HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-04-07 Minutes
September 4, 2007, at 7:15 P.M.
Invocation- Commissioner Keller
Pledge of Allegiance - Commissioner Hood
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum - Acting City Clerk Sib bitt
Mayor Vandergrift - Announced this was a tough evening for the Ocoee Employee Family due
to a tragic incident and gave his condolences to our employee and her family on the lose of their
Commissioner Hood - 1) Remind everyone that the Fire Department is offering free CPR
lessons to Ocoee Residents only on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 7-9:30 p.m. at Fire
Station One. 2) Residents are invited to the Founder's Day Volunteer meeting on Wednesday,
September 12th at 6 pm at the Tom Ison Center.
Commissioner Anderson - Provided the Commission with a handout on mobile bleachers for
possible consideration during the budget.
Commissioner Johnson - None
Commissioner Keller - Stated up until now a lot of the issues with the Charter School Review
were the possible Ocoee High School students being rezoned. He thinks everyone has now
gotten an awakening this first Friday of the school year when students were not allowed home
due to the storms. He further stated the one thing that does come from this unfortunate event is
how important a Charter School is to the community because if that had been a Charter School
and under the City's School Board they could have done something quicker in order to alleviate
the issue. Mayor Vandergrift stated he received a correspondence from Orange County Public
Schools and he feels they are trying to set up a situation where the responsibility will be on the
City during an emergency situation. He also announced there will be a School Board meeting on
September 11th and a Work Session on September 13th. City Attorney Rosenthal added that
most of the City's who received the correspondence are declining because the legal liability will
be shifted from the School Board to the City. Commissioner Hood stated his son was held at
school during the storms and he was informed as to what was going on and he felt the school can
keep his child if it will prevent him from getting struck by lightening. He supports the school for
their actions. Commission Johnson stated he would like for everyone to have clear thoughts
because there are a lot of different things involved in running a Charter School.
Mayor Vandergrift - Read letter from Foundations of Light, Inc. thanking the Mayor for being
involved with the Habitant for Humanity Fundraiser.
City Commission Regular
September 4, 2007
1. Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes of August 21, 2007.
(City Clerk Eikenberry)
ADDrOyed on Consent. Motion Carried 5-0
2. Reappointments to the Ocoee School Advisory Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
Members of the Ocoee School Advisory Board serve two-year terms. Currently the Ocoee School Advisory
Board has nine (9) members and their resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more than
fifteen (15) members. The two-year terms of Debra Booth, Ivor Leitch, and Greg Murphy ended August 31,
2007. All three have indicated they are willing to serve another two-year term, if reappointed. There are no
applications on file for residents interested in serving on the board.
Pulled from Consent Aaenda and Voted on SeDaratelv
Mayor Vandergrift stated through an intermediary he tried to contact the Chairperson for the
board and ask her if she had decided to look into Charter Schools a little better since she has
made two public announcements that she is against it. He further stated he would like for
consideration to not reappointment Chairperson Booth. A brief discussion ensued regarding the
Ocoee Advisory Board not being a Charter School Board and members being able to have there
difference in opinions.
Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve all
Reappointments to the Ocoee School Advisory Board. Motion carried 5-0.
3. Approval for Purchase ofa New ALS Rescue Truck. (Fire Chief Firstner)
In order to provide ALS citywide, a vehicle will need to be purchased that can respond to ALS calls throughout
the City, in order to provide the upgraded service to as many residents as possible. The rescue unit will respond
with Health Central Ambulance and a fire engine when the nature of the call requires it in order to maintain the
same level of service without a delayed response.
