application shall be as per local ordinance, the details, and mfr's recommendation. Four-inch containers and smaller to receive one teaspoon Osmocote 16-6-12 Customblend for Florida in each hole. 23.All planting beds and trees to receive pine bark mulch. Due to environmental concerns, cypress mulch shall NOT be used. All tree rootballs (which require 4-foot-wide mulch rings in turf areas) shall be mulched to a maximum 1 ½” depth (to aid water penetration) following inspection. All other planting beds to receive a 3” depth. Mulch shall not touch trunks or stems or be applied within the crowns of groundcovers/shrubs or over their branches or foliage. Mulch is to be applied by hand and shall not be “blown in.” 24.LC to maintain all plant material in a plumb, upright, and stable condition. Stake/guy all trees/palms per planting details. 25.LC shall remove all bags (unless biodegradable), tags, ties, wires, ropes, stakes, and nursery attachments from all plant material. Wire baskets shall be removed from the top third of the root ball. 26.LC shall be responsible to keep plant material in a healthy, watered, insect/pest free condition until owner's final acceptance. 27.LC shall provide a one-year warranty for trees/palms, ninety days for shrubs, groundcovers, and vines and thirty days for sod. Warranty period shall start with final acceptance by owner. All plant material shall be alive and in satisfactory growth at the end of the warranty period. Replacement plant material shall be warranted for ninety days (sod for thirty days) from replacement date. 28.Warranty shall apply only to material that dies due to poor quality, improper handling, or installation practices. Generally, material transplanted on-site shall not be warranted. Adverse weather conditions shall not apply. Proper watering and maintenance are the owner's responsibility during the warranty period. 29.DO NOT SUBSTITUTE! Contact Landscape Architect/Designer if there is difficulty obtaining specified plant materials. 30.Provide 100% coverage of all landscape areas using automatic irrigation system with rain sensor and separate zones for turf. Provide low volume emitters on a separate zone and program to all containers. 31.Provide irrigation sleeves to all planter areas and containers within/on paver, stone, or concrete areas. Above ground piping/risers/backflow to be painted flat black. 32.IF THIS SITE HAS POORLY DRAINING SOILS, prior to delivery of plant material to the site perform percolation tests and check for proper drainage in all planting areas. Correct drainage problems prior to any plant material installation. This may include augering, French draining or under-draining. If soils are not well draining, plant so top main root at trunk of trees is 6” above finished grade. Install shrubs and groundcovers with tops of root balls 2” above grade. Fill against sides of exposed rootballs. Crown landscape areas so water drains to edges but follow detail for grades at pavement edges, so mulch does not wash away. Since curbing prevents drainage of water from planting areas, the curbs may be perforated with six-inch deep saw cuts a minimum of every six feet apart to facilitate drainage. TYPICAL TREE PROTECTION DETAIL TREE PROTECTION UNDISTURBED AREA SHALL BE PROVIDED BASED UPON TREE DBH. BARRIER SHALL BE ERECTED PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION IN GENERAL AREA OF TREES TO BE PROTECTED. PROHIBITED WITHIN THIS AREA: 1. PARKING OR USE OF VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT, OR MACHINERY 2. STORAGE OR DUMPING OF ANY MATERIALS OR LIQUID. 3. CONSTRUCTION, EXCAVATION, OR TRENCHING EXISTING VEGETATION REMAINING AFTER GRUBBING FOR BUILDING PADS, STRUCTURES, RIGHT OF WAY, PARKING AREAS OR SIGNIFICANT GRADE CHANGES SHALL BE PROTECTED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. FOR EACH TREE TO BE PRESERVED, ESTABLISH AN UNDISTURBED AREA MEASURED FROM THE CENTER OF EACH TREE. THE MINIMUM UNDISTURBED AREA IS A RADIUS OF 0.75' FOR EACH INCH OF DBH (DIAMETER AT BREAST HEIGHT, 54” HT ABOVE THE SOIL LINE). TREES OF 6" DBH OR LESS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM UNDISTURBED RADIUS OF 5 FEET. ALSO SEE LANDSCAPE NOTES. BARRIERS TO REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL ALL PAVING AND CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED. UPRIGHTS - THE EQUIVALENT OF 4 X 4 LUMBER AT 3' MINIMUM HEIGHT ON 5' MAX, CENTERS. HORIZONTALS - THE EQUIVALENT OF TWO COURSES OF 1/2" DIA. ROPE WITH YELLOW TAPE FLAGGING. UNDISTURBED AREA VARIES (5' MINIMUM) N.T.S. ABBREVIATION LEGEND b&b balled & burlapped bt boots bpp bibbs per pot c caliper cnp canopy coll collected cont container ct clear trunk cy cubic yards dia diameter exstg existing fg field grown ftg full to ground g gallon ht height hvy heavy lf linear feet lvs leaves mt multi-trunk oa overall oc on center sf square feet spd spread spec specimen sst single straight trunk st single trunk stk staked in pot stm stems trl trellis tr trunks trans transplant typ typical 3" 18-24" ADJUSTED GRADE GRADES ADJACENT TO PAVEMENT DETAIL EXISTING GRADE PAVEMENT MULCH AS SPECIFIED, 4" FROM TRUNK & OFF OF BRANCHES & FOLIAGE TYPICAL SHRUB/GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL X 2X REMOVE ALL NON-BIODEGRADEABLE COVERINGS ROOTBALL ON UNEXCAVATED SUBGRADE BACKFILL AS SPECIFIED FERTILIZER TABLETS AS SPECIFIED FINISH GRADE 1" BELOW TOP OF ROOTBALL A r b o r B r a c e ARBORBRACE R ARBOR ANCHOR TM TREE GUYING SYSTEM (305) 992-4104 ARBOR ANCHOR DRIVEN BELOW GRADE WITHIN MULCH RING TO NECESSARY DEPTH DETERMINED BY SOIL (1.5 TO 2.5 FEET AS REQUIRED) PLASTIC FLAG FINISH GRADE 2" BELOW TOP ROOT ROOTBALL ON UNEXCAVATED SUBGRADE SAUCER AT EDGE OF ROOTBALL FERTILIZER TABLETS AS SPECIFIED TREE TRUNK GUY LINE 120° ANCHOR BACKFILL AS SPECIFIED MULCH DEPTH AS SPECIFIED AND 12-18" FROM TRUNK N.T.S. N.T.S. REMOVE BURLAP / WIRE FROM TOP 1/3 OF ROOTBALL AND REMOVE ALL NON-BIODEGRADEABLE MATERIALS TYPICAL TREE (2" OR GREATER CALIPER) PLANTING / GUYING DETAIL N.T.S. 24" WIDER FOR ROOTBALLS UNDER 3' DIA. / 48" WIDER FOR ROOTBALLS OVER 3' DIA. PLANTING HOLE TO BE: TENSION BUCKLE LOOP LOOSE END OF WEBBING AROUND LEADING BRANCH OF TREE. TIE 1/2 KNOT ONTO BACKSIDE OF BUCKLE. PULL BUCKLE TOWARDS ARBOR ANCHOR TO TENSION LINE. Al o n g A D M i m s R o a d LANDSCAPE LEGEND - HO#222-077 Covington Oaks 2024-03-2 QTY CODE BOTANICAL/COMMON NAME SPECIFICATIONS 48 MYFR Myrcianthes fragrans full, 36-42”oa, 7g, 5'oc, native Simpson's stopper 4 TD Taxodium distichum 10-12' x 4-5', 3” dbh, native Bald cypress 31 UA Ulmus alata 10-12' x 4-5', 3 - 4” dbh, native Winged elm SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD PRESERVE TREE AREA PRESERVE TREE AREA PRESERVE TREE AREAPRESERVE TREE AREA PRESERVE TREE AREA PRESERVE TREE AREAMA T C H L I N E : S E E S H E E T L S - 1 MA T C H L I N E : S E E S H E E T L S - 1 Each lot shall have its own potable water meter and if desired, a separate potable water meter for irrigation. Each lot shall be responsible for watering the required trees and shrubs shown on each lot on the landscape plans. CITY OF OCOEE CODE NOTES NATIVE VS. NON-NATIVE PLANTS SPECIFIED CHART CODE BOTANICAL/COMMON NAME MYFR Myrcianthes fragrans - native Simpson's stopper TD Taxodium distichum - native Bald cypress UA Ulmus alata - native Winged elm All specified plants except for sod (TBD by others) are native TOTAL 100% STREET TREES/SCREENING AT ROW ·Street trees are required every 50' alternating side to side. 920'/50' = 18 trees required. Spacing may vary based on utilities and future driveways. Provided: 18 trees. ·Street trees shall be planted as each lot is developed and each lot owner shall be responsible for watering them through the establishment period ·Trees shall be located on the 10' utilities easement line. Locations may be shifted to avoid proposed driveways. ·Tree root guard/barrier (min 48") shall be installed for trees located within 10' of public sidewalks and utilities ·Vegetative screening is required at the ROW to achieve a 5' height. Provided: 48 MYFR shrubs. Plantings shall be installed and irrigated when Lots 1 & 9 are developed BUILDING LOTS (17) ·Only one building lot tree (excluding street trees) is required on each lot due to septic systems. Exact building lot tree locations may change due to house, driveway or septic system locations. Provided: one tree on each lot (excluding street trees) when the lot is developed. ·Each lot shall be sodded with the type of sod as determined by others ·Irrigation on each lot is to be provided when each lot is developed TREE PRESERVATION ·Trees over 8” dbh are considered protected trees ·Potential trees to save are noted ·Replacement trees shall be 2” dbh or greater GENERAL ·All existing trees located within 10' of the proposed water main shall be removed, or a root barrier (minimum 48" depth) shall be installed between the proposed water main and existing trees No trees or shrubs shall be placed on top of or in close proximity to public utilities that will impact utilities at maturity. Specified tree root barrier is a mechanical barrier and root deflector used to prevent tree roots from damaging hardscapes and landscapes. Assembled in 24" (609 mm) long modules to create varying lengths for linear applications, or perimeter surround applications at minimum 8' (243cm) diameter. A. Materials 1. The contractor shall furnish and install tree root barrier as specified. The root barrier shall be either product #UB 48-2 as manufactured by DeepRoot® Green Infrastructure, LLC, 530 Washington Street, San Francisco, CA, www.deeproot.com (800.458.7668). 2. Root barrier shall be recyclable, black, extruded panels with 0.80" (2.03 mm) wall thickness in modules 24" (609 mm) long and 48" (1220 mm) deep. 3. Root barrier shall be manufactured with 100% reprocessed homopolymer polyethylene with added ultraviolet inhibitors. 4. Root barrier shall be comprised of 24" (609 mm) modules. Each panel shall have no less than four (4) Molded Integral Vertical Root Directing Ribs of a minimum 0.080" (2.03 mm) thickness, protruding 1/2" (12.7 mm) at 90° from interior of the barrier panel, spaced 6" (152.4 mm) apart. (See Detail A) 5. Root barrier shall have an integrated Joining System for assembly by sliding one panel into another. 24" (60.96cm) 0.080" (2.03mm) thick Homopolymer Polyethylene Panel 48" (121.92 cm) 90° Root Directing Ribs, integral to Panel, installed vertically D790 D256A D638 D638 D638 ASTM Test Method Flexual Modulus 73 Notched Izod Impact Tensile Modulus Elongation @ break % Tensile stress @ yield Properties 155,000 PSI 3800 PSI Typical Value 145,000 0.4 - 4.0 10% Material and Thickness 0.080 inch Extruded Homopolymer Polyethylene Hardness Shore +PSI+ D2240P66 Detail A TREE ROOT BARRIER PANEL UB 48-2 Specifications 48" DeepRoot® Tree Root Barrier © Copyright 2014 DeepRoot Green Infrastructure, LLC # DATE NOTE 1 4/1/2024 City Comments 2 6/20/2024 City Comments 3 8/21/2024 City Comments 1 inch = 30 ft. A D M I M S R O A D 1 1" 5 2" SLEEVE 2" SLEEVE 3/4" 3/4"3/4"3/4" 3/4" W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM 80.00' 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 15 ' S T R E E T S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' REAR SETBACK25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 15 ' S T R E E T S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK25' REAR SETBACK 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'71.18' 14.0 8 ' 71.59' 14.20' 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00' 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'82.77' 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00' 412.01' 14 1 . 4 5 ' 14 1 . 4 2 ' 14 1 . 3 8 ' 14 1 . 3 5 ' 14 1 . 3 2 ' 14 1 . 2 8 ' 14 1 . 2 5 ' 14 1 . 2 2 ' 13 1 . 1 9 ' 13 1 . 1 9 ' 14 1 . 4 5 ' 14 1 . 4 2 ' 14 1 . 3 8 ' 14 1 . 3 5 ' 14 1 . 3 2 ' 14 1 . 2 8 ' 14 1 . 2 5 ' 14 1 . 2 2 ' 14 1 . 4 8 ' 15 6 . 7 8 ' 7.65' 59.1 7 ' 44.8 6 ' 18 8 . 7 4 ' 5.00' 12 6 . 1 9 ' 7.10' 6.94 ' 12 6 . 1 9 ' 5.00' COVINGTON CT. WMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWM 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG CALL SUNSHINE IT'S THE LAW IN FLORIDA FLORIDA LAW REQUIRES EXCAVATORS TO NOTIFY OWNERS OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES NO LESS THAN TWO (2) DAYS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION 1-800-432-4770 or 811 DESIGN DRAFT CHECK SP JB SP SCALE: 1:30 REVISIONS: Ir r i g a t i o n P l a n DATE: 12/01/2022 PROJECT #: 222-077 SHEET: LS-3 TOTAL: LS-1 to LS-4 Oc o e e , F l o r i d a Co v i n g t o n O a k s NOTE: Street trees shall be provided on lots Al o n g A D M i m s R o a d MA T C H L I N E : S E E S H E T L S - 2 MA T C H L I N E : S E E S H E T L S - 2 PRESERVE TREE AREA PRESERVE TREE AREA PRESERVE TREE AREA # DATE NOTE 1 4/1/2024 City Comments 2 6/20/2024 City Comments 3 8/21/2024 City Comments 1 inch = 30 ft. WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 412.01'196.09' 29. 4 2 ' 22. 4 6 ' 577.10' 30 9 . 8 2 ' 15 6 . 7 8 ' 27 9 . 1 6 ' 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG CALL SUNSHINE IT'S THE LAW IN FLORIDA FLORIDA LAW REQUIRES EXCAVATORS TO NOTIFY OWNERS OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES NO LESS THAN TWO (2) DAYS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION 1-800-432-4770 or 811 DESIGN DRAFT CHECK SP JB SP SCALE: 1:30 REVISIONS: # DATE NOTE 1 4/1/2024 City Comments 2 6/20/2024 City Comments 3 8/21/2024 City Comments 4 11/15/2024 City Comments Ir r i g a t i o n P l a n a n d D e t a i l s DATE: 04/01/2024 PROJECT #: 222-077 SHEET: LS-4 TOTAL: LS-1 to LS-4 Oc o e e , F l o r i d a Co v i n g t o n O a k s Al o n g A D M i m s R o a d PRESERVE TREE AREA PRESERVE TREE AREA PRESERVE TREE AREAPRESERVE TREE AREA PRESERVE TREE AREA PRESERVE TREE AREA MA T C H L I N E : S E E S H E E T L S - 1 MA T C H L I N E : S E E S H E E T L S - 1 LATERAL LINE SIZE PER PLAN SLEEVING - SCH. 40 P.V.C. MIN. DEPTH OF 24'' 1-1/2"MAINLINE CLASS 200 P.V.C. SIZE PER PLAN SEE PLAN SEE PLAN SEE PLAN INSTALL WITH A SOLAR SYNC (WITH EVAPOTRANSPIRATION GROUND WITH AN 8' COPPER CLAD ROD. HUNTER ICC2 8 STATION CONTROLLER, 120VOLT C DESCRIPTIONSYMBOL QUANTITY 1 1HUNTER 'ICV' SERIES ELECTRIC VALVE WITH ACCU-SET PRESSURE REGULATOR 1" 1" POTABLE IRRIGATION METER TO PROVIDE 30 GPM AT 40 PSI 1 1" DOUBLE CHECK VALVE BACKFLOW PREVENTOR 1 (ALL 3" SLEEVES TO HAVE ACCOMPANYING 2" SLEEVE FOR WIRES) 0.50 GPM BUBBLER (2 PER TREE)10 MAROON 5'x15' LEFT STRIP 5'x15' RIGHT STRIP 5'x30' SIDE STRIP SYM NOZZLE PATTERN GPMNOZZLE A 90° ADJUSTABLE ARC .19 LT. BLUE B 180° ADJUSTABLE ARC .37 OLIVE C 360° ARC .43 MAROON LT. BLUE 210° ADJUSTABLE ARC 270° ADJUSTABLE ARC .57 .75 MP1000 8'-15' radius MP2000 13'-21' radius MP3000 22'-30' radius STRIPS & CORNERS D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S BLACK BLACK GREEN GREEN RED BLUE BLUE YELLOW YELLOW GRAY TURQOUISE IVORY COPPER BROWN .22 .22 .44 45°-105° ADJUSTABLE ARC .45 90° ADJUSTABLE ARC 180° ADJUSTABLE ARC 360° ARC 210° ADJUSTABLE ARC 270° ADJUSTABLE ARC 90° ADJUSTABLE ARC 180° ADJUSTABLE ARC 360° ARC 210° ADJUSTABLE ARC 270° ADJUSTABLE ARC .40 .74 .86 1.10 1.47 .86 1.82 2.12 2.73 3.64 1) REFER TO THE LANDSCAPE PLANS WHEN TRENCHING TO AVOID TREES AND SHRUBS. 2) ALL MAINLINE PIPING SHALL BE BURIED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 18'' OF COVER. ALL LATERAL PIPING SHALL BE BURIED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 12'' OF COVER. 3) ALL POP-UP ROTORS AND SPRAY HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED USING AN 18'' P.V.C. FLEX PIPE CONNECTION. DO NOT USE FUNNY PIPE. 4) ADJUST ALL NOZZLES TO REDUCE WATER WASTE ON HARD SURFACES AND BUILDING WALLS. 5) THROTTLE ALL VALVES ON SHRUB LINES AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT FOGGING. 8) ALL CONTROL WIRE SPLICES SHALL BE MADE IN VALVE BOXES USING SNAP-TITE CONNECTORS AND SEALANT. 9) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AN AS-BUILT DRAWING ON A REPRODUCIBLE PAPER (SEPIA OR MYLAR) SHOWING ALL INSTALLED IRRIGATION. A MYLAR OR SEPIA OF THE ORIGINAL PLAN MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR A FEE. THE DRAWING SHALL LOCATE ALL MAINLINE AND VALVES BY SHOWING EXACT MEASUREMENTS FROM HARD SURFACES. 10) ALL VALVES, GATE VALVES AND QUICK COUPLERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN VALVE BOXES. 