HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #13 Discussion and Direction Regarding the Removal of Members from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Due to Non-Attendance AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Contact Name: Contact Number: Beth Eikenberry X1022 Meeting Date: February 19, 2008 Item # , 3 Reviewed By: ~ Department Director: - ~. ~ City Manager: __ _ Subject: Discussion and Direction Regarding the Removal of Members from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for Non-attendance Background Summary: The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board had a quorum only one time in the last eight months. Section 15- 4(E) of the Code of Ordinances states that "Failure to attend more than two regularly scheduled consecutive meetings without an authorized absence shall be grounds for automatic removal from the board". Issue: Should the Mayor and Commission remove members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for non- attendance? Recommendations Staff recommends the positions of Joseph Hembree, Robert McKey, and Phyllis Neal-Wilson be considered for removal from the board for missing six or more of the last twelve meetings of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Attachments: Board List Attendance List Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances Financial Impact: None Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'1 Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDt Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing ~ Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk == Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by 0 N/A N/A N/A PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Created by Ordinance No. 908, 9-02-86/Amended by Ordinance Nos. 937, 93-02 and 98-29. Members must be City residents per ~ 15-4.B, Code of Ordinances (13 members) Member District Phone Number Term Expires 1. Gordon Applegate (Chairman) 1 504 Spring Creek Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 407/656-7409 (H) October 1, 2008 2. Mary E. Barber (Vice Chairman) 1355 Olympia Park Circle Ocoee, FL 34761 2 407/877-9479 (H) 521-2360 x 268 (W) haircut@cfl.rr.com October 1, 2008 3. Joseph W. (Jay) Hembree 1167 Coastal Circle Ocoee, FL 34761 2 407/654-5501 (H) 407/841-9460 (W) J ay@hembreeconstruction.com October 1, 2007 4. Robert M. McKey 1110 Wineberry Court Ocoee, FL 34761 2 407/292-2586 (H/W) 407/294-2773 (F) RobMcKey@Lycos.com October 1, 2007 5. Veronica Royce 917 Marlene Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 1 407/877-3474 (H) 407/478-6707 (W) earthawed@yahoo.com October 1, 2008 6. Rosemary Wilsen 1019 Shady Maple Circle Ocoee, FL 34761 2 407/298-1574 (H) 407/656-6678 (W) 407/760-4591 (C) rwilsen@qmail.com October 1, 2007 7. Phyllis Neal-Wilson 1672 Glenhaven Circle Ocoee, FL 34761 4 407-578-1202 October 1, 2008 407-688-2201 x 229 phy llis neal-wilson@scps.k12. fl. us 8. Vacant 9. Vacant 10. Vacant 11. Vacant Ex-Officio Members Gary Hood 407-877-7662 (H) Page 2 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board 895 Marlene Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 GHood@ci.ocoee.fl.us Liaison Jeff Hayes 407-905-3100 ext. 9/5000 Clerk Jamie Meeks 407-905-3100 ext. 9/5010 JMeeks@ci.ocoee.fl. us RECBD/JRlJune 13, ZOO7 Recent Resignations Jim Beech (Vacancy filled by appointment of Anthony Caraway on 10/21/03) Angelique Bowen (October 1, 2002) Ray DeWeese (Vacancy filled by appointment of Bill Winsemann on 10/15/02) David T. Brennan (July 2004) Bill Winsemann (Removed) Jeanne Telesca (Resigned July 2005) Ryan Colbert (Resigned February 2006) Anthony Caraway (Resigned March 2006) Thomas Werts (Resigned June 2006) Ed Britton (Declined reappointment October 2006) John Grogan (Resigned January 2007) Lindsey Asay (Resigned October 2007) Bradley Campbell (Declined reappointment October 2007) .... .... .... .... .... .... CD .... .... .... - .... ~ - - - <<:) - .... CD to- .... CD :J :J Q. Q. W W <c <c <c <c :J :J Q. Q. W W <c <c <c <c >< >< >< >< >< >< ,... :J 0 Q. <c Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. 0 N W 0 Q. Q. :J :J W Q. Q. Q. Z <c <c <c c( c z w :J w w w w w <c <c Q. <c <c Q. <c Q. <c Q. I- ~ C Q. :J Q. W :J :J Q. Q. W Q. 0:: <c <c <c <c <c c( 0 In w :J Q. Q. W Q. Q. Q. Q. ~ <c <c <c 0 w :J W en Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. > <c <c <c c c( :J Z Q. Q. Q. Q. <c Q. Q. 0 ~ W :J ::::) W W Q. <c <c <c Q. Q. <c 0:: 0 w 0:: Q. :J :J Q. W Q. 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The City Manager shall appoint a Parks and Recreation Director, whose tenure of office shall depend upon good conduct and efficiency and who shall be accountable to the City Manager. He/she must have a thorough knowledge of recreation programs and park maintenance and shall be qualified by training and experience to manage personnel. B. The Director shall be responsible for preparing annual budgets, submitting reports, supervising all parks and recreation personnel, accounting for all parks and recreation property and any revenues derived therefrom, planning, scheduling and supervising all city recreational programs and otherwise managing the city's recreation activities. ~ 15-3. Parks concessions. The Parks and Recreation Director, with approval of the City Manager, the Mayor and City Commission shall authorize and regulate the operation of concessions in the city's various parks for the sale of nonalcoholic beverages and food. The Director shall establish fee schedules, shall collect and account for all revenues and shall closely supervise all concession activities. The Director, in conjunction with the City Clerk, shall ascertain and require adequate insurance coverage before any concession operations. ~ 15-4. Creation; membership; powers and duties; compensation. A. There is hereby created a Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, which will advise the Mayor, the City Commission and City Manager and the Parks and Recreation Director on the operation of the city's parks, recreational facilities and programs. B. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall consist of 13 members appointed by the City Commission. Each member shall be appointed to serve equal terms of two years; provided, however, that the terms of the appointees in 1998 and 1999 shall be staggered so that seven members will have terms expiring on October 1, 2000, and six members will have terms expiring on October 1, 2001. A quorum of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall consist of the lesser of six members or 50% plus one of the appointed members, excluding any vacant position on the Board. Vacancies occurring during the term shall be filled by the City Commission, and the appointee shall serve the remainder of the term. All members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory http://library1.municode.comldefault/Doc View/ 14323/1/22?hilite=boards;board; 2/12/2008 Chapter 15 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Page 2 of2 Board shall be residents of the city and shall serve without compensation. [Amended 3- 17-1987 by Ord. No. 937; 9-1-1992 by Ord. No. 92-20; 3-16-1993 by Ord. No. 93-02; 11-17 -1998 by Ord. No. 98-29] B.1. The Parks and Recreation Director shall be an ex officio member of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Additionally, a member of the City Commission shall serve as an ex officio member of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, such member being appointed by the City Commission. All ex officio members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall be nonvoting members.[Added 3-16-1993 by Ord. No. 93-02] C. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall make recommendations on issues concerning the city's parks and recreation facilities, both on its own and as requested by the City Manager or the Parks and Recreation Director. D. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall have no authority to contract or otherwise pledge or commit revenues of the city without prior City Commission approval. E. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall elect a Chairperson and such other officers as shall be deemed advisable. Failure to attend more than two regularly scheduled consecutive meetings without an authorized absence shall be grounds for automatic removal from the Board. http://library1.municode.comldefault/Doc View/14323/1/22?hilite=boards; board; 2/12/2008