Pulled from Consent Aaenda and Voted on SeDaratelv
Commissioner Anderson inquired as to why they would not want to have an ALS vehicle that
could transport someone instead of waiting for a transport vehicle to get there. Fire Chief
Firstner stated an ambulance type vehicle would serve that need however, that type of truck cost
approximately $100,000 and it does not really work into their immediate plan of bringing all
their engines up to ALS capability and serving the entire community. He further stated they are
just trying to bridge the gap right now since they are short of man power to bring all three
engines up at the same time to provide ALS. It was also planned that the vehicle could be turned
over to another department in the City that could use it as a utility type truck, which would not be
possible if it were an ambulance since it does not lend itself into other conversions.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve
Purchase of a New ALS Rescue Truck. Motion carried 5-0.
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September 4, 2007
Mayor Vandergrift inquired about an AM Radio and if there was any movement into that
direction. Fire Chief Firstner stated it was placed in the budget and he will speak with the City
Manager on proceeding with it.
4. Approval to Piggyback State Contract for Purchase of Computer Software.
(Information Systems Director Ross)
Every year, the City purchases computer software for new and existing PCs. Once again we have reviewed
prices and found the State of Florida contract to offer the best deal. This year we have replaced 70 computers
and purchased 32 new ones - each requiring new software licenses totaling $62,382.18. Software licenses for
most computers include Office, OneNote, server access, Communicator, and antivirus. We also wish to
purchase $600 worth of software licenses for new products to improve efficiencies at remote sites. All newly
purchased Microsoft software is added to our existing maintenance contract that entitles the City to free
upgrades, home use, and the right to install the software when needed and pay for any new licenses at one time
at the end of the year.
ADDroved on Consent. Motion Carried 5-0
5. Approval of Special Event Permit To Authorize Sale Of Alcoholic Beverages
Application by the Ocoee Lions Club for Founder's Day on October 19 & 20, 2007.
(parks and Recreation Director Hayes)
The Ocoee Lion's Club has submitted a Special Event Permit to Authorize Sale of Alcoholic Beverages
Application for the purpose of selling beer at the Founder's Day Celebration on Friday, October 19th and
Saturday, October 20th of 2007.
ADDroved on Consent. Motion Carried 5-0
6. Certification of Non- Ad Valorem Assessment Roll for Solid Waste Inclusion on the
Orange County Tax Roll. (Public Works Director Krug)
The City Commission approved Resolution No. 2006-002 on February 21, 2006, to provide collection of
residential solid waste fees through the Orange County Tax Roll. Per Florida Statutes and the May 2, 2006,
agreement with the Orange County Tax Collector with respect to the use of the Uniform Collection Method for
residential solid waste, the City is required to certify the non-ad valorem assessment roll by September 15 of
each year. The FY 07-08 Tax Roll revenue for Residential Solid Waste is $2,348,400.
ADDroved on Consent. Motion Carried 5-0
7. Certification of Non- Ad Valorem Assessment Roll for Stormwater for Inclusion on the
Orange County Tax Roll. (public Works Director Krug)
The City Commission approved Resolution No. 2006-003 on February 21, 2006, to provide collection of
stormwater fees through the Orange County Tax Roll. Per Florida Statutes and the May 2, 2006, agreement
with the Orange County Tax Collector with respect to the use of the Uniform Collection Method for stormwater
fees, the City is required to certify the non-ad valorem assessment roll by September 15 of each year. The FY
07-08 Tax Roll revenue for Stormwater is $2,275,470.
ADDroved on Consent. Motion Carried 5-0
8. Approval for Mayor to Execute the Florida Recreation Development Assistance
Program Grants for Prairie Lake Park (F08180) and Rogers Property (F08107). (Parks
and Recreation Director Hayes)
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City Commission Regular
September 4, 2007
The City of Ocoee has received two grants totaling $400,000 through the Florida Recreation Development
Assistance Program (FRDAP) for Prairie Lake Park ($200,000) and for the Rogers Property ($200,000) for
development of outdoor recreational facilities.
