HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #07 Chateau Reserve Second Reading of Ordinances center of GOOd Li BIb 0=-0," AGENDA ITEM STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: March 18, 2008 Item # 70.. ,b. Contact Name: Contact Number: Antonio Fabre, AICP 407 -905-3100/1019 ~ Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Chateau Reserve Annexation & Initial Zoning Case Number(s): AX 05-12-27 & RZ-08-01-01 Commission District # 3 - Rusty Johnson ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Annexation and the Initial Zoning (R-1AA) Ordinances for Chateau Reserve? BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The subject property is approximately 8.76 acres in size and is located on the east side of Tomyn Boulevard approximately 255 feet south of Patriots Point Drive. The subject site is currently undeveloped with a variety of trees, wetlands and 100-year floodplain areas. Wetlands and flood zones areas are associated with the Johns Lake Basin and are situated on the property's eastern and southern most boundaries. The existing land use to the north and east is Single-Family residential subdivisions zoned R-1A, R-1AAA (Brookestone Subdivision) and PUD Low Density (Wesmere Subdivision). To the south there is an unincorporated parcel (+/- 1.4 acres) of land which is heavily treed and currently undeveloped, zoned (Orange County) A-1. Situated west across Tomyn Boulevard is a water retention pond owned by the Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority. Currently, it is being utilized for stormwater abatement for SR 429. Further west across SR 429 is a vacant undeveloped parcel zoned (City of Winter Garden) A-1. The Future Land Use designation is "Low Density Residential" which allows up to 4 dwelling units per acre. The surrounding future land use is "Low Density Residential" except for certain portions to the south and east which are designated as "Conservation/Floodplains". CONSISTENCY WITH STATE & LOCAL REGULATIONS: Annexation: With respect to State annexation criteria, Chapter 171.044 of the Florida Statutes grants municipalities the authority to annex contiguous, compact, non-circuitous territory so long as it does not create an enclave. The north and east boundaries of this property touches the City limits. The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee and, therefore, eligible for annexation. Joint Plannina Area Aareement: The subject property is located within the Ocoee-Orange County Joint Planning Area (JPA) and is being considered for annexation as outlined in the JPA Agreement. Orange County has been notified of this petition in accordance with Subsection 13-A of the City of Ocoee-Orange County Joint Planning Area Agreement. Comprehensive Plan: The annexation is consistent with the Future Land Use Element Policy 2.5 that states in part, "The City shall consider requests for voluntary annexation into the City when those lands are logical extensions of the existing City limits, when services can be properly provided, and when proposed uses are compatible with the City's Comprehensive Plan, the JPA Aareement, and the City's Annexation Policy...." [Emphasis added] DISCUSSION: Annexation Feasibility & Public Facilities Analysis Report: Based upon the projected impacts of the proposed use and size of the parcel, Staff determined that the urban services could be adequately provided to the subject property. Should the property owners choose to develop the property in the future; however, they will be required to make certain improvements in accordance with the Land Development Code. (See attached "Annexation Feasibility Analysis") School Capacity Enhancement Aareement(s): The applicant has entered into a "School Credits Sales and Purchase Agreement" in order to handle school capacity and concurrency issues with the Orange County School Board. (See attached "School Credits Sales and Purchase Agreement") Summary: The proposed annexation is a logical extension of the City limits, urban services can be provided, and the annexation meets state and local regulations. Upon annexation, the property will assume a Low Density Residential Land Use per the JPA Agreement and the City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. The applicant is requesting an initial City zoning classification of R-1AA zoning. The proposed initial zoning of Single-Family Dwelling (R1-AA) is consistent with the surrounding single-family residential land use of the area. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: On January 31, 2008, the DRC met to determine if the proposed annexation was consistent with the City's regulations and policies. There were several minor technical issues to be addressed from the City Attorney's Office that were identified in a written memorandum and presented verbally. Based on the above analysis and subsequent discussions, the DRC recommended approval of the Chateau Reserve annexation, subject to resolving the last remaining issues addressed in the City Attorney's review memorandum. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed Annexation and Initial Zoning for Chateau Reserve on February 12, 2008. City Staff presented a brief overview of the Annexation and Initial Zoning for the subject property. City Staff answered several questions from the P&Z board regarding FEMA flood zone determination, Comprehensive Plan flood determination and flood insurance for the proposed homes. Discussion ensued that FEMA is an agency that creates nation wide flood zone maps but they are typically broad and they are not based on an actual detail study for a small parcel of land. Therefore, it was determine by staff that the completed detail study of the subject parcel was the most appropriate flood zone elevations to use. Furthermore, the Applicant is requesting a CLOMR (Conditional Letter of Map Revision), which is an amendment change from the FEMA map for insurance purposes and will go with the title of the land. The P&Z Commission raised concerns about tree preservation for the southern portion of the site. The Applicant responded that they would be willing to work with staff to save additional trees at Final Subdivision Plan review. The Public Hearing was opened for the Annexation and Initial Zoning. There were several residents from the surrounding area that spoke regarding this project. Inquiries range from protecting the eastern boundary drainage ditch to the existing housing market of the area. An abutting property owner stated that all the trees will be removed and his concern is that the developer is impeding on the conservation area with the cul-de-sac as well as along the stream area. He further continued, "there is no buffer on the stream side and they will be losing trees". Residents also raised concerns of wet back yards which are hard to mow. Indicating that there is either a high water table and/or wetlands adjacent to the subject site. Nevertheless, most of the residence demands centered on providing an additional vegetative buffer to protect the existing drainage ditch and associated conservation tract. The Applicant responded that he would be willing to work with surrounding residents to resolve these issues before Final Subdivision Plan approval. In general, the residents had no objections to the Annexation and/or Initial Zoning as presented. The Planning & Zoning Commission stated that all of these concerns would be better addressed with the Preliminary Subdivision Plan. After finishing its deliberations, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted to recommend approval (8-1) of the Annexation and Initial Zoning for Chateau Reserve, subject to resolving the last remaining issues addressed on the attached City Attorney's review memorandum prior to the City Commission formal action. After the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, the Applicant has submitted the City Attorney's requested documents. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the recommendation of the ORC and Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Annexation and Initial Zoning Ordinances for Chateau Reserve. Attachments: Location Map Future Land Use Map Zoning Map Aerial Map Annexation Feasibility Analysis Report Annexation Ordinance Rezoning Ordinance School Credits Sales and Purchase Agreement Financial Impact: None. . Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') X Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading X Ordinance Second Reading Resolution X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deot Use: Consent Agenda Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A X N/A N/A Chateau Reserve Location Map e c. Q) ~ c=:! 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Parcel Identification Number: 3. Street Address: 4. Size of Parcel: The property is located on the east side of Tomyn Boulevard approximately 255 feet south of Patriots Point Drive. 30-22-28-0000-00-057 N/A +1-8.76 ACRES C. Vacant Single-Family Residential Subdivision Approx. 2.28 Units/Acre Approx. 60 A-1 Low Density Residential R-1AA E. Consistenc 1. Joint Plannin Area 2. Comprehensive Plan: Yes Yes II; FIRE DEPARTMENT 1. Estimated Res onse Time: 2. Distance to Pro ert : 3. Fire Flow Re uirements: Chief Richard Firstner 2 - 3 minutes Approx. 1 mile from Fire Station 3 (2515 Maguire Rd) 500 gpm. III... PO~ICE<DEPARTMENT 1. Police Patrol Zone I Grid I Area: 2. Estimated Res onse Time: Chief Ron Reffett Zone 3 / Grid 20 Approx. 2 Miles Page 1 of 3 Ul --.. ~ Applicant Name: Chateau Reserve, LLC Project Name: Chateau Reserve Case #: AX-05-12-27 Approx. 2 Miles 4 minutes for emergencies/1 0 minutes normal 6. Total Pro'ect Revenues: J. Antonio Fabre, AICP $670,140 $670,140 Unknown at this time. Unknown at this time. Actual impact fees will be calculated during the site Ian a roval rocess. Unknown at this time. BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. Within the 100- ear Flood Plain: J. Antonio Fabre, AICP Partially in the FIRM 100-year Flood Plain I VI. UTILITIES David Wheeler, P.E. I A. Potable Water 1. In Ocoee Service Area: Yes. 2. City Capable of Serving Area: Yes. 3. Extension Needed: Yes. 4. Location and Size of 8 inch WM on Patriots Point Drive in Brookestone Nearest Water Main: B. Sanita Sewer 1. In Ocoee Service Area: 2. Ci Ca able of Servin Area: 3. Extension Needed: 4. Location and Size of Nearest Force Main: 5. Annexation A reement Needed: Yes. Yes. Yes. 8 inch gravity on Patriots Point Drive in Brookestone No. I C. Other 1. Utilitv Easement Needed: Yes. 2. Private Lift Station Needed: There will need to be a City owned lift station. 