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Item 13 Second Reading of Ordinance for the Ocoee Regional Sports Complex Rezoning to PUD
City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: February 18, 2025 Item #: 13 Contact Name: Anoch Whitfield Department Director: Ginger Corless Contact Number: Ext. 1016 City Manager: Craig Shadrix Subject: Second Reading of Ordinance for the Ocoee Regional Sports Complex Rezoning to PUD; Project No. RZ-24-09-07. (Zoning Manager Whitfield) Background Summary: The First Reading of the Ordinance was held at the February 4, 2025, City Commission Meeting. Request: The applicant is requesting to amend approximately 150.9 acres of land from City PUD (95.11 acres), City R-1AA (38.01 acres) and County A-1 (approximately 17.78 acres) to City PUD for purposes of developing the Ocoee Regional Sports Complex. Owner/Applicant: The developer/owner is Jaime Douglas, MDTL Enterprise/Owner, as represented by Marcos Bastian, AECOM, the applicant. However, the proposed Ocoee Regional Sports Complex (ORSC) is a partnership project between the City and Montierre Development, PLLC. In 2022, the City partnered with Montierre Development to facilitate the development of the ORSC, a proposed 150-acre multi-use project, in an effort to generate substantial economic benefits for the residents of Ocoee and for the public in the region by creating thousands of jobs in various industries and delivering on the City's continued commitment to create attractive and connected places for residents and the public to dine, shop, work, gather, and recreate. General Location: The subject property is within Commission District 3 and is generally located in the southeast corner of the intersection of Ocoee Apopka Road and Fullers Cross Road. Property Size and Parcel ID No.: The subject property consists of nine (9) parcels totaling approximately 150.9 acres, assigned parcel identification numbers 07-22-28-0000-00-001 (the Chevron Property), 07-22-28-0000- 00-023, 07-22-28-0000-00-057, 07-22-28-0000-00-041, 07-22-28-0000-00-039, 07-22-28-0000-00-043, 07-22- 28-0000-00-105, 07-22-28-0000-00-060, and 07-22-28-0000-00-074. Existing Site Conditions: The table below summarizes the existing conditions of the property. Current Future Land Use (FLU) Map Designation Current Zoning District Existing Land Use Overlays/Unique Features Commercial (150..9 acres) PUD-LD, R-1AA and County A-1 Most of parcels are vacant, partially wooded lots; a few are Wetlands, man-made canal, and Basinger, other hydric fine sandy soils. The property is within the City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org occupied by single- family dwelling Lake Apopka Drainage Basin, which is within the Ocklawaha River Basin. A large portion of property contains contaminated soils and has been designated a Brownfield. The property is surrounded by the following: jurisdictions, Future Land Use Map designations, zoning districts and existing land uses. Direction Jurisdiction FLUM Designation Zoning District Existing Land Use North Ocoee & Orange County City Commercial County Low Density Residential City PUD-COMM & R- 1A Orange County A-1 Church facility, single- family residential & Vacant South Orange County County Low Density Residential County A-1 Sports facility & vacant wooded land with wetlands East Ocoee & Orange County City Low Density Residential, Conservation, & Light Industrial County Rural & Low Density Residential City A-1, PUD-LD, I-1 & R-1AA County A-1 Various uses, including single-family residential, school, agricultural uses and vacant lands West Ocoee & Orange County City Commercial & Light Industrial County Low Density Residential City PUD-COMM, PUD-IND, & C-3 County R-CE & A-1 Various uses, including single-family residential, light industrial/flex warehousing, and vacant lands Proposed Land Use Plan: The applicant proposes to change the zoning classification of approximately 150.9 acres of Commercial FLUM designated property from City PUD, City R-1AA, and County A-1 zoning to City PUD. As part of the PUD rezoning, a Land Use Plan (LUP) establishing the development parameters for that specific PUD is required. The table below summarizes the proposed Land Use Plan for the PUD. Proposed Zoning Classification Proposed Use Proposed Development Program Planned Unit Development (PUD) Multi-sport sports complex, hotel, indoor/outdoor entertainment, restaurant, retail, office and assembly/conference uses and associated infrastructure In accordance with the adopted text amendment, development on the property is limited to: • 42 acres of sports fields & entertainment venues, • 1.33 million SF of mixed-use commercial (inclusive of hotel square footage for 1,250 hotel keys), and • Maximum of 17,960 net new external daily trips. City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org • The development will be served by an amenitized, pedestrian-activated stormwater "riverwalk" and surface, podium, and garage parking. • Inclusive of parking facilities, the maximum development is 2.46 million SF. The LUP proposes the below development standards for development on the property: Maximum Building Heights Maximum heights for buildings and structures within the development shall be limited to the following: • Retail, Restaurant, and entertainment Uses: 3 stories • Office Use: 5 stories • Hotel Use: 10 stories • Parking Structure: 6 stories/7 parking levels • Other Uses: Per City Land Use Administrator's Determination PUD Perimeter Buffer The below buffer standard will be applicable to the property as a whole within the Northwest Activity Center: • 25-foot Minimum along Ocoee Apopka Road and Fullers Cross Road • 10-foot Minimum landscaping buffer from adjacent properties and new 17th Avenue Extension Internal Setbacks Building setback requirements as applied to current or future property lines: • Buildings/structures up to 3 stories: Minimum 20-foot front and 7.5-foot side and rear setbacks • Buildings/structures 4 or more stories: Minimum 25-foot front and 10-foot side and rear setbacks Building Separation Requirements Separation between buildings/structures, irrespective of property lines: • Buildings/structures up to 3 stories: Minimum 15 feet • Buildings/structures 4 stories or greater: Minimum 20 feet Maximum Impervious Surface Area (ISA) Maximum 50% of net developable acreage Parking Requirements Per the Parking Requirements Table in the Land Use Plan, parking will be as follows: • Sports fields: 1 space per 4 seats • Retail: 1 space per 200 GSF City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org • Restaurant: 1 space per 4 fixed seats, plus 1 space for each 75 GSF of patron use where fixed-seat calculation is not applicable • Entertainment: 1 space for each 250 GSF • Indoor sports: 1 space for each 300 GSF • Offices: 1 space for each 250 GSF • Hotels: 1 space for each hotel key, plus 1 space for each 3 employees (1 employee for every 4 keys) • Assembly/conference: 1 space for each 250 GSF • Other/unlisted: Per Land Use Administrator's determination • Shared Parking Ratio: 15% maximum reduction applied to total parking requirement within the project site for the development The LUP also proposes several waivers to the Land Development Code (LDC) as follows: • Waiver to Article VIII Sign Code to allow signage for the project to be regulated per a Master Sign Plan to be developed, reviewed and approved as part of the Large-Scale Preliminary Site Plan review process. • Waiver to Sections 6-7 Surface Water Management and 6-10 Landscaping requirements to allow flexibility in the design of drainage easements, open drainage ways, drainage maintenance berms and landscaping plan at the time of Large-Scale Preliminary Site Plan review process, which by Code includes a public hearing process. Staff Analysis: The findings of staff's evaluation of the proposed rezoning are provided below. 1) Stormwater: The subject property is located within the Ocklawaha River Basin (which includes the Lake Apopka Drainage Basin) and the Wekiva Recharge Protection Basin, and, as such, drainage and stormwater design shall be subject to the engineering and protection criteria of each basin. To mitigate impacts from the use of fill within the 100-year FEMA floodplain, compensatory storage for drainage shall be required to accommodate approximately 8.03 acres of impacted floodplain on-site and 0.82 acres of impacted floodplain off-site (within the right-of-way). A Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) shall be sought, and no fill shall be used within the floodplain prior to the approval of FEMA and the City. Stormwater management design will be evaluated at the time of Large-Scale Preliminary Site Plan review process and engineered/finalized at the time of Final Site Plan review. 