HomeMy WebLinkAbout2025-01 - LSCPA - Ocoee Regional Sports ComplexORDINANCE NO.2025-01 (Large -Scale CPA — Ocoee Regional Sports Complex) TAX PARCEL ID: 07-22-28-0000-00-001, 07-22-28-0000-00-023, 07-22-28-0000-00-057, 07-22-28-0000-00-041, 07-22-28-0000-00-039, 07-22-28-0000-00-043, 07-22-28-0000-00-105, 07-22-28-0000-00-060, and 07-22-28-0000-00-074 DOC # 20250098881 02/19/2025 14:30 PM Page 1 of 10 Rec Fee: $86.50 Deed Doc Tax: $0.00 Mortgage Doc Tax: $0.00 Intangible Tax: $0.00 Phil Diamond, Comptroller Orange County, FL Ret To: CSC INC CASE NO. CPA-2024-006: Ocoee Regional Sports Complex Large -Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment and Text Amendment AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CITY OF OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS ADOPTED IN 1991, AS AMENDED; AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO CHANGE THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATION FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND CONSERVATION TO COMMERCIAL FOR CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 150 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE FULLERS CROSS ROAD AND OCOEE APOPKA ROAD INTERSECTION AND AMENDING PROVISIONS AND POLICIES WITHIN THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE REVISION OF THE OFFICIAL CITY FUTURE LAND USE MAP; PREVAILING IN THE EVENT OF ANY INCONSISTENCY; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee (the "Ocoee City Commission") has adopted the City's Comprehensive Plan (the "Ocoee Comprehensive Plan") by Ordinance No. 91-28 on September 18, 1991, pursuant to Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, the Growth Policy Act (the "Act"); and WHEREAS, Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, sets forth procedures and requirements for a local government to adopt a comprehensive plan and amendments thereto; and WHEREAS, the Owner (the "Applicant") of certain real properties located within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, assigned tax parcel identification numbers 07-22- 28-0000-00-001, 07-22-28-0000-00-023, 07-22-28-0000-00-057, 07-22-28-0000-00-041, 07-22- 28-0000-00-039, 07-22-28-0000-00-043, 07-22-28-0000-00-105, 07-22-28-0000-00-060,and 07- 22-28-0000-00-074, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and depicted in Exhibit "B", has submitted an application to the Ocoee City Commission to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map designation of said real properties from Low Density Residential and Conservation to Commercial and to amend certain provisions and policies within the Future Land Use Element (the "Comprehensive Plan Amendment"). 20250098881 Page 2 of 10 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5-9(C) of Article V of the Land Development Code of the City of Ocoee, Florida, the Development Services Director has reviewed said Comprehensive Plan Amendment application and determined that said Comprehensive Plan Amendment is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, as amended from time to time; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 163.3174(4)(a), Florida Statutes, the City's Local Planning Agency (LPA) conducted a publicly noticed and advertised public hearing on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, to consider and make recommendation of said proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 163.3184(11), Florida Statutes, the Ocoee City Commission held two (2) de novo advertised public hearings, with the first public hearing held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, and the second held on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, with respect to the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment and determined, after consideration of public comments, that the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. RECITALS. The foregoing recitals are hereby ratified and confirmed as true and correct and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 2. AUTHORITY. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapters 163 and 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 3. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT. The Future Land Use Map within the Future Land Use Element of the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended to change the future land use designation of the Subject Property, as particularly described in Exhibit "A" and depicted in Exhibit `B", from approximately 118.6 acres of Low Density Residential and and approximately 32.3 acres of Conservation to approximately 150.9 acres of Commercial, and the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended to read as described in Exhibit "C". SECTION 4. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to revise the adopted Future Land Use Map and the Future Land Use Element of the City of Ocoee in order to incorporate the Comprehensive Plan Amendment enacted by this Ordinance. SECTION 5. CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. This ordinance prevails in the event of any inconsistency with all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. SECTION 6. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. 20250098881 Page 3 of 10 SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty-one (31) days after adoption, unless challenged prior to that date pursuant to Section 163.3187(5), Florida Statutes, or following adoption and execution date of the Fourth Amendment to the City of Ocoee and Orange County Joint Planning Area Agreement, whichever is later. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of Pbr , 2025. Ili ATTEST: FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; APPROVED AS TO FO� AND LEGALITY this ( VY day of Fe rLrKp !j 52025. FIS DOMINICK By. City Attorney R 1 LLIu JG` g- • APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Rusty Jo s n, Mayor ADVERTISED JW .A �W 6. Fl-b• (P , 2025 READ FIRST TIME 1\)0\AfV)her !, 2024. READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED r- bfUQrU i Z 52025. UNDER AGEN A ITEM NO. 1-7 20250098881 Page 4 of 10 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS PARCEL ID NO.: 07-22-28-0000-00-001 (95.11 ACRES) THE W1/2 OF NE1/4 & E1/2 OF NW1/4 LYING E OF SR 437 IN SEC 07-22-28 & (LESS PT TAKEN FOR R/W DESC AS COMM AT N1/4 CORNER OF SEC 7-22-28 TH S1-3-52W ALONG W LINE OF NE1/4 OF SEC 7-22-28 30.01 FT TO POB TH N89-50-37E 1280.94 FT TO E LINE OF W1/2 OF NE1/4 OF SEC 7-22- 28 TH S0-27-1W 20 FT TH S89-50-37W 1281.16 FT TH S89-43-45W 648.52 FT TO POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE SELY TH SWLY ALONG CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 50 FT CENTRAL ANGLE OF 95-9-26 ARC LENGTH OF 83.04 FT CHORD LENGTH OF 73.82 FT AND CHORD BRG OF S42-9-2W TO POINT OF TANGENCY TH S5-25-41 E 266.84 FT TO POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE NELY TH SELY ALONG CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 1849.9 FT CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10-47-31 ARC LENGTH OF 348.43 FT CHORD LENGTH OF 347.92 FT AND CHORD BRG OF S10-49-27E TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY TH S16-13-12E 1773.29 FT TH S15-21-49E 59.23 FT TH S13-39-3E 55.93 FT TO POINT LYING ON S LINE OF NW1/4 OF SEC 7-22-28 TH S86-56-26W ALONG S LINE 28.44 FT TO POINT ON NON -TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SWLY TH NWLY ALONG NON -TANGENT CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 1941.86 FT CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3-11-30 ARC LENGTH OF 108.17 FT CHORD LENGTH OF 108.15 FT AND CHORD BRG OF N14-37-29W TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY TH N16-13- 13W 16.18 FT TH N16-20-6W 500 FT TH N16-2-55W 1000 FT TH N15-27-46W 407.21 FT TH N7-33- 7W 524.34 FT TH N5-25-43W 24.17 FT TH N89-43-45E 740.7 FT TO POB PER DOC 20190042931) 07-22-28-0000-00-023 (37.12 ACRES) BEG NW COR OF SW1/4 OF SE1/4 OF SEC 7-22-28 TH RUN N86-56-10E 1310.03 FT TH S00-31-51W 1398.44 FT TH S00-31-51 W 355.17 FT TH N89-35-48W 592.6 FT N01-06-44E 37.61 FT TH S87-37-29W 726.4 FT TH N00-48-40E 322 FT TH N88-29-43E 489.51 FT TH N01-04-18E 345.22 FT TH N88-06-20E 248.67 FT TH N01-04-18E 652.77 FT TH S87-43-51 W 523.06 FT TH N31-10-03W 411.03 FT TO POB (LESS RD R/W) & COMM AT THE CENTER OF SEC 7 TH ALONG W LINE OF SE 1/4 TH S01-04-18W 1672.03 FT TH DEPARTING W LINE RUN S88-55-42E 5.55 FT TO POB TH N87-37-29E 726.4 FT TH S01- 06-44W 37.61 FT TH S89-35-48E 592.6 FT TH S00-31-51 W 57.88 FT TH S89-55-44W 590.37 FT TH N00- 04-16W 37.61 FT TH S89-55-44W 726.8 FT TH N00-48-40E 33.58 FT TO POB (LESS RD R/W) 07-22-28-0000-00-057 (6.09 ACRES) BEG SW COR NE1/4 OF SE1/4 N 349.5 FT E 663 FT S 353.9 FT W 663.8 FT TO POB & N 50 FT OF S 125 FT OF E1/2 OF NE1/4 OF SE1/4 OF SEC 07-22-28 07-22-28-0000-00-041 (2.23 ACRES) BEG 574.86 FT S 1 DEG W FROM CENTER OF SEC RUN N 87 DEG E 219.78 FT N 1 DEG E 214.5 FT N 87 DEG E 239.66 FT TH S 1 DEG W 314.53 FT S 87 DEG W 458.80 FT N 100 FT TO POB (LESS W 30 FT RD R/W) IN SEC 07-22-28 07-22-28-0000-00-039 (2.10 ACRES) BEG NW COR OF SE1/4 RUN S 8.71 CHS E 3.33 CHS N 3.35 CHS NWLY TO BEG & NE1/4 OF SW1/4 E OF RD SEC 07-22-28 20250098881 Page 5 of 10 07-22-28-0000-00-043 (5.02 