HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #03 Approval of 4-Year Lease-Purchase . AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: December 18, 2007 Item # '3 Contact Name: Contact Number: Joyce Tolbert 1516 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Approval of 4-Year lease-Purchase of New Equipment and Police Vehicles for FY 108 Background Summary: The budget for Fiscal Year 07/08 includes the lease-purchase of new and replacement police vehicles and other equipment. The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) & Florida Association of CountieslFlorida Fire Chiefs Association and other governmental agency bids were reviewed for the best pricing based on factors such as price and options available. Issue: Authorization is needed to piggyback the respective contracts for the items listed. It is the intent of Staff to .nsolidate the financing for the vehicles and equipment being purchased in order to realize a savings on the terest rate. This lease-purchase agreement is for four (4) years at an interest rate of 3.58%. Recommendations Staff recommends that the City Commission: 1) Approve piggybacking on the Florida Sheriffs Association & Florida Association of Counties contract for the listed vehicles and equipment; 2) Approve piggybacking on the City of Fort Myers contract for the equipment listed; and 3) Authorize staff to secure financing through Suntrust Bank for the vehicles listed, and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Staff to execute the Lease-Purchase Agreement Schedule No. 12 and related documents for the amount of $234,860.00. Attachments: 1. Consolidated List of vehicles to be leased/purchased. 2. Fort Myers Bid/Contract 3. FSA Bid PD Vehicles 4. FSA Bid Dump Truck 5. PD Vehicle Equip Quote Financial Impact: The 4-year financing of $234,860.00 through Suntrust Bank at an interest rate of 3 .58%, which will be Schedule No. 12 to the existing Master-Lease Agreement, to close on or before December 31, 2007. . Type of Item: (please marl< wdh an "x"J Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading For Clerk's Deaf Use: _____ Consent Agenda _____ Public Hearing Resolution ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk ~ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) . . ~~tJ- N/A N/A N/A 2 . Mayor . Scott Vandergrift City Manager Robert Frank Commissioners Gary Hood. District 1 Scott Anderson. District 2 Rusty Johnson. District 3 Joel Keller. District 4 STAFF REPORT FROM: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing Age~ December 11, 2007 TO: DATE: RE: Approval of 4-Year lease-Purchase of New Equipment and Police Vehicles for FY 07/08 ISSUE: The budget for Fiscal Year 07/08 includes the lease-purchase of new and replacement police vehicles and other euipment. Authorization is needed to piggyback the FSA contract and the City of Fort Myers contracts for the ms listed. It is the intent of Staff to consolidate the financing for the vehicles and equipment being purchased in order to realize a savings on the interest rate. This lease-purchase agreement is for four (4) years at an interest rate of 3.58%. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) & Florida Association of CountieslFlorida Fire Chiefs Association bids were reviewed for the best pricing on the vehicles based on factors such as price and options available. The City of Ocoee participates each year in the FSA co-op bid, and the bid encompasses dealerships in the Western, Northern, Central, and Southern parts of the State of Florida. The FSA and Fort Myers contract is attached along with the quote for the police vehicle equipment. The consolidated list of vehicles and equipment to be financed is attached. The total cost for the vehicles requiring financing approval is $234,860 at an interest rate of 3.58% through Suntrust Bank. . CITY OF OCOEE POLICE VEHICLES & OTHER EQUIPMENT LEASEIPURCHASE FISCAL YEAR 07/08 Police 2008 Ford Crown Victoria White, additional options per dealer and shop manual 20,723 20,723 Police 2008 Ford Crown Victoria White, additional options per dealer 20,363 61,089 3 Police Equipment for Ford Crown Victorias 4 Light bars, sirens, partition cage, emitter, etc. 4,885 19,540 Public Works/ Sanitation 2008 Sterling Acterra Claw Truck 103,210 103,210 Utilities/ Wastewater 2008 Ford F-350, Diesel Engine with 2 yard Dump, Dump Truck 30,298 30,298 FL Sheriff's Assn. & FL Assn of Counties & FL Fire Chiefs Coop. Bid 07-15-0827 FL Sheriff's Assn. & FL Assn of Counties & FL Fire Chiefs Coop. Bid 07-15-0827 Quotes received by Public WorkslFleet Piggyback City of Fort Myers 20-06-07 FL Sheriff's Assn. & FL Assn of Counties & Fl Fire Chiefs Coop. Bid 06-14-0821 . . . . . . L Tolbert, Joyce From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Simmons, Bill Tuesday, December 11, 2007 4:23 PM Tolbert, Joyce Brosonski, Pam Money transfers Joyce the Police dept. will be moving $5,250 from 001-521-004908 to cover their cost short falls on the police cruisers. As soon as I hear back from Utilities they will be moving $300. from somewhere to cover there cost. Arctic Friends, Cloudeight Internet QuickNotes XIX Page 1 of: Tolbert, Joyce .rom: Wright, Miranda Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 20077:12 AM To: Tolbert, Joyce; Simmons, Bill Cc: Smith, Charles; Lengyel, Ken Subject: RE: Dump Truck Finance Charges Bill - Since Pam would like to take the $300 from Wastewater, please charge accou nt 401-535-00-5202. Thank you! Miranda From: Tolbert, Joyce Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 5:28 PM To: Simmons, Bill Cc: Wright, Miranda Subject: RE: Dump Truck Finance Charges . Pam said the account should be WASTEWATER, Please change and re-submit. From: Simmons, Bill Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 20074:39 PM To: Tolbert, Joyce Subject: FW: Dump Truck Finance Charges -----Original Message----- From: Wright, Miranda Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 4:38 PM To: Simmons, Bill Cc: Smith" Charles Subject: Dump Truck Finance Charges Bill- I spoke to Pam in Finance and she told me to let you know that you can take the $300 for the dump truck financing out of account 401-533-00- 5202. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! . :Miranda. Wriglit Administrative Assistant Utilities Department 1800 A.D. Mims Road 12/12/2007 '--- . . . ~4/~q/~~~/ ~L:L~ ~60~0B~000~~~~~6B66~ HE I t-.lTZELMANS Heintzelmans Truck Center Sterling and Western Star Trucks 2424 John Young Parkway Orlando, Fl. '32804 407-298-1000 ext. 126 407-292-3550 fax 407..509-6651 cell To: Mr. Mark pargeon City of Ocoee c4 fA) ~ Regarding... .;(l?iggYJ~El.9.k: fQr:~,2008:,Ster/ing'ActiliTa;,with~ad?eterson ..' . 1- - ,..,_,"~ ":,+ '" ::: .:0:,.:"\ I; .;;<.~....i~-' .\",' ;~,~"'t.:..: ':,:i..~...}t'::~<i-'~ :,"~,.. - ." ".p' :;> . " '.. ";' '. . .'" TJ;3:"[;lgnthmg, L6aqe'[/T':,: Date 4-25-07 Heintzelmans Truck Center fnc authorizes the City of Ocoee to piggyback the City of Fort Myers purchase order number 0918-000017 in the amount of $103210.00 (one hundred three thousand two hundred ten dollars) for the attached Sterling Acterra and Peterson Industries Lightning Loader '"b ,{) Thank You, ~~ Bob Scharpnick '),0 l{j)\ \ PAGE 01/63 . . . ~q/~qf~~~( ~L:L~ ~~~~~~~~~~BB~06~eee6 ftINTZELMANS PAGE 02/\33 Prepared for: PUle-nailing Department C~y of Fort My.r' Purcnasing Division 1820 Hanllry Sf 1'0/\ M.YlII'. FL 33902-2443 Phone: 239.332<6301 Pl1lpllnrd by: Robel'! Scharpnlck HEINTZEUAAN'S TRUCK CENTER. INC. 2424 JOH~J YOUNG MRKWAV ORl..A.NOO, FL 32804 QUOTATION o$r~~U!t.t(f~~~R~~~;~~~i!~.:" . seT BA.CK AXLI: - TRUCK MBEQOCJ.-230 T.2l230 HP@22ooRPM. 2500 GOV. 820 lB/F'T @ 1200 RPU ALLISON 3500 RDS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WITH PTO P~OVISION RS-23-1~ R-SERlES SINGLE REARAXf.E @J23.000. 23 ,00011 FLAT LEAF REAR SPRING SUSPENSION WITH HELPER AND RADIUS ROO Al'-12.0-3 12.000(1 FF1 71.5 KPI/3.?4 OROP SINGlE FRONT AXLE 12,000# TAPERLEAF FRONT SUSPENSION 106" SSC STEEl CONVENTIONAL CAB 6000MM (236") WHEElBASE 11132" X 3-112" X 10.3116" STEEL FRAME [8.73MM X 258.8WN .344" X 10.1llj 1201<81 1925MM (76"} REAR FRAME OVERHANG _" l;;'-~J'l,~._:-:"i,,~:~.:i;:;..~.:,' ;,f. v<'..HICLE PRICE EXTENDED WAARANrf DEALER INSTAUEC OPTIONS -----~----_...__....-- CUSTOMER PRICE BEf'ORE TAX ~t~!~~;P~~~b;cYr: :('i).;:';::'~c'; ',...' TAXES AND FEES OTHER CHARGES '-: ;~~ ~:/,~~:;~;.;i~~;;~:'~:,: $ S .:..-,.:, : .;~;~~~~l~~~~)~~~~~;,~s~~~:~~ ~~~:'..- ~ 7~:~:;: ~.f-~;~:'~ ;'~~'~~~~': ~'S'~ ;'~.:'::' f ?{.~:r, ~ :~;~~-r :~~:~:;~:;~~:~ ~ ~::: ~,::'.~' ~~: ;~;~ ~~r' ~.~; :~ ~ ~?~:;'~~:~'1 ::f. -,:'::~. ..: mAl>E-IN ALLOWANCE $ ElALANCe Due (lOCAL CURRENCY) $ t03,21 0 $ W6,42D COMMENTS: PrOjected delivery on _ I _ I _ provided the order It; received before _ ,_ / _' APPROVAl.: Please indicaie your acc~ptance of thIs quotstlOi'\ by Signing below: Customer: X Oale:_ __ Application Version 6.1.120 Dala Va~o" F>;tL-32G.009 City of Fort Myertl 20-06-07 ~~':;3J STERLING PagG 1 01 1 04118/20079:25 AM 'r"Ul:ICS ~4IL~/L~~1 ~L:L~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ H::. i N I L~LMAN:> r'Al:il:::. 113/113 . Received Event (Event Succeeded) Date: 4/1612007 Pages: 1 Sender. 2393320593 Fax Number. Tillie: Duration: Company: Subject: 9:30 AM o min 46 see Type: Fax , ''''''~~i ltJ/ti'U'UI Uts Ju"',:^,~""~~i;~4~U~'~::S' ..~.:.i ',,"'r';";t ri rt~" '~UK-::"'~~ 1"'~" -... ...... HIi".';,;.', ~ City of Fort Myers Purchaing DIvision p .0. Bo~ 2443 fort MyorA, FL 33902.2443 (239)332-6301 ~,/, PURCHASE ORDER r ~~~~, f Q~l~ 1 ~, ......... ....NIr....... _TO:: SANflAnON. HOAT. REMOV,t,L 4200 DR UAImtl LUTHER I(1NG JR BLVD FORT MYeRS, Fl. 33IOS V'iiNOOR: 00I!822 HEINTZELMAN'S TRUOK CENiER.INC '-424 JOHN youNG Pf'l{~AV ORI.ANDO. Fl 32804 C_c1 N., T.....: 3010/0 T_ RoQ.. DDL DtIID: 11"11I" II*: RloQUI'" _ t'~ ClftlJllUll5 _ m Cow. """'"- ..""""_ Qrllw NunIInr ... Inv__ ~ta, ...-~......... PA _!2t" FoIl ~ I'L. J3IR.ut7 ...... Wl\3D470 ...... "'..~ 001I019. ~..- COLLEEN QlIDOEN I>llClMtto: 1230\ 332~ F___........ _ "-"_15K _~I.D.- S_t c-......"....~- -~ . 2.00 ~ c....., StIi'IIIllI AlQrra Dump aady; P&IlINlIlllnd. 