ADDroved on Consent. Motion Carried 5-0
9. Approval for Purchase of Police Boat with Police Impact Fees. (Police Chief Reffett)
As Ocoee's population has increased, larger numbers of the public are using the Starke Lake chain of lakes for
water activities. In order to help provide a safe, recreational experience for the people who utilize these lakes,
the Police Department seeks to purchase a boat with police impact fees. To date, the Police Department has
been able to utilize a personal watercraft to patrol the lakes, but as the lakes have become more congested,
additional visibility and coverage are required. The boat will augment the personal watercraft and allow
additional visibility and City personnel on the lakes.
ADDroved on Consent. Motion Carried 5-0
10. Approval of Sale of Property to Orange County for Improving Good Homes Road.
(City Engineer Wheeler)
The City of Ocoee, Orange County, and the Florida Department of Transportation have been working
cooperatively to make improvements to the Good Homes Road and Colonial Drive intersection. The Florida
Department of Transportation and Orange County entered into a Locally Funded Agreement on July 12, 2006,
to add lanes and reconstruct Good Homes Road. As part of the Villas at W oodsmere development project, the
City of Ocoee acquired title to a tract of land within the project during the platting process known as "Tract 5".
This property may now be conveyed to Orange County for inclusion in the roadway construction project. The
Florida Department of Transportation will pay the City $50,000 for this property.
ADDroved on Consent. Motion Carried 5-0
11. Approval of CDBG Project Agreement for Pioneer Key II Mobile Home Park
Reconstruction. (City Engineer Wheeler)
The City of Ocoee applied for and was awarded a total of $1.5 million to undertake a public infrastructure
reconstruction project in the Pioneer Key II Mobile Home Park under the Orange County Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, a federally funded initiative. Proposed improvements include
upgrades to roads, stormwater management, potable water service, and sanitary sewer utilities. Orange County
has asked the City to be responsible for bidding the work, on-site inspection of construction and providing
approved progress payments from the selected contractor to the County, as work is accomplished. The offered
Project Agreement between Orange County and the City of Ocoee is a standard form used throughout the
county for similar projects. It imposes on the City the same conditions imposed on Orange County by the
federal CDBG program-conditions that are effectively already imposed on the City through terms of the grant
award. This approach allows the City to provide better control of the project within the limits of the CDBG
Consent Aaenda Vote
Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Hood. moved to approve
Consent Aaenda Items 1. throuah 11. excludina Items #2 & 3 which was removed and
heard separatelv. Motion carried 5-0.
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City Commission Regular
September 4, 2007
12. Ocoee Professional Plaza - Waiver Discussion. Advertisement and Notices Sent out to
all Homeowners and HOA in Brentwood, Silver Glen, and Lake Olympia. (Advertised as
Public Hearing in the West Orange Times Legal Classified on Thursday, August 23, 2007). (Principal
Planner Fabre)
The proposed Ocoee Professional Plaza site is located on the northeast comer of Silver Star Road and
Ridgefield Avenue. The property is currently vacant, zoned C-l (Neighborhood Shopping District), and is
approximately 1.7 acres in size. The small-scale site plan proposes the construction of a 3-story office building
with a total building floor area of 22,884 square feet. In order to proceed with review of the small-scale site
plan, the applicant has requested three waivers from the requirements of the Land Development Code. On
August 7, 2007, Ocoee Professional Plaza waiver requests were presented to the City Commission for their
review and formal approval. During this meeting the City Commission voted to continue this item to the next
available meeting and place it as a Public Hearing item on the Agenda to allow for public participation. Since
then, an advertisement and notices were sent out to all homeowners and HOA in Brentwood, Silver Glen and
Lake Olympia per City Commission directive.
