HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-24-2007 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING JULY 24, 2007 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Godek called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall. Member Hopper led the Invocation and Vice Chair Chancey led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was called and a quorum was declared present. PRESENT: Chairman Godek, Vice-Chair Chancey, Members Ballard, M. Godek, Hopper, Morton, Stanley and Alternate Member Lowery. Also present were Code Enforcement Supervisor Loeffler, Code Enforcement Officer Siegrist, Code Enforcement Officer Rodriguez, Code Enforcement Officer Delgado, Division Chief Stanley, Permitting Clerk Everett, Attorney Sneed, and Deputy City Clerk Sibbitt. ABSENT: GUESTS: None. Permitting Clerk Everett administered the oath to Code Enforcement Officer Loeffler, Code Enforcement Officer Siegrist, Code Enforcement Officer Rodriguez, Code Enforcement Officer Delgado, Division Chief Stanley and anyone intending to speak regarding a case. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATfERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD, IN WHICH CASE THE CHAIRMAN WILL INSTRUCT THE BOARD CLERK TO REMOVE THE ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. The Consent Agenda consisted of approval of Items A, Band C. *Note: Consent Agenda was amended. A. B. Minutes of the June 26, 2007, Code Enforcement Board Meeting Dismissal or Compliance. (Case Numbers 07-049, 07-071, 07-080, 103, 07-107, and 07-108 were transferred to Consent). Case Number Respondent 1. 07-049 John R. Palmer 2. 07-071 Kenneth S. Hoover 3. 07-076 Julie Kotze 4. 07-079 Clark Rd Inc. and Lena's Nails 5. 07-080 Francisco & Bereniza Barragan 6. 07-099 Joseph & Emily Sayers and Elizabeth Martinez 07-100, 07- Location of Violation 701 Catwood Drive 813 Apricot Drive 1009 Shimmering Sand 1596 E Silver Star Rd 1503 Starfire Lane 1108 Caballero Road Code Enforcement Board Minutes July 24, 2007 Kevin Butler, John & Peter Lattner and Iris E. Clinger Trust 908 Alaska Dr 503 Hager Drive 1400 Samantha Street 509 E. Lakeshore Dr 698 S Bluford Ave 7. 07-100 8. 07-103 9. 07-104 10.07-107 11. 07-108 Thomas and Kimberly Nelson Jason M Fisher Mark and Janet Peach John C. Willis C. Order of Continuance (August 28, 2007, Meeting). (Case Numbers 07-083, 07- 098,07-102,07-109 and 07-122 were transferred to Consent). Case Number Respondent Location of Violation 1. 07-083 Barry R. Grathwohl Jr. 811 Apricot Drive 2. 07-098 Dorothy & Charles Durrance and Kurtis Henson 2549 Dovetail Drive 3. 07-102 Rosemarie Mileto 702 Rich Drive 4. 07-109 Patricia G. Burney 1512 Lady Avenue 5. 07-122 Charles and Iva J. Moore 1511 Mona Avenue Member Morton. seconded bv Member M. Godek, moved to approve the Consent Azenda with the amendments presented bv Staff. Motion carried unanimous/v. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS None Vice-Chair Chan cev. seconded bv Member Ballard, moved to have Case Nos. 07-101, 07- 115F, 07-123, and 07-061 moved UP on the agenda. Motion carried unanimous/v. HEARINGS OF STATEMENTS OF VIOLATIONS PURSUANT TO THE HEARING RULES ADOPTED BY THIS BOARD ON JUNE 27, 1995, VARIOUS DOCUMENTS ARE USED BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS IN EACH CASE AND ARE REPORTED IN THE CASE TESTIMONY GIVEN BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. IN THESE MINUTES THE TITLES TO THOSE DOCUMENTS WILL BE ABBREVIATED AS FOLLOWS: ACFD . AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE FOR DEMOLITION, AOC - AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE, AONC - AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COMPLIANCE, ATF-APPLICATION TO FORECLOSE, CO - COMPLIANCE ORDER, CMFD - COMMISSION MEETING FOR DETERMINATION, CS - CONTINUED STAY. CTR - COpy TO RESPONDENT, ECO - EXTENDED COMPLIANCE ORDER, EX-EXHIBITS, FS- FEES STAYED. LDC - Land Development Code, NOCV - NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION, NOH - NOTICE OF HEARING, NS-No Service, OAF - ORDER AUTHORJZING FORECLOSURE, OIF/L- ORDER IMPOSING FINElLIEN, ONC - ORDER OF NON-COMPLIANCE, OOC - ORDER OF CONTINUANCE, , ORF - ORDER REDUCING FINE, PDFS _ PER DAY FINE SUSPENDED, POS - PROOF OF SERVICE, RFR - REQUEST FOR REHEARING, RFRDUC-REQUEST FOR REDUCTION DENIED UNTIL COMPLIANCE, ROF- REDUCTION OF FINE, SFH - SUBPOENA FOR HEARING, SOV - STATEMENT OF VIOLATION (S) and WD - WITHDREW. HEARINGS ON STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS PURSUANT TO NOTICES OF HEARINGS Case No. 07-101- Troy K. and Latasha D. East 2663 Cardassi Drive Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 