'N2Oall KftIddlllll/:Itw. ~MlIlnd. TUi 0Dlll sa1 m.oo Rut &tn:IIlo Iloht . SlIZ.no BIIdl up WlIIl'IIng; crevtce - ll'lchlded IHdI: 141 ~d1ta a IllOnItOr . $810.00 n" _. C43T 110 0U1rlgger W1ImInf11\OJ1t & .8Udlble 8IIlmt 16111.00 .....,..... Benz IIftgiM . $1.,5.00 ~ hGm$ . 182.00 I\lIlo lIlr br8e dnIIII.yalBm -ltSOt.OO WI".1Iflty 5/150 enlJlnG 10a,2,a.1XlOG 208,.&20.00 We.~,~ to eccopl ~ ptll~llof in lIDllQIt/..,.., wilh tile COI'!dl1f_ and all<<ll/lc:aOOlla -**-' In BId M;2().O&.07. FIIllI'It EIllt l.otlder. Sfde LaDor Trude: Honlc:IllIlnI TlVdI; Roll Off TnIClIl and RaorfBm.. lalder TnK* .fcK .... CIty tJI Fan. MyMa __._J n71 ~ -,9-007 ~ ,,- COlLfp' &U II e... CITY " FT. "'YEll ...,..: 4 .'A!: Z3t-33f-0513 The ...... Ihd hold h........ "lid ~ U. (:lly of For! ... llIIllll.I eplII& _......... ftonlalllUb_ .llIIona,lnGludint '-"1/8' fa6a .... .,_ of 1iIIQoiIiDa"""" ~ Olt~ _ 1M MOIlIIIIon .,_ oIA 01 or 'rl(IlcMftllIIlll ... ~ of.... """"""*"1110II< poofDrmood. . TN. poWlIIoIl...... toIIl6 plIlI'tjlln III ~ ~ __ ....,.. eI!y brt ft,.... aft'" """*' """""""'. any _,__, or ...... dlftoclIy or intllt6e1ly BMllIOJoHIlV any oIlllam. T1Ia __lIbItIdOn _r lNt ___ ~1lIIiI1 n6t lie Inlhoct '" IIIIY'MW by tile ag...... _ __ pra .. ..._ 10111I11 conlrllel "1M ____.Ilmft tIf, .. .. If. ~ "0_ pIIlIllcIIDft, ItJlm)TAL TAll; I'UICItfT TOTAL 0.00 0.00 206.~O.DO I Tl\1t PO IIlIIllIl6rIolUST ICII*1' Ol' III~..~. - -~ C1ID&. At oldeni ".0,8. __ unlaIlI ClfI1erw8e not.. ,.,.. al\8llfAlIllB)' bIi ........t.. IIoIt ........_ .... _at 1M PIIraItloIIftp 0Iwl0itln. C.O.O.1IhiIlmenla 11III1101 tit '__.lId"" De rallllllld It_ VHIIDfIflIl_........ ~ City /If FOIl ~ _. \101 rIthf II> .......Itdo ..... trf anr 1Nll1lMOf. """out~. It ""1Io,wjr ..nlll__",-. I. -.eo.lltW II\I~ 1I111l1--, . \IIINrXlA COPY ~~~ 1 . . . . 113/15/2067 67:12 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee f-EINTZELMANS PAGE 131/14 Hei tzelman's Truck Center Sterli 'g & Western Star Trucks 2424 Joh" Young Parkway Orlando, Fl. 32804 Watts 8(}()..43J..0811 407-298-1000 ext. 126 Fax 407 292-3550 Cell 407 509-6651 h charpnick@)relntzt!/mans.com 1Ww.truckstruckstrucks.com From Bob Schar nick To: Date: 10 -11'" # of pages Fax number: Message: Thanks, ?>>oc. . ~.-C S ;J. Sh&<.rt. &.6 ft. . 16/15/2607 07:12 aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Received Event (Event Succoeded) Date: 4/1812007 . Pages: 1 Sender. 23J3320593 Fax Numb.r: Type: Fax . . rEINTZELMANS PAGE Tim.: Duration: Company: Subject: 9:30 AM o mln 413 see ,.... VI';' ~ ',;i"~t;.;' ;" y'~': J~" 'r i'A'" .,~ ::;:,'.j..i~vOD ,...." .1I...~'i'i " ..~'i. "';'t.Pi;.' "O"l:';'A:;:LN'b""'"'' .............1"..;1;.11....;..... ~ of Fort Myers ..Ing Division .0. Box 2443 rat FL 33902~2443 91332-6301 Page'" PURCHASE ORDER ~~I 2.OCl EACH ~.....~~ 't/IIIlDOR: 005922 HEJNTZELMAN'i "TRU 2424 JOHN YOlJNQ PA ORlANDO. FL 32804 .. TO: SANrTATJON. HORT. REMOVAl 4200 M MARTIN LUTHER K1NGJRBLVD FORT ~s, FL 33005 COIlnOI No: T_ 30fMl Terms ...... EMiL DtiI: 8.......... ........ _ '" 0rl8I.... .. .......,....... Order ......110: ____ "-' I'l.. ""Do: 00a079 I"lIrelIoMcI....1ll: COLLEEN ()UDDl!N PlI-. ND: t238'l 332~ ......_T............."_ ....7......,GIf ......~l.D.- -- --,........- -~ 101,a,O,OOOO 208.4210.00 We_~lIO 1n.~wlIh .~ 1I2Oo(IlS.07. I'POllt aMI l..o8c* TItIdI; H Of Ttuat 8M RM l'llr tile city rI FoIt -c:aU.EB1 &f..Jt\O(II em Df' FT. Ph."~h . .... .fAX: m-33f..Q!ig3 TN..... ....1lOIlI..- _lIafaIlIIN efflort..,. -' .. ...... end....... hnI.. NIl "'" ...-, ~ ....,.. ....... .. _ III .....,......,... or .ft~ _.... ........ ......... or Dr tnIIdPtII tIt....____ Ill... ....... JIIlIoIIllIId . SUBT01'AL TAX Pftl!lClNT TOTAL 0.00 206 420.00 ThIa """"'l0oi ..... ...... ...-- \D ..., -- IIUIIoootlrelllor. Dt..,.. .... M /IIIIiIldt TI......... ~ IdlCIII W. tIIl/ItIOft IIlIII _111M ClIlIIftId orlM~ JIllItfl." "-1 ... di .., -r"""""" .,... _. 00lIlNGl0t, """ .., _III' sf "'MI. .. ImJIIllIlllMlW ~ 1M "..JIDll 0IDIIhd plIoe .. Df.ClIIIlllIlIlItN__"-. I'"'" PO .....:==. DII" AI ..... F.O.8. ............... IIll ClIlIIlII5 ~bllm.cII bt III. D"wtIhcIlII CoOA "" toIlIlllIl bI-1Md IIlII will '011 ClWIII I'ott ~ -... ~~ ~ 10 ... ""'* -.-... ........ or .~Ol'1M~PMIlOOI. llIlUIlIIlIll... \IIlIdDl'I rtIk .1IIl.... IhIt anlIr .1IIIf tall lIIcftGI. wllIItlIl......lDn. . .....,-c .. ........ III!NIlCl't CClI"Y 1 ~21l4 . . . 18/15/2807 67:12 eeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee HEINTZELMANS PAGE 05/14 Proposal Bid #20-06-07, Fron End I..lladcr; Siddoader-Truc:k; HorticulturnJ Truck; Roll.QffTruc:lc and Rear/Side Loader Truck for the City of Fort Myers 12.~" ~ 0 ~ Date submitted; To: CiryofFonMyers After carefully reviewing the above specific tions and conditions, I hereby propose the following: AT ITS DIS (2 EACH) NEW THIRlY (30) C.Y. B COMPLETE WITH DUMP BODY AND LECT OR REMO TION ANY : en K13 eJO B. f' /qS ,7 Lf '- .." To11lL Tota! ~t CbAni~ manu~eturer and mocleI number. Dump body manufacturer and model numbe .J5'/G.5~~ .IrJDlASTtJE'{ f13 -~03o Knuckleboom Loader Manuf.u;turer & Mod Number. Pvrm.sI:AJ 1:10 ltS1fJ 12) 11.. -. 3 OPTIONS; Rear strobe light Back up warning device Back up video and monitor Shut down to hydraulics system TIU'1) cover Outrigger warning light and audible alarm MERCEDES-BENZ MBE%O diesel engine Air Hom(s) Automatic air brake drain system. ClcarDrai System or apprOVEd equivalent (If equivalent supply Ilfacrorer) Warranty: Extended Warraoty llnd cost associated if app icable: 30b ." s 3?5' UD s I tJC 1.-. $~IDOC $ N/A s 43],00 s 51'1 ,(){) S 147~'1' S q2.O(I s 1509.00 Delivtry shall be F.O.B. destination Public orks Center, 4200 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., within I gO- 210 days after receipt oC purchase order. 45 calendar Page: 1-52 BIDS WILL: bE OP NED: December 13,2000 @ 2:00 P.M. ' and may not be wit drawn within 90 days after $uch elate and time rEINTZELMANS FAlX. \jilt 1.. 16/15/2667 87:12 . ~; SUBMIT BIO TO: Clb' of Fort Myers Purchasing OIvi!lio 1820 Hend/)' Sire. (physical addl'8$s - nO,mall delivery) P.O. Box 2443 Fort Myers, Fl 33 TE;LEPHONE NUMBER: (239) 332-6301 City of Fort Myers, Florida i \ '.,. INVITATION TO BID Bidder Acknowtadgment BID NO., 20.06.07 MAILING [lATE: pRE-BID: TIME. LOCATION: . \.; , oalVERY DATE WILL BE~DAYS after receipt of Purchase order ' . REASON FOR NO BID '.';.. ~~:2~:.;:; ...f'..... . 'l 'f:' '::.:'....:.t... ;. ,,, ~ ... . " . .,'1 . .,' -.. ~..~.:~':.~;. ',' ~):r~': ..,' . ., . .. ,:1,', ~ J.:... 1"1'., 1" '';'" '. " .,:,:".or-. " ", ..:: .:; ':'(S:': . :~::/; ~f~~~> ,','J,,', '. ':,~~:'{:':: ~~'l:' I CIIIIty Nt IN$ Ill' " __ WlI/llluI _ undIlIlMdIIIO.. _M.IIllIl..MI. It pe...... I\Illml\tlflg I Ilk! k>r !he ..... tllIIl a1l ...,..0 Iw.w...... Cll1IUlIlclII or hucI. I..,.. II> .....", 1IlII1.,. ~ III .....llId far Iha bl_ aNI ~1ftI...1II>fliIaft 1OBld.~buIl1C1 ........... . lilt, ... 1IIddW..... " ..... 1l1li1/ IIIe bhllS _. 0< "".,...1eI lie CiIy II IIIl/1I1. H.n iIlIaMa III e"" lie....'*: 1ICllIu1r8 _ ". ,..,...... INs of I!Ill untecl .....; rlltlnO,1I> 1M lIIo11eAar __ tJI .....ao M)ln.' At.,.eayl~t4dI ~oITeIl~e_ pu~ 1OI/IOlI-..... peymMI.1D "'" bId4er. ,'. . . <':':;.f;r.?~':'''.:.' ,,':',:'Di~:'; Thts ORIGIN' ."'_:'.:?;:~:.:.:~ i ".:':'.,.":;~",' '. BI ~ " ....' .:'.:t~.".~. ' ",:'.._~.. _:.~. '." . ~ . I . , ~ .'" '.. ," f 'S~~D BlDiifSUblnIt bid"ori~ ~ . In... SEALED OPAQUe': CdMPLEllON: ~posals will denota, If any, the 'number of caleooar ENVFLOpe, <<l/np/ete the Infomlafion UstRd on enc:tos:8d'label and affix ~'-:da)'$ requftd for oomplelion upon receipt of award, ThiS time rtr.lY be 10 the .outside of thII envelope. and retUm' envolope to the. addl1lSS . . determining faclor In the award. . . '. . specllled In the bidding documents on Ot before duo cb1tt.: ElICh bid or" . '. ". . .'. i:'.',:iL: altemBW bid Sl'I8II be In . separate envelope cI Id4!tItlf.ed 8. such on-. EVALUAnoNr For PIJIP05e$ of evalutllion,' the bidder must . the oU\Slde of .the' enveI~. All bids. are subtect 10 !he conditions spscIfIed IDENTIfY any varlan~s 110m C4Jt specificlIUan and/or conditiOM$ NO ';~'+~:';~". hei'eIn;""': "i", ".: i . .... ". 'MATTeR HOW SLIGHT. If vWtiol'l$ ere I'tot stalad In 1119 propoullt . , ,...... '. IMd be assumed !hat the product or service fully complia \/<Aln our .~"i':", EXECU"nON OF'.DID: Bld.must contain I anual.slgnature 'of an spacification,... .:)- "'.:,..' . fN(horlz8cl represel'llatlve In Ihe,space provided bove: Bid. must be tYped " ., . ' '. .~" or pmted toft: . Use of erasable ink is not ~I .' AI corroctlons rn8de MISTAKES:' BidderS ere exPected to examine the speCifi08lionS, by bj(fderlo hi&Ihet bid price must be inilialtld. delivery =cheCIuIe. priCes, and aD lnstrUetion$ pet1ainil'lg to supplies . ,. ",' , and sorvIces. Failure to do so '1.11 b& at fie b1dder'S'riSk..,. . NO BID: If nat'iubmllling a bId~'respond liyre . rrlino' this page:w11h the. . . Infoft1l&lion .reqtiQ1ed . above, manang ~ ' lope C?I" 11:1- oUtSIde With PAYMENT: Compleled .projecl in all re$peCl$. '. ;, " i "NO, BIO".. Repeated failure '10 bid ""lhout t justlllcatlon shell be ~ for.l'eIIlOval Of !he blddef.s-namelroin ~e ldders mam.nO list . ANNUAL APPROPRfATIONS: The City's performallCCl and obligation ':',.'; . ,",,;, ", ""',.. . 1,' to pay under 1hIs contrac.t is contingent upon an annual appropri8Uon BID' OPEN1N~ Bid 'oPeniriQ sttaJl be public, Oi\' dale'snd'l/mupecified, of lunda. . . ill. the bid. d~e~... It Is the bidder's responsi IIiIy to assUre thai. the bid ":',;. ~'~ is deliJlerBd at I/'le'proper tI",e and place.. . ,by .tel~, ,ax. or i MANUFACTURE"S NAYE & APPROVED EQUIVAlENTS: . :';";'.;': ta!egr3!!' .~.n; N.,?! ~~bI4I!;:',,: ''':.' .' , . . ' .,. i . i' , .' . '. . . ' " A,r'f'I menulac:\ul'8's name. trad.e names,. brafld !"ames,. infDmla!iOn; :,,;.,~" :..:,,'~.,,:',..: ,'"",':,~';:-I':.,~I..,..... ,'. ......:. .'... andIoroatalognumbers.llstedlnaspeaficaUonareforlnformabon.. g.;)jl'i\ ~~~9~~i.TERMaL.A~.~~~~ENT~ F:'ri~ c;Il;IOt ll:Iust be' prices for new :', ft!)t to.limil complllltlon... ~ bidder. may offer anY brand for..whlcI\ ~::t~t,~::'m~~. '~~...~thetwf~ ~~.~fi~I'~'Any ~ ' CQIllatning-modIfyIno ,Or," heJS:he it an .uthoriad I"CIPIlKentative. ~ m88fc or _~, the ,- " ~;:,".4,,~~'C!I~" WII'.~ 'be7~icIe(ed. IIllle specifically requested In : : s:peCilicatlon for any IIl11n(s). If bids are based on e~lent prciducIs, ?:.''';, tne.'