Principal Planner Fabre stated that on August 7, 2007, Ocoee Professional Plaza waiver
requests were presented to the City Commission for their review and formal approval. During
this meeting the City Commission voted to continue this item to the next available meeting and
place it as a Public Hearing item on the Agenda to allow for public participation. Since then, an
advertisement and notices were sent out to all homeowners and HOA in Brentwood, Silver Glen
and Lake Olympia per City Commission directive. He stated the proposed Ocoee Professional
Plaza site is located on the northeast comer of Silver Star Road and Ridgefield Avenue. The
property is currently vacant, zoned C-l (Neighborhood Shopping District), and is approximately
1.7 acres in size. The three waiver requests as (1) setback of 30' from road, rather than 50',
which is a common waiver granted by Commission in the past, (2) landscape buffer reduced
from 25' to 15', and (3) maximum building height code not clear and they want to clarify his
request is acceptable. Principal Planner Fabre said that staff is recommending approval of the
waivers, as well as the small scale site plan. He further gave a brief history and provided
exhibits for the proposed plaza.
Mayor Vandergrift read an e-mail from Mr. Scott Blynder regarding the proposed plaza and his
opinions on the waivers.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing.
Mayor Vandergrift read a letter from a concerned minor who does not want a three-story
building behind her housing development.
Anthony Ewen, Representative for the Developer, stated they wish to respect everyone in the
City of Ocoee. He further stated when the subdivision was approved by the City the parcels in
front of that subdivision was zoned commercial development and those buying into that
residential development knew that they were purchasing near commercial parcels. Mr. Ewen
stated they do not want to put a retail building in that location that is why they worked with the
City for several years to put an office type building. He further stated they do not need to have
a 45ft. building and do not mind bringing it down to the limitations however, the setbacks are
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City Commission Regular
September 4, 2007
what is very difficult to work with. Mr. Ewen stated he is asking for consideration from the
residents which is why the developer is willing to pay for improvements on Silver Star Road so
that the residents do not have the safety issues they have today.
David Evans, Evans Engineering, stated they have been working on this development with the
City since 2004. He further stated with the improvements on Silver Star Road he feels
everyone will be excited. He briefly explained the proposed changes they would be doing to
Silver Star Road and the setbacks for the property.
Commissioner Johnson asked for the City Attorney to please read what the zoning and use for
that property is. City Attorney Rosenthal stated the zoning for the property is C-1 which is a
neighborhood shopping district. He further stated essentially if anyone comes in with a plan
that complies with the requirements of the City Code they can do any use they want within C-1
which does include retail. He further stated it is not an issue of whether there will/will not be a
development there since there will some day be a commercial development which could be
better or worse but that is up for the City Commission to decide tonight. City Attorney
Rosenthal briefly explained the process for waivers and the offset benefits it would bring.
Commissioner Johnson stated everyone needs to look at what is going to be the benefit for all.
Brittany, minor and resident of Ocoee, stated for the four houses on Marsden Street they
should be given 10 more feet out and a 10ft. brick wall built up so that if there is a child
molester looking out of the office building they can not see into her yard. She also stated she
felt the building looked liked a hotel and the entrance should be turned around to face the road
and not the Brentwood housing development. The roads in the Brentwood housing
development are already busy and putting a new office building by them is going to make it
busier and harder to get out of the neighborhood, so she feels they should consider adding a
traffic light.
Nick Lepp, Renaissance Planning Group, stated he can answer any questions about traffic.
Mayor Vandergrift inquired if the roadway could support the amount of traffic using the left
turn. Mr. Lepp stated at 285 ft. the roadway could support the about of vehicles making a left
turn. Questions rose regarding the plans that were presented to the Engineer and those
submitted to the City Commission. City Attorney Rosenthal briefly explained that with
respect to waivers the staff does not wait until the project is 100% percent done to then bring it
back to the City Commission so from a procedural standpoint while the plans are being revised
the issues that required actions are being brought before them for input. David Wheeler, City
Engineer, stated FDOT has looked at Ocoee Hills Road for a traffic light and they do not feel it
is warranted. Commissioner Hood inquired what the price is for a traffic light. Mayor
Vandergrift briefly explained a program that the Police Department could participant in for a
traffic signal.
