HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #08 Shoppes at West Oaks - Preliminary/Final Site Plan Meeting Date: April 1, 2008 Item # ~ Contact Name: Contact Number: Antonio Fabre, AICP 407 -905-3100/1019 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Shoppes at West Oaks Preliminary/Final Site Plan Project # LS-2007 -013 Commission District # 2 - Scott Anderson ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Preliminary/Final Site Plan for the Shoppes at West Oaks? BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The subject site is approximately 8.46 acres in size and is located on the south side of W. Colonial Drive (SR 50) approximately 580 feet west of Good Homes Road and just east of Vizcaya Lake Road. The site itself is currently undeveloped and sparsely covered with a mixture of orange trees, chinaberry trees, palms and other varieties of trees scattered around the property. There are no wetlands on the site and the site is outside the 1 OO-year floodplain. The adjacent land use to the north is developed as a commercial shopping center (Good Homes Plaza) zoned C-2. Located on the east is a vacant undeveloped lot zoned A-1 in unincorporated Orange County. This eastern parcel is currently going through a commercial development proposal (West Side Place) via Orange County's jurisdiction. To the west is an existing multi-family development (Vizcaya Lake Apartments) zoned PD in unincorporated Orange County. To the south is developed as a Church and Christian Academy facility (First Baptist Church of Central Florida) zoned A-1 in unincorporated Orange County. The Future Land Use designation for the site is Commercial. The property is zoned Community Commercial (C-2), which permits development and construction of the proposed use. Therefore, the requested use is consistent with directives of the Comprehensive Plan. DISCUSSION: The Preliminary/Final Site Plan is proposed to be constructed in four phases. Phase I is programmed to be a one-story Grocery Store (Aldi Supermarket) consisting of 16,527 square feet. Phase II is proposed to be a Retail Building consisting of 27,363 square feet that will be attached to the Grocery Store. Both the Grocery Store and Retail Building will be setback from SR 50. All infrastructure needed for Phase I & II will be developed at the same time. Phase III & IV will consist of two commercial establishments that are proposed to front along SR 50. Both developments will be reviewed and approved as small-scale site plans. One establishment is projected to be a 4,052 square feet financial bank with a drive-thru. The other is designed as a Restaurant with a drive-thru consisting of approximately 3,870 square feet. The developer/owner has requested that the main entrance to his site be a full access with an additional access on the eastern boundary of the site that will be a right-in/right-out only. Both access driveways are proposed to connect to SR 50. The full access into the site is inconsistent with the adopted "Access Management and Intersection Operations Study" for SR 50. The other secondary right-in/right-out access is consistent with the City's adopted "Access Management and Intersection Operations Study" for SR 50. The Applicant has submitted a copy of a Notice of Intent to issue a connection permit from the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) for the subject driveways (see attached Notice of Intent to Issue Permit). It should be noted that the NOI is a conditional connection permit and subject to City development plan approval. This permit is also in conflict with the future widening/median improvements planned by FDOT. State Road 50 is programmed to be widened to 6 lanes in the future. The FDOT widening Construction Plans for SR50 has planned an uncut divided median along the entire subject site frontage. Therefore, this median will limit the future access to the subject site as right-in right-out only. The closest full access planned will be at the Vizcaya Lake Road intersection. The FDOT widening improvements (currently unfunded) are projected in the 5 to 6 years capital improvement plans. The representatives of the development site are aware of the FOOT future widening median plans. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on February 28, 2008 and reviewed the Preliminary/Final Site Plan. There were several technical issues to be addressed from the City Attorney, Planning, and Engineering that were identified in written staff comments and presented verbally. All of the issues were discussed and a few minor changes to the Plan were agreed upon. Discussion ensued regarding the requirement of a water feature on site. Staff informed the Applicant that there will need to be an off-setting public benefit for the waiver request. The Applicant discussed using a decorative retaining wall with landscaping and submitting a waiver request. Staff has agreed that the Applicant should forward this waiver request to the Commissioners for their formal consideration and motion. The City Attorney notified that cross-access will be required with the properties to the east & west. Essentially, the Developer/Owner would grant cross-access easements for the adjacent properties and the adjacent owners would have to connect in the future. The Applicant raised concerns that the neighboring property to the east would benefit most from the project's road improvements without any cost-sharing on their part. The City Attorney informed that the property to the east is not in the City's jurisdiction and therefore not capable in enforcing a cost-sharing agreement with the adjacent developer. The Applicant was informed that they can always pursue some sort of cost-sharing agreement with the adjacent developer. The City Attorney advised that the City Commission cannot approve a Site Plan that is inconsistent with the SR 50 Access Plan since it is part of the Land Development Code. The Applicant asked about the City Commission changing the LDC Access Management Plan. The Applicant was informed that any changes to the LDC must be initiated by the City Commission and ultimately amended by an Ordinance. Staff further commented that requesting a waiver would be hard to approve since the access they are proposing would not be better than the access in the adopted Access Management Plan. Staff also mentioned that the Saturn Auto Dealership project was formerly approved on this site with directional lefts. The Applicant asked if Good Homes Plaza was built prior to the Access Management Plan. The answer was, yes. The Deputy Police Chief spoke about the current vehicular problems (2 fatalities) that have occurred in this segment of SR 50. The Applicant was made aware that Staff will not support an amendment to the LOC's "Access Management and Intersection Operations Study" for SR 50. However, Staff can recommend approval for the Site Plan with proper median separators and turnlanes for the directional lefts consistent with the Access Management Plan. Ultimately, the plans will need to be revised to show the median separators and turn lanes for the directional lefts. When the discussion was finished, the DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Preliminary/Final Site Plan as date stamped "Received February 18, 2008", subject to meeting the Access Management Plan, the developer making changes specified in the staff review memorandums, issues discussed in this meeting, and incorporating the waiver request into the proposal as discussed. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Shoppes at West Oaks on March 11, 2008. City Staff presented a brief overview of the Preliminary/Final Site Plan. City Staff answered several questions regarding access into the site, SR 50 future widening, turn lanes, and cross-access on the adjacent properties. All of these questions were adequately addressed in the P&Z meeting. The Public Hearing was opened for the Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Shoppes at West Oaks. There was no one from the public to speak regarding this project. The applicant (represented by Mr. Scott Glass) mentioned that the required Water Feature will be installed and that there will be no need for a waiver request for that particular item. The Applicant also requested that a "Waiver" should be considered instead of amending the "Access Management and Intersection Operations Study" for SR 50 by an "Ordinance". The Applicant proposed that the project should be approved with a full access at the main entrance as presented with the understanding that it will be temporary until a traffic light at the Vizcaya Lake Road intersection is constructed. Furthermore, he mentioned that the developers are diligently working with the adjacent Church and the Vizcaya Lake Apartments owners in order to ensure cross-access onto Vizcaya Lake Road, vacation of Woodlawn Cemetery Road, and the ultimate construction of the traffic light at Vizcaya Lake Road intersection. To this goal, the Applicant is working on a developer's agreement between all affected parties to facilitate the improvements of the signalization of Vizcaya Lake Road intersection. The P&Z raised concerns on the timing of this traffic light improvement. The Applicant stated that the developer's agreement can incorporate a condition to "Post a Bond" if the deadline for signalization does not happen then the main entrance access into the site would convert to directional lefts or right in/right out only. The P&Z Commissioners were also concerned with the length of time that the project would be operating with a full opening due to potential traffic safety aspects. Some of the P&Z Commissioners were comforted by the fact that FOOT must have reviewed it for traffic safety due to their issuance of an NOI for the project. The City Attorney suggested that a separate motion should be made to separate the project's official recommendation from the issue of advising the City Commission to direct Staff to prepare an Ordinance for amending the "Access Management and Intersection Operation Study". After finishing its deliberations, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted: Vice Chair Golden, seconded by Member McKey, moved to recommend approval of the Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Shoppes at West Oaks, subject to the following conditions: 1) approval of the Waiver pertaining to the required Water Feature, 2) completion of Staff's comments, mentioned in this staff report, before City Commission action, and 3) incorporating proper raised median separators and turn lanes for the directional lefts consistent with the adopted "Access Management and Intersection Operations Study" for SR 50. Motion failed 3-6 with Members Campbell, Conklinq, Rhodus, Sills, Dillard, and Chairman West opposinq. Member Sills, seconded by Member McKey, moved to recommend approval of the Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Shoppes at West Oaks, subject to the following conditions: 1) approval of the Waiver pertaining to the required Water Feature, 2) completion of Staff's comments, mentioned in this staff report, before City Commission action, 3) add a waiver table with justification to the plans, 4) add a condition of approval that the full access is temporary and will be removed upon the of signalization of the Vizcaya and Cemetery Road intersection or within (Blank) months, 5) developer will post a bond with amount to be determined so that if the deadline for signalization does not happen then it would then convert to the directional left and right in/right out, and 6) all mentioned conditions above would be put into a developer agreement to be signed by the developer and approved by the City Commission. Motion carried 7-2 with Member Conklin a and Vice Chair Golden opposina. The City Attorney requested that another motion be made for the possible Amendment to the "Access Management and Intersection Operation Study" for SR 50 by Ordinance. Member Sills, seconded bv Member McKev, moved to recommend a consideration of chanae to the "Access Manaaement and Intersection Operation Studv" to provide for the full access point. Motion carried unanimouslv. After the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, the Applicant has submitted another Preliminary/Final Site Plan (date stamped March 19, 2008) which addresses several of Staff and P&Z concerns. However, several concerns from Staff were incorporated on revised memorandums which are attached for your review. In addition, the site plan also incorporates a Waiver Request Table. The Waiver Request Table is copied in this Staff Report for your review and consideration: CODE SECTION CODE REQUIREMENTS PROPOSED STANDARDS JUSTIFICA TION Land Development Compliance with SR 50 A full motion access will be Traffic conditions have Code, Section 6- Access Management provided temporarily, to be significantly changed such that a 2.1, A. Plan Provision for closed or replaced with directional left is no longer a directional left median directional left median cut practical method of advancing the opening at western upon the installation of: a AMP's [Access Management driveway. Traffic signal on SR50 to Plan] Primary safety goal. The serve property, or 30 property on the SWC of Good months from date of Site Homes Road has been changed Plan Approval, whichever from institutional to commercial. comes first. If signal is Therefore, traffic from the existing installed, full access will be growth has been heavier than converted to right-in right- anticipated, and vehicles traveling out only. If no signal is west from surrounding properties installed, directional left will risk unsafe lane changes and u- be provided. turns. This situation would be mitigated with installation of a traffic signal at a single access point. Likewise, a signalized intersection with pedestrian crosswalks would substantially further the AMP's safety goal. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Per LDC, Article VI, Section 6-2.1, B, the City will consider individual requests for waivers from the provisions of the Study, or any portion thereof, in conjunction with the review and approval of a preliminary or final site plan application. In order to obtain a waiver from the Study, the "Burden of Proof' shall be on the applicant to affirmatively allege and demonstrate that: 1. Traffic conditions have changed significantly such that the recommended improvements are now technically impractical or not feasible; 2. Conformance with the guidelines of the Study will not improve traffic flow and safety within the Study Area; 3. Another traffic configuration/ improvement will be more effective in improving traffic flow and safety within the Study Area; and/or 4. Alternative Traffic Management methods will be used by the applicant to achieve the goals, objectives and standards set forth in the Study. The City ultimately will need to study a segment of the road between the West Oaks Mall and Good Homes Road to be conducted by a State of Florida registered traffic engineer (See attached RPG letter) in order to analyze and evaluate the criteria mentioned above. There are two options which may serve as basis for staff recommendation of approval of the Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Shoppes at West Oaks. The first option, based upon the recommendation of ORC, would require the following conditions: a. Completion of Staff's comments, mentioned in this staff report; b. Deletion of the Waiver Request from the pfovisions of the "Access Management and Intersection Operations Study" for SR 50; c. Incorporating proper raised median separators and turnlanes fOf the directional lefts consistent with the adopted "Access Management and Intersection Operations Study" for SR50. The second option would be based on conditioning of a development agreement, which the applicant is in the process of finalizing (draft attached). The development agreement would need to be conditioned to address the following conditions: a. A provision that the City be allowed to monitor the safety of the traffic conditions at the points of access along State Road 50 and close off access should the City determine the need based upon data collected that identifies a significant safety issue; b. A provision that requires the applicant to complete a traffic study prior to commencement of Phase II that demonstrates compliance with the Waiver Request, including securing of a traffic signal at the proposed intefsection and all other approvals; c. A provision that requires the applicant to implement traffic calming measures that result in slower speeds through the area, such as flashing signs, etc. Attachments: Location Map FLU Map Zoning Map Aerial Map City's Consulting Transportation Planners (RPG) Letter dated March 20, 2008 City Attorney Memorandum dated March 3, 2008 Planning Division Memorandum dated March 21, 2008 Engineering Department Memorandum dated March 25, 2008 Proposed State Highway Access Connection Notice of Intent to Issue Permit w/out enclosures Shoppes at West Oaks Preliminary/Final Site Plan date-stamped March 19, 2008. Draft Development Agreement Financial Impact: None. Tvpe of Item: (please mark with an "x') X X Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deot Use: Consent Agenda Public Hearing Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by N/A X N/A N/A O:\Staff Reports\2008\SR080022_AF _ShoppesAtWestOaks_PSP JSP.doc Shoppes at West Oaks Location Map . CSCJ 0 c=J c=) " wCJc=J DDC] LAKE LOTTA LAKE LOTTA '1 o m o ...c m 0-. J ~ u 0: o <:J Ro'~d408 =-- c=== S ~8 ~e-=_ :.:.~:- ;~- ~....... --." -" ---- -::::.:::'= -- :;;..-- -- -,- - - ,.,.-:: ,.. - ..:--- - = =. e -- =-- Q. co :E tn (1) ~tn co=> 0" .....c tn co (1)...1 s: ~ ..... ~ co..... tn ~ (1)LL. 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"''ft, ", ;~~ U~~ld: l" =~~.t "~~'~". ,,' > ''''_~' Jl.~"'#, A'l....... . .... . _ ......~ \J...-__ RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP ,:, " 1 ~)O tee! --\. e S'res" S~e.:...... j __ I(Ph.~C; F O.'~,,~. ..:.C>.... . t,"'::" "'".....; ....'\" .. .... March 20, 2008 Mr. Russ Wagner, AICP Planning Director City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Subject: Shoppes at West Oaks, State Road 50 Access proposal Ocoee Project No. LS-2006-005 Dear Mr. Wagner: Renaissance Planning Group has reviewed the request to allow a full access driveway on State Road 50 west of Good Homes Road directly across from the entrance to Good Homes Plaza. This location has been identified for directional left turns in the City of Ocoee State Road 50 Access Management Plan (1998). The directional left allows eastbound traffic to make a left into the Good Homes Plaza and westbound traffic to make a left into the proposed project to the south (Shoppes at West Oaks). Based on the analysis done in the State Road 50 Access Management Plan this location does not meet spacing requirements for a signalized intersection according to the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) standards, and due to the volume of State Road 50 and the delay at the Good Homes Road intersection full access was not recommended at this location to maximize the capacity between Good Homes Road and the West Oaks Mall. We recommend the applicant's traffic engineer conduct a study of segment of road between the West Oaks Mall and Good Homes Road, and specifically the proposed access point to determine the appropriate access management control under current conditions. The analysis needs to also include: historical accident information, back of queue observations and travel speed in both directions. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this submittal, we reserve the right to comment further in any changes impact the traffic impact analysis or site plan. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, I~ /.>',.. V /./p', ""',':7 f'~ -'"" /....'-:-, / I () \) Nick Lepp, AICP Sr. Transportation Planner Renai5~"ance Planning Group \ \snap I \share I \Projects \Oeoee \Reviews \Shoppes at West Oakes \Sptev l.doc ,. ,~ f # :FOLEY FOLEY & LARDNER LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW MEMORANDUM CLIENT-MATTER NUMBER 020377-0838 TO: Sherry Seaver, Development Review Coordinator FROM: Nicholas N. Palmer, Assistant City Attorney DATE: March 3, 2008 RE: Shoppes at West Oaks - REVISED Per DRC Meeting Project No. LS-2007-013 (DRC Review) In connection with the above-referenced project, we have reviewed the following documents: 1. Transmittal letter from Interplan LLC dated February 18, 2008 and stamped received by the City ofOcoee on February 18,2008; and 2. Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Shoppes at West Oaks stamped received by the City of Ocoee on February 18, 2008 (the "Plan"). This memorandum supersedes our previous memoranda dated June 28, 2007, November 7, 2007, January 31, 2008 and February 25, 2008. Based upon our review of the documents noted above and pursuant to the Land Development Code, we have the following comments: I. Comments Directed to City Staff Thefollowing comments are addressed to and/or request direction from City Staff and, unless otherwise noted, do not require any response from the Applicant. These comments should be discussed at TSRC so that the Applicant and City Attorney are fully advised regarding City Staff's direction. 1. City Staff has advised that the proposed full access point from SR 50 to the project, as shown on the Plan, is inconsistent with the City's State Road 50 Access Management Plan (the "SR 50 Access Plan"). It is our understanding that the SR 50 Access Plan allows for a directional left access point at the proposed location, but does not allow for a full access point. This is consistent with the prior approval granted to Saturn for development of the property. The ORLA_808817.2 ~ ~ :FOLEY FOLEY & LARDNER LLP City Commission cannot approve a site plan that is inconsistent with the SR 50 Access Plan since it is part of the Land Development Code. To the extent the City Commission desires to amend the SR 50 Access Plan to allow for a full access point, as shown on the Plan, the City Commission would need to direct City Staff to prepare and properly advertise an appropriate ordinance, which would then be considered at advertised public hearings before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Commission. It is our understanding that City Staff would oppose such a request. While the Land Development Code references that the SR 50 Access Plan may be amended by resolution, we have previously advised City Staff that an ordinance can only be amended by the adoption of an ordinance. This is the procedure that was followed for the proposed "BJ's" west of Colony Plaza where the developer requested that the City Commission initiate an amendment to the Land Development Code so that the proposed project would be consistent with the SR 50 Access Plan. II. Repeat Comments The following comments were included in the City Attorney's prior memorandum, however, they were not fully addressed as part of the Applicant's current submittal. The following comments may also relate to prior comments provided by other City Departments that were not fully addressed as part of the Applicant's current submittal. 