HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #08 Freeman Commerce Park - Preliminary Site Plan center of GOOcll.i ~ AGENDA ITEM STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: December 4, 2007 B -W~ Item # Contact Name: Contact Number: Antonio Fabre, AICP 407 -905-3100/1019 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Freeman Commerce Park Preliminary (Large-Scale) Site Plan Project # LS-2006-006 Commission District # 3 - Rusty Johnson ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Preliminary Site Plan for the Freeman Commerce Park? BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The subject site is approximately 11.2 acres in size and is located on the west side of Ocoee-Apopka Road approximately 1,300 feet north of Palm Drive. The site itself is currently undeveloped and sparsely covered with a mixture of pine trees, oak trees and other varieties of trees scattered around the property. It should also be mentioned, that some scattered pieces of equipment, vehicles and containers are currently on site. Accordingly, all these items will be removed from the property when it is developed. Additionally, there was a single-family residence on the property that was demolished some time ago. The adjacent land use to the north is undeveloped and heavily treed zoned 1-1. To the west are large residential lots zoned R-1A. Located on the east are large residential lots zoned A-1 in unincorporated Orange County. To the southwest is vacant City owned land zoned R-1A, and to the southeast there is a small residential lot zoned A-2 in unincorporated Orange County. The Future Land Use designation for the site is Light Industrial. The property is zoned Restricted Manufacturing & Warehousing (1-1), which permits development and construction of the proposed use. Therefore, the requested use is consistent with directives of the Comprehensive Plan and the adopted Land Development Code (LDC). DISCUSSION: The Freeman Commerce Center Site Plan proposes to be an office/warehouse facility. There will be a total of (4) four one-story structures on the site consisting of a combined total building floor area of 153,320 square feet. The site plan has all the requisite parking and landscaping areas per the Land Development Code. In addition, a 5 feet wide concrete sidewalk with landscaping will be provided along Ocoee-Apopka Road to facilitate pedestrian travel. One sitting area will also be provided along Ocoee-Apopka Road for pedestrian and patron use. Along the western property line, the applicant will be dedicating to the City a conservation/floodplains preservation area (Tract "A"). This tract consists of an existing stormwater canal and the requisite 25 feet wide upland buffer. This upland buffer will also act as a public recreational trail in the future. Furthermore, the applicant is also dedicating (+/-) 40 feet of right-of-way (Tract "B") along the property frontage. Off-site improvements for the project are a northbound left-turn lane and two southbound right-turn lanes for traffic entering into the site on Ocoee-Apopka Road. Water, sanitary sewer, reclaimed water (when available), solid waste and police & fire protection will all be provided by the City. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on October 29, 2007 and reviewed the Preliminary Site Plan for Freeman Commerce Park. There were minor technical issues to be addressed from the City Attorney, Planning Division and Engineering Department that were identified in written staff comments and presented verbally. The Planning and the Engineering comments were collectively agreed to be addressed during the Final Site Plan approval process. The City Attorney also agreed but wanted to incorporate on the plans a revised set of Conditions of Approval (COA) before the City Commission meeting. All of the COA(s) were discussed and agreed upon by the applicant. When the discussion was finished, the DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Preliminary Site Plan, subject to incorporating the final revised set of Conditions of Approval in the plans before the City Commission Meeting. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed Preliminary Site Plan for Freeman Commerce Park on November 13, 2007. City Staff presented a brief overview of the Preliminary Site Plan. City Staff and the Applicant answered several questions regarding bike racks, truck traffic, turn lanes, landscape buffers and stormwater abatement. All of these questions were addressed adequately in the P&Z meeting. The Public Hearing was opened for the Preliminary Site Plan for Freeman Commerce Park. There was no one from the public to speak regarding this project. The P&Z Commission questioned the location of the mini-storage component of the project. The Applicant responded that there was no longer a mini-storage warehouse facility proposed for the site. After finishing its deliberations, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Freeman Commerce Park Preliminary Site Plan, subject to incorporating the final revised set of Conditions of Approval in the plans before the City Commission Meeting. A revised Preliminary Site Plan (date stamped November 19,2007) incorporates all of the requested changes. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Freeman Commerce Park Preliminary Site Plan, as date-stamped received by the City on November 19,2007. Attachments: Location Map; FLU Map; Zoning Map; Aerial Map; Preliminary Site Plan for Freeman Commerce Park date-stamped November 19,2007. Financial Impact: None. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'j X Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deat Use: Consent Agenda Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) O:\Staff Reports\2007\SR07086_JAF _FreemanCommercePark_PSP _CC.doc N/A X N/A N/A Freeman Commerce Park Location Map J I I I \ [J n : d> ; ~~ c < () ~ ,---- ~ ! I f----- ~ I I I a.. l · · ~ I - _! I LFF f- TIlL r--L[J 1/ ~ '" .~ f- ?- f-~ ~~ fS II ,) (I >-f-- '" C'~ ~ ~ If-' :I~ L-J [( ". ~ "~ - ~~ ~ R a' c i . ~ H- -~~ ~ F 'NtfIN C:BnE m u I lil J\\ ~ Y1r1 1 i '\ 9'" :\ ~;438 \ -~lY-.';"Fn_~ 'C ~ Q) ... C:c. 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Advertisement Public Hearing Notices .., Or Ie pr Ct g, p f( y L II . Interested porties may ap- peer at the public hearing and be heard with respect to the proposed actions. The complete case file may be inspected at the Ocaee 5~~';t~~~t/P9~ri~il~t'Bf~i! sian located at 150 North ~ Po~jJ~o b:t..?e~inV'\heO ~g~~s of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, ex- cept legal holidays. The City Commission may continue the public hearing to other dotes and limes, as it deems necessary. Any In- terested party shail be ad- vised of the dates, times, ond places of any continua- tion of these or continued public hearings. Any contin- uances sholl be announced during these heorings and no further notices regarding these matters wi II be pub- lished. You are odvised that any person who desires to appeal any decision made at the public hearing will g~:ginagfeaC~Jdfo~f th~~ ~~~~ j r~~? om~:rbnoetj~ t~eceonr~u~1 f ~h1c~r~~j~~~~~~eiiem~0: r ny and evidence upon which 0 the appeal Is based. Per- R sons with disobiilties need- ing assistance to participate ~ ~nhg~rdo~6~,\~ecrr~~~ecg7f~ c Clerk's Office 48 hours in ~i ~g7v~~5~51O~f the meeting at rT OF OCOEE PUBUC HEARING Y SITE PLAN FOR F OMMERCE PARK CASE NUMBERS: LS-2006-OIl6 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. pur- C suont to Article IV. Section Hi I ~'il~'~i~t occga~ L?~~t ~~ 01 Tuesday, OECEMBER4. 21107, at II I~~ ~~"p~6c~fc~~07h~hWce~IE g: CITY COMMISSION wiil hold 0 0, PUBUC HEARING at the Ocoee 0' I City Commission Cham- c' . B~~~e,15gc~~~~hFTgfi~~~0~g 3 consider the Large Scale H Preliminery Site Plan for C io~~i.\:Ja~n Ct~~~~~f~i~e"~~ t Ocoee-Apopka Rood epprox- II ~n;:p~elbrlv~OO feet north of ~ t r 8 F 5 v. J ( ( o n C h C H n 3: o n c ( Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk OLS555172 11/22/07 o