Valerie Powell, 1207 Flewelling Avenue, inquired where the parking would be, how far the
setbacks were not including the parking lot, if there would be shrubbery, if the wall could be
negotiated, and information on the turn lanes and entrance. Mayor Vandergrift recessed so
that the City Planner could share the plans with any residents present and answer informational
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City Commission Regular
September 4, 2007
Recess - 8:20-8:35 p.m.
Valerie Powell, 1207 Flewelling Avenue, thanked the Mayor for allowing everyone to look at
the site plan. She further stated she does not feel that a 45ft. building is going to enhance the
quality of life for the residents in any of the three neighborhoods affected. She also does not
think a smaller building will hinder the project and a smaller building would also go with the
architecture of the other surrounding buildings. Ms .Powell stated she would suggest as
opposed to a 6ft. wall if they could put in an 8 ft. or 10ft. wall instead. Lastly she suggested
that the hour of operations be normal business hours such as 8am-6 pm.
DJuna Doby, 304 Forrest Crest Court, stated she is against the project and because the
building is behind her home she feels it will be a major impact on her family. Ms. Doby
further explained her reasons for not wanting an office building being in her backyard which
included her view of the building from her yard, her pool being affected by the dirt during
construction, and traffic problems on Silver Star Road.
Susan Segal, 303 Forrest Crest Court, stated if she comes out the front of her house she will be
able see the office building in front of her. She further inquired as to how many office spaces
will be leased and as to why a three-story building verses a two-story building. Anthony
Ewen, Representative for the Developer, stated it would be 12 tenants and the hours of
operation would be approximately 7am -7 pm.
James Fleming, 511 Orange Ave., stated the developer has a right to develop that land but he
feels they could build a 35ft three-story building without having to go to 45ft. He further stated
they should put the pretty side of the office building facing the houses and the unattractive side
of the building facing the street.
Chris Townsend, 112 Hercules Court, stated this is a reoccurring theme and he has great
concern with the building towering his home. He purchased the home knowing that parcel was
commercial but he was also aware that there were restrictions to that parcel that would protect
the surrounding residents. He disagrees with the height waiver for the building and urges the
City Commission to maintain the height restrictions.
Rodney Armstead, 1107 Coastal Circle, feels this will have an impact on a much wider scope
and inquired if there has been an alternate for a two story building.
Edward Quinn, 1081 Coastal Circle, important thing is that the decision they make today will
affect them down the road as they start setting precedent to allow 45ft buildings. He agrees with
current restrictions of a 35ft building.
Michael Hopper, 1405 Daria Street, agrees with the other residents and feels they should not
approve the waiver on the height and also feels that they should consider having Richfield
redone since it will be an inlet and outlet into the subdivision.
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September 4, 2007
Edward Carman, 103 Marsden Street, briefly stated his concerns on the traffic patterns laid out
and the wall height.
DJuna Doby, 304 Forrest Crest Court, inquired as to what the projected time of construction
would be. Representative for the Developer stated it should be 10 months. Ms. Doby further
inquired if flow of traffic would affect the Links bus route. The Links bus route is across the
street and since there will be an increase of traffic flow will a cross walk be added. Mr. Lepp,
Renaissance Planning Group, stated there will not be any crosswalks. Commissioner
Anderson inquired if there was going to be a sidewalk in front of the office building property.
Mr. Lepp stated there will be sidewalks.
Regina, 803 Sullivan Avenue, inquired as to how long it would remain on and as to how bright
the lighting in the parking lot would be. Mayor Vandergrift stated the lighting they use is
supposed to be directed downward and is not supposed to go off of the property.
Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Hood stated he has a few issues such as the esthetics of the building. He also
agrees that it looks like a hotel building and feels they can add some decorative touches to the
building to make it visually pleasing. He further stated he agrees with a 10ft wall but feels an
8ft wall would be more adequate. Lastly, he does not want to see a building over 35ft and
supports a red light out on Ocoee Hills.