.bid, $pecificaUQrls....' DOIIvery and/or Ins nation 'will. .be F.O.S. . iNlieate on lha bid form the manufacturer's name, model number, and . ,. Oestinetion. i=ort Myer$, Florida; . . indil::ate Boy dtIvIatlllon from the speclflcallora. .; \ ..t, , . .;,~ . . . ;~: ;::''-~;~1~~~f.:J:;\j;:~:~ t~~i;~~~~;ti;~;t,B :,;~::Yi:L.:;jsi;,~~,';~1i':.:},:;;'.'(;;~;,~+..:~ .:. '~.' '. . ,", . :. ' ..,., . .'~>'f;~;\::i~'.'~~:;:J::{,D:"'i~;:"'. :.;; ':. ;'~. ". ._:':.,t;:..... . . . 1~/15/28e7 67:12 6Bee86eBeBe86aaaeaee f-EINTZELMANS PAGE 63114 ti "/3" n661' 'b'a" 34" FA~ "~~93'3~o~'9'a" . ." ......... "cnv'~'t..\(,{~~s 'pu~t'Hnrl,f~""" ...........,,". f;j'tio CIII' orFort Jolyers Bid T.\N1.~on Bid 1/20-06-07 Fm1Il-E iIll LoIder. SIdt:IoIder T~lc; HotUOIIlmrol Truck; Il.oJl.Off'TI'\IC.k md.~ _/Side Loader Truek 1M !lie' City ofFOtt M~ llill ~ Da\e: December 13 2006 lit 2:00 (',M. BU;Ider: IkiutDbn~ Ii Tnu:k Center. lIIe, Palm Perctbi11 GMC Tmekl, I~. %4%4 .111 II. V.... Pkwy. 2441 S Slate B.d 7 ~ .A_ F131804 PI IMderdaIe. Ft 33311 :MCV ell.....; SmiU I AuerTa Chauls: PeteYbill 33' 2008 1I0RTICVL nJRAL n..., 1IcHIy: P ~ lad. TM2030 Dump Body: PctcnlOlllM, TIlUCK K.e.ckl....t -...... lad. 1'LS S97 173.00 SIJ 1.373,00 OPTIONS )!"l'f.ONS OPTIONS 30 Cv Hllrt Truck 30( " HD" TnKk. 30 Cv Hort Tn.\Clc RCJIl' atrObe lithe no 1.00 539S.to Back up--. device 1IidIt4.. , FwDiIbed Back up vade>> It. mmUloI' 5610.00 5610.00 Shut do_ t() Ilyd, Swt!lm NIl. F'IlrIIisJ.d T..-p ClOVClr $437.00 Sd 7.00 OdlriUer WII1IIt &; IUdiWe a1atm 1519.08 Pwmshed Mc~. Benz. aqinc nl75.OO N/A ,Ajr botM m.ot i'mDisbcd AolO air brake drain 5YI tllll9.00 S&ndix AD- \ S .... drYer 1I0rt Truck Tee" 1113,210.00 $1J3.121.00 >>."., 1....110 ~1eHu dan 210-22' call1Ddar diM AUTO 33 CY SIDE CbWla: Peterbik 320 2008 LOADER hdar. AutOmIw 2007 RlH8Ild NoBill 1202..352.00 OPTIONS l>mONS OPTlONS Auto Side Loader Auto 3 CYSidmLoodcr Auto 33 CY Side Loader ValOIl1l Cltl boanl 'Well NoBill InclucSed Automatic ann comtlc:r No Bid lnciuded Eaa;iDe mp. Palm ~ctcrbilt NoBicI TrairWlg NaBid. Inciud.ed. ClI!IIr cIraiIt 5)'1le11l No Bid ),jr Drver an Cbuaill Video camera lnOUIUod No Bid Included Shllt do_lIyd. Swtem No Bid lnltllldcd Auto S~A. ..... Tol1ll No Bid S202.352.oo Del"-" Daon NoBill 210.230 caleDdlr ctava \ 1 1f6o~"'"'' .. . . . 16/15/2667 e7:12 66ee0B0Baee6Ela666eee I I-EINTZELMANS PAGE 136/14 14.4 If these tlpecific:ation$, either in ole or in plUt, clo not meet Federal or Stare Departrllent of Transportation or OSHA con~truction regulatory standards, shall be the bidders responsibility to upgrade the Sl>Ccificiltion$ to meet these requirement."l. 15.) S~ Contract: If applicable, the reserves the right to purchase any of the items in thi!l bid from Stille ConI:J"aCt Vendors if the prices Ilt'C deemed lower on Sta Contract than the prices we receive in this bid. Compliance Yes No SPECIFrCA TlONS FOR THIRlY (30) UBIC Y A.RD BORneUL TURAL TRUCK 16. ~: a. Diesel engine, liquid cooler, with a m' wn of210 gross HP and 6051bs.-ft. gross torque (per the latest issue of SAE 11 49), and II minimum displacement of S.9L. ..; - ..L. -L- b. Standard cooling system with antifreeze. c. Dry type air cleaner with service (ratr;c d. Engine prOtectiOll system, at a minimum, must be activated by low enldne oil pressure, and high engine tem,;emure. Systom shan. ve II minimum, include a wanting light(s) and derate (ramp down) feature that will re ce engine power and speed, or shut down the ctllinc when lIt1y ofthese functlOtls c):c d oormallimits. -L ~ e. Horizontal exhaust. -L- f. Shut down to warn the driver of an event at could harm the engine, or transtnission's operation. To include a low coolant level Ii t. ...:L. 17 . Transmission: a. Minimum 6-speed automatic transmissi with PTO opeDing(s). Allison 3000 RDS or approved equivalent. b. "Hot Shift" power take off (PTO) with a AE standard, keyed output !baft, Installed. To include a dash mounted electric over hydra ic switeh and Indicator light. Chelsea 276, Muncie CS Series or approved equivalent. 18. Electrical Svstem: ~ L -.L a. Miniml.lm 100 amps 12 volt alternator. b. Batteries to bave Ii miniml.lm total of 110 CCA @Odegrees F. 19. Cha.tsis. Frame. Cab; a. Minimum 33,000 lb. GVWR. maximum 6.000 lb. GVWR. factory certified. b. Minimum 1,740,000 in-lb. RBM frame, ctory reinforced, if ncceS$ary. .j ~ -L -L- c. Cllb.a..'de dimension of 16g.l69 inches. d. Factory installed fuel tank(s), minimum 3 U.S. gllllons. 4 . . . 16/15/2e67 87:12 eeaeeeeeeaeaaeaeeaee I-E INTZELMANS SPECIFICA nONS FOR THIRTY (30) UBIC YARD HORTICUL TtTRAL TRUCK e. Front tow hooks or tow pins. f. Staru:iard front bumper. g. Conventionn\ cab, with tilt type hood and fender RSSt'mbly. h. Full width bench scat or individual drive seat with two man p2S$8l1ger seat. j. Cab color: Yellow i. Grab handle(s) for cab entry. located at h entry door and exterior grab handles mounted 011 cab. k. Rear cab window with Rliding tinted gl I. AIl required lighting equipment including irectlonalsignals, light and reflectors will be LED. 20. Axles & SUM)eOllion: a. Minimum 35,000 lb. GVWR. factory em cd. Bid to include these additional Componenl$: Minimum 5.9L, 210 Gross HP @ 60S lbs.- Gross Torque: minimum 6-speed ttansmisslon with PTO openin~(s), stoel front axle and s lion. minimum 12,000 lb. GAWR and a single speed reI!" axle and suspension. mi mum t 2,000 lb, GA WR; rear axle ratio is to be a 6.43/6.50 (or 2400 RPM and R.PM engjnI:a, 6.83n.17 for 2600 RPM engines, or the closest possible ratio availab that will provide a top speed ofappmximatcly 65 MPH; minimum 1,740,000 in-lb RBM me; CA dimensiOl1 of 84.85 incbe$ (vendors 10l;hcek with body maDUf~ture for the correct' . ns): and six llR22.5, lIlbele99, ndiaJ tires with highway tread. All olber requiremenu for th base veml;lc sball.pply. b. Front wheel oil lubricated beatinp and 58 Is. c. Front wheel bubs lnd rear ule shall be fi with ~tbetic IubmaDt. d. Auxiliuy rear springs. 21. Tires &. WhteJj: II. Tubeless radi..l ~ires with onloffhighway ad for rear only. Bid four (4) llR22.5G (I4PP..) or larger ti~ for hi2hway use:. b. All wheels to be one piece steel disc, 100h Ie:, 1.$.0. hub p1lol mount, 22.5 inch diameter. c. Front, iD5ide rear and olltside rear wheels I be fully inlerchangeable. 22. alJl..kes: a. A.BS air brake system, minimum 13.2 cfm ir compressor. s PAGE 131/1<1 Compliance Yes No ,/ ..:L ..:L 1- -L- -L- ../ J ./ ---L- -.L L -:L NO ~LJt€. vi J . . . 18/15/2007 B7:12 eee6008eeeB00eeeeaae I I-EINTZELMANS PAGE tlti/l 'I Compliance Yes No SPECIFICA nONS FOR THIRTY (30) UBIC YARD HORTICULTURAL TRUCK b. Sprina applied parking brake. -L- ~ ../ c. Automatic !\Iack adju&ters ti-ont and rear. d. Brake dust shieldA. e. Outboard mounted brake drums, front without removh1g a.'de hubs). rear, if available. (note: allows brake repair J -:L f. Low air pressure warning indicator. g. Air dryer with heater. Bendix. AD-9, AD IP, AD-IS, Wabco System Saver 1200 or cpproved equivalent. -L 23. Performance hen)!: a. Factory installed speedometer; odometer, ammeter or voltmeter. fuel gallge, encine oil pressure gauge, coolant temperature gau a, tacbometer, air pressure gauge and dash mounted engine hour meter. -L -.:L b. Power sleering. 24. SafetY Items;: a. Dual elecn;c horns. -L b. Outaide mirrors, left and right side. MitT with cortex mirrors OD both sides. Mirrors resistance lJUIterials such as stainless steel, Painted mirrors and brackets are not accept to be 6 inches x 12 inches, minimum, d bracketS shall be of rust and eolTOtive uminum, coated metals or composite materials. Ie. -.L -.::L / ./ ~ ~ ~- c. Automatic adjustable volume backup ala . Must meet latest issue of SAE J994, Type B, 107cB (A). Factory or dealer installed. d. Rain Flaps: Spluh and spray SUPPre$Sant ain flaps,l\traigbt grass type, Installed on. heavy dUlY bangers. Faclory or dealer iDstAl . (no v=dor advcrti!ing or identification will be permitted on rain flaps). . e. All ace!:$.' $lepS shall be \lI!lf clellning slip etlil~I~~!~ l::raling. f. Daytime r\Jnnin~ lights. g. 20Ib$. Fire extinguisher b. All requ.ired lighting eqllipment including ireetional Bi:nal!l, lipt and reflectors will be lED. 6 . . . . . . 10/15/2007 67:12 e00ee00e0eeeee0eeaee I-EINTZELMANS SPECIFICA nONS FOR THIRTY (30) IC YARD HORTICUL ruRAL TRUCK 25. Comfon Items: a. helOt)' in",tallcd AM-FM radio. b. Air-c:onditioner with integral beatet and d liter. faa:;tory installed. c. Arm rem both sides, if available; sun vis e. Two way radio: Mororola 27 XTL SOOO Smartnet operation; 3 DB Gain low profile tetUla; 27 control bead software; W7 control Head; dash mown; standard palm micropho e: 10 watt audio and two (2) year e1.press service. 26. ~: a. Delay in warranty $tart date to allow fOf b Y illNlllltion. (Warranty to become effecti~ when vehicle is plllced in service cr than at time of delivery). b. Extended egrjne watTi11\ty. coverini 1000 of pans and labor for 1111 engine parts between erlI1kshaft pulley and flywheel. Bi for a period of 60 months 1150,000 miles/6500 hOUTS. The remaining terms. oth than the ahem:. to be in accordance with the engine manufacturer's publisbed anty this is cloSC$tto each warranty bid. Submit two copies of the standard eng' warranty and of each special warranty bid. Also, submit two copies of all extended ginc warranties that arc nonnaUy available to commercial cw:tomcI'I. and erciallilrt prices for same. c. MERCEDES-BENZ MBE900 dief.;el engi e in lieu of the engine ptOvidcd in tfJl. the base trUCk. ~ d. Air Hom(s). e. Automatic air brake drain system. Clelll' . System or approved equivalent. f. Shut down to warn the driver of an event l could harm tbe hydraulics opcnltion. g. Video camera mounted high on tail gate. 6" monitor mounted in cab to provide easy viewing by operator. State make. model and arrant)' in bid Video shall be Intcc 9300 or approved equivalent. 7 18/15/26e7 67:12 eeeeBe6eeee8666e6aee I HE INTZELMANS o~:nO ~o l7.m 1:.!.' 1.2006 , ~ "6 ~"~.1;"6.&1)~~ SPr.crFICA TlONS MODEL TW. GBT1NG LOADER:" (ZO-FDOT XNUCJCLDOOM LOAD OR A.PPJlOVJ2) EQUlVALEN'1' FOR TIDRTY (31) CUBIC YARD B JtTlctlLTIJR...U" TRUCK 27. lalYl~ a. To be IlI\ ope Kame type to aJJo1ll' . w:ader I'CI*IM load dIocb. Total height IIOt to ac:cccl7 ll=et from molllltJq pIaIe lOp of pccScIIaIImaiA boom COlIDCCiioa point. b. Swiftl pOGlIO be .;.gIe pi_ biBb gth IOHd .tM1 (A.S'Thl4141O) ~ izt (ASTM-cHO%O-8t) NylatroD betIriQp. Co Boom ~ to be aceoJl.'