HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-04-08 MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION March 4, 2008, at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro Tern Johnson called the regular session to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the Invocation and Commissioner Hood led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson(absent), Mayor Vandergrift(absent), Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson. Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS - none I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENSIPUBLIC Sam Woodson (Commissioner from 1989-1993) - 1) said March 23Td is Easter Sunday and there will be a Sunrise Service at the gazebo with the Mayor opening the service. He added that the Sunrise over the lake is a beautiful blessing that everyone should have a chance to see, 2) said he would like to get more done at the cemetery; there was a man there still spraying the weeds and getting too close to the headstones. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes said they are monitoring that situation with the pesticides and they should be getting them to comply with doing it the way they were asked. Mr. Woodson said he placed grass seed over his wife's grave and saw them spraying it with weed killer the next day. He said other cemeteries use granules, spray. He told the Commission that he loved them all and thanked them for all they have done. Rosemary Wilsen, 1019 Shady Maple Circle, announced the Spring Fling on April 5, 2008, from 10:00 a.m. to 3 :00 p.m. It is a free day for anyone wishing to attend. There are many programs from fire, police, etc. to enlighten and educate kids on safety issues. There will be hotdogs and drinks, face painting, puppet shows, door prizes and MIX 105 radio station. This year's theme is water safety, but they will cover many topics. I D. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS C~mmis~ion~r K~"er (1) said during the weekend of April 24-26, Ocoee High School would be performing the play "High School Musical" and was also hosting the Relay for Life. (2) said the OHS Band won straight superiors and would be going to State Finals in Miami on Ap~iI14th. (3) reminded everyone to move their clocks forward for the time change Saturday night. C~!1lmi~sionerHo~4 (1) said the Big Orange Games Golf Tournament is Sunday, April 6th and citizens can contact Joy Wright or Jim Beech to sign up. (2) thanked Commissioner Johnson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and City Manager Frank for attending the Ocoee Little League opening day ceremonies. (3) thanked Parks and Rec. Director Hayes and his staff for all of their efforts out there on the fields and all the adult ball players who sacrificed their fields for the little ones. (4) praised Texas Roadhouse for being out there barbequing two City Commission Regular March 4, 2008 Saturdays in a row and donating their time and product to help raise about $2,000. They are going to~se the m()~7Y to redo the bat cages at Central and Sorenson Parks. MJ\Y9r~!'9I~pl.J9lj!lsQ!l - (1) said it was a pleasure to attend the Little League ceremonies and to hear Dot Richardson speak, who was an Olympic winner and is now an orthopedic surgeon. (2) thanked Commissioner Hood for taking back over as League President and assured him that his sacrifices payoff. (3) said he appreciated the City staff doing such an amazing job at Central P~K?11S~: 4~;yeaI'L?ld field. cQlIlmission~rHood reported that there was a vehicle burglary this past Saturday, but the PD was handling it and they have been patrolling all over to prevent it from reoccurring. I E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes of February 19, 2008. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Approved on Consent. Motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Anderson and Mayor Vanderarift absent. 2. Approval of Prairie Lakes Tract "A" Name Change to Reserve at Meadow Lake and Approval of Meadow Lake Plat. (City Engineer Wheeler) Prairie Lakes Tract A residential subdivision which is 44.19 acres and located on the northwest comer of Clarke Road and A.D. Mims Road. The subdivision consists of 79 single family homes and 126 townhomes with its associated amenities. The City Commission, on January 16,2007, reviewed and approved the Final Subdivision Plan for Prairie Lakes Tract A. Thereafter, the property owner has requested a name change from Prairie Lakes Tract A to Reserve at Meadow Lake in accordance with Ordinance 2001-18. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Anderson and Mayor Vanderarift absent. 3. Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Government Services Group, Inc. for a Fire Assessment Fee - Phase II. (Assistant City Manager Croteau) Last year the City entered into an agreement with Government Services Group, Inc. (GSG) to perform professional services relating to the implementation of a Fire Assessment Fee. The first phase of GSG 's work included a study to identify the full costs of service and the development of a possible rate schedule. In November of 2007, GSG presented their findings to the City Commission and in December of 2007, the Commission adopted the Resolution ofIntent and an Ordinance relating to the collection of the Fire Assessment Fee. This completed the first phase of the implementation process. The next steps in the implementation of the fee include adopting both an Initial and Final Assessment Fee Resolution. Notifying all affected property owners by mail and certifying the Assessment Roll to the Tax Collector. Staff would like to GSG to continue providing professional services for the second phase of this project. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Anderson and Mayor Vanderarift absent. I F. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. Highpoint Church - Special Exception. (Advertised in the Orlando Sentinel Orange Extra on Thursday, February 21, 2008). (Principal Planner Rumer) The proposed HighPoint Church is located on the north side of Ocoee Commerce Parkway; at the northeast comer of the intersection of Ocoee Commerce Parkway and Central Commerce Lane. The subject property is approximately 1.8 acres in size, zoned C-2 (Community Commercial), and is the site of the former Haynes Page 2 of 10 City Commission Regular March 4, 2008 Brothers Furniture Store. The applicant is not proposing any exterior improvements to the building or site. The proposed sanctuary will seat 362. Principal Planner Rumer gave a summary of the Special Exception Case. The applicant is requesting a waiver with regards to the parking; using the equation that provides 1 space for every four seats. The church seating is 362 which would require 92 spaces and they currently have 72. They provided a letter from the State Farm property on the east side which allows them to use 20 of their parking spaces. The DRC recommended approval subject to the list of conditions of approval included in the staff report. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval, excluding condition F and adding a condition that the parking issue can be revisited from time to time to evaluate the parking issue. Staff recommends approval, subject to the approval of the parking waiver, and incorporating the Special Exceptions conditions of approval. Keith Tower, 12530 Aldershaw Lane, Windermere, Senior Pastor of Highpoint Church-said they are excited about the possibility of having a church in Central Florida, as he fell in love with this area when he played basketball for the Orlando Magic for two years. He said the location is ideal for them because his congregation is from Ocoee and surrounding communities. He looks forward to being a good community neighbor and said his church provides a lot of manpower to assist with community projects such as the Little League batting cages previously discussed tonight. . Commissioner Hood asked how soon it would be before they outgrow this location. Pastor Tower said they would go to two services to prevent any overflow. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson said he would like the agreement from Gary Meredith of State Farm placed into the condition of approval. City Attorney Rosenthal said this question was raised during the legal review, they saw a letter that was written over a year ago. It is not an easement or anything that guarantees permanent use of their parking. Commissioner Hood asked about surrounding businesses that may serve alcoholic beverages. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson said this property is in a prime location for commercial business (with a tax base for the city) and he does not want to see the church in the future raising issues with surrounding businesses. He noted it is also in our CRA area. Pastor Tower advised that they desire to be an asset to the community, they are not an angry congregation, and if the City feels that it is in the best interest of the community to have specific type of business next to the church, then so be it. City Attorney Rosenthal said the Code has an exception that the Commission can approve the Special Exception in the context of a PUD, but that would be a decision the Commission would need to make. Principal Planner Rumer showed a map that demonstrated 1000 feet in different directions from the Church's front door. There was further discussion regarding parking issues, Mayor Pro Tem Johnson noted that some signage may need to be put up to handle the traffic flow. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson says he has some heartburn over losing the tax base there, but feels that we will get it back in other ways with the church helping the community. City Attorney Rosenthal advised Mayor Pro Tern Johnson that if that is material to him, he should add an additional condition of approval which says for the purposes Section 38-5 regarding locational requirement with respect to the serving of alcoholic beverages, the 1000 foot distance will be measured as shown on that exhibit, and make that part of the approval. That exhibit will be there in the future and be binding on staff with respect to any future application. Page 3 of 10 City Commission Regular March 4, 2008 Principal Planner Rumer said that restaurants are exempt as long as 51 % of their business is food with full course meals and sit down service. There was discussion regarding revising language in Condition F and it was decided to strike the entire condition. Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to approve the Hiahpoint Church Special Exception in accordance with staff recommendations except strikina Condition F: addina the condition that for the purposes Section 38-5 reaardina locational requirement with respect to the servina of alcoholic beveraaes. the 1000 foot distance will be measured by the Exhibit included herein: and addina the condition as recommended by the Plannina and Zonina Commission that the parkina issue can be revisited at such time as overflow parkina becomes an issue. Discussion followed. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson asked what would happen if the neighboring business comes in as anything other than a restaurant. He was concerned about doing anything to damage the potential commercial business that may wish to establish there. Commissioner Keller said they only thing that would be excluded is a regular bar or package store. Principal Planner Rumer said a package store would have to obtain a waiver for that Section of the Code, which staff would consider at the time. After the discussion. the motion carried 3-0. with Commissioner Anderson and Mayor Vanderarift absent. 5. Ocoee Relief Middle School - Special Exception. (Advertised in the Orlando Sentinel Orange Extra on Thursday, February 21,2008). (principal Planner Rumer) The proposed Ocoee Relief Middle School is located on the northwest comer of Ingram Road and Cemetery Road. The subject property is approximately 25 acres in size, zoned R-1 A (Single-Family Dwelling). The site is currently vacant, consisting of planted pines. Principal Planner Rumer summarized the Special Exception being requested by Orange County School Board. The applicant is requesting a waiver to Section 48B of the LDC, which deals with the maximum height in the R-IA Zoning District is 35 feet, and they are requesting that building 600 go up to 50 feet. They are providing road improvements as a stipulation to being granted that waiver. The building would be 100 feet from the property line and 50 feet from Ingram Road. The DRC recommended approval subject to conditions that staff presented, and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval with the added condition that a buffer be provided on the north and west::!: 25 feet. Staff recommends approval subject to the Special Exceptions conditions of approval. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson opened the Public Hearing. Discussion followed regarding the landscape buffer. Tyrone Smith, Senior Manager in the Planning Governmental Organization Office for OCPS, explained the proposed trees and plant materials for the landscape buffer. Mayor Pro Tern opened Public Comments. R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd. asked about the residential area that would be subject to noise from the track and soccer field. The Commission explained that the middle school would Page 4 of 10 City Commission Regular March 4, 2008 not hold night events and any sporting events would take place in the afternoon during regular school hours. Residents who purchased adjacent property were fully aware that this school was planned at the time of purchase. Commissioner Hood asked if portables were slated to go on the north end near the residents. Mr. Smith said that portable areas are pre-designated, however they would like to retain the right to use portables in other temporary locations if necessary to alleviate capacity issues. Christopher Block, 3464 McCormick Woods Drive, said that during the building process it was made very clear that a middle school would be built behind the property and he found that to be an asset to the community; however they were concerned that the initial plans showed no landscape buffer for the area. Mr. Block presented some pictures of the existing site as well as his recommendation for an additional condition of approval to the Special Exception. He read his recommendation into the record. The Orange County School Board (OCSB) will follow the general site layout and will provide a landscape buffer in substantial conformance with the submitted "Ocoee Relief Middle School Project No. S-0043 Landscape Plan" dated February 15,2008. The required buffer must be completed before occupancy of the school. The OCSB is responsible for maintaining the required buffer in a healthy and vigorous condition at all times, and any dead plants/trees must be replaced with like or similar plantings. Mr. Smith from OCPS said as long as Mr. Block's condition remains with the general site layout, they have no problems with the request. Commissioner Hood suggested to Mr. Smith that the OCPS might want to have a meeting with the residents of McCormick Woods. He also inquired about the opening date of the school which is scheduled for August 2009. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson said if he needs to discuss acceptance of this new condition of approval they can reschedule the item until the next meeting. Mr. Smith said they do not have any issues with this condition as long as it remains with the general site layout. City Attorney Rosenthal said Mr. Block's language said "substantial conformance" and that doesn't mean that every single thing will be exact. He felt the condition was a good one. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Keller moved to approve the Special Exception with the conditions A-H as submitted by staff. and with the additional condition (I) reaardina the landscape buffer as submitted by Mr. Block. Discussion followed regarding location and number of portables and not having an excessive number of portables similar to Clarcona Elementary. Commissioner Keller asked if there is a way that the number of portables can be limited on any piece of property. He does not want the soccer field to become a portable field. Mr. Smith said they have only done that once and they regret that decision, but asks that the Commission allow them to use portables as needed for a temporary solution until new school sites can be identified and built. He said that limiting the number of portables would limit the quality of education for the kids. The County is trying to keep up with the development, but they can only build so fast. Commissioner Keller said it would be better to place another building on the property like Olympia High School, rather than filling the property with portables. Page 5 of 10 City Commission Regular March 4, 2008 City Attorney Rosenthal said the condition that was added via Mr. Block, also states that they will follow the general site layout, so if the excessive portables started showing up out there, the position of the City could be that it would breach the condition of approval to follow the general site layout. After the discussion, the motion carried 3-0, with Commissioner Anderson and Mayor VanderQrift absent. G. ORDINANCES FIRST READING 6. Tiger Minor Park. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for March 18, 2008, Commission Meeting). (Principal Planner Rumer) The subject property is located on the north side of Geneva Street, 2,000 feet east of the intersection of Geneva Street and Bluford Avenue. The City ofOcoee is requesting the annexation of two parcels totaling 9.46:J: acres and an initial zoning from Orange County "A-I" (Citrus Rural) to the City of Ocoee "R-1 A" (Single-Family Dwelling). The initial zoning requested will be equivalent to the zoning on the northern portion of tiger Minor Park that is currently located within the City of Ocoee boundaries. a. Annexation b. Rezoning City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the annexation ordinance. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the rezoning ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson announced that the Second Reading of the Ordinances and Public Hearing will take place on March 18, 2008, at 7: 15 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard. 7. Chateau Reserve. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for March 18, 2008, Commission Meeting). (Principal Planner Fabre) The subject property is approximately 8.76 acres in size and is located on the east side of Tomyn Boulevard approximately 255 feet south of Patriots Point Drive. The subject site is currently undeveloped with a variety of trees, wetlands and lOa-year floodplain areas. Wetlands and flood zone areas are associated with the Johns Lake Basin and are situated on the properties eastern and southern most boundaries. The existing land use to the north and east is Single-Family residential subdivisions zoned R-IA, R-IAAA (Brookestone Subdivision) and PUD Low Density (Wesmere Subdivision). To the south there is an unincorporated parcel (+/- 1.4 acres) of land which is heavily treed and currently undeveloped, zoned (Orange County) A-I. Situated west across Tomyn Boulevard is a water retention pond owned by the Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority. Currently, it is being utilized for stormwater abatement for SR 429. Further west across SR 429 is a vacant undeveloped parcel zoned (City of Winter Garden) A-I. a. Annexation b. Rezoning City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the annexation ordinance. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the rezoning ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson announced that the Second Reading of the Ordinances and Public Hearing will take place on March 18, 2008, at 7: 15, or as soon thereafter as may be heard. 8. Approval of Changes to the City of Ocoee Municipal General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for March 18, 2008, Commission Meeting). (Human Resources Director Carnicella) Page 6 of 10 City Commission Regular March 4, 2008 Amendment to the General Employees' Pension Ordinance to include Mayors and Commissioners, to include City Manager, to change Finance and Fund Management, to allow Members who reached 81 % cap to discontinue contributions and freeze benefit, to add an additional form of benefit known as PLOP (Partial Lump Sum Option), to remove the window for electing the DROP (Deferred Retirement Option Plan) and change the participation period for the DROP to 7 years, and to add the Purchase of Credited Service for Air Time. There is no financial impact for Fiscal Year 07-08, however in Fiscal Year 08-09 the City contribution to fund all of the above mentioned changes will increase from 12.5% of payroll to 12.8% of payroll or an additional $48,000. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson announced that the Second Reading of the Ordinance and Public Hearing will take place on March 18, 2008, at 7: 15, or as soon thereafter as may be heard. Human Resources Director Carnicella said Mayor Vandergrift brought an issue to his attention that had been discussed before the Commission in 2001. There was discussion back then about some continuing benefits for the Mayor and Commissioners that included Health Care and Life Insurance. He said the will propose to continue the $20,000 life insurance policy and continue paid health insurance into retirement. He said he would bring that back under a separate resolution because it would not be part of the pension ordinance. City Attorney Rosenthal asked if it would be affecting the Pension Plan. He said they should defer to the Pension Attorney. Human Resources Director Carnicella said he will discuss it further with Attorney Dehner and City Attorney Rosenthal so that some formal action can be taken to clarify the discussion that began in 2001. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson said the ordinance can be revised for the second reading, if necessary. He added that the cost of continuing the Life Insurance Policy was approximately $4 per month for each Commissioner. Human Resources Director Carnicella said we currently continue Life Insurance eligibility for retirees over the age of 65. Human Resources Director Carnicella said that the recommendation would be that the Mayor and Commissioners who are eligible to retire (who have served for nine consecutive years) would be able to receive these extra benefits upon retiring and all of the years served would be used to calculate the pension benefits. Commission Hood asked if they would become eligible after the age of 65, and Mr. Carnicella said that you are eligible to retire after nine consecutive years, regardless of your age. I H. REGULAR AGENDA 9. Approval of Utilities Department Consulting Agreement with SMW GeoSciences, Inc. (Tabledfrom the February 19, 2008, Commission Meeting). (Utilities Director Smith) The Utilities Department utilizes the consulting services of SMW GeoSciences, Inc., for assorted projects throughout the year, such as receiving assistance for renewing the Consumptive Use Permit, researching Alternative Water Supplies and developing the Water Conservation Program. The original agreement was executed on January 17,2006, and was authorized for two years. Staff recommends extending the terms of the Agreement and including a revision for Fees for Services through January 17,2009. Utilities Director Smith said the Commission asked that this item was tabled until we brought back fees, which have been included in the new packet for this meeting. Mayor Vandergrift entered the meeting at 8:37 p.m. Page 7 of 10 City Commission Regular March 4, 2008 Commissioner Hood asked why the CUP is taking so long, we have spent two years and we have not yet reached our goals. Mr. Smith advised that these consultants have been hired to do other services that are not related to the CUP; they currently have nine work orders completed and he reviewed those work orders. City Manager Frank said he has done this with many other entities and this is typical. We have the checks and balances in place and we are watching the dollars. Weare not hiring environmental attorneys, etc. Commissioner Hood asked if it would it be feasible to hire someone in house that could do this? City Manager Frank said it would not because once we get the CUP it will be good for 5, 20, or 20 years and then there would be no other work for that person. Mr. Smith reviewed some of the issues with SJWMD, and some of the delays that have occurred. Weare getting through the process one phase at a time, but it is a very laborious process. Discussion followed regarding a revenue sufficiency study for all of the work that needs to be done and the pipes that need to be replaced. Mr. Smith said a summary of the physical pipe and valve jobs that need to be done has been delivered to the City Manager this week. Staff will work on cost numbers and prioritizing these projects. Mayor Vanderarift. seconded by Commissioner Keller moved to approve the Consultina Aareement with SMW GeoSciences. Inc. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Anderson absent. Sara Whittaker, licensed Professional Geologist and a licensed Hydro Geologist in the State of Florida said she worked for DEP and SFWMD. She would be willing to give a presentation to the Commission if they would like regarding the permitting issues, DCA, wetlands monitoring, and other issues that will be impacting the City. She said they hope to be finished with the CUP process in the next year. She gave a summary of the process and negotiations that are required to get through this. 10. Appointment of Amanda Brumfield to the Human Relations Diversity Board, Parks & Recreation Advisory Board, and the School Advisory Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry) One application was received from Ms. Amanda Brumfield with an interest in serving on three (3) boards, the Human Relations Diversity Board, Parks & Recreation Advisory Board, and the School Advisory Board. She has reviewed each board's summary and has been notified of their scheduled monthly meeting dates and times. Members of each board serve two-year terms and each resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more than fifteen (15) members. Currently, HRDB has seven (7) members, Parks & Recreation Advisory Board has seven (7) members, and the School Advisory Board has eleven (11) members. Commissioner Keller. seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the appointment of Amanda Brumfield to the Human Relations Diversity Board. the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the School Advisory Board. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Anderson absent. I I. STAFF REPORTS none Page 8 of 10 City Commission Regular March 4, 2008 I J. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS - 1) stated his Tallahassee trip went very well and he had the opportunity to speak with several of the Legislatures. 