Commissioner Keller stated he would like to see a 35ft structure as well and also agrees with
Commissioner Hood that an 8ft wall is what they need.
Commissioner Johnson stated one of the things they can look at is making the front entrance a
smaller wall and widening the road so that it is safer to come in/out. He also agrees it should
be a 35ft building. As far as the road improvements Mr. Johnson stated he thinks it would
benefit everyone since it does not look like the state is going to do it. Community
Development Director Wagner stated the tallest wall they have built in Ocoee is 7ft and it
was approved by the Commission. He further stated the wall will not block the entire view of
the building but the trees will block the view so they may want to keep in mind that they have
approved a 7ft wall before. Community Development Director Wagner stated as far as the
20ft they are getting dedicated that is the minimum amount they need to ultimately widen
Silver Star Road and would encourage the City Commission to approve that waiver. Anthony
Ewen stated they do not have the issue with the 35ft. building. He further gave a description of
the wall. Commissioner Hood inquired about enhancing the look of the building in which a
brief discussion ensued.
Commissioner Anderson stated they have been talking about an 8ft wall over a 6ft wall but he
feels concerns with citizens is visual pollution in being able to look into their home. He
inquired if the developer could possibly replace the windows on the north side and install
narrower windows for lighting purposes only. Mr. Ewen stated his tenants are going to want to
be able to see out of there office and he would have a hard time getting tenants if they change
the windows out. Further discussion ensued regarding site visibility issues. Commissioner
Anderson further stated they have a marquee out in front of the Brentwood Subdivision and he
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City Commission Regular
September 4, 2007
feels the developer should replace the Brentwood sign and widen the road and maintain a new
marquee on their property. Commissioner Anderson further discussed having an integrated
sign, building the wall before the development goes up, the developer partnering with the City
to install a traffic light at Ocoee Hills, and possibly having a tile like roof to enhance the
Mayor Vandergrift stated that no has mentioned brown fields and City's all over the States
and Nations are suffering from this. He further stated he has mentioned before the possibility
of building up and giving the City a skyline. With that in mind he does not have a problem
with a 35ft or 45ft office building. Mayor Vandergrift stated he does not feel the windows are
a problem and in most office building atmosphere they are not looking out of the windows
during work hours. He would suggest for the wall that they build a block stucco wall and put
the plants going up it like Islesworth.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Hood. moved to deny the 3rd
waiver reQuested allowina a maximum buildina heiaht of 45ft. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to approve the 1st
and 2nd waivers reaardina the buildina setbacks and buffer setbacks subiect to the
followina conditions: 1) A 7ft hiah wall in lieu of a 6ft hiah wall. 2) Spanish ESQ. tile or
eQuivalent. 3) Enhanced architectural detail to buildina. 4) re-workina the internal
median and street sian for the Brentwood subdivision. 5) Silver Star Road
improvements from Ocoee Hills Rd. to Silver Crest Blvd. be done as presented. 6) the
construction of the wall be done at the beainnina of the proiect. and 7) the top stOry be
addressed to reduce the ability to visually look North and East . Motion carried 5-0.
Recess 9:50 - 10:00 pm
13. Approval of New Employment Agreement for the City Manager as a Result of the
Workshop held on July 10,2007. (Human Resources Director Carnicella)
The City Manager is covered by an employment agreement with the City of Ocoee which provides for yearly salary
increases as the City Commission authorizes. The Commission conducted a workshop on July 10,2007, to evaluate
the City Manager's performance and considered amending his employment agreement. The City Manager has
reviewed his contract and has considered the issues that were raised during his review. The City Manager's current
contract expires September 30,2007.