11) ANY PIPING SHOWN OUTSIDE THE PROPERTY LINE OR RUNNING OUTSIDE A LANDSCAPE AREA IS SHOWN THERE FOR CLARITY ONLY. ALL LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE PROPERTY AND INSIDE THE LANDSCAPE AREAS. 13) THE EXACT HEIGHT OF ANY 12'' POP-UP THAT IS SHOWN IN A SHRUB BED SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IN THE FIELD. 14) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CARE SO AS NOT TO DAMAGE ANY EXISTING UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE IMMEDIATE REPAIRS AND COST OF ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY HIS WORK. 15) ALL WORK SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE AGAINST ALL DEFECTS IN EQUIPMENT AND WORKMANSHIP. 16) CONTRACTOR TO USE MIN. OF 12 GAUGE WIRE FOR ALL COMMON WIRES AND 14 GAUGE WIRE FOR ALL CONTROL WIRES. CONTRACTOR ALSO TO PROVIDE 3 SPARE CONTROL WIRES FOR ANY FUTURE USE. 17) CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS ARE TO BE UTILIZED AT ALL MAINLINE DIRECTION CHANGES. 18) ALL IRRIGATION SHOWN ON PLANS IS SCHEMATIC AND DOES NOT REFLECT ALL FITTINGS AND APPURTENANCES WHICH SHALL BE INCLUDED TO PROVIDE A FULLY FUNCTIONAL IRRIGATION SYSTEM CAPABLE OF PROVIDING 100 PERCENT COVERAGE WITH A 50 PERCENT OVERLAP. 19) TOTAL COMMON AREA LANDSCAPE IRRIGATED AREA = +/- 35 SQUARE FEET REMOTE CONTROL VALVE MODEL ICV-(SIZE,SEE EQUIP. SCHEDULE)G WITH FILTER SENTRY ('FS') FINISH GRADE 3/4" MINUS WASHED GRAVEL BRICK SUPPORTS (4) MAIN LINE PIPE & FITTINGS SCH 80 T.O.E. NIPPLE STANDARD VALVE BOX ID TAG 18-24" COILED WIRE PLACE CONTROL WIRES UNDER MAIN WATERPROOF CONNECTORS (2) PRO FLEX SWING JOINT: HUNTER 'PRO-FLEX' TUBING & HSBE-050 ELBOWS (2), ALSO MARLEX STREET ELBOW (1) LATERAL PIPE7 2 3 4 5 6 1 FINISH GRADE PCN BUBBLER NOZZLE SCH 80 NIPPLE SCH 40 THREADED COUPLER LATERAL TEE OR ELL MODEL HCV-50F-50M CHECK VALVE8 7 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 1.00 GPM FLOOD BUBBLER .50 GPM FLOOD BUBBLER T U PCN10 PCN50 1.00 .50BUBBLERS AND MICRO- SPRAYS SR-2Q SR-2H .11 .16 V W MS-F .50X 90° 2' RADIUS 180° 2' RADIUS 360° 5' RADIUS SENSOR AND RAIN SENSOR AND BY-PASS BOX.) 5" WIDTH (12.7 CM) 1 2 3 4 1 2 NOTE MOUNT CONTROLLER LCD SCREEN AT EYE LEVEL, CONTROLLER SHALL BE HARD-WIRED TO GROUNDED 110 VAC POWER SOURCE 3 4 LEGEND: 4FRONT ELEVATION RIGHT ELEVATION 13" (33 CM) OPEN DOOR WIDTH IRRIGATION CONTROLLER (12C-800-PL) PER PLAN IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE IN CONDUIT SIZE AND TYPE PER LOCAL CODES ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CONDUIT CONNECT TO POWER SOURCE, J-BOX INSIDE CONTROLLER ADJACENT SURFACE TO MOUNT CONTROLLER PER PLAN HUNTER ICC2 CONTROLLER CONDUIT FROM SOLAR SYNC SENSOR TO CONTROLLER OR TO A POINT 12" BELOW GRADE SUITABLE POST, POLE, GUTTER MOUNT. MOUNT IN LOCATION THAT MAXIMIZES DIRECT SUNLIGHT, OPEN TO RAINFALL AND OUT OF SPRINKLER SPRAY PATTERN MODEL: SOLAR SYNC SENSOR CONTROLLER POWER SOURCE CONDUIT FOR VALVE CONTROL WIRE AND SOLAR SYNC COMMUNICATION WIRE MODEL SOLAR SYNC MODULE MOUNT LESS THAN 6' AWAY FROM CONTROLLER. MODULE CAN BE MOUNTED INTERNALLY WHEN PAIRED WITH THE PCC CONTROLLER. " COMMUNICATION WIRE, 18-2(WIRE TYPE TO MEET INSTALLATION CODE REQUIREMENTS), FROM MODULE TO SENSOR. MAXIMUM TOTAL WIRE DISTANCE, 200 FEET Zone Chart Zone#GPM Water Use Program Volume Type 1 5 Bubblers A Low 1 4 5 H NOTE CONTROLLER SHALL BE HARD-WIRED TO GROUNDED 110 VAC POWER SOURCE IRRIGATION CONTROLLER (ICC-PED) PER PLAN IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE IN CONDUIT SIZE AND TYPE PER LOCAL CODES ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CONDUIT CONNECT TO POWER SOURCE, J-BOX INSIDE CONTROLLER PEDESTAL BASE PER PLAN INSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM PEDESTAL 3 2 GROUND WIRE CONDUIT GROUND PER ASIC GUIDELINES TO BE INSTALLED ON PEDESTAL. Each lot shall have its own potable water meter and if desired, a separate potable water meter for irrigation. Each lot shall be responsible for watering the required trees and shrubs shown on each lot on the landscape plans. Note: All sprayheads to be installed no closer than 4" from sidewalks 1.Construction Plans shall include the following text: “This project, including both horizontal and vertical construction, shall incorporate WaterSense™ plumbing fixtures and Energy Star® appliances as required by Chapter 175 of the City of Ocoee’s Code of Ordinances.” 2.Landscape Designer must review and understand Ordinance No. 2012003. 3.Chapter 175-5, Section E requires that all irrigation systems shall be designed by a qualified Irrigation Design Professional. 4.A “Letter of Certification of the Design for an Irrigation System” by an Irrigation Design Professional certifying the design is consistent with the requirements of Chapter 175 shall be required to obtain a building or irrigation permit before issuance of said permit. 5.High volume irrigation area(s) shall not exceed sixty percent (60%) of total area to be irrigated. 6.Irrigation system shall be designed and equipped to operate in the range of 40 to 45 psi at each spray head. 7.Irrigation system shall be equipped with filter device(s) to ensure emitters maintain proper cast and coverage. 8.Turf grass and landscape beds shall be irrigated by distinctly separate irrigation zones 9.Spray heads and rotors shall not be mixed within the same zone. 10.Rotors and sprays in turf areas shall be spaced to achieve head to head coverage. 11.No irrigation risers shall be used. 12.There shall be a minimum of four (4) inches between distribution equipment and pavement. NOTE: “FINAL IRRIGATION PLAN APPROVAL DOES NOT PROVIDE EXEMPTION FROM CITY OF OCOEE CODE OF ORDINANCES CHAPTER 175 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION REQUIREMENTS. ANY DEVIATIONS MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.” Note: Developer/ Contractor shall coordinate with Utilities Department for water conservation inspection of plumbing and irrigation system by calling 407-905-3159. 13.The landscape irrigation system shall be designed to prevent water wasting, such as direct spray onto buildings, roadways, driveways, or other hardscape. 14.All irrigation systems shall be equipped with irrigation controller(s) having non-volatile memory or battery backup which retains the irrigation schedule during and/or after power outages. 15.All irrigation systems must be properly installed and maintained, and must operate technology such as rain and/or soil moisture sensors which inhibit or interrupt operation of the irrigation system during periods of sufficient moisture. 16.Please include this specific text note on Construction Plans: “Developer/ Contractor shall coordinate with Utilities Department for water conservation inspection of plumbing and irrigation system by calling 407-905-3159.” 19. Any deviations from the City of Ocoee Water Conservation Landscape Irrigation requirements requirements and/or approved plans must be approved in writing prior to installation A D M I M S R O A D W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWWWW WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM 80.00' 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 15 ' S T R E E T S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' REAR SETBACK25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 15 ' S T R E E T S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK25' REAR SETBACK 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'71.18' 14.0 8 ' 71.59' 1 4 . 2 0 ' 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00' 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'82.77' 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00' 412.01'196.09' 29. 4 2 ' 22. 4 6 ' 577.10' 14 1 . 4 5 ' 14 1 . 4 2 ' 14 1 . 3 8 ' 14 1 . 3 5 ' 14 1 . 3 2 ' 14 1 . 2 8 ' 14 1 . 2 5 ' 14 1 . 2 2 ' 13 1 . 1 9 ' 13 1 . 1 9 ' 14 1 . 4 5 ' 14 1 . 4 2 ' 14 1 . 3 8 ' 14 1 . 3 5 ' 14 1 . 3 2 ' 14 1 . 2 8 ' 14 1 . 2 5 ' 14 1 . 2 2 ' 14 1 . 4 8 ' 30 9 . 8 2 ' 15 6 . 7 8 ' 27 9 . 1 6 ' 7.65' 59.17 ' 44.8 6 ' 18 8 . 7 4 ' 5.00' 12 6 . 1 9 ' 7 . 1 0 ' 6.94 ' 12 6 . 1 9 ' 5.00' COVINGTON CT. ( 1" = 50' ) GRAPHIC SCALE 050 50 10025 NORTH TRUCK TEMPLATE - ORANGE COUNTY PLATFORM TRUCK N.T.S. GENERAL NOTES: 1.MINIMUM FIRE FLOW SHALL BE 1,000GPM. HOMES ARE LESS THAN 5,000SF IN AREA. LEGEND NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT NEW CONCRETE WALKS, SLABS & PAVEMENT SHEET: PR E P A R E D F O R : CO V I N G T O N HO L D I N G S , L L C DESIGN: CO V I N G T O N O A K S RE S I D E N T I A L CHECKED: PROJECT NUMBER: IS S U E D A T E : RE V I S I O N 1 : RE V I S I O N 2 : RE V I S I O N 3 : RE V I S I O N 4 : DWC DWC 24-009 RE V I S I O N 5 : RE V I S I O N 6 : DUSTIN W. CULVER, P.E. CIVIL DISCIPLINE ONLY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER 00036189 FLORIDA REGISTRATION 84678 NOT VALID FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SIGNED IN THIS BLOCK 04 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 4 C-101 TR U C K T U R N AN A L Y S I S A D M I M S R O A D W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWWWW SILT FENCE, TYP. SILT FENCE, TYP. SILT FENCE, TYP. SILT FENCE, TYP. SILT FENCE, TYP. TEMPORARY STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET 25 ' 50 ' SILT FENCE, TYP. SILT FENCE, TYP. CONCRETE WASH-OUT LOCATION EXISTING WELL AND TANK TO BE ABANDONED AND CAPPED ( 1" = 50' ) GRAPHIC SCALE 050 50 10025 NORTH LEGEND EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA TO BE REMOVED PERVIOUS AREA TO BE DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION SILT FENCE TREE TO BE REMOVED (SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN) TREE PROTECTION BARRIER (SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN) DEMOLITION NOTES: 1.THE LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, & THE DIMENSIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES & OTHER FEATURES ARE SHOWN ON THE PLANS ACCORDING TO THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT THE TIME OF PLAN PREPARATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, & THE DIMENSIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES & OTHER FEATURES AFFECTING THE WORK PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES WHICH MAY AFFECT THE PROPOSED WORK. 2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES BEFORE EXCAVATION AND PREPARATION OF SHOP DRAWINGS. 3.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL, PRIOR TO INITIATION OF ANY SITE CLEARING OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, INSTALL SILT SCREENS DOWNSTREAM OF ALL AREAS WHICH HAVE POTENTIAL OF EROSION OR SEDIMENT TRANSPORT OFF-SITE OR TO WATER BODIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMPLEMENT OTHER STRUCTURAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES IF REQUIRED TO PREVENT SEDIMENT TRANSPORT TO OFF-SITE AREAS & WATER BODIES. 4.ALL TRASH, DEBRIS, & OTHER MATERIAL REMOVED FROM THE SITE SHALL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL LOCAL, STATE & FEDERAL REGULATIONS. 5.ANY EXCAVATED TRENCHES ARE TO BE BACKFILLED WITH CLEAN SAND COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% OF THE MODIFIED PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY VALUE (ASTM D-1557). ENGINEERING FILL SHALL BE PLACED AT A MOISTURE CONTENT NEAR OPTIMUM IN UNIFORM LIFTS NOT EXCEEDING 12" IN LOOSE THICKNESS. REFER TO GEOTECHNICAL REPORT OR BUILDING PLANS FOR SPECIFIC COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS UNDER BUILDING & OTHER STRUCTURES. 6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL 1-800-432-4770 FOR SUNSHINE LOCATES BEFORE EXCAVATION. F.S. 556,101 THROUGH 111. 7.MOT FOR 1-LANE CLOSURE PER FDOT INDEX 613. 8.WHEN ANY ROOTS OF EXISTING TREES ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING LAND CLEARING AND/OR GRADING OF THE SITE, THE ROOTS MUST BE CUT OFF EVENLY WITH CLEAN, SHARP PRUNING TOOLS. THE CONTRACTOR/DEVELOPER SHALL MINIMIZE THE DAMAGE TO EXISTING TREE ROOT SYSTEMS. EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL CODES, ORDINANCES & REGULATIONS GOVERNING POLLUTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT & SHALL IMPLEMENT ALL MEASURES NEEDED TO ENSURE ADEQUATE EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DURING THE ENTIRE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL CONFORM TO CITY OF WINTER GARDEN, SAINT JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, & FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS. INSTALLATION OF SILT FENCES & TURBIDITY BARRIERS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH FDOT ROADWAY & TRAFFIC DESIGN STANDARDS & STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD & BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, LATEST EDITION. 2.EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ARE TO BE PLACED PRIOR TO OR AS THE FIRST STEP IN CONSTRUCTION. EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ARE TO BE APPLIED AS A PERIMETER DEFENSE AGAINST THE TRANSPORTATION OF SILT & SEDIMENTS OFF THE PROJECT SITE OR INTO ADJACENT WATER BODIES OR WETLANDS. 3.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE & IMPLEMENT AN EROSION CONTROL PLAN AS PART OF THE SCOPE OF WORK COVERED BY THESE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE THE BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN CONTROLLING EROSION & SEDIMENT TRANSPORT DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE FLORIDA DEVELOPMENT MANUAL "A GUIDE TO SOUND LAND & WATER MANAGEMENT" MAY BE USED AS REFERENCE FOR RECOMMENDED BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES RELATED TO EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL. 4.ALL EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES WHICH ARE NECESSARY TO LIMIT THE TRANSPORT OF SILTS & SEDIMENTS TO OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF THE WORK AREA OR TO WATER BODIES OR WETLANDS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES & IMPLEMENT STRUCTURAL MEASURES AS NEEDED TO PREVENT EROSION & SEDIMENT TRANSPORT FROM THE WORK AREAS. THE FOLLOWING ARE MINIMUM RECOMMENDED GUIDELINES TO BE IMPLEMENTED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION AS PART OF THE EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN: A. STOCKPILING OF MATERIAL NO EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE STOCKPILED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO DIRECT RUNOFF DIRECTLY OFF THE PROJECT SITE OR INTO ANY ADJACENT WATER BODY OR STORMWATER COLLECTION FACILITY. B. EXPOSED AREA LIMITATION & PROTECTION THE SURFACE AREA OF OPEN, RAW ERODIBLE SOIL EXPOSED BY CLEARING & GRUBBING OPERATIONS OR EXCAVATION & FILLING OPERATIONS SHALL BE LIMITED AS NEEDED TO MINIMIZE THE POTENTIAL OF OFF-SITE SEDIMENT TRANSPORT. ALL EXPOSED AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY INSTALLING EFFECTIVE EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SUCH AS SILT SCREENS, SYNTHETIC BALES, TURBIDITY BARRIERS, SWALES, OR A COMBINATION OF THESE & OTHER MEASURES AS WARRANTED. C. INLET PROTECTION INLETS & CATCH BASINS SHALL BE PROTECTED DURING CONSTRUCTION FROM SEDIMENT LADEN STORMWATER RUNOFF BY PROVIDING A COMBINATION OF SILT SCREENS, SYNTHETIC BALES, FILTER FABRIC COVERS OR OTHER MEASURES AS NECESSARY TO CONTROL THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT. D. TEMPORARY GRASSING AREAS OPENED BY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS THAT ARE NOT ANTICIPATED TO BE DRESSED OR RECEIVE FINAL GRASSING TREATMENT WITHIN THIRTY DAYS SHALL BE SEEDED WITH A QUICK GROWING GRASS SPECIES WHICH WILL PROVIDE AN EARLY COVER DURING THE SEASON IN WHICH IT IS PLANTED. TEMPORARY SEEDING SHALL BE CONTROLLED AS TO NOT ALTER OR COMPETE WITH PERMANENT GRASSING. SLOPES STEEPER THAN 6:1 SHALL ADDITIONALLY RECEIVE MULCHING OF APPROXIMATELY 2 INCHES OF LOOSE MEASURE OF MULCH MATERIAL CUT INTO THE SOIL OF THE SEEDED AREA TO A DEPTH OF 4 INCHES. THE SEEDED OR SEEDED & MULCHED AREAS SHALL BE ROLLED & WATERED AS NEEDED TO ENSURE OPTIMUM GROWING CONDITIONS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A GOOD GRASS COVER. IF AFTER 14 DAYS, THE TEMPORARY GRASSED AREAS HAVE NOT ATTAINED A MINIMUM OF 75% OF GOOD GRASS COVER, THE AREAS WILL BE REWORKED & ADDITIONAL SEED APPLIED TO ESTABLISH THE DESIRED VEGETATION COVER. E. MAINTENANCE EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE MAINTAINED DURING THE ENTIRE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT THE EROSION & CONTROL MEASURES ON A WEEKLY BASIS & 24 HOURS FOLLOWING RAINFALL EVENTS (0.5" OR GREATER) & IMMEDIATELY REPAIR ANY OBSERVED DAMAGED CONTROLS. ALL EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROLS SHALL BE MAINTAINED AS TO FUNCTION PROPERLY WITHOUT THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENTS OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF THE PROJECT. 