3. Well Protection Area Needed: Yes. I VII. TRANSPORTATION J. Antonio Fabre, AICP 1. Paved Access: Yes - along Tomyn Boulevard 2. ROW Dedication: No, Not needed 3. Traffic Study: Yes 4. Traffic Analvsis Zone: 627/629 Page 2 of 3 ___ _ n_~ , Applicant Name: Chateau Reserve, LLC Project Name: Chateau Reserve Case #: AX-05-12-27 VIII. PRELIMINARY CONCURRENCY EVALUATION J. Antonio Fabre, AICP At this time, adequate transportation capacity exists; however, this condition A. Transportation: may change and will be subject to a concurrency evaluation during the site Ian a roval rocess. Adequate park capacity exists. B. Parks I Recreation: D. Stormwater: Within the City of Ocoee water or sewer service area. At this time, adequate water and sewer capacity exists; however, this condition may change and will be sub'ect to a concurrenc evaluation durin the site Ian a roval rocess. The applicant will be required to handle the stormwater on-site, according to the City Code and the regulations of the St. John's River Water Management District. At this time, adequate solid waste capacity exists; however, this condition may change and will be the subject to a concurrency evaluation during the site Ian a roval rocess. Actual impact fees will be calculated during the site plan approval process. C. Water I Sewer: E. Solid Waste: F. 1m act Fees: I IX. SITESPECIFICJSSUES All Departments I None. Ix. CONSISTENCY WITH STATE REGULATIONS: J. Antonio Fabre, AICP I This is a voluntary annexation. The property is contiguous to the City boundaries and reasonable compact, per 171.044 Florida Statues. Page 3 of 3 ORDINANCE NO. (Annexation Ordinance For Chateau Reserve) TAX PARCEL ID # 30-22-28-0000-00-057 CASE NO. AX-05-12-27: Chateau Reserve Property AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ANNEXING INTO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CERT AIN REAL PROPERTY CaNT AINING APPROXIMATELY 8.76 ACRES LOCATED EAST OF AND ADJACENT TO TOMYN BOULEVARD AND APPROXIMATELY 255 FEET SOUTH OF PATRIOTS POINT DRIVE; PURSUANT TO THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER; ANNEXING ADJACENT PUBLIC ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE CENTERLINE THEREOF; FINDING SAID ANNEXATION TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, THE OCOEE CITY CODE, AND THE JOINT PLANNING AREA AGREEMENT; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE UPDATING OF OFFICIAL CITY MAPS; PROVIDING DIRECTION TO THE CITY CLERK; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 171.044, Florida Statutes, the owner(s) of certain real property located in unincorporated Orange County, Florida, as hereinafter described, have petitioned the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida (the "Ocoee City Commission") to annex said real property into the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission has determined that said petition bears the signatures of all owners of the real property proposed to be annexed into the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida; and WHEREAS, notice of the proposed annexation has been published pursuant to the requirements of Section 171.044(2), Florida Statutes, and Section 5-9(E) of Article V of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee (the "Ocoee City Code"); and WHEREAS, on February 11, 1994, Orange County and the City of Ocoee entered into a Joint Planning Area Agreement (the "JPA Agreement") which affects the annexation of the real property hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida, has reviewed the proposed annexation and found it to be consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, to comply with all applicable requirements of the Ocoee City Code, to be ORLA_677265.2 consistent with the lP A Agreement, and to be in the best interest of the City of Ocoee and has recommended to the Ocoee City Commission that it approve said annexation petition; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission has the authority, pursuant to Section 171.044, Florida Statutes, to annex said real property into its corporate limits upon petition of the owners of said real property; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission is desirous of annexing and redefining the boundary lines of the City of Ocoee, Florida, to include said real property. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Ocoee City Commission has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida, Chapters 166 and 171, Florida Statutes, and Section 7 of Article 1 of the Charter of the City of Ocoee, Florida. Section 2. The Ocoee City Commission hereby finds that the petition to annex certain lands, as hereinafter described, into the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, bears the signatures of all owners of the real property proposed to be annexed into the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida. Section 3. The following described real property located in unincorporated Orange County, Florida, is hereby annexed into the corporate limits of the City ofOcoee, Florida: SEE EXHIBIT "A" (METES AND BOUNDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION A TT ACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE APART HEREOF). Section 4. A map of said land herein described which clearly shows the annexed area is attached hereto and EXHIBIT "B" and by this reference is made a part hereof. Section 5. The land annexed pursuant to this Ordinance shall extend to the centerline of any public road right-of-way located adjacent to the real property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, provided, however, that the annexation of any such right-of-way shall not serve to transfer any construction, operation or maintenance responsibilities with respect thereto, except to the extent such responsibilities are expressly transferred to and accepted by the City pursuant to an interlocal agreement in accordance with Section 335.0415, Florida Statutes. Section 6. The Ocoee City Commission hereby finds that the annexation of said land herein described is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and the lP A Agreement and meets all of the requirements for annexation set forth in the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, the lP A Agreement, and the Ocoee City Code. Section 7. The corporate territorial limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, are hereby redefined to include said land herein described and annexed. ORLA_677265.1 -2- Section 8. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to update and supplement official City maps of the City of Ocoee, Florida, to include said land herein described and annexed. Section 9. The land herein described and future inhabitants of said land herein described shall be liable for all debts and obligations and be subject to all species of taxation, laws, ordinances, and regulations of the City of Ocoee, Florida, and be entitled to the same privileges and benefits as other areas of the City of Ocoee, Florida. Section 10. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. Section 11. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 12. This Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and adoption. Thereafter the City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the Chief Administrative Officer of Orange County, Florida and with the Florida Department of State within seven (7) days from the date of adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of APPROVED: ,2008. ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY THIS _ DAY OF , 2008 ADVERTISED AND READ FIRST TIME , 2008. READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED ,UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOLEY & LARDNER LLP By: City Attorney ORLA_677265.1 -3- EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description Begin at the northeast corner of the Southwest 1,4, of the Southwest 1,4, of Section 30, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida; thence SOo025'00"E along the east line of said SW 1,4, SW 1,4 Section 30, 1,278.11 feet; thence N88052'03 "W, 62.19 feet; thence N72037'07"W, 52.86 feet; thence N52004'28"W, 90.68 feet; thence N66031'38"W, 173.72 feet; thence N82035'27"W, 111.97 feet to the east right of way line of Windermere Road; thence N13 055' 17"E along said right of way line, 1153.21 feet; thence N890 11 '51 "E, 167.80 feet to the Point of beginning. Said lands lying in Orange County, Florida. Containing 8.76 acres more or less. ORLA_677265.1 -4- EXHIBIT "B" Map of Annexed Area ORLA_677265.1 -5- ;;:;- ORDINANCE NO. (Rezoning Ordinance for Chateau Reserve) TAX PARCEL ID # 30-22-28-0000-00-057 CASE NO. RZ-08-01-01: Chateau Reserve Property AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM ORANGE COUNTY A-I, "GENERAL AGRICULTURE" TO OCOEE R-IAA, "SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING," ON CERT AIN REAL PROPERTY CONT AINING APPROXIMATELY 8.76 ACRES LOCATED EAST OF AND ADJACENT TO TOMYN BOULEVARD AND APPROXIMATELY 255 FEET SOUTH OF PATRIOTS POINT DRIVE; PURSUANT TO THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER; FINDING SUCH ZONING TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, THE OCOEE CITY CODE, AND THE JOINT PLANNING AREA AGREEMENT; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE REVISION OF THE OFFICIAL CITY ZONING MAP; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the owner or owners (the "Applicant") of certain real property located within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, as hereinafter described, have submitted an application to the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida (the "Ocoee City Commission") to rezone said real property (the "Rezoning"); and WHEREAS, the Applicant seeks to rezone certain real property containing approximately 8.76 acres, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, from Orange County A-I, "General Agriculture," to Ocoee R-1AA, "Single Family Dwelling;" and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5-9(B) of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida (the "Ocoee City Code"), the Director of Planning has reviewed said Rezoning application and determined that the Rezoning requested by the Applicant is consistent with the 1991 City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Ordinance #91-28, adopted September 18, 1991, as amended (the "Ocoee Comprehensive Plan"); and WHEREAS, on February 11, 1994, Orange County and the City of Ocoee entered into a Joint Planning Area Agreement which has been amended from time to time (the "JPA Agreement") ; WHEREAS, the JPA Agreement affects the future land use of the real property hereinafter described; ORLA_677856.1 L WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 6(B) of the lP A Agreement, the City has the authority to establish zoning for the real property hereinafter described and to immediately exercise municipal jurisdiction over said real property