HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of MinutesMINUTES
January 15, 2008, at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the Invocation and Commissioner Anderson led the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Keller, and Commissioner Johnson (absent).
Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry
Presentations by Fire Chief Firstner:
• Retirement of Lieutenant Ben Buckner
• Promotion of Engineer Bruce Bennett to Lieutenant
• Promotion of Firefighter Thomas Smothers to Engineer
• Proclamation to Sister Pat Beckman for her volunteer work during her missionary
assignment in Ocoee
Louis Fazio, Jr. and Lester Dabbs of the Human Relations Diversity Board asked the
Commission if they would reconsider televising two events; the Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade
on January 21, 2008, and the Essay Contest on February 20, 2008. Community Relations
Manager Wright advised the cost to film and edit the parade would be $900 and the cost to film
the essay contest would be approximately $200.
Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Keller moved to approve $1100
for the cost of the filming of the Martin Luther Kind, Jr. Parade and the Essay
Contest. Motion carried 3-0. with Commissioner Johnson absent and Mayor
Vandergrift away from the dais.
R. P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd, said he thinks the City should look into some new
methods of recycling water that are being used in Germany.
Victoria Laney said the current president of Sister Beckman's mission has a very distinguished
career as a City Manager in Idaho and Washington, so he is very tuned in to the needs of Cities.
He recently held a Homeless Connect Day in Orlando with several services being offered to
them. She said Ocoee should think about what requests they can give to the mission for
assistance during the short time the service is available.
City Commission Regular
January 15, 2008
Commissioner Keller 1) reminded people to vote in the primary election on January 29, 2008
for the presidential candidate of your party and 2) urged people to vote against the tax reform
item on the ballot as it will hinder cities from being able to work with a budget that can provide
the services and projects that are needed.
Commissioner Anderson said there was a good article in the paper today about our clinic; he
would like to have a soft opening of the Clinic around March 1, 2007. 2) he also pointed out that
with the tax reform, the City would not have the start up funding to do things like this clinic that
will save money in the long run.
Commissioner Hood 1) said Ocoee Little League sign-ups are this Friday and Saturday and
asked the Mayor to run it in the Gazette again. 2) said Central Park is starting to look very good
and he is looking forward to the official opening, 3) reminded everyone about the MLK Unity
Parade on January 21, starting at 10:00 a.m. 4) said the Fire Department is giving free CPR
classes, this month on January 23`d at the station on Bluford Ave., 5) said he witnessed the Ocoee
Fire Department at work across from the Amber Ridge entrance; he said Ocoee arrived first even
though it was in the County and had the fire knocked down by the time the County arrived. 6)
said he would like to offer CPR and AED classes to Little League Baseball, Pop Warner,
Football, and Ocoee Youth Soccer and also open it up to the community. He thinks it would be
beneficial to the community to have so many people CPR certified at a cost of $2 - $3 per
person. He asked the Commission if they would support this. Mayor Vandergrift said he would
like Commissioner Hood to be in charge if this, and possibly incorporate the event into the
Annual Safety Spring Fling event. Commissioner Hood said he will look into it more and see
what he can come up with; he may want to start the AED sessions before the Spring Fling in
April because Little League is starting on February 23, 2007. He said he will get with Parks and
Recreation Director Hayes and the three Directors of the Sports Leagues.
Mayor Vandergrift 1) said there will be a meeting of the Clarcona Improvement Association on
Sunday at 2:00 p.m. to discuss further strategies to convince Orange County to improve not
move Evans High School, 2) said there will be a hearing on this in February before the Orange
County Commission.
Approved on Consent; motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson absent.
2. Appointment to the Ocoee School Advisory_ Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
Members of the Ocoee School Advisory Board serve two-year terms. Currently the Ocoee School Advisory
Board has ten (10) members and their resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more than
fifteen (15) members. One application was received from Ms. Stephanie Thomas with interest in serving on the
board. Staff recommends that the City Commission consider appointing Stephanie Thomas to the Ocoee School
Advisory Board with a term ending August 2009.
Approved on Consent; motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson absent.
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City Commission Regular
January 15, 2008
The City of Ocoee maintains a radio service maintenance agreement with Motorola, Inc. to service its 800 MHz
radio system. The most recent agreement expired as of September 30, 2007.
Approved on Consent; motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson absent.
In order to temporarily close a public street, the approval of the Honorable Mayor and City Commission is
required. Ms. Dorcas Dillard of Human Relations Diversity Board has made application to the City for a
Special Events Permit for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade that would require the temporary closing of a
City owned street. The event will be held on January 21, 2008, at 10:00 a.m.