ACRES) FROM THE NW COR OF NW1/4 OF SE1/4 RUN S 1 DEG W 674.86 FT N 87 DEG E 0.98 FT FOR POB THN N 87 DEG E 458.80 FT N 1 DEG E 314.53 FT N 87 DEG E 283.06 FT S 1 DEG W 650.10 FT S 87 DEG W 221.90 FT N 1 DEG E 228.76 FT W 519.27 FT N 1 DEG E 104.17 FT TO POB (LESS W 30 FT RD R/W) IN SEC 07-22-28 07-22-28-0000-00-105 (1.18 ACRES) (NOTE: AGRICULTURAL PORTION OF FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY) FROM THE CENTER OF SEC RUN S 01 DEG W 779.03 FT TH N 88 DEG E 1.48 FT FOR POB TH N 88 DEG E 519.27 FT S 01 DEG W 228.76 FT S 87 DEG W 27 FT N 01 DEG W 3.91 FT S 88 DEG W 318.03 FT N 01 DEG E 125 FT S 88 DEG W 173.77 FT N 01 DEG E 100 FT TO POB IN SEC 07-22-28 (LESS RD R/W ON W) 07-22-28-0000-00-060 (1.08 ACRES) BEG AT SE COR OF NE1/4 OF SE1/4 RUN W 656 FT N 75 FT E 656 FT S 75 FT TO POB (LESS E 30 FT FOR R/W) IN SEC 07-22-28 AND 07-22-28-0000-00-074 (1.00 ACRE) (NOTE: HX PORTION OF FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY) FROM THE CENTER OF SEC RUN S 01 DEG W 779.03 FT TH N 88 DEG E 1.48 FT FOR POB TH N 88 DEG E 519.27 FT S 01 DEG W 228.76 FT S 87 DEG W 27 FT N 01 DEG W3.91 FT S 88 DEG W 318.03 FT N 01 DEG E 125 FT S 88 DEG W 173.77 FT N 01 DEG E 100 FT TO POB IN SEC 07-22-28 (LESS RD R/W ON W) 20250098881 Page 6cf10 EXHIBIT "B" 20250098881 Page 7 of 10 EXHIBIT "C" The Future Land Use Element is hereby amended to read as follows, with strike -through representing deleted text, underline representing new text and double -underline representing relocated text. FLUE Section XII C. Activity Centers Activity Centers are those areas within the impact zone of major intersections, or which may, by scale and development intensity, become significant economic drivers that would advance Ocoee's Comprehensive Plan goals. .���ee�s�eeee�esetr�etfee��:�f�n�� 11MIN11 To aehieve this tni:xed and/of multi use seenarie, whieh may to allow for ancillary and eempatible uses, pt!ioFities within these Gentet!s may obtain waivers f+om standard zoning and goals established fet! eaeh Aetivity Center. Setbaek allowanees and inereased floor a-rea Faties are t�,ve meehanisms that may be eonsidet!ed within the Activity Genter plans. Activity Centers are major nodes of employment within the City that may generally include a mix of residential and commercial land uses. In order to create successful Activity Centers, policies may be added to the Comprehensive Plan to direct the growth, development pattern, and form within Activity Center Areas. Mixed and/or multi -land use, pedestrian travel, and transit are emphasized in the Planning and Design of Activity Centers. To allow for a Uroper coordination between primary and ancillary uses. and to achieve development patterns and built forms that advance the goals of this Comprehensive Plan, Activity Centers may include site -specific policies and may establish design standards in the Land Development Code and applicable zoning districts to guide development within their boundaries. 20250098881 Page 8 of 10 Speeifieally, these Activity Centers should encourage residential areasa development pattern that contain a mix of housing types and densities to the extent possible. Retail, service and recreational facilities shall also be integrated within these areas. Non-residential areas shall establish -define the hub and focus of the area. Retail and service establishments, including day care ee to -s, government buildings; and cultural centers., should-m�also be included within the Centers. Activity Centers should be within walking or bicycling distance to melt local residents. Sidewalks should be placed on both sides of the roadways and shall be connected to sidewalks within residential developments. All parking areas shall be heavily landscaped and setback allowances may be given for any parking located behind buildings. The F-utuFe Lan Use Map (Figure 2) identifies the 1. ..t; of the proposed A .twit. Centers. Area -specific Activitv Center aolicies are established under Obiective 3. Policv 3.1. Obiective 3 The City shall adopt and implement plans and programs for Interchange Impact Areas, the Downtown Redevelopment Area, and Activity Centers as determined by the City Commission to meet the criteria established by Chapter 163, Florida Statutes to encourage Planned Unit Developments and mixed and multi -use developments (9J-5.006 (3)(b)(2) and (10), FAC). Policy 3.1 The City may require special development plans for Interchange Impact Areas, the Downtown Redevelopment Area and Activity Centers when such plans are needed to effectively coordinate development among multiple projects. The Activity Centers identified