HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes
October 2,2007, at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. Commissioner Anderson gave the Invocation and Commissioner Hood led the Pledge
of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Keller, and Commissioner Johnson.
Also Present:
City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry
Presentation - The Ocoee Human Relations Diversity Board (HRDB) would like to present
a check for $500 to the Ocoee High School Marching Band. Rescheduled for October 16,
Proclamation - Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day - October 10, 2007. (Mayor Vandergrift)
Commissioner Hood - none
Commissioner Anderson - none
Commissioner Johnson - announced Founder's Day; Friday entertainment will be the Tremors
and Neil and the Real Deal Band, and Saturday Entertainment will be Heartland, Jim Vanfleet
and the Reign, Daryl Worley, and Blake Shelton. He said we still need sponsors for the Golf
Tournament on Friday, October 12, 2007. Commissioner Anderson pledged to be a Hole
Sponsor. He said there will be 5k Run and a Motorcycle Poker Run on Saturday, October 13,
2007. Get more information at www.ocoeefoundersfestival.orgor call 407-905-3100.
Commissioner Keller - none
Mayor Vandergrift- 1) said the football game and crowning of the Homecoming Queen is this
Friday at the Ocoee High School, at 6:00 p.m., 2) there is a hearing at the Orange County
Commission on October 9, 2007 at 3:00 pm regarding the rezoning of Evans High School to a
Rule Settlement District. He asked for a large turnout at this meeting. He said he would like to
get the Commission to assist by sponsoring a mail out to the NE quadrant of our City and those
in the Rural Settlement District to advise them of the upcoming hearing. There are 2477
addresses for postage of $1,015.57. He asked if we could grant them $1500 to cover expenses
and additional overages.
City Commission Regular
October 2, 2007
Commissioner Hood. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson moved to arant
J1500 to assist in sponsorina a mail out to City residents in the Northeast section
of the City and residents of the Rural Settlement District. Motion carried 5-0.
This issue was addressed again under Commission Comments.
1. Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes of September 4,
2007, Budget Workshop Minutes of August 9 & 13,2007, and Special Session Minutes
of September 13l 2007. (Ci!y' Clerk EikenberrY)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0
!L..Ap.p.ointment to the Ocoee School AdvisorY. Board. (Ci!y' Clerk Eikenbern:) I
Members of the Ocoee School Advisory Board serve two-year terms. Currently the Ocoee School Advisory
Board has nine (9) members and their resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more than
fifteen (15) members. One application was received from Ms. Lisa Wright with interest in serving on the board.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0
5. Award of RFQ #0704 Architectural & Engineering Services for the Development of a
New Police Headguarters. (Finance Director Horton)
In compliance with State Statute Section 287.055 (CCNA Act) and policies and procedures of the City ofOcoee
Purchasing Code Chapter 21, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was advertised with the intention to award a
contract to one (1) qualified professional architectural and engineering firm. The selected firm will provide full
architectural and engineering services for the development of a new police headquarters. The required services
shall include the development of a space needs program, structural, mechanical, and electrical engineering
services, civil, traffic, cost estimating, landscape and irrigation design, signage and graphics, and security
system design, and other services in accordance with the RFQ package. Recommendation by the Selection
Committee is to award the Architectural & Engineering Services for the development of a new police
headquarters to the top-ranked firm, HKS Architects, Inc.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0
Commissioner Anderson asked if the Commission was interested in listening to the
presentation from the bidders, since this is a $6,000,000 project. Commissioner Keller said
since HKS Architects, Inc. were so far ahead of all the others in the ratings by the selection
committee, he has no problem going on their recommendations. Mayor Vandergrift asked
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Assistant City Manager Croteau to explain how the board came to this conclusion. Ms.
Croteau said that they were asked to move forward quickly with this project. She added that
since HKS was clearly ranked number one by everyone, the committee felt very strongly
they would do the best job for the City. She added that, no matter who is awarded the bid,
they will be bringing back concept drawings to the Commission for approval at a later date.
Chief Reffett said HKS stood out from the others in many areas, but mainly in their
inclusion of a security concept for the building.
