HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #12 Approval of Quarterly Community Grant Program . AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: February 19, 2008 Item # I 2. Contact Name: Contact Number: Joy P. Wright, Community Relations Manager 407 -905-3100 ext. 1530 Reviewed By: Department Director: ~ City Manager: Robert. Fran. --- Subject: Quarterly Community Grant Program Background Summary: The Community Grant Review Board met on January 23, 2008 to discuss the 10 applications received during the first cycle of the Quarterly Community Grant Program (formerly the Community Merit Awards Program). The Community Grant Review Board expressed that they would like to award various amounts to the 10 organizations. After the Review Board met, it was determined by staff, that one of the organizations- Ocoee High School Air Force Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps - is ineligible to receive a grant. The City Commission awarded $25,000 to Ocoee High School, and all high school organizations must go through the school Principal to receive monies. This automatically excludes the OHS Reserve Officers group. There is $7,500 allotted for this first quarter of the Community Grant Program. The maximum grant award is $500. The total amounts requested from the 9 organizations this grant cycle is $4,500. The deadline for community groups to submit applications for the second quarter of the grant program is April 4th. Attached is the minutes from the Community Grant Review Board's meeting held on January 23, 2008. Issue: Should the Mayor and Commissioners approve the fundfng recommendations made by the Community Grant Review Board? Recommendations: Staff respectfully requests that the Mayor and City Commission approve the Community Grant Review Board's recommendation to fund all of the organizations, excluding the ineligible organization, for a total of $4,500. The following organizations are recommended to receive grants: 1. American Legion Post No. 109 $500 2. Boy Scouts of America Troop 210 $500 3. Bread of Life Fellowship, Inc. $500 4. Health Central Foundation School Nurse Program 5. Ocoee Little League 6. Ocoee Middle School 7. Ocoee Police Dept. DARE Program 8. Silver Bend HOA, Inc. CERT Members 9. STARS Backpack Program $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 .. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'? Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deot Use: ____ Consent Agenda ____ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A 2 1-- MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE COMMUNITY GRANT REVIEW BOARD MEETING HELD JANUARY 23, 2008 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Sills called the regular meeting of the Community Grant Review Board to order at 7:03 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall. Chairman Sills led the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Chairman Sills, Members Bauske, Nickels and Grogan. Also present were Community Relations Manager Wright and Records Coordinator Moseley. ABSENT: none APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 16, 2007 Member Gr02an, seconded by Member Bauske, moved to approve the minutes of the Community Merit Award Review Board Meeting held May 16, 2007. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF APPLICATIONS AND FORMAL RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COMMISSION Chairman Sills welcomed everyone to the meeting. He said they only had ten applications so the meeting should run smoothly and everyone should be pleased. I Application No.1 - Bread of Life Fellowship, Inc. Mark Anthony was present to represent the organization. Mr. Anthony added that their Food for Families program supports about 90 organizations and they have several other programs. They also work with Ocoee High School with their food program and make boxes for families, with the help ofPublix. Member Grogan said they were confused because the application did not mention helping any Ocoee residents, and they felt that was important if Ocoee was giving them a donation. He was glad it was clarified. Member Nickels, seconded bv Member Bauske, moved to recommend to the Ocoee Citv Commission aooroval of $500 to the Bread of Life Fellowshio. Motion carried 4-0. I Application No.2 - Ocoee Little League. Carol Heard and Jodi Blaine were present to represent the organization. Ms. Heard explained that their league was planning an opening day festival and desired financial assistance to make the event enjoyable for everyone invited, which is everyone in Ocoee. She said they were expecting a couple thousand people. Community Grant Review Board January 23, 2008 Member Ballske, seconded by Member Nickels. moved to recommend to the Ocoee City Commission aoproval of $500 to the Ocoee Little Leazue. Motion carried 4-0. I Application No.3 - Ocoee Middle School. Noreen Hoffman was present to represent the organization. Ms. Hoffman explained their request for funds was to assist in their cost of $17,500 for the school nurse program and she announced some of the statistics for their clinic so far this year. Member Grogan, seconded by Member Bauske. moved to recommend to the Ocoee City Commission approval of$500 to Ocoee Middle School. Motion carried 4-0. I Application No.4 - American Legion Post 109. Lester Dabbs was present to represent the organization. Lester Dabbs stated that Post 109 is sending two boys to Boys State in Tallahassee and he is supporting one himself, while the American Legion is requesting donations f()r the other. He said that members of the Post 109 personally donate a lot of their time m:lpirtg oufirt many areas and events in Ocoee throughout the year. Member Ballske, seconded by Member Nickels, moved to recommend to the Ocoee City Commission aoprova/of$500 to Americal1LegionPost 109. Motion carried 4-0. I Application No.5 - Silve; Bend HOA, Inc. CERT Members Lou Forges was present to represent the organization. Mr. Forges explained the CERT program and how