5. AREAS OF SOILS DISTURBANCE IS LIMITED TO THE AREA AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. 6. BASINS SHALL NOT BE UTILIZED UNLESS DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE CONTRACTOR. 7. FERTILIZERS AND PESTICIDES WILL BE USED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL LABEL DIRECTIONS AND APPLICATION RATES. THEY SHALL BE STORED UNDER COVER AND PROTECTED FROM WEATHER. 8. ONLY SYNTHETIC BALES ARE TO BE USED. NO HAY OR STRAW IS ALLOWED. 9. WHEN ANY ROOTS OF EXISTING TREES ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING LAND CLEARING AND/OR GRADING OF THE SITE, THR ROOTS MUST BE CUT OFF EVENLY WITH CLEAN, SHARP PRUNING TOOLS. THE CONTRACTOR/DEVELOPER SHALL MINIMIZE THE DAMAGE TO THE EXISTING TREE ROOT SYSTEMS. 10.LAND PREPARATION PROCESSES SHALL CONFORM TO "CHAPTER 6: STORMWATER AND EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR DEVELOPING AREAS OF THE FLORIDA DEVELOPMENT MANUAL: A GUIDE TO SOUND LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT" (JUNE 1988) PREPARED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION. 11.CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC WITH THE CITY OF WINTER GARDEN PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MANAGER PRIOR TO ANY ROAD OR LANE CLOSURES.CONTRACTOR MUST ALSO OBTAIN A RIGHT-OF-WAY CONNECTION PERMIT FROM THE CITY OF WINTER GARDEN PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MANAGER PRIOR TO ANY WORK WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. 12.WHEN ANY ROOTS OF EXISTING TREES ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING DEMOLITION OF THE SITE, THE ROOTS MUST BE CUT OFF EVENLY WITH CLEAN, SHARP PRUNING TOOLS. THE CONTRACTOR/DEVELOPER SHALL MINIMIZE THE DAMAGE TO EXISTING TREE ROOT SYSTEMS. NOTE: IN THE EVENT OF EXCESSIVE OFF-SITE TRACKING, THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE OBLIGATED TO INSTALL ADDITIONAL MEASURES. SHOULD OFFSITE TRACKING BECOME AN ISSUE, THE CITY WILL REQUIRE INSTALLATION OF THE YELLOW RUMBLE STRIP ANTI SEDIMENT TRACKING DEVICE. PU B L I C R O A D FDOT #1 COARSE AGGREGATE OR EQUIVALENT 6" MIN. 50' M I N I M U M AS R E Q U I R E D STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE N.T.S. SHEET: PR E P A R E D F O R : CO V I N G T O N HO L D I N G S , L L C DESIGN: CO V I N G T O N O A K S RE S I D E N T I A L CHECKED: PROJECT NUMBER: IS S U E D A T E : RE V I S I O N 1 : RE V I S I O N 2 : RE V I S I O N 3 : RE V I S I O N 4 : DWC DWC 24-009 RE V I S I O N 5 : RE V I S I O N 6 : DUSTIN W. CULVER, P.E. CIVIL DISCIPLINE ONLY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER 00036189 FLORIDA REGISTRATION 84678 NOT VALID FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SIGNED IN THIS BLOCK 04 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 4 C-200 DE M O L I T I O N P L A N 4: 1 SILT FENCE 3: 1 25' MIN. 3: 1 3:1 8' MIN. 3:1 4:1 8' M I N . 26 ' M I N . 2% SLOPE MIN. A A 26' MIN.8' MIN. 1' 8' M I N . PLAN VIEW SILT FENCE 4.0' MIN. 1' MIN. 1.0' MIN.2% SLOPE 3' MIN. 6-MIL PLASTIC SHEETING TO LINE VEHICLE TRACKINGCONTROL8' MIN.BOTTOM AND SIDES NO. 57 STONE SECTION A-A CONCRETE WASHOUT DETAIL EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE USED FOR PERIMETER BERM. SOIL FOR BERM SHALL BE COMPACTED IN THE SAME MANNER AS TRENCH BACKFILL. CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA INSTALLATION NOTES: 1.CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY CONCRETE PLACEMENT ON SITE. 2.CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA SHALL INCLUDE A FLAT SUBSURFACE PIT THAT IS AT LEAST 8'X8'. THE SLOPES LEADING OUT OF THE SUBSURFACE PIT SHALL BE 3:1. THE DEPTH OF THE PIT SHALL BE AT LEAST 3'. THE BERM SURROUNDING THE SIDES AND BACK OF THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA SHALL HAVE A HEIGHT OF 1'. THE VEHICLE TRACKING PAD SHALL BE SLOPED 2% TOWARDS THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA. A SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG THE TOP OF THE PERIMETER BERM PER THE DETAIL. 3.VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL IS REQUIRED AT THE ACCESS POINT TO ALL CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS. 4.A CURB STEP SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED IF A CURB EXISTS AT THE ACCESS POINT TO THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA. 5.HIGHLY VISIBLE SIGNS SHALL BE PLACED AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE ENTRANCE, WASHOUT AREA AND ELSEWHERE AS NECESSARY TO CLEARLY INDICATE THE LOCATION(S) OF THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA(S) TO OPERATORS OF CONCRETE TRUCKS AND PUMP RIGS. CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE NOTES: 1.THE CITY SITE INSPECTOR SHALL INSPECT THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA AT THE FOLLOWING INTERVALS: A.AFTER INITIAL INSTALLATION. B.AT LEAST WEEKLY WHILE THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA IS PRESENT ON SITE. 2.CONCRETE WASHOUT MATERIALS SHALL BE REMOVED ONCE THE MATERIALS HAVE REACHED A DEPTH OF 2'. 3.CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS SHALL BE ENLARGED AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN CAPACITY FOR WASTED CONCRETE. 4.CONCRETE WASHOUT WATER, WASTED PIECES OF CONCRETE AND ALL OTHER DEBRIS IN THE SUBSURFACE PIT SHALL BE TRANSPORTED FROM THE JOB SITE IN A WATER-TIGHT CONTAINER AND DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. 5.CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL ALL CONCRETE FOR THE PROJECT IS PLACED. 6.WHEN CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS ARE REMOVED, EXCAVATIONS SHALL BE FILLED WITH SUITABLE COMPACTED BACKFILL AND TOP SOIL, ANY DISTURBED AREAS ASSOCIATED WITH INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND/OR REMOVAL OF CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS SHALL BE ROUGHENED, SEEDED AND MULCHED. 7.CONCRETE WASHOUT CONTAINERS ARE RECOMMENDED TO BE PLACED INSIDE THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA FOR LESS MAINTENANCE. 8.CONCRETE WASHOUT CONTAINERS ARE NOT AN ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTE FOR CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS. A D M I M S R O A D W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W M WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWWWW WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM MATCH LINE AND GRADE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT 80.00' 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 15 ' S T R E E T S I D E S E T B A C K DRY RETENTION AREA 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' REAR SETBACK25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 15 ' S T R E E T S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK25' REAR SETBACK 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'71.18' 14.0 8 ' 71.59' 1 4 . 2 0 ' 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00' 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'82.77' 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00' 412.01'196.09' 29. 4 2 ' 22. 4 6 ' 577.10' 14 1 . 4 5 ' 14 1 . 4 2 ' 14 1 . 3 8 ' 14 1 . 3 5 ' 14 1 . 3 2 ' 14 1 . 2 8 ' 14 1 . 2 5 ' 14 1 . 2 2 ' 13 1 . 1 9 ' 13 1 . 1 9 ' 14 1 . 4 5 ' 14 1 . 4 2 ' 14 1 . 3 8 ' 14 1 . 3 5 ' 14 1 . 3 2 ' 14 1 . 2 8 ' 14 1 . 2 5 ' 14 1 . 2 2 ' 14 1 . 4 8 ' 30 9 . 8 2 ' 15 6 . 7 8 ' 27 9 . 1 6 ' 7.65' 59.1 7 ' 44.8 6 ' 18 8 . 7 4 ' 15-FT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT 15-FT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT 15-FT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT 15-FT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT 15-FT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOT 2 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=129.60 LOT 1 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=130.02 LOT 3 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=129.60 LOT 4 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=129.98 LOT 5 TYPE "B" LOT F.F.E.=129.98 LOT 6 TYPE "B" LOT F.F.E.=129.43 LOT 7 TYPE "B" LOT F.F.E.=128.88 LOT 8 TYPE "B" LOT F.F.E.=128.33 LOT 10 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=129.60 LOT 11 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=129.60 LOT 12 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=129.98 LOT 13 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=129.98 LOT 14 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=129.43 LOT 15 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=128.88 LOT 16 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=128.33 LOT 9 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=130.02 LOT 17 TYPE "A" LOT F.F.E.=127.78 STS-1 STS-3 STS-7 STS-8 STS-9 STS-6 320LF 15" RCP @0.50% SLOPE 51LF 15" RCP @0.50% SLOPE 35LF 15" RCP @0.50% SLOPE CONTROL STRUCTURE 50LF 15" RCP @1.00% SLOPE CS-1 5.00' 12 6 . 1 9 ' 7 . 1 0 ' 6.94 ' 12 6 . 1 9 ' 5.00' STS-10 125.00 125.00 124.00 123.00 122.00 121.00 12 5 . 0 0 12 5 . 0 0 12 4 . 0 0 12 3 . 0 0 12 2 . 0 0 12 1 . 0 0 COVINGTON CT. 35LF 15" RCP @0.50% SLOPE 240LF 18" RCP @0.60% SLOPE 51LF 24" RCP @0.30% SLOPE STS-5STS-4 51LF 30" RCP @0.30% SLOPE 46LF 30" RCP @0.30% SLOPE FDOT #57 STONE SPREADER SWALE FDOT #57 STONE 20-FT., MIN. 6" THICK, MAINTENANCE DRIVE STS-2 ( 1" = 50' ) GRAPHIC SCALE 050 50 10025 NORTH SIDE SWAL E FR O N T S L O P E SIDE SLOP E ST R E E T PA R K W A Y S L O P E PR O T E C T I V E PR O T E C T I V E R E A R S L O P E RE A R S L O P E SIDE SWAL E SIDE SLOP E ST R E E T PA R K W A Y S L O P E FR O N T S L O P E PR O T E C T I V E PR O T E C T I V E R E A R S L O P E ENVIRONMENTAL SWALE FR O N T S L O P E PR O T E C T I V E SIDE SWAL E SIDE SLOP E ST R E E T PA R K W A Y S L O P E PR O T E C T I V E R E A R S L O P E TYPE "A" LOT GRADING NTS NTS NTS TYPE "B" LOT GRADING TYPE "C" LOT GRADING DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DRAINAGE PIPE FLOW ARROWS SPOT ELEVATIONS STRUCTURE NO.STS-1 LEGEND NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT NEW CONCRETE WALKS, SLABS & PAVEMENT PAVING AND DRAINAGE NOTES 1.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM HIS OWN INVESTIGATIONS AND CALCULATIONS AS NECESSARY TO ASSURE HIMSELF OF EARTHWORK QUANTITIES. THERE IS NO IMPLICATION THAT EARTHWORK BALANCES AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY IMPORT FILL NEEDED, OR FOR REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF EXCESS MATERIALS. 2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING THE NECESSARY TESTING TO ASSURE THAT THE PROPER COMPACTION HAS BEEN ACHIEVED ON THE SUBGRADE, BASE, AND ALL OTHER PERTINENT AREAS THAT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BEAR ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH TESTING AND SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER WITH COPIES OF THE CERTIFICATION OF COMPACTION FROM THE TESTING COMPANY. 3.PRIOR TO BID PREPARATION, THE CONTRACTOR MUST BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE OVERALL SITE CONDITIONS AND PERFORM ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATIONS AS DETERMINED NECESSARY TO UNDERSTAND THE LIMIT AND DEPTH OF EXPECTED ORGANIC SILT PEAT AREAS, ADEQUACY OF EXISTING MATERIALS AS FILL, DEWATERING REQUIREMENTS, CLEAN FILL REQUIRED FROM OFF-SITE AND MATERIALS TO BE DISPOSED OF OFF-SITE, ALL OF WHICH WILL AFFECT HIS PRICING. ANY DELAY, INCONVENIENCE, OR EXPENSE CAUSED TO THE CONTRACTOR DUE TO INADEQUATE INVESTIGATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE CONTRACT, AND NO EXTRA COMPENSATION WILL BE ALLOWED. THE MATERIALS ANTICIPATED TO BE ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION MAY REQUIRE DRYING PRIOR TO USE AS BACKFILL, AND THE CONTRACTOR MAY HAVE TO IMPORT MATERIALS, AT NO EXTRA COST, FROM OFF-SITE TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPACTION AND PROPER FILL. 4.IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY EXISTING SITE SOIL CONDITIONS PRIOR TO" NOTICE TO PROCEED" TO DETERMINE IF ANY OFF-SITE MATERIALS WILL NEED TO BE IMPORTED TO ACHIEVE THE GRADES SPECIFIED ON THE PLANS. 5.ALL FILL MATERIALS SHALL BE FREE OF MUCK, STUMPS, ROOTS, BRUSH, VEGETATIVE MATTER, RUBBISH, OR OTHER UNSUITABLE MATTER. 6.ALL MATERIALS EXCAVATED SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE OWNER AND SHALL BE STOCKPILED AT ON-SITE LOCATIONS AS SPECIFIED BY THE OWNER. MATERIALS SHALL BE STOCKPILED SEPARATELY AS TO USEABLE (NONORGANIC) FILL STOCKPILES AND ORGANIC (MUCK) STOCKPILES IF MUCK IS ENCOUNTERED. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL OF ALL UNSUITABLE FILL MATERIALS FROM THE SITE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF EXCESS MATERIALS. 7.FILL MATERIALS PLACED UNDER ROADWAYS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 98% MAXIMUM DENSITY AS SPECIFIED IN AASHTO T-180. ALL OTHER AREAS ARE TO BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% MAXIMUM DENSITY AS SPECIFIED IN AASHTO T-99. FILL MATERIALS SHALL BE PLACED AND COMPACTED IN A MAXIMUM OF 12" LIFTS. REFER TO SOILS REPORT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE ENGINEER AND THE OWNER WITH ALL (PASSING AND FAILING) TESTING RESULTS. RESULTS SHALL BE PROVIDED ON A TIMELY AND REGULAR BASIS. 8.GRADING SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS PROVIDED TO THE CONTRACTOR TO EXPRESS THE GENERAL GRADING INTENT OF THE PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL GRADE THE ENTIRE SITE TO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE IN ALL AREAS. SMOOTH TRANSITIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN CONTOURS OR SPOT ELEVATIONS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS TO ACCOMPLISH THE GRADING INTENT. ALL SLOPES SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY AFTER FINAL GRADING HAS BEEN COMPLETED. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OWNER AND ENGINEER A MINIMUM OF FORTY-EIGHT(48) HOURS PRIOR TO DEMOBILIZATION OF GRADING EQUIPMENT TO DETERMINE THAT THE GRADING INTENT HAS BEEN ACHIEVED. 9.ALL OTHER RELATED ITEMS REQUIRED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE STORM SEWER (OUTFALL PROTECTION, POLLUTION CONTROL, ETC.) ARE TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAILS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS, FDOT ROADWAY AND TRAFFIC DESIGN STANDARDS, AND FDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROADWAY AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION (LATEST EDITION). 10.ALL PIPE CALL OUTS ARE MEASURED CENTERLINE TO CENTERLINE FOR MANHOLES AND INLETS. 11.ALL ON-SITE AREAS DISTURBED BY THE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH A SEED AND MULCH MIXTURE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OR AS PER THE LANDSCAPE PLAN. 12.ALL OFF-SITE AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE SODDED WITH BAHIA. 13.NO HARD WOOD TREES MAY BE PLANTED OVER OR WITHIN 5' OF UTILITY LINES OR STORM PIPES. ONLY SOD OR SOFT WOOD SHRUBS MAY BE PLANTED OVER UTILITY LINES. 14.ALL STORM DRAIN INLETS CONSTRUCTED AS PART OF NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS IN ORANGE COUNTY SHALL HAVE METAL MEDALLION INLET MARKERS INSTALLED. TEXT ON THE MARKER SHALL BE EVENLY SPACED AND READ "NO DUMPING, ONLY RAIN IN THE DRAIN". MARKERS MUST BE COMMERCIAL GRADE STAINLESS STEEL, ALUMINUM, BRASS OR BRONZE AND EITHER STAMPED FROM SHEET METAL OR CAST. METAL MARKER COLOR MUST BE NON-REFLECTIVE BLUE OR GREEN. AQUATIC CREATURE OR SYMBOL SHOWN ON MARKER SHALL BE CONSISTENT THROUGHOUT THE SUBDIVISION. MARKERS MUST BE AFFIXED TO A CLEAN, PREPARED SURFACE WITH ADHESIVES, FASTENERS, OR HEAT AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER. MARKERS SHALL BE ALIGNED WITH THE CENTER OF DRAINAGE INLETS AT THE TOP OF THE CURB. LETTERING MUST BE BETWEEN 0.4 - 0.5 INCHES AND THE TOTAL DIAMETER OF THE MARKER BETWEEN 3.75 - 4.25 INCHES. 15.THIS SITE IS LOCATED WITHIN THE WEKIVA STUDY AREA, AS ESTABLISHED BY THE WEKIVA PARKWAY AND PROTECTION ACT, SECTION 369.316 F.S. ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS APPLY." THE APPLICANT IS ADVISED TO FOLLOW RELATED LEGISLATION IN ORDER TO ASSURE COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS. CHANGES TO REGULATIONS INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: SEPTIC TANK CRITERIA, OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS, STORMWATER TREATMENT AND CONSERVATION. IN ADDITION TO THE STATE REGULATIONS, REVIEW ORANGE COUNTY AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE POLICY PLAN APPROVED BY THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN DECEMBER 2007 THAT REQUIRE COMPLIANCE AS OF THAT DATE. 16.ALL FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONS WILL EXCEED THE 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN BY A MINIMUM OF TWO FEET (2'). STS-1 STORM STRUCTURE TABLE: STS-2 TYPE "P-4" INLET PER FDOT INDEX 425-010 AND 020 GRATE = 127.94 INV. E. = 124.32 TYPE "P-4" INLET PER FDOT INDEX 425-010 AND 020 GRATE = 127.94 INV. W. = 124.14 INV. N. = 124.04 STS-3 STS-6 TYPE "P-3" INLET PER FDOT INDEX 425-010 AND 020 TOP = 127.64 INV. E. = 122.62 TYPE "8" MANHOLE PER FDOT INDEX 425-001 GRATE = 126.00 INV. NW. = 120.40 INV. E. = 120.50 INV. SW. = 121.04 STS-9 STS-7 TYPE "P-3" INLET PER FDOT INDEX 425-010 AND 020 GRATE = 125.99 INV. NE. = 121.306 STS-8 TYPE "P-3" INLET PER FDOT INDEX 425-010 AND 020 GRATE = 125.99 INV. W. = 120.65 INV. S. = 120.75 TYPE "P-3" INLET PER FDOT INDEX 425-010 AND 020 TOP = 127.64 INV. W. = 122.44 INV. S. = 122.44 INV. N. = 122.19 30" MES PER FDOT INDEX 430-021 INV. = 120.00 TYPE "P-4" INLET PER FDOT INDEX 425-010 AND 020 GRATE = 125.50 INV. NW. = 120.14 INV. SE. = 120.24STS-4 STS-5 STS-10 15" MES PER FDOT INDEX 430-021 INV. = 120.50 SHEET: PR E P A R E D F O R : CO V I N G T O N HO L D I N G S , L L C DESIGN: CO V I N G T O N O A K S RE S I D E N T I A L CHECKED: PROJECT NUMBER: IS S U E D A T E : RE V I S I O N 1 : RE V I S I O N 2 : RE V I S I O N 3 : RE V I S I O N 4 : DWC DWC 24-009 RE V I S I O N 5 : RE V I S I O N 6 : DUSTIN W. CULVER, P.E. CIVIL DISCIPLINE ONLY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER 00036189 FLORIDA REGISTRATION 84678 NOT VALID FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SIGNED IN THIS BLOCK 04 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 4 C-300 GR A D I N G A N D DR A I N A G E P L A N A D M I M S R O A D W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWWWW WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM 80.00' 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 15 ' S T R E E T S I D E S E T B A C K CONNECT TO EXISTING 16" WATER MAIN WITH 8" TAPPING SLEEVE & VALVE 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' REAR SETBACK25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 15 ' S T R E E T S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK25' REAR SETBACK 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'71.18' 14.0 8 ' 71.59' 1 4 . 2 0 ' 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00' 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'82.77' 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00' 412.01'196.09' 29. 4 2 ' 22. 4 6 ' 577.10' 14 1 . 4 5 ' 14 1 . 4 2 ' 14 1 . 3 8 ' 14 1 . 3 5 ' 14 1 . 3 2 ' 14 1 . 2 8 ' 14 1 . 2 5 ' 14 1 . 2 2 ' 13 1 . 1 9 ' 13 1 . 1 9 ' 14 1 . 4 5 ' 14 1 . 4 2 ' 14 1 . 3 8 ' 14 1 . 3 5 ' 14 1 . 3 2 ' 14 1 . 2 8 ' 14 1 . 2 5 ' 14 1 . 2 2 ' 14 1 . 4 8 ' 30 9 . 8 2 ' 15 6 . 7 8 ' 27 9 . 1 6 ' 7.65' 59.17 ' 44.8 6 ' 18 8 . 7 4 ' NEW FIRE HYDRANT SEE DETAIL UT201 SHEET C7.01 124.5 L.F. ± ~ 8" DIP WATER MAIN 8" GATE VALVE SINGLE WATER / IRRIGATION SERVICE (TYP.-2 METERS) SEE DETAIL UT208b SHEET C702 1" DOUBLE WATER/IRRIGATION SERVICE (TYP.) - 4 METERS SEE DETAILS UT206 AND UT208b SHEET C702 EXISTING 8" PVC WATER MAIN 10-FT. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT FOR EXISTING WATER MAIN EXISTING 8" PVC WATER MAIN 10-FT. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT FOR EXISTING WATER MAIN CONNECT TO EXISTING 6" CITY OF OCOEE WATER MAIN W/ 6"X6" TAPPING SLEEVE & 6" TAPPING VALVE, FOLLOWED BY AN 8"X6" REDUCER. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE WATER MAIN TIE-IN WITH THE OWNERS OF 1426 AND 1428 CARRIAGE OAK CT. THE DEVELOPER SHALL BEAR THE COST OF ALL RESTORATION ON THE PROPERTIES OF 1426 AND 1428 CARRIAGE OAK CT. AS A RESULT OF THE WATER MAIN TIE-IN. 335 L.F. ~ 8" DIP WATER MAIN 20-FT. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT FOR NEW WATER MAIN 5.00' 12 6 . 1 9 ' 7 . 1 0 ' 6.94 ' 12 6 . 1 9 ' 5.00' 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 6" THICK UTILITY ACCESS DRIVE COVINGTON CT. 8'' 45° M.J. BEND 8'' 45° M.J. BEND 8'' 45° M.J. BEND 4 L.F. ~ 8" DIP WATER MAIN 73 L.F. ± ~ 8" DIP WATER MAIN475 L.F. ± ~ 8" DIP WATER MAIN 8 L.F. ~ 8" DIP WATER MAIN 51 L.F. ± ~ 8" DIP WATER MAIN 225 L.F. ± ~ 8" DIP WATER MAIN WATER UNDER STORM 18" MIN. CLR. BOTTOM OF STORM = 120.30' TOP OF WATER = 118.80' 8'' 45° M.J. BEND 9 L.F. ~ 8" DIP WATER MAIN 20-FT. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT FOR NEW WATER MAIN 25' 25' OPEN-CUT WATER MAIN INSTALLATION MILL AND RESURFACE MILL AND RESURFACE 3' MIN. SEPARATION WATER & STORM 3' MIN. SEPARATION WATER & STORM 1" IRRIGATION METER 8'' 45° M.J. BEND NEW FIRE HYDRANT SEE DETAIL UT201 SHEET C7.01 1" DOUBLE WATER/IRRIGATION SERVICE (TYP.) - 4 METERS SEE DETAIL UT208b SHEET C702 8" GATE VALVE ( 1" = 50' ) GRAPHIC SCALE 050 50 10025 NORTH WATER DOUBLE CONNECTION SANITARY LATERAL SINGLE SANITARY LATERAL DOUBLE BLOWOFF VALVE SANITARY MANHOLE LIFT STATION WATER SINGLE CONNECTION LEGEND NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT NEW CONCRETE WALKS, SLABS & PAVEMENT SANITARY GRAVITY MAIN / SERVICE WATER MAIN / SERVICEWMWMWM SANITARY FORCE MAIN STRUCTURE NO.MH-1 UTILITY SEPARATION NOTE: SEPARATION BETWEEN FIRE HYDRANT DRAINS AND SANITARY OR STORM SEWERS, WASTEWATER OR STORMWATER FORCE MAINS, RECLAIMED WATER PIPELINES, AND ON-SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FIRE HYDRANTS WITH UNDERGROUND DRAINS SHALL BE LOCATED SO THAT THE DRAINS ARE AT LEAST (3) THREE FEET FROM ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED STORM SEWER, STORMWATER FORCE MAIN, OR PIPELINE CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER, AT LEAST THREE (3) FEET, AND PREFERABLY TEN (10) FEET FROM ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED VACUUM TYPE SANITARY SEWER; AT LEAST SIX (6) FEET, AND PREFERABLY TEN (10) FEET FROM ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRAVITY OR PRESSURE-TYPE SANITARY SEWER, WASTEWATER FORCE MAIN, OR PIPELINE CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER, AND AT LEAST TEN (10) FEET FROM ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED "ON-SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM." EXCEPTIONS: WHERE IT IS NOT TECHNICALLY FEASIBLE OR ECONOMICALLY SENSIBLE TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS THE DEPARTMENT SHALL ALLOW EXCEPTIONS TO THESE REQUIREMENTS IF SUPPLIERS OF WATER OR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICANTS PROVIDE TECHNICAL OR ECONOMIC JUSTIFICATION FOR EACH EXCEPTION AND PROVIDE ALTERNATIVE CONSTRUCTION FEATURES THAT AFFORD A SIMILAR LEVEL OF RELIABILITY AND PUBLIC HEALTH PROTECTION. ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVES CONSTRUCTION FEATURES INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: A)WHERE AN UNDERGROUND WATER MAIN IS BEING LAID LESS THAN THE REQUIRED MINIMUM HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM ANOTHER PIPELINE AND WHERE AN UNDERGROUND WATER MAIN IS CROSSING ANOTHER PIPELINE AND JOINTS IN THE WATER MAIN ARE BEING LOCATED LESS THAN THE REQUIRED MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM JOINTS IN OTHER PIPELINES: 1.USE OF PRESSURE-RATED PIPE CONFORMING TO THE AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION STANDARDS INCORPORATED INTO RULE 62-555.330, F.A.C., FOR THE OTHER PIPELINE IF IT IS A GRAVITY- OR VACUUM-TYPE PIPELINE; 2.USE OF WELDED, FUSED, OR OTHERWISE RESTRAINED JOINTS FOR EITHER THE WATER MAIN OR THE OTHER PIPELINE; OR 3.USE OF WATERTIGHT CASTING PIPE OR CONCRETE ENCASEMENT AT LEAST FOUR (4) INCHES THICK FOR EITHER THE WATER MAIN OR THE OTHER PIPELINE B)WHERE AN UNDERGROUND WATER MAIN IS BEING LAID LESS THAN THREE FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM ANOTHER PIPELINE AND WHERE AN UNDERGROUND WATER MAIN IS CROSSING ANOTHER PIPELINE AND IS BEING LAID LESS THAN THE REQUIRED MINIMUM VERTICAL DISTANCE FROM THE OTHER PIPELINE: 1.USE OF PIPE, OR CASTING PIPE, HAVING HIGH IMPACT STRENGTH (I.E., HAVING AN IMPACT STRENGTH AT LEAST EQUAL TO THAT OF 0.25-INCH-THICK DUCTILE IRON PIPE) OR CONCRETE ENCASEMENT AT LEAST FOUR INCHES THICK FOR THE WATER MAIN; AND 2.USE OF PIPE, OR CASTING PIPE, HAVING HIGH IMPACT STRENGTH (I.E., HAVING AN IMPACT STRENGTH AT LEAST EQUAL TO THAT OF 0.25-INCH-THICK DUCTILE IRON PIPE) OR CONCRETE ENCASEMENT AT LEAST FOUR INCHES THICK FOR THE OTHER PIPELINE IF IT IS NEW AND IS CONVEYING WASTEWATER OR RECLAIMED WATER. HORIZONTAL SEPARATION BETWEEN UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS AND SANITARY OR STORM SEWERS, WASTEWATER OR STORMWATER FORCE MAINS, RECLAIMED WATER PIPELINES AND ON-SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEMS UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS SHALL BE LAID TO PROVIDE A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF AT LEAST THREE (3) FEET BETWEEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN AND THE OUTSIDE OF ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED STORM SEWER, STORMWATER FORCE MAIN, OR PIPELINE CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER. UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS SHALL BE LAID TO PROVIDE A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF AT LEAST THREE (3) FEET, AND PREFERABLY TEN (10) FEET, BETWEEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN AND THE OUTSIDE OF ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED VACUUM-TYPE SANITARY SEWER. NEW UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS SHALL BE LAID TO PROVIDE A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF AT LEAST SIX (6) FEET, AND PREFERABLY TEN (10) FEET, BETWEEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN AND THE OUTSIDE OF ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRAVITY OR PRESSURE TYPE SANITARY SEWER, WASTEWATER FORCE MAIN, OR PIPELINE CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER. THE MINIMUM HORIZONTAL SEPARATION DISTANCE BETWEEN WATER MAINS AND GRAVITY TYPE SANITARY SEWERS SHALL BE REDUCED TO THREE (3) FEET WHERE THE BOTTOM OF THE WATER MAIN IS LAID AT LEAST SIX (6) INCHES ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER. UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS SHALL BE LAID TO PROVIDE A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF AT LEAST TEN (10) FEET BETWEEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN AND ALL PARTS OF ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED "ON-SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM." VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS AND SANITARY OR STORM SEWERS, WASTEWATER OR STORMWATER FORCE MAINS AND RECLAIMED WATER PIPELINES UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS CROSSING ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRAVITY OR VACUUM TYPE SANITARY SEWER OR STORM SEWER SHALL BE LAID SO THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN IS AT LEAST SIX (6) INCHES, AND PREFERABLY 12 INCHES, ABOVE OR AT LEAST 12 INCHES BELOW THE OUTSIDE OF THE OTHER PIPELINE. HOWEVER, IT IS PREFERABLE TO LAY THE WATER MAIN ABOVE THE OTHER PIPELINE. UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS CROSSING ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED PRESSURE-TYPE SANITARY SEWER, WASTEWATER OR STORMWATER FORCE MAIN, OR PIPELINE CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER SHALL BE LAID SO THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN IS AT LEAST 12 INCHES ABOVE OR BELOW THE OUTSIDE OF THE OTHER PIPELINE. HOWEVER, IT IS PREFERABLE TO LAY THE WATER MAIN ABOVE THE OTHER PIPELINE. AT THE UTILITY CROSSINGS DESCRIBED ABOVE, ONE FULL LENGTH OF WATER MAIN PIPE SHALL BE CENTERED ABOVE OR BELOW THE OTHER PIPELINE SO THE WATER MAIN JOINTS WILL BE AS FAR AS POSSIBLE FROM THE OTHER PIPELINE. ALTERNATIVELY, AT SUCH CROSSINGS, THE PIPES SHALL BE ARRANGED SO THAT ALL WATER MAIN JOINTS ARE AT LEAST THREE FEET FROM ALL JOINTS IN VACUUM-TYPE SANITARY SEWERS, STORM SEWERS, STORMWATER FORCE MAINS, OR PIPELINES CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER, AND AT LEAST SIX FEET FROM ALL JOINTS IN GRAVITY- OR PRESSURE-TYPE SANITARY SEWERS, WASTEWATER FORCE MAINS, OR PIPELINES CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER. SEPARATION BETWEEN WATER MAINS AND SANITARY OR STORM SEWER MANHOLES NO WATER MAIN SHALL PASS THROUGH, OR COME INTO CONTACT WITH, ANY PART OF A SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE. EFFECTIVE AUGUST 28, 2003, WATER MAINS SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED OR ALTERED TO PASS THROUGH, OR COME INTO CONTACT WITH, ANY PART OF A STORM SEWER MANHOLE OR INLET STRUCTURE. WHERE IT IS NOT TECHNICALLY FEASIBLE OR ECONOMICALLY SENSIBLE TO COMPLY WITH THIS REQUIREMENT (I.E., WHERE THERE IS A CONFLICT IN THE ROUTING OF A WATER MAIN AND A STORM SEWER AND WHERE ALTERNATIVE ROUTING OF THE WATER MAIN OR THE STORM SEWER IS NOT TECHNICALLY FEASIBLE OR IS NOT ECONOMICALLY SENSIBLE), THE DEPARTMENT SHALL ALLOW EXCEPTIONS TO THIS REQUIREMENT (I.E., THE DEPARTMENT SHALL ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF CONFLICT MANHOLES), BUT SUPPLIERS OF WATER OR PERSONS PROPOSING TO CONSTRUCT CONFLICT MANHOLES MUST FIRST OBTAIN A SPECIFIC PERMIT FROM THE DEPARTMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH PART V OF CHAPTER 62-555 AND MUST PROVIDE IN THE PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT OR DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND DESIGN DATA ACCOMPANYING THEIR PERMIT APPLICATION THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: 1.TECHNICAL OR ECONOMIC JUSTIFICATION FOR EACH CONFLICT MANHOLE. 2.A STATEMENT IDENTIFYING THE PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING EACH CONFLICT MANHOLE. 3.ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS IN SUB-PARAGRAPHS A. THROUGH D. BELOW. A.EACH WATER MAIN PASSING THROUGH A CONFLICT MANHOLE SHALL HAVE A FLEXIBLE, WATERTIGHT JOINT ON EACH SIDE OF THE MANHOLE TO ACCOMMODATE DIFFERENTIAL SETTLING BETWEEN THE MAIN AND THE MANHOLE. B.WITHIN EACH CONFLICT MANHOLE, THE WATER MAIN PASSING THROUGH THE MANHOLE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A WATERTIGHT CASTING PIPE HAVING HIGH IMPACT STRENGTH (I.E., HAVING AN IMPACT STRENGTH AT LEAST EQUAL TO THAT OF 0.25-INCH-THICK DUCTILE IRON PIPE). C.EACH CONFLICT MANHOLE SHALL HAVE AN ACCESS OPENING, AND SHALL BE SIZED, TO ALLOW FOR EASY CLEANING OF THE MANHOLE. 4.GRATINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ALL STORM SEWER INLETS UPSTREAM OF EACH CONFLICT MANHOLE TO PREVENT LARGE OBJECTS FROM ENTERING THE MANHOLE NOTE: ALL EXISTING TREES LOCATED WITHIN 10' OF THE PROPOSED WATER MAIN SHALL BE REMOVED, OR A ROOT BARRIER (MINIMUM 48" DEPTH) SHALL BE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE PROPOSED WATER MAIN AND EXISTING TREES. SHEET: PR E P A R E D F O R : CO V I N G T O N HO L D I N G S , L L C DESIGN: CO V I N G T O N O A K S RE S I D E N T I A L CHECKED: PROJECT NUMBER: IS S U E D A T E : RE V I S I O N 1 : RE V I S I O N 2 : RE V I S I O N 3 : RE V I S I O N 4 : DWC DWC 24-009 RE V I S I O N 5 : RE V I S I O N 6 : DUSTIN W. CULVER, P.E. CIVIL DISCIPLINE ONLY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER 00036189 FLORIDA REGISTRATION 84678 NOT VALID FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SIGNED IN THIS BLOCK 04 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 4 C-400 UT I L I T Y P L A N GENERAL NOTES : 1.MINIMUM FIRE FLOW SHALL BE 1,000GPM. HOMES ARE LESS THAN 5,000SF IN AREA. 2.ALL IMPROVEMENTS TO BE DEDICATED AND/OR MAINTAINED BY THE CITY SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CURRENT CITY OF OCOEE ENGINEERING STANDARDS MANUAL, MATERIALS LIST, AND DETAILS. FINAL PLAN APPROVAL DOES NOT PROVIDE EXEMPTION FROM THESE REQUIREMENTS. 3.ANY DEVIATION FROM THE CITY OF OCOEE ENGINEERING STANDARDS MUST BE REQUESTED AND APPROVED IN WRITING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4.THE MOST STRINGENT STANDARDS BETWEEN THE CITY OF OCOEE AND FDEP STANDARDS SHALL BE FOLLOWED FOR ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES. 5.DR IVEWAYS SHALL NOT BE IN CONFLICT WITH ANY PUBLIC UTILITIES (E.G. METERS, HYDRANTS, ETC.). 