for the purposes of Part II of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes; WHEREAS, the Zoning was scheduled for study and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ocoee ("PZC"); WHEREAS, the PZC has held a public hearing with public notice thereof and reviewed the Zoning for consistency with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and the lP A Agreement and determined that the Zoning is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and the lP A Agreement and is in the best interest of the City and has recommended to the Ocoee City Commission that it approve the Zoning and find it consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and the lP A Agreement; WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission has held a de novo public hearing with public notice thereof with respect to the Rezoning; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been considered by the Ocoee City Commission in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 166.041 (3)(a),Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. AUTHORITY. The Ocoee City Commission has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapters 163 and 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. REZONING. The zoning classification, as defined in the Ocoee City Code, of the Property described in Exhibit" A" containing approximately 8.76 acres located within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby changed from Orange County A-I, "General Agriculture," to Ocoee R-1AA, "Single Family Dwelling;" SECTION 3. MAP. A map of said land herein described, which clearly shows the area of Rezoning, is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by this reference is made a part hereof. SECTION 4. CONSISTENCY FINDING. The Ocoee City Commission hereby finds that this Ordinance is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, the Ocoee City Code and the lP A Agreement. SECTION 5. ZONING MAP. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to revise the Official Zoning Map of the City of Ocoee in order to incorporate the Rezoning enacted by this Ordinance and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute said revised Official Zoning Map in accordance with the provisions of Section 5-1 (G) of Article V of Chapter 180 of the Ocoee City Code. 2 ORLA_677856.2 ; SECTION 6. CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and rescinded. SECTION 7. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of ,2008. ATTEST: APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY THIS DAY OF ,2008 ADVERTISED ,2008 READ FIRST TIME , 2008. READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED , 2008 UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOLEY & LARDNER LLP By: City Attorney 3 ORLA_677856.2 Begin a.t the northeast corner of the Southwest 14, of the Southwest y.; f S t' 30 TownshIp 22 S th R 28 E 4, 0 ec IOn , . .ou , ange ast, Orange County, Florida' thence SOoo25'00"E I h east lme of saId SW 11 SW 11 S . ' a ong t e 14, 14 ectlOn 30,1,278.11 feet; thence N88052'03"W 6219 fi . thence N72037'07"W 52 86 l' ' . eet, , . teet; thence N52004'28"W, 90.68 feet. thence N66031'38"W 173.~2 feet; thenc: ~82:?5'27"W, !11:97 feet to the east right of~ay line ofWindermer~ Road, thence N13 5~ 17 E along Said rIght of way line, 1153.21 feet; thence N89011'51"E 167.80 feet to the Pomt of beginning. ' Said lands lying in Orange County, Florida. Containing 8.76 acres more or less. 4 ORLA_677856.2 EXHIBIT "B" Map of Rezoned Area 5 ORLA_677856.2 ~ ~ ~~~nWJ~ ~ . --...---.-- -- .---_.. fEB = 5 2008 CllY OF OCOEE SCHOOL CREDITS SALE AND PURCHASE AGRE1<:MENT (Chateau Reserve) THIS SCHOOL CREDITS SALE AND P{j}{CHASE AGREE.MENT (this "Agreement") is made tllis ~ day ofS_~ __.' 2007, by and between METROPOLITAN ESTATES, LLC. a FlorIdalTmitcd liability company (herein referred to as "METROPOLITAN"), and CHATEAU RESERVE, LLC, a Flor:da limited liability company (herein referred to a~ "CHATEAU"). RECITALS: A. CHATEAU is thc owner of lhose certain parceh of real property located in southwest Orange County identified by Orange County Property Appraiser's Parcel #30-22-28-0000-00-057 and 30-22-2R-OOOO-OO-058 (the "Property"), on which it plans 10 develop at least 19 residential dwelling units (the 19 units shall be n:fcrrcd ro herein as "l\ew Unit~"). B. CHATEAU imends to rezone all or parl (If Ihe Property 111 order to Jevdop the New Units. C. In Orange County, developers proposing to rezone land to increase the num ber of pennitled residential units. as is the case: with eHA TEA.U and the Propeny. to seek and obtain approval of the rezoning request from the School Board of Orange County, Fiorida (the "School Board"). D. The School Board has created a review process I'or newly proposed residential projects which culminates in the School Board voting either to approve or deny a capacity enhancement plan. negotiated between the developer anu lhe school stafr, in order to address the school impacts projected 10 occur as a result of development of the dcvclo~r's project. E. On May 16. 2006. the School Board adopted a Resolution approving a capacity enhancement plan involving the creation of 6.481 school capacilY crt'dits l'or a group or (It:vdopers who, collectively, agreed to tinance the costs of accelerating a high school and middle school. F. lv[CTROPOLITAN is one of the developers participating in the tinancing transaction and. in connection therewith. together with the School Board. entered into that certain Capacity Enhancement Agn:cment (#06-011 - 131 ('the "CEX'). a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". G. Per the;: temlS oC and as explained in, the CEll.. METROPOLITAN fI~ecivcd 964 school capacity credits (defined in the CEA as "Owner's Capacity Credils") which may be utilized within the "West Orange HS Zone." 1-1. The Property is Located in the West Orange HS Zone. C'\L)lh.:urlH:nl~ an:J C;ct1mg,,~.J1Sa"\111l)n\~1y Diro,;u:nellt~\.~J'C . VIII;;;;:c r-.CI!fiLrul.:l for .\5slgnll:cl1l ofC,..:JJb iChnh:au i{";:h:rYc~. dlJh 2 du.: I . 1. This Agreement shall become e ITecti\'c upon the dale n r the last execution by the pal1ies (the" Effective Date"). J. tvlETROPOLITAl\ has agreed to Sell. and CHATEAU has ag.reed tn purchase, 19 of Owm:r's Capacity Credits. for use by ellATEAlI in connection with CHATEAU's plans to develop 19 residential dwelling lmits on the Property. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($1 (l.OOt the mutual covenants contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, rhe receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged. the partics agree as follo\\'s: ]. RECITALS. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. ") PURCHASE. 2.1. Purchase Price. Subject to the terms and conditions of lhis Agreement. METROPOLITAN shall transfer and assign to CHATEAL and CH^ TEAl: shall purchase and aSSllme from METROPOLITAN. 19 Owner's Capacity Credits. Tht: price (the "Purchase Price") for 19 Owner's Capacity Credits shull bc ~il1cty-r-i\"C Thousand and Nail 00 Dollars ($95,000.00). 2.2. Closinl!. The closing oj' the sale and purchaSe 01' I 9 OWl1er'~ Capacity Credits shall take place at ] 2:00 noon on NiJvember 15. 2007 (the "Closing Date"). 2.3. Payment Schedule. The Purch8se Pricc shull bc paid in accordance with the following schedule: 2.3. J. First Installment. CHA TEAl) \\'ill pay the fir,;t installment of the Purchase Price in the amount of $38.000 on the Effective Date ("'rir::.t InstallmcnC). The First Installment shall be deposited with the law firm or Baker & Hostetler LLP ("Escro\\' Agent") which shall hold same. in c::;crow. in accordance with the tenns and provisions of this Agreement. Escr()\v Agent shall h('ld the First Installment in un interest-hearing, federally insw'(;~d account. CHATEAU. through ami in cOLlp~ration with MElROPOLlTAK shall havc forty-five (45) days from the Effeclive Date in which to petition 1'01'. and ubtain. School Board's approval of the transfer of 19 Owner" s Capacity Credits to the Property. pmsuant to section IS of the CEA. ~'lore specilicully. th\; School Buard"s consent of the transt~r shall be presented un the premise that the "S-year, projccled enrollment at the [Lake \Vhitney demcnrary school] does nor exceed School Board"s 125%, level of service standard taking into account relief capacity planned for the 5-year period." The Escrow Agent shall release the first Installment to f\.IETROPOLlTAN within two (2) days of the day the School Board \,Oles to approve (11' the transfer. In the event that School Board fails to vote to approve the transfer within the aforesaid 45-day period, then either party shall have the right to tem1inutc this Agrecment hy giving \\Tincn notice to the other party. with a copy to the Escro\\' Agent. Upun slIch (' '\I)~)CIIII\Cnh llnd SCI:II~g..;',.nS;l;1111OIl'.f\-1~ f)t.I'\:L1mCI~Is.\S~l' .. ViHa!!~ ~..( 'unlr;\;;, fnT .-\5'I~nm~Ulllr ('T1,..t1l1=, ;l'h:llc~'lI Rc:-..:,'\ ~ I . dr.lft 111,1(". krmination of tbe Agreement. Lscro\\ Ag~1H shall return thc First Installment tll CH A TEA U upon C1 JA TEA U' s request. 2.3.2. Second Installment. The second installment of tht: Purchase Price in the amount of $57,000 will be paid on the Closing Dati.: ("Second Installment"). 2.4. posing Pro\:edurcs. On the Closing Date: 2.4.1. Step One..: !vIETROPOLlTA1'i shall trans reI' and assign. and CHA TEAl) shall assume, 19 Owner"s Capacity Credits under the terms and \:onditions or the Cl::A. The form of the transfer and assignment agrcl.:ll1cnt to be executed on the Closing Date is anached hereto as Exhibit ooB" ami incorporated herein (the "AssiglUnent"). 2.4.2. ~~ Two. CRA. TE.-\U shall pay the Second InstallmelllLO METROPOLITAN via wire transfer offunds or cashier's check. 2.4.3. Step Three. METROPOLlTAN and CllA n.AU shall provide School Board with nOlice oftbe transfer und assig.nment of 19 Owner's Capacity Credits by delivering to it a copy of the executed Assignment. IL is anticipated Ihm METROPOLITAN and CHATEAU will do this by arranging a meeting with l)uvid Moon. Senior Manager, OCPS Planning and Governmental Relations. 2.4.4. Stc::p Four. The School Hoard. through and by David Moon or other ocrs senior staff person. shall provide CHA TEAl!. in writing. its ackno\vledgemcnt of CHATEAU's (and the pfl)pcny'~) imeresl.s in and 1O 19 Ownt:r's Capacity Credits under the CEA. 2.4.5. Step five. With rcspt:et to the I q Ownc::r";; Capa\:il)' Credits transferred and assigned to CHA TEAL. !\.