HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-09-07 Budget Workshop Budget Workshop OCOEE CITY COMMISSION Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL August 9, 2007 MINUTES 7:00 P.M. I I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the Budget Workshop to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson. Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Clerk Eikenberry, Finance Director Horton, Senior Accountant Brosonski, and Accountant Rosenberg. I II. Budget Message - City Manager Frank City Manager Frank introduced the budget for FY 07/08 Budget. Last year the Commission adopted our preliminary budget at 4.6295 for FY 07/08, which is the same rate as the current rate for this FY 06/07. The budget was balanced at the state-mandated rolled back rate minus 5%, which comes out to a millage rate of 4.0777. The budget before you tonight includes health insurance funded at 3.2 million, which will cover the staff recommended plan that will be presented shortly. It also included a 2% merit and 2% COLA for general employees, and the union employees will receive the pay increases as determined by their contract. Tax reduction legislation does allow the Commission to exceed the 4.077 rate up to the rolled back rate of 4.2923 with a super majority vote. Any rate above 4.2923 up to the current millage rate of 4.6295 would require a unanimous vote of the Commission. No millage rate above 4.6295 can be adopted without a citywide referendum. Mr. Frank said they distributed a document (attached) showing a break down of the capital projects, funded to the general and utilities funds, the CRA, and various grants by district. The staff also provided a wish list of items and projects (attached) not funded in the budget, but recommended by department directors if additional funds become available. I III. Discussion on Health Insurance Human Resources Director Carnicella said they have distributed a spreadsheet that is similar to what they have seen during other discussions on health care. He summarized it by saying this year the City is spending $2,890,146.00 for our health care, next Fiscal Year the same plan would cost $3,462,000.00. We have budgeted 3,224,000,000, which would require additional funds of $238,401.00 to fund next years plan. Mr. Carnicella said the plan that he is recommending, on the far right side of the spread sheet, is the Health Reimbursement Plan (HRA) from Blue Cross, Blue Shield. It would cost $3,051,404.00 to fund this plan for the upcoming year. He said they are prepared to talk about how to get to the funding level tonight, but not prepared to talk about plan design because he and Crown Consultants have reviewed a number of health plan options in the last two months. If we choose a plan were we partially self fund, we will begin to take money from the insurance companies pocket and put in back in the City. He added that if claims remain as they have been, with the same level of usage rather than higher claims, than you will begin to realize a savings over what you would have paid if you remain fully insured. Utilization of the Plan is what will drive the cost in the next few years. Mackie Branham and Ray Tomlinson are here from Crown Consulting to discuss the details. Mr. Branham said an HRA is a long term plan; it is not something you jump into for one year. He discussed the costs for Fixed Policy, insurance, and cost of doing business. Commissioner Hood said the HRA models being shown are all hypothetical; we could be two major surgeries away from paying out far more than what we are paying not. He stated he would rather pay the additional $238,000 and know that they will not incur any more liability than that. Mr. Branham said you have a $50,000 stop gap for the City in this plan per member, which means the City does not pay any claim over that amounts. The current plan has $125,000 of exposure, so this would be taking $75,000 worth of exposure away from the City per member. Human Resources Director Carnicella said we have insured our risk against those large claims over $50,000, there is a layer of insurance over our plan to cover catastrophic claims. Commissioner Hood said if we have some really bad years, won't our policy increase in this plan also? Mr. Branham said that will happen just as it would with the fully insured plan. Commissioner Anderson confirmed that the numbers used to get the quote from Blue Cross were projections from our own numbers from last year. Mr. Carnicella said they projected our claims to go up by 18% next year even though our claims have not done that over the last several years. This way we will be able to budget for mid range, not the best case or worst case scenario. He said United Health Care said they will not come down below 19.8% increase; they started at 23%, but won't go lower. Mr. Carnicella said he does not recommend they make a decision tonight on which way they want to go, he wanted them to see the numbers. He said with the rest of the package that they would like to present, we are hoping to be able to control our costs and save hundreds of thousands of dollars