6.CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE CITY OF OCOEE ENGINEERING STANDARDS MANUAL, LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, APPROVED MATERIALS LIST, AND CITY DETAILS. THE MOST STRINGENT STANDARDS BETWEEN THE CITY OF OCOEE STANDARDS AND STANDARDS SET FORTH IN THESE NOTES SHALL BE FOLLOWED. 7.AS-BUILTS NEED TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY SIGNED AND SEALED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 3.01.05 OF THE ENGINEERING STANDARDS MANUAL IN THE FOLLOWING FORMATS: A.ONE PDF COPY B.ONE CAD COPY DRAWN IN STATE PLANE COORDINATES 8. MAXIMUM DEFLECTIONS AT PIPE JOINTS, FITTING, AND LAYING RADIUS SHALL NOT EXCEED 75 PERCENT OF THE PIPE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. 8"x6" HYDRANT TEE 6" GATE VALVE 7LF ± ~ 6" DIP WATER MAIN 6" GATE VALVE 7LF ± ~ 6" DIP WATER MAIN 8"x6" HYDRANT TEE WATER MAIN STA:9+80.00 TO STA:23+30.00 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 10+00 12 8 . 2 0 12 8 . 2 0 3 11+00 12 8 . 1 4 12 8 . 1 4 3 12+00 12 8 . 8 6 12 8 . 8 6 1 13+00 12 8 . 4 8 12 8 . 4 7 9 14+00 12 8 . 2 7 12 8 . 2 6 9 15+00 12 7 . 3 5 12 7 . 3 5 4 16+00 12 7 . 0 2 12 7 . 0 2 4 17+00 12 5 . 9 8 12 5 . 9 7 6 18+00 12 4 . 3 5 12 4 . 3 4 9 19+00 12 4 . 9 8 12 4 . 9 8 2 20+00 12 5 . 2 4 12 5 . 2 4 5 21+00 12 4 . 1 7 12 4 . 1 7 3 22+00 12 3 . 1 6 12 3 . 1 6 4 23+00 8" D.I.P. WATER MAIN PROPOSED 24" RCP STORM PIPE 18" MIN CLR. 3' MIN. COVER CONNECT TO EXISTING 16" CITY OF OCOEE WATER MAIN CONNECT TO EXISTING 6" CITY OF OCOEE WATER MAIN. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE WATER MAIN TIE-IN WITH THE OWNERS OF 1426 AND 1428 CARRIAGE OAK CT. THE DEVELOPER SHALL BEAR THE COST OF ALL RESTORATION ON THE PROPERTIES OF 1426 AND 1428 CARRIAGE OAK CT. AS A RESULT OF THE WATER MAIN TIE-IN. EXISTING GRADE 45° VERTICAL BEND 45° VERTICAL BEND 45° VERTICAL BEND 45° VERTICAL BEND A D M I M S R O A D W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWWWW WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM WM 80.00' 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 15 ' S T R E E T S I D E S E T B A C K CONNECT TO EXISTING 16" WATER MAIN WITH 8" TAPPING SLEEVE & VALVE 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' REAR SETBACK25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK25' FRONT SETBACK 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 15 ' S T R E E T S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK25' REAR SETBACK 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 7. 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K 25' FRONT SETBACK 25' REAR SETBACK 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'71.18' 14.0 8 ' 71.59' 1 4 . 2 0 ' 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00' 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'82.77' 80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00'80.00' 412.01'196.09' 29. 4 2 ' 22. 4 6 ' 577.10' 14 1 . 4 5 ' 14 1 . 4 2 ' 14 1 . 3 8 ' 14 1 . 3 5 ' 14 1 . 3 2 ' 14 1 . 2 8 ' 14 1 . 2 5 ' 14 1 . 2 2 ' 13 1 . 1 9 ' 13 1 . 1 9 ' 14 1 . 4 5 ' 14 1 . 4 2 ' 14 1 . 3 8 ' 14 1 . 3 5 ' 14 1 . 3 2 ' 14 1 . 2 8 ' 14 1 . 2 5 ' 14 1 . 2 2 ' 14 1 . 4 8 ' 30 9 . 8 2 ' 15 6 . 7 8 ' 27 9 . 1 6 ' 7.65' 59.17 ' 44.8 6 ' 18 8 . 7 4 ' NEW FIRE HYDRANT SEE DETAIL UT201 SHEET C7.01 124.5 L.F. ± ~ 8" DIP WATER MAIN 8" GATE VALVE SINGLE WATER / IRRIGATION SERVICE (TYP.-2 METERS) SEE DETAIL UT208b SHEET C702 1" DOUBLE WATER/IRRIGATION SERVICE (TYP.) - 4 METERS SEE DETAILS UT206 AND UT208b SHEET C702 EXISTING 8" PVC WATER MAIN 10-FT. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT FOR EXISTING WATER MAIN EXISTING 8" PVC WATER MAIN 10-FT. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT FOR EXISTING WATER MAIN CONNECT TO EXISTING 6" CITY OF OCOEE WATER MAIN W/ 6"X6" TAPPING SLEEVE & 6" TAPPING VALVE, FOLLOWED BY AN 8"X6" REDUCER. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE WATER MAIN TIE-IN WITH THE OWNERS OF 1426 AND 1428 CARRIAGE OAK CT. THE DEVELOPER SHALL BEAR THE COST OF ALL RESTORATION ON THE PROPERTIES OF 1426 AND 1428 CARRIAGE OAK CT. AS A RESULT OF THE WATER MAIN TIE-IN. 335 L.F. ~ 8" DIP WATER MAIN 20-FT. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT FOR NEW WATER MAIN 5.00' 12 6 . 1 9 ' 7 . 1 0 ' 6.94 ' 12 6 . 1 9 ' 5.00' 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 10-FT. ACCESS, UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT 6" THICK UTILITY ACCESS DRIVE COVINGTON CT. 8'' 45° M.J. BEND 8'' 45° M.J. BEND 8'' 45° M.J. BEND 4 L.F. ~ 8" DIP WATER MAIN 73 L.F. ± ~ 8" DIP WATER MAIN475 L.F. ± ~ 8" DIP WATER MAIN 8 L.F. ~ 8" DIP WATER MAIN 51 L.F. ± ~ 8" DIP WATER MAIN 225 L.F. ± ~ 8" DIP WATER MAIN WATER UNDER STORM 18" MIN. CLR. BOTTOM OF STORM = 120.30' TOP OF WATER = 118.80' 8'' 45° M.J. BEND 9 L.F. ~ 8" DIP WATER MAIN 20-FT. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT FOR NEW WATER MAIN 25' 25' OPEN-CUT WATER MAIN INSTALLATION MILL AND RESURFACE MILL AND RESURFACE 3' MIN. SEPARATION WATER & STORM 3' MIN. SEPARATION WATER & STORM 1" IRRIGATION METER 8'' 45° M.J. BEND NEW FIRE HYDRANT SEE DETAIL UT201 SHEET C7.01 1" DOUBLE WATER/IRRIGATION SERVICE (TYP.) - 4 METERS SEE DETAIL UT208b SHEET C702 8" GATE VALVE ( 1" = 50' ) GRAPHIC SCALE 050 50 10025 NORTH C-401 WA T E R M A I N P R O F I L E SHEET: PR E P A R E D F O R : CO V I N G T O N HO L D I N G S , L L C DESIGN: CO V I N G T O N O A K S RE S I D E N T I A L CHECKED: PROJECT NUMBER: IS S U E D A T E : RE V I S I O N 1 : RE V I S I O N 2 : RE V I S I O N 3 : RE V I S I O N 4 : DWC DWC 24-009 RE V I S I O N 5 : RE V I S I O N 6 : DUSTIN W. CULVER, P.E. CIVIL DISCIPLINE ONLY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER 00036189 FLORIDA REGISTRATION 84678 NOT VALID FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SIGNED IN THIS BLOCK 04 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 4 8"x6" HYDRANT TEE 8"x6" HYDRANT TEE 6" GATE VALVE 7LF ± ~ 6" DIP WATER MAIN 6" GATE VALVE 7LF ± ~ 6" DIP WATER MAIN CONCRETE WALK DETAILS CURB RAMP DETAILS TYPICAL SIGN 4"2" TYP. R=3/4" 6" 6" 6"SUBBASE 1'-6" 1/4" R=3/4" TYP. 2' 6" 1' SUBBASE 1-1/4" 6" R=3/4" R=2" 6"1'-6" 6" 6" SUBBASE 8"12" R=3" 1/4" 6" 1' TYP. R=3/4" 9" 6" SUBBASE 1'1' 6"1/4" STANDARD CURB CONSTRUCTION 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 7-1/2" 7-1/2" 1.ALL CURBS TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF 28 DAY, 3000 P.S.I. CONCRETE 2.1/2" PRE-MOLDED EXPANSION JOINT REQUIRED EVERY 500', CONSTRUCTION JOINT REQUIRED EVERY 10' MAXIMUM (4' MINIMUM). 3.1/2" PRE-MOLDED EXPANSION JOINT REQUIRED AT EACH SIDE OF ALL STORM INLET STRUCTURES AND AT ALL RADIUS POINTS. 4.6" SUBBASE TO BE COMPACTED AND TESTED TO 98% DENSITY BASED ON AASHTO T-180 MODIFIED PROCTOR TEST AND SHALL BE STABILIZED TO A MINIMUM L.B.R. 40. 5.EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL MUST COVER THE ENTIRE CROSS SECTION OF CURB. 6.IN NO INSTANCE SHALL EXTRUDED CURBS (DEFINED AS HEADER-TYPE CURBS INSTALLED DIRECTLY ON TOP OF PAVEMENT) BE PERMITTED. 7.ALL ASPHALT AND/OR PAVER DRIVEWAY APRONS LOCATED IN PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY, SHALL INCLUDE CURBING. SHEET: PR E P A R E D F O R : CO V I N G T O N HO L D I N G S , L L C DESIGN: CO V I N G T O N O A K S RE S I D E N T I A L CHECKED: PROJECT NUMBER: IS S U E D A T E : RE V I S I O N 1 : RE V I S I O N 2 : RE V I S I O N 3 : RE V I S I O N 4 : DWC DWC 24-009 RE V I S I O N 5 : RE V I S I O N 6 : DUSTIN W. CULVER, P.E. CIVIL DISCIPLINE ONLY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER 00036189 FLORIDA REGISTRATION 84678 NOT VALID FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SIGNED IN THIS BLOCK 04 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 4 C-500 SI T E D E T A I L S DRY DETENTION POND TYP. CROSS-SECTION CONTROL STRUCTURE CS-1 N.T.S. TYPICAL SKIMMER DETAIL N.T.S. STABILIZED WITH SOD SHEET: PR E P A R E D F O R : CO V I N G T O N HO L D I N G S , L L C DESIGN: CO V I N G T O N O A K S RE S I D E N T I A L CHECKED: PROJECT NUMBER: IS S U E D A T E : RE V I S I O N 1 : RE V I S I O N 2 : RE V I S I O N 3 : RE V I S I O N 4 : DWC DWC 24-009 RE V I S I O N 5 : RE V I S I O N 6 : DUSTIN W. CULVER, P.E. CIVIL DISCIPLINE ONLY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER 00036189 FLORIDA REGISTRATION 84678 NOT VALID FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SIGNED IN THIS BLOCK 04 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 4 C-600 GR A D I N G D E T A I L S CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CITY OF OCOEE SCALE:DATE:July 2022 N/A PW002 DETAIL NO. Open Cut Flexible Pavement Replacement Typical Cross Section Stage 1 Stage 2 Varies Straight and Smooth Saw Cut Existing Surface Treatment Extent of Pavement Replacement Replacement Base 1/2 of Pipe Diameter or 1' Min. 18"6" Curb Stage Compactions: 1.Backfilling of trench shall be in six inch (6") maximum lifts. 2.Stage 1: Backfilling trench in Stage 1 shall use proper mechanical equipment to insure proper compaction throughout, including pipe haunches. 3.Stage 2: Backfilling trench in Stage 2 shall be to bottom of sub-grade. NOTES: 1.All work and material for the Flexible Pavement Reconstruction shall be in accordance with the most current City of Ocoee - Engineering Standards Manual (available at OCOEE.ORG). 2.Any conflict between ESM specification and this sheet's specifications shall be resolved by the more stringent requirement. 3.Replacement asphalt shall match the existing structural and friction courses for type and thickness in accordance with requirements as set forth by the ESM. 4.Replacement asphalt shall be installed the to the full width of the travel lane. 5.Backfill and base material shall be clean and homogenous compacted to 98% of the maximum density per AASHTO T-180. Tack shall be added to the new base material prior to installing the replacement asphalt. 6.Base course shall be prepared in 6" lifts maximum, and thoroughly compacted. 7.Where trench line abuts existing curb(s), construct clean butt joint with curb. In the event curb is undermined and/or compromised, curb shall be replaced. Butt-Joint Detail CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CITY OF OCOEE SCALE:DATE:July 2022 N/A PW003 DETAIL NO. Driveway Approach Right-of-Way Line Driveway Roadway Curb & Gutter 1 2 3 4 3 5 1 Legend Driveway: approach and sidewalk 6" Thick - fc' = 3,000 psi @ 28 days, fiber reinforced concrete 2 Sidewalk: 4" Thick - fc' = 3,000 psi @ 28 days 3 Expansion Joint: bituminous fiber board material 1/2" thick and full depth 4 Construction Joint: tooled, dummy or sawed (1" depth minimum, spacing equal width of sidewalk) 5 Approach Transition: Flair Curb shall be dropped if not mountable Curb shall be dropped through driveway with 3' transitions each end of driveway for non-mountable curb. All wooden stakes used in form work if left in place, shall have 2" or more of concrete cover. Notes: CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CITY OF OCOEE SCALE:DATE:September 2019 N/A UT001 DETAIL NO. Pipe Bedding and Trench NOTES: 1. Pipe bedding material and trench backfill shall be select common (clean) fill compacted to 95% (98% in roadway) of the maximum density as per AASHTO T-180. 2. Contractor shall install crushed rock (or equivalent bedding material) where pipe bedding does not provide solid support (yielding or plastic). Depth of material shall be a minimum of 6", or as needed, to provide non-yielding support for the pipe. All unsuitable material shall be removed from pipe bedding unless special provisions are approved by the City. 3. Excavated trench width at pipe haunch shall be sufficient in size for haunch compaction, but shall be no greater than 15" on each side of pipe for pipes less than 24" in diameter (24" for pipes 24" in diameter or greater.) 4. Water shall not be permitted in trench line during construction. 5. Pipe line shall be installed with bell fitting facing upgrade. 6.Gravity sewer shall have a 6" minimum rock bed. Crown trench in unimproved areas (3" min.) Clean Fill Undisturbed Earth 12" (typ.) Trench Width Varies Based on Pipe Dia. Existing Grade Pi p e B e d d i n g Tr e n c h B a c k f i l l Rock Bedding (See Notes 2 and 6) Pipe Diameter *a *a See Note 3 *a CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CITY OF OCOEE SCALE:DATE:April 2019 N/A UT004 DETAIL NO. PVC/HDPE Pipe Restraint Table 4"6"8"10"12"16" 18 24 32 38 44 55 10 10 13 16 18 23 10 10 10 10 10 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 30 47 64 81 98 133 Fittings Pipe Size PVC/HDPE Restraint Table 90° Bend 45° Bend 22 1/2° Bend 11 1/4° Bend Plug or Branch of Tee Minimum Length (FT) to be Restrained on each side of Fitting(s) NOTES: 1.The restraint values as indicated by the "Restraint Table" are minimum values. Design engineer shall be responsible for confirming field conditions, and make adjustments accordingly. 2.All fittings shall have restrained joints unless otherwise indicated. 3.No restraints required if continuous pipe length to fitting is greater than value provided in "Restraint Table" above. 4.Where two or more fittings are laid in-line, use greatest restraint length for coverage. 5.For in-line valves and through run of tees: outside limits of restrained joints from other fittings need not be restrained unless otherwise indicated. 6.Lengths shown in the table have been calculated in accordance with the procedures outlined in "Thrust Restraint Design for Ductile Iron Pipe" as published by DIPRA, with the following assumptions: Working Pressure: 150 PSI Soil Designation: SM (Silty Sand, Sand-Silt Mix.) Laying Conditions: 5 7.For pipe sizes not included in the Restraint Table or pipe material not adhering to given conditions, design engineer shall determine and specify pipe lengths which shall be approved by the City. 20" 74 31 15 10 167 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CITY OF OCOEE SCALE:DATE:April 2019 N/A UT005 DETAIL NO. Ductile Iron Pipe Restraint Table NOTES: 1.The restraint values as indicated by the "Restraint Table" are minimum values.Design engineer shall be responsible for confirming field conditions, and make adjustments accordingly. 2.All fittings shall have restrained joints unless otherwise indicated. 3.No restraints required if continuous pipe length is greater than value provided in "Restraint Table" above. 4.Where two or more fittings are laid in-line, use greatest restraint length for coverage. 5.For in-line valves and through run of tees: outside limits of restrained joints from other fittings need not be restrained unless otherwise indicated. 6.Lengths shown in the table have been calculated in accordance with the procedures outlined in "Thrust Restraint Design for Ductile Iron Pipe" as published by DIPRA, with the following assumptions: Working Pressure: 150 PSI Soil Designation: SM (Silty Sand, Sand-Silt Mix.) Laying Conditions: 5 7.For pipe encased in polyethylene, use values given in parentheses or increase the given value by 150%. 8.For pipe sizes not included in the Restraint Table or pipe material not adhering to given conditions, design engineer shall determine and specify pipe lengths which shall be approved by the City. 4"6"8"10"12"16" 15 21 27 32 37 47 7 5 11 13 16 20 5 5 6 7 8 10 5 5 5 5 5 6 30 47 64 81 98 133 Fittings Pipe Size D.I.P. Restraint Table 90° Bend 45° Bend 22 1/2° Bend 11 1/4° Bend Plug or Branch of Tee Minimum Length (FT) to be Restrained on Each Side of Fitting(s) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CITY OF OCOEE SCALE:DATE:June 2021 N/A UT009 DETAIL NO. Valve Box and Cover NOTES: 1.PVC extensions shall not be used on valve box. 2.The actuating nut for valves shall be no deeper than 24" from ultimate finished grade. 3.Valve assembly shall include center spacing guide from the City's Approved Materials List. 4.Where valve nut is more than 36" below grade, valve assembly shall include an extension from the City's Approved Materials List. 5.Valve collar shall be 24" x 24" x 6" square pad and concrete for collar shall be fc' of 3,000 psi minimum @ 28 days for non-pavement areas. 6.Valve Marker shall be from the City's Approved Materials List and shall include "City of Ocoee", main type, size, material, turns to open or close valve, and direction of rotation. 