HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #04 Approval to Award Bid #B05-05 Utilities Admin. Bldg. AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Contact Name: Contact Number: Joyce Tolbert 1516 Meeting Date: 4/15/08 Item # i Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: 1IJiL "'-- Subject: Award of Bid #B08-05 Utilities Administration Building Background Summary: The work includes construction of an approximately 3,000 s.f. Utilities Administration Building, including the front parking lot and sidewalks. The work shall also include site grading for the building's foundation, sidewalk, and parking, the area between sidewalk and building, and within five (5) feet of the building. The original budgeted amount was $550,000.00 with $459,683.39 available after design fees. The Utilities Department and Finance Department have reviewed all bids. Utilities' staff and the project architect has met with Southern Building Services to review their bid and feel that the firm's bid is representative of the project. All references have been verified and are satisfactory. Staff recommends awarding the bid to Southern Building Services, Inc. as the most responsive and responsible bidder for the amount of the Alternate Base Bid of $348,567.00 which includes the building's electrical work. Issue: A ward the contract for the construction of the new Utilities Administration Building to Southern Building Services, Inc. Recommendations Staff recommends that the City Commission: 1) Award Bid #B08-05 for construction of the new Utilities Administration Building to Southern Building Services, Inc. in the amount of $348,567.00. 2) Authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Staff to execute all necessary contract documents once the appropriate bonds and insurance are secured. Attachments: 1. Bid Tabulation 2. ITS #808-05 3. Addendum #1 4. Addendum #2 5. Addendum #3 6. Southern 81dg bid 7. MW Mitchell bid 8. The Watauga bid 9. RB Marks bid 10. Marbek bid 11. Gyno-1 bid 12. Paragon bid 13. Pooley bid 14. Britt bid 15. PW Hearn bid Financial Impact: $348,567.00 Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDt Use: _ Consent Agenda Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk ~ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) ~~ N/A N/A N/A 2 Commissioners Garv Hood. District 1 Scott Anderson. District 2 Rustv Johnson. District 3 Joel Keller. District 4 Mavor S. Scott Vandergrift City Manager Robert Frank STAFF REPORT DATE: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing Agen~ April 7, 2008 TO: FROM: RE: Award of Bid #B08-05 Utilities Administration Building ISSUE Award the contract for the construction of the new Utilities Administration Building to Southern Building Services, Inc. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION The work includes construction of an approximately 3,000 s.f. Utilities Administration Building, including the front parking lot and sidewalks. The work shall also include site grading for the building's foundation, sidewalk, and parking, the area between sidewalk and building, and within five (5) feet of the building. The bid was publicly advertised on February 3, 2008 and opened on March 20,2008. There were a total of twelve (12) bids, with two considered non-responsive for failure to furnish an original bid bond: Bidder Total Lump Sum Bid Alternate Base Bid 1. Southern Building Services $292,600.00 $348,567.00 2. M.W. Mitchell Const. $324,000.00 $374,000.00 3. The Watauga Co. $337,885.00 $387,400.00 4. R.B. Marks Const. $322,260.00 $399,666.00 5. Marbek Construction $340,800.00 $407,700.00 6. Gyno-l $348,000.00 $414,000.00 7. Paragon Dev. $387,138.00 $467,138.00 8. Pooley Construction $425,000.00 $472,651.00 9. Britt Construction $421,920.00 $491,650.00 10. P.W. Hearn $385,000.00 (Error) $81,620.00 11. Portland Non-responsive Non-responsive 12. ACY Non-responsive Non-responsive Attached is the bid tabulation and all bids are available in the Finance Department for review. The original budgeted amount was $550,000.00 with $459,683.39 available after design fees. The Utilities Department and Finance Department have reviewed all bids. Utilities' staff and the project architect has met with 1 Southern Building Services to review their bid and feel that the firm's bid is representative of the project. All references have been verified and are satisfactory. Staff recommends awarding the bid to Southern Building Services, Inc. as the most responsive and responsible bidder for the amount of the Alternate Base Bid of $348,567.00 which includes the building's electrical work. 2 r Vi' CD Co :s' ~ Cll o i3. ~ o 'C Cll ::l Cll Co > d 0 0 ~ ~ ~ r- en IJl r- 0 0 n' .c' a: -t ~ ,. 3 :or :or :or tlI ,. m ::ll '0 ::I ::I ::I ::I tlI tJl ::0 r- Oo [ 0 0 0 .. 00 tlI Z r- tlI !. :Ii :Ii tlI 0 n > ,. iD ! 0 c c: l:!: !. ::I. ::I. -t I: !!!. Q. or u:l ~ m ~ u:l u:l u:l ~ IJl 'V C tlI tlI tlI 5' III en iii' ~ ~ > :or !!!. ;11. > IJl en c: n a: Q. I: if 00 Q. Q. m ." tlI tlI tlI IJl IJl ,. ::I ::I 6 6 c 0 00 Q. Q. Cil ~ c c C ." .. 3 3 3 0 8 is ! 3 t;> t;> .,. .,. / J' -..j N N 01 '< '< '< III '< '< a, 0 '" '" t1I ~ ~ n '" '" ~ 0 .. .. .. .. .. <' .. .. 0 t1I ~' 0 0 0 0 t;> t;> '.' m ." w ;ll al ~ 00 ~ 01 III til a, 0 ,. 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I I CI. fa t;> t;> ~ ~ (j) .,. 00 III 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g '< '< 1 '" '" 0 0 VI .. .. .. .. < .. .. 0 0 t1I ... 0 0 0 0 " " 0 0 " ~ 0 ~ ::l <1- g.B Ql III a~ ~ " ~ 0- .. c 0. .. t;> t;> .,. .,. ~ ~ '< III OJ a, Co ~ ~ '< '< g '< ~ Cll t1I t1I t1I i 01 N VI .. .. .. .. < .. .. 0 0 '" 0 0 0 0 " " .......... 0 0 " 0 ~ Q ::l <1- 0'" ~. 010 .. Ql III " _. '8 0." !!!. " 0- .. c' 0. .. , w - t.) o o co t.) o o :tl ~ c: ::! r- :3 ~ !!! )> c C -I ~m)> --m ~cc: ~~~ ~g::! -100 -U1Z o "T1 Z 0 en ;:0 c: .. r- Q Z (j) INVITATION TO BID BID No: #B08-05 Utilities Administration Building Sealed bids, in duplicate, will be accepted at the offices of the Finance/Purchasing Department in the City of Ocoee, no later than 2:00 p.m., local time, on March 4, 2008. Sealed bids must be date and time stamped before 2:00 p.m., local time. Sealed bids will then be hand delivered to City Commission Chambers and the bid opening will follow. Any bids received after the specified date and time will not be accepted under any circumstances. Any uncertainty regarding the time a bid is received will be resolved against the Bidder. Bids submitted after this designated time will be returned unopened. Description of Work: All work for the Project shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications prepared by KZF Design, LLC, Orlando, Florida and the City of Ocoee, and the proposed contract will be awarded and constructed, if award is made, under these Contract Documents. Bids shall be submitted for furnishing, delivering, and installing all materials, equipment, incidentals and services, including labor, for the Work which generally includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: The Construction of an approximately 3,000 s.f. Utilities Administration Building, including the front parking lot and sidewalks. Also the work shall include site grading for the building's foundation, sidewalk, and parking, the area between sidewalk and building, and within five (5) feet of the building. It is the City's intent to procure all electrical material/appurtenances and perform construction of all electrical improvements under the project's base bid. The contractor shall include within the base bid all necessary efforts to coordinate and schedule his efforts with the City's undertaking. A bid alternate will be the inclusion of the electrical procurement and work by the contractor. Prospective bidders may secure a copy of the complete bid package (project manual and drawings), from Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing Agent, in the Finance Department at City Hall, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761-2258, (407) 905-3100, ext. 1516, for a non-refundable fee of $100.00 per set. Checks should be made payable to the City of Ocoee. Partial sets of bid documents will not be issued. Information about this bid is available from Demandstar by accessing the City's website at www.ci.ocoee.fl.us under Finance/Purchasing/Bids. Bids shall be prepared from complete full size contract documents. Addendums will be posted on Demandstar or may be transmitted to all holders of complete contract documents no later than 24-four (24) hours before bid time in such manner as may be determined by the City. It shall be the bidder's responsibility to verify addendums and acknowledge any addendums in the bid submittal. Pre-Bid Conference: A pre-bid conference will be held on February 19, 2008, at 2:00 p.m. (Local time) at City Commission Chambers, City Hall; 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761. Immediately following the conference the site will be available for a walk thru. Questions and clarifications shall be submitted in accordance with the Bidding Documents. Contact Joyce Tolbert at the Finance Department to arrange for a site visit, if desired. Invitation to Bid - 2 BID No: #B08-05 UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Bid Bond: A certified check or bid bond shall accompany each bid. The certified check or bid bond shall be for an amount not less than five percent (5 %) of the bid price and shall be made payable to the City of Ocoee as a guarantee that the Bidder will not withdraw for a period of (90) ninety days after bid closing time. Bid Submittal: A single bid package shall be submitted by interested parties desiring to perform the work. The contract will be awarded pursuant to the requirements of applicable state and federal laws and regulations and pursuant to any applicable City of Ocoee purchasing rules and procedures. Bids shall be on the Bid Form provided in the Project Manual and enclosed with a sealed envelope with the words "BID No: #B08-05 for Construction of the Utilities Administration Building and the Bidder's name, address and Florida Contractor's License Number" clearly shown on the outside thereof. Bidder must acknowledge receipt of all addenda in the prescribed Bid Form. Bids must be signed by an authorized representative of the Bidder. Failure to comply with either condition shall be cause for bid disqualification. Mailed bids shall be sent to the attention of Purchasing Agent, City of Ocoee, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761. Award of Contract(s): The City of Ocoee reserves the right to waive technicalities or irregularities, reject any or all bids, and/or accept that bid that is in the best interest of the City, price, qualifications and other factors taken into consideration. The City reserves the right to award the Contract to the Bidder which, in the sole discretion of the City, is the most responsive and responsible bidder, price, qualifications and other factors considered. CITY CLERK OCOEE, FLORIDA February 3, 2008 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift cetlter of Good I.j ~~e ~~~ Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel Keller, District 4 City Manager Robert Frank February 26, 2008 ADDENDUM #1 BID #B08-05 UTILITIES A DMINIS TRA TION BUILDING - -- "-" ..-- ..-..- This addendum is issued to clarify, add to, revise and/or delete items of the Contract Documents including technical specifications and drawings for this work. This addendum is part of the Contract Documents and acknowledgement of its receipt shall be noted on the Bid Proposal form. Failure to do so may subject the bidder to disqualification. This addendum consists of 16 pages (including this page and attachments). -- - - -- - --- 1. Invitation to Bid: Change Bid Opening Date from March 4,2008 at 2:00 P.M. to March 20. 2008 at 2:00 P.M. . 2. Last day for questions remains in accordance to Section 00100-6 Article 6.3, which is March 13,2008 at 2:00 P.M. 3. There will be a 2nd addendum issued for this project. 4. Replace Section 00650-1 Insurance Certificate with attached revised Section 00650-1 Insurance Certificate. 5. Replace Section 00410-1 Bid Bond with attached revised Section 00410-1 Bid Bond. 6. Attached Confidential Disclosure Form is to be completed and returned with your bid. 7. Attached Report of Geotechnical Engineering Exploration and Evaluation. Also available on Demandstar as a .pdf file. City of Ocoee . ] 50 N Lakeshore Drive. Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100. fax: (407) 656-8504. www.cLocoee.tl.us CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DDIYY): PRODUCER: THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGES AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Phone NI>. COMPANY A INSURED: COMPANY B COMPANY C COMPANY 0 COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSl)RED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT., TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EFFECTIVE LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE (MMlDDIYY) DATE (MMlDDIYY) LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ 1,000,000 I-- - CLAIMS MADE - OCCUR PERSONAL & ADVERT. INJURY $ 1,000,000 f- OWNER'S & CONTRACTORS PROT EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1.000,000 I-- FIRE DAMAGE (Any Orje flre) $ 500,000 I-- MED EXP (Anyone person) $ 10,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1,000,000 I-- ALL OWNED AUTOS I-- BODILY INJURY (Per pIIrlOn) $ 1,000,000 SCHEDULED AUTOS I-- HIRED AUTOS I-- BODILY INJURY (Per accldent) $ 1,000,000 NON-OWNED AUTOS f-- f-- PROPERTY DAMAGE $ 1,000,000 GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY. EACH ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: !.-- EACH ACCIDENT $ I-- AGGREGATE $ EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 H UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM $ WORKERS COMPENSATION X I we STATUTORYLIMITS & EMPLOYERS LIABILITY I OTHER THE PROPRIETOR I INCL E EL EACH ACCIDENT $ 100,000 PARTNERS I EXECUTWE EL DISEASE. POLICY LIMIT $ 500,000 OFFICERS ARE: EXCL EL DISEASE - EACH EMPLOYEE $ 100,000 EMPLOYERS LIABILITY $ 1,000,000 OTHER BUILDERS RISK COVERAGE AT ANY ONE LOCATION $ 25,000 I-- EXPLOSION, COLLAPSE, & AT ANY ONE LOCATION $1,000,000 I-- UNDERGROUND COVERAGES DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES I SPECIAL TERMS; CERTIFICATE HOLDER. OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, ENGINEERS.'" CONSULTANTS ARE LISTED AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED AS RESPECTS TO GENERAL LIABILITY, AUTOMOBILE, AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY AND BUILDERS RISK. ADDITIONAL INSURED: Clly 1>1 Qcoee I I CERTIFICATE HOLDER: CANCELLATION: SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL ...1JL (CALENDAR) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATWES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: Project B08-05 00650-1 2/26/2008 SECTION 00410 BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, the undersigned, , as Principal, and as Surety, are hereby held and firmly bound unto the City of Ocoee, Florida, as Owner, in the penal sum of, (5 percent of the Contract Bid) $ (written amount in dollars and cents) for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we hereby jointly and severally bind ourselves, successors and assigns. Signed, this day of , 2008. The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the Principal has submitted to the City of Ocoee, Florida a certain Bid, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof to enter into a contract in writing, for the Utilities Administrative Building. NOW THEREFORE I. Bidder and Surety, jointly and severally, bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to pay to Owner upon default of Bidder any difference between the total amount of Bidder's bid and the total arnount of the bid of the next lowest, responsible and responsive bidder as determined by Owner for the Work required by the Contract Documents, provided that: 1.1 If there is no such next lowest, responsible and responsive bidder, and Owner does not abandon the Project, then Bidder and Surety shall pay to Owner the penal sum set forth on the face of this Bond, and 1.2 In no event shall Bidder's and Surety's obligation hereunder exceed the penal sum set forth on the face of this Bond. 2. Default of Bidder shall occur upon the failure of Bidder to deliver within the time required by the Bidding Documents (or any extension thereof agreed to in writing by Owner) the executed Amendment to the Agreement required by the Bidding Documents and any performance and payment bonds required by the Bidding Documents and Contract Documents. Project B08-05 00410-1 2/26/2008 CITY OF OCOEE BID #B08-05 UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Confidential Disclosure Aerccmcnt This Agreement is entered into by and between (hereinafter "Recipient") and the City of Ocoee (hereinafter "City"). Recitals WHEREAS City needs to disseminate certain building plans, blueprints, specifications, schematic drawings, and diagrams, including draft, preliminary, and final formats, which depict the internal layout and structural elements of a Public Building ("design information"), in order for it to be designed and constructed pursuant to Bid #B08-05 Utilities Administration Building and its resulting bid (the "project"); and WHEREAS, such design information is exempt from public records disclosure requirements of Florida Statutes Section 119.011 (1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the Florida State Constitution. This exemption provides that design information made exempt by law may be disclosed to another governmental entity if disclosure is necessary for the receiving entity to perform its duties and responsibilities; to a licensed architect, engineer, or consultant who is performing work on or r~lated to the water treatment facility or public building; and that the entities or persons receiving such information shall maintain the exempt status; and WHEREAS the Recipient is willing to receive disclosure of the design information pursuant to the terms of this Agreement for the purpose of bidding on the project and/or performing design services; NOW THEREFORE, for good and sufficient consideration the Recipient agrees as follows: 1. The above Recitals are acknowledged by the Recipient and are incorporated herein by reference. 2. Recipient agrees that it shall prevent and protect the design information, or any part thereof, from disclosure as a public record and shall not disclose the design information to any person or entity other than one having a need for disclosure in connection with Recipient's authorized use of the design information for the purposes of submitting a response to the bid solicitation. 3. Recipient agrees to take all steps reasonably necessary to protect the secrecy of the design information, and to require all entities or persons receiving the design information to maintain its exempt status and to prevent the design information from being disclosed as a public record or coming into the possession of a person or entity that is not authorized. 3. Recipient agrees that all design information shall remain the property of City. All design information and all copies thereof shall be returned to the City not later than thirty (30) days after the bid opening together with a list of all of the names and addresses of all entities or persons to which the design information has been disclosed; or, in the case of a designer, not later than thirty (30) days after the project is finally completed.. Dated this day of ,2008. RECIPIENT Signed: Print Name: Title: Company: Address: Phone No: Date: Driver's License #: 2 Report or Geotechnical Engineering Exploration and Evaluation City of Ocoee Administration Building Ocoee, Orange County, Florida. February 22, 2008 Project No. 01-05-1171-105A Mr. Charles K. Smith, P.E. City of Ocoee - Utilities Department . 1800 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, Florida 34761 Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation City of Oeoee Administration Building Ocoee, Orange County, Florida Dear Mr. Smith: Nodarse & Associates, Inc. (N&A) is pleased to present this report of our geotechnical engineering exploration and evaluation for the above referenced site. The purpose of our exploration was to explore soil and groundwater conditions at the site to form a basis for geotechnical engineering design recommendations. This report describes the field exploration performed, the soil and groundwater conditions encountered, and our geotechnical engineering recommendations regarding the proposed development. The following is a summary of the subsurface conditions encountered during our exploration and our reconunendations regarding site development: . Generally, soil conditions encountered in our borings were fine sands, suitable for the proposed development. . Routine or normal site preparation(including stripping, proofrolling, etc.) will be required to prepare in-situ soils for support of shallow foundations and conventional pavement sections. . Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 4 to 5 feet in the open boreholes during our field investigation (February 2(08). The estimated seasonal high groundwater level is expected to be about 2.5 to 3 feet below existing grade. City of Ocoee Nodarse & Associates Project No. - 01-05-1171-105A Page 2 The balance of this report sununarizes the field exploration and results and our geotechnical engineering recommendations regarding the proposed development. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site is located at 1800 A.D. Mirns Road in Ocoee, Florida. The site is currently within the City of Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Plant property. The project site has recently been cleared and graded and is adjacent to a percolation and effluent pond. Based on information provided by you, it is our understanding that the site will be developed with a new administration building, which will be approximately 3,200 square feet, and paved parking. We anticipate that the building wiII be one to two stories. Based on the plan provided, we understand that the building wiII be constructed in a portion of the existing percolation and effluent pond which has been re-located. Also, the site has recently been cleared and graded in preparation for the building; therefore, we anticipate fmished floor grades to be at or near existing grades. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of our exploration was to evaluate soil and groundwater conditions at the site to provide a basis for geotechnical engineering recorrunendations regarding the proposed construction. For the stated purpose, the following scope of services was performed: . Review of available pertinent information including: Conceptual site plan of the proposed development. Aerial photography. USGS quadrangle map entitled, "Winter Garden, Florida" containing the project site. USDA/SCS soil survey for Orange County, Florida. . Borings were located in the field by referencing prominent site features and measuring from these features. Approximate boring locations are presented on Figure 1. Details of the field exploration are as follows: Two (2) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings to depths of 20 feet within the proposed building. Boring TB-l was hand augered to a depth of 4 feet due to suspected nearby underground utilities. II City of Ocoee Nodarse & Associates Project No. - Ol-OS.1171-IQSA Page 3 Two (2) manual auger borings to depths of 6 feet in the proposed paved parking location. . Data reduction and preparation of this report. SITE CONDITIONS Based on review of aerial photography, USGS quadrangle map containing the site, site specific topography, and observations madeduring the field exploration, the following site conditions are offered: . Currently, the site is cleared and graded. A portion of the existing percolation and effluent pond, located adjacent to the site, was filled where the proposed building will be located. . The ground surface elevation at the site is near + 142 feet NGVD. . The surrounding area consists of mostly commercial and residential development. SOIL CONDITIONS Surface Soil Conditions Based on the USDA/SCS Soil Survey for Orange County, Florida, the following surficial soil type is present at the site: . St. Lucie fine sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes (38). This soil is deep, nearly level to gently sloping and excessively drained. These soils typically have a seasonal high groundwater table deeper than 72 inches in their natural state. Subsurface Soil Conditions Generally, the borings encountered light gray to brown fine sand to slightly silty fine sand (SP) (SP-SM) (Stratum 1) to a depth of about 13.5 feet followed by grayish-brown to brown silty fine sand (SM) (Stratum 2) to a depth of about 18.5 feet. Below 18.5 feet, Stratum 1 was encountered to the boring termination depth. SPT "N" values generally ranged from 4 to 38 throughout the borings, indicating a relative soil density of loose to medium dense. The SPT values are shown on the boring profiles shown on Figure % in the Appendix. City of Ocoee Nodarse & Associates Project No. - Ol-05-1l71-105A Page 4 Groundwater was enc;:ountered in open boreholes at a depth of 4 to 5 feet. Groundwater levels will fluctuate with the amount of local rainfall and with site development and, therefore, may be different at other times. Typkal estimated seasonal high groundwater levels for the site in its present condition are expected to be about 2.5 to 3 feet below existing grade. However, changes in drainage characteristics due to site development may cause significant deviations from these anticipated estimated seasonal high groundwater levels. R,ECOMMENDA TJONS AND EV ALVA TlONS The following condusions and recommendations are based on the project characteristics previously described I the data obtained in our field exploration and our experience with similar subsurface conditions and construction types. If the final building location or grades are significantly different from those previously described in this report, or if subsurface conditions different from those disclosed by the borings are encountered during construction, we should be notified immediately so that we might review and modify, if necessary, the following recommendations in light of such changes. Generally, the results of this exploration indicate that the foundation soil is suitable for support of the proposed one to two-story structure on conventional shallow spread or strip footings. Routine site preparation (including clearing, stripping, and proofrolling) will be required to provide adequate support for foundations and pavements. General Site Preparation . Routine site preparation is anticipated to include clearing, stripping, and proofrolling. Clearing and stripping appears to have already been completed; however I vegetation may be present by the time construction begins and should be removed at that time. . Proofrolling should be performed until the soil to a depth of at least 12 inches below areas of future pavement and building areas are compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the soil's modified Proctor maximum dry density. Proofrolling should be monitored by a Representative of N&A. City of Ocoee Nodarse & Associates Project No. - Ol-05-1171-105A Page 5 Fill Placement . After the site has been proofrolled and accepted by the Geotechnical Engineer, fill required to bring the site to final grade may be placed and properly compacted. Fill should be inorganic, non-plastic, granular soil (clean sands). . The fill should be placed in level lifts not to exceed 12 inches loose thickness if a large compactor is used to compact the fill. The fill should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the soil's modified Proctor maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Specification 1)-1557. . In-place density tests should be performed on each lift by an experienced Engineering Technician working under the direction of a registered Geotechnical Engineer to verify that the reconunended degree of compaction has been achieved. Pavement Gradiag aod Set:tiOD Design Finished pavement grades should be set to keep the bottom of the stabilized sub grade at least 12 to 18 inches above the SHOWT, and to provide mostly a sandy subgrade. Maintaining a sandy subgrade below a conventional pavement section is important. Either a limerock or soil-cement base may be used in this case. If the separation between the base and the SHOWT is within 12 to 18 inches, use of soil-cement or an asphalt base is recommended with the likelihood of under drains in low spots, Traffic loads were not available for preparation of this report, but are anticipated to consist of mostly passenger cars. Based on the above information and assumptions, the most likely pavement section that will be required is as follows: 1.5 inches of Type S asphaltic concrete (Structural course). 