2. (Revised Comment] A list of Conditions of Approval ("COA's") was provided with the City Attorney's prior review memoranda. We note that Sheet CO of the Plan has been revised to include the COA's that were provided (except as noted in Comment No.5 below), however, the list contains typographical errors. Specifically, please revise the COA's on Sheet CO of the Plan as follows: a. Revise COA No.2 to correct the spelling of the word "or" in the 5th line. b. Revise COA No. 13 to correct the spelling of the word "easement" in the 4th line. 3. (Repeat Comment] Please revise all Plan Sheets (including the Survey) to clearly show and label both Vizcaya Lake Road and Woodlawn Cemetery Road. 'Ve note that the Survey has not been revised in accordance with the foregoing comment. Please revise the Survey accordingly. 4. (Repeat Comment] We note that the Survey indicates that there are eXlstmg easements located on the property. It appears that these easements are in favor of Progress Energy. Please advise as to the status of any discussions with Progress Energy regarding the termination of these easements and relocation of its facilities. Please provide documentation that these easements have been terminated or correspondence from Progress Energy (or other easement holder(s), as applicable) indicating that the easements are in the process of being tern1inated. In addition, please provide a current title report or attorney's title opinion (the "Title Report") identifying the record owner(s) of the property, and listing all mortgages, easements and/or other encumbrances affecting the subject property. Please note that the Title Report must reference the same legal description set forth on the Survey. In addition, please provide copies 2 ORLA_808817.2 " .;. : FOLEY FOLEY & LARDNER LLP of all documents referenced in the Title Report. At the February 14,2008 TSRC meeting, the Applicant agreed to provide (i) documentation from Progress Energy indicating that the existing easements are being terminated, and (ii) the Title Report. Please be advised that the City Attorney has not received either of these items. Please provide these items for our review. III. Comments in Response to New Plan The following comments are based on changes made to the Plan since the Applicant's prior submittal(s) or relate to new information or documents that have been provided since the Applicant's prior submittal(s). 5. We note that COA No. 34 on Sheet CO of the Plan has been deleted. This COA was added to the Plan based on the Applicant's previous Response Letter, dated September 2 I, 2007, which stated that "the property will not be subdivided." (See Comment No.7 from the City Attorney's November 7, 2007 review memorandum). Please be advised that the conveyance of any portion of the property without proper Subdivision Plan and Plat approval in accordance with all City requirements shall constitute an illegal subdivision in violation of the Ocoee City Code. Pursuant to discussion with Ashley Rumble, we have been advised that the deletion of COA No. 34 was an inadvertent error. Accordingly, please revise the Plan so that COA No. 34 reads as follows: The property shall be developed as a single, integral parcel and be retained under common ownership. The property shall hereinafter remain as a single, integral parcel, and shall not be sold, otherwise disposed of, or encumbered in lesser constituent parcels, unless same are dedicated to the public, or with the written consent of the City of Ocoee. 6. Pursuant to discussion at the February 14, 2008 TSRC meeting, please revise COA No. 35 on Sheet CO of the Plan to read as follows: In the event the City requires cross access between the Property and (i) the lands located to the west of the Property, identified by Orange County Tax Parcel ID No. 21-22-28-6328-00- I 80 (Viscaya Lakes Apartments) and/or (ii) the lands located adjacent to the eastern boundary of the Property, identified by Orange County Tax Parcel ID No. 27-22-28-4880-00-031, the Owner hereby agrees to grant a cross access easement benefiting such lands in exchange for the owner thereof granting a similar easement that benefits the Property. The form of the easement document(s) establishing the cross access easement(s) must be in a fornl acceptable to the City and shall include any necessary temporary construction easements related thereto. The location of the cross access easement shall be as generally shown hereon. The foregoing shall not require the .., ,) ORLA_808817.2 , :FOLEY FOLEY & LARDNER LLP Owner to construct any cross access improvements other than as shown hereon. 7. The Applicant has indicated at the DRC that the project would developed in four (4) phases. Accordingly, please add the following COA's to Sheet CO of the Plan: a. This project shall be developed in four (4) phases. b. Each phase of the project will stand on its own with respect to public services (sewer, water, stormwater management, parking, access and other related services). c. Phases III and IV site plans are conceptual only and no site plan approval is granted with respect thereto. The Developer shall submit separate small scale site plan applications for Phases III and IV. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call. cc: Paul E. Rosenthal, City Attorney 4 ORLA_808817.2 -~ City Manager Robert Frank Commissioners Gar~7 Hood. District 1 Scott Anderson. District :2 Rusty Johnson. Distric.t 3 Joel F. Keller. District -J .Ma\"or S. Scott Vandergrift MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJ: March 21, 2008 Sherry Seaver, Development Review Coordinator J. Antonio Fabre, AICP, Principal Planner Shoppes at West Oaks - 5th Staff Review Large Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan # LS-2007 -013 These comments list the concerns of the Planning Division related to the current plan submittal, received March 19, 2008. 1. [Repeat Comment 6-22-07] If the project is over 50,000 square feet, at least one water feature with a fountain must be provided at a prominent visual location on the site (LDC, Article VI, Section 6-14, (1), (I), ii). Please label the location and provide details for the proposed water feature in the plans. 2. [Repeat Comment, Modified 6-22-07] The full access point that is located in the center of the property does not conform with the latest FDOT plan for SR 50. The full access that is located at the center of the property is inconsistent with the adopted City of Ocoee SR 50 Access Management and Intersection Operations (LDC, Article VI, Section 6-2.1, A). This access management study determined that a directional left was an acceptable access for this location. Please be advised, this Code requirement will have to be waived first by the City of Ocoee in order to allow for this project to be approved. City Manager Robert Frank Commissioners Gary Hood. District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel F. Keller. District 4 Mavor S. Scott Vandergrift Shoppes at West Oaks - Final Subdivision Review Large Scale Site Plan - 4th Staff Review Engineering Department Comments March 25, 2008 The following are the results of your fifth submittal for the above referenced project. If you have any questions pertaining to the requested infonnation, please contact our office. 1.-27 Resolved Additional comments generated from the Septem ber 21, 2007 second su bmittal of plans 1. Resolved 2. (Repeat Comment) Relocate or add a light just out of the right-of-way at each of the entrances off SR 50. This will provide sufficient lighting at the entrances off SR 50.Still Not Provided. Additional comments generated from the January 4, 2008 third submittal of plans. This submittal was the first submittal with a connection to City Water and Sewer. 