HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-18-07 Minutes ~n i MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION December 18, 2007, at 7:15 P.M. 6:45 P.M. Presentation of Christmas Parade Awards - Ocoee Lions Club Presentation of Player of the Year Award to Top Male and Female- Tennis Coach Jack Vinson. (parks and Recreation Director Hayes) REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Pastor Ron Cargil, Harvest International Ministries gave the Invocation and Boy Scout Pack 217 led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson. Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS The Cargil Sisters sang a Holiday song for the audience. Presentation of Awards for Best Holiday Decorations - Parks and Recreation Board Presentation from S.W.A.T Students Working Against Tobacco - Fonda McGowan Visit from Santa Claus- Operation Santa presented by Ocoee Police and Fire Departments Mayor Vandergrift announced that Cub Scout Pack 217, Webelos I, are here working on their citizenship award I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC None I D. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Hood - wished everyone safe and happy holidays Commissioner Keller- wished everyone safe and happy holidays Commissioner Johnson- wished everyone safe and happy holidays Commissioner Anderson- wished everyone safe and happy holidays Mayor Vandergrift-also wished everyone safe and happy holidays City Commission Regular December 18,2007 I E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes of December 4, 2007. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Approved on Consent. Motion Carried 5-0 2. Appointments to the Code Enforcement Board for One Regular Member Position and Two Alternate Positions. (City Clerk Eikenberry) On November 6,2007, City Commission appointed Mr. Julias Sais as an alternate member of the board. Since then, Member Michael Hopper has resigned from the board, leaving a vacant seat. The Chairman of the board recommended that Mr. Sais be appointed to the newly vacant regular member position, which would result in two (2) vacant alternate member positions. Mrs. Carolyn Alexander and Mr. Michael Elliott have both submitted an application with interest in serving as an alternate member of the board. Approved on Consent. Motion Carried 5-0 3. Approval of 4-Year Lease-Purchase of New Equipment and Police Vehicles for FY07/08. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) The budget for Fiscal Year 07/08 includes the lease-purchase of new and replacement police vehicles and other equipment. The Florida Sheriff's Association (FSA) & Florida Association of CountieslFlorida Fire Chief's Association and other governmental agency bids were reviewed for the best pricing based on factors such as price and options available. Authorization is needed to piggyback the respective contracts for the items listed. It is the intent of Staff to consolidate the fmancing for the vehicles and equipment being purchased in order to realize a savings on the interest rate. This lease-purchase agreement is for four (4) years at an interest rate of 3.58%. Approved on Consent. Motion Carried 5-0 4. Approval to Award Bid #B08-02 Lakeshore Drive Phase II Improvements to American Persian Engineers & Constructors, Inc. in the Amount of $599,517.00. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) The Public Works Department and Finance Department have reviewed all bids. Staff recommends awarding the bid to American Persian Engineers & Constructors, Inc. as the most responsive and responsible bidder for the amount of $599,517.00. The entire Phase I & II budget had been set at $450,000 with Phase I completed at a cost of $305,000. The design fees for Phase II were $75,000, leaving a remainder of $70,000. Approved on Consent. Motion Carried 5-0 5. Approval to Award Bid #B08-04 Central Park Phase II Improvements to Tony's Construction, Inc. in the Amount of $177,000.00. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) The City of Ocoee, Florida, in conformance with the policies and procedures of the City of Ocoee (City) solicited bids from qualified contractors to construct improvements at Central Park. These improvements are intended to reconstruct spectator and dugout facilities at Minor Field and spectator areas on the south end of the football field. A separate contract, which is expected to begin construction on November 19, has already been issued for similar improvements at the baseball field concession stand and Major Field, and to install a fence along the southern Park boundary. The second project covered by this Invitation to Bid (ITB) will continue the earlier work. The overall intent of the project activities at Minor Field is to demolish the existing multi-level concrete walkways and platforms, retaining walls, stairways, and backstop so that spectator areas may be reconstructed at a single level approximately one foot above the field's playing surface in anticipation of installation of new bleachers, backstop, and dugouts by others. At the south end of the football field, the work consists of replacing a field-access stairway and providing an enlarged customer platform at the concession