HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #08 Orange County Site Plan for Special Exception
Meeting Date: April 1, 2008
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
Item #
Antonio Fabre, AIC&
407 -905-3100/1 019
Reviewed By:
Department Director:
City Manager:
Subject: Orange County Site Plan for Special Exception
The Ocoee Telecommunication Tower Facility
Case #: 2-08-SE-014
Commission District # 3 - Rusty Johnson
Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Site Plan for Special Exception to
permit construction of a telecommunication facility utilizing a lattice tower located in Area Three of the (Map
5-19) Telecommunications Service Facilities Location Map?
The subject site is approximately 7.64 acres in size and is located on the south side of (475) West Story
Road. The actual lattice tower will occupy a small portion (75 feet by 75 feet) of the site located on the
southwest corner. The property itself is currently the location of the Orange County Services Building and
accessory uses. Orange County Public Safety Communications has proposed a telecommunications facility
utilizing a 280 feet high lattice tower. The Future Land Use classification for this entire property is "Public
Facilities/Institutional"; current Zoning classification is General Commercial (C-3). The property is also
located in Area Three as designated on the (Map 5-19) Telecommunications Service Facility Location Map.
The proposed use of a Telecommunications Service Facility utilizing a lattice tower requires the applicant
(Orange County BCC) to submit a Special Exception application with corresponding Site Plan. The
proposed Special Exception location under Section 5-19 is consistent with the Future Land Use Element of
the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan.
The current zoning classifications and actual uses of parcels surrounding the subject property:
Direction Zoning Classification Actual Use
North I-I One-story commercial establishments with a
mixture of uses (restaurants, personal
services. mini-storage warehousing, etc.)
East C-3 Manhein Auto Auction
South C-3 Manhein Auto Auction
West C-3 Manhein Auto Auction
The City of Ocoee has determined that the use of conventional zoning classifications are inappropriate for
the permitting of telecommunications service facility locations. Accordingly, the City adopted Map 5-19
"Telecommunications Service Facilities Location Map," which is used for permitting the location and types
of telecommunications service facilities within three areas (Areas One, Two, and Three).
Area Three is the least restrictive of the designated telecommunications areas, which allows for lattice type
antennas with a maximum heiQht of 200 feet. The Applicant is requesting a Waiver from this height
restriction (bv 80 feet) due to the technical feasibility of the proposed radio 911 emergency response
systems. Therefore, the Applicant justification for the height waiver is strictly based on public safety for the
local citizens of this area. .
Special Exceptions are defined in Subsection 2-4.C (282) of the City of Ocoee Land Development Code as:
A special exception is a use that would not be appropriate without restrictions
throughout the zoning division or district. However, if controlled as to number, area,
location or relation to the neighborhood, would promote the public health, safety,
welfare, morals, order, comfort, convenience, appearance, prosperity or general
welfare, such uses would be appropriate.
In accordance with Section 4-8 and 5-19 of the Ocoee LDC, staff must also consider the proposed use in
relation to the compatibility with'surrounding land uses. Additionally, Staff must also evaluate and consider
the new telecommunications service facilities in order to promote, protect, and improve the public health,
safety, general welfare, and aesthetics of the community by addressing their significant aesthetic and
safety impacts.
Staff conducted an analysis to ensure land use compatibility, appearance and visual impact of the
proposed telecommunications service facility. A map was provided by the Applicant that depicted the
pattern of adjacent land uses and the roadway network within a 660 feet radius of the proposed location.
The depicted area shows a mixture of light industrial, warehousing, and commercial uses. Before and after
pictures were also submitted to depict its visual appearance. The pictures contained color photo-
simulations of the proposed facility.
The proposed site plan shows the required landscape buffers, landscaping and setbacks requirements.
The fencing surrounding the facility will be 6 feet high decorative metal painted black to properly screen the
telecommunications equipment. The Applicant is also requesting the ability for the tower to co-locate other
private cell providers. These private cell providers will be limited to the 200 feet height constraint of the
Area Three district. The tower will be limited to a total of 24 antennas per Code.
On February 28, 2008, the Development Review Committee reviewed the "Orange County Site Plan for
Special Exception for Ocoee Telecommunication Tower Facility" date stamped February 26, 2008. There
were several technical issues to be addressed from the Planning Division that were identified in written
staff comments and presented verbally. All of the issues were discussed and a few minor changes to the
Plan were agreed upon.
It was further emphasized to the Applicant that Area Three allows for a maximum height of 200 feet for
lattice towers. Therefore, this tower would require a waiver from the Land Development Code for its
proposed height of 280 feet. The Police Department agreed to speak to the Commissioners during the
formal meetings on the 911 public safety aspect of this tower. Charles Smith, Utilities Director asked about
being able to use the tower and the building for his new meter reading system. The Applicant was receptive
to this request; however, additional technical information would be required to see if it is even feasible and
an agreement between the applicant and the City of Ocoee Utility Department will be needed to handle any
potential issues that may arise in the future.
During the DRC meeting, the Applicant also asked for additional waivers from the Code; specifically,
deleting the decorative fence and landscaping around the tower. The Applicant stated that no one will see
the area and there is already a chain link fence installed. Discussion ensued about alternate methods of
screening such as screening the current fence with vines. Nevertheless, due to the public hearings already
scheduled for this project, staff does not have the time to evaluate another Site Plan with an alternative
screening proposal. Staff has agreed that the Applicant should forward this waiver request to the
Commissioners for their formal consideration and motion.