2) Utilities: Potable water, reclaimed water, and wastewater utilities will be provided by the City of Ocoee. Points of connection to the City's system shall be assessed during the Large-Scale Preliminary Site Plan review. The Utilities Department continues to evaluate reclaimed water offsets needed for compliance with the City's Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) with the St. Johns River Water Management District. The closest point to reclaimed water is a 12-inch reclaimed main located north of State Road 429 on Ocoee Apopka Road. The Utilities Department continues to work with the water/sewer/reclaimed water designer to accurately quantify utility demands and has provided to the applicant team a series of comments and conditions of approval that are to be used for the preparation Preliminary Site Plan. In addition to the conditions of approvals listed on page 2 of 13 of PUD plan set, the Utilities Department has requested the following: • Revision of the Development Sequencing Plan to add a note stating that all relocations and extensions of public utilities shall be completed with Sequence 01/Phase 01; • Addition of a Condition of Approval stating that the developer shall assume maintenance responsibility, including the costs of any maintenance, repair, or FDEP fines, for the portion of the Commerce 429 project's 4-inch force main located on this project site. The Developer shall assume maintenance City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org responsibility for the entirety of the mass grading and site work, and such responsibility shall terminate when the Site Certificate of Completion (CoC) is issued for the final sequence/phase of the project. • Revision to the Conceptual Utility Plan to add a note stating that all City utilities shall be located in the public right-of-way or a utility easement and to correct the location of the existing 4-inch force main serving Commerce 429 (per the as-builts provided to the applicant team). • Either revise the Development Sequencing Plan to include phasing of utilities or revise the Conceptual Utility Plan to show a phasing/sequencing plan that is consistent the Development Sequencing Plan. 3) Transportation / Traffic: A traffic impact analysis (TIA) for the maximum 17,960 net external daily trips (per adopted text amendment) was performed during the review/approval of the Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map and Text Amendment (CPA). The TIA identified the study network, existing and anticipated deficiencies and needed transportation improvements, including roadway capacity improvements (i.e. widening of Ocoee Apopka Road and extension of 17th Avenue) and intersection and driveway improvements. Commitments for transportation improvements were addressed/documented in the CPA submittal. Design and engineering of the needed transportation improvements will be at time of Large-Scale Preliminary Site Plan submittal and review. Timing/phasing and details of construction will be developed in a Development Agreement. Per the adopted text amendment, "the owner/developer shall be responsible for improvements to transportation, utilities, or any other infrastructure associated with the project's development, as specified in the applicable Land Use Plan(s), Development Agreement(s), Conditions of Approval, or equivalent legal instruments." 4) Schools: N/A 5) Public Safety: Fire, police and other emergency services will be provided by the City of Ocoee. Conditions of approval relative to public/life safety, including the preparation of an Emergency Plan, to be approved by the Fire and Police Departments, at time of Preliminary Site Plan submittal, are incorporated in the Conditions of approval (also on page 2 of 13 of the LUP plan set). Fire and Police Department staff have provided the below concerns and comments: • Heights of multi-story buildings and structures (7 to 10 stories) continue to be a concern as Ocoee Fire Department is unable to protect that tall of a structure. The Fire Department will need at least a 100- foot to 110-foot dual axel ladder truck. • Relative to fire protection for the proposed parking garages, the Fire Department will need a blitz type vehicle to extinguish vehicle fires inside the structures as the fire engines are too tall to enter parking/garage structures. Additionally, standpipe/sprinklers will be needed in the parking garages. • The Fire Department remains concerned about fire access/life safety issues, as outlined below, that will need to be worked out during the Large-Scale Preliminary Site Plan review: o Limited access to some of structures due to the water feature and parking layout. o Evaluation of the access road that is being proposed in order to ensure that all of the Fire Department's vehicles can utilize it without significant issues, i.e. sufficient room for fire engines/units to turn around, maneuver, ingress/egress safely, etc. o Evaluation of each component of the development, i.e. hotel, parking garages, retail buildings, etc. o Additional EMS components that function within the property may be needed, including one to two ruggedized EMS golf carts (gas operated), one fully stocked EMS treatment room, potentially one EMS substation (depending upon the location of the primary EMS treatment room), and AED/AED towers strategically located throughout the property. • Water supply throughout the project/hydrant-standpipes. • Additional fire protection may be needed if delayed access/response is expected (i.e. fire sprinklers/fire alarm). • Consideration must be given to alternative suppression cart/vehicle for interior structures. • EMS station or stations at specified locations to house rescue/supplies, etc. • Provision of AEDs throughout the project site. City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org • Provision/assurance of additional fire safety personnel during large events. • Preparation of an Emergency Management Plan, along with a Crowd Manager monitoring overcrowding during entertainment events. • Bridges to be used for Fire Department access may be needed. The Emergency Management Plan must also include a strategy for ensuring that emergency shelters or other safe areas are available so that players, spectators, and other patrons can take refuge safely during inclement weather, i.e. lightning and severe rain delays. • A condition that the Ocoee Fire Department shall be the only entity approved to provide and manage the Emergency Medical System (EMS) within the development and property. • Ocoee Fire Department's current ambulance fleet will not suffice if there are a significant amount of EMS calls generated by the growth in this sector of the city. An additional rescue ambulance and associated equipment (Life pack monitor, stretcher, Power load system, Lucas device, staffing, etc.) will be needed to transport patients. 6) Wetlands: Impacts were evaluated as part of the Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map and Text Amendment. Based on the 9.34 acres of anticipated impact and the required 2:1 remediation ratio, the applicant would need to provide approximately 18.68 acres of equivalent quality wetlands area (9.34 acres of functional units loss x 2). Due to the limited availability of land that would meet the provisions of Policy 4.3 of the Conservation Element, the applicant will provide a combination of wetland replacement and a mitigation strategy pursuant to Policy 6.2 of the Conservation Element. Specifically, to achieve consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code, the applicant has committed to (1) preserving, via dedication to the City, a 9.9-acre vacant wooded parcel which is designated Conservation on the Future Land Use Map and which contains wetlands, and (2) establishing a Monitoring and Maintenance (M&M) Plan for the restoration and maintenance of approximately 287.82 acres of conservation lands (comprised of 277.92 acres of Conservation lands owned by the City plus the 9.9-acre to-be-dedicated property). A Monitoring and Maintenance (M&M) Plan was provided to Public Works, and they have found it to be acceptable. The applicant will need to conduct a UMAM Evaluation of the 9.9-acre Conservation Tract and the 277.92 acres of City-owned lands that are covered by the M&M Plan and will need to establish a perpetual funding mechanism for the implementation of the M&M Plan covering the 287.82 acres of conservation land. 7) Recreation and Open Space: Not required as there are no proposed residential units; however, the LUP includes a dedication of two (2) acres of land for the development of a city park. 8) Joint Planning Area (JPA) Agreement: A Fourth Amendment to the JPA has been approved by the City Commission on February 4, 2025 to amend the future land use designations of the seven (7) properties annexed into the City in May 2024 from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Commercial (COM). These properties are parcel ID numbers 07-22-28-0000-00-074, 07-22-28-0000-00-105, 07-22-28-0000-00-039, 07- 22-28-0000-00-041, 07-22-28-0000-00-043, 07-22-28-0000-00-057, and 07-22-28-0000-00-060. This Fourth JPA Amendment will be presented to the Orange County Board of County Commissioners on March 20, 2025. The effective date of this Rezoning Ordinance will follow the effective date of the Ordinance for the corresponding Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map and Text Amendment whose effective date follows the execution date of the Fourth JPA Amendment. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners adopt a proposed ordinance for a Rezoning to reclassify approximately 150.9 acres of land, assigned parcel identification numbers 07-22-28-0000-00-001 (the Chevron Property), 07-22-28-0000-00-023, 07-22-28-0000-00-057, 07-22-28-0000-00-041, 07-22-28- 0000-00-039, 07-22-28-0000-00-043, 07-22-28-0000-00-105, 07-22-28-0000-00-060, and 07-22-28-0000-00- 074, from City PUD (95.11 acres), City R-1AA (38.01 acres) and County A-1 (approximately 17.78 acres) to City PUD for the Ocoee Regional Sports Complex? City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org Recommendations: Development Review Committee (DRC) Recommendation: The DRC considered this item at its December 17, 2024, meeting, and discussion ensued regarding: • Need for preparation of a life safety/Emergency Management Plan, including how fire/EMS rescue units and personnel will access and circulate throughout the project site and the provision for emergency shelters within the open field areas so that players, visitors and other patrons can take shelter safely from inclement or severe weather), • Construction phasing plan, • Status of master sign plan, • Showing of correct locations of existing storm culverts and any proposed alterations of the culverts (this would be addressed during the site plan review), • For the landscape plan, plantings would need to be properly separated away from utility lines, • Avoidance of impacts to the Commerce 429's force main, • Assurances on how contaminants/pollutants will be contained on site (including how contaminated soils will be moved, stockpiled and capped during mass grading and construction activity) and number of construction entrances/exits, and • Utility comments and conditions of approval (as detailed in the Background Section). Following discussion, the DRC made a unanimous recommendation of approval subject to the condition that all outstanding issues discussed during the DRC meeting be addressed. Since the DRC meeting, the applicant provided revisions to the Land Use Plan set, including the inclusion of a Development Sequencing Plan, and has met with various staff reviewers to discuss whether their respective previous comments made during the DRC meeting have been addressed. To summarize, Fire and Public Works have no further comments relative to the PUD Land Use Plan, with the understanding that technical comments made on the PUD Rezoning will be carried and addressed at the time of site plan submittal and review. Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) Recommendation: The PZC considered this item at its January 14, 2025, public hearing and, following clarification on how the contaminated soils will be managed throughout the process, made a recommendation of approval subject to the satisfaction of all outstanding issues, comments, and recommendations made by the DRC. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners adopt the proposed ordinance for a Rezoning to reclassify approximately 150.9 acres of land, assigned parcel identification numbers 07-22-28- 0000-00-001 (the Chevron Property), 07-22-28-0000-00-023, 07-22-28-0000-00-057, 07-22-28-0000-00-041, 07-22-28-0000-00-039, 07-22-28-0000-00-043, 07-22-28-0000-00-105, 07-22-28-0000-00-060, and 07-22-28- 0000-00-07, from City PUD (95.11 acres), City R-1AA (38.01 acres) and County A-1 (approximately 17.78 acres) to City PUD for the Ocoee Regional Sports Complex subject to the satisfaction of the outstanding comments and conditions of approval recommended by the DRC. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Aerial Map 3. Surrounding FLUM 4. Surrounding Zoning Map 5. Rezoning Ordinance ORSC 6. Land Use Plan 7. Advertisement 8. Business Impact Estimate City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org Financial Impacts: None Type of Item: Second Reading Public Hearing UNNAMED LAKEUNNAMED CANAL S S R 4 2 9 N SR 429 Oc o e e A p o p k a R d N L a k e w o o d A v e Fullers Cross Rd Pi n e S t Lo g L a n d i n g D r larc o n a O c o e e R d Demastus Ln Clinger Cove Rd 11th Ave 10th Ave 12th Ave 13th Ave 15th Ave 16th Ave 17th Ave Wurst Rd Harris Rd C r o w n P o i n t W o o d s C i r Mar i g o l d P a r k D r ate Dr We s t b r i d g e C t Li l y b e a n L o o p Ocoee Regio Pr n iv al Sports Complex Rezoning Location Map I LAKE MOXIE S S R 4 2 9 N S R 4 2 9 N L a k e w o o d A v e O c o e e A p o p k a R d Fullers Cross Rd Wurst Rd Pe t e r s A v e 17th Ave Li t t l e S p r i n g H i l l D r 11th Ave 16th Ave 15th Ave 12th Ave 13th Ave 10th Ave 4th Ave 5th Ave Bu t l e r A v e Harris Rd Pi n e S t L o g L a n d i n g D r Eas t C r o w n P o i n t R d Demastus Ln Clinger Cove Rd Laurel Ridge Ave An g o l a S t Sable Run Way C r o w n P o i n t W o o d s C i r Ca b a l l e r o R d 6th Ave New Meadows CtParker Cove Ct Springfoot St Gr e e n w o o d A v e Little Iris Ct Little Rock Ct I 0 400 800200Feet Ocoee Regional Sports Complex Rezoning 2022 Aerial Photography LDR LILI LI HDR LI HI INST COMM REC COMM COMM LI INST N L a k e w o o d A v e O c o e e A p o p k a R d Fullers Cross Rd 11th Ave 10th Ave 12th Ave 13th Ave 16th Ave 15th Ave 17th Ave P i n e S t Wurst Rd N SR 4 2 9 Harris Rd Lo g L a n d i n g D r Anderson Pl Demastus Ln Clinger Cove Rd Laurel Ridge Ave Sable Run Way C r o w n P o i n t W o o d s C i r Parker Cove Ct Jakob l a z e L n Ocoee Regional Sports Complex Rezoning Surrounding Future Land Use Map Created: month year Development ServicesDepartment I 0 410 820205Feet Subject Property Future Land Use Classification:Low Density Residential (LDR)Medium Density Residential (MDR)High Density Residential (HDR)Professional Offices and Services (PS)Commercial (COMM)Light Industrial (LI)Heavy Industrial (HI)Conservation/Floodplains (CONS)Recreation and Open Space (REC)Public Facilities/Institutional (INST) PUD-LD I-2 R-1AA A-1 I-1 PUD-IND I-1 PUD-LD R-1APUD-PU PUD-PU PUD-HDPUD-COMM A-1 A-1 PUD-COMM PUD-LD S S R 4 2 9 N S R 4 2 9 N L a k e w o o d A v e O c o e e A p o p k a R d Fullers Cross Rd P i n e S t Lo g L a n d i n g D r Demastus Ln 11th Ave 10th Ave 12th Ave 13th Ave 15th Ave 16th Ave 17th Ave Wurst Rd Harris Rd C r o w n P o i n t W o o d s C i r Parker Cove Ct Ocoee Regional Sports Complex Rezoning Surrounding Zoning Map Development ServicesDepartment I 0 410 820205Feet Created: month year Subject Property Zoning Classification:General Agricultural (A-1)Suburban (A-2)Single-Family Dwelling (R-1AAA)Single-Family Dwelling (R-1AA)Single-Family Dwelling (R-1A)Single-Family Dwelling (R-1)One- & Two-Family Dwelling (R-2)Multiple-Family Dwelling (R-3)Mobile Home Subdivision (RT-1)Professional Offices & Services (P-S)Neighborhood Shopping (C-1)Community Commercial (C-2)General Commercial (C-3) General Industrial (I-2)Commercial (PUD)Low Density (PUD)Medium Density (PUD) Restricted Manufacturing& Warehousing (I-1) High Density (PUD)Public Use (PUD)Unclassified ORDINANCE NO. 2025- (Rezoning Ordinance for Ocoee Regional Sports Complex) TAX PARCEL ID: 07-22-28-0000-00-001, 07-22-28-0000-00-023, 07-22-28-0000-00-057, 07-22-28-0000-00-041, 07-22-28-0000-00-039, 07-22-28-0000-00-043, 07-22-28-0000-00-105, 07-22-28-0000-00-060, and 07-22-28-0000-00-074 CASE NO. RZ-24-09-07: Ocoee Regional Sports Complex Rezoing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM CITY PUD (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT), CITY R-1AA (SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT), & COUNTY A-1 (CITRUS RURAL DISTRICT) TO CITY PUD (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT) ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTIES CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 150.9 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE FULLERS CROSS ROAD AND OCOEE APOPKA ROAD INTERSECTION; FINDING SUCH ZONING TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE REVISION OF THE OFFICIAL CITY ZONING MAP; PREVAILING IN THE EVENT OF ANY INCONSISTENCY; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the owner (the “Applicant”) of certain real properties located within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, as hereinafter described, has submitted an application to the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida (the “Ocoee City Commission”) to rezone said real property (the “Rezoning”); and WHEREAS, the Applicant seeks to rezone certain real properties containing approximately 150.9 acres, more particularly described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, from City PUD (Planned Unit Development), City R-1AA (Single Family Dwelling District), and County A-1 (Citrus Rural District) to City PUD (Planned Unit Development District); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5-9(B) of Article V of the Land Development Code of the City of Ocoee, Florida (the “Ocoee City Code”), the City Development Services Director has reviewed said Rezoning application and determined that the Rezoning is consistent with the City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Ordinance No. 91-28, adopted September 18, 1991, as amended (the “Ocoee Comprehensive Plan”); and WHEREAS, said Rezoning application was scheduled for review and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida (the “Planning and Zoning Commission”), acting as the Local Planning Agency; and WHEREAS, on January 14, 2025, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing and reviewed said Rezoning application for consistency with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and determined that the Rezoning is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and is in the best interest of the City, and recommended to the Ocoee City Commission that the zoning classification of said real property be rezoned as requested by the Applicant and that the Ocoee City Commission find that the Rezoning requested by the Applicant to be consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, on February 18, 2025, the Ocoee City Commission held a de novo advertised public hearing with respect to the proposed Rezoning of said real property and determined that the Rezoning is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been considered by the Ocoee City Commission in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 166.041(3)(a), Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. AUTHORITY. The Ocoee City Commission has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapters 163 and 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. REZONING. The zoning classification, as defined in the Ocoee City Code, of the Properties described in Exhibit “A” containing approximately 150.9 acres located within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby changed from City PUD (Planned Unit Development), City R-1AA (Single Family Dwelling Districdt), and County A-1 (Citrus Rural District) to City PUD (Planned Unit Development District). A map of said land herein described which clearly shows the area of the Rezoning is attached hereto as Exhibit “B” and by this reference is made a part hereof. SECTION 3. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. The Ocoee City Commission hereby finds the Rezoning of the lands described in this Ordinance to be consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. SECTION 4. ZONING MAP. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to revise the Official Zoning Map of the City of Ocoee in order to incorporate the Rezoning enacted by this Ordinance, and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute said revised Official Zoning Map in accordance with the provisions of Section 5-1(G) of Article V of the Ocoee City Code. SECTION 5. CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. This ordinance prevails in the event of any inconsistency with all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. SECTION 6. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective following the effective date of the corresponding Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map and Text Amendment for the Ocoee Regional Sports Complex, to be known as The Dynasty. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _______ day of _________________________, 2025. ATTEST: Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Rusty Johnson, Mayor FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this ______ day of ______________________, 2025. FISHBACK DOMINICK By: City Attorney ADVERTISED _____________________, 2025 READ FIRST TIME _________________, 2025. READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED ______________________________, 2025. UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. _____ EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL ID NOS.: 07-22-28-0000-00-001 (95.11 ACRES) THE W1/2 OF NE1/4 & E1/2 OF NW1/4 LYING E OF SR 437 IN SEC 07-22-28 & (LESS PT TAKEN FOR R/W DESC AS COMM AT N1/4 CORNER OF SEC 7-22-28 TH S1-3-52W ALONG W LINE OF NE1/4 OF SEC 7-22-28 30.01 FT TO POB TH N89-50-37E 1280.94 FT TO E LINE OF W1/2 OF NE1/4 OF SEC 7- 22-28 TH S0-27-1W 20 FT TH S89-50-37W 1281.16 FT TH S89-43-45W 648.52 FT TO POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE SELY TH SWLY ALONG CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 50 FT CENTRAL ANGLE OF 95-9-26 ARC LENGTH OF 83.04 FT CHORD LENGTH OF 73.82 FT AND CHORD BRG OF S42-9-2W TO POINT OF TANGENCY TH S5-25-41E 266.84 FT TO POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE NELY TH SELY ALONG CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 1849.9 FT CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10-47-31 ARC LENGTH OF 348.43 FT CHORD LENGTH OF 347.92 FT AND CHORD BRG OF S10-49-27E TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY TH S16-13-12E 1773.29 FT TH S15-21-49E 59.23 FT TH S13-39-3E 55.93 FT TO POINT LYING ON S LINE OF NW1/4 OF SEC 7-22-28 TH S86-56-26W ALONG S LINE 28.44 FT TO POINT ON NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SWLY TH NWLY ALONG NON-TANGENT CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 1941.86 FT CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3-11-30 ARC LENGTH OF 108.17 FT CHORD LENGTH OF 108.15 FT AND CHORD BRG OF N14-37-29W TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY TH N16-13- 13W 16.18 FT TH N16-20-6W 500 FT TH N16-2-55W 1000 FT TH N15-27-46W 407.21 FT TH N7-33- 7W 524.34 FT TH N5-25-43W 24.17 FT TH N89-43-45E 740.7 FT TO POB PER DOC 20190042931) 07-22-28-0000-00-023 (37.12 ACRES) BEG NW COR OF SW1/4 OF SE1/4 OF SEC 7-22-28 TH RUN N86-56-10E 1310.03 FT TH S00-31-51W 1398.44 FT TH S00-31-51W 355.17 FT TH N89-35-48W 592.6 FT N01-06-44E 37.61 FT TH S87-37-29W 726.4 FT TH N00-48-40E 322 FT TH N88-29-43E 489.51 FT TH N01-04-18E 345.22 FT TH N88-06-20E 248.67 FT TH N01-04-18E 652.77 FT TH S87-43-51W 523.06 FT TH N31-10-03W 411.03 FT TO POB (LESS RD R/W) & COMM AT THE CENTER OF SEC 7 TH ALONG W LINE OF SE 1/4 TH S01-04-18W 1672.03 FT TH DEPARTING W LINE RUN S88-55-42E 5.55 FT TO POB TH N87-37-29E 726.4 FT TH S01- 06-44W 37.61 FT TH S89-35-48E 592.6 FT TH S00-31-51W 57.88 FT TH S89-55-44W 590.37 FT TH N00- 04-16W 37.61 FT TH S89-55-44W 726.8 FT TH N00-48-40E 33.58 FT TO POB (LESS RD R/W) 07-22-28-0000-00-057 (6.09 ACRES) BEG SW COR NE1/4 OF SE1/4 N 349.5 FT E 663 FT S 353.9 FT W 663.8 FT TO POB & N 50 FT OF S 125 FT OF E1/2 OF NE1/4 OF SE1/4 OF SEC 07-22-28 07-22-28-0000-00-041 (2.23 ACRES) BEG 574.86 FT S 1 DEG W FROM CENTER OF SEC RUN N 87 DEG E 219.78 FT N 1 DEG E 214.5 FT N 87 DEG E 239.66 FT TH S 1 DEG W 314.53 FT S 87 DEG W 458.80 FT N 100 FT TO POB (LESS W 30 FT RD R/W) IN SEC 07-22-28 07-22-28-0000-00-039 (2.10 ACRES) BEG NW COR OF SE1/4 RUN S 8.71 CHS E 3.33 CHS N 3.35 CHS NWLY TO BEG & NE1/4 OF SW1/4 E OF RD SEC 07-22-28 07-22-28-0000-00-043 (5.02 ACRES) FROM THE NW COR OF NW1/4 OF SE1/4 RUN S 1 DEG W 674.86 FT N 87 DEG E 0.98 FT FOR POB THN N 87 DEG E 458.80 FT N 1 DEG E 314.53 FT N 87 DEG E 283.06 FT S 1 DEG W 650.10 FT S 87 DEG W 221.90 FT N 1 DEG E 228.76 FT W 519.27 FT N 1 DEG E 104.17 FT TO POB (LESS W 30 FT RD R/W) IN SEC 07-22-28 07-22-28-0000-00-105 (1.18 ACRES) (NOTE: AGRICULTURAL PORTION OF FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY) FROM THE CENTER OF SEC RUN S 01 DEG W 779.03 FT TH N 88 DEG E 1.48 FT FOR POB TH N 88 DEG E 519.27 FT S 01 DEG W 228.76 FT S 87 DEG W 27 FT N 01 DEG W 3.91 FT S 88 DEG W 318.03 FT N 01 DEG E 125 FT S 88 DEG W 173.77 FT N 01 DEG E 100 FT TO POB IN SEC 07-22-28 (LESS RD R/W ON W) 07-22-28-0000-00-060 (1.08 ACRES) BEG AT SE COR OF NE1/4 OF SE1/4 RUN W 656 FT N 75 FT E 656 FT S 75 FT TO POB (LESS E 30 FT FOR R/W) IN SEC 07-22-28 AND 07-22-28-0000-00-074 (1.00 ACRE) (NOTE: HX PORTION OF FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY) FROM THE CENTER OF SEC RUN S 01 DEG W 779.03 FT TH N 88 DEG E 1.48 FT FOR POB TH N 88 DEG E 519.27 FT S 01 DEG W 228.76 FT S 87 DEG W 27 FT N 01 DEG W 3.91 FT S 88 DEG W 318.03 FT N 01 DEG E 125 FT S 88 DEG W 173.77 FT N 01 DEG E 100 FT TO POB IN SEC 07-22-28 (LESS RD R/W ON W) EXHIBIT “B” OCOEE REGIONAL SPORTS CENTER PUD REZONING CASE # ___________ OCOEE, FL DECEMBER 27, 2024 PREPARED BY: Planning & Design: AECOM 20 N Orange Ave, Suite 1100 Orlando, FL 32801 c/o:Marcos Bastian, AICP marcos.bastian@aecom.com 407.284.4728 Montierre Development, PLLC 5669 SE Crooked Oak Ave Hobe Sound, FL 33455 OWNER & DEVELOPER: Civil Engineering: McIntosh Associates 1950 Summit Park Drive, Suite 600 Orlando, FL 32810 c/o:Chad Wildup, PE cwidup@lja.com 407.887.5311 SHEET INDEX P00. COVER SHEET P01. GENERAL NOTES P02. FEMA & WETLANDS P03. SOILS & LAND COVER P04. AERIAL IMAGE P05. TOPOGRAPHY & EXISTING CONDITIONS P06. CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN P07. DEVELOPMENT PHASING / SEQUENCING P08. EMERGENCY ACCESS P09. PERVIOUS / IMPERVIOUS AREAS PLAN P10. PUBLIC OPEN SPACE PLAN P11. CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE PLAN P12. CONCEPTUAL UTILITIES PLAN APPENDICES 1. SURVEYS & LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS PUD PARCELS Surveying: Allen & Company 16 E Plant Street Winter Garden, FL 34787 c/o:Duane Young Duane@allen-company.com 407.654.5355 Ext. 113 Traffic & Transportation: Kimley-Horn 200 S Orange Ave, Suite 600 Orlando, FL 32801 c/o:James Taylor, PE James.Taylor@kimley-horn.com 407.409.7006 Environmental Management: Bio-Tech Consulting 3025 East South Street Orlando, FL 32803, c/o:Daniel Gough danny@bio-techconsulting.com 877.894.5969 Ext. 7006 Geotechnical Engineering: Terracon 1675 Lee Rd Winter Park, FL 32789 c/o: Lori G. Rosario Rivera lgrosariorivera@terracon.com 407.618.8355 PROJECT LOCATION 2290 Fullers Cross Road Ocoee, FL 34761 Located Generally South of Fullers Cross Rd, East of Ocoee Apopka Rd, in Ocoee FL Applicant: AECOM 20 N Orange Ave, Suite 1100 Orlando, FL 32801 c/o:Marcos Bastian, AICP marcos.bastian@aecom.com 407.284.4728 Su n d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 4 5 : 2 9 : 5 0 PMC: \ U s e r s \ B a s t i a n M \ D e s k t o p \ W I P \ O c o e e \ 4 7 0 - P l a n n i n g \ 7 0 . C A D \ P D _ R e z o n i n g ( 2 n d S u b m i t t a l ) 22 9 0 F U L L E R S C R O S S R O A D OC O E E , F L O R I D A OC O E E R E G I O N A L S P O R T S C O M P L E X 09 / 1 5 / 2 4 PU D - 1 s t S u b m i t t a l AE C O M 15 0 N O r a n g e A v e , S u i t e 2 0 1 Or l a n d o , F L 3 2 8 0 1 (4 0 7 ) 84 3 - 6 5 5 2 Mo n t i e r r e D e v e l o p m e n t 56 6 9 S E C r o o k e d O a k A v e Ho b e S o u n d , F L 3 3 4 5 5 ©2024 AECOM Corporation Pr i n t e d d a t e : Fi l e n a m e : Drawing Title: Re v i s i o n s N° Da t e De s c r i p t i o n FILE NAME: DWN BY: DESIGNED BY:QA/QC BY: SIZE PROJECT MANAGER: PLOT SCALE: DATE: PROJECT # Sheet Key plan: 30"X42" 12 / 2 7 / 2 4 PU D - 2 n d S u b m i t t a l 02 / 13 BSTN BSTN -- 09/15/2024 BL AS INDICATED P. 01 60729465 --- GENERAL NOTES FEMA FLOOD HAZARD ZONES MAP WETLANDS AND SURFACE WATERS MAP Su n d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 4 5 : 2 9 : 5 0 PMC: \ U s e r s \ B a s t i a n M \ D e s k t o p \ W I P \ O c o e e \ 4 7 0 - P l a n n i n g \ 7 0 . C A D \ P D _ R e z o n i n g ( 2 n d S u b m i t t a l ) 22 9 0 F U L L E R S C R O S S R O A D OC O E E , F L O R I D A OC O E E R E G I O N A L S P O R T S C O M P L E X 09 / 1 5 / 2 4 PU D - 1 s t S u b m i t t a l AE C O M 15 0 N O r a n g e A v e , S u i t e 2 0 1 Or l a n d o , F L 3 2 8 0 1 (4 0 7 ) 84 3 - 6 5 5 2 Mo n t i e r r e D e v e l o p m e n t 56 6 9 S E C r o o k e d O a k A v e Ho b e S o u n d , F L 3 3 4 5 5 ©2024 AECOM Corporation Pr i n t e d d a t e : Fi l e n a m e : Drawing Title: Re v i s i o n s N° Da t e De s c r i p t i o n FILE NAME: DWN BY: DESIGNED BY:QA/QC BY: SIZE PROJECT MANAGER: PLOT SCALE: DATE: PROJECT # Sheet Key plan: 30"X42" 12 / 2 7 / 2 4 PU D - 2 n d S u b m i t t a l 03 / 13 BSTN BSTN -- 09/15/2024 BL AS INDICATED P. 02 60729465 --- FEMA &WETLANDS SOILS MAP LAND USE / LAND COVER MAP (FLUCFCS) Su n d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 4 5 : 2 9 : 5 0 PMC: \ U s e r s \ B a s t i a n M \ D e s k t o p \ W I P \ O c o e e \ 4 7 0 - P l a n n i n g \ 7 0 . C A D \ P D _ R e z o n i n g ( 2 n d S u b m i t t a l ) 22 9 0 F U L L E R S C R O S S R O A D OC O E E , F L O R I D A OC O E E R E G I O N A L S P O R T S C O M P L E X 09 / 1 5 / 2 4 PU D - 1 s t S u b m i t t a l AE C O M 15 0 N O r a n g e A v e , S u i t e 2 0 1 Or l a n d o , F L 3 2 8 0 1 (4 0 7 ) 84 3 - 6 5 5 2 Mo n t i e r r e D e v e l o p m e n t 56 6 9 S E C r o o k e d O a k A v e Ho b e S o u n d , F L 3 3 4 5 5 ©2024 AECOM Corporation Pr i n t e d d a t e : Fi l e n a m e : Drawing Title: Re v i s i o n s N° Da t e De s c r i p t i o n FILE NAME: DWN BY: DESIGNED BY:QA/QC BY: SIZE PROJECT MANAGER: PLOT SCALE: DATE: PROJECT # Sheet Key plan: 30"X42" 12 / 2 7 / 2 4 PU D - 2 n d S u b m i t t a l 04 / 13 BSTN BSTN -- 09/15/2024 BL AS INDICATED P. 03 60729465 --- SOILS& LAND COVER 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 103 103 104 105 106 108 109 107 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 116 116 115 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 117117 118 117 116 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 125 125 123 119 126 123 124 116 119120 125 124 123 122 126 127 121 120 119 122 123 121 122 122 122 123 124 07-22-28-0000-00-07328-22-07-0000-00-08628-22-07-0000-00-05407-22-28-0000-00-085 07-22-28-0000-00-084 07-22-28-0000-00-08307-22-28-0000-00-08207-22-28-0000-00-10007-22-28-4944-00-001 07-22-28-0000-00-09907-22-28-0000-00-04907-22-28-0000-00-080 07-22-28-0000-00-087 07-22-28-0000-00-015 07-22-28-0000-00-042 07-22-28-0000-00-068 07-22-28-0000-00-061 07-22-28-0000-00-067 07-22-28-0000-00-026 06-22-28-0000-00-056 06-22-28-0000-00-012 06-22-28-0000-00-080 06-22-28-0000-00-040 07-22-28-0000-00-071 FLU: C (PUD) ZONING: C (PUD) 07-22-28-1842-00-050 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE 28-22-07-1842-00-260 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE07-22-28-1842-00-250 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE07-22-28-1842-00-240 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE 07-22-28-1842-00-230 07-22-28-1842-00-220 07-22-28-1842-00-210 07-22-28-1842-00-200 07-22-28-1842-00-190 07-22-28-1842-00-180 07-22-28-0000-00-03807-22-28-0000-00-037 07-22-28-0000-00-09207-22-28-0000-00-064 07-22-28-1842-00-001 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CEFLU: LI ZONING: IND (PUD)FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: HI ZONING: I-2 FLU: LI ZONING: I-1 FLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: R-1A FLU: C ZONING: C (PUD) FLU: LDR ZONING: A-1 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: R (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: LDRFLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: LD-PUD LAKEWOOD MANOR PUD 07-22-28-0000-00-031 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) PUD BOUNDARY W-1 19.49 ACRES W-2 1.1 ACRES W-3 1.35 ACRES W-4 20.89 ACRES OCOEE-A P O P K A R O A D (ROW VA R I E S ) FU L L E R S C R O S S R O A D (R O W V A R I E S ) NORTH LAKEWOOD AVENUE Note: Existing wetland boundaries have been field-delineated in accordance with State and Federal requirements. Final configuration subject to approval by regulatory agencies SW-1 ~0.06ACRES SW-2 ~1.15 ACRES SW-3 0.38 ACRES SW-4 0.38 ACRES PUD BOUNDARY PUD BOUNDARY 06-22-28-0000-00-001 FLU: LDR & CONS ZONING: PUD-LD 06-22-28-0000-00-039 FLU: LDR ZONING: UNCLASSIFIED 06-22-28-0000-00-041 FLU: LDR ZONING: UNCLASSIFIED 06-22-28-0000-00-043 FLU: LDR ZONING: UNCLASSIFIED 06-22-28-0000-00-105 FLU: LDR ZONING: UNCLASSIFIED 06-22-28-0000-00-057 FLU: LDR ZONING: UNCLASSIFIED 06-22-28-0000-00-060 FLU: LDR ZONING: UNCLASSIFIED 06-22-28-0000-00-023 FLU: LDR ZONING: UNCLASSIFIED EXISTING WELL 06-22-28-0000-00-074 FLU: LDR ZONING: UNCLASSIFIED Feet 0 150 300 Su n d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 4 5 : 2 9 : 5 0 PMC: \ U s e r s \ B a s t i a n M \ D e s k t o p \ W I P \ O c o e e \ 4 7 0 - P l a n n i n g \ 7 0 . C A D \ P D _ R e z o n i n g ( 2 n d S u b m i t t a l ) 22 9 0 F U L L E R S C R O S S R O A D OC O E E , F L O R I D A OC O E E R E G I O N A L S P O R T S C O M P L E X 09 / 1 5 / 2 4 PU D - 1 s t S u b m i t t a l AE C O M 15 0 N O r a n g e A v e , S u i t e 2 0 1 Or l a n d o , F L 3 2 8 0 1 (4 0 7 ) 84 3 - 6 5 5 2 Mo n t i e r r e D e v e l o p m e n t 56 6 9 S E C r o o k e d O a k A v e Ho b e S o u n d , F L 3 3 4 5 5 ©2024 AECOM Corporation Pr i n t e d d a t e : Fi l e n a m e : Drawing Title: Re v i s i o n s N° Da t e De s c r i p t i o n FILE NAME: DWN BY: DESIGNED BY:QA/QC BY: SIZE PROJECT MANAGER: PLOT SCALE: DATE: PROJECT # Sheet Key plan: 30"X42" 12 / 2 7 / 2 4 PU D - 2 n d S u b m i t t a l 05 / 13 BSTN BSTN -- 9/15/2024 BL AS INDICATED P. 04 60729465 --- AERIAL IMAGE AERIAL IMAGE EXISTING LIFT STATION 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 103 103 104 105 106 108 109 107 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 116 116 115 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 117117 118 117 116 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 125 125 123 119 126 123 124 116 119120 125 124 123 122 126 127 121 120 119 122 123 121 122 122 122 123 124 07-22-28-0000-00-07328-22-07-0000-00-08628-22-07-0000-00-05407-22-28-0000-00-085 07-22-28-0000-00-084 07-22-28-0000-00-08307-22-28-0000-00-08207-22-28-0000-00-10007-22-28-4944-00-001 07-22-28-0000-00-09907-22-28-0000-00-04907-22-28-0000-00-080 07-22-28-0000-00-087 07-22-28-0000-00-015 07-22-28-0000-00-042 07-22-28-0000-00-068 07-22-28-0000-00-061 07-22-28-0000-00-067 07-22-28-0000-00-026 06-22-28-0000-00-056 06-22-28-0000-00-012 06-22-28-0000-00-080 06-22-28-0000-00-040 07-22-28-0000-00-071 FLU: C (PUD) ZONING: C (PUD) 07-22-28-1842-00-050 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE 28-22-07-1842-00-260 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE07-22-28-1842-00-250 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE07-22-28-1842-00-240 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE 07-22-28-1842-00-230 07-22-28-1842-00-220 07-22-28-1842-00-210 07-22-28-1842-00-200 07-22-28-1842-00-190 07-22-28-1842-00-180 07-22-28-0000-00-03807-22-28-0000-00-037 07-22-28-0000-00-09207-22-28-0000-00-064 07-22-28-1842-00-001 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CEFLU: LI ZONING: IND (PUD)FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: HI ZONING: I-2 FLU: LI ZONING: I-1 FLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: R-1A FLU: C ZONING: C (PUD) FLU: LDR ZONING: A-1 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: R (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: LDRFLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: LD-PUD LAKEWOOD MANOR PUD 07-22-28-0000-00-031 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) PUD BOUNDARY W-1 19.49 ACRES W-2 1.1 ACRES W-3 1.35 ACRES W-4 20.89 ACRES OCOEE-A P O P K A R O A D (ROW VA R I E S ) FU L L E R S C R O S S R O A D (R O W V A R I E S ) NORTH LAKEWOOD AVENUE Note: Existing wetland boundaries have been field-delineated in accordance with State and Federal requirements. Final configuration subject to approval by regulatory agencies SW-1 ~0.06ACRES SW-2 ~1.15 ACRES SW-3 0.38 ACRES SW-4 0.38 ACRES PUD BOUNDARY PUD BOUNDARY 06-22-28-0000-00-001 FLU: LDR & CONS ZONING: PUD-LD 06-22-28-0000-00-039 FLU: LDR ZONING: UNCLASSIFIED 06-22-28-0000-00-041 FLU: LDR ZONING: UNCLASSIFIED 06-22-28-0000-00-043 FLU: LDR ZONING: UNCLASSIFIED 06-22-28-0000-00-105 FLU: LDR ZONING: UNCLASSIFIED 06-22-28-0000-00-057 FLU: LDR ZONING: UNCLASSIFIED 06-22-28-0000-00-060 FLU: LDR ZONING: UNCLASSIFIED 06-22-28-0000-00-023 FLU: LDR ZONING: UNCLASSIFIED EXISTING WELL 06-22-28-0000-00-074 FLU: LDR ZONING: UNCLASSIFIED Feet 0 150 300 Su n d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 4 5 : 2 9 : 5 0 PMC: \ U s e r s \ B a s t i a n M \ D e s k t o p \ W I P \ O c o e e \ 4 7 0 - P l a n n i n g \ 7 0 . C A D \ P D _ R e z o n i n g ( 2 n d S u b m i t t a l ) 22 9 0 F U L L E R S C R O S S R O A D OC O E E , F L O R I D A OC O E E R E G I O N A L S P O R T S C O M P L E X 09 / 1 5 / 2 4 PU D - 1 s t S u b m i t t a l AE C O M 15 0 N O r a n g e A v e , S u i t e 2 0 1 Or l a n d o , F L 3 2 8 0 1 (4 0 7 ) 84 3 - 6 5 5 2 Mo n t i e r r e D e v e l o p m e n t 56 6 9 S E C r o o k e d O a k A v e Ho b e S o u n d , F L 3 3 4 5 5 ©2024 AECOM Corporation Pr i n t e d d a t e : Fi l e n a m e : Drawing Title: Re v i s i o n s N° Da t e De s c r i p t i o n FILE NAME: DWN BY: DESIGNED BY:QA/QC BY: SIZE PROJECT MANAGER: PLOT SCALE: DATE: PROJECT # Sheet Key plan: 30"X42" 12 / 2 7 / 2 4 PU D - 2 n d S u b m i t t a l 06 / 13 BSTN BSTN --- 09/15/2024 BL AS INDICATED P. 05 60729465 --- TOPOGRAPHY& EXIST. COND. TOPOGRAPHY AND EXISTING CONDITIONS PROPOSED 60' ROW CONVEYANCE EXISTING LIFT STATION East Parking Garage NW Water Feature (PARKING BELOW) ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT River Walk MAIN STREET CENTRAL WATER FEATURE SURFACE PARKING Dry Stormwater & Landscaping (typ.) Note: conceptual roadway layout provided for preliminary coordination and discussion purposes only. Actual roadway configuration will be subject to design, engineering, review, and approval by regulatory agencies. Storage North Hotel (East Tower) Amenities Deck Arrival / Podium Amenities Deck North Hotel (West Tower) Welcome Center West Parking Garage Boardwalk North ArrivalPlaza Retail Promenade Splash Pad Plaza