.PUsW by direct drivl270 dq;ree b)'llnulic rotat)' 1GCI)I'IOr, model HA.36, widt It ~ 1Otquo ndiD& 01'72,000 iDcb poaads. this rota!)' a(ll8lltllil' e\imiDalleS lba ... for type DC.. tedwlboll, tbereby dillaillJdq tbo meral-IHDetal nar tbuad ill .... rotatlmJ. 28. BOIIIIII~ L MaiD hOOOI \l) bo c;omprisad DCl'IIIO ". ... " 3/1" thick lritb teasik Peel tubet CODDCCtc4 lO MGtt 0lIla" _y at rhdr CllIIter 1_ 0 . Pock ~ tleldIlc actiots of'1:bc boem. 29. a. Boom relCb it mellftlftd ftom dI. Oell Lift ~ n:6cct 1RlI' paylO*d (Ine Iboft do 1101 exceed U% ot'IIChicle Iipp A Sud 20' boom iJ DOt acceptable. oi rotlIIioll to lItl ClIDter of tho bucktc. . die weiJht oftha 1M:bt). Capacities ID/nnent. Booa:l 10 be 1&' with It 4' ~ioD. 30. 9~". _..........~ L BoODI oomoctioD poior. mtlIt 118 a 2 inch bolt '<<lith cuccJJ&tlId. J1.l1t to 3 t. Tnllh bdclalt: a. To ~ special allDir:ipll truh ~. The bucbt.. be clJ'&bSc otGmJtiJiaollt Buekt:t J"ObliOD ID be eceoq,lUbed by . with 04.500 iaclt poUDds ~ue ftliD&. willi n:plGceblc.ll)'lmm btIstziDp tIld ~ oflll8 tfldpeClkm pi"8tpoblt. ~ by . liDP doabloctifta aytiNlcr. ratioa with DO IICIld tor pIIysicalllClpl. . IOCatilHllmcblr l:DOfOt. mocIal ItS b. The buc:b:llllUll iDcorporalC: b.t A ,eWll (7) fAIlle IIIIOOtA _01 c b.2 A mhlhDum of S ribs per .ide 10 It.l.A tnIDIple JUI in Ihc;eater fortin 8 14 ~; PAGE 09/14 Compliance Yes No ./ ...L -L- ...;L .:L ./ .J }rfJ J' L... /l~ -.:L _J ~\b PAGE 16/14 CompUlUlea Yes No L ~ L / - / / / L -5- . . . 1e/lSl2B07 67:12 aeeeeeeeeaeBeeeeeaae HEIHTZELMANS 1)-\ 01: 10 P m 1 ~ , 1.~(\II{i 1163+1;'16 'GI14-1 PAGE llll.:! I" f1R CompUuu Y.. ND SpECUiCA.TIONS MODEL TJ.,.3 It G LOADD* (%U'00'l' 'kNUClCLDOOM LOAD ) OR Al"PROVD EQ'01V ALENT ~a THJR1Y (30) CUBIC Y,uQ) 80 ~URAL T1l11CK c. 1be bucbt mast be" 1iel10lll 'Ntlh ID pcB.ndth or S fCct betweoIl. pic:bap Willa. ThaIe hI'" mast he W&h ~ IleeI rhat ima a MIIIISC CIIl"ftl ill the ,lolled posi~ to be~ 1""- ''IcAIp ad digID& of.... lawn.. No ~ie hOf,et 011 eylmdm belmvbllckeUDUdDr. 31. ro~ -*'": .. T D be lraaaoniuiolllDCl1IIUOd JlO'W<< off c;oapkd ditecdy to tbe Ia)'drauUc pump (no dri\le iibafb). / L . dle p)'MlI' IOUlClt _ be . "bDc sIUtr' rht PrO ~ the lI'DCk .. p1lced \lick III piiiaIbfHty of cfIIIIla&e to die open... cIrlns tile wbIde wiIb Ibc no o!1TO ",(111 DO JDlSblDI or JriDdlDa b. Por veIIicIeI with. arom. VIIIIIBJ no. "Bot SbI1f1wtoalllic:a11y . antral (readyfDr~~. ~ IlMlfOIICPtI tIlatcouJcl remit if in .... Alao 1)~ for RIIOoth of .-. Co Must be eqa.lppecI with ID o....apced D~l..~ tbe apse CWsel me ~ bid to avC1hc:al, o.lI)eed I pnIYIIUIS dlmap 1ll1llliJle. .bydr.tulil: ~.1Ild IDIJM J)'SfnI COIllpClllllDU - It liom ~ lbe ~ '" 33. ~ic~: -L L 1 L i z L .. ReMrvoir: 40 plloa Il1lDJatum bdW vtl'YCS b'CUY ~ ~ I.IiPI 34. kJ'JindtJrr. .. MIia boOm: ,. x 3:t' wid! D 2 K" sbat.. -.lib suedoa lIIld rctlUD Jlt.... .. CUfDff 9itb a tIsenDome&er ad veat fi1tet. b. Tl.1t boom; SM :it U" -..if!; II 2 ~. s=a c:. Tip .maras;Oft: 2" x "8" with. 1114" cL 15udcIet: 4U % 12. wkh. 2"1baft 35. ~trol Vlllveal .. G<<nIl tt:lck type.-ill pM ~ier.. 36. 5.&tv IncHn. val".&: / - L a. JD;caDe4 on boomI aM oulriaCt of. bydrall1ic: bolo f1IPturL to prev=t link dOWIl or collapse ill cUO 37. b!m2: .. SiIlCle ~~ dleIrtna '.20 at eQUivalc:aI. 9 15 . . . I-EINTZELMANS 16/15/2607 67:12 6000000006000eeeeeee M:Ol:J8I',m 1?,.'1.?,006 f1li3 '676"611111\ SPECIFlCAtJONt MOI>EL 'I1,..J (1&-FOOT ICHUCKLDOOM LO;.)) FOR ..JDa'IY PO) cmJJC y AllJ) H U. Corutw;1Ql'8: a. K_vy wal1lU'oiDc 16,000 ~ bOHll. "',000 ph, )9. ~ a. Maill reUefse! at 2,400 pd ,..-'........ 40. A&litioftllJ.: L luteD pr4ot~dmce IMII' operator. .(1. ~..-I; PAl:it:. 1 'LI 1" I ~ 1111' CC>1Ilp1/.aDee Yes No G LOAD1:R'" OR APPROVED EQUIV AYZNT TtlRAL TlU1C1C bum IlSICI hip teasilc stDe1 wire bnided L L II. To be III aulDlllallc b,ydrII1Uc p~ trUdc eDCiM t;(JDtlol at e1eGlmllfo rw~1l ~ CODIFOl dud CiveI'" eecme t'pm ilrh)tdreu1ic operHioll. (Maltirmrm 1000 JlPM) 41. p.-ntor caatftlk: L Du.l CODU'oIA: crmII'ol p1atf'DGD to be 1 u the top at die II'UGIc hmo to ana. op ICCca hJJI the tnIc:t: cab 'lrirhout net bavIq 10 aoueb the poaad. nil prcmlita oporIlDt ~ 1helUpelC __ ofvisihiHr)> telali... to lhe ID8blrlab hdq picbcllIp. II8cIo .. of ooatrol \'IIWlII to be 1IIlJIIl:I1Cld II the d\jd.poIIlt of'loIder. with couavI IelleJdbIe hm the OJHDIOI' pWfbrm OIl.itber lido of t1Ie tnIIlk. CoDtIol hudIe d8I1l alIIIt be !be __ DIlIlolh '*' of die \nick. .... "pip ItlUl" acrrated steOl ~ iI_lvdecIfbr nIer opcnror ~ MiDlmum IS" walle Il1rGuIb feature (..... pl~. 43. QdlJl~.tab;lizcn: 'e hole. wbk:b .. ecpllted 10 die -L' L L' a. 0uuiaFr1O be COIIIlnIc*d with II y~ 1Cl~ ~ lUbiDt to prova side Ioacfin; IrId bcodm, r cyJiOlkr I!IIf1s,. OIIu1aetl to be equipped ......latae I'Fd J*! to miIiimi2t dilute JUNt. 0UIftCIet IIl1JSlI.CIcIcope 0IIt Dd. <<own. o.Ild stabW=.~ to be Po by cwo b)'dra1dic ~ 'Dlc~ that ICCOlDPtiah thiI ~ IDlMlIIJODt b. ecpIhtod by II)'Iau'oo balldDp IIIl all lour &ldcs to prmml mc~JOo.w war IDd .t,", . puw ~ for peue. Dowmnrd ~ to b. ~ by t9I'O IlydtaUc liDdera. 44. . Jooddinlmal: .. S.fetyperti ad ~ mItILI1ls alto . upoD deliwty. L L 10 16 . . . 10/15/2e07 87:12 eaeeeeeeeeee60eeeeae rE:INTZELMANS 1J6)"67li'';flU U4,O',OBIl.m, 12.".2005 PAGE 13/14 17 /16/ Compliulcc Vel No , sPECIFICATIONS MODIi:I,. ~3 GII'l'DIG LOADUot (:10-FOOT kNlJCKLI.'8OOM LOA.>> OR API'ItO'VID EQ\TIV ALENT FOR THIRTY (31) CVllC YARD B B.TICULTtlIlAL nuex 49. Cl'ug..nlr. .. CIO$Htlll to be .. iDcIs IIII1anI / b. lIydrlmlic: .,... to itlcludc prOlC' . swilCbes 011 DU1rigFd (10 iDdiGldl do_ positlDD) and & proximlly .wilCJl 0Il1lllia boom to 'ciampini RDky. G.E.: boOm " totaUy iIIlbe IIprighr potllioa. befOre bel ean be IUled.: SI"ECI1JCA TJOlfS FOR. 2t n.. 30 Ie: \" ARD, TJl..\SB DtIMr BOIJY FOil TllDtTY (30) CUBIC'YAJU) tJCt1LTIJRAL TRUex 4$, .BodY floor: L .tMll'late, I' wide _ 18' 100& L. .. Bod}' floor' ID be . .,Ie IIbtleI of 1/4" ~llUly welded to tile _1II1s, 41S. Headboard: .. Had boliIrd. to bo 10 IIVIC SIIIOOIh.. plate. 42" iDciIeJ 1Qh. OOll1iAUClIHIV....decl ta the tJoor, top ,.aID be 2- x .-:11: 114 C L 47, SiQg: I. FlOAt portion ttJ be 42" illch&s Iri~ . r 1ap to 60" iDoheS tbt ~ ofbody - rut doors. /' 41. Side 1lI1keR; a. Silk _Clio be 2- It." II 10 pup d c:bIumeL Tollll ofrlnt (J) OD tile ~ md eipt (I) on lICIl,ide, with 2" x 2- x 1f~. fonIlId p'* polS to pmtDt s:Idc IIara out.. ' / ../ SO. Lantr.s;itl~ L iI. [Qae-siIb tl) be S- lDI:II &InIClbnJ c 51. Bnm doarr. L 81m dool'IlO w fittad 011 dIo.. GCebe cCiqJlerely IlI'I:IIIM to !be .ide IfId btli;Jl ~ IIC the top BDd bottom for ~lclIta ~1Urdia11iit 'the 5id8a1Gd... ~iia upzip braec, A liIleJo bem door wi11 ~ iI 'Wt1. pro'IIi5iOIl to ~ aac1l oa tor d~inl- A pcaitiwe !.oct Ilhall be closed. Doors II) be fIbricated frall) IRlUod Outside '- aod OIl en1m' rable. 11 17 . . . 16/15/2661 61:12 6eaeeee66eeeeeaeeeae I HEINTZELMANS 663<Hf;"M"I4 n4:0:l:34 pl'\'l 12.' 1-l.00li PAGE 1 'H 1 'I '1I1'~1 8l'ECIFlCAUONS POJl20 FT.. SO FOR TBIRTY (30) CUBIC Y ARJ) C YARD, TlUSX PllMP BODY TVaAL 11WCK 0mIpIt..u Ves No :fl. a,.dr.mliD hftkt: .. Kydraulill hoiJt to be sclttor type ( c:.1pIICky ot '5 tous.) bokt IRIl8t raise withc>\11 the I15lII' or die body ~ as the IIIlIIC I'C$IIlta II'C ~ with I !be body (OUCIUnI pIft4. ablP ~ (1DOCIel628 pd) ,.-\t!l I body to I ~ 45 depee clump qJe Dual cyIiDdecs wiD be ICC:IlpIabla -Ioai or 4$- clump lQle 'Witheul tile rear of L 53. Litrhta..Dd n:fIeclO:g: a. UlilfI ADd I'IIftmcn raaCiq ~ ~ with IIIIIll flllJlS bebird rear ... 54. lG ~ 1IID8t be iastBIIed OIl die body . to _fit Feclc:nl St8ldanIL / .L L OutIicIc ofbody raII8t receivo ClI'IC (I) high- pde IlllUIIeL L3Iide ofbodymust Cab: Factory Yellow B~d (body): 1165 D\1poat Blue Boom: YeUow ~ --L' 55. !lafet't'Items: I. Bar strobe 1iB!:I1. b. BlICle up 'NIIIl;iaJ deYiCI. C. Tarp ~vet, ftWJ1IId c:naIc type mesh L -L .~ ~ / ~ d. Owriapr WWDiq lipr _ au4iblo ( .AD requited Iigbl:i.ll, cqmpmllllt . wW be L.eO. SPECmCATlONS POIl11UJlrr- At1TOMATED R.E~wE TRUCK SIDE 56. ~ L EDgilJe: Diesel, rOW' eyele, abt cylinder. lUMP torqlJe II SO lb. 1\., 600 cubic IJICh diap~ mUdmllftL Bqu.ipped w11h Wpret for froa( IDOIIDted IIydIDlic pump. Actoquip Draia\ CoupliIlc for easmc on . .I 12 1B . / I / ,to I i ~'(I'; , .. 1J.;t~l<i'ri>'",-,.__'-.~--<, J ~~~.~::~.:./:, ,.) :..,,{ .o~k;ci~~" t,l-l"'\J ~, FAC; I'LOI{ID/\ ',.1 ,,!,\,-. .' t;OUNTll~S A II A fund Florida :.;. -.~/ FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION, FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES & FLORIDA FIRE CHIEFS' ASSOCIATION F1JLL SIZE PURSUIT VEHICLES - R\,yO (POLICE PACKAGE) SPECIFICATION #1 <- 2008 Ford Crown Victoria (P71/720A) Tile fL'rd CruWI\ Victoria (P71 /720A) purchased through this contract comcs with all the standard equipment as speci lied by the manufacturcr for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included andl1ladc a p,\I.t (1(" this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by 7.Dne. lONI': BAS[ PRICE: WeslCIl1 Northc111 ('(:l1tral ~:;outhcrn $19.918 DO $19.846.00 $1 9,1\4() 00 $19..84600 . While the Florida Sheriffs Association, Florida Associatiun of Counties and Florida Fire Chiefs' Association have a\tempted to Idtntil"y and include 111O:;e cquipmcnt items most orten requested by pal1icipating agencies for full size vehicles. we realize equipment needs and preCerences are going to var; from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate nexibility illto our program. we haw, created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipmcnt delete and add options and their related cost arc provided here to assist you In approximating the IDtal eusl of the type vchic.le(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from thc base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to Jeter\llille the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official1isting of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in yom zone when prepa,'ing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be. hOllored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. !'leaS!' refer to the "Ovcrview of Awanlt'l\ Spt'rilicatiolls" for vehides which were Inw bid. Ail vchides indic;llcd ",'ith lht' ... are low hid for Bid 07..