in premium in the years to come. He hopes that we will get down to single digit increases, rather than double digits. Commissioner Anderson asked if this will eliminate co-payments. He also asked if, in this scenario, if we would have realized 300,000 - 400,000 in savings could some of that savings have been put back into the plan to pay for deductibles, etc. Mr. Carnicella said that is exactly what we are trying to do, buffer the employees from out-of-pocket costs. The first year will be the toughest, but after that we should be able to give it back the employees. He said the co-pays were put back in the plan because that helps employees not get to the first $1000 that the City is going to pay for the employees. A regular office visit co-pay of $15 and it will not come out of the $1000. The $1000 applies to three things: in-patient hospital stay, surgical event, or diagnostic testing. Mr. Carnicella said there are many details that would need to be explained to employees if we change plans. In a catastrophic health event, the most an employee would pay is $3500 out-of-pocket. He added that statistics show that will only happen to approximately 4% of our employees. Commissioner Hood asked if we spoke to the employees to ask them what they want to do. Mr. Carnicella said 98%-100% would like to keep the plan the way it is. Commissioner Hood said maybe we can barter with them and see if they would like to give up merit and cola raises to cover the same insurance that they have. Mr. Carnicella said that we wanted to give you a quick outline of the numbers, and let you wrestle with the numbers and make a decision about which way you want to go. Commissioner Anderson asked why we don't see a fully insured plan offered by Blue Cross. It appears they want our business back, and perhaps they could give us the same option at a much lower cost than United. Mr. Carnicella said we asked Blue Cross to give us a quote on a similar plan. They came up with a similar plan to the HRA with larger deductibles and larger out of 2 packet expense, and they would only increase the plan by 5% over what we are paying now. Mr. Carnicella said the problem with that is that they will do the same thing United Health Care did to us before. He said United Health Care low-balled the premium, and have since asked for double digit increases. Mr. Branham said on the HRA component said going back to a question asked earlier, if the City realizes a savings in the first year, they may be able to roll it over the next year have the City cover the first $1250, instead of the first $1000. Commissioner Anderson asked if we could use that to fund the clinic. Mr. Carnicella said that we believe if we institute the total package and include the clinic; it will save the City about $100,000. There would be no co-pay, free lab work, and hopefully free x-rays. The employees will have the option of choosing how much they want to pay by the way they use the plan. Mayor Vandergrift said we need to talk to the insurance companies about a three-year contract. Mr. Carnicella said Blue Cross has guaranteed us a three year contract with a cost increase no greater than 5%. Commissioner Anderson asked if there would be any communication with employees to explain the new plan. Mr. Carnicella said he can speak for almost 100% of employees that they would not to change plans because they are concerns about the change. Commissioner Hood confirmed that United made almost $1,000,000 off of the City last year, and yet they want to increase the premium by 19%. Mr. Carnicella said that is why we want to get into partially self insuring. Commissioner Johnson said that Blue Cross is coming back and doing what United did by giving us a lower price, and then making up the cost with big premium increases. Mayor Vandergrift asked if other carriers are going to offer similar HRA plans, or are we locked into Blue Cross forever. Mr. Branham said other carriers have a similar model and we could switch at any time. United Health Care offered a similar plan but their administrative fees were higher and their stop loss component was higher. Commissioner Johnson asked if they could explain what could be done in the best case scenario, if claims stay the same or lower than recent history. Mr. Carnicella said we could reimburse those employees that had the catastrophic event. He added the plan cannot be written that way, because it is contingent on the claims that come in and if savings are realized. Mr. Carnicella said if any savings are realized in this plan, we plan to turn it around and give it to the employees in some form. We want the help employees focus on wellness to keep our costs down so they can share in the cost savings. Mayor Vandergrift we currently budgeted 3.2 million for insurance. He summarized to say Plan #1 & Plan #2 that we currently have will cost 3.4 million. Plan #3 which is the HRA plan we have been discussion will cost 3 million. IV. Staff Presentation and Discussion regarding FY07/08 Budget City Manager Frank began the budget presentation. He said the budget is balanced at the 4.0777 millage as previously