Approval of Ocoee Founders Day Festival Request for Road & Public Boat Ramp
Closing~{Building Official Jones)
In order to temporarily close a public street, the approval of the Honorable Mayor and City Commission is
required. Jeffrey W. Hayes, Parks & Recreation Director, has made an application to the City for a Special
Events Pennit for the Ocoee Founders Day Festival and Parade that would require the temporary closing of City
owned streets. The events will be held on October 19-20,2007. The streets to be closed are Flewelling Avenue,
Rewis Street, Mckey Street, Cumberland Avenue, Oakland Avenue, Bluford Avenue, Lakewood Avenue. A
portion of S. Lakeshore Drive will be closed on October 18, 2007 at noon. The public boat ramp at Starke Lake
will be closed on October 19 & 20.
Approved on Consent, with condition of havina the Fireworks plan approved
before the event. Motion carried 5-0
Commissioner Anderson said they usually get the Fireworks plan at the same time as the
road closure approval and he would like to see that as well. He said he will approve it, but
asked for that information to be brought back.
Approval of Ocoee Founders Day 5K Road Race Request for Road Closings. (Building,
Official Jones) I
In order to temporarily close a public street, the approval of the Honorable Mayor and City Commission is
required. Jeffrey W. Hayes, Parks & Recreation Director, has made an application to the City for a Special
Events Pennit for the Ocoee Founders Day 5K Road Race that would require the temporary closing of City
owned streets. The events will be held on October 13, 2007, from 7am until 9:30 am. The streets to be closed
are Clarke Road, White Road Orlando A venue, Stinnett Drive, E. Lakeshore Drive and Vandergrift Drive.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0
Approval for Addendum to "Letter of Agreement" with Ocoee High School. (Utilities
Director Smith)
Utilities would like to extend the POWR Park agreement between the City of Ocoee and Ocoee High School
(specifically the Agriculture Department), initially executed March 6, 2007; which maintains that the City shall
compensate Ocoee High School $4,005.00 ($445.00 per month throughout the 9-month school year) for "in-
kind" services which include but are not limited to: the maintenance of the POWR Park, planning and planting
new vegetation, assisting with and attending POWR educational programs and consulting with the City
concerning expansion of the POWR Park.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0
Commissioner Anderson said he did not know about the high school kids handling our
POWR Park. Utilities Director Smith advised the program worked out very well for us last
year and this is a continuation of the program. Last year they went out monthly and pulled
weeds, mulched, planted, and started a vegetable garden. They also assisted at all of the
POWR events and seminars and manned the POWR booth at Founder's Day. It was a very
successful program last year, and that is why we are hoping to extend it to this year.
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October 2, 2007
~9. Anproval of MVP Grant Extension. (Communi!! Relations Manager Wright) I
The Most Valuable Partnership grant program cycle is open once per year in November and is funded for
$20,000. Ocoee neighborhood associations and civic groups are eligible to apply for MVP grants and may be
awarded up to $2,500 in matching grant funds. Organizations that were awarded grant money were required to
complete their improvement projects by September 30, 2007 in order to receive their matching grant monies.
The Windsor Landing Homeowners Association was awarded a $2,500 Most Valuable Partnership Grant on
February 20, 2007. The Windsor Landing HOA was unable to complete their landscaping and lighting
improvement project due to Pulte Home's construction activities. The Windsor Landing HOA is requesting that
the City roll-over their $2,500 grant money into the next fiscal year, and give them a 6-month extension to
complete their project.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0
CQn~~'lt Ag~nda Vote
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to approve
Consent Aaenda Items #1 throuah #9, with the condition of receivina the
Fireworks Information as discussed under Item #5. Motion carried 5-0.
110. Award of RFP #07-004 Auditing Services. (Finance Director Horton) 1
In compliance with Florida Statutes, Section 218.391 (Auditor Selection Procedures), and the City of Ocoee
Purchasing Code, proposals were solicited from Certified Public Accounting Firms with Governmental
Accounting experience to submit a response to the City of Ocoee Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide
Independent Financial Auditing Services for the fiscal years ended September 30, 2007, 2008, and 2009. A
renewal option for an additional two years may be negotiated. The firm must be duly licensed under Florida
Statutes, Chapter 473 and qualified to conduct audits in accordance with government auditing standards as
adopted by the Florida Board of Accountancy. Staff recommends that the City Commission award the term
contract for RFP #07-004 Auditing Services to one of the three firms evaluated by the selection committee.