\ 5-0827 _ those indicated with *' 11 re low hid fur Rid 06-14-0821 ;llId Ofl-14-0H21 A. . ,::.: 59'-- Bid A J-l!{ltiJ Announcement (07-I5-082 7) 73 . . . " j} , ,_ ~~.A~~~-~,-, <'-.'-ri.tf/~.~ri-' . 1.~,1,' ..v\ ~'Ct~~~~t\ r.yj;' ~'~j .~,. B\.~ leLOH.IDA COUNTIES :\/1 A flnu.' Horid.o FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION, FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES & FLORIDA FIRE CHIEFS' ASSOCIATION FULL SIZE PURSUIT VEHICLES - RWD (POLICE PACKAGE) SPECIFICATION #1 - 2008 Ford Crown Victoda (P71/720A) The Ford Crown Victoria (P71/720A) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE BASE PRier: Western l'\iOlihern CenLral SOLJlhClll $19.918.00 $19.846.00 $19.84600 $19.84600 While the Florida Sheriffs Association, Florida Association of Counties and Florida Fire Chiefs' Association have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by participating agencies for full size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences arc going to vary from agency Lo agency. In an etToli to incorporate nexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or necds. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating Lhe [otal cost of the Lype vehicle(s} you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of thc following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vchicle(s} YOLl wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however. those listed here must be hOllored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices PleHS" refer to the "Overview of AWlIrded Specifications" for vehicles ,vhich were low bid. All vehicles indicated with the * arc low bid fur Bid 07-15-0827 - those indicated with. are low bid for Bid 06-14-0821 and 06-14-0821A. Bid A ward Announcement (07-15-0827) 73 . VEHICLE: Crown Victoria Crown Victoria IP71i710A) tP7t1720A) DEALER: Orville Beckford Duval r ord Ford-f\1ercurv ZONE: Western Northern BASE PRICE: $19.91R.00 $19.84600 Order Cooe STO 2 HI HSEA T 2 lJ6A I D96A :2 54M I ., 54M - NA 2 Delete Options Black vinyl Door covering Cloth rear seat in lieu of vinyl Front door body side molding 5" round dome lamp Space saver spare tire in lieu of full size spare tire . Order Code 4'iC I 4'iC 2 177 1 177 2 PSB I DPS " NA2 4tH I ., 411-l " 68P I 68P 2 65 LJ i 6:1\.1 ? 65N 1 GSN 2 G5W I , 65W - 60S I 60S" TAT I DT ,1\ ~ RIVIL DML" 187 I 187 ' Add Options Limited slip differential 327 OR 730A 3.55 $/65 00 1 Silicone hoses Priority start/bartery saver Engine: V8, Hemi, 5.7L Engine block healer Police prep package Police prep package - "Ready for the Road" Visibil ity package base Visibility package Fire suppression system Trcmco anti-theft - foot activated. dealer installed Rechargeable mag light Roof wiring with hole . Bid A ward A I1l1oul1ccmcnf (07-15-0827) Crown Victoria IP711720^) Duval Ford Central $19846()() ("I'own Victoria IP7J!720^ ) Duval FOI'c! Southern $19.846,00 "Iorthern & Central ".., Western & Southern SId Std. $65001 $65002 $30.001 $30,002 NCI NC" NA N^:'. :'>oIorthern & Central Westcrn & Southcrn $125D(J 1 $125.002 $320,001 $320,002 $39000 I $14700:'. NA NA2 $35.001 $35.00" $2.075.00 I S2.D75 00" $4,120.00 I $4,120.00L $1,955.001 NA2 $3.090,001 $3.09000" $3,495,001 ., $3,495.00~ $24000 I $148002 'j, ,2000' $135002 $195.00 I $195.002 74 . VEHICLE: DEALER: ZO~F:: BASE I'HICE: 18') I 1892 179-172-175 I DPWI179-172-4761 141 I ~ ~ 41A I , 4 I /\ " 750;\ I 750;\ :' . G4N ' 64N 2 , DNT" 582 1 58Z 2 770 I 7702 SPG I DPG :' HI 2 113 pi 1 881' . 21/\ I 21~ 2 128-J 21 'In 2 1_0 67R I 67R 2 "\ J ROLfI 1 ORL - l ::~ rl 52S 1 525 " , C'\ . Crown Victoria (1'71/720/\) Orville Beckford Ford-Mercury Wcstern ~ \ 'I') 1 X (I() Roof wiring without hole Crown Victoria (P71:720A) Duval Ford Crown Victoria (P71/720A) Duval Ford Crown Victoria (P71/720A) Duval Ford Southern '); 10.84(,.00 $85.00 I $85.002 $110.00 I $170n02 $190.001 $190.002 $60.00 I , $60.00c $760.001 , $760.00' $125001 ) S15S00' $45.00 I $45.00c , NA SI25.00. $185.001 $185.002 $5000 : 1 $50 OW $390.00 I $275.00c i $65.00 NA- $9000 I $ 90 00. $380.00 I $380.002 $125.00 I , $125.00- $2500 i ~;2' 01\' $390.001 , $.18.00" $25.00 I S25.0U- $22500 I 1 $22"lJl( $95.001 $95.002 1 $20.002 $20.00 ' \Jorthern Central SI0.84() 00 $10.8--1(, 00 Accessory feed wires for police equipment Includes #8 POll'r,- lI'ire for console 2 Kevlar trunk package Ignition powered trunk hulton. factory installeu Comfort and convenience group Strect appearancc group Full wl,eel wvers Nitrogen filled tires including spare tire AM/FM radio with single CD Daytime running lights Sunscreen privacy glass LlMU 0, I Tlf.: nvr c Heavy uuty paLJcJeu cloth bucket lronl seats wit.h rear cloth bench se~( Cloth split bench - 1'1'ont Driver seat only - 6 way power Carpet (installed) R.ear dOl)r locks &. h:lI1dles inoperative Rear Joor locks & handles inoperative, deale.r l11odlfiction Rear windows inoperative Cruise control Radio noise suppression Courtesy light disabled Bid A ward Announcement (07-] 5-0827) 75 . . . VEHICLE: DEALF,R: ZONE: BASE PRICE: 5%11 , .'i9M - LDTF DDTc TK"l DTK 2 4]2-439 I 4]- 2 14R' liib VV ss 1 SVV 2 RSF 1 FVV C DBRW DR \\1 2 CJ8G 1 98G C f)52-953-955 I 9522 C:1H 1 DC32 CPLB - LED 2 flER 1 CPLB - LED 2 , l-IER" CPLB . STROBE 1 CPLB _ STROBE 2 CPLB - !IALOGFN 1 Cl'LB - IIALOGEN 2 DRPLB - LED 2 TIER I DRPLB - LED 2 TIER 2 ORPI ,Ii - LED I [)j(,PLB - LCD ;, Crown VicToria \ 1'7 \.720,,\ I O,'ville 8edl(\rd h Il"d-l\ It'rUl!"\ Crown Victoria 11'71 '720/\) ('rown Victoria 11'71,720'\) IJlivnl Ford Duval rcml Western Northern Central $19.918,00 $19,84n.00 $19,846,00 Side air protection (may affect cagc availability) Legal deep tinted film, lifetime warranty, dealer installed Third key Keyed alike I:ac!ory IT1l10lC kcyless entrv witli 2 I"bs incluued. ()ne 1~-'l:'~'(J ;""e,1 ','()H ~v..' 2 . . Front door moldings, not installed Vent visors - stick-on style Rainshields - flange slyle Door blank & rear ",'indow barriers with l11anuallock override rSelina, Pro-Card, Cruisers or approved equivalent) Af.j/\(IAL ifNI. no,: OFTII E 2 Locking gas cap Two-tone paint Class !II hitch with 2" ball, dealer installed Code 3 (Model # FSA-CPLB-23-47A3) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Speci fications (Part D) Code 3 (Model # FSA-CPLB-X47A 16) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part D) Coue ]-360 (Model # PSA-CPLB-47A 18) See Emerg.ency Vehicle Lighting Specl1ications (Pa11 D) D&R Electronics (PART # PLFS46.2INSS-XX) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Pal1 D) D&.R Electronic, (PI\RT it PLFS4(,-IINSS-XXI See Ernergency Vehicle Lighllng Spccilicaliol\s (Pan D) Bid A ward A f1/1()/{/1cel11enf {()7-] S-082 7) Crnwn Victoria ( pi I 7 ~()\ I DuvClI F()rd Southern $19,846.00 $300,00 I , $]00,00. $390,001 $2.'i5.002 $92.00 I $87,002 $50001 $50002 $255(JO I '\.25.'i()()~ $30.001 , NC $\44.001 $109,002 $144,001 ; $89,00" $390.00 I $407002 $1000 I , $100W $690.001 $090002 $320.001 $495.002 $3.l9500 1 Sl.021.002 $2)95.00 I , $2.1 0900" $2.195001 5>\,95()UO~ NA1 NA2 N.'\,I ; N'\ - 76 . . . \THleLE: DEALER: ZONE: BASE I'RICE: f'PU3 - LED 2 TIERI FPLB - LED 2 I'I~R :' FPLB - LED! [:I)I.n _ LFD:' r!'LR - :::;TRORF 1 I-PL8 - S Il{UIII-. :' FPLB - IIALUC,[N I FPLB - HALOGEN 2 SPLH - LED 2 TIER I SPLB - LED 2 T1ER .: SPLB - LED I SPU~ _ UJ) 2 SPLB - snWBE I SPLl3 - STROOL - SPLB - HALOGEN I SPLB - HALOGEN :' WPLB - LED 2 T1ER 1 WPLB - LED 2 TIER :' \VPLD - LED I TIER: WPUl - LED! T![R - WPLLl - s rROBE I WPLR - STKOBE - 911 PLB - LED I 911 PLB _ LED" CMLB - LED I CMLB _ LED 2 F\-lLB - LED I F\1LlJ _ LED 2 SMLR - LED I SMLR _ LED 2 Cn,wn V Iclnn~ Crown V ict(ln~ ('n,wll Victnn~ (1'71 /7~D.'\) 1.1'71..720.'\1 11'71/720.\) Orville Beckford Duval Pord Duval Ford ForJ-M~rcury Western Northern Central $19,91800 $19,84600 $19,84600 Federal Signal (Model 581034) See Emergcncy Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part D) Federal Signal (Model LGD45 or Model 583004) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Srecilications (Part f)) r:e(kr~1 Signal --1--1 illCli ViSI,lIllll) Set' [m~rgenc\' Vehicle l.i~liling SpecifiL',llion, (Pan LJ) Federal Signal All-Light 48 inch StreetHawk(tl11) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specificatillns (Pari D) Signal (Model 5420LED-S 1553) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Spec:ificatiolls (PaI1D) Signal (Model 5420LED-SP) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specificalions (Part D) Signal (Model 5420SLD-SP) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specificatiolls (Pal'\ DJ Signal (Model 5420HSP-SP) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part D) Whelen (Model FX8-FLD-FSA) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part D) Whelen (~lLldel SXS-SLD-FSAl See Lmergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications ([)art DI Whelen (~1(1deI9f\.1-14-J--SA) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting SpcciJications (Part D) 911 EP (Model GALE48CUS) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part Dj Code 3 (Model # FSA-CMLB-2747A4) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Pa11 D) Fedet'al Signal (Model LGD45 or Model 58j004) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting SpeCifications (Part D) Signal (tvlodel 542\ LED) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part D) Bid A ward A Ill1oul1cemen( (07-15-0827) C'rnwn Vic\on:1 11'71720/\ I Duval Pord Snllthern $19,846.00 N/\.I , '" ^ ~ I-~., NA1 , Nt\." N.-\I j\;,.\" NA1 1 NA- l'-IA1 , NA- NA1 , NAC NA1 1 NA" N^I 1 NA~ $3,1 Q500 I $2,825.002 $2,69500 I $2,245002 $2J95 00 I $ \ .925.00- $2,895.00 I 1 NA" $2,895.001 $2,493.002 NA1 0 ~~A - NA1 NA" .,., i I . . . \'EIIICLF:: DEALER: ZONE: BASE PRrCE: SMLB _ STROBE 1 SMLB-STROBE2 SlvlLB - HALOGEN I SMLB - HALOejEN 2 WMLB - LED 1 WMLB _ LED 2 WMLB- STROBEl WMLB - STROBE2 ')11t\1LR-LED 1 () 11 ~ILI\ - l.TD 2 CLUj - [J-.I) I CFl.H _ l.ED C CELB - STROBE I eELS _ STROBE 2 eELB - HALOGEN I eELB - IIALCJGEN 2 DRELB - LED 2 TIER 1 DRELB - LF:D 2 TIER 2 DREW - LED f)f~ [I n _ I Tn 2 F1-::LB - LED .