stated. He reviewed the General Fund Tax reduction legislation does allow the commission to exceed the 4.077 rate up to the roll back rate of 4.2923 with a super majority vote. Any rate to be adopted above the 4.2923 rate up to the current millage rate of 4.6295 would require unanimous vote of the commission. No millage rate can be adopted above 4.6295 without a city wide referendum. City Manager Frank turned it over the Finance Director Horton to begin reviewing the budget of the smaller departments and stated the Directors of the larger departments will review their budgets after that. 3 Finance Director Horton reviewed the proposed budget of the following departments, including personnel, operating expenses, and capital expenses: CITY COMMISSION - Finance Director Horton CITY MANAGER- Finance Director Horton COMMUNITY RELA nONS- Finance Director Horton CITY CLERK- Finance Director Horton FINANCE DEPARTMENT-Finance Director Horton GENERAL GOVERNMENT-Finance Director Horton Ms. Horton said it had gone down substantially due to funds that were put in last year in anticipation of the sale of the Coke Property. Commissioner Anderson asked why it went from 3 million to 8 million from FY06. Finance Director Horton said that is when we took insurance out of individual departments and placed it in this fund. LEGAL DEPARTMENT-Finance Director Horton INFORMA nON SYSTEMS- Finance Director Horton Commissioner Anderson asked if we are going to have to change to a different operating system. IS Director Ross said we will have to go to Windows Vista because XP will no longer be available; it will still work with our server. HUMAN RESOURCES- Finance Director Horton The following department budgets were introduced by the Department Director or designee. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - Building Official Jones Commissioner Johnson said in the last few years we have added employees in the inspection department, but with the decline in building why do we still need as many employees? Building Official Jones said inspections have only slowed down 17% and we have 8 subdivisions just getting ready to start up. Commissioner Johnson said the Commission was told when they asked for extra inspectors that they would be made aware they would no longer be needed if the building inspections decreased. Mayor Vandergrift asked if anyone else recalled that conversation and no on replied. City Manager Frank said we can get you the data showing the number of inspections. Inspectors were doing 22 inspections per day and doing over 12 is too many to do good inspections. The funding from the permit fees pays for the inspectors. State law may require we lower our building fees; the HBA has been monitoring that on a regular basis to make sure we have enough inspectors out there to match the fees that we are charging. Mayor Vandergrift agreed and stated that inspection fees have to be spent on inspectors and not placed in General Fund. Commissioner Hood asked if they can get the data showing the inspection fees pay for the inspectors. Finance Director Horton said on Page 3-4 of the budget book you will see the breakdown of licenses and permits for the dollar amount. It does include business taxes, infrastructure fees, fire re-inspection fees, etc. Ms. Horton said that they can do an analysis for them and bring back the specific figures for inspections. POLICE DEPARTMENT - Chief Reffett Commissioner Keller asked about the new Police Department Building. City Manager Frank said it is not showing in the Police budget at this time; if we did pursue the purchase of the building we could be coming back to Commission to do an amendment because it would be long term financing and impact fees. We would do an internal loan or execute a bond. In future years the debt service would show in the budget. Commissioner Anderson said didn't we used to have money in the budget for plans, such as architectural. City Manager Frank said it is not necessarily in the show in the General Fund budget. Finance Director Horton said it would be funded by impact fees or the bond issue. 4 Commissioner Keller said he noticed after adding a new communications officer last year, we cut one this year. Chief Reffett said we reclassified a supervisor position to a regular Communications Officer. There was discussion that the money for the unfilled communications officer was used to reorganize the department when another Deputy Chief was added. Commissioner Keller said he would like to see more police officers in the budget, and take them off of the wish list. He said we need at least two more, if not four. Commissioner Hood said he would like to see us purchase a personal water craft for lake patrol. City Manager Frank said we have meeting set up with Police Department, Parks Department, etc to discuss patrol of lakes. He said we are looking into a small boat and adding safety inspections, etc. Mayor Vandergrift asked if the millage we are at right now can be increased. City Manager Frank said it can be increased to 4.2923 with a Super Majority Vote. A millage rate between 4.2923 up to 4.6295 would require a