When the discussion was finished, the DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Special
Exception Site Plan date stamped February 26, 2008, subject to approving the height Waiver request, the
developer making changes discussed at the DRC meeting and specified in the staff review memorandum.
A revised Preliminary Site Plan (date stamped March 5, 2008) incorporates all of the requested Site Plan
The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed "Orange County Site Plan for Special
Exception for the Ocoee Telecommunication Tower Facility" on March 11, 2008. City Staff presented a
brief overview of the Site Plan. City Staff and the Applicant answered several questions regarding
screening, height requirements, and sight distance. All of these questions were addressed adequately in
the P&Z meeting.
The Public Hearing was opened for the Special Exception for the Ocoee Telecommunication Tower
Facility. There was no one from the public to speak regarding this project. The Applicant requested
additional waivers from the Code; specifically, deleting the decorative fence and landscaping around the
tower. The Applicant stated that no one will see the area and there is already a chain link fence installed.
Additionally, there is an existing vegetative screening on the south and west sides. The P&Z Commission
supported these waivers from the Land Development Code.
After finishing its deliberations, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend
approval of the "Orange County Site Plan for Special Exception for the Ocoee Telecommunication Tower
Facility" date stamped March 5, 2008.
Based on the recommendation of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff recommends that the
Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Orange County Special Exception for the Ocoee
Telecommunications Service Facility utilizing a lattice tower located in Area Three of the (Map 5-19)
Telecommunications Service Facilities Location Map, subject to approving the height Waiver request,
deleting the decorative fence and landscaping around the perimeter of the fence.
Location Map
Land Use Map
Zoning Map
Map 5-19 "Telecommunications Service Facilities Location Map"
Letter from Orange County Police Chiefs' Association dated February 28,2008
"Orange County's Site Plan for Special Exception for Ocoee Telecommunication Tower Facility" date stamped March 5, 2008.
.' Financial Impact:
Type of Item:
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Public Hearing
Ordinance First Reading
Ordinance Second Reading
Commission Approval
Discussion & Direction
For Clerk's Deot Use:
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_ Regular Agenda
Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney
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Reviewed by ( )
\0)1 IE t IE U IE In\
IIffi MAR 1 8 2008' \1JJ
February 28, 2008
City ofOcoee
150 N. Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, Florida 34761
Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift
Commissioner Scott Anderson
Commissioner Gary Hood
Commissioner Rusty Johnson
Commissioner Joel Keller
Dear Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners,
The Orange County Police Chiefs' Association is comprised of the police chiefs of every Police
Department in Orange County. As a group, part of our mission is to serve as advocates on behalf
of those Police Departments.
We have been informed that Orange County Government intends to erect a radio tower on the
grounds of the Orange County Services Building, located at 475 West Story Road in Ocoee. We
agree that this tower is an essential infrastructure improvement, necessary for Police and Fire
communications that are currently less than adequate in the West Orange area. This tower is
critical to the safety of Law Enforcement, Fire and other Public Safety personnel, as well as the
citizens in the area. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
Gary T. Calhoun, President
Orange County Police Chiefs' Association
Cc: Rob Frank, City Manager
Ron Reffett, Ocoee Chief of Police , .-
Russ Wagner, Community Development Director
Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement
Date Published
Dr ldl^M
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Na rrJ, 20 /2ro~1
Apftlico.t: Oro.p. Cou.%,Ublic
~:s:t~;:~;u~.~~~l_'M4 Ivision
suanllo Seclion 4-8 and Sec-
lion 5-19, Ocoee land Devel-
opment Code, Ir,ot on TUES-
DAY, APRIL I. 2006, 01 715p.m" o'
! 05500n therearter os Bractj-
~?JN Wi11 ~;~aE 0 c~rrB8c ~rl~:
ING 01 Ihe Ocoee Cily Com-
mission Chambers, 150
Norlh lakeshore Drive,
Ocoee, Florida, to consider
Ihe application lor a Special
Exceplion and Site Plan tor
a loll ice lelecommunication
tacilily localed 01 475 W
Slory Road. '
I nleresled parties may ap-
pear 01 Ihe public hearing
and be heard wilh res peel
10 Ihe proposed actions.
~1~~i~g"ciP~~~P~~t":I~~~1 J~:
scriplion by meles and
bounds. may be inspected
01 the Ocoee Communily
Development Deparlmenl,
150 Narlh Lakeshare Drive.
Ocaee, Florida, belween Ihe
hours at 8:00 a.m. and 5:00
~a~;' e~~~1al~g~~r~~ft~a~~~-
The Cily Commission may
continue Ihe public hearings
10 ather dales and times, as
il deems necessary. Any in-
leresled parly shall be ad-
vised thaI Ihe dotes, times,
and places at any continua-
tion at Ihese or canlinued
public hearings shall be an-
nounced during Ihe hear-
ings and Ihat no turther no-
lices regarding .these-mal.
ters will be published. You
are advised Ihal any persan
who desires to appeal any
decision made during the
public hearings will need a
record at Ihe proceedings
and tor Ihis purpose may
need 10 ensure Ihal a verba.
lim record at Ihe proceed.
ings is mode which includes
Ihe lestimony and evidence
upon which Ihe appeal is
based. Persons wilh disabil'
ilies needing ass isla nee 10
parlicipole in any at ~he
proceedings should conlacl
Ihe CilY Clerk's Office 48
hours in advance at Ihe
meeling 01 (407) 905.3105.
Belh Eikenberry,
Cily Clerk