1.-2. Resolved. 3.-8. Resolved 9. (Repeat Comment) The fire line is currently shown to be 6" PYC, the City minimum for commercial development is 8". Please revise the plans accordingly. Provide fire flow calculations showing all fire flow demands are met for all buildings and fire hydrants. The fire main has been resized to an 8" main, however, the fire flow demands for all buildings and fire hydrants. 10.-12. Resolved Additional comments generated from the February 18,2008 fourth submittal of plans. 1.-2. Resolved. Engineering Department Ryan P. Howard, P.E. Engineer II City ofOcoee' 150 N Lakeshore Drive' Ocoee. Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3] 00 . Fax: (407) 656-8504 . \\'\\w.ci.ocoee,fl.us . " STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 8SO-04(}.24 SYSTEMS PLANNING 06IlJ6 PROPOSED STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS CONNECTION NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT Important: This Notice does not authorize construction to begin and is not a final permit. ALSO NOTE: THIS NOTICE OF INTENT IS ONLY VALID FOR 1 YEAR FROM SIGNING DATE IN PART 6. PART 1: APPLICANT INFORMATION APPLICATION 06A593-0 1 00 Project Name: Shoppes At West Oaks State Road Name/Number: West Colonial Drive/50 Section Number: 75050 ~ received ~1.2 -12- -oWl Maintenance Office; Oviedo Maintenance Permit Staff Representative Applicant: Ashley Rumble Responsible Office: Shoppes At West Oaks. LLC Mailing Address: 6700 Conroy-Windermere Rd.. Suite 2.] n Orlando FL 32835 Street City State Zip Telephone: (407) 291-9000 PART 2: NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT YOU ARE HEREBY ADVISED: The Florida Department of Transportation has completed its review of the subject connection permit Application received 12/21/06 for consistency with Rule Chapters 14-96 and 14-97, F.A.C., and current Department spacing, location, and design criteria and hereby issues this "Notice of Intent" to: o Issue the subject permit consistent with the permit Application. ~ Issue the subject permit consistent with the permit Application and subject to the attached provisions. IMPORTANT This notice of intent to issue a permit does NOT constitute Department permit issuance. The permit will be issued after the permittee shows proof that a valid local government development approval or development order has been given to the sites served by the connection and special provisions of the approval consistent with the permit applications and conditions previously noted. No connection work on the right of way shall be initiated until the Department permit is actually issued. Any changes to the site(s) plan will require re-evaluation of the connection(s). This notice is valid for one year, from the date of issuance, and can only be extended with approval by the Department for problems outside the control of the applicant pursuant to Rule Chapter 14-96, F.A.C. This Notice of Intent is transferable as specified only in Rule Chapter 14-96, F.A.C. Continued next page 650-04Cl-24 SYSTEMS PLANNING 06106 PART 4: NOTICE OF DEPARTMENT AUTHORITY 1. All approved connection(s) and turning movements are subject to the Department's continuing authority to modify such connection(s) or turning movements in order to protect safety and traffic operations on the state highway or State Highway System. 2. Transportation Control Features and Devices in the State Right otWay. Transportation control features and devices in the Department's right of way, including, but not limited to, traffic signals, medians, median openings, or any other transportation control features or devices in the state right of way, are operational and safety characteristics of the State Highway and are not means of access. The Department may install, remove, or modify any present or future transportation control feature or devices in the state right of way to make changes to promote safety in the right of way or efficient traffic operations on the highway. PART 5: DEPARTMENT CONTACT NAME: Ian Middlemas ADDRESS: 2400 Camp Rd Oviedo, FL 32765 PHONE: (407) 977-6530 PART 6: SIGNATURE OF DEPARTMENT AUTHORITY DATE: 02/06/2008 PHONE: (407) 977-6530 Continued next page Prepared by: Scott A. Glass, Esq. Shutts & Bowen, LLP 300 S. Orange Ave. Orlando, FL 32801 407-423-3200 After recording return to: City Clerk City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the _ day of ,2008 (the "Effective Date"), by and between THE CITY OF OCOEE, a Florida municipal corporation (the "City"), whose mailing address is 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761, and SHOPPES OF WEST OAKS, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (the "Owner"), whose mailing address is Suite 230, 6700 Conroy Windermere Road, Orlando, Florida 32835. RECIT ALS WHEREAS, the Owner owns fee simple title to certain property located within the corporate territorial limits of the City, said property being more particularly described as follows: Lot 4 of REPLA T OF LOTS 3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14,19,20 of LAKEVIEW HEIGHTS according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book E, Page 73, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, the Owner has submitted to the City an application for approval of a Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan for the Shoppes at West Oaks on the Property, application number LS-2007-013 (the "P/FSP Application"); and WHEREAS, on March 11,2007, the City's Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing to review the P/FSP Application and has recommended that the Ocoee City Commission approve the Owner's Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan, including a waiver from Article VI, Section 6-21.A, of the City of Ocoee Land Development Code, but conditioned upon Owner entering into a Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the application of the Owner, of even date herewith the Ocoee City Commission approved, subject to the execution of this Agreement the P/FSP for the Shoppes at West Oaks, as prepared by Interplan, LLC and being date stamped as received by the City on ,2008, with such additional revisions thereto, if any, as may be reflected in the minutes of said City Commission meeting (collectively, the "Final Plan"); and, WHEREAS, the Owner and City desire to execute this Agreement in order to evidence their mutual agreement as to certain matters related to the development of the Property and as a condition of approval of the Final Plan by the City. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual premises hereof, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: SECTION 1. RECITALS. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. All capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall be as defined or described on the Final Plan, unless otherwise indicated. SECTION 2. DEVELOPMENT APPROVALS. Except as provided in Section 4 below, nothing herein shall be construed to grant or waive on behalf of the City any development approvals that may be required in connection with the Final Plan or the Own~r's development of the Property. Notwithstanding this Agreement, the Owner must comply with all applicable procedures and standards related to the development of the Property unless specifically waived pursuant to Section 4. SECTION 3. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY. A. The Owner hereby agrees to develop the Property in accordance with the Final Plan and all permits and approvals issued by the City and other governmental entities with respect to the Property. As of the date hereof, the Final Plan has been approved by the City, such Final Plan being hereby incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. B. The Owner hereby agrees that the Property shall be developed in accordance with an is made subject to those certain Conditions of Approval attached hereto and as Exhibit "A" and by this reference made a part hereof (the "Conditions of Approval"). The Owner further agrees to comply with all of the terms and provisions of the Conditions of Approval. The Conditions of Approval attached hereto as Exhibit "A" are the same Conditions of Approval set forth in the Final Plan. SECTION 4. WAIVERS FROM THE OCOEE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. As part of the approval of the Final Plan, the Owner has been granted waivers from the requirements of the Ocoee Land Development Cod, said waivers being set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof (the "Waivers"). C. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of the Ocoee Land Development Code, as it may be from time to time amended, and this Agreement, it is agree that the provisions of this Agreement shall control. SECTION 5. TEMPORARY FULL ACCESS AT WESTERN SR 50 DRIVEWAY. (a) Temporary Full Access Driveway. Provided that Owner receives an appropriate State Highway Access Connection Permit ("Access Permit") from the Florida Department of Transportation ("FDOT"), Owner shall be allowed full directional access from Owner's westernmost driveway onto State Road 50 (the "Full Access Driveway") provided, however, such Full Access Driveway shall only be allowed until the earlier to occur of (a) thirty (30) months from the Effective Date of this Agreement, as hereafter defined, or, (b) such time as a signalized intersection is constructed and opened that provides safe access to State Road 50 for the Property and abutting properties. (b) Owner's Obligation to Pursue Signalized Intersection. Upon execution of this Agreement Owner shall diligently pursue approvals from all necessary governmental authorities to construct, or cause to be constructed, a signalized intersection at a location to be approved by FOOT that will serve the Property and the abutting properties. Said intersection, if constructed, shall be constructed at no cost to the City and shall be constructed in accordance with FOOT standards, including pedestrian crosswalks and crossing lights. (c) Closure of the Full Access Driveway. Unless utilized as part of the signalized intersection, once the signalized intersection has been completed Owner shall close the Full Access Driveway by constructing, or causing to be constructed, a concrete raised median. If the signalized intersection has not been completed and opened to traffic within 27 months of the Effective Date the Owner shall notify the City and the City shall schedule a hearing before the City Commission so that Owner may update the City on the status of the signalized intersection and, if necessary, to request an extension which extension may be granted or withheld by the City Commission upon its sole discretion. In the event that the signalized intersection has not been completed and opened within 30 months and no extension has been granted, City shall be free to either direct Owner to construct a directional left median on State Road 50 aligned with Owner's westernmost SR 50 driveway to serve the Property and the shopping center to the north or to construct such directional left on its own utilizing the security provided by Owner for that purpose. SECTION 6. SECURITY FOR COMPLIANCE WITH TIME LIMIT. In order to provide the City assurance that Owner shall comply promptly construct a directional left median opening if it has not constructed, or caused to be constructed, the contemplated signalized intersection within 30 months, Owner shall, as a condition to the issuance of the first City development permit for the Property, post a bond or an irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of ($ ). City shall be entitled to proceed against the bond or draw against the letter of credit upon the filing of an affidavit by the City that Owner has failed to construct, or cause to be constructed, the contemplated signalized intersection within 30 months of the Effective Date of this Agreement or within any extension granted by City. City shall thereafter be free to use the proceeds of the bond or letter of credit to construct the directional left median opening. In the event that the reasonable and actual cost of such directional left median opening exceeds the amount of the bond or letter of credit, Owner shall remain liable for the difference. SECTION 7. NOTICE: PROPER FORM. Any notices required or allowed to be delivered shall be in writing and be deemed to be delivered (1) when hand delivered to the official hereinafter designated, or (2) upon receipt of such notice when deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the party a the address set forth opposite the party's name below, or at such other address as the party shall have specified by written notice to the other party delivered in accordance herewith: OWNER: SHOPPES OF WEST OAKS, LLC Suite 230 6700 Conroy Windermere Road Orlando, Florida 32835 Attn: Ashley Rumble CITY: City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Attn: City Manager SECTION 8. DEFAULT. Each of the parties hereto shall give the other party written notice of any default hereunder and shall allow the defaulting party thirty (30) days from the date of its receipt of such notice within which to cure any such defaults or to commence and thereafter diligently pursue to completion good faith efforts to effect such cure and to thereafter notify the other party of the actual cure of any such defaults. Both the City and the Owner shall have the right to enforce this Agreement by an action for specific performance. SECTION 9. BINDING AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSORS. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Owner, the City and their respective successors and assigns and shall run with the land. SECTION 10. RECORDATION. The parties hereto agree that this Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Orange County at the expense of the Owner. SECTION 11. APPLICABLE LAW. This Agreement and the provisions contained herein shall be construed, controlled, and interpreted according to the laws of the State of Florida. SECTION 12. TIME OF THE ESSENCE. Time is hereby declared of the essence to the lawful performance of the duties and obligations contained in this Agreement. SECTION 13. FURTHER DOCUMENTATION. The parties agree that at any time following a request by the other party, each shall execute and deliver to the other party such further documents and instruments, in form and substance reasonably necessary, to confirm and/or effectuate the obligations of such party. SECTION 14. SEVERABILITY. Ifany part of this Agreement is found invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall J not affect or impair the other part of this Agreement if the rights and obligations of the parties contained therein are not materially prejudiced and if the intention of the parties can continue to be effectuated. SECTION 15. RECOVERY OF ATTORNEYS FEES AND COSTS. In connection with any litigation between the City and the Owner, including appellate proceedings arising out of this Agreement or the violation of any law, rule, regulation, ordinance, resolution or permit, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the other party reasonable attorneys' fees, paralegal fees, and costs hereunder, whether incurred prior to, during or subsequent to such court proceedings, on appeal or during any bankruptcy proceeding. SECTION 16. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This instrument and its exhibits constitute the entire Agreement between the parties and supersedes all previous discussions, understanding, and agreements between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement; provided, however, that it is agreed that this Agreement is supplemental to the Final Plan and does not in any way rescind or modify any provisions of the Final Plan. Amendment to and waivers of the provisions herein shall be made by the parties in writing by formal amendment which shall be recorded in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, at the Owner's expense. SECTION 17. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement and any amendments hereto may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original instrument, but all such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same instrument. SECTION 18. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Agreement shall first be executed by the Owner and submitted to the City for approval by the Ocoee City Commission. Upon approval by the Ocoee City Commission, this Agreement shall be executed by the City. The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the date of execution by the City. THE BALANCE OF THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK SIGNATURE PAGES FOLLOW J IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and Owner have caused this Agreement to be duly executed and made effective as of the Effective Date. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Signature Print/Type Witness Name Signature Print/Type Witness Name FOR THE USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY THIS DAY OF , 2008 FOLEY & LARDNER LLP By: City Attorney "CITY" CITY OF OCOEE, a Florida municipal corporation S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Attest: Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD ON ,2008 UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: "OWNER" SHOPPES OF WEST OAKS, LLC a Florida limited liability company Signature By: Retail Investment Specialists, LLC its managing member. By: Print/Type Witness Name Alan C. Charron, Manager Signature Print/Type Witness Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared ALAN C. CHARRON, as Manager of RETAIL INVESTMENT SPECIALISTS, LLC, a Florida limited liability company which is the Managing Member of SHOP PES OF WEST OAKS, LLC, and who is _ personally known to me or who produced as identification, and that he acknowledged executing the foregoing instrument on behalf of Retail Investment Specialists, LLC, on behalf of Shoppes of West Oaks, LLC, in the presence of two subscribing witnesses, freely and voluntarily under the authority duly vested in him. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this _ day of , 2008. Signature of Notary Name of notary (Typed, printed or stamped) Commission No.: My Commission expires: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT and BETH EIKENBERRY, personally known to me to be the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the CITY OF OCOEE, a Florida municipal corporation, and that they severally acknowledged executing the same on behalf of said municipality in the presence of two subscribing witnesses, freely and voluntarily under the authority duly vested in them by said municipality. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this _ day of ,2008. Signature of Notary Name of notary (Typed, printed or stamped) Commission No.: My Commission expires: EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of Approval 1. The City of Ocoee is subject to the terms, provisions and restrictions of Florida Statutes Chapter 163 concerning moratoria on the issuance of building permits under certain circumstances. The City has no lawful authority to exempt any private entity, or itself, from the application of such state legislation and nothing herein should be construed as such an exemption. 2. This project shall comply with, adhere to, and not deviate from or otherwise conflict with any verbal or written promise or representation made by the Owner/Applicant/Developer (or authorized agent thereof) to the City Commission at any public hearing where this project was considered for approval, where such promise or representation, whether oral or written, was relied upon by the City Commission in approving the project, could have reasonably been expected to have been relied upon by the City Commission in approving the project, or could have reasonably induced or otherwise influenced the City Commission to approve the project. For purposes of this Condition of Approval, a "promise" or "representation" shall be deemed to have been made to the City Commission by the Owner/Applicant/Developer (or authorized agent thereof) if it was expressly made to the City Commission at a public hearing where the project was considered for approval. 3. Nothing herein shall he construed to waive any provision of the Land Development Code. except to the extent expressly set forth on a waiver table or explicitly set out in the Plan. 4. Each fire hydrant shall be OSHA Yellow in color and a blue reflective marker shall be affixed to the street in the center of the lane closest to each hydrant. 5. Streetlights will be installed prior to a Certificate of Completion being issued, and the cost of operations will be assumed in accordance with the provisions of the City of Ocoee Land Development Code in effect at the time of issuance of a Certificate of Completion. 6. The Owner shall be responsible for installing reuse lines along with the other infrastructure. At such time as reuse water is available to the property, the Owner shall be responsible for connection to the reuse system lines. 7. All on-site utilities including electrical, cable TV and telephone shall be placed underground 8. Any damage caused to any public roads as a result of the construction activities related to the project or any portion thereof shall he promptly repaired to the applicable government standards at the sole cost and expense of the owner of the portion of the project being developed in connection with such construction activities. 9. The Owner is to protect and prevent any disturbance, siltation, or other construction within the conservation areas inside the 1 DO-year flood elevation. Those areas are to be fenced off during construction and silt fences installed to eliminate any possible disturbance in those areas during construction. 10. All existing structures (including buildings, power lines, existing aerial and utility facilities) and Progress Energy easements will be removed and/or terminated prior to or during construction of the development replacing those uses. II. INTENTIONALL Y DELETED. 12. An emergency access and maintenance easement to and over the retention ponds and other drainage improvements shown hereon is hereby dedicated to the City for emergency maintenance purposes. The emergency access and maintenance easement shall not impose any obligation, burden, responsibility or liability upon the City to enter upon any property it does not own or take any action to repair or maintain the drainage system on the property. The City may require that the Owner execute a document reflecting such easement. 13. A perpetual, non-exclusive easement for access over all internal roadways and other paved areas is hereby dedicated in favor of the City and other applicable authorities for law enforcement, fire, and other emergency services. The City may require that the Owner execute a document reflecting such easement. 