With only four points separating the top two firms, the Selection Committee recommends the City Commission
select the firm. The contract term will be for three fiscal years with a renewal option for an additional two years.
The Respondents and their annual price proposal for 2007 are as follows: I) Carter, Belcourt & Atkinson P.A. -
$43,500,2) Cherry Bekaert & Holland LLP - $45,500, and 3) McDinnit Davis & Company - $29,000.
Purchasing Agent Tolbert introduced the item and the companies that responded were very
close in points and the selection committee felt the Commission choose the auditing firm.
Commissioner Anderson said that with our current budget crunch, he feels that we should go
for the company who bid less because they are just as capable as the top ranked and we are
familiar with their services.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to award the
bid to McDirmit Davis & Company in the amount of $29,000 annually. Discussion
Commissioner Johnson said that all of the training he has received on this issue urges cities to
change their auditors every few years and McDirmit has been here for many years. He said he
feels the other firms are well qualified to do the job and we should not just be looking at costs
when it is important to change auditing companies. City Manager Frank said the City needs to
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make sure audit controls are in place as well as budgetary concerns. He added that this is a one-
year contract with automatic renewals for the next two year so they could make a change after
the first year if they are not happy.
Commissioner Keller said McDirmit's price is so much cheaper, it worried him somewhat.
Commissioner Hood said that is because they have been doing the job and don't need to spend
the additional time learning our processes.
Finance Director Horton said any of the three companies are capable of handling the audit.
She suggested that if we do select a new company they award a three year contract because the
bids were submitted based on the learning the system over a three year period. She said that
new auditing companies would have to set up their software programs to work with our
processes and procedures.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if the checks and balances are in place because he is not seeing the
letter showing all of the areas that need improvement they way he used to. City Manager
Frank said it is because the Finance Department is doing an excellent job, and they receive very
few negative comments anymore as occurred in past years.
Ron Conrad of Cherry, Bekaert & Holland advised why he felt his company was best suited
to do the audit for the City, especially with the implementation of all of the new risk-based
auditing standards that all auditors must do starting next year.
Commissioner Anderson asked why the individual totals of the committee members were not
included in the packet. Purchasing Agent Tolbert saiq the ranking is based on the committee
as a whole, the individual score sheets are available for viewing in her office.
After the discussion, the Motion carried 3-2, with Commissioner Keller and
Commissioner Johnson opposed.
tl1. Confirmation of Board AP..I!ointments. (Ci!y' Clerk Eikenbern:) ~ -=
a. Charter Review Board
City Clerk Eikenberry submitted a form showing the following appointments have
occurred so far and asked for appointments from the positions that had not yet been filled.
Commissioner Hood- appointed Danny Howell
Commissioner Anderson-appointed Jean Grafton
Mayor Vandergrift-appointed Rob McKey
Commissioner Johnson-appointed RoseMarie Morganto
Commissioner Keller- no appointment at this time
b. Police Infraction Hearing Board
City Clerk Eikenberry submitted a form showing the following appointments have
occurred so far and asked for appointments for the positions that had not yet been filled.
Commissioner Hood- Matt Garland (appointment added tonight)
Commissioner Anderson-appointed James Stein
Mayor Vandergrift-appointed Curt Thomas
Commissioner Johnson- no appointment at this time
Commissioner Keller- Joe Chinelli
Mayor and Commission - appointed Robert Minarcin and Louis Torres
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Chief Reffett advised they are trying to contact board members to have an informational
meeting and then the board would begin shortly thereafter.
Commissioner Keller and Commissioner Johnson advised they would get their remaining
appointments in as soon as possible.
Commissioner Keller. seconded by Commissioner Anderson moved to
approve the appointments for the Charter Review Board that have been
submitted as follows Danny Howell. Jean Grafton. Rob McKey. and RoseMarie
MorQanto. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Johnson away from the
12. Discussion Regarding Electronic Message Board Signs. (Community Development
Director Wa~er)
On July 17, staff gave a presentation on electronic message board signs to the City Commission. Following the
presentation, staff was asked to perform additional research to determine whether local governments throughout
Central Florida permit electronic message board signs, and if so, how they regulate them. Additionally, staff
conducted research related to safety issues, lighting issues, and general case law regarding the regulation of
electronic message board signs.