51-13 05-31-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 06-18-07 06-26-07 SOV 06-26-07 NOH Meeting Date: 07-24-07 06-26-07 POS Certified Mail Observation: Work without permit. New 6ft. white plastic fence in back yard. Page 2 of 12 Code Enforcement Board Minutes July 24, 2007 Officer Siegrist gave a detailed history of the case and provided exhibits. The property was re-inspected and as of July 24,2007, the property was in non-compliance. Troy East, respondent in violation, informed the board that he had only received the certified notice of hearing and did not receive any notices by regular mail or as a door hanger. He further stated his assumption was that he needed to come before the board to address the matter of the fence since his letter stated it was a repeat violation. Member Hopper inquired if he was aware of needing a permit. Mr. East stated he was aware of needing a permit but thought the contractor he hired had pulled a permit since he provided him with a copy of his survey. Chairman Godek inquired if this was a repeat violation as stated in the letter. Permitting Clerk Everett stated that the repeat violation status on his letter was check marked in error and he is not a repeat violator. Member Ballard stated it was mentioned that the fence may not be on their property line and inquired as to how the officer was aware of that. Officer Siegrist stated that was the complaint from the complainant. Mr. East stated the fence is on his property line according to his survey. He further stated he would be in City Hall tomorrow to get the fence permit. Member Morton informed Mr. East that permits are not issued the same day and he would be able to submit for it but there is a process involved before it is issued. Brief discussion ensued regarding the placement of the fence and the time it took for Mr. East to decide to pull the permit. Vice Chair Chancev. seconded bv Member Stan lev. moved in Case No. 07-101 to find the respondent in violation as cited as of June 15,2007, and be given until August 21,2007, to complv or be fined $50/ a dav thereafter. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 07-115F- Sterling's Jewlry 9401 W. Colonial Drive #100 Division Chief Stanley Violation Cited: NFPA 07-05-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 07-13-07 07-16-07 SOY 07-16-07 NOH Meeting Date: 07-24-07 07-16-07 POS Certified Mail Observation: Exit light not working. Division Chief Stanley gave a brief history of the case and provided exhibits. The property was re-inspected and as of July 24,2007, the property was in non-compliance. Raoul Lallo, on behalf of the respondent, stated once a year Inspector Dingman goes by their business to check on the EXIT lights. He stated Mr. Dingman had told him he would be back to re-inspect the lights so he put a new bulb in and waited for the inspector to come back. He had not seen him until today but the light is working. Division Chief Stanley stated the initial inspection was done on June 4, 2007, and did return on July 2, 2007, for a re-inspection. It was still not completed so then they were given until July 13, 2007, and they had still not heard from them for a re-inspection. Mr. Lallo stated he was not aware of the fact that he had Page 3 of 12 Code Enforcement Board Minutes July 24, 2007 to call the inspector back out for a re-inspection since he has always complied and Mr. Dingman had told him that he would be back. Division Chief Stanley asked for the board to consider a continuance for this case. Mr. Lallo announced he complied with the violation on July 4, 2007. Vice Chair Chancev. seconded bv Member Ballard, moved in Case No. 07-115F to continue the case until the August 28, 2007, Code Enforcement Board Meeting, per the request of the Citv. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 07-123- Gordon Scott and Joanna Camp 1600 Mona Avenue Officer Rodriguez Violation Cited: 165-3, 115-3 06-20-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 07-16-07 07-17-07 SOY 07-17-07 NOH Meeting Date: 07-24-07 07 -17 -07 POS Certified Mail Observation: Untaggedlexpired tag/inoperable vehicle (Pickup truck on jacks). Miscellaneous junk/debris on property. Officer Rodriguez gave a detailed history of the case and provided exhibits. She further stated as of July 24,2007, the property was in non-compliance for the pick-up truck (165-3). Joanna Camp, respondent in violation, stated the truck is for her son and it is currently tagged and insured. She stated her son is saving to put new rims on the truck. She further stated if she has to she will put new tires and a new battery on the vehicle to remove it from