Restaurant Gathering Stairs Drop-off Service Yard Service Yard Waterfront Dining Restaurant Restrooms Entertainment Retail Restaurants Entertainment Retail Restrooms Restaurant Citrus Tower CirculationRideshare Drop-off Lawn Pedestrian Bridge (TYP.) Stairs Waterfront Dining Retail & Restaurants Retail Retail & Restaurants garage access Retail PODIUM RETAIL DISTRICT Restaurant Retail Retail Retail Retail Retail & Restaurants Restaurant Restaurant Retail Retail Restrooms & Circ. Rest. Stairs Stairs service area short-term parking Drop-off Food Hall Restaurant Retail Restaurant Playground Outdoor Dining PlazaArrival Garden Amenities Deck Parking Garagesurface parking Guest Terrace Boutique Hotel surface parking Arrival & Drop-off Entertainment Play Courts MLB-Sized Baseball Field MLB-Sized Championship Field MLB-Sized Baseball Field MLB-Sized Baseball Field MLB-Sized Baseball Field Truncated MLB Baseball Field Truncated MLB Baseball Field Small Baseball Field Accessible Baseball Field Multi-Use Field MLB-Sized Baseball Soccer + Football Multi-Use Field MLB-Sized Baseball Soccer + Football Multi-Use Field MLB-Sized Baseball Soccer + Football Multi-Use Field Small Baseball Soccer + Football Multi-Use Field Small Baseball Soccer + Football Multi-Use Field Small Baseball Football Truncated MLB Baseball Field Football Field indoor Sports & Fitness Maintenance Optional Controlled Access Perimeter (typ.) Service Yard Guest Drop-off Arrival Water Feature City Park & Shared Overflow Parking Dry Retention (typ.) Covered Seating (typ.) Batting Cages (typ.) Press Box (typ.) MULTI-PURPOSE SPORTS FIELDS Service / Emergency Access Road(Private) service exit only service exit only Restrooms Restrooms Restrooms Restrooms Playground Playground Retail 07-22-28-0000-00-07328-22-07-0000-00-08628-22-07-0000-00-05407-22-28-0000-00-085 07-22-28-0000-00-084 07-22-28-0000-00-08307-22-28-0000-00-08207-22-28-0000-00-10007-22-28-4944-00-001 07-22-28-0000-00-09907-22-28-0000-00-04907-22-28-0000-00-080 07-22-28-0000-00-087 07-22-28-0000-00-015 07-22-28-0000-00-042 07-22-28-0000-00-068 07-22-28-0000-00-061 07-22-28-0000-00-067 07-22-28-0000-00-026 06-22-28-0000-00-056 06-22-28-0000-00-012 06-22-28-0000-00-080 06-22-28-0000-00-040 07-22-28-0000-00-071 FLU: C (PUD) ZONING: C (PUD) 07-22-28-1842-00-050 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE 28-22-07-1842-00-260 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE07-22-28-1842-00-250 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE07-22-28-1842-00-240 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE 07-22-28-1842-00-230 07-22-28-1842-00-220 07-22-28-1842-00-210 07-22-28-1842-00-200 07-22-28-1842-00-190 07-22-28-1842-00-180 07-22-28-0000-00-03807-22-28-0000-00-037 07-22-28-0000-00-09207-22-28-0000-00-064 07-22-28-1842-00-001 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CEFLU: LI ZONING: IND (PUD)FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: HI ZONING: I-2 FLU: LI ZONING: I-1 FLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: R-1A FLU: C ZONING: C (PUD) FLU: LDR ZONING: A-1 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: R (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: LDRFLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: LD-PUD LAKEWOOD MANOR PUD 07-22-28-0000-00-031 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) PUD BOUNDARY 60' ROW CONVEYANCE 3.8 ACRES OCOEE-A P O P K A R O A D (ROW VA R I E S ) FU L L E R S C R O S S R O A D (R O W V A R I E S ) (P R O P O S E D R O A D - 6 0 ' R O W ) NORTH LAKEWOOD AVENUE PUD BOUNDARY PUD BOUNDARY 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER ROW CONVEYANCE 0.4 ACRES EXISTING WELL 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 20' UTILITY EASEMENT 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT SERVICE GATE Feet 0 150 300 Su n d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 4 5 : 2 9 : 5 0 PMC: \ U s e r s \ B a s t i a n M \ D e s k t o p \ W I P \ O c o e e \ 4 7 0 - P l a n n i n g \ 7 0 . C A D \ P D _ R e z o n i n g ( 2 n d S u b m i t t a l ) 22 9 0 F U L L E R S C R O S S R O A D OC O E E , F L O R I D A OC O E E R E G I O N A L S P O R T S C O M P L E X 09 / 1 5 / 2 4 PU D - 1 s t S u b m i t t a l AE C O M 15 0 N O r a n g e A v e , S u i t e 2 0 1 Or l a n d o , F L 3 2 8 0 1 (4 0 7 ) 84 3 - 6 5 5 2 Mo n t i e r r e D e v e l o p m e n t 56 6 9 S E C r o o k e d O a k A v e Ho b e S o u n d , F L 3 3 4 5 5 ©2024 AECOM Corporation Pr i n t e d d a t e : Fi l e n a m e : Drawing Title: Re v i s i o n s N° Da t e De s c r i p t i o n FILE NAME: DWN BY: DESIGNED BY:QA/QC BY: SIZE PROJECT MANAGER: PLOT SCALE: DATE: PROJECT # Sheet Key plan: 30"X42" 12 / 2 7 / 2 4 PU D - 2 n d S u b m i t t a l 07 / 13 BSTN BSTN --- 08/21/2024 BL AS INDICATED P. 06 60729465 --- CONCEPTUALSITE PLAN CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN 07-22-28-0000-00-07328-22-07-0000-00-08628-22-07-0000-00-05407-22-28-0000-00-085 07-22-28-0000-00-084 07-22-28-0000-00-08307-22-28-0000-00-08207-22-28-0000-00-10007-22-28-4944-00-001 07-22-28-0000-00-09907-22-28-0000-00-04907-22-28-0000-00-080 07-22-28-0000-00-087 07-22-28-0000-00-015 07-22-28-0000-00-042 07-22-28-0000-00-068 07-22-28-0000-00-061 07-22-28-0000-00-067 07-22-28-0000-00-026 06-22-28-0000-00-056 06-22-28-0000-00-012 06-22-28-0000-00-080 06-22-28-0000-00-040 07-22-28-0000-00-071 FLU: C (PUD) ZONING: C (PUD) 07-22-28-1842-00-050 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE 28-22-07-1842-00-260 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE07-22-28-1842-00-250 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE07-22-28-1842-00-240 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE 07-22-28-1842-00-230 07-22-28-1842-00-220 07-22-28-1842-00-210 07-22-28-1842-00-200 07-22-28-1842-00-190 07-22-28-1842-00-180 07-22-28-0000-00-03807-22-28-0000-00-037 07-22-28-0000-00-09207-22-28-0000-00-064 07-22-28-1842-00-001 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CEFLU: LI ZONING: IND (PUD)FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: HI ZONING: I-2 FLU: LI ZONING: I-1 FLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: R-1A FLU: C ZONING: C (PUD) FLU: LDR ZONING: A-1 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: R (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: LDRFLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: LD-PUD LAKEWOOD MANOR PUD 07-22-28-0000-00-031 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) PUD BOUNDARY 60' ROW CONVEYANCE 3.8 ACRES OCOEE-A P O P K A R O A D (ROW VA R I E S ) FU L L E R S C R O S S R O A D (R O W V A R I E S ) (P R O P O S E D R O A D - 6 0 ' R O W ) NORTH LAKEWOOD AVENUE PUD BOUNDARY PUD BOUNDARY 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER ROW CONVEYANCE 0.4 ACRES EXISTING WELL 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 20' UTILITY EASEMENT 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 03 01 02 04 05 06 07 SERVICE GATE (a) 01(c) 01(b) Feet 0 150 300 Su n d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 4 5 : 2 9 : 5 0 PMC: \ U s e r s \ B a s t i a n M \ D e s k t o p \ W I P \ O c o e e \ 4 7 0 - P l a n n i n g \ 7 0 . C A D \ P D _ R e z o n i n g ( 2 n d S u b m i t t a l ) 22 9 0 F U L L E R S C R O S S R O A D OC O E E , F L O R I D A OC O E E R E G I O N A L S P O R T S C O M P L E X 09 / 1 5 / 2 4 PU D - 1 s t S u b m i t t a l AE C O M 15 0 N O r a n g e A v e , S u i t e 2 0 1 Or l a n d o , F L 3 2 8 0 1 (4 0 7 ) 84 3 - 6 5 5 2 Mo n t i e r r e D e v e l o p m e n t 56 6 9 S E C r o o k e d O a k A v e Ho b e S o u n d , F L 3 3 4 5 5 ©2024 AECOM Corporation Pr i n t e d d a t e : Fi l e n a m e : Drawing Title: Re v i s i o n s N° Da t e De s c r i p t i o n FILE NAME: DWN BY: DESIGNED BY:QA/QC BY: SIZE PROJECT MANAGER: PLOT SCALE: DATE: PROJECT # Sheet Key plan: 30"X42" 12 / 2 7 / 2 4 PU D - 2 n d S u b m i t t a l 08 / 13 BSTN BSTN --- 09/15/2024 BL AS INDICATED P. 07 60729465 --- DEVELOPMENTSEQUENCING DEVELOPMENT SEQUENCING (SINGLE PHASE) EXISTING LIFT STATION 00 07-22-28-0000-00-07328-22-07-0000-00-08628-22-07-0000-00-05407-22-28-0000-00-085 07-22-28-0000-00-084 07-22-28-0000-00-08307-22-28-0000-00-08207-22-28-0000-00-10007-22-28-4944-00-001 07-22-28-0000-00-09907-22-28-0000-00-04907-22-28-0000-00-080 07-22-28-0000-00-087 07-22-28-0000-00-015 07-22-28-0000-00-042 07-22-28-0000-00-068 07-22-28-0000-00-061 07-22-28-0000-00-067 07-22-28-0000-00-026 06-22-28-0000-00-056 06-22-28-0000-00-012 06-22-28-0000-00-080 06-22-28-0000-00-040 07-22-28-0000-00-071 FLU: C (PUD) ZONING: C (PUD) 07-22-28-1842-00-050 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE 28-22-07-1842-00-260 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE07-22-28-1842-00-250 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE07-22-28-1842-00-240 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE 07-22-28-1842-00-230 07-22-28-1842-00-220 07-22-28-1842-00-210 07-22-28-1842-00-200 07-22-28-1842-00-190 07-22-28-1842-00-180 07-22-28-0000-00-03807-22-28-0000-00-037 07-22-28-0000-00-09207-22-28-0000-00-064 07-22-28-1842-00-001 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CEFLU: LI ZONING: IND (PUD)FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: HI ZONING: I-2 FLU: LI ZONING: I-1 FLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: R-1A FLU: C ZONING: C (PUD) FLU: LDR ZONING: A-1 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: R (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: LDRFLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: LD-PUD LAKEWOOD MANOR PUD 07-22-28-0000-00-031 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) PUD BOUNDARY 60' ROW CONVEYANCE 3.8 ACRES OCOEE-A P O P K A R O A D (ROW VA R I E S ) FU L L E R S C R O S S R O A D (R O W V A R I E S ) (P R O P O S E D R O A D - 6 0 ' R O W ) NORTH LAKEWOOD AVENUE PUD BOUNDARY PUD BOUNDARY 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER ROW CONVEYANCE 0.4 ACRES EXISTING WELL 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 20' UTILITY EASEMENT 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT SERVICE GATE SERVICE / EMERGENCY (PRIVATE ROAD) 25' PUD SETBACK 25' PUD SETBACK Note: conceptual roadway layout provided for preliminary coordination and discussion purposes only. Actual roadway configuration will be subject to design, engineering, review, and approval by regulatory agencies. 