7.Valve Box shall not be located in pavement, sidewalk, or driveway unless approved by the City. If approved, Contractor/Developer shall reach out to the Utilities Department on the location of the Valve Tags. 8.For Valve Box approved in pavement, a disk valve marker shall hang in the valve box anchored to the locating wire. Pipe/Main 6" FDOT #57 Stone Valve Adjustment Ring Actuating Nut for Valve Concrete Collar (See note 5) Finished Grade Adjustable cast iron valve box Valve box shall rest on bedding rock, not on valve or pipe, and shall be centered on operating nut. Valve I.D. Marker (See note 6) ##"D IP CCW O P E N ##T U R N S W A T E R MAI N 24" 24" 12" #4 bar with 2" minimum concrete cover ##"D IP CCW O P E N ##T U R N S W A T E R MAI N 1 4" See Note 8: C I T Y O F OCO E E C I T Y O F OCO E E CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CITY OF OCOEE SCALE:DATE:April 2019 N/A UT010 DETAIL NO. Pipe Locating Wire NOTES: 1.All pipe shall include the installation of #10 THHN copper tracing wire capable of detection by cable locating equipment. 2.Tracing wire shall be buried directly above the transverse centerline of the pipe. 3.End(s) of the locating wire shall be such that wire can be accessed by locating equipment assessing the wire in a valve vault or blow-off box. Wire is required to extend 12" minimum above finished grade. 4.Unless approved by the City, early warning tape indicating the type of pipe shall be required. 5.All directional drill pipe shall have locating wire attached to the top of pipe and shall remain on the top of the pipe during installation. 6.All service lines shall have locating wire placed on the pipe as described in City of Ocoee detail UT206 "Utility Service Connection" 7.All wire splices shall be completed with twist-on type wire nuts with gel or grease filled moisture seal. 8.All tracing wire installation shall be tested and verified for continuity by the contractor prior to final acceptance 1" MaximumTracing Wire Pipe #10 THHN Tracing Wire 1" max. from Top of Pipe. Cross Section Transverse Section Early Warning Tape Existing Grade Finished Grade SHEET: PR E P A R E D F O R : CO V I N G T O N HO L D I N G S , L L C DESIGN: CO V I N G T O N O A K S RE S I D E N T I A L CHECKED: PROJECT NUMBER: IS S U E D A T E : RE V I S I O N 1 : RE V I S I O N 2 : RE V I S I O N 3 : RE V I S I O N 4 : DWC DWC 24-009 RE V I S I O N 5 : RE V I S I O N 6 : DUSTIN W. CULVER, P.E. CIVIL DISCIPLINE ONLY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER 00036189 FLORIDA REGISTRATION 84678 NOT VALID FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SIGNED IN THIS BLOCK 04 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 4 C-700 UT I L I T Y D E T A I L S CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CITY OF OCOEE SCALE:DATE:April 2019 N/A UT011 DETAIL NO. Pipe Identification & Warning Tape Main (type) PIPE LETTERING NOTES: 1.Lettering shall be per the American Water Works Association. 2.Lettering shall be a minimum of 3/4" in height and shall be be facing up when the pipe is installed. 3.Lettering must be permanently imbedded into the pipe/main, not painted or stenciled. 4.Lettering shall be of contrasting color to pipe/main color. Pipe/Main color based on use. Main (type) See Note 2 for lettering size and orientation. Pipe Marking (Lettering) N.T.S. Diameter = 2.5" to 4" 3" Tape centered along the top half of pipe. Main (type)Main (type)Main (type) Diameter = 6" to 16" Two (2) 6" Tapes along both sides of top half of pipe. Main (type)Main (type)Main (type) Main (type)Main (type) Main (type)Main (type)Main (type) Main (type)Main (type) Main (type)Main (type)Main (type) Diameter = 20" and larger Three (3) 6" Tapes along top and both sides of top half of pipe. Warning Tape N.T.S. WARNING TAPE NOTES: 1.Tape color shall be in accordance with (same) as main/pipe color. 2.Tape lettering shall be at least 1" in height with no greater than 12" in spacing. 3.Warning tape shall extend total length of pipe. Main (type) Main (type) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CITY OF OCOEE SCALE:DATE:April 2019 N/A UT012 DETAIL NO. Tracing Wire Location NOTES: 1.All pipe shall be installed with # 10 THHN solid copper tracing wire. Tracing wire must be installed directly above the pipe in a continuous circuit. 2.Tracing wire shall cover all main, pipe, branches (including fire hydrants) and service connections. 3.Tracing wire shall extend a minimum of 12" above grade at required intervals and/or valve lids. 4.Tracing wire shall be coiled and placed in a valve box and shall be easily accessible. 5.At dead ends of mains, pipe, and/or service, the tracing wire shall be placed in a properly identified cast iron valve box (Valve Box and Cover Detail UT009). 12 " #10 THHN Solid Wire Provide one continuous loop of tracing wire with 24" of excess and coil excess tracing wire in valve box Drill hole in Valve Box (below collar and above valve box threads) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CITY OF OCOEE SCALE:DATE:November 2022 N/A UT013 DETAIL NO. Pipe Separation Requirement Table NOTES: 1.The table above represents the minimum separation requirements as described in the City's Engineering Standards Manual. The most stringent requirements between the City's Standards and the guidelines set forth in the Florida Administrative Code 62-555.314 (F.A.C). shall apply between newly proposed utility lines and existing or proposed utility lines. 2.Joint spacing shall be based on one full length water main pipe centered above or below other pipes. The joint shall be no less than the required distance from the center of the crossing of the two pipes. (The water pipe shall be above the other pipe unless otherwise approved by the City.) 3.Where the City's minimum vertical and horizontal separation from potable water cannot be achieved from the outside of the potable water pipe and the outside of the other pipe/main, preferred separation in accordance with F.D.E.P. rules of the Florida Administrative Code 62-555.314 (F.A.C.) and 62-604.400 (F.A.C.) may be allowed upon approval by the City's Utilities Department. a.If it is not technically feasible or economically sensible to comply with the requirements set forth in 62-555.314 (F.A.C.), technical or economic justification for each exception must be submitted to F.D.E.P. with alternative construction features. Proof of F.D.E.P.'s approval for exceptions shall be submitted to the City. 4.For the purpose of this table, reclaimed water shall mean unrestricted public access reuse water as defined by F.A.C. 62-610. Other types of reclaimed water, not treated to public contact levels, shall be considered raw sewage, and the separation list for sanitary sewer shall apply. 5.Alternative water, such as storm water used for irrigation, shall be considered reclaimed water for separation requirements. 6.Pipe separation distance provided above shall mean the horizontal and/or vertical distance measured for the outside dimension of each pipe/main. 7.All Sanitary and Storm Structures shall follow separation requirements above. 8.Potable water pipes shall be laid above all pipes conveying raw sewage whenever they cross. 9.All utilities shall be installed with 36" of cover over the top of pipe. Cover shall be measured with current or future grading to ensure the 36" coverage. 10.No potable water pipe may pass through a sanitary sewer structure. Penetration through storm sewer must be approved by the City and is subject to special conditions and materials. 11.Structural shall refer to foundations, walls, etc. Additional separation shall be required by the City for construction of, including, but not limited to: live loads, multi-story commercial buildings, superstructures, embankments, retaining walls, bridges, railroads, high voltage transmission mains, gas mains, etc. Pipes/Mains Separation Requirement Table (See Note 11 for Structural) Potable Reclaimed Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer Potable Reclaimed Horiz.Vert.Horiz.Vert.Horiz.Vert.Horiz.Vert. Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer 3'12"3' 3'3'3' 3'3' 3'3'3' 18"18" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 18" 18" 10' 12" 10' Joint Spacing Requirement Table (See Note 2) Potable Reclaimed Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer Potable 3'3'6' Horiz. 10' Structural 10' 10' 10' CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CITY OF OCOEE SCALE:DATE:June 2021 n/a UT201 DETAIL NO. Fire Hydrant Assembly Hose Nozzle Pumper Nozzle Facing Street Hydrant Operating Nut 6" Bedding Rock 18" Min. Above Finished Grade 24" MJ Hydrant Anchoring Tee Resilient Seat Gate Valve and Box (See Detail UT009) 36 " M i n . Compacted Backfill Maximum 6" Clearance Between Concrete and Bottom of Nuts/Bolt 3 ' to 5 ' Expansion Fiber Material (TYP) Concrete Sidewalk Note: 1.Hydrants shall be painted with double coat enamel paint per the following: ·Public Potable Water - Safety Yellow Pantone 13-0630TN ·Reclaimed Water - Purple Pantone 522 C ·Private Fire - Cherry Red HDC-MD-16 2.Concrete shear pad shall abut between sidewalk and curb. Where sidewalk is not present, concrete shear pad shall be approx. 7.5' x 3.5' min. 3.Concrete shall be 6" thick with fibermesh and shall be fc' of 3,000 psi minimum at 28 days. 4.Any deviation from this detail shall be made known to the City for approval. W W Standard Configuration Alternate Configuration Edge of Pavement Edge of Pavement Sidewalk Sidewalk Water/Reclaim Main Water/Reclaim Main Fire Hydrant Assembly Fire Hydrant Assembly 90° Bend CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CITY OF OCOEE SCALE:DATE:Feb. 2020 N/A UT205 DETAIL NO. Stainless Steel Tapping Saddle and Gate Valve Assembly Water and Reclaim Stainless Steel Tapping Sleeve NOTES: 1.All Sleeves and Valves shall be water tested before tap. 2.No Wet Tap on Asbestos Cement water mains. 3.For Valve Box and Cover, see Ocoee UT009 Valve Box and Cover Detail. Resilient Seat Tapping Valve Test PlugRestrained Mechanical Joint New Main Active Main Flange Gasket CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CITY OF OCOEE SCALE:DATE:Sep. 2019 N/A UT206 DETAIL NO. Water and Reclaim Service Connection NOTES: 1.All fittings shall be brass with compression-pack joint type connections. 2.No service line shall extend or terminate under a driveway. 3.Meter end of service shall terminate with curb stop (90°) for single service and dual horn and curb stops (90°)for dual services. 4.Meter end of service shall terminate 3' past meter location where service shall, unless directed otherwise, extend 3' above finished grade tied to a 2" x 4" x 4' stake. If directed, service connection shall be buried and located with an 2" x 4" x 4' painted marker. Stake or marker shall indicate lot(s) to be served. 5.Concrete curb shall be marked (stamped or saw-cut) with "W" locating service. 6.Service connection to the main shall use approved saddle, and tapping of main shall be by a method where a solid coupon is removed. 7.Services installed under finished or existing pavement shall be directionally drilled. 8.Upon approval, direct tap (no saddle) may be used on Ductile Iron Pipe. 9.Service color shall be blue for potable water and purple (magenta) for reclaimed water. Tapping Section WA T E R M A I N AWWA Type CC Threads #10 THHN Tracing Wire, Color to Match Service Water Main Corporation Stop (Ford F1000-4NL) & Fittings (normally open) Service, Polyethylene Tubing, 1" min. To Meter/Box Assembly Double Strap Stainless Steel Saddle 30° to 45° Service View with Single Meter Double Meter ConfigurationSingle Meter Box and Water Meter (By City) Coil Excess Tracing Wire in Box Service Polyethylene Tubing Curb Stop (See Note 3) #10 THHN Tracing Wire to Match Use in Color Brass Corporation Stop (1" Min.) Double Meter Box and Water Meter (By City) 90° Angled Curb Stops at Ends of Horn U-Branch Brass Horn (1" x 3/4" x 3/4") Installed Upright CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CITY OF OCOEE SCALE:DATE:April 2019 N/A UT207 DETAIL NO. Meter & Service Locations NOTES: 1.Pipes/mains in this detail are for representation purposes only. Refer to plan or utility sheets for pipes/main material, size, and configuration. 2.For meter configuration, including fittings and box, see City of Ocoee Meter and Meter Box Details UT207 for Single Family and UT208 for Commercial/Multi-Family. 3.Unless directed by City, reclaimed and potable meter boxes shall be separated by placing the boxes at opposite property lines. 4.Meters should be centered in grassed parkway, if possible, offset from front of sidewalk 2', and such that private service will not cross adjacent lot. Meter Location Plan View Pipe/Main Property Lined Right-of-Way Single Service Double Service Single Service (typ.)Single Service (typ.) Sidewalk Curb Typical Meter Layout Right-of-Way Line Sidewalk Grassed Parkway Main Curb Private Services SHEET: PR E P A R E D F O R : CO V I N G T O N HO L D I N G S , L L C DESIGN: CO V I N G T O N O A K S RE S I D E N T I A L CHECKED: PROJECT NUMBER: IS S U E D A T E : RE V I S I O N 1 : RE V I S I O N 2 : RE V I S I O N 3 : RE V I S I O N 4 : DWC DWC 24-009 RE V I S I O N 5 : RE V I S I O N 6 : DUSTIN W. CULVER, P.E. CIVIL DISCIPLINE ONLY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER 00036189 FLORIDA REGISTRATION 84678 NOT VALID FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SIGNED IN THIS BLOCK 04 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 4 C-701 UT I L I T Y D E T A I L S CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CITY OF OCOEE SCALE:DATE:June 2021 N/A UT208a DETAIL NO. Single Family Residential Service CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CITY OF OCOEE SCALE:DATE:February 2021 N/A UT208b DETAIL NO. Single Family Residence Meter Configuration CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CITY OF OCOEE SCALE:DATE:March 2020 N/A UT211 DETAIL NO. Temporary Jumper Connection NOTES: 1.Water Service shall be 1" diameter P.E. minimum. 2.Service curb stop shall be bullet locked using High Field Manufacturing Cap Seal # 93210130, Bullet Stud 93210140 and Base 93210120. 3.Service shall extend 4' above finished grade and shall be no more than 2' from back of curb. 4.Top of stake shall be painted the color of the Utility Service and labeled with the Lot Number(s)/Address(es) it serves. 5.When water service will be used for Bacteriological Testing, a hose bib shall be installed on the Curb Stop. 6.Meter shall be installed by the City unless authorization has been given by the City (UT208b) 7.Private connection to the meter shall be the responsibility of the Owner/Owner's Contractor. 90° Compression Curb Stop Fitting Ford KV43-342W-NL Service from Main (P.E.) Double Meter Curb Stop Service from Main (P.E.) Dual Horn Brass with 90° Curb Stops (Ford UV43-42W-NL) Bullet Lock Single Meter Curb Stop Weather Protected Heavy Duty Tape 2" x 3" x 5' Wooden Stake Curb Existing Grade Sidewalk 6" minimum below grade NOTES: 1.This detail shall only be used when the Contractor/Developer has been given special permission by the City to place City Meters. 2.Water Service shall be 1" diameter P.E. minimum. 3.Service curb stop shall be bullet locked using High Field Manufacturing Cap Seal # 93210130, Bullet Stud 93210140 and Base 93210120. 4.Private connection to the meter shall be the responsibility of the Owner/Owner's Contractor. Side Single Meter View Reclaimed Meter Connection Use Brass Meter Connection (substitute for Dual Check Valve.) Meter Box MXU (FlexNet Radio Unit) Meter Existing Grade Private Connection 3/4" Brass Meter Connection 90° Compression Curb Stop Fitting Ford KV43-342W-NL Service from Main (P.E.) Dual Check Valve (Potable Water), Ford HHCH31-323-NL Dual Meter Front ViewService from Main (P.E.) Dual Horn Brass with 90° Curb Stops, Ford UV43-42W-NL Bullet Lock NOTES: 1.Provide temporary pipe supports as required. 2.Do not use galvanized pipe or accessories. Polyethylene pipe can be used with approval by the City 3.A temporary jumper connection is required at all connections between existing active water mains and proposed new water main improvements. 