{ETROPOLIT:\", shall be responsihle for paying 10 School Board the amounts due from Owner pursuant to Section 3 of the CEA. These amounts are referred to in Section :; as the "proraled share of the Proportionate Shure Amount" and the "prorated share of the tvlS Loan R.clateu Costs:' In the event thm School Hoard will pcrmit !v[ETRO.POUTA~ to prepay these costs for just 19 Owner's Capacity Credits. then METROPOLlT:\N shall havc the option or making a prepayment. If not. then iV1ETROPOLlTAN shall put the estimated amount of these costs (i.e. 19 X $586.68 == $1 1.147) in n separatc. dedicated account with first Commen.:ial Bank of Cenu'al Florida. p<:nding payment or samt: pursuant to Section:; 01' the CEA 3. DEFAULT. :\.1. Default of METROPOLITAN,. In the C\'Cnl that METROPOLIT A!'J shall I"ail to fully and timely p~rfonn any of its ohligarions M covenants hereunder. lh~n CHA TEAll may seek specilit: perti.,rmancc. Prior to dedaring a default and exercising the remedies descrihcd herein. Cl IA TEA l: shull issue a l1otit:e of default to lvlETROPOLJTAN describing the e\ enl or condition of default in sl.lfiicicnt C:\DrIClIllll:llb :J.nd ~;:Il;:~liJig)'.I).")~llhlJ:~',;-"'1y Do.:uItlClIl.:i;SH: - \'llla:;e r-'( tHl!.:.!.;( 1~lr A):Jlglilll\.'IH (.;"t.r':UIL' (( 'h::HC:lll R~'jc:n':j.. ~hall 2 d\l~ . -I u~lail to enable a reasonable person w dt:lennillc the action IIcc<::ssary to cure thl.: Ud~lUlt. :vfETROPOLlTAN shall have Ii neeD (15) days I'rom ddivcry of the notice during which to cure the defaull. If the default has nol been cured within the aforesaid period. CHA TEA U may exercise the remedies described above. 3.2 [)el~lUlt of CHATEAl.'. In the event tbat CllATEAU shall tail l() fully and timely pt:rfoml its obligalions or covcnilms hereunder to pay the Purchase Price to METROPOLITAN. then METROPOLITA~ may. at its option. elect as its sole options: (i) seek equitable relief. including. bUI not limited to. specific performance: or (ii) 10 tetminate this Agreement and receive ("rom Escrow Agent. and retain. the rirst Installment as liquidated damages. 4. NOTICES. All nOli\.:es and other ileTTl~ r~qllired to be gi\'cn and deliver.:u under the tcnllS of this Agreement shall be addressed 10 the parties as follows: Ifw ~'lETROPOLITAN: :--.1ctropolium !-::slmcs. LLC c/o B~ll v J. i\ctdison 900 s.i'. 62n~ Blvd. .'\-1 Gainesville. FL 31607 Telecopy No.: (3S2) ~36-R 118 If to CHATEAlJ: Chateau Reserve. I,LC 22lJ5 S. Hiawa'5sce Rd.. Ste 40X Orlando. FL 32X35 Aun: Nicholas A. l3urden Tdecop:, No.: (407) 298-1740 If to Escrow Agent: Raker & Hostetler, LLC SunTruSI Center. Suite 2300 200 Soulh Orange I\\enue Or!anuo. Florida 3280 \ -3432 Attn: Allison E. Turnnull Telecopy No.: (407) 841-0168 NOlice hert:uuder may be given or be served b~ depositing the same in the Uni:cd Stales mail. postage pre-paid. registered or certified. and auJrt::sst:d 10 the parly III be nolified. with return receipt requested. or by delivering the same. in person or by Fedcral Expn:ss or other nationally recognized ovel11ight courier service. to such address. or by t"acsimile transmission. The parties may change their respective addn~sses for notice by giving notice to ihe other panies in accordance with this Section. C:,., );t.:UlllC1U.... a:ll: "'t:HIlI~" I)SaUllh.,:T..M~ Dv~umt':H~'~';1' \. . \'IIl;t~": F'l\lnlra~l TN ; \S~I~nll-..:n{ ,)f (!;.;dn.. II ha!l:.ul ;~ (>'....1 ",: I . dran ~ COI.: 5. GEl'iERAL PROVISIONS. , , ! 5.1. Escrow j\~ent. Fscrow Agent shall not be entitled to any fees or compensation lor its services as escrow agent hereunder. ESl.:row Ag.ent shall be liable only to hold the First Installment. to invest same as provided for herei n. and to deliver same to the parties named herein in accordance: with the prm'isions or this Agreement. [sera\, Agent, as escrow agent, is acting in the capacity oj' a depl1siwry only. and shall not be liable or responsible to anyone fell' any damages, losses or c:xpellsc:s unless sam.;: shall be caused by the gross negligence or willrul malfcasam:e of Escrow Agent. In the event 0 r any disagreemcnt among any of [he panies to this Agn.:e111el1t or among them or any of them and any other p~'rson. rcsulting in cld,,:rsc claims and dcmands being made in connection \vith or for any propen)' involved hcn:in or alreeted hereby, Escro\\' Agent shall be entiticd to rcfuse to comply with any sucn claims or demands as long as such disagrecment may continue. and in su r~fll~ing. shall make no delivery or other disposition of any property then held by it under this Agreement. and in so doing EscrO\\ Agent shall not become liahlc in any \vay tor such refusal. and Escrow f\gcnt shall he entitled to continue to rdrain from acting unlil (a) the right:-; or a(herse c1aimanls shall have been finally settled by binding arbitration or tinally adjudicated in a eourt a~sllming. and having juri~diction of the property invol ved herein or affected herehy. or (b) al! dirt't:rences shall have been adjusted by agreemcnl and Escro\\' Agent shall have O\:C11 noti lied in \\Titing of such agreement signed by the partic::; hereto. Further. Escrow Agcnt shall have the right al any time after a dispute between \lr':TROPOLTT:\N and CHATEAC has arisen. to pay any deposils held by it into any cOLIn of competent jurisdiction for payment to the apprOpl;UIe pan}. whereupon Escro\\' Agent's obligmions hereunder shall terminate. ~IETROPOLlTAN anu CIIATEAl. agr~e that the stalus or CHATEAU's counsel a~ Escrow Agent under this Agrecment dl't.'S not disqualify such Jaw fiml Irom rl::prest:nting CHATEAU in connection wirh this transaction and in uny disputes that may arise bet\veen CllATI-.AU and tvl L;:TRO PO I. IT AN conc<::,rning this transaction. ineluuing any dispute or contro\'crs:- with respect t(1 the Fi~t Inslallment. 5.2. Choice oela...,,' and Venue. lhis Agreement shall hi;; constru~d .IIlJ interpreted undcr the la",s or the Slate of Florida. \vitholll gi\ing drect to plineipks of contlict of laws. except where spl::eifically pre-c.:rnpted by Federal law. The parties ag.ree that tht: proper venue with respect to any state or I<::dcra\ litigation in connection with this Agreement shall be held in Orange COllnty. Florida. 5.J, Amendments. Any ,illlcnllmenL to thi~ :\grl::t.'menl shall nCll bind any or the parties hereto unless such amendment is in writing and executed and delivered by !v1ETROPOLITA!\ and CHATJ-::\U. Any al11t:ndl11cnt TO Ihis AgrccmcnI shull bt: binding upon the parties as soon as it has been t.'xt.'cUIed h) all parties. 5.4. Entire /\1!rccrm:nl. This Agreement. together with allY exhibits attached herdo, constitutes the entire agreemcnt betwet:n the partk:; and 110 prior written documents. Dnd no prior or contemporary oral statements. representalions, promises. or understandings not <:1l1bodied in this Agn::e111cnt shall be of any ti")rcc and/or crfect. L" :.1 )U;;lllnt:lIt~ and "Clling.,"n~~atho:,ff~ \l~ DiXumclll':t,SI-C - \':n:1g~ r.( .,'l1IraCi ~~": A~"ll~nr:l;:nl \.\j" ~ 'r~(1IL;' Il. '1~3\'::l.1I Ri....I...!..~) . di:lli 2.dl\.: ).:>. Litigation. In the:: cVCI1l any parly t:omm~ncc", I itig<ltion to enl~>rL;t: such party's rights hereunder. the prcvailing pcll1y shall he entitled to a reimbursement of its reasonahk: attorneys' Ices and <.:osls innllTl:u in su<.:h litigation from Ihe non-pre\"ailing party. both at the trial und all appellate le\'c!s. It is understood and agreed that reimbursement of reasonable auorncys' fees and l.:O,IS is limited 10 the use of otlt;;idc counsel and the expense of in house counsel shall not be r~ill1bursl.:d. 5.6. No RccordCltion. No rarty shall record this .'\grccmem nor any memorandum hereoi' in the Public R.t:<.:ords of Orange County. Florida llnd any such recordation by any party shall be <.:onsidercd a dt:i"ault by sLleh party under this Agreement. Notwithstanding the f(ln.:going. in the e\ ent this Agrccmel1l or any memorandum hcreoi' is recorded in the Public Records or Orange COllIllY. florida. such recordation shall be considered null and voiu and the party so rc::curJing shall indemnir) amI huld hanl1ks~ the other party for any loss or damu!;;e arising from sm:h recordatilln. 5.7. Ireadi~. Captions and ~<:(;[iol1 headings <.:ontained in thi~ Agreement are lor convenience and refercnc~ only; in no way do they define. describe. extend or limit the scope or intent of this Agr~cme/ll or allY provision hereof. 5.8. Time. For the purpose;; hcrcof. the panics ugr<.:c that time shall be of the esse::nce:: with respect to this Agreement. and that the representations and warramics expressly set forth herein are all materia] and of the essence or thi s Ag.reement. 5.9. Wuiver. No wai\"l::r llf any rnwision l,r this ..\gn:e::ment shall be effective unle~s it is in writing signeu by the purl) agail15t whNll it is usscrted. and any v,.aiver or any provision oj' lhis Agreement shall be appli<.:u\-lle only \0 the spe<.:iftc instance to which it is related and shall not bc deemed to be a eontinuing or future wuiver Of: to such provision or a waiver as to any otht.'l" provision. 5.10. Time Peri(Jds. The calculation of the number or days that have passed li.lr any time period de~eribed in the. Agreement ba"ed Oli calendar days :;hall commen<.:e Oil the day immediately following the action or eve::nt giving. rise t(i the commencement or the period and shall expire at S:OO p.m. on th..: lasl day of the time period. FUl1hermore. an) time period provided for hercin which :-.hall end Oli u Saturday. Sunday or legal holiday. shall extend to 5:00 p.m. of the next full business duy. Timc shall be d~tennilled by reference tu the time in Orange County. Horida. 5.11. 5=oulltcrparl and T e.lccopv. Thi$ Agreement may be executed in several counterpart" and/or by tdecopy. each of which shall be deemed to he all ori~inal. hut all of which shall cunstitute one and llll': Slime agreemcnt: providt:d however. Lhat each of the counterparts shall ha\'(: been executed b) both the parties hereto. Execution or tbis Ag.reement or any Amendment thcrt:1O and delivery hy facsimile $l1all he dc:cm..:d execution and deli\'ery of an originall{lr till purposc~. 5.12. Waivcr of Jurv Trial. Each pan) hereby wai\es any righl to a jury trial in conn~l:ti()n with allY di~pLlle bt:tw,;-cn tho:: panics which ari:-.c~ J'rlll1l this Agrecmenl or in any course of conduct r~lmed hercto. c. np",\~IIIl,;llh ...nal S~nillg.~,D"'aJ\hurf.M~ OI'I\,:uuH.:nh~Si C . \'l11J~\: Fe. ,lnl~~..:l fllr \...$lg:u1i,,:'l\l tlf(:I...U:h (I 'hilt.:au P.l..':-...-r"CI dl:lfl ~.d~l~ 5, ~ ~ t:J,!"1 r:~l!Jl1er:;hip. N()thing l:llllldincd in lhi~ Agr~emclll ;:;ha!l bc dc::~r;l~d 10 constitute:: the creation \)f a joim \'l:llturc m parti\er~hip rei;l;inn~hip h:,wccn uny ul' thl: part.iL::o hc;r~tn. nor shall am' PW\'jSIOi1 pi this /\!,',n:!.:ll1enr be d""~I11t;d III i:l1j1l'S:: an:, dutyor iiablliry ,)11 a:1)' p(lny hereIn \\'jlh rcSr~'(:l \v thml pitni::s, 5,14. \VaJTLl,I:llie,~ _.\I,~l,lJ ...I(cpn:'i:.:ntatinns. Endl p<.ll1~ hl:;'C!