HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmergency Item - Relocation of Progress Energy Distribution System for City Hall AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Item # Contact Name: Contact Number: David A. Wheeler, P.E. 407-905-3100, ext. 1505 Subject: Relocation of Progress Energy Distribution System for Ci Lakeshore Drive Phase 2 Project Background Summary: The City is currently rebuilding Lakeshore Drive between Lakewood Avenue on the north and Oakland Avenue on the south. The project involves the rebuilding of the road and raising the portion between City Hall and Starke Lake, installing stormwater collection piping, building a "seawall" retaining wall from Lakewood Avenue to the boat ramp, and relocation of most of the street lights and electrical and water services for the Founders' Day exhibitors. Staff is working on the plan to install brick instead of paving with asphalt. The next phase of the project will be the construction of a structured wall retention pond to the north of City Hall and the rerouting of the creek through the new retention pond. The project also includes landscaping and a walkway around the ponds three sections and possibly a walking bridge over the pond. This project will be ready later this year to go to construction. As part of both projects, the primary electrical power service to City Hall needs to be relocated. Electrical power is being supplied by overhead lines from Bluford Avenue. The current road project requires the relocation of the pole closest to Lakeshore Drive. This would be a temporary relocation, because the construction of the new pond will require the complete relocation of the feeder from Bluford Avenue. This overhead feeder was a problem on 2004 during the hurricanes; electrical power was knocked out each time. Staff determined that it was better to proceed with the permanent relocation and undergrounding of the service at this time. To perform the temporary relocation of the one pole, the cost was projected to be $10,000 to $15,000 and require about three weeks to complete. The permanent relocation of the entire primary feeder and undergrounding of this service will cost $43,803.47 and it will be accomplished in 5 to 6 weeks. The new service feeder will come from the transformer located behind the Community Center and run east beside the staff parking lot and then north under the parking lot and in front of City Hall to the existing transformer on the north of City Hall. The City is paying for the cost differential from overhead to underground relocation. The work will start immediately upon approval by the City. Funding will come from the Stormwater Utility, as the need for relocation is tied to the pond construction. Issue: Should the City reimburse Progress Energy for the cost differential for relocating and undergrounding of the electrical service feeder to City Hall? Recommendation: The Engineering and Public Works Departments recommends the approval of the reimbursement to Progress Energy of $43,803.47 for the relocation and undergrounding of the electrical service feeder to City Hall. Attachments: Progress Energy Cost Agreement Financial Impact: The Stormwater Enterprise Fund will encumber funds to reimburse Progress Energy. This is one of the projects that the Public Works Department identified in the Miscellaneous Stormwater Projects in the 07/08 Budget. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDt Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by Public Works A6/::f N/A N/A N/A 2 ~p E ~ rogress nergy MAR 1 7 2008 March 12,2008 David A. Wheeler. P.E. Assistant City EngineerlUtilities Director City ofOcoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Subject: Relocation of electric facilities in conflict with City Hall storm drain project Dear : Mr. Wheeler Please review the enclosed document indicated below. Completion of this document is necessary in order for us to provide you with electric service. AUTHORIZATION AND AGREEMENT. This invoice is valid for 90 days. Please sign the original and return with your payment; the copy is for your records. IN ORDER FOR PROGRESS ENERGY TO PROCEED WITH THE SCHEDULING OF THIS PROJECT, IT IS REQUIRED THAT YOU PROVIDE US WITH ALL OF THE INFORMATION LISTED ABOVE. All the appropriate forms along with any payments should be returned in the envelope provided. Please feel free to call Michael Stingle at (321) 229-1153, with any questions you may have regarding this letter or your service. Sincerely, Engineering Representative ENG/clerical Enclosures WINTER GARDEN OPERATIONS: 452 East Crown Point Rd. . Winter Garden. Florida 34787. (407) 905-3300 A Progress Energy Company INVOICE WR: ,236-fS5S-l o Work Authorization o Job Order CITY OF OCOEE Representatives Name DAVID WHEELER, P.E. Address City State Zip 150 N. LAKE SHORE DR OCOEE FL 34761 $'e~JC':,'.. , ..{~"i$ft'iijIP:___ Customer Representatives Name JAMES SCHICKLER Address City State Zip LAKE SHORE CITY HALL OCOEE Work Description TOTAL COST TO RELOCATE EXISTING FACILlTES IN CONFLICT WITH STORM DRAIN PROJECT AT THE OCOEE CITY HALL Specific Cost $43,803.47 Billing Method Terms of Payment DContract Price $ 43,803.47 DCost DCost plus 15% D In Advance D On or before 20 days after D Other Completion of project Explain below Other Terms of Payment Ownership of completed project Date Payment Received DProgress Energy DCustomer AGREEMENT The Customer is responsible for the cost, repair or replacement of (1) sod, trees, shrubbery or other plants damaged in the normal course of performing or gaining access to the above work, and (2) damage to non-Progress Energy underground wires, conduit, pipes or other utility facilities that have NOT been staked or located by owner of the facilities. Contract price and terms of payment become invalid if the signed agreement is not received by Progress Energy on or before .... 30 DAYS. The undersigned hereby authorizes and employs Progress Energy to perform the above job and to furnish labor, necessary facilities or equipment and I or materials for the above job and agrees to pay in accordance with the terms of payment as noted above. Signature of Above Customer or Representative Date X Name (Please print or type) Authorizing Supervisor Date d_cchr jlrint_ wr _fin_quote en 0 '" en v " N I"") "'''' N "'''' L 3 z I ~ >- 3: W >- <l Z 0 0: 0 0 u N N X f'- i'i, M V 0: w ~ 0 0:: "'''' 0 ",v CD >- W 0: N <l >- Ul WIf) If) \- U =00: LLW Vl > <l-l o If) 3: 0 w ~>-> <l<l > W UOO W -,,0: >NO :L W~LL <( O<rW lO:::J .-J ::;;0-, <lloJ wO 0: <r Cl >-1"")2 If)lO<( <r 0-1"")0 =o~n:: ~ ^'I/ OtJO.:Jnl8 N ~ : 3 ~ ~ ~~ UJ ~ o fZ:;j .;~ 0 ~ ~:r: ~~ : I 0 ~w <r N<< r!-3 :~ ~~ ~~ ~o Ol-C.H-Z 0>- )- W <lnu(() !--- .wwo: ..:::iU"lO W>o!fl...U-Cl: .... 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