Community Development Director Wagner made a PowerPoint presentation and explained
why he felt the existing sign ordinances are working well for the city and no changes should be
made to allow for electronic message board signs. He advised these sign regulations cannot be
limited to individual users such as the middle school; there are many supreme court cases state
these types of signs are a form of free speech and once you have allowed it you would not be
able to prohibit it to other parties. He added of the twelve local communities, ten of them
prohibit this type of flashing digital sign. He added that we have banned billboards in Ocoee for
the same reason that we need to ban electronic billboards. He showed photos and video of
electronic signs that he feels are an eyesore to the community.
Frances Watts - 83 Shell Key Court, spoke against the City allowing electronic signs; she said
it does not go with the small town community feel that we are so proud of. She said our sign
ordinance is working very well, it doesn't even allow campaign candidates to leave their signs
out after the election is over. The cities with signs all over do not look good.
Commissioner Keller said he has received numerous calls and emails, and no one is in favor of
putting up these types of signs. He said there is no way to guarantee that a sign won't go up at
the school, because the School Board my override our decision, but we can keep them out of the
rest of the City. He is not in favor of changing the current sign ordinance.
Commissioner Anderson said he can see how allowing the sign at the school would be opening
up a can of worms. He said that residents in the immediate area are very much against having
that sign at the middle school.
Commissioner Hood - noted that he is not particularly in favor of them, but at a meeting at the
middle school last week the parents overwhelmingly voted in favor of having an informational
board placed outside the school. He does not like the idea of advertisement signs, but said he
may be in favor of making an exception for these types of informational signs only at schools
and governmental buildings.
Commissioner Keller- said he agrees with Commissioner Hood, however he is concerned about
us supporting the sign at the school which would open up the possibility to other businesses in
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the community. By saying no, we keep our ordinance intact and we don't have to defend why
we allowed it at the school.
Commissioner Johnson- said he thinks placing the sign on the side roads would also interfere
with residents. He said he likes the small town look and we would lose that if these signs
starting going up all over the city. He said he didn't think the parents at the school would have
voted for the sign at the school if they understood the larger picture that those signs would be all
over the City. He said he is not in favor of having these signs in Ocoee.
Commissioner Anderson - said he is not in favor of the signs throughout the City, but believes
the school should be able to have one. He said he thinks it would be best for the City to turn it
down and let the School Board override that decision. That way the school can still have their
sign and we won't have to worry about allowing other businesses to have such signs since we
have not granted anyone else the permission to have them.
Mayor Vandergrift - said that he is in favor of having these types of signs for the purpose of
informational messages only. He feels we should look into putting restrictions on using these
signs in ways that would be beneficial to the community. He thinks it would be very helpful
getting information out to parents, especially in situations such as the lockdown incident at
Ocoee Middle School during the lightening storm. He would like the Commission to consider
revising the code. Mayor Vandergrift said that it is apparent that the majority of the
Commissioners are not in favor of changing the ordinance so there is no need to pursue it further.
\E.mggency. Item - Crown Point Land Sale to Cent~ Homes
City Attorney Rosenthal noted that the Feasibility expired on September 28, 2007, and we have
an amendment before you tonight and that is why this is an emergency.
Mayor Vandergrift declared this an emergency item.
City Manager Rosenthal said that Assistant City Manager Croteau, Community Development
Director Wagner met with Centex last week. There was a third deposit under our contract for
$1,040,000 due by September 28, 2007 from Centex, which has not been paid. They have
currently paid a deposit of $210,000 that is at risk and non-refundable. Centex has advised they
do not have the payment of $1,040,000 or any money to put up for additional deposit and if we
insisted on receiving the money they would have to walk away from the project. The company is
going through an evolution as they reevaluation the current status of the local and national real
estate market conditions. They have had staff reductions and turnover internally. They advised
they need to work with us at redesigning the concept plan and some of the models, etc. and they
are still committed to the project. They would like the City to work with them to come up with a
plan that would be mutually acceptable to both parties. They would like to extend the Feasibility
Period until January 18, 2007. Mr. Rosenthal said staff felt that they could successfully work
with Centex over the next few months to bring back a plan if the extension was granted until
January 18, 2007. He said there didn't seem to be a down side to extending the Feasibility
Period for three months, since the property would just be status quo during that time. If those
negotiations were not successful, the City could just let the extended date expire on January 18,
2007. He added that he did advise them we are not flexible with the price, because it occurred
through a competitive bid process, but we may have some flexibility in coming up with a plan
that would work. Staff recommends extending the Feasibility Period, with the understanding
they will be bringing back a contract amendment in January or their will be a mutual agreement
that Centex is going to walk away from the deal.