8 inches of limerock base. 12 inches stabilized subgrade (40 LBR using limerock screenings for stabilization). It should be noted that a soil-cement pavement base could also be used in lieu of the limerock base, Instead of a stabilized subgrade, a compacted subgrade to at least 98 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density should be used with a soil-cement base. However, cracking of soil 'cement is typical and, therefore, soil-cement is not as aesthetically pleasing as limerock. For the above-described pavement sections, the road bed material should be sandy, uniform in texture, firm and compacted to at least 98 percent of the modified Proctor's maximum dry density to a depth of 24 inches below its surface. The pavement subgrade to a depth of at least 18 inches City of Ocoee Nodarse & Associates Project No.. Ol-OS-1171-10SA Page 6 below the pavement base should consist of uniform, well-draining, inorganic, non-cohesive sand with less than 6 percent fines to increase drainage characteristics. Soils from Stratum 1 should be suitable for use as roadway subgrade. Foundation Deslen . As previously mentioned, conventional shallow spread or strip footings should be adequate for support of the proposed one-story building. . Footings which bear in densified existing soils or in new compacted structural fill may be designed based on a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot, having a soil cover of nolless than 18 inches from adjacent finished grade to the top of the footings. . Minimum footing dimensions of 18 inches for strip footings and thickened edges of a monolithic slab and 24 inches for spread footings should be used even though the maximum allowable bearing pressure~ may not be fully developed in all cases. Footings should bear at least 18 inches below finished exterior grades. . Footing subgrade soils should be approved by the geotechnical engineer or representative prior to placement of concrete and steel. As a minimum acceptance criterion, the footing subgrade soils should be compacted to a minimum density of 95 percent of the soils modified Proctor maximum dry density for a depth of 12 inches. CLOSURE The reconunendations provided above are based on widely spaced borings. This report does not reflect variations in soil conditions between or away from the boring locations. The nature and extent of the variations between the borings may not become evident until during construction. If such variations are encountered during construction, N&A should be informed and given an opportunity to re-evaluate the recommendations above after perfonning on-site observations during the construction period and noting the characteristics of the variations. City of Ocoee Nodarse & Associates Project No. - 01-05-1171-105A Page 7 N&A appreciates the opportunity to be of service to you on this project and trusts this report meets your immediate needs. If you should have any questions regarding this report or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, NODARSE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Erin Russell, E.1. Project Engineer Richard G. Acree, P.E. Geotechnical Department Manager, VP FL Registration No. S3962 Attachments: Appendix R: 1200"01-0)-1171 \ 10S.^dmlnltirlllon,Bldgl^ Innlll. ,""onIRepon, docBMR APPENDIX ! € ~ , K ; H g ~ ". i I ,. ,j ( ! /!.-:.:_ _I,;,~,I)) tl; i )1~::1:::;_~;::;;~;~~~;).i I) I' ! ;i~/l ,f ,0'--"...----,'. Y." ",..;... I Ii J,f ~-:~'(:i'~~ji:.;:;~F':..1 ~)q-.~-.:::?_.-.~~ I ~l I .~).i I I ~,...--..'PI'C-""'__ I ' ';::;;,rt~'~j(~,:! i 1 /""~:>:.""\ j I -.-~~......--'" , . I . , ... ... I " .:~-" ;'-&h ::(.I~t. f . , . ,. " 1:';-':' ,," J' . ;~li_:~I~ :i:>;l ',! '~~I':Ul '1,1/",1 i''''T'~. .~~.J ",,::,.; . . -I ;,' 11 I ~/,' ...._...,' I >~~/ .. ~-~.:-.-..- 0""" ;.~ :~~~l'l i. -'-'::;~~:X' "~~'~...' : 'I"" ._;:..::::' '\ . .:t ''':I! ill r I I ; : '" l ;:1:' LOCATION PI....N HORIZONTAl SCN...[ IN r[n I I () ,<oJ) e':'I ~tGtNU l~...- :.ns........-u..'...... n,,,""C",,&'t.' -+ + ^Vr'~Xl..W; LOCATION Of STANCARO r[h{TRAUQH 1[51 OORINC APPOO1fIWtT~ lOC"T'ON or "Ve[R DORING RORIHC lOCATION PlAN CITY or OCOEE AOloIINISTRA110~ BWLOING ocorr. (lfWfOE COUtiN. Fl~ ItlOARSE . 1I..,el,fI'" 1910. ~MlJ, ~1-05-1I7'-IO~ f1ntJll'f: I OIl,.",., uo [MR NOlED lMTlIO:;_22.08 ! I ~ i' ~ ! a ~ o - ------- 5--- .!,;f"I. II-II.... ~ ~ l ~ 10 15 20 --- lB-1 N 1B-2 HA-l 11A-2 t--.-t . . . . . . . . . . :: CD : (i) ~ :: ,..:: _GI~I'-OlI ,._..:t:iJ. " " 01.11.8,' (i) '.J -~ QI-21-1lll (5P) -.!.U C1-II-X CD o CD l.I;.GEW II! (.0 11]0 LICHT OM't' ro BROWN fINE SANU 10 ~LI(ilULY SUY flIj[ SoIHO (SP)(SP-S~) OR1.Yl3H-BROWN TO OAC>>'N SlLTV flN( s.\HO(S>I) UNlmD SOil CLASSIfICATION OROUP SYMBOl. AS DETtRl,lINEO BY Vt$UAL OA"'WAT/ON OlP'" TJ OROUffDWATER LMl IN rE1 WITH GAT( or REAOINC STAHOMO PENETRATION RES1STMCE IN BLOWS PeR rOOT N 00l. DORlNO PROFllES CITY OF OCOEE ADMINISTRATiON BUILDINC OCOEE, ORAf':lCE COUNTY, fLORIOA ,ltlQARSE . lill';; ;1':.".....,Cl;";'.. . . J .., ~~:~1-:oi..,17.I..l01iA f"IGURt:.2 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift center of Good Lj ~~e Jl/~ Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel Keller, District 4 City Manager Robert Frank March 7, 2008 ADDENDUM NO: TWO (2) CITY OF OCOEE BID #B08-05 UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION BUILDING This addendum shall modify and become a part of the original bid documents for the Utilities. Administration Building. This addendum consists of four (4) pages plus a full set of revised plans. Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of Addendum Two (2) in the space provided in Section 00300-1 of the bid documents. Failure to do so may subject the bidder to disqlJalification. Plan Chanl!CS: . Included with Addendum No. Two is the reissuance of the plans. Revised sheets within the plans are as follows: Architectural: Interiors: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: Plumbing: A002, AlOl, AI03, A201 and A202 IlOl All Structural Sheets All Mechanical Sheets All Electrical Sheets All Plumbing Sheets Answers to Questions received and/or Amendments to the bid documents are as follows: General: Q 1. Where does 600 Gallon Diesel fuel tank go and is it below grade? Location on S 1 01 is different from EI03. A I. The work under this contract shall not include the supply or the installation backup generation. Future generation connection as shown on the plans shall be included. Q2. Are only licensed commercial contractors bidding this project? A2. Contractors that are licensed and qualified to perform this type of work may bid this project. Q3. Who is to pull permits, the licensed contractor or the City? City ofOcoee. 150 N Lakeshore Drive. Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 . tax: (407) 656-8504 . www.cLocoee.fl.us A3. The contractor shall pull the permits. Any fees associated with the permits will be paid by the City. Q4. The W/C section reflects EL limits of $100k/500k/$100k which are the Employers Liability limits but then below those limits there is $1,000,000 labeled Employer Liability. Please clarify the limits required. A4. Workers' Compensation is according to required Statutory limits. Q5. Under "Other" there is a $25,000 limit at any location and a $1,000,000 limit at anyone location but no explanation as to what these items are. Please explain/clarify what this is. AS. Builders Risk $25,000 anyone location, $1,000,000 anyone occurrence. Q6. Please note Article 5. Bonds and Insurance. SC-5.04.C.2.g states that the ExcesslUmbrella limit must be least $10,000,000. This seems extremely high for the type of project with an engineers estimate of $380,000. Can you please clarify this amount? A6. Change the $10,000,000 excess umbrella liability limit to $2,000,000 as stated on the insurance certificate. Civil: Q7. If, during the construction of the buildings foundation, excess suitable soil material becomes available what should be done with the material? A 7. The contractor shall stockpile the material in an accessible location and coordinate with the City for removal of the material from the project. Q8. Note 1 on SP# reads the landscaping and irrigation is supplied and installed by the owner. Does this include the work in notes 2,3, 4, and 5? A8. The SP sheets are for reference only. The Contractor will not perform any landscaping. Q9. Is there a dumpster pad and enclosure? A9. No dumpster is included with this project. Q 10. Is the owner doing the fence around the dump station? If not what (who) is? AIQ. None of the work associated with the dump station has been included in this contract. Q II. Is all water and sewer done by the owner except the building and 5' from the building? A 11. City forces will bring to and tie into water and sewer that the contractor has extended 5' from the building. Q12. Are the water meters and the backflow preventers part of the owners work or the contractors? A 12. The City will install backflow devices and both reclaim and potable water meters. Ql3. The sewer enters the building in 2 locations. Are they both only 5' from the building in their proper locations? Al3. The. sewer line leaves the building only once, the other extension outside the building is a cleanout. Architectural & Interiors: Q14. Note #1 on AI03 call for 30# felt but item .02 of section 07310 calls for 15# felt, which is correct? B0805 DT Admin. Bldg Addendum 2 2 J A 14. Note 01 has been modified to indicate a change in roofing material from shingles to standing seam metal roof with self adhering rubberized asphalt. Specification section 07310.02 Q 15. Is melamine allowable for the cabinet interior liner and particle board for the counter tops substrate? A 15. Melamine is permissible for the cabinet interior liner. The counter tops substrate shall be MDF or plywood only. Q16. Division 9 - 09250-07 Provide Level 5 finish Dwg 1.101 Note "0" says Orange Peel, Please clarify. A 16. Level 5 finish in not required. Provide medium orange peel texture to all painted walls. Q17. Division 9 - 09510-02 Acollstical2x2x3/4 tegular edge Dwg 1.101 - Cl says 2x2 sq ed, Please clarify. A17. Dwg I .101 will be modified to coincide with the specifications. Tegular IS ceiling tile edge style to be used. Q 18. Division 8 - 08221.03 A frames one piece pultruded fiberglass reinforced plastic, Dwg A60 I Door Schedule shows HM Frames, which is correct? A18. All frames are hollow metal frames. Q19. Section 07310.05 says Ridge vent, Dwg AI03 - Note says roof is not vented, please verify. A 19. There are NO ridgevents. The roof is unvented Q20. Dwg S102, Note 2, says 5/8" sheathing, pwg A202 Detail 5 says 3/4" CX and S302-9 says 5/8" APA Structural, General Notes S003 Note 7.3 says 5/8", please verify. A20. 5/8" is correct. Note 51A202 says CDX not ex. Q21. Dwg Al 02, What materials and finish are required for the Entry Soffit area? A21. Pens soffit or Hardi soffit painted per A202. Q22. Dwg AOOl Life Safety says NO Fire Alarm System; Electrical Specs 16720 says Fire Alarm System, please clarify. A22. Dwg AOOl Has been corrected. The Electrical drawings are correct. Q23. Spec Section 07411 - Performed Metal Siding, is this required on this project? A23. There is no metal siding on this project. B0805 UT Admin. Bldg Addendum 2 3 Q24. Has the Roofing System been changed to Standing Seam Metal with a vent system and insulation? A24. The Roofing system has been changed to non-vented standing seam metal roof. It is still insulated below the wood decking. Q25. Spec Section 07411 - Specified Performed Metal Siding, none shown on drawing, please verify. A2S. Correct, there is NO metal siding. Q26. Finish Schedule - Will toilets/shower area receive ceramic tile or epoxy paint as shown? A26. Walls in room 121 (Shower Room) and 11-4 (Rest room) are epoxy paint. The shower units shall be pre- manufactured units: Swanstone shower floor w/ solid surface shower wall kit. Mechanical. Electrical. Plumbing: & Structural: Q27. We need a light fixture schedule and electrical panel schedule for Ll & L2. A27. See E.200 revised electrical drawings. Q28. Dwg E301-3 - Is the 'Ansul' System required for future use? A28. No Ansul system Q29. Can we have panel diagrams and specifications, circuit numbers, breaker details and lighting circuitry? A29. See revised electrical drawings (E.200). attachment: full set of revised plans B0805 UT Admin. Bldg Addendurn 2 4 Mayor S, Scott Vandergrift center of Good l,J <\,'o.e ~/l~ Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel Keller, District 4 City Manager Robert. Frank March I 8, 2008 ADDENDUM NO: THREE (3) CITY OF OCOEE BID #B08-05 UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION BUILDING This addendum shall modify and become a part of the original bid documents for the Utilities Administration Building. This addendum consists of four (4) pages and is for clarification purposes only. Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of Addendum Three (3) in the space provided in Section 00300-1 of the bid documents. Failure to do so may subject the bidder todisquaJification. Final Clarifications to questions received on this proiect are attached to this addendum. ~ ,CPPB Purchasing Agent attachment: Final Clarifications from KZF Design City ofOcoee . 150 N Lakeshore Drive' Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100' fax: (407) 656-8504. www.cLocoee.fl.l1s KZF.]*1[~~5.~ . . ''-$1 OITY OF' OCOEE - OCOEE UTILITIES ADDENDUM 3 L013 ISSUED 3/13/08 RF'I# DATE INI"tIAMATlgN REIiIUEBTEg BENT Tg REB,.gNBE REB,.gNBE 001- Southern Exterior wood doors do nol meet wind 10" Bldg. requirement.. Can we u.e mele' for the exterior Door. and frameal01A. 117. and 120 ,hili be galvanized Services 3/12/08 dooll? KZF/DT 3/13108 hollow melal. door. Inaulaled and fram.. med wi grout 002 - Southern Doors 108 & 1 10 show al double doorl on thl floor Bldg. plan bul Ilnglel on the door Ichedule. Wllch II Services 3/12/08 correct? KZF/DT 3/13/08 Door 108 & 110 IIf'8 double doorl. (2) 3'.()" x 7'.()" panell. 003. Southern Bldg. Door 10911 I Ilnglo on tho floor pl.n but a daubl. on Services 3/12/08 the Ichedule Which I. corr""t? KZF/DT 3/13/08 Door 109 Is IIlngl. door. (1) 3'.0" x 7'.0" p.nel. 004- Southern Bldg. A ground loop II nOI rsqulred for lightning prolllCUon Services 3/12/08 Is. ground loop req\Jlred for Ihollghtnlng prol.cllon? TLCIMH 3/13/08 system. 006- Southern Bldg. II' UL Maller label raqulr,d for the lightning UL Meater label II requlr.d for Lightning prolactlon Services 3/12/08 prot.ctlon? TLCIMH 3/13/08 IYltem. 006 - Southern Bldg. Ple..e conlacl Clly 01 Ocoee City Clerk omce for Ihll Services 3/12/08 Can we h.ve a copy of Iho Pre-Bid meallng mlnutel? KZF/DT 3/13/08 racordl roquell. 007 - 7. A 1 of Addendum '2 reodl ....Iur. gellOfllUon Southern connection 81 Ihown on tho plene shall be Included" 0088 Ihls mean eleclrlc up 10 end Including !he Bldg. Iranlfe' ow1tch? And II Ihl gen.rotor pod to be Rolor 10 e'ec1r1cB1 drawlngl lor eleotrlcol reqUlrementl. Services 3/12/08 Inoluded? KZF/DT 3/13/08 Cleoorolor pod II NOT Included KZF")~~[~~5wa . . .tWo CITY OF' CJCOEE - CJCOEE UTILITIES ADDENDUM 3 LOG laaUEC 3/1 3/0B RF"I# DATil: INl"tlRMATltlN RII:",UII:.TED BENT TD RE8PDN.E RE."tlN.E 008 - Southern 6. 001811 3 on P200 02 .how 112' typo K aoft coppor Bldg. tubing to the trop prlmor. v.!lat I. Ulo walor piping 10 Services 3/12/08 bo, Typo L coppor, Typ. K copp.r or CPVC? TlCIMH 3/13/08 Use !voe L coccer for water clclna. 009- 9. By tho CUI Bnd CU2 thB" .how. . coded not. #4 Southern which ..qulro. . Nem. 3R, 400 .mp dlsoonn.ol. The 6ooA. disconnect .wHch I. tho m.ln dl.connoct for Bldg. v.!lBI 10 the dlsoonnoct lor? The condBnllng unlla the building. RBI.r to drawlnga E.l 03 02 & E .200 02 Services 3/12/08 alroady havo d1ac:onn.ct.. TLCIMH 3/13/08 IlIued on 2126/06. 010. 10. On the OutaldB 01 the building thB" .howB a U'B NEMA-3R dt.con....ct IWIIche.. OIlCOnnBctBwttch.. Southern Nema 4. dllconnect for Iho 11ft alation. A N.ma 4. I. a B" ahQwn NEMA-3R on dnlwIng E.l03 02. Ralar to .taln/oll .1001 dlBconnoct and very o.ponllva. CBn drawing E. 1 03 02 I.ou.d on 2126108. Bldg. w. u.. a .Iond.d N.ma 3R outdoor dl.con....ct In II Services 3/12/08 place? TLC/MH 3/13/08 010 - Carp.1 UIOI aro u..d Ihrough.oul the building .. Indlc.lad Southern on .he.ll.l0l Carpet IN.. .haM be In.tolled par Bldg. 1. Section 09680 refer. to carpet bul .h..t 1.101 manuf.cturo. rooommondallon.. SpoclfloBtlon a.ctlon ServlcllB 3/13/08 ref"" 10 CBrpet Ill... 'M1lch I. correct? KZF/PT 3/13/08 09660.03 .03, .08. & .10 ara not applicable. 001-6rltt <;:onstrucll PleOle .poc;fY wIlel typo of entail Uloy would like on KZF/DT V.e . throB coat .lucco .y,'em with e ....nd pobblo finish' on Inc. 3/13/08 tho Bluceo 3/13/08 Iaxtura. KZF.]~[CJ~:m . . tl'! CITY OF' OCOEE - OCCEE UTILITIES AOOENDUM 3 LOG laBUED :'l11 3/DB RF'I# DATI< IN~QRMATIQN RI<GlUI<IITItQ a I<NT Tg RltliPgNlilt REBPDNElIt Gvno.1 3/14106 Are window. .Ingle or double hunge KlFIDT 3114108 Single hunge. Gvno.1 3114106 If roof I. metel .hould we bid melal faola. and .offit.. KlFIDT 3114108 Bid the drawing. a. .hown. If the conlractor choo... 10 Ule Ihe Hardt Soffit. lhen nail hole. will be filled and Iha jOint. coverad wi s lattice slrlp or almlllr par mlnufaclurer'. rlc:ommandIUon.. If Iha contractor chooaa. to den. .offIl matenll, lollow 'melhod l' Painted Soffil. finl.hed )oInt. fCl\lnd In Iha Manufaolurar'.lIlarllure. Soffil. are painted ragardle.. or General 3114108 vmal finl.h II raqulred on Iha porch llOI!Il. KlFIDT 3/14108 which material I. .Ileotod The City v.lllln8lalltha Clbllng undor the ba.o bid and II 'Mlo provfdo., In.tllla and lermlnte. dala end tho ellerall.. bid I. .wared Ihe oonlraot .hon In.lallthe P.w. Hem 3116108 comml.01loatlon olbllng CITY 3/16108 cabling. Individual Bid forms and backup documents can be viewed Online in LaserFiche, under the 4/15/08 Agenda or In Person in the City Clerk's Office. SECTION 00300 BID FORM SUBMITTED: March 20, 2008 (Date) PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: CITY OF OCOEE UTILITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NAME OF BIDDER: Southern Building Services, Inc. 1165 E Plant Street, Suite 9 BUSINESS ADDRESS: Winter Garden, FL 34787 PHONE NO.: 407-877-1108 CONTRACTOR'S FLORIDA LICENSE NO.: CGC060685 THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO City ofOcoee, Florida (hereinafter called Owner) 1. The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an Amendment to the Agreement with Owner in the form included in the Contract Documents, to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid Form and the Amendment to the Agreement, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 2. Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Bidding Docwnents including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Bond. This Bid will remain open for ninety (90) calendar days after the day of Bid opening. Bidder will sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Amendment to the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within ten (10) days after the date of Owner's Notice ofIntent to Award. 3. In submitting this Bid, Bidder makes all representations required by the Instructions to Bidders and the Agreement and further warrants and represents that: a. Bidder has examined copies of all the Bidding Documents and of the following Addenda: No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. Dated February 26, 2008 No. Dated March 7, 2008 No. Dated March 18, 2008 No. Dated No. Dated: Dated: Dated: Dated: Receipt of all is hereby acknowledged along with copies of the Invitation to Bid and the Instructions to Bidders. Project B08-05 00300-1 2/4/2008 b. Bidder has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance, or furnishing the Work. c. Bidder has carefully studied all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface of subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.02.1 of the General Conditions. Bidder accepts the determination set forth in paragraph SC-4.02 of the Supplementary Conditions of the extent of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings upon which Bidder is entitled to rely as provided in paragraph 4.02 of the General Conditions. Bidder acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for Bidder's purposes. Bidder acknowledges that Owner and Engineer do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Bidding Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site. d. Bidder has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for having done so) all such additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost progress, performance or furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means. methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction to be employed by Bidder and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Bidder does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies or data are necessary for the determination of this bid for performance and furnishing of the Work in accordance with the times, price and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. e. Bidder is aware of the general nature of Work to be performed by Owner and others at the site that relates to Work for which this Bid is submitted as indicated in the Contract Documents. f. Bidder has correlated the information known to Bidder, information and observations obtained from visits to the site. reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and date with the Contract Documents. g. Bidder has given Purchasing Agent written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies that Bidder has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by Purchasing Agent is acceptable to Bidder, and the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and Project B08-05 00300-2 2/4/2008 .... convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work for which this Bid is submitted. h. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a farce or sham Bid; Bidder has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over Owner. i. Bidder hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed and to fully complete all work of the project within the Contract Time specified in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). Bidder further accepts the provisions of the Scope of Work Agreement as to liquidated damages and agrees to pay as liquidated damages the amount stated in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500), for each consecutive calendar day completion of the work is delayed. Completion Schedule: 1) The work shall be substantially complete within the Contract Time specified in Article 3.1 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 2) The Work shall be finally Complete within the contract Time specified in Article 3.2 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 4. All bid items shall include all materials, equipment, labor, permit fees, taxes, tests, miscellaneous costs of all types, overhead, and profit for the item to be complete, in place, and ready for operation in the manner contemplated by the Contract Documents. Bidder submits the following BASE BID and ALTERNATE BASE BID to perform all the Work as required by the Drawings and Specifications. ITEM 1: BASE BID Contractor perfonning all work shown on Civil, Architectural, Interior Design, Structural, HV AG, and Phnnbing plan sheets, plus any inter~related cross-discipline support work shown on other project drawings and as required in Bidding Documents, Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Addenda issued. Contractor shall coordinate all phases of the Electrical Work as shown on the Electrical Drawings in assisting the City with the City's effort to procure electrical material and perform the electrical work by its licensed electrical forces, as described in Section 01010. Lump Sum of Two hundred ninety two thousand six hl!ngre_d _c!.ol!ars .aQ.d zero cents ( words); $ 292,600.00 (numbers) Project B08-05 00300-3 2/4/2008 ITEM 2: ALTERNATE BASE BID Contractor performing all work included in Item 1: Base Bid plus the cost for the contractor to procure and construct all the building (interior and exterior) electrical work, as shown in the contract documents, including the Electrical Drawings. Three hundred forty eight thousand five hundred sixty seven dollars and Lmnp Sum of zero cents. ( words); $ 348,567.00 (numbers) 5. The Bidder agrees to commence work within TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS after the date of the Notice to Proceed, and shall complete the work within ONE IlllNDRED EIGHTY TWO CALENDAR DAYS (182) thereafter. The Bidder further agrees to pay, as. liquidated damages, the sum of TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLARS for each consecutive calendar day thereafter, until the work is completed. 6. In accordance with Article 17 of the Instructions to Bidders, the City will consider the lowest "Base Bid" or "Alternate Base Bid" after adjustments for additive or deductive alternates. Additive or deductive alternates (if any) will be considered in determining the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder. The Owner reserves the right to accept any or all additive or deductive alternates, in his sole discretion, prior to the award of the Contract. The Owner also reserves the right to delete any portion of the Work as shown in the bid schedule prior to award and adjust each Bidder's "Base Bid" and/or "Alternate Base Bid" accordingly. 7. The following documents are included and made a condition of this Bid: a. Bid Forms (Sections 00300, 00301, 00301A, 00302, and 00303) b. Bid Bond (SUrety Bond or Cashier's Check). (Section 00410) c. Corporate Authority to Execute Bid (Section 00510) d. Non-collusion Affidavit (Section 00480) e. Certification of Non-segregated Facilities (Section 00481) f. Sworn Statement on Public Entity Crimes (Section 00482) g. Certification of Nondiscriminatory Labor Practices (Section 00483) 8. The Bidder acknowledges that the City specifically reserves the right to accept and make an award to a bidder that has not submitted the lowest bid when in the City's sole and absolute discretion the City determines that to be in its best interests. The terms used in this Bid, which are defined in the General Conditions or Instructions of the Construction Contract, included as part of the Contract Documents have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions or Instructions. 9. The work shall be performed under a Florida Contractor's License. Contract shall not be awarded unless proof of valid license( s) is provided. Project B08-05 00300-4 2/4/2008 10. It is understood that where quantities for unit price work have been presented in the foregoing Schedule of Bid Items, they are approximate only and are solely for purpose of facilitating the comparison of bids, and that the Contractor's compensation will be computed upon the basis as described in the measurement and payment clauses in the specifications contained herein. 11. BASE BID - SCHEDULE OF MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS If the foregoing Schedule of Bid Items is presented in a Base Bid format, the undersigned as Bidder agrees that the Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of the materials and equipment named in the Contract Documents in accordance with Article 9 of the Instructions to Bidders. If the Bidder desires to propose an alternate manufacturer or supplier, he may write in the name of such alternate in the substitution list included within this Bid Form. lfthe proposed alternate manufacturer/supplier is determined "not equivalent" by the Architect or Engineer, the Bidder must furnish equipment and/or material items by the originally specified manufacturer/supplier. 12. SUBSTITUTIONS AND "OR EQUAL" The undersigned as Bidder agrees that substitutions or "or-equal" items will not be considered until after the "Effective Date of the Agreement" and will be evaluated in accordance with paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. In addition to the reimbursement required under the General Conditions, the Contractor shall also reimburse the Owner for any design costs directly attributable to the change. in manufacturers/suppliers, caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; additional field trips for the Architect andlor Engineer, additional redesign costs, and additional review costs, etc. Other costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/suppliers caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; increased electrical requirements, larger building, additional pumps or tankage, etc., shall be borne by others and not the Owner. If Bidder intends to propose substitutions or "or- equal" items after the "Effective Date of the Agreement," it is agreed that these items will be listed on the Substitution List included within this Bid Form, with a deductive amount ..... representing 50 percent of the total savings between the named Base Bid item and the proposed item. "Base Bid" item substitutions providing an equipment or material cost savings to the Owner of less than $1,000 will not be considered. The undersigned, as Bidder, also agrees that if a substitution or "or-equal" item is not listed on the Substitution List included with the Bid, all of the savings between the named item and the proposed item will go to the Owner if the Owner accepts the proposed item in accordance with paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. The Owner may request, and the undersigned Bidder shall supply, complete information on proposed substitutions. Such information shall be the manufacturer's current published or preprinted information for the specific substitution. 