stand. This ITB also includes removing the Major Field dugouts; raising the Major Field and Minor Field dugout floors by 4 inches; and making other preparations for the full build-out of the facility. The amount budgeted for this project is $300,000.00 from the Parks and Recreation Capital Expenditure account 001-572- 10-6204. Page 2 of 10 City Commission Regular December 18, 2007 Item #5 was pulled from the Consent Agenda to be discussed and heard separately. City Attorney Rosenthal said that the document passed out to the Commission shows the City's response to the bid protest filed by Southern Building Services, which was denied by the City in accordance with the criteria set forth in the bid document. Commissioner Hood said that the work being done at Central Park is going to make it look great and the residents will be very happy with it. Commissioner Hood. seconded bY Commissioner Anderson. moved to award Bid #B08-04 Central Park Phase II Improvements to Tony's Construction. Inc. in the Amount of $177.000.00. Motion carried 5-0. 6. Approval to Award RFQ #0801 Engineering Services for SR 50 Utility Relocation to CPH Engineers, Inc. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) In compliance with State Statute Section 287.055 (CCNA Act) and policies and procedures of the City of Ocoee Purchasing Code Chapter 21, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was advertised with the intention to award a contract to one (1) qualified professional engineering firm. The selected firm will provide stormwater, potable water, and sanitary sewer relocation design services associated with widening of State Road 50 from the Western Beltway (SR 429) to Good Homes Road. The City ofOcoee is being required to vacate the State right of way in order to make room for roadway improvements scheduled at an unknown pointing the future. The Florida Department of Transportation has already begun condemnation proceedings on several City-owned properties and easements. Approved on Consent. Motion Carried 5-0 7. Approval of Sonntag Reserve Plat. (City Engineer Wheeler) This plat is a lot split for the 0.856 acre residential property located at 9802 White Road. The residential property will be split into two residential lots. The property is located on the south side of White Rd. and west of Clarke Road. Approved on Consent. Motion Carried 5-0 8. Approval of Signalization of Moore and Maguire Road. (City Engineer Wheeler) The City employed PEC, Inc. to design the new traffic signal and to use a mast arm design similar to the other signals on Maguire Road and in accordance with the City standards. The new signal poles will be spread apart to allow for road widening and turn lanes as are being currently constructed and needed in the future. The City proposes to "piggyback" on the long term contract (IFB-3110-05/GMG-AlB) between Seminole County and Chinchor Electric, Inc. The City has contacted Chinchor Electric, Inc. and received a quote for the new traffic signal. The Seminole County Contract was executed in May of 2005 and runs for a minimum of three years. Chinchor has been the low quote contractor for the last few traffic signal projects. Their quote of $138,468.25, with a projected completion date of seven months from the issuance of the purchase order. The quoted cost for the traffic signal is approximately $30,000 below the engineer's estimate and the projected time frame is a few months less than earlier expected. Approved on Consent. Motion Carried 5-0 Commissioner Johnson added that the citizens should know that this is just widening of the intersections and adding mast arms; we are not removing the light. Consent Agenda Vote: Commissioner Keller. seconded by Commissioner Hood. moved to approve Items and 8 on the Consent Aaenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0 Page 3 of 10 City Commission Regular December 18,2007 I F. PUBLIC HEARINGS 9. Second Reading of Ordinance Imposing the Fire Assessment Fee. (Advertised in the Orlando Sentinel Classified Legal on Sunday, December 9,2007). (Assistant City Manager Croteau) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Assistant City Manager Croteau summarized the events that have taken place thus far with the process relating to the Fire Assessment Fee. She said assessable budget can be funded at 100% or 50%. The Resolution of Intent was adopted on December 4, 2007, authorizing the use of the Uniform Method of Collection of Non-Advalorem taxes (tax bill). Tonight is strictly for the adoption of the ordinance; the preliminary and final fee resolutions will be set next year in the spring. The final resolution would have to be delivered to the tax collector by September 15, 2008 to get it on the tax roll. Commissioner Anderson stated again that he is in favor of implementing the Fire Assessment Fee at the full amount this year. This would pay for the Police Station and other projects such as road improvements. He said this would be a good time to do it, since residents had a tax reduction this year. Assistant City Manager Croteau stated that the decision was made at the last meeting to wait until next year; without reviewing the timeline she is not sure if we can meet the deadline