by the City include: • Good Homes Road Activity Center at Good Homes Road and State Road 50 • West Oaks Activity Center at Clarke Road and State Road 50 • Minorville Activity Center at Bluford Avenue and State Road 50 • Lake Bennet Activity Center at Blackwood Avenue and State Road 50 • Silver Star Activity Center at Clarke Road and Silver Star Road • Northwest Activity Center, at Ocoee -Apopka Road and Fullers Cross Road Policy 3.1.1 Development of lands within the Northwest Activity Center shall comply with sub -policies (a) through (h) as established herein: a) The Northwest Activity Center boundary shall be comprised of parcels numbers 07-22- 28-0000-00-001, 07-22-28-0000-00-023, 07-22-28-0000-00-057, 07-22-28-0000-00-041, 07-22-28-0000-00-039, 07-22-28-0000-00-043, 07-22-28-0000-00-105, 07-22-28-0000- 00-060, and 07-22-28-0000-00-074, totaling 150 acres generally located in the southeast 20250098881 Page 9 of 10 corner of the Ocoee Apopka Road and Fullers Cross Road intersection, and as depicted below.- rn% b) Certain protective covenants and restrictions are applied to Parcel 07-22-28-0000-00-001 (Chevron Parcel), in accordance with Special Warranty Deed # 20230735916, dated December 27 2023. More specifically, these restrictions limit allowable land uses and utilization of groundwater on said parcel. c) To achieve consistency with adopted policies of the Conservation Element and to mitigate approximately 21.94 acres of wetland impacts, prior to site plan approval of any lands within the Northwest Activity Center, the owner/developer shall, to the satisfaction of the City: (1) Provide a plan as part of the site plan review and approval, for the completion of all required environmental remediation of the Northwest Ocoee Brownfield Area, including excavation and disposal of contaminated soils and/or relocation of contaminated soils under buildings or permanent hardscape and monitoring 20250098881 Page 10 of 10 requirements during construction. The environmental remediation plan shall include provisions for the handling of contaminants during construction to preclude off -site contamination through soil transport, disturbance of dust, stormwater entrainment, and vehicular tracking. (2) Establish a comprehensive stormwater and floodplain management system to treat, retain and enhance stormwater and provide for flood -carrying and flood storage capacity for the site with remediation plans, consistent with SJRWMD permit requirements. (3) Conserve and develop a management plan covering approximately 287 acres of Conservation lands located within the limits of the City of Ocoee. (4) Submit a mitigationplan consistent with permits issued by the SJRWMD for the Northwest Activity Center that offsets the loss of low -quality wetlands on the site with conservation activities that benefit the Lake Apopka and/or Upper Ocklawaha Basin. d) Development of the Northwest Activity Center area, including the Ocoee Regional Sports Complex (ORSC) shall comply with any applicable provisions of Florida's Wekiva Parkway Protection Act, 2004. e) Development shall be regulated by the ORSC Planned Unit Development (PUD) Land Use Plan and related documents, as approved by the Ocoee City Commission. These may include any recorded easements, conditions of approval and development agreement(s), as deemed necessary. Irrespective of any other limitations or conditions, maximum development intensity shall not exceed any of the following parameters: 1. 0.4 maximum floor -to -area Ratio (FAR). For purposes of this policy, maximum FAR shall be calculated using the Ocoee Regional Sports Complex PUD's net developable acreage. 2. Maximum 42 acres of sports fields area, with no more than 17 multi -purpose -fields. 3. Maximum 1.33 million gross leasable square feet of mixed and multi -use commercial development, including sports & recreational facilities (including indoor and outdoor venues); commercial uses (including restaurants, retail stores, indoor & outdoor entertainment), hotels, offices, and ancillary or related uses. Parking shall be provided via a combination of surface, podium and structured parking facilities. This square footage shall be in addition to the area described in sub -policy 2 as sports field area. 4. Maximum of 1,250 hotel keys. 5. Maximum of 17,960 net new external daily trips g,) Owner/developer shall be responsible for improvements to transportation, utilities, or any other infrastructure associated with the project's development, as specified in applicable Land Use Plan(s), Development Agreement(s), Conditions or Approval, or equivalent legal instruments