the jacks. Vice Chair Chancey inquired how much time she would need to remove it off the jacks. Ms. Camp stated she could have it off the jacks tomorrow. Chairman Godek reminded her to call the officer when corrected. Member Ballard. seconded bv Member Morton, moved in Case No. 07-123 to find the respondent in violation of 165-3 as cited as of Julv 3, 2007. and be given until August 7, 2007. to complv or be fined $100/ a dav thereafter. Motion carried unanimouslv. Regarding Case No. 07-061, Attorney Sneed informed the board that they could only charge $2600.00 and not $5200.00 for the violation since they did not reflect in the motion at the last meeting that the $100/ a day fine would be per violation. Member Morton. seconded bv Member M. Godek, moved in Case No. 07-061 for request of a re-hearing for reduction o(fine. Motion carried unanimouslv. Page 4 of 12 Code Enforcement Board Minutes July 24, 2007 Case No. 07-061- Orlando Punit, LLC 11029 W. Colonial Drive Violation Cited: 51-13, 115-3 04-17-06 NOCV 05-04-07 SOY 05-04-07 NOH 05-04-07 POS 05-22-07 CO Officer Siegrist Re-Inspection Date: 05-03-07 Meeting Date: 05-22-07 Certified Mail Found in violation as cited on 04-27-07 and given until 06-13-07 to come into compliance or be fined $100 a day. 06-13-07 ANC 06-26-07 Order Imposing Fine and Lien 07-11-07 AOC Total Due: $5200.00 07-24-07 Request for Rehearing Reduction of Fine Observation: At least three (3) clothing donation boxes ("Childrens Rights Foundation") on property without permits. Also, clothing and furniture items (trash and debris) strewn thru parking lot. Officer Siegrist stated there is an affidavit of compliance in their packets for July 11, 2007. Lori Rafael, Property Manager for Shopping Center, read a letter that was prepared by the Senior Portfolio Manager who dealt with Officer Siegrist regarding removing the donation boxes. A brief discussion ensued regarding where the notices were sent and who signed for them starting back in April. Member Stanley inquired as to how much time the City had put into this matter. Officer Siegrist stated the City put in approximately $300.00 in staff time. Member Hopper inquired as to who discarded of the boxes to bring the violation into compliance. Ms. Rafael stated they had tried numerous times to contact the owners listed on the boxes to have them removed but they were unable to speak with anyone so they had to remove the boxes themselves. Member Ballard inquired as to who says they have to wait to remove the boxes when they are on private property without permission. Ms. Rafael stated since the boxes are personal property they try to use every means that they can to contact someone first. She further clarified that the owners of the shopping center had just taken ownership of the plaza in October and the boxes were already located on the site. Vice Chair Chancey stated he feels the respondent has given good testimony and personally feels the fine should be reduced to $0. Member Stanley stated she feels that the City's staff time should be reimbursed. Member M. Godek feels that there is more than $300.00 that the City would have put into this case including man hours, gas, and many other true cost that the City had used to handle this issue. Member Hopper feels that the 3 months it took the Property Management Company to remove the boxes is pretty accurate for a big company and feels that a reduction in fine to $1000.00 would be fair. Officer Loeffler added that this shopping center is not the only shopping center that has to deal with the donation box issue and he personally was unable to obtain actual contact with the box owners. Member M. Godek. seconded bv Member Ballard, moved in Case No. 07-061 to reduce the fine to $1500.00. Motion carried 6-1 with Vice Chair Chancev opposing. Page 5 of 12 Code Enforcement Board Minutes July 24, 2007 Case No. 07-070 - Mark D. Lang 2008 Lauren Beth Avenue Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 115-5, 165-3 04-27-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 05-17-07 05-14-07 SOV 05-30-07 NOH Meeting Date: 06-26-07 05-30-07 POS Certified Mail 06-26-07 CONT Meeting Date: 07-24-07 06-28-07 POS Certified Mail 06-28-07 POS Regular Mail 07-13-07 POS Hand Delivery Observation: Weed/grass growth over 10". Also, one (1) Ford Ranger XLT pick-up truck/red/FL tag #G98- 8KV - expo DEC - 07 with smashed front end and flat LR tire, parked in front yard. Officer Siegrist gave a detailed history of the case and provided exhibits. He further announced as of July 24, 2007, the property was in compliance. Member Morton. seconded bv Member Stan lev, moved in Case No. 07-070 to find the respondent in violation as cited as of Mav 12, 2007, and be found in comvliance of 165-3 as of Julv 13, 2007, in compliance of 115-5 as of Julv 24. 