unanimous vote. He said we need a cost for increasing the police officers. Commissioner Keller said $195,000 for three more. We also need the millage rate increase to cover the insurance increase. Finance Director Horton said the $300,000 additional funds would take the millage to 4.2073, and adding the $195,000 back in for the police officers would take you back to the computed roll back rate of 4.2923. Mayor Vandergrift asked her to put that in writing for the next meeting. Commissioner Hood said if 99% of the employees want to keep the same plan, he feels we should work with employees on keeping the current insurance plan if they would like to consider that option by taking a reduced COLA or merit increase. City Manager Frank said .5 percent of the COLA would get us approximately $70.000 - $80,000. Commissioner Anderson said we are looking at a long term plan, if we stay with the same policy we will have big increases every year and employees will not want to keep giving up their raises to keep the same policy. Mayor Vandergrift said if we add on officers, we have to add on vehicles. Could the replacement vehicles be stretched by moving them into the upper staff use? City Manager Frank said because of budget constraints this year, we placed the five absolute worst vehicles in for replacement as opposed to approximately 10 in a normal year, so they cannot be used for anything else. There was a brief discussion regarding school crossing guards and school resource officers. FIRE DEPARTMENT - Chief Firstner Commissioner Anderson asked if the inspector fees work the same as the building department. Chief Firstner advised it is part of the General Fund. Finance Director Horton said there are administrative and other costs included, it does not just cover salaries. Mayor Vandergrift asked Wanda to break out the fire inspector numbers for Commissioner Anderson to see. Commissioner Hood asked how much would six additional firefighters cost. Commissioner Keller said for 3 the cost was $195,000, doubled would be $400,000, so with part of that taken off it would be around $360,000. Finance Director Horton, referring to earlier question about inspector's salaries, referred to Page 3-5 where it shows Fire Plan Review Fees, which is enough to cover salary for inspectors. She said it was projected $181,000 for this year, but next year's projections are $160,000 because of the reduction in building. Commissioner Anderson said whatever is not being used for inspectors should go into the general fund. Finance Director Horton said that the Fire Dept is part of the General Fund. There are other administrative fees that go along with that, not just salaries. Commissioner Hood asked what it would cost to put a portable station out there in District 1. City Manager Frank said it would depend on staffing levels. Commissioner Johnson said you have a building by the Girls Club. 5 Commissioner Keller asked about the proposed Fire Assessment Fees. City Manager Frank said doing "quick math" it will probably approximately $80 per residence, which should pay approximately 25% of the fire department budget. He added that we may be able to reduce the residential taxes because commercial a large portion of the fire assessment fees. Commissioner Anderson asked about the ALS budget for this year. Chief Firstner said all operational costs for ALS are built into this budget. There should be no additional costs for ALS service. He added that the current paramedics, who are not already certified, are now getting certified. In 60-90 days they should be operational with 10 paramedics that deliver ALS service. We are getting a small passenger vehicle (rescue truck) that can roam the city. We don't have staffing to bring all three engines up as we originally proposed, but as staffing permits we will go from two to three engines. We should have two engines and rescue truck out next year sometime. Chief Firstner said that all new hires will have to be paramedics, and added that he is getting no interest from current employees wanting to go ALS; he believes they are waiting to see what negotiations occur for paramedics. Commissioner Hood said he doesn't understand why firemen are not taking advantage of free training. City Manager Frank said typically the paramedics make 15% more than EMTs, so that should be a good motivator. Mayor Vandergrift said even with the additional money incentive, not everyone likes blood and guts. Mayor Vandergrift asked if we are getting fast vehicles to race with Health Central to see who can give ALS first. Chief Firstner advised Health Central's services are already taxed; it is about upgrading the service level so we are not going to be competing with them, we want to be able to give the ALS service on the scene within 3-5 minutes, even if Health Central arrives much later. Health Central will still be doing the transport. Commissioner Keller said it is all about giving them ALS service as soon as we arrive, instead of waiting for Health Central to get there. Commissioner Anderson asked if we have an agreement with Health Central to swap meds, bandages, etc. Chief