~ FELB - LED. fEU3 _ STROBE 1 FELB _ STROBE 2 FELS - HAL()(j1-::'-J 1 F[I,R - HALOGEN 2 SELS _ LED 1 SELB - LED 2 :--1,1.11 - SII,'( iHI , Sf.Ul - SITJJRE - Crown Victlma CI()wn Victoria e'rown Victoria (P71/720A) (P71i720A) (P71/720A) Orvi lie Beck foru Duval FC\rd Dllval Pord Ford-Mercury WeSle.m Northern Central $19,918,00 $19,840.00 $19,846,00 Signal (Model 5421 SLD) Scc Emcrgency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Pal't 0) Signal (Model 5421H) Sce Emergency Vehicle Lighting Spec.ifications (Pari D) ('I-own Victoria (P71/720A) Duval Ford Southern $19,846,00 NAI ) ~t\ - NA' , NA- $2,39500 I $1,907002 Whelen (Model SX8-SLE-FSA) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part D) Whelen (l'vlodel 9M-8-FSA) See Emcrgency Vehicle Lighting SpeciJications (Part $2,195,00 I D) ') 11 EP (t,,'loclel GA l4lWUS) See Ernergeiicy Vehicle Lighting Speci ficatiulls (Part $2,GC)5 .00 I D) ('{"It 1, (~'I(\(iL-lli I:S.,\-CELB-~ 1,17i\~ II ~l'e Emergcnc\' \clllL'le Llghlin!! $2,4lJ5.001 Spec:i1icatlons (Pa11 DJ Code 3 (Moclel #FSA-CELB-X47A I) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting $2,2l15(){)1 Specifications (Pa11 D) Code 3 (Model # FSA-CELB-A 1-647) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting $[ ,695,00 I Specific.ations (Part D) :};1,657.00:' \IA2 S2,175.002 ) SI.91700~ ') $1,529.00. D&R Electronics (PART # PLFS46-2RDSS-XX) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting NA I Specifications (Part D) D&R Electronics (PAR.T If I'LFS46-1 RDSS-XX) Sce Emergency Vehicle Lighting. Sl'ccificaliol1< (PaJ1 [)) Federal Signal (Model LGD45 or Model 583004) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Spec i lications (Part D) federal Sigllal 44 inch Visla(tll1) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specific3tiollS (Part D) Federal Signal All-Light 48 inch StrcetHawk(tm) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part D) - "-JK NAI ) '"J\ - NAI NA2 NA1 ) "oJ;\ - NA1 ') 'lA- Signal (Model 5420LED) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part D) NA I NA2 Sigl181 ('\1I1ckl ".1;'11"11)1 "cc Ftllngc'11C) Velllllc-l.ighlil1g Spcclfic;I(IOllS If'nn D) $2,105001 Bid Award Announcement (07-15-0827) N,\ " 78 . . . VEHICLE: DEALER: ZONE: llASE PRICE: SELB - HAL()Cil-:N I SELB - IIALOGC1\ 2 WELB - LED I \V EL8 - LED - 911 ELB - LED I 911 ELB - LED 2 CPUMP - LED 1 1 CPUT'vlP - LED. I-'PU M P - U-~[) I FPUMP - LED" SPUMP - LED 1 SPUMP _ LI-:D 2 wpurVlp - LED I \VPUMP _ LED 2 CEUrv1p - LED 1 CEur,IP - LED 2 CEUtllP - STROBE I CEUMP - STROBE 2 FCUMP - LED 1 FEllJ\'lP - LED' j:I::l'J\II' - S I i~ () 131 I j'EUJ\\I' - 1 STROBE. SEUMP - LED I SEUMP - LED 2 SEUJ\IP - STROBE 1 SEU1vlP - STROBE 2 WEUJ\lP - LFD I \V[UfvIP _ I YD 2 W[l.~!\lr - STROBEl \VLUJ\1P - STROBE 2 YIIEUMP - LED I 911EUMP-LED2 I, " ]'()\vn Vic\Ul'i<1 \r,'w1\ VielDria Crown VictuliJ IP711720;\) IP71/720AI IP711720A) Orville Beckford Duval Ford Duval Ford Ford-l'v1ercury Western Northel'l1 Central $199IR.00 ~ 19 ,S4(,OO $19.84600 Sign,,1 (Model 5420HSP) See Emergcncy Vehicle Lighting Speciiic"tions (Part D) Whelcn (Model .I L E4-JLE-FSA) See Emcrgency Vchicle Lighting Speciiications I Part [)) 911 EP (Model GAL48CUSB) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part D) Code 3: Deluxe Unmarked Patrol Package See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part D) Federal Signal: Deluxe Unmarked Palmi Package - See Emergency Vehicle Lighting SpeCifications (Part D) Signal: Deluxe Unmarked Patrol Package - See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part Dj Whelen: Deluxe Unmarked Patrol Package - See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part D) Code 3: Basic LED l'nmarked Patred Package - See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part D) Code 3: Basic Strobe Unmarked Patrol Package - See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part 0) federal Signal' Basic LED Unmarked J1Jtrol Package - See Emcrgency Vchicle Lighting Specifications ([)art D) FcckrJI Signal Hasie StT0be Unmarked Patroll'ackage - See {,mergenl'Y Ve1l1l'le Llghtlllg Specifledll'"'' (Pari D) Signal: Basic LED Unmarkcd Patrol Package - See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Pan D) Signal: Basic Strobe Unmarked P"trol Package - SceEliicrgency Vehiclc Lighting , Specifications (Part D) Whelen: Rasie I Yl) llnmarked Patrol Package - See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Speci rlcJtions I Pan D) Whclcn. 13";lc Strabc l~nl11~lI"'ed Patrol Package - Sce Emcrgcncy \'chicle Lighting Specifications (1"311 D) 911EP: Basic LED Unmarked Patrol Package - See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Pal1 D) Bid Award Al1nouncement (07-15-0827) ClOwn Vil'ltlrla (P71/720A) Duval Ford Southern 1; \ 9.&46.00 NA1 1 NA" $2,295.001 $1.830.00c $2,395,00 I NA" $2,995,001 , $2.540.00" NAI NA2 NAI NAc $2,Y95,OOI -, $2,470,00" S I ,99:'00 I , '\,\ c $2,59500 I , $2,] 82.0()~ NI\1 \JA2 NAI "i.\ - N^' N,"'" ~Ji\ 1 ~~:\~ $2,195.001 1 $UI600- $1.995.001 $ I ,618 002 $2,495.001 , NA" 79 . . . \TIIICLE: OF:.ALER: ZONE: BASr PRICE: SELB - HA LOGEN I SEW - HALOGEN 2 WELB - LED I WELB _ LED 2 911 ELB - LED I 911ELB _ LED 2 CPUMP - LED I CPllMP _ IYD 2 FPUMP - LED I FPU\1P _ LCD 2 SPU\lP. LED: SPUI'vll'. LED 2 WPUlvlP - LLU I \\TPUMP - LED 2 CEUI\1p. LED I CEUI\1P _ LED 2 CEUMP - STROBEl CEUMP - STROBE 2 FEUMP _ LED I 1 FEUl'v1P. LED" Fl::lJI\1!' . STROBEl FEUMP - :;,TflJ..JGL - SEUMP - LED J ') SEUMP - LED - SEUktr. STROBE I SElJMP . STROBE 2 WEUMP - LED I WEUI\.1p. LED 2 \VEL'r'd!' . STR()FIL: ! WFl11\1p. STRUBI: 2 91IEUMP-LEDI 911 EUMP _ LED 2 lro\Vn V ictCll"ja Crown Vic\cma Crown V iclona iP7\i720A) ! ['71 '720/\) IP7117201l1 Orville Beckford Duval Ford Duval Ford Ford-MerclJry Western No.rthern Centrdl 1; 1 9.91 ROO '\, ().R4(,f)(\ '];, 9,R4() (\f) Signal (Model 5420HSP) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specificatio.ns (Part 0) Whelen (Madel JLE4-JLE-FSA) See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specificatio.ns (Part [)) 911 EP (Model GAL48CUSB) Sce Emergency Vchicle Lighting Specifications (Part D) Code 3: Deluxc Unmarkcd Patro.l Package See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Speciticntio11S (Pnrt D) Federal Signal. Deluxe Unmarked !'alml Package - See Fmergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part 0) Signal Delu:\e Lnmarked f'atroll'ackage - See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Speclficatio.ns (Pa11 0) Whelen: Deluxe Unmarked Patro.l Package - See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specificatio.ns (Part Dj Code 3: Basic LED Unmarked Patrol Package - See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Pa11 OJ Code 3: Basic Strobe Unmarked Patrol Package - See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part D) Federal Signal' Basic LED Unmarked Patro.l Package. See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part D) ~'ederal Signal: Hasie Strobe Unmarked Patrol Package - See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part 0) Signal: Basic LED Unmarked Patrol Package - See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Pan Dj Signal. Basic Strobe Unmarked Patrol Package - See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part D) Whelen: Basic LED Unmarked Patrol Package - See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part OJ Whelen: Basic Strobe Unmarked Patrol Package - See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Spccificatic'ns (Part D) 911 EP: Basic LED Unmarked Patro.l Package - See Emergency Vehicle Lighting Specifications (Part D) Bid A word Announcement (07-15-0827) ('rmvn VIClnn;\ (P71/720/\ ) Duval Ford Southern '!; I 9.R4(, no NAI NA2 $2.295.00 I $1.839.002 ~2Y)~IJ() , 0 Ni\" $2.995.00 I $2.540002 NA I NA 2 NA' Ni\ - $2,995.001 $2.470.002 $1,995.00 I ., NA" $2,595.00 I $2,182.000 NA1 N!\2 NAi NA" NA' NA2 NA' ~~A ~ $2.195001 1 $1,7IG.OO- $1.')C)500 I S\ .618002 $2,49500 I NA" 79 . \THICLE: DL\LLH: LONE: BASE PRICE: RDH\VL 1 ) RDH - RDSWL RDS2 RDLWL RDL. 51A I <; 1.\ 511' I 51 Y 2 SGL I SCjL 2 LCiS I LGL 2 . RVMS o RMS. LRVt\l , Rt\1L' RMAS DAS2 STL I T~L 2 LTL I TLL 2 HTL I T1IL) SIDA NA2 LTDA I NA2 HIDA 'JA- TDL I TC62 . 1 'rnwn ViClnl';:l 1 .', rrHvl1 \/lctOI'l::\ ('rown VlCrnl"l:l d)"' I '7~()\ ) 'f'71'7~n.,\ ) {['71 '7"'0..\ \ (Jrvtlle lied-i'lml I)llv<l1 1'\mJ I )U\ <11 F(Jrd F()rcl-~lcr(ul'\ Western Northern Central $19,918,00 $19.84600 $19.84600 Rear deck halogen warning lights - red and or blue tlashing Rear deck strobe warning lights - red and or blue flashing Rear deck LED, GEN 3 minimum, warning lights - LED lights m~y be blue. red. alllbcl m any ~umhin'1\il1l1 - ,pcL'if)' l<<lur Left-hand pil1'lr nlllunteJ 6" ;;putlight with clear h<1lL\gcn bulh /)"'I'ef".i RolI/Sf/( !Joo!' mid $/ JQ5, /lrl\"/\HS dool's odd $2.J8j 2 Righl-hnnd pillar mounted 6" spotlight with clear halogen bulb DUAL spun/Ciln 1 Dua/ spot Lights 2 Strobe grille lights, 2 minimum (Whelen, Federal, Code 3 or approved equivalent) LED. GEN 3 minimum. grille lights. 2 minimum - LED lights may be blue, red. amber or an) combination - specify color (Whelen, Federal, Code 3 or approved eq uivalenl) Rearview mirror strobes (Whelcn, Federal, Code :I or approved equivalent) LJ-.:D. CiFN 3 minimul11. rear view 11111"1"01 !lashing ligllts - LED lights lllaY be blue. red, amber or any combination - specify color CNhelen, Federal, Code 3 or approved equivalent) Roof-mount amber strobe beacon (Whelen, Federal. Code 3 or approved equivalent) /)UAL AMBER STROBE 2 Strobe trunk lights. 2 minimum (Whelen. Federal, Code 3 or approved equivalent) LED, GEN 3 minilllum, trunk lights. 2 minilllum - LED lights may be blue. red, amber or any combination - specify color (Whelen. Federal, Code 3 or approved equivalent) Halogen trunk lights. 2 minimllm (Whelen, rederal. Code 3 or approved equivaientl Strobe integral directional arrow activated inlightbar (with contruller iCrequired). Requires purchase of Iightbar. LED. GEN 3 minimum, integral directional alTow activated in lightbar (with controller if required) - LED lights may be blue, red, amber or any combination- specify color. Requires purchase of lightbar. Halogen integral direction~1 alTOv.' added to lightbar (with controller ifrequired) Traffic directional LED, GEN 3 minimum. ~rrow with 6 modules (with controller . if required). n~8MO/)ELUPGRADEADD$/55 2 B id AI~'(I I'd A 11110 /(11 ce mel1 t (() 7-15- OR 27) ( rn\\'n ViClnl"!'