2007, and no fine be assessed. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 07-072 - Patricia and Leonard H. Jones 1787 Slough Court Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 115-6, 115-3, 108-35, 115-5,7-6 05-25-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 05-25-07 SOV 05-25-07 NOH Meeting Date: 06-26-07 05-25-07 POS Certified Mail 06-26-07 CONT Meeting Date: 07-24-07 06-28-07 POS Certified Mail Observation: Vacant residential dwelling. Unsecured access to in-ground swimming pool with green unsanitary water. Unsecured access to building/structure. Overgrown/tall weeds and grass. Water account unpaid for past 2 months. Water account not in name of owner(s). Neighborhood generated complaint received 5-21-07. Water department notified of vacant occupancy vs. active un-paid water utility. Police Department alerted to unsecured structure in case of police activity in the area. Officer Loeffler gave a detailed history of the case and provided exhibits. He further added that as of July 24, 2007, current violations were 108-35 and 115-6, which were both in non- compliance. The City is looking to abate this nuisance by having the Code Enforcement Board recommend staff or agents to secure and sanitize the pool. Member Stanley inquired if the HOA would have more responsibility to secure and clean the pool since the community is gated. Attorney Sneed stated the observations are violations of the City Code and the City is not required to correct the violations but the board can authorize the City to correct them. She further stated since the situation is posing a health and safety hazard the board can make a finding of violation(s), give a time for compliance, and also Page 6 of 12 Code Enforcement Board Minutes July 24, 2007 authorize the City to bring property into compliance with the City getting reimbursed for costs. Member M. Godek. seconded bv Member Ballard, moved in Case No. 07-072 to find the respondent in violation(s) of 1 08-35 and 115-6 as cited as of June 5, 2007, and be given until Julv 31, 2007. to come into compliance or be fined $75/a day per violation and authorize Citv to clean and secure pool area and lien property to cover the costs. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 07-090F - BP Connect 10960 W. Colonial Drive Violation Cited: FFPA-12 05-31-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 06-14-07 06-19-07 SOV 06-19-07 NOH Meeting Date: 06-26-07 06-19-07 POS Certified Mail Observation: Missing ceiling tiles. Division Chief Stanley Division Chief Stanley provided a detailed case history and exhibits. He further stated that they were in compliance as of July 3, 2007. They are requesting administrative cost of $106.96. Member M. Godek. seconded bv Member Stan lev, moved in Case No.07-090F to find the respondent in violation as cited as of June 14, 2007. and be found in compliance as of Julv 3, 2007, with no fine being assessed and an administrative cost of $106.96 imposed. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 07-091F - Karen Nails 9434 W. Colonial Drive Division Chief Stanley Violation Cited: NFP A 11.1.5 05-31-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 06-08-07 06-21-07 SOV 06-21-07 NOH Meeting Date: 07-24-07 06-21-07 POS Certified Mail Observation: Extension cord being used in place of permanent wiring. Division Chief Stanley provided a detailed case history and exhibits. He further stated that the property was found to be in compliance as of June 27, 2007. They are requesting administrative cost of $106.96. Member M. Godek. seconded bv Member Ballard, moved in Case No.07-091F to find the respondent in violation as cited as of June 7. 2007, and be found in compliance as of June 27, 2007, with no fine being assessed and an administrative cost of $106.96 imposed. Motion carried unanimouslv. Page 7 of 12 Code Enforcement Board Minutes July 24, 2007 Case No. 07-092F - Sprint PCS 9440 W. Colonial Drive Violation Cited: NFP A 12 05-31-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 06-09-07 06-21-07 SOY 06-21-07 NOH Meeting Date: 07-24-07 06-21-07 POS Certified Mail Observation: Missing ceiling tiles. Division Chief Stanley Division Chief Stanley provided a detailed case history and exhibits. He further stated that the property was found to be in compliance as of July 7, 2007. They are requesting administrative cost of $106.96. Member Morton. seconded bv Member Stanlev, moved in Case No.07-092F to find the respondent in violation as cited as of June 8, 2007, and be found in compliance as of Julv 7. 