14. All access rights to all public roads, except at approved locations shown on the Plan, are hereby dedicated to the City of Ocoee. 15. All legal instruments, including but not limited to the property association documents, easements, deeds and restrictive covenants, shall he provided to the City for review and approval prior to or at the time of approval of the site plan. 16. INTENTIONALLY DELETED. 17. INTENTIONALLY DELETED. 18. Existing trees 8" or larger (other than citrus trees or "trash" trees) located along proposed locations of buffer walls or road right-of-way lines will be preserved if at all possible. The buffer walls and roads will be designed around those trees to incorporate them into required landscape buffers and as street trees. 19. INTENTIIONALL Y DELETED. 20. All utilities will be placed around existing protected trees to be preserved. 21. In order to ensure that as many existing trees as possible will he preserved, all road right- of-ways and retention areas will be flagged for review by the City prior to any tree removal. No clearing permits will be issued for site work or building construction until all trees to he preserved have been clearly marked with tree protection barriers. J 22. Removal of existing trees will be limited to clearing road right-of-way and retention areas as detailed in these plans. All existing protected trees on individual lots will he evaluated at the time a building permit is issued for that lot, to determine whether or not each tree needs to he removed. 23. The Owner shall construct appropriate curb cuts to enable access ramps at all rights-of- way intersections (and other areas as reasonably required) in order to accommodate access to sidewalks and streets for persons who are in wheelchairs and other persons who are physically challenged, and otherwise comply with all Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA') requirements. When sidewalks are constructed at certain corner locations, the sidewalks will be extended to the curb and the appropriate ramps will then be constructed. The Owner or property owner's association, as applicable, will be responsible for the continued maintenance of all streets and sidewalks in accordance with all ADA requirements that may now or hereinafter be applicable to the project. 24. The Owner shall comply with all requirements of the City and other governmental entities with jurisdiction to protect the wetlands being preserved and to prevent any disturbance, siltation, or other construction below the natural wetland lines. Further, the areas below the natural wetland lines shall be fenced off (and silt fences shall be installed) during construction activities immediately adjacent to the wetlands, in order to minimize disturbances of the wetlands during construction. 25. INTENTION ALL Y DELETED. 26. INTENTIONALLY DELETED. 27. There shall he no access from the project to any public roads except at the approved locations shown on the Plan. 28-31. INTENTIONALLY DELETED. 32. All building pad elevations shall exceed the 1 OO-year flood elevation by a minimum of two feet. 33. All landscape areas will he irrigated and have an automatic rain sensor. 34. INTENTIONALL Y DELETED 35. In the event the City requires cross access between the Property and (i) the lands located to the west of the Property, identified by Orange County Tax Parcel ID No. 21-22-28-6328-00- 180 (Vizcaya Lakes Apartments) and/or (ii) the lands located adjacent to the eastern boundary of the Property, identified by Orange County Tax Parcel ID No. 27-22-28-4880-00-031, the Owner hereby agrees to grant a cross access easement benefiting such lands in exchange for the owner thereof granting a similar easement that benefits the Property. The form of the easement document(s) establishing the cross access easement(s) must be in a fonn acceptable to the City. ~ The location of the cross access easement shall be as generally shown hereon. The granting of the cross access easement shall be without compensation. 36. All parking, driveway and drainage improvements shown hereon will be constructed or installed as part of the development of Phase 1 of the project. No Certificate of Occupancy for any building located on the Property shall be issued by the City prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion for the parking, driveway and drainage improvements shown hereon. 37. Phases III and IV as shown shaded on this plan are conceptual in nature and seperate staff approval is required for those phases. Code Section LDC, ART. VI, SEC. 6-21, A Code Requirements COMPLIANCE WITH SR 50 ACCESS MANAGEMENT PLAN PROVISION FOR DIRECTIONAL LEFT MEDIAN OPENING AT WESTERN DRIVEWAY. EXHIBIT" B" Waivers Proposed Standards A FULL MOTION ACCESS WILL BE PROVIDED TEMPORARIL Y, TO BE CLOSED OR REPLACED WITH DIRECTIONAL LEFT MEDIAN CUT UPON THE INSTALLATION OF: A TRAFFIC SIGNAL ON SR 50 TO SERVE PROPERTY, OR 30 MONTHS FROM DA TE OF SITE PLAN APPROV AL, WHI CHEVER COMES FIRST. IF SIGNAL IS INSTALLED, FULL ACCESS WILL BE CONVERTED TO RIGHT-IN RIGHT- OUT ONLY. IF NO SIGNAL IS INSTALLED, DIRECTIONAL LEFT WILL BE PROVIDED. Justification TRAFFIC CONDITIONS HA VE SIGNIFICANTLY CHANGED SUCH THAT A DIRECTIONAL LEFT IS NO LONGER A PRACTICAL METHOD OF ADVANCING THE AMP'S PRIMARY SAFETY GOAL. THE PROPERTY ON THE SWC OF GOOD HOMES ROAD HAS BEEN CHANGED FROM INSTITUTIONAL TO COMMERCIAL. THEREFORE, TRAFFIC FROM EXISTING GROWTH HAS BEEN HEAVIER THAN ANTICIPATED, AND VEHICLES TRAVELING WEST FROM SURROUNDING PROPERTIES RISK UNSAFE LANE CHANGES AND U- TURNS. THIS SITUATION WOULD BE MITIGATED WITH INSTALLATION OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT A SINGLE ACCESS POINT. LIKEWISE, A SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION WITH PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALKS WOULD SUBSTANTIALLY FURTHER THE AMP'S SAFETY GOAL. ORLDOCS 111552663 . . . Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Date Published Or la.VlclD &Vl-t, -ne, \ M.a rc\A 1.-0) l..-(J:)g Advertisement --e- HEARING OAlS SIn I'lAII P 2lIGHl13 ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV. EN. ~ursuanlla-'Artlcle IV. &~~~n~~~ te~~fJ;';,\~~1 Code. that on TUESOAY, APRIL }~;'f~~~:I~!~o~\lg~I.~~ OCOEE CITY COMMISSION will hold' 0 PUBUC HEARING 01 Ihe Ocoee City CommissIon Chambers. ISO _North Loke- ~~~r,~ ~~~~fde?1~e~h'6~~$ 01 Wesl Oaks' Preliminary/ ; Final SlIe ,Plan located on , the soulh .slde of W.Colo- nlal Drive -(SR SO) approx)- ~~IJo~~~'k~~ fnf:i~~: tion. - Inlerested parties may 00- ~~~r ~' ~~~r~u~\\~ ~~~~~~ to ihe propOsed ocllons. The complele case file! in- cluding 0 complele lega de- scripllon bY meles and bounds, may be Inspected 01 the Ocoee community Deveiopmenl. Deporlmenl; ISO North Lakeshore. Drive, ocoee. Florida. between Ihe ~~r'ii.~ ~o~~~yaiW':o~~ ~:w. I day, except legal holidays. 1- - - . The Cily Commission _may continue the public hearings 10 olherdoles ond times, os II deems necessary. Any in. lerested pOrty sholl be od. vised Ihal the dotes. times, and places of any continuo. tion of Ihese or continued ~~~~~ehd'~~~~~ih,a~~ ~eg~: Ings and thaI no further no- t~~~s ~fir~I~9bl'l~fi~'a. ~o.;.; ore advised Ihat any person who-desires to appeol any decision mode during Ihe public hearings will - need 0 record of the proceedings and for Ihis purpose may need 10 ensure thaI 0 verba- tim record of the proceed. Ings Is mode whIch includes the lesllmony and evidence upon whIch the appeal Is based. Persons wllh disobll- Illes needing _assistance to parllclpale In any of the proceedln~S shouid conI oct ~oeu~;'rn d'a~k~~c~ffdre,~: meeting at (407) 905.3105. Beth Eikenberry. _ CllY Clerk OLS6632l1 3120108