13. As Bidder, I hereby certify that I am aware and understand that the City of Ocoee in its sole discretion reserves the right to waive technicalities or irregularities, to reject any or Project B08-05 00300-5 2/4/2008 all Bids, and/or to accept that Bid which is in the best interest of the City. The Award of this Bid, if made, may be based on considerations other than total cost, and may be awarded based on various considerations, including but not limited to: Bidder experience and whether the Base Bid and Base Alternate Bid, in the judgment of the Owner, is the most responsive to Owner's needs. Owner encourages the use of minorities and women- owned businesses as subcontractors. SUBSTITUTION LIST Bidder offers the following substitutions and "or equal" items. Deductible Amount* Equipment Alternative (Indicate Whether Item or Spec Manufacturer/Supplier Lump Sum or Material Section (List One Only) Unit Price) NIA ,.J/A Represents 50 percent of the difference in cost in accordance with the General Conditions (Minimum Deductible Amount per Substitution Item shall be $1,000) (Bidder may supplement this page, as required.) Project B08-0S 00300-6 2/4/2008 Strike out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGNATORIES MUST HA VB THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNATURES) If Bidder is: SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP (SEAL) X (Individual's Signature) (Individual's Name) doing business as Business Address: Phone No.: Florida License No.: A PARTNERSHIP (SEAL) X (partnership Name) X (General Partner's Signature) X (General Partner's Name) Business address: Phone No.: Florida License No.: Project B08-0S 00300-7 2/4/2008 Strike out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGNATORIES MUST HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNATURES) If Bidder is: A CORPORATION Southern Building Services, Inc. (Corporation Name) Florida (State of Incorporation) (Corporate Seal) ign) By Attest ~ 0hMJ1~ (Secretary) Business address: 1165 E Plant Street, Suite 9 Winter Garden, FL 34787 Phone No.: 407-877-1108 Corporation President: Jeffrey L. Sherron Florida License No.: CGC060685 Project B08-0S . 00300~8 2/4/2008 Strike out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGNATORIES MUST HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNATURES) If Bidder is: A JOINT VENTURE By (Name) (Address) By (Name) (Address) Business Address: Phone No.: Florida License No.: (Each joint venturer must sign. The manner of signing for each individual, partnership, and corporation that is a party to the joint venture should be in the manner indicated above.) Florida License No.: Project B08-05 00300-9 2/4/2008 13. List the following in connection with the Surety, which is providing the Bid Bond: Surety's Name: Surety's Address: International Fidelity Insurance Company One Newark Center, 20th Floor, Newark, NJ 07102-5207 Name and address of Surety's resident agent for service of process in Florida: Guignard Company 1904 Boothe Circle, Longwood, FL 32750 END OF SECTION Project B08-0S 00300-10 . 2/4/2008 SECTION 00301 QUESTIONNAIRE DATE: March 20, 2008 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: City of Ocoee Utilities Administration Building NAME OF BIDDER: Southern Building Services, Inc. 1165 E Plant Street, Suite 9 BUSINESS ADDRESS: Winter Garden, FL 34787 Telephone No.: 407-877-1108 CONTRACTOR'S FLORIDA LICENSE NO. CGC060685 The undersigned warrants the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers herein contained. Include additional sheets if necessary. 1. How many years has your organization been in business as a General Contractor? 10 2. Describe and give the date and owner of the last project that you have completed similar in type, size, and nature as the one proposed? Center Hill Hurricane Shelter - New construction of a hurricane shelter, Owner - City of Center Hill Completed 10/15/07 3. Have you ever failed to complete work awarded to you? If so, where and why? NO 4. Name three (3) municipalities for which you have performed work and to which you refer: Department of Military Affairs City of Deltona Seminole County 5. Have you personally inspected the site of the proposed Work? Describe any anticipated problems with the site and your proposed solutions? Yes inspected site, no problems anticipated Project B08-05 00301-1 2/4/2008 6. Will you Subcontract any part of this Work? If so, describe which portions: Yes, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbinq 7. What equipment do you own that is available for the Work? Bobcat, Forklift 8. What equipment will you purchase for the Work? None 9. What equipment will you rent for the Work? None 10. The following is given as a summary of the Financial Statement of the undersigned: (List Assets and Liabilities and use insert sheet if necessary). See Interim Sheet Attached 11. State the true and exact; correct, and complete name under which you do business. Bidder is: Southern Building Services, Inc. END OF SECTION Project B08-05 00301-2 2/4/2008 SECTION 00301-A SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER LIST Will your firm be doing all the Work with your own forces? Yes_ No~ (Check yes only if no subcontracting opportunities exist. If you will be doing portions of the Work with your own forces, list these areas and approximate dollar amount allocated for this Work. List suppliers). List all proposed subcontractors and suppliers to be used to include company names, contract, addresses, phone numbers, type of work subcontracted (trade/commodity), dollar amount of work, and M/WBE designation or Majority (Non-M/WBE) owned company. See Instructions to Bidders for MlWBE requirements. Provide all information requested. Use additional sheets if necessary. Submit Update Subcontractor/Supplier List with each progress payment requested. Submit Final Subcontractor/Supplier List with Final Payment Request. COMPANY NAME, CONTACT ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER 1 Partin Plumbing 2 Watson & Company 3 Absolute Access 4 Maxwell Lightening Protection 5 6 7 Project B08-05 WORK TO BE PERFORMED (TRADE) OR COMMODITY TO BE SUPPLIED Plumbing ESTIMATED DOLLAR AMOUNT $21,875.00 MlWBE DESIGNATION OR MAJORITY OWNER MAJORITY Mechanical/ HVAC $36,432.00 MAJORITY $55,967.00 Electrical MAJORITY Ligthening Protection MAJORITY $3,300.00 END OF SECTION 00301-A-l 2/4/2008 SECTION 00300 BID FORM SUBMITTED: ..3/ ~%8 (Date) PROJECT IDENTIFICA nON: CITY OF OCOEE UTILITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NAME OF BIDDER: M. W. t'JITfHctL Co.vY: f/f)6tJ., T/lJ:!. 6;0 5u5AN ~,~~rreT; SlEo1l0 I BUSINESS ADDRESS:tuINTC'J!- 6~ fi. ,;t/1SJ PHONE NO.: 1/o7-ef1..93 -lIf!IS CONTRACTOR'S FLORIDA LICENSE NO.: {!Ge /507<12.8 THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO City ofOcoee, Florida (herein~er called Owner) 1. The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an Amendment to the Agreement with Owner in the form included in the Contract Documents, to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid Form and the Amendment to the Agreement, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 2. Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Bond. This Bid will remain open for ninety (90) calendar days after the day of Bid opening. Bidder will sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Amendment to the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within ten (10) days after the date of Owner's Notice of Intent to Award. 3. In submitting this Bid, Bidder makes all representations required by the Instructions to Bidders and the Agreement and further warrants and represents that: a. Bidder has examined copies of all the Bidding Documents and of the following Addenda: No. No. No. No. i 2 ~ Dated ~b. U,ZDD8 No. Dated j4f.....oJ.r 1r '2.00& No. DatedM~ l~, tM,t~No. Dated No. Dated: Dated: Dated: Dated: Receipt of all is hereby acknowledged along with copies of the Invitation to Bid and the Instructions to Bidders. Project B08-0S 00300-1 2/4/2008 b. Bidder has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance, or furnishing the Work. c. Bidder has carefully studied all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface of subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.02.1 of the General Conditions. Bidder accepts the determination set forth in paragraph SC-4.02 of the Supplementary Conditions of the extent of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings upon which Bidder is entitled to rely as provided in paragraph 4.02 of the General Conditions. Bidder acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for Bidder's purposes. Bidder acknowledges that Owner and Engineer do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of infonnatioIi and data shown or indicated in the Bidding Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site. d. Bidder has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for having done so) all such additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost progress, performance or furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction to be employed by Bidder and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Bidder does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies or data are necessary for the determination of this bid for perfonnance and furnishing of the Work in accordance with the times, price and other tenns and conditions of the Contract Documents. e. Bidder is aware of the general nature of Work to be perfonned by Owner and others at the site that relates to Work for which this Bid is submitted as indicated in the Contract Documents. f. Bidder has correlated the infonnation known to Bidder, information and observations obtained from visits to the site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and date with the Contract Documents. g. Bidder has given Purchasing Agent written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies that Bidder has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by Purchasing Agent is acceptable to Bidder, and the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and f f f I Project B08-0S 00300-2 2/4/2008 convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work for which this Bid is submitted. h. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a farce or sham Bid; Bidder has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over Owner. 1. Bidder hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed and to fully complete all work of the project within the Contract Time specified in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). Bidder further accepts the provisions of the Scope of Work Agreement as to liquidated damages and agrees to pay as liquidated damages the amount stated in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500), for each consecutive calendar day completion of the work is delayed. . Completion Schedule: 1) The work shall be substantially complete within the Contract Time specified in Article 3.1 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 2) The Work shall be finally Complete within the contract Time specified in Article 3.2 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 4. All bid items shall include all materials, equipment, labor, permit fees, taxes, tests, miscellaneous costs of all types, overhead, and profit for the item to be complete, in place, and ready for operation in the manner contemplated by the Contract Documents. . Bidder submits the following BASE BID and AL TERNA TE BASE BID to perform all the Work as required by the Drawings and Specifications. ITEM 1: BASE BID Contractor performing all work shown on Civil, Architectural, Interior Design, Structural, HV AC, and Plumbing plan sheets, plus any inter-related cross-discipline support work shown on other project drawings and as required in Bidding Documents, Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Addenda issued. Contractor shall coordinate all phases of the Electrical Work as shown on the Electrical Drawings in assisting the City with the City's effort to procure electrical material and perform the electrical work by its licensed electrical forces, as described in Section 01010. Lump Sum of Tf/Ir;F f/utV/)g~ ~FNI'I-.;:oujJ 7ihEAN1J $ 3bl.4;tJt7?) (numbers) ( words); Project B08-0S 00300-3 2/4/2008 ITEM 2: ALTERNATE BASE BID Contractor performing all work included in Item 1: Base Bid plus the cost for the contractor to procure and construct all the building (interior and exterior) electrical work, as shown in the contract documents, including the Electrical Drawings. Lump Sum of Tlfb #"AI~A 5-IXAU-y.fbt/~ 7#oU"'W/(I,p ~ $ 37i~. oa (numbers) ( words); 5. The Bidder agrees to commence work within TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS after the date of the Notice to Proceed, and shall complete the work within ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO CALENDAR DAYS (182) thereafter. The Bidder further agrees to pay, as liquidated damages, the sum of TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLARS for each consecutive calendar day thereafter, until the work is completed. 6. In accordance with Article 17 of the Instructions to Bidders, the City will consider the lowest "Base Bid" or "Alternate Base Bid" after adjustments for additive or deductive alternates. Additive or deductive alternates (if any) will be considered in determining the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder. The Owner reserves the right to accept any or all additive or deductive alternates, in his sole discretion, prior to the award of the Contract. The OVl.'ller also reserves the right to delete any portion of the Work as shown in the bid schedule prior to award and adjust each Bidder's "Base Bid" and/or "Alternate Base Bid" accordingly. 7. The following documents are included and made a condition of this Bid: a. Bid Forms (Sections 00300, 00301, 00301A, 00302, and 00303) b. Bid Bond (Surety Bond or Cashier's Check). (Section 00410) c. Corporate Authority to Execute Bid (Section 00510) d. Non-collusion Affidavit (Section 00480) e. Certification of Non-segregated Facilities (Section 00481) f. Sworn Statement on Public Entity Crimes (Section 00482) g. Certification of Nondiscriminatory Labor Practices (Section 00483) 8. The Bidder acknowledges that the City specifically reserves the right to accept and make an award to a bidder that has not submitted the lowest bid when in the City's sole and absolute discretion the City determines that to be in its best interests. The terms used in this Bid, which are defined in the General Conditions or Instructions of the Construction Contract, included as part of the Contract Docliments have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions or Instructions. 9. The work shall be performed under a Florida Contractor's License. Contract shall not be awarded unless proof of valid licensees) is provided. Project B08-05 00300-4 2/4/2008 10. It is understood that where quantities for unit price work have been presented in the foregoing Schedule of Bid Items, they are approximate only and are solely for purpose of facilitating the comparison of bids, and that the Contractor's compensation will be computed upon the basis as described in the measurement and payment clauses in the specifications contained herein. 11. BASE BID - SCHEDULE OF MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS If the foregoing Schedule of Bid Items is presented in a Base Bid format, the undersigned as Bidder agrees that the Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of the materials and equipment named in the Contract Documents in accordance with Article .9 of the Instructions to Bidders. If the Bidder desires to propose an alternate manufacturer or supplier, he may write in the name of such alternate in the substitution list included within this Bid Form. If the proposed alternate manufacturer/supplier is determined "not equivalent" by the Architect or Engineer, the Bidder must furnish equipment and/or material items by the originally specified manufacturer/supplier. 12. SUBSTITUTIONS AND "OR EQUAL" The undersigned as Bidder agrees that substitutions or "or-equal" items will not be considered until after the "Effective Date of the Agreement" and will be evaluated in accordance with paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. In addition to the reimbursement r~quired under the General Conditions, the Contractor shall also reimburse the Owner for any design costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/suppliers, caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; additional field trips for the Architect and/or Engineer, additional redesign costs, and additional review costs, etc. Other costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/suppliers caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; increased electrical requirements, larger building, additional pumps or tankage, etc., shall be borne by others and not the Owner. If Bidder intends to propose substitutions or "or- equal" items after the "Effective Date of the Agreement," it is agreed that these items will be listed on the Substitution List included within this Bid Form, with a deductive amount representing 50 percent of the total savings between the named Base Bid item and the proposed item. "Base Bid" item substitutions providing an equipment or material cost savings to the Owner of less than $1,000 will not be considered. The undersigned, as Bidder, also agrees that if a substitution or "or-equal" item is not listed on the Substitution List included with the Bid, all of the savings between the named item and the proposed item will go to the Owner if the Owner accepts the proposed item in accordance with paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. The Owner may request, and the undersigned Bidder shall supply, complete information on proposed substitutions. Such information shall be the manufacturer's current published or preprinted information for the specific substitution. 13. As Bidder, I hereby certify that I am aware and understand that the City of Ocoee in its sole discretion reserves the right to waive technicalities or irregularities, to reject any or Project BOS-05 00300-5 2/4/2008 all Bids, and/or to accept that Bid which is in the best interest of the City. The Award of this Bid, if made, may be based on considerations other than total cost, and may be awarded based on various considerations, including but not limited to: Bidder experience and whether the Base Bid and Base Alternate Bid, in the judgment of the Owner, is the most responsive to Owner's needs. Owner encourages the use of minorities and women- owned businesses as subcontractors. SUBSTITUTION LIST Bidder offers the following substitutions and "or equal" items. Deductible Amount* Equipment Alternative (Indicate Whether Item or Spec Manufacturer/Supplier Lump Sum or Material Section (List One Only) Unit Price) '0<.1. G-t gd).ptQ D \S' .; fot~OO .00 ,.. ~ f ~w:l'.e~ 1 t?,4tJII. t?e , Represents 50 percent of the difference in cost in accordance with the General Conditions (Minimum Deductible Amount per Substitution Item shall be $1,000) (Bidder may supplement this page, as required.) Project B08-0S 00300-6 2/4/2008 :~ ......... j ~ ~ . ~ 4 4 4 f ~ ~ . e f f f Strike out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL IGNATORIES MUST HA VB THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW ' IR NATURES) IfB deris: (SEAL) (Individual's Signature) (Individual's Name) doing business as Business Address: Phone No.: Florida License No.: A P AR1NERSHIP (SEAL) (General Partner's Name) Project B08-05 00300-7 2/4/2008 Strike out (X) non-applicable signature block and comple~e applicable block. (ALL SIGNA TORIES MUST HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNATURES) If Bidder is: A CORPORATION (Corporation Name) m.w. mI1(!HB.-L eoN5T,eU(!..TltJ,v AN{) PEtlEt.o/mEN;; :IN~. (State of Incorporation) f" A. CJ~//JA By (Name of person authorized to sign) mAil<. tV. /)111'~rleu... (Title) (JRtSI/J€N T (Authorized Signature)'1u~ (Corporate Seal) Attest (Secretary) Business address: J30 5CJ~,v 8('~J.ITr ell 5f.1/7E ~ 70 011vTtlt GI1Il/J~ PI- .$(787 9'07- eI.. if .i -~195' IYJ All{ u.>. rn I T~ fIE I.L Phone No.: Corporation President: Florida License No.: (!r;;(! 1.107928 Project B08-05 00300-8 2/4/2008 -~ l ~ ~ ~ 4 t . t t . . . . ~ ~ . . . t . I . . S e out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALV SIG TORIES MUST HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELO~ . THEIR SIGN S) , If Bidder . : By By Business Address: Phone No.: (Each j . t venturer must sign. The manner of signing for each individ , partnership, and corpo tion that is a party to the j oint venture should be in the manner indi Project B08-05 00300-9 2/4/2008 13. List the following in connection with the Surety, which is providing the Bid Bond: Surety's Name: /IItbll IIAJ':#ltlAN 5~/AJ.//.'I .k to. tS6 EL.fi'J y II1AA/(JH~~. /JIll C>3/o/ ,. . Surety's Address: Name and address of Surety's resident agent for service of process in Florida: f"t.tJ;(//J/J Stl~7( ;$;/IIf),j t~ No wi /IJ()~ 12./J. 5v / J;t: ;(tJtJ . /hI} IT LIlI\i2 ;: L. g:;. 7.5l , END OF SECTION Project B08-0S 00300-10 . 2/4/2008 . 4] t . , . i t t . t . t . . . t . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . f , . . . . ~ ~ ~ . . 4 ~ f 4 SECTION 00301 QUESTIONNAIRE DATE: ~/Ofl PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: City of Ocoee Utilities Administration Building NAME OF BIDDER: /lJ, tJ./J1//?!II€t.L- (hv.jr. f1 t1=u , .z;~. BUSINESS ADDRESS: 530 5u5ltl/f/,d, .6b7T (!r. ~/Tc ~7() ft)NTa. ~/u.aeN; ~L .5i{7g7 Telephone No.: ~07- c51.?3. r4?o CONTRACTOR'S FLORIDA LICENSE NO. (J GC!. /50791..8 The undersigned warrants the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers herein contained. Include additional sheets if necessary. 1. How many years has your organization been in business as a General Contractor? II .vcA..e5 2. Describe and give the date and owner of the last project that you have completed similar in type, size, and nature,as the one proposed? ~ _/1 ~I gU-e" r;V1a(~() ~lt-ftz."$"'1~( (JMtIt~ - .s-t!JotJ SF. C /Nt tA ~~ c(tAde"., 5(re :t t.{.f,.""h'~f) OJOII(fL.,. t 9~ "tJdtJ. 3. Have you ever failed to complete work awarded to you? If so, where and why? NO 4. Name three (3) municipalities for which you have perfonned work and to which you refer: el~ ~ I{f~~! ~1j ~~ ;~~l./C::::: - ~~r I~ t Rt't!. 5. Have you personally inspected the site of the proposed Work? Describe any anticipated problems with the site and your proposed solutions? 'PO ~ Project B08-05 00301-1 2/4/2008 ;~ 6. 7. What-rqui'plJlent dO. you own that is available for the Work? ~htJ-e. CtJlIV\ p.,.,eAr.4t)&A.- Gr ~4t ofIl.v\ ~ '\..f kM-s , \ \ \ \ \ \ 8. What equipment will you purchase for the Work? vtt') ~ 9. What equipment will you rent for the Work? L r!> 'Q 10. The following is given as a summary of the Financial Statement of the undersigned: (List Assets and Liabilities and use insert sheet if necessary). /JSSFT:5 .. /'j~()t/O.~() I dl~L/llLS"' /~f" Ot:70. 00 11. State the true and exact, correct, and complete name under which you do business. Bidder is: lih W. f'1 ITfi-t:Lc...- eoN5r~.uN1c/tJ (1JE1lC/..CPme./t :rIVe!. END OF SECTION Project B08-0S 00301-2 2/4/2008 ~ SECTION 00301-A SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER LIST Will your firm be doing all the Work with your own forces? Yes~ No ~heck yes only if no subcontracting opportunities exist. If you will be doing portions of the Work with your own forces, list these areas and approximate dollar amount allocated for this Work. List suppliers). List all proposed subcontractors and suppliers to be used to include company names, contract, addresses, phone numbers, type of work subcontracted (trade/commodity), dollar amount of work, and MlWBE designation or Majority (Non-M/WBE) owned company. . See Instructions to Bidders for M/WBE requirements. Provide all information requested. Use additional sheets if necessary. Submit Update Subcontractor/Supplier List with each progress payment requested. Submit Final Subcontractor/Supplier List with Final Payment Request. COMPANY NAME, WORK TO BE MlWBE CONTACT PERFORMED (TRADE) ESTIMATED DESIGNATION ADDRESS, PHONE OR COMMODITY TO DOLLAR OR MAJORITY NUMBER BE SUPPLIED AMOUNT OWNER l~~k" "i fe ~19-V, "i IJ"IJ(). >. SWV1/~A. ~f'Ht,MI~ F( t&::f~i: {~~o~fe 5'(, f)(j tJ i Cl"'u'+ U "'l'ls ~" '1"t4Sl "1 , <<!ttl" . 'tf:, _ ~" (i lilt ~So'" ~ 3 ~t1r'%t~ ",of "1- (9, If?~ l ,~~ 4~ \J c... 4 ~d"'lC~fr: ~~t~ - - - .-'1'- ( s-....., 0 0 .,r.... -' .. 1~ I 77e p\"'(/o(,I4-+-~. ~b~ -f:::.1. , ?B~.~S-~ rOO i.h ~lIl"1 ~fs -- \ l( /61;~ '1 t- ~c.. ct. q 0"," Ic.-, Pt'L r:f ~ lI\..-..q-1 e i~ . t="\,. "'01- S""4 0 - ( I ~ ~1Mt.'t-1+-1 6 4~iJ--icLd l~h S~,,^d(* '7--1, Zoo ~C~c-.~ Fr. cfoT- 64 r - (, "Ie _~~I"1' f o,-W, 7 CJ ~ co - " -. "t'-' G. Ai ~~() ~qt1J L'",'i tA?OI:> ~( J tff)1..~~11- 6~L/ 8 E~ OF SECTION r~(eo {/lboVj (q YLS b"~ S~6~ ~. ~1r -w~~ 6l~tt-(, f1,. I Project B~05 tf'l U 00301-A-l 2/4/2008 46~" ~ .. SECTION 00300 BID FORM SUBMITTED: 03/20/2008 (Date) PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: CITY OF OCOEE UTILITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NAME OF BIDDER: 'T'hp ,(-JFltFllJC]?l r'nmp?lflY 4275 Capron Road BUSINESS ADDRESS: Ti tllsvi 11 P. PT, ~?7Rn PHONENO.: (~?l )?f.,7 C:;7Rt:) CONTRACTOR'S FLORIDA LICENSE NO.: CGCA 37 51 8 THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO City of Ocoee, Florida (hereinafter called Owner) 1. The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an Amendment to the Agreement with Owner in the form included in the Contract Documents, to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid Form and the Amendment to the Agreement, and in accordance \vith the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents.' 2. Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Bond. This Bid will remain open for ninety (90) calendar days after the day of Bid opening. Bidder will sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Amendment to the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within ten (10) days after the date of Owner's Notice of Intent to Award. 3. In submitting this Bid, Bidder makes all representations required by the Instructions to Bidders and the Agreement and further warrants and represents that: a. Bidder has examined copies of all the Bidding Documents and of the following Addenda: No. 01 No. 02 No. 03 No. Dated: Dated: Dated: Dated: Dated 02/26/08 No. Dated 03/07/08 No. Dated 03/18/08 No. Dated No. Receipt of all is hereby acknowledged along with copies of the Invitation to Bid and the Instructions to Bidders. Project B08-05 00300-1 2/4/2008 b. Bidder has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Docwnents, Work, site, locality, and all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance, or furnishing the Work. c. Bidder has carefully studied all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface of subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.02.1 of the General Conditions. Bidder accepts the determination set forth in paragraph SC-4.02 of the Supplementary Conditions of the extent of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings upon which Bidder is entitled to rely as provided in paragraph 4.02 of the General Conditions. Bidder acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Contract Docwnents and may not be complete for Bidder's purposes. Bidder acknowledges that Owner and Engineer do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Bidding Documents Vvith respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site. d. Bidder has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for having done so) all such additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface . and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost progress, performance or furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction to be employed by Bidder and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Bidder does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies or data are necessary for the determination of this bid for performance and furnishing of the Work in accordance with the times, price and other terms and conditions of the Contract Docwnents. e. Bidder is aware of the general nature of Work to be performed by Owner and others at the site that relates to Wark for which this Bid is submitted as indicated in the Contract Documents. f. Bidder has correlated the information known to Bidder, information and observations obtained from visits to the site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Docwnents and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and date with the Contract Documents. g. Bidder has given Purchasing Agent written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies that Bidder has discovered in the Contract Docwnents and the written resolution thereof by Purchasing Agent is acceptable to Bidder, and the Contract Docwnents are generally sufficient to indicate and Project B08-0S 00300-2 2/4/2008 convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work for which this Bid is submitted. h. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, orgaD.iZation or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a farce or sham Bid; Bidder has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over Owner. 1. Bidder hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed and to fully complete all work of the project within the Contract Time specified in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). Bidder further accepts the provisions of the Scope of Work Agreement as to liquidated damages and agrees to pay as liquidated damages the amount stated in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500), for each consecutive calendar day completion of the work is delayed. Completion Schedule: 1) The work shall be substantially complete within the Contract Time specified in Article 3.1 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 2) The Work shall be finally Complete within the contract Time specified in Article 3.2 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 4. All bid items shall include all materials, equipment, labor, permit fees, taxes, tests, miscellaneous costs of all types, overhead, and profit for the item to be complete, in place, and ready for operation in the manner contemplated by the Contract Documents. Bidder submits the following BASE BID and ALTERNATE BASE BID to perform all the Work as required by the Drawings and Specifications. ITEM 1: BASE BID Contractor perfonning all work shown on Civil, Architectural, Interior Design, Structural, HV AC, and Plumbing plan sheets, plus any inter-related cross-discipline support work shown on other project drawings and as required in Bidding Documents, Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Addenda issued. Contractor shall coordinate all phases of the Electrical Work as shown on the Electrical Drawings in assisting the City with the City's effort to procure electrical material and perform the electrical work by its licensed electrical forces, as described in Section 01.010. Lump Sum of -rh~f.h~tfreJ1/J;"ly5-~~,J[;IrfIl~r;'i!i,l{1R. $ 337; '68'5'" ~ (numbers) Project B08-05 00300-3 2/4/2008 ITEM 2: ALTERNATE BASE BID Contractor perfonning all work included in Item 1: Base Bid plus the cost for the contractor to procure and construct all the building (interior and exterior) electrical work, as shown in the contract documents, including the Electrical Drawings. rd Lump Sum of 7h~ lIu'Od~ Ei3iJ'I'~-'Qf\ --r&..~Tuw U~ , (~dS); $ "j 07 I '-faD I. iJ) (numbers) I 5. The Bidder agrees to commence work within TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS after the date of the Notice to Proceed, and shall complete the work within ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO CALENDAR DAYS (182) thereafter. The Bidder further agrees to pay, as liquidated damages, the sum of TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLARS for each consecutive calendar day thereafter, until the work is completed. 6. In accordance with Article 17 of the Instructions to Bidders, the City will consider the lowest "Base Bid" or "Alternate Base Bid" after adjustments for additive or deductive alternates. Additive or deductive alternates (if any) will be considered in determining the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder. The Owner reserves the right to accept any or all additive or deductive alternates, in his sole discretion, prior to the award of the Contract. The Owner also reserves the right to delete any portion of the Work as shown in the bid schedule prior to award and adjust each Bidder's "Base Bid" and/or "Alternate Base Bid" accordingly. 7. The following documents are included and made a condition of this Bid: a. Bid Forms (Sections 00300, 00301, 00301A, 00302, and 00303) b. Bid Bond (Surety Bond or Cashier's Check). (Section 00410) c. Corporate Authority to Execute Bid (Section 00510) d. Non-collusion Affidavit (Section 00480) e. Certification of Non-segregated Facilities (Section 00481) f. Sworn Statement on Public Entity Crimes (Section 00482) g. Certification of Nondiscriminatory Labor Practices (Section 00483) 8. The Bidder acknowledges that the City specifically reserves the right to accept and make an award to a bidder that has not submitted the lowest bid when in the City's sole and absolute discretion the City detennines that to be in its best interests. The terms used in this Bid, which are defined in the General Conditions or Instructions of the Construction Contract, included as part of the Contract Documents have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions or Instructions. 9. The work shall be performed under a Florida Contractor's License. Contract shall not be awarded unless proof of valid licensees) is provided. Project B08-0S 00300-4 2/4/2008 10. It is understood that where quantities for unit price work have been presented in the foregoing Schedule of Bid Items, they are approximate only and are solely for purpose of facilitating the comparison of bids, and that the Contractor's compensation will be computed upon the basis as described in the measurement and payment clauses in the. specifications contained herein. 11. BASE BID - SCHEDULE OF MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS If the foregoing Schedule of Bid Items is presented in a Base Bid fonnat, the undersigned as Bidder agrees that the Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of the materials and equipment named in the Contract Documents in accordance with Article 9 of the Instructions to Bidders. If the Bidder desires to propose an alternate manufacturer or supplier, he may write in the name of such alternate in the substitution list included within this Bid Form. If the proposed alternate manufacturer/supplier is determined "not equivalent" by the Architect or Engineer, the Bidder must furnish equipment and/or material items by the originally specified manufacturer/supplier. 12. SUBSTITUTIONS AND "OR EQUAL" The undersigned as Bidder agrees that substitutions or "or-equal" items will not be considered until after the "Effective Date of the Agreement" and will be evaluated in accordance with paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. In addition to the reimbursement required under the General Conditions, the Contractor shall also reimburse the Owner for any design costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/suppliers, caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; additional field trips for the Architect and/or Engineer, additional redesign costs, and additional review costs, etc. Other costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/suppliers caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; increased electrical requirements, larger building, additional pumps or tankage, etc., shall be borne by others and not the Owner. If Bidder intends to propose substitutions or "or- equal" items after the "Effective Date of the Agreement," it is agreed that these items will be listed on the Substitution List included within this Bid Fonn, with a deductive amount representing 50 percent of the total savings between the named Base Bid item and the proposed item. "Base Bid" item substitutions providing an equipment or material cost savings to the Owner of less than $1,000 will not be considered. The undersigned, as Bidder, also agrees that if a substitution or "or_equal" item is not listed on the Substitution List included with the Bid, all of the savings between the named item and the proposed item will go to the Owner if the Owner accepts the proposed item in accordance with paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. The Owner may request, and the undersigned Bidder shall supply, complete infonnation on proposed substitutions. Such infonnation shall be the manufacturer\s current published or preprinted infonnation for the specific substitution. 13. As Bidder, I hereby certify that I am aware and understand that the City of Ocoee in its sole discretion reserves the right to waive technicalities or irregularities, to reject any or Project B08-05 00300-5 2/4/2008 \ all Bids, and/or to accept that Bid which is in the best interest of the City. The Award of this Bid, if made, may be based on considerations other than total cost, and may be awarded based on various considerations, including but not limited to: Bidder experience and whether the Base Bid and Base Alternate Bid, in the judgment of the Owner, is the most responsive to Owner's needs. Owner encourages the use of minorities and women- owned businesses as subcontractors. ( { ( C C ( ( SUBSTITUTION LIST Bidder offers the following substitutions and" or equal" items. Deductible Amount* Equipment Alternative (Indicate Whether Item or Spec Manufacturer/S u pplier Lump Sum or Material Section (List One Only) U nit Price) Represents 50 percent of the difference in cost in accordance with the General Conditions (Minimum Deductible Amount per Substitution Item shall be $1,000) (Bidder may supplement this page, as required.) Project B08-05 00300-6 2/4/2008 Strike out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGNATORIES MUST HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNATURES) If Bidder is: . A CORPORATION The Watauga Company (Corporation Name) Florida (State of Incorporation) By Elizabeth A. Snodgrass (Name of person authorized to sign) President (Title) r '-a.~ ~ignature) (Corporate Seal) Attest~ ;,;~~ Lyhh A. Snodgrass (Secretary) Business address: 4275 Capron Road Titusville, FL 32780 Phone No.: (321) 267-5785 Corporation President: El i zabeth A. Snodgrass Florida License No.: CGCA 37518 ~ Prnif'('t ROR-05 00300-8 2/412008 13. List the following in connection with the Surety, which is providing the Bid Bond: Surety's Name: nni tPr1 P; rp ^' (''::'~11.::.1 t~7 Company Surety's Address. 118 Secono AVf>. SR. ('pn.::.r R.::.rioa. 17\ 52<101 Name and address of Surety's resident agent for service of process in Florida: Florida Surety Bonds 620 N. VJymore Roi'lo. c:",; t p ?()O Maitland, FL 32751 END OF SECTION Project B08-0S 00300-10 2/4/2008 SECTION 00301 QUESTIONNAIRE DATE: 03/20/08 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: City of Ocoee Utilities Administration Building NAME OF BIDDER: The \vatau9a Compi'lny BUSINESS ADDRESS: 4275 Ci'lpron ROi'lrl. 'T'itll",ui1le, PI. 327~O Telephone No.: (1?1) ?h7-r;7p.5 CONTRACTOR'S FLORIDA LICENSE NO. CGCA 37 5 ] 8 The undersigned warrants the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers herein contained. Include additional sheets if necessary. 1. How many years has your organization been in business as a General Contractor? 21 years 2. Describe and give the date and owner of the last project that you have completed similar in type, size, and nature as the one proposed? ~:~::.=:::. ..ildiR! e wickh.m pork Brevard ~oupty, '7'5 ____ ____ J~;i~~;~ Way, Viera, FL 32940 Bill Ross(321)633-2046. 8307,000.00 Block maintenance Bldq. w/offices. Completed March '08. 3. Have you ever failed to complete work awarded to you? If so, where and why? 1>10 4. Name three (3) municipalities for which you have performed work and to which you refer: Brevard County Vo111Sii'l County City of Melbourne 5. Have you personally inspected the site of the proposed Work? Describe any anticipated problems with the site and your proposed solutions? Vps, no proh1pms forpseen. T'\__~.......T"'\f'\O f"\= "(\...."1 1 ",~ ,"f\f\Q 6. Will you Subcontract any part of this Work? If so, describe which portions: Yes, Site Work, Roofing, Doors, Windows, Finishes, Plumbinq, HVAC, Electric 7. What equipment do you own that is available for the Work? NfA , 8. What equipment will you purchase for the Work? N / A will rpnt some equipment 9. What equipment will you rent for the Work? Bobcat, Crane, Forklift 10. The following is given as a summary of the Financial Statement of the undersigned: (List Assets and Liabilities and use insert sheet if necessary). Please see attached Financial Statement 11. State the true and exact, correct, and complete name under which you do business. Bidderis: The Watauqa Companv END OF SECTION T""\ ^('l .''\ ~ (\ {'\ "" f"\" .... ,., 1,1.t"'nn~ SECTION 00301-A SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER LIST Will your finn be doing all the Work with your own forces? Yes_ NO~ (Check yes only if no subcontracting opportunities exist. If you will be doing portions of the Work with your own forces, list these areas and approximate dollar amount allocated for this Work. List suppliers). List all proposed subcontractors and suppliers to be used to include company names, contract, addresses, phone numbers, type of work subcontracted (trade/commodity), dollar amount of work, and M/WBE designation or Majority (Non-M/WBE) owned company. See Instructions to Bidders for M/WBE requirements. Provide all information requested. Use additional sheets if necessary. Submit Update Subcontractor/Supplier List with each progress payment requested. Submit Final Subcontractor/Supplier List with Final Payment Request. l~/YX1. ~ END OF SECTION WORK TO BE PERFORMED (TRADE) OR COMMODITY TO BE SUPPLIED fd-u;0 :2 3 4 ~1l;: - ~ 5 ~~i3 . ~sl~~?' · 6 ~'i- rr.~Y!~u9(1 ~~ ! .~Ak. t iH'4, '3:mD 7( ~~t ~~ ~ O~, '^ J.~~ ~'v.4:f\. ~L - COb'? 55 I-I~ ~(oorl~ /J,d L -It nauer Ch (II 1.:1.11 -I- 1Yl.5 ~ #bbl Rcrth1 ESTIMATED DOLLAR AMOUNT 6;j9) . z;qrtlJ man , ' ~ /t({U2. J!fX1J M/WBE DESIGNATION OR MAJORITY OWNER )J~ Ai Ah No ;U Ai fJb ., Ij,nnn:;: SECTION 00301-A SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER LIST Will your firm be doing all the Work with your own forces? Yes_ No_ (Check yes only if no subcontracting opportunities exist. If you will be doing portions of the Work with your own forces, list these areas and approximate dollar amount allocated for this Work. List suppliers). List all proposed subcontractors and suppliers to be used to include company names, contract, addresses, phone numbers, type of work subcontracted (trade/commodity), dollar amount of work, and MlWBE designation or Majority (Non-M/WBE) owned company. See Instructions to Bidders for MlWBE requirements. Provide all information requested. Use additional sheets if necessary. Submit Update Subcontractor/Supplier List with each progress payment requested. Submit Final Subcontractor/Supplier List with Final Payment Request. COMPANY NAME, WORK TO BE CONTACT PERFORMED (TRADE) ADDRESS, PHONE OR COMMODITY TO NUMBER BE SUPPLIED FtC") ~~\ -PJI)..v'Y'O\,'"\1 ~p~~~~' 2 G:~~ ",roc- CffJr~~~ 2i (-IIq1 3 ~t'\-h-o~f'U., ~(drl~ 2.nn... p~t ~ ~ ~~~. 4 5 6 7 END OF SECTION ESTIMATED DOLLAR AMOUNT 'J6j91J1 J 7 cxXJ . 5 q6tV ,) MlWBE DESIGNATION OR MAJORITY OWNER JJD JJJ AlJ SECTION 00300 BID FORM SUBMITTED: 2:> I "+ I () 'iJ (Date) PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: CITY OF OCOEE UTILITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NAME OF BIDDER: R B (VIAtL~ C-OMs:Tf'LUC.1ItU ,rue. .J c..C5 W. LAI(..E rnA~Y BL..V.D. BUSINESS ADDRESS: Su IT€ J If LAfU? rnA.rL-~ r:L PHONE NO.: Lfo 7- "3:l.3- ~ f o~ 3J.."7~~ CONTRACTOR'S FLORIDA LICENSE NO.: C b- COCo 00 78 THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO City ofOcoee, Florida (hereinafter called Owner) 1. The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an Amendment to the Agreement with Owner in the form included in the Contract Documents, to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid Form and the Amendment to the Agreement, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 2. Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Bond. This Bid will remain open for ninety (90) calendar days after the day of Bid opening. Bidder will sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Amendment to the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within ten (10) days after the date of Owner's Notice of Intent to Award. 3. In submitting this Bid, Bidder makes all representations required by the Instructions to Bidders and the Agreement and further warrants and represents that: a. Bidder has examined copies of all the Bidding Documents and of the following Addenda: No. 1 Dated iYl :l.ft I 0 e No. Dated: No. .).. Dated ~ : 7i}~g No. Dated: No. S Dated No. Dated: No. Dated No. Dated: Receipt of all is hereby acknowledged along with copies of the Invitation to Bid and the Instructions to Bidders. Project B08-05 00300-1 2/4/2008 b. Bidder has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance, or furnishing the Work. c. Bidder has carefully studied all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface of subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.02.1 of the General Conditions. Bidder accepts the determination set forth in paragraph SC-4.02 of the Supplementary Conditions of the extent of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings upon which Bidder is entitled to rely as provided in paragraph 4.02 of the General Conditions. Bidder acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Conlracl Ducuments and may not be complete for Bidder's purposes. Bidder acknowledges that Owner and Engineer do nol assume responsibility for the accuracy or compldeness of information and datu shuwn or indicated in the Bidding Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site. d. Bidder has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for having done so) all such additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost progress, performance or furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspcct of the meansl methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction to be employed by Bidder and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Bidder does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies or data are necessary for the determination of this bid for performance and furnishing of the Work in accordance with the times, price and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. e. Bidder is aware of the general nature of Work to be performed by Owner and others at the site that relates to Work for which this Bid is submitted as indicated in the Contract Documents. f. Bidder has correlated the information known to Bidder, information and observations obtained from visits to the site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and date with the Contract Documents. g. Bidder has given Purchasing Agent written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies that Bidder has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by Purchasing Agent is acceptable to Bidder, and the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and ( Project B08-05 00300-2 2/4/2008 ) ) convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work for which this Bid is submitted. h. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group. association, organization or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a farce or sham Bid; Bidder has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain :from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over Owner. ) j i. Bidder hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in the Notice to Pro~eed and to fully complete all work of the project within the Contract Time specified in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). Bidder further accepts the provisions of the Scope of Work Agreement a~ to liquidated damages and agrees to pay as liquidated damages the amount stated in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500), for each consecutive calendar day completion of the work is delayed. Completion Schedule: 1) The work shall be substantially complete within the Contract Time specified in Article 3.1 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 2) The Work shall be finally Complete within the contract Time specified in Article 3.2 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 4. All bid items shall include all materials, equipment, labor, permit fees, taxes, tests, miscellaneous costs of all types, overhead, and profit for the item to be complete, in place, and ready for operation in the manner contemplated by the Contract Docwnents. Bidder submits the following BASE BID and AL TERNA TE BASE BID to perform all the Work as required by the Drawings and Specifications. ITEM 1: BASE BID Contractor performing all work shown on Civil, Architectural, Interior Design, Structural, HV AC, and Plumbing plan sheets, plus any inter-related cross-discipline support work shown on other project drawings and as required in Bidding Documents, Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Addenda issued. Contractor shall coordinate all phases of the Electrical Work as shown on the Electrical Drawings in assisting the City with the City's effort to procure electrical material and perform the electrical work by its licensed electrical forces, as described in Section 01010. Lump Sum of ntltaz (-IU)JD;tf)) fWG)]{L( IUJO ~]) TI/v0 t./u,v'lJ/f$) (words); f 51 1j7<{ 7Jo l..f..AI(S; $ '3 ~ ~ ~" o. ~ 0 . (numbers) Project B08-05 00300-3 2/4/2008 ITEM 2: ALTERNATE BASE BID Contractor performing all work included in Item 1: Base Bid plus the cost for the contractor to procure and construct all the building (interior and exterior) electrical work, as shown in the contract documents, including the Electrical Drawings. Lump Sum of n-lJLE(;. /.Jvpl>tlb-Z> ^,1AIff!1i{-/li/,^",~ ~YJJ SIX U()M1J,(];O (words); , 51 I- f<f 5J:l lJoLl.t4Lj $ 3 Cjq,ft>6' ,00 . (numbers) 5. The Bidder agrees to commence work within TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS after the date of the Notice to Proceed, and shall complete the work within ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO CALENDAR DAYS (182) thereafter. The Bidder further agrees to pay, as liquidated damages, the sum of TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLARS for each consecutive calendar day thereafter, until the work is completed. 6. In accordance with Article 17 of the Instructions to Bidders, the City will consider the lowest "Base Bid" or "'Alternate Base Bid" after adjustments for additive or deducli VI;: alternates. Additivt: UT u~ductlve alternates (if any) will be considered in determining the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder. The Owner reserves the right to accept any or all additive or deduc.tive alternates, in his sole discretion, prior to the award of the Contract. The Owner also reserves the right to delete any portion of the Work ac; shown in the bid schedule prior to award and adjust each Bidder's "Base Bid" and/or "Alternate Base Bid" accordingly. 7 ~ The following documents are included and made a condition of this Bid: 8. 9. Project B08-05 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Bid Forms (Sections 00300, 00301, 00301A, 00302, and 00303) Bid Bond (Surety Bond or Cashier's Check). (Section 00410) Corporate Authority to Execute Bid (Section 00510) Non-collusion Affidavit (Section 00480) Certification of Non-segregated Facilities (Section 00481) Sworn Statement on Public Entity Crimes (Section 00482) Certification of Nondiscriminatory Labor Practices (Section 00483) c / \, ( ( The Bidder acknowledges that the City specifically reserves the right to accept and make an award to a bidder that has not submitted the lowest bid when in the City's sole and absolute discretion the City determines that to be in its best interests. The terms used in this Bid, which are defined in the General Conditions or Instructions of the Construction Contract, included as part of the Contract Documents have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions or Instructions. \'. The work shall be performed under a Florida Contractor's License. Contract shall not be awarded unless proof of valid license(s) is provided. ( 00300-4 2/4/2008 ( ! 10. It is understood that where quantities for unit price work have been presented in the foregoing Schedule of Bid Items, they are approximate only and are solely for purpose of facilitating the comparison of bids, and that the Contractor's compensation will be computed upon the basis as described in the measurement and payment clauses in the spccifications contained herein. 11. BASE BID - SCHEDULE OF MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS If the foregoing Schedule of Bid Items is presented in a Base Bid format, the undersigned as Bidder agrees that the Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of the materials and equipment named in the Contract Documents in accordance with Article 9 of the Instructions to Bidders. If the Bidder desires to propose an alternate manufacturer or supplier, he may write in the name of such alternate in the substitution list included within this Bid Form. If the proposed alternate manufacturer/supplier is determined "not equivalent" by the Architect or Engineer, the Bidder must furnish equipment and/or material items by the originally specified manufacturer/supplier. 12. SUBSTITUTIONS AND "OR EQUAL" The undersigned as Bidder agrees that substitutions or "or-equal" items will not be considered until after the "Effectivc Datc of thc Agreement" and will be evaluated in accordance with paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. In addition to the reimbursement required under the General Conditions, the Contractor shall also reimburse the Owner for any design costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/suppliers, caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; additional field trips for the Architect and/or Engineer, additional redesign costs, and additional review costs, etc. Other costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/suppliers caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; increased electrical requirements, larger building, additional pumps or tankage, etc., shall be borne by others and not the Owner. If Bidder intends to propose substitutions or "or- equal" items after the "Effective Date of the Agreement," it is agreed that these items will be listed on the Substitution List included within this Did Poml; with a deductive amount representing 50 percent of the total savings between the named Base Hid item and the proposed item. "Base Bid" item substitutions providing an equipment or material cost savings to the Owner of less than $1,000 will not be considered. The undersigned, as Bidder, also agrees that if a substitution or "or-equal" item is not listed on the Substitution List included with the Bid, all of the savings between the named item and the proposed item will go to the Owner if the Owner accepts the proposed item in accordance with paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. The Owner may request, and the undersigned Bidder shall supply, complete information on proposed substitutions. Such information shall be the manufacturer's current published or preprinted information for the specific substitution. 13. As Bidder, I hereby certify that I am aware and understand that the City of Oeoee in its sole discretion reserves the right to waive technicalities or irregularities, to reject any or Project B08-05 00300-5 2/4/2008 all Bids, and/or to accept that Bid which is in the best interest of the City. The Award of this Bid, if made, may be based on considerations other than total cost, and may be awarded based on various considerations, including but not limited to: Bidder experience and whether the Base Bid and Base Alternate Bid, in the judgment of the Owner, is the most responsive to Owner's needs. Owner encourages the use of minorities and women- owned businesses as subcontractors. SUBSTITUTION LIST Bidder offers the following substitutions and "or equal" items. Deductible Amount* Equipment Alternative (Indicate Whether Item or Spec Manufacturer/Supplier Lump Sum or Material Section (List One Only) Unit Price) \ \ ~ I \ \ /\ \ \ ~ \ Represents 50 percent of the difference in cost in accordance with the General Conditions (Minimum Deductible Amount per Substitution Item shall be $1,000) (Bidder may supplement this page, as required.) Project B08-05 00300-6 2/4/2008 j StriK out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGN TORIES MUST HA VB THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNA S) If Bidderi . SOLE PROP (SEAL) (Individual's Signature) (Individual's Name) doing business as Business Address: Phone No.: Florida License No.: A PARTNERSHIP (SEAL) (General Partner's Signature) (General Partner's Name) Phon 0.: Flo 'aa License No.: Project B08-05 00300-7 2/4/2008 Strike out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGNATORIES MUST HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNATURES) If Bidder is: A CORPORATION By IZ (3 [lI\ ,4 U.s Co/\{: ST fLl) [Tl o.V I :{./IJ C (Corporation Name) r'Lt.-vU 1) A (State of Incorporation) 111 Af'Li.- LittlE I1/l 51C-t\ S (Name of person authorized to sign) PI2-eS I D /91.-1 -r- (Corporate Seal) uthorized Signature)S ArUL- -z..-A-ftEJIA SllA ~ (VrA-l"t..-JUcorJ SIfLl.:,cn t'^1 (tiC . s vJ L,4-~ yI1;t-tL-l-f 8Llilj). ':,UI 'IE" II J LA- ({..E. fl-1 -t1LY, L .,lbO ' I ::,~,Vl.. ~~ (Secretary) 12.. L/ SS 6LL T, CA- vI1. M AGl.. d..~oS vJ. L,k1L6 ~41krUf j3.U)J). J 5UI~/11 /.-:It I L& ~;4 fL.l.-f ( P L- "3 ~ I 'fL Attest Business address: Phone No.: 4 ,f7 _ "3,) J _.J.../tl d- Corporation President: VJtl )'\ I1--IL 2.