2007, with no fine being assessed and an administrative cost of $106.96 imposed. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 07-093F - Tami Nails 10580 W. Colonial Drive Violation Cited: FFP A 06-12-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 06-20-07 06-21-07 SOY 06-21-07 NOH Meeting Date: 07-24-07 06-21-07 POS Certified Mail Observation: Exit light not working. Division Chief Stanley Division Chief Stanley provided a detailed case history and exhibits. He further stated that the property was found to be in compliance as of June 25, 2007. They are requesting administrative cost of $106.96. Member Ballard. seconded bv Member Stan lev, moved in Case No.07-093F to find the resvondent in violation as cited as of June 19, 2007, and be found in comvliance as of June 25, 2007. with no fine being assessed and an administrative cost of $106.96 imposed. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 07-106 - Karen A. Ennis 709 Lakeview Drive Officer Delgado Violation Cited: 165-3 06-20-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 07-02-07 07-16-07 SOY 07-16-07 NOH Meeting Date: 07-24-07 07-16-07 POS Certified Mail Observation: Untaggedlexpired tag! inoperable vehicle - Blue Chevy. Page 8 of 12 Code Enforcement Board Minutes July 24, 2007 Officer Delgado gave a detailed history of the case and provided exhibits. She further announced as of July 24, 2007, the property was in non-compliance. Member M. Godek. seconded bv Member Stan lev, moved in Case No. 07-106 to find the respondent in violation as cited as of June 29, 2007, and be given until August 17. 2007, to come into compliance or be fined a $100/a dav thereafter. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 07-110F - Verizon Wireless 9401 W. Colonial Drive #316 Violation Cited: FFP A 07-09-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 07-13-07 07-16-07 SOV 07-16-07 NOH Meeting Date: 07-24-07 07-16-07 POS Certified Mail Observation: Fire extinguisher out of date. Division Chief Stanley Division Chief Stanley provided a detailed case history and exhibits. He further stated that the property was found to be in non-compliance as of July 24, 2007. Vice Chair Chancev. seconded bv Member Ballard, moved in Case No.07-110F to find the respondent in violation as cited as of Julv 13, 2007, and be given until Julv 31, 2007, to come into compliance or be fined $200/a dav thereafter. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 07-121- Dorothy & Charles Durrance and Kurtis Henson 2549 Dovetail Drive Officer Rodriguez Violation Cited: 115-5,108-23 06-14-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 07-16-07 07-17-07 SOV 07-17-07 NOH Meeting Date: 07-24-07 07-17-07 POS Certified Mail Observation: Deteriorated fence and overgrown grass/weeds of frontlback of property. Officer Rodriguez gave a detailed history of the case and provided exhibits. She further announced as of July 24,2007, the property was in non-compliance. Member Morton. seconded bv Member M. Godek, moved in Case No. 07-121 to find the respondent in violation as cited as of June 27, 2007, and be given until August 7, 2007, to come into compliance or be fined a $50/a dav per violation thereafter. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 07-124 - Alan G. Wong and John S. Chan 2514 Dovetail Drive Violation Cited: 115-5 06-14-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 07-16-07 07-17-07 SOV 07-17-07 NOH Meeting Date: 07-24-07 Officer Rodriguez Page 9 of 12 Code Enforcement Board Minutes July 24, 2007 07-17-07 POS Certified Mail Observation: Overgrown grass/weeds offront/back of property. Officer Rodriguez gave a detailed history of the case and provided exhibits. She further announced as of July 24,2007, the property was in non-compliance. Member Ballard. seconded bv Member M. Godek. moved in Case No. 07-124 to find the respondent in violation as cited as of June 28. 2007, and be given until August 7, 2007, to come into compliance or be fined a $100/a dav thereafter. Motion carried unanimouslv. OTHER BUSINESS Case No. 07-040 - Ranna Zaflow 122 Bismark Court Violation Cited: 115-5 03-21-07 NOCV 04-09-07 SOV 04-09-07 NOH 04-24-07 POS 04-24-07 CONT 05-22-07 CONT 05-24-07 POS 05-24-07 POS 06-26-07 CO Officer Rodriguez Re-Inspection Date: 04-09-07 Meeting Date: 04-24-07 Certified Mail Meeting Date: 06-26-07 Certified Mail Posting Given until 07-02-07 to comply or be fined $250/a day. Also authorized City to be able to mow and lien for costs plus fines accrued. 