necessary to implement it this year because it was a very tight timeline. City Attorney Rosenthal said there is an option of implementing a montWy billing; but the actions and the notices to implement the fee are not before the Commission tonight. If the Commission wanted to act on the monthly billed fees in advance of the 2008 tax bill, he would have to review the timeline with staff to see what can be done and how many months can be picked up. Mayor Vandergrift asked about the purchase of the Police Station and where the money will come from. City Manager Frank said $240,000 came from the Police Impact Fees, but prior to the closing date of February 17,2008 we will need some other financing available to close on the property, but have not identified that yet. He added that we have some different options we are looking at to pay the remainder of the $3,300,000 for the building. Commissioner Hood said he understand where Commissioner Anderson is coming from, but feels we should go ahead and allow the residents to have the full tax break this year because of the economy. He is in favor of looking at it next year implementing it at that time, if needed. Commissioner Keller said Commissioner Anderson's point has merit, but thinks it should not be implemented this year. He said he will to look at assessing the fee at 100% next year. It will cost the residents more, but would save money in interest next year. Commissioner Johnson said the only reason he is considering the Fire Fee is because of what the State has done to us with cutting our revenue while still mandating things that we have to do that are very costly. He said what we really need to do is to focus on Commercial growth. He thinks if the Fire Fee is implemented, it should be done incrementally over time and reaching 100% in possibly five years. Commissioner Anderson suggested we start this year with the 25% and increase it annually. Commissioner Johnson said that is something he would be willing to look that. Mayor Vandergrift said we are not considering that tonight; we need to vote on the ordinance. Page 4 of 10 City Commission Regular December 18,2007 Mayor Vanderarift. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to adopt on second readina. Ordinance No. 2007-029 imposina the Fire Assessment Fee. Motion carried 5-0. The Ordinance, as adopted on second reading, carries the following caption: ORDINANCE NO. 2007-029 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA RELATING TO THE PROVISION OF FIRE RESCUE SERVICES, PROGRAMS, AND FACILITIES IN THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; AUTHORIZING THE IMPOSITION OF FIRE RESCUE ASSESSMENTS; PROVIDING GENERAL FINDINGS AND A LEGISLATIVE DETERMINATION OF SPECIAL BENEFIT; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; ESTABLISHING THE PROCEDURES FOR IMPOSING FIRE RESCUE ASSESSMENTS; ESTABLISHING THE PROCEDURE FOR COLLECTION OF FIRE RESCUE ASSESSMENTS; AUTHORIZING THE USE OF THE UNIFORM METHOD OF COLLECTION OF NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS FOR FIRE RESCUE ASSESSMENTS; PROVIDING THAT FIRE RESCUE ASSESSMENTS MAY CONSTITUTE A LIEN ON ASSESSED PROPERTY EQUAL IN RANK AND DIGNITY WITH THE LIENS OF ALL STATE, COUNTY, DISTRICT OR MUNICIPAL TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS AND SUPERIOR IN DIGNITY TO ALL OTHER PRIOR LIENS, MORTGAGES, TITLES, AND CLAIMS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I G. REGULAR AGENDA 10. Oaks Commerce Center - Road Impact Fee Credit. (City Engineer Wheeler) The developer of the project stated the actual required deceleration lane is one-half the length of the full right turn lane that is required. The developer provided estimates on the cost of the full right turn lane totaling $70,000. The developer is asking the City to cover approximately one-half the cost of the construction of the right-turn lane, or $35,000. Staff believes there could be an argument that the additional turn lane benefits the general transportation system of the City, and that it would expedite this improvement. City Engineer Wheeler said developers for Oaks Commerce Center are purchasing Tract 1 of the Goodman Center, located 500 feet north of the intersection of Clarke Road and Maguire Road. As a requirement of the conditions for the Goodman Center, if the developer of the property wants a right in only as a temporary access point they are required to build a right turn decelllane into the property. They are required to build it from Matthew Paris Blvd. down to the turn in. Transportation studies show, and staff agrees, that the turn lane required would only be about half that length. The developer provided estimates on the cost of the full right turn lane totaling $70,000. The developer is asking the City to cover approximately one-half the cost of the construction of the right-turn lane, or $35,000, which would come from the Transportation Impact Fees collected from their development. Staff believes there could be an argument that the additional turn lane benefits the general transportation system of the City, and that it would expedite this improvement. Mayor Vanderarift. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve the road impact fee credit in the amount of $35.000 to developer of Oak Commerce toward construction of the riaht turn lane. Page 5 of 10 City Commission Regular December 18,2007 Commissioner Anderson asked if the City will get reimbursed this money. Engineer Wheeler said we will get Transportation Impact Fees that will more than cover the cost. Scott Gold, property owner, said just for clarification, the city has the plan to create a very long stacking lane for Highway 50 west off of Clarke road. That plan takes this additional 12 foot lane all the way back. The City prefers that as part of the development the whole thing be completed now instead ofthe buyers of doing each Tract. City Attorney Rosenthal said there is no agreement in place that would obligate the Ozanian property to contribute to this if it is constructed. Mr. Gold said he assumed the City would make them give up their 12 feet and make them build the entire lane down. After the discussion. motion carried 5-0. 11. Approval for Requests for Reduction of Fine and Release of Lien. (Building Official Jones) a. Code Enforcement Board Case No. 05-024, Denver R. and Dean Harper. On February 01, 2005, Code Enforcement Officer Theresa Braddy-Bagwell observed violations of city code on the property located at 39 Eagle Key Court, Ocoee, Florida. A Compliance Order was issued by the Code Enforcement Board giving the Respondent until May 24, 2005, to comply or pay a fine of $250.00 per day until the property was brought into compliance. The fine accrued daily until the property was re-inspected on July 07, 2007, and found in Compliance. The total amount of the fine is $10,500.00. The Code Enforcement Board imposed this fine due to the owner's continued negligence in correcting the poor appearance of the property. The Code Enforcement Board recommended no reduction to the property owner's request for a reduction of fines. It is staff's recommendation to support the decision made by the Code Enforcement Board. Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve the payment of Lien at $10.500. 00 as recommended by staff and the Code Enforcement Board. Motion carried 5-0. b. Code Enforcement Board Case No. 06-067, Denver R. and Dean Harper. On June 21, 2006, Code Enforcement Officer Theresa Rodriguez observed violations of city code on the property located at 1312 E. Silver Star Road, Ocoee, Florida. A Compliance Order and Order Imposing Finellien were issued by the Code Enforcement Board giving the Respondent until July 08, 2006, to comply or pay a fme of $50.00 per day until the property was brought into compliance. The fme accrued daily until the property was re-inspected on August 04, 2006, and found in Compliance. The total amount of the fine is $1,300.00. The Code Enforcement Board imposed this fme due to the owner's continued negligence in correcting the poor appearance of the property. The Code Enforcement Board recommended reduction of lien to $1000.00 if paid within 7 days of the Commissions approval. It is staff's recommendation to support the decision made by the Code Enforcement Board. Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve the Lien payment at the reduced rate of $1.000 if paid within 7 days as recommended by staff and the Code Enforcement Board. Motion carried 5-0. c. Code Enforcement Board Case No. 06-069, Denver R. and Emmett Harper. I On June 21, 2006, Code Enforcement Officer Theresa Rodriguez observed violations of city code on the property located at 416 Ocoee Hills Road, Ocoee, Florida. A Compliance Order and Order imposing Finellien were issued by the Code Enforcement Board giving the Respondent until July 08, 2006, to comply or pay a fine of $50.00 per day until the property was brought into compliance. The fine accrued daily until the property was re-inspected on August 04,2006, and found in Compliance. The total amount of the fine is $1,300.00. The Code Page 6 of 10 City Commission Regular December 18, 2007 Enforcement Board imposed this fme due to the owner's continued negligence in correcting the poor appearance of the property. The Code Enforcement Board recommended reduction of lien to $1000.00 if paid within 7 days of the Commissions approval. It is staff's recommendation to support the decision made by the Code Enforcement Board. Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve the Lien payment at the reduced rate of $1.000 if paid within 7 days as recommended by staff and the Code Enforcement Board. Motion carried 5-0. d. Code Enforcement Board Case No. 06-103, Denver R. and Emmett Harper. On August 22, 2006, Code Enforcement Officer Theresa Rodriguez observed violations of city code on the property located at 416 Ocoee Hills Road, Ocoee, Florida. The violations observed were lot with overgrown weeds/grass; this was a REPEAT VIOLATION. Order Imposing Fine/Lien was issued by the Code Enforcement Board and the fine accrued daily until the property was found in compliance. The total amount of the fme is $12,500.00. The Code Enforcement Board imposed this fme due to the owner's continued negligence in correcting the poor appearance of the property. The Code Enforcement Board recommended no reduction to the property owner's request for a reduction of fines. It is staff's recommendation to support the decision made by the Code Enforcement Board. Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve the Lien payment at $12.500.00 as recommended bv staff and the Code Enforcement Board. Motion carried 5-0. 12. Approval of Resolution Creating a 401 Governmental Money Purchase Plan with ICMA for the City Manager and Other Eligible Employees. (Human Resources Director Carnicella) The City of Ocoee provides the City Manager a contribution to a Deferred Compensation Plan. The most appropriate plan for such an employer contribution is a 401 Governmental Money Purchase Plan. The City Manager desires to have the City create a 40 I Money Purchase Plan so that the City contributions, according to the City Manager's employment contract, may be deposited into the 401 plan instead of the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan. Due to IRS limitations on 457 plan contributions, a 401 plan must be implemented to comply with the City Manager's employment contract. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Resolution. Human Resources Director Carnicella explained the plan and said there is a one time set up fee of $1000 to create this fund and the money will be taken from the HR budget. Mayor Vanderarift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to adopt Resolution No. 2007-010 approvina the creation of a 401 Governmental Money Purchase Plan with ICMA for the City Manaaer and other employees who may become eliaible. Motion carried 5-0. The resolution as adopted carries the following title: RESOLUTION NO. 2007-010 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA RELATING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A MONEY PURCHASE RETIREMENT PLAN; PROVIDING THAT THE PLAN IS ADMINISTERED BY ICMA-RC PURSUANT TO THE SPECIFIC PROVISIONS OF THE ADOPTION AGREEMENT ATTACHED HERETO; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 7 of 10 City Commission Regular December 18, 2007 I H. STAFF REPORTS City Manager Frank distributed a letter from Richard Page of Charter Schools USA regarding the cost of Phase 2 services, which would include meeting with community groups and the school board. He said in attempting to estimate his costs, he thinks we should put in a not-to- exceed cost of $30,000, which would be incorporated into the contract that will be brought back for Commission Approval. Each individual item will be brought back before the Commission. Commissioner Johnson said he thinks $30,000 is too high, it should be not-to-exceed $20,000. Mayor Vandergrift said the work showing only adds up to $10,000. Mayor Vanderarift. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve aoina forward with Phase 2 scope of duties to be performed by Charter Schools USA. with a contract beina brouaht back for approval that includes a not-to- exceed total of $20,000. Commissioner Anderson moved to amend the motion to brina back a contract at a rate not to exceed 40 hours (Q>. $150 for a total of $6.000. Motion died for lack of second. Vote was taken on the oriainal motion. Motion carried 4-1. with Commissioner Hood opposed. Mayor Vandergrift discussed the current School Board Issues. Commissioner Johnson said we have to come to some decision on the Charter School issue. Mayor Vandergrift asked staff about turning community into an education community similar to Gainesville, which would include a college campus on Coke Property Commissioner Anderson thinks it is a great idea regarding Community College we need to really look that option with a consultant if the Commission wants to move in that direction. He directed the City Manager to find someone to give us a workshop presentation on making Ocoee an education community, possibly starting with a higher education and/or Community college. Consensus was that a workshop should be held in late Januarv. mid Februarv City Manager Frank reminded everyone that the January 1st meeting is canceled and the next meeting will be January 15,2007 I I. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Keller said he was dining out and some people asked him about the traffic light at Roberson and Maguire. Engineer Wheeler said that will be taken care of with the changes being made under Item #8 on this Agenda. Commissioner Johnson said half the power lights are out on Clarke Road, why aren't the employees taking care of it. Chief Reffett said they have been keeping a running spread sheet of what is tracked and reported to Progress Energy, and tagged the lights with pink ribbon. Commissioner Johnson said we need to return to verify that the lights are fixed. Public Works Director Krug added they have been complaining to Progress Energy on a regular basis and we are meeting with them next week to set up a website for tracking these lights with both agencies using the same tracking numbers. Commissioner Anderson asked if we can reduce our bill by Page 8 of 10 City Commission Regular December 18,2007 the number of street lights that are not functioning; he feels that would get them to service these poles faster. Mayor Vandergrift said keeping track of that would be labor intensive, we can try it for a month, but not sure it would make them repair