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Commissioner Anderson asked if we can communicate with the number two and three bidders.
City Attorney Rosenthal said he can tell you from personal knowledge that neither of those
companies are acquiring properties at all right now. He thinks that if Centex pulls out, they
should take the property off of the market for now. Commissioner Anderson said we are
incurring interest on this property and, at the very least, they should be willing to pay that
interest. City Attorney Rosenthal said that Assistant City Manager Croteau did a good job at
trying to get additional money from them stating those same positions. They are trying to deal
with the corporate office to get some money for it, the local people seem to think if they ask for
additional money right now the corporate office will recommend that they walk away from the
project. Community Development Director Wagner said that he believes we can work out
something with Centex over the next three months; we don't have much to lose in trying to do
so. If they can modify the project to save costs without completely changing the original project,
we should try to work with them.
Commissioner Hood asked if their deposit has covered the interest paid thus far. City Manager
Frank said they have paid $210,000 and the interest is approximately $230,000, so we are
$20,000 short. Commissioner Hood asked what the penalty would be to them if they pulled out.
City Manager Frank said they would lose the $210,000. City Attorney Rosenthal added they
also have about $150,000 into the project on their side. Commissioner Hood asked if we have
granted them extensions. City Attorney Rosenthal said the contract that we previously
approved had a time frame that was longer than contemplate by the RFP. In February, when the
contract was done, we hoped the real estate market would be better by September, but it has
gotten worse instead of better.
Commissioner Keller asked if there was a strong chance that in January they are going to come
up with more money, or should we just cut our loses now and take the property off the market.
Community Development Director Wagner said they are looking at reducing the nwnber of
models down, but they are keeping the models we liked the most. They are also changing some
of the designs and look at lot layout, streets and utilities to make sure it is designed in the most
efficient way possible. He also said he thinks they will phase the project so they don't have to
put out a lot of capital at one time. He said Centex's local long-time president and land manager
recently left and the new people are trying to get their feet under them. City Manager Frank said
the Commission has the right to turn down the newly revised project and tell them they only
want the original project.
Commissioner Hood said he thinks we should tell them we want the other $20,000 and if they
can't give it to us we should just go back out to bid. Commissioner Johnson said that we are
not going to find anyone to place a decent bid on this property right now. He said the thinks we
should give them the 3 12 months to come back with their new plans because if we don't extent
the contract will still have to pay the interest. Commissioner Hood said that the additional
$20,000 should be nothing to them on a $12,000,000 project if we extend this contract for them
in good faith.
Commissioner Keller said he would like to see them give us the $20,000 as well, but feels we
won't lose anything if we try to work with them over the next three months.
Mayor Vandergrift said we made a mistake not getting a bigger deposit on a $12,000,000 sale.
He also said we need to move ahead by saying by the next Commission Meeting you need to put
up some money or cut bait. He thinks we can propose an RFP for the whole 265 acres and we
can have people start looking at it for an overall community thing such as a mall, or housing, etc.
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Commissioner Anderson asked if we can communicate with the number two and three bidders.
City Attorney Rosenthal said he can tell you from personal knowledge that neither of those
companies are acquiring properties at all right now. He thinks that if Centex pulls out, they
should take the property off of the market for now. Commissioner Anderson said we are
incurring interest on this property and, at the very least, they should be willing to pay that
interest. City Attorney Rosenthal said that Assistant City Manager Croteau did a good job at
trying to get additional money from them stating those same positions. They are trying to deal
with the corporate office to get some money for it, the local people seem to think if they ask for
additional money right now the corporate office will recommend that they walk away from the
project. Community Development Director Wagner said that he believes we can work out
something with Centex over the next three months; we don't have much to lose in trying to do
so. If they can modify the project to save costs without completely changing the original project,
we should try to work with them.
Commissioner Hood asked if their deposit has covered the interest paid thus far. City Manager
Frank said they have paid $210,000 and the interest is approximately $230,000, so we are
$20,000 short. Commissioner Hood asked what the penalty would be to them if they pulled out.