(l hl:1'!.:',w WHrrants and 1'cprc:ocnlS UIHC. C<lL:h other that llpllll :hc-ir excclItin" (d' this '~grt:cn1cnl. a.ssumitij,: CXL:cutiol1 rlf this AgrCl.:rnt.:nl by Ih<.: ,)Ih<.:r ;:t<!.rty, ":U"::1 pmiy: ;a) shlli h:.: lull:- r-uund hy ;::I! tilt, ,erms, proviskms and ",'\l!)diti"n, h<.:rc;'i': a:l(! (b) IH[S i'i1i! p,)".n:r :U1d aLJth(lril~' IC> abide by :md cmnply "I.'ilh th:;- l:.:n!l~. pr:,,\'i~iun:, i.liid ":lll',dltiUI1" h..::;'(',,1' La..:h oj" In.... panics bereto furthcr warnmls ilnd ro;:prC5cnts th;!! the p<.:r~;'tl <:'::',(;l'U1in~ 1.11:... /\grct.:lll\.:nl llfl its hchulf is fully uu1!w:izcd {(\ uu ~() 11l1d ll~.~: ilt', !'unht:r ilt'l;..)11 ur prll~l;\.:ding of '.v)H-llc\,cr nature shall be II(;;;C:';~,:;"~' lu l'mlSt: lhi~ Agr-;:(.'m":l:t \(l b.... fully hinding upon such pHil)', FlIiiher, i\'1E[i~,OI'{)I..ITA'< rcprCSCIH~ lo (,;IATE.-\l1 .k:t ;\'1 ETHnpOl.l TAN owns thl:: III Owm:r's Cap:Jc.:ity Cn.~,1i\.~: llllw :ls:-.igilCclll': (,;'1:\ i i ..\1:. ,"I6th:':T of' lhl: puniC's mak..':;; an:; rcprcsl.:l;wtillns or war.nnt!t:.'" ;(> lhl: \llhl,:[' c.:.,c;.:!~1 .;!' i... spcciti<;ully pnwidcd ill this SUr>s,,'cli<ln 5.! 4 ,:nd. tunhcr. all rl:prl:"'",'nuli\llb ,:l1d WtlIT;mtic..,; sh'lll mcrgt: with the Agrce-mcllt a,lhe limt: \lrcitlSi;J.~. 5.15, Cn!l!lQg,l)li1)!i.l~, The p.1rtics shai: kC:':!'llhe cx,s"Ci1C<:, and li!iiH',..:ia: t:..:rm:-, lit this !\grl'Cnlt.:nt strictl:-,' conl'iJl:mial On!)' tiu: a"(lm:.:y~ fil\{; ilLTcluntal1\S ,:; tile p:1I1 iL:~ ~lli.1!1 n::cci"L: notice llf ~uc.:h U':i11:S, T~ \VITNRSS \VHEREOF. th~' ri:;'I!C:~ h::n::lli h,J'(' (':t''':U!Cl: :hi" :,grc""/11":,1l ,::.. \.1' ih~ U:.Jtc nrst :;l:H<:d above:. I' \'1 r:-l'ROPOI.fT,\ .,., :'\'IETROPOI,J r..\."I ESTATES, LLC.I j:i\ )i'lf..hl i1il1H~:..I J ;~lhi;it:. t;(.1;n.p:U:~' n~.: i.ilJ.:...' Can.!" Pr"Hhl<':li,):1~. LLC, a F'!(.,: I'.l,t hrnih.;d''1i~h!}jt\ tPfnn;~ii\ / ; ..~!I/'" By: b!.. ,~., ./" Cj,!:.,_.:.~., . ..' .'>-.,:,;-'.. - N;II11C: D::\'iJ f3c~:"Jll Tllh:: .\'[,l!w1..~~r "CH.\TE.\l" ClI:\TEAl' RESFP,\'Ll.l,('. it Fit>rI\~J innil/..:u !iuhilit~ \.:l!\1!pt!i1:., 13"':/~l.....'~ ";il&-;":;..:-h-~I:1'" .\'-"Ilr.,ki: -- Title.:, \'jiLl''''';;;l ( I>.' U...;I\I...,U.,,: ....1I.ln~..;;,I~'~'..:Ii~IH..M~ l),';"'Ull\"JIl<.~i.'. \'Ili.;:;tl.'! ~ .H",r..I.: I..: :........:,Oll~'~.al. : :1"...;.;l>'(.i...:h..'11 n,,:.....I.. . J.-t,; : . ~ \r... :5.!~. 0~1 P;,nr,-ersbin. ~(1thing '':\lnli1incd :;1 il:;., ..\~r;:';;rr,:..;n\ :;l1all ~'I( d~C;::lt:J ll) LO\lnslllute tOt: (;n.:atltHl ur H .11.\1n1 \ ,..:r:turt.: or p[:r~rH:r~~ii~p rl:;atip~1~hip hi..~!\.\'t.:cn any td' tht: p~1i1i~~ hL'"r~t(l. n~)r :,haH an> pr'.'\ i.~i\ll~ ~.j til:" .'\gn.:\..~n~~:j1 he dl..'_'::1L,,:d it: irnpn"L' an:, duty (1; iiahi 1 it~ 0:1 any pany n,,-'r;';lo '.\:~ i'1 rl->r~'l.:! ti..' t:',i~':J pan i'~~', .5.14. \Vun:antH;~ ",lid r'~.,:prc~"r.l~;"~~l"~I.:-. ~:::<.:h :'a;-l~ !;Ci"":li' iH.;;o-;.:h \\"arr:in\~ and n;presents unto Cli<.:h lllher ::ha: UpllIl 1b.:1[ :..'\CCu[\Oi1 lit' 1~1\"; ,':"gr~'~rncm. .:!ssl~!ning t:"xecution of this :\grC(;n1Cn~ by !h~.: other p:lny. ~~c'h !':Jiiy: (~d ~han !'Il.' t'uliy buul1d h:- ~ll lile it.:nn:i. pi\1vish)Il:- ilml cl'l1dili(\il~ I1L'r..:"I: ;)!\C! n~) h:cs ruil Pt,W":T am: iluth"rlly It' ;lbHlI..' h~ and ~'ol1lpl) ,,'j l11 lh.: l-.:rm~. ;1:";\ i:~i,.l[j.,. ::;ld,:,,;nl:i ti"I~:, k.:n.\) i" LHi.;!; ut' lh...: pal1jt..:~ h<.:rctc further ....\'an.ant:- and 1\.:p:.'::scn:~ thai :i1~.: p:....;.....(H' L:~.Cl..:lttlil~ :!:i.... /\g:'ccm.:m un ib behalf i:, li.Iily :Jul!lonzt:d hI dtl .~:l <lnd t!1,II r~() j',l!olh.:r ~!c:i(,n :11' PWl."l:L'dlllg uf whale\,:r nalll1"l' shall be" r\ecc::,.;:<!r:, (<. ,,';\.:,,<..: lh:~'\g:'(;.:rm;ili I,. \1:..: !'ull) binding Ur(ll1 su:.:h pan}. Further. \;l':Tr~{JI)OLlT/\!\ (.,'prL'q;r:l" i() Ci [;\T!.:.\L! ~h; \:11:'; f{()PUl.l r -\~ (I\\"n~ the I () U\, nt~r'~ ('ap.Jt:il': Crt:dib [t' ro<..: ,,:,.,i~~n.-,d !to, Cl L:\ j : ..\i · ~l'jlh~r (':( the parli;;~ :l1akc:-:. f.t11} r~pn~:sc;nt(ltit.q;~..: ;.)[ \\'arr~li1t~e~ tn lr1~' olh('j" ~;'I"'w't:'pl ;1;'" i~ ~r){.:cdic~i1y prln idcd in lh~:; SUh~C.~c:lt'lrt 5! -i :~;H'1. (t..;,nhl.r. ~~! i r~rr;::,,-=n'.~tti\lr:-.; :uld \\,lIT,in!1<..::: sh~dl ml:rg~ with th.: A~n:';:il":.:1H a, th... lim:.' "r,'!l)~,ili'; ~.!:'. ConiiJqlunliry. The par!l:...., sh::ii hX;1 \n~ L'~oi,I:~;1;~~. and :i;~:lr,...i:d l~n~-;:". or :h~~ '\g.~'r.;(;nleni ~tri('~l> c(tniidL:n!1al. l )~~:: l:ll": ;,r~~('.rn:...~\ '- ::Il.: :.h:..:~~U!I~~~:li.' ~~l:' :hc- :1arti;.:~ :-:.i'l~..lj": n":L'L"i\'c ;1I.l~1'.;t.: l,r ~u\..:h :L'~'!n~.. f'\ \\Tf"NESS \\'H EREOFo Ih.: :"~i:.tiL'" Lt.:r...:!l\ h<i\ '0' ~.:'o:.:t"'":l....(: ::1i~ '\g:'c:.::1:c.:;",: .:', (It :ht: d~!u~ i~r~.l ~l;'lt..'d :.Ib<.)\'~. ":'.1 ETR(}l'OUTA ~\.. :\IF.TROPOUT.\:.... EST.\TF5. 1.1.C. ,', F!;~i'1:i~l lii11i{\:d litthiiit.' !;,;.nr"~~~Y B \: r., ~lk L' C'i t;-u.... P rt\dtl.("~ ~\ :;1 "'_ L.:. C'. ~~ P!( ,:-:...1:;. i~!J~il..::d 113!:lilit:" ~'~~j'np;);",> .... . I ~s:\. i:::~~_...~... _./. .u..,:.;...,~. ',:un..:: [),i\'id Rc;d 1 'ri!i~': r\,'!:1n<tEer rl(:!I..\.J.~:_~~.t '.. ClL\TEAL RESF,R\::'.. l.i.c. ..1 Fi..nds ii;l1~I~'ll !:~thi~1t\. ~'I.~:li;)~i:,"" ")./7.'. ~. lh: /' (k._L.~,,- .. . ..-"' . ____.. 0.'" .' ,,'::tJ~~' "'-:....lhd::.... .'\. ~iu:'dc;: fn1c.:. \.It.:.iHt~:.;: ( i:r.,..i.h.;.1\l"- .lti.~ ';o\'u'nr'" j);..'~;s:h"lT r-.~\ :'....nll...l';.. '::'Ii t. ; .i:.:.:_-: I ,;'!'Itl..:.; ~\~; ........I;,:I.lll...PI .!. ...~!;i.. ". 'I-II...!l..: :.:;......:T'.~.' .~:-;.H ~: \\'" ~ if ic ~ \;;7 is ~I U~\;N:~ '" 6 ;~7'" \ ~\ \ . I \ - n0n~~ CITV\. Olt-lJutt " ill J,..; _ I FIRST AMENDMENT TO SCHOOL CREDITS SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO SCHOOL CREDITS SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT ("Amendment") is made this i~ day of November. 2007, betwt:en METROPOLITAN ESTATES, LLC, a Florida limited liability company ("Metropolilan") and CHATEAU RESERVE, LLC, a Florida limited I iability company ("Chateau"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Metropolitan and Chateau entered into that certain School Credits Sale and Purchase Agreement (the "Agreement") pur$uant to which Metropolitan agreed to sell. and Chateau agreed to purchase. nineteen (19) of the Ov-.'T1er's Capacity Credits. as therein defined; WHEREAS, the Orange County School Board has approved the assignment of the Owner's Capacity Credits pursuant to certain conditions: WHEREAS, Chateau desires to extend the Closing Date set forth in the Agreement: and WHEREAS, Metropolitan desires to extend the Closing Dale. as provided herein. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises, the sum ofTen Dollars ($] 0.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufticiency of \vhieh is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Recitals. The recitals set forth above are lTue and correct and are incorporated herein. Unless otherwise provided herein, (;apitalized tenns used herein shall have the meanings set f011h in the Agreemenl. 2. Closine Date. Paragraph 2.2 of the Agreement is amended as J<)lIows: 2.2. Closing. The closing of the sale and purchase of 19 Owner's Capacity Credits ("Closing") shall take plaee at 12;00 noon on February 15.2008 ("Closing Date"). 3. Earnest Money Payment. A. Paragraph 2.3.2 of the Agreement is amended as follows: 2.3.2, Second Installme!}t. On November 15, 2007. Chateau shall pay to Metropnlitan the amolUlt of $27,000.00 ("Second Earnest Money Payment'.). The Second Earnest !\'roncy Payment shall be nonrefundable to Chateau except in the i;:vent that the Agreement fails to close due to a Metropolitan del~lUll. or if Chateau is othenvise entitled to an earnest money refund pursuant to the Agreement. The Second Earnest Ml1ney Payment, together with the previously-released First Inslalll11i;:nt. shall be credited towards the Purchase Price due to iv1etropulitan at Closing. B. New Paragraph 2.3.3 to the Agreement is hereby inserted: fJ:lXfJ4'\. 1I00ott(. 10189072'1.\ 2.3.3. -lbird Installment. The third installment of lhe Purchase Price in the amount of $30.000.00 will be paid on the Closing Date ("Third Installment"). 4. Counteroarts. This Amendmcnt may be executed in one or more counterparLc;. each of which upon delivery shall be deemed an original and all of which togethcr shall constitute one and the sam~ instrument. It shall not be necessary whcn making proof of this Amendment to produce l:ounterpans with original signatures, it being agreed that photocopies of signatures or signatures received by facsimik transmission shall have the same effect as original signatures. 5. Ratification. Except as modified herein, the Agreement remains unchanged and in full force and effect. In the event of a c(ln tlict between the terms and provisions of this Amendment and the Agreement_ the lenns and provisions of this Amendment shall control and be given etlecl. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the panies hercto have executed this Amendment to as of the day and year first above \\Titten. '"!Yfetropolitan" METROPOLITAN ESTATES, LLC, a Florida limited liability company By: Lake CitrusProductions. LLC, a Florida limited liabilily company By: David Beall. as its Manager "Chaleau" CHATEAU RESERVE, LLC, a Florida limited liability company By: Nicholas A. Burden, as its Manager I)S8().1). O(IO'-~J1. IOI~9072l}.1 5.13, !:::l..Q..Part.ner~hin. Nothing contuincd m this Agreement shall be dGcmcd to ;;ol1s1itu!l:: the c.Tcation of n joint venture or pm1neTship relationship net\'\'ccn any of the partie~ h~rcto, nor shall any provislon of 1.hi~; Agreement be d('~m("."d to impose any dUly or !iabi lity on any pnr1} hereto with respect to third pmties. 5.14. \.:V'!t!.Q..U~~~!!_.jl_n...<l._.R.el~!~?I).!.ltlltil)ns. Each part)' heret(1 herehy "\varrants and represents unto each other that upon their execution oj" this Agreement. assuming execution of this Agreement by thl: other party. such purty: (a) shall be fully bound by all the terms, pmvisilms and condhinns hl::reof; and (b) has l'uJJ p0v,cr :.tlld authority to abide by and c0rnp!y \vitn tht: teml~_ provisilms unJ condition:; hereof. Ea...:h of the parties hereto further warnmls nnd rcprC$ents that the person c~~c\.~uling l]1),., Agreement (m its 1'1ebnlf is iully autllll:izeJ tl' do so Hnd that !In l'Lulht.:r <'Ic/ion or prut:(;~dil1g of whmc\'cr nnrure ;;hll.ll be ncccs,.mry to l:allSt: this i\gn':i.:rncnt to bc fully binding upon silch party. Further, METROPOUTA0: represents to e[IA-TEAU thu. MrJ'ROPOUT AN O\NOS th::: 19 Owner's Capal.:it,y Credits to he assigned tp CHi" IT.'\;:. \!ci'lber of the: panics makes an:-.' representatiuns or warranties 10 the othcf <.:.\(cpl ,\~ ;; specitically pmvided in this Suhsecti~)n 5. i 4 and. further, all rcprcsL'OlHlion;, H:lU warranties shall mcrgt: with the AgreeliH::nt at the time or c1o~ing, 5.15. (:ontWf:D,;j.f~litl:. The parties shall keep the existence. and li!lun(;laJ [cnns. of this Agn.