HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z 11/13/07 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ACTING AS THE LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MEETING HELD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2007 CALL TO ORDER Chairman West called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Following a moment of silent meditation and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, a quorum was declared present. PRESENT: Chairman West, Vice Chair Golden, Members Campbell, Conkling, Dillard, Morris, Rhodus, and Sills. Also present were City Attorney Palmer, Community Development Director Wagner, Principal Planner Fabre, and Deputy City Clerk Sibbitt. ABSENT: Member McKey was absent excused. CONSENT AGENDA Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, October 9,2007. Member CamlJbell, seconded bv Member Sills, moved to accept the Minutes of the October 9. 2007. Plannina and Zonina Commission meetina. Motion carried unanimouslv. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS FREEMAN COMMERCE PARK - PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN Principal Planner Fabre stated the subject property was located on the west side of Ocoee-Apopka Road approximately 1300 feet north of Palm Drive. The Future Land Use designation for the site is Light Industrial and it does have some Conservation Area because of an existing ditch on the west end side of the property. The property is zoned Industrial (1-1). The Freeman Commerce Center will be a total of (4) four one-story structures on the site consisting of a combined total building floor area of 153,320 square feet. Tract "A" consists of existing stormwater canal and the 25 feet wide upland buffer. Tract "B" the applicant will be dedicating (+/-) 40 feet of right-of way along the property frontage. The site plan has all the requisite parking and landscaping areas per the Land Development Code. The site plan shows the tally on the preservation trees which will be roughly about 45 trees. Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting November 13, 2007 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on October 29, 2007, and reviewed the Preliminary Site Plan for Freeman Commerce Center. The City Attorney wanted to incorporate on the plans a revised set of Conditions of Approval (COA) before the City Commission meeting. All the COA(s) were discussed and agreed upon by the applicant. DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Preliminary Site Plan, subject to incorporating the final revised set of Conditions of Approval in the plans before the City Commission meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the recommendation of the DRC, Staff recommended that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the Preliminary Site Plan for Freeman Commerce Center, as date stamped received by the City on August 30, 2007, subject to incorporating the final revised set of Conditions of Approval in the plans before the City Commission meeting. DISCUSSION Member Campbell inquired if the mini storages were going to be small units and if there were going to be units to store boats and motor homes. Principal Planner Fabre stated he believes the building will be office warehouse which is a mixture of offices, storage units and mini warehouses but he does not believe there is a building for just mini storage. He further stated the applicant and engineer are available for questions he may not be able to answer. Vice Chair Golden stated he is looking at the tree removal plans and was wondering which trees were being saved. Principal Planner Fabre stated the trees that are bold print on sheet C003A of the site plan are the ones that they are saving. Vice Chair Golden further stated he knows there is residential on either side of this commercial use property and was inquiring if adequate buffer is being used. Principal Planner Fabre stated their buffers do meet code. Community Development Director Wagner briefly explained the buffers and further stated that many of the houses around the subject property are residential units, but they are on land that is zoned Industrial. Member Dillard inquired about the size of the trucks that would be on the site. Amr Gawad, True Engineering, stated the site was designed to allow 18 wheelers coming in from the north side and existing on the south side. Community Development Director Wagner further added that on Ocoee-Apopka Road there will be turning lanes provided and ultimately Ocoee-Apopka Road will be a four- lane divided highway. 2 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting November 13, 2007 The Public Hearing was opened for Freeman Commerce Park - Preliminary Site Plan. As no one wished to speak, the Public Hearing was closed for Freeman Commerce Park - Preliminary Site Plan. Chair West commented that he noticed a lot of bike racks on the plans. He further inquired as to how many storage units were going to be out there. Mr. Gawad stated initially on the application it stated the site would be part office warehouse and part storage facility; however, the storage facility was removed completely. Vice Chair Golden stated the pond in the back looks fairly small compared to the impervious surface they are developing and was inquiring as to how they worked that out. Mr. Gawad stated the proposed stormwater management system is underground and the small retention pond added on the west side was requested by the City Engineer, simply because through the years there was flooding on West Colonial Drive by the two lakes nearby. The retention ponds were added only for the purpose of monitoring and not for stormwater management. Member CamlJbell, seconded bv Member Sills, moved to recommend approval of the Preliminary Site Plan for Freeman Commerce Center. as date stamped received bv the Citv on Auaust 30. 2007. subiect to incorporatina the final revised set of Conditions of Approval in the plans before the Citv Commission meetina. Motion carried unanimouslv. MISCELLANEOUS Member Campbell inquired as to what was going on in the Albertson's shopping center. Community Development Director Wagner stated it will be an LA Fitness. He further stated next month they will probably have one item on the agenda. Community Development Director Wagner stated they are working on a project that they are processing down in Belmere and it could be a somewhat controversial project, so they are hoping to move the P&Z meeting to the fourth Wednesday of that month which will be January 23, 2008. Member Sills informed Mr. Wagner that he believes that he had received an e-mail from Community Relations Manager Wright regarding the Community Merit Review Board meeting on that day. Community Development Director Wagner thanked Mr. Sills for the information and stated he will look into it. He further explained the controversy of the project that was going to be presented to them in January. Community Development Director Wagner announced TooJays is going to be next to the Bank of America and the Texas Roadhouse is being developed. 3 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting November 13,2007 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m. Attest: 4 APPROVED: ~~ eJMf Milton West, Chairman