07-03-07 ANC Observation: Overgrown grass/weeds. Officer Loeffler stated they contacted Groundtek who did mow the grass on July 20, 2007. The invoice has not been received by the City but the cost was over $200. Vice Chair Chancev. seconded bv Member Ballard, moved in Case No. 07-040 to impose fine/lien for $4750.00: $4500 for $250/per dav fine (Julv 3rd_2dh) and $250 for City cost of mowing. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 07-043 - Cortez Inc. and Edwin L & Donna Cortez 700 L.F. Roper Pkwy Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 51-13 03-16-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 04-10-07 04-11-07 SOY 04-11-07 NOH Meeting Date: 04-24-07 04-11-07 POS Certified Mail 04-24-07 CONT 05-22-07 CONT Meeting Date: 06-26-07 06-19-07 POS Certified Mail Observation: Work without permit. New canopy structure with metal roof and wall on northwest side of the building. Page 10of12 Code Enforcement Board Minutes July 24, 2007 Officer Siegrist stated as of July 24,2007, property was in non-compliance. Permit has been denied a few times. Vice Chair Chancev. seconded bv Member Ballard, moved in Case No. 07-043 to impose fine of $150/ a dav as of Julv 11, 2007. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 07-064 - Emmett D., Ricky D., Rodney, Steven and Lisa R. Harper 424 Ocoee Hills Road Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 51-13 04-26-07 NOCV 05-10-07 SOV 05-10-07 NOH 05-10-07 POS 05-22-07 CO Re-Inspection Date: 05-09-07 Meeting Date: 05-22-07 Certified Mail Found in violation as cited as of 05-07-07 and given until 06-25-07 to come Into compliance or be fined $50.00 a day. Given until 07-10-07 to comply 06-26-07 CO 06-29-07 AC Observation: New shcd in backyard without permit. Officer Siegrist announced that this property was in compliance. Case No. 07-078 - Ferdinand M. and J. E. Macon and JPFD Investment Corp. 2405 Johio Bay Drive Officer Rodriguez Violation Cited: 115-7 05-16-07 NOCV 06-06-07 SOV 06-06-07 NOH 06-06-07 POS 06-26-07 CO 07-17-07 ANC Observation: Overgrown grass/weeds on lot. Re-Inspection Date: 05-30-07 Meeting Date: 06-26-07 Certified Mail Given until 07-10-07 to comply or be fined $lOO/a day Officer Rodriguez announced the property remains in non-compliance. Member Ballard. seconded bv Member M. Godek, moved in Case No. 07-078 to impose fine of$100/ a day as of Julv 11,2007. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 07-082 - American Sanitary Partition Corp., Amersan Inc. and Gerald Birkenmaier 300 Enterprise Street Violation Cited: 115-3, 150-20, 108-34(A)(C)(D) 06-07-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 06-07-07 SOY 06-07-07 NOH 06-07-07 POS 06-26-07 CO 06-27-07 AC Officer Loeffler Meeting Date: 06-26-07 Certified Mail Given until 07-23-07 to comply or be fined $250/a day Page 11 of 12 Code Enforcement Board Minutes July 24,2007 Observation: Trash, litter, junk, debris littering canal way, retention pond and boat ramp areas including old fabric construction barriers. Chairman Godek stated the property was in compliance. Case No. 07-084 - Haynes & Smith 476 Ocoee Commons Parkway Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 115-5,6-10,108-33 06-06-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 06-07-07 SOV 06-07-07 NOH Meeting Date: 06-26-07 06-07 -07 POS Certified Mail 06-26-07 CO Given until 07-10-07 to comply or be fined $200/a day Observation: Vacant, abandoned furniture store. Site Plan required landscaping and landscaping maintenance has been neglected and abandoned. Required plant types and landscaping dead and missing. Irrigation not operable. Property not maintained with overgrown tall weeds and vegetation. Property is a nuisance and an eye sore impacting the economic vitality of the Highway 50 commercial and retail corridor. Current plant-life and landscape damage and neglect. Current condition and appearance are irreparable and/or irreversible in nature and warrant expedited presentation at June 7 CEB Public Hearing date. Additionally, main signage on Highway 50 has missing panels with exposed interior components further contributing to the blighted appearance, conditions and impact. Chairman Godek stated the property was in compliance. COMMENTS Code Enforcement Officer Loeffler announced for June 2007 the Code Enforcement Department handled 151 complaints. He further stated a report of the Code Enforcement activities will be available in the City Clerk's office. The report breaks down in detail the complaints and how long it takes to get into compliance. Member Hopper inquired as to why they need to authorize fine/lien. Attorney Sneed briefly explained the Statute. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:49 p.m. V'Jm elanie Sib bitt, Deputy City Clerk Page 12 of 12