~cl!1ent strictly confidential. On!y the attorneys !lnd ac::ounHl1~ts () f' the pm1ies ~ha.i! receivc notice of such ICI111:-;. TN \\'TfNESS \vlIEREOF. the p,tnics hereto have executed lhis.l.grc~m'-'fl: ,L~ ll!' the date ti.rst stated above. ":\1ETROPOLITAi\i" i\fETROPOLITA.N EST:'\TES, 1.LC. d I=jo;;da Jimited Jinhiiity company By: Lake Citrus Productil)lb. Ll..C, a P1c>rid~i iimitgd'l1ability ~(lFJlpa~~y .' /-' I I'll 0' f : J'j ," I:~y: ~:..? ..L~f~~~< . , Name: David Beall -, Tilk: Manager "CHATE.:\ ti" ell;\.. TEAU RESERVE. LI.C. a Fj(lrid~, iimi~l~;i;jbilitY com~y BY:.," ~L.../~, N,H. e: l\'i\:holas A. Burd~I' Titk: !vlcUtag~r (':.I;k. ~lllo~.ntl;, I1nd ~.,..;:lt:.n~~.DS.u::.h(lJr.:\..jy i:}'h~!Jmt.-n1" ~~i.t- VI:I:t;:.: r Conr:~:t Jcrl\~"lgtlnl~'lu ;.i"C rnl::~:Ciul~'..ill RI.:o.:cr\\"I. dnll~ :.Ib.: ; center of GOOd L ' ~~e. . It-~ ~ AGENDA ITEM STAFF REPORT Contact Name: Contact Number: Meeting Date: March 18, 2008 Item # I (:. ~ Reviewed By: Antonio Fabre, AICP ~ Department Director: 407-905-3100/1019 City Manager: -? ~:tJ- ~~ Subject: Chateau Reserve Preliminary Subdivision Plan Project Number: LS-2005-017 Commission District # 3 - Rusty Johnson ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Chateau Reserve? BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The subject property is approximately 8.76 acres in size and is located on the east side of Tomyn Boulevard approximately 255 feet south of Patriots Point Drive. The subject site is currently undeveloped with a variety of trees, wetlands and 100-year floodplain areas. Wetlands and flood zones areas are associated with the Johns Lake Basin and are situated on the property's eastern and southern most boundaries. The existing land use to the north and east is Single-Family residential subdivisions zoned R-1A, R-1AAA (Brookestone Subdivision) and PUD Low Density (Wesmere Subdivision). To the south there is an unincorporated parcel (+/- 1.4 acres) of land which is heavily treed and currently undeveloped, zoned (Orange County) A-1. Situated west across Tomyn Boulevard is a water retention pond owned by the Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority. Currently, it is being utilized for stormwater abatement for SR 429. Further west across SR 429 is a vacant undeveloped parcel zoned (City of Winter Garden) A-1. The Future Land Use designation is "Low Density Residential" which allows up to 4 dwelling units per acre. The surrounding future land use is "Low Density Residential" except for certain portions to the south and east which are designated as "Conservation/Floodplains". DISCUSSION: The Preliminary Subdivision Plan proposes 20 single-family residential lots on approximately 8.76 acres. The property is zoned R-1AA requiring a minimum living area of 1,400 square feet, a minimum lot width of 75 feet, and a minimum lot size of 9,000 SF. As shown in the Preliminary Subdivision Plan, Chateau Reserve will be developed in one phase, and will include a 10,000 square feet recreational area with a community clubhouse. The subject property has some slight encroachments of wetlands to the south and northeast. Both wetland areas are programmed to be preserved with corresponding 25-foot upland buffer and a conservation easement dedicated to the City. As customary, development on the wetlands and flood zones will be prohibited. It should be mentioned that the site according to the FEMA's (Federal Emergency Management Agency) FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Map) is situated mostly on a 100-year flood zone. However, after a further review of adjacent floodplains studies, it appears that most of the site is above the flood zone . elevations. The City's consulting engineer (PEC) has agreed with the engineer of record's flood zone "\ determination for the site (See attached letter). As shown in the Preliminary Subdivision Plan, Chateau Reserve will have only one access point from Tomyn Boulevard. Sidewalks will be installed along internal streets and along Tomyn Boulevard. The subdivision is proposed to be gated community. There will be a 6-foot brick wall with appropriate landscaping on both sides of the entrance with the wall extending along entire frontage of Tomyn Boulevard. Water and wastewater, reclaimed water (when available), solid waste, police and fire protection will all be provided by City of Ocoee. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I' I The Development Review Committee (DRC) reviewed the Chateau Reserve Preliminary Subdivision Plan on January 31,2008. There were several minor technical issues to be addressed from the City Attorney's Office that were identified in written memorandum and presented verbally. All of the issues were discussed and changes to the plans were agreed upon. When the discussion was finished, the Committee voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan, subject to making the changes agreed upon at the DRC meeting before the Ocoee Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. After subsequent submittal and review, the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Chateau Reserve (date stamped February 5, 2008) addressed all remaining issues. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Chateau Reserve on February 12, 2008. City Staff presented a brief overview of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for the subject property. City Staff answered several questions from the P&Z board regarding FEMA flood zone determination, Comprehensive Plan flood determination and flood insurance for the proposed homes. Discussion ensued that FEMA is an agency that creates nation wide flood zone maps but they are typically broad and they are not based on an actual detail study for a small parcel of land. Therefore, it was determine by staff that the completed detail study of the subject parcel was the most appropriate flood zone elevations to use. Furthermore, the Applicant is requesting a CLOMR (Conditional Letter of Map Revision), which is an amendment change from the FEMA map for insurance purposes and will go with the title of the land. The P&Z Commission raised concerns about tree preservation for the southern portion of the site. The Applicant responded that they would be willing to work with staff to save additional trees at Final Subdivision Plan review. The Public Hearing was opened for the Annexation and Initial Zoning. There were several residents from the surrounding area that spoke regarding this project. Inquiries range from protecting the eastern boundary drainage ditch to the existing housing market of the area. An abutting property owner stated that all the trees will be removed and his concern is that the developer is impeding on the conservation area with the cul-de-sac as well as along the stream area. He further continued, "there is no buffer on the stream side and they will be losing trees". Residents also raised concerns of wet back yards which are hard to mow. Indicating that there is either a high water table and/or wetlands adjacent to the subject site. Nevertheless, most of the residence demands centered on providing an additional vegetative buffer to protect the existing drainage ditch and associated conservation tract. The Applicant responded that he would be willing to work with surrounding residents to resolve these issues before Subdivision Plan approval. After finishing its deliberations, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted to recommend approval (8-1) of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Chateau Reserve date stamped received by the City on February 5, 2008, subject to approval of the annexation and initial zoning for the subject property and with the following conditions: 1) FEMA Map revisions - no certificate of occupancy should be given by the City of Ocoee until FEMA provides their final determination of the 1 OO-year floodplain map change for the development based on the as-built for the development, 2) larger buffer and tree preservation area to be designated outside grading of individual lots adjoining Wesmere, and 3) a meeting between homeowners, developer, and staff to be held prior to the start of final subdivision plan design. After the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, the Applicant has met with the District Commissioner, homeowners, and staff to address the concerns of the adjacent homeowners and P&Z Commission. As a result, the Applicant has submitted another Preliminary Subdivision Plan (date stamped March 7, 2008) which illustrates an adjacent (10-20 feet wide) landscape buffer along the eastern boundary where the adjoining existing home site are located. The Preliminary Subdivision Plan partially addresses the last two conditions that where recommended by the P&Z Commission. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the recommendation of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Chateau Reserve date stamped received by the City on March 7, 2008, subject to approval of the annexation and initial zoning for the subject property and with the following conditions: 1) FEMA Map revisions - no certificate of occupancy should be given by the City of Ocoee until FEMA provides their final determination of the 100-year floodplain map change for the development based on the as-built for the development, 2) larger buffer and tree preservation area to be designated outside grading of individual lots adjoining Wesmere, and 3) another meeting between homeowners, developer, and staff to be held prior to the start of final subdivision plan design. Attachments: PEC letter dated November 19, 2007 (w I Attachments). Chateau Reserve Preliminary Subdivision Plan, date stamped Mareh 7, 2008. Financial Impact: None. Type of Item: x (please marl< with an "x'J Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinanee Second Reading Resolution Commission Approval Discussion & Direetion For Clerl<'s Deat Use: Consent Agenda Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda x Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A X N/A N/A . . igfb~~ .H'" fL. .,.L7 t:.J !:3S:::::J ~-;s/ PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSUL TANTS, INC. November 19,2007 OE-408 1-1.0 Mr. Russ Wagner Director of Community Development and Planning City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida "fi- /~ /5::"1' _~A.t?=\ g '>;J.,) J.: '\p?l ~ a u Re: Chateau Reserve Subdivision /i;:l G I,~ ; Ii) 1E _ Ii:: r Ii nl j Ii.! U WJ l r-1....-.1 I , ~. c L--...:'" ; . i~ vw Subj: Floodplain Encroachment \Vaiver !