4.The detail shown is to be used for filling any new water main of any size from existing active water mains and for flushing of new mains up to 8" diameter (2.5 fps min velocity) and for pulling bacteriological samples from any new water main of any size. 5.The jumper connection shall be maintained until after filling, flushing, testing, and disinfection of the new main has been successfully completed; and clearance for use from Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and other pertinent agencies has been received. 6.Pipe and fittings used for connection of the new pipe to the existing pipe shall be disinfected prior to installation in accordance with AWWA C651, 2014 edition. 7.Swab or spray the exterior of the main to be tapped and the tapping saddle with 1% Hypochlorite solution. 8.The contractor shall reach out to the City to rent a City Hydrant Meter Assembly. 9.All installation and maintenance of the temporary jumper connection and associated hydrant meter assembly, fittings and valves, etc., shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Threaded Nipple Final Grade 2" Corporation stop (TYP.) Existing Main 2" Service Saddle (TYP.) 12" Min Hydrant Meter Assembly 90° Bend 2" Pipe 2" Ball Corp Stop New Main Tie in valve shall be closed and Locked. City of Ocoee to be provided locking mechanism. Valve shall be operated by City of Ocoee personnel only. SHEET: PR E P A R E D F O R : CO V I N G T O N HO L D I N G S , L L C DESIGN: CO V I N G T O N O A K S RE S I D E N T I A L CHECKED: PROJECT NUMBER: IS S U E D A T E : RE V I S I O N 1 : RE V I S I O N 2 : RE V I S I O N 3 : RE V I S I O N 4 : DWC DWC 24-009 RE V I S I O N 5 : RE V I S I O N 6 : DUSTIN W. CULVER, P.E. CIVIL DISCIPLINE ONLY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER 00036189 FLORIDA REGISTRATION 84678 NOT VALID FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SIGNED IN THIS BLOCK 04 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 4 C-702 UT I L I T Y D E T A I L S October 28, 2024 Jose Josinvil Covington Holdings LLC 1746 E Silver Star Rd PMB 337 Ocoee, FL 34761-7014 SUBJECT:218838-1 Covington Oaks Subdivision Dear Sir/Madam: Enclosed is your individual permit issued by the St. Johns River Water Management District on October 28, 2024. This permit is a legal document and should be kept with your other important documents. Permit issuance does not relieve you from the responsibility of obtaining any necessary permits from any federal, state, or local agencies for your project. Technical Staff Report: If you wish to review a copy of the Technical Staff Report (TSR) that provides the District’s staff analysis of your permit application, you may view the TSR by going to the Permitting section of the District’s website at www.sjrwmd.com/permitting. Using the “search applications and permits” feature, you can use your permit number or project name to find information about the permit. When you see the results of your search, click on the permit number and then on the TSR folder. Noticing Your Permit: For noticing instructions, please refer to the noticing materials in this package regarding closing the point of entry for someone to challenge the issuance of your permit. Please note that if a timely petition for administrative hearing is filed, your permit will become non-final and any activities that you choose to undertake pursuant to your permit will be at your own risk. Please refer to the attached Notice of Rights to determine any legal rights you may have concerning the District’s agency action. Compliance with Permit Conditions: To submit your required permit compliance information, go to the District’s website at www.sjrwmd.com/permitting. Under the “Apply for a permit or submit compliance data” section, click to sign-in to your existing account or to create a new account. Select the “Compliance Submittal” tab, enter your permit number, and select “No Specific Date” for the Compliance Due Date Range. You will then be able to view all the compliance submittal requirements for your project. Select the compliance item that you are ready to submit and then attach the appropriate information or form. The forms to comply with your permit conditions are available at www.sjrwmd.com/permitting under the section “Handbooks, forms, fees, final orders”. Click on forms to view all permit compliance forms, then scroll to the ERP application forms section and select the applicable compliance forms. Alternatively, if you have difficulty finding forms or need copies of the appropriate forms, please contact the Bureau of Regulatory Support at (386) 329- 4570. Transferring Your Permit: Your permit requires you to notify the District within 30 days of any change in ownership or control of the project or activity covered by the permit, or within 30 days of any change in ownership or control of the real property on which the permitted project or activity is located or occurs. You will need to provide the District with the information specified in rule 62-330.340, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). Generally, this will require you to complete and submit Form 62-330.340(1), “Request to Transfer Permit,” available at http://www.sjrwmd.com/permitting/permitforms.html. Please note that a permittee is liable for compliance with the permit before the permit is transferred. The District, therefore, recommends that you request a permit transfer in advance in accordance with the applicable rules. You are encouraged to contact District staff for assistance with this process. Thank you and please let us know if you have additional questions. For general questions contact e-permit@sjrwmd.com or (386) 329-4570. Sincerely, Jeff Prather, Division Director Division of Regulatory Services St. Johns River Water Management District 2501 S. Binion Rd Apopka, Fl 32703 321-676-6609 Enclosures: Permit Notice of Rights List of Newspapers for Publication cc: District Permit File Dustin Wade Culver Culver Engineering LLC 2064 Farnham Dr Ocoee, FL 34761-5209 ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Post Office Box 1429 Palatka, Florida 32178-1429 PERMIT NO:218838-1 DATE ISSUED:October 28, 2024 PROJECT NAME: Covington Oaks Subdivision A PERMIT AUTHORIZING: Construction and operation of a Stormwater Management System for a 9.94-acre project known as Covington Oaks Subdivision as per plans received by the District on April 29, 2024. LOCATION: Section(s):10 Township(s):22S Range(s):28E Orange County Receiving Water Body: Name Class Prairie Lake III Fresh ISSUED TO: Covington Holdings LLC 1746 E Silver Star Rd PMB 337 Ocoee, FL 34761-7014 The permittee agrees to hold and save the St. Johns River Water Management District and its successors harmless from any and all damages, claims, or liabilities which may arise from permit issuance. Said application, including all plans and specifications attached thereto, is by reference made a part hereof. This permit does not convey to the permittee any property rights nor any rights or privileges other than those specified herein, nor relieve the permittee from complying with any law, regulation or requirement affecting the rights of other bodies or agencies. All structures and works installed by permittee hereunder shall remain the property of the permittee. This permit may be revoked, modified or transferred at any time pursuant to the appropriate provisions of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes. PERMIT IS CONDITIONED UPON: See conditions on attached “Exhibit A”, dated October 28, 2024 AUTHORIZED BY:St. Johns River Water Management District Division of Regulatory Services By: ______________________________ Sandra Joiner Supervising Professional Engineer "EXHIBIT A" CONDITIONS FOR ISSUANCE OF PERMIT NUMBER 218838-1 Covington Oaks Subdivision DATED October 28, 2024 1. All activities shall be implemented following the plans, specifications and performance criteria approved by this permit. Any deviations must be authorized in a permit modification in accordance with Rule 62-330.315, F.A.C. Any deviations that are not so authorized may subject the permittee to enforcement action and revocation of the permit under Chapter 373, F.S. 2. A complete copy of this permit shall be kept at the work site of the permitted activity during the construction phase, and shall be available for review at the work site upon request by the District staff. The permittee shall require the contractor to review the complete permit prior to beginning construction. 3. Activities shall be conducted in a manner that does not cause or contribute to violations of state water quality standards. Performance-based erosion and sediment control best management practices shall be installed immediately prior to, and be maintained during and after construction as needed, to prevent adverse impacts to the water resources and adjacent lands. Such practices shall be in accordance with the State of Florida Erosion and Sediment Control Designer and Reviewer Manual (Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Florida Department of Transportation June 2007), and the Florida Stormwater Erosion and Sedimentation Control Inspector’s Manual (Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Nonpoint Source Management Section, Tallahassee, Florida, July 2008), which are both incorporated by reference in subparagraph 62-330.050(9)(b)5, F.A.C., unless a project-specific erosion and sediment control plan is approved or other water quality control measures are required as part of the permit. 4. At least 48 hours prior to beginning the authorized activities, the permittee shall submit to the District a fully executed Form 62-330.350(1), “Construction Commencement Notice,” (October 1, 2013) (http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-02505), incorporated by reference herein, indicating the expected start and completion dates. A copy of this form may be obtained from the District, as described in subsection 62- 330.010(5), F.A.C., and shall be submitted electronically or by mail to the Agency. However, for activities involving more than one acre of construction that also require a NPDES stormwater construction general permit, submittal of the Notice of Intent to Use Generic Permit for Stormwater Discharge from Large and Small Construction Activities, DEP Form 62-621.300(4)(b), shall also serve as notice of commencement of construction under this chapter and, in such a case, submittal of Form 62-330.350(1) is not required. 5. Unless the permit is transferred under Rule 62-330.340, F.A.C., or transferred to an operating entity under Rule 62-330.310, F.A.C., the permittee is liable to comply with the plans, terms and conditions of the permit for the life of the project or activity. 6. Within 30 days after completing construction of the entire project, or any independent portion of the project, the permittee shall provide the following to the Agency, as applicable: a. For an individual, private single-family residential dwelling unit, duplex, triplex, or quadruplex — “Construction Completion and Inspection Certification for Activities Associated with a Private Single-Family Dwelling Unit” [Form 62-330.310(3)]; or b. For all other activities — “As-Built Certification and Request for Conversion to Operation Phase” [Form 62-330.310(1)]. c. If available, an Agency website that fulfills this certification requirement may be used in lieu of the form. 7. If the final operation and maintenance entity is a third party: a. Prior to sales of any lot or unit served by the activity and within one year of permit issuance, or within 30 days of as-built certification, whichever comes first, the permittee shall submit, as applicable, a copy of the operation and maintenance documents (see sections 12.3 thru 12.3.4 of Volume I) as filed with the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations and a copy of any easement, plat, or deed restriction needed to operate or maintain the project, as recorded with the Clerk of the Court in the County in which the activity is located. b. Within 30 days of submittal of the as- built certification, the permittee shall submit “Request for Transfer of Environmental Resource Permit to the Perpetual Operation and Maintenance Entity” [Form 62-330.310(2)] to transfer the permit to the operation and maintenance entity, along with the documentation requested in the form. If available, an Agency website that fulfills this transfer requirement may be used in lieu of the form. 8. The permittee shall notify the District in writing of changes required by any other regulatory District that require changes to the permitted activity, and any required modification of this permit must be obtained prior to implementing the changes. 9. This permit does not: a. Convey to the permittee any property rights or privileges, or any other rights or privileges other than those specified herein or in Chapter 62-330, F.A.C.; b. Convey to the permittee or create in the permittee any interest in real property; c. Relieve the permittee from the need to obtain and comply with any other required federal, state, and local authorization, law, rule, or ordinance; or d. Authorize any entrance upon or work on property that is not owned, held in easement, or controlled by the permittee. 10. Prior to conducting any activities on state-owned submerged lands or other lands of the state, title to which is vested in the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, the permittee must receive all necessary approvals and authorizations under Chapters 253 and 258, F.S. Written authorization that requires formal execution by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund shall not be considered received until it has been fully executed. 11. The permittee shall hold and save the District harmless from any and all damages, claims, or liabilities that may arise by reason of the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal, abandonment or use of any project authorized by the permit. 12. The permittee shall notify the District in writing: a. Immediately if any previously submitted information is discovered to be inaccurate; and b. Within 30 days of any conveyance or division of ownership or control of the property or the system, other than conveyance via a long-term lease, and the new owner shall request transfer of the permit in accordance with Rule 62-330.340, F.A.C. This does not apply to the sale of lots or units in residential or commercial subdivisions or condominiums where the stormwater management system has been completed and converted to the operation phase. 13. Upon reasonable notice to the permittee, District staff with proper identification shall have permission to enter, inspect, sample and test the project or activities to ensure conformity with the plans and specifications authorized in the permit. 14. If prehistoric or historic artifacts, such as pottery or ceramics, projectile points, stone tools, dugout canoes, metal implements, historic building materials, or any other physical remains that could be associated with Native American, early European, or American settlement are encountered at any time within the project site area, the permitted project shall cease all activities involving subsurface disturbance in the vicinity of the discovery. The permittee or other designee shall contact the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources, Compliance Review Section (DHR), at (850) 245-6333, as well as the appropriate permitting agency office. Project activities shall not resume without verbal or written authorization from the Division of Historical Resources. If unmarked human remains are encountered, all work shall stop immediately and the proper authorities notified in accordance with Section 872.05, F.S. For project activities subject to prior consultation with the DHR and as an alternative to the above requirements, the permittee may follow procedures for unanticipated discoveries as set forth within a cultural resources assessment survey determined complete and sufficient by DHR and included as a specific permit condition herein. 15. Any delineation of the extent of a wetland or other surface water submitted as part of the permit application, including plans or other supporting documentation, shall not be considered binding unless a specific condition of this permit or a formal determination under Rule 62-330.201, F.A.C., provides otherwise. 