Firstner said they just met with them last week to discuss the contract; they are guided by Medicare billing protocols. He said they have a good working relationship with them, and they are willing to work out the details. Mayor Vandergrift said he has still not seen any evidence that our residence were getting slighted by using Health Central. Weare going to have a hard time getting those positions filled without offering alot more money. Commissioner Hood added that the staff brought us figures that proved that we arrive at the scene frequently before Health Central, and as we know minutes can save lives. He feels a million dollars is cheap to save lives compared to some of the things we spend money on. Commissioner Anderson added that the figures showed that only 8% of the time did Health Central arrive before us on the scene. The rest of the time, we are there first and need to be able to provide ALS services. Discussion ensured regarding getting our own Fire Dispatching. Chief Firstner said the level of service being provided we are getting at a greatly reduced amount. Mayor Vandergrift said it bothers him that we have to pay a half million dollars for fire dispatching. Chief Firstner said our contract is only for approximately $130,000; it is a three year contract has only gone up 3% per year. ENGINEERING- City Engineer Wheeler Commissioner Anderson asked if traffic lights are coming from impact fees. Engineer Wheeler advised a portion comes from the developers, and the rest come from road impact fees. PARKS AND RECREATION/CEMETERY - Director Hayes Commissioner Keller asked why the Park Ranger is shows on the Recreation Organizational Chart, but he is budgeted under Parks and that does not make sense. City Manager Frank said it can be moved. 6 Commissioner Hood said he thought we just completed the playground resurfacing at the Beech Center. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes said they added a play structure and that had the new surface placed on it, but the old play structure is now getting the resilient surface. Commissioner Hood asked if the Before/After School Daycare revenue goes to Parks and Recreation fund or General fund, and Mr. Hayes advised the General Fund. Commissioner Hood asked if we are only allowing $120,000 to finish Central Park as shows on Page 3-76. City Manager Frank said we moved funding for the Blackwood Avenue resurfacing into the CRA budget and freed up $200,000. If you look on the wish list you will see it has been changed from $400,000 to $200,000 of unfunded money because we found $200,000 more to budget toward Central Park. Now only $200,000 remains unfunded and we need that to complete the upgrades at the park. Commissioner Hood asked to take this $200.000 off of the wish list and place it into the budget. Commissioner Anderson and Keller consented. Mavor Vandere:rift said this is a work session and we should not be amending the budget at all tonight. Commissioner Hood said the Police Department item and this item should not be calculated yet, but placed on a list of amendments that will need to be considered at the Public Hearings. Commissioner Anderson asked what is happening on the Montgomery Property. Mr. Hayes advised there is nothing in the budget this year for the Montgomery property. Commissioner Anderson asked about the Rogers Property. City Manager Frank said we have the $200,000 grant and $200,000 match from impact fees. Mayor Vandergrift said if we are spending $400,000 on Central Park he would rather see some of the money spread around to Montgomery Park and the Beech Center Park. Commissioner Hood said he would prefer to finish our existing parks first. City Manager Frank said we could put in for another FRDAP Grant next year and have $400,000 to develop the Montgomery Property. Commissioner Hood said Central Park is the one that is used the most and needs major renovations. City manager Frank advised that the sale of the Coke Property has been delayed also and some of that money was earmarked for the Crown Point ball fields and the Rogers Property. Commissioner Hood said why spend our money if we can spend the Developer's money to build new parks and ball fields. Mayor Vandergrift said the restroom improvements need to be made at Sorenson Field also, especially with regard to ADA standards. There was discussion regarding leakage from the retention pond onto the fields at the Beech Center. Utilities Director Smith said those issues have been resolved. He said once more reclaimed water is used in the area they will discontinue use of the pond completely. There was discussion regarding repairs and maintenance to the cemetery. Commissioner Johnson said he wants to add money to the budget for gate repair and irrigation. Commissioner Hood asked if they can bring back figures for that at the next budget meeting. I IV. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:22 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee 7 ,. - CITY OF OCOEE CAPITAL PROJECTS BY DISTRICT FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 PROJECT NAME I DESCRIPTION DISTRICT West Road Realignment with Orange County (Traffic Signal) 1 183,000 Central Park Improvements 1 200,000 Vignetti - re-roof 1 22,500 Water Main upgrades 1 225,000 Road Resurfacing: 1 300,000 Lady Ave 1 Sal St 1 Leslie Ann Ln 1 Sarah Lee Ln 1 Idaho Ct 1 Arizona Ct 1 Wyoming Ct 1 Ruth Jordan Ct 1 Armada Ct 1 Joan Lee Ln 1 Nicole Blvd 1 Lauren Beth Ave 1 Nancy Ann Terrace 1 Jessica Lea Ln 1 Shari Lynn Terrace 1 $930,500 Blackwood Ave Resurfacing / Streetscape (CRA) 2 75,000 City Hall Stormwater Pond & Lakeshore Drive Improvements 2 1,750,000 Starke Lake - beautification/improvements 2 125,000 $1,950,000 Blackwood Ave Resurfacing / Streetscape (CRA) 3 200,000 Pioneer Key Regional Stormwater Pond 3 875,000 Relocation of Pipeline Crossings at Maguire Rd and Florida Turnpike 3 440,000 Pine St Stormwater Pond and Park 3 115,000 Maguire Rd Phase 5 - Road and Utilities 3 3,129,000 Maguire Rd at Moore Rd Interection 3 400,000 Lakewood Estates and Wurst Rd Extension 3 200,000 Traffic Signals at Wesmere Parkway 3 168,000 Traffic Signals at Moore Rd 3 200,000 Traffic Signals at Ocoee Vista Parkway 3 188,000 Pioneer Key #2 Roadway & Drainage Enhancements (grant) 3 1,500,000 $7,415,000 Reuse Retrofits in Reserve 4 500,000 Reuse Retrofits in Reflections 4 450,000 Playground Surfacing - Beech Center 4 Shade Structures for Playground and Pool - Beech Center 4 Additional Security Lighting - Beech Center 4 Site Amenities (benches, trash receptacles, picnic tables) - Beech Center 4 Bleacher Replacement - Beech Center 4 Beech Center athletic field lighting (grant match) 4 75,000 8-1 "..... .~ CITY OF OCOEE CAPITAL PROJECTS BY DISTRICT FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 PROJECT NAME I DESCRIPTION DISTRICT Prairie Lake Park - Phase 2 development (grant/match) 4 400,000 AlC unit for Beech Center 4 6,300 Sawmill City Pond 4 90,000 Reclaim Retrofits - Prairie Lake 4 l1'000'80J Reclaim Retrofits - Windstone 4 Reclaim Retrofits - Forest Trails Extension 4 $2,607,100 SR 50 Force Main Relocation 2,3 1,100,000 Utility Relocations for SR 50 Widening 2,3 250,000 Silver Star median landscaping (grant) 2,4 250,000 Improvements to playgrounds at various parks CW 120,000 Sidewalk on ROW's CW 30,000 Citywide Traffic Calming CW 40,000 ROW Landscaping CW 50,000 City Entranceway Enhancements CW 25,000 Fire Hydrants (new / replacements) CW 25,000 Sanitary Sewer Manhole upgrades CW 12,000 Water Lines (replacements / upgrades) CW,1 150,000 8-2 ~ o o o o 0000 If)'' If)'' 0" 0" O\o::tMM ...-I r-. r.fj ~ o .....04 +-I ro .-4 ~ ~ r-. .~ U ~ tE ~ ~ s ~8 +-I "-" Q) +-I ~ ~ > +-I ro ~OO+-I Q) "-" . ~ ~ ~ r.fj I Q) r.fj r-.~<~ CIS B ~ -5 's ~ Q) Q) "d ~ ~ ~ < r.fj o ~ ~ ~ .9 ~ Q) Q) ~ 0 .1= ~ bI) +-I ~ ~]tt '.I'-~"- ..",.. 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Community Development Department Budget Year 2007-08 Projects COMMERCIAL PROJECTS CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION 07-08 ABC Liquor Advance Auto Parts Dynasty Collectibles Fountains West GTE Federal Credit Union Lanham Wholesale Meadow Ridge Tutor Time 8,250 square feet 6,784 square feet 12,418 square feet 120,000 square feet 3,630 square feet 9,000 square feet 58,189 square feet 12,050 square feet Total 230,321 square feet COMMERCIAL PROJECTS LIKELY TO BEGIN IN FISCAL YEAR 07-08 Belmere Retail Citrus Medical Freeman Commerce Center Health Central Medical Center Mi Ranchito Ocoee Business Park Phase III Ocoee Car Wash Ocoee Professional Plaza Sandstone Office Shoppes at West Oaks Texas Roadhouse Wesmere Offices West 50 Commercial West Orange Investments West R V & Boat Storage 30,000 square feet 14,000 square feet 50,000 square feet 80,000 square feet 14,790 square feet 100,000 square feet 7,000 square feet 22,872 square feet 6,800 square feet 80,000 square feet 5,000 square feet 60,000 square feet 30,000 square feet 63,000 square feet LOOO square feet Total 564,462 square feet Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift City Manae-er Robert Frank center of Good Lj . <\.~e, 00" ,_ T?ll] ~}. 3""'}' (S> Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel F, Keller, District 4 Community Development Department Budget Year 2007-08 Projects RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION 07-08 Eagles Landing Ingram Trails Key Isle Apartments PH II Meadow Ridge McCormick Woods Prairie Lake Reserve Prairie Lake Tract A Villages of Wesmere Villas of Woods mere Westyn Bay Phase 4 & 5 97 lots 55 lots 165 lots 152 lots 182 lots 169 lots 385 lots 369 lots 64 lots 31 lots single family single family multi-family single family single family townhomes townhomes townhomes townhomes single family Total 1,669 lots RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS LIKELY TO BEGIN IN FISCAL YEAR 07-08 Arden Park South Chateau Reserve Slone Landing Ingram Estates Lakewood Estates Ocoee Pines Villa Roma 157 lots 22 lots 4 lots 104 lots 54 lots 343 lots 60 lots Total 744 lots single family single family single family single family single family single family/townhomes to wnhomes City ofOcoee' 150 N Lakeshore Drive' Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 . fax: (407) 656-8504' www.ci.ocoee,f1.us