2) stated he has had a couple of different complaints on single family lots and the costs of annexing the lots into the City. He stated he would like to see if staff could look into some of the cost of individual lots annexing into the City. Commissioner Hood inquired as to what the cost is for annexing and Mayor Vandergrift stated it was roughly $15,000. City Manager Frank stated the actual annexation would cost about $2000-$3000. If you include the cost of sewer and water that would bring the cost to $8000- $9000. City Manager Frank stated he has spoken with Commissioner Keller about this issue and the possibility of lowering some of the costs such as the application fee and/or the deposit. He further stated there are still other processing fees such as several advertisements that have to be published that are the true costs. City Attorney Rosenthal added that even on a single lot the applicant would have to provide a metes and bound legal description survey which is other cost. Without Obiection. staff was asked to look into the costs of annexation and brina the information back to the Commission. 3) commented on the School Board Meeting Work Session last week and how it was announced that the residents of Ocoee are bigots. He stated that none of the people that had spoken against the rezoning of the Evans High School with the exception of the Mayor lived in Ocoee. He further expressed his opinion on the school board's rezoning tactic's and stated the school is a nightmare and it is not Ocoee's fault. Mr. Blocker has been the superintendent of School's since 2000 and yet he has not done much to improve or maintain Evan's High School. He stated that maybe it is time to get a new school board superintendent that will take care of all the schools in the Orange County Public School System. - 1) announced the Blood Drive is March 11th at 9:00am-3:00pm and all donors will receive a free tee shirt, free club red membership to receive a $10 Darden restaurant gift card with every two donations. 2) inquired about the green building across from Betty 1's off of Bluford Ave. and doing away with it so that they may possible put a tree in that location for Christmas and also take a piece of the building along with items from inside to put in the Maguire House for historical purposes. He further stated it was an old doctor's office. Mayor Vandergrift stated he would like to go into the building. City Manager Frank stated he did not believe the building department would be happy about letting anyone in the building due to safety issues. He stated there are several big cracks through the exterior of the wall. 3) stated lights were going to be taken down out by the lake and he wants to make sure they know where to put them back. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if they could get a different connection for the Founder's Day event. Commissioner Johnson stated Al Butler from the Engineer Department is working on that. 4) announced the Central Florida Crisis Intervention Team has a golf fundraiser and he would like for the City to look into a sponsorship. Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to sponsor a aolf foursome and hole sponsorship for $500. Motion carried 5-0. - 1) thanked the Mayor for going to the Opening Day Ceremonies this past Saturday at the ballpark. He also thanked all the City staff that helped out with the event. 2) announced that the Big Orange Games are coming up and anyone interested in helping out can Page 9 of 10 City Commission Regular March 4, 2008 call Mr. Beech, and if you are not able to get a hold of him you can contact Joy Wright. 3) announced Easter Service is on March 23Td by the gazebo it will be a sunrise service. 4) thanked Texas Roadhouse for going out to the Opening Day ceremony and donating all the food and helping raise over $2000. 5) announced there are many sports out their with the local schools that need support and you can get a schedule from the schools. MJ\Y~r.l%and~rgrill- 1) stated that on Easter Eve there will be Food for Families at Ocoee High School. If you are interested in helping there are about 800 families that they will be distributing to in the West Orange area. 2) reported that he had a meeting with Rick Roach and the members of the Clarcona Improvement Association who presented different sites that were never mentioned before for placement of Evan's High School. He then attended a later meeting where it was announced that they were going to put a 10-story building on the 25 acres where the 9th Grade Center is located. He further stated that on March 11 th they will have another meeting if anyone is interested in speaking. It is being proposed that they can put on educational school on the 25 acres and they can use the athlete's field at the old Evan's High School. Mayor Vandergrift stated there are several other plans they presented that were just as bad. He further announced that the rural settlement district has raised about $20,000 for an attorney and he feels that after tonight they may need one. He urged people to be attentive as to what is going on. 3) announced the Boys and Girls Club of Pine Hills is being rebuilt near the current location of Evans High School with help from Walt Disney World. I ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee L;\ . i\ ~.. \ ~ --3 . S ~**:. ~cJJ"-\/ . S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor \.. Page 10 of 10