they were able to bring the program into their subdivision, as well as neighboring subdivisions. About 30 residents in his area are registered and a team often is trained to act in an emergency. Their CERT members have bought supplies such as 2-way radios to be available for those in need and would like to purchase batteries, light bulbs, safety glasses, more radios, etc. to support their inventory to help others in a time of need. Member Grogan asked where they would be storing the inventory. Mr. Forges said it would be kept at one member's home and an inventory list was being kept by the members. He said they keep a record of what is purchased and what is used. Member Grogan suggested that next time they request funds they bring in that list of supplies purchased with the grant money so that they show how organized their CERT team is and it would be helpful. Member Grogan, seconded by Member Nickels. moved to recommend to the Ocoee City Commission aporoval of $500 to Silver Bend HOA CERT Members. Motion carried 4-0. I Application No.6 - Ocoee High School Air Force Junior R.O.T.e. Lt. Col. Sweetwine was present to represent the organization. Lt. Col. Sweetwine said this was the second year for the program at Ocoee High School, which is great because it usually takes 5 years to organize this program at a new school. He said they do receive some funding from the Air Force, but are restricted as to how they use it. They do 2 , Community Grant Review Board January 23, 2008 fundraisers and would use the grant money to buy equipment for the drill teams and to support their many activities and field trips. He announced that one of the boys being sent to Boys State by the American Legion Post 109 was one of his cadets, so thanked the board for that as well. Member Bauske, seconded bv Member Nickels, moved to recommend to the Ocoee Citv Commission approval of$500 to Ocoee Hizh School R.G.T.C Motion carried 4-0. I Application No.7 - Ocoee Police Department D.A.R.E. Program Officer Jamie Byrd was present to represent the organization. ore. Byrd stated that 530 children in 4 elementary schools were part of the D.A.R.E. Program and it was growing. She announced that D.A.R.E. provides new members with their first set of books, but then it is left to the community to supply other things such as t-shirts, certificates, etc. She said that they would be adding an anti-bullying program as well and that would also require additional funds. Member Nickels, seconded bv Member Bauske, moved to recommend to the Ocoee City Commission approval of$500 to Ocoee Police Department D.A.R.E. Prozram; Motion carried 4-0. I Application No.8 - Boy Scouts or America Troop 210 I Member Nickels thought this was the same request as last time to go to the Scout Ranch and this board had recommended the troop come back again. Member Grogan, seconded bv Member Nickels, moved to recommend to the Ocoee Citv Commission approval of$500 to the Bov Scouts of American Troop 210. Motion carried 4-0. I Application No.9 - Health Central Foundation School Nurse Program. Wayne Weinberg was present to represent the organization. Mr. Weinberg said their organization manages the school nurse program and provide registered nurses to 32 schools. He said that more than half the visits made to their school clinics are able to return to class and that is great. He offered to put $250 more into Ocoee Middle School and the other $250 into Ocoee Elementary School account, if granted the full $500. He said the high schools raise their own money, but the other schools struggle. Member Nickels, seconded bv Member Grogan, moved to recommend to the Ocoee City Commission approval of$500 to the Health Central Foundation School Nurse Prozram. Motion carried 4-0. Chairman Sills said the board is only authorized to award $500 maximum to each organization; however, the check would go to Health Central and Mr. Weinberg could disburse the funds accordingly from his end. I Application No. 10 - S.T.A.R.S. Program Joe and Chesta Hembrooke were present to represent the organization. 3 ""11IIIII Community Grant Review Board January 23, 2008 Mr. Hembrooke stated their backpack program started five years ago with approximately 4,000 being served. Last year they gave away 14,000 backpacks and thanked the community for their support. They desperately need the help supplying needy students with backpacks. Member GroJ!an, seconded bv Member Nickels, moved to recommend to the Ocoee Citv Commission aOlJroval 0($500 to the S.TA.R.S. Program. Motion carried 4-0. Ore. Byrd stood up and personally thanked the S.T.A.R.S. Program for their support. She said she is a school resource officer and sees the good they do for the students and how happy it makes them. COMMENTS: Lester Dabbs said Saturday the American Legion began a program recognizing residents in Ocoee who have sacrificed their lives for freedom. He said James Flemi did a wonderful job organizing that and they plan to do one per year. Chairman Sills thanked City Commission for giving them enough mo y to applicants tonight and hoped for the me in the future. He explained their board would be doing four cycles this year and they hav ttle more money to give away. He added that the backpacks were wonderful and be se they were all different nobody knew who paid what for them. He thanked the lfe for helping the Lions Club and hoped they would continue. Community Relations Manager Wright announced the next deadline for applications would be April 4th, then July ih and September 5th. Member Grogan announced the City Calendars were at the front table for anybody who would like to take one. Chairman Sills said that in the past, if they received 10 or more applications that the board met one hour prior for a workshop to discuss them. He thought since they have more money now that they can change that number to 15 applications to require a prior workshop. ADJOURNMENT at 7:43 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: Holly Moseley, Records Coordinator Jim Sills, Chairman 4