25' PUD SETBACK FIRST AID / EMERGENCY TRIAGE FIRST AID / EMERGENCY TRIAGE FIRST AID / EMERGENCY TRIAGE EMERGENCY ACCES ROUTES (20' CLEAR PATH) POTENTIAL SHELTER LOCATION POTENTIAL SHELTER LOCATION POTENTIAL SHELTER LOCATION POTENTIAL SHELTER LOCATION POTENTIAL SHELTER LOCATION POTENTIAL SHELTER LOCATION POTENTIAL SHELTER LOCATION POTENTIAL SHELTER LOCATION POTENTIAL SHELTER LOCATION POTENTIAL SHELTER LOCATION POTENTIAL SHELTER LOCATION POTENTIAL SHELTER LOCATION POTENTIAL SHELTER LOCATION Feet 0 150 300 Su n d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 4 5 : 2 9 : 5 0 PMC: \ U s e r s \ B a s t i a n M \ D e s k t o p \ W I P \ O c o e e \ 4 7 0 - P l a n n i n g \ 7 0 . C A D \ P D _ R e z o n i n g ( 2 n d S u b m i t t a l ) 22 9 0 F U L L E R S C R O S S R O A D OC O E E , F L O R I D A OC O E E R E G I O N A L S P O R T S C O M P L E X 09 / 1 5 / 2 4 PU D - 1 s t S u b m i t t a l AE C O M 15 0 N O r a n g e A v e , S u i t e 2 0 1 Or l a n d o , F L 3 2 8 0 1 (4 0 7 ) 84 3 - 6 5 5 2 Mo n t i e r r e D e v e l o p m e n t 56 6 9 S E C r o o k e d O a k A v e Ho b e S o u n d , F L 3 3 4 5 5 ©2024 AECOM Corporation Pr i n t e d d a t e : Fi l e n a m e : Drawing Title: Re v i s i o n s N° Da t e De s c r i p t i o n FILE NAME: DWN BY: DESIGNED BY:QA/QC BY: SIZE PROJECT MANAGER: PLOT SCALE: DATE: PROJECT # Sheet Key plan: 30"X42" 12 / 2 7 / 2 4 PU D - 2 n d S u b m i t t a l 09 / 13 BSTN BSTN --- 09/15/2024 BL AS INDICATED P. 08 60729465 --- EMERGENCYACCESS EMERGENCY ACCESS PLAN EXISTING LIFT STATION SPORTS FIELDS 39.6 ACRES TOTAL WATER FEATURES 11.0 ACRES TOTAL BUILDING FOOTPRINTS 17.0 ACRES TOTAL PARKING & CIRCULATION 13.3 ACRES TOTAL ROW CONVEYANCES 4.2 ACRES TOTAL HARDSCAPING AREAS 25.6 ACRES TOTAL DRY RETENTION 4.2 ACRES TOTAL LANDSCAPING AREAS 29.9 ACRES TOTAL STRUCTURES (SPORTS) 2.3 ACRES TOTAL CITY PARK CONVEYANCE 2.0 ACRES Optional Controlled Access Perimeter (typ.) 07-22-28-0000-00-07328-22-07-0000-00-08628-22-07-0000-00-05407-22-28-0000-00-085 07-22-28-0000-00-084 07-22-28-0000-00-08307-22-28-0000-00-08207-22-28-0000-00-10007-22-28-4944-00-001 07-22-28-0000-00-09907-22-28-0000-00-04907-22-28-0000-00-080 07-22-28-0000-00-087 07-22-28-0000-00-015 07-22-28-0000-00-042 07-22-28-0000-00-068 07-22-28-0000-00-061 07-22-28-0000-00-067 07-22-28-0000-00-026 06-22-28-0000-00-056 06-22-28-0000-00-012 06-22-28-0000-00-080 06-22-28-0000-00-040 07-22-28-0000-00-071 FLU: C (PUD) ZONING: C (PUD) 07-22-28-1842-00-050 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE 28-22-07-1842-00-260 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE07-22-28-1842-00-250 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE07-22-28-1842-00-240 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE 07-22-28-1842-00-230 07-22-28-1842-00-220 07-22-28-1842-00-210 07-22-28-1842-00-200 07-22-28-1842-00-190 07-22-28-1842-00-180 07-22-28-0000-00-03807-22-28-0000-00-037 07-22-28-0000-00-09207-22-28-0000-00-064 07-22-28-1842-00-001 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CEFLU: LI ZONING: IND (PUD)FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: HI ZONING: I-2 FLU: LI ZONING: I-1 FLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: R-1A FLU: C ZONING: C (PUD) FLU: LDR ZONING: A-1 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: R (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: LDRFLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: LD-PUD LAKEWOOD MANOR PUD 07-22-28-0000-00-031 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) PUD BOUNDARY 60' ROW CONVEYANCE 3.8 ACRES OCOEE-A P O P K A R O A D (ROW VA R I E S ) FU L L E R S C R O S S R O A D (R O W V A R I E S ) (P R O P O S E D R O A D - 6 0 ' R O W ) NORTH LAKEWOOD AVENUE PUD BOUNDARY PUD BOUNDARY 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER ROW CONVEYANCE 0.4 ACRES EXISTING WELL 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 20' UTILITY EASEMENT 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT SERVICE GATE Feet 0 150 300 Su n d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 4 5 : 2 9 : 5 0 PMC: \ U s e r s \ B a s t i a n M \ D e s k t o p \ W I P \ O c o e e \ 4 7 0 - P l a n n i n g \ 7 0 . C A D \ P D _ R e z o n i n g ( 2 n d S u b m i t t a l ) 22 9 0 F U L L E R S C R O S S R O A D OC O E E , F L O R I D A OC O E E R E G I O N A L S P O R T S C O M P L E X 09 / 1 5 / 2 4 PU D - 1 s t S u b m i t t a l AE C O M 15 0 N O r a n g e A v e , S u i t e 2 0 1 Or l a n d o , F L 3 2 8 0 1 (4 0 7 ) 84 3 - 6 5 5 2 Mo n t i e r r e D e v e l o p m e n t 56 6 9 S E C r o o k e d O a k A v e Ho b e S o u n d , F L 3 3 4 5 5 ©2024 AECOM Corporation Pr i n t e d d a t e : Fi l e n a m e : Drawing Title: Re v i s i o n s N° Da t e De s c r i p t i o n FILE NAME: DWN BY: DESIGNED BY:QA/QC BY: SIZE PROJECT MANAGER: PLOT SCALE: DATE: PROJECT # Sheet Key plan: 30"X42" 12 / 2 7 / 2 4 PU D - 2 n d S u b m i t t a l 10 / 13 BSTN BSTN --- 09/15/2024 BL AS INDICATED P. 09 60729465 --- PERVIOUS /IMPERVIOUS PLAN PERVIOUS / IMPERVIOUS AREAS 07 / 2 9 / 2 4 2n d S u b m i t t a l Plan Legend ROW / Park WATER FEATURES 11.0 ACRES TOTAL LANDSCAPING AREAS 20.9 ACRES TOTAL DRY RETENTION 2.0 ACRES TOTAL ACCESSIBLE FIELD 0.3 ACRES TOTAL HARDSCAPING AREAS 18.8 ACRES TOTAL MASKED AREAS ARE EXCLUDED FROM PUBLIC OPEN SPACE CALCULATION 2.0 AC. CITY PARK CONVEYANCE (EXCLUDED FROM PUBLIC OPEN SPACE CALCULATION) 07-22-28-0000-00-07328-22-07-0000-00-08628-22-07-0000-00-05407-22-28-0000-00-085 07-22-28-0000-00-084 07-22-28-0000-00-08307-22-28-0000-00-08207-22-28-0000-00-10007-22-28-4944-00-001 07-22-28-0000-00-09907-22-28-0000-00-04907-22-28-0000-00-080 07-22-28-0000-00-087 07-22-28-0000-00-015 07-22-28-0000-00-042 07-22-28-0000-00-068 07-22-28-0000-00-061 07-22-28-0000-00-067 07-22-28-0000-00-026 06-22-28-0000-00-056 06-22-28-0000-00-012 06-22-28-0000-00-080 06-22-28-0000-00-040 07-22-28-0000-00-071 FLU: C (PUD) ZONING: C (PUD) 07-22-28-1842-00-050 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE 28-22-07-1842-00-260 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE07-22-28-1842-00-250 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE07-22-28-1842-00-240 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE 07-22-28-1842-00-230 07-22-28-1842-00-220 07-22-28-1842-00-210 07-22-28-1842-00-200 07-22-28-1842-00-190 07-22-28-1842-00-180 07-22-28-0000-00-03807-22-28-0000-00-037 07-22-28-0000-00-09207-22-28-0000-00-064 07-22-28-1842-00-001 FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CEFLU: LI ZONING: IND (PUD)FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: HI ZONING: I-2 FLU: LI ZONING: I-1 FLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: R-1A FLU: C ZONING: C (PUD) FLU: LDR ZONING: A-1 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)FLU: LDR ZONING: R-CE FLU: R (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: LDRFLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: R (COUNTY) FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY)FLU: R (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY)ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) FLU: LDR ZONING: LD-PUD LAKEWOOD MANOR PUD 07-22-28-0000-00-031 FLU: LDR (COUNTY) ZONING: A-1 (COUNTY) PUD BOUNDARY 60' ROW CONVEYANCE 3.8 ACRES OCOEE-A P O P K A R O A D (ROW VA R I E S ) FU L L E R S C R O S S R O A D (R O W V A R I E S ) (P R O P O S E D R O A D - 6 0 ' R O W ) NORTH LAKEWOOD AVENUE PUD BOUNDARY PUD BOUNDARY 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER ROW CONVEYANCE 0.4 ACRES EXISTING WELL 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 20' UTILITY EASEMENT 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT SERVICE GATE Feet 0 150 300 Su n d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 4 5 : 2 9 : 5 0 PMC: \ U s e r s \ B a s t i a n M \ D e s k t o p \ W I P \ O c o e e \ 4 7 0 - P l a n n i n g \ 7 0 . C A D \ P D _ R e z o n i n g ( 2 n d S u b m i t t a l ) 22 9 0 F U L L E R S C R O S S R O A D OC O E E , F L O R I D A OC O E E R E G I O N A L S P O R T S C O M P L E X 09 / 1 5 / 2 4 PU D - 1 s t S u b m i t t a l AE C O M 15 0 N O r a n g e A v e , S u i t e 2 0 1 Or l a n d o , F L 3 2 8 0 1 (4 0 7 ) 84 3 - 6 5 5 2 Mo n t i e r r e D e v e l o p m e n t 56 6 9 S E C r o o k e d O a k A v e Ho b e S o u n d , F L 3 3 4 5 5 ©2024 AECOM Corporation Pr i n t e d d a t e : Fi l e n a m e : Drawing Title: Re v i s i o n s N° Da t e De s c r i p t i o n FILE NAME: DWN BY: DESIGNED BY:QA/QC BY: SIZE PROJECT MANAGER: PLOT SCALE: DATE: PROJECT # Sheet Key plan: 30"X42" 12 / 2 7 / 2 4 PU D - 2 n d S u b m i t t a l 11 / 13 BSTN BSTN --- 05/01/2024 BL AS INDICATED P. 10 60729465 --- CONCEPTUALOPEN SPACE PLAN PUBLIC OPEN SPACE AREAS 07 / 2 9 / 2 4 2n d S u b m i t t a l Plan Legend ROW / Park W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM S S S S S S S FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM W W W W W W W D KEY PLAN CLIENT CONSULTANTS REGISTRATION ISSUE/REVISION SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE PROJECT NUMBER La s t P l o t t e d : Fi l e n a m e : Printed on ___% Post-Consumer Recycled Content Paper AR C H E 1 3 0 " x 4 