City Manager Frank said they would lose the $210,000. City Attorney Rosenthal added they
also have about $150,000 into the project on their side. Commissioner Hood asked if we have
granted them extensions. City Attorney Rosenthal said the contract that we previously
approved had a time frame that was longer than contemplate by the RFP. In February, when the
contract was done, we hoped the real estate market would be better by September, but it has
gotten worse instead of better.
Commissioner Keller asked if there was a strong chance that in January they are going to come
up with more money, or should we just cut our loses now and take the property off the market.
Community Development Director Wagner said they are looking at reducing the number of
models down, but they are keeping the models we liked the most. They are also changing some
of the designs and look at lot layout, streets and utilities to make sure it is designed in the most
efficient way possible. He also said he thinks they will phase the project so they don't have to
put out a lot of capital at one time. He said Centex's local long-time president and land manager
recently left and the new people are trying to get their feet under them. City Manager Frank said
the Commission has the right to turn down the newly revised project and tell them they only
want the original project.
Commissioner Hood said he thinks we should tell them we want the other $20,000 and if they
can't give it to us we should just go back out to bid. Commissioner Johnson said that we are
not going to find anyone to place a decent bid on this property right now. He said the thinks we
should give them the 3 ~ months to come back with their new plans because if we don't extent
the contract will still have to pay the interest. Commissioner Hood said that the additional
$20,000 should be nothing to them on a $12,000,000 project if we extend this contract for them
in good faith.
Commissioner Keller said he would like to see them give us the $20,000 as well, but feels we
won't lose anything if we try to work with them over the next three months.
Mayor Vandergrift said we made a mistake not getting a bigger deposit on a $12,000,000 sale.
He also said we need to move ahead by saying by the next Commission Meeting you need to put
up some money or cut bait. He thinks we can propose an RFP for the whole 265 acres and we
can have people start looking at it for an overall community thing such as a mall, or housing, etc.
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Commissioner Anderson said he would like to hear from the Centex person. They are trying to
extend the deadline until their house is in order, but then they will probably decline the bid. He
asked if they are able to bid again if we went back out to RFP. City Attorney Rosenthal said
they could bid; there is nothing that would preclude them from bidding a second time.
Commissioner Anderson said it may not be hurting anything for us to wait, but it does keep us
from moving forward. I think it is time to move forward unless Centex can say something that
would convince me otherwise.
Commissioner Hood said he would be in favor of giving the extension to January 18th, provided
Centex comes up with the $20,000.
Vernon Priest, Budget Manager of Centex, said what they are doing is reevaluating all ongoing
projects. Those projects that they did not have a contract with were terminated, but they do not
want to terminate this project. They are trying to bring new products in and consolidate the
products because if we buy $10,000 nationwide we can save a lot of money.
Commissioner Anderson said that we are asking Centex to covers the city's obligation on this
property and he does not think it is unreasonable to ask for the $20,000.
Mayor Vandergrift asked Mr. Priest to convey this to his corporate office and come back to the
next commission meeting on October 16, 2007.
Commissioner Keller asked if we need to extend the contract to the next Commission Meeting.
City Attorney Rosenthal said the contract is still in place because neither party has exercised
the option to terminate the contract upon expiration. He further asked to clarify what the
Commission is asking Centex to come back with at the next meeting; they may not be prepared
to show their plans at that time because we were going to give them the 3 1/2 month extension to
get that done.
Commissioner Keller said he is just interested in knowing if they are willing to put up the
$20,000 at this time in order to receive the extension on the contract.
Mr. Priest said that he will speak to the corporate offices and report at the next meeting.
Consensus was to put an item on the next aaenda to have Vernon Priest talk to
Centex corporate offices with reaard to coverina the $20,000 interest in order to
extend the Feasibility Study date to January 18, 2007, while both parties attempt
to reevaluate the contract and/or modify the proiect.