Approved on Consent; motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson absent.
Lake Butler Professional Center, LLC, Wesmere Development, LLC, and Morrison Homes, Inc. (collectively,
the "Applicant") have requested that the City consent to an Amended and Restated Master Declaration of
Covenants and Restrictions for Wesmere Cove (the "Restated Declaration"). The main purposes of the Restated
Declaration are to: (1) combine into one document the prior recorded Declaration for the Wesmere Property and
several subsequent amendments thereto, (2) clarify the financial obligations of the owners of the "Multifamily
Parcel" and the "Commercial Parcel" related to common area expenses, and (3) simplify the membership and
voting structure of master property owners association. In addition, the Restated Declaration utilizes platted lot
and tract legal descriptions for the subject property in lieu of the metes and bounds legal descriptions that were
previously used. The Restated Declaration contains all of the standard provisions that the City required in
connection with the City's approval of the Villages of Wesmere Plat.
Approved on Consent; motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson absent.
6_ Approval of Plat for McCully Place. (City Engineer Wheeler)
This plat is a lot split for the 0.8 acre residential property located at 1301 Oakwood Lane. The residential
property will be split into two residential lots. The property is located on the west side of Adair Street
approximately 155 feet north of Vignetti Park. The two conditions of the short form plat as determined by the
DRC meeting held on January 7, 2008, are the water meters and city trash receptacle for both lots will be placed
at the Adair Street right-of-way.
Approved on Consent; motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson absent.
7. Approval of Plat for Westyn Bay 4&5: ' (City Engineer Wheeler)
This plat is for Westyn Bay Phase 4 & 5 which is 31.38 acres which consists of a 68 single family homes with
its associated amenities. The Westyn Bay Phase 4 & 5 are the last two phases of the Westyn Bay single family
residential development which consisted of 172.6 acres and 512 lots.
Approved on Consent; motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson absent.
8. Approval for Disposal of Surplus Property. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
Staff used both Ebay and Gideon Auctioneers for the previous sale. However, staff found using Ebay was not
as effective considering the tremendous amount of staff time involved in showing the items, coordinating
pickup and delivery of items, relisting of no pay items, and tag and title issues. Staff requests the approval of
the City Commission to contract George Gideon Auctioneers, Inc. for the public sale of the City's surplus
property. This action will present the City with the opportunity of a larger coverage area and would alleviate
the overtime and advertising costs incurred in conducting the auction in-house. The City has had good results in
the past with Gideon, and found the dollar amount received for items sold by Gideon to be comparable to those
sold by the City on Ebay. The surplus items will be delivered to the Gideon property located at 2753 N. Orange
Blossom Trail (Hwy. 441), Zellwood, FL 32798. Gideon performs governmental auctions the third Saturday of
each month; therefore, the next available auction will be held on February 16, 2008 at 9:00 a.m.
Pulled from the Consent Agenda and heard separately.
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City Commission Regular
January 15, 2008
Commissioner Anderson said he would like to leave open the opportunity to use EBay for some
of the items, at staff s discretion, that they may be able to draw more money. City Manager
Frank said that we have found that trying to use EBay for vehicles took up far too much staff
time doing title work, but it may be feasible to use EBay for items such as electronics, etc.
Purchasing Agent Tolbert said they would look into what items may do better on EBay.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to leave the
option open for staff to use EBay for some of the Surplus items that could draw
more money on EBay.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to amend the
motion to ask the City Manager to talk to the VFW in Winter Garden about
granting one of the surplus vehicles to them to transport veterans back and forth
to Tampa; the value of the vehicle not to exceed $5000. Amendment carried 4-0,
with Commissioner Johnson absent.
Vote on original motion, as amended. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
Approved on Consent; motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson absent.
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Commissioner Anderson, secondedby Commissioner Keller, moved to approve
Consent Agenda Items 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, and 9 as presented, with Item #8 being pulled
and heard separately Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
Mr. Vemard Batson, representative for the Black History committee of urange e:ounry, attenaea me vecemoer
meeting of the Human Relations and Diversity Board asking for City support of their 6th Annual Black History
Month Gala to be held March 8, 2008. The theme of this year's Gala will be stopping violence and their
keynote speaker will be Dr. Alvin Poussant, Professor of Psychiatry and Faculty Associate Dean at Harvard
Medical School. Mr. Batson stated that the City of Ocoee had supported their event last year by contributing
$1,000 and he was requesting their assistance this year. For the amount of $1,000 the City would receive six (6)
tickets to the gala and their name on the table and in the souvenir book. He said a Commissioner had suggested
he bring his request to the HRDB, rather than going through the Community Grant Review Board. The Human
Relations and Diversity Board made a unanimous motion to recommend to City Commission that the City
supports the efforts of Mr. Batson's committee again this year.