Commissioner Johnson stated he had two problems with the contract: 1) the lease option on
the vehicle which he felt should stay at $700 and 2) was the 12 months on the severance pay
which he feels should be 9 months. Commission Anderson stated his problem with the
severance was that if they decided not to renew his contract they would still have to pay him a
6 months severance and he did not feel like that was right. City Attorney Rosenthal stated
that there was not a non-renewal prevision so this would basically continue him. City
Manager Frank clarified that it basically means he either leaves on his own walking away
with nothing or they tell him to leave and he gets a severance pay. Human Resources
Director Carnicella briefly addressed the board and explained the merit and cola increase the
City Manager would receive. Commissioner Anderson stated he did not like the paragraph
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September 4, 2007
regarding if the form of government changed he would still get his severance pay. He further
stated he agreed with Commissioner Johnson on the two changes he proposed. Commissioner
Anderson stated he did not like the section in the contract regarding alternate work schedule.
City Manager Frank stated he agreed with him and that section was added by the City
Rosemary Wilsen, 1019 Shady Maple Circle, inquired if the 6 months and 9 months they were
referring to, did that include the 3 months notice required. City Attorney Rosenthal stated
there is no notice required in this contract.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to amend the
contract as follows: $700 in car allowance (paraQraph 4b.2l. 9 months on the severance
pay (paraQraph 7b.2a. b. dl. and 9 months for the health insurance (paraQraph 7b.2a. b.
dl. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Anderson opposed.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to aDProve the
City ManaQer's contract with the proposed amendments. Motion carried 5-0.
14. Discussion of State Farm Building. (City Manager Frank)
This item was heard first under Regular Agenda.
City Attorney Solik gave an overview of the State Farm Building and some of the options that
would be available to the City Commission. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the
possibility of purchasing/leasing the existing State Farm building verses building a new Police
Station on the vacant A.D. Mims property.
Mavor VanderQrift. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to offer $3 million or
work out a lease option. Motion failed 3-2 with Commissioners Hood. Anderson. and
Keller votinQ No.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to proceed with
the architectural renderinQs on the A.D. Mims proDerty and proceed forward on the A.D.
Mims property. Motion carried 3-2 with Mayor VanderQrift and Commissioner Johnson
City Attorney Rosenthal received clarification that he is to go back and communicate with the
State Farm Property owners or their attorney that the City Commission is not interested in further
pursuing the State Farm building.
City Manager Frank briefly stated that several meetings ago they had discussed Code
Enforcement doing a sweep of the trailer parks and he was recently informed that they did have
the opportunity of doing one today and he will make sure to forward the information to the
Commission of how many people were cited once he receives it.
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City of Ocoee
City Commission Regular
September 4, 2007
Commissioner Keller - stated Sawmill had a recent police study regarding speed bumps
however they have not heard back on what was determined. Public Works Director Krug
stated they have a lot of requests and he has been advising all the requestors on what the findings
and status was. He is letting those requestors that did not meet the warrants know what part of
the warrants they did not meet. He believes Sawmill may have been one of the ones that did not
meet the warrant. Police Chief Reffett stated they had enforcement in the Sawmill subdivision
for about seven days during the daytime and they did not issue any tickets. He did inform the
citizen that had made the complaint.
Commissioner Anderson - wished his son a Happy Birthday!
Commissioner Hood - 1) Inquired if the City cleans easements. City Manager Frank stated
the City does not typically clean easements, if it is a piece of right-of-way or City owned
properties then they do maintain it. Commissioner Hood further inquired if they could notify all
the residents on Sal Street that they can move there fence back and maintain the easement
themselves. Mayor Vandergrift stated if they do away with the pig trail they will have some
problems. It was decided to have staff look into the pig trail and the possibility of maintaining it.
2) stated our prayers go out to the family of the tragedy that took place this afternoon and to the
family who also suffered a loss during the weekend on Starke Lake.
Mayor Vandergrift - announced there is a Health Insurance Workshop at 7pm on September 5,
2007, in the Commission Chambers.
The meeting adjourned at 11 :22 p.m.
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Melanie Sibbitt, Acting City Clerk
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S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayo
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