Commissioner Hood (1) inquired about the status of the parking lot at Russell Drive. Public
Works Director Krug stated the parking lot would be done next week; there were some issues
with the contractor that delayed it a week. 2) asked about the street signs at Mona and Lady that
have been tampered with. Mr. Krug said he would look into the problem with the street signs.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if the signs could include the numbers of the blocks on the street
signs as they create new ones. Public Works Director Krug said they had talked about that
and would put that information on each new sign as they replace them; Public Works Director
Krug said they could handle that; (4) asked if the area behind Spring Lake is still being cleaned
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every week. City Manager Frank said it was and he would talk to him tomorrow after the staff
meeting regarding the easements in that area; Mayor Vandergrift said that Angie or Sheila said
they would assist to keep the Pig Trail clean to help keep the kids off the streets. City Attorney
Rosenthal said we have an agreement on the Pig Path that describes who is responsible for the
maintenance; it was written in conjunction with the easements. Commissioner Hood asked if
we could locate that agreement and bring it back to the Commission (5) inquired if Central Park
is scheduled to replace bleachers at the fields. Parks & Recreation Director Hayes said they
were looking at November for the completion of the bleachers and poured concrete in some of
the areas that don't have it. Commissioner Hood reminded him to coordinate with Pop Warner
League's schedule when they are doing that work; (6) announced that Ocoee Girls Softball team
is currently undefeated and they beat the undefeated Edgewater!
Commissioner Anderson asked about the architect for the Police Department and when they
would be seeing design concepts. Assistant City Manager Croteau said they need to negotiate
the contract and bring that back to the Commission, and then bring back conceptual designs in
the next 4-6 weeks.
Commissioner Johnson 1) asked if they started a bond issue yet for the police station. City
Manager Frank said they are not aware of how much they need to bond at this point or how
much will be covered by impact fees. Commissioner Johnson said we need to figure out where
the money is going to come from for the $700,000 in architecture fees, and approximately 11
million dollars for the project. (2) said he feels that we should go back to having Mayor or
Commissioners on the RFQ selection committees.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to place a
Commissioner on each RFP selection committees. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Johnson (cont.) (3) mentioned the pothole problems with all the rain and that we
need to check the bad areas, especially the trailer parks. Public Works Director Krug said they
were looking to address those as quickly as possible as the rain subsides and the paving program
in Pioneer Key should be moving forward very soon. Discussion ensued regarding correcting
the potholes in a more long term basis. (4) the "Welcome to Ocoee" sign near Positano's was run
over and never replaced and the other one near Windermere needs to be mowed. (5) said
Commissioner Anderson had some literature on portable bleachers that he thinks the
Commission should look at. Commissioner Anderson said he gave the information to Parks
and Recreation Director Hayes.
Commissioner Keller (1) was told the first trailer in Pioneer Key I is off its foundation and
someone is living in a van outside of it. (2) asked about any information received regarding the
traffic calming in Sawmill. Public Works Director Krug said they are collecting the data on
that since school has been back in and the traffic patterns have changed. (3) announced the OHS
Drama performed a play "Leader of the Pack" and it did a great job. The band has a Prism
concert (variety piece) scheduled at the school on October 11 th and invited all to attend.
Mayor Vandergrift (1) announced he would be at the comer of Silver Star and Clarke helping
children cross during "National Walk Your Child to School Day." He asked if the City could
open a Traffic Calming program for Sawmill whereas they could advance themselves on the
project where they could advance the money to the City to move it up one year and then be
reimbursed when the project is completed. Public Works Director Krug said we do have a
policy in place that is working well and it does not seem to be a money issue as much as a time
issue. He said the new information he has seen on prefabricated product that has a three week
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City Commission Regular
October 2, 2007
turn around and he is looking into that to expedite the process. He will be bringing it back to the
Commissioner Anderson asked if they reviewed the traffic calming process, maybe they could
stream-line the process. Public Works Director Krug stated the City has a pretty stream-lined
process currently and the carry over from last year was because some requests did not meet the
requirements and/or did not have the required signatures.
Mayor Vandergrift 1) requested staff assistance for the mail out for schools, approved earlier
by Commission under Commission Announcements, and said anything staff can do to expedite
getting the letters mailed would be helpful because the hearing in front of County Commission
regarding Evans is on October 9th at 3:00 pm at BCC headquarters. 2) passed out some
information regarding Charter Schools, induding a list of services offered to charter schools
from OCPS for the 5% that they are paid, and the basis of the demographic procedures for OCPS
high schools, and 3) said he will be at Silver Star and Clarke Road in the morning crossing the
The meeting was adjourned at 9:13 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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