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City Commission Regular
January 15, 2008
Mayor Vandergrift moved to have the Black History Committee of Orange County
apply to the Community Grant Awards. Motion died for lack of second.
Discussion followed regarding who would attend the event. Human Resources Director
Carnicella said he believes there is enough interest in this event for Elected Officials and HRDB
Board members to attend.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to approve a
$1000 grant to the Black History Committee of Orange County for their 6th Annual
Black History Month Gala, and to advise them in the future to apply to the CMA
Board for funding Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson absent.
Last fiscal year the City Commission engaged Charter Schools USA to conauct a smay on the ieasioutLy vi
operating a Charter School in the City of Ocoee. Charter Schools USA completed that phase of the work and
has presented their initial findings to the City Commission. The proposal for the second phase of Charters
Schools USA's would be done on an hourly basis. Charter Schools has provided their standard rates but is
offering a discount of 25% off these rates for this phase of the project. Charter Schools USA will not perform
any work unless authorized by the City to do so. Staff anticipates the cost for this phase of service will not
exceed $20,000. Money will be taken from contingency.
City Manager Frank said we previously discussed Phase II services with Charter Schools USA
to do some lobbying with the Orange County School Board to find out what they would look
favorable upon in terms of Charter Schools or Conversion Schools. They may also do some
public outreach. The consensus of the Commission at the time was to limit the contract to
$20,000 and we have brought back the contract for your execution.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to approve the
contract with Charter Schools USA as presented, in an amount not -to -exceed
$20,000 Money will be taken from Contingency. Motion carried 4-0, with
Commissioner Johnson absent.
City Manager Frank said there will be no dollar amount authorized until the Commission
approved the amount and purpose as each event arises.
City Manager Frank reminded the Commission of the Workshop on January 31, 2008, at 6:30
p.m. He said we will have the lobbyist here as well as the State Representative Nelson and a
person from Florida League of Cities to discuss the lobbying efforts we want them to pursue and
the City's legislative agenda.
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City Commission Regular
January 15, 2008
Commissioner Hood 1) reminded everyone of Baseball sign-ups Friday and Saturday, 2)
thanked employees for their hard work in Central Park, 3) reminded everyone of the MLK Unity
Parade, and 4) discussed kid's sports programs at the High School; girls soccer; boys soccer,
seeded #1 in the district; girls and boys basketball are doing well; Lacrosse, Basketball, Girl's
Softball and Tennis are all getting ready to start the new season.
Commissioner Anderson 1) asked about the spread sheet for power lights out throughout the
City and not paying Progress Energy in the event they are out the full month. Chief Reffett said
Lt. Dresher will be meeting with Progress Energy so that we don't have to report the same lights
over and over. City Manager Frank asked that Lt. Dresher send an email of what their efforts
and plans are.
Commissioner Keller 1) reminded people to vote in the primary election on January 29, 2008
for the presidential candidate of your party and 2) urged people to vote against the tax reform,
item on the ballot as it will hinder cities from being able to work with a budget that can provide
the services and projects that are needed, and 3) asked about the connecting the lines for the
reclaimed water, specifically along Clarke Road. City Engineer Wheeler said they are in the
process of finishing up the contracts in Reserve and Reflections, and flushing the service lines.
The contractor is out there this week and as soon as he is finished we can get the reclaimed water
Commissioner Anderson said we need to get with the County to come up with a Utility
Agreement that we have discussed in the past, which would be the same as the JPA scenario.
City Manager Frank said we have been very tactfully addressing that with them over the past
few years; there are some changes that would have to occur as far as swaps and boundary
changes. We have been fairly receptive at mid -level staff.
Mayor Vandergrift 1) complemented the Commission and thanked them for working together
this past year. He asked about the State of the City Address, and City Manager Frank said it
will be the first week in February, but the Commission will receive it prior to January 3 1 " to
review, 2) urged residents to get involved with the Evans High School move, the Wekiva School,
and the Charter School issues. He said this Commission thinks the education of our children is
important and would like everyone to get involved.
R.P. Monacky asked for clarification about the meeting with the lobbyist and City Manager
Frank referred him to Assistant City Manager Croteau to explain the agenda and topics of the
The meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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