\ iP71 ,;:'0.\ I Duval Fmd Southern $19.846.00 NA1 $230002 $395.00 I 0 $289.00. $395.001 $358002 $19()OO I ~ I ')0.00- $340.00 I $340.00- $42000 I $289002 $46900 \ $305.001 $46900 ! 0 $355.00~ S469 00 I ) $36500. $29600 I 0 $338.()()- $396.00 I $273.00. $420.00 I ) $355.00~ NA1 0 $24800. Incl I NA- Incl.! NA2 NA! NA- $596.00 I $488002 8() . VF-HleLF:: . . DEALER: ZONE: BASE PRICE: C3UP I I{LS 1 Dr Sl' I' , Nt\ - weul' I \veu :' C3HF I CliP 1 FSHF , NA- WHF I WHF 2 UPSC I I-IFSAG .: CSW-()o I W60 :' CSW-90 W902 CSF-660 NA2 eSF-RICH , NA" C55-nO S60 :' C5S.l10 , SIlO - CSC3-460 NA2 CSO-690 , ('()O - S-]2APB I S 12 :' S-16APB I 5161 S-I'B300 S3002 CI'O\\'1l Victoria Crown VicHlri;1 Crowll \'iciori~ (P711720A) (P71/720A) (P711720A) Orville Beckford Duval Ford Duval Ford Ford-Mercury Western Northern Central $19.918,00 $19.846,00 $19.846,00 Code:\ RLS - upgi'adc. deluxc siren. microprocessor controlled I'cderal Signal Smart Slrell - IIp;.:r''lk, dclll,xl' "rcll. 11l1L'rU!'lucessor cllntrolled Whelell Cell com - upgrade. deluxe siren. microprocessor controlled Code 3 - Headlight flashers, solid state Federal Signal - Headlight flashers, solid state . Whelen - Headlight Oashers, solid state lIpgrilde h"sic (Ii) switch controller and siren 1(1 COl11hiniltionlight controller-lsirC'n Corner Stl'Obe Kits - Whelen Kit with 4 clear tubes. 6 outlet C5P 60w power supply. 2-15' cables. 2.:\0' Gibles '.' E,\TIIA TUBES IN TlIUNK ALJLl $802 ('orner S1robe Kits - WheJen Kit with 4 clear tubes. 6 outlet CSP 90w power supply, 2-15' cables, 2-30' cables 2 E,ITRA TUBES IN TRUNK ADD $80 2 Corner Strobe Kits - Federal Kit with 4 clear tubes, 6 outlet 660L powe.r supply, 2-15' cables. 2-30' cable.s Comer Strobe Kits - Federal Kit with 4 clear tubes. 6 outlet RICHOCHET power , supply. 2-15' cables. 2-30' cables Corner Strobe Kits - Sound off Kit with 4 clear tubes. 6 outlet. 6011' Nebula power supply, 2-15'. 2-:\0' cables 2 LlTIU TUBCS IN mUNK ADD $802 Corner Strobe Kits - SouncJolTKit with -1 clear tubes. 6 outlet. liD"" Gemini power supply. 2-15'. 2-30' cables ] E.\TRA TUBES IN TRUNK ADD $90 2 Corner Strobe Kits - Code 3 Kit with 4 clear tubes, PSE460 power supply, 2-15' cables. 2.30' cables Corner Strobe Kits - Code 3 Kit with 6 clear lubes. PSEG90 power supply. 2-15' cables, 2-30' cilbles . _' L.I"IIC/ n 'HLS 1:\ /'Iil.'\'/\" ~L>I' ~9I) ~ Setina PB I 00AI2 - 12" Aluminum Push Bumper Setina PB 1 OOA IG - 16" Aluminum Push Bumper Setin" PB300 Push Bumper Bid Award Announcement (07-15-0827) Crown ViClnrin (P7J/720A) Duval Ford Southern $19.846,00 $690.00 I $499,002 t'~:'\ J 01.-\" $495.00 I $311.002 $170,001 , $123,00' NA1 NA2 $170,001 , $] 18.00' $ I liS.nO I 3; \ 'CiOO" $470,00 I $39000- $490.00 I $110.002 ~-.... .,.... NA! N.\2 NA' ) NA" $47000 I $403.00' $490()O I $4()4.00" $470.00 I 0 NA" ) $490,00 $-180.00. $495,00 I $373,002 $560.00 I $381,00" $560.00 I $4\ 1.0()2 81 . VEHICLE: . . DEALER: ZONE: RASE PRICE: CiR.'\OiJO I CiRF ~ RTSLS.3P I,TS 2 RTSPG-GOOO PTS 2 RTS-C12 NA2 RTS I OPTS 2 S-IOSLC S 102 s.xsu, ., S8 . PG-P2GOO i PGC 2 PVp.120 P 1202 PVP-IOO o P 1 00 " CC I 1 NA" CC I ~L'\ 2 k.llC K ,)(' . ERRD I DP3000S 2 HAS I HA20l0 2 r---.....1 _/ DSM I i j DSlvl 2 '- -5~O OW 5/75 PT 2 Crown Victoria Crown Victoria Crown Vicloria (['7117:.0A) (P71mOAl IP71/720'\) Ol'ville Beckford Duval Ford Duval Ford Ford-Mercury Western Northern Central $1 C).C)] ROO 't 19.84600 $1 C) ,84600 (io l\hil"l() ~lnO() Series !)u:;h Biiiilpcrs Rear TranspuI1 Seat - Laguna S)Slem 3P IIH:/udes '-Ted/llor reul cloth seal 2 Rear Transport Seat - Pro Gard 6000 Series rnr!udt's rreri1t 1m' renr c1nlh senl 2 Rear Transport Seat - Cruiser PCMO 12 Rear Transport Seat with extended seat belt - Patriot PSCVl //lel,,"es cred,r{or rear cloth seal 2 Setina II I 0 Series Lexan Cage with sliding winuow. lull width lower extension panel, dealer in<;tallcd Selllla x~ l"cxan ca~c \\Ilh II':: le;;an and I;':: expanded l11elal IVilh i\i1i lower extt'nsion panel. dealer installed Pro-Gard P2600 Serics Polycarbonate (Lexan) Cage with sliding window, lull width lower extension panel. dealer installed Patriot VP 1-120 Lexan cage. with 1/2 lexan and 1/2 metal with full lower extension panel, dealer installed Patriot VPI.] 00 all Lexan cage with full lower extension pane.l, dealer installed Cruisers Cage With slide and lock window, lower extension panels, dealer installed CnJisers Calle w]th J,'] Lexan and ].12 l11esh. lowel' extension pancls. dealer ]nstalleu i--'..lJ ('0111<\1])(']' .\11 ai!]l1lil1!]111 [n..vehicle ]rf';1J' ",~"I ;un!) 1\..9 C()IlI'111\tr '" pl.()!CCI (he puhllc. 1IIf]cer, K-9. al10 wh]cle Please specily vehicle year. l11al--c: and model. Call lor installation. shipping, and/or delivery prices. NA VIS SH/EWS OR AMER/CAM ALUMINUM ACC 1 Electronic Remote Rear Door Opening system to be used with the K-9 Container. Allows the officer to release the K-9 from the vehicle from a remote position. HA vrs SHfEWS OR AMERfC'AN AWMfNUM ACC 1 HP50/llS HOl' '" POP. PTWFAN ALW $f469.00 2 Heat Alarm System to be used in a K-9 vehicle. Warns officer when dangerously high temperatures arc insidc the vehicle. IfAvr.\' .\HIELDS OR AMERICAN AI.I.IMI,vUMACC 1 OTIIER ()P71(}~'S..11'11/.A/JLJ:.' 2 Complete set of shop l11anuals UNL Y neaier 0/111,")11. :l1l'1l1o'es .,-llIe/lIng cf- hO/ldlll1g ~ Warrantv - Specifv 5' /00 PO (VI:.R (0) OEV $2865 I 5 YR. 750{)() UI1.!:.' POII'UITRAIN $0 DEDUCTfRLE 2 Bid A ward Announcement (07-15-0827) Crown Victoria 1 P71 1720.'\) Duval Ford Southern $19.R41i00 'J;4()5001 S:',<)20{)2 $795.00 I $637.002 $695.00 ' $556.002 $695.00 I 1 NA" $79500 I $585002 S695 .00 I $643002 $(lC):iOO I $(l() 10O~ $725.001 $683002 $7C)000 1 $68~ .002 $790.001 $69JOO2 $790.00 I "J NA" $790.00 I 0 Nil. " $2.1 C),\OIlI $2.225002 $1,075.001 $774.002 $l)60.00 I $56400. $290.IJO I ~ \~~y r- ')',hlll)W $1.660.001 $1.660 002 82 . VEHICLE: . . DEALER: ~(ONE: BASE PRICE: 5/75B-0 OED 1 'im BASE ~ 5175E-0 OED I 1 5175 EXTRA ~ Crown Victoria (P71 /72GA) Crown Victoria (P7\1720A) Duval Ford Orville Bcckford Ford-Mercurv Western Northern $19,9IS.00 $19,846,00 Warranty - Specify ], 100 BASE (0) DED $2670 I 5 YR. 75()()() MILl:; BAS1:- CAR1:- $() lJ1:-'DUCTIliL1:- 2 Warranty - Specify L\7AR I .5 1'R 75000 MlIJ.: E\TJ?A C4J?F $0 m:nllrTlRI.F: 2 Bid A 11'(/ rt/ A II 110 1I11Cel111!I1 t (07-/5-0827) Crown Victoria (P71!720A) Duval Ford ( :entral $19,84600 Crown Victoria (P711720A', Duval FOl'd Southern $19,841iOO $2.745,00 I 1 $2.745 ,OO~ $~.:n5,OO I S~':;75002 83 . FA~ FLORIDA A:-'~-OC1A TION ~ If COUNTIES A 1/ A boul Florida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION, FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES & FLORIDA FIRE CHIEFS' ASSOCIATION 1 TON CAB & CHASSIS (DUAL REAR WHEEL) - 4X2 SPECIFICATION #38 2008 Ford F -350 (F36) The Ford F-350 (F36) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: BASE PRICE: Western Northern $16,684.00 Central $ I 6,684.00 Southern $16,784.00 $17,022.00 This vehicle has been rolled over and must be purchased through the 06-14-0821 bid. . While the Florida Sheriffs Association, Florida Association of Counties and Florida Fire Chiefs' Association have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by participating agencies for full size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Please refer to the "Overview of Awarded Specifications" for vehicles which were low bid. All vehicles indicated with the * are low bid for Bid 07-15-0827 - those indicated with !!) are low bid for Bid 06-14-0821 and 06-14-0821A. . Bid A ward Announcement (07-15-0827) 1055 . . . F~ FLORIDA .",'-!-,!:t ~_lj:(l~ f)! COUNTIES A" About Frorida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION, FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES & FLORIDA FIRE CHIEFS' ASSOCIATION 1 TON CAB & CHASSIS (DUAL REAR WHEEL) - 4X2 SPECIFICATION #39 2007 Ford F -350 (F36) The Ford F-350 (F36) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part ofthis contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by wne. ZONE: BASE PRICE: * Western ... Northern *Central $16,684.00 * Southern $17,022.00 $ J 6.684.00 $16,784.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association, Florida Association of Counties and Florida Fire Chiefs' Association have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by participating agencies for full size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. in an effort to incmporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost ofthe type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. * = Specification Low Bid Bid Award Announcement (06-14-0821) 1140 . VEHICLE: F-350 (F36) F-350 (F36) F-350 (F36) F-350 (F36) DEALER: Orville Beckford Duval Ford Duval Ford Duval Ford Ford-Mercury ZONE: * Western ---Northern * Central 1< Southern BASE PRICE: $17,022.00 $16,684.00 $16,684.00 $16,784.00 Order Code 445 I 4452 F34 I F342 , ~;:1'2J., Q~fii. 2 572 I D572 2 58Y I 58Y 2 . Order Code 99Y I 6.8 GAS 2 99P J DIESEE.~;. 65C I' 65C 2 63H 1 63H 2 63T I 63T 2 INCL 2 91T I 52B-91T2 X4N I X4L 2 647A I XLT2 903 1 903 2 525-524 I 525 2 . ,Delete Options : 5-speed manual transmission with overdrive in lieu of automatic overdrive Northern & Centnl 'Vestern & Southern $800.001 . $937.002 NCI $195.002; $200.00 I $191.002; $400.001 $506.002 $40.00 I : $25.002 : Single rear wheels, 9,900 Ibs. GYWR Full size spare tire & rim Air conditioning AMlFM stereo radio Add Options Engine upgrade Northern & Central Western & Southern $350.00 I $675.002 $5,650.001 $5,545.002 $610.001 $610.002 .