2 " Pr o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t I n i t i a l s : De s i g n e r : Ch e c k e d : Ap p r o v e d : PROJECT NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N AECOM ©2024 AECOM Corporation Th i s d r a w i n g h a s b e e n p r e p a r e d f o r t h e u s e o f A E C O M ’ s c l i e n t a n d m a y n o t b e u s e d , r e p r o d u c e d o r r e l i e d u p o n b y t h i r d p a r t i e s , e x c e p t a s a g r e e d b y A E C O M a n d i t s c l i e n t , a s r e q u i r e d b y l a w o r f o r u s e b y g o v e r n m e n t a l r e v i e w i n g a g e n c i e s . A E C O M a c c e p t s n o r e s p o n s i b i l i t y , a n d d e n i e s a n y l i a b i l i t y w h a t s o e v e r , t o a n y p a r t y t h a t m o d i f i e s t h i s d r a w i n g w i t h o u t A E C O M ’ s e x p r e s s w r i t t e n c o n s e n t . D o n o t s c a l e t h i s d o c u m e n t . A l l m e a s u r e m e n t s m u s t b e o b t a i n e d f r o m t h e s t a t e d d i m e n s i o n s . A 1 2 3 4 5 6 B C D 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 / 2 7 / 2 0 2 4 1 0 : 3 2 : 2 8 A M ac m _ A r c h _ D O - B a s e T e m p l a t e _ 2 0 2 5 _ d e t a c h e d . r v t 2290 Fullers Cross Road Ocoee, FL 34761CH K DS G AP R FEILDS DYNASTY SPORTS COMPLEX Montierre Development, PLLC 5669 SE Crooked Oak Ave Hobe Sound, FL 33455 407-562-6311 390 North Orange Avenue Suite 750 Orlando, FL 32801 www.aecom.comwww.aecom.com 08_ 08.05_ ARCHITECTURE_ A050 I/R DATE DESCRIPTION 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 N N 0 20'100'200' SCALE: 1" = 150' W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM S S S S S S S FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W S S S S S S S S S SS S S S SS S S FM KEY PLAN CLIENT CONSULTANTS REGISTRATION ISSUE/REVISION SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE PROJECT NUMBER La s t P l o t t e d : Fi l e n a m e : Printed on ___% Post-Consumer Recycled Content Paper AR C H E 1 3 0 " x 4 2 " Pr o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t I n i t i a l s : De s i g n e r : Ch e c k e d : Ap p r o v e d : PROJECT NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N AECOM ©2024 AECOM Corporation Th i s d r a w i n g h a s b e e n p r e p a r e d f o r t h e u s e o f A E C O M ’ s c l i e n t a n d m a y n o t b e u s e d , r e p r o d u c e d o r r e l i e d u p o n b y t h i r d p a r t i e s , e x c e p t a s a g r e e d b y A E C O M a n d i t s c l i e n t , a s r e q u i r e d b y l a w o r f o r u s e b y g o v e r n m e n t a l r e v i e w i n g a g e n c i e s . A E C O M a c c e p t s n o r e s p o n s i b i l i t y , a n d d e n i e s a n y l i a b i l i t y w h a t s o e v e r , t o a n y p a r t y t h a t m o d i f i e s t h i s d r a w i n g w i t h o u t A E C O M ’ s e x p r e s s w r i t t e n c o n s e n t . D o n o t s c a l e t h i s d o c u m e n t . A l l m e a s u r e m e n t s m u s t b e o b t a i n e d f r o m t h e s t a t e d d i m e n s i o n s . A 1 2 3 4 5 6 B C D 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 / 2 7 / 2 0 2 4 1 0 : 3 2 : 2 8 A M ac m _ A r c h _ D O - B a s e T e m p l a t e _ 2 0 2 5 _ d e t a c h e d . r v t 2290 Fullers Cross Road Ocoee, FL 34761CH K DS G AP R FEILDS DYNASTY SPORTS COMPLEX Montierre Development, PLLC 5669 SE Crooked Oak Ave Hobe Sound, FL 33455 407-562-6311 390 North Orange Avenue Suite 750 Orlando, FL 32801 www.aecom.comwww.aecom.com 08_ 08.05_ ARCHITECTURE_ A050 I/R DATE DESCRIPTION 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 N N 0 20'100'200' SCALE: 1" = 150' 44 1 1 5 1 - 1 CITY OF OCOEE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE OCOEE REGIONAL SPORTS COMPLEX REZONING FROM CITY PUD (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT), CITY R-1AA (SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT), & COUNTY A-1 (CITRUS RURAL DISTRICT) TO CITY PUD (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT) CASE NUMBER: RZ-24-09-07 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Article I, Sections 1-9 and 1-10, and Article V, Section 5-9, of the City of Ocoee Land Development Code, that on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2025, AT 6:15 P.M. or as soon thereafter as practical, the OCOEE CITY COMMISSION will hold a PUBLIC HEARING at the City of Ocoee Commission Chambers located at 1 North Bluford Avenue, Ocoee, Florida, to consider a Rezoning to change approximately 95.1 acres of City PUD (Planned Unit Development District), 37.1 acres of City R-1AA (Single Family Dwelling District) and 18.7 acres of County A-1 (Citrus Rural District) lands to approximately 150.9 acres of City PUD (Planned Unit Development District) for the Ocoee Regional Sports Complex Project. The subject property is comprised of 9 parcels, assigned parcel ID numbers 07-22-28- 0000-00-001, 07-22-28-0000-00-023, 07-22-28-0000-00-057, 07-22-28-0000-00-041, 07-22- 28-0000-00-039, 07-22-28-0000-00-043, 07-22-28-0000-00-105, 07-22-28-0000-00-060, and 07-22-28-0000-00-074. The subject property is generally located within the southeast corner of the intersection of Fullers Cross Road and Ocoee Apopka Road. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE ZONING CLAS- SIFICATION FROM CITY PUD (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT), CITY R-1AA (SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT), & COUNTY A-1 (CITRUS RURAL DISTRICT) TO CITY PUD (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT) ON CERTAIN REAL PROP- ERTIES CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 150 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE FULLERS CROSS ROAD AND OCOEE APOPKA ROAD INTERSECTION; FINDING SUCH ZONING TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE OCOEE COM- PREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE REVISION OF THE OFFI- CIAL CITY ZONING MAP; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Interested parties may appear at the public hearing and be heard with respect to the proposed action. The complete case file may be inspected at the Ocoee Development Services Department, located at 1 North Bluford Avenue, Ocoee, Florida, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays. The City Commission may continue the public hearing to other dates and times as it deems necessary. Any interested party shall be advised that the dates, times, and places of any continuation of these or continued public hearings shall be announced during the hearings and that no further notices regarding these matters will be published. You are advised that any person who desires to appeal any decision made during the public hearings will need a record of the proceedings and, for this purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of the proceedings should contact the City Clerk’s Office 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (407) 905-3105. Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Publish Date: February 6, 2025 1 City of Ocoee Business Impact Estimate Proposed ordinance’s title/reference: This Business Impact Estimate is provided in accordance with section 166.041(4), Florida Statutes. If one or more boxes are checked below, this means the City is of the view that a business impact estimate is not required by state law1 for the proposed ordinance, but the City is, nevertheless, providing this Business Impact Estimate as a courtesy and to avoid any procedural issues that could impact the enactment of the proposed ordinance. This Business Impact Estimate may be revised following its initial posting. ☐ The proposed ordinance is required for compliance with Federal or State law or regulation; ☐ The proposed ordinance relates to the issuance or refinancing of debt; ☐ The proposed ordinance relates to the adoption of budgets or budget amendments, including revenue sources necessary to fund the budget; ☐ The proposed ordinance is required to implement a contract or an agreement, including, but not limited to, any Federal, State, local, or private grant or other financial assistance accepted by the municipal government; ☐ The proposed ordinance is an emergency ordinance; ☐ The ordinance relates to procurement; or ☐ The proposed ordinance is enacted to implement the following: a. Part II of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, relating to growth policy, county and municipal planning, and land development regulation, including zoning, development orders, development agreements and development permits; b. Sections 190.005 and 190.046, Florida Statutes, regarding community development districts; c. Section 553.73, Florida Statutes, relating to the Florida Building Code; or d. Section 633.202, Florida Statutes, relating to the Florida Fire Prevention Code. In accordance with the provisions of controlling law, even notwithstanding the fact that an exemption noted above may apply, the City hereby publishes the following information: 1 See Section 166.041(4)(c), Florida Statutes. 2 1. Summary of the proposed ordinance (must include a statement of the public purpose, such as serving the public health, safety, morals and welfare): 2.An estimate of the direct economic impact of the proposed ordinance on private, for-profit businesses in the City of Ocoee, if any: (a) An estimate of direct compliance costs that businesses may reasonably incur; (b) Any new charge or fee imposed by the proposed ordinance or for which businesses will be financially responsible; and (c) An estimate of the City’s regulatory costs, including estimated revenues from any new charges or fees to cover such costs. 3.Good faith estimate of the number of businesses likely to be impacted by the proposed ordinance: 4. Additional information the governing body deems useful (if any):