~f: r1r'r~rc ;.: '. J '.,' ~ / !... !._ Dear Russ: Pursuant to our meeting on October 29,2007, the intent of this letter is to respectfully request that the City of Ocoee waive the "no floodplain encroachment" criteria as required in the Comprehensive Plan for reasons that will be described below. In addition, PEC will request in writing to Civil Design Group, Inc. (Mr. Bill Fogle) to modify the current CLOMR-F (Conditional Letter of Map Revision based on Fill) in order to revise the lowest adjacent grade elevation based on the two (2) Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs). As you are aware, the "current" Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) that incorporates the above reference project (Panel No. 220E, dated December 16, 2000) indicates that the majority of the site is covered by a Zone "A" floodplain (refer to Attachment "A"). Zone "A" represents an area subject to flooding with no base elevation determined. However, based on a detailed topographic survey of the Chateau Reserve site, as well as local knowledge of the surrounding drainage systems, the entire site is not physically inundated by a floodplain but instead is localized to two (2) small areas (refer to Attachment "B"). The first area is located near the northeast corner of the property and the second area is located along the south property line. In either case, none of the proposed lots will be located with the actual floodplain. Therefore, the City of Ocoee requested the developer, and his consultant (Civil Design Group, Inc.), to prepare and submit a CLOMR-F application to FEMA in order to officially remove the lots from the current floodplains based on fill. As requested, Civil Design Group, Inc. (CDG) prepared and submitted CLOMR-F to FEMA based on establishing the base flood elevation for the two (2) Special Flood Hazard Areas. The following are the established base flood elevations and the sources: engineers planners surveyors "Engineering Our Community' 200 East Robinson Street 0 Suite 15600 Orlando, Florida 32801 0407/422-80620 FAX 407/849-9401 -, ~V ~ Ir~~l! I ;i ii 1/1 II i I f ~; !i I~I I I ~ ~ . i tvlr. Russ Wagner November] 9, 2007 Page 2 Northeast SFHA o Base Flood Elevation = 121.4 ft, NGVD Cl Source: Drainage Calculations for the Brookstone Development (prepared by Donald W. McIntosh and Associates, Inc.) South SFHA o Base Flood Elevation = 117.3 ft, NGVD o Source: Johns Lake Stormwater Management Master Plan (prepared by MSCW) CDG was successful in securing the CLOivIR-F from FEMA (Case No. 07-04-5240- C) and submitted copies to the City of Ocoee in order to address the PSP review' comments (refer to Attachment "e"). However, the current project is still not able to receive final approval since the project is in conflict with the current Comprehensive Plan objectives which states "no developments are allowed within a floodplain". In my professional opmlOn, the proposed project meets the "intent" of the Comprehensive Plan since the actual floodplain limits differ significantly to the current published floodplain limits. I recommended that the City of Ocoee waive the "no encroachment" criteria for the Chateau Reserve Subdivision since the proposed project does not pose any impacts to upstream or downstream property owners. Lastly, I will coordinate directly with CDO to address the following as discussed during our meeting: o Request that the CLOMR-F permit be modified to acknowledge the two (2) SFHA and the two (2) different BFE's; and o Request an exhibit that depicts the proposed finish floor elevations w'ithin the Chateau Reserve Subdivision and the existing adjacent finish floor elevations within Brookstone and Brookhaven Oaks Subdivisions. I trust the above provides the City of Ocoee sufficient justification to support the waiver to the City Commission. Mr. Russ Wagner November 19,2007 Page 3 If you have any questions, please contact me directly at 407 -422-8062, extension 194, or by email atdwh@peconline.com. Very truly yours, RlNG CONSULTAt"\JTS, INC. Davi . amstra, P.E. ,T' ce President / Stormwater Department Manager Florida Registration No. 38652 cc: David Wheeler, City of Ocoee Bill Fogle, Civil Design Group, Inc. Chateau Reserve Subdivision Floodplain Encroachment Waiver Attachment "A" ZONE X t=:: ~ WARRIOR RD ll"CEMETERY , RD SUNSHINE STATE OFF RP ~I ~I' ~ J: U) a: <( 2 TOMYN RD Orange County Unincorporated Areas 120179 City of Ocoee PROJECT 120185 SITE n -l -< o~ ""T1 n ~ 0- z 8~ -l m 0 m m""T1 :0 GJ )> :0 o m Z LAURENBURG LN CR~FTON DR I , I 'f~~""- FLOOD INSURANGE,RATE MAP ORfu\TGE COUNTY, , FLORIDA AND INCORPORATED AREAS CARISBROOKE ST (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRIN7=DJ ~ r.M'JEt SCH=fX '. ..... 1201:5 cu~ 12':i:7S" :220. _ t2C':ES C220 ........:~:::R...~E~. iC.."m CF :200::1 C220 ..v."liE.~ tl.l...:;:lE.~. o;y OF ~:Eii' C22::l '~::L.-e l:l UH:: The M,:.p ";1J~.~=:." s.~:-.'.":'\ ~elcw Shol:!:f ::<1 use: ~t.s.., ;:!a=~; ma.o creers: 1~9 COMMUN1'T'Y NUM3E~ 51'1:...-," ab0V9 s.~:::':! ::!l :.::oe: :::1 ~-.sI.:."2:':;e a:.!l=tions ~or t1':e s:.::;e:: =::'TtT.:.J:\.-:Y. CITY,' OF 0 ORANGE CO MAP NUMBER 12095C0220 E EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 6, 2000 Chateau Reserve Subdivision Floodplain Encroachment Waiver Attachment "B" -;.~---=-.- : "'" .,. """""'~"-'---""-'" ,.c.' ....., '?UCW3.JUI3:S~ ~~~~~;;..:i5T _=~=-=-.:-~~~'3"'::O:I:;~:: ' _ ~--_._----==+~=:_~~ i~;~'~:~~'~~:~'~~;; u~ ..-.-- --,- - _~~:::=~E;,",,~;~'n.--.:.,;;-,_ F--=--~------ - ---------=-- " NV1d 3:9VN~_~ --- _ ..-. ~."''L~';;~~ ~ I . j;I,. i: ~ ~ 1-; Hi ~ .Ii ~ ill! i! 11 h ;. , ~.a:;;; ~~';:":: ~;: Ii: :. :. :. .. I. i &. ~ ~ IL 1. 1.~ i J!:;::;: i: ";";:: : l !:':o.:.:. I. 1.1 4 1L;'..1. "j '-: ~ =: i i k! , ~"')"h;='::~::~ I I ! " .: ~~~~~t~~~!!! .~i~~~i~z!!;} ~~";lQa:M.t> zi ., " ~g; J: \)~) ii :.! i: ,i,:~' l!"".:::::7 I ~!." I n. .-, ;, ~! H tU ---;- ~. - ~Gl ~;i ~]i I ~. "... , II ! ., 7tii --;Ir--:~ .. ,'/ i!!r Jj... ,( /I, .' i " ' ,f ill ,,: .-.- -Jlif; ;:~- ~ tif j':--i '~j ! /~~,~.!~ ;i' , / ':"'j; :.; !n imu H; ~-'-; ii ~<;I ~ ~ i__-jj jl!~7';I: 11 L ~~; . 'OJ},"" - 1 W ~_l :J; ~ I u .. ~ I Ii .,~:> .I {i I !: :j-.:i 'Tl . :!' 11., 11 ';/ Ui.~:--:~~: '-7---;"--:'\i-. ; ,-- -:m e" 0<1 ow -,a: "-<I -'e <I a: ~~ Ill::: ~3 ~ ~: ~ "'.__",.......--1 .' -"' = ...-.: ~ :: f,;~ " !=- it ;~ -, ~!. '.: ~ :'tOo" !!H . .~ ;~H '1.,... h~~ "'=Z.' ',;;H ;,;... -< .. "", " -:: ~ i , /. '~-.-- H ,r . _\- , i i ~ . h i!'~'~; ~: 2-: ~~ ";~ ~~ / /1 '..... . v.y~~; ( r"-:; ~ i! ,., m I .. ----___ d~ ji? ~ I / ! t:k / ::I-~ ; r ~. ~l. /' I / I / I ' , f I~ eN 0<1 ow -'I: "-<I -'e <1= ~~ .,::: , ~ :; '::f .. ~ t-;.-;. ~H - , ::'( r.o :.}?";],'-,. ..:..!. -- --L_ -----.--.......... -';;;::;;-~l ~~ =1 I ~--- ._--, ! ! ! , ~l ~ j ~~ : ~~f i .....:."'-J.: ..:xn,'::",.. ~~P:. ...;:r,:"':-O.. ~ ; ~ ~ ., 'I I, ! J . . Chateau Reserve Subdivision Floodplain Encroachment Waiver Attachment "C" . . . . Federal Emergency Management Agency Wasmngton, D.C. 20472 September 18, 2007 THE HONORABLE S. SCOTT VANTIERGRIFT MA. YOR, CITY OF OCOEE 150 NORTH LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FL 34761 CASE NO.: 07-04-5240C COMMU~1TY: CITY OF OCOEE, OR..Al\'GE COUNTY, FLORIDA COjyfMUN1TYNO.: 120185 DEAR MR. V ANTIERGRIFT: This is in reference to a request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) determine if the property described in the enclosed document is located within an identified Special Flood Hazard Area, the area that would be inundated by the flood having a I-percent ehance of being equaled or exc:eeded in any given year (b~e flood), on the effective National Flood Insurance Program 0'lrIP) map. " Using the information submitted and the effective NFIP map, our determination is shown on the ; attached Conditional Le.tte..r of.'Map ,Revision based on Fill (CLO.MR-F) Comment D0cument. 'T!);~ comment document provides additional information regarding the effective NFIP map, the legal description of the property and OUI comments regarding this proposed project. Additional documents are enclosed which provide information regarding the subject property and CLOMR-Fs. Please see the List of Enclosures below to determine which documents are enclosed. Other attachments specific to this request may be included as referenced in the Determination/Comment document. If you have any questions about this letter or any of the ' enclosures, please contact the FEMA Map Assistance Center toll free at (877) 336-2627 (877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 130, Alexandria, VA 22304-6439. Sincerely, U/d~ I(' M....z::; I?-- William R Blanton Jr., CFM, Chief Engineering Management Section Mitigation Directorate LIST OF ENCLOSURES: CLOMR-F C01vrMENT DOCUMENT ~~~.~...- 'l'!"~"~~ { ~~C1!g\f.i!rJ' c;;=p ') 7 2007 ~ "J_~ ..... A ~ rf'~'~'i ~. ce: Mr. William C. Fogle '. " Fage 1 of 3 I /Date: September 18,2007 ICase No.: 07-04-S240C I CLOivl?-F \I Federal Emergency Management Agency ,;>'~8f\? - ~ ... ~~) ~ . ..... Washington, D.C. 20472 ;;.~ \-T (-1,.", s~,c.'; GONDrTIONAl:L:E]T-8R~O E::MAR'HEVIS/!C)N?:8ASE D;,()N~$lt:L COMMENT DOCUMENT COMMUNI1Y AND MAP PANEL INFORMATION LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE Lots 1 through 20, Chateau Reserve (Proposed), described as a COUNTY, FLORIDA parcel of land in the Warranty Deed recorded as Instrument No. COMMUNITY 20060006437, in Official Record Book 08403, Pages 3349 through 3352, in the Office of the County Comptroller, Orange County, Florida COMMUNITY NO.: 120185 AFFECTED NUMBER: 12095C0220E MAP PANEL DATE: 1216/2000 FLOODING SOURCE: LOCAL FLOODING APPROXIMA TE LATITUDE & LONGITUDE OF PROPERTf: 28.543, -81,553 SOURCE OF LA T & LONG: PRECISION MAPPING STREETS 7.0 DATUM: NAD 83 COMMENT TABLE REGARDING THE PROPOSED PROPERlY (PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A FINAL DETERMINATION. A FINAL DETERMINATION VALL 9: MADE UPON RECEIPT OF AS-BUILT INFORMATION REGARDING THIS PROPERTY.) OUTCOME 1% ANNUAL LO\^/EST LOWEST WHAT WOULD CHANCE ADJACENT LOT LOT BLOCK! SUBDIVISION STREET BE REMOVED FLOOD FLOOD GRADE ELEVATION SECTION FROM THE SFHA ZONE ELEVATION El~VATION (NGVD 29) (NGVD 29) (NGVD 29) 1-20 - Chateau VVindermere Road Structure X - 126.0 feet - Reserve (unshaded) (Proposed) Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) - The SFHA is an area that would be inundated by the flood having a 1-percent chance of being eaualed or exceeded in any oiven year (base flood). ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS (Please refer to the aooropriate section on Attachment 1 for the additional considerations listed below.) PORTIONS REMAIN IN THE SFHA ZONE A CONDITIONAL LOMR-F DETERMINATION STUDY UNDERWAY ANNEXATION This document provides the Federal Emergency Management Agency's comment regarding a request for a Conditional letter of Map Revision based on Fill for the property described above. Using the information submitted and the effective National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map, 'we have determined that the proposed structure(s) on the property(ies) would not be located in the SFHA, an area inundated by the flood having a 1-percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year (base flood) if buill as proposed: Our final determination will be ,,made upon receipt of a copy ,of this document, a~-built elevations, and a completed Community Acknowledgement form. Proper completion 01 this form certifies the subject property is reasonably safe from flooding in accordance with Part 65.5(a)(4) of our regulations. Further guidance on determining if the subject property is reasonably safe from flooding may be found in FEMA Technical Builetin'1 0-01. A copy oi this bulletin can be obtained by cailing the FEMA Map Assistance Center loll free at (877) 336-2627 (B77-FEMA ,'vIA?) or from our web site at ,http://www.fema.gov/miUtp1 00 1.pdf. This document is not a final determination; it only provides our comment on the proposed project in relation to the SFHA shown on the effective NFIP map. This comment document is based on the flood data presently available. The enclos'ed documents provide additional iniormation regarding this request. If y,ou have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Assistance Center 101/ free at (877) 336.2527 (B77-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management .A.gency, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 130. Alexandria, VA 22304-6439. 1//~ I( ~ II- Vvilliam R. Blanton Jr" CFM. Chief Engineering Management Section Mitigation Directorate ., Page 2 of 3 I .~r;'RT:>'I~ "O~~. .;.:\!tf\?o ~.._~, :!Cr.~- ~ ~.'" ~ 0; . ~~ ~ v ~-llro S!.c." /Date: September 18,2007 lease No.: Oi-04-5240C I CLOMR-F Federal Emergency Management Agency Wa.shi..i1gton, D.C. 20472 CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION BASED ON FILL COMMENT DOCUMENT AITACHMENT 1 (ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS) PORTIONS OF THE PROPERTY REMAIN IN THE SFHA (This Additional Consideration applies to the preceding 1 Property.) Portions of this property, but not the subject of the Determination/Comment document, may remain in the Special Flood Hazard Area. Therefore, any future construction or substantial improvement on the property remains subject to Federal, State/Commonwealth, and local regulations for floodplain management. CONDITIONAL LOMR-F DETERMINATION (This Additional Consideration applies to the preeeding 1 Property.) Comments regarding this conditional request are based on the flood data presently available.. 0 ur final determination will be made upon receipt of this Comment Document, certified as-built elevations and/or certified as-built survey. Since this request is for a Conditional Letter of Map Revision based on Fill, we will also require the applicable processing fee, and the "Community Acknowledgement" form. Please note that additional items may be required before a final as-built determination is issued. This letter does not relieve Federal agencies of the need to comply with Executive Order 11988 on Floodplain Management in carrying out their responsibilities and providing Federally undertaken, financed, or assisted construction and improvements, or in their regulating or licensing activities. ANNEXA TION (This Additional Consideration applies to the preceding 1 Property.) Although the subject of this determination is shown on the National Flood Insurance Program map as being located in a community other than the community indicated on the Determination/Comment Document, it has been annexed by the community referenced therein. ZONE A (This Additional Consideration applies to the preceding 1 Property.) The National Flood Insurance Program map affecting this property depicts a Special Flood Hazard Area that was determined using the best flood hazard data available to FEMA, but without performing a detailed engineering analysis, The flood elevation used to make this determination is based on approximate methods and has not been formalized through the standard process for establishing base flood elevations published in the Flood Insurance Study. This flood elevation is subject to change. This attachment provides additional information regarding this request. If you have any questions about Ihis attachmenl. please contact the FEMA Map Assistance Center toll free at (877) 336-2627 (877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal emergency Management Agency, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 130, Alexandria, VA 22304-6439. Zr/ ~ I( M-2;::, I?-- William R. Blanton Jr" CFM, Chief Engineering ,I,lanagement Section Mitigation Directorate . . Page 3 or 3 /Date: September 18,2007 Case No.: 07-04-5240C CLOivIR-F Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION BASED ON FILL COMMENT DOCUMENT ATTACHMENT 1 (ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS) STUDY UNDERWAY (This Additional Consideration applies to all properties in the CLOMR-F COMMENT DOCUMEND , This determination is based on the flood data presently availabie. However, the Federal Emergency Management Agency is currently revising the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map for the community, 'New flood data could be generated that may affect this property. When the new NFIP map is issued it will supersede this determination. The Federal requirement for the purchase of flood insurance will then be based on the newly revised NFIP map. This attachment provides additional information regarding this request. If you have any questions about this attachment. please contact the FEMA Map Assistance Center toll free at (877) 336-2627 (877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 130, Alexandria, VA 22304-6439, . w.,4;.. /.) M . '1 ~ II-- 'lVil/iam R. Blanlon Jr., CFM, Chief Engineering Management Section Mitigation Directorate :r:IeJYl::lf 7 () 0'-02- Lf Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Date Published Oy lon(io {\AD.- vth ~Y1+1 ne...- ( ~ r '-z.co ~ '" Advertisement CITY Of NOTICE Of PUBLIC HEARING fOR U RESERVE ANNEXATION CASE NUMBE 12-27 ORDINANCE NO, 2008-002 NonCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Subsection )-10 and 5-9 ~M~~y.CI.IXR~~ ~c~ ,ijarfs ~~~~~a~~i~nCi't,de~'eJrt~~ ~~ ftractiCal. the OCOEE CITY'COMMISSIDN will hold 0 PUBLIC NE,;'~I~GLg~~~hea:=.:tbr~te?c~~e~?~~~~~~n t~hc:'s~~~' I~~ annexation of one parcel generallY located on the east side of Tomyn Blvd opproximatelv 255 feet south of Patriots Point Drive. The pOrcel identification is 3ll-22.28. ??oo-00-057 and to consider the following ordinance: CASE NO, AX-05-12.11: Ch.t.l. Rese..e Property Comprehensive Plan. Th~ c.omplete case file, including 0 complete legal de. scnptlon by m~tes and bounds, may be inspected at the Ocoee Community Development Deportment/Planning Di- vision located at 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee. Flori- da between the hours of 8:00 o,m, and 5:00 p.m.,'Mandoy through Friday. except legal holidays, , ' The Citv Cammis~ian maY.continuethe public hearings to other dotes and times, os It deems necessary, Any inter- ested party shqll be. advised of the dotes, times, and ploc- ~s of any contmuotlon of these or continued public hear- mg~ sholl be o~naunced during the hearing and no further notICes .regardmg these matters will be published, You or~ adVISed that any per.san who desires to appeal any de- CISion mode at the publIC hearings will need 0 record of the proceedings and for this purpose may need to ensure 1hat 0 verbatim record of the proceedings is mode which Includes the testimony and evidence upOn which the OP-: peal IS .bosed. f'ersons with disabilities needing assistance to partICipate 10 any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk's Office 48 hours in advance of the meeting; at 401-905.3105. I~ Beth 'Eikenberry, City Clerk o ,- A ., 3/6, 13, 2008 r--- 1- ~;~~N?~J ~:'~i f'.......L...!.]:, .' i~(' t:~:'i' ',), ~. ._n. ... ~!'I'E HN.OYliJN", / OLS6483oo ;-' ~.~- 1----1. , I~I~$!T' .~ f..d....'.... .~::,' ...,..)'!'..... If the applicant's request is approved, the annexation would incorporate the property into the City of Ocaee. Pursuant to Subsection 5-9 A. of the Land Development Code. the Planning Director has determined that the reo quested annexation is within the Ocoee.Orange County Joint Planning Area (JPA); and is consistent with the Ocoee-Oronge County JPA Land Use Mop and the Ocoee Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Date Published Oy lCLndo $elrt.\-i (LVi AACtYi"' ~ . <-- l3 '2CQ9' I '., Advertisement CITY OF OCOEE NOllCE OF PUBUC HEARING FOR CHAltAU RESERVE ANNEXATION . ~ffl:~tEE~~~oor ~ .. . .~ . .,. '\~ . ... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Eu'rsuant to Subsection 1.10 and 5.9 %Ek~i8IXR8~ lic~ An~ ~~~~~o~~~nC~e%~~~~ ~~ practical, the OCOEE cm COMMISSION will'hold o'PUBUC HEARING at the Cltv of ,Ocoee Commission Chambers, 150 North, Lokeshore. Drive, Ocoee, Florida, to consider the annexation of one 'parcel generollV located on the east side of Tomvn Blvd appraximatelv 255 feet south of Patriots Point Drive, The parcel identification is 30-22.28. ??oo-00,057 and,to consider the following ,ordinance: i r~-' I I I , i.._.._.._... .1; . ('"...v';;:t "II.I:: t::;;?-" ,,,:,< ~~T.:t;;~Ir;~!f 1,-: ~,. ''''''~''~{,i~ ~,t~:~~l I , :. ~, ~.. ~ ' r~t';~{~~j r~n"9'" ~,~ ;~~;;~~~ ~i..,~_L,?,,:~I! 1,lIJA "', ". .,>,:t1i~U~j [;b~~",~f! If the' applicant's requesl Is approved, the annexation would incorporate the propertv into the Cltv' of Ocoee. Pursuant to Subsection 5.9 A. of the Land Develapment Cade! the Planning Directar has determined that the re- ~~r~t e~I~~~i~a~~~a\)"~1('i~ d~3 ~c~~~;?s'i~~?ewrt~u~~~ Ocoee.Orange Countv JPA Land Use Map and the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. The complete 'cCiSe" liie. including a complete iegal de. scription bv metes and bounds. mav be inspected at the' Ocoee Community Development Department/Planning Di. \ ' vision located at 150 North Lakeshore Drive. OCoee, Flori. ~~~etween the hours of 8:00 a.m. .and 5:,00 p,m." ~anda~ through Frldav, excepl legal halldavs. The Citv Commission mav cantinue the public hearings io other dates and times. as it deems necessary: Anv inter. ested partv shall be advised of the dates, times. and plac. es of anv continuation of these or canllnued publiC hear. ings shall be announced during the hearing and no further notices regarding these matters will be published. .vou are advised that anv,person who desires to appeal anv de. cision made at the public hearings wilt need a record of the proceedings and for this purpose mav need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes the testimonv and evidence upan which the ai>' peal is based. Persons with disabilities needing assistance l~:gr~c~~~t,~n d'~I~eo~~~s,:'rfr~c~~b~~~ ~~~~ ~~lf;~ at 4OH05-3105. Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk OLS648300 316. 13, 2008