$75.00 I $75.002; $380.00 I $380.002 ' Std 2 Incl. $230.001 $460.002 $300.001 $350.002 $3,935.001 $3,937.002 $530.00 I $530.002 $385.00 I $235.002 , Engine upgrade ! Dual fuel tanks 'DIESEL ENG 1 DIESEL ONU 2 i Alternator,extraHD : DIESEL ENG 1 DIESEL ONLY 2 Dual alternators DIESEL ENG I DIESEL ONLY 2 i Idle control . Electric brake controller INCL. TOW COMMAND/REQUIRES TRAILER TOW PKG 2 : Limited slip differential Manufacturer's model upgrade package (specify pkg. bid) . Power windows/door locks Speed control/tilt steering wheel Bid Award Announcement (06-14-0821) 1141 - VEHICLE: F-350 (F36) F-350 (F36) F-350 (F36) F-350 (F36) DEALER: Orville Beckford Duval Ford Duval Ford Duval Ford Ford-Mercury ZONE: * Western ~Northern * Central * Southern BASE PRICE: $17,022.00 $16,684.00 $16,684.00 $16,784.00 585 I AM/FM radio with single CD $275.001 $275.002 585 2 UPGRADESSTD 2 924 I Deep tinted glass $390,00 I $365.002 . DDT2 DEALER INSTALLED 2 433 1 , Sliding rear window $]25.001 $]25.002 433 2 NA 2 Side air bags NA: NA2 3K 1 . Third key $]40.001 $89.002 :3K',2'1",. X36 I Extended cab model $2,650.001 $2,884.002 X362 W36 I ' Crew cab (4 door) $3,580.001 $3,958.002, W362 18L I Cab steps $320.00 I $320,002 I 8L 2 942 J Daytime running lights $45.00 I $45.002 - 9422 Dyy1 Vent visors - stick-on style $120.00 I $89.002 DVy2 DRY 1 : Rainshields - flange style $140.001 $89.002: DRS 2 DBS1 Bug shield $168.001 $185.002 : DBS2 WOOl : Wrap-around grille guard $2,195.001 $795.002 i WOO2 DSOL I , Spray-in liner (Rhino or approved equivalent) $695.00 I $540.002 L1NEX 2 SERVICE BOm' $895 I SEIWICE BOOr TOPS ADD $50 2 62R I PTO provision NCI $250.002. 62R 2 ; PROVISION ONLY/NO PrO INCL. REQUIRES OPT ENGINE 2 62R J PTO auto trans provision $250.00 I $1,990.002 62R1PTO 2 REG V- I 0 GAS OR 6.4 L DIESEL I : INCL. DEALER INSTALLED PrO/REQUIRES OPT ENGINE 2 D4EH 1 ; 4,000 lb. EH Auto Crane, or approved equivalent, with crane reinforcements with $14,995.001 $14,050.002 4KAUT02 i manual outriggers : A UTa CRANE OR VENTURO 4000 1 D25K-22 AC 25K-22 Auto Crane body with shelf package, 12" bumper with crank outriggers. or $16,995.001 $14,600.002 AC38K 2 approved equivalent REG 84 1 BODY ONLY/NO CRANE 2 I- Bid Award Announcement (06-14-0821) 1142 . VEHICLE: F-350 (F36) F-350 (F36) F-350 (F36) F-350 (F36) DEALER: Orville Beckford Duval Ford Duval Ford Duval Ford Ford-Mercury ZONE: * Western ---Northern * Central 1r Southern BASE PRICE: $17,022.00 $16,684.00 $16,684.00 $16,7&4.00 D 15LG 1 i 1,500 lb. lift ~ate $3,615.001 $2,560.002 15TOM 2 i TOMMY GATE DI2WI 12,000 lb. winch with remote $2,495.001 $1,77&.002 12KW2 DBF' : Headlight flashers $140.001 $125.002 WHF2 54D' . West coast style mirrors NC1 NA2 NA2 : S4 K POWER MfRRORS $ 220 , 531-TTP I Trailer towing package, to include heavy duty flashers, wiring for trailer plug (7 $790.00 I $6&0:002\ 531-C4-HDW2 prong round), and class IV frame mounted trailer hitch with 2" square removable receiver, I" shank with 2" ball. May be dealer installed. 165 I 84" cab to axle $200.00 I $295.002 84CA 2 . REGUALAR CAB ONL1' 2 DIIESB' . 11 ft. extended service body (requires 84" CA) $7,394.00 ' $6,400.002 i IISB 2 DSB 1 Standard wide service body for dual rear wheels equal to Knapheide, Reading, $6,495.001 $5,300.002 . 9SB 2 Omaha, or RKI, to include appropriate mirrors. May be dealer installed. (NOTE: If you are ordering a service body, we are advising you to contact your awarded . vendor.) : KNAPHElDE OR READfNG 1 D8-2YD D ' : 8 ft. 2 yd. dump . . $7,394.001 $7,300.002 9Df\1J> 2:; , ELECT RiCE /HYDRA UUC HOIST I 9FT WITH GROUND CONTROL TAR? 2 D9FT FSB I 9 ft. flat stake body requires 60" CA) $3,892.001 $3,430.002 9FL T 2 DI2FTFSD I 12ft. flat stake bod~ requires 84" CA) i $4,672.001 $3,800.002 12FL T 2 REGUUR CAB ONLY DBA I Backup alarm $120.001 $105.002 DBA 2 BUe 1 "Backup camera with 3.5' LCD (rear mounted camera to provide wide angle field of $695.001 $450.002;, sue2 'vision at rear of vehicle) RDB 2 , Rear deck halogen warning lights - red and or blue flashing NA' $198.002 DW-RDS 1 : Rear deck strobe warning lights - red and or blue flashing $390.001 $273.002 RDS2 DW-RDL I : Rear deck LED, GEN 3 minimum, warning lights - LED lights may be blue, red, $498.00 I $333.002 RDL 2 amber or any combination - specify color DLHPM I Left-hand pillar mounted 6" spotlight with clear halogen bulb $420.00 I $295.002 DSL 2 : DOOR MOUNTED 1 ! DEALER INSTALLED 2 DLRPM I , Left & right-hand pillar mounted 6" spotlight with clear halogen bulb $690.00 I $395.002 GO-L 2 ' DOOR MOUNTED 1 SINGLE REMOTE GO LIGHT 2 . 1143 Bid A ward Announcement (06-14-0821) . VEHICLE: F-350 (F36) F-350 (F36) F-350 (F36) F-350 (F36) DEALER: Orville Beckford Duval Ford Duval Ford Duval Ford Ford-Mercury ZONE: * Western 1< Northern * Centra I *Southem BASE PRICE: $17,022.00 $16,684.00 $16,684.00 $16,784.00 OW-OS 1 Strobe grille lights, 2 minimum (WheJen, Federal, Code 3 or approved equivalent) $398.001 $325.002 OLS 2 DW-OL 1 LED, OEN 3 minimum, grille lights, 2 minimum - LED lights may be blue, red, $469.00 I $335.002 GLL 2 amber or any combination - specify color (Whelen, Federal, Code 3 or approved equivalent) DW~RMS 1 : Rearview mirror strobes (Whelen, Federal, Code Jorapproved equivalent) $590.00 I; $355.002 RMS2 ,. . .. . , . DW-RML I ; LED, OEN 3 minimum, rear view mirror flashing lights - LED lights may be blue, $573.00' $345.002. RML2 red, amber or any combination - specify color (Whelen, Federal, Code 3 or approved equivalent) DW-DRS I Roof-mount amber strobe beacon (Whelen, Federal, Code 3 or approved equivalent) $390.00 I $354.002 : DAS 2 DUAL AMBER STROBE 2 DW-TLS I Strobe trunk lights, 2 minimum (Whelen, Federal, Code 3 or approved equivalent) $420.00 I NA2 NA 2 DW-TLL I LED, OEN 3 minimum, trunk lights, 2 minimum ~ LED lights may be blue, red, $520.00 I $355.002i TLL 2 amber or any combination - specify <:olor (Whelen, Federal, Code 3 or approved equivalent) . . ... '. . . FLUSH MOUNT LEDS 2 NA2 , Halogen trunk lights, 2 minimum (Whelen, Federal, Code 3 or approved equivalent) NA NA2 IDS 2 I . NA2; ; Strobe integral directional arrow activated in Iightbar(witb controlIer ifrequired). NA I '. " '.' . : Requires purchase of Iightbar. . IDL 2 LED, OEN 3 minimum. integral directional arrow activated in lightbar (with NA NA2 controlIer if required) - LED lights may be blue, red, amber or any combination - ! specify color. Requires purchase of Iightbar. IDH 2 : Halogen integral directional arrow added to lightbar(with controller if required) NAi NA2, TDL2 Traffic directional LED, GEN 3 minimum, arrow with 6 modules (with controller if NA $588.002. , required). RLS 2 i Code 3 RLS - upgrade, deluxe siren, microprocessor controlled NAi NA2 FSS 2 . Federal Signal Smart Siren - upgrade, deluxe siren, microprocessor controlled NA o. NA~ WCU 2 ; Whelen Cencom - upgrade, deluxe siren, microprocessor controlled NA $795.002; ; INCL. SIREN & SPE'AKER 2 CHF2 . Code 3 - Headlight flashers, solid state NA NA2 FHF2 Federal Signal - Headlight flashers, solid state NA NA2: DW-SSFCY 1 Whelen - Headlight flashers, solid state $187.00 I $123.002 WHF2 CLC2 Upgrade basic (6) switch controller and siren to combination light controller/siren NA: 2 $509.00 : INCL SiREN 2 DW660SYS I Corner Strobe Kits - Whelen Kit with 4 clear tubes, 6 outlet CSP 60w power supply, $420.00 I I $425.002 : W602 2-15' cables, 2-30' cables DW690SYS J : Corner Strobe Kits - Whelen Kit with 4 clear tubes: 6 outlet CSP90w power supply, $460.00 I ; $445.002 W902 2-15' cables, 2-30' cables . Bid A ward Annollncement (06-14-0821) 1144 . VEHICLE: DEALER: ZONE: BASE PRICE: F602 FRS 2 S602 SIlO 2 C602 C902 DSM 1 DSM2 5/100 B I B5/1 00&6/1 00 2 . NA 2 5/100 P I P5/100&6/l00 2 5/100 B I B05/100&6/100 2 NA 2 SIlOOpl PD51l 00&6/1 00 2 . F-350 (F36) F-350 (F36) F-3S0 (F36) Orville Beckford Duval Ford Duval Ford Ford-Mercury * Western *" Northern *Central $17,022.00 $16,684.00 $16,684.00 Corner Strobe Kits - Federal Kit with 4 clear tubes, 6 outlet 660L power supply, 2_15' cables, 2-30' cables . Corner Strobe Kits - Federal Kit with 4 clear tubes, 6 outlet RICHOCHET power supply, 2-15' cables, 2-30' cables Corner Strobe Kits - SoundoffKit with 4 clear tubes, 6 outlet, 60w Nebula power supply, 2-15'; 2-30' cables , Corner Strobe Kits - Soundoff Kit with 4 clear tubes, 6 outlet, 11 Ow Gemini power supply, 2_15', 2-30' cables Comer Strobe Kits - Code 3 Kit with 4 clear tubes, PSE460 power supply, 2-15' cables, 2-30' cables : Comer Strobe Kits - Code 3 Kitwith 6 clear tubes, PSE690 power supply, 2-15' , cables, 2-30' cables Complete set of shop manuals ONLY Minimum 5/75 Manufacturer's Extended Base Warranty ($0 deductible) 61100 P $2410 $50 DEDUCTIBLE ON FORD 1 $50 DED./6YR/I 00. 000 MI COVERAGE $2410 2 · Minimum 5/75 Manufacturer's Extended Extra Care Warranty ($0 deductible) Minimum 5/75 Manufacturer's Extended Power Train Warranty ($0 deductible) . 61100 P $2 II 5 $50 DEDUCTIBLE ON FORD 1 $50 DED./6YR/I 00. 000 COVERAGES21 152 Minimum 5/75 Manufacturer's Extended Base Warranty - Diesel ($50 deductible on Ford) 61100B$28451 6YR/IOO.000 MI COVERAGE $28452 Minimum 5/75 Manufacturer's Extended Extra Care Wan'anty - Diesel ($50 deductible on Ford) Minimum 5/75 Manufacturer's Extended Power Train Warranty - Diesel ($50 deductible 011 Ford) 61100 P $2680 I 6 l'RII 00. 000 MI COJ'ERAGE $26f10 2 Bid A ward Announcement (06-14-0821) F-3S0 (F36) Duval Ford "Southern $16.784.00 NA NA2 NA NA2 NA. NA2, NA; NA2 NA. NA2 NA NA2: $290.001 $365.002 $2,295.001 $2,295.002. NA NA2 $1,925.001 2, $1,925.00 : $2,820.001 $2,820.002 NA NA2 $2,515.00 I $2,515.002 1145 . eel:=> CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES 2776 S. Financial Ct. 407-330-2BOO Sanford. FL 32773 FAX# 407-330-2804 OCOEE, CITY OF 5 o 301 MAGUIRE RD. ~ ~i~ES~~~~~~61 T o OROER DATE PURCHASE ORDER NO. SHIP VIA 12/7/2007 P~002S7G UPS GROUND BUYER DATE REOUESTED LOCATION SALESPERSON 12/7/2007 ALL ITEM NO. BIN LOCATION NO. DESCRIPTION UGHTING KIT FOR MARKED CROWN VICTORIA .......... ......... ... ........ "'. ... ............ BLADE LIGHT BAR 7F7R CPIIOOWATTSPEAKER 4 HE,\D 75W CORNER STROBE KIT 940 SIREN/CONTROLLER 3P TRANSPORT SEATS SETINA PARTITION CAGE JOTTO COMPUTER STAND MAG L1mlT/CHARGER HEADLIGHT W1G/W AG JOTTO CONSOLE (WILL HOLD RADIO. CONTROLLER. Ol.JrLET PLUGS. CUP HOLDERS. LOCK BOX/ARM REST & MIKE CLIPS) EMITTER SUBTOTAL 4,740.00 SCHED. SHIP DATE PAGE NO. OUOTAnON NO. CANCELLAnON OATE CUST. NO. WEEK OF PSDGo04 -1 12/6/2009 OeOOl 1 <<<< QUOTE >>>> QUANTITY ORDERED 5 H I P T o OCOEE, CITY OF 30 I MAGUIRE RD. OCOEE, FL 34761 BILL SIMMONS F.O.B. ORIGIN, PP&ADD BOB BAIRD QUANTITY OUANTITY BACK ORD. SHIPPED Freight 145.00 QUOTAnON TERMS TERRITORY UNIT PRICE NET 3D DAYS FLORIDA EXTENSION TAX $ 1,630.00 $ 1,630.00 $ 144.00 $ 144.00 $ 238.00 $ 238.00 $ 515.00 $ 515.00 $ 324.00 $ 324.00 $ 435.00 $ 435.00 $ 268.00 $ 268.00 $ 154,00 $ 154.00 $ 60.00 $ 60.00 $ 368.00 $ 368.00 $ 604.00 QUOTATlON NO. PSD60047-J $ 604.00 4,885.00 TOTAL ORDER VALUE