lights any quicker. Chief Reffett said there is a spreadsheet that shows what lights are out and the date they were reported which could be used for billing credit. Consensus of the Commission, without obiection, was for staff to come UP with a reportina method to accomplish what Commissioner Anderson is askina for. Commissioner Johnson 1) said he would like to staff to keep the Commission informed about all that is being said in the news regarding Windermere's annexation and fire service issues in the Isles Worth section; he said our staff has been involved and they are speaking to the media, but Commissioners did not know anything about it. He said they were not informed about the Rose Hill annexation either. City Manager Frank said that he discussed the Rose Hill annexation issue individually with each Commissioner; at this point there has been no meeting other than to discuss the City Services, but no follow-up discussion as of yet. As far Windermere, they have done a study for annexing Isles Worth and they asked us if we would be willing have a discussion regarding including that section in our current contract with Windermere for Fire Services. He added that they have not run any numbers and no other discussions have occurred. Commission Johnson said, on the news, our name has been slung around a lot. City Manager Frank said we are not going to stoop to that level, because of what the County is doing, it is probably better if we wait until Windermere asks us to run some numbers on this. He said he would be happy to speak to the Commissioners individually on this issue. Commissioner Johnson asked about the Orange County Administrator who brought up redoing the Automatic Aide Agreement with a 90 day notice; was that a threat? Fire Chief Firstner said there is a 90 day clause that each party can notify the other to terminate that contract, and that is what he was referring to; it did sound like a threat. Commissioner Johnson said they would be better off giving us all of the enclaves in the City to assist with automatic aide fire/rescue calls because of the close proximity, but thinks it should be made clear to the people that we assist the County with automatic aide as much as they assist us. Mayor Vandergrift said the Mayor of Windermere called him and he pledged to him that he would cooperate with Windermere in any way possible and he would like the Commission to make the same commitment. He said if the County is interested in keeping that fire district, they can offer them a contract just like the one we have. Commissioner Johnson said the County is trying to tell everyone that they would still be doing the fire services in that area, even if the annexation occurs. Mayor Vandergrift said he has suggested to staff that we should have a press conference to discuss how often we serve that area to counter what the County has been saying. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to have a motion from the Commission that the City will pledge to work with Windermere any way we can. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commission Keller, moved to assist Windermere in any way we can durina this annexation process. Motion carried 5- o. 2) said the Evening with Santa night at the Gazebo was a great event even with the bad weather, 3) said that the Christmas Dinner for the Needy was an excellent event and thanked Gloria Vyka for all of her fund raising efforts in this event. Page 9 of 10 City Commission Regular December 18,2007 the connector issues resolved next year before the holiday season starts. Mr. Krug advised that they have already completed that and gotten the connections installed; the problem is to get the power that connection. He agreed we should not pay for decorations with no power and he will stay on top of that problem. 2) asked about helping get roof repair at the Withers Maguire House in accordance with State Standards and the Historical. City Manager Frank said it has been in the budget for the last few years, but got dropped when we did not have enough funding in capital projects. Mayor Vandergrift added that the roof is not leaking at this point so it is not an emergency, but staff should look into materials and costs of replacing the roof. Mayor Vandergrift added that the High School Choir did a great job also, and they brought lots of toys. Commissioner Hood 1) asked Public Works Director Krug to repaint the landscape islands on Lady Avenue again because they are all faded; Mayor Vandergrift added that Blackwood Avenue and Orlando Avenue also needs yellow paint on the roundabouts, and also the points on the north side of Orlando Avenue and Clarke Road. 2) Commissioner Hood thanked Utilities Director Smith for the great landscaping job at the Jamela Plant, 3) wished everyone a great Holiday. Mayor Vandergrift said the Clarcona Improvement Association (CIA) will be meeting at 2pm on Sunday; they need some additional support from the Sawmill area. They are looking into getting a petition started in Pines Hills so they know what is going on. WISHED EVERYONE HAPPY HOLIDAYS. I ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:48 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Page 10 of 10