16. The permittee shall provide routine maintenance of all components of the stormwater management system to remove trapped sediments and debris. Removed materials shall be disposed of in a landfill or other uplands in a manner that does not require a permit under Chapter 62-330, F.A.C., or cause violations of state water quality standards. 17. This permit is issued based on the applicant’s submitted information that reasonably demonstrates that adverse water resource-related impacts will not be caused by the completed permit activity. If any adverse impacts result, the District will require the permittee to eliminate the cause, obtain any necessary permit modification, and take any necessary corrective actions to resolve the adverse impacts. 18. A Recorded Notice of Environmental Resource Permit may be recorded in the county public records in accordance with Rule 62-330.090(7), F.A.C. Such notice is not an encumbrance upon the property. 19. This permit for construction will expire five years from the date of issuance. 20. At a minimum, all retention and detention storage areas must be excavated to rough grade prior to building construction or placement of impervious surface within the area to be served by those facilities. To prevent reduction in storage volume and percolation rates, all accumulated sediment must be removed from the storage area prior to final grading and stabilization. 21. The operation and maintenance entity shall inspect the stormwater or surface water management system once within two years after the completion of construction and every two years thereafter to determine if the system is functioning as designed and permitted. The operation and maintenance entity must maintain a record of each required inspection, including the date of the inspection, the name and contact information of the inspector, and whether the system was functioning as designed and permitted, and make such record available for inspection upon request by the District during normal business hours. If at any time the system is not functioning as designed and permitted, then within 30 days the entity shall submit a report electronically or in writing to the District using Form 62-330.311(1), “Operation and Maintenance Inspection Certification,” describing the remedial actions taken to resolve the failure or deviation. 22. All wetland areas or water bodies that are outside the specific limits of construction authorized by this permit must be protected from erosion, siltation, scouring or excess turbidity, and dewatering. 23. This permit does not authorize the permittee to cause any adverse impact to or “take” of state listed species and other regulated species of fish and wildlife. Compliance with state laws regulating the take of fish and wildlife is the responsibility of the owner or applicant associated with this project. Please refer to Chapter 68A-27 of the Florida Administrative Code for definitions of “take” and a list of fish and wildlife species. If listed species are observed onsite, FWC staff are available to provide decision support information or assist in obtaining the appropriate FWC permits. Most marine endangered and threatened species are statutorily protected and a “take” permit cannot be issued. Requests for further information or review can be sent to FWCConservationPlanningServices@MyFWC.com. 24. The proposed stormwater management system to be constructed and operated per the plans received by the District on April 29, 2024. 25. The only surface water impact authorized by this permit is the 0.16-acre pond to be excavated to create Retention Tract B as shown on the final approved plans. 26. The operation and maintenance entity shall meet the operation and maintenance inspection requirements in accordance with Sections 12.5 and 12.5.1, A.H. Vol I, effective June 28, 2024. Notice Of Rights 1.A person whose substantial interests are or may be affected has the right to request an administrative hearing by filing a written petition with the St. Johns River Water Management District (District). Pursuant to Chapter 28-106 and Rule 40C-1.1007, Florida Administrative Code, the petition must be filed (received) either by delivery at the office of the District Clerk at District Headquarters, P. O. Box 1429, Palatka Florida 32178-1429 (4049 Reid St., Palatka, FL 32177) or by e-mail with the District Clerk at Clerk@sjrwmd.com, within twenty-six (26) days of the District depositing the notice of District decision in the mail (for those persons to whom the District mails actual notice), within twenty-one (21) days of the District emailing the notice of District decision (for those persons to whom the District emails actual notice), or within twenty-one (21) days of newspaper publication of the notice of District decision (for those persons to whom the District does not mail or email actual notice). A petition must comply with Sections 120.54(5)(b)4. and 120.569(2)(c), Florida Statutes, and Chapter 28-106, Florida Administrative Code. The District will not accept a petition sent by facsimile (fax), as explained in paragraph no. 4 below. 2.Please be advised that if you wish to dispute this District decision, mediation may be available and that choosing mediation does not affect your right to an administrative hearing. If you wish to request mediation, you must do so in a timely-filed petition. If all parties, including the District, agree to the details of the mediation procedure, in writing, within 10 days after the time period stated in the announcement for election of an administrative remedy under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, the time limitations imposed by Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, shall be tolled to allow mediation of the disputed District decision. The mediation must be concluded within 60 days of the date of the parties’ written agreement, or such other timeframe agreed to by the parties in writing. Any mediation agreement must include provisions for selecting a mediator, a statement that each party shall be responsible for paying its pro-rata share of the costs and fees associated with mediation, and the mediating parties’ understanding regarding the confidentiality of discussions and documents introduced during mediation. If mediation results in settlement of the administrative dispute, the District will enter a final order consistent with the settlement agreement. If mediation terminates without settlement of the dispute, the District will notify all the parties in writing that the administrative hearing process under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, is resumed. Even if a party chooses not to engage in formal mediation, or if formal mediation does not result in a settlement agreement, the District will remain willing to engage in informal settlement discussions. 3.A person whose substantial interests are or may be affected has the right to an informal administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(2), Florida Statutes, where no material facts are in dispute. A petition for an informal hearing must also comply with the requirements set forth in Rule 28-106.301, Florida Administrative Code. Notice Of Rights 4.A petition for an administrative hearing is deemed filed upon receipt of the complete petition by the District Clerk at the District Headquarters in Palatka, Florida during the District’s regular business hours. The District’s regular business hours are 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., excluding weekends and District holidays. Petitions received by the District Clerk after the District’s regular business hours shall be deemed filed as of 8:00 a.m. on the District’s next regular business day. The District’s acceptance of petitions filed by e- mail is subject to certain conditions set forth in the District’s Statement of Agency Organization and Operation (issued pursuant to Rule 28-101.001, Florida Administrative Code), which is available for viewing at sjrwmd.com. These conditions include, but are not limited to, the petition being in the form of a PDF or TIFF file and being capable of being stored and printed by the District. Further, pursuant to the District’s Statement of Agency Organization and Operation, attempting to file a petition by facsimile is prohibited and shall not constitute filing. 5.Failure to file a petition for an administrative hearing within the requisite timeframe shall constitute a waiver of the right to an administrative hearing. (Rule 28-106.111, Florida Administrative Code). 6.The right to an administrative hearing and the relevant procedures to be followed are governed by Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, Chapter 28-106, Florida Administrative Code, and Rule 40C-1.1007, Florida Administrative Code. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition means the District’s final action may be different from the position taken by it in this notice. A person whose substantial interests are or may be affected by the District’s final action has the right to become a party to the proceeding, in accordance with the requirements set forth above. 7.Pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes, a party to the proceeding before the District who is adversely affected by final District action may seek review of the action in the District Court of Appeal by filing a notice of appeal pursuant to Rules 9.110 and 9.190, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, within 30 days of the rendering of the final District action. 8.A District action is considered rendered, as referred to in paragraph no. 7 above, after it is signed on behalf of the District and filed by the District Clerk. 9.Failure to observe the relevant timeframes for filing a petition for judicial review as described in paragraph no. 7 above will result in waiver of that right to review. NOR.Decision.DOC.001 Revised 12.7.11 NOTICING INFORMATION Please be advised that the St. Johns River Water Management District will not publish a notice in the newspaper advising the public that it has issued a permit for this project. Newspaper publication, using the District’s notice form, notifies members of the public of their right to challenge the issuance of the permit. If proper notice is given by newspaper publication, then there is a 21-day time limit for someone to file a petition for an administrative hearing to challenge the issuance of the permit. To close the point of entry for filing a petition, you may publish (at your own expense) a one- time notice of the District’s decision in a newspaper of general circulation within the affected area as defined in Section 50.011 of the Florida Statutes. If you do not publish a newspaper notice to close the point of entry, the time to challenge the issuance of your permit will not expire and someone could file a petition even after your project is constructed. A copy of the notice form and a partial list of newspapers of general circulation are attached for your convenience. However, you are not limited to those listed newspapers. If you choose to close the point of entry and the notice is published, the newspaper will return to you an affidavit of publication. In that event, it is important that you either submit a scanned copy of the affidavit by emailing it to compliancesupport@sjrwmd.com (preferred method) or send a copy of the original affidavit to: Office of Records and Regulatory Support 4049 Reid Street Palatka, FL 32177 If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Records and Regulatory Support at (386) 329-4570. NOTICE OF AGENCY ACTION TAKEN BY THE ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Notice is given that the following permit was issued on ____________________: (Name and address of applicant) ______________________________________ permit#____________________. The project is located in _____________County, Section ________, Township ________ South, Range ________ East. The permit authorizes a surface water management system on ________ acres for _____________________________________________________________ known as ____________________. The receiving water body is ________________. A person whose substantial interests are or may be affected has the right to request an administrative hearing by filing a written petition with the St. Johns River Water Management District (District). Pursuant to Chapter 28-106 and Rule 40C-1.1007, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), the petition must be filed (received) either by delivery at the office of the District Clerk at District Headquarters, P.O. Box 1429, Palatka FL 32178-1429 (4049 Reid St, Palatka, FL 32177) or by e-mail with the District Clerk at Clerk@sjrwmd.com, within twenty-one (21) days of newspaper publication of the notice of District decision (for those persons to whom the District does not mail or email actual notice). A petition must comply with Sections 120.54(5)(b)4. and 120.569(2)(c), Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Chapter 28-106, F.A.C. The District will not accept a petition sent by facsimile (fax). Mediation pursuant to Section 120.573, F.S., may be available and choosing mediation does not affect your right to an administrative hearing. A petition for an administrative hearing is deemed filed upon receipt of the complete petition by the District Clerk at the District Headquarters in Palatka, Florida during the District’s regular business hours. The District's regular business hours are 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., excluding weekends and District holidays. Petitions received by the District Clerk after the District's regular business hours shall be deemed filed as of 8 a.m. on the District’s next regular business day. The District's acceptance of petitions filed by e-mail is subject to certain conditions set forth in the District’s Statement of Agency Organization and Operation (issued pursuant to Rule 28-101.001, Florida Administrative Code), which is available for viewing at www.sjrwmd.com. These conditions include, but are not limited to, the petition being in the form of a PDF or TIFF file and being capable of being stored and printed by the District. Further, pursuant to the District’s Statement of Agency Organization and Operation, attempting to file a petition by facsimile (fax) is prohibited and shall not constitute filing. The right to an administrative hearing and the relevant procedures to be followed are governed by Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, Chapter 28-106, Florida Administrative Code, and Rule 40C- 1.1007, Florida Administrative Code. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition means the District's final action may be different from the position taken by it in this notice. Failure to file a petition for an administrative hearing within the requisite time frame shall constitute a waiver of the right to an administrative hearing. (Rule 28-106.111, F.A.C.). If you wish to do so, please visit http://www.sjrwmd.com/nor_dec/ to read the complete Notice of Rights to determine any legal rights you may have concerning the District's decision(s) on the permit application(s) described above. You can also request the Notice of Rights by contacting the Director of Office of Records and Regulatory Support, 4049 Reid St., Palatka, FL 32177- 2529, tele. no. (386)329-4570. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING ALACHUA BAKER Gainesville Sun, Legal Advertising Baker County Press, Legal Advertising 2700 SW 13th Street P. O. Box 598 Gainesville, FL 32608 Macclenny, FL 3206 3 866-858-9652 904-259-2400/ fax 904-259-6502 BRAFORD BREVARD Bradford County Telegraph, Legal Advertising Florida Today, Legal Advertising P. O. Drawer A P. O. Box 419000 Starke, FL 32901 Melbourne, FL 32941-9000 904-964-6305/ fax 904-964-8628 321-242-3832/ fax 321-242-6618 CLAY DUVAL Clay Today, Legal Advertising Daily Record, Legal Advertising 1560 Kinsley Ave., Suite 1 P. O. Box 1769 Orange Park, FL 32073 Jacksonville, FL 32201 904-264-3200/ fax 904-264-3285 904-356-2466 / fax 904-353-2628 FLAGLER INDIAN RIVER Flagler Tribune, c/o News Journal Treasure Coast News P. O. 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Box 1630 Palatka, FL 32178 St. Augustine, FL 32085 386-312-5200/ fax 386-312-5209 904-819-3439 SEMINOLE VOLUSIA Sanford Herald, Legal Advertising News Journal Corporation, Legal Advertising 300 North French Avenue P. O. Box 2831 Sanford, FL 32771 Daytona Beach, FL 32120-2831 407-323-9408 (386) 681-2322