<'i/LG/I-t SP\5 Florida License No.: ~ 131/19 B Project B08-05 00300-8 2/4/2008 S . e out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIG TORIES MUST HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGN S) If Bidder' : By (Name) By Business Address: Phone No.: (Each j 0 . enturer must sign. The manner of signing for each individual, partne hip, and corpor . on that is a party to the joint venture should be in the manner indicated abo .) Project B08-05 00300-9 2/4/2008 13. List the following in connection with the Surety, which is providing the Bid Bond: Surety's Name: /U (eL5>i>'J./! A-J,/o Cc)I:JtP4\.i-1 +N C ' , Surety's Address: 5l} 7'1 AiOtUJJ LJ6ST IS I 5TflEE:T 5,v/'lC lo~ J111ArSfI LAILE-5 ~ . J FL 3?OI'f Name and address of Surety's resident agent for service of process in Florida: AJ ,a..s.ut' I Ii1 ori/ou)Ej'L .,.j. ASSDC-. t..f- '3 8 0 SF, -SOHAl S j1 A-il/C.WItLf, '":::. () I iC (J D . ~1'lJ r:bi!J) PL 3).7"" J I END OF SECTION ( ) ( ( 1 ( (I Project BOB-OS 00300-10 2/4/2008 r- SECTION 00301 QUESTIONNAIRE } DATE: 3/4/08 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: City of Ocoee Utilities Administration Building rt. 13 v)/[AfLiL5 CotJ S71!...U GTloJ ;.LILIC. , NAME OF BIDDER: BUSINESS ADDRESS: )<005' W. I-AKE YVtA-ft.V !3LVJ). I 5UIIE III LAllG r11A/i>I FL 3)../~ I Telephone No.: ~ 7- '3).'3 - )...1 0 J.. CONTRACTOR'S FLORIDA LICENSE NO. C. b- C Ob 0078 The undersigned warrants the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers herein contained. Include additional sheets if necessary. How many years has your organization been in business as a General Contractor? ...,. "iEA~S 1. 2. Describe and give the date and owner of the last project that you have completed similar in type, size, and nature as the one proposed? . ) ,~ ,-/c6-A DAV/Al orPtc~ cc)mPLE.)( COP1fJ~ tv 07 7/)~ BOt) :2. ~S-oo <;F. 3. Have you ev~~o complete work awarded to you? If so, where and why? Name three (3) municipalities for which you have performed work and to which you refer: 4. SGI11/A/oLf:; LouVTL(- AfI1'i !<.OS.SJ 'fo7-fR(P!::-511t.f <:;;'(, J"OI.fAR' J ~, velt... tv4T1?fl-IVIA~(46-t::IH€;.JT 7J(5.T(U c r - ])AN,..t/(' SHIi?r:"f'lez;j) 396.-3')... r. 4<:;OD sel11lAlOl-tE coulflV 'Si-l-auFP - (l.v~1-<{ i-06e;c:noL-l I!.foi- ~Bb-ol ~ 5. Have you personally inspected the site of the proposed Work? Describe any anticipated problems with the site and your proposed solutions? Ve5 Ai 0 fiUJ6Le1VJ'> ItJJ17u/ftTED Project B08-05 00301-1 2/4/2008 11. 6. Will you Subcontract any part of this Work? If so, describe which portions: i.f f3;S, AL-L c.v/LL f3E 5l.)5('O~tAc....:IE7J eX-c:..l9'~T fOrL SurEi2WS.to;J A.</ D fh (tT€lU r.c.. P<.J 1L CH/'IS'/N' . 7. What equipment do you own that is available for the Work? -;li.v UC.5 .J S WlALL 5 I7F' t;a;;l.i{?rnE/r.)T 8. What equipmenr:1-11 you purchase for the Work? A) 9. What equip7~ will you rent for the Work? 10. The following is given as a summary of the Financial Statement of the undersigned: (List Assets and Liabilities and use insert sheet if necessary). ( ~ kTl'l'Cffd ') State the true ant exact, correct, and complete name under which you do business. Bidder is: /3 mArL./CS CO~STrLL.JCi7() JJJ :nJ L- END OF SECTION ( , Project B08-05 00301-2 2/4/2008 SECTION 00301-A SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER LIST Will your firm be doing all the Work with your own forces? Yes_ No~ (Check yes only ifno subcontracting opportunities exist. If you will be doing portions of the Work with your own forces, list these areas and approximate dollar amount allocated for this Work. List suppliers). List all proposed subcontractors and suppliers to be used to include company names, contract, addresses, phone numbers, type of work subcontracted (trade/commodity), dollar amount of work, and MlWBE designation or Majority (Non-M/WBE) owned company. See Instructions to Bidders for MlWBE requirements. Provide all information requested. Ust: addilional sheets if necessary. Submit Update Subcontractor/Supplier List with each progress payment requested. Submit Final Subcontractor/Supplier List with Final Payment Request. 1 Aal.b 3D]) l.{ COlJsrtu-77i:;X/ ioft> l.(/C;5TwC(!) Cooa S~f"{hQ), p,- 3~""173 'fx:,f>{$Lj 3-::l./-377 -7'530, 2 lJ..}A,:LLCiU c;oa.S'7JU;Ci7DU C,4I!f'8..;n:>t I pilAM',.t.J~ IItltc& 1')AVIS fo O. ik,x 13' / 1lA>f'/lC,.4.{ p,- 3J-70tf Lf07-738- 3'/ 'f 3 Ai.. b<>Ai~ (It:X>nAif::. [LoOrlM e- AL- &al.JuLE2- 54-a- S (.fUlofl c t...J..)~ I3.V 4, iT'3l.{::J. fitlo,J~, Pc.. sd-.7c.)3 ,/07-'170-)0:;-0 4 i.// C-TOID 5WCLQ STva.i:> {~77a4d- FoJtSll "I( f.. TO ~I,.w 0 A'Sv/ uz.. tc,78 s. LtlICE f'LEA5A.VI 11101/t-A, fi- 7J..,O$ i.fot - FJB(".. ().'-I31 5 fYt,4,L.SM'-L ~sTt!VCTaJ 1)fl.!twAi.Lf rIlJ/>H 1AJ'I' BtlJ.IM l>E3Co.vL PAt AJ T1tJ , t. c). f$o' c:; 15"3~ / L.DtJ.{,-4;,lJt>, Ff- 3). 7q I 6 (Jos.rrll/C;: ",w s. N.AeeSJ.J 'it 0 tt~~ ImV"'s. CT ' LUIIIJ~bAtU:>GAJ,F(. 3V7'iJ7 1fo1-5J....9-~C.81 7 ALL Pill) fWf}1&A/6- PW,AUtJ/~ r; 5C.c -rt ff.4/{.J.8L 7;).oS- et>~.+r?:jU)L "to 7. ~ q S- - Ji) co Ot!-LA(IPOJ pL 3:>"8/0 COMPANY NAME, CONTACT ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER Proiect B08-05 WORK TO BE PERFORMED (TRADE) OR COMMODITY TO BE SUPPLIED L.O I1i Cif.E'rr;; / J1tA~ 0 I() /L.L{ I ]::ll-Lfl.fl- 30D5 - 1-111 A c... END OF SECTION om01_A_l ESTIMATED DOLLAR AMOUNT M/WBE DESIGNATION OR MAJORITY OWNER oz.!1 000 , ;\tolJ -1111 W gE ;)~)06 6 !JD,J - t1-1 (W{3 f: sO/ODD !V1/w5E I !ivo J Ittlwlb'G dO 06 D / 111/ U) 65' 10/ 0 0 V h1 / ()J 66" I BJ~IJ 0 MoA)-M luJl1b ") fA /'")(\(\0 SECTION 00300 BID FORM SUBMITTED: '3/1-0/08 (Date) CITY OF OCOEE UTILITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NAME OF BIDDER: M'.A~P.;:e;K. CoJ--l~\2.~X:::noJ: Co, BUSINESS ADDRESS: (p,l-{ e. t\-..J'1 5() ~ 3z~ PHONE NO.: ~Ol- 4loB- 63'1B CJ..ee. 'r>1oM\, fL. 3<-tll , CONTRACTOR'S FLORIDA LICENSE NO.: CCc. 0 46', t..( ~ . PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO City of Ocoee, Florida (hereinafter called Owner) 1. The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an Amendment to the Agreement with Owner in the form included in the Contract Documents, to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid Form and the Amendment to the Agreement, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 2. Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Bond. This Bid will remain open for ninety (90) calendar days after the day of Bid opening. Bidder will sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Amendment to the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within ten (10) days after the date of Owner's Notice ofIntent to Award. 3. In submitting this Bid, Bidder makes all representations required by the Instructions to Bidders and the Agreement and further warrants and represents that: a. Bidder has examined copies of all the Bidding Documents and of the following Addenda: No. i Dated 2/2& lOB No. Dated: No. Z. Dated 3/7!oP, No. Dated: No. 3 Dated ~/l e/oe No, Dated: No. Dated No. Dated: Receipt of all is hereby acknowledged along with copies of the Invitation to Bid and the Instructions to Bidders. Project B08-05 00300-1 2/4/2008 b. Bidder has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance, or furnishing the Work. c. Bidder has carefully studied all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface of subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.02.1 of the General Conditions. Bidder accepts the determination set forth in paragraph SC-4.02 of the Supplementary Conditions of the extent of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings upon which Bidder is entitled to rely as provided in paragraph 4.02 of the General Conditions. Bidder acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for Bidder's purposes. Bidder acknowledges that Owner and Engineer do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Bidding Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site. d. Bidder has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for having done so) all such additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost progress, performance or furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction to be employed by Bidder and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Bidder does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies or data are necessary for the determination of this bid for performance and furnishing of the Work in accordance with the times, price and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. e. Bidder is aware of the general nature of Work to be performed by Owner and others at the site that relates to Work for which this Bid is submitted as indicated in the Contract Documents. f. Bidder has correlated the information known to Bidder, information and observations obtained from visits to the site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and date with the Contract Documents. g. Bidder has given Purchasing Agent written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies that Bidder has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by Purchasing Agent is acceptable to Bidder, and the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and Project B08-05 00300-2 2/4/2008 convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work for which this Bid is submitted. h. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a farce or sham Bid; Bidder has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over Owner. 1. Bidder hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed and to fully complete all work of the project within the Contract Time specified in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). Bidder further accepts the provisions of the Scope of Work Agreement as to liquidated damages and agrees to pay as liquidated damages the amount stated in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500), for each consecutive calendar day completion of the work is delayed. Completion Schedule: 1) The work shall be substantially complete within the Contract Time specified in Article 3.1 ofthe Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 2) The Work shall be finally Complete within the contract Time specified in Article 3.2 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 4. All bid items shall include all materials, equipment, labor, permit fees, taxes, tests, miscellaneous costs of all types, overhead, and profit for the item to be complete, in place, and ready for operation in the manner contemplated by the Contract Documents. Bidder submits the following BASE BID and AL TERNA TE BASE BID to perform all the Work as required by the Drawings and Specifications. ITEM 1: BASE BID Contractor performing all work shown on Civil, Architectural, Interior Design, Structural, HV AC, and Plumbing plan sheets, plus any inter-related cross-discipline support work shown on other proj ect drawings and as required in Bidding Documents, Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Addenda issued. Contractor shall coordinate all phases of the Electrical Work as shown on the Electrical Drawings in assisting the City with the City's effort to procure electrical material and perform the electrical work by its licensed electrical forces, as described in Section 01010. Lump Sum of jlvt.. ~,lNiJ.. H tAo~1 ~ ~ ~ (words); $ 3t./o, <lon C)t:> (numbers) Project B08-05 00300-3 2/4/2008 ITEM 2: ALTERNATE BASE BID Contractor performing all work included in Item 1: Base Bid plus the cost for the contractor to procure and construct all the building (interior and exterior) electrical work, as shown in the contract documents, including the Electrical Drawings. Lump Sum of toUA- Ivvno/A..tcl. ~ ~. ~ ~rJ. kl~ words); $ Lj07, 700 ,- (numbers) 5. The Bidder agrees to commence work within TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS after the date of the Notice to Proceed, and shall complete the work within ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO CALENDAR DAYS (182) thereafter. The Bidder further agrees to pay, as liquidated damages, the sum of TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLARS for each consecutive calendar day thereafter, until the work is completed. 6. In accordance with Article 17 of the Instructions to Bidders, the City will consider the lowest "Base Bid" or "Alternate Base Bid" after adjustments for additive or deductive alternates. Additive or deductive alternates (if any) will be considered in determining the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder. The Owner reserves the right to accept any or all additive or deductive alternates, in his sole discretion, prior to the award of the Contract. The Owner also reserves the right to delete any portion of the Work as shown in the bid schedule prior to award and adjust each Bidder's "Base Bid" and/or "Alternate Base Bid" accordingly. 7. The following documents are included and made a condition of this Bid: a. Bid Forms (Sections 00300, 00301, 00301A, 00302, and 00303) b. Bid Bond (Surety Bond or Cashier's Check). (Section 00410) c. Corporate Authority to Execute Bid (Section 00510) d. Non-collusion Affidavit (Section 00480) e. Certification of Non-segregated Facilities (Section 00481) f. Sworn Statement on Public Entity Crimes (Section 00482) g. Certification of Nondiscriminatory Labor Practices (Section 00483) 8. The Bidder acknowledges that the City specifically reserves the right to accept and make an award to a bidder that has not submitted the lowest bid when in the City's sole and absolute discretion the City determines that to be in its best interests. The terms used in this Bid, which are defined in the General Conditions or Instructions of the Construction Contract, included as part of the Contract Documents have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions or Instructions. 9. The work shall be performed under a Florida Contractor's License. Contract shall not be awarded unless proof of valid license(s) is provided. Project B08-05 00300-4 2/4/2008 10. It is understood that where quantities for unit price work have been presented in the foregoing Schedule of Bid Items, they are approximate only and are solely for purpose of facilitating the comparison of bids, and that the Contractor's compensation will be computed upon the basis as described in the measurement and payment clauses in the specifications contained herein. 11. BASE BID - SCHEDULE OF MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS If the foregoing Schedule of Bid Items is presented in a Base Bid format, the undersigned as Bidder agrees that the Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of the materials and equipment named in the Contract Documents in accordance with Article 9 of the Instructions to Bidders. If the Bidder desires to propose an alternate manufacturer or supplier, he may write in the name of such alternate in the substitution list included within this Bid Form. If the proposed alternate manufacturer/supplier is determined "not equivalent" by the Architect or Engineer, the Bidder must furnish equipment and/or material items by the originally specified manufacturer/supplier. 12. SUBSTITUTIONS AND "OR EQUAL" The undersigned as Bidder agrees that substitutions or "or-equal" items will not be considered until after the "Effective Date of the Agreement" and will be evaluated in accordance with paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. In addition to the reimbursement required under the General Conditions, the Contractor shall also reimburse the Owner for any design costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/suppliers, caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; additional field trips for the Architect and/or Engineer, additional redesign costs, and additional review costs, etc. Other costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/suppliers caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; increased electrical requirements, larger building, additional pumps or tankage, etc., shall be borne by others and not the Owner. If Bidder intends to propose substitutions or "or- equal" items after the "Effective Date of the Agreement," it is agreed that these items will be listed on the Substitution List included within this Bid Form, with a deductive amount representing 50 percent of the total savings between the named Base Bid item and the proposed item. "Base Bid" item substitutions providing an equipment or material cost savings to the Owner of less than $1,000 will not be considered. The undersigned, as Bidder, also agrees that if a substitution or "or-equal" item is not listed on the Substitution List included with the Bid, all of the savings between the named item and the proposed item will go to the Owner if the Owner accepts the proposed item in accordance with paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. The Owner may request, and the undersigned Bidder shall supply, complete information on proposed substitutions. Such information shall be the manufacturer's current published or preprinted information for the specific substitution. 13. As Bidder, I hereby certify that I am aware and understand that the City of Ocoee in its sole discretion reserves the right to waive technicalities or irregularities, to reject any or Project B08-05 00300-5 2/4/2008 all Bids, and/or to accept that Bid which is in the best interest of the City. The Award of this Bid, if made, may be based on considerations other than total cost, and may be awarded based on various considerations, including but not limited to: Bidder experience and whether the Base Bid and Base Alternate Bid, in the judgment of the Owner, is the most responsive to Owner's needs. Owner encourages the use of minorities and women- owned businesses as subcontractors. SUBSTITUTION LIST Bidder offers the following substitutions and "or equal" items. Deductible Amount* Equipment Alternative (Indicate Whether Item or Spec Manufacturer/Supplier Lump Sum or Material Section (List One Only) Unit Price) Represents 50 percent of the difference in cost in accordance with the General Conditions (Minimum Deductible Amount per Substitution Item shall be $1,000) (Bidder may supplement this page, as required.) Project B08-05 00300-6 2/4/2008 Strike out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGNATORIES MUST HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNATURES) If Bidder is: A CORPORA nON (Corporation Name) ~~oL(eo. By (State of Incorporation) ~UI~DA (Name of person authorized to sign) Kc~ ~~ (Corporate Seal) Attest Business address: (Secretary) (PlY e tM\" Sb ~ ~Z4: C-~ I fI..... 'S~l ( l Corporation President: c...j01-Y~S -63<(:) ~~A. \1A~,..LD Phone No.: Florida License No.: C~c..04;6f(L\~ _ Project B08-05 00300-8 2/4/2008 Strike out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGNATORIES MUST HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNATURES) If Bidder is: SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP (SEAL) (Individual's Signature) (Individual's Name) doing business as Business Address: Phone No.: Florida License No.: A PARTNERSHIP (SEAL) (Partnership Name) (General Partner's Signature) (General Partner's Name) Business address: Phone No.: Florida License No.: Project B08-05 00300-7 2/4/2008 Strike out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGNATORIES MUST HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNATURES) . If Bidder is: A JOINT VENTURE By (Name) (Address) By (Name) (Address) Business Address: Phone No.: Florida License No.: (Each joint venturer must sign. The manner of signing for each individual, partnership, and corporation that is a party to the joint venture should be in the manner indicated above.) Florida License No.: Project B08-05 00300-9 2/4/2008 13. List the following in connection with the Surety, which is providing the Bid Bond: Surety's Name: ~12l..Df'~ 5.~ oj- ,t..jD~lT\ p( D, Oaf \q ryz_~ I e.-((,..(~ _ CA, <12~3 ( Surety's Address: Name and address of Surety's resident agent for service of process in Florida: --3J,~~ r'1~ , --.J~ ~ cr~~ ~~ '5\t: (to ~ .f\-. '?2.11 \ ( END OF SECTION Project B08-05 00300-10 2/4/2008 SECTION 00301 QUESTIONNAIRE DATE: "?/10 lOB PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: City of Ocoee Utilities Administration Building .ftA I 3Y fl \\ M~~ Q~r-l~Tt2UcroJ, Co (o,y t. l1\J-( '5D ~ 32.-..( CI eZS"1CtJ-l Telephone No.: YDl- Yb8- e'~'lB cq~ 6~~ NAME OF BIDDER: BUSINESS ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR'S FLORIDA LICENSE NO. The undersigned warrants the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers herein contained. Include additional sheets if necessary. 1. How many years has your organization been in business as a General Contractor? \ D '-(~? 2. Describe and give the date and owner of the last project that you have completed similar in type, size, and nature as the one proposed? c.\rT ~ ~p..Q::> ~ ~ ~ Ar--C'D ?\7~ ,004""f\Ao.L... ~-r ~ ~ ~~ "\-tk~ r~ Of- ~~It..AlZ....- ~ J.o..lZ-- -- ~E"e ~o CArk- 613 1)ex.o~~~ /.::s.r ~~ "PA1'e' 3. Have you ever failed to complete work awarded to you? If so, where and why? NO 4. Name three (3) municipalities for which you have performed work and to which you refer: C t,-( c:* c... \,-( ()-f=- ~\.-.( ~ t:Aa :mJA. O~D.J'"\' .r:?\ Ct.Duo C 1'\T Dv lL- \ c::P\ ,....{"'\ee r ,-r-( o-F ~t"'l"lAl-{\) 5. Have you personally inspected the site of the proposed Work? Describe any anticipated problems with the site and your proposed solutions? ,.J fA Project B08-05 00301-1 2/4/2008 II I 6. Will you Subcontract any part of this Work? If so, describe which portions: '{!:~ ~~ ~~ l~~ ~+ ~ ~"'- / ~ .;.{UG. -MJc.~~c C-\~ L- PU~01~ 7. What equipment do you own that is available for the Work? \ .()~ ~v I-k:>~ I 8. What equipment will you purchase for the Work? rJ/A 9. What equipment will you rent for the Work? A~ tJ~eo \D ~PI~ ~~J' 10. The following is given as a summary of the Financial Statement of the undersigned: (List Assets and Liabilities and use insert sheet if necessary). ~'A~. 11. State the true and exact, correct, and complete name under which you do business. Bidder is: t"'\b..\Z..-Lb...L Cb~oJ \j r dbC\ ~~~t..C\1D"t CO, END OF SECTION Project B08-05 00301-2 2/4/2008 SECTION 00301-A SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER LIST Will your firm be doing all the Work with your own forces? Yes_ No~ (Check yes only if no subcontracting opportunities exist. If you will be doing portions of the Work with your own forces, list these areas and approximate dollar amount allocated for this Work. List suppliers). List all proposed subcontractors and suppliers to be used to include company names, contract, addresses, phone numbers, type of work subcontracted (trade/commodity), dollar amount of work, and M/WBE designation or Majority (Non-MlWBE) owned company. See Instructions to Bidders for M/WBE requirements. Provide all information requested. Use additional sheets if necessary. Submit Update Subcontractor/Supplier List with each progress payment requested. Submit Final Subcontractor/Supplier List with Final Payment Request. COMPANY NAME, CONTACT ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER 1 f~\m.lA\...- CAe:'h-4~, ~fL. ~z.-c:;i~ - q'1~ 2 ~~"i'5t, ~~ f\... ~~ c{o(~-S~ ~ L~ _ t ~ B>L~ fL.o. M ) I~e:; ~-'7P:/:::J--~S~ 43,0. {)4.11..-"":::> ~ ~~L-\..- e>~~"It.Le fL ~ ~- 2Tl'i- '1~ 5~~ ('~ fl,. l2..\cx- L.k:r\-Y~?,- ~16 ~W{~i2- AI~ C~~ "5iNe ~-(p~- n9(~ 7C:\2.0...e' O. ~..l)r"t~~ ~~~~ Project B08-05 WORK TO BE PERFORMED (TRADE) OR COMMODITY TO BE SUPPLIED M,~'t- ~..u:. I ~/~~ PAl~ ~C- fWhP.>/~ END OF SECTION 00301-A-1 ESTIMATED DOLLAR AMOUNT 60 1t>llp roD ( ~ 25 CC(? Q) ( ~ 2-0( o:x> co $Z2,COO ~ it> I:', OC'O tY $ ?&/txV~ .$ ('='( o~o 0:> M/WBE DESIGNATION OR MAJORITY OWNER NIp-.. r-JI ^ tWA NlA 1--11 A N/A. 1'--\ (A 2/4/2008 SECTION 00300 BID FORM SUBMITTED: March 20, 2008 (Date) PROJECT IDENTIFICA nON: CITY OF OCOEE UTILITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NAME OF BIDDER: GYNO-l, Inc. a/k/a GYNO-l Commercial Contractors BUSINESS ADDRESS: 1517 S Crystal Lake Drive PHONE NO.: 407-895-5333 Orlando, FL 32806 CONTRACTOR'S FLORlDA LICENSE NO.: CBC017219 THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO City of Ocoee, Florida (hereinafter called Owner) 1. The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an Amendment to the Agreement with Owner in the form included in the Contract Documents, to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid Form and the Amendment to the Agreement, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 2. Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Bond. This Bid will remain open for ninety (90) calendar days after the day of Bid opening. Bidder will sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Amendment to the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within ten (10) days after the date of Owner's Notice of Intent to Award. 3. In submitting this Bid, Bidder makes all representations required by the Instructions to Bidders and the Agreement and further warrants and represents that: a. Bidder has examined copies of all the Bidding Documents and of the following Addenda: No. 1 Dated 02-26-08 No. Dated: No, 2 Dated 03-07-08 No. Dated; No. 3 Dated OJ-l R-OR No. Dated: No. Dated No. Dated: Receipt of all is hereby acknowledged along with copies of the Invitation to Bid and the Instructions to Bidders, Project B08-05 00300-1 2/4/2008 b, Bidder has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance, or furnishing the Work. c. Bidder has carefully studied all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface of subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.02.1 of the General Conditions. Bidder accepts the determination set forth in paragraph SC-4.02 of the Supplementary Conditions of the extent of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings upon which Bidder is entitled to rely as provided in paragraph 4.02 of the General Conditions. Bidder acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for Bidder's purposes. Bidder acknowledges that Owner and Engineer do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Bidding Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site. d. Bidder has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for having done so) all such additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost progress, performance or furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction to be employed by Bidder and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Bidder does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies or data are necessary for the determination of this bid for performance and furnishing of the Work in accordance with the times, price and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. e. Bidder is aware of the general nature of Work to be performed by Owner and others at the site that relates to Work for which this Bid is submitted as indicated in the Contract Documents. f. Bidder has correlated the information known to Bidder, information and observations obtained from visits to the site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and date with the Contract Documents. g. Bidder has given Purchasing Agent written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies that Bidder has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by Purchasing Agent is acceptable to Bidder, and the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and Project B08-05 00300-2 2/4/2008 convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work for which this Bid is submitted. h. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, fmn or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, associatio~ organization or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a farce or sham Bid; Bidder has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over Owner. i. Bidder hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed and to fully complete all work of the project within the Contract Time specified in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). Bidder further accepts the provisions of the Scope of Work Agreement as to liquidated damages and agrees to pay as liquidated damages the amount stated in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500), for each consecutive calendar day completion of the work is delayed. Completion Schedule: 1) The work shall be substantially complete within the Contract Time specified in Article 3.1 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 2) The Work shall be finally Complete within the contract Time specified in Article 3.2 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 4. All bid items shall include all materials, equipment, labor, permit fees, taxes, tests, miscellaneous costs of all types, overhead, and profit for the item to be complete, in place, and ready for operation in the manner contemplated by the Contract Documents. Bidder submits the following BASE BID and ALTERNATE BASE BID to perform all the Work as required by the Drawings and Specifications. ITEM 1: BASE BID Contractor performing all work shown on Civil, Architectural, Interior Design, Structural, HV AC. and Plumbing plan sheets, plus any inter-related cross.discipline support work shown on other project drawings and as required in Bidding Documents, Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Addenda issued. Contractor shall coordinate all phases of the Electrical Work as shown on the Electrical Drawings in assisting the City with the City's effort to procure electrical material and perform the electrical work by its licensed electrical forces, as described in Section 01010. Lump Sum of Three Hundred Forty-Eight Thousand Dollars and Zero ( words); $ 348,000.00 (numbers) Project B08-05 00300-3 2/4/2008 ITEM 2: ALTERNATE BASE BID Contractor performing all work included in Item I: Base Bid plus the cost for the contractor to procure and construct all the building (interior and exterior) electrical work, as shown in the contract documents, including the Electrical Drawings. Lump Sum of Four Hundred Fourteen Thousand Dollars and Zero ( words); $ 414,000.00 (numbers) 5. The Bidder agrees to commence work within TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS after the date of the Notice to Proceed, and shall complete the work within ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO CALENDAR DAYS (182) thereafter. The Bidder further agrees to pay, as liquidated damages, the sum of TWO HUNDRED (5200.00) DOLLARS for each consecutive calendar day thereafter, until the work is completed. 6. In accordance with Article 17 of the Instructions to Bidders, the City will consider the lowest "Base Bid" or "Alternate Base Bid" after adjustments for additive or deductive alternates. Additive or deductive alternates (if any) will be considered in determining the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder. The Owner reserves the right to accept any or all additive or deductive alternates, in his sole discretion, prior to the award of the Contract. The Owner also reserves the right to delete any portion of the Work as shown in the bid schedule prior to award and adjust each Bidder's UBase Bid" and/or uAltemate Base Bid" accordingly. 7. The following documents are included and made a condition of this Bid: a. Bid Forms (Sections 00300, 00301, 00301A, 00302, and 00303) b. Bid Bond (Surety Bond or Cashier's Check). (Section 00410) c. Corporate Authority to Execute Bid (Section 00510) d. Non-collusion Affidavit (Section 00480) e. Certification of Non-segregated Facilities (Section 00481) f. Sworn Statement on Public Entity Crimes (Section 00482) g. Certification of Nondiscriminatory Labor Practices (Section 00483) 8. The Bidder acknowledges that the City specifically reserves the right to accept and make an award to a bidder that has not submitted the lowest bid when in the City's sole and absolute discretion the City determines that to be in its best interests. The terms used in this Bid, which are defined in the General Conditions or Instructions of the Construction Contract, included as part of the Contract Documents have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions or Instructions. 9. The work shall be performed under a Florida Contractor's License. Contract shall not be awarded unless proof of valid licensees) is provided. Project B08-05 003004 2/4/2008 , ) t ) ) 1 10. It is understood that where quantities for unit price work have been presented in the foregoing Schedule of Bid Items, they are approximate only and are solely for purpose of facilitating the comparison of bids, and that the Contractor's compensation will be computed upon the basis as described in the measurement and payment clauses in the specifications contained herein. ) ) , -) ) . ) } 11. BASE BID - SCHEDULE OF MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS ) If the foregoing Schedule of Bid Items is presented in a Base Bid format, the undersigned as Bidder agrees that the Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of the materials and equipment named in the Contract Documents in accordance with Article 9 of the Instructions to Bidders. If the Bidder desires to propose an alternate manufacturer or supplier, he may write in the name of such alternate in the substitution list included within this Bid Form. If the proposed alternate manufacturer/supplier is determined "not equivalent" by the Architect or Engineer, the Bidder must furnish equipment and/or material items by the originally specified manufacturer/supplier. ) >> ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 12. SUBSTITUTIONS AND "OR EQUAL" } The undersigned as Bidder agrees that substitutions or "or-equal" items will not be considered until after the "Effective Date of the Agreement" and will be evaluated in accordance with paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. In addition to the reimbursement required under the General Conditions, the Contractor shall also reimburse the Owner for any design costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/suppliers, caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; additional field trips for the Architect and/or Engineer, additional redesign costs, and additional review costs, etc. Other costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/suppliers caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; increased electrical requirements, larger building, additional pumps or tankage, etc., shall be borne by others and not the Owner. If Bidder intends to propose substitutions or "or- equal" items after the "Effective Date of the Agreement," it is agreed that these items will be listed on the Substitution List included within this Bid Form, with a deductive amount representing 50 percent of the total savings between the named Base Bid item and the proposed item. "Base Bid" item substitutions providing an equipment or material cost savings to the Owner of less than $1,000 will not be considered. The undersigned, as Bidder, also agrees that if a substitution or "or-equal" item is not listed on the Substitution List included with the Bid, all of the savings between the named item and the proposed item will go to the Owner if the Owner accepts the proposed item in accordance with paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. The Owner may request, and the undersigned Bidder shall supply, complete information on proposed substitutions. Such information shall be the manufacturer's current published or preprinted information for the specific substitution. ) ) ) ) ) ) j ) J i I I I 13. As Bidder, I hereby certify that I am aware and understand that the City of Ocoee in its sole discretion reserves the right to waive technicalities or irregularities, to reject any or Project B08-05 00300-5 2/4/2008 all Bids, and/or to accept that Bid which is in the best interest of the City. The Award of this Bid, if made, may be based on considerations other than total cost, and may be awarded based on various considerations, including but not limited to: Bidder experience and whether the Base Bid and Base Alternate Bid, in the judgment of the Owner, is the most responsive to Owner's needs. Owner encourages the use of minorities and women- owned businesses as subcontractors. SUBSTITUTION LIST Bidder offers the following substitutions and "or equal" items. Deductible Amount* Equipment Alternative (Indicate Whether Item or Spec Manufacturer/Supplier Lump Sum or Material Section (List One Only) Unit Price) Bath Faucets 15001 T &S Faucets LS - $2,500.00 Represents 50 percent of the difference in cost in accordance with the General Conditions (Minimum Deductible Amount per Substitution Item shall be $1,000) (Bidder may supplement this page, as required.) Project B08-05 00300-6 2/4/2008 SECTION 00301 QUESTIONNAIRE DATE: March 20. 2008 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: City of Ocoee Utilities Administration Building NAME OF BIDDER: GYNO-l. Inc. a/kla GYNO-l Commercial Contractors BUSINESS ADDRESS: 1517 South Crystal Lake Drive. Orlando. FL 32806 Telephone No.: 407-895-5333 CONTRACTOR'S FLORIDA LICENSE NO. CBC017219 The undersigned warrants the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers herein contained. Include additional sheets if necessary. 1. How many years has your organization been in business as a General Contractor? 35 Years 2. Describe and give the date and owner of the last project that you have completed similar in type, size, and nature as the one proposed? May 1. 2005 FDOT Administration Buildin2; 3. Have you ever failed to complete work awarded to you? If so, where and why? NO 4. Name three (3) municipalities for which you have performed work and to which you refer: FDOT Turnpike Oran2;e Pro2;ress Ener2Y Oran2;e/Seminole 5. Have you personally inspected the site ofthe proposed Work? Describe any anticipated problems with the site and your proposed solutions? Yes, There are no anticipated problems Project B08-05 00301-1 2/4/2008 6. Will you Subcontract any part of this Work? If so, describe which portions: Rou~h Carpentry Trim Carpentry Drywall 7. What equipment do you own that is available for the Work? Front pnrl T ,o9rlpr c;pnpr9tor~ Tr9ffil' R9rril'9rlp~ T ,9rgp nprno H9rnmpr~ 8. What equipment will you purchase for the Work? None 9. What equipment will you rent for the Work? Stora~e Container 10. The following is given as a summary of the Financial Statement of the undersigned: (List Assets and Liabilities and use insert sheet if necessary). See attached accountant's Financial Statement Review Report 11. State the true and exact, correct, and complete name under which you do business. Bidder is: GYNO-l, Inc. a/kla GYNO-l Commercial Contractors END OF SECTION Project B08-05 00301-2 2/4/2008 SECTION 00301-A SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER LIST Will your firm be doing all the Work with your own forces? Yes_ No~ (Check yes only if no subcontracting opportunities exist. If you will be doing portions of the Work with your own forces, list these areas and approximate dollar amount allocated for this Work. List suppliers). List all proposed subcontractors and suppliers to be used to include company names, contract, addresses, phone numbers, type of work subcontracted (trade/commodity), dollar amount of work, and M/WBE designation or Majority (Non-M/WBE) owned company. See Instructions to Bidders for M/WBE requirements. Provide all information requested. Use additional sheets if necessary. Submit Update Subcontractor/Supplier List with each progress payment requested. Submit Final Subcontractor/Supplier List with Final Payment Request. COMPANY NAME, CONTACT ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER Calvary Service Corp. 1602 E. 3rd Ave Tampa, FL 33605 P:813-354-8994 F:813-354-8924 2 Crossroads Unlimited, Inc. 112 Atlantic Drive Maitland, FL 32751 P:407-628-8249 F:407 -628-8349 3 Kalee 17105 Key Lime Blvd. Loxahatchee, FL 33470 P:561-753-5484 F:561-753-5469 . 4 Rodriguez Concrete Const 8606 Villanova Road Orlando, FL 32817 P:407-925-7617 F:407-677-0635 5 6 7 Project B08-05 WORK TO BE PERFORMED (TRADE) OR COMMODITY TO BE SUPPLIED M/WBE DESIGNATION OR MAJORITY OWNER ESTIMATED DOLLAR AMOUNT Insulation Drywall $2,950.00 $23,900.00 DBE, SBE & MBE Toilet Accessories Declined to Bid MBE Cont'rp.tp. CMU Truss Decking $130,000.00 MBE Cont'rp.tp. 28,427.00 MBE END OF SECTION 00301-A-l 2/4/2008 o'f2- \G, l/bl c...L SECTION 00300 BID FORM SUBMITTED: S 12-0 I 08 (Date) PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: CITY OF OCOEE UTILITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NAME OF BIDDER: ?ARA~ON V tV E.LoPKENT ~ C'6N:sTRila:i6N ~Nc... 'Z-42.e:. ~At=-SEL VlE.W DR BUSINESS ADDRESS: c>RLA.b-.H:>O FL32.~~ PHONE NO.: 4DI-39,Q-Z.S43 , CONTRACTOR'S FLORIDA LICENSE NO.: C<4-C \50 SCo04 THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO City of Ocoee, Florida (hereinafter called Owner) 1. The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an Amendment to the Agreement with Owner in the form included in the Contract Documents, to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid Form and the Amendment to the Agreement, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 2. Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Bond. This Bid will remain open for ninety (90) calendar days after the day of Bid opening. Bidder will sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Amendment to the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within ten (10) days after the date of Owner's Notice ofIntent to Award. 3. In submitting this Bid, Bidder makes all representations required by the Instructions to Bidders and the Agreement and further warrants and represents that: a. Bidder has examined copies of all the Bidding Documents and of the following Addenda: No. \ Dated 2-/U,108 No. Dated: No. Z. Dated 3/1/ 08 No. Dated: No. 3 Dated 3/\P.108 No. Dated: No. Dated No. Dated: Receipt of all is hereby acknowledged along with copies of the Invitation to Bid and the Instructions to Bidders. Project B08-05 00300-1 2/4/2008 b. Bidder has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance, or furnishing the Work. c. Bidder has carefully studied all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface of subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.02.1 of the General Conditions. Bidder accepts the determination set forth in paragraph SC-4.02 of the Supplementary Conditions of the extent of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings upon which Bidder is entitled to rely as provided in paragraph 4.02 of the General Conditions. Bidder acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for Bidder's purposes. Bidder acknowledges that Owner and Engineer do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Bidding Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site. d. Bidder has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for having done so) all such additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost progress, performance or furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction to be employed by Bidder and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Bidder does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies or data are necessary for the determination of this bid for performance and furnishing of the Work in accordance with the times, price and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. e. Bidder is aware of the general nature of Work to be performed by Owner and others at the site that relates to Work for which this Bid is submitted as indicated in the Contract Documents. f. Bidder has correlated the information known to Bidder, information and observations obtained from visits to the site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and date with the Contract Documents. g. Bidder has given Purchasing Agent written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies that Bidder has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by Purchasing Agent is acceptable to Bidder, and the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and Project B08-05 00300-2 2/4/2008 convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work for which this Bid is submitted. h. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a farce or sham Bid; Bidder has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over Owner. 1. Bidder hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed and to fully complete all work of the project within the Contract Time specified in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). Bidder further accepts the provisions of the Scope of Work Agreement as to liquidated damages and agrees to pay as liquidated damages the amount stated in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500), for each consecutive calendar day completion of the work is delayed. Completion Schedule: 1) The work shall be substantially complete within the Contract Time specified in Article 3.1 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 2) The Work shall be finally Complete within the contract Time specified in Article 3.2 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 4. All bid items shall include all materials, equipment, labor, permit fees, taxes, tests, miscellaneous costs of all types, overhead, and profit for the item to be complete, in place, and ready for operation in the manner contemplated by the Contract Documents. Bidder submits the following BASE BID and AL TERNA TE BASE BID to perform all the Work as required by the Drawings and Specifications. ITEM 1: BASE BID Contractor performing all work shown on Civil, Architectural, Interior Design, Structural, HV AC, and Plumbing plan sheets, plus any inter-related cross-discipline support work shown on other project drawings and as required in Bidding Documents, Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Addenda issued. Contractor shall coordinate all phases of the Electrical Work as shown on the Electrical Drawings in assisting the City with the City's effort to procure electrical material and perform the electrical work by its licensed electrical forces, as described in Section 01010. \.D ~~ 6XQ~~~ \~.e.t~,u l-(t{) Lump Sum of n\r.ee.. "'-uN\cl\ftlA ~~h tj,Se.lle..t1\ ~~ (words); l $ 3 f6, \ '?B ..!D2 (numbers) , Project B08-05 00300-3 2/4/2008 ITEM 2: AL TERNA TE BASE BID Contractor performing all work included in Item 1: Base Bid plus the cost for the contractor to procure and construct all the building (interior and exterior) electrical work, as shown in the contract documents, including the Electrical Drawings. Lump Sum of F f.7U-Y ~ fNvlCJrtd~ ~ X:!j >~/;"e1/7[jj;;iJ M...r ~ ~~~0? ~ $-A:flf I??S. !!Y- (numbers) 5. The Bidder agrees to commence work within TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS after the date of the Notice to Proceed, and shall complete the work within ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO CALENDAR DAYS (182) thereafter. The Bidder further agrees to pay, as liquidated damages, the sum of TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLARS for each consecutive calendar day thereafter, until the work is completed. 6. In accordance with Article 17 of the Instructions to Bidders, the City will consider the lowest "Base Bid" or "Alternate Base Bid" after adjustments for additive or deductive alternates. Additive or deductive alternates (if any) will be considered in determining the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder. The Owner reserves the right to accept any or all additive or deductive alternates, in his sole discretion, prior to the award of the Contract. The Owner also reserves the right to delete any portion of the Work as shown in the bid schedule prior to award and adjust each Bidder's "Base Bid" and/or "Alternate Base Bid" accordingly. 7. The following documents are included and made a condition of this Bid: a. Bid Forms (Sections 00300, 00301, 00301A, 00302, and 00303) b. Bid Bond (Surety Bond or Cashier's Check). (Section 00410) c. Corporate Authority to Execute Bid (Section 00510) d. Non-collusion Affidavit (Section 00480) e. Certification of Non-segregated Facilities (Section 00481) f. Sworn Statement on Public Entity Crimes (Section 00482) g. Certification of Nondiscriminatory Labor Practices (Section 00483) 8. The Bidder acknowledges that the City specifically reserves the right to accept and make an award to a bidder that has not submitted the lowest bid when in the City's sole and absolute discretion the City detennines that to be in its best interests. The terms used in this Bid, which are defined in the General Conditions or Instructions of the Construction Contract, included as part of the Contract Documents have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions or Instructions. 9. The work shall be performed under a Florida Contractor's License. Contract shall not be awarded unless proof of valid licensees) is provided. Project B08-0S 00300-4 2/4/2008 10. It is understood that where quantities for unit price work have been presented in the foregoing Schedule of Bid Items, they are approximate only and are solely for purpose of facilitating the comparison of bids, and that the Contractor's compensation will be computed upon the basis as described in the measurement and payment clauses in the specifications contained herein. 11. BASE BID - SCHEDULE OF MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS If the foregoing Schedule of Bid Items is presented in a Base Bid format, the undersigned as Bidder agrees that the Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of the materials and equipment named in the Contract Documents in accordance with Article 9 of the Instructions to Bidders. If the Bidder desires to propose an alternate manufacturer or supplier, he may write in the name of such alternate in the substitution list included within this Bid Form. If the proposed alternate manufacturer/supplier is determined "not equivalent" by the Architect or Engineer, the Bidder must furnish equipment and/or material items by the originally specified manufacturer/supplier. 12. SUBSTITUTIONS AND "OR EQUAL" The undersigned as Bidder agrees that substitutions or "or-equal" items will not be considered until after the "Effective Date of the Agreement" and will be evaluated in accordance with paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. In addition to the reimbursement required under the General Conditions, the Contractor shall also reimburse the Owner for any design costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/suppliers, caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; additional field trips for the Architect and/or Engineer, additional redesign costs, and additional review costs, etc. Other costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/suppliers caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; increased electrical requirements, larger building, additional pumps or tankage, etc., shall be borne by others and not the Owner. If Bidder intends to propose substitutions or "or- equal" items after the "Effective Date of the Agreement," it is agreed that these items will be listed on the Substitution List included within this Bid Form, with a deductive amount representing 50 percent of the total savings between the named Base Bid item and the proposed item. "Base Bid" item substitutions providing an equipment or material cost savings to the Owner of less than $1,000 will not be considered. The undersigned, as Bidder, also agrees that if a substitution or "or-equal" item is not listed on the Substitution List included with the Bid, all of the savings between the named item and the proposed item will go to the Owner if the Owner accepts the proposed item in accordance with paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. The Owner may request, and the undersigned Bidder shall supply, complete information on proposed substitutions. Such information shall be the manufacturer's current published or preprinted information for the specific substitution. 13. As Bidder, I hereby certify that I am aware and understand that the City of Ocoee in its sole discretion reserves the right to waive technicalities or irregularities, to reject any or Project B08-05 00300-5 2/4/2008 all Bids, and/or to accept that Bid which is in the best interest of the City. The Award of this Bid, if made, may be based on considerations other than total cost, and may be awarded based on various considerations, including but not limited to: Bidder experience and whether the Base Bid and Base Alternate Bid, in the judgment of the Owner, is the most responsive to Owner's needs. Owner encourages the use of minorities and women- owned businesses as subcontractors. SUBSTITUTION LIST Bidder offers the following substitutions and "or equal" items. Deductible Amount* Equipment Alternative (Indicate Whether Item or Spec Manufacturer/Supplier Lump Sum or Material Section (List One Only) U nit Price) .<. \(\ --- \ 7 .. ~ \J Represents 50 percent of the difference in cost in accordance with the General Conditions (Minimum Deductible Amount per Substitution Item shall be $1,000) (Bidder may supplement this page, as required.) Project B08-05 00300-6 2/4/2008 Strike out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGNATORIES MUST HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNATURES) If Bidder is: A CORPORATION ~ARACl:?'N VE:.VELof'~ENT~ CoN~Tr<..uiJlc>N, tNG. (Corporation Name) By Flo ~l PA- (State of Incorporation) f/ARV1S }/tcU6AV \ (Name of person authorized to sign) :PREStD~T (Title) ~-~~ (Authorized Signature) Attest (Secretary) Business address: 24z-(P BAE:sELvlEW V~ oRLA~DO FL 32...8~ Phone No.: 461-3qq-z.~43 Corporation President: f' ,AF..V \ 5 K 6 \).,SA-V I Florida License No.: C-Gc C \ 5 ~ "64 Project B08-05 00300-8 2/4/2008 SECTION 00301 QUESTIONNAIRE DATE: 3/2-0 loB City of Ocoee Utilities Administration Building NAME OF BIDDER: 'PARA~~ <PEVELopt1.pNT~ C'cNSTRUd\6N. lb-JG. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: BUSINESS ADDRESS: 2-42-<; "'B~~L V\E.-W VR o~ FL 32..83S Telephone No.: 4:6,- "3QQ-2.S43 CONTRACTOR'S FLORIDA LICENSE NO. ~ c... \:5 () l:=) b(")q The undersigned warrants the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers herein contained. Include additional sheets if necessary. 1. How many years has your organization been in business as a General Contractor? ~?(. 5 ~~g'S 2. Describe and give the date and owner of the last project that you have completed similar in type, size, and nature as the one proposed? Vp:r~ Dl= ~m.p. F~ /2-008 c.\\'f ~f 6VlEvn \-.tt1< . :Tt?Hl-4. ~WA+ 401-01.,,\-5(0,:=\1 ~~ \-1.~ 461- '\'1 \- 56Z-l- 't=,Ai-.. 3. Have you ever failed to complete work awarded to you? If so, where and why? NCJ 4. Name three (3) municipalities for which you have performed work and to which you refer: O'RAl0C, <Zoo..0li ,Fl.t5~l1)A HR TJAVE t.4lU(, 401- e?~c050 C-lT'f 6f tJV1E'DO M~_zroH'\\ CAP.t\llJA.tf L\07-'ill-5G47 St;:~t-A It )ol~ e:6UA)1i Y\.e . SHy, 'DU BY 467- '?4'1-0i ,q 5. Have you personally inspected the site of the proposed Work? Describe any anticipated problems with the site and your proposed solutions? '-(ES -.t VC>Nr\T A.~\T\('\'fAT~ ,llA)~ -f'R6~~ I Project B08-05 00301-1 2/4/2008 6. Will you Subcontract any part of this Work? If so, describe which portions: '-(z=..S -f'L~K1?l1'-l6./ ~I?F-( t--.tCl I A' R ~~u'D\\II'lO ( A'::::"'y:o.llLl fA\! 11 )~, :elL>ck:... II'Lls.T~..~._"'il A}, C':-.A.R~N;l"l2>f ~ t L r=c:rP~ r A) 7. What equipment do you own that is available for the Work? :PldLI J~C TJ2-.UrJI" ~f'l.XbR l<... V ~J <?.f\l; '7> f1J' ::o;-m~to I~ Ill! E U ,tA<r ~LtruT uJftt+ 4<-l W ~ FttVb.-a.. 't6 {:.:; tS"f' AAJi' ~\U8Yl00T mAT\Nl' VY)~y to,ff p t. ~ 1-.0. ~ eovY\f o1J ~ \ ~I..e..TG - - - 8. What equipment will you purchase for the Work? "'-l c> 10 'i..- 9. What equipment will you rent for the Work? 8\ ~bt I ~~YV\~crn~ 10. The following is given as a summary of the financial Statement of the undersigned: (List Assets and Liabilities and use insert sheet if necessary). T VU I LL B~ ~?JJ T{)~P~L'J\JVJ~ F\ l/) r,.~) Sf e,1o ~ . ,^ S :><-ol"\A s ~ bI e It\}. l \/r--. 'Cl A,c- C-gL~<J1T. 11. State the true and exact, correct, and complete name under which you do business. Bidder is: 'P A'RA~6 0 "DevF J q::>Yl ~rr ~ en ~~T 7Z.J.A dll) r() I" ~ {- END OF SECTION Project B08-05 00301-2 2/4/2008 SECTION 00301-A SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER LIST Will your firm be doing all the Work with your own forces? Yes_ No_ (Check yes only if no subcontracting opportunities exist. If you will be doing portions of the Work with your own forces, list these areas and approximate dollar amount allocated for this Work. List suppliers). List all proposed subcontractors and suppliers to be used to include company names, contract, addresses, phone numbers, type of work subcontracted (trade/commodity), dollar amount of work, and MlWBE designation or Majority (Non-MlWBE) owned company. See Instructions to Bidders for MlWBE requirements. Provide all information requested. Use additional sheets if necessary. Submit Update Subcontractor/Supplier List with each progress payment requested. Submit Final Subcontractor/Supplier List with Final Payment Request. COMPANY NAME, CONTACT ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER 1 A~ll1? ATE:. %~ \ ~ 3 ~ a...ers~ b.t~ Clr Ol"'tow\d.o A:;'L-30~37 401- es~-!57 ?o .$.C~ ru.H"1~IU8 \4, b2- tv. :p\ \.\L H' , H ~. fl, ~2.80f> ~ifJ -6 ~ 2.- 8 ~ 't z- 3 W.....~ IT&Ju1<AL $Irt$.~ T ~ETAL Ol\ol e~~d ~"!3 ~I'~~o tf.~c;~~ 4 A s.s~.a.T~~ 7?c:..C-t~l!.> Ce~o ~'.~\~l::.<i Orlo-~o...! tL-3~1 461 - '30 Bl-Z7 2. 5 A~ir~eA.L "f>8J{tJCi~ lq, is l?o12~L$C?C(er ~Wt!J,. d/ rL-~'Z:ltSD 4cq -Ut>-1\1o 6 Su..~l'-l t- ~\'6T cqv-o-u'f' 52..9\ '5, .f'ctt$G'Y1 A-V.e.. e ,....-0OYJ I -R- ~ !tSll !a1-Z-C{C{-, 875 7 ~Pl ~V~ l z.2-\ Z-f> Sl ~r1~6, R-~~~ ~1.-4 2S -2-~q 0 Project B08-0S WORK TO BE PERFORMED (TRADE) OR COMMODITY TO BE SUPPLIED .p,J. ~ e 6~'lD\TI 6 \.) ~LU.~B 11' G 4"'~-r- MfiE1'tu ea,r=- (>~<Ps=...sr~~ 4 ~~~ItJ6t . p~~ ~,4 P~e.-~ \-II A:,56"-l~'i ?TUcc?::> ~~T{?f'<i( ~AJ)L~Fb:C;-~ END OF SECTION 00301-A-l ESTIMATED DOLLAR AMOUNT M/WBE DESIGNATION OR MAJORITY OWNER 41 CdJ aL t ~B~ JtI) \ '1000, NO .IlL "?c>,qoO, ~t> ... 32-LbO. I' tJ'o "'2-q Sql, ,Q- , tJO '30,150, Me€: ..!!::: ~p7. M~f... 2/4/2008 SECTION 00300 BID FORM SUBMITTED: March 20, 2008 (Date) PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: CITY OF OCOEE UTILITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NAME OF BIDDER: POOLEY ENTERPRISES, INC. 7131 Grand National Drive, Suite 104, BUSINESS ADDRESS: Orlando, Florida 32819 PHONE NO.: 407363-1993 CONTRACTOR'S FLORIDA LICENSE NO.: CGCB01145 THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO City of Ocoee, Florida (hereinafter called Owner) I, The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an Amendment to the Agreement with Owner in the form included in the Contract Documents, to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid Form and the Amendment to the Agreement, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 2, Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Bond. This Bid will remain open for ninety (90) calendar days after the day of Bid opening. Bidder will sign and deliver the required number of counterparts ofthe Amendment to the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within ten (10) days after the date of Owner's Notice of Intent to Award. 3. In submitting this Bid, Bidder makes all representations required by the Instructions to Bidders and the Agreement and further warrants and represents that: a, Bidder has examined copies of all the Bidding Documents and of the following Addenda: Dated Feb 26, 2008 No. 2 Dated March 18,2008 No. Dated No. Dated No. Dated: March 7, 2008 Dated: Dated: Dated: No. 1 No. 3 No. No. Receipt of all is hereby acknowledged along with copies of the Invitation to Bid and the Instructions to Bidders. Project B08-05 00300-1 2/4/2008 b. Bidder has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance, or furnishing the Work. e. Bidder has carefully studied all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface of subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.02.1 of the General Conditions. Bidder accepts the determination set forth in paragraph SC-4.02 of the Supplementary Conditions of the extent of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings upon which Bidder is entitled to rely as provided in paragraph 4.02 of the General Conditions. Bidder acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for Bidder's purposes. Bidder acknowledges that Owner and Engineer do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Bidding Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site. d. Bidder has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for having done so) all such additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost progress, performance or furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction to be employed by Bidder and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Bidder does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies or data are necessary for the determination of this bid for performance and furnishing of the Work in accordance with the times, price and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. e. Bidder is aware of the general nature of Work to be performed by Owner and others at the site that relates to Work for which this Bid is submitted as indicated in the Contract Documents. f. Bidder has correlated the information known to Bidder, information and observations obtained from visits to the site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and date with the Contract Documents. 9, Bidder has given Purchasing Agent written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies that Bidder has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by Purchasing Agent is acceptable to Bidder, and the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and Project B08-0S 00300-2 2/4/2008 convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work for which this Bid is submitted. h. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; . Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a farce or sham Bid; Bidder has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over Owner. 1. Bidder hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed and to fully complete all work of the project within the Contract Time specified in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). Bidder further accepts the provisions of the Scope of Work Agreement as to liquidated damages and agrees to pay as liquidated damages the amount stated in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500), for each consecutive calendar day completion of the work is delayed. Completion Schedule: 1) The work shall be substantially complete within the Contract Time specified in Article 3.1 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 2) The Work shall be finally Complete within the contract Time specified in Article 3.2 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 4. All bid items shall include all materials, equipment, labor, permit fees, taxes, tests, miscellaneous costs of all types, overhead, and profit for the item to be complete, in place, and ready for operation in the manner contemplated by the Contract Documents. Bidder submits the following BASE BID and AL TERNA TE BASE BID to perform all the Work as required by the Drawings and Specifications. ITEM 1: BASE BID Contractor performing all work shown on Civil, Architectural, Interior Design, Structural, HV AC, and Plumbing plan sheets, plus any inter-related cross-discipline support work shown on other project drawings and as required in Bidding Documents, Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Addenda issued. Contractor shall coordinate all phases of the Electrical Work as shown on the Electrical Drawings in assisting the City with the City's effort to procure electrical material and perform the electrical work by its licensed electrical forces, as described in Section 0 1 0 1 O. Lump Sum of Four Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ( words); $ 425,000.00 (numbers) Project B08-05 00300-3 2/4/2008 ITEM 2: ALTERNATE BASE BID Contractor performing all work included in Item I ~ Base Bid plus the cost for the contractor to procure and construct all the building (interior and exterior) electrical work, as shown in the contract documents, including the Electrical Drawings. Lump Sum of Four Hundred Seventy-Two Thousand Six Hundred Fifty-one Dollars ( words); $472,651.00 (numbers) 5. The Bidder agrees to commence work within TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS after the date of the Notice to Proceed, and shall complete the work within ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO CALENDAR DAYS (182) thereafter. The Bidder further agrees to pay, as liquidated damages, the sum of TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLARS for each consecutive calendar day thereafter, until the work is completed. 6, In accordance with Article 17 of the Instructions to Bidders, the City will consider the lowest "Base Bid" or "Alternate Base Bid" after adjustments for additive or deductive alternates. Additive or deductive alternates (if any) will be considered in determining the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder. The Owner reserves the right to accept any or all additive or deductive alternates, in his sole discretion, prior to the award of the Contract. The Owner also reserves the right to delete any portion of the Work as shown in the bid schedule prior to award and adjust each Bidder's "Base Bid" and/or "Alternate Base Bid" accordingly. 7, The following documents are included and made a condition of this Bid: c, d. e. f. 9. Bid Forms (Sections 00300, 00301, 00301A, 00302, and 00303) Bid Bond (Surety Bond or Cashier's Check). (Section 00410) Corporate Authority to Execute Bid (Section 005 I 0) Non~collusion Affidavit (Section 00480) Certification ofNon~segregated Facilities (Section 00481) Sworn Statement on Public Entity Crimes (Section 00482) Certification of Nondiscriminatory Labor Practices (Section 00483) a. b. 8, The Bidder acknowledges that the City specifically reserves the right to accept and make an award to a bidder that has not submitted the lowest bid when in the City's sole and absolute discretion the City determines that to be in its best interests. The terms used in this Bid, which are defined in the General Conditions or Instructions of the Construction Contract, included as part of the Contract Documents have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions or Instructions. 9, The work shall be performed under a Florida Contractor's License. Contract shall not be awarded unless proof of valid license( s) is provided. Project B08-0S 00300-4 2/4/2008 10. It is understood that where quantities for unit price work have been presented in the foregoing Schedule of Bid Items, they are approximate only and are solely for purpose of facilitating the comparison of bids, and that the Contractor's compensation will be computed upon the basis as described in the measurement and Payment clauses in the specifications contained herein. 11, BASE BID - SCHEDULE OF MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS If the foregoing Schedule of Bid Items is presented in a Base Bid format, the undersigned as Bidder agrees that the Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of the materials and equipment named in the Contract Documents in accordance with Article 9 of the Instructions to Bidders. If the Bidder desires to propose an alternate manufacturer or supplier, he may write in the name of such alternate in the substitution list included within this Bid Form, If the Proposed alternate manufacturer/supplier is determined "not equivalent" by the Architect or Engineer, the Bidder must furnish equipment and/or material items by the originally specified manufacturer/supplier. SUBSTITUTIONS AND "OR EQUAL" The undersigned as Bidder agrees that substitutions or "or-equal" items will not be considered until after the "Effective Date of the Agreement" and will be evaluated in accordance with Paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. In addition to the reimbursement required under the General Conditions, the Contractor shall also reimburse the Owner for any design costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/suppliers, caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; additional field trips for the Architect and/or Engineer, additional redesign costs, and additional review costs, etc. Other costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/suppliers caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; increased electrical requirements, larger building, additional pumps or tankage, etc., shall be borne by others and not the Owner. If Bidder intends to propose substitutions or "or- equal" items after the "Effective Date of the Agreement," it is agreed that these items will be listed on the Substitution List included within this Bid Form, with a deductive amount representing 50 percent of the total savings between the named Base Bid item and the proposed item. "Base Bid" item substitutions providing an equipment or material cost savings to the Owner ofless than $1,000 will not be considered. The undersigned, as Bidder, also agrees that if a substitution or Ifor-equal" item is not listed on the Substitution List included with the Bid, all of the savings between the named item and the Proposed item will go to the Owner if the Owner accepts the proposed item in accordance with Paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. The Owner may request, and the undersigned Bidder shall supply, complete information on Proposed substitutions. Such information shall be the manufacturer's current published or preprinted information for the specific substitution. 13, As Bidder, I hereby certify that I am aware and understand that the City of Ocoee in its sole discretion reserves the right to waive technicalities or irregularities, to reject any or Project B08-05 00300-5 2/4/2008 I I I all Bids, and/or to accept that Bid which is in the best interest of the City. The Award of this Bid, if made, may be based on considerations other than total cost, and may be awarded based on various considerations, including but not limited to: Bidder experience and whether the Base Bid and Base Alternate Bid, in the judgment of the Owner, is the most responsive to Owner's needs. Owner encourages the use of minorities and women- owned businesses as subcontractors. SUBSTITUTION LIST Bidder offers the following substitutions and "or equal" items. Deductible Amount* Equipment Alternative (Indicate Whether Item or Spec Manufacturer/Supplier Lump Sum or Material Section (List One Only) U nit Price) None Represents 50 percent of the difference in cost in accordance with the General Conditions (Minimum Deductible Amount per Substitution Item shall be $1,000) (Bidder may supplement this page, as required.) Project B08-0S 00300-6 2/412008 Strike out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGNA TORIES MUST HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNA TURES) If Bidder is: SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP (SEAL) X (Individual's Signature) (Individual's Name) doing business as Business Address: Phone No.: Florida License No,: APARTNERSIllP (SEAL) (Partnership Name) (General Partner's Signature) X (General Partner's Name) Business address: Phone No.: Florida License No.: Project BOS-OS 00300- 7 2/4/2008 Strike out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGNA TORIES MUST HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNATURES) If Bidder is: A CORPORA nON By Pooley Enterprises, Inc. (Corporation Name) Florida (State of Incorporation) Richard Pooley (Name of person authorized to sign) QU;:~:l ~l (Authorized Signature) (Corporate Seal) (Secretary) \J~y Attest w ~ c3--o- Business address: 7131 Grand National Drive, Suite 104 Orlando, Florida 32819 Phone No.: 407363-1993 Corporation President: President Florida License No.: CGCB01145 Project B08-05 00300-8 2/4/2008 Strike out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGNA TORIES MUST HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNATURES) If Bidder is: A JOINT VENTURE By X (Name) (Address) By (N ame) (Address) Business Address: Phone No.: Florida License No.: (Each joint venturer must sign. The manner of signing for each individual, partnership, and corporation that is a party to the joint venture should be in the manner indicated above.) Florida License No,: Project B08-05 00300-9 2/4/2008 13, List the following in connection with the Surety, which is providing the Bid Bond: Surety's Name: Surety's Address: United Fire & Casualty Company 118 Second Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 Name and address of Surety's resident agent for service of process in Florida: Florida Surety Bonds, Inc. 620 N. Wymore Road Maitland, FL 32751 Project B08-0S END OF SECTION 00300-10 2/4/2008 SECTION 00301 QUESTIONNAIRE DA TE: March 3, 2008 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: City of Ocoee Utilities Administration Building NAME OF BIDDER: POOLEY ENTERPRISES, INC. BUSINESS ADDRESS: 7131 Grand National Drive, Suite 104, Orlando, Florida 32819 Telephone No.: 407363-1993 CONTRACTOR'S FLORIDA LICENSE NO.CGCB01 145 The undersigned warrants the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers herein contained. Include additional sheets if necessary. I . How many years has your organization been in business as a General Contractor? Thirty-five 2. Describe and give the date and owner of the last project that you have completed similar in type, size, and nature as the one proposed? Japan Pavilion, EPCOT, Walt Disney World, November 2007, $9,000,000, Mitsukoshi 3, Have you ever failed to complete work awarded to you? If so, where and why? No. 4. Name three (3) municipalities for which you have performed work and to which you refer: City of Ocoee Orange County Seminole County 5. Have you personally inspected the site of the proposed Work? Describe any anticipated problems with the site and your proposed solutions? Yes, No problems anticipated. Project B08-05 00301-1 2/4/2008 6. Will you Subcontract any part of this Work? If so, describe which portions: Yes Divisons 2 through 5, Divisions 7 through 8, Portions of Division 9, Division 10 through Division 16 which are specialty areas will be performed by subcontractors, 7. What equipment do you own that is available for the Work? Compaction, cutting, surveying, and other miscellaneous equipment. 8. What equipment will you purchase for the Work? None. 9. What equipment will you rent for the Work? Trash containers, temporary toilets, grading equipment. 10. The following is given as a summary of the Financial Statement of the undersigned: (List Assets and Liabilities and use insert sheet if necessary). Please see attached financial statement - September 30, 2007 11. State the true and exact, correct, and complete name under which you do business. Bidder is: POOLEY ENTERPRISES, INC. END OF SECTION Project B08~05 00301.2 2/4/2008 SECTION 00301-A SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER LIST Will your firm be doing.a11 the Work with your own forces? Yes_ No Y- (Check yes only ifno subcontracting opportunities exist. If you will be doing portions of the Work with your own forces, list these areas and approximate dollar amount allocated for this Work. List suppliers). List all proposed subcontractors and suppliers to be used to include company names, contract, addresses, phone numbers, type of work subcontracted (trade/commodity), dollar amount of work, and M/WBE designation or Majority (Non-M/WBE) owned company. See Instructions to Bidders for M/WBE requirements. Provide all information requested. Use additional sheets if necessary. Submit Update Subcontractor/Supplier List with each progress payment requested. Submit Final Subcontractor/Supplier List with Final Payment Request. COMPANY NAME, CONTACT ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER I Glass & Mirror America, 2400 Silver Star Rd, Orlando 407 849-6094 2 IT! Roofmg, 406 Hermitage Dr. Altamonte Springs 407767-5787 3 Ambrose Air, Inc. 448 W. Landstreet Rd, Orlando 407857-0889 4 Brevard Truss, Inc. 5095 W. Eoo Gallie Blvd, Melbourne 321254-5972 5 K&K Custom Woodwork, 2756 Michigan Ave, Kissimmee 407 846-6447 6 Control Electric Ser- vices, Inc., 2172 Platnium Rd, Apopka 7 P & G Mechanical, Inc. 13312 W. Colonial Or, Winter Garden, 407 654-8558 Project B08-0S WORK TO BE PERFORMED (TRADE) OR COMMODITY TO BE SUPPLIED M/WBE DESIGNATION OR MAJORITY OWNER ESTlMA TED DOLLAR AMOUNT Windows, Misc. Glazing 13,225 Metal Roof 26,219 Air Conditioning 53,304 Roof Trusses 5,170 Cabinetry 24,232 Electrical 53,130 Plumbing 30,261 END OF SECTION 00301-A-I 2/4/2008 J SECTION 00301-A SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER LIST Will your firm be doing.all the Work with your own forces? Yes_ No~ (Check yes only ifno subcontracting opportunities exist. If you will be doing portions of the Work with your own forces, list these areas and approximate dollar amount allocated for this Work. List suppliers). List all proposed subcontractors and suppliers to be used to include company names, contract, addresses, phone numbers, type of work subcontracted (trade/commodity), dollar amount of work, and M/WBE designation or Majority (Non-M/WBE) owned company. See Instructions to Bidders for M/WBE requirements. Provide all information requested. Use additional sheets if necessary. Submit Update Subcontractor/Supplier List with each progress payment requested. Submit Final Subcontractor/Supplier List with Final Payment Request. COMPANY NAME, CONTACT ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER I Kaye Acoustics, Inc. PO 4297, Winter Park 407679-1499 2 LQ Concrete Services 8606 Villanova St Orlando 407925-7617 3 TNT Drywall PO 702500 St. Cloud 407 957-7023 4 Figueroa & Bros. Constructin, Inc. 8606 Vil- lanova 81. Orlando 407 925-7617 5 DL Flooring, 863 Hammocks Dr., Ocoee 407 353-5293 6 West Orange Lumber Co., 8615 Justice Place, Groveland 352429-8599 7 Craft Equipment Co. 6801 Adamo Dr., Tampa 407 273-7001 Project B08~05 WORK TO BE PERFORMED (TRADE) OR COMMODITY TO BE SUPPLIED M/WBE DESIGNATION OR MAJORITY OWNER ESTIMA TED DOLLAR AMOUNT Acoustic Ceiling 6,162 Concrete 26,895 Metal Framing, Drywall, Insulation 25,988 Masonry 27,951 Carpet Tiles, VCT, Vinyl Base Ceramic Floor Tile 11 ,896 Metal Frames, Metal Doors, Hardware 15,112 Bathroom Accessories, Fire Extinguisher 1,427 END OF SECTION 00301-A-I 2/412008 SECTION 00301-A SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER LIST Will your firm be doing.a11 the Work with your own forces? Yes_ NO-2- (Check yes only ifno subcontracting opportunities exist. If you will be doing portions of the Work with your own forces, list these areas and approximate dollar amount allocated for this Work. List suppliers). List all proposed subcontractors and suppliers to be used to include company names, contract, addresses, phone numbers, type of work subcontracted (trade/commodity), dollar amount of work, and M/WBE designation or Majority (Non-M/WBE) owned company. See Instructions to Bidders for M/WBE requirements. Provide all information requested, Use additional sheets if necessary. Submit Update Subcontractor/Supplier List with each progress payment requested. Submit Final Subcontractor/Supplier List with Final Payment Request. COMPANY NAME, CONTACT ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER I Apex Painting, Ine" 132 E. Colonial Dr., Orlando 407835-8099 2 3 4 5 6 7 Project B08-05 WORK TO BE PERFORMED (TRADE) OR COMMODITY TO BE SUPPLIED M/WBE DESIGNATION OR MAJORITY OWNER ESTIMATED DOLLAR AMOUNT Painting 15,112 END OF SECTION 00301-A.I 2/412008 "-\ ~\. t)~\YJ\\~ SECTION 00300 BID FORM SUBMITTED: Mar~ch 20, 2008 (Date) PROJECT IDENTIFICA lION: CITY OF OCOEE UTILITY ADMINISTRA nON BUILDING NAME OF BIDDER: Britt Construction, Inc. BUSINESS ADDRESS: .419 E. Oakland Avenue PHONE NO.: 407-877-0000 Oakland, Fl. 34760 CONTRACTOR'S FLOR1lDA LICENSE NO.: CB-CO 3 4 41 3 THIS BID IS SUBMITTE~ TO City of Ocoee, Florida (hereinafter called Owner) 1. The undersigned .idder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an Amendment to the Agreement with Owner in the form included in the Contract Documents, to pe10nn and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid Form and the Ameindment to the Agreement, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Cbntract Documents. 2. Bidder accepts all! of the tenns and conditions of the Bidding Documents including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Bond. This Bid will remain open for ninety (9b) calendar days after the day of Bid opening. Bidder will sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Amendment to the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within ten (10) days after the date of Owner's Notice of Intent to Award. 3. In submitting this j3id, Bidder makes all representations required by the Instructions to Bidders and the Agfreement and further warrants and represents that: I a. Bidder has !examined copies of all the Bidding Documents and of the following Addenda: No. No. No. No. #1 #2 #3 Dated Dated Dated Dated 2-26-08 3-7-08 3-18-08 No. No. No. No. Dated: Dated: Dated: Dated: Receipt of ~l is hereby acknowledged along with copies of the Invitation to Bid and the Instiuctions to Bidders. Project B08-05 00300-1 2/4/2008 b. Bidder ,has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documchnts, Work, site, locality, and all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance, or furnishing the Work. I c. Bidder has carefully studied all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditic~ns at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relatibg to existing surface of subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except [Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditilpns as provided in paragraph 4.02.1 of the General Conditions. Bidder accepts ithe determination set forth in paragraph SC-4.02 of the Supplementary Conditi~ns of the extent of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings upon which Bidder is entitled to rely as provided in paragraph 4.02 of the Gen~ral Conditions. Bidder acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Conp-act Documents and may not be complete for Bidder's purposes. Bidder acknowledges that Owner and Engineer do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Biddingi Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site. d. Bidder ~as obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for having done sq) all such additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorat~ons, tests, studies and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface and Un4erground Facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cqst progress, performance or furnishing of the Wark or which relate to any aspect pf the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construqtion to be employed by Bidder and safety precautions and programs incident: thereto. Bidder does not consider that any additional examinations, investig~tions, explorations, tests, studies or data are necessary for the determirlation of this bid for performance and furnishing of the Work in accord~ce with the times, price and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documehts. e. Bidder i~ aware of the general nature of Work to be performed by Owner and others a~ the site that relates to Work for which this Bid is submitted as indicated in the Cqntract Documents. f. Bidder ~as correlated the information known to Bidder, information and observations obtained from visits to the site, reports and drawings identified in the Contracti Documents and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and date with the Contract Documents. g. Bidder has given Purchasing Agent written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambigui~es or discrepancies that Bidder has discovered in the Contract Docume:tJ.ts and the written resolution thereof by Purchasing Agent is acceptable to Bidddr, and the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and Project B08-0S 00300-2 2/4/2008 convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work for which this Bid is submitted. h. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a farce or sham Bid; Bidder has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over Owner. 1. Bidder hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed and to fully complete all work of the project within the Contract Time specified in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). Bidder further accepts the provisions of the Scope of Work Agreement as to liquidated damages and agrees to pay as liquidated damages the amount stated in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500), for each consecutive calendar day completion of the work is delayed. Completion Schedule: 1) The work shall be substantially complete within the Contract Time specified in Article 3.1 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 2) The Work shall be fmally Complete within the contract Time specified in Article 3.2 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 4. All bid items shall include all materials, equipment, labor, permit fees, taxes, tests, miscellaneous costs of all types, overhead, and profit for the item to be complete, in place, and ready for operation in the manner contemplated by the Contract Documents. Bidder submits the following BASE BID and AL TERNA TE BASE BID to perform all the Work as required by the Drawings and Specifications. ITEM 1: BASE BID Contractor performing all work shown on Civil, Architectural, Interior Design, Structural, HV AC, and Plumbing plan sheets, plus any inter-related cross-discipline support work shown on other project drawings and as required in Bidding Documents, Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Addenda issued. Contractor shall coordinate all phases of the Electrical Work as shown on the Electrical Drawings in assisting the City with the City's effort to procure electrical material and perform the electrical work by its licensed electrical forces, as described in Section 01010. Lump Sum of Four Hundred Twenty One Thousand Nine ( words); Hundred Twenty Dollars & 00/100'8 $ 421,920.00 (numbers) Project B08-05 00300-3 2/4/2008 ITEM 2: AL TERNA TE BASE BID Contractor performing all work included in Item 1: Base Bid plus the cost for the contractor to procure and construct all the building (interior and exterior) electrical work, as shown in the contract documents, including the Electrical Drawings. Lump Sum of $ 491,650.00 Four Hundred NInety OneTt[busand Six Hundre~words); Fifty Dollars & 00/100's (numbers) 5. The Bidder agrees to commence work within TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS after the date of the Notice to Proceed, and shall complete the work within ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO CALENDAR DAYS (182) thereafter. The Bidder further agrees to pay, as liquidated damages, the sum of TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLARS for each consecutive calendar day thereafter, until the work is completed. 6. In accordance with Article 17 of the Instructions to Bidders, the City will consider the lowest "Base Bid" or "Alternate Base Bid" after adjustments for additive or deductive alternates. Additive or deductive alternates (if any) will be considered in determining the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder. The Owner reserves the right to accept any or all additive or deductive alternates, in his sole discretion, prior to the award of the Contract. The Owner also reserves the right to delete any portion of the Work as shown in the bid schedule prior to award and adjust each Bidder's "Base Bid" and/or "Alternate Base Bid" accordingly. 7. The following documents are included and made a condition of this Bid: a. Bid Forms (Sections 00300,00301, 00301A, 00302, and 00303) b. Bid Bond (Surety Bond or Cashier's Check). (Section 00410) c. Corporate Authority to Execute Bid (Section 00510) d. Non-collusion Affidavit (Section 00480) e. Certification of Non-segregated Facilities (Section 00481) f. Sworn Statement on Public Entity Crimes (Section 00482) g, Certification of Nondiscriminatory Labor Practices (Section 00483) 8. The Bidder acknowledges that the City specifically reserves the right to accept and make an award to a bidder that has not submitted the lowest bid when in the City's sole and absolute discretion the City determines that to be in its best interests. The terms used in this Bid, which are defmed in the General Conditions or Instructions of the Construction Contract, included as part of the Contract Documents have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions or Instructions. 9. The work shall be performed under a Florida Contractor's License. Contract shall not be awarded unless proof of valid license(s) is provided. Project B08-05 00300-4 2/4/2008 10. It is understood $at where quantities for unit price work have been presented in the foregoing Schedul~ of Bid Items, they are approximate only and are solely for purpose of facilitating the cdmparison of bids, and that the Contractor's compensation will be computed upon the basis as described in the measurement and payment clauses in the specifications con*ined herein. i 11. BASE BID - SCHEDULE OF MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS I If the foregoing S<1hedule of Bid Items is presented in a Base Bid format, the undersigned as Bidder agrees that the Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of the materials and equipment namedi in the Contract Documents in accordance with Article 9 of the Instructions to Bi4ders. If the Bidder desires to propose an alternate manufacturer or supplier, he may fnrite in the name of such alternate in the substitution list included within this Bid Fohn. If the proposed alternate manufacturer/supplier is determined "not equivalent" by th~ Architect or Engineer, the Bidder must furnish equipment and/or material items by t~e originally specified manufacturer/supplier. I 12. SUBSTITUTIONS AND "OR EQUAL" i I The undersigned as Bidder agrees that substitutions or "or-equal" items will not be I considered until after the "Effective Date of the Agreement" and will be evaluated in accordance with paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. In addition to the reimbursement required under the General Conditions, the Contractor shall also reimburse the O-tner for any design costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/suppliers, caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; additional field trips for the Architect and/or Engineer, additional redesign costs, and additional review I costs, etc. Other costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/sup~liers caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; increased electrical requirements, larger building, additional pumps or tankage, etc., shall be borne by others! and not the Owner. If Bidder intends to propose substitutions or "or- equal" items after the "Effective Date of the Agreement," it is agreed that these items will be listed on the Supstitution List included within this Bid Form, with a deductive amount representing 50 percent of the total savings between the named Base Bid item and the proposed item. "Bjise Bid" item substitutions providing an equipment or material cost savings to the OwtIer of less than $1,000 will not be considered. The undersigned, as Bidder, also agre~s that if a substitution or "or-equal" item is not listed on the Substitution List inpluded with the Bid, all of the savings between the named item and the proposed item will [go to the Owner if the Owner accepts the proposed item in accordance with paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. The Owner may request, and the undersigne~ Bidder shall supply, complete information on proposed substitutions. Such information s~all be the manufacturer's current published or preprinted information for the specific substitution. 13. As Bidder, I hereby certify that I am aware and understand that the City of Ocoee in its sole discretion reseirves the right to waive technicalities or irregularities, to reject any or Project B08-05 00300-5 2/4/2008 all Bids, andlorito accept that Bid which is in the best interest of the City. The Award of this Bid, if matle, may be based on considerations other than total cost, and may be awarded based ?n various considerations, including but not limited to: Bidder experience and whether th~ Base Bid and Base Alternate Bid, in the judgment of the Owner, is the most responsiv~ to Owner's needs. Owner encourages the use of minorities and women- owned business~s as subcontractors. , SUBSTITUTION LIST , Bidder bffers the following substitutions and" or equal" items. ! Deductible Amount* Equipment Alternative (Indicate Whether Item or Spec Manufacturer/Supplier Lump Sum or Material Section (List One Only) Unit Price) N/A i ! ! I I i ! I , , , , : ! ! I ! Represents 50 percent 0 if'the difference in cost in accordance with the General Conditions (Minimum Deductible i ~ount per Substitution Item shall be $1,000) (Bidder may supplement this page, as required.) Project B08-05 00300-6 2/4/2008 Strike out (X) non-applifable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGNATORIES MUSTiHA VE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNATURES) If Bidder is: SOLE PROPRIETORS~ 1 / .I / (Individual's Name) (Individual's Signature) (SEAL) doing business as Business Address: Phone No.: Florida License No.: A PARTNERSHIP (SEAL) (General Partner's Name) Business address: Phone No.: Florida License No.. Project B08-0S 00300-7 2/4/2008 I Strike out (X) no~-~~plicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGNATORIES MljJST HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNATURES) I If Bidder is: I A CORPORA nONI (Corporation Name) Britt Construction, Inc. (State of Incorporation) Florida By (Name of person authorized to sign) R. Neil Britt (Title) President (Corporate Seal) (Authorized Signature) f/Z/~ Attest (Secretary) Business address: 419 E. Oakland Avenue Oakland, Fl. 34760 Phone No.: 407-877-0000 , Corporation presideit: Florida License No.: I I I R. Neil Britt CB-C034413 Project B08-0S 00300-8 2/4/2008 Strike out (X) non-applibable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGNA TORIES MUS] HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNA TURES) If Bidder is: A JOINT VENTURE By / / / / / / / / (Name) (Address) By (Name) (Address) Business Address: Phone No.: Florida License No.: i (Each j oint venturer must sign. corporation that is a pa1Y to t i / / //f / / /,., / / e manner of signing for each individual, partnership, and joint venture should be in the manner indicated above.) Florida License No.: Project B08-0S 00300-9 2/4/2008 i I 13. List the followi~g in connection with the Surety, which is providing the Bid Bond: ! I Surety's Name:! Fideli tv and Deposit Company of Maryland ! Surety's AddreS'jl: 3910 Keswick Road Baltimore, MD 21211 Name and addr+ss of Surety's resident agent for service of process in Florida: i Newman Cr4ne & Associates Ins., Inc. , , I 5638 Hansel Avenue, Orlando, Fl. 32809 I I I I I I END OF SECTION Project B08-0S 00300-10 2/4/2008 i i I I I I I I DATE: March 20. 2~ PROJECT IDENTIFICAtION: I I I SECTION 00301 QUESTIONNAIRE City of Ocoee Utilities Administration Building 2. i NAMEOFBIDDER:~ritt Construction, Inc. BUSINESS ADDRESS:_i419 E. Oakland Avenue, Oakland, FI. 34760 i I FAX: 407-877-001f I CONTRACTOR'S FLORlDA LICENSE NO. CB-C034413 The undersigned warrantsi the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers herein contained. Include additional sheets irnecessary. I How many years h~s your organization been in business as a General Contractor? 1986 I Describe and give lhe date and owner of the last project that you have completed similar in type, size, and nr~e as the one proposed? Ocoee Pljh~i~ Wnrk~ - 2007 City of Ocoee I Telephone No.: 407-877-0000 1. 3. Have you ever faile to complete work awarded to you? If so, where and why? Never No Ocoee en 4. Name three (3) m icipalities for which you have performed work and to which you refer: 5. Have you personall inspected the site of the proposed Work? Describe any anticipated problems with the sit and your proposed solutions? Yes - No e I Project B08-05 00301-1 2/4/2008 6. Will you Subcon act any part of this Work? If so, describe which portions: Electrical HVAC, Plumbing and Roofin I i 7. What equipment do you own that is available for the Work? Truck-Dump Trailers I I I I I 10. What equipmeJ will you purchase for the Work? None f I I What equipmei will you rent for the Work? F6rk-L~ft I The following i~ given as a summary of the Financial Statement of the undersigned: (List Assets and Lia1lities and use insert sheet if necessary). SEE ATT4CHED 6-30-07 Assets/Liabilitip~ I I I I I I I I I State the true an9 exact, correct, and complete name under which you do business. Bidder is: Bri t:t Construction, Tnc_ I I I END OF SECTION I I i I I I I I I i 8. 9. 11. Project B08-0S 00301-2 2/4/2008 I I SECTION 00301-A I I I SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER LIST Will your firm be doing all the Work with your own forces? Yes_ No~ (Check yes only if no subcontracting opportuniti'cl, exist. If you will be doing portions of the Work with your own forces, list these areas and approximatt dollar amount allocated for this Work. List suppliers). List all proposed sUbcontr~' tors and suppliers to be used to include company names, contract, addresses, phone numbers, type of rk subcontracted (trade/commodity), dollar amount of work, and M/WBE designation or Majority on-M/WBE) owned company. See Instructions to Bidders for M/WBE requirements. Provide alljformation requested. Use additional sheets if necessary. Submit Update Subcontra~tor/Supplier List with each progress payment requested. Submit Final Subcontractor/Supplier Listlwith Final Payment Request. COMPANY NAME, CONTACT ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER I Apple A/c Pete Lattner 407-654-3777 2 Pike Electric 71 9 I nd. Dr. Wildwood,Fl 3 352-748-6251 AACC., Inc. 3664 CR 561 4 Tavares 9 Fl. 352-253- 386 Uniqco, LLC 5301 N.Highway c1.ermont, 1"1.. 352-536-5207 6 Toigo, Inc. 32201 Chipola Sorrento,Fl. 352-223-9518 7 Project B08-0S WORK TO BE PERFO~D(TRADE) OR COMMODITY TO BE SUPPLIED ESTIMATED DOLLAR AMOUNT M/WBE DESIGNATION OR MAJORITY OWNER I I I I 27 I I Trj I I I I I i END OF SECTION 00301-A-l 2/4/2008 SECTION 00300 BID FORM SUBMITTED: MARCH 20, 2008 (Date) PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: CITY OF OCOEE UTILITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NAME OF BIDDER: P.W. HEARN, INC. BUSINESS ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 237782 PHONE NO.: 321-631-3553 CONTRACTOR'S FLORIDA LICENSE NO.: CGC020750 THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO City of Ocoee, Florida (hereinafter called Owner) 1. The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an Amendment to the Agreement with Owner in the form included in the Contract Documents, to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid Form and the Amendment to the Agreement, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 2. Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Bond. This Bid will remain open for ninety (90) calendar days after the day of Bid opening. Bidder will sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Amendment to the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within ten (10) days after the date of Owner's Notice of Intent to Award. 3. In submitting this Bid, Bidder makes all representations required by the Instructions to Bidders and the Agreement and further warrants and represents that: a. Bidder has examined copies of all the Bidding Documents and of the following Addenda: No. f11 No. /12 No. 13 No. Dated 2/28/08 Dated 3/7/08 Dated 3/18/08 Dated Dated: Dated: Dated: Dated: No, No. No. No. Receipt of all is hereby acknowledged along with copies of the Invitation to Bid and the Instructions to Bidders. Project B08-0S 00300-1 2/4/2008 ... .: ... ... ~. " -' , . Project B08-0S b. Bidder has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance, or furnishing the Work. c. Bidder has carefully studied all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface of subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.02.1 of the General Conditions. Bidder accepts the determination set forth in paragraph SC-4.02 of the Supplementary Conditions of the extent of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings upon which Bidder is entitled to rely as provided in paragraph 4.02 of the General Conditions. Bidder acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for Bidder's purposes. Bidder acknowledges that Owner and Engineer do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Bidding Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site. d. Bidder has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for having done so) all such additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost progress, performance or furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction to be employed by Bidder and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Bidder does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies or data are necessary for the determination of this bid for performance and furnishing of the Work in accordance with the times, price and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. e. Bidder is aware of the general nature of Work to be performed by Owner and others at the site that relates to Work for which this Bid is submitted as indicated in the Contract Documents. f. Bidder has correlated the information known to Bidder, information and observations obtained from visits to the site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and date with the Contract Documents. g. Bidder has given Purchasing Agent written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies that Bidder has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by Purchasing Agent is acceptable to Bidder, and the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and 00300-2 2/4/2008 convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work for which this Bid is submitted. h. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a farce or sham Bid; Bidder has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over Owner. 1. Bidder hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed and to fully complete all work of the project within the Contract Time specified in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). Bidder further accepts the provisions of the Scope of Work Agreement as to liquidated damages and agrees to pay as liquidated damages the amount stated in the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500), for each consecutive calendar day completion of the work is delayed. Completion Schedule: 1) The work shall be substantially complete within the Contract Time specified in Article 3.1 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 2) The Work shall be finally Complete within the contract Time specified in Article 3.2 of the Scope of Work Agreement (Section 00500). 4. All bid items shall include all materials, equipment, labor, permit fees, taxes, tests, miscellaneous costs of all types, overhead, and profit for the item to be complete, in place, and ready for operation in the manner contemplated by the Contract Documents. Bidder submits the following BASE BID and AL TERNA TE BASE BID to perform all the Work as required by the Drawings and Specifications. ITEM 1: BASE BID Contractor performing all work shown on Civil, Architectural, Interior Design, Structural, HV AC, and Plumbing plan sheets, plus any inter-related cross-discipline support work shown on other project drawings and as required in Bidding Documents, Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Addenda issued. Contractor shall coordinate all phases of the Electrical Work as shown on the Electrical Drawings in assisting the City with the City's effort to procure electrical material and perform the electrical work by its licensed electrical forces, as described in Section 01010. Lump Sum of '(n~ee ""ndce c.l &.'J'iLj F,.<.- 'th,,;,;.ard .., 'i. r:t;,-- ( words); C>D $ 3>&5 I Cao .- (numbers) Project B08-05 00300-3 2/4/2008 ITEM 2: AL TERNA TE BASE BID Contractor performing all work included in Item 1: Base Bid plus the cost for the contractor to procure and construct all the building (interior and exterior) electrical work, as shown in the contract documents, including the Electrical Drawings. $,'1 ~dredl~(\~ DV/ Lump Sum of ~31-\1y' (,u ~rd ~ ~ ~ /100 -( words); $ <6 \ lozo"" (numbers.) I . 5. The Bidder agrees to commence work within TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS after the date of the Notice to Proceed, and shall complete the work within ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO CALENDAR DAYS (182) thereafter. The Bidder further agrees to pay, as liquidated damages, the sum of TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLARS for each consecutive calendar day thereafter, until the work is completed. 6. In accordance with Article 17 of the Instructions to Bidders, the City will consider the lowest "Base Bid" or "Alternate Base Bid" after adjustments for additive or deductive alternates. Additive or deductive alternates (if any) will be considered in determining the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder. The Owner reserves the right to accept any or all additive or deductive alternates, in his sole discretion, prior to the award of the Contract. The Owner also reserves the right to delete any portion of the Work as shown in the bid schedule prior to award and adjust each Bidder's "Base Bidll and/or "Alternate Base Bid" accordingly. 7. The following documents are included and made a condition of this Bid: a Bid Forms (Sections 00300, 00301, 00301A, 00302, and 00303) b. Bid Bond (Surety Bond or Cashier's Check). (Section 00410) c. Corporate Authority to Execute Bid (Section 00510) d. Non-collusion Affidavit (Section 00480) e. Certification of Non-segregated Facilities (Section 00481) f. Sworn Statement on Public Entity Crimes (Section 00482) g. Certification of Nondiscriminatory Labor Practices (Section 00483) 8, The Bidder acknowledges that the City specifically reserves the right to accept and make an award to a bidder that has not submitted the lowest bid when in the City's sole and absolute discretion the City determines that to be in its best interests. The terms used in this Bid, which are defmed in the General Conditions or Instructions of the Construction Contract, included as part of the Contract Documents have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions or Instructions. 9, The work shall be performed under a Florida Contractor's License. Contract shall not be awarded unless proof of valid license( s) is provided. Project B08-05 00300-4 2/4/2008 10. It is understood that where quantities for unit price work have been presented in the foregoing Schedule of Bid Items, they are approrimate only and are solely for purpose of facilitating the comparison of bids, and that the Contractor's compensation will be computed upon the basis as described in the measurement and payment clauses in the specifications contained herein. 11. BASE BID - SCHEDULE OF MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS If the foregoing Schedule of Bid Items is presented in a Base Bid format, the undersigned as Bidder agrees that the Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of the materials and equipment named in the Contract Documents in accordance with Article 9 of the Instructions to Bidders. If the Bidder desires to propose an alternate manufacturer or supplier, he may write in the name of such alternate in the substitution list included within this Bid Form. If the proposed alternate manufacturer/supplier is determined "not equivalent" by the Architect or Engineer, the Bidder must furnish equipment and/or material items by the originally specified manufacturer/supplier. 12. SUBSTITUTIONS AND "OR EQUAL" The undersigned as Bidder agrees that substitutions or "or-equal" items will not be considered until after the "Effective Date of the Agreement" and will be evaluated in accordance with paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. In addition to the reimbursement required under the General Conditions, the Contractor shall also reimburse the Owner for any design costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/suppliers, caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; additional field trips for the Architect and/or Engineer, additional redesign costs, and additional review costs, etc. Other costs directly attributable to the change in manufacturers/suppliers caused by the acceptance of proposed alternates, such as; increased electrical requirements, larger building, additional pumps or tankage, etc., shall be borne by others and not the Owner. If Bidder intends to propose substitutions or "or- equal" items after the "Effective Date of the Agreement," it is agreed that these items will be listed on the Substitution List included within this Bid Form, with a deductive amount representing 50 percent of the total savings between the named Base Bid item and the proposed item. "Base Bid" item substitutions providing an equipment or material cost savings to the Owner of less than $1,000 will not be considered. The undersigned, as Bidder, also agrees that if a substitution or "or-equal" item is not listed on the Substitution List included with the Bid, all of the savings between the named item and the proposed item will go to the Owner if the Owner accepts the proposed item in accordance with paragraphs 6.05.1 and 6.05.2 of the General Conditions. The Owner may request, and the undersigned Bidder shall supply, complete information on proposed substitutions. Such information shall be the manufacturer's current published or preprinted information for the specific substitution. 13. As Bidder, I hereby certify that I am aware and understand that the City of Ocoee in its sole discretion reserves the right to waive technicalities or irregularities, to reject any or Project B08-05 00300-5 2/4/2008 - I all Bids, and/or to accept that Bid which is in the best interest of the City. The Award of this Bid, if made, may be based on considerations other than total cost, and may be awarded based on various considerations, including but not limited to: Bidder experience and whether the Base Bid and Base Alternate Bid, in the judgment of the Owner, is the most responsive to Owner's needs. Owner encourages the use of minorities and women- owned businesses as subcontractors. . ' SUBSTITUTION LIST Bidder offers the following substitutions and "or equal" items. Deductible Amount* Equipment Alternative (Indicate Whether Item or Spec Manufacturer/Supplier Lump Sum or Material Section (List One Only) Unit Price) . Represents 50 percent of the difference in cost in accordance with the General Conditions (Minimum Deductible Amount per Substitution Item shall be $1,000) (Bidder may supplement this page, as required.) Project B08-05 00300-6 2/4/2008 Strike out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGNATORIES MUST HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNATURES) If Bidder is: SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP NA (SEAL) XXXXXXX2C x x x x x x.xx.xx (Individual's Signature) (Individual's Name) doing business as Business Address: Phone No.: Florida License No.: A P AR1NERSHIP (SEAL) (partnership Name) (General Partner's Signature) (General Partner's Name) Business address: Phone No.: Florida License No.: Project B08-05 00300-7 2/4/2008 Strike out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGNA TORIES MUST HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNATURES) If Bidder is: A CORPORATION P.W. HEARN, INC. (Corporation Name) FLORIDA (State of Incorporation) PHIL HEARN By (Name of person authorized to sign) (Corporate Seal) PRESJIl '~'-'~e) "-- .-/' PHIL HEARN ENT (Authorized Signature) ~~ (Secretary) Attest Business address: P.O. BOX 237782 COCOA, FL 32923-7782 Phone No.: 321-631-3553 Corporation President: PHIL HEARN Florida License No.: CGC020750 Project B08-05 00300-8 2/4/2008 Strike out (X) non-applicable signature block and complete applicable block. (ALL SIGNA TORIES MUST HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED OR TYPED BELOW THEIR SIGNATURES) If Bidder is: A JOINT VENTURE NA By XXXlUUUlA (Name) (Address) By XXXXlUUUUl (Name) (Address) Business Address: Phone No.: Florida License No.: (Each joint venturer must sign. The manner of signing for each individual, partnership, and corporation that is a party to the joint venture should be in the manner indicated above.) Florida License No.: Project B08-05 00300-9 2/4/2008 13. List the following in connection with the Surety, which is providing the Bid Bond: Surety's Name: FLORIDA SURETY BONDS, INC. 620 WYMORE RD. MAITLAND, FL 32751 Surety's Address: Name and address of Surety's resident agent for service of process in Florida: JEFF REICH 620 WYMORE RD. MAITLAND, FL 32751 END OF SECTION Project B08-05 00300-10 2/4/2008 SECTION 00301 QUESTIONNAIRE DATE: MARCH 20, 2008 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: City of Ocoee Utilities Administration Building NAME OF BIDDER: P.W. HEARN, INC. BUSINESS ADDRESS: P.o. BOX 237782 COCOA. FL 32923-7782 Telephone No.: 121-611-1'i'i1 CONTRACTOR'S FLORIDA LICENSE NO. CGC020750 The undersigned warrants the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers herein contained. Include additional sheets if necessary. 1. How many years has your organization been in business as a General Contractor? 'I'loT'IrnTV -oNl<' YEAR S 2. Describe and give the date and owner of the last project that you have completed similar in type, size, and nature as the one proposed? MELBOURNE PUBLIC WORKS AND OPERATIONS BUILDING - OCTOBER 200 - CITY OF MELBOURNE, 900 E. STRAWBRIDGE AVENUE. MELROllRNE. VI, 11Q01 3. Have you ever failed to complete work awarded to you? If so, where and why? NO 4. Name three (3) municipalities for which you have performed work and to which you refer: CITY OF MELBOURNE BREVARD COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF TITUSVILLE 5. Have you personally inspected the site of the proposed Work? Describe any anticipated problems with the site and your proposed solutions? YES Proiect B08-05 00301-1 2/4/2008 6, Will you Subcontract any part of this Work? If so, describe which portions: SEE 0030l-A-l ,'C 7. What equipment do you own that is available for the Work? ANY EQUIPMENT REQUIRED WILL BE LEASED OR RENTED AS NEEDED 8. What equipment will you purchase for the Work? NONE 9. What equipment will you rent for the Work? NONE ANTICIPATED 10. The following is given as a summary of the Financial Statement of the undersigned: (List Assets and Liabilities and use insert sheet ifnecessary). SEE ATTACHED 11. State the true and exact, correct, and complete name under which you do business. Bidder is: P . w. HEARN, INC. END OF SECTION Project B08-0S 00301-2 2/4/2008 SECTION 00301~A SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER LIST Will your finn be doing all the Work with your own forces? Yes_ No~ (Check yes only if no subcontracting opportunities exist. If you will be doing portions of the Work with your own forces, list these areas and approximate dollar amount allocated for this Work. List suppliers). List all proposed subcontractors and suppliers to be used to include company names, contract, addresses, phone numbers, type of work subcontracted (trade/commodity), dollar amount of work, and M/WBE designation or Majority (Non-M/WBE) owned company. See Instructions to Bidders for M/WBE requirements. Provide all infonnation requested. Use additional sheets if necessary. Submit Update Subcontractor/Supplier List with each progress payment requested. Submit Final Subcontractor/Supplier List with Final Payment Request. COMPANY NAME, CONTACT ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER 1 Sf-' '\-\1'1 +- \ilissa \-t ?\::) 6t,~ '52b\s:lc.6 w,,%u:ocd\B- 4t)1 - 2w5 - (1)S5 2~,,-\Yc}\ Flf\ ~s 1>(:) ~'l 't'5S ~-b:>~ FL '800- d.3~' 08~\ 3~ \..n.l<::.l" H~\l\.C()e1< ?:r G~~~ 3.... --11.0- ~~ 4 \twt\() P\\JH'o, \u\\Q ~ (". U1~Nk) P\- 40.- SIca - QS53 5 \--\\\\5 A\i- ~'2.. ~c;.-\ Cl~ ~ c\ . OOa("c\c. FL 4Di- 2'\1- \\10'1 6~; t! ~itJ(e Clec.. ~_ \$I~ VW-L Ccoeo(. ~ L\t)"1 i lJ.i S '* ,. '" \ 55 7 Project B08-0S WORK TO BE PERFORMED (TRADE) OR COMMODITY TO BE SUPPLIED \b ;\e.1c: A~e!;SQileS '\ JU,lSses Hdh.uc~~ ~h)Kb,'~~ \1"ft\-L- E \ed-elca..Jl END OF SECTION 00301-A-1 ESTIMATED DOLLAR AMOUNT $ oC \2CQ - ~ LDDC;() ~ ~ ~ 2<<5. bob J., eo 'l" 15. DOO -- $. 00 3\.i( \COO - $ GO lS, DOb'" M/WBE DESIGNATION